Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2023 Ep 236

Episode Date: November 1, 2023

1. Filling the gap candidates 2. Sea-Monkeys 3. Weatherman drops H&A references 4. Hamish’s supernatural quiz 5. Final croc wars business - gross allegations  ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. Activate your internet. Because the Hamish and the podcast starts in three, two. Sorry, still buffering. One. Ahoi to me,ri Noko, Hamish. Uh, ahoi to me and Ori? Oh, Noko, yes.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Ahoi to me Slender snouted. Jack. Okay, which I would be happy to be because I've got quite a big snout in real life. But a slender one. It is actually a bit pointy. It is a wine. I've got it. I've got it.
Starting point is 00:00:47 I've got it. I've got it. I've got it. I've got it. I've got it. I've got it. I've got it. I've got it.
Starting point is 00:00:55 I've got it. I've got it. I've got it. I've got it. I've got it. I've got it. I've got it. I've got it.
Starting point is 00:01:03 I've got it. I've got it. I've got it. I've got it. I've got say, I would take a piece of yours and could I drop it in my hand? I wouldn't do that. And do you thought, Josh? Do you want me to add what I am? Yeah. Sorry, we're a breed of something. Could be terriers, let's see. Saltwater.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Oh, Crocs. We are breeds. Oh, Crocs. Yes, Crocs. Hame, you're from Columbia in Venezuela, the Ocnocco. And good trivia question, because I kind of thought Crocs were only in Australia. And you're found West and Central Africa, the slender snouted Jacko, And good trivia question because I kind of thought Crocs were only in Australia and
Starting point is 00:01:25 and you are found in Western Central Africa, the slender snout at Jacko, Saltwater of course, northern Australia. And we're going to be heading there soon enough. Maybe a we've the only country with salt teas, that's what I might be thinking of. I think, oh, good question, don't know. Slender knows, I don't think a slender knows could handle the power of saltwater. I think that's a builtender nose could handle the power of salt water. I think it'd filter it from black. I think they're gonna get to a club that would salt in no time.
Starting point is 00:01:48 But like when they leave the salt out of cafes and it gets humid and it gets full of clogged up, you don't have to put rice in your nose. Yes, yes. Oh, we also don't. That is perfect pump-trivial logic though, isn't it? We're right. Yes, yes, yes. That theory's about, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:04 And then suddenly that's fact. You go away and repeat what that guy said as fact in the tell room is that. Ohoy also, to Amy in Canada who used the very easy to use system, heinishnanny.com, uploading what she's been up to. Ohoy, heinish Andy and number six, I've recently moved to Canada
Starting point is 00:02:23 and was in the grocery store and walked past none other than the Cosmic Crisp Apple on the shelves. I had brained the Appleist in my head though and immediately kept walking straight past those. We also bought a car second-hand, very common men, and it was a Volkswagen TIG one. Oh my God. And so a couple of nods to Hey Mission Andy there, which was super nice to get from over here as I'm missing home lots,
Starting point is 00:02:53 but love listening to you guys every week. So keep up the great work. Bye. What a day. It reminds me of when our friend Ryan went to LA, Ryan Shelton, went to LA for the back to the future. It must have been the 30 year anniversary, I think of back to the future. And it's a paid tour he went on. Oh, very cheap.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Very cheap. And you went and saw that where they shot different scenes. And you went to the fantasy under the sea bowl. It wasn't my record. It wasn't worth it. Mine is from that and it just sounds like Amy's been on the Hamish and Andy have an apple get a second-hand ting one and just live the dream. I wanted to kick off today's show because a little while ago we started the Phil the Gap Initiative. I found my old denture, the less front incisor tooth. Is it the front teeth are they the incisors? Yep. We don't want to take away the hardest part of Mark's job if he
Starting point is 00:03:59 wants to do incisors, canons and molars for another episode. I might just put a time sheet in there for half a day's work. Because I've done three things that are related to each other. And Hayme similar to Mullets for Money's for Mates when we've come across in our lives a bodily item. It's supposed to be a bodily item that we know is not only useful to us personally, we think we try to give it on some kind of initiative. But not just any old body item, and this was, well, this actually isn't a body item, it's a fake body item of yours.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Mine was my real hair. We shaved off. We shaved off the most real mullet that we shaved off and stuck to a swimming cap that Hopefully hid the scalp and you can put the mullet on your head and it would look like you had a real mullet That in this day and age of identity theft that's a much higher risk for me to farm out so much of my DNA But and are you're safe here because this is a plastic tooth. That's true. It just fits your mouth perfectly We did offer it as part of the field of Gap initiative as well So many people have written in with missing a tooth and so I've just got a few of the selects to run by you today.
