Handsome - Jerry O'Connell asks about invitations

Episode Date: March 25, 2025

The hilarious Jerry O'Connell asks a question about event invites, plus an extensive Handsome makeup tutorial involving "pink tint," Biggie discovering beauty products, and more!Handsome is s...treaming LIVE from Austin April 12! Get your tickets here.Handsome is hosted by Tig Notaro, Mae Martin, and Fortune FeimsterFollow us on social media @handsomepodMerch at handsomepod.comWatch Handsome on YouTubeThis is a Headgum podcast. Follow Headgum on Twitter, Instagram, and Tiktok. Advertise on Handsome via Gumball.fm.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HeadGum Podcast. This is a HeadGum Podcast. Some people just know they could save hundreds on car insurance by checking Allstate First. Like you know to check that you take your hot coffee off the top of your car before driving off from the cafe. Checking First is smart. So check Allstate first for a quote that could save you hundreds.
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Starting point is 00:01:49 Handsome Pod. Chat with friends on the Handsome Pod. Chat with friends on the Handsome Pod. Cheers. Welcome to the Handsome Pod. It's me, May Martin. I'm joined by, that's my worst one. That's the worst one I've ever done, I think. That was hell. I'm so sorry. Not a problem. And it is I, your other co-host, Tignotaro.
Starting point is 00:02:16 I think I panicked because I was gonna do it in a British accent because I'm in London. And then I thought I'd want to slap myself. How much longer are you in London? Five more days. Yeah. Do you have a bunch of shows? I've done my shows. I did my last music tour show and then now I'm just like catching up with old friends and writing with my writing partner and yeah, it's nice.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Is your writing partner who you did your TV show with? I did feel good with him, yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah. But do you notice anything different about me guys? The goatee. Yes, I've grown a goatee. Wait, that looks good.
Starting point is 00:03:01 I got a haircut from Debbie. Oh, yes, yes, yes. Of course the haircut from Debbie, but I have a question about, do you have a gray gown hanging in the back? Oh yeah, it looks like two gray gowns. Yeah, I have two gray gowns for me and my 80 year old friend,
Starting point is 00:03:26 Tabitha. Wait, what? No, I'm just in a hotel room and they got two robes. Oh, those are robes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, they look like gowns. It looks like for twins or something. Yeah, that would be interesting if you found out
Starting point is 00:03:43 that I was dressing up in drag every night in gowns, privately. Yeah. I thought you had lipstick on for a second. I thought that's what the reveal was. This isn't becoming a big controversy in my life. Do you say that? Do you know what happened? I was on The Daily Show and then I posted the clip. Yeah, your lips were really pink there too. I know and everybody's going, is that person wearing lipstick
Starting point is 00:04:11 and is that a girl or a boy? Because it was shared on the Daily Show page. And then I, so I edit my comment under it and I go, guys, I don't know why my lips look so pink. I guess I'm really healthy. But guys, this is an exclusive I can share with you. I've lost my mind because I did put on this lip tint and then I didn't expect it to look,
Starting point is 00:04:33 I just thought I would look healthy. I didn't think it would look that pink and I don't know why I've now explicitly denied it. So wait, are you now revealing this on the podcast? Yes, because in the comments, now I don't know what to do. Because you did put on lip tint, and then it was like, nothing to see here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:54 I think what you need to do, the only thing that's right, is to make a video apologizing to everybody and confessing that you did in fact put on some lipstick before your appearance. It's actually, it's a lip tint by Benefit. That usually, usually you put it on and then it's like a stain and you wipe it off. I had no idea it looked like bright pink.
Starting point is 00:05:22 And did you not like how it looked? I hate how it looks in the video. But also everybody's like so freaked out by it that it just confirms why I'm so weird about it. It reminds me of being in school of people being like, May's wearing makeup. I mean, being like, no guys, I'm not. Well, that's the only reason.
Starting point is 00:05:39 I can confirm that you do wear makeup. More than any of us. That's the only reason I asked because I had just seen that video and your lips still look a little pink and I was like, maybe May's experimenting with lipstick now. So I thought you were like, what do you see? It's because I was going on TV. I thought I want to look healthy.
Starting point is 00:06:02 And then the really crazy thing is that now people are in the comments. Like a lot of handsome fans are defending me. They're saying if some makeup artist made me wear lipstick, how dare they? And I'm like really touched by them being protective. And now I can't double back and go, actually, guys, I did. But you can. This would be the greatest video of all time. If you if you did the, you know, straight to camera apology and then come clean and just confess.
Starting point is 00:06:30 But here's where I want to back up to. Yeah. Why were you so hell bent on looking healthy? What is going on with you? You're like, I just need to look healthy for this appearance. I think I was really tired from touring and I felt like I looked really pale and I was just kind of panicking and trying to control something.
Starting point is 00:06:52 And I thought. Now I am not a makeup person myself. What? Right. Now hear me out, hear me out. I am not. I mean I don't know. Fortune, hear me out, hear me out. It's crazy. Okay, it is crazy, but it's true.
