Hate Watch with Devan Costa - A$AP Forever
Episode Date: February 17, 2025Rappers shooting their friends, Armenians, teacher freaks out over Trump on his student, Wendy Williams is trapped in a room https://www.patreon.com/c/HateWatchPodcast Support the show and save 20% of...f your CBDistillery order with the code HATEWATCH at https://www.CBDistillery.comÂ
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🎵 You motherfuckers you motherfuckers it's two guys in like jackets, but it kind of looks like he's getting blown
Giving secret head. I don't know who's Drake or who is party next door. He's like a furry thing.
Some secret head for you.
That's the title of the album, some secret head.
Some secret head for you.
But I don't know if we can play this, but I just, I don't know. It was the craziest. It's so,
it's so good.
It's so good.
So good. It's so good.
That's the sound Drake makes when he's getting secret head.
Oh, party, I'm about to, ooh.
I want to meet your mother.
I mean, I just turned it off. It's awful. It's the worst thing of all time. It's crazy. Eh. I want to meet your mother
It's for latinas no, it's not it's okay Drake makes music for he makes music for women
for children No women
Women, no, women, retarded men, who, it's just like money, bitches, there's everything capitalistic over everything.
Guys that like can't even talk to you unless they go, you don't even get bitches like me.
So it's like a musical quiver of like a life raft on the Titanic, it's like retired type
women, type shit.
Like zero people, like zero substance people. Yeah people like And also final demographic
14 year olds at the mall that steal earrings for their girlfriend from Claire's boutique
Mm-hmm, and then they they talk for a month straight about the time. They got a hand job during terrifier at the AMC
That's and that's the demographic. It's funny that final demographic is just all the other demographics wrapped into the
one demographic.
They've all grown up.
The girl that gave that kid a hand job during Terrifier is the retarded woman that loves
Drake still.
Well she's the woman who has sex traffic by Drake and has Stockholm Syndrome, still loves
I don't know man, I find pretending that he's incredible fascinating
Yeah, I go online and read the narratives and the his biggest supporters are streamers
Yeah, the no gamers. They're these are these are these are the
Millionaire children who were deprived of oxygen at birth who do also who do anything for money, so it's the most transparent
Yeah to talk well about his newest 21 track piece of shit.
Pile of dog shit.
Yeah, I can't even bring myself to listen to it.
21 tracks.
21 tracks, yeah.
That's insane.
And I like Drake albums
because there's always that type of song on it.
Weed is like a voice.
Meet the Padre.
There's always one song that you go,
this is parody level
Yes, yeah. Yeah, you know, but what are you gonna do? He's a giant queer I think everyone likes him is also just gay shit
Like I think if you're a guy who like Shrek, I'm like you're gay
You like pussy like you talk about pussy so much everyone's like did you're gay man?
You like pussy so much that you're every time you fuck pussy like I wish this was a man's ass
God damn it almost as good as a man's ass you are
Yeah, there is there's an element of being a gay man that comes into loving Drake
Yeah, just his voice is just he sounds like a parody person when he sings like oh, this is like a gag
Yeah, I don't get it. I don't get it either never understood him. Yeah
Hopefully kills himself
Yeah. Hopefully he kills himself.
He does have like Epstein level like ego maniac shit
that he'll never kill himself.
That if Drake does kill himself,
it will be like, oh, somebody killed him.
What's the pedophile stuff beyond the Millie Bobby
around shit?
There's a bunch of shit.
You know, there's no actual hard evidence
that he's a pedophile.
Yeah, he touched, he was, there was like a 17 year old and he's like groping around Steve.
And like, how old are you, 17?
He's like, damn, he's not supposed to be this thick.
Oh fuck.
He's like rubbing his nipples. He's like, he's like, what the fuck, you're 17.
He starts flicking his bean. He's like, oh fuck, oh shit, you dick, you dick is full.
If only he wasn't 17.
I mean, the most damning thing I think I saw back in the day was he took
He rented out Dodger Stadium. Oh for that 18 year old for her 18th birthday, which means like yeah, you're a groomer
You've been doing young women. It's a fucking creepy thing to do. Yeah, he stole a bit
this other guy said the cover of his album is a
It's this other Toronto other Toronto artist that
filmed a video and then Drake and party next door were like talking to him even
started as like a teen yeah so he even like grooms like male rapper he sure
deals from yeah yeah yeah yeah a lot of them yeah and that's why people love him
like he is kind of he is kind of like hip-hop like like the way his fan base
is and no matter what he does
He's like Trump kind of well. He's like. He's like hip-hop like ancient emperor
Yeah, he's kind of like
Yeah, yeah for sure yeah also the whole album aesthetically looks like soul sold separately the Freddie Gibbs album
Yes, exactly down to the bunnies and the Vegas aesthetic and you know.
He just, yeah, he sucks.
He's a catty bitch.
He's a catty bitch.
He's a gay man, he's always going after women and shit.
He's a catty queer.
He's like, he should be added to the Fab Five.
Drake goes, oh my god, honey,
we need an underground tunnel here for the children.
And what's going on with ASAP Rocky? I don't, I didn't mean to start this off like a hip-hop thing.
He like shot a guy.
A$AP Rocky, what is with these guys? They like, they can't stop.
I feel like a lot of rappers don't understand like, when you're angry at a friend, you can just point at them and go,
I'm pissed off at you, but they want their finger to be an automatic-
No get off!
They want their finger to be a gun. They want their finger to be a gun.
Their finger always gotta be a gun.
It's hilarious to me.
Every rapper, it's like, all right, you're famous now,
what do you do?
Don't bring a gun to the airport.
And then they all go, fuck, I brought the gun to the airport.
Damn it, my bad, dude.
They're the stupidest people on earth.
And they always have a crew around them.
It's like, let your crew go down.
Yeah, dude, hire some goons.
Give the guns to your friends that are talent. They're not talented. Yeah, they protect you they take the fall
No, yeah, it's on the least bet
You know they can do a ten-year bid and then when they get out you go listen man
I got a lot of pussy for you. Thanks for that. Thanks for the fall. Absolutely
Asap Rocky like might go to like prison. Oh, he's not a prison for 24 years going to prison
I don't know. I don't know. I shot a guy on video
The video is very
Obstructed it's hard to tell but it's pretty obvious. I mean he's got the best lawyer on her they were saying it's a it's a fake gun
Yeah, they're saying that's one things. I heard too is that he cares on a prop gun. It's a feel tough
It's a prop gun like that's young really got that shit on me. That's where I that's the gays
Got the wooden gun from the other guys he's got a nerve gun on him. He's like don't fucking try me bitch
I swear to God
That's rough. I didn't know I didn't that sucks. Yeah a rubber gun. Yeah
His lawyers are like I don't even I've never seen like footage like this in court. Look at the way his like this lawyer.
Dude, they're aggressive.
But they're like fighting like, this doesn't even seem like real court.
And he's like, Brock, he looks like he's in the Men in Black. He's got sunglasses on inside.
...the jury, that he knew was not true or didn't know it was true. And that's unethical. That's unethical. And this guy, the guy from the Ninth Circuit just said... I've never seen a judge stand like that.
No, I don't...
I've never seen a judge be like,
Excuse me, sir!
He's standing up.
That's crazy.
Your Honor, Your Honor,
One more thing out of here,
and we air everything that's happened in this case.
Which, which, which...
I mean, that's a lawyer going,
Ooh, I'm so scared!
That's crazy. Who does that? Yeah, I've never seen that
Type a damn fucking kangaroo court is running
He might want to stop
He just said I'm so scared, but they're like there's two lawyers saying yelling at each other like little children
I mean, oh oh I'm so scared this might be this might work out in his favor to be honest but the other
guy looks like an idiot yeah they both look like retarded. What a Rocky's like hey man if you don't knock it off I will shoot you.
He pulls the fake gun out. A$AP Rocky just looks at the judge like A$AP is a white guy right?
Judge's like yeah they be tripping bro. I didn't take A$AP to be this type of guy
I thought he had his life together.
He was in prison.
He's a fashionista.
He is a fucking artist.
Made his own videos.
Made interesting, weird, new music.
Always trying a new thing.
And he's fucking pulling guns on other ASAPs.
Yeah, other ASAPs.
There's another ASAP?
There's another ASAP.
It's against one of the guys in ASAP.
It was Fratricide.
ASAP Rally. Fratricide. Fratricide. ASAP Rally. ASAP. There was another ASAP? Yeah, it's against one of the guys in ASAP. It was Fratricide. Like ASAP Rally.