Starting point is 00:05:12 The Feel the Gap initiative. If you're missing a front left tooth, the number nine central incisor or find yourself missing a front left tooth, the number nine central incisor, wheel, feel the gap. The gap between the original and your replacement and the gap in your face. So, him, he so many gaps out there, and the email's coming in a unbelievable way. Thank you for the, thank you for the accompanying photos
Starting point is 00:05:40 as well, everybody that really gave me a chuckle. We'll put them up at homestead.com. This is from Holly in the US. It's such a good... We might put them up. Yeah. Also, what if people are just trusting that photo we do? It's anonymous, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Oh, like, hello, this is me with a gap tooth that I'm shy about and I want to feel, and then you're saying, Apple smart for 20 years. Apple, but that's social media. Well, there's only one way to get over the fear. Yeah, we might put it up. Because I was just thinking, if I was listening to this and I didn't have a gap, how excited am I to see gaps on people I don't know?
Starting point is 00:06:14 I don't know if it's a rush to the phone to do. I do. I check the ground. I beg to differ. Now I hope all the comments for anything we put up this week are flooded with. Yeah, this is great, but where's the gap? Where's the teeth? We want to see the holes.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Holly in the United States, perfect timing for the Philharmonic. He's, I still have a baby tooth and I'm 34 years old. Oh, wow, that's time to come out. It does not have an adult tooth pushing it out. So it just never left? Never left. It's time to come out. It does not have an adult tooth pushing it out. So it just never left, never left. It's getting infected needs extraction. And I'd like to say some costs on the procedure,
Starting point is 00:06:54 just knock that out rather than replace it as put Andy's tooth in there. And it's at that same tooth, she has a baby front tooth. Just trashed things. And now I do want to go to Instagram and see the photo. You're on it. I did that we might. And it's firming up.
Starting point is 00:07:11 There we go. It's from Jacob, he's an Australia. I believe I'm the perfect candidate for the field of gap. And also the mallet. So he wants the mallets for money, he's for me. It's a combo. I lost my two front teeth due to an e-scooter event. You can call it an accident, mate.
Starting point is 00:07:27 It's not an event. It's not something to do. I think there's a ton of those events going on at the moment. You either see people on e-scuters who've just done away with the helmet theory. But even so, with the helmet, like, you see people with the softest place piece of hard plastic on me, it's like quite often like over another hat. It's the most important thing you're going around as well. Like you might as well just like, well, I finished a pan of raspberries and I thought that on me.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Well, we're at like, you're absolutely learning on your face. You have an accident. Yes. So an eScooter event, he lost his free front teeth. He also lost his hair thanks to his father's wonderful genetics. So he went both, uh, great moustache, both two front teeth are out, but ball. Is this what, what's your feeling on that, Andrew? Would you be happy, that's obviously a gap you cannot feel and most of you put the tooth in sideways. And then of course, it wouldn't have the depth and you'd have a reverse beaver, which is
Starting point is 00:08:28 your two front teeth shorter than the rest, not longer than the rest. So it's both a bad off-dance. You've got to skip your down the list. You're either reducing the gap or it's a reverse beaver. Billy L. Wood from New Zealand, or Hoi Genon, you're not going to believe this, we are because you wrote it, we are. But it's just that happened. I've lost my front left tooth,
Starting point is 00:08:51 hockey related incident. Okay. My counter-applicement tooth keeps breaking quite frequently. I think Andy would have got a stronger model back in the day. He did, he went to quite a must-be nice dentist. Yes. So that's of interest. Keeps dentist. Yes. So that's of interest.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Keeps breaking. Hmm. So that's... Did you remember being offered teeth of various tensile strength? No, I don't think it wasn't like when you know, looking at a cough and you go, this is entry level. Yeah. So then you did the one mic and we could of course, oh no, don't worry about that one.
Starting point is 00:09:23 I mean, no one's strong enough to take that one. Oh, no, let me have a look. No, no, no, it's made from Wolverine claws. Hey, Mrs. from Theo. He said, Hoi Fales, I got a tooth knocked out four years ago. Still out. Two failed after two failed implants. I'm still missing the tooth.
Starting point is 00:09:43 It's not the front left, but I feel like it'll fit just fine. This is great. This is the equivalent of like, I do have these in a US 12. No, we have a women's 7. All right, I'll take those. You like these shoes. As you can see, I already have a mallet,
Starting point is 00:09:59 but would happily try the other one. Double mallet. Yeah. And your tooth. Well, that seems like a good candidate. Do you know which tooth it is? Is it the front right or is it just not even one of the incisors? Just alongside the front. I don't know what I'm not sure what that is. Are they your IT? I think they're your IT. Okay, that's okay. Again, don't want to steal Mike's job.