Starting point is 00:07:06 And this is all natural beauty that you're looking at. But what? Yeah, Fortune, it's natural beauty. So you say so. I am saying so. And even though I am not a makeup person, I can tell you that if you felt like you were looking a little pale Yeah, putting on some bright pink lipstick before you go on is only gonna highlight the lips and the
Starting point is 00:07:34 paleness even more Exactly. Yeah, of course like I didn't bronze or anything. I went with a lip taint. Taint? Lip taint. Not taint. What are we talking about? You put lipstick on your taint? Okay, clearly I don't, you guys, I'm a boy, I don't do this stuff. I will tell you in my special good fortune that it happened to me too.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Are you serious? They put like a little- You put lipstick on your taint? special good fortune that it happened to me too. Are you serious? They put like a little. You put lipstick on your taint? Well I have, I do wear some lipstick in my specials. You can see it in my last special, but it wasn't like whoa, but in good fortune it was like whoa, because they put a little bit
Starting point is 00:08:20 of lip taint on me. Why? Was it May's lip taint that they put on you? It was a similar color. And then something with the, between that and the color chosen for, because you can, you know, do the different levels of color, um, and in the color correction, it made it pop so crazy. So when the clips came out, I was like,
Starting point is 00:08:46 why are my lips so pink? And it looks like I'm just full on, yeah. And were you not happy with your lip taint? It's just jarring when you don't do that in everyday life. And then suddenly it's like pow. But like in- Lip taint. Crushing it, I had some, but it was just like a little boop and it was fine
Starting point is 00:09:05 I swear backstage it didn't look like they were bright pink and then something happened and it's just insane that When people were freaking out I didn't go guys. Look, I'm a pretty little lady. I can do what I want Yeah, I put some lip taint on Instead I like went hard on no guys. I don't know why they look like that. Okay, I need to, can we actually record the straight to video apology right now? And can we use this for May's social media? Yeah, here we go.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Can you help me? Like, can you set it up for me? Like I need help being brave. So I need you to be part of it. I wanna see you be brave. Is that the lyrics? That helps. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:52 I wanna see you pink taint you, what you wanna do. I wanna hear you be brave. Which one is it? C or here? It must be C. I wanna see you pink taint which one is it? See or hear? It must be see. I wanna, I wanna see you. That's a great song.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Pink date. I wanna see you, pink date. Sarah Bareilles, your friend. Look, we'll just, we'll chop up what I've already said and we'll make, and I'll do like a tear. No, we want a straight to video right now. I think you start with- Three, two, one, please hold fortune
Starting point is 00:10:23 and Meg, you're on. The past couple of days have been really difficult for me. And I've thought a lot about what I wanna say. And I just wanna say particularly to the people that believed in me and who trusted me, that I specifically said online that I was not wearing any kind of lipstick. In fact, I said, I don't know, I use the words, I don't know why it looks like I'm wearing lipstick.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Gaslighting. I need to tell you I was gaslighting you. I did put on for the first time ever. Pink taint. You know what? It wasn't even the first time ever. There's been other times. Yeah, I put on like a lip tint and then I thought it looked normal backstage. I go out, I see the clips. It looks like I'm wearing. Anyway, I should have owned it. I should have said, listen, I'm a they them. I could wear, look, even if I was a
Starting point is 00:11:18 giant truck driver, I could wear, I could wear whatever. Oh, anyway, I lied and Tig wants me to apologize for the sake of the podcast. Yes, for the sake of your pink tohain. Thank you, May. Thank you, May. Can we get socials to cut that and just have that so May can put that on their social media, please? Maybe we'll have to add some sad music behind it too. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:45 What if this was all an advert for benefit lip tint? For JLo's lip gloss. Wait, so would you never wear lipstick? I have, I just know when to stop. No, of course there's always that, I've had that happen too when I've, guest starred on a show or done late night, and then I'm like oh that Shade yeah, not quite right or like a gloss that really shines or something. Yeah
Starting point is 00:12:16 Yeah, I just am very adamant these days where if anyone goes near my lips I'm like it has to be so natural. Like I don't want anything to look different than how my lips look. And so I've kind of gotten that down. I mean, it's not helping my case that I have two gray gowns hanging in my. Yeah, you've been caught.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Back in the day I hosted the GLAAD Awards in New York and I had, they put makeup on me and like right before I went out, the makeup artist was like, Oh, just one more thing. And he put blush on both cheeks and just went boop, boop. And I was like, Oh, okay. Thanks. Didn't look at it and just go out on stage and the video comes out later and I look like is it the Marionette doll what is it with the oh big?
Starting point is 00:13:09 Like circle red like a raggedy Ann. Yeah, it was I look insane and I was But I bet you looked healthy right I Looked in I look like a crazy person that doesn't know how to put on makeup. Oh my God. Well, this is the problem is like if you resist learning those skills when you're pubescent the way I did and maybe you guys did, then later in life when you dip your toe in, you don't know what the hell you're doing. I wear a little bit of foundation.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Yeah, me. Like on a daily basis. Uh huh. Yeah, I am wash and go. You want to see my little makeup bag? Yes, please. You've got it right there. Here. Yeah, do you? Well, I'm a pretty little lady. Yeah, I got I got my. This is my is my liquid.
Starting point is 00:14:05 I use the same one. Twins. But I use the CC. If there's ever a time to head over to YouTube. I've got my beauty blender. What is a beauty blender? They look like a little, they look like a little rock.
Starting point is 00:14:21 It looks like a rock. Biggie. Biggie's like, did someone say butthole? Biggie's now sniffing at the Beauty Blender. Why do you want my Beauty Blender? I've got my Burt's Bees pomegranate lip tint. Girl, girl. So it gives you a little something.
Starting point is 00:14:40 But it's not too much. It's not full taint. See, see that's not bad. Fortune It's not full taint. See, see, that's not bad. Fortune's not going full taint. And then I have a little thing here to I don't know what this stuff's called, where you put it like circles, circles under your eyes. Oh, they're circles. Oh, yeah. These are called circles.
Starting point is 00:15:01 You got your free circle. Yeah. Us explaining makeup is kind of hilarious. Yeah. We just did two makeup tutorials. And then hand cream. Thomas, can you put handsome makeup tutorials on the list, please? Please, please.
Starting point is 00:15:20 But I think Tig should leave it kind of. I got my circles. I'm not doing any taint blending though for you guys. He thinks it's all treats because he's like, what's this? You don't use this much. It is a treat. Have you looked at your face? Now I'm putting on my lotion.
