Hate Watch with Devan Costa - Agent Ratliff

Episode Date: November 18, 2024

The cringe haka, Mike Tyson explains how pointless life is to a child, guy pretends to be OSHA agent at different jobs https://www.patreon.com/c/HateWatchPodcast ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 You motherfuckers, you motherfuckers. Thank you guys. Thank you. I'm back, I'm back. Thank you for coming back to the show Joey. We've kicked Connor off. Looks much nicer in here by the way. Well I can finally think without that lip guck around. Clean slate.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Clean slate. No dirty mick, this place looks nicer. The TV looks like it's mounted flush somehow. I don't know. Upgrade by Yarmul's. Listen to Low T-Pod please. He did tremendous work. Low T-Pod, please. He did tremendous work. Low T-Pod.
Starting point is 00:01:05 We did a revamping of the studio so it's more comfortable for us. Low T-E-A. Things are set up better. We got a bigger TV right there so we can really watch the retards shine. Low T-E-A, yes. So now we look up here when the TV's,
Starting point is 00:01:20 when we watch stuff. We'll go right there and then we'll look at you and go, isn't that guy retarded? And then everybody laughs. Mm-hmm. Right? Yeah. Huh?
Starting point is 00:01:29 It's fun times, it's fun times, but I recently saw something in the last few days that's just really gotten a visceral reaction out of me. I think we've maybe talked about this before. It's these New Zealanders that do the Maori, the haka. They do their jungle dance. They do their haka thing. And they get really pissed off online
Starting point is 00:01:48 when you make fun of it as a white guy. They go like, that's, it's racist, it's crazy to be, don't call it cringe. It's racist for it to be called cringe. Well, buckle up. So this is in like their parliament. God, look at her. And look at her go And look at her go.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Eww. Look at her go. Welcome to the city! Jesus Christ. Eww dude. Welcome to the city! Welcome to the city! Welcome to the city!
Starting point is 00:02:13 Welcome to the city! Welcome to the city! Welcome to the city! Welcome to the city! Welcome to the city! Welcome to the city! I mean where are the adults? Yeah, what the fuck is this shit?
Starting point is 00:02:22 What is this Lord of the Flies shit? This must have been so cool right before like running into a battle real quick now. It's just like exactly it's too much It's before they sign a bill yeah, imagine this imagine wouldn't it be like wouldn't you guys think I? Maybe not the most professional person say we're saved like I work in Congress or whatever mm-hmm It's all up to me some big bill is being passed and I need to get it done and I need to convince Congress to pass it yeah and if we don't get this bill passed we all we're desperate I think she was protesting against the bill shut up okay sure whatever very important yeah okay continue god damn it. It's like, chickens don't crossroads. Why would a horse walk into a bar?
Starting point is 00:03:14 It's got too much office beef. Okay, so imagine it's really important, right? And if I don't get this, if I don't convince Congress this is a fucking sign of this bill, we're all gonna die, we'll be destitute. You know, and I look at you guys before I got my suit on I go I got this Yeah, I walk in there and I just smash cut to me going like Look at you guys that I wink like I think I got They throw me on Shutter Island
Starting point is 00:03:45 It sucks. This sucks. Thanks for your time. That was very compelling. But I think we're gonna say no. You're obviously mentally insane and don't care about your culture, whatever how precious that is to you.
Starting point is 00:03:56 I like to see like the Australian version where it's like a ray gun, but she's trying to... She's doing a brain dance. She's doing... Yeah new. She's doing. Hopping around like a bunny. Yeah. You know what they're protesting done, John?
Starting point is 00:04:14 What is this? What are they? Probably some fucking they're like, hey, we have to use three more kilometers of your native land for forest and timber or something. And they like lose their mind to do their demon dance. Aren't they just, shouldn't they just be excited? Lord of the Rings was filmed. They should be happy they got a fucking building to be in with carpet.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Okay, if it wasn't for us, they'd be like fucking riding chickens and fucking sheep. Really? Yeah. Is that true? Yes, dude. They are like the Native Americans of New Zealand, yeah. They didn't have the Americans of New Zealand. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:45 They didn't have the concept of like artificial green before us. They didn't know what the fuck that was. I heard they slaughtered other people that were there before them. Yeah. So of course, it's like enough of this, of enough of getting outraged.
Starting point is 00:04:58 This is cringe. Yeah. You're cringe. You're cringe fag. You're cringe. Yeah. Clint Eastwood pointing his finger gun at this Maori woman. He goes, you're fag, your cringe. Yeah, he's got a Clint Eastwood Clint Eastwood pointing his finger gun at this Maori woman.
