Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2023 Ep 203

Episode Date: March 15, 2023

1. Operation Mayfair 2. Power Moves 3. Unsolved Urban Tiny Mysteries 4. Cupboards A-Million - kitchen special skill 5. Hamish’s food news ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. Activate your internet. Because the Hamish and the podcast starts in three, two. Sorry, still buffering. One. Ahoj to me, P set, Hamish. You give them to me, I'll set a mate, don't you worry about that. Ahoi to me, LSC.
Starting point is 00:00:32 The longest, straightest corridor. No, we're in the waiting building. What an asset. What an asset. What an asset. What an asset. What an asset. What an asset.
Starting point is 00:00:44 What an asset. What an asset. What an asset. What an asset. What an asset. In fact, I probably shouldn't fall into the corridor. The pee room where I'm setting the peas. That was work, good, very long walk. Again, that was frustrating, but once I got into the room, I set those peas like no other. I actually think Jack should have been the pea set and you should have been the LSC him. Cool.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Jack would look up to potentially even salute you. Oh, lieutenant, service commander. You're in the ballpark leading senior constable would have been for, well, actually over the Jack, but you would have been the piece at probationary constable. Oh, gotcha. I can't.
Starting point is 00:01:15 And I can't. Are you in this picture? Yes. Well, like of the drawer again there for Android, putting him at the top of the hierarchy. Jack, if you were a leading senior constable, wouldn't your friend Jackson be furious? Well, I think he's content now with not being a police officer.
Starting point is 00:01:30 This is my friend who for 15 years wanted to be in the cops, but he kept getting speeding fines and they wouldn't let him try out. But he knew more, he actually think he knew more than usual edition. I love the fact he's trying out. Seems like there's no edition. It love the fact you take Trier. So he's like a true edition. It's becoming a deep now.
Starting point is 00:01:46 It just good nailed the chorus of the police anthem. And then he was in Hartley's deck. It wasn't he? He was a, um, Tram Baskop. Baskop, yeah. Check your tickets on the bus. Now he's now he's at the authority.
Starting point is 00:01:58 He's in the top of, um, you know, like, shopping. Yeah, so he manages the, the now he's on the trance. Yes, job. Yeah, got too old for the issue. I was just, he's pushing back just around, is he?
Starting point is 00:02:10 Yeah, no, he's in the opposite now. Not jump and turn, Stahl's chasing after young Jack Post. So the incident where he showed his bus cop badge to get out of a speeding find, he's a hindrance career progression. Remember that story? He got pulled of a speeding find He's a hindrance bring career progression. Remember that story? He got pulled over a speeding and he went, he let the badge slip out.
Starting point is 00:02:31 And he did a bit of I'm one of you in the cockpit. No, you're not. So you, well, I have a badge. Well, anyone that buys a show bag has a badge. Just not really the same thing. Oh, holy also. Anyway, well, that is great to hear, though. He's a good guy.
Starting point is 00:02:45 To Gala from Tokyo, who's used the very easy-to-use system in Hamishini.com to upload audio of what she's been up to. Hey, how you doing, Andy? And Jack? This is Gala from Tokyo. I'm trying to get my boyfriend, Kentaro, to listen to the show. He's 100% lost touch of the common man, but doesn't admit it. He also taught me a phrase to submit to the International Fraise book. It is kingu or nuffin, which means goldfish poop,
Starting point is 00:03:12 which describes a very clingy person who won't leave just like goldfish poop does to a goldfish. Very clingy person. That's flash with information. So first of all can tarot please join us. Yes. Yeah, it doesn't matter if you've lost touch. Some listeners have some hosts have. No, that's okay. Not all of us. Some, occasionally some host have. Yeah, really good addition. She's in the natural phrase, but really good. Now you guys have probably noticed I'm a bit frazzled this year. Trying to keep the gust off,
Starting point is 00:03:46 but absolutely on the back foot. Really? Because I'm doing something. Well, if I've managed to hide it then, three cheers for Hayden. Because he's absolutely battling out there. I'm doing something that I've never done before. And I don't reckon,
Starting point is 00:04:02 and this sounds very, this is very lost touch of us, but I don't reckon any of us have ever really done this before. And I don't reckon, it just sounds very, this is very lost touch of us, but I don't reckon any of us have ever really done this before. Kids started a new school this year, which means I'm in the commute. I'm doing a school drop. I'm doing a school drop. I'm in the car for half an hour every morning. Okay. I have never done, I haven't done the school run since I was in year eight myself. And then I caught the bus after that. This isn't good. What are we talking?