ASAP Rally.
ASAP Rally?
Yeah, you'd expect this.
What is the fight over?
I don't even really know.
Kind of like lean or something.
I don't know, John, maybe like an old English 40.
I don't know.
Cough syrup, dumbass.
What if they were just having a tug of war with the gun?
Like that's my gun, no that's my gun.
I really didn't expect this out of Asep Rock.
Maybe in the first year of his career, you know,
but it's been so far gone, you're so established.
I don't understand, especially when you've impregnated Rihanna.
Your wife's Rihanna, what are you even doing?
Your wife is Rihanna?
If I was the judge, I'd go, I can't do this to Rihanna. Your wife's Rihanna, what are you even doing? Your wife is Rihanna. If I was the judge, I'd go,
I can't do this to Rihanna's baby daddy.
I simply can't.
This is absurd.
I have to protect Rihanna.
He's crying as he gives a sentence.
He's like, I'm so sorry, Rihanna, but 24 years.
Yeah, I mean, it makes no sense.
I also think that the shooting was on Hollywood Boulevard.
Oh, that actually, that should get him off.
Cause that's, you go, your honor,
have you ever been on Hollywood Boulevard?
You'd shoot somebody too.
You'd wanna kill anybody around you.
It's the worst place there is.
Remember that bar we went to after the rock show
on Hollywood Boulevard?
Yeah. Where Joey was.
Oh, I left immediately. That bar sucked so muchvard. Yeah, Joey was I left immediately so much
That's not even like the worst part of Hollywood Boulevard
No, I know Hollywood Boulevard is just a bit a bunch of like fake Coney Island hot dog stands run by
like Armenian dids and
awful t-shirt places and
Andy Dicks, they're just running around. It's where people go that just got to LA.
Like it's where people, it's like where like trash,
it's like where people like that just got off
their Spirit flight and they go like,
LA, the city of angels.
And they get straight to Hollywood Boulevard.
They go right to Madame Tussauds.
Sorry, just got an email from my lawyer.
Oh, what happened?
Allegations are stacking up.
Just a new, new woman.
A new one.
New victim.
Just another lying floozy.
That I have to have handled.
This really exhausts me, These women and their accusations.
Yeah, so I don't know, this whole ASAP Rocky thing is so weird too because there was a
plea deal where he would serve three months in prison and then be on eight year parole.
He turned it down.
He turned it down.
That's crazy.
So when you hear that initially you're like, all right, well then you must have a good
case here. They were sent to prison for three months three months and then eight years of parole
Now he's going up against 24 years because you deny the pleaded the pre-deal plead deal which is fucking crazy
And what did he do when Trump got him off? He came back in Sweden. What was he in there for and what was he?
Oh, he's like see like assaulted a fan. All right ASAP is
Like I've had the wool pulled over All right, ASAP is this, I'm starting to feel like I've had the wool
pulled over my eyes and ASAP's,
he's a street thug.
Starting to think this kid is not so clean cut as I thought.
Okay, I think he needs to make some changes.
Dude, what if he does go to prison and Trump pardons him?
That'd be the funniest thing of all time.
That would rock.
He's just like, no matter what prison he's in,
Sweden, America, you're not gonna stay there, honey.
I love ASAP, ASAP forever.
One of the best tweets of Trump's whole first run was the,
welcome home ASAP, you'll be soon,
you'll be home ASAP.
He was loving the wordplay.
And everyone was just like, fuck you, you piece of shit.
He was so hated that anytime he was even mildly
like amusing people were like,
like he did something that everyone genuinely was like,
come on, that's kick ass.
You got ASAP Rocky out of prison.
And then he's tweeting about it
cause he just such a, he's a celebrity.
Trump loves celebrities or you know, that type of shit.
And we all had to hate that.
I loved it.
I loved it in the moment.
I think this term around, I think Trump will go,
will go enjoy the whole blackie.
I heard what you did.
He goes, yams had it coming.
Yams was nothing more than a wigger with a bunch of
purple splotches all over his stupid face. You know, Azealia Banks was saying the other day that ASAP Rocky had
yams killed. Did you see that? Have you seen this, folks?
Was she saying that?
She said something along those lines, but she's schizophrenic.
Didn't he, OD?
Yeah. Yeah. But then like he like ASAP didn't care Rocky didn't care
You know the ace
About the mob I love them all here's a heart of the mother
I love cozy tapes one and two cozy tapes one is amazing. I listen to it
I used to listen to it all the time album, but now I didn't know
I didn't know that I know that's turmoil and know the crew was being run by a damn fucking thug tyrant.
Yeah, unbelievable.
I can't believe these rappers are up to no good.
That's not cozy.
Thug tyrants aren't cozy.
More like the uncomfortable tapes.
This is bullshit.
Rocky, take the gun off your friend.
You're not being cozy right now.
This is not a cozy tape.
This is a scary tape.
I don't like this.
Scary tapes. Can we all stop? Okay, listen, I know we're all fucking pissed off right now. We're out. We're on Hollywood Boulevard
We're full of Grauman's Chinese theater. It really sucks ass. I know the spider-man impersonators really been getting on our nerves
Cabo Cantina was a little too packed. I understand
Cabo Cantina they were light pores. I get it. Take the gun off your friend Rocky
They were light pours. I get it.
Take the gun off your friend, Rocky.
I'm so confused by this.
I thought ASAP was forever.
ASAP forever?
That's what they said after they shot the guy.
Oh no!
I thought ASAP was forever!
I just heard some hearted white driver.
And I go, I'm in the car, I go, Rocky, I thought ASAP was forever.
And he just pushes a fucking nozzle of a gun
against the back of your head.
I go, oh my God, you're a fucking tyrant.
Yeah, that's tyrant.
I go, you're a damn thug.
It's like Green Book, but I'm ASAP Mob's driver.
Yeah. Yeah.
Let's set up, let's take a break.
You should be.
Don't, don't, don't, don't be out of the water.
I guess that's it.
That's the great steal of the state of California,
Rakim Myers.
Yeah, I don't know.
I think it's shocking, because he's also just like a very handsome man with perfect skin. Steel. Rakim. Yeah, I don't know. I think it's shocking because he's also just like
a very handsome man with perfect skin.
He's so handsome.
He's very honestly like, he's a twink.
He's a thug tyrant twink.
I've heard a lot of stuff about the things he's been up to.
He's scary.
In the last decade.
And some inside information I think actually
from some people back in the old days on comedy and stuff,
you know people that made it and stuff.
And he does like big, big orgies.
Yes. Like in Paris.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Like crazy, gigantic.
Oh, he's a tyrant.
Like Cirque du Soleil level orgies,
like people doing like five flips onto a cock
and there's like a bad Max guy playing guitar.
People like coming into the loop.
Coming into the loop.
Into the loop.
Into the loop.
It's like a big funnel.
It's a big funnel.
They're tributing Mona Lisa.
I've really heard some wild, buck wild stuff.
Like what?
Rocky sitting in a tub of cum, like Baron Harkonnen.
Are you slowly coming out of the cum floating?
I'm in the, I was the same driver.
Picking him up from the orgy, I go,
Rocky, that gang bang was crazy!
Rocky, you're covered in cum, man!
Rocky, God damn, how do you even have that much jizz in your balls?
You've been there all night, man!
I go, man!
I go, you're crazy, man!
Rocky, your balls are swollen, man! I You came into the Louvin' shit! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I don't know about that. No, no, it's true. Maybe if the case was more interesting,
but it just sounds like, you know,
fucking guns and a guy held a gun.
And the bullet grazed Asap Relly's hand,
and it's, you know.
But this is like...
Oh, they made it sound like the fucking, like,
no country old man, like his hand blew off.
No, no, grazed his hand, and on his testimony,
he was, like, inconsistent with which hand got shot.
Like, his story kept flipping
So that kind of looks like it's oh, yeah, I don't know. He's gonna get off
I think because the other day they were like they said there was like shell casings, but no one has found any shell casings
and then the
Something about the fake gun thing. Yeah, I don't know shits not not lining up right. Yeah
I mean also like doesn't this ASAP rally guy like
Does he want to walk the streets after this? Yeah?
Well, I don't know is he doing there might be like a weird temperature check
We don't know about in Harlem or like people don't even like claim ASAP Rocky. Yeah, I mean like he might be fine up there
Yeah, I'm the driver. I'm in court
I'm like really what are you doing? We were a damn mob!
Relly, you're the heart and soul of this thing.
