Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2023 Ep 215

Episode Date: June 7, 2023

1. Croc bombshell 2. Rudy playing Fruit Ninja 3. Only 19 4. Power moves 5. Picking the chocolate bar - special skill qualifying round ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A least-knife production. Activate your internet. Cause the Hamish and the podcast starts in three, two. Sorry, still buffering. One. A hoi to me under the gun, Hamish. Ooh, I don't mind being under here. It shows the fire.
Starting point is 00:00:31 It's nice and safe, to be honest. Like when small fish hang underneath sharks. Yeah, yeah. If I need the gun, I know where it is. A lot of it in front of it. Yeah. Ahoi to me cut off. Jack. Oh, bad life, Jack. Not nearly. to me cut off, Jack.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Oh, bad like Jack, nearly. Not me, nearly. Nearly made the team. LAUGHTER Nothing, mate. I'm the the guy and then cut off. We're not types of shorts, are we? LAUGHTER
Starting point is 00:00:59 I'm the button. I thought that might give you a clue, yeah. The button? Yeah. Whoa. I mean, is it something to do with sewing? No. It's what's another...
Starting point is 00:01:10 The button. ...pated your house. You made a jacket up for it. That has a button in it. Meaning you made a jacket for this sport. Years ago. Um... Hey, Mish, made a jacket.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Table tennis. You're in the realm. Um... I made a jacket for this sport. You were a visor with drop. Oh, yeah, okay. Here we go. Sorry, yeah, poker. Poker. Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Oh. We had positions at the poker table. Positions at the poker table. Under the gun, the player to the immediate left. The one, yeah. Of the big blind. Ah, the cut off. You were given the seat speech the direct right of the
Starting point is 00:01:45 Jailer. Jax doing the classic oh yep no no. Well yeah both to be fair we're both doing it but it's when you when there's one that comes up that you feel you should have got because Jack was actually trying to organize a polka night. Yeah the night. And now he's saying it with shame because he's like I guess they didn't deserve to organize a pol coconut. And now he's saying it with shame because he's like, I guess I didn't deserve to organize a coconut because I forgot what the button was. LAUGHTER
Starting point is 00:02:10 Great sapper. Hoi also to Rupert from Melbourne who used the very easy to use system. He actually got come to upload some audio. What he'd been up to. Hoi boys and Jack got a bit of a technology grite. My work has recently bought a technology gripe. My work has recently bought a few new cars and every time I get in the screen says,
Starting point is 00:02:29 now connecting to your IP. Now my girlfriend reckons that IP probably just stands for iPhone but I reckon she's just trying to let me feel good about myself. So since you boys have definitely lost touch with the common man and have screens in your personal cars Must be nice I was running a fame when you get in your screen says now collecting to your SP or Andy IP or Jack when you get into your screens say now connecting to your WP weasel P
Starting point is 00:03:01 This would be great love the pod keep it up Some folk songs should be great. Love the poet, keep it up. Oh, I'm going to try and joke, because everyone instantly got a picture of a very thin, nasty, I think weasels could be like the size of a weasel, maybe you mean, like a full weasel. Alright, so it's got teeth and claws. Oh, well, hey, you can answer that. Yeah, no, absolutely. First thing it does. Yep, same.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Well, the car, the car, as soon as I sit down, it first of the goes, error, error, you know, suspension overload. And then I have to switch the car to towing mode. So it's got heavier suspension. And then the car kind of boots up. And on the dash says, come on, it's the bike and it just nods at me and I get, you don't need to say it. Trying to put it behind you.
Starting point is 00:03:53 I would just like to open the back doors so you can put it behind you. Hopefully we've cleared that up. You would be famous in his life. Commusations. Commusations on the ID. I mentioned the other day that I'd been up to Darwin, top of Australia. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:04:16 And then you're going to, you're going to give it a great, a great tale. There was two crock jumping tours. One was called the original crock jumping tour. And one was called spectacular crock jumping tours. One was called the original crock jumping tour, and one was called spectacular crock jumping tour. And we thought that it must have been a situation where the original started out as just crock jumping tour. Yep.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Spectacular came along and did a very good job of naming its tour. And kind of trumped them with an adjective. Yes. And then we went, okay, we didn't know we were playing that game. And then we have to trump them back. And they've gone back and they've gone with original to try and wrestle back the naming.
