Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2023 Ep 214

Episode Date: May 31, 2023

1. Salacious headlines 2. Hamish in the wrong bathroom 3. Precise petrol pumper - Special skill 4. King Andy 5. Doggy daycare ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A least-knife production. Activate your internet. Cause the Hamish and the Podcast starts in three, two. Sorry, still buffering. One. A hoi to me frontal. Hamish. Oh, do not send me down the back.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Ahoj to me, Pryatl. Jack. Oh, I know where we are. Do you know what we are, Jack? No, I don't know. We're lobes of the brain. We are. We are lobes of the brain.
Starting point is 00:00:38 I was going to be the temporal. Oh, nice. Good lobeage. What are we all in? Sharko. I will frontal. Oh, nice, good low-bitch. What are we all in charge of? I will frontal...
Starting point is 00:00:46 Oh, different things. ...frontal personality characteristics and decision-making over to you, him, for that stuff. Thank you. A Prital Jack that's you, object identification and spatial recognition. Very important. Oh, you couldn't get away without it. LAUGHTER You can feel things out.
Starting point is 00:01:05 You get a few bumps on your head, but you're right. You're putting much fun. It's not the best out of perfect system, but it is possible to insult your own. If you wear a helmet, pretty much you're fine. A helmet just... Well, you wouldn't know what one is. If without object detection, you wouldn't know what an helmet is.
Starting point is 00:01:18 To tell you because your frontal cortex is so good, you've got a lot of friends because your personality's amazing. At a temporal short-term memory, some speech and some smell sensors. Some. I mean, I'm in charge of a few words. So you get some, do you? You just get overflow work.
Starting point is 00:01:38 I like to think of myself as at a firm where I'm taking care of the big clients. Yeah, and the big smells. Yeah, I'll write a case. And I like, what are the big smells that you're working on this week? Right, Rose is far, smell of your children. Yeah, exactly. Just the biggies. The biggies, yeah. Yeah, petrally in there just because it's been a danger.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Danger, danger, yeah. Yeah, I think you could live without smell. If I was going to lose a piece of the brain, don't forget I mean, charge a speech as well. Yeah, that's meh, you know, you need Andy. Definitely need speech. And you any short-term memory night. Short-term memory, that's the biggie that you have to handle. Yeah, especially if you've long-term. Especially if we've got reds. But don't turn this plenty of room in there. Plenty of, just view it as you most recent long-term memory.
Starting point is 00:02:23 I would say especially if we're losing Jack, you need speech. We need a short-term memory. I would say especially if we're losing Jack, you need speech. We need a short-term memory. We need short-term memory vitally. If someone's handed you the helmet, because if you're a great person, Ellie, I'm going, now, remember mate, this is the helmet. You're going to need to remember that because otherwise, halfway to putting it on your head, you're like, what am I doing? What's this shallow vase?
Starting point is 00:02:43 We haven't really get delved into whether we need the frontal. No, that, I mean? What's this shallow vase? We haven't really dealt into whether we need the frontal. No, that, I mean, it's great to have friends and to have a good smile. This is making you need otherwise, you like my girlfriend when she's when we're at a restaurant. You're like, all right, this is gonna take forever. But she still eventually gets this, so. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Thank you guys, she has a frontal lobe. I go back. I think it's very intelligible with a fully formed brain that's not ever the subject of life without a frontal lobe. I think what we've learned guys today on this show, we are all in full. Yeah, we're all in full. We've learned what they probably teach you first day of brain surgery school, which is Yeah. We're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're all we're He used the very easy to use system at www.hamishneed.com to upload us what he was up to. Ohui, Hamish and your number six. My name is David and I'm roughly at the halfway point of a thousand odd kilometer trek between
Starting point is 00:03:54 France and Spain. The judo being Easter Sunday, there's not a whole lot of food options available for me today. So for lunch I've got a delicious can of tuna with no cutlery to be used. I do though have two Switzerland's largest exports which I could use as a spoon, one being the trusty reliable safe army knife and the other one being the three pointed sharp edged dangerous sharp-edged, dangerous, top-larone. We shot with jutsu. Oh, man, the second one's sharper. He's caught into jab.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Second one's more dangerous. Don't eat tuna off a top-larone. No way. I be, yeah, I'll be. Yeah, obviously, hadn't tried it. Yeah, because otherwise he would have been tough of my... Because he's tongue off. He's putting top-larone to class two.
Starting point is 00:04:41 He's mouth. We're approaching halfway through the year. And we've played a game at the top, in Turblow and to Clusty, we're the mouth. We're approaching halfway through the year. And we've played a game at the top, where we said, if enough good news comes around to us in the next few months, we'd play again. It's the Salacious Headlines game. Of course, everyone falls for clickbait.