Starting point is 00:10:17 But don't you think that would... It's not as for us, it's not our job to say what looks good, what doesn't. But it means three front teeth in a row. Would you call the eye? Yeah, I'm not sure. The front tooth is flatter than the others I feel. Yeah. Well, they're definitely different shapes too. I mean, again, if Chen and I never bring out a dental version of the block, I think the
Starting point is 00:10:40 judges would be walking through going, something about the three front teeth. Does, it's an interesting way to decorate your mouth and just draws the eye in a curious way. I'm more of a traditionalist. I like this more classic. This is from Jason King, a Hoi Jenz riding on behalf of my partner Bonnie. So the higher run with the left front,
Starting point is 00:11:03 so it fits the bill for that. And she'd like to fill the gap. She had a face planned after a few sherbet, nearly 12 months ago, haven't been able to get a proper permit. Two sorted. She has her own denser. They have nicknamed Grant Dencher. Grant doesn't seem to fit all that well. So like Cinderella, maybe you've got the golden chomper and it might just slide perfectly into her mouth. Interesting. This one's interesting as well, Ham, from Jenny Stensurer. No, I'm just not.
Starting point is 00:11:33 What's that, Jack? Silver Plus. That's the gold, gold, right? That's gold, really. I've done sure. Okay, thank you. This is from Gemma. This is my dad Tony, the ripe old age of 77,
Starting point is 00:11:45 is contemplating getting braces to close the gap. He's got a really large gap in his two front teeth at the top. We're thinking perhaps you could use any teeth just as a middle tooth, going back to the three front teeth. Three front teeth. He's a dear. Certainly, it's more of an unorthodox way to arrange the team. Do you really think he would have a gap that's one tooth wide? Well, you can go to Instagram. It's a big gap.
Starting point is 00:12:11 You can turn the tooth on its side. We are putting this on. We're calling it now, baby. It's a pretty big gap. Is you reckon it's one tooth wide? That's outrageous. Think about how wide it is. It's that big.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Yeah, I reckon it's okay. Because I do like the idea of braces being involved. Like let's say someone was missing their front left. Yeah. And they put yours in and the braces we use to squeeze alongside it. Okay. Yeah, that's almost like a please Andy.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Cause it'd be like such a perfect fit. Yep. Final one, not sure if this one is right for us. This is Lara for Australia's boys. This is my daughter Scout. She's native, any teeth and is also bald. No, I think she's just a big. That's a baby.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Just baby. So I've been nervous just for a choking hazard situation. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:13:11 I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:13:19 I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just'll be from Darwin. We're going on the weekend. It will be a lot of Darwin content and we still do want to take Andy's tooth. That's right. Initially, the tooth was going to live up there, but I think we just want to take the tooth,
Starting point is 00:13:36 put it on a necklace around a crocodile's neck so that we have the world first reverse image of a crocodile wearing a human tooth necklace opposed to a human wearing a crock tooth necklace which by the way we're all definitely getting yeah agreed so we can all wear it in the photo yes yes after we bring it back because the crock won't want to keep it I mean he will because he'll be like oh look you know being a crocodile is all about showing that you're an alpha and getting a mate and this will really help me and make me look very attractive, but we're like, sorry, we're interfering with nature. You have to do that on your own. We can't be seen assisting you dominating your patch of the river.
Starting point is 00:14:12 So we have to take the tooth back from him. We might give him a nice little spray of anybody I wish is a... We can help you out for this week, but then you are on your own. And then it will be up for grabs. And so one of these people will get the tooth. Who do you like? And I mean, it is your tooth. I liked the, I like, I can't remember her name, but the, I think the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the guy who's two to been snapping a lot. I felt like he could be a good candidate.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Both good candidates, both front left in size. So both actually in the, the actual tooth required, I think... Oh, sorry, the last one. Do we throw the rougher in and go send it to the guy where it's the tooth next to his two front teeth? Yep. So we could... I mean, is it just mere, is there excitement there to see if three front teeth works? Yeah, I have a comment about that. Start it. We've got a thousand fears. He's got to send it back and then it goes to one of the other two. Yeah. Yeah. That's great. And don't be like one of Cinderella's sisters going, oh, no, I'm pretty sure it fits. We'll know. Okay, we will know.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Look at that. That does not fit. Not the one. And I, of course, we're deep in settling or bringing peace to the North. The other day I came across another original battle, another product using original to perhaps ward off, you know, competitors. And it is a good trick in the game. Like Arnold's biscuits, Yeah. Their slogan is except no substitutes, I think, or something like that. And they're called Arnett's originals. That's right. They go hard on it. They go very hard in the biscuit world. Because,
Starting point is 00:15:57 again, I'm making this up and just suspecting, but you get the feeling that they were first to the biscuit game. Well first of all the biscuits. And then as soon as you make one you go these are easy You're easy to make and people love them. Yeah Guys make what it is. What's going to do this like we we have to think of a way to ward off You know people love biscuits. They don't love us. They love the biscuits. So if someone else comes along and they make these for someone else, cheaper, I think our biscuit fans will go there. Like they don't love us personally. They just like a sugary, hard baked treat with their cup of tea. And I guess to some extent that's
Starting point is 00:16:41 where Dunnets is a big company that defended the turf well. Would you say? I agree. And I think by putting a regional on something, it feels more trusted. I don't know why. Yeah. Because they're saying, well, we wouldn't have stuck around this long. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:59 And we know. Because if you went into a store and it was like, you know, butternut biscuits, first ever packet. I don't know if I want those. Yes. I think I'd like to see them get some runs on the board. Right. They're first different packet biscuits. But I speak as cross.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Hope you love them. I think to be around for some time. Right. If they've been around for 40 years, they know what they're doing by now. But also, I think what the original helps you out is to say, we did the research and development. We know at its core what it is. We're the first engineer a biscuit. We know what made it a biscuit to begin with in the right order.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Yeah, that's true. That is true. So I know, I mean, people bloody love biscuits. Here's the other original, original company, C-monkeys. Oh, have you, did you have C-monkeys as a kid? No, I never had them. Yes. Very uneventful. Such the right way to describe C-monkeys. They're like little bacteria or something. They're C-lice. I think they're sea lice.
