Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2023 Ep 208

Episode Date: April 19, 2023

1. Twirl Break Away or Time Out? 2. Jack disagrees with a free plug 3. The toe food flick - special skill 4. We help Molly wriggle out of her job 5. Tell Us Someone We Haven’t Thought Of In A Wh...ile 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. Activate your internet. Cause the Hamish and the podcast starts in three, two. Sorry, still buffering. One. A hoi to me penetration tester, I miss. I tested a few of this morning sir, all clear. A hoi to me sock analyst. Yeah. I know my way around a sock or two. In fact, we ate on the radio that day. Yeah, that was innocent.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Well, they need to be tested. Any ideas? Penetration sock. And I am the Sizo. Are we making shoes? No, and as in the 14th year, you're penetrating this shoe. Ah, sock, I gotta be honest, the new Jordan's are great,
Starting point is 00:01:04 but they didn't pass the penetration test. We forgot to do an opening for the foot. Hahaha. You are doing something that would be bad as the penetration test, but on behalf of the good guy. Does that make sense? Oh, we're hackers.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Oh, we are. Yeah, security. Cybery security positions. Yeah. And what does the sock man do? Socks and all that. Just make sure you've all got nice, and all that. Security. Security positions. Yeah. And what does the sock man do? Socks and all that. Just make sure you've all got nice.
Starting point is 00:01:27 He's a relatively low level position. Something like a cyber security specialist IT help desk. I've job. I was socking acronym. Yes, sock is S.O.K. Yeah, that's the sock animals. Yeah, penetration tester. Obviously, you're penetrating the bottom.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Yeah, you're trying to get the same thing in. And I was test, obviously, you're penetrating the whole afternoon. Yeah, you guys are trying to get through. You're coming in. Yep. And I was the SISO, which is another acronym, CISO, the Chief Information Seeker. Oh, that's a spell my way. That's the way it lands sometimes. Yeah, that's a good. Also, a Hoi to Laura,
Starting point is 00:01:59 who uploaded what she's been up to at HamishNanny.com. Hoi Boys, Laura here. Just wanted to say a big thank you for your pump up segment. For those of us doing workouts, while listening to the podcast, I tend to turn you guys on in the morning when I'm doing my gym workout
Starting point is 00:02:13 and there was a lot more gusto in the gym this morning. That would be all Jack. That's all Jack. He was the best. That song was tremendous. Thank you guys. And it's got Laura up at about. Guys, I wanna start with a test today. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:02:30 I'm going to put something in front of you. Each? Yep. In fact, I might bring it in. Mike is now traveling in. A couple of paper plates. Oh, I think I know what this is. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:43 He's got two fingers of chocolate. And is this one of twirl and one of flake luxury? No, I haven't gone down that path. They are a bar. It's chocolate bar. I want you to taste it. I would agree with Hayne that it looks very much like a flake luxury or a twirl. They are the same bar. Sorry, my question's been doing with single finger of both because obviously they can with two. All right, so I've either got two flakes. You've got a whole bar and you've both got the same bar.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Why aren't you saying twirl or flake luxury? Taste it. Right. You'll know why. Okay. I've got two, but I've got two of the same bar. Yes. Mm, okay. I've got so I've got two but I've got two of the same bar. Yes Hmm, okay, go neither This is neither got wafer. It's got there's wafer. There is the hell's this
Starting point is 00:03:37 What is there? There is a breakaway. There is a There's a thin wafer biscuit, but less dense than a Kit-Kap top and bottom, but in the middle, hard to get a read on exactly the flakiness because not a timeout, which is a similar shape bar with wafer in it, but that's much bigger. That's timeout. That's timeout? Because a timeout, it is a taller bar, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:04:01 And a timeout has flakiness. I think it is a girthier bar. I think it's bigger. I think this could be a breakaway what are we eating well done here a cabri 12 break away to me that's a time out you know i'm back you I'm depending on the year. I could be physically against me. Could be physically against me.
Starting point is 00:04:31 But this year, I'll back you. I don't think, now, I should have, instead of going and getting a 12 break away. So you don't have any timeouts? I don't. What's your terrible test. You know what I you know what I hope would happen. You got it. I have to say this is a time out. And then that would have proved my point. No, really. Really. Really. Because what we then you would have gone out to 12 break away. We're going, oh, okay. That was a time out. You don't have
Starting point is 00:05:01 to keep it. Especially because you gave us two bars, you should very much look like it. And look like a comparison test. It did look like a comparison test. It did look like a comparison test. It does a side phone episode. Side phone episode at the Sardilish ship with Puddy, where George does the candy bar lineup,
Starting point is 00:05:16 to see which, to see if the guy, Chip, Dave, short name, see if he knows which one was the twil, because George thought he ate his twil. And then, is there a three, he ate his twigs? Twix. And at the end, he goes, which one was the twirl, cause George thought he ate his twirl. And then, is there a three, he ate his twix? Twix. And at the end he goes, which one was the twix? They're all twixers. It was a set up.