Starting point is 00:04:56 It feels like the only way to report news nowadays is in the worst case, the worst scenario possible being the leading item. So, have you guys got a bit of good news? Yeah, okay. So the way this works is, yeah, we give each have a one piece of good news, and the other two have to spin it into a solid, into clickbait basically. We do negative twist.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Oh, that's lovely. Nothing wrong with that. That's perfect. No, it's not. Wait a second, there is something wrong with that. Salacious headline. Do you actually want to keep it up? Yes, my good news of recent times is
Starting point is 00:05:32 Mom and Dad were actually having trouble selling their car online. So we have bought it off them at a discounted price. Oh, my God. Salacious headline in three, two, one. Okay. You were me, him. I'll have a go. Okay, this is my clickbait.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Long live the king. King Weasel, Jack Post rips off elderly people in stunning act of Weasel cannibalism. Cause it sort of is, he cannibalized your own family with that weaselie. So too much use to the word weasel. That's what that's happening. Well, that is how people know you. But that is how people know you. My head was going to that place as well. Not weasel, the more that Jack posts rips off the
Starting point is 00:06:16 elderly in new vehicle scam. Yeah, that's it. Yeah, that's it. Yeah, but it's definitely not a scam. Well, it is because you've got more value than you deserve. It's definitely not a scare. Well, it is because you've got more value than you deserve. You, not to say that you might not go round to you. Parents, friends are also having troubles. Aunty's uncles. Yeah, silly. Why were you mum and dad selling the car?
Starting point is 00:06:35 They have gone all electric. Right. Okay. And so there's no chance you would sell it back to them later when they realised they want the car. You could clean it, put your seats in or something from pick apart and go, hey, I'll tell you what, I've done it up, but for only five grand more,
Starting point is 00:06:49 I can have a bag, because that would be a great scan. If I write saying him, all of Jack's good news, it's good for him. Involves his parents having a worse time. Yeah, because what was the last one? I think last one was, oh, last one was my mum has retired, and then she could maybe sit in Gordymore.. But I mean that's good for her as well. She gets to spend time with her grandson.
Starting point is 00:07:10 The good news. It isn't interesting your folks. I thought it was meant to be good news for the ladies. It is actually good news for you. But it is interesting that it always, it's just an interesting insight into what you qualify as good. It as always a good deal. Just to go into the blue. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Hey, Mish, what do you got some news? Yes, okay, here we go. Okay, here's my good news. I thought I was going to have to have knee surgery, but then I just talked to the surgeon and the...
Starting point is 00:07:40 Looks like there's good news. There's a non-surgical solution. Right, so I have a avoiding knee surgery. Okay, for now. So Lacea's headline in three, two, one. You want me, Jack? Oh, go. Hamish Blake shows protruding body part to doctors
Starting point is 00:08:02 before claiming to be stronger than medicine. That's good. I was thinking more, Hamish, Blake steals medical consultant time over people in more need. Definitely. Both turns out you didn't need. You're right. You're right. You're right.
Starting point is 00:08:23 You're right. You're right. You're right. You're right. You're right. You're right. What do you think, mate? We're all on the floor. We're all on the floor. We're all on the floor. We're all on the floor. We're all on the floor. We're all on the floor. We're all on the floor.
Starting point is 00:08:32 We're all on the floor. We're all on the floor. We're all on the floor. We're all on the floor. We're all on the floor. We're all on the floor. We're all on the floor. We're all on the floor.
Starting point is 00:08:40 We're all on the floor. We're all on the floor. We're all on the floor. We're all on the floor. We're all on the floor. We're all on the floor. We're all on the floor instead? Thanks for asking. Jack, it's pre-technical. It's a torn meniscus, but they don't operate on those anymore. Are they used to clean out your knee? They've got a lot of... Yeah, like you put your own blood back into it. You get an injection to your knee.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Blood-doping, yeah. Yeah. So put up a sheet of blood. Yeah, it's for Lance Franklin. I think Lance Franklin, buddy Franklin, is... Yeah. So I put up a picture of that one. Yeah, it's for Lantern. I'm sorry. Passion and cyclist. I think Lantern's friend, buddy Franklin, is... Oh, you're...
Starting point is 00:09:09 Don't have no... Well, I'll have to recall him innocent till further details. But yeah, no, that's true. Actually, we could easily go on for Passion at cyclist. It meets two friends that he chooses blood-doping. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:09:22 But it's your own... It's just... Yeah, it's called platelet-rich plasma. So your own red blood cells to help heal the tendons But I think legal in wouldn't it be still no no no in in professional cycling? I don't think so. I thought that's what Lance and the boys were doing was They were put because this is a tiny amount. It's because there's no blood flow to a tendon This is getting really deep and so it like floods it with a bit of blood to help it heal. What were they doing? They were putting their tang out like a leaser of their own blood, then you let it regenerate because obviously you've got like five liters in your body. You take
Starting point is 00:09:52 out a lady, you're going to feel a bit woozy. Don't do it on a race day. You do it, you know, weeks beforehand, freeze that blood, then your body gets back up to five liters. And then before the race you go, and who's this? And you reintroduce the other blood. So now you're at six. Now you're bursting with blood. Really? You're absolutely popping with red blood. And because of red blood, what takes the oxygen to the muscles. That was, and you can't get tested for this.