Starting point is 00:04:27 25 years because Andy, you and I, we did drive radio. That was mostly our job. So we're going at midday and we're coming home at like seven o'clock at night. Mist, P-Cow, never had to sit in traffic. We've won of M-Handress. Drive M-Handress, don't want to do P-Cow, Jack. You'd be similar. Yeah, now I go leave the house at 5.30 in the morning
Starting point is 00:04:46 and then come back at 10.30. We miss the P-Cour, right? And where we live in Sydney is like there's, it's a particularly dense school type area. I, like the first day I sat in it with the kids was like, all right, guys, we go there at 8.45, let's really leave some time here.
Starting point is 00:05:06 And let's, you know, we'll go early, we'll go at like eight o'clock. Every moment, like, I just had an experience, I was in shock, I was in shock. Every morning, you know, you can get a good ride, I was in shock. No, and you, there's no rhyme or reason to it.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Like, some days a bit, how many kilometers do I go? I reckon we only have to drive about eight or nine kilometers and it's taking 45 minutes. Like, sometimes there are people, old people walking on the street that are overtaking you and you're overtaking you and you're overtaking you. But every morning, it is honestly like, you know, like the movies, like deep impact or I'm again, or whatever. And it's like, asteroids coming and everyone's trying to get out of town. It's like that traffic jam, every single day. You expect to see people on the side of the road like with cookers, people standing on the top of their cars. People just abandon
Starting point is 00:05:49 in their cars and wandering off into the woods with like backpacks and guitars to be like, well, we'll just live in there. And it is happening every day. And the first day I was in it, I thought there must be an accident. Oh, this was something wrong. And I'm looking at other cars expecting them to be like, what's going on? And everyone's just like, that's the scariest part everyone's fine with it. And you're like, oh, hang on, we're not okay with this, are we guys? So we can't live like this. Have you explored or route? Like, or route?
Starting point is 00:06:14 So here's the thing. There's not a lot you can do about the traffic. The trickier part is once I get the kids to school because Roo's in like, you know, so first year of school called Kindie and New South Wales, We know it as prep in Victoria. You've got to park the car on walker in. It's not a drop off situation. There is no car parking at the school whatsoever. So it's like there's 200 cars trying to park in eight spots in the industry. So the real game begins when you get in the vicinity of the school.
Starting point is 00:06:44 And then it's like, right, we are on here and it's just, do you park early? If you see one, you know what I mean or do you go? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Within, you know, within 500 meter walk, you'll be parking, possibly even more. Like because you just, yeah, you don't know what you can do. But you know, I have a high risk appetite, so I'm always going, I'm going, I'm going to go for a frost.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Yeah, a frost for that. that one spot outside of the school. And I feel like they're at five in the morning and just never move. So it's got to the stage where I was like, do this for a couple of days and I went, this is this can't go on. Because it was occurring to me like, okay, this could be, this could be week one of the next 13 years of my life. So we need to do something about this. So I hatched a plan. I went, okay, what I want to do is actually find a nearby house. One street back from the school, there's houses with driveways. And I went, I wonder if I can make an alliance with one of these houses
Starting point is 00:07:38 and use their, and essentially rent the driveway off them of a morning. And I thought, now you guys tell me, do I go in at like $50 a week or something? That's $10 a day, basically a dollar a minute to rent the driveway. I thought $10 a day is about time, but you've got to make it attractive. I think if you go under that, I mean, great work on saying a week like that, but if you were saying to someone, hey, just for too much of a day, it's not even worth knocking on the door and changing hands.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Do you, so you would go along and go, there's no cars in that one every time, so that you don't block someone. I began to scope them out, right, yeah. These are short driveways with a garage. And so you begin to have a look right. So when I'm going back in the afternoon, you know, I'd get there a bit earlier,
Starting point is 00:08:30 and I'd park and I'd start door knocking. Yep. So there's a couple, there's basically six houses that were my absolute sweet spot. Yes. That my absolute prime. It's like if I can nail one of these because you can park here,
Starting point is 00:08:43 you walk through a park and school's on inside the park. So I'm doing a bit of door knocking, hard to get people, everyone's out because I'm sort of getting there early afternoon, people work, you know, I'm getting, I'm having a few strikeouts, there was someone that was, there was a relative staying, I'm chatting to a cleaning lady on one of the houses. Okay, he's like, oh, so, you know, I clean for, you know, Paul and Mike, but sorry, they're not here, but I'll take your number down, but yeah, they do, cause I was like, do they use the driveway a lot?
