Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2023 Ep 225

Episode Date: August 16, 2023

1. Kip’s croc report 2. Power moves 3. Pizza lotto witch sniff 4. Lost bird correspondence ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. Activate your internet. Cos the Hamish and the podcast starts in three, two. Sorry, still buffering. One. A hoi-timi dreamliner. Hamish. I think you mean Dreamboat, but thank you.
Starting point is 00:00:29 A Hoi Timmy A380. Oh, the biggest in the sky. Is it the dreamliner maybe a little bigger? I thought A380 was the biggest. What's...oh, here we go. Andy's going to be some Russian cargo plane. They can carry 10 tanks in it. Oh, the concold. Oh, the concold.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Well, the end, no, concold. Yeah. Classic flame out, the all-time flame out. Yes, responsible for, I think, the demise of a few people and a tense ball on board. Yes, the memory serves. A retired supersonic airline, you would say. And I think they both agreed to stop. The Concorde and the Cod.
Starting point is 00:01:07 It was agreed. It was agreed to end them. Dreamliner, of course, the wide-body jet airliner by Boeing, him, between the A380. It's a super large wide-body airliner, but that's the air bus. It's the world's largest passenger airline in the right. But I think they're phasing them out. They're finding that the dream owners
Starting point is 00:01:26 or the smaller ones are more efficient. So I think Hamish will be lent upon more in a few thousand hours. How flannelogy, isn't it, Jack? But then a three and a half hours. It came in before. No, no. No.
Starting point is 00:01:36 How flannelogy, you came in with your peanut butter and your bulking plan. And your personal trainer to be the biggest body boy in the studio. And you got too big. and it turned out that a slightly less big body boy was more efficient, and then the big boy got famous plays down. Two peanut bodiceponsors was too many. Um, uh, uh, Hoy also, to Aya, um, who, uh, used the very easy-to-use system in HamishNarie.com. Oho, Hamish and the end number six.
Starting point is 00:02:08 I'm Ia, your smallest fan. I made a recording today because it was a loose and that my dad never finished. Anyway, hello, my name's Daddy. I'm your smallest fan. That was my sister, your smeme. She's four and I'm eight. Anyway, as I was saying, I think it would be great
Starting point is 00:02:29 if you guys gave us a hamish and Andy Cling for being your smallest fans. Hopefully you can help us tie off this loose end. Bye. Oh. Okay, first of all, super cute. Second of all, you can't invent loose ends. No.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Third of all, you're definitely getting a token of no value. Fourth of all, your parents, who obviously put you up to the recording, are more than welcome to a playt of the show to Winnercoin. Yes. We certainly can't just put something like that in a trust fund and suddenly have you with access to that level of power. Power. Infinancial superiority.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Yeah, yeah. Thank you very much from the big airliners to the smallest fans. It's a nice little pose. From the jump-boats to the cessnas. Very, very, very cute. Hey, we obviously have to talk about, keep your insider, your asset, who... Trouble in the North. Yeah, who was going to head to both spectacular crock jumping tour and the original crock
Starting point is 00:03:35 jumping tour to see if he could find out any more about the Shunadekins that have gone up there. As the Crock Wars drag on, and they are, first of all, they are rockwars and they are dragging on their sort of locked in a stalemate, a very tense environment up in the north on the river and I was discovered by you. You thought you were going for a holiday, you accidentally walked into a small business wall and kept where we left him was going on both to us. He's done it. He's gone in contact. Now, he's infiltrated both tours under the very clever method of paying to go on. It's not James
Starting point is 00:04:19 Bond level stuff. Obviously, like, you know, God, how did you get into the embassy? I run the doorbell and I joined the tour. But he's done it. He's assessed them. We're going to chat to him in a second, but I want you to these, I asked him for some voice memos and he gave a very, very detailed report, actually several minutes long. Okay. Very funny, very thorough. I've just isolated a little bit here to play for you to give you an idea of how seriously he was taking this covert mission to assess the state of the war, the clock wars that are going on. And to give you an idea of the dangers faced by us, you know, sitting here at HQ, we don't face the dangers, but we're sending operatives, obviously,
Starting point is 00:05:00 to the front line. It's nice to understand the dangers they face. Have a listen. Oh, boy, number six, that's the mole. Reporting from the car. As you move through original, there's what appears to be well established infrastructure. We walked into one of those buildings to collect our tickets, which were booked under two passenger names of Jack Vieselpe, Vieselpe, or Vieselpe, and my co-investigator, Harne Moll,
Starting point is 00:05:26 and now obviously we don't have Gmail accounts with those names, so when they asked who Kip was, I had to evade and say, look, if friends booked those tickets on Jack Vieselpe. So from the get-go, right? The end question is heat on them. So really amazing work by Kept to get through the defences of both companies and he now joins us. Nice one.