Starting point is 00:15:37 You got to have lotion. You all know you have to lotion the back of your hands, right? Of course, but do you know the most important rule about hydration? What? Hydrate from the inside. Yes, you're so right. You're so right.
Starting point is 00:15:52 I've been very dehydrated on tour. I gotta drink water. Is the tour over? Fortune, you look like a grandmother putting lotion on, looking down going, is the tour over? Like that kind of distracted questioning, is the tour over? Like that kind of distracted questioning. Is the tour over? I'd be a cute grandma, terrible mom, cute grandma.
Starting point is 00:16:11 So many people are like that. So many people really come into their own as grandparents. I feel like I became a parent at grandparent age essentially. So I feel like. You're a good grandparent. Yeah, I feel like I'm a good grandparent. That's nice. Some people just know they could save hundreds
Starting point is 00:16:32 on car insurance by checking Allstate First. Like you know to check that your pink lip tint doesn't look too pink before going on TV for that late night talk show appearance. Checking First is smart. So check Allstate first for a quote that could save you hundreds. You're in good hands with Allstate.
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Starting point is 00:19:13 to get 10% off of trio, which includes sizzle, frizzle, and drizzle, and get to cooking your next chef quality meal. So yeah, your tour's fully over, mate? Yeah, I've done all the music shows, yeah. And then I got to head back to Toronto. And it was a smashing success, right? Dude, it was so fun.
Starting point is 00:19:36 I was doing guitar solos and it felt like a fantasy. And I had to say, like, I didn't realize how much I'd lost my mojo or like that I'd been kind of down for six months until the tour. I feel like a cloud's lifted off me. I feel really good. That's incredible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Yeah. Did you get any ponties thrown at you? No, but I did get people yelling out ponties and I got people yelling out, a lot of people yelling out little cowboy. But then sometimes I'm on stage and I'm people yelling out, a lot of people yelling out, little cowboy, but then sometimes I'm on stage and I'm having a great time and then someone will yell out, you got this, and I'm like, I know.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Like, or I think I look really vulnerable and scared and people are like, you can do it, and they're like, little cowboy, you got this. I'm like, oh, it's really nice, but I'm like, am I giving off total failure? Maybe it's a nervous energy sometimes. Yeah, I think you're right about that. What about you guys?
Starting point is 00:20:33 So I'm on UK time, it's early morning. I'm drinking my coffee right now because y'all know how much I love coffee. Pinkies up. Pinkies up. Are you a don't talk to me till I've had my coffee? I can't remember. Girl, don't talk to me till I've had my coffee.
Starting point is 00:20:51 No. You are? No? No. I love it though. I drink it every morning, but I'm not like a huge morning person in general, but I'm not unpleasant. As you can tell, you're being absolutely heavenly right now.
Starting point is 00:21:07 You know the pinky up thing? One time in England, I saw what I thought is the most British thing, is someone on the subway, like on the tube, holding the pole in the subway but with their pinky out. For real. Oh, look at that. Oh, how British. Yes, how d that. How British. Dainty.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Yes, how dainty and British. Pinky sound. Does it make you miss living there when you visit or are you like, oh, I'm glad to be in LA? I miss the people and a bunch of them came to the show and I haven't seen them in like three years. I spent 12 years here, like my whole 20s. So I miss the people and there were like two really sunny days.
Starting point is 00:21:49 And I was like, God, the city's the best. And then now the gray has descended and it's raining again. And I'm like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, this is the problem. Hmm. Yeah. So that really is a thing. It's like gloomy there a lot. Oh, big time. Except when you're in Debbie's hairdresser, because she is a ray of sunshine and she says hi, she sends her love. Hello, Debbie. Can we hear little Debbie's voice?
Starting point is 00:22:12 Oh, what did she, well, she came to my show. She came, she said, she said, well, I went to Tig's show. Oh, it was so funny. I couldn't believe it. And she said, and then she came to my show and she didn't charge me for the haircut, which I was like, please let me pay you. She was like, oh no, don't be silly, man. It was so nice. I know she wouldn't let me pay for mine either. And then she threw in like some hair product.
Starting point is 00:22:36 And I was like, this is insane. And she was like, oh, but you got me tickets to your show. And I was like, I'll have none of it, but she wouldn't take my money. What if I get my haircut from her and all she knows how to do is cut hair like you guys. And so I ended up looking having y'all's haircut. Well, wouldn't that be lucky of you?
Starting point is 00:22:57 Yeah, would that be the worst thing in the world? You would be without my curls. Can you give me a little credit that I reminded you to go get your haircut from Debbie? Yeah, 100%. I would have forgotten. And Fortune, would you ever go short short? No. Would you ever go long long?
Starting point is 00:23:15 No, because it weighs my curls down. I went short short when I lived in Spain. I didn't know the difference between trim and cut in Spanish. So I asked for a haircut and he chopped it all off to where it was like crazy short. And I came home to, I was living with this little old lady for the first two months I was in Spain.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Have I told you guys this? No, but it sounds hot. She had a wig on when I met her and she got comfortable with me. And when I came home, I came home and the wig was off and she was bald and she had one sprig of hair. Wait, one sprig of hair like Cindy Luhu? Yeah, one sprig of hair. And how old?
Starting point is 00:24:05 Like my age or what? No. Like 80. Like 80. Oh my God, that's amazing. And she said stress. And she, poor thing, had lost her hair from stress. And I just wanted to be like, girl, let it go.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Oh my God. So I got my hair chopped off. And I came home looking for want to be like, girl, let it go. So I got my hair chopped off and I came home like looking for her to be like, I get it. And she said to me, que raro. And it means how weird in Spanish. Oh my God. While she's sitting there with one sprig. Yes.
