Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2023 Ep 213

Episode Date: May 24, 2023

1. More sightings of Andy in the wild  2. Finish Bec’s sayings quiz 3. Brian the Applelist: Kissabelle  4. Upset Andy  5. Hamish’s car charm ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-snap production. Activate your internet. Cos the Hamish and the podcast starts in three, two. Sorry, still buffering. One. A hoi-timey re-curve, Hamish. Thank you. There wasn't anything wrong with the first curve, but I am glad I did it again.
Starting point is 00:00:31 A Hoi to Me compound, Jack. Oh, am I a bow? Yeah, we're bows, mate. We're bows. We are delicious forms of getting arrows in the air and on target. We are too much. My newfound hobby of bows of an arch would use. I am a bear bow. I'm a bear, I'm a re-curve bow, but I've got no accessories.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Hame, you were used in the Olympics three curve. Re-curve bow has the accessories such as a stabilizer. Yep. Cheating, I would imagine, but no. No, no. Well, compounds are the ultimate cheek, because aren't they the ones that when you pull back, you feel no, they feel weightless.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Try again, Jack. You need, I mean, you can get different strengths, like 60, 70, 80, 90 pounds of. Got yours yet? Biddy-biddy-biddy-week, but shopping around, yeah, doing, these are all facts I'm interested in learning about as I get to the range.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Well, I sent him in. For my first of five times to learn archery. I thought it compounded was the one that when you pull back, you're actually not feeling the poor. You get past a certain bit, and then it's easy to hold it open. But to actually move it at the first, you have to... Like, obviously, the harder you can get it, all the further that arrow is going to go.
Starting point is 00:01:40 So there you are, bows that can shoot like 100 metres. It's, as sent in, it says the most modern style and most precise bow is the compound bow. It's bow is different type of pulley system for a unique let off of the arrow. Let off in quotation marks, is that something that you guys use when you guys are down at the range? Like I said, still looking forward to my first range trip, but yeah, or you lose the arrow. In other words, yeah, you lose it. As it flies. So certainly circling this is a hobby, but still have not made that critical first trip to the range. To be able to talk with it
Starting point is 00:02:19 with any more authority. But appreciate having archery chat on the show and I was certainly hitting I think in the collected field. I worry. Well, too fishy at the start of the season. We're like a BCF at the moment. We're looking outdoors. We're in our dormsman's show. Yeah, and there was worry that we were going too much fish content. I feel like we are scurrying the areas of too much. I would mention heartboats.
Starting point is 00:02:45 I would mention heartboats. Heart-treat. Well, this will be the third time. It will be the third time. It will be the third time. It will be the third time. It will be the third time. It will be the third time. It will be the third time.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Yeah, it will be the third time. I'm right. You're right. I'm Hoya Oswara Emma. Who's you, Australia? Hello, Emma. Hi, I'm Hoya Oswara. Hi, I'm Hoya Oswara.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Hey, I'm Hoya Oswara. So, my brother and I have an argument here. So, I'm saying he's lost touch in the common, with the common man because he is currently staying in a really nice resort with beach side views and a really lovely balcony. But he's saying he hasn't lost touch because he won the night stay in this resort through a raffle.
Starting point is 00:03:22 But I'm saying no, he's still lost touch because common, the common man doesn't usually win a raffle. But I'm saying, Nory, he's still lost touch because the common man doesn't usually win a raffle. Oh, I'm having luck. I'm having luck from the common man. That's harsh, but fair. He's entering a raffle very common man. Very common man. Looking for, looking for value.