Starting point is 00:05:07 He goes, you're cringe. Mm hmm. This is it's it's lame. And when they do it in their football games and shit to the other team, they did it in the in Team USA. Like that was the most embarrassing thing when like you had to watch the American basketball team look at them. And they kept acting like the American basketball team
Starting point is 00:05:25 was being like really xenophobic and just awful for like cracking a smile. It's like if they've never seen that before, it looks fucking weird. You guys look retarded. And then to lose by like 70 points right after. Exactly, to do this big like, like scary. It's their version of trying to scare away a bear.
Starting point is 00:05:42 They're like, just get bigger than the bear and you know, make a lot of noise with pots and pans. It's like, I'm still a bear. I still can fucking eat you. They know they're gonna lose that game by a lot. And they still have the fucking gall to go do that dance in front of the greatest team that has ever been assembled. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Well, it's really funny because I remember we banned all the Native Americans from dancing. We banned the Sun Dance and then they made the Ghost Dance like in the 1800s. I was like, why would they ban them from dancing? What is Sundance and then they made the ghost dance like in the 1800s Yeah, I was like why would they ban them from dancing? What is like? Why now you know I realized oh, they're fucking annoying cuz it's a bunch of fucking retards jumping around Yeah, worshiping their sky demons exactly. Yeah Oh, no, I mean it looks like a zombie takeover this is not there's like old Karen's in the upper deck doing it
Starting point is 00:06:32 There's nothing professional about this. No very very impolite. This is not that I mean I would not let these people into my society What would you do I would just be like, I don't know, go be wack, go scream like animals. You're acting like fucking animals. I mean like, you know. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Look at this guy. He's like, why the fuck that I moved in his area This sucks I miss Colorado I
Starting point is 00:07:14 Can be getting sucked off by twinks and they say right now this fucking sucks I hate the tongue out thing. Take the Nikes off. The house is, the house is suspended. Okay retards. And then you just gotta go, you gotta go, okay, still I ban gay marriage. Still you guys can't shit gay marriage. I'm sorry. Still, you guys can't shit in public, I'm sorry. I don't care, guys, no, you can't,
Starting point is 00:07:52 you just can't skin animals alive on the highway. I'm firm on that, so. I'm sorry. I'm firm on that. You like your dance, but you guys gotta take a hike. Don't really know what you guys are up to, but that's it. Lord of the Rings 5 will be filmed here
Starting point is 00:08:08 That's all I know about New Zealand don't know much about New Zealand what they what they are over there I know there's always like a big new. There's always like a new sighting of a lizard. They're like new lizard dropped Yeah, I always confused them with some owns me too me too I can't even with Hawaiian there's Melanesian people and there's Polynesian people and the Melanesian people are the black Aboriginal looking people and those kind of inhabit the same area the Polynesian people are like Hawaiians or Samoans or New Zealand. I could be wrong. Okay, I'm gonna trust I love you when you go off I just believe everything you say New Zealand. There's a North Island. There's a South Island So you thought that you thought that one of the propositions in California
Starting point is 00:08:46 lost by one vote last week. Is it true? I didn't call you on it, but it seems impossible. Which one do you think lost by one vote? The Prison Labor one. The Prison Labor one. He thought it was one vote. Why did you think that? Somebody told me.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Like it was the most epic election of all time. What would you think it was like election with like Matthew Broderick like he threw the vote away. Did you actually prove me wrong? Well, some people were talking in our fans. What is the propaganda called? There we go. Well, we can't find it. We don't know California without seeing the results. I'm very comfortable saying that it can't be right. I'll say, I'll say, I'll say. Could you get it on the screen? California voters reject Prop 6 ban on forced prison labor. Prop 6 was endorsed by the California Democratic Party and L.A. Mayor Bass.
Starting point is 00:09:38 The measure was part of a package of reparations proposal to rectify a history of racism and discrimination against black Californians under state law inmates are put to work in a range of jobs for about 75 74 cents is it only black people that have to know everybody okay it's not like they're going through them like you know you can stay white boy guys stay in your cell you're not working today I just want how much a lost by well I think lost by one that would be every people pretty major news. Oh no, lost by like a million votes. How did you, did you mean to say it only lost by one million? One million votes, yeah. Why'd you say that? Who told that to you?
Starting point is 00:10:14 Some really smart guy. Some toothless crackhead at your bar was like, I can't get lost by one vote. And you. No, it was a really smart buddy of mine, I just believe. Well, he's an idiot and you should lose him as a friend. I don't know. You've been eating too much office beef.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Too much office beef for you, buddy boy. Rocks. No, it kicks ass. Kicks ass. But here's the problem is that now your brain is like becoming 95% office beef. I wanna be 95% office beef. I wanna walk in here looking like Meatwad.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Well, accomplished. You can stop. Oh, I didn't see this. You didn't see Tyson? No. A little kid. We got Tyson, Jake Paul later tonight. You know, only the biggest fights for this generation. 65 year old Mike Tyson versus a retarded YouTuber. Back in the old dance museum, Tyson.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Or Ali Foreman. Was it, was the famous photo Ali Frazier? Where he's like... Rumble in the jungle? Yeah, that was the famous... Whoa! Oh sorry, hey listen, I didn't name that. Who the hell named that?