Starting point is 00:24:43 I was like, are you kidding me right now? I was like, wow, weird. Oh my God. That's incredible. That's really. Can you post a picture of the short hair? I will have to look in my scrapbook. Please do and send it to socials.
Starting point is 00:25:04 I don't remember if I took a picture because I was so embarrassed when it first happened. I might not have taken a picture right away. Oh, man. It was still the circle curl but right to my head. I would love to see a picture. The old circle curl. Did you almost cry when you see it happening and you're just frozen, paralyzed? Yeah, because you kept going
Starting point is 00:25:28 and I didn't know how to be like, ah! Yeah, it's the worst when you're watching in real time yourself getting the wrong haircut. Oh God. And then if you speak up, you seem high maintenance and all of that, it's the worst, it's the worst. I mean, I've had that with tattoos where I should have spoken up in the moment,
Starting point is 00:25:51 but I'm like, oh, okay. The one that says oatmeal? No, that one weirdly I was really into. That one may has turned into oat milk. It's all the rage now. Unsweetened oat milk is what it now says. They were doing the tattoo you hadn't approved or it was just way not what you wanted.
Starting point is 00:26:13 There was this sketchy guy I used to go to when I was like 16 and he would always say, I want this and I'd have like a picture or a stencil or I need to go, I'm gonna freehand it. I'm just gonna, I know how I'm gonna do it. And then he would do like his own freehand handwriting on my body and I can see it going, but you're halfway through,
Starting point is 00:26:32 you can't then switch to a stencil. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. See, that's why I just went with the one tattoo that I have. What is it? You have a dot, is that right? That's right. Yes, okay, I listen, I remember. I is it? You have a dot, is that right? That's right. Yes, okay, I listen, I remember.
Starting point is 00:26:46 I do not remember this. My brother threw a ballpoint pen at me when I was in sixth grade and it stuck in my knee and I pulled it out and I have a dot. So I always say if I go missing and they ask if I have any tattoos, I had a dot. I have a scar right here from my brother's fingernail. Did he need to?
Starting point is 00:27:08 He's like, we have a fight in his thumb. His thumb like dug into my forehead. This is your brother? Uh-huh. Brothers are the worst. Yeah, brothers are terrible. We all had brothers. Well, speaking of brothers,
Starting point is 00:27:21 I actually just flew to see my brother on the East Coast for two days because my niece was turning one and my sister-in-law asked if I would come surprise my brother. And so I did, but I also got caught in all the weather and then my flight guide got diverted and I ended up having to, it just was a whole situation. And, um, and, uh, and, and she was, his wife was totally keeping this under wraps and I arrived and normally he's sitting on the couch watching the news at this time that I arrived, but he was, she said that her friend was coming in town and that he had picked her up from the airport
Starting point is 00:28:06 And then it didn't happen and then so Okay, well that we just lost May had a little technical glitch in the middle of my surprise story No, welcome back. Okay, they disappeared So long story short, I am sitting on the couch and it's the time when my brother is typically watching the news or a game or something. And he decides out of nowhere, he's like,
Starting point is 00:28:37 I'm going to go take a shower and do some laundry. My sister-in-law is like, what? Oh my God. Why now? And so yeah, so he goes up and he showers and then I arrive and then I go sit on the couch and she's like, I'm going to go get him. And she interrupts his shower. He's mid, he's shaving. He's mid shave in the shower. Like the longest shower of his life. And she's like, my friend's here. And he's like his life. And he's like, and she's like,
Starting point is 00:29:10 my friend's here. And he's like, okay. And he's like, and she goes, come down and say hi. And he's like, what? He's like this person. Oh my God. And oh, also before he got in the shower, his wife was like all stressed because she was like, well, what if my friend shows up and you're in the shower? And he said later, he was like, and I what if my friend shows up and you're in the shower? And he said later, he was like, and I'm thinking, this girl can't, this woman can't just open a door and walk into our house. What the hell is wrong with her? And so he's mid shower, mid shave.
Starting point is 00:29:36 And my sister-in-law is like, you have to come down. She just got here. He's like, oh my God. So he dries off, he walks down the stairs and then he looks over and it's me sitting on his couch. And he was just like, oh, like he just head down, like stunned, could not even move. He couldn't believe it.
Starting point is 00:29:57 That's so cute. Yeah, and I have to say, my brother was just like a guy with a dog driving a Jeep, listening to the Rolling Stones and talking sports. And then he meets, you know, in a one bedroom apartment meets his wife. I've never seen him happier. She has the dog of his dreams and they have their little family. And then he has his son so happy and then his
Starting point is 00:30:26 daughter comes along you guys I have never seen this side of my brother like a girl dad like oh my he is like so I overhear I'm talking to this woman that was helping organize the party and he's like, um, and you know, uh, it's the pink Uh, it's the pink dress with the little flowers on And I was like, what am I and he's like what he was like pink is her color and like, uh, It just really brings out her eyes and her hair and her lips Oh, I was teasing him. I was like, I feel like you have a little dolly I was teasing him. I was like, I feel like you have a little dolly.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Like he's so and he's a stay at home dad. And he does like the bottles and the diapers and like, and he's and I asked him, I said, how do you feel about how life has turned out? And he's just like, it's a gift. I just I wouldn't change a thing. It's a gift. That's amazing. Yeah. That's so sweet. That's so nice that you went. He'll always remember that. It was such a great visit.
Starting point is 00:31:31 When he dropped me off at the airport, I was like, this is truly the happiest I have ever seen you in my life. Not that I doubted that he'd be into his daughter, but it is a side of him that I have truly, where he, the whole weekend was me teasing him like, well, put that dress on your Pinterest board. And then I turned to him at one point and I said, out of nowhere, I go, you know what? I actually don't think pink's her color.