Starting point is 00:03:40 But winning. And looking for a big win. Winning the raffle? I think, I mean, look at the common man end, is it can't change your life from common twang? Are you supposed to be a common man enjoying an uncommon thing? I think he's in the right. And I appreciate him using the very easy to use
Starting point is 00:03:56 system at home, you're nearly for uploading a note. But I think, I'm not sure how you feel guys, let's do a vote, I'm afraid, but I think he's in the right. If he's won this luxury stay, it's a common man in an unusual situation. Yeah, it's like the barely hillbillies. Yeah. But the longest day, it's only probably a raffle a few nights, but if he was to stay there
Starting point is 00:04:14 for too long, that's when he does lose touch with the common man. If he forgets what it's like to live as the common man. Oh, I see. If he gets a taste for it and re-books it on his own dime, well, that's true. Or if he meets someone at the resort. Who goes, we're obviously doing well for yourself. Let's talk business and they go into business together. Yeah, that man, he never looks back.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Yeah. That will have been the gateway to losing touch. So watch out for raffles as well. Watch out for business opportunities during raffle wins. If you'd like to protect your common man status. Yes. It is a warning to all, and I'm glad we said it. If you'd like to protect your common man status. Yes. It is a warning to all, and I'm glad we said it. And a couple weeks ago on the show, I took upon myself
Starting point is 00:04:53 as a public service to read out some sightings that people have made of you in the wild. Some genuine anti-sightings. Now they are genuine people. I don't think people would lie. They're taking the time to sit down and write out. Was it often to be fair, a traumatic experience for them? So a lot of people lie.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Well, that's a shame, and because I actually don't think I was just like that, and I appreciate them sharing, to be honest, and the vulnerability and the courage it takes to share something that again can't be easy for a lot of people to share now. I can't get to all of them. I'm just gonna pick a few at random here Okay, and oh, these people are written in yeah, absolutely like there's hundreds Well dozens that have written in with live Andy Lee sidings Okay, this this comes in from Dunk. Hey guys, just flagging and Andy's side. Okay, and it's sort of like a community service. If you see something say something. I was desperate for a gasper and went to the local chug stick shop in Norwood,
Starting point is 00:05:57 South Australia. They were about to close and there was a small crowd, so I went to push my way in. But as I approached the door, I was throttled by a red faced and seaghorny and... Ah! As he barreled through me, and bought the last fap in the store, I just thought the people should know. Now, I appreciate it. I don't appreciate.
Starting point is 00:06:19 I've not heard seaghorny before. That's why I got it right. I don't appreciate the misinformation that being spread about me smoking because I'm a flight back from Perth to Melbourne the other day. I'll be there. And at the start, where are they?
Starting point is 00:06:36 Please, please. They say, all toilets are fitted with smoke detectors. So the use of cigarettes or evapes is strictly prohibited. A lady turned to me with high eyebrows and went still trying to hop on or not. Still trying to get off and catch the buzz if you want. They stop regularly for a spark. So I'll challenge that. This comes in from an A hope. He doesn't mind me saying it's for nobody's, he's included it.
Starting point is 00:07:06 So Simon Pierre. I was recently earning Sydney on Oxford Street. It was a night out and I had quench my thirst throughout the night. So consequently, I went to the men's bathroom to relieve myself. I started my stream. And at about 15 seconds later, a taller presence appeared
Starting point is 00:07:23 over my shoulder to use the urinal next to me. It was a small partition to block the lower glands, but I did the obligatory side facial glands and wouldn't you know it, it was one Andy Lee next to me. About 30 seconds later, Andy left the urinal stool. Ah, yes, the old inferior penis, I said. Andy, now at the basin, said, F-off mate, come and say that to my F-ing face. Well, yeah, I know, Jack. Alas, still holding a steady and superior stream, I could not turn around to face the man
Starting point is 00:07:58 at risk of flooding the bathroom. Andy made a quick exit as I continued holding my penis. That's from Simon Pierrot. But this one doesn't stack up. This one doesn't stack up on a few ground. He said it, and I don't think Simon Pierrot is going to do that. I'll tell you why I did it. I'll tell you why I did it.
Starting point is 00:08:15 I'll tell you why I did it. I'll tell you why I did it. I'll tell you why I did it. I'll tell you why I did it. I'll tell you why I did it. I'll tell you why I did it. I'll tell you why I did it. I'll tell you why I did it.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I'll tell you why I did it. I'll tell you why I did it. I'll tell you why I did it. I'll tell you why I did it. I'll tell you why I did it. it's slow release because I don't have the power. There's no way he could have started and be started and finished inside. If he had left, and I'd walked out half and I lay off of something, that would have been a more accurate representation of my flow, and hence we could have had that argument after that where I would have swore.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Right, but I think that one's false. Do you really? Because I sort of read the subjects there as him saying, perhaps you panicked and nothing came out. Well, I haven't been to Sydney these years, the other. I haven't had him to stay here for a day. I know, for a fact, you have been to Sydney and I worry because we hung out. So I worry that you're just now telling so many lies they're coming second
Starting point is 00:09:07 I worry you've got your iron your lie iron and now they're just rolling out of the middle. Oh I know you did make because you did a wienerx to Simon Pierra He's another he's another Okay, yeah, this one now they've all they're all real, but this one I think he's another, he's another, he's the last one. Okay, yeah. This one, now they're all real, but this one I think he's actually the realest. Okay. This actually Jack, like, you know, again, not questioning any of the others.