Relly, listen, I know you weren't front and center,
but Rocky treated you right.
I mean, he got angry one night, but come on, man.
ASAP, this is forever.
I'm just this like, I guess I'm just like an Italian idiot
from Staten Island, as hired as a driver for years my whole life's invested
Don't you remember the Paris RG?
K-Sats forever!
Come on man!
Remember all that cum?
Remember all that jizz?
Remember that time Rocky let me in the studio and
Let me fuck that bitch
Then you guys made me strip down naked
and you flipped my titties and you made me
shuffle shuffle, it's good times forever.
Really, listen, I had no hard feelings against you, man.
I remember, you know, I remember the night
you released those Dobermans on me,
but you had no hard feelings.
But you're doing bad to rock.
I'm rocked.
I have hard feelings, but you're doing bad to rock. It's all rock.
I'm in court doing like this to A$AP Rocky.
He's just rolling his eyes.
Oh boy.
Do you see this meltdown?
No, let me see.
Teacher meltdown over Trump.
Oh my God.
It would be the, I hated school with all my heart,
but it would be so amazing to be in school
during these Trump years.
Because if I remember correctly, when I was in school,
every, a lot of the teachers are just,
they're genuine failures and they have,
they have so much anger and frustration inside them
and they're all like political and they love,
the only thing they get out of being a teacher
at a certain point is holding young people hostage
and like screaming their beliefs at them
and flipping out on them.
So I can only imagine how much more that went up with Trump
because I mean we thought it was crazy with Bush.
I remember seeing, you know, people go off on Bush
and being like, all right, enough, you can't say nuclear.
Shut up, you fucking yuppie fag.
You my dad's friend, shut up, bitch.
I'm like seven.
You're dad.
I like Trump, I like Bush, I could have a beer with him.
I'm an alcoholic.
I'm a seven year old alky.
But I can only imagine with Trump,
like if you go to some school and like fucking.
What would have happened at our school?
We went to like a conservative school though.
Dude, the teachers would have wigged out, dude.
Over Trump?
Yes, some of them would have freaked the fuck out.
I, who?
You know, Derrick. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. The fake hippies would have. We would have gotten the fuck out. I am who? You know, Derrick.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
The fake hippies would have gotten.
We would have gotten the fake hippie teachers.
The fake hippie teachers would have gone crazy.
But the hippie teacher at the Catholic high school?
Oh yeah. That's crazy.
Dude, the cool teacher.
Yeah. It's awesome.
He was the guitarist for Jane's Addiction
and he gave it up.
He had a coke issue.
To pursue teaching.
He didn't give it up, he got kicked out.
He got kicked out?
Because he had a coke issue. Oh, he's the one who said he gave it up. Yeah, he got kicked out, you didn't give it up. He got kicked out. You got kicked out cuz he had a coke issue
Oh, he's like say he gave it up. Yeah, you got kicked out. He's also and then they went on to be Jan's addiction
Yeah, I had a teacher biggest loser of all time is Kara
Holyos who claimed that she turned down a writing job for SNL and Seinfeld to pursue her dream of teaching
In 12th grade I was like no you didn't
My kinesiology.
No fucking shot, that's true.
Kinesiology teacher said that he was offered
the job at the Lakers, but he just didn't want to take it.
Stay the guy working at a high school.
There's no way.
There's no way the Lakers.
Also, not even in a union.
The worst teaching job of all time
in a private Catholic school.
Like there's no pension, there's no, you don't get tenure.
You wanna know why he probably did,
he didn't get offered it by the way, it's gotta be a lie.
Yeah, of course.
He'd be mentally ill to not take the training position
for the Los Angeles Lakers.
But even if he was offered it and he turned it down,
you wanna know why,
because there was this whole thing in our school,
and he turned it down, you wanna know why? Because there was this whole thing in our school,
it was a bunch of fat guys
that just wanted to call kids faggots.
And so he didn't wanna turn down being able
to yell at freshmen.
They like lived to yell at the freshmen.
Did they actually call you faggots?
Yeah, we got called faggots a lot.
All the time.
It was like a militaristic,
like it was a very-
I got called a faggot day one.
Sloppy militaristic.
Like it wasn't like drop down and give me pushups.
It was just like 500 pound man being like,
I'm a fucking faggot.
Just like, damn.
I was pushing this kid,
this like these seniors are pushing me in line
at the like for lunch.
They're just like fucking us on day one of freshman year.
And then the teacher runs out goes,
what do you faggots think this is an Afghan soup kitchen?
And I was like, whoa.
It was crazy.
Yeah, they were like racist and homophobic and awesome.
It was pretty cool.
I can't believe you guys turned out like this.
That's unbelievable.
How did that happen?
Yeah. I saw they used to throw shit at people.
On teachers through like a rubber band ball at a kid's head.
It's really funny you guys are describing losers,
but you're just pursuing this professionally.
Well, we're dumb.
Yeah, these guys are idiots.
They didn't say in their microphones, you know?
Well, they weren't funny.
They weren't funny.
It sounds like they were pretty funny.
Teacher threw a desk at a class one time.
It was crazy.
He had a full desk.
Oh, dude, we had a sub that was like a Vietnam that that would say
Dom situation like you holding your teacher down fucking him
Your classic sub you don't know about those we the sub I was like, where'd you go?
Yes, my picture a long beard on
It's like in my school we had a Dom
Whip us yeah, mr. K one time I saw him throw a desk at a kid set yeah, yeah
Yeah, it's it's a horrible. It's a horrible life
the teachers that just they really are they're
Frustrated failures. Yeah, let me see this.
There's me more than him is all the Republican senators and congressmen
and just keep going along with it.
It's not because they believe in it.
You've got to know they don't believe in it.
They don't believe in any of it.
They're afraid that he's going to talk smack about them on social.
And then they're going to lose their job in an election.
I like how she's in the chat phase filter.
I also love the private school outfit,
like he's at Hogwarts or something.
Which is the worst possible thing,
cause that's called dictatorship.
Jesus Christ, you see that?
I'm not kidding, when I say wipe that smile off,
I don't care if I say detention,
I just wrote you a report.
Gave a kid detention for smiling at his freak out.
Yeah, it's funny.
It's also just like one of these things where it's like,
they're like, dude, we can't even vote.
So I don't even know why you're screaming at me.
We don't know what you're talking about.
We don't care.
I don't know what diplomacy is.
I don't know what fucking bills are.
I'm 18, I'm 16.
No, it's hilarious.
The Proud Boys are fucking retarded,
but the guy who like started them,
Gavin McGinnis, made the best point ever heard.
And it was like, if you are one of those men and you're scared of Trump,
that's just gay. Yeah. You're just gay.
Well, you're if you're scared of any president as a man, you're gay. Yeah.
Like, why are you freaking out? Just deal with it. You know, it's insane. Yeah.
Just deal with it. Yeah. Deal with getting your rights stripped away. No.
I'll try my best to deal with that.
What if I start spazzing as far as the teacher on politics in class. You wanna go for two? Oh, I wanna go for two.
Excuse me?
Excuse me?
After all I put up with you.
Oh dude, that's the kid, that's the kid.
Wouldn't it be funny if this was like the school
from season four of The Wire.
Screaming at like an 11 year old black kid.
She should just be happy, to school that that's in shelter
Her days going so great she had uncrustable first meal she said two days
Just fucking like rusty water
It's fucking like rusty water.
It's rusty water. I'm having a ton of grass.
It's going insane for Trump
to an all black classroom in Baltimore.
Watch your mom get fucked by a kid the whole last night.
The whole class just gets up and just like steals his shoes
and takes, they just fucking beat him.
Oh God, this is, I wish I was in a school room right now.
That'd be great.
At this time with this guy.
I'd have nothing good to say,
but I'd be laughing uncontrollably.
Yeah, this would be amazing.
This is an insane, yo, like,
this crash out need to be studied.
Last two years, and talked you up, and stood your back when they threatened you. You what? need to be studied. The kid literally, you know what I think what started is the kid goes, it's okay, just relax.
I don't think you should bring up politics in school.
Yeah, but then I think he also said it's okay, like relax.
Kids are like, are you scared because you're gay
or what's going on?
I remember this was happening when,
like the two and a half months
that I spent in community college,
like I had like another teacher, professor,
that just was like rambling about politics
for like 20 minutes.
It's like, this is, no, this is insane. The ego of you.
We're in a film club.
About what?
I don't even know.
It was like.
I like it when they do that.
Cause it was like Obama presidency.
Yeah, right.
What were they even upset about?