Starting point is 00:05:31 So yes, Mike was meant to bring in our single finger to each of you. Okay. And then it did look like a comparison test that he bought in two fingers of the exact same bar. What's again, you don't have to keep eating. Well, it's science. Take your eating. But Mike, by don't have to keep eating. Well, it's time. Take your eating.
Starting point is 00:05:45 But Mike, by the end, two timeouts still exist. Oh, no. This is your test. No, that's... Okay, man. What are you doing, mate? I'm gonna let you... Left to ask you guys a question.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Man, we just... We just... We just... We just got... We just got told it would be one hour Come in Take some bars So
Starting point is 00:06:12 It's questions for the pageant unique things you know do time and still exist I don't know man I don't think I'm saying well for a while Do you think they're re-badging? There's a good though, so... That does feel like market research. Oh, this again. Don't you?
Starting point is 00:06:33 Don't you? Because Mark is going to go trying to find a time out. All right, cool. And then we will do the comparison. Yeah, I hope you know. But still this episode will... By the end of the show. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Why? What? What? What? What? What? What? What?
Starting point is 00:06:52 What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What?
Starting point is 00:07:00 What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? shell. This is a bog shell. Careful. No, I'm confident. The cabri timeout has been rebranded as the twel break away. It was a timeout. There are the exact same bar. But that is an up front rebranding. Is this a bombshell or is this just an interesting piece of it? You guys, because you both thought that it wasn't the same thing.
Starting point is 00:07:22 I really came out with just having minute. Let me have another taste. Yeah, we'll just appreciate it. Just free talk, man. Thanks. Yeah. Timeouts are out. Cool. I feel like you can still get a timeout in a favourite, though.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Yeah, that's what you think, man. No, timeout, not in a favourite. I don't think so. I think so. Oh, it's back participating. Thank you for at least having an opinion. No, maybe not. Chocolate's great. Now you're right, there could be a time in a favor.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Mm. Go get some favorites. Okay, back in for a third crack. So now here's the thing. I was just eating away. Mike came in, actually tried to take my food away, and we had a small go at him and now he's bought all the 12 breakways back in. Let's talk about this seriously.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Let's talk about this seriously for a moment. It is, it's a bomb, I don't know if rebranding the time out as a 12 break week is too much of a bombshell because that's just a core prop move. If they would, if they still had both of them out at the same time, then I think you'd have a flake twill or a twill flake luxury. They are saying try the new, try the new, try the new 12 break away. I'm just technically using a new name. That isn't a bombshell. That's the part of it that's explosive.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Yes, that's explosive. Here's my question to Cabri. You're now, you've gone, okay, time out was its own thing. It was confusing people. Let's call it a twirl. Let's bring it in the twirl family of products, okay? But you're actually phasing out the twirl family of products because you bought in the flake luxury Yeah, it's take over the twirl, so my question to Cabri is do you want twirls or not? Yeah, because you
Starting point is 00:09:13 Cannibalizing the twirl market by creating the flake luxury, which just is a chocolate wrapped flake, which we argue is a twirl Now you're saying oh no twirls can be everything well on, this could just as easily be a flake luxury breakaway. That's easy. Here's what's happening. There's obviously the president of chocolate bars at Cabri. There's two vice presidents. Yes. One's in charge of flake, one's in charge of twirl,
Starting point is 00:09:42 and there is an internal battle going on to get supremacy. We will see this play out and within the next five years there won't be room for twirls and flakes. It is a subpar bar. It's not great is it? It's not a great bar. That's why I don't I think did you need to put the biscuit in? This would be for me a twirl when I get a twirl I know it's just chocolate. That's what excites me about a twirl.
Starting point is 00:10:06 And now, don't try and sneak other bits and pieces in there. But do it look like Ghibiton? They're obviously getting hammered by Kitkat on the wafer front. And they're obviously, they don't have anything to combat the wafer in Kitkat. They don't go. You can't. You can't. Not in a candy wall.
Starting point is 00:10:21 But you can't. You know what's interesting as well? To call the twirl break away. Is Kitkat slogan is, take a break. Take a candy wall. But you can't. You know what's interesting as well? To call it a 12 break away, is Kit Kat's slogan is, take a break, take a Kit Kat. Oh, they've done, you reckon that's what they're talking about? I reckon they've gone for a subtle, and actually, now that we're on to this,
Starting point is 00:10:35 now that we're on to the snaffability of this, they're calling it a break away. No part of the bar is perforated. No part breaks away. Kit Kat breaks away. So they just... Kick out breaks away. Kick out breaks away. So they're actually tricking you into thinking that they have a breakaway system in here to make you think...