Starting point is 00:09:34 They're fact as far as I'm concerned, you say it, we read it, that's fact. How's this, and it comes in from Liv, Jack, I want you to be a bit of a judge here. Okay. Guys, I hope this falls on the right side of the fence. I've got some Weasel activity to report. Good news, Jack. You're safe. Like so far.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Last year, I gave a very high quality, one of a kind cap to Andy, to be used for tell us someone we haven't thought in a while. Yes. It was from our cafe. It was with the promise for it to be used in the segment. This is a real month's go. What's that? This is a real one. Yeah, month's go pass. A that? This is a real one. Yeah, month's go pass, multiple episodes of Come and Gone, and still no mention of the hat.
Starting point is 00:10:10 So imagine my surprise when none of the Nandily Waltz is into my work wearing one. And they don't have to show that. That's all of our hats. Jack has shown. We all have. That's a show hat. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:22 I called you now, and he claimed, quote, me wearing the hat adds more value. He then tried to burn me with a handy hat of which I would own half. Months passed, still more to mention, still no handy hat. Handy hat. I trust this will be dealt with the court. Andy, what do you have to say? He's starting from live. I saw live this morning as I had my, my scrambled eggs from this.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Well, you're enraging her. Would you continue to have theft? We hadn't played. We hadn't played. No, I've never been to a civil war. No, I don't even know if Sydney's a city. But that is absolutely guilty as charged. Well, unfortunately, if now that Andy's heard this,
Starting point is 00:11:06 you can expect a red face annually to come in and throw you into the air for my Jerome Epping business. We know what he's like. Hopefully, you'll see him, I'll leave. Ha ha ha. We're here. We're here. We're here.
Starting point is 00:11:19 We're here. Fellas, back in our desert, we're doing a quiz on the weekend. And one section of the quiz was complete Fellas, back in our desert, we're doing a quiz on the weekend. And one section of the quiz was complete these popular sayings by filling in the missing word, right? Great fun. Great fun.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Got to make your own fun. I made an amazing discovery while doing this. Beck had never heard of any... No, none of the sayings. None of the five saying. Well, that I thought were very, very popular. She got zero. She got zero out of five.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Is it possible that someone could miss saying as a concept for their life? Or is it like a generational difference? Like, is she's 10 years younger than you? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, grandpa with his saying. So the saying things were, shilling, a shilling will keep the plague away.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Not very popular when Andy was growing up. Now, Beck wouldn't know that. That's a very strange difference. Well, yeah, I guess seven years, seven or eight years difference. Between Andy with it. Yeah, Beck's nine. So like, Andy, Andy, Andy, Andy wouldn't date me that. Two-hole, baby.
Starting point is 00:12:23 But maybe I don't know the things. So, okay, well, this is why I thought, I wanted to play a quiz with you both today. Yep. But rather than getting the actual answer, you have to guess what Beck thought the answer was. Well, this is tough. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:12:42 So, it's a quiz between two of you to see who, or which of both of you knows how Beck thinks the bit. I go. This is essentially family feud, but it's we hold one person. Yes. What did she say? You're either going to get one's or zero's. Ready to go?
Starting point is 00:12:57 Yep, let's jump into it. Who thinks like Beck in a quiz? Quiz! The first saying, feel free to jump in with the actual real answer before you go, okay, so you can say, of course it's this, but this is what backs it, just so, you know, we can get it.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Oh, great, so there's points available for showing off? No, no, no, no, it's the showing off, but just more just saying, right. Yeah, I just want to see if Jack knows them. Yep. Because we thought it may have been a generation, not like you gap that threw them out of sink. A stitch in time saved.
Starting point is 00:13:29 She didn't know this. She didn't know. She didn't know that stitch in time so it's nine. No. So Jack, you know what I mean? I reckon I maybe just, do I have no idea what that means, even though I did $9.