Starting point is 00:05:55 To give us the full report. Can I say, can I say, can I keep, so I keep, oh, how do you? Oh, it was. Can I, can I state this from the top and I think I'm speaking on the half of our show, Ham, correct me if I'm wrong, we are not out to establish which one is better. They both exist, they're both great. Yep. Yeah. They will never end the war, they will never end the war.
Starting point is 00:06:14 What we're wanting to do is establish peace and find out what's gone on and can it be mended? And that's where Kip came in. We're hearing that the two of them don't even recognize that the other one exists at the moment, and they just up the road, and there is a bridge in the middle that separates them,
Starting point is 00:06:31 and neither the company can cross under the bridge. That's where the territory, similar to a crocodile, that's where their territories start and end. Now, Kip, here's the first thing from your report, and I'll let you elaborate. There is some crossing of the bridge going on. There is.
Starting point is 00:06:47 So I think Bill was on the show previously reported that it's a checkpoint Charlie North South Korea type zone, almost immediately original reveal that they've got infrastructure north of the bridge. And even just eyeballing it, you can see oven on a high tide, boats and water quite easily getting underneath that bridge. So absolutely both can and reportedly do go north and south. So is it original incur, like launching incursions into spectacular territory, or is it both sides going into each other's territory?
Starting point is 00:07:23 Your word incursion, ham, not mine, but originally. It's a sample. Original, original what they said to me was they're happy where they are, but they do go north from time to time. Yep. Spectacular only went up north from what I could see. You get the feeling from spectacular when original does go north of the bridge. That's kicking the horn, it's nest a bit, and spectacular doesn't like that. That's the feeling on the water hand. So bring it up to speed
Starting point is 00:07:52 original you would think is the original crock jumping tour because it has in the name but it's been all the the allegation has been that spectacular actually the original. Yeah. And the original call themselves original to muddy the water. Yeah, yeah. And I think really if we're to negotiate a piece in the north, that's what discussions will come down to. Honing in on where the beef is, then obviously not putting it on a stick over crocodiles because I've jumped up and eaten the beef.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Honing in on where the problem is and getting some sort of an agreement around that. Correct. If you heard of any clandestine behaviour between them over the years, like in the last 40 years, has there been any wrong doings that make it very difficult for us to kind of land peace? Look, when I accepted the brief, I did start talking to a few unnamed sources. And those sources have reported to me that in around the COVID times, there was some ported dealings in shenanigans with signs. Oh, the defacing of signs or defacing of signs. Are they
Starting point is 00:08:58 jiggly? Like, for instance, and I'm not saying this happened, but it might have been a thing that you do to, I don't know, put a bra on one of the crocodiles, or to have a speech bubble coming out of the crocodile on spectacular sign saying, I'd rather go to a regional or something like that. It's a lot of that. And then these were all reported on a territory master, reporting on these shenanigans and then and then the trail goes cold. All right. The newspaper lead is an interesting one. I think we talked to someone at the newspaper. Yeah, I think to get a bit of a lay of the land. I've got one more truth bomb if I can drop it. Yeah, sure. You don't want to walk out with an unexploded bomb.
Starting point is 00:09:41 So I'm on the boat of a regional. We asked when was jumping discovered and he says this is an original 38 or 39 years ago, which puts them at 1984 and 1985. And then a fellow tourist follows up with his interest was peaked and he says, I suppose you discovered that by chance then and the two operator goes probably. Which was the only chink in the armour for original that I could find. Okay. So you're quite popular. Because the other one I think was keep saying is,
Starting point is 00:10:18 oh, did you hear this spectacular was doing it? Because remember, original. We're second to market. That was the legend of information, which we thought, well, that's that's blown it wide open. They're claiming 1984, 1985. So we got we got to get down to spectacular. And so we get over the spectacular. Okay, cool. Yeah, this is the part I needed. Because I was like, I haven't heard the bottom. Yeah, yeah. So before we even get on the boat, spectacular, great setup, and they have these four pillars of information placards or like information signs.
Starting point is 00:10:48 So on one of these pillars, it reads, Iraqi Aboriginal Corporation bought spectacular in 2015, which is described on the pillar information post as a then two decade old business. In 2015. 2015. So that puts it in $9.95. So it speaksacular. Admitting on their pillar, they're from 95. That's what it looks like. But yet, we've heard evidence of them saying it was the 70s where they started jumping.