Starting point is 00:10:50 If you were thinking I like kickcats because they break away, then that's exactly what they've done, Jack, to make you go all 12 breakaways. I like the snapability, but I prefer the chocolate of a cabri. Now I mean, and you don't stop to think for a second, hang on, this is no more or less breakable than a flake. Or a flake luxury or a regular twirl or a crunchy. So what would they get? Do you think they don't know how to do the breaking technology? Or they'd just be, they've got probably heaps of people trying to work on it. I don't think their molds would be set up to do it. Because this is obviously made on the same machine as a flake and a twirl luxury. Well, at the same time at machine,
Starting point is 00:11:25 they're just re-batched it. Yeah, these exactly right. So they're like, we've got the machine, we're not investing in the perforation technology. Because it must be like a bed, you know, like office printers can do stapling, but home printers can't. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:37 I think we should do. What if we'd say something like that, yeah. Anyway, hang on, hang on. No, sorry. No, okay, that's enough. Still, that's the most in-depth with, I reckon it's the longest we've been without a laugh on the show. And I back it.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Out, out, out. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh golf clubs. Yes. And I personally independently selected to be my supplier of clubs. And then later on found out that it was competitively priced.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Competitively priced, but it's very important that I independently selected them first to be acknowledged. They have reached out and said, yes, they're happy to give you a set. Wow. Okay. Because you were thinking of taking up the game. Yeah, well, actually, when in the face of Taylor made it last year or even two years ago, now I said, I would take Kelle away. And even Mizuno came forward.
Starting point is 00:12:35 And then I explained to them that I took a Yamaha sponsorship and it was to the detriment of Yamaha. They went back to the day because we had a set up. Was that officially Yamaha's stance? They, I don't think they were happy, yeah. Because we keep, well, I didn't. I said the guitars were perfectly paid, but you said they were slow.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Well, you just failed the Camino on time and we could only use a user error with the thought that a maybe was the guitar, slow guitar. That was really, that was a feedback from the listeners, too, and you know, they have the best ears. Well, my contact at Yamaha dried up after that. Yeah. So I said to Ms. Zuno, just be careful if you come. Yeah. Just be careful. Just, just, just, were at the disclaimer, have to read all possible contacts. Is a feature of your product?
Starting point is 00:13:18 It's speed or accuracy. And so golf is that, that's a death trap for me because no doubt, I'm going to gonna be you need speed accuracy. So Calaway, Mizuno, they just did the homo Simpson and backed back into the age. Hey, LeMade, they'll have reached out, said that happy, okay, provide some clubs. And what was the price in? Just under four and a half grand. Oh, wow. Very interested. You are interested. No, no, you have to pay for an off-grid. Oh, I thought they were giving me the club that will provide the clubs for payment But are you interested in having the clubs? Wait, I'm interested in having them. Yeah Wait, wait, what I think it's it's that I am confused. Sorry. That's less than retail
Starting point is 00:13:59 But they're like we would do it for jacket just under four and a half grand. How much did you pay for yours? Oh, that's a personal question We would do it for Jacket just under four and a half grand. How much did you pay for your? Well, that's a personal question. Really? A good question. I thought you got free clubs. You know, walk around asking if it was groups and doing it. I didn't ask for free because I assumed that you wouldn't want them.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Wait, sorry, go back to the start. So Taylor made came to you and said, sorry, Jack, we're just confused because we were listening to your radio show the other day. And this segment came on. I know you can't see what it was, but can you play it for every... I hope he was having a chat. I think I'll play this.
Starting point is 00:14:29 The glasses shop. I went and got fixed up at OPCM and we're a bit yesterday, though, a brilliant... There goes the plug. No, no plug. I don't pay. Maybe I'll give you a plug, but I don't pay. Where's the manager? Get Steven out here.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Where's the... Where's he gone? No, that's all right. Hey, I'm a client of... Yeah, that's fun. Anyway, they put it in there. It is fun because you're giving you something and you should pay for it. Of course, I didn't expect that. I see where you get neck. I've never seen a man's face straight of color So
Starting point is 00:15:08 The isolated grab there as well Jack. Thank giving you something and you should pay for it They're giving you something and you should pay for it. Mm-hmm. Is that still your stance? Thoughts on that. No, no definitely that is like that's how society works That's that's the how the economy works Okay, I have people taking freebies and not paying yes for their thing Great, so you have it pay for the clubs I will Decline the offer from tailor-made
Starting point is 00:15:40 Before when I said you said great you basically said I'll take the deal. I guess it's a difference what what I was talking about there maybe is That was an exchange like a sponsorship exchange almost that my co-host was talking about on the radio show whereas this seemed like a gift From Taylor mate, but you never pay from you never pay for a present like a birthday present or a Christmas present That's true, it will be rude. It will be rude. If your mum gave you a book for Christmas, and you said, oh, he is $25 to cover the book. That's true, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:16:14 What's your mum's name again? Jill, right. You know her name. And what's the guy's Taylor Mades name? Taylor. I'm just wondering why they would be keeping you a birthday present or a gift. Wait, wait, so there is no clubs you just made that up. As yet, as yet, you never know. Now you did a few good plugs and you should be sweet.