Starting point is 00:13:39 All right, you don't know what that means. It means if you've got a small rip in your clothing, put one stitch in it, because otherwise the rip's going to grow and then in time you'll need to you'll need nine stitches. Yeah, clever. I don't know why I'm going to go to like a time travel top thing. Yeah, it's it's about Rob's stitch time traveling back to save nine of his brothers. Okay, a stitch in time saves nine. What did Beck think, a stitch in time saves. Nine, what did Beck think?
Starting point is 00:14:06 A stitch in time saves? The day. The pants. Can't give it to either of you. A penny. Ah! You're all gonna do some bad stuff. Yeah!
Starting point is 00:14:19 Oh, penny-futhing. A stitch in time saves a penny. A penny. A pretty penny. A good thing. But not completely off topic there, if the local tailor charged a penny per nine stitches. It's true.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Second one. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Yeah, moss. We know. There are these are things, right? Yeah, but I can't gather this. I've never heard it before. Momentum. She's got a jacks god. Really?
Starting point is 00:14:46 Because the doctor really makes it. That's not what he's saying. Why are you only being stupid? Jack has no momentum. Literally that in inertia of the two things it has. Jack goes one point eight. Oh, he thinks like a young kid. Okay, third saying.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Necessity is the mother of all inventions. Did you know that before, Jack? No, I feel like it's familiar. I don't know if I would have got it. Yeah, basically means if you've got a little rip in your pants, it's necessary for you to fix it. And so you invent the pants fix of 5,000. Necessity is the mother of inventions. So what would Beck have said? Necessity is the mother of... fix it. And so you invent the pants fixer 5 daughter. I'm going to give you a half point
Starting point is 00:15:51 check. Okay. This one's amazing. This has turned into this and all of any ceviche. This has And a hundred. Still water runs. I don't know this. Still water runs something. Still water's run. I don't know that one. I don't think I've heard that. I guess still water runs dry. Slowly.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Still water run deep is what is the same. These are all good things. Dry is what is the saying. Ah, okay, you know that's a good saying. These are all good saying. Dryers, what Beck said, saying Jack gets in. Oh my god. Yeah. Andy, just found a hot young Jack in a female body. So happy. Last one.
Starting point is 00:16:38 What? While the iron is hot. Strike. Strike, yep. Strike while the iron is the sign. That's she would have got behind. Hey, Mrs. Strike while I'm holding the sign. Ah, I am. She would have got behind. Hey, Mrs. Got it.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Yeah, sign back. Ah, there's still a catch thing. I am while I'm in the spot. I am in the spot. I am in the spot. I mean, yeah, by the laws of you wouldn't do the opposite. Yeah. Well, great comeback, him.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Ah, thank you. It's okay to know about you for me. I'm not the Simpson's guy. Jacko takes the win. What, I'm Jack. MUSIC Hey, there's a certain person that we turn to for any Apple-based news. We're talking about the fruit.
Starting point is 00:17:21 The fruit should not be out of the tech company. There would be a lot of podcasts that had tech people like, oh, you know, apples up front is coming up. Yeah, you know, we got to them. Not us, no, no, we love the fruit. We're just in the fruit. He's known as Brian, he's the Appleist. If you've, it's been a while, it's been some time since we've had him on, but if you
Starting point is 00:17:41 have not gone back to the start and listened to the podcast in order which we recommend This is a nice little recap of when we had the Appleist on Hello everybody Good to be back. I hope since I've left everyone taking their red delicious apples and throwing them in a dumpster So worse apple in America There's a new apple coming to town that people feel like might be the next big thing in Apple, India. And that is the cosmic risk.
Starting point is 00:18:11 The Granny Smiths also ensured what? Absolutely terrible. Granny Smith is the 16th worst Apple on the Apple list. It's got the acidic kick of expired medicine and it's got a philomy texture. It's a mediocre Apple from a fruit company that's widely inconsistent it is a celebrity apple but it's more like a reality star as opposed to Tom Cruise or something because it's yeah the substance you hear about it all the time you hear it but then you you in person it's not as good
Starting point is 00:18:41 I have no children all I have to leave behind in this world is my reviews of recommendations of apples and even one person who is disappointed by that, that my entire life is put into question. He's the appleist. He joins us now. Hoi, do you, Brian?