Starting point is 00:04:54 That was our speculation. It's the only way it could happen because if you were opening a one of a kind to her, you would never think to call it original first. Yes. Without competition. And you could never call it original if you were second to market. Because you're first. Yes. Without competition. And you could never call it original if you were
Starting point is 00:05:05 second to mind because you're not. Yes. Joining us now is Bill. He, I'm not sure if he lives up there. He just says he knows some stuff. And so, uh, how do you, Bill? A high boys. Bill, are you located up and down at the moment? Mate, I lived in about 10 minutes from the Jumping Crocodile Cruiser about 16 years before I moved my parents are still up there at a place called Corrobory just past it. Yeah, they've got eyes on the tour daily. Yeah. So they would literally drive past it daily.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Okay. Can I just clarify for someone that hasn't been on the tour and I know you have, there's obviously the office where you book and then you go out on the tour somewhere else. No, the office is right next to the river. It's on the river. Yeah, it's like a pontoon. You walk onto like a pontoon and the boat's sitting there. What's the proximity of the offices to each other, or the like the kiosks to each other?
Starting point is 00:05:59 As the crow flies, probably three quarters of a kilometer. Sure, right. At the river? Yeah. Right. Okay, so they're Sure, right. Up the river? Yeah, right. Okay, so they're not, could they see each other? They can't see each other. Yeah, no, you can see each other. Okay, if you look on one boat, you could see the other boat.
Starting point is 00:06:13 It's on the other side of the bridge. I hear what you're saying. You can, I see, I see what you mean. But you couldn't see the office because it'd be hidden away. Not the other office spot on. Okay. I actually think this is very, are you fine this helpful Jack? Yeah, I've got a very official picture of it now.
Starting point is 00:06:29 So there is a big bridge and there's one side of it is the original on the right hand side if you're coming out of Darwin on the left hand side spectacular. Is it kind of understood then that one of them only goes kind of south the bridge and the other one just works north of the bridge? Spot on. And how do they get to that arrangement? Well, I don't think to be quite honest on a bit tight, you're never going to get the boat under the bridge anyway. Okay, I think that's the smart way to do it. So similar to it, English
Starting point is 00:07:00 soccer games is a big fence separating the two. I was actually thinking more north south Korea. There's a border where they look across, but no one interacts with the other side. Is that the feeling? Is that the fall? I mean, so let's get one thing off because I've had a few emails by side, the fence two where Andy suspicions have been confirmed. From what I've seen here, we're people saying yes, the ease of rivalry between the two croc jumping businesses. Look, there's not, I wouldn't say it's a rivalry, but it's not like, like, it's not a dictatorship where you're going to go and like, someone's going to get shot for crossing the line, like,
Starting point is 00:07:35 it's not going to happen like that. In saying that, there definitely would be a, like, you don't come on my turf, I don't go on your turf, there's an understanding. It's like the DMZ, like you're just, you're just, you're not crossing the line. Bill, have you been on both tours? I have. Which one is the most spectacular? Well, look, I'm not, I'm not biased in it. It's, my mum actually worked on spectacular for like seven or eight years. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:03 So, I did. Do you have a slide box? I mean, there is some skin in the game here. Look, they both provide great services. In my, this is just my opinion, obviously not factual here. They both provide great services. Spectaculars has its way. Obviously, they cover a lot of terrain with small boats, whereas
Starting point is 00:08:27 Andy on the original, obviously originally, is it touch more expensive? Andy must be nice. Well, as I said, I got a Lewin in by spectacular the game, but it was sold out. So I then went to the original. Oh, I was. There's that like much time was lost consulting the finances and into the decision? I mean I just sort of waited for two hours, later to save $3. But I mean obviously it must be nice. It must be nice to have that $1.50 an hour kind of cash. It must be nice. It must be nice.
Starting point is 00:09:02 I have done well. Well we. Well we. And I. Wow, we. Wow, we are so great. The territory is so grateful of that Victorian money. You can just come up here and be hoesed around. Yeah. So Bill, you think spectacular because it's got smaller, more maneuverable boats, allows them to get to areas that may be more spectacular than the original.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Absolutely. And the big thing that you notice obviously, you've gone to the original one, again, must be nice. And it is common knowledge. If you do a little bit of research, you would notice that the original fun fact is not actually the original. Oh, hang on a sec, this is much. Hang on a on a second. So is spectacular the original? Spectacular is the original. Then what is going on with the original, calling themselves the original? So you'll notice and you can actually look this up on both of their websites if you want. So the in the mid-70s, as when Spectacular started, just by a guy that was originally a crock hunter, he was out taking his friends out and that's how it originally
Starting point is 00:10:11 started. That was in the mid-70s and then I put in quotes, the original started in about 1985. So there's about eight to ten years difference. But what is making them say they're the original? Your guess would be as good as mine. Bill, can I just clarify something? You said it started with this guy taking his mates to do it. Were they the first one to go hang on?