Starting point is 00:11:20 They're legitly. Because now in this situation, what Kib's found out is you take this testimony and you go, okay, that does put original first. Yeah. Some of the questions. I think, I think what you get from all this, you know, they said, she said, the post said, the pillar said this, the plaque said that you just, you realize that this is where the beef comes from. Yeah. I think I think that there's a lot of conflicting stories. Then you mix it in with folktales and the lore of the territory.
Starting point is 00:11:49 You begin to understand where the grievances come from, don't you? I agree. Here's what we're going to keep. First of all, you win the golden feather of truth and investigation from me personally, and that's the highest award I can hand out. You've got that locked away. Tell me what you think about this and I. I think we talked to someone at the newspaper.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Yeah. I then I think we're going to have a framework of what is going on up there. And can we as a show and a people bring peace to the North? Yeah. Whether it's two warring parties and then this new militia that we've heard of, Crocspot tours, and you're always going to have messy factions and stuff. No conflict is, you know, modern warfare, you don't just have two clean sides. There's people who got interest everywhere. So we get an idea of the land from the Newspaper people, speak to the heads of these armies, and we try to see if there's a chance
Starting point is 00:12:42 that we get up to the north, and we sit down and we sign the Peace contract. Love it. Keep, thank you very much for your time. We'll obviously still have to ingest the footage from your hat camera. Once we do that, we should have all the answers we need. Thanks boys. Hey, we're so much coming in for this show. We've haven't really been doing our duty with updating people on powerful moves that allow them to have the upper hand in social situations. We should get to that right now.
Starting point is 00:13:16 I'll give you something to like. Yep. How move? When getting a haircut? And the hairdresser asked what kind of haircut you'd like, point to them in the mirror and say well first of all definitely not anything like that. I mean a great reminder of what I think is almost this year's best one. Do you remember the shaved head one?
Starting point is 00:13:42 If you get it, if you're going to shave your head anyway, yeah, just get us short back in size and then go actually not to shave it all. We're, we're doing the new hair after they show you the Chibirah. God, that's a good one. Next we want to show my head. Ando, yeah, how moved? When you've got a tradesperson coming into your home to do some work, ask them to sign a nondisclosure agreement first. This will leave them wondering if you're a significant person or a celebrity. So I actually said the first one was from Joel, Joel Adler. And of course that one there was from Derf. This one's from Butts Farley's. Oh, I'm always good when Butts contributes.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Unless I'm unsure whether that's easier or not. Pam, after somebody makes a minor complaint, or comment about something annoying, refer to it later as a meltdown. LAUGHTER For example, before Hans has another meltdown about it, can we just enjoy putting the milk in the fridge? LAUGHTER
Starting point is 00:14:41 MUSIC Really good. I mean, that would be a good sharehouse when this is another good share house one. Best use in the situation if you've complained loudly about having to do something like late at night like, oh god I'm going to go and like put the sheets on my bed like, oh god now I've got to go and wash up. Then if someone goes, oh do you need a hand with that immediately excited? Now you just slam me down. Yes, it was so many of my life that you said, maybe an uncle or someone that used to give
Starting point is 00:15:16 you that. It's a great way to start doing a generous offer. Yeah. Hand, this is from James Powm move. He said, when filling out patient details and new doctors or dentists, sometimes there's a field, there's a field for your name and sometimes there's a field for what you'd like to be called, you know, Jim instead of James. Right? You preferred name as the chosen one. When the reception team comes and say, can you let the doctor know that the chosen one is here, the entire waiting room will be very impressed.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Last final one here, and if you are a spectator at a marathon or a long distance running event and you're lining the fields and you're cheering for people. Instead of cheering for people when they run past, saying the same tone of voice, hurry up. This gives the impression that people are bored and they'd like things to get going. Hey, I'm sure you saw this coming on your side of the fence. For people who don't know, go to www.harmeshanier.com. If you want to contribute to the show at all, 50% of the emails go to Hain.