Starting point is 00:19:00 How are you? Hoi, yeah, I am back and I have to say, a lot has changed because the last time I talked to you and a lot of it is because of the disgruntled woman that you confronted me with who wrote that letter about cosmic risk. Yeah. Yeah. She was very particular about it.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Tell us something that has happened in a couple of years with this. I can say, even though it's been a few years since we've had you on Brian, I would say you have the largest cut through and recall of any person that we have on the show. Anytime anything vaguely happens in the Apple or seeded fruit community, everyone immediately is emailing going, get him on. Let's see what Brian thinks about this. Obviously you've got Apple rankings.com. And that's because of you. That's because of Hey Mission Andy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:48 The reason why I created Apple rankings.com is because that woman who was so disappointed me kept me up at night for weeks. And I thought I tossed and turned. I wondered how could I make it up to the world who now has lost faith in me as an apple or a few persons. And so, I developed the F100, the Franchi 100, the 100 point Apple ranking system. Now every Apple has a score from 0 to 100. It is ranked on nine categories,
Starting point is 00:20:17 and it is a perfect system, and it is 100% accurate, and there will be never again, never again. Wow. Will you get an email from a disappointed Apple either saying that I am a fraud. What? I mean, I don't think it's an overcrction. I think that's the appropriate response.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Funnily enough, I've been told the guys, this is a story for another day. I'm doing a similar thing with our hairdressers at the moment, going around trying to get ranking them on a point system. I have six categories and you just get scored out of five, so it's out of a possible 30. We'll talk about it another time, but I appreciate a man who's put effort into a sign in the monitor point system. I have six categories and you just get scored out of five, so it's out of a possible 30. We'll talk about another time, but I appreciate a man who's put effort into a scientific ranking system.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Brian, before we get to some hot Apple news out of Australia, what are you buzzing about in America and around the world with regards to apples? What's scoring a 97 plus if anything? Well, still, still to this day, the sweet tango apple is the number one apple with a 97 out of 100. And honestly, I think the news of the day
Starting point is 00:21:15 is that a lot of apples are losing their consistency, including the sweet tango. I've had to knock points out everything. I don't like what's happening in the apple of the day. It feels like things are getting spread a little thin and it feels like people are saying that apples that are bad or good and apples that are good or bad. It's chaos. Do we put this down? Is it a recession thing? Is it a squeezing of the economy? Is it possible that Apple manufacturers are laying off quality checkers? so now we're seeing more of a spread. Well, it's a corporate greed, for sure. It's because when there's an apple, that's good.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Lots of different orchards get the right to produce it, and then the crop gets spread thin, and all of a sudden, you're getting apples that are sprozen, and frozen for the full years, you can get them off season, shipped around the world. You got to stick with your local Apple in season. Yeah, we're living in a society where people feel like they can get everything at every moment. You know, we got Amazon, you know, companies like Amazon, they'll ship you an Apple and you can't get them from, you can't get an Apple from New Zealand if you're in America
Starting point is 00:22:21 and expect it to be fresh and you can't get an apple from America in Australia and expected to be fresh, you've got to get it local. You've got to have some great local apples. Thank you people. People are flying single apples around the world because they've got a hand cream. I'm with you. You've got to wait seasonal. Well, this brings us to the exciting news, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Science were the ones that exclusively released this news during the week. Ten years in the making is the Kisabel Apple. It's the newest Apple variant to hit the Australian market.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Obviously, this wouldn't have got to you yet, Brian, but do you know anything about the Kisabel? Yes, I've been doing my research. First of all, disgusting name. They also, they say that it's like every bite is like a fresh kiss, which is disgusting. I don't want to be eating apple. That is a bit of a rotted. Toerotic.