Starting point is 00:10:36 We should charge people for this. Or was it taking? I would think so, yes. Who was ticketed first is the question. So they could be the, like, if you're just just building a like going on a roller coaster with your mates and then you move, must be not. I'm in the roller coaster in the back yard. And then obviously your victory, your victory, your victory money must be doing a right for you.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Yeah, very much, very nice. Actually, you build Disneyland for yourself. We should charge for this. We should charge for this. I suppose that's what's happened. Hang on. But I, aren't you saying Bill, that the spectacular guy was going out with these mates in the 70s? Correct. So he was taking friends out to show them what the crocodiles look like in their natural habitat. Yep. Just get him just jump like that. And then obviously the jumping is coming at a later point. So we don't know when the jumping started. Correct.
Starting point is 00:11:25 That's the only thing you need to work out. Is it possible? I just want to be like, I better go. Is it? You get the sense of pill, no, it's too big. You don't want to ruin the fun first. Okay, is it possible that so the spectacular guy goes out in the 70s, but he's just looking at Crocs.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Then the original people go out in the mid-80s, even though they're sort of 10 years late to the concept of taking a boat out to be near a crocodile, they might have got the croc to jump first. And that's why they're calling themselves the original jumping tour. But spectacular still were doing it earlier. They, of course, back in those days, before you knew about jumping, still spectacular to see a crocodile in the wild. That's true. That's exactly right. I think it's caught a spectacular jumping croc tour. Yeah, it is. But then once jumping was discovered, I'm saying Andy in the 80s, jumping was discovered. Yes, exactly. The croc tour has added jumping to theirs. But original were like, yeah, but we were the original jumpers. You guys might have had
Starting point is 00:12:22 boats out there earlier, but you didn't know about jumping. And we're that's we're that's true. That could be true. Bill, thank you so much. Let's so we need to we need to know when jumping was discovered really to get to the bottom of this. Yes. Am I going to have to do some more research and check back in? Is this the thing? That's better than us doing it. But if you could come back to us and tell us how they're held or give us a second to market. Yep. Can name themselves the original of something. That's probably where our most interest is. I'm going to have to go back to my mother who's incredibly skill in this area of expertise. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Well, can I just throw another cat in the, well, another chicken in the river here? There's, I got an anonymous tip that came in my side of the fence. She says, look, I work in the church in the river here. I got an anonymous tip that came in my side of the fence, she says, look, I work in the territory in the tourism game and they are big rivals, these two companies. Yeah. We've got a trade show each year and they have to separate them so there's no beef. So they have to be a part and it's all the goss in the New Northern Territory Tourism Association. And sometimes it says here, if you use one, you cannot use the other. So like if you're booking tours for one, one of them will be like, well, if you're using original,
Starting point is 00:13:31 you just, you're absolutely cooked up with spectacular. Wow. And GC6 signed up by saying, classic territory fun. Okay. Bill, thank you very much. We'll obviously, if anyone, if you've got any more information, HamishNeed.com and we're going to need to find out
Starting point is 00:13:47 where this goes and how deep it goes. Thank you, Bill. Thanks, guys. See ya. And, uh, Jackie Boy, I don't want to get too far ahead of ourselves here, but if we get to the bottom of this, right? And there really is this beef. And it does feel very north and south Korea.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Wouldn't it be an incredible feather in the hat of the Hamish Andy show if we could travel to the territory and negotiate a peace deal? Bring peace to the region, eat peace to the territory. Wouldn't that be huge? That would be one of that. That's our best shot at a Nobel Peace Prize. Like bringing down the Berlin Wall, do we bring down the bridge? I know, you need that. I think we can do it. It's one of them.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Anyway, and the last thing we've got to say is, may the bridge forever be down. What are you doing? That's our bringing you, my girls. It was Jack's idea. Jack, Jack, that would be a cool photo. It was Jack's idea. It was Jack. Jack's got to be cool, Fano. Let's make sure we're on one, not on the same side of it. Ranges the...