Well, it was, you know, 2012 was coming up, I guess.
Probably the Tea Party or some shit.
Yeah, man.
Oh yeah, yeah, sure, sure, sure.
You know, it was just, my whole life,
it was just always like Republicans evil. Yeah. And, you know, It was just, my whole life, it was just always like Republicans evil.
And, you know, the very solipsistic view.
Just like there's only one good thing, and that's that.
I've been up with you for the last two years
and talked you up and stood your back when they threatened you.
You what?
You say what?
What this kids like yo this shit about to do numbers on the talk?
Are you serious treated with that disrespect? Are you serious? Are you serious?
That's a woman. That's no that's a no. I'm saying it's a man. Oh, yeah. You're so angry
You're a you're a woman. Yeah, you're so angry, you're a woman.
Yeah, you're becoming a woman.
You're a woman in the house going off right now.
You're on the war path.
You are gay as shit.
Yeah, I mean this is mine and your dad's.
You are gay as shit.
Sir, you are gay as shit.
This is mine and your dad.
For sure, I've seen my dad's spaz like this.
So my dad's a little scarier.
Then my dad?
You've never seen the wrath of my father. You've never seen a good this is a good fight. Actually, I both have twisted
Pull that off the screen for a second
I just see my dad my dad when he yells my dad's more physically imposing than your dad sure and he's a deeper voice
Hey, I'm more afraid of that five seven cholo
That I have like a big big buff guy that five seven cholo's got a Napoleon complex
Yeah, you know my dad's the five seven cholo and the in the Looney Tunes shirt do we're about to do it my dad stronger than
your dad
No, my dad could beat up your dad actually. I'm saying my dad my dad's gayer than your dad actually
I think my dad has such a lack of
self awareness yeah and like has just I think my dad has such a lack of self-awareness
and has just, he was like a rageaholic at times.
Like the scariest psychopath I've ever seen in my life.
And I know your dad gets crazy with politics and stuff,
but has your dad ever left, has your dad ever screamed at? Has your dad ever like screamed at you
in the middle of a bar and like ran out?
That was like recently though.
That was very recently.
We're talking about kid stuff.
Oh, kid shit?
My dad beat the shit out of me after Platoon ended
because he thought he was in the military.
Yeah, so imagine my dad.
My dad thought he was in Vietnam.
He watched the movies.
Did your dad watch movies and go, I'm Superman now?
No, no, no, no, no, no. He didn't do that, but he. Okay. So one zero, my dad more ret was in Vietnam. He watched the movies. Did your dad watch movies and go, I'm Superman now? No, no, no, no, no.
He doesn't do that.
But he...
Okay, so one zero, my dad more retarded than yours.
That's not one zero.
That's not one zero.
I literally, I mean, I don't wanna,
I feel bad to say this about my dad, but like...
No, no, no, say it.
There's times...
Here's the thing,
cause the picture of my dad is also so insane
cause my dad's a very comfortable naked man, okay?
He's constantly naked in the backyard.
Okay, so he's a pedophile, but my dad...
And he's... And in the back and there
was just this one time where he was drunk the night before woke up hair the
dog got into a fight with our neighbor across like the canyon a little bit
because it echoes he was playing music all loud and she like calls came over
our front door she was banging the door she's like turn that fucking music off and my dad is
pacing our backyard butt naked,
screaming cunt and like fuck you.
The most guttural yell, we're like all inside like,
oh I hope he stops soon.
I mean like truly horrifying scene.
That's awesome.
Butt naked, and this is like years ago,
he's still like pretty jacked still.
He's an old man now, but he was like,
like veins popping out of his fucking like, you know,
his delts and he's like, you cunt! He's just old man now, but he was like like veins popping out of his fucking like, you know, his delts. He's like, yeah
Just butt naked
Or of like a man on PCP on God, yes, that's crazy. Yes, that's crazy. I
Think we're the same
There's a different type of rage my dad your dad had nerd rage his dad had jock rage
my dad also just to give a
Little like for you Devin because my dad never really took it out on me that much or it or my brother
He took out my brother, but that was because of drugs
No, it was never like him watching platoon and spazzing
It was this like deep,
don't know where it's coming from rage that showed itself.
And the world is the enemy.
My point is that's like, holy shit, you flipped out,
that's like classical rage in a way.
Yeah, but like, rage that you see in like an episode of Cops.
I understand, but that's, I guess what I'm saying is,
I'm not sure anyone that had ever been around my dad
that saw his rage had ever seen a type of,
like, you know when always sunny,
when he goes that weird rage?
My dad is like, my dad's the definition of like,
whoa, that is the weirdest rage I've ever,
remember the time you were around for one?
I thought, I literally heard Devin's dad screaming
and I thought you're watching the Sopranos upstairs
I was confused. I Devon ran down here crying and I was like what you were just watching your favorite thing. Did you cry?
Yeah, you cried pussy
I was calling him a faggot. I think being Devon both called our dad's fags at the same month
It was like our periods aligned. It was wild. He was so intense intense he's so intense my dad's calm down a little bit but like just he has
like a gold tooth and you would like see it in the back and I go oh my god like
terrifying there's this making that trait and whenever the men get drunk
and you know pain is coming is if they get their bottom lip does this they go
you see that bottom look to the hole they become sad little babies no it's just it's not even like a sad thing it's just like an activation
mode like a flip switch do it again you see this shit's about to get real bad
that's so weird my dad never was mad he never got mad at me like no he were
aging me a couple times but my dad was nice I guess okay you know the
differences even when my dad's not genuinely being outwardly angry,
there's a energy changing aura about him
when he walks into a room if he's in a mood.
Everything. I've noticed that.
Everything changes.
I remember when we lived together.
I had people that had met him for a second
and they were like, whoa, is he angry at me?
The way he's, the way, just, and he's not,
he's just the way he talks is like, was crazy.
Oh yeah, I mean, I remember that,
being upstairs even when, like, one of the-
And he'd walk in and we'd be like, oh, well, that's no more.
It's an oppression.
It's like a cloud comes in.
And so again, to that fact, it's like,
you only ever see my dad in party mode. Yes
That's true. It's a different Paul. That's true. No growing lately living with that guy seven days a week
Just you're just miserable all the time. He's better now because he doesn't own that company anymore
But like every day he'd come home and you like went to your room
Yeah, cuz you're like, alright, don't piss him off
Like there's just this like title wave of like negative energy coming into the kitchen
Yeah, he's like serving his dinner all aggressively sits that throws his plate on the fucking table Don't piss him off. There's just this tidal wave of negative energy coming into the kitchen.
He's serving his dinner all aggressively,
throws his plate on the fucking table,
fucking stabbing the ZD and putting it in his mouth,
watching CNN, screaming at Chris Matthews,
and you're like, holy shit, dude.
And you just stay away from him.
Maybe it was we got two sides of the same psycho.
I think we got the same psycho,
and if they did the Dragon Ball Z fusion dance,
it'd create the biggest monster of all time
Yeah, yeah
They are the same guy though. Yeah, my dad is much more
Over Republican he liked to admit your dad's at least consistent in his democratic. Yeah
My dad just keeps going with the pendulum swinging to what he thinks a dem is. He's the most racist guy I've ever met my entire life.
You serious?
If I could take back your letter of recommendation
to college right now, I would.
That's so funny.
It's also another power trip thing
that these frustrated failures have.
I'm talking about teachers, frustrated failures. They don't understand like they're literally
holding your future in front of you. That's like cute. That should be illegal to ever threaten something like that.
Also, I would just be laughing the entire time because I'm like, I'm just gonna tell the principal
what happened.
You're gonna apologize.
And you'll apologize to me.
I'll call my parents, you will feel the wrath of Paul.
Oh yeah.
And you're gonna beg for my forgiveness.
All right?
This guy's just spazzing for no reason.
It's not gonna go anywhere.
I never told my parents about anything
that happened to me at school.
There was a whole thing where cops showed up
and I never told them, they never found out.
There was cops, what?
Oh, the drugs, drug dogs?
No, no, no, like I like,
me and these other kids, we were fucking around.
I've told this before, I think.