Starting point is 00:10:13 So how that's your blood? It's feeling when there's an extra... I have no idea. I mean, again, I'm not involved in blood. Yeah, like all of the... Heavy blood. I think it's not good. I mean, the whole reason you ban this stuff is not good for you. Yeah, right. Isn't it and also it's cheating but
Starting point is 00:10:28 all's been but yeah, you definitely be We go Waterban is too full Sit down on the seat too fast down on the seat too fast. You're fucked. Why can't you bend anymore? Like this. Just the marshmallow man.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Just the top two four. You wouldn't need a camping mattress though. You could just lie back when you're off and squeaking every time you made your own beautiful. That's when it became ridiculous. I make wouldn't pedal. But not out of breath, but just couldn't turn it out. Um, my news.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Good news for the Lee Family or Miles family. Here's my sisters now, Miles. My nephew George won Student of the Week at primary school. That's nice. During the week. Jack, all right, here we go. So Lace's headline in three, two, one. TV and radio star threatens to cut funding to schools andy Lee Wing, unless nephew is given
Starting point is 00:11:35 class honor. This is the lie. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding.
Starting point is 00:11:58 I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I am not lying here. That's a big twist. That's a big twist. That's a big twist. That's a big twist.
Starting point is 00:12:09 That's a big twist. That's a big twist. That's a big twist. That's a big twist. That's a big twist. That's a big twist. That's a big twist. That's a big twist.
Starting point is 00:12:17 That's a big twist. That's a big twist. That's a big twist. That's a big twist. That's a big twist. That's a big twist. That's a big twist. That's a big twist. That's a big twist. That's a big twist. That's a big twist. That's a big twist. Um, guys, since we're doing Slatius Headlines, hold off the heels of it.
Starting point is 00:12:29 I'm not proud of this, but I feel it's my duty to do this, just exactly the kind of thing we must share on this podcast. And something happened to me, you don't need a Slatius Headline for this, what happened to me this week, because there's no twisting to be done. It's just a bad thing. Right, so there's no game involved here because as you'll see, the headline writes itself. Has it been printed or have you done something that no,
Starting point is 00:12:53 I'm admitting you want to get ahead of you guys for the first time. So I caught up with a mate the other, for this week, the other day at a one of Sydney's coastal sort of public, like ocean pools. Yeah, right. There's a bunch of those around Sydney. I'm not naming the exact one because I hope to go back. He'd been swimming. I just swung by, passed for a coffee, right? He leaves. It's beautiful morning. I've had a couple of coffees and I'm just on fire, just buzzing through the phone, getting back to people's like nine in the morning. So you're just ripping through emails and just on an absolute heater, you know? I need to be a light this indie jay.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Yeah. Well you don't hear from him for like four or five days. He's like, and then suddenly it's an onslaught. Yeah, you know, you know what I get around to it. I'm not on call. I mean, I'm usually with the kids, so that's why you're like, you just have the glimpses, drop the kids up at school, made a mate. I'm like, all right, here we go.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Fueled by two coffees, get ready anyone that's written to me in the last week because here it comes. So I am loving the productivity, and flying through everything, getting couple of coffees, then I, you know, for anyone that's a heavy coffee drink, you would know the biological reaction that this has in your body, at least.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Some people, yes. Some people know. Some people, yes. That's the project that knows up there. Some people know it gets things moving. It gets you moving. Yes, it gets moving. And what better place to do it than a swimming pool that has change rooms and toilets right there. And my, the, the, the, the year is it.
Starting point is 00:14:17 It's this one of the, because often those open water pools around sitting don't have that picture. Well, this has got a chaos in the abyss. This is where I'm having the coffees. But you're within, you know, you can seek nearby. This is where I'm having the coffees. But you're within, you know, you can see the pools. Is it menacing? You can see the change rooms.
Starting point is 00:14:28 There's amenities. So I'm smashing coffees at the kiosk and enjoying the morning. Now, this is my dream, really, because the worst case scenario is often, when this happens is cafes. Cafes do not understand. There's no air gaping.
Starting point is 00:14:43 The tour's not far enough away from the main, you know, even if you're going to do a gone in 60 seconds, that takes you at the time, but it doesn't help noise and proximity to dining area. So I'm like, oh my god, dream come true. Change rooms. Cos I'm on my phone, just stealing an elite responding mode. I hop up, have a look, because I think I was continuing this on the toilet. There's no reason I'm going to go the toilet, but there's no reason to break this productivity flow. No. Obviously, have a look, yes, I'm going the right toilet, go into the toilet, I'm sitting on the toilet, and I continue my productive morning.