Starting point is 00:18:05 I think they're a tiny shrimp. But they are a living organism. But on the ads and on the packaging, they look like these big underwater lizard dragons that are having a lot of them. Well, no, they're not many armed, hilarious, jovial pink creatures of the sea who are wearing crowns and waist coats and
Starting point is 00:18:26 tickling each other and having fun in their kingdom. That's how C. Monkeys are advertised on the box. And I would have thought, like, in this day and age, you know when, like, even the most ridiculous disclaimers are on ads and stuff, like, you see, like, an ad where it's like a house blows up and they have to put in some more print, like, oh, don on ads and stuff like you see like an ad where it's like a house blows up and they have to put in some more print like, oh, I don't blob your house. Like you have to, you have to cover everything in ads these days. At no point, and I scoured it, my so Rudy was given a pack of sea monkeys from a birthday party. At nowhere on the box, does it go, by the way, the sea monkeys aren't these things,
Starting point is 00:19:06 these pink animals. So it literally just says, these are seed monkeys, this is what you buy. I'm so really surprised someone hasn't sued them. Yeah. Like it literally, at no point goes, by the way, this is just a cartoon that has nothing to do with what you bought. And one by one, every kid will be disappointed by seed monkeys.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Really asked, do we feed them bananas? Yeah. That's it. It's this tiny tub of water that you put powder in, which is the sea-lice eggs. And then what happens? So you meant to wait a week. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:38 And like this is no one, no one. I reckon I would be so surprised to find it if anyone's kept C. Monkeys alive for longer than 14 days, if at all. And how big do they grow? Well, they're tiny. They're like wiggling around. They're kind of like, you know, you can see movement in there, but they're like flees.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Like tiny worms. What's sort of like saying a dust mite or something? No, even a worm is way too generous for what it is. No, no, you're way, way too big. Like, think the size of I put in the morning and a small flick. So that's just small flick you wouldn't even bother telling your friend they have it in their eye. You see in the water and you just think it's part of like imperfections in the water. You have to look so closely to go. That is
Starting point is 00:20:20 move. No, no, Andy, come on, it's just's just enough. The worst things in the world. There's a speck of dust. There's speck of dust that if you watch for a long time, you will see that it is moving in a way slightly different than gravity. Or this is the tide of the water. And you go, OK, that thing's moving independently. That's as good as it gets. They are not, it's not a kingdom of aquatic beasts. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:20:47 As advertised. Yeah. Like, Ru genuinely is furious with the C monkey situation in her bedroom. And but C monkeys are onto the company, are on an absolute belty here because they're selling you dust with like into brought it up into an aquatic container and a little plastic castle. And then in a week later, you're meant to put in the extra food.