Starting point is 00:09:09 Yeah, they are in and out, it's like, okay. And then as I'm chatting, I hear this bike pull up beside me, behind me, and I hear this voice going, what are you doing? I turn around and it's good friend of the show, magician, magic, come on. Oh yeah, right. It actually happens to live nearby.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Oh, and I explain to him and I go you know close up within about 800 meters. Okay. He's on his bike. He's right into the shops. I explained during the situation. He goes, yeah, yeah, good good thinking. And I go this house over here though, this one, that's what I want. Yeah. Number 53. That's Mayfair for me. That is. I've knocked every day. I can't get him. But that if this was a monopoly board, that's Mayfair. Like, that is. I've knocked every day, I can't get him, but this was a monopoly board. That's Mayfair, like that's the dream. But I can't get him soul take,
Starting point is 00:09:49 Paul Mall or whatever, but I would love Mayfair. Mike goes, yeah, yeah, great, I'll keep his person, see you at No Rose, man, I'm gonna. Three days later I get a message from what going, we have Mayfair for me. Oh, I'm so excited. I go, what's going on? It goes, was riding past Mayfair.
Starting point is 00:10:09 The garage was up. Met Cheryl. She's inside. Explain the situation to Cheryl. She's happy to help. I've got her number. Give her a call. Mike, you're unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:10:20 I call Cheryl. And I go, thank you so much. You go, I met your friend, the magician. So I go, oh, he's okay. So he's done a magic trick on her. Because she would have no way of knowing he's a magician unless he produced a dick of cards. You're trying to always go to a DCP for five minutes each day.
Starting point is 00:10:34 I don't know where he goes. He puts a sheet over the card and pulls it away. I go in the car, Scott. So he's done a great job in Cheryl. I explained to her, so look, can I park there? It'll be 10 minutes a day. She's lovely. Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:10:48 I mean, she said, look, we'll come, let's talk money. I don't want this for free. She said, well, look, it's technically council property. So I couldn't charge. I couldn't legally charge for it, because it's the front part of the drive. It's like a through the nature strip here.
Starting point is 00:11:01 And so I said, no, I won't charge for it. I said, well, can we buy you a dinner or something? That's sort of been agreed upon. Mayfair's been in play for two weeks now. How's it going? Morning and night, it is unreal. I, it is exactly the same feeling you get when you own Mayfair and Monopoly.
Starting point is 00:11:22 It's smugness. It's complete smugness. It's complete smugness. It's like I've got a hotel on MAPHER. And I'm driving through this thick snarl of everyone just like losing their mind, triple parked, do-do-do-do-do, or into the driveway. Now, I do get a few looks from people going, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:11:39 Like, that's a hugely illegal move. Yes. You know, you're just parking in a driveway. I've had to, I've had to once say to the owner of a white That's a hugely illegal move. Yes. You know, you're just parking in a driveway. I've had to, I've had to once say to the owner of a white Lexus fall drive, I'm friends with the person that lives here. Yeah, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:11:53 I'm sorry, because you don't want, but I didn't want to say a name because then word would spread. Yes. Which is why I, yeah, well, I mean, hopefully no one puts to and do together here, but you don't, but you don't want it circulating in the community that you just say that name and you're in the driveway. And then that's what you say in that driveway. I do get a bit of stink eye.
Starting point is 00:12:14 I do get a few people going, I don't like that you work with me fear. But again, that's MAPI. No one likes the guy with MAPI. That's why you have MAPI. No, it likes the guy with MAPE. That's why you have MAPE. Hame, there have been flooding back in since the government mandate to break end over that break as well, so it should get into some powermouths. What are you got?
Starting point is 00:12:39 Samuel Lehman, University of Lecture-based powermouth, or a guy known in TV. Before you're about to walk into a lecture, ask someone to save a seat for you while you go to the toilet or fill up a bottle of water. When you eventually enter the lecture, sit somewhere else. Real classic, real handy for the time of year. Ando from Brett. Power move, when you're in a group, single out your target by asking them if they want to do something, but always add, give in your history.
Starting point is 00:13:10 So it's completely nonsensical. The group have become immediately suspicious. I.e. Bill, do you want to drive separately, give in your history, or Gary, you sure you want to sit that close to the wall switch, give in your history? Oh, really, really good. Really good. This is from Anja.
Starting point is 00:13:38 If you get a chance on someone else's phone, change their text replacement settings. So that when they type your name, it automatically corrects to something like the absolute legend Andy, my very best friend Andy, or even the hottest bastard of life. Andy, when they go to text someone and don't notice, it'll look like they worship you. It comes in from Jack Clark. Whenever you answer a personal phone call or any phone call at work, when you, an excuse this, I think you've got to excuse yourself
Starting point is 00:14:12 from the room. When you return and your co-workers ask what the call was about, or even if they don't, always say, sorry about that, it was a recruitment agency. It's what leaves them with the impression that you are in high demand. It's what leaves them with the impression that you are in high demand. Zack Brooks sends this one in the hoiter, Zack. This one's pretty specific, but immediately asserts your dominance as someone in power.