Starting point is 00:15:18 It's probably about five or six minutes later that I hear two voices, and they're women's voices. And I think to myself, that's weird. These women, because they're having a great chat. They've come, they're having such a good chat, they've walked into the boys. Then, because the alternative, I would not like to explore. No, explore.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Yeah. Then I look beside me and I see the sanitary um, yeah, yeah, not too many of those in Benz to it. I get a lot of those in Dunes, toilets. And in fact, I've been to this before and I actually remember thinking as I walked in, I think they've built more toilets in here. Because there was like five cubicles and I remember three. Because there's no urinals in the girls' ando.
Starting point is 00:16:02 I don't know if you've ever been in there, but I don't have urinals in there. So I'm now sitting here. That's been the, because I'm a urinal in the girls' ando. Don't know if you've ever been in there, but that'll have urinals in there. So I'm now sitting here. That's been the, because I'm a urinal player. That's been the, Not for booze. No, for booze. For the cost of bored.
Starting point is 00:16:12 What a player. For the cost of bored. What a player. For the cost of bored. I, that's been the time where I have been on my phone and I've gone into females and I immediately realize and get out there. So I know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:16:24 But let me just be, let me just run you through what's going on the program of my brain here. Not only am I in the girls, toilets. I'm in the girls' change rooms and toilets. It's very different at a pool as opposed to just a toilet. Peeping happens. When I walked in, there was no one in there. What's that meant?
Starting point is 00:16:43 You could be a peeping tom if you were. That's where peeping happens. Yes. There was no one in there when I walked in, there was no one in there. What's that meant? You could be a peeping tom if you were. That's where peeping happens. Yes. There was no one in there when I walked in. All right. Because it's like just after nine week day. I know here, there's two women in here. That's that going, uh-oh, uh-oh. What do I do? Do I wait this out? After. Well, then they both hop in the cubicles. And so I start going, okay, now I'm hearing sounds. And I was already sure of where I was, but it was like, okay, that's confirmed. Okay, what do I do?
Starting point is 00:17:14 What do I do? As quick as I can, boom, I'm up, I pause at the door. I had my jumper loose because I'd taken my jumper off. I put it over my head. Okay, well, just to be like, I have to look to get out, but I don't want to see anything as I'm leaving. To try and hide.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Like I was going, coming out of course. Yeah, coming out of course. So you can actually sit for safety at foot level for your step in your phone, but you're not gonna see anything in a proof of it. I knew the way to get out. But I also, I know I was like, do I just yell out? I'm so sorry, I made a mistake. There's a man in here, there's a man in here, there's a man in here,
Starting point is 00:17:51 if you recognize the voice, if you recognize the voice. James Jeff, I've done about this. So I go, well don't do that, because what if it's just these two women who I now know are both in the cubicle doing their thing, but they're not going to be in there forever. If I start yelling out there's a man in here, there's a man in here. There's no one in the church, you're my area. You know, you've called it out for no reason. So I take the gamble of not yelling out there's a man in here, there's a man in here. I have the jumper over my head perp style, quickly open the door, quick as I can just start making a b-line out,
Starting point is 00:18:27 and I see feet. Right? In the change room area, it's like a standard, you know. Yeah. Standard, like benches around the side, blockers and stuff. I see feet to my left from under there, kind of the ham of my jumper. And those feet with the knee, the change room area,
Starting point is 00:18:44 they're not feet under a store. Yes, so there's someone standing there, thankfully the feet are pointing away from me. Oh. So, they may know. Whoever it is must be facing the wall, that's all I know. But then I see underpants drop to the floor. So I go, okay, there's someone there.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Like a PG feel. Yeah. That's all I see, because I can only see from the back of the knee, yeah. And this is all happening in a split second, because I am moving. And I almost hit my shin on like one of the bends, is what I managed to get out of there. I am sure that person was facing away to get changed. And I don't think they, unless there was someone else in the change, I don't think there was.
Starting point is 00:19:24 I think I could see most of the floor from under my canopy of shame. I think I got away with it. Do you, do you leave straight to the car? Oh, mate. I flew out of there. And here's the problem. Yeah, no, I was just out gone. Just off, off, I'll find, I'll, I just must get away. Because also as soon as you come out the door, you just imagine that everyone in a 50 meter vicinity is staring at the change room exit. It's going in. And if women's women's women's women's women's that goes in the women's. And then the ladies are the two in the stores.