Starting point is 00:14:53 Andy, Andy's going... I think we better go to the airport and we'll figure it out. Guy idea, right? Oh, it could happen. How do you have it, great. Oh, it could happen. I've got a bit of a blast from the past here mixed with an incredible moment of parental pride. Great.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Jack, do you remember what was the year? I'm going to say 2010, 2011, we were very into Fruit Ninja on the iPhone game. Boy, we got into Fruit Ninja. At the expense of all else. This is where we first discovered that the lights in the toilets at the work were on a sensor. Yeah, because Hamish was in there on the Lou playing Fruit Ninja for so long that the lights turned on.
Starting point is 00:15:41 I think 10 minutes. I think it is. And then it just goes, you know, no human being could be alive in here now. Well, save some energy. And then I'm simply going, whoops. That's it. It's basically like the toilet has a little intervention
Starting point is 00:15:55 with you and goes, hey, do you think this is a problem? Because you've now been sitting here in your own waft for 10 minutes. And then I say the toilet, mate, I did a courtesy flush. I'm just comfortable. I'm essentially clean. I'm just going for a record.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Yeah, that's strange, because I loot fruit ninja friends. But it wasn't even that, because they were two minute rounds. All right. So it wasn't because I couldn't move. It was pure addiction. Yeah. You were like, I just one more, one more't move. It was pure addiction. You were like, I just won more, one more go here. It was automatic. You get to the end of a round and you were playing
Starting point is 00:16:30 the next round just because your finger already went to start your game. It was essentially like how much fruit can you chop in two minutes? Yeah, that was the thing we got to do. And 300 seemed impossible. Like it did seem, it seemed like the game would need to glitch almost for you to get up there
Starting point is 00:16:47 because we're hitting for like months, we're hitting like 297s, 298s. And like every piece of fruit that gets on it, if you get a combo, you get like double the amounts, you like had to hit combos. And then I remember I got a 301. The fruit come up from the bottom or down from the top. Yeah, up to the bottom.
Starting point is 00:17:02 And then throw it in a nice arc. and you just really had to be on it. Okay. Tough a back then though, Jack, because we've been playing on like iPhone 3s. Yeah, you know, you're getting more responsive now. They're probably easier. Well, the reason I mention it is. It's certainly biggest grain.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Mm, that's true. Came into watching the Land Room the other day, my daughter Rudy, she's for it and injuring. Awesome. And she's on the iPad which is I'm looking at that going oh that's the arena you want to play on like the games got a lot easier Jack Same version of the game exactly the same well not actually somehow I must have downloaded for I don't remember doing it. Maybe he's voted and she was like,
Starting point is 00:17:45 oh, maybe dad used to play this. It's pretty harmless. Somehow, we have the Spanish, you're just gonna print your pen. He's a big port. He's a port. We have the Spanish version. So it'll be like 60 secondos to go.
Starting point is 00:17:59 And like, when she gets a combo, it's like, you know, like five frittata compenatoros. But frittata? Same fr know, like five frittata compenatoros. But the same fruit. Same fruit. I mean, that is fruit. The universal just tomatoes. No, it's it's so cute because we she can't read. So she's like, yes, that means combo.
Starting point is 00:18:19 So it actually makes me look like a genius because she knows what it means. She's like, yep, that's a combo. Five point combo. I was like, well done, honey. Save this for when people come over because they'll think you can speak the Spanish as well. And you can say, we let them play computer games but only in different languages.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Just so they can speak. Only if they code at themselves. So, quick question though. Yep, yep. You say easier on a nightpad, but isn't that a bigger swipe? Like with that, there is more distance for a finger to travel.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Would there probably be an optimum screen size so you could get the combos with a smaller whip of a finger? Have I not got to 300 jack? And you remember I beat you there, not only do I beat you there, I got 301. I think maybe even 302, do you remember that? I can't remember who finished with the high score. I remember a one stage you gave me a trophy, didn't you? No, I got 301, I think maybe even 302, do you remember that? I can't remember who finished with the high school. I remember a one stage, you gave me a trophy, didn't you?
Starting point is 00:19:07 No, I got a trophy. So made me a trophy. My Christmas present that year was half a watermelon mounted on the wall. Congratulations, bottom. Thank you. You should make food in your champion. I love that, Jack, guys.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Yeah, I did get a trophy. Don't you dare, mate. What do you, I didn't make you trophy, so. What are the only trophies I've ever won? Okay, don't you dare, mate. What, I didn't make it trophy. One of the only trophies I've ever won, okay? Don't you dare still got it, still got the trophy to trophy you. Of Germany going, I think we won that world cup. No, you didn't. Yeah, I'm putting it here.
Starting point is 00:19:36 I remember seeing a trophy at sunset. Yeah, not in your hands, mate. I was on the field, I was sweaty. Yeah, I was a trophy. Yeah, what an ass. No, you didn't. Confetti flying down. No, you did. You can fend him flying down. You actually didn't.