Starting point is 00:14:38 If there's ever a crime scene taped off and it's being investigated, simply cross over the tape and say, so what do we have here? LAUGHTER LAUGHTER You sure you were an detective, mate? It's just you wearing rusty ballads shorts and thongs. LAUGHTER I didn't have time to change.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Ando from Finneau Conner. Hey, boys, here's a power move exclusively for meeting a celebrity. Also, you need to have a mate around. When meeting the person of notoriety, get excited and inform them that your mate here loves them so much that one drunk night they had the celebs named Tatoo on their butt. What's your mate's squirm as he realizes he has to roll with it or bear his ass to disprove you? Either way, dominance asserted. Like, mmm. Mmm.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Hey, true crime and mysteries seems to, you know, people fixate them, those things, they want to solve it, and the moment across everything, everything.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Yeah. And, particularly online, there's crusaders to try and solve crimes from people that start up there on online groups and stuff. But there's often little mysteries that I see as I walk the streets of my little suburb where I go, oh, what the hell about? And no one's filling up them. Oh, you reckon, like, in so instead of serial, like seeing if you could find a killer wrongly accused, you've got, like, the neighborhood watch version.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Yeah. And I saw one today, and I went and inquired what was going on, and I found out, but what I wanted to do is present to you the mystery as they would in one of those kind of podcasts. And then you guys, and you guys have to guess what happened. Okay, great. You ready? happened. Okay, great. You ready? And he's unsolved, open, tiny, mystery,
Starting point is 00:16:29 stress. And he Lee woke up at 8.45 AM, early for him, because he doesn't have kids or a breakfast, isn't it? But he thought, why not, let's attack the day. I literally haven't been awake before 8.45. This is the last hour, one hour pause. Something got the way he used to be. So far you've smought your test audience, your bloggers. We're rebelling in those stars. He put the soft grey colour on Henrietta, he's dog. Before he pushed out into the busy Melbourne streets.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Walking along the block. Is he ever on the work? He can keep. Walking along the block. Is everyone's at work? He can keep. He can keep. Walking along the block, he came up behind a couple pushing a pram. They were happy, pushing this pram along, talking about how proud of their little son they were.
Starting point is 00:17:17 The three blocks, they pushed this pram, then they paused the chat and Andy passed. As Andy passed, he noticed the pram was empty. They were pushing an empty pram all this time. Episode one goes, baby. What's happened? Well, they've dropped out a daycare, but go, Jack. LAUGHTER
Starting point is 00:17:38 They stopped and referenced the pram. No. I was going to say, Bianca and I, before Gordy came along, we took the pram out No. I always get to say, Bianca and I before Gordy came along we took the pram out from one practice spin. Yes we did. Yes we did. Why could you possibly learn? Did you put a bag of like a bag standing and just imagine a child would sit in the seat? That's awesome. So you did it. So today's winner is Amy. That drives you very well. It is a good one. I mean, it would be... It would be...
Starting point is 00:18:10 It would be a mystery. It would be a mystery if that situation is not familiar with you. Yes, you can't park the pram. You can't park the prams a year. You dump and drive back with the O.D. Pramble. Or jog back. And I used to do it a fair bit when you and I live around the corner from each other and crossing Punt Road. I'd do the day here and then be driving the Pram back
Starting point is 00:18:32 and you go for it jog, you make every jog because there are a long light on that road. And people just think you're an absolute mad man. Yeah, they can't see. Because you're running an orange. You're like just doing a bit of slide jaywalking and they just eat your burning across the road and you're the baby. No, I'll be getting to the other end and display the pram.
Starting point is 00:18:50 It's like empty like creepiers have to show they're about nothing in their parts. But baby, no, baby. Hey, if anyone's got a special skill, that don't think that they're being appropriately recognized among society four, come to our show, we will test you on it before we'll give you that acknowledgement. Even if you know someone with a special skill, that's what Ali did. Ali nominated her partner, Locky, today.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Quite simply, she has put my palo Locky,lo-ki can just look at a photo of someone's kitchen and tell you with 95% accuracy where everything is. It is freaky. He's only weakness. He's a rural Queensland home. A fair weakness, a fair and utter say. It's good to know you're your killings healers. That's where you can wear your armor. So the good news is Ando. We thought we had to test this. I don't live in rural Queensland, although I do enjoy my visits there. You don't live in rural Queensland, or do you do enjoy your visits there. Jack does not live in rural Queensland, although Jack, would you say you've enjoyed your visits? I have enjoyed my visits in rural Queensland. Okay. So we are fond of it, but we do not live there, which means if we pick our
Starting point is 00:20:02 kitchen, he should be safe to test his skill a hoi lucky Oh hoi boys lucky. Thank you very much for joining us lucky. Are you in the kitchen game? No, I'm not so this This skill came from kind of like a necessity as a child where I'd spend a lot of time at my friend's house And I'd love to help myself to the kitchen So I would have to figure out for myself where to find things I never really thought that it was like a skill that I had until my friends started to question people, like, hey, where's this?