Starting point is 00:19:55 All the one getting changed may have seen you. So you're better off not lingering if they're coming out looking. Run run run. I actually had to so here's the thing, as I'm going, I was like, how have I done that? Do you know what had happened? The end of the, this twisted to a W? No, this particular change room
Starting point is 00:20:14 uses the male, female stick figure system. But to be funny or creative, the male is the male silhouette you would see on a toilet and in white and then in very, very faint light blue has some speedos on. And the female is the same male silhouette but in very, very faint light blue has a tail wrapped around the body under the armpits like a woman might wrap a tail around themselves getting out of the shower and a tail around the head. To a glance, that's still the traditional male silhouette. They've just dressed it up with some characteristics that are stereotypically how a woman would behave
Starting point is 00:20:53 getting out of the shower. So I'm not a hundred percent fault here. You're on it. Just because you've tried to be funny and this is what happens. Don't try me for the time. Keep that bit. Do a different sign that's funny. If you want to do a funny, do a funny poster inside if you want to have a laugh. You got to keep, you got to keep the sign edge. Very good. For people that are in a productive flow off the back of two coffees who might suddenly need to do a poo, okay? Because you're not helping us.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Ah! I'm an innocent man. I'm an innocent man. I'm an innocent man. I'm an innocent man. Hey, we are the show, the one stop shop for anyone who has a special skill that wants to be recognized.
Starting point is 00:21:44 You just hit us up, hamishnery.com, where the forum, if you to shop that skill, and if you're good enough, it'll be formally recognized with a coin. And Hamish is a coin. Give anolog currency. Jesus, teard to Bitcoin. Yes.
Starting point is 00:22:01 But and feel free to exchange it for a Bitcoin. Should you find a seller? By that. That bad in. By our sorry. You are the seller. I don't know why you would ever sell. I we recommend holding on for dear life watching it go to the moon.
Starting point is 00:22:15 However, should you wish to sell the old hand machine and coin we attribute the value of a Bitcoin to it. That's just our call. Yeah. That's how valuable we see them. We're not buying them back on. We're not taking we will give you a Bitcoin to change it back's just alcohol. That's how valuable we see them. We're not buying. We're not taking we will give you a Bitcoin changeback. We don't want it back. That's yours. You earned it. Yeah. It wouldn't be right for us to take it back.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Should you find a third party buyer? Yes. That's the price we recommend you charge. Yes. To clarify that after a slightly issue from too easy. I'm Craig Saunders once he's hand on one of the H&A coins. He writes in, I can get the petrol to the whole dollar 100% of the time on any pump. So when he's filling up with petrol, that's what he can do.
Starting point is 00:22:56 He joins us now from a petrol station nearby with radio, mic or podcast mic next film, Craig. Oh, what are you? Oh, what are you boys? How are we going? Mate, we are good. We understand that we actually come in to pull this off, this special skill, but you've already come in with a full tank. So there's been a bit of rearranging of cars, etc.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Does it matter what car you're sitting in your car? Yeah, you're in my car. Wow, it must be very nice. What are we talking just to Toyota Echo, Mazda 2? What is it? Oh, I don't know anything better than my car. Yeah, do you know is there a brand visible or is it just? No. No.
Starting point is 00:23:34 I'm not brand of car. Good on you, Ando. A clean skin. Supporting small business and he's gone for a clean skin car. Well, it's a very similar with wines. There's a lot of money that's way this Labeling and stuff if you can find a clean skin car you save money but get the same result That's absolutely looks looks like a very expensive out of you in fact a clean skin And it would have paid no more than $800 for
Starting point is 00:24:04 Craig When did you discover you could do this skill and can you do it on any car? I can do it on any car. I remember I first discovered the skill. I was camping with a mate and we were in the car and he goes, it's your turn to fill up on petrol. It gives me a $50 bill. Anyway, a minute's passed. I get back in the car, he looks at me and goes, uh, change. I said, what change? Keep driving. And scene.