Starting point is 00:16:33 50% go to me. We don't know each others. So sometimes if you ride in having a go at me and it falls on my side of the fence, it goes to the bin. And I'm sure Hain, which is pretty good at hiding a few of the ones that may have come. I'm the same'm counting one. Never seen one. So I appreciate that guys. This came in a fair, but I think if I call Rory Jones, summed it up, he said, I don't want to open the door to another witch hunt, but I will. Yep. Yep. And we don't think this is a witch hunt. This is more of a friend casual which with inspection. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Not like you're not. I don't want to tear in the place apart, but we're sort of saying, what, everyone, stop for a sec. Is there a witch in here? And if there's not, like that's... Yeah, sorry, you smell just a... Just for our own safety. No, I think we're okay.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Yeah, we're good. Carry on. Carry on. So, Rory writes, I've just finished our own safety. No, I think we're okay. Yeah, we're good. Carry on. Carry on. So, Rory writes, I've just finished listening to podcast app 220, which saw the return of Pete's lotto, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I think so, mate.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Good. However, it left me with an uneasy feeling about the integrity of the game, that contestant Alex mentioned that he had practiced the game. So, clearly had a pre-meditated plan going in. I'm not across the behind the scenes operation of the game, but based on the ease of winning and the confidence of the contestant,
Starting point is 00:17:52 is it possible that he ordered the pizza? Yes. We'd never considered this. Yeah, but it is... You have to admit, based on just the facts, that that is possible. Now, it's something we obviously hope didn't happen and hasn't happened, but much like you would be less amazed in Tatslotto,
Starting point is 00:18:13 or Powerball, to see someone win. If they then turned around and went, I know I put those balls in there myself. Yeah, I ordered the ball. It's always exciting for everyone enjoying in the randomness of the victory. Amongst many others is another clean one from Logan Davis. He said, I have concerns regarding the most recent pizza lot I understand is he knew he was going to play pizza lotto. I hope no one could do this because couldn't they just order a pizza before the call?
Starting point is 00:18:40 Yep, a good question. He said, watch out there there some sneaky snakes out there. Hey, what it caused me to do is obviously as a jury of three we need to work through all the evidence. So I've gone back and listened to Alex when he joined us for Pete Salotto. This is the first part where he tells us obviously he requested to play and he tells us about that. No, we can't always do this fire request, but we did get a request during the week because we were sifting through the emails and we thought, he's got a good point. Haven't played Pete Salotto for a while.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Yeah. Notice, Alex, can I please play? So we did fall for the trap? I've absolutely walked into that. Have a nice,istling away. So when we say that he's going to play, he joins us. He does say that he's practiced, have a listen to this. Do you want to reveal what you're vibing at the moment, Alex? Well, I don't know. I've actually had a bit of practice. What does that even mean? Yeah, no. Let's listen to that again, slow down. No, really. Well, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:45 I've actually had a bit of practice. Oh, yeah, that sounds a little bit gildier. I'm down, does make a sound a little bit guilty of. What do you mean? I mean, aside from calling up dominoes and going, hey guys, do you have a super supreme in the oven? And I'm like, who, sorry, are you ordering one? No, just trying to get a net session in.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Yeah. I don't know how a practice would happen unless you're just trying to guess things. Mm. Unless Andy, you're right, unless that is the guilty mind accidentally telling you what he's, what he's done. Which is, all he's trying to let us know
Starting point is 00:20:20 that he's a great player. So we don't smell a rat when he gets it. You're right. Or it's that, yeah, he's overcompensating going, that I'm going to win this so easily, that I need to dare and brown them and plant something in their mind. Yeah, that goes, oh, that's why he won. Oh, he won because he's a practice, a practice-make perfect.
Starting point is 00:20:37 That's what we're told. That's why you tell the kids at the clinics. He's a walking success story. Yeah. So this is the moment where he picks the pizza coming out during the game. What is your guess for what kind of pizza is in the oven? I'm going to keep it simple and we're going to go over the margarita. Very quick, wasn't it? Yeah. Now, we've had confident players before.
Starting point is 00:21:00 It's very hard because you come in with a plan, you stick to the plan, that's okay, that's how the game is played. When you hear it with the worry that he's guilty, it's like watching back the who wants to be a millionaire coughing thing. When you suddenly feel like you're hearing a person pretending to be uncertain, but actually happy with their choice and let's see how we go. Oh my god, I've won the million. Here's the most standing evidence, I think. His celebration Isn't big. Okay. You and I go up. It should be it should be It should be the kind of person that's landed a twenty to one shot. Yeah, because that's what it is
Starting point is 00:21:40 What's the next picture out Pito? The Magician is a come of fear What's the next pizza out, Peno? That might get either come afews. No! What's the next pizza out? Now it's hard to obviously drill down in there, but similar to Law and Order SVU or any of those shows, I've told Marshy to isolate in here. They'll be so stoked that you and Beck watch that every night,
Starting point is 00:22:00 because no one else in the world is referencing it, but you're way through. I told Marshy, isolate in the hands. He's pulled out just the answer from Peno and Alex's response heavily says. Got the stems. What's the next picture out, Peno? They might have even come afiest.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Wait. Oh. Oh. There's no surprise. Would you agree? Let's have one more listen, but I don't think there's any surprise. What's the next picture out, Pito? That might get even come a fierce. It's got, you know what it feels like to me. It's got the wobble of a new as the microwave out,
Starting point is 00:22:49 but should I have done that? Yeah, yeah. This is, this is life. Could as a nervous gift. Yeah, this is like, you know, hey guys, let's run the scan where we take a cent out of everyone's account. We should make a few thousand dollars.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Check the account the next day. Oh my God, this is too enough. Me and dollars in there. Oh, we shouldn't have done this. It worked too well. Yes. And then someone at the office, Christopher Patty, goes, we should all just take a cent out as a joke.