Starting point is 00:20:29 And I got to the point where like whenever they were at a house that they didn't know, they would send me a phone and be like, hey, find this for me. Wow. I think people would seem to be like, okay, Calpary. We kind of know that's pretty universal, but what about stuff like calendars and things, like harder items?
Starting point is 00:20:43 Is that where you begin to realize you're under something? Yeah, the one that really threw me that I knew that had a skill with stubby holders. Yeah. Wow. That's really good. They're not even in our kitchen. Mine are, but they don't feature in the one of the cup
Starting point is 00:20:57 that's selected today. I just don't want to try and lead you me the way. I appreciate that, Amber. Yeah, my zone made me put mine in a plastic bag in the cup at all. Oh, my zone made me put mine in a plastic bag in the cupboard hallway. Did she demoted them from kitchen status? Locky, what is it about rural Queensland kitchens that just puts you off? Yeah, great question. Well, I've recently just done two weeks with my partner and I, she was trying to test me in all these new kitchens we were seeing and I got
Starting point is 00:21:21 zero-finger. How many times have you been, have you gone and to have some jam toast with a friend in rural Queensland and just as the toaster pops, they get a little step ladder out, reach up to the kitchen light, take the light fitting off and get the butter knife out of there. You know, you're doing it, I go, we're known for. That is what we know. Lucky, we've got a photo of each of our kitchens. There'll be cupboards and drawers labeled A, B, C, D, and E. You'll only be asked for one cupboard specific to each kitchen,
Starting point is 00:21:55 but we wanted to do it this way. So the person who had their kitchen, so for instance, my kitchen, I can't pick a hard cupboard for you. Yeah. The cupboard we picked at random by Hamish and Jack. I'll just pick one randomly. You know, it'll go around the circle like that. Look, I mean, with this skill,
Starting point is 00:22:10 you must get called cupboards and million. I have been called that. Yeah, you got it. Well, that's great because that's a bit of the theme of the opener that I came up with today's segment. I mean, it's brilliant. I mean, it's brilliant. It's the happy snake name for this game. It's coming to brilliant.
Starting point is 00:22:38 It's coming to brilliant. It could never remember which lyric I went with. Both bad. I guess I was brilliant over Cumber to Million. So, not neither good, but at least Cumber to Million makes a bit more sense. Thank you for lying about being called Cumber to Million. Well, so it's a hidden, easy correct nickname in the song. We can call you Cumber to Million at the end of this. Have you been called Cumber to Million before?
Starting point is 00:23:04 I've been called covered a brilliant before? People probably would have you won. Thank you. And we are. Woo! OK, here you go. You need to get, we think, two out of three to secure yourself, a coin and the much-lawful title
Starting point is 00:23:17 of cover the million. We've sent you through the first kitchen now. It's my kitchen. What you can see for everybody at home is my sink. Just below it, to the right, a dishwasher. There's set of four drawers that we're between the dishwasher and the stove. And then some cupboards above.
Starting point is 00:23:33 How are we going with? Stove featuring one of the famous clocks of the ambulance. Not all the stoves that he owns. I'll go for drawer B, please. Draw B situated to the right, directly from the right of the dishwasher, three down, and between the stove and the dishwasher. What is in draw B like? I'm going to say B is like your outfoil and your glide wrap. Unfortunately not, we put that just above sea on the right-hand side of the stove. That's very high to have glad rap and foil.
Starting point is 00:24:09 You go use it a lot. I think you use glad rap and foil more. I want to try to have a fight with you. It does in the start. It's such a shame to start the year with a punch on it. Yeah, what is in Bay Andy? I thought you were going to give it away, but earlier, because it's the colander. It's the colander and the sieves, etc. Really?
Starting point is 00:24:33 In a drawer? It's so skinny of a drawer. You put, you're not worried about trying to pull the drawer and the strain is getting stuck so far. I think about it. Are you talking to Jack? You obviously stack them perfectly inside of me. And then the reason why that's helpful there
Starting point is 00:24:49 is because you can use them on the stove or go straight to the sink with them on the left. Wow, what a trait. Yeah. Ah. Jack's kitchen. And you want to describe your kitchen to everybody. Yeah, I think it's a full mic, Erisit.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Kind of an 80s, 90s kitchen. Need to an update. Got a corner covered, which is labeled covered A, then some above the range hood cupboards B and C. You got some drawers D and E on the far right. It looks like a cupboard, is it a cupboard? E is a cupboard. What are you interested in finding out about,
Starting point is 00:25:26 and whereabouts in the kitchen do you want to go? Let's go with C, which is a small, up, very high up cupboard above his rangewood. You see that locking? What's in there? I do see that. A high cupboard. My wife couldn't easily reach these.