Starting point is 00:16:51 G. We've moved into a performance space here. Of course, special skills. If you've got any you go to Hamish teed off, Martian's length against the lights. No, keep it. Let's stay with it. Let's stay with it. I mean, deep darkness. And now we're back. No one needed to know the light. I suppose it doesn't matter, but did you feel that moment? Did you feel the dramatic? Especially, yeah. Yeah, I felt the dramatic effect of my life. If you have a special skill, of course,
Starting point is 00:17:09 go to hamishine.com. If you want to be recognized for something that you can do that no one else can down, Archer, you did exactly that. Can you please tell everybody what your special skill is? I am able to pick up objects, or food with my toes, and flick them up into my mouth at a pretty good click.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Yep, and you said every time. Wouldn't say every but more than more than our drop. That's where men again, we do come back to this point often which is what makes a professional professional is that they can repeat it. You know what I mean? Like we can all go to Anthony Caramanis' 11th birthday party and bowl one strike. But can you bowl three times a go? That's the difference. So, not sure if we're all invited to Anthony Caramanis. No, I was. I'm not sure if I'm wrong. We're very interested to see this in action.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Because I think a lot of people think they can pick stuff up with their toes. But you've got the extra level of being able to flick it in an arc, obviously, and land it straight in the mouth. Are you right foot or left foot? Yeah, right. I've noticed that there's a little bit of a... We've won Birkenstocks in there, which is... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:13 No, no, it's great. It's like bringing the athletes to the ground in a convertible. Let him breathe. I've noticed on your pointer toes, on your right foot, there is a bruise under the nail, centering practice. That was prior to practice, but yeah, it's all past the test, clear the play. Yeah, I did happen to actually roll an ankle satay on foot,
Starting point is 00:18:37 so it hasn't stopped me, but it's, yeah, it's not this is it. But again, this is it, you know, throughout the season, you're not gonna be 100% old. You're just gonna get yourself up ready for the show. We've got Easter Egg. We've got Grape. We've got a Multita and a Mentos.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Have you done all of those artists before? Yeah, I've done the eggs, graves, Maltesers and Mentos is new. So I haven't tried a lot of them. Now, can we just rewind a bit here to where you may be? You discover this hill or how you use it because it's obviously picking food up off the floor, you're just in your dirty area, with feet, traditionally a dirty limb appendage,
Starting point is 00:19:16 and then throw it into your mouth, traditionally the place where we try to keep things clean. Is it a skill you discovered to kind of harness the five-second rule like it's faster than bending over? Yeah, basically it just I one day I've just dropped a grade and went I stuff it I'll pick it up and So I didn't and went in it was incredible. Yeah, it was a chanky life record Did you do it against straightaway after that? I had to yeah Yeah, I would have so if I was to give say I had a big bowl of M&Ms and I needed someone to take it outside, I would trust that to do that. So he drops one, picks it up while still carrying the big bowl.
Starting point is 00:19:54 You may rather bend down, get it, drop more. Yeah, like the dirty washing. Exactly. Do you want me to line them up one after the other? Or because we're going to also have a chopping board here, which is nice, I mean that's definitely Carly's touch up producer. She's a mom and we've gone, this is gross enough already. Like we might as well give you a sanitary surface to pick it up off.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Do you want them all in a line? Or do you want them like one after the other? I'm launching zone. I like them one after the other. I love it. I like them. Let's jump into this. I hate the last thing. He's got four items. Is it, I love it. Let's jump into this. I hate the last thing.
Starting point is 00:20:26 He's got four items. Is it two from four for a coin? I think it's three from four. Three from four. Yeah, you have to go. Yeah, good. Good. So this is Grip Smith. And why can't you hold?
Starting point is 00:20:46 I'd you can hold those names Cause he can't use Superman that toe Superman that toe Superman that toe Superman that toe Yeah, we had two ideas for songs. Okay, aim is starting with a grape. We know that that's his natural game. It's where you discover that it's...