Starting point is 00:32:05 And I mean, he got whiplash. He turned his head so fast with the dirtiest look on his face. I was like, easy, I'm kidding. I am kidding. Yeah, what did you say about my dolly? Something like melts my heart. There's something about seeing a dad do like a ponytail
Starting point is 00:32:24 or a braid on their daughter. It's a very sweet thing. Well, yeah, even at one point he was like, man, he was like pulling her little curls in the back of her hair and he goes, man, I can't wait till she has long hair. And I was like, oh, you have long hair on your little dolly. It just God. It just was really incredible. It was really incredible. It's always nice to see siblings content, you know, just living their best.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Anybody. Yeah, for sure. When you see anyone happy, you're just like, awesome. Now I can go live my life and not worry about you. Right. But truly. And everyone's version of what happy is is different. And whatever is happy for them is so cool to see.
Starting point is 00:33:09 For sure. Anyway, I just wanted to share that. It was a really fun time. And should we move on to our question? Yeah, let's do it. All right, well today's guest is an actor and TV host known for his roles in the TV shows Billions and Sliders and films like Stand By Me to Jerry Maguire to Kangaroo Jack.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Jerry O'Connell is asking today's question. Hi Tig, hi Fortune, hi Mae. Jerry O'Connell here. I'm an actor, I'm a host. I've been in things, you can look it up. Okay, here's my question. You get people have movies, premieres, specials. You don't want to go. You just don't want to go. You got to get dressed up, you know. In my case, hair, makeup, a lot of it. Sometimes you got to pay for it out of pocket. There's a red carpet, there's interviews, press junkets, electric press junkets,
Starting point is 00:34:29 Zoom press junkets, you don't wanna go. Do you immediately say, I can't make it, thank you for the invite? Do you wait a little bit and say, I checked my calendars, I can't make it it Do you just go? Or do you just completely ignore it? Completely ignore it and then when you see them be like, oh I didn't I don't I don't what?
Starting point is 00:35:03 I know I'm a fan of a lot of people but I am a true Jerry O'Connell fan because I am a stand-by-me obsessive. I know every line of that movie and his performance as Vern is comedy genius. He's like, oh, guys, I forget the secret knock. And then they go, seven cents, Vern. I brought the comb. What do you need a comb for? You don't even have any hair.
Starting point is 00:35:25 I brought it for you guys. He's so good at it. Look at that. When I was a kid, nobody really taught me about money. I feel like I learned a very distorted version of it from film and television, but for today's kids, it doesn't have to be that way. Handsome is sponsored by Acorns Early.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Acorns Early is a smart money app and debit card for kids that helps them learn the value of money. Acorns Early's chores tracker teaches kids that hard work pays off. Just set up chores in the app, set a payment account, and tick the chores off when it's done. Acorns Early lets parents pay allowances automatically. Kids can spend what they earn
Starting point is 00:36:12 with their very own debit card. They'll love the new sense of independence, plus parents can keep track of where and when their kids are spending. Based off my own childhood, I wish I had something like Acorns Early in my life back then. Ready to help your kids learn the value of money?
Starting point is 00:36:30 Just head to acornsearly.com slash handsome or download the Acorns Early app to get started. Sign up now and your first month is on us. Terms and conditions apply. Monthly subscription fee starting from $5 per month unless canceled. He's in one of my other favorite movies, Scream 2. I love Scream 1, 2, and 3 very much. He has a sequence where he stands on a table and sings,
Starting point is 00:36:56 I love you baby. It's quite all right. He's just what a gent. He's a silly guy. Funny, we were just talking about girl dads and he's a proud girl dad, right? He's got daughters. And not only was he talking, not only is he that, he was also talking about getting hair and makeup done and it reminded me of your pink taint.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Yeah. That's probably why you say no to some events is don't want to put on that lip taint. Yeah, that's what it is, lip taint. Pink taint is pretty good. I'm never gonna put it on again, trust me. Now that I know what it looks like on camera. You gotta get this Burt's Bees. Yeah, I gotta get the Pomegranate Burt's Bees.
Starting point is 00:37:40 But isn't that what blew up your lips on your special? Mm-mm. That was makeup. Oh, okay. My Burt's Bees Pomegranate is what I use in life. Mm-mm. Okay. Mm-hmm. Although I need to use it more because my lips are dry.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Yes, Mae. Oh, hydrate from the inside. Hydrate from the inside. I know. AKA douche. Mae Marie. I'm sorry. But Tig, I imagine that if you get a little you don't want, you just say right away, there's
Starting point is 00:38:12 no way in hell I'm going. Like you're a direct. That's what I thought too. Like Tig's just like, I'm not going. Well, but I'm not like rude about it. I think I just feel like, you know, people get, I think get too involved in their excuses to get out of things when it's really okay to say, I'm, I'm just not going to be able to make it. Like, that's all you have to say. And it doesn't have to be your, and even if the reason is you are not able to make it is cause you don't want to go or it's because you're sick or anything like that that's a
Starting point is 00:38:49 perfectly fine answer to say you know I I don't want to or I'm not gonna be able to go I don't know I just I'm not really into big Hollywood parties and events unless a friend of mine is doing something and I want to be there to support them. Or if I'm like nominated for something or I'm hosting something, then I go to something. But I just, it's not really, I don't, I just don't really feel bad about it. But if it's like somebody's, I don't know, I guess if it's somebody's birthday or their book is coming out or something I care about supporting, I feel like it is with certain friends
Starting point is 00:39:35 and certain situations, it is more important to show up and support the friend, even if I don't feel like going out that night. You know? I feel like that overrides it for me. But if it's just a random invite, I just, I don't have any problem saying I'm not going to be able to make it. Thanks for the invite. My problem is I want to go to everything. I'm excited. I'm excited by the invitation. In the moment, I have every intention of going. I'm pumped.