Starting point is 00:21:11 And there's all these rules like, ah, you might not have, you make sure it's got this amount of sunlight and make sure the water's right. But all just lots of us covering for it. So you can't get us for the fact that these things aren't gonna be exciting and alive. And then of course, like every kid that's been given C-Monkey is the parents get the blame
Starting point is 00:21:29 because you're setting it up. And Rudy's like, where are they? Why are they dead? You didn't feed them properly. I mean, they're the worst things in the world. And then the C-Monkey people know this. They're just selling you a complete fantasy. And they're claiming the world. And then the C-Monkey people know this. They're just selling your complete fantasy. And they're claiming the original. There's someone's trying to definitely try to get in on the C-Monkey game and go on, you know, West Spectacular C-Monkey's already been you were C-Monkeys. And and C-Monkeys have pushed them back out and go, no, no, we're original. So it's so on the, they are the original C-Monkeys. That's the... And it would be interesting to see if a competitor came along with C-Monkeys and used the name, even used the cartoon characters and the king and the queen of the C-monkey world,
Starting point is 00:22:10 and then the original tried to sue him and go, well, but these are real. What are you suing? Showing me the king and the queen of the C-monkey world. Bring him in. We want him in court. We should do it just to smoke these bastards out. We should do it just to smoke these bastards out. LAUGHTER MUSIC Guys, I'm not sure if you saw these in your side of the fan's hand, but I saw a few alert listeners bring me to the attention
Starting point is 00:22:36 of something that was just so magnificent. Sometimes you have a great ally of the show. Yep. When we love all the listeners, don't get us wrong. Very much so. There's some soldiers that rise the top and do something extra brilliant on behalf of the show, the people show. And today's candidate for that medal. Well, you're a medal presentation.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Is the Channel 7 Brisbane Weatherman? His name's Tony. Yep. And on the 450 P.M., so that's not going close to prime time. That's too be a work, but yep. He decided to weave into his weather report as many haemish-jelly references as you could imagine. Did he really?
Starting point is 00:23:19 Could this be a coincidence? Have a listen. See whether you think it's a coincidence. Okay. Good afternoon, our Huyke Wak Queenslander, watching 7 News. Check in the weather now and off the back of the mandated break over the weekend and start it warming up today. Let's go back to the beginning and see what's driving our weather
Starting point is 00:23:34 and a high just offshore here is whizzling a little bit further away today while an inland trough digs in over Western Queensland and pushes hot air in ahead of it. Tomorrow, that trough moves across with gusto and with a bit of power moves that dome of hotest air with it across Queensland. The high off short will peter out. Around a capital's tomorrow cool with showers in Melbourne and Hobart and a different store in Darwin up to 35 degrees.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Maybe you'll hit it up for a crock jumping tour. From all the Queensland, Mount Isle pushes up to 39 degrees. I hope your air condition is easy to use. It must be nice living in Macai tomorrow, though, sunshine and 29. Over southern districts, fire dangers worsen extreme for the Darling Downs. To all of our firefighters, take a bow. A big thanks for using your special skills to keep us safe. It'll be another tricky day ahead.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Roma, 39 degrees a warm evening. If you're out trick or treating for Halloween, my favorite is back in the day a bit of Tobleron Maybe some more tez is good luck and for surfers the swell is dropping down to a better size for the common man kennel about Two foot Tony. Thank you. I'm with you multi a Toblerone a bit sparky, but definitely the best That is unbelievable and they're ended they ended on a split two foot tiny. Because he's gone the swells down to two foot, and she's coming with tiny. I'm with you.
Starting point is 00:24:51 That is a lease. Incredible. That's a lease. So we don't have a medal, but I feel like we need to make one up. So that's a token of no value heading times away. I mean, it's got to be better than that, doesn't it? It's got to be a coin. For both of them, doesn't it? Yeah, it doesn't it? It's got to be a coin. For both of them, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:25:06 Yeah, it just has to be a coin. Just so, for people who are overseas listening, Brisbane's a massive city. Like this isn't just a regional town. It's too much of a guy trying out a community TV. Seven is the most prominent, one of the most prominent networks. So, but I would say for people who aren't aware of the podcast, he got away with it. Nothing seemed forced.
Starting point is 00:25:29 It was actually beautiful language. I think they would have got people riding in to Channel 7, Breezy going, look, I don't know what got into Tony, but I love his new vocab. And I hope he keeps using it, because I want to hear words like gusto. I want to hear
Starting point is 00:25:45 because I want to hear words like gusto. I want to hear hot fronts that have using it because I want to hear words like gustor, I want to hear Tony take a bow, whether it's deep like A-mishes or pretty so standard like mine, we really appreciate you bud. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. And Halloween just being gone. Yes. You guys do. Halloween. We love Halloween. We love it.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Yeah, do it. It's good. And not even as a kid. Never been treated. You never treated. No. Wow. And the only memory of it.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Maybe if I'd have known we would have got you out there. Yeah. The only memory I have that it was we would have got you out there. What would you have gone on here? The only memory I have. But it was Dad giving out saltanas. Yes, the famous incident. Yes, the message before saltanas, packets of saltanas instead of chocolate. And gave it two or three guys from up the road,
Starting point is 00:26:38 three doors, up the Thomas boys. Yep, good name. And we all ran the kitchen table. And we heard a little bit of a cuffuffle, which was then removing the flywire screen from outside the all ran the kitchen table and we heard a little bit of a cuffuffle which was then removing the flywire screen from outside the window of our kitchen table and then throwing all the saltanas through at the family. So they've got a more strict well more of a protest wasn't it? I mean they are just rejecting the notion of that as a treat.