Starting point is 00:23:21 And then there's three varieties of kissabell apple, from a lot of have different name and one is yellow on the outside and red on the inside one is red on the outside and red on the inside and the other one is mixture of both and they all have different flavors and they're very similar to an American counterpart apple known as the Lucy glow and the Lucy road and I have not tried a kis apple, but I can tell you this from experience. The Lucy glow, which is yellow on the outside and red on the inside, is ugly, but far superior in taste to the Lucy road. So that would lead me to the belief,
Starting point is 00:23:59 because the apples look very similar, that the kiss-a-bell, John, as they're calling it, they're going with French because it's from France, it was developed in France. The Kisabelle jaune, which I believe means yellow and French, correct me if I'm wrong, is probably the best apple out of the three. Okay, based off your experience. So just so when people see this in Supermarkets, what color is that? Is that yellow on the outside, red on the inside? Yellow on the outside, red on the inside, it's the uglier apple of the two. The other apple that's red on the outside and red on the
Starting point is 00:24:29 inside is a beautiful looking apple. So it's like a shallow person's regret is what I call the Lucy Rose because you get it. It's not as good. It's like, oh, I shouldn't have went on the date with the hot girl. I should have went on with the left attractor. the fister, who's got a better personality. So in this article, especially if you're kissing it, I mean, every bite of what the kissing you want to be compatible. Brian, thank you very much for joining us, my friend. As always, you're the man we turn to when it comes to apples, people can head to apple rankings.com. Can I just can I just ask, I know you would never, ever do this, obviously, without having tasted
Starting point is 00:25:07 the Apple, but if you had to throw a number on the Brian 100 point system at the Kisabel than you, Australian Apple, where would it probably sit? What bracket? I'm assuming it's extremely similar to the Lucy Glow and Lucy Rose. And right now, the Lucy the Lucy glow which I call the breathtaking circus freak as an 8 5 out of 100. It's an excellent category. So Lucy Rose Apple which I call the shallow person for Gret has a 69 out of 100 which is mediocre. So go for beauty, go for taste and that is going to probably be the kiss the bell, John.
Starting point is 00:25:43 That is my word. Well done, my friend. Usually, you wise words to live by. Thank you so much, Brian. be the Kiffa Bell John. That is my word. Well, that's usually why I was to live by. Thank you so much, Brian. No problem. Thank you, guys. Hey, and what's up, sir? You know, everything is neat and practical, because that's the way it likes it.
Starting point is 00:26:08 But what if it wasn't? Upset Andy. I appreciate people direct messaging me on the insta or our on Twitter and Raya. And showing me things that are really pleasing as well. There's like a... We like to pleasure you as much as we like to upset you. There was a girl the other day, vacuuming. And she, there's a really tight spot against the wall
Starting point is 00:26:35 and her cabinetry. But the vacuum, perfectly, went in like the sides of the nozzle at the end and I went that's good. That's that'll be please Not even we're thickness room for toothpaste coating on either side of the vacuum or not even that Not even that even well. It's tight. That's real tight We've got some ripples that continue to come through look Sam a Hoi hoi. I always like to upset Andy a hoi boys So this is something my old roommate used to do he enjoyed apples and instead of
Starting point is 00:27:09 taking the sticker and putting it in the bin like a normal person here would just stick it on the toaster and always in the exact same place it was sort of like it would clump up and just become this conglomeration of apple stickers that each week I'd go and this conglomeration of apple stickers that each week I'd go and sort of scrape them off and put them in the bin. One day I went away for a week and I came back and it was you almost couldn't see the toast. Did it ever, um, look, did it ever impede the function of the toaster. No, but it just like not. I would that Sam would have liked very nice. No, it's a nice close. Yeah, stainless steel toaster. No, it was just a, it wasn't like the, um, was that the Russell Hobbs that you've, of the mate, John used to have it, was just a came out toaster. Good deep cut, he still has the Russell Hobbs, and still refers to it by name, as if we are all very impressed with the Ferrari of
Starting point is 00:28:07 The same They get that would upset me that would up jack jack jack. Oh, I jack. Oh, I jack. Oh, I boy. He's happy birth month Andy I'm not demanding too many presents He is What have you got Jack? Oh, so it's something that my mom actually does so What have you got, Jacko? So it's something that my mum actually does. So when she's watching the footy, I'll always notice that she watches it on the standard seven instead of seven OHD definition.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Seven OHD. That does frustrate me. Yeah. Do you change it for her, Jack? We always tell her that it's very easy just to get that high definition. If you just add a zero, but she always seems to want to go back to seven. She just knows we're doing the job. She feels so wonderful.
Starting point is 00:29:00 I'm getting the gist of the game. If your mum invited me around, Jack, I'm saying something early in the conversation and if she refused, I'd probably have to watch the rest of the game somewhere else. Do you have viewing preferences as you go over to people's houses? Yeah, once I get there, I swiftly change, but if I've noticed her doing it by herself, it's always on the standard definition. In this channel, throwback. Tell us what you came from yesterday. Nice to meet you.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Nick, what are you? Oh, hi, boys. What have you got to upset, Andy? So, when I put my daughter in the bath, you know, from the tap grabbed the bath plug, but the animal problem is my bath plug is a bit old and it's in about three or four different pieces.