Starting point is 00:19:47 He's a thing. So I remember that clearly. Bragg is very, very, very, I come into Watch Roo the other day. She, because after the end of the round, it will tell you school and also what your current high school is. Now, I've obviously not played.
Starting point is 00:20:00 No one else has played this. Jack, she's got a 291. No, she doesn't. That's in sight. She doesn't. She doesn't. She doesn't. She doesn't. And she's just doing this with her hands. How old is she now?
Starting point is 00:20:10 She's not even six. No, no, no, no. She must be an updated game. I give you more points for a combo. No. We were, we were later accurate to get up there. It's like we were at the AIX basically for Fruit Ninja and then we walk out and find the people are running faster times and it's just wearing jeans.
Starting point is 00:20:30 I told them to jump in the pool and beat you up the other way. Couldn't believe it. We thought we were going to have it on a Fruit Ninja scholarship. Roo has got basically just TAN like she's within spitting distance on us and she is just, she's just like flicking her hand back and forth and faster she can across the screen. Like because you don't have unlimited swipes, she must have just played around
Starting point is 00:20:56 where she's just coincidentally hit everything in a combo or combinatorial. And now she's, yeah, she's like 10 points off being L Championo over you Jack. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,'s, yeah, she's like 10 points off being L. Championo over you Jack. No, no, no, no, no. The C-Po for you because if you wanted to see whether it's easier, I can't do that. It's not and if it's not, that's embarrassing. You can't start just from the...
Starting point is 00:21:30 If you start, you're gone. You're in. I can't. Then I have to call my sponsor and explain what happened. I'm out. I can never swipe again. Good to you, man. Hey, Anzac Day was a few months back, but it's a great time to reflect, man. Hi, I'm Anzac Day.
Starting point is 00:21:45 It was a few months back, but it's a great time to reflect about the amazing sacrifice a lot of soldiers made for Australia and New Zealand, and that looked across the world. There's a soul that keeps getting played around that time. It's by Redgum, and I had it on my spot at the classic spot at the fight list, and it came up in the car again during the week. People may know this song, a classic about a story where they're getting conscripted at 19 years of age. Back on a Vietnam. Yeah, it's pretty full on, but if you haven't heard it, this to the key. This clipping from the paper shows as a young and strong and clean.
Starting point is 00:22:27 And there's me in this loud chat with me SLR and Greens. God, help me. I was only 19. I was only 19. It's a classic. It's a classic song. It's one of those songs, referring to a Gizzy tingles. I's one of those songs we're referring to, it gives you tingles.
Starting point is 00:22:46 I couldn't help though compare what I had to do at 19 to what they were going through where they're heading off to war as a discussion that we were having today. Very different lives. Very different lives. When you compare those two 19-year-olds, whether it's us guys at 19 or those guys at 19, decades apart. Different lives, fair to say. So we thought it was a little bit of homework for all of us. We'd write a song and a verse in chorus of what life was like for us at 19.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Not quite as difficult. Do you want me to kick things off? Yeah, love it. This is my version of I was only 19. Okay. I don't have a mobile phone and I want to call a girl. So I ask my mum if I can use the home phone. The home phone's in the kitchen so I go and make the call.
Starting point is 00:23:44 And the whole family is me, get rejected by Helen. Oh yeah, you did like Helen. I head to the nightclub, and the lions are my along. We get to the front, and they say not tonight boys, move on. We ask why, and they reply, unique girls to get in. God help me. I was only 19. Yeah. Tough times, man.
Starting point is 00:24:17 A handful times. I mean, be still like that for you if you're still out there, but you're right. Yeah. Do you remember that old chest that we're, we've called sorry guys, any girls? We're gonna need girls to get in. Oh, do you know any such as a job? I remember calling people inside the nightclub girls going, hey, can you come out and pretend to come back in with us and seeing one through the window look at my phone and look at her phone and just cancel the call. What? But it was sort of like, is it bumble where the girl needs to, like it can only be initiated by the female,
Starting point is 00:24:52 on the apps? Yep, on the apps. It was basically the version of that, where it's like, you need to show us that there is a woman alive who will vouch for you. Because if you can't find one, we're not going to see that level of scumbag in here. Just one, one or two.