Starting point is 00:21:12 I will now... You may now inspect the grape. One nod will signal that it's all clear. T, he's not a grape. He's not a grape. It's also a good size grape. I would say the size... Yeah, these are lots.
Starting point is 00:21:23 All right, here we go. You have clearance to grab and flick. He's popped a grape down. It's all yours. Here we go. It comes out. She picks up that with ease. No way.
Starting point is 00:21:36 No way. Straight in that. Straight in that. Was that a worry in the world? You're okay. You look like joking on a palthalwood. Okay. Okay, we're away. with... Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:45 We're away. One from one. Okay. Let's do an egg. I think an egg's the right thing to do. It's of course a capri mini egg. Very similar to these. It's one that is...
Starting point is 00:21:54 It's not easy to put into a nook. You guys have a day's top. It's a... Oh! What's up with the tape? It's an ignition bell. Two shots with those... It was sailing in the shore and it's about to see an other thing. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:22:06 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:22:22 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. If there's ever a reason to go get your front teeth shaved down just a little bit, take that with you. Take that. Take it out if you go, bro. Now we need to get everyone from now on. Talk to me that, I'll pop that aside. Hame, you've been doing a great job presenting. To Maltesea. Yeah, of course, Maltesea.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Yes. As to we now. Yeah, there's no way in it, is there? No way. There's no teasing about it. Let's hope there's no teasing in it isn't no way we know there's no teasing about it Let's hope there's no teasing here and it goes straight in touch It's too low. He's over it's all like the two like the two like the two like We sternum and that is it like the two like the two like
Starting point is 00:22:58 It's gonna go again. No, no, you want to because you're I mean you know you can hold it off off the floor No, no, I don't know you want to, because you're a... I mean, you know, you keep... Oh, it's a little off the floor. Oh, that's too far. Oh, yeah. That's a really unusual ball. Is it because it doesn't have the heft of a grape? Oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:14 It's the grapes of the home court, but... Oh, it's just the pressure. It's just the pressure. I mean, yeah. He's done a moltsa before. He just tried moltsa before. I've been quite a big family pack of them. Been used in all week, so exactly. Have you ever touched one with your hands?
Starting point is 00:23:31 First time. First time. Confused Jans. Yeah, I'll do it. I'll do it. Arch, we'll give you a token of no value. Yeah, thanks, guys. Very impressed with the skill.
Starting point is 00:23:42 It's disappointing, though. Unfortunately, it wasn't executed. It can happen. You get all the way to the Olympics, and the heat doesn't go the way you are. That's two full starts, you're out of there. The Brains, you know, you need to do a big poo. It's time to...
Starting point is 00:23:54 I mean, I'll say that was your case. I'm sure it happens to some Olympians. And that's the sport. I've brought on. Love watching the attempt. Thank you. What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name?
Starting point is 00:24:07 What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name?
Starting point is 00:24:15 What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name?
Starting point is 00:24:23 What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? a bunch of questions, including special skills. But there's random questions as well, like, what's the thing you've put off so long with it's a bit awkward? It was just a random thought starter. Molly's answer caught my eye. She said quitting her job is what she's put off. She joins us now. Who do you, Molly?
Starting point is 00:24:38 Oh, hi boys. Molly, what's going on? You're not feeling it anymore? I'm not. Yeah, I just just fast moose can't be bothered. So from what I understand, though, Molly, is you haven't been for six months now, but you've never quit. Oh, yeah, it's been about since December. I just didn't show up one day. And have they not paying you anything, are they? No, I wish, but no. didn't show up one day. And have they not paying you anything, are they?