Starting point is 00:24:31 What a... What a great... What a move. Now that's it. That will be a classic moment in the friendship for a long time, but go. Yeah. Now, I mean, it's less about the car, isn't it? It's more about the pump.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Yeah. Can you do it across all types of petrol, diesel and leather? For some flow far. I know there's high flow diesel for trucks, but like, there's, yeah, like there's different petrols go at different speeds. Yes, they do. I find that BP goes a bit quicker than Ampoll. You just got to be aware of that when you're trying to get to the whole nearest dollar. Where have we got you at the moment? I'm currently sitting in front of an ampole land. Okay. Lower Less familiar
Starting point is 00:25:11 Much like in like in cricket the slowables often the one that I'm does you so you've got it You know, I'll rate this if you can if you can land these on the on the perfect dollars with slowables Craig We thought we get you to stop at four different dollar amounts today, at 10 bucks, 15 bucks, 20 bucks, and 25 bucks. If you get three out of four completely on the dollar, even though you say you can do it 100% every single time, any pump,
Starting point is 00:25:41 you'll get yourself a coin, because we think this is hard. We want it exactly on the dollar. So yeah, $10 a month and unfortunately we'll cut it. Craig, we also want to ask, is this slowing down of a pump? Or are you going from, you know, you're putting the brakes on hard? I would like a three pump buffer. Yeah, okay. So you might do it like this. Done. And there's on $10, exactly. Okay, and then we pick it up again. 15 and 15. Yeah, perfect. Okay. Okay. Love this. Now, so we're going to do additional here. So the main flow and then two adjustments to come into land.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Yeah, exactly. Craig. Hello. And, ando, we, what we're going to do, I think, is we're going to give the phone to podcast Mike and Mike will commentate. Now, there was some discussion in here about, oh, hang on, can you have a phone? You're a pet at the, at the servo. I say yes.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Um, it was, it was phone. Well, that's there's that. And I've noticed that my local server, it used to have the picture of the phone in a red circle with the arrow through it, with the line through it, which we all interpret as that's banned. Now they've actually changed a sign to please don't use your phone. Oh, so it's not going to be a good way of showing up. So it's like, oh, okay, so it's one of the manners things. It's a good place. Who's used to be in law, but now it's a preference. Oh, if it's a, okay, if it's a preference, no, thank you, but thank you for us.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Thank you. Craig, we were going to play the opener for your challenge as you get yourself out of the car and hand the phone to Michael, see on the other side of it. Yeah, perfect. And hitting the dollar, dollar, dollar is what we need. Just three times out of four goes will give Craig the victory. And it's not enough time for you guys to see yourself out of the petrol park. It was excellent. We might just need another minute or two.
Starting point is 00:27:59 We're not playing any minute. Who are you in a minute for? We were just familiarizing ourselves with the car. Right. Diesel, diesel, diesel, diesel, diesel. Diesel, diesel, diesel. Diesel, diesel, diesel, diesel. Clean skin cars can be confusing, no riding on any of the buttons, no markings on any of
Starting point is 00:28:17 the gauges. It's just simply a dial. So you obviously don't have the little arrow next to the petrol pump. Because that'd be a fancy, fancy feature found on one of the... upmarket branded cars. We're just parking now by the... Is it called a balzer? Yeah, it is. It is.
Starting point is 00:28:36 I know you only use that word in Mario terms, but it also does have a real world application. Hey, Mike, what's your take on Andy's car? Give us a quick rundown and what do you see? What's it like in there? It's actually like a smoothie container that's full of rubbish, which I wasn't a bit gross, but it's also very neat.
Starting point is 00:29:00 It's compactive, it's all in there, don't you? I got a smoothie on the way in here and Beck had used the car before me, so I clicked it, her rubbish, put it inside a smoothie container They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They'll knock. He's going quite fast. I'll speed it up. He's just about to start for the $10 amount here. So here we go. Okay. Okay. Lollily creeping up three, four, five, six. He's going to want to slide it down very soon. I take, okay, he's got, okay, okay, well he didn't give me a chance. He's gone over by eight, Ben. No, he's already gone. He's already gone.
Starting point is 00:29:54 He's on a slow novel too. Didn't sound that slow though, did it? I was going quick. So he went, he stopped at 9.72 for eight, and then he did another push and got from 10-01. And then for some reason you're pushed again, he's just 7%. That's it. But he's over accommodated, so he's going to keep going.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Yeah, let him know you need three from three here. You know what we should do, because I'm worried, I'm not sure how much the tank is left, because I'm worried we can run out of room, and it was so quick. Yeah. So, why do, because I think it's gonna be tough for him to start up and get to 15. Do we give him two more guys, Ham, and do 20 and 30? And if you get to two from two, we give him.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Have you noticed here, Jack, since the show is paying for this petrol van, as in Christy and Adam, petrol, he's getting it? I've never thought the whole thing would say, that's the first of two. You know what's annoying, Jack. He's seething. Jack is a robably roadies bike in today. He is fearing at this free petrol stunt.
Starting point is 00:30:51 We're going to 20. We're going to 20. Two more attempts. He needs two from two. OK. OK, you need two from two. You're going to 20 dollars here. Right.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Take it away. All right, it's got 13 heading quickly to 14. That's 15. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option.
Starting point is 00:31:20 It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option. It's like a option Oh, 22 cents. Really unfortunate. 10 litres of petrol. And that's another conversation about the price. We're two cents over. And I know you're in a tough spot, because we all want to hear him get it. And you don't want to be the one that asks for the extra five litres of petrol.
Starting point is 00:31:42 But I'll ask for it. Let's go to 30, just to see if you can get it. He wants to go to 30 on one pump, no buffer of the three full and if he gets it 30 on the market, then he can have one coin going for that and good luck. Yeah, one coin coin at 30, no additional boughs of pumps on the knocker go for it. Okay, ready, go. Oh, are you actually, but it's not working, which is possibly in the case of tankers fall. We are not able to get any more pressure in through the car. Yeah, I think the tank's full.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Is there a Jerry can you could fill up? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Get a Jerry can like, we up? No, Jerry can here. Get a Jerry can like. We may as well. We all want to hear it. Fill up that smoothie cup. Just put Craig back on.