Starting point is 00:25:08 One or two that's happy to stand next to you and feel comfortable. And you feel for, I mean, this is where if you've gone to an all-boys school, you really want out. You've got no mis-candrick. What are you doing this weekend? Oh, it's my friend's 60th. And what show, director? Could we borrow you before that? All right, I'm happy to go next. Okay, this is me at 19
Starting point is 00:25:43 I needed money so I could buy a studded belt and jeans that were too tight. It was the style at the time I I got a job at the cinema, makes a money for myself, ripping tickets and slightly ripping off the company. Because I worked the candy bar and couldn't believe what I saw, that my popcorn for a dollar, then salad for 15 more. No, I really wanted, was just a little bit of that for me. When people gave me a 20, I pocketed 90. Mine is fictional obviously. Of course, all metaphorical. Statutive limitations.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Unclean your still at that stage. I asked the guitarist to play a little slightly higher. Because you couldn't, because I couldn't sing that low. Goodie, you remember? I was going in there going like, Oh, needed one. This is gravely old ex-hoids, simply. Thinking about the good times. When people paid and cash. This is gravely old, ex-hoids, simply.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Thinking about the good times, when people paid and cash, cash was hard to trace. No, if totally they could have done a real picture, that painting is a real vivid piece. As people were about to hear from mine, I just went super duper honest, full transparency, accurate reflection of my life at 19. Please enjoy.
Starting point is 00:27:05 I never suffered acne, had a great vibe, and was a hit with all the girls, because I worked in telemarketing. I bought a razor scooter, which impressed everyone Because it was clearly the future of transport A dammit, and I rocked up to Melbourne Uni A dead-set genius, when it came to doing maths Bloody hell, I was the best, I'd never touched a beer Then a lung comes and he leans God help me I was on lean 19 He ruined me, bye bye academic career
Starting point is 00:27:58 I keep ruining you I was on my way to being goodwill hunting And then 19 that fateful year, were a long, popped cheeky, scruffy head, scruffy head boy, and that was it for me. You knew all over. Do you know any girls would have known the nightclubs? Sorry, I had long hair. I thought you were a girl from behind.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Do you know any? LAUGHTER MUSIC Hey, there are many advantages to listening to this podcast, but I would say that this is the big one. This is the main one. This is the big one. Here we have power moves and allows you to get a social advantage in any situation. MUSIC And I... if I may start, we'd love a very specific one.
Starting point is 00:28:53 And that's totally loud. Like, you know, there's obviously general power moves for everyone. Then there are a bit of a highly specific, like industry-specific one. This is industry-specific. It's for if you're playing in a lead sport. So if you're a man or a woman in a, there has to be professional sports league. So let's say AFL for example, where there are known celebrity players. Okay. So you have to be right at the top. Because as you'll see in a second, this only works if it's, if you're playing
Starting point is 00:29:23 against someone that's like has a high profile. So during the game, when the umpire tells you to give the ball to an opposition player, pretend to not know who they are. For example, you've got the footy and the umpire is called a free kick and he says hand it back to Buddy Franklin. You say who's that? If we have anybody at the top left drop a little of any sport, I would love it if they were. We've got a lot of AFL players. We do a lot of AFL players. If someone tried a bit of it, please give it to Penny Benjfield. Sorry, who's number?
Starting point is 00:29:59 Who's Penny? Who's number is he? That would be him. Please use numbers, I don't know who the player is. I just can't wait for us to... there's someone to give away a 50 metre penalty and the crowd going wide and when we look at this in the replay, I'm delighted. I'm struggling. They've been going, who's Buddy Franklin? Who's in front of the podcast? He's stalling with questions.
Starting point is 00:30:20 A eight coin coin to the first profession to enjoy during your two or three weeks in the VFL. As you get busted down for giving away a 50. Do it when the games are. This is a real fun 10 goals up fourth quarter move. From Adam Nashem, asshole power move. When you're on the bus and someone presses the button to get off, shout out, sorry, not this one. Bar out. As the panic instilled with that move, we would increase exponentially with age to the target victim.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Because that's kind of thing like, you know, it's a bus that always goes straight on pass. You know, it's a bus that's going to repress. Well, it's a bus that's pressed. And that's it. And so, but you know, like there is like a certain age you hit on public transport buses, trains, buses and trams, predominantly that have sort of, you know, visible stops coming up, where the panic to get to the door is really palpable. Yes. And so when someone presses the button on the bus
Starting point is 00:31:29 and they're like, no, no, no, no, no, I'll just get out of the way. Like I don't want to not get off. Yes. You cancel that on them. There's laughs like when do you be out again? And I don't go in for the first, first pensioner you can bring to us in tears.