Starting point is 00:40:09 And then something happens. And then I'm like, can I, if I'm being honest, it's usually something like my skin feels weird on my body. And like, I feel like, you know, sad or something, you know, and I can't, I feel like I can't just say that or something legit comes out or I've over promised like four people at the same time or like, but that's like a real lifelong goal for me is sort that shit out because don't over promise. I do feel like you, yeah, you probably say yes to things to multiple people, knowing that you can't make it to all of those things.
Starting point is 00:40:48 And thinking like, oh, I'll have to pick one of those things. Closer to time. Closer to time. Closer I am to time. Closer I am to time. I think. Indigo Girls. I was making an Indigo Girls joke, Mae.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Oh yeah, I like that very much. Closer I am to time. I think it's subconsciously that that happens. I don't think it's conscious. But I'm getting, I gotta get, I'm gonna get better. Are you good at it, Fortune? Yeah, I'm really good at managing my schedule in general. I don't have an assistant or anything, so.
Starting point is 00:41:23 That's amazingly impressive. I don't have an assistant or anything. So that's amazing. I just always like keep a pretty, a very specific calendar. So I'm always kind of know what's coming. I look at it every day. So I'm pretty, I'm really good with time management because I do a lot of different things every day. And if I say yes, I'm totally going. Unless like, a gig comes up and I'm out of town. And those sometimes happen last minute, but it's not me. I'm just like not
Starting point is 00:41:57 feeling like going all of a sudden. Normally if I commit, I'm pretty much going. Do you like the glitzy Hollywood-y things? Yeah, I don't mind them. I like a slider, and a lot of those parties have sliders. Yeah. So that gets you out of the house. So I won't get out of the house for a slider, even if I have to wear a suit.
Starting point is 00:42:22 And you like an electric slide. I feel like you're more fun at a party than me. Like you dance, you're like, closing down the house. Yeah, I'll get into it. So I don't mind one of those glitzy parties. Yeah, those are fun and different. And I like to meet different people. And some of those parties have people I admire that I don't get to meet in other places. But yeah, usually I get an old fashioned and a slider and this gal's happy.
Starting point is 00:42:52 But if I can't go to something and that does happen too, where suddenly I did like, I accidentally overbooked that, of course that happens. I will over explain, but I'm an over explainer in everything. Well, tell us about it. I just, I don't know why. I, because some people say if you over explain, you're lying. And I'm like, that's not true for me. I always over explain.
Starting point is 00:43:20 I feel self-conscious. Like it seems like I'm lying if I'm over explaining too, but often. Yeah. I just like, for whatever reason, I'm like, I need this person to know all the things that happen leading up to me not being able to go. They don't need that information or want it. It's not really relevant, but I just do it and my thing ends up being like a paragraph. Yeah. When I could just be like, so sorry, wanted to go. But now I have to go out of town, you know, but it's like I was going to go.
Starting point is 00:43:51 I really wanted to go. It was on my calendar. But this thing came up last minute. I just got this. This just got booked two days ago. And now I really I've got to do this thing because honestly, I don't even want to do it, but I want to do it with my mom and so I'm going to be going... Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Do you ever preface it with, I know it comes across as being dishonest when you over explain, but I have a tendency to over explain so here it comes. I don't go that far. See, that's what I would do. I'd over explain the over explaining. Yeah, even a therapist was like recently, it was like like you over explained
Starting point is 00:44:28 You don't need to do that and I was like you're right So yeah, I don't know where that comes from or why But that is definitely part of my process. Mm-hmm. I also overestimate my Energy like I'll be like, yeah, I mean I get out of the edit at six and then I'll you know I'll get in a car and at 630 I'll go to that thing and then at the end of the day I'm like But probably if I pushed through that fatigue and once I got there I'd have a good time but I know sometimes it is hard just to if you're like having a like chill time on your couch
Starting point is 00:45:01 yeah, it is very hard to pull yourself out of that and couch. It is very hard to pull yourself out of that and put on actual pants and not sweatpants and go somewhere. But I usually do suck it up. Sometimes your wifi goes out until 10am. That's hard to avoid. That's like Canada Day party. Oh my God, I forgot about Canada Day parties. Yeah. Oh my God, I forgot about Canada Day parties. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:25 And I think also we have so many friends and people like our social lives are so much bigger than they would have been in the olden days. You'd have like the butcher, the baker, the butcher, and the local people in the village. Yeah, there weren't a lot of villagers to hang out with. Exactly. And now we know so many people and they're all doing cool stuff and it's, yeah. And there was no electricity, you had to do things by candlelight
Starting point is 00:45:49 so you could only last for as long as you had candles. Yeah. I like what I'm hearing. Yeah. Stig and her bonnet. My candle went out. Candlelight, my candle's out, gotta go home. Oh God, that sounds nice.
Starting point is 00:46:05 I would imagine having kids, it's even harder to want to leave the house willy-nilly. And you have a good excuse not to at any time. You can be like. Well typically, but we don't, here's the thing is it goes both ways in that we're very, very lucky because Stephanie's father is our childcare. That is really nice. And he is at our beck and call. We do not have a...
Starting point is 00:46:35 They have never had a babysitter. Yeah. They've never had a babysitter. They don't... There's no stranger that's come in the house to watch them. The problem is if he's not doing well, then we're not going anywhere. So we can have all the plans in the world. And then if he throws his back out or his leg is hurting or something,
Starting point is 00:46:59 you know, call me next time. You're like just sitting in the recliner. We don't have a recliner. Why not? We don't have a recliner. We should probably get one. You should.