Starting point is 00:23:15 And he's like, yeah, yeah. That type of. No. Do you reckon that office could find out? He's in there. LAUGHTER It is sounding a bit more like a witch hunt, even though we did not intend to do that, but let's keep it as an inspection. And he's more of a, he's not, I'm not calling
Starting point is 00:23:35 him a witch yet, but he's sort of more of a magical lady of interest. Yes. So we thought the place way to do it,. That's what you are before a witch. That's very simply a magical lady. Yeah. Perhaps. Sorry, I'm going off the you know, 1600s laws here. How do you catch a witch? Of course we'll crawl. How do you catch a witch? Is that a trap? You're a trap. So we've come up with a little integrity check. We've had our producers in the background saying to everyone in quotation marks, just Alex, that we're getting all the past pizza lotto winners together for another game. This, we've put way too much work into this.
Starting point is 00:24:21 And so, so simply as you can, can you explain to people a what Alex will think and then be What a pass fail is here for his integrity and how we will prove much like the scientific rigor of the tests of the 1600 Does she sink does she float? We will be able to prove it. He is in fact a witch sink does she float. We will be able to prove it he is in fact a witch. The guys on the backstory is that Hamish has a lot of items left over on a back bench in his house that are unopened, that have been sent to him and he's happy to give them all the way. We're saying to Alex that he's going to chance to guess how many items if he's so good at guessing amongst all the other Pizzolotto winners. Yep, it's only Alex playing. So we're saying to Alex how we're getting all the other pizza lotto winners. Yep, it's only Alex playing.
Starting point is 00:25:05 So we're saying to Alex how we're getting all the pizza lotto winners together, because by riots, you guys should be the best guesses because you've all had a really lucky guess. Now out of that pool, who can have the even luckier guess? We're trying to find the luckiest person and you win all the items. Here's the kicker. We're going to have Alex on hold. Podcast Mike is going to take him off hold and say, you're ready, you're up next. Then pretend to put him back hold, but as if he's made a fumble, have his Mike live and
Starting point is 00:25:32 say, it's 16, isn't it? As in that's Mike saying that to someone else in the room, revealing the answer. And then Mike will go, you know, oops, hopefully not that bad acting and put him back on hold. If, when Alex is asked, he doesn't mention anything and says 16, having heard the information that he should have. We'll have that choice. I think that's a mistake. And the fire and the Kim. Well, unfortunately, you have to go straight to Bunnings and get their best Kim. Because I think that's what we'll mean. He's a witch. What we've also done is we've done a full fake break of us playing this game in the background. So Alex is talking to podcast Mike outside the studio in the airlock.
Starting point is 00:26:17 He'll hear what we want to show him. In the background, he'll hear our voices going. So Mike, we're Mike, as I was going on at the moment. They're playing Blake's body big back bench. Yeah, well, this is what it'll sound like in the background. All right, as we move for our past piece, a lot of winners who are playing in this championship round of... That's you guys in the fake segment on air, and then this is the opener of the fake game. Like bloody big, back bench, you four long hands.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Right, you know. So again, just to recap the people, very complicated, but the only way that we could tell if he's a witch, if he reveals... Hmm. He says, sorry guys, I think I actually heard the answer off air. He's not a witch, he didn't cheat guys, I think I actually heard the answer off here. He's not a witch, he didn't cheat, it beats a lot of it. If he comes in and pretends to have a think about things or just says 16 and doesn't ever reveal to us that he was privy to that information.
Starting point is 00:27:15 And fortunately, which which which which. Have you got Alex on hold out there? He does. Mike's now going to come in. Hey Mike, how you going? Good, thank you. What have you said to Alex? He's currently walking to his car and I said, oh, you do that. I'll talk to you in a sec. Okay, he's getting ready to play the game. Yeah, and you've told him how the game works. Yes, I've told him what he has to do. Okay, so this requires Jack pressing the right button. So much. So much. I mean, yeah, this could just backfire heinously. So do you know it?