We were just fucking around with this person,
this girl, and we were aiming her insults
from South Park or whatever. Yeah's all from like South Park or whatever
Yeah, and and like from the South Park movie and we were pretending to be somebody else and then at the end we're like
No, it's us. I wish she was like, haha
And then she had like some sort of like fake like I'm tired disease that like women have you know, like claim
Something no just like, you know, one of those like I have my she had like fake arthritis something
She was like out of school sometimes for like weeks on end right
But we all like we're all friends and newer and it was like finer. No one understood what the fuck her problem was
Yeah, it was just like a fake. You know like what is it the?
fibromyalgia type of thing and
We one day said that and then she didn't show up to school for like a few days and then one day like
Sheriff's department was there we were all brought in for questioning
I was brought in they acted like I was the ringleader of it because I was the only one that like had like any
Personality that's and I was like terrified. I thought it was like going to prison. I had no clue the
Anything I was it was like I think
Six or seventh grade and I'm like, huh?
And I do weeks on end, having like panic attacks,
but not telling my mom and dad anything going on.
But I was like, I would come home and just be like,
yeah, I don't know, I was talking to cops today.
They're cool guys, you know,
just keeping the streets clean.
Yeah, I think this Asian woman's family
might put me in prison, I'm not really sure.
That's crazy. Yeah, because I called her a cunt licking dick sucker
or something.
Oh, they thought it was like a sexual thing.
They acted, they were claiming that she went like
insane over it for the 20 minutes that she didn't know
it was us and lost her mind and there was all sorts of
like mental damage and cyber bullying type shit.
But then she showed up three weeks later,
we were all friends, it was insane.
It was like nothing happened.
I think the parents just found, she told the parents
and they were just like, no, that needs,
we're gonna put this little wop in prison.
They take like a little wop.
They call me little wop.
Little wop.
Little wop.
Little wop. That's your rap name?
It was crazy. I just remember weeks on end being terrified.
I'm like, I'm just trying to like live.
I'm like a rapper.
Talk to me like that?
After everything I've done for you?
Oh my god.
Are you kidding me?
No detention. Don't ever talk to me again personally. You can ask questions in class.
I'm saying don't ever talk to me again personally.
He goes, we are not friends anymore.
In class without raising your hand, you go to detention for a week. From now on.
Disrespect me like that. You got your letter. So now everything's good, right? You got your high grade on midterms
Everything's good now. You can treat me like that
Yeah, after all I stood up for you you punk ass you really gonna do that to me. Oh
My god, that's awesome. You punk ass. Do you know what happened to this guy? Is there any follow-up to that story?
I want to see I'd love to know if you got fired. He has been fired. Yep
Yep, he has been fired obviously
Yeah, okay, here we go. Here we go. Here are the facts of this story
Teacher's name has not been made public
Teacher's name has not been made public. Monsignor, Feral High School in Staten Island, New York.
Oh, so it's, wait, Monsignor, isn't that a fucking?
Monsignor, is that how you say it in New York?
Monsignor, Monsignor.
The teacher criticized Trump's executive order
to release water in California to fight wildfires
and labeled him a dictator.
The situation escalated when a student,
presumably pro-Trump, brought up politics and class
leading the teacher to launch into a rant the teacher then verbally
So I like how they edited punk ass. Yeah, the teacher was placed on leave
Yeah, they edited punk ass on a website where there's like Hitler swag videos
Outcome the teacher was placed on leave the day following the incident on Thursday February 6 2025
Monsignor Farrell High School issued a statement acknowledging the incident
and subsequently accepted the teachers resignation.
Oh, yeah, it's a Christian school.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, yeah, it sucks to be you.
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Thank you, get it, back to the show.
You'll never change.
I love it though, I love good spaz.
Love a spaz.
The best, dude.
Love a spaz.
Teachers spazzing out, making teachers cry was the best.
We never really got to our teachers like that,
because they were just like, calloused as fuck also. That's the thing. I kept hearing from like when I was like in my like 20s
I'd hear I'd tell stories about like private Catholic all boys school and all my public school friends
I'd be like you guys were like criminal cruel people. Yeah. Yeah, I think we would try shit, but they just like didn't care
Yeah, we we made a man cry. Yeah, that was me. Yeah soft men cry
Yeah, I think a guy a public high school public school teacher and like in in LA who's been doing it for 25 years
I'm not gonna make them cry
They've seen the worst shit ever. Yeah, you know, yeah
They've been through it. Yeah, it's not gonna happen. Someone were just drunk all the time
We made fun of an art the Armenian genocide to it
drunk all the time. We made fun of an Armenian genocide to an Armenian teacher. And he started crying. He started acting like it was a big deal. My friend, my
friend, I had this Korean friend. Was that the Armenian? The history teacher? Yeah.
Yeah. What was his name? He like, it was it was really tragic because the guy
raised his hand and goes, it sounds like you guys just had like a four day walk in the desert and the teacher just started weeping.
Like out of sadness or like the lack of empathy.
It was pretty crazy.
I mean, dude, being in LA,
this is gonna sound awful,
but it's like Armenian people are fucking awful.
So asking anyone around you for sympathy about that.
They're a tough people to defend.
Everyone's like, you suck, dude.
Half of them were my friends, but it is a thing.
I mean, they're just pigs.
They're total pigs.
They're total pigs.
You go to the grocery store around the old Armenian women,
they elbow you, like, get out of my way.
Buh, buh,, like, get down from my way. Bwaa, bwaa, bwaa, bwaa.
Their kids are fucking like racing least Mercedes
all around town.
Glendale has the highest rate of reckless drivers
in the nation.
Most dangerous city to drive in.
You watch these guys, they are living in their own land.
They celebrate the genocide like they won the Super Bowl.
They literally, every year they honk horns and they hold flags and they go
It's weird that that isn't no one likes that either no
You don't see Jews stand in the middle of the fucking road and celebrate six million. Yeah
Well, it's because the United States wouldn't acknowledge the genocide. That's what the whole protest is about right? Oh, that's true
Why but it's also well people need fucking hair plugs. We're gonna we love turkey. I can argue a pro-turkish point
It's kind of it's kind of a vague. Of course you can
It's kind of a vague genocide. Of course you can.
Let's get into it, much less contentious.
Okay, so back then there wasn't like really radio.
Wasn't that common?
So like, you know how we went after the Germans?
So people didn't hear about you doing a genocide.
Exactly, no that's literally what happened.
So like literally what happened was
is they forced these people out of this section
of the Ottoman Empire and tried to move all the Armenians and a bunch of them
Died on the way. I would consider a genocide because they're moving a group specific
Ethnicity to another location but back then it was like what 1914?
These are like Ottoman soldiers that don't have fucking radios. They aren't communicating. They're probably they're walking long
Distances and they're just probably killing weak people along the way It wasn't like a targeted camp situation like Hitler. Yeah, it was a lot of it seems like mistakes
That's why we went after the Nazis in Nuremberg way harder than we went after the Japanese because a lot of the Japanese atrocities
Were done to the exactly that miscommunication. Yeah, and loss of leadership. There was a there was a significant loss of leadership
Yes There was a there was a significant loss of leadership and Yes
It's a bit more vague of a genocide than something is cut in drives
One million Armenian deaths a lot for how small of a country that is
During death barges to the Syrian desert. Yeah, I feel like they just started killing our me the realization of others
Armenians occupied a somewhat protected but subordinate place in Ottoman society.
Large-scale massacres of Armenians had occurred in the 1890s and 1909.
The Ottoman Empire suffered a series of military defeats, territorial losses.
Yeah, almost 1.5 million dead.
It's a lot.
They kill a lot of Armenians.
It's a lot.
Yeah, it was.
That's bad. That is notians. It's a lot. Yeah, it was bad
That is not good
But remember, you know turn in your Mercedes on time the lease is up
And sometimes these dealerships they got a roll with an iron fist
You know
I'm from Glendale. I love Armenians. I would love to listen. It's horrible. I'm not gonna pretend like this was some fucking-
Love Glendale too.
Also to act like Glendale Armenians are even remotely similar to these-
You know what's crazy is I met an Armenian from Armenia and they said Glendale Armenians are like Armenians in the 1940s.
Yeah, they don't like them. I can tell. Yeah. There's- I had Armenian-
Well, it's like Italians in Jersey compared to Italians from Italy.
Yeah, same thing.
No, that's not- There's I had Armenian. It's like Italians in Jersey compared to the Italians from
I had Armenian friends and then there I remember their parents and people it was always like like you go first type of thing and talking about
Yeah, no, we know those are the flat, they call them the flashy Armenians.
There's like, they're almost like gypsy Armenians.
Then there's the ones that are like, no, I fucking hate,
it's almost like Chris Rock's N-words and black people bit.
Well, from my understanding, Iranian Armenians
are like the cool Armenians.
That's what I feel.
Oh, I guess so.