Starting point is 00:25:05 No, I wish, but no. No, they contact Humoli at all to go, why didn't you come in today? No, no messages, just nothing, that was it. Is it a mutual understanding here? Yeah, what was the job? So I was just doing social media for a beauty salon. Right. And do you reckon they think you're maybe doing it remotely still
Starting point is 00:25:28 or you might start up again soon or? No, I think we both just mutually understood that I wasn't coming back. But it's never been talked about. No, never. But yeah, she is my best friend sister in law. So I've obviously spent a lot of time with her since. And we just, I've never brought a lot of time with her since and we just
Starting point is 00:25:45 have never brought it up. Is it uncomfortable? Yeah, I was going to say, can you feel in the air between you? Is it some of you'd like to rectify? Yeah, it's just a little bit of an awkward silence every time like a, oh, should I bring it up? It's been so long now, there's no point. We'd love to break that we can do that. Yeah, we can do that. We can do that. What's her name? Her name is Jess. Now, we're happy to call Jess. Molly, yeah, we can call Jess.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Would you like a school Jess and formally handle your resignation? I would love you to do it. It would take the weight off of my shoulders. Well, here at Leigh and Blake, wriggle out partners. That's what we specialise in. There is a nice thing for us to offer from now on. If you guys wriggle out of anything, hit us at AimexA.com. We'll help you wriggle out. We'll do you wriggle. Yeah. Molly, what's Jess's demeanor when it comes to this stuff? Do you think that she, what kind of man-assure we use gives us a bit of a background on Jess and what,
Starting point is 00:26:42 you know, would it would be appropriate for her? She's very professional. She's a working woman so I yes something professional maybe. Okay. Okay. Professional approach. Can do. One of our specialties, how would we like to set up the call when when when Jessie picks up? Look, well, would you just listen in and we'll let her know that we're now representing you? I guess like legal representation. Yep, and tell it to you. And then, and you've got no interest
Starting point is 00:27:13 in coming back at all, Molly. Do we want to keep the door open at all or not? No, I'm good. I've got another job now. Okay. Would you be interested in a small redundancy payout? I would love it. We'll see what we can do. You should
Starting point is 00:27:26 type Molly Jack, you've got the stuff there. Here we go. Okay. Jess, was it Jess? Yeah. Got a good double check. But it's our first go at this business. Can't stop. Sorry, what was you? Hello. Hey, is that Jess? Yeah, that's me. Jess. Yes, it's Andrew and Hamish here from Blake and Lee Riggleout Services. Thanks so much for taking our call today. Okay. Jess, we're calling on behalf of Molly, who is your social media executive. Right, so you're aware. So Jess, what we specialise in here is coming into situations where there's perhaps an awkwardness in the year because it's an unresolved or unaddressed issue. And Molly has engaged us to act on her behalf to formally, first of all, thank you for the
Starting point is 00:28:20 excellent time she had doing your social media, but officially resigned. Okay. Yep. I'm pretty sure that I, yeah, a couple of months. Yeah. Okay. Had you noticed she wasn't doing any work?
Starting point is 00:28:35 A little bit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And were you, did you ever have the discussion with her about the ceasing of the work? Or did it just peed around? Peed around. I just kind of fizzled out.
Starting point is 00:28:48 How long did Molly work for you? Not long, few months. Few months, okay. Just by way of redundancy packages, do you guys offer that at all there at the same time? No, probably not. So you say probably not so possibly yes? What are we talking here? What are you got? What are we got?
Starting point is 00:29:12 We can offer a couple of free samples maybe Absolutely. Deal. Deal, deal. Okay, I just consider Molly officially resigned and you don't have to feel awkward about it at all if you see her again Okay, well best of luck in everyone's endeavors another successful case. Thank you for your time Yes, gorgeous Great, let's get belly back. Molly. We're happy there. Hello. That was amazing
Starting point is 00:29:41 You hear about the redundancy stuff? I did. I'm pretty happy with that. That was very successful, baby! I can't be mad about that. Yeah, okay. We're there this morning. Ah, there is the sunset. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:53 So a successful day all around. Thank you, Vol. Amazing. Thank you very much. Hey, mishnanny.com. If you want to contact us for anything, a lot of people are saying that they want to play, tell us someone we haven't thought of in a while. There's a hunger for hats out there. Of course, if you can name someone we haven't thought
Starting point is 00:30:15 of all year, and we honestly haven't thought of them, you will win a selection of the hats that well known sometimes and sometimes less well known companies send us, you can have one of their promotional hats. Hey, what are the three hats on offer today? We've got three different hats, and there's some interesting subplots going on amongst the hats. We've got a classic mesh trucker, very high quality from a company called Bennett's Steel. Embroidered logo on the front, sort of a company called Bennett's Steel. Embroidered logo on the front, sort of a B, a twisted B. I guess you meant to say.
Starting point is 00:30:49 I guess you meant to think that it's steel twisted, it does the job. And the whole logo is embroidered, but it's not too much. It's just strong navy color as well. But then there's also, you can obviously, when you're buying these hats online, they've ... Yeah, they've gone for a band around the side as well like an embroidered band. They've just added extra upon extra upon extra upon extra. So, we know there's a steal boom at the moment. We know the iron ore price is high.
Starting point is 00:31:14 These guys are doing well out of it. They're transferring the savings and the profits onto you, the customer in their hat, great and it's hat. And so then, then we have a snapback, sort of a similar show, is this a new era? Doesn't say, but pretty similar. Snapback style hat, also, from Robide Steel Services. So it's a steel off.
Starting point is 00:31:34 It's steel off. So it's a couple of the, well, not big hitters in the steel game, because I had no offense to either of them, I had never heard of either of them. But both of them sat down with me and said, you gotta get my steal from us. And they were competitively priced, and they said, well, throwing a hat,
Starting point is 00:31:49 I'd go with Ben, they've got us winning on the hat game. Although from what I understand from the construction industry, it's not that simple. Okay. So, and I don't want to rule road-bide steal services out of the game. Their logo looks a little bit like a security company.