Starting point is 00:27:53 Do you want to practice what you're haggin' to say to him? We just want to go cold. Yeah, give us a practice by another heads. Hey, Alex, are you there? Yeah, mate. Yeah. I love to do that. All right, we're just about good to go.
Starting point is 00:28:04 So you just got to, yeah, guess the amount of belongings on the bench and you get to keep them if you get the right, the closest. Oh, what are the belongings? Oh, like, they can do anything. Yeah, I can't tell you. It's a mystery. Yeah, mystery. Yeah. Oh, do I want them? Yeah, they're good. It's good stuff. It's good stuff. But anyway, I'll pop you on hold. Like what numbers between the blonde? We don't know, Andy. We don't know. Anyway, I'll pop you on hold. Ask the guys all these questions when you're on. But um, okay. Yeah. All right. Cool, Matt. I'll pop you on hold.
Starting point is 00:28:34 All right. Is it 16, Carly? And that's the moment. Is that enough? That wasn't enough, Mike. I couldn't quite hear that. So it might feel you might want to go louder. So let's practice your 16 bit again. All right. You don't have to whisper. You don't have, sorry, Mike, small note.
Starting point is 00:28:50 You don't have to whisper. Remember, you think he's on hold. Yeah, true, true, true. All right, I'll just pop you on hold, Alex. All right, thanks, mate. Awesome. Hey, it's 16, Carly, right? Is that good?
Starting point is 00:29:04 Well, where's your real Carly, right? Is that good? Oh, we're in the way of the realization. He doesn't know. You guys are one shot at this. You go, then you go, oh, hang on. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, okay. Do you want to do, oh, okay. I do, actually, unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:29:17 All right, thanks, Alex. Hey, okay. It's 16, Carly, right? Oh. Good. That's what I think. That's got it all. That's why you do this. That's why you! Good. That's what it is. That's got it all. That's why you do this.
Starting point is 00:29:27 That's why you're a hersse. That's fine. That's fine. We figure it out at the table. Okay. Jack, play our background bit. Okay. In many more polls.
Starting point is 00:29:35 As we move. Good luck, everyone. Here we go. He's coming off, hold, when I give you a thumbs up, Mike. Playing in his championship round of guessing. Alex, are you there? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Thank you. Thanks for waiting, Matt. yeah, I'm here. Hey, Mike. Thanks for waiting, Matt. Hey, I'm just going to pop you over to the boys now to play the game. So you're just going to have to guess the number. Do you get how it all works? It's going to be pretty easy. Yeah, should get it. Yeah, awesome.
Starting point is 00:29:58 All right, I'm going to pop you on hold now, and I'll pop you through to the studio. Thanks, Alex. Oh, it's that chair. It's 16, right, Cullet? Oh, I'm just waiting to try to be through to the studio. Thanks Alex. Oh, it's that chair. It's 16 right, Cullet. Oh, I'm just waiting for it to be given to Charo. Oh, my goodness. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Stopping to fake recording there. I thought I was too rusted. We're too bad. I'm trying to keep you. Come on, we're in doing now. The fish is on the hook we got a keep going will analyze it later. So Alex is just across Alex is on real hold now he can't hear any of this Yeah If he was aware he would have done full of that
Starting point is 00:30:39 I thought we were doing another episode with the background or something. No, why? Full disclosure Jack above you there was an ad for the hundred. I'm really, I was watching the, I was watching the ad for the hundred. No, all good now. I don't think my face is pleased. I'm not. I don't think you. I think my face is okay, but it was the first time I've ever seen Andy Sheer you away.
Starting point is 00:31:01 From the show and right here. And I was like, who's this guy? Oh, we're doing it. We just say though, well, that was good, Mike. Because I was losing it beside you. Hold those type giggling and you managed to execute. Anyway, the lines in the water, he's, yeah, we're going to keep going.