Starting point is 00:29:53 So I kind of just put them together like a bit of a jigsaw plug, which is jamming in the hole. No fouls, I'm concerned. Does it hold the water? Well, not really, but. No fouls for us, I'm concerned. Is it hold the water? Well, not really, but it holds water for about 10 minutes. But it's not having a long bar for 10 minutes anyway. Yeah, that's it.
Starting point is 00:30:17 It's actually a great trick with a kid too, because while they're going, I don't want to get out, I'd be like, well, it's going to get to a point where you've got no choice. Because we've just slowed right in the middle. Oh, great. Um, they're very smart. Just, you know, most plugs are standard size, and you can grab one of those bunnings on the panel.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Uh, Chris, he's got time, and uh, Chris, Chris, Jen, Ohoy, what have you got to have said Andy? Oh, are they? Sorry, I hate the plug one. I know you do. Oh, what have you got to upset Andy? I'm sorry, I hate the plug one. I know you do. I know the question's about to launch, but no, the plug one's really cool.
Starting point is 00:30:54 And those plugs are about two bucks. Or you can even probably just jam. I'd probably just be, if it was me, I'd be jamming Gladwrap or something. No. Well, just to create a seal, the weight of the water would go on. You can have a sock. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Sock is porous. That's why I went Gladwrap. You know, you're trying to see the sock. Maybe it's sock and Gladwrap combo. All much faster than going to the plunk shop. Great question. Question, what have you got to upset, Andy? Yeah, so in my case, what you've set to 24 hour time, but it's backwards.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Yeah, that's what I know. If you were to ask him the time and it's so 9.22 in the morning, he'll respond back saying it's 21, 22. Oh, I mean, I mean, I expect him to do the conversion is. Yeah, I mean, yeah, but that again, no one's for them. That's the beauty when they were coming up with the system of going. Well, a clone of watch. Not like an Apple Watch digital, but like an older style digital.
Starting point is 00:31:54 That's it. I think you can't really set an Apple Watch to the wrong time because they're talking to the internet. But if you just go Cassio, it only knows what you tell it. I don't like that at all. The great system though, Andy, the great system of when humans noticed, look, here's the son, it rises, it hits a peak kind of halfway through the day and it goes down again, but they could have, we could have had like, you know, 24 hours makes some, but the system of going,
Starting point is 00:32:18 let's just use the numbers one to 12, then repeat them again. There's no time you can get confused for the other time. Well, you can if he's got it the wrong way around. No, I mean, if he says it's 9 o'clock, you're not accidentally thinking I am or PM. No, but if he says 21 30, I'm assuming it's at night, but he's not really. Is he really tricking you? If he actually just after breakfast, if he told you it's, you make a point.
Starting point is 00:32:41 He missed the block. If he says 21 30, I'm not going to raise home and get the jammers on. I got nothing done to him. Very cool, Christian. Thank you, Rappi Sapsera. Hi boys. I was very fortunate to recently by my first home with my husband. I used to work weekends at the time, so I wasn't able to go and view the property myself before we bought it. And it was only when we moved in that I realized I made a fatal error in trusting my fast and least husband because I laid down in bed that night,
Starting point is 00:33:17 looked up at the ceiling and realized that none of the trim is cut at a 45 degree angle to create a nice, perfect corner that is simply busted up against each other creating lines which are absolutely not up. Are we talking architraves like in between the wall and the roof? Yeah, the trim or architraves are around the top of the ceiling. No, I mean, no. So when it hits the corner, yeah, okay, this is real block season two stuff. We'll give it a block like this is the all the fuss and this stuff that happened on those houses. Yeah, and we recently did our read it on Master Bedroom and it all had to change. I couldn't live with it. Honestly, I reckon though, this is the fun of buying a house though.