There's a difference, Russian Armenians are terrifying.
They don't seem so flash.
They seem like, if it's an Armenian
with like tattoos all over his body,
I'm like, oh, you're Russian Armenian.
Yeah, Russian Armenians are scary.
They're like mobby.
Yeah, they're scary.
They're a little mobby.
There's a whole bunch of like fake bellies
and shitty coffee shops like on brand.
Oh yeah.
If you were to walk into,
there's just like three old guys like sitting at a table and they turn around,
they have to like remember like how to make coffee
cause it's a front.
I think they're very endearing people though.
One time I walked into this sandwich shop
and the guy who's an Armenian guy and I was like,
can you just make me like any sandwich?
I don't care.
And he was just like,
I'm going to make you the most special sandwich ever.
And he was like, you have to have this sandwich.
It can only be found in Tehran.
Oh, only Tehran, but hold on. He goes- Well, is it not Armenian then? No, no, he was like, you have to have this sandwich. It can only be found in Tehran. Only Tehran, but hold on.
He goes-
Well, it's not Armenian then.
No, no, he was Iranian-Armenian.
That he's like, but he, I remember him turning around,
opening up the sandwich and then putting Tostitos sauce on it.
Like it's caviar, it's like a delicacy.
I was like, yeah, that's really Iranian.
Yeah, I mean, once you're in with them,
they're the coolest fucking people ever.
Yeah. I love them, but like when I'm in my car, I
Hate them. I hate them so much and I hate they're like the way they chill sucks
They love the street. No, they'd love to be in like parking lots. Yes up against their trunk smoking cigarettes parking lot of Foxy's
Fucking that lower parking lot. That's all they do is you can't find a fucking spot. I'll smoke it. Yes the Galleria parking lot of Foxy's fucking that lower parking lot. That's all they do is you can't find a fucking spot.
You're all smoking.
Yes. The Galleria parking lot.
It's not, it's an enclosed parking lot.
And they're all just posted up at their trunks,
smoking cigarettes.
I'm like, this is miserable.
What are you guys waiting to do?
Deal with the Batman. What's going on here?
It is crazy.
There's some of the only people I've ever seen that like
some of them will, they like do door dash for a living,
but you'd think that they're like Suge Knight.
Like they act like if Suge Knight did door dash.
I don't know what race is downtown,
but like all these guys on mopeds that do door dash,
they're like some sort of Middle Eastern
and they hang out in giant gangs on street corners.
And they will ride their mopeds on the sidewalk
and in bike lanes and all that shit.
And I just wanna be like,
where the fuck do you think you are?
Every major city.
From New York to London to LA,
these guys, they're always on their Bluetooth headphone.
Like they're fucking about to like break open a deal.
They are constantly talking to somebody.
They're like sharks.
Like I think if the call ends, they die.
They're, no matter what delivery they're up to,
they're talking on the phone. They're always fucking talking. It's their like cousin or their wife. They're no matter what delivery they're up to they're talking on the they're always they're like cousin or their wife
They're very like no, it's an entire family on the other line
I'm not kidding cuz there'll be like moments of complete silence
I'm like, oh, I guess the phone calls over and then you hear someone yell from the distance on the other line
It's crazy. Okay, so the aunt just chimed in yeah
So I didn't or they're just like mean girls and it's like, they're just constantly on the phone.
Did you hear?
They annoy the fuck out of you.
Did you hear about Abdul?
Abdul, Abdul, he took a girl on the day.
These fucking, she, she turned it down.
It's like really innocent.
They're like, that's, you know, it's getting older.
Coming of age story.
I told them just rave. I told them, just rave.
I told them to just rave.
But no, no, he's worried about the law.
But yeah, Armenian genocide, bad.
Really awful.
I thought just saying the way that they commemorate it
every year was really obnoxious to everybody else.
And it's, you're not doing yourself any favors
because you're great people.
And it's just like, just, you know, come on, like buck up.
And also like, remember like you're here now.
Like kind of fit in a little bit.
They're very segregated people.
I've said this before, I'll say it again.
They fucking, the reason there was like,
what the fuck is with you?
Fuck Arm, they used to call them Armos.
Everyone's in an Armo, Armo. And it's like, well the fuck is with you? Fuck, they used to call them Armos, everyone's an Armo, Armo.
And it's like, well it's cause you guys only hang out
with fucking Armenians.
And your parents only send you to schools
called like fucking Vartukian, Hartukian School of Gugukian.
And it's annoying.
And you go to the Glendale Galleria
and you only hang out with the Armenians
and you guys all wear all black and big Nike Air Force
And you act like you're about to fucking take over the globe you act like you're like an OVO and you're doing nothing
Okay, you're a delivery boy for your grandma's fucking shawarma place. All right
Yeah, yeah. Anyway, no, I know I get it you fix iPhones. Thanks for the new screen. Yeah, you break I fix
I know. You get it, you fix iPhones.
Thanks for the new screen.
Yeah, you break, I fix.
I love those.
I mean, I do a joke about it, but it's like,
it's insane, because driving is already so hard
in Los Angeles, and they cut you off constantly,
and then one year, once a year,
they block all the streets to protest.
I'm like, so do you guys just hate, like, driving?
Like, you wanna make driving hell for everybody?
Is that the whole point of you people?
Saw a guy the other day, I was in Glendale,
and saw a guy the other day,
tented out, big Mercedes, cutting in,
traffic literally bumper to bumper.
He just decide, he juts in somehow to the small gap.
Starts honking at everybody.
I can't see them, but I just go,
it's literally gotta be an Armenian guy. It's gotta be an Armenian Hermione guy. Keep talking, keep talking, everyone's like what the fuck
are you doing? There's even people on the sidewalk like what are you, what the fuck
is your problem? The light turns green, they shift in front of the fucking people and they
pull into a gas station, they get out of their car, they just go like, buy like cigarettes.
Yes, it's unbelievable.
It was, I literally pulled over
and I just stared at them, I was like, that's amazing.
It's crazy, they're like spotting like a rare animal.
They're like, you don't get it,
I'll be late to the parking lot.
What do you guys get to move?
No respect, zero respect.
It's crazy.
But then they're great because then there's
all the other types that are like, I'm sorry about them.
I'm trying to be my best.
I'm trying to be the best I could be.
Anyway, speaking of fucking wacky Middle Eastern people,
I saw some video that was funny.
We could laugh at and be fucking vaguely racist about.
This one, in Egypt, look at this guy.
Taxi driver just can't stop molesting his customer.
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
That's crazy.
Ha ha ha, look at him, look at the thumbnail.
Look at him go.
He's got the seat all the way back.
It's the hell with you, man.
Good, beautiful woman.
Fuck you!
No, no, don't understand, no touch.
No, no, you don't get it, I'm trying to finger you. No, no, No, it's okay. I don't get it. No, no legs legs spread not clothes
Is it Egypt legs spread not closed? Yes, that's like the India of the Middle East. I heard the men are so horny
Egypt yeah. Yeah, they're the most horny guys. Mm-hmm. Why is that you think I have no idea
Have you seen those videos the female journalists in Egypt? It's the same thing with India. I just see the guys crowd around them. Really? Yeah, it is crazy a horn of the art because they're so populated
It's like they're clearly fucking all the time. Yeah, it's like why you guys like you never fuck
It's so hard to casually are Egyptians Muslim
Yeah, isn't it cuz the rules of Islam are like don't ever fuck but but like they have the women right where they want them.
It's kind of like if there was a hunting rule
where it was like the animals have to be kept in a cage
and they can't move and you could hold the gun
to their head, you just can't fire it.
Well, this is what it is, right?
I guess like fucking your wife is like magnet fishing.
You know what I mean?
Imagine only fucking one woman.
There's no excitement here.
Cause they like, it's like, listen, you have no rights.
You're mine, but I have to cover you up
I can't ever like fucking see your tits. Yeah, or anything and then a white woman comes and it's like big game Safari hunting now
Yeah, you know they're in a helicopter with a fucking AK-47 shooting rhinos. Yeah
Yeah, exactly. It's like also this guy
absolutely this guy
This guy sees her as like subhuman though. That's the other thing which is crazy about like she's white
Yeah, Muslims are nuts. They're like they it's it's just he does
He's she's fair game to just like rape and kill because she's not a Muslim basically
Now what's the difference when people go to Muslim? That's just Muslim Muslim. Why do people get all they're just gay
They're just gay as hell very NPR gives a fuck
The proper pronunciation is like Muslim. I like calling them mud slimes. You know what I mean people go Muslim Muslims. Yeah
I don't know the difference
He's kind of like a sexy French guy he's like not even looking at the road. He's staring straight back. That rocks.