Starting point is 00:31:19 He's on. Okay, hang on. So now what we're doing is as if it's live. Yeah, yeah. When I bring Alex back, we're in the game. Yeah, we're starting first. And to his mind, we're mid game. Yes.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Yeah. We mid game or are we beginning the game? No, mid game. You've just had the preview. And now we've got Alex. I think the fake call was Angela before we go. Okay. Okay, we'll go first.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Yeah. You start now and I'll give you a thumbs up when he's on. Not a bad guess from Angela. Okay, so we go from Angela to Alex, oh, oh, Alex. Oh, it was, I'm gonna say Andy. Oh, I don't know. I don't need, I'll break them. Now, Alex, as a former Pete Toledo winner,
Starting point is 00:31:57 your magical guessing ability should be firmly dialed in. Are you feeling magical tingles today? I'm feeling firmly dialed in. Are you feeling magical tingles today? I'm feeling very dialed in. However, boys, I have a bit of a confession to make, but I think Mike might know what's going on with this. Before he transferred me over to Ufellas, I may or may not have heard him accidentally say aloud the number of goodies on the table. So I Don't know what we want to do here fellas Alex Guess what
Starting point is 00:32:37 It was a test. Oh, did you think it was a test Alex? No, not really. It seemed it seemed a bit fishy, but no, I might sold it-soldered to be honest. First of all, under the rules of our own witch trap, you've passed. You've passed the testing. You've displayed honesty. Because Alex, guess what? The allegation is against you. Oh, no. Mate, I'm living per shock and I have known what's the reason it was coming out next. That's more like it. You, that's more like Alex, we wanted to see on the day of winning, not the man that seemed to know what was happening.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Yeah, you know, no. It's been alleged that you ordered the pizza. One of our own, hey. One of our, yeah, listen, several listens of the show when it just seemed to slick when he won Pizza lotto is there a chance that he ordered the pizza moments before playing from Pino himself Even I think I think here with it Tino would even testify that there was no Margareta ordered in the name of Alex But look I'm glad I'm glad I've held
Starting point is 00:33:43 You could have used a different name, but what we would probably rise with the accusations that you do sound surprised. Alex, you've passed it flying colors. You've passed it flying colors, Alex. And look, just kind of throw one thing out there if we really want to put this thing to be, because we've had our controversies with Pizza Lotto before Pinoe is the Italian, is he not Italian?
Starting point is 00:34:03 That hasn't required a lot of work. He's is the Italian, is he not Italian? That doesn't require a lot of work. He's very Italian, as I always maintained. Now, Alex did he order the pizza himself, he not order it himself. I think everyone's heard you clearly pass the witch trap successfully, which is great. There will be some people that have still a few seeds of doubt because it's like not only to them in the worst case scenario, maybe you were a witch who ordered your own pizza to then win Lotto and you were a witch that smelled the trap you were in and were able to extract yourself successfully from it. Of course, we could just go back to the day that we played pizza Lotto and a simple
Starting point is 00:34:38 send-in of the phone records from your phone from that day would solve things would, of course solve things to show that no ZO Pino's was dialed by you. That's up to you. I'm going to give you a pass without the phone records. I know there'll be phone records. I know there'll be some that would still need to see them, but of course, completely up to you. Yeah, of course. Well, I'd be happy to provide them. Yeah, but I first shared that, fellas. I do Alex, well played, mate. But I appreciate that fellas. I do. Alex, we'll play it mate. Take a note, Valya, coming your way. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Cheers, thank you. You're welcome. Wonderful stuff. Thank you. Thank you. Hey, and you told a story about a neighborhood bird, as in, as a pet bird that got away just recently. And we're having a little bit of a giggle
Starting point is 00:35:25 about the expectation that if anyone finds that bird, can they please return it? Because it didn't seem like birds were easy to go and grab. They have the capacity to, like we lost our rabbit bugs when we were younger, like when we were kids. And you know, the TV show, hunted hadn't been devised at the time, but if we did have the detectives from Hunterd on from Channel 10 in that control room, realistically they
Starting point is 00:35:52 would have drawn up a map of five blocks. And gone, this is where we think the rabbit is. Think about a bird is they have a huge range. And if they really wanted freedom, you do feel like they're gone and they're out of there. Well, your comments seem to have angered the bird community. Yes, I do. I received a few. These are my side of the fence. It literally has thrown a cat amongst the pigeons.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Yes, a pigeon. A lot of pigeon fans. And a lot of bird watches twitches have come forward and they want to start their claim. And I, I bird, I mean, bird watching, keeping a bird as a pet. Are they different things? Cause I feel like if you, it seems a bit odd, actually, if you're a bird watcher,
Starting point is 00:36:31 then you capture one and have it right there. So you can watch it all the time. It feels a bit, it feels a bit intimidating for the bird that you're just the cage staring at it. I agree. Doesn't that take the thrill out of bird watching? Isn't bird watching more of a treasure hunt kind of? You're right.
Starting point is 00:36:44 I don't think too many bird watches would have pet birds. I think they're probably the opposite type of person. They love the thrill of seeing one in the wild. I mean, there was worry at the start of the year if too much fishing chat was going to board and I can't believe we might have found a less exciting area. So I was going to read a couple of testimonials that have come in that complaints against Hamish and I don't want a stereotype but I'll try and put on a voice that I think mimics.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Type of... If this was caught, this is where the defense would go. Objection makes us look silly and the judge would go, I'll allow it for comedy. This one came in from Jasmine Meek. I just wanted to share a quick story after hearing the bird pet scenario last episode. We had a bird growing up and one day he got out.