Starting point is 00:32:32 I wouldn't have got that in my car. Could have done it all day. Oh, boys, how are we? Well Craig, never say you can do that again. Yeah, I'll probably want. Thank you very much for coming in though. We'll give you a token of no value. All right, thank you very much. I'll put some value on it.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Mate, do you reckon though in your heart would you have absolutely stopped it at the 30? I absolutely would have stopped it at the 30. I felt it. I'd got a feel for the ample pump. These all is a bit faster, but I absolutely would have got it on at 30. Give it to him, I reckon. He sounds so confident, Andy. He sounds so sorry. Sorry, guy. Yeah, you.
Starting point is 00:33:13 I just thought you were going to get 14. Okay, thanks, mate. Oh, thank you, boys. Boys, something occurred the other day that just got caught in the net of my brain and I went, okay, I think I need to discuss this with the group. Now, there might be a really simple explanation. Might be deemed by one or more of you as sort of a no contest, nothing to see here. Yep, move on. But I feel at least one of you will say, no, there is something to see here. Let's not move on. Let's not move on. Just get, let's dig a little bit deeper on this to get a satisfactory explanation. But and don't,
Starting point is 00:34:03 a little bit deeper on this to get a satisfactory explanation. But Andy, it relates to a conversation we were having on Saturday night. We're hanging out and we're just having some chats. There was a story we you were telling about an incident with Beck, your partner, and we're trading back and forth just having a chat about life. And you relate to me, you did an impression of her calling you. And when you do your impression of her calling you, you did the whole conversation as her. And you started by using the nickname to you, you claim she uses for you. And you did the conversation and you said,
Starting point is 00:34:47 so Beth calls me and she goes, oh, King, I've done something. Nothing to see. You know, you played it plenty to see. What? There's nothing to see. Nothing to see. I have the loudest record scratching my head.
Starting point is 00:35:01 I land, what was that? You and Beck have been together for what? Like, composure from you in the moment. I can not just show you cards. Far out, you're talking about. Just, you just, my legs went weak. I was slipped out of my chair. So much blood was going into my mouth
Starting point is 00:35:19 just out of my mouth from saying anything. I went, what? What's that? How long have you been back then together? Is it eight years? Never have I heard that, and I was like, so much is going on here. I've never heard that this king as a nickname
Starting point is 00:35:36 from the herd of you. And I suspect if I had to figure out what's going on here, it's like why include it in the story to tell me because I think people with the nickname King is always self-appointed. They're always self-appointed and you're trying to get a bit of frequency up here in telling me a story where you say she calls you King. I mean, I don't call him just anything. I mean, it's pretty simple how it all came about. Yeah, I demanded it.
Starting point is 00:36:11 And I wouldn't talk to him until he did it. During our love of Game of Thrones, I used to say, you know, we'd have a cup of tea or a drink and I'd go, would you like cup of tea, my queen? And then she would say, you know, we just have a cup of tea or a drink and I go, would you like cup of tea, my queen? And then she would say, my king, because that happened all the time in game of throwing us, yeah. And then it went from my king, my queen, to just queen and king or king, boy, and she's queen e-gale. So that's why I've never heard you call her queen. No, but I'm not going gonna do it in front of you.
Starting point is 00:36:45 What you did in front of me when it was you being called king. I'd never problem with that. I wouldn't have probably done that, but I was, it was an exasperation moment where Beck was calling me, amen I will have an excavation with. I don't know, I mean, king, as a, as a,
Starting point is 00:37:03 I just feel like it's the kind of thing that you would have gone to great lengths to keep it going. Have you ever signed off things as king? To her. Mm-hmm. I will never say king, but I will say, Kingy Boy. So you want to keep it going. You're keeping it going.
Starting point is 00:37:17 You're keeping it going. People don't sign off their nickname. Because usually the nickname you have from your partner is not like it's not of the ilk of King, it's not the highest rank. My nickname from Zoe's Puss. So I was just joking for Pusscat because the joke was I was the second cat of the house before I got buzzing because I was always just sort of lounging around not not really doing that.
Starting point is 00:37:42 So I was thinking about me Albert who got fed and then just walked away and then you had a English who laid around and got fed occasionally. And I did outrank the real cat, I think that eventually. You've been, you've approved my worth around now. But so I'm never, I'm never signing off. No. See you tonight, Puss. I've got, my nickname the low status. Yes. So that tells me the signing off as
Starting point is 00:38:08 king. Is someone trying to keep the brand out there? Jack, what are your thoughts? Yes, in reminds me of Jack was definitely to see. There's something to see. It reminds me of when I first started working in radio and I had sitting with what I called the daytime jocks who don't do much of a show but they just talk about the music. And they go from one, they just go from one song into the next song. I love the daytime. And people don't often know the daytime people's names who call in a trombone competition. So true, Jack, that is the home of the self appointed.