He's doing the Paul Walker and Yvamenda's thing.
What the fuck is this guy? Get out of the cab, dumbass. What do you think they are? Like uh,
they're in Egypt or Dubai or something? They're in Egypt. They're in Egypt. Why?
Egypt or Dubai or something. They're in Egypt. They're in Egypt. Why? What's... He's looking at her crotch like what do you think's in there? He's trying
to figure out what's going on down there. He goes they say there's hole. Why you say
my leger? Leger? What do you think she is? She's drunk.
I don't like, she's annoying me.
Drunk as hell.
She's annoying the shit out of me.
Yeah, she's some influencer.
Good woman.
Okay, go drive.
Beautiful woman.
Please drive.
Drive, yes.
Yeah, please drive.
Yes, drive.
He goes, God, shut up.
This is crazy.
My house.
My house. My house. My house. My house. My house. He goes God shut up He goes God shut up He goes God shut up
He goes God shut up
He goes God shut up
He goes God shut up
He goes God shut up
He goes God shut up
He goes God shut up
He goes God shut up
He goes God shut up
He goes God shut up
He goes God shut up He goes God shut up like this yeah she's that was an Asian language I don't know but I think he's
just retarded no there's no way he she's Chinese look those pasty little
Chinese legs she's I get it but like why does she sound like that cuz she's
speaking English but she's got a Chinese accent that doesn't sound like a Chinese
accent do she sounds Chinese she sounds like almost like like Finnish yeah she
might have learned English from a Finnish guy or some shit. I cannot.
How would she?
He's like looking at his Google tray, he's like, how you say rape?
He pulls out like tentacle porn and he goes, because you see this?
No blur! My cock not blurred!
Again, again.
You see? That is Alexis Texas. You see?
That is Alexis Texas.
You see?
You do that.
Your home?
No, I'm here.
My friend, Yor.
He's the hottest guy in Egypt. He's killing it. He's got amazing fucking rape swag. Yeah
He's got peppy lapuce. He's got good fucking criminal game. They'd rape on fleek
No, no, no, no, no, no touch please. No, no touch please.
I'm okay, I'm here by the way.
By the way, I'm here.
Okay, okay.
That ain't a joke.
He didn't not stop molesting her.
He tried to touch her once and she freaked out.
Then he was just hitting on her very heavily.
Yeah, why would she freak out like that?
This is a creepy, no shit, creepy guy.
Traveling alone to Muslim country and wearing a miniiskirt. This woman's a complete fucking idiot. Yeah, she's stupid
Truly what was she wearing their savages? Yeah, they're savages. You can't trust them with anything. They literally
It's the cradle of civilization
It's just unbelievable to me. No, I'm not I can't remember what this video is, but if it is the world I think, I think it's pretty damn good.
So they're driving down the highway in Texas or whatever, and there's a guy riding a horse.
Woohoo! On the express!
Shit damn cowboy that guy was so cool again hereditary cowboy
I think I don't know what the police were. It's like an escort or something.
I don't know, maybe it's like a Down Syndrome guy
and a horse with a cowboy hat on.
I don't know how he hit a sign like that,
that badly.
Woo, Pony Express!
Just right.
Right into a sign.
You know, it might have been horses get loose,
and the police might have been trying to wrangle it,
and they have a guy that they know they could call,
and he like got the horse.
And he socks.
And he's riding horses.
He just sticks his head out into a sign.
Go get that retarded cowboy with you.
He just decapitates himself.
OK, man, it's another horse and loose.
You promise you won't smack your head in the sign again?
That's his thing. Don't do that again, man.
Because how far are we from the sign?
Okay, so Anayja is back.
Oh, I love her.
Instead of taking the layover flight
from Dubai to New York City,
Anayja Robinson decided to just stay in Dubai for season two.
What a queen, dude.
This is a quick video, but.
I'm asking the government for 100K in my pocket so I can do real estate. Queen did this is a quick video, but
Yeah, that's so fucking sick it's great bipolar disorders working for her oh for sure yeah She she's in the Goldilocks Oh somebody was in the comments saying something about there's like a whole thing where they're like they can't something
I don't know I'm gonna get wrong but like something about them being obsessed with like black women out there
Really in India there's are there's like they're like fascinating
I feel like they're obsessed with anyone who's not them
Yeah, cuz it's not like a very much like it's there's not a good big tourist attraction
Maybe it was in those countries something to do with with anyone who's not them. Yeah. Because it's not like a very much like, there's not like a big tourist attraction
in those countries. Maybe it wasn't that,
it was something to do with some conspiracy
with people like her going out there.
She was looking fierce.
Can't remember it.
She can't remember it.
She is so sick though, dude.
It's just, well it's just,
I mean, what even is the internet?
Jesus Christ.
Just all the responses.
There's like, she better be careful out there.
No, she knows exactly what she's doing, man.
Did you guys see that video of Wendy Williams?
I don't have it, but Wendy Williams just like standing
in like a mental institution.
No, no.
Looking out the window on the phone, just like sobbing.
Something happened to her?
Oh, Wendy Williams has like dementia.
She's like, Wendy Williams is like gonna die soon oh I didn't know that she's in there with
Bruce Willis I had no idea oh oh no oh when locked in a room in an assisted Oh my God. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha It's like some shape of watershed. Yeah. Yeah. In New York, she can, that's her.
The only way I could interview her
was to have a camera in the street
because we can't get a camera in.
Oh my God.
He's trapped.
Dude, get her.
She loves Slim Jims and stuff.
He's trapped.
I didn't know this was happening to her.
I thought she was completely fine.
Yeah, I thought she was like.
I thought the show was just on TV, was it not?
Wendy Williams, no, but like in the last like seven to eight months, you guys are very unaware of things happening in the world.
Very important things. And Wendy Williams, like people said she was like, had dementia.
I didn't know.
And so she was just like slowly on her way out. Damn.
She can't really have any visitors. She cannot go outside. She's been out twice in the last 30 days.
She has no internet.
She, and I think rightly, says she feels like a prisoner.
Are you allowed to go out?
No. In the last 30 days, I went out twice.
She is in a guardianship.
She's fine! Let her out!
What is with everyone in these guardianships? I want to do this to my enemies
It seems so easy to trap these people into guardianships conservatorships. Yeah, how do you do you just tell an adult?
What they can do?
You just allowed to somehow figure it away if you get somebody to sign the right paperwork
You can keep them in a cage and just like feed them like Lunchables for the rest of their life
They just have to they just make videos,
like with, you know, like Britney Spears,
they make like wacky dancing TikToks with knives and stuff
and everyone feels sympathy for them,
but it doesn't matter to you because your enemy is entrapped.
Yeah. That's insane.
There's gotta be some kind of process where like,
they fail some kind of like mental health thing
and you bring it to like a doctor
and then they bring that to a court
and they go, all right, we approve you
to take over her shit.
Yeah, it is, it must be that type of thing.
Kind of like Brian Wilson with his,
the Beach Boys guy, he had that for a little bit
and he had to get out of it.
Yeah, but it's always with people that already have,
they're already kind of prone to some sort of mental
health issue. And I gotta tell you, you Lauren. I mean look at her hand. It's like it's like it's like it's like
It's like looking at a trapped alien
If you saw the lifetime document language like a rival
Henry on her when she was deep into alcohol a couple years ago She's back to the old Wendy, so she's like doxing children.
Wendy Williams is insane.
She's insane, yeah.
Like the things, the highlight tapes
of the Wendy Williams show are, they're amazing.
And gay guys love them, that's cause gay guys are sick.
Sociopathic, depraved maniacs as well.
Gay guys, gay guys' favorite person is Woody Wilb, cause she's a vindictive psychopath.
The only thing worse than Wendy Williams is any gay guy ever.
He's not only in a guardianship, it's a guardianship that has essentially locked her up and thrown
away the-
Well how else is she supposed to be guarded?
You gotta keep her locked up.
Doing this interview in like your own home personal theater seems like such an insult.
She's screaming out a window and you're like, sir, how you feeling there, huh?
He's like eating popcorn.
He's like, that sucks, man.
It's pretty cool out here where you're free and shit.
Hanging out in your home theater.
She has been diagnosed with something called
frontotemporal dementia.
That's what Bruce Willis has.
That condition never gets better.