Starting point is 00:32:05 It's a shield and it's sort of a blue silver and white affair. It's still a good hat. It's a black hat with a gray cap. It's a good hat. But you're even with you on the aesthetics of Bennett's Steel's hat. What's the done's hat? Then we have a white, a white hat. Look, it's not a bad hat shape, it probably is reminiscent
Starting point is 00:32:26 of the Hamish and then he must be nice hats, I think. So you can't have a go at the ballad. It's a dad hat, it's got the clasp fabric, the juster at the back. Don't mind that, it's the little metal one. We know there certainly a puppy like. I don't like what's on the front. Wow, the look, Jack. The logo is a shocker.
Starting point is 00:32:44 That's, it's busy. The front of the look, Jack. You, the logo is a shocker. That's, it's busy. The front of the hat is busy. It's a square logo on the left-hand side of the, it's a rectangle, left-hand side is someone, in a black type, fully embroidered person in black type, like a suit. Then it's like a teal background, and then written in white cursive,
Starting point is 00:33:01 which is an ask for the eyes to follow along. Melbourne City side, Celebrant, then under that in black embroidering is the slogan, which is youthful modern individual. So it's a Celebrant's hat. Celebrant. It's a hat for Celebrant services. I'm not sure. If you're not this person, whoever it is, male or man, or their family or friend who wants to spread the word, who's wearing the hat? Like, I guess you got married by them and you got a hat. I don't know if I would have wore,
Starting point is 00:33:37 I love my celebrant Jessie, she was great. I don't know if I'd wear the hat. I don't know if I'd wear her hat. No, I also don't think that you're going, oh, who do we need? And if I saw someone walking past with that hat on, oh, maybe I'll use that much to help you. I'm sorry, but it's more like you. You would be able to read it walking past.
Starting point is 00:33:53 You have to get right up close to actually read the cursive. I am hearing a lot of buzz about that celebration. I just don't know if it was the right spend for the marketing budget. Yet the decisions were made and the ad exists. There are three hats, people are standing by, let's jump into this. It's been a while since I've bought...
Starting point is 00:34:12 About Josh Thomas. Oh. Yeah, and it's been a while since I've seen them. Yeah, Thomas. Famous for talking about your generation. Oh, yeah. Please like me. He's doing an audible at the moment.
Starting point is 00:34:28 I'm seeing an Amazon. That's where I've seen him. Yeah. What's the, what's the, what's he pushing? I don't know if listener will be very happy. Are we allowed to talk about it? Well, we were allowed to acknowledge audible existence. We certainly are.
Starting point is 00:34:39 We people know about Amazon. And also that there are other audio and demand services. I think he's pushing, you know, audio books and stuff, which is sort of like very structured, long boring podcasts. Exactly. You'd much rather a sort of a 40 to 50 minute pull off the cuff or rip it through it is, you know, topics to topics to topic, not following a narrative. Another chapter. Another chapter. Not enough bells. Oh, I've got a hearing by the way. Caitlin, everything catering in, nothing catering in.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Caitlin, how are you? Oh, how are you? Oh, how are you boys and number six? How are you going? Really well, Caitlin, tell us some of the way we have been thought of. By the way, if you thought about Josh Thomas for a while, because the guys are immediately we're not. He's on an ad, yeah. Well, I had because I was looking through Netflix yesterday and please like me came up.
Starting point is 00:35:28 There you go. Mate, he's everywhere. Yeah, yeah. Surprise, he might be the, he might be the celebrate on that hat. Maybe. Caitlin, tell us some of you have a thought of for a while. I'm hoping you haven't thought about Red Foo
Starting point is 00:35:38 from LNFIO. I like. When did you think about Red Foo? Because I work at the tennis. Yeah, you always think about Red Foo. Oh, no. Oh, do you think about Red Food? Because I work at the tennis. Yeah, you always think about Red Food. Do you think about Red Food at the tennis? Victoria Azarenka, who I interviewed at the tennis, remember she used to have Red Food come?
Starting point is 00:35:54 Is that what he was doing there? He was her partner. I always just thought Red Food went to the tennis. So he was dating the then world number one, I think Victoria Azarenka. And so he was dating the then world number one, I think Victoria as a ranker. And so he was often in her box supporting his love, loving partner. I genuinely just thought he was just in town because he was hosting one of those. He did a season, didn't he, on like Australia's got talent or something?