Starting point is 00:27:01 To some people, like at the zoo I think think, when it's like a gorilla's birthday, they give them dried fruits and stuff like that. Like that's a treat outside of their normal diet, but I think Halloween kids are more after. Candy. Something packs more of a punch than dried fruit. Yeah. So then maybe in the,
Starting point is 00:27:17 if you're in a family that's a very, very zero sugar family, it's all time as we were wonderful treats. I don't think we even were. I think it was just more just... No, no, because this was the 80s. Like, we mostly it was a thing you'd heard about the Americans do back then. Like we had some, we only got into Halloween as kids
Starting point is 00:27:34 because our neighbors were from America originally. That's exactly it. And we're all we're gonna do it. And we're like, all right, so what do you do? Like, who do you wanna be? I remember going as Indiana Jones, which was me and my school uniform with Dads of Cooper. I mean, my little black tracksuit and some rope
Starting point is 00:27:52 that I just got from the garage, just to go, yeah, that's no whip. And then going, anyway, and then people being like, oh, sure. Well, we have Chuck Jit Musley bars. We're like, yeah, I'm not gonna get that. And I was like, bright sunshine, because I was like, four in the afternoon,
Starting point is 00:28:07 it was just something to do after school. But anyway, things have changed now. It's not actually what I want to talk about, but the Halloween year, we went, I can't, the kids love it, obviously, for obvious reasons. It's candy. I try to go pretty hard on the guys.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Yep, we can decorate the house, no spiders. Yeah. I don't like the fake spiders because I'm severely arachnophobic. This of course is a big mistake because it just is an absolute green light for fake spiders galore. So I find it quite a terrifying few weeks and lead up and shearing just because and and we decorate the fun of the house now. That's become a thing in our house and I for the first few days of doing it, I think a lot of people in your street doing it, or, yeah, yeah, it's not uncommon in the neighborhood. I'd say, you know, one in 10 houses does it.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Okay. But it's probably just a thousand with kids about our age. I forget that it's out there, and we've got a, like, a gate, and so you walk through the gate, and especially early morning, the first few days you've done it, though we have a zombie hanging off the gate. And I absolutely sh-
Starting point is 00:29:06 She had my selfie if it's like, we've been sometimes on leaving the house very, very early, like at six o'clock. Yeah, you're just sort of waking up in this body drag and you're like, oh my god. And also, and I try and collect all the spiders up from around the house and chuck them out. But then I forget the fake ones.
Starting point is 00:29:23 The fake ones. Then I forget, they're, them in the bin. So the next time you go to put a banana peel on something, it's like, oh, there's a tarantula in there. So here's what I want to talk about. There's a lot of supernatural stuff that happens around Halloween. Like there's a lot of, you know, people dress up as different supernatural figures. I have done some research.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Would you guys be interested in playing? Hamish's, there's a reason for this, but I'll tell you what I mean. Hamish's supernatural quiz. Or I'll quiz you about different supernatural beings, and we'll see who knows the most about the supernatural. Yes, sure. Okay, right mythical creature, um, subsists by feeding on the vital essence of the living, specifically blood, and in European folklore, they were undead creatures that often visited loved ones at night and bit them. They're in pies.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Andy correct, well done. You should have fun at that super natural point. Okay. Jack, which animal in folklore was an individual who can shape shift into another thing specifically on a full moon. Where would? Interesting. Pause the game.
Starting point is 00:30:56 I have a confession to make. The game was a scare. The game was a Ruzando, because somebody rode in during the week, okay? And they had a question. They said, in episode 168 of the podcast, okay, okay, which is quite a while ago. This came in from Arya. This is a whole gentleman.
Starting point is 00:31:20 I'm listening from the start. I'd like a query about number six, I'd like resolved. Just finished listening to episode 168, and in the first two minutes of the episode, you guys are talking about ball games. You talk about werewolves. I swear, Jackie's saying werewolf. Not werewolf.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Is he doing a bit or is this how he says werewolf? And Jack, I have to say from what I just heard, you did say werewolf. Do you think, do you think, I mean, I know this is petty, but we will go to any links to do it to launch an inquiry if we're asked by the listeners. You've lost the L and you're doing double I will. If I was to spell it on a piece of paper, I would certainly know that there's an L in there. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:10 If I'm saying where woof, I'm not doing a bit. It's just maybe I'm speaking so fast trying to get the words out that I'm just skipping over the L. Right. I just wanted to check and we have an obligation. I mean, if people email in and they want investigations, I think it's our job to launch one, usually under the rules of something else.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Yes. So we had, I mean, it was a long route. It was a long route. Well, we got distracted talking about Halloween, but it was meant to be quite a short supernatural quiz. It just happens to fall on the week of Halloween. Now, the rules worked, because you did say we're woof. And we got in the trap.