Starting point is 00:25:41 But you could, couldn't you? I could. Very tall boy. And we all know from that type of cupboard, you get the back of the range of going through there. Yep. I actually don't in this kitchen. We didn't find out after we bought the house,
Starting point is 00:25:55 but the range of it goes nowhere. Just into the cupboard. Yeah, I can't. Decorative, okay. Jack, I'm surprisingly low amount of requesting kitchen companies come forward to help jack out. I thought that's definitely where this would have been going for a um we're using your kitchen what do you think? well you really people either do this with like like bulbs and like emissuala and your stuff maybe they'll do like fancy champagne glasses
Starting point is 00:26:19 or maybe even maybe like a like a kitchen medicine cup. Oh. From the messiness of the kitchen elephant jack. But I'm thinking it's your junk light bulb cup. Lucky, this is after I cleaned the kitchen yesterday. They ruined. LAUGHTER LAUGHTER Actually, from the real estate to comfort us.
Starting point is 00:26:43 The light bulbs are in the laundry, you're big idiot. That is the lesser-use spices cupboard. I thought this was a good spice. Yeah, where are your commonly used spices? They're in the next cupboard that is easily reached by anybody. I have a lower down one. And so things up there are like the, yeah, so things. So stuff that you could might have for one or one dish.
Starting point is 00:27:02 I turn upside down and it doesn't even move the pound of food. But then the cinnamon and your big hit is there in the other cup. Yeah, bad luck luck. OK. But we move on to Hamish's kitchen. Cool, Matthew, very nice. Oh, there's just a kit kitchen from Bunnings. There's a standard kitchen.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Just one kitchen, please, we said at Bunnings. Yeah, they put it in. What did he like? It's like four ovens in your oven. It's like four fours. What's coming on, Stan? Yeah. It's just a standard bunnings.
Starting point is 00:27:31 There's the all, I forget since it's split into two. So, and then you got like a, I think one's just a tray. If I went into an Airbnb and had this oven, I would say we're not cooking here. Well, no risk of that happening, where you, I won't be putting on an Airbnb check and you're more than welcome to come, I'm not cooking here. Well, no risk of that happening, wee. I won't be putting on an MBVC check. And you're more than welcome to come,
Starting point is 00:27:49 but you can come and stay. I'll warn you, just careful, Jackson will be pretty angry about the other. I'm home described the kitchen. Just a very basic run of the kitchen, to be honest there. But we have recently renovated the house. And Mockzo, have you ever had to deal with a kitchen this fancy, this upmarket, this out of touch? What kind of life? Never y'all ever had to deal with a kitchen this fancy,
Starting point is 00:28:05 this that market, this out of touch, welcome to my life. There we go. I'm excited for you. This is exciting. I think obviously the Butler's kitchen not in view. I've never been in this. There were the bupler goes in there.
Starting point is 00:28:15 So let's have a look at the, oh, I won't tell you to pick one of the weird draws in the stove, but what about we go to the right of that lucky? There is a cupboard, see there. That's a draw of that locky, there is a cupboard C there. That's a draw, that's a deep draw, they're all big deep draws. Okay, must be nice. It is, really nice. So on the other side of this, we're like where the person's taking the camera underneath
Starting point is 00:28:40 the sink, is there also a cupboard area in there? Yes. That's dishwasher and drawers over there too, yeah. In the aisle and bench. And bin. I'm thinking, well this looks like where you would, but you would really prepare food. You'd probably like chopping some meat there. I'm thinking it's probably cutting boards is my answer I think. Covered seat full of cutting boards. He's a big deep draws at the full of cutting boards. Must be very nice to have so many cutting boards.
Starting point is 00:29:10 I dream of the day where I could have 35 cutting boards, but seat is pots and pans with a slant towards baking. Oh, sure. Right next to the stove, mate. Next to the stove, yeah. I mean, give away when you've got an oven that has so many different compartments to it, but that's some of the bigger like the soup pot, the pasta pot, the bigger stuff up there.
Starting point is 00:29:33 And we slide in like the muffin and the cupcake trays and stuff. That makes it to me. Slanted on the side. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like, and actually, I actually feel like I've received a compliment from Andy to go, well, set up kitchen like he actually feel I feel a small amount of pride like the principles recognize me a little bit of school assembly. Uh, genuine pride.
Starting point is 00:29:54 So thank you, Annette. Appreciate your feedback. Lucky, it's zero from three. It's a hard skill. But we're going to give you a chance to still win a coin in a one-off excitement round. Okay. Guess what we've done. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Okay. We've organized someone from Rural Queensland. You're absolute weakness. The thing that you said couldn't be done and they join us on the phone and they have a photo of their kitchen which we're about to send to you now live. It's a live R Queensland bonus kitchen now. Courtney, how are you? How are you boys? How are you?