It only gets worse. There is a similar
Diagnosis called alcohol induced dementia that can get better
Wendy is an alcoholic and
She was deep into alcohol, but the fact is when you look at her two years ago. She's gotten better
Being such a drunk. You're you have dementia
Yeah, imagine not remembering the movie you watched last night, it's crazy and
Was this a misdiagnosis and if so
You know, she's going to get a reevaluation.
But for some reason, the Guardian said, we don't think the diagnosis is going to change.
How can the Guardian say that?
The Guardians only talk to her like once a month.
And I got to tell you, I've talked to her.
Oh, it's brutal, dude.
How does this even allowed in whatever facility she's in how come the people running at her like yeah
Let her have like a cinematic like like a really tragic cinematic moment at the window. There's a starbust
Screaming for help in her aquarium her mind is almost gone. You guys picked the right to do this
You might not be the tomorrow that's windy. I'm trying to shove her brain back into her head through her ear.
Why is there even windows like this
that you could just go in New York,
you could just be like, want to look at Wendy?
You walk over to some part of fucking like,
my upper west side, look!
Look at her, she's just crying on the phone with Harvey Levin,
putting her hand up to the fucking...
Jesus Christ in the window!
It's sad, she used to be so untalented, it's really unbelievable what's happened to her.
For hours and hours and hours over the last month, and this woman is better.
She needs a sober coach. Personally, I don't think she needs a guardian.
This is a country where you're.
That's crazy.
Yeah, she used to like fucking.
She did something, hold on.
Last thing on Wendy if I can find it.
There was a kid that was like,
I vaguely remember this.
But I don't really keep up on Wendy Williams all that much.
But I don't really keep up on Wendy Williams all that much. Oh, Wendy Williams.
There was one where it was like a...
I don't know.
Do you know what happened?
Yeah, she's talking about this like famous TikToker kid and like all his talent and all this shit.
And then she goes, he has just, he died.
That's alcoholism. And like all his talent and all this shit and then she goes he has just he died
That's alcoholism
That's just being like that's being so hung over that nuance
Is like we he's great. Don't we love it?
He has just died. Mm-hmm, and then like moves on with the show. Yeah
Her conjure her shady is moments are what wild yeah, I mean you resort to just
She's a shady Is why?
Wendy yeah, when you're hungover every single day like that brutally like they are
It's like you resort to just one main function and it's either bluntness or you laugh all the time like Jimmy Fallon
Yeah main function and it's either bluntness or you laugh all the time like Jamie Fallon yeah because you have no words to really form these women and laughing is
like a buffer to come up with something to say these women turn their purses
into flasks yeah you got you got the purse is just like a it's like a vodka
pouch yeah yeah I think you know it's getting really bad when you have like a
nickname for the type of beverage you're consuming with the activity I have an
aunt that just refers to them as purse beers.
Perse beers.
She says, you want a purse beer?
I'm like, that's just a beer in your purse.
There's nothing cute about this.
You carry beers with you.
But they're making it cute now.
Yeah, but it's a purse beer.
You never heard of a purse beer?
And it's cute.
No, you're an alcoholic.
I like it, it's cute.
I love it.
Let her be.
Road soda.
Yo, let her live.
I love road soda. Road sodas. Yeah
I don't know. I just can't I just hoping the best for ASAP Rocky. Same. You know, cause yeah the ASAP Mob
You know, you guys have done such good work together. You know
I know well prayers to ASAP dude. Rocky. Yeah, I did not know you were up to this. I'd be very upset. It's forever
Mr. Mr. ASAP Rocky yeah, I did not know you were up to this I'd be very
The saying you held a gun on really you have a newsboy cap on and up
Well, I guess we should wrap it up fucking Joey's in Seattle yeah, yeah, I'll be back next week. He'll be here. Gotta do these damn jock weeks. Jock week, jock week, jock week, jock week, jock week.
Jock week, jock week, jock week.
Slow month.
They're quick month, actually.
Black History Month.
Just like that, you know?
Maybe, why do they give Black History Month,
is it cause they're so fast,
that they make it a fast month?
Yeah. They just to get to the end
They're not even like really like it's not even like a branded thing anymore, I think they stopped it yeah
because of Trump it's more about I think Juneteenth turned into
Like Black History Day. Yeah, I think we said something where we were like,
they can't have it all.
Well, everybody else gets like St. Patty's Day.
I feel like February does not,
yeah, it's not as big of a Black History Month thing.
I think it's because Juneteenth is the day.
Yeah, it's for black people.
You get Cinco de Mayo, St. Patrick's Day, Juneteenth.
It's funny though that that's the one
that celebrates the tragedy.
Which one? Cinco de Mayo is just a victory. No, I'm saying Juneteenth. It's funny though that that's the one that celebrates the tragedy. Which one?
I was just thinking victory.
No, I'm saying Juneteenth.
It's like a day of mourning.
It's like a day of mourning.
I learned about Juneteenth from the Watchmen on HBO.
The Watchmen made Juneteenth.
It's the only way people find out about history these days
is you have to hope for HBO to do a show on it.
Comic books.
Yeah, a comic book show about it.
But yeah. Black Wall Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma. I had no clue until I watched that on. Comic books. Yeah, a comic book show about it. But yeah.
Like Wall Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
I had no clue until I watched that show.
Me neither.
But now, yeah, I haven't seen much
Black History Month stuff.
It's more like, I've seen at Laker games
they'll say celebrate black culture.
So in February.
But other than that, it's like, you know.
I mean, but I wanna celebrate it.
So shout out.
We won't stop me from celebrating it happy black history month love black guys to
fucking Andrew Schultz and Macaw or Akashi yellow wolf aquafina yeah yeah
yeah all the rest shout out to them, yeah. Who else?
Vanilla Ice.
Vanilla Ice. Have you seen people playing Ice Ice Baby
with Vanilla Ice while driving next to Mexicans
protesting the ice protest?
Oh, that's so fucked up.
No, but that's very funny.
It's amusing.
Do you have a video we can watch?
Nah, nah, just take my word.
Take my word, folks.
What do you guys think of the damn protest?
I mean, Jesus Christ.
They won't stop.
I think they stopped actually finally, the protest.
I haven't gone to the gym in two weeks.
That's not why.
Yeah, every day there was a protest.
Well, they're stopping the traffic.
I don't wanna find a new route. I've seen them, they're like, you know, They're stopping the traffic. I don't want to find a new route.
I've seen them.
They're like, they're, you know, they're stopping cars.
Middle of the street.
Those students.
Student protest.
It's all these little kids going out there.
Student protests?
Yeah, it's always like 14 year olds.
It's a bunch of 14 year olds walking out of school.
Are they coming into your bar at all?
Cause it's right by you.
No, cause they're little kids.
I've seen a lot of adults.
There's a lot of adults.
Yeah, yeah.
Every, the last two, the last like times. I've seen them in the day
It's always a group of 15 year old kids the ones that are holding that they they they shut down the freeway
They shut down the I didn't see that but I walk around City Hall. It's always little kids. Okay. I'm just saying any children
It was like days on ever they were literally shutting down
It's a wild way to produce 101 and Alameda and to be like anti-deportation, but be like, we're right here.
We're right here.
Come get us.
Well, I imagine those are the legal ones.
Well, the ICE raids are supposed to happen this week.
I think the illegal ones are too busy working.
You know what I mean?
They're like, I'm fucking building a house right now.
I can't go protest.
I was at Home Depot a couple of days ago
and they were still in the parking lot.
Like asking for work and stuff.
And I was like, you guys are fucking.
That's gotta be like storming the beaches in Normandy right now. Shut up the Home the parking lot, like asking for work and stuff, and I was like, you guys are fucking stupid. That's gotta be like storming the beaches
in Normandy right now.
Shut up the Home Depot parking lot.
They say that, like, apparently we're due for some big
crackdowns. They were supposed to be last week,
but then the FBI.
Apparently, Tom, what's the guys, the borders are.
He said the leak came internally from the FBI,
so, yeah, FBI agents are leaking
when the ICE raids are gonna happen.
Good, make it interesting.
You know?
It's fun, there's a mole.
Like a Paul Revere.
You know, warn them.
Make it a battleground.
You know Paul Revere, when he was on that ride,
he met up with his buddy.
On that ride.
That sick ride.
So the coolest part about Paul Revere's ride
is he met up with his buddy who just had sex mm-hmm it was very he
he just fucked a chick what if it's Paul Revere but he has a butt plug in as
he's doing that and he's going I'm coming
all right good work everybody good night guys good night everybody that was great
Connor really good work on that this rocks