Starting point is 00:33:58 There's always problems. The house you bought, you dream of having a look at race. ones. Um, Amanda, you, the house you bought, you dream of having a look at raised you. Yeah. I just bought a house that I've never seen. Um, right. And he's electric. And he's got bigger problems than that. He's got ghosts in his house. He's going to get rid of it. Right. Right. Right. So as you're lying there in bed, even looking at a roof is a dream. there in bed, even looking at a roof in the tree. We're grateful for what you got around to it. But and a bit of spec filler, you can create your own corners. No, no, no. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Kali's outside just shaking it at this point. She lets a lot go past, but this one's not fair. You would like to have a crack at that. Okay. Sarah, thank you very much. And oh, your girlfriend, Beck. And Jack, to some extent, Eric and Bianca will be into this too. Where do they sit on the idea of good luck charms and the power of a good luck charm or crystal or...
Starting point is 00:35:02 She doesn't really subscribe to those hanging crystal hanging chum but she does have or a kind of vibes like a good candle with the right scent. She did buy one of those light rocks, a rock that you shine light through it. I was gonna like a lamp inside a rock. Yeah, yeah, it's at the opposite end. Bianca not so much but I I do work with Christian Connell, who has put water outside under a full moon to harness the power of the moon.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Whoa. That is a lead. There's my mother-in-law, does that. That's the only other person I know that does that. And she writes gratitude words on the bottle because she believes the water can absorb the feeling of the word. He hasn't done that so he could probably advance.
Starting point is 00:35:43 That Christian does that. He's done it once. Do you tease him about that? I try but it's his show so he's going to only do it. So much without backer. Harder. He's just turned the mic off. We're going jacks. Left the studio. That's more like we know that we can tease him. Yeah, definitely next time you guys are in there, let's go for it.
Starting point is 00:36:03 So one came up this morning. That's good. Good. Am I? One, one came up this morning. I go into the bathroom this morning, zoe's holding up, like a little, a little pendant. I think she goes, have you not put this in your car yet? And I go, oh, suddenly it all comes rushing back to me. Weeks and weeks ago were in Japan, right?
Starting point is 00:36:24 At every temple in Japan, they will sell a variety of lucky charms. But they're specific to different things. So you visit like a lot of the time, it's a shinto temple. And they'll just be the things you can't hang from your rear view mirror or put on your key ring, or they're about key ring size. But they'll be, you know, they've all got Japanese names,
Starting point is 00:36:42 but they're all written in Japanese. But the English translation will be, there might be like 20 of them, and it will be like good health, good luck with your job, focus in exams, sporting performance, water-feel spirits, good luck. So there's one for safe driving. So there's one that literally is like protected driving, okay? So that mean you can drive a little looser. Well, here's the thing. So, so really believes in this stuff right? So we bought about 10 and then we got them to write on the paper bag.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Like, you have to write them because once they're in the bag, you don't know which ones they are. So it was very careful about getting the right ones like, some are for good luck, you know, some are to ward off, some are summer for the house, summer to give us presents and she got a, you got a protected driving charm for each of us. She's obviously put it straight in her car straight away. And has I must have got, yeah, must have, yeah, I'm, yeah, it has no other crash. I must have got mine.
Starting point is 00:37:39 I now remember getting mine like, you know, the night we're back and we're like brushing out teeth or whatever, I'm like, yeah, no, I'll put in my car tomorrow and I've just left it in the bathroom amongst the detritus. And so it's been floating around there amongst like, you know, like a comb and various bits and pieces and she's found it this morning and he's genuinely annoyed because last weekend, last weekend, I took the kid, she had a girl' weekend, and me and the kids went camping. And it was five hours driving each way. And she's like, you did that trip without, like, widening the protected driving thing up.
Starting point is 00:38:15 And I said, well, to be honest, doesn't this prove we don't need it? That's a great point. Because I managed to drive that trip, incident free, uncharmed, like without the power of a spell. And she was like, oh boy. She's like, what you got lucky? Well, but how did I get lucky without a good luck charm?
Starting point is 00:38:36 Like, isn't that the point of the charm? Is to bring luck, maybe I'm the charm. She's not buying it, but do you know this puts me in such an amazing position now. I didn't do this deliberately, but you know, you'll immediately see the zando from like game theory. She's check-mated. We all know the next move. I now immediately put it in my car and hang it up.
Starting point is 00:38:59 And now, like, if nothing happens great, if something happens to me, it's an amazing evidence that the thing doesn't work and I've already proved I did 10 hours in a weekend Uncharm, like you know what you do is back into her cart the same thing. Thank you both. Thank you much, Charm. Thank you very much. We've been over-tapped.

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