Starting point is 00:30:31 Good, thank you for sitting through all of that now. Oh my god. So sorry, Courtney. Courtney, lovely kitchen. So next to your stove, Courtney, there are three drawers. And there's three cupboards that are under the sink. Above the sink, we've got a set of five cupboard doors. Yep.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Let's go with cupboard C, directly above the sink. We've been here before. I've been here before with a high cupboard, of course, with jacks. This one's a side ground. No range within the way. No. These are just perfect access for drinking glasses. Then you've got the wine cupboard, the left over there.
Starting point is 00:31:14 I'm going to lock in glass cups. Courtney. Dingo! Yes! Are you guys going to guess? Yes. That is impressive, because I was going to say almost serial. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Really good. Well done, Courtney. Uh, lucky, I think. Made. It's a... Oh, that's a coin. That's a coin? That's a coin.
Starting point is 00:31:34 To come back to nail a rural Queensland home, the thing that you struggle with so badly. I think the easiest quote we've ever given away. I feel like it was always going to be glasses, but I said it, so I won't go back a bit. I feel like you're doing a good job trying to big it up, but it's not a shock that drinking glasses were in that cupboard. Maybe because in my head it was so locked for cereal. Lucky, thanks for facing your fears. I think that's the bravery that's what it is for me. I just love to see a man face his nemesis and summon up the courage to not only compete to win.
Starting point is 00:32:07 They hate Scordy, really appreciate it. He let it boy. Of course he goes on old for about 40 minutes or so. And a couple of emails from around the world that came in over the mandate a break that I did want to get to. A lot in the food category. In fact today it's, we've almost got enough to create a small bit of food news for a segment. We don't have an opener unless Jackie wanted to show off your speed in getting sound effects
Starting point is 00:32:41 to give us a quick sting. Go for it. Food news. Okay. What bad? Not bad. I can price myself. Be honest, was that the first button you did?
Starting point is 00:32:53 Yes, yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Well, food news. A couple of things going on. I've got a head scratcher, a bombshell and a fun test. Okay. What do you want? No, no. I've got a head scratcher, a bombshell and a fun test. Okay. What do you want?
Starting point is 00:33:05 Oh, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no, no. No, no. No, no. No, no In France, they have introduced the style system, as well as the Hellstice system,
Starting point is 00:33:26 but they've got ABCDE. Obviously, he is a fail. He still should be a fail. You would think he has a fail. I guess if it's there, if you're not allowed to sell it, if it's there, it's poison. Yeah, okay, yeah. So the new tree score is what it's called.
Starting point is 00:33:43 There are these lollies called tubs acid drops, right? They're just pure lollies. They're 84% sugar. They come in at a D, not an E. Okay. E feels is way too high for something that's only ingredients of sugar and artificial flavors. They still haven't hit an E.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Wow. You know what? I got sent a bit of vision of Magnus Vanski's doing a, like, the National Health Check, or a TV show on ABC. Something called something like that. And there was a doctor called Dr. Sandro, who's apparently a health nut.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Yep. He was explaining the health stars on the TV show. What are you saying? He was suggested that the health star rating is only product in the same category. So they rate it against their peers. Then that's ridiculous. So for confectionery.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Yeah, that makes no sense. What? If you compare, like, don't give marshmallows five stars because it's a bit better than a Snickers or whatever. Yeah, and it doesn't help us as consumers at all. We don't know what's healthy or not. We don't know that it's against the same category. I get or whatever. Yeah, and it doesn't help us as consumers at all. No, we don't know what's healthy on that. We don't know that it's against the same category.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Make it up with Dr. Sandra. I'm right. I'm sorry. I'm getting fine. But it makes sense that the Olympics to go within this category with a gold medal, because that's an understood system. We can see the more competing against each other. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:58 But we thought it was health as a general concept. So here's another one. So that was that's the head scratcher. Do you want the bombshell? Yes, please. This's another one. So that was that's the head scratcher. Do you want the bombshell? Yes, please. This is another one. I mean, it is a bombshell because it's health star related. We're back in Australia now. And this is so common. It's just getting to the point where we're like, we do even call these bombshells. Yet again, okay, this is from dealing goes, look, I'm just going to keep the conspiracy going here. Same product, same day. Look at the health stars, okay?