Starting point is 00:31:42 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Ando. Okay, this comes in from Dominic Grant, a previous one from Bayley, by the way. This comes in from Dominic Grant. When have you a conversation with someone and they give you a compliment, they'll say something nice in general. Hit them with a, hmm, that's put you back in my good books. The creative dynamic.
Starting point is 00:32:04 But I constantly seek your approval to stay in my good books. It's a creative dynamic. But I constantly seek your approval to stay in your good books. Love it. Really like it. The hot date for our power move. This is high voltage. This is high voltage. Harry Cardi.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Is it power move for you? You and I, I'm shamed that neither of us have thought to do this because you and I have shared a lot of hotel rooms in the past with a little twin bed situation. When you're at a motel or a hotel with a mate and room service comes around asking if you need anything, say, they need new sheets. Very good. This is this is technical, but I like it comes in from Neil and got a high based how move for you. I'm moderately tall at 187 centimeters, which in brackets, he says, it is six foot 1.6 inches.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Yeah, it's quite a bit. Yeah, moderately, totally moderately. He goes, this puts me in the taller than average height bracket. In social situations where people obviously shorter than me claim to be six foot, I like to say, really? Because I'm five foot 11. LAUGHTER Is it immediately makes them in everyone around the question their judgment.
Starting point is 00:33:28 And classically the more they argue the height, the weaker it looks for them. And we're in in-pass, aren't we? We're in it. We're not. We're actually the curie. I don't think we're in a better pass. That's an overpass. We were in an in-pass earlier on. And we've had a solution.
Starting point is 00:33:49 We made a detour and we went, I'm glad we came this way. Nick, a gentleman called Nick Riding, and submitted his wife for a special skill. I believe her name was Sophie. Yep, that's right. And still is. You'd have to say still is.
Starting point is 00:34:01 It's a pretty recent email. And he said, look, she can blindfolded in the dark, detect just by feel, can feel any chocolate bar inside his wrapper, sorry, and go, I know what that is. So purely by touch through the wrapper, through the foil, her fingers and her encyclopedic knowledge of chocolate bars are that powerful. Now obviously, we've been a lot of chocolate bar content this year, even last year, of course.
Starting point is 00:34:29 We are that we're, it's closing down to projectly. It's one of the pillars of the show. We don't have many legs of the stool, but candy mues and chocolate mues would be certainly one of the legs of the stool. One very sharp leg, depending on where you stand. So we were fascinated by that. I was like, this is really interesting. And as sometimes happened, scrunched up the nose and went, oh, okay, well, they all have a pretty unique feel, don't they?
Starting point is 00:35:01 And I said, you're not thinking of taste, are you? You went, no, thinking of feel. I believe. I think I could do it. I think most humans, most humans could do a similar thing. That's sometimes when Android challenges, that's when we end up with an exciting, it's almost like a playoff, isn't it? The playoff series where Andy will do the test to then see, if it is indeed superhuman enough to them weren't getting so fun for us to see it with our own eyes. The last time I did this I think was pizzas. They could smell what pizza it is through the box.
Starting point is 00:35:33 And did you get it? I think so and then we didn't go ahead and do the special skill. Yeah, right. Okay. Well, you've got to be behind for it, Andy. I've picked five chocolate bars. Now, no, I won't tell you. I won't give you any, any information. You were like, oh, I don't pick, you know, specific ones.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Like don't pick really hard ones. Well, you know, I just didn't want you to go. I think your example was, oh, it's the hoof bar from Germany. You know, these are all available in Australia, haven't imported any from the Dutch deals. Much is your one-struffel. A struffel bar. It's been the 270C. You can get yourself a hat. A baseball style.
Starting point is 00:36:15 A baseball style hat. Okay, so Andy, I know this is these are all these are all pretty legit. I'm not I'm going to say mainstream or or at least service station available. Great. I think that makes sense. Jack, what are you reckon? There's going to be five chocolate bars. Three out of five proves it's not that amazing.
Starting point is 00:36:35 That's right. Yep. Okay. Yeah. We would like to see no zero out of five to have the best game on our hands next week when Sophie does it. Yes. But yeah, if he's getting three or four, then...