Starting point is 00:38:42 So what happens is I saw them, they record behind the scenes, you know, while they're in another song, like, all right, Annie, you've won the prize and she's like, whoo, whoo, whoo, he goes. And can you say, Irod was the guy who has seen the Irod and he's like, all right, Annie, can you do that again, but say, thank you, Irod. I have seen day time, jog that rerecorded and out. So they went to include whether it's Harley Dave in the afternoon. That is exactly what Andy's doing with the old sign off of like a Speaking. Hey, question for you.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Could help out Jack in the future as well. Well, then I'm very excited to help. When you were putting Sunny and Rudy into daycare back in the day, yep, for school, was there any, ever an interview process to allow them to start at that particular daycare? I have, you hear of this happening. Our ones were pretty, you know, how tall, you know, are they really two? Yeah, they're really two. I suppose your kids didn't really, because they had to time off, okay.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Weed out any, yeah, one month old, or ten year olds going in who haven't fitted into school, which is pretend they're both. No, you do, It's an American thing. I feel like I've seen it in movies and stuff. It's like a New York thing where it's like you have to do your interview to get into the proper preschool. They interview the parents or the baby? The parents. I think. But they also maybe get a little idea of how the kid fits in. I think, but never came up for us. But it's like, I'm sure there's like a, you know, serage, like a parker movie and stuff where the,
Starting point is 00:40:31 the upper east side parents are freaking out because they want to get their kid into the right preschools. They can get into the right thing. We'll get this. We wanted to put Henry in the dog. Henry, I thought, to have a new doggy. This doggy, doggy, no, let you.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Well, I just wanted use dog and LSU. Well, I just wanted to let see the bar to go, if they're not doing it for humans. Yeah, I should do that for dogs. To a new doggy taker, they said, you bring her past for an interview. Right. Well, you know, often it wouldn't sound unusual
Starting point is 00:41:00 for the first day, like when you do take LSU, and took Rudy to take her, she was three. And I'll just give her a pigsy to eat. Well, I'd lost her to the teachers just so she wouldn't scratch too much. Because I didn't want that. I didn't, yeah, I'll write. I didn't want to teach us knowing she had fleas. The interview wasn't with us.
Starting point is 00:41:17 So you drop off Henry. Yeah. So we've got to go to the interview and I said, well, I'm not, what do you mean? We don't have to interview. You'd have a dog in a daycare center because no, they're very specific about what dogs they allow. Is it? What do they do? You like to watch the interview? No. So I don't know. I bet you this cost money. This is great. This gave the dog a brush. Right. You know, I contemplated putting a little power suit on Henry. I didn't know what to do, but I said, okay, off you go. She went in and then they
Starting point is 00:41:52 say to you specifically, it's a three hour process. Three hour. So you're not allowed to stay the whole day. So you're only allowed to have that the docky daycare for a small amount of time. And then basically you took, back to her in, she said, this is Henry, you know what I mean? Oh, nice to meet you, Henry. Great, we'll let you know how she goes. And off they went. Right.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Did you get it, like, how did she go? Oh, she got accepted. Red and white. Oh, great. I see. Which probably light a bit on her resume. I felt a failed multiple choice, but she got in. Is it, and so, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:42:24 They're doing. Well, is it, and so what do you mean? I do it. Well, is it a compatibility thing with the other dogs? I would assume there's other dogs involved. They don't say interview. Yeah. If it is just, if it is just them with Henry in a room, pacing back and forth asking you questions, then you would raise eyebrows at that. Yeah. But is it just to see if she gels with the other dogs?
Starting point is 00:42:44 I'd imagine so. And then? It's harder to send a dog in for an interview than it would be for a kid, because at least with a kid you might have a chance if they're like four of wording them up. Yes. You know, something just to be like, hey, you know, just say, please, and thank you, or something that could give a better bit of an edge, bit of an edge, but you can't word the dog up.
Starting point is 00:43:05 So I went in, picked up Henry. They said, this is now, she's been accepted, accepted. I'm going to pick up Henry. I said, just out of interest, you know, everything going fine. They said, oh, yeah, we love having Henry. I said, if you ever not accept a dog, yeah, this is what we want to know. And they were, yes.
Starting point is 00:43:19 And we also can kick them out. So what is this place? I said, what's the point? What happened? What do you mean? And she said, we had to expel a dog last week. It was a cat. Someone snuck in a cat with a bone tied around its neck. It beat another dog. Okay, and I'll have to do that. Out though. And this is the closest and kind of only kind of urban one. Sorry. If Henry got Biss, would you want that dog expelled? The other dog? Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 00:43:48 There you go. That's whatever one wants. Mob rule. contribute at www.heimritionandy.com

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