Starting point is 00:47:14 The kind that go up with you, you know what I'm saying? That like launch you out. Launch you out of there. And they also have like two drink holders on each side. So you don't have to get up for hours. Please get one of those. May you would babysit? I would love to anytime.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Like I would talk about statistics with them and they could show me their Pokemon cards, whatever. Do you play chess? Yes, I play chess. I'm limited. Yeah. They're in the chess group at school. And then they also are very into magic right now. And it's really funny because they are constantly
Starting point is 00:47:56 doing magic tricks that work 50% of the time. Finn actually will get very frustrated. He's like, this just worked. And I'm like, well, it's, it's a magic half of the time. And, but yeah, oh my gosh. Do you pretend that you don't know how it works? I don't know how it works. There's no need to pretend.
Starting point is 00:48:19 No, I don't have a clue. I just take it for face value and I'm like, wow. Yeah, that is my card. Wow. Yeah. So I'm perfect for them. Have you taken them to the Magic Castle? No, but we're about to go because they are truly, truly obsessed with them. I mean, they both walk around with their cards.
Starting point is 00:48:43 You got to be careful because I went one time and I had a few drinks and we're walking around and there's magicians stationed around. And this guy showed me a trick and then I said, can I show you a trick? Which is the most annoying thing to ask him and he really calmly goes, if you want to be removed by security, then yeah, go ahead. Oh my god. Is that for real? You just, no one? Yes. I thought people could just, oh, maybe only members can do magic? Only members of the magic circle, which I'm not.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Whoa. If you want to be removed, try your magic trick in here and see what happens. I know, I was humiliated. Friend of the pod, Neil Patrick Harris is a big Magic Castle guy. Oh really? And does he do magic himself too? Yeah, he does magic and is a member there and has been for years and is I think pretty,
Starting point is 00:49:36 or he lives in New York now but when he was in LA I think was pretty heavily involved there. Can we put it on the list, Magic Castle? Got to. I really wanna go, I mean you guys are going Castle? Got to. I really want to go. I mean, you guys are going anywhere with the family, but I would like to go. Can Mae and I go with you guys? Yeah. Yeah, we can bring you to the Magic Castle with us. But there's a strict dress code, right? Like if you're not wearing... Yeah, you gotta dress handsome. Yeah, like they made me wear a blazer that they had in the back.
Starting point is 00:50:05 Yeah, you have to wear a suit for guys dresses for ladies, or if you're a lady, you can wear a suit as well. Well, luckily our little cubs really enjoy getting dressed up. It's a real fun twist because I remember when my brother and I were little, it was, we fought it. Getting dressed up, Max and Finn. They're good. I liked getting dressed up in a suit when I was little, but luckily now I have my,
Starting point is 00:50:32 my pink taint. Dressed to the nines. Well, with that, should we hear what Jerry's answer was? Yes, please. Yeah, we should. Off of your pink taint. Well, let me tell you what I do when I get an invite that I don't want to go to.
Starting point is 00:50:52 I know I'm supposed to immediately just say, I can't make it, thank you so much for the invite. Like just rip the bandaid off fast, just get it out there. Can't make it, thank you so much for the invite. Best of luck with everything, I can't wait to see you. I know that's what you're supposed to do, but I just completely for the invite. Best of luck with everything. I can't wait to see you. I know that's what you're supposed to do. But I I just completely delete the message. I act like I never I just delete it. Never saw it. Never think of it. And then just
Starting point is 00:51:19 play dumb and go Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. I what I I always support you. I'm sorry. What I forgot That's what I do. Just completely ignore it play uh Play dumb Hilarious. Love you all I love you. Jer bear Um, well now word is out people everybody listens to theome Pod. So now everybody's going to know that Jerry is full of it.
Starting point is 00:51:50 I love that he says, I always support you. I can't do it. I still think about like there was a friend who's I told her I would go to her premiere. And I forgot I had another event that night and I didn't go and I still think about that. I did have a comedian who I will not name say they were going to do my Largo show and Was it me? Was it me?
Starting point is 00:52:16 It was Tig Natara. No, but it was like an hour before the show and he texts me, hey, I'm really not feeling well. I'm really tired and I'm not going to make it. I never mind when people flake because I'm a flake. So I was like, hey, I'm really not feeling well. I'm really tired and I'm not gonna make it. I never mind when people flake, cause I'm a flake, so I was like, hey man, no worries. Like two hours later, I see him on Instagram at a party raving.
Starting point is 00:52:32 So wait, that matters to you? You've probably done that too, yeah? That doesn't sound too unmay-like. No, I don't flake to go to other things usually I'll freak out and cancel everything and just sit home and feel guilty or be anxious or So it matters to you that he cancelled You would you you're like then you better just stay home. You better stay home and look at the wall Yeah, okay. It was just so shameless to be on Instagram like,
Starting point is 00:53:05 woo, it's like, oh my God. But I kind of, you know, I respect it, I respect it. We learn more new things about each other today. Mm-hmm. As always. What a treat. What a podcast. I loved, loved the story and I wanna revisit maybe in a future episode the woman
Starting point is 00:53:21 with the one sprig of hair. I just, I'm'm like I can't believe her. Que rado. Que rado. The pattern behind you makes it look like you're the Colosseum is behind you or something. Oh yeah. I mean I would leave a note in this hotel room for handsome listeners, except nobody's found the one in the Silver Lake Lounge that I left. Yeah, but all in good time. That's the fun. It's not like you need a response, you know, within two weeks.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Tic plays a long game. Yeah, that's going to be the fun is we're going to go about our lives. We're going to end the podcast. We're going to go about our lives. We're going to end the podcast. We're going to go off and do our own things. And then we're going to hear through a friend of a friend that someone found that, and then it's going to go viral online, like seven years from now. That would be good if it was actually like decades from now. Decades.
Starting point is 00:54:24 But you have to leave a note in your, in that hotel. Okay. You heard it here. I'm staying at Shortage House in London. Okay. And I'm going to leave a note. Let's see behind the TV, I think. So there, there's the TV.