Starting point is 00:32:47 This is the original episode from once exact, just in case you're not sure. This is the bit of housing. How many years ago is this too? Oh, BFF. Well, yeah. This is the original case study. And I want to say it, one you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:59 The game is called Ultimate Werewolf. One person in the group becomes the Werewolf and we have to try to find it. It's been like Mafia, you have to try to find it. Yeah. The Werewolf is. Yeah, there's a lot of wolf isn't there. There's a werewolf.
Starting point is 00:33:13 There was a, maybe a hintervelle in the last one. This is the three Werewolf's Montos together. Werewolf, werewolf, werewolf. It actually does sound like Wolf, doesn't it? Yeah. This is them slowed down by 50%. Right. Wherewolf, wherewolf, wherewolf?
Starting point is 00:33:31 Here you go. Here you go. Here you go. Now, if it was a bit, this is absolutely your moment to go. Guys, I've been doing my own bit where I've been dropping Ls out of words, and I've been waiting for someone to notice. Is it a bit? This is not a bit, no. Not a bit.
Starting point is 00:33:47 I'm hearing this for the first time. This feels like I'm hearing it for the first time. Gotcha. Just sort of bring it up. Out of an obligation to, we obviously all have speech impediments too, so we weren't beginning, which hunts about pronunciations. I just want to say. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:04 This is coming back to me. I've got now a memory of my grandma trying to teach me the difference between saying the word lion, like the animal and lion, like something you'd draw with a pen. And I couldn't understand the difference. And she was like, no, say lion. And I was like, lion.
Starting point is 00:34:21 And I'm just, I'm just having a flashback of that now. The flashback for me was when Hawkes came to the show and said, I've got an idea for a great new segment. Can you call me? Can you call me? And I said, what is it? It's career, career. Career, career. You guys, I'll say one.
Starting point is 00:34:41 And you've got to let me know whether I'm saying career, career or career. And he's, I said, that's pretty clear. Yeah, when you're in another plane this day, no, I think we sort of shut it down because we weren't, we acknowledged that those three weren't sound similar, but we weren't, I don't know if we saw the longevity in a had to go. Well, it's Thursday, which means we are playing Korea, Korea. And we might bring back We're Wolf, Wolf at a later date, but I hope you're satisfied. Do you reckon you'll try and change?
Starting point is 00:35:17 No, I guess at this stage, what, why I tried to... Always try and bet it yourself. No, no. But also, it might have been... It might have been since you were a little kid that you say it in a cute way and you just never got corrected. That's possible too.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Yes, and I also remember I say, you guys said, I say mirror wrong. And I just mirror like a mirror mirror on the wall. Oh, that's right. That's right for the wall. Oh, it's not what it is. What do I, here Here's this episode. Like M-E-D-A-R-A.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Yeah, to me, it's M-E-R-R-R. It doesn't sound that different to me, but... Oh, trust me. Like, trust me. We know you're calibre, but you might be valvoy. There'll be a few consonants, then. It's gonna just be a different accent, like slightly different...
Starting point is 00:36:08 I'm part of a different part of Melbourne from you guys. There may be a regional dialect. Who say we're Woffan Mera. That'll be it. LAUGHTER MUSIC Hey, we are heading to Darwin next week. Next week's show will be from Darwin as we try to put to bed the crock wars that have raged for 40, 50 years.
Starting point is 00:36:33 40, 50 years, and a peace in the north, peace in the north, here, here, here, peace in the north. We bring, we come with good wishes for all businesses, all small businesses in the north and the three of us and the rest of the team, we booked out flights. As we mentioned on last week's show, we booked out flights. We're like, let's do this. Come on, we've been flirting with this all year. Book out flights to Darwin and then so just to recap in case anyone's dipping in and out of the episodes, then it came out of the original. Crocs Jumping Toers, unrelated maneuver to our activities, before we could bring
Starting point is 00:37:08 peace to the region, have decided to cease operations due to a bunch of other logistical factors. Where does this leave the peace process? You need two operational sides to have peace. Yeah, but it's so close. You know, we're only missing a biomatter of days. We still think it's still a nice feeling to bring peace, regardless of who's operating what business the next weekend. We got a huge on email of forging forth with this for the want of
Starting point is 00:37:43 fun trip to Darwin. Now that could not be what? Yeah, not cause of the jet ski tours. Yeah, that could not be further from. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's me with a wife and two kids. Wife and two kids are like, oh, let me, you know, I'm just going to go to Darwin. George, because we're standing at the casino, you know, I'm just gonna go to Darwin, George, because we're just going to the casino.
Starting point is 00:38:05 You know? That's gross. That's gross. That's gross. No, you're not the only one crying. I'm crying too, because that's a really helpful thing to say. Oh boy. Yeah, that's awful.