Starting point is 00:37:41 We decided the bird was gone for the same reasons you mentioned and moved on with our lives. However, a few days later, a young boy knocked on our door with a bird on his shoulder. Bird on his shoulder, our budgie must have flown around for a bit before missing domestic life. He found this young boy down the road and wouldn't leave him alone. The boy decided the bird was must be a domestic pet and went to a few doors in the street to see the deer pet. It's not fun. Luckily, we'd do it at bird hour dress.
Starting point is 00:38:16 17. And that's how our missing bird returned to us. So really, I suppose there is hope for Diane, may return if she decides she doesn't suit the wild. That's true. Makes the posters irrelevant, though, because Diane knows she's lost, so she wouldn't see the posters and go,
Starting point is 00:38:34 oh, OK, better go home. One more, this is from Chip Richmond. Sounds fake. Ah, I'm one of the birds. I'm one of the bird people that Hamish don't doesn't understand. Birds can be microchip like dogs and have ID bands on their legs, so yes, they can be found if lost, laughing emerging. Don't know what's funny. Also, you can cuddle pat birds if they're tame.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Haha, just FYI, please contact to discuss further. Also, you can cuddle pat birds if they're tame. Ha ha ha, just FYI, please contact to discuss further. I'm not that tired. We won't. I think we covered it all. I'm covered at all. And I do have a live testimony of for us as well though. Let's see if I'm giving an accurate representation
Starting point is 00:39:22 of the type of voices that birth. That's a lot of us. They have a bold moved to do the voice and then have one on live. Jackson, how do you? Oh, how do I go? Oh, sorry. Now, do you have that voice? I don't have that voice. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Jackson, you are a bird person. I wouldn't say I'm a bird person. Our family owned a bird. Great. Now, okay. Do you want the backing music to tell us your story? Uh, sure. Okay, Jackson, what happened to you? Well, playing back in a cricket back in 2012
Starting point is 00:39:56 and just saw a bird in con Greg Laugh fly out behind the wiki keeper. And thought, oh, that's not our bird. There's no way. But when I checked and he was gone, we put it on Facebook that we lost our bird, thinking that's gone, not having anything with that. I've got four days later, someone said, oh,
Starting point is 00:40:22 I think there's a bird outside our the house. That fits the description. And the bird would be hot. And it was him. And so he was just loitering? Was he just hanging around outside the house? Yeah, well he's pretty domesticated, so being out in the world for four days, you go into a cane. And so he's like, okay, so there was a bit of a pattern here that if you have a domesticated bird, they do, like Shawsheng redemption, isn't it, with beans, gets out and then realize it can't hack life on the outside. Like, it's only knows life in prison. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Was it beans? No, I don't think so. I'm breaking my brain as to what the character was called. No, it was a guy that engraves it in the movie on the post. On the post. Brok, brok, brok, brok. There we go. Game back to me.
Starting point is 00:41:13 Brok, brok, brok. He's one of the inmates. He finally gets paroled after 40 years doesn't understand life on the outside. Yeah, try to work at the supermarket and just doesn't. That's what birds, perhaps the feelings you they think they want their freedom, but was your bird very happy to come home? Yeah, yeah, he wanted food. He doesn't turn not to keen on those worms. He wanted the bird. Yeah. And what was your bird's name? George George.
Starting point is 00:41:38 And so to get George, did you like to just go? George over in the back of the Divi V. Or did someone have to kind of climb up and get him from a trip, like that's the part that I don't see completely, yeah. Well, he kind of likes to dance, so we sort of just sang to him, then he danced all the way over to us and jumped back.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Okay. That took a turn. Like a snake charmer. All right. Pretty much. So, we've learned. Does that comment for all Blackbirds? If we see what we think is a pet bird in the wild...
Starting point is 00:42:13 It's probably wants to go back to its owners. And we're probably best to sing it. To dance its way. I can't vouch for all bird owners, but this one here... What song did you sing? It's just, singing it.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Just Dan cocky over and over again. How does it go? Yeah, how does it go? Just Dan cocky, Dan cocky, and it just comes. Yeah, I'd cover that. Thank you so much. And apologies to all the bird lovers out there. We've learned a lot.
Starting point is 00:42:44 We've learned a lot. And've learned a lot and case closed, get case closed, correspondents closed, chapter closed. you

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