Starting point is 00:54:42 I'm going to leave the note behind the TV. Okay. And I'm in room number nine. Number nine. What's it called, the shortage house? Shortage house, yeah. Room number nine, a note from May will be behind the TV. That was pointless for you to get up and wander around, right?
Starting point is 00:54:59 Yeah, well, I was looking for a spot. And I think the TV's in. You wanted to feel the space. And what did we offer? Was it a free link to a streaming show? Key party key chain. People were asking what the 822 means on our key party key chains.
Starting point is 00:55:19 It's when our podcast started. Oh. Oh. August 22nd. Did you come up with that? I did not. I don't know who came up with it. That's really nice.
Starting point is 00:55:29 I like that's a nice touch. 822. I came up with it. I'm a genius. Classic Thomas. Classic Thomas. That's amazing. So if you get a key part,
Starting point is 00:55:38 we sell key party key chains. 822 is when the pod started. You guys have handsome hoodies, look at this. That looks so good on you, Fortune. I swear to God, I'm not trying to sell them because whatever. Why are you not trying to sell them? I mean, we gotta sell them.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Yeah, come on, this is a lot of you. I'm telling you this genuinely, this hoodie and I have our matching sweatpants on too. The most comfortable, I'm telling you this genuinely, this hoodie and I have our matching sweatpants on too, the most comfortable, I'm telling you, anyone that buys this, I dare you to think this is not the most comfortable sweat. I dare you to think. I dare you to think, period.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Yeah, wow. All right, well, settle down, Fortune. Both of our live shows have sold out now in Austin and in Nashville. Thank you guys for that. But you're in luck because our Austin show on April 12th is gonna be live streamed. There are no tickets left, so that's the only way to see it.
Starting point is 00:56:40 That link will be good for a week. And it's gonna be a really fun show. We got about, that'll be the biggest live stream we've had as far as in person, 3000 people. That's gonna be off the charts. And I have actually a surprise for a fortune in May that night and they look up their faces lit up. Yeah, I plan this with Thomas.
Starting point is 00:57:03 I have a big surprise for both of you. Oh my gosh. It's going to be in front of 3000 people in Austin and for the entire streaming audience, you're not going to want to miss this because Thomas, is it not a special surprise? It's going to be a very special surprise. Oh my God. And maybe a bit of a challenge. Oh, a challenge? Whoa. But it is no doubt a surprise.
Starting point is 00:57:32 I like a challenge. Don't miss that, you guys, get your tickets. Yeah, have a watch party, watch with your friends, and you probably, I think, can send in a question for us on the live stream, and we might answer some audience questions. Yeah. Nice Yeah, what do you got coming up? I'm my tour is starting
Starting point is 00:57:48 I have one last practice show in Ontario, California and then my my next big tour Starts in Savannah, Georgia and Charleston, South Carolina The beginning of April and then I have Rockford, Illinois Columbus we added a show Greens Greensboro, North Carolina, Roanoke, Baltimore, Grand Rapids, Minneapolis, lots of places. You can go to my website, fortunefamster.com for tickets. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:58:18 And I'm gonna be in Chicago, hosting the Ambys Awards. It's the podcasting awards. That's on March 31st. I'll be in Eureka Springs, Arkansas June 14th. I'll be in P-Town on August 23rd. And then go to Tignotaro.com for all ticket and show information. And I'm also gonna be working out new stuff at Largo in Los Angeles and Dynasty Typewriter. So get those dates online at tignotaro.com. Please share an episode, your favorite episode
Starting point is 00:58:57 with your friends and let's keep building this awesome community and make sure to subscribe to the podcast as well as our YouTube channel and like and review. I am at Largo on March 28th and then April 25th and also what I would love so much is if people listen to my album it's out it's like and you can order it's a really cool vinyl and there's some cool t-shirts on maymartinmusic.com. And then if you go on Spotify and stream it, let me know what your favorite song is. Awesome. And congrats again on the album and tour.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Very cool, bud. Thanks, man. Yeah. But until then. Yeah. Keep it handsome. Handsome is hosted by me, May Martin, Tig Notaro, and Fortune Feimster. The show is produced, recorded, and edited by Thomas Ouellette.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Email us at handsomepod at gmail.com and please follow us on social media at handsomepod. What a podcast! What a podcast! What a podcast! That was a hate gum podcast. That was a hate gum podcast. Some people just know they could save hundreds on car insurance by checking Allstate First. Like you know to check that the critters who live in your backyard have plenty of snacks to eat and cozy places to sleep. They're your neighbors and best friends at this point. Checking first is smart. So check Allstate first for a quote that could save you hundreds. You're in good hands with Allstate. Savings vary subject to terms, conditions, and availability.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Allstate fire and casualty insurance company and affiliates, Northbrook, Illinois. Hey, I'm Wayne Brady. And I'm Jonathan Mangum. And we're two big improv nerds who get a chance to play and make stuff up on shows like Whose Line Is It Anyway or Let's Make a Deal. And we're now hosting a new improvise show called What If on the HeadGum Podcast Network. And on What If, we believe that improvisation is a conversation. So we get to have conversations with guests from the worlds of TV, film, tech,
Starting point is 01:01:05 and literature. Guests like Bobby Moynihan, Aisha Tyler, LeVar Burton, and Adam Conover. We ask them the big ridiculous questions like, what if you heard a monkey's feelings? What if your grandma was a secret agent? What if Jonathan was invited to the cookout? I'm not. And then we turn the conversation into spontaneous scenes, songs, well, because that's what we do. Subscribe to What If on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Pocket Casts, wherever you get your podcasts,
Starting point is 01:01:32 and watch episodes on YouTube. No script, no net, just What If.

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