Starting point is 00:36:46 No, that's not right. Exactly. Yeah, to go, but yeah. If someone walk and pass, can kind of do it, do we need to see a pro in action? Okay. And of course, we always make an opener for the special skills. You're no different, but since it's you, and you usually put a lot of effort into the openers too, and I really appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Combination of things happened here. I was a bit rushed. I was like, well, look, it's just for Andy, so it doesn't need to be great. But anyway, here it is. Can Andy fill the chocolate bar? Let's start with the first bar. And I also is putting it in front of him now. Cherry Rob. He has guest, Cherry Rob.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Oh. Andy, that is a peppermint crest. I know, I knew it. It's actually thinner than a cherry. You went in so quick. I went in too quick. I wouldn't have got... To be honest, I wouldn't have got the peppermint crest. It's not even on my head. I'm not going to be able I knew it. It's actually thinner than a chewer. You went in so far. I went too quick.
Starting point is 00:37:45 I went too quick. I wouldn't have got, to be honest, I wouldn't have got pepper and crisp. It's not even on my radar. I mean, how does it feel? This is so, isn't this amazing how classic this is for a special school, Joe? You start with maximum confidence,
Starting point is 00:37:58 and then on the very first go, we find out, we start finding out the conditions of why it might not be under-sync. But I agree, I would put, I would put, to be fair to you, and I would put Pemaine Crisp in the hard category. That is not one of the classics, that's sort of quite. Okay, next, next chocolate bar. And he's being passed the bar. Sticker bar?
Starting point is 00:38:20 Yeah, my initial thought was crunchy. You're going to stick with it, crunchy. I'm gonna begin with a viala crumble. Viala crumble? Yeah, I knew you were gonna... That is tough. That is tough. Do you mean fancy? I should have said crunchy or viala crumble,
Starting point is 00:38:34 because they're exactly the same kind of sizing width, but then I thought viala crumbles went out of... Print. No, they're still printing. Well, it seems that way. It's delicious. You see, if we bought Sophie, then she could tell a printing it. Well, it seems that way. Yeah, delicious. Uh, see, if we bought Sophie and she could tell a violet crumble from a crunchy blindfolded, that is amazing. That would be amazing. That would be amazing.
Starting point is 00:38:51 I should have gotten you a drink. I'm not trying to be tricky. I'm not trying to be tricky. I'm not trying to be tricky. I just thought crunchy was too easy. I think I think I think I think crunchy would have been too easy. It is your favourite chocolate. Yeah. Um, okay, and I go for it. Um, feels like a Mars bomb. Now you're gonna say I'm being adopted tomorrow. No one's even seen a full size Mars. I know, and I actually wanted Mars, but end, you know, it's full well that Mars are now in a recycled pack out packaging, which not even the foil anymore, it's like a matte finish, it's paper, so it would have been too easy. I should have thought about this.
Starting point is 00:39:27 We're not going in classics anyway. They're all servication available. Okay, number four. All right, it's 12 likes, it's got two sticks, but it won't be a 12 because you're trying to trick me, so I'm gonna go with twig. It's a 12. It's a 12. Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Yes. Yeah, this is amazing. You're absolutely playing him like a fiddle here, Jack. Zero, four, four. Where's Agon? Okay, bring it home, Ando, with number five. Oh. It feels like a picnic.
Starting point is 00:40:17 So I guess it's the cheap imitation. What is it? What's he guess? That's so hard. The picnic. Chukina. That's not a dream invitation. Same prize, our team.
Starting point is 00:40:34 There's a lot of people that like Chukina. My gosh. What's this thing? This is a new box that you bring, which is called an anti-favorite. You can keep the beat too. You can take your blindfold off. You don't have to do this before you're bothered. That's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Take a box of favourites. Take the beat too. Why, I'll let you get your pepper soup. You can keep it from falling. You must really not like this. No, I kind of thought, take the beating where you get your pepper soup, get crispy, garlic, garlic, goblins, you should kick that. You must really not like this. Yeah, this is for not inviting. I still maintain that Sophie, we shouldn't get it right now. You think we should get it right now?
Starting point is 00:41:16 Well, you got zero from five. We just also get zero from five. Yeah. I know how you wanted to do better, but you didn't do better. Okay. He's not happy. He's not happy. Now I don't want to get so happy because she's coming to a half-stop.
Starting point is 00:41:32 No, no, no, no. I think, if we go the range is wide, I'm open to it. Because if there's a twirl in there, that's very common. And I did. Yeah, but it's just Mars. I did suggest Mars. And then Kay was like, no, no, did hear about the deathmars. But I got pretty good. I did the deathmars, and then Kay was like, Nano, because he knows that they're recycled.
Starting point is 00:41:48 So, in my chance. All right, we look forward to seeing you, so. Good luck, so. To return next week, catch up or contribute at www.hamishanandy.com

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