Starting point is 00:35:26 So we are looking. So if a new listener is welcome by all means, welcome, I'll tell you. I should encourage you if I want to go from episode one, but we have been finding a conspiracy with health star rating, which is a bit of nutritional information you see on the packaging of any product in a supermarket that they don't seem to add up.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Sometimes ice cream, five stars, sometimes a nut is one, and you don't know. Well, the most the thing that I went through a period of doing a lot of air fryer chips, and when I noticed exactly the same Pub-style chips, 4% health stars, straight cut, and 4.5 for crinkle, crinkle made it healthier. That's when I began to say,
Starting point is 00:36:04 something's not right here. Some there is a bit of, you know, these are the cases coming across the desk on a Friday afternoon where everyone's rushing out and just going, look, fours, fours and a half, whatever, that's all we got left. Here's the one that's in it. Bikvin's Pomegranate juice.
Starting point is 00:36:20 That's the same one liter bottle. 100% juice is that's claim on the front. It's no added sugar. On the bottle on the left, five stars. The bottle on the right, 1.5. Are they the same bottle? Exactly the same bottle. It is on the shelf. On the shelf. It's on the shelf. This is the mirror. It's like it is a bombshell, but this hat, we've had so many of these come in where they're just the same product next to each other on the shelf with a discrepancy. Have we had it like this?
Starting point is 00:36:48 We don't have one so big. I don't think we've had one on as big a discremes. I think maybe I'm just keen to use to this. I think it is a bombshell. I think it is a bombshell. I think it is a bombshell. I think it is a bombshell. It's like, it is a bombshell.
Starting point is 00:36:58 No, I think this is a bombshell because... You'd love to get Sandra on to go, we'll explain this. Yes. How these, this is, there goes your category argument because you got a three and a half star swing, five thousand one side, one and a half on the other side. It came to the stage where it's like, you never know what you're going to get. It's, it's, I, a few nights or a few weeks ago, you know, my little boy wanted to look at the Southern Cross and I said, look, you know, we'll go outside and take a bit of
Starting point is 00:37:22 it. But, um, you don't know, it know, could be cloudy, you could get five stars in the sun and across, and you could get one and half. That's what it's become like with this, you do it's a cloudy sky, you just don't know what you're gonna, it's stargazing with a cloudy sky. What's a little test, you had to do the fun little test to something at the end.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Okay, moving on to the fun test. Do the stink, do the stink. Andy, spelling test. Oh no, I'm not very good at spelling. No, this is okay, this is not, Do the stink, do the stink. Andy. Spelling test. I'm not very good at spelling. No, this is okay. I just want you to go for it. No, can you spell multises for me? Go.
Starting point is 00:37:53 M-A-L-T-E-A-S-E-R-S. How do I agree? How do I agree? You agree, Jay? Yep. So M-A-L-T-E-A-S-E-R-S. Yes. Can I blow your friggin' mind? It's M-A-L-T-E-S-E-R-S. There's no E-S. Yes, right in my place. What? Yes, radio, my friends. What?
Starting point is 00:38:23 Yes, that's the tip. Oh, look at the internet. This is brought in by Hamish Blake to the show. I've noticed it on the pack that I just stood there in the kitchen, holding the bag. He is. Holding the bag going, they're not multi-says. They're not multi-says at all, they're multi-says.
Starting point is 00:38:36 They're multi-says. Are they meant to be multi-says? I'm pretty sure they are. I think some of them are really, really, really, really, really, really, not on the TV, they would say multi-says. Well, have you ever come into a situation where someone's corrected you on it? Like, when you go to movies and you go box of Maltese, no one's ever gone Maltese's things. Sorry, I don't know what you mean. Sorry, do you mean Maltese's? And then I just say to the attendant, sorry, and did I just see your hands in the till?
Starting point is 00:39:02 No, no, popcorn popcorn. They need to change it. That how long has it? You know, you know, I felt like I felt like that first time you see the clip with everyone passing the basketball to each other and you go, yeah, what's the big deal? And I go, did you see the gorilla? And you're like, yes. I don't even see that clip. So you would have, it's like the oldest, like one of the original viral videos.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Right. Where all these people passing basketball to each other have, it's like the oldest, like one of the original viral videos, where all these people are passing basketball to each other and a gorilla walks through the crowd, but you're watching the basketball. So you don't notice the guy in a gorilla. I got you. All right, bad analogy. No, no, no, no, no, Jack got it.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Really, bad boys, bad boys though. How long have they been wrong? Never. 36. Isn't that huge? Jerk and they spelled teasers differently back then, 100 years ago, probably not. No, not so. Just do you mean like it, like in the oldie schools, if a bit of good, good, good-hearted
Starting point is 00:39:53 tez-ing, strengthens the spirit? That's right, here. Thank you guys. Thank you. I think the general report they're for food news was interesting, um, bombshell, but I think the Maltese stuff. Yeah. That's big. That's raising the cape at around as a segment. Keep that sting handy.
Starting point is 00:40:16 you

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