Starting point is 00:38:22 That's what these tears are for. No, no, please. Rip it. Rip it. Rip it. Rip it. Rip it. Rip it. Rip it. Rip it. Rip it.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Rip it. Rip it. Rip it. Rip it. Rip it. Rip it. Rip it. Rip it.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Rip it. Rip it. Rip it. Rip it. Rip it. Rip it. Rip it. Rip it. Rip it. to retract, please write back in or show you that outside. Right in. Because we want to put a little bit of peace and love into the frothy waters of the Adelaide River, which is up there in the Northern Territory.
Starting point is 00:38:58 And that's where these cockatoll tours operate. And we will not rest until peace is bought on Saturday afternoon. And then we will not rest because it is bought on Saturday afternoon and then we will not rest because it's David and Cassie. But then we will rest and then we'll go home. You! Hey, you for peace! I've got two quick things.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Two quick things. Can I know where it goes? Time to go. Yep. Two quick things. A private room. No. No. Try up for us. The owner for spectacular has come back to us and said, I'll be there. Yes. Yes. Okay. The owner for spectacular. I'll be there. And spectacular. The ones are staying as a business. Yes. But exactly as still open as far as Jackson. So he'll be there Saturday afternoon for the peace, something. Peace and open to peace talks.
Starting point is 00:39:47 So and agreed that he'll come together and give a compliment to the other three. That's where it's tiny. Okay, Tony. Okay, Tony is from Spatekker. Tony runs original crock jumping tours. Where's Tina? I haven't heard from him. I haven't heard from time.
Starting point is 00:40:00 That's why I still think it is worth a press fourth. Yes. But we all find, it's not a huge play it is worth a press fourth. Yes. But we all find time. It's not a huge play, some people know where Tony is. Some weeks ago, we got a text message from him that said, if you make it up, this is the only corresponds we've had. Yeah. And I love the cut of it. I didn't know you got text messages from Tony.
Starting point is 00:40:15 I was keeping it a secret, so I wanted to secure him more. I thought we'd be able to chat to him more. He's then since gone off the grid a bit. I love the cut of this guy's TV. He seems to be doing whatever he wants, which you and I are putting the shutting off the grid a bit. I love the kind of this guy's TV seems to be doing whatever he wants, which you and I are putting his shadow down the business last week.
Starting point is 00:40:29 He said, if you make it up north, I'll be there. This is a while back. He's since now hasn't hasn't been in touch with us. So that's okay. So turns around somewhere. Well, I think he's aware of it. But this is, you know what, this is again, like if peace was easy, everyone would have done it. So we've got to sit down these small businesses.
Starting point is 00:40:49 I'm confident we've got, where's in the pocket? We'll find Tony or some version there of. We'll find Tony. We'll find him. We'll either get him to come to the peace talks or we get a statement or whatever. Look, here's the thing, because what I was gonna bring up on the weekend, apart from going out close, was, um, I'm not gonna say that. I'm not gonna say that.
Starting point is 00:41:16 Was, uh, a plaque. I wanted to donate the plaque. We'll put it on the bridge. We're gonna put it on the bridge, or like laid in the ground, the about to be like on, you know, this, on this spot, peace was agreed to between these companies. I'm just thinking, I'm just be going here, but it ch... if Tony's there or isn't there, it sort of changes the wording of the plaque.
Starting point is 00:41:40 How about this? Why don't I bring three to five planks that cover different outcomes? Because it might even be on this spot, peace was proposed, but sadly not achieved. Yes. On this spot, peace was proposed. I'll be over. Okay. Do you know what I mean? There's a few different permutations. So maybe I bring three to five planks.
Starting point is 00:42:01 And then maybe at the top, we cover all our bases with the planks. I'll just bring you in a little briefcasecase and then we'll lay the appropriate one. Whatever happens, you will turn to you and go, which one do you think? And I'll be the five final planks going to... Yes, I think I have a plack for this occasion. I do have one that fits what's happened. Don't make that a peter out. I want five planks.
Starting point is 00:42:22 No, the planks will be there. I'll get three to five plarks. No, it might make a, why don't I make a small plark, a subplark? Well, mini plark for us to take out that night to go on this spot. Hamish Andy and Jack celebrated on this very night after negotiating peace in the North. Yeah. This is where the, the after party was, the peace celebration.
Starting point is 00:42:45 You're gonna have to make that more generic because if we don't celebrate, you're gonna mean you're gonna need five smaller plucks. Yeah. And then if you're doing every permutation of the smaller plucks, you could be like, and then they won on roulette or they won on crutch. Or they won at poker.
Starting point is 00:43:04 I think it's Jack's. Jack's, Jack's come to play. He's playing to be. He's playing to be. Yes, I do love the idea of the smaller park. All right, I'll keep the small planks. You know, just be like on this spot, Jack and the Inhanish were seen celebrating the, you know, the events of the peace process. Yes, that's it, that's it. So it just keeps it kind of broad, but we still lay that down for that night. Perfect. Great night out when you got a ploy.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Next week, catch up or contribute at hamishanandie.com.

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