Starting point is 00:36:19 He did one of those at some point. And I just thought he just was enjoying all that Australia has to offer. Did you think that, Joe? Yeah, I thought he just loved tennis. No, he loved his partner. And he liked tennis. He probably likes tennis. You don't see him around us much, so any more do you? No, but now he's now he to throw her. He'd go in the opposition's box if they were smart. Get your ex. I've stacked my box with all your ex partners. I'm so sorry, Caitlin. Sorry. Have thought about the right food. That's the right, that's the game.
Starting point is 00:36:50 You need to get a good one. Carla, how do you Carla? I'm Holly Boise. Happy birthday, Andy. I need to thank you, Carla. Who haven't we thought of for a while? Well, I hope you haven't thought of Australian journalism royalty yard event. Thank you. Thank you. I hope you haven't thought of Australian journalism royalty yarn event. I think I have.
Starting point is 00:37:12 I can't have. Well, obviously she's one of those people used because you confuse respecting them. We're thinking about them. So I would have been happy to have because I have great respect for her, but I can't name a time I have, but my friend here can name that time. I can. This is harder these days because I've just realized what happens when we make the to the show, the 100, my TV show. We have a segment called Face the 100.
Starting point is 00:37:35 And celebrities get presented to come out and they sit in front of us and we ask the 100, does anyone recognize them? You're going to do, Yana. We have a lot of people come through and we've gone through all like the Ray Martin's of the world, the Lillian Chin Yana event, that all came up in that band of should we get an old journalist on. Well, an experienced journalist. You should say that. Yeah, experienced journalist on and Yana event's name come up there. I would have loved to have Yana Ben, I thought she was amazing. Wait, just backtracking her because he caught her off.
Starting point is 00:38:04 That's the game though, isn't it, Carolyn? No worry, thanks guys. From Carlin and Josh, a hoi. He did. A hoi boy. Carlin, Carlin's gone.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Thanks, car. Josh, Amish just good, Carla, Caitlin, let me just try and try and do it. Amish,
Starting point is 00:38:20 so as I call her too much, Joshy, Joshy boy, I'm going to be at the end of your mind.. Oh, boy. Is that the idea of the idea? Jade, I'll give you a mug, what have you got? Who haven't we thought of for a while? I'm hoping you haven't thought of Ozzy TV icon,
Starting point is 00:38:33 Linky Bill. I haven't. Lion Ball. You think you can use a lot of Linky Bill? Well, I just feel so rough calling this, but I'll give you the circumstances. Because there's a Netflix, there's a kids animation, like a Netflix like escape to the outback,
Starting point is 00:38:52 which is, does focus on a qualifier. I think pretty sure a voice by Tim mentioned. And Mike has watched it a fair bit this year. So you think you've walked past like a lot of watching flinky bill, I think I I think I had the conversation with them about we should show you some Blinky Bill because we often
Starting point is 00:39:10 do a bit of we should show you stuff about Charlie. He's taken I'm so sorry. That's so unlucky. He's unlucky. That's this game. You know, it's something you can take the other way. Josh bad luck. You know, young belt voices for snake. Good on you, Josh.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Taylor, oh, how do you? Oh, we boys.. Tell us some we haven't thought of for a while. I'm hoping I might have something for you here. Here we go. Big Kiv. Haven't. Good for me. Amazing. Big Kiv. Big Kiv. Who was it selling? Big Kiv. What's that? What was he selling? Everything. My planning products. The big kids keen, but I thought he did a lot of stuff too. There was him and Tim from Dental. Now that's right. This is late 90s early noughties.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Yes. Big kids product range. No, but what I respected about Big Kiv, he was big and loud, which is great. But he wasn't mad and he wasn't crazy. He was the big personality. He was the big personality. which is great, but he wasn't mad and he wasn't crazy. He was the big personality. All the others, crazy John, they're all the others at the time. It seemed insanity was an important aspect to try and sell your products and Kiv, he was just relied on his size.
Starting point is 00:40:15 He was big energy. He had big, Kiv energy. Taylor, what hat? Well, I have a big head, so what can you recommend? I mean, they're all adjustable. I'd say you're looking at both the steel companies seem to be able to have a big head, so what do you recommend? Oh, I mean, they're all adjustable. I'd say you're looking at both the steel companies seem to be able to accommodate a bigger head just from the structure of that. Having said that, the DAG caps can be...
Starting point is 00:40:35 Dad's don't have small heads and the DAG cap can be adjusted. That is Melbourne Cityside Celebrant. I'm going to go with the steel cap. Which one? Do I bend it steel or do you want robot steel services? I go bend it. Melbourne Cityside Celebrant though. I'm going to go with the SteelCap. Which one? Benet Steel or do you want Robide Steel Services? I go Benet. OK Benet.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Chosen Well. Chosen Well. Chosen Well. catch up or contribute at hamishanandie.com

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