Starting point is 00:11:21 Well they were in Manila. Well it sounds racist. The fight was in Manila. It does sound racist, but it wasn't... It was set in an actual jungle. That was Ali Frazier was in Manila. Yes. And then Ali Foreman was in Africa, right? Yeah, it was in like the Congo or something.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Yeah, Ali Foreman was in Africa because there's that famous... Ali Bumbaie. What is it? He's jogging and all the kids were like, Ali Bumbaie. Ali Bumbaie. I actually don't know about that. I thought you would, but yeah, anyway, this is the big fight of the century, is Jake Paul, Mike Tyson. So he's been doing his press tour
Starting point is 00:11:56 and trying to promote the fight, and he's been doing an unbelievable job promoting it. It's like classic Tyson. Oh, he's amazing. Just giving insane speeches about just life and death and how he's nothing and he's, you know, like it's just like, it's almost in the same vein as like fuck you, I'll fuck you till you love me faggot.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I'll fuck each of your children. I'll eat your children and I'll fuck you till you love me faggot. It's also now with all of like, after like, I knew about this, but like after the world learned about like Conor McGregor and they started to understand like, oh, this is promotion. You look back and you go like, oh, Tyson was promoting.
Starting point is 00:12:36 They just thought he was an insane black guy that was like threatening to eat kids and do all that. He's a pro, he's one of the best promoters in the biz. Exactly, exactly. So this is him, this is a little kid, a little girl interviewing Mike Tyson Right kids and do all the he's a pro. He's one of the best promoters in the biz exactly exactly So this is him. This is a little kid a little little girl interviewing Mike Tyson, and he ain't having it He is he is just thinking about everything that's ever happened to him Well and you return to the ring for this fight You are setting a monumental opportunity for kids my age to see the legend Mike Tyson in the ring for the first time So after such a successful career for kids my age to see the legend Mike Tyson in the ring for the first time.
Starting point is 00:13:05 So after such a successful career, what type of legacy would you like to leave behind when it's all said and done? Well, I don't know. I don't believe in the word legacy. I think that's another word for ego. Legacy doesn't mean nothing. That's just some word everybody grabbed onto. Someone said that word and everyone grabbed onto the words and that was used every five
Starting point is 00:13:23 seconds. It means absolutely nothing to me. I'm just passing through I'm gonna die and it's gonna be over. It's a goddamn stoic. Very wise, very wise. This girl's 13 years old. Yeah but I don't think Mike trusts kids anymore ever since he picked up Hasblad and thought he was a kid. From now on I treat every kid like an adult. He goes, I'm not going to get tricked again motherfucker. Every fucking kid apparently has an aging disease and they're all like 45 years old. Nice try you fucking Oprah Winfrey.
Starting point is 00:13:58 He thinks he's talking to Oprah Winfrey. It's like you're just like midget weird aging diseased Oprah Winfrey. No more Gary Coleman interview, please. Die, I want people to think that I'm this, I'm great, I'm nowhere, nothing. We are dead. We're nothing. Absolutely nothing. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. She's just nodding. Well, thank you so much for sharing that. That is something that I have not heard before someone say that as an answer.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Can you really imagine my future? She's like, I've lived a life of general hope and love until now. People are typically more gentle with me because I'm 13. I've had a much more positive outlook on everything. I'm a child. People usually try to make it seem like there's a point in the future People do carve out legacies and maybe I could have a legacy goes. There's no such thing as legacy You're fucking dust on dust well fuck I'll gonna be bones You're gonna be ball. You'll be nothing more than something day a fucking animal pisses on One day we will be gone. Yo, one for you little fucking bitch.
Starting point is 00:15:05 He calls her bitch. A legacy to be this way when I get dead. Why do you want me to think I really want to think about you? Poor kid, it's true, it's true. The concept of death is like, Jesus Christ, there's a kid and she's like that. It's true. It's true. How, what's your dad say I think,
Starting point is 00:15:23 I want people to think about me when I'm gone. Who the fuck cares about me? I'm gone. Or my kids, maybe, or grandkids. Who the fuck cares? True. True. True. True. I mean, he's been kind of getting fucked with
Starting point is 00:15:35 in these interviews a lot. Has he? I keep seeing these like, like, I saw a meme interview, a guy like sat down and was like asking these kind of like joke questions and kind of playing a character. Mike Tyson was like, please stand up and leave.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Like a guy like got up and left. He's just, I think this is now the internet era of him doing this. Sure, right. He's always been this though. Yeah, no, I'm not saying he's not being that, but I'm just saying there's like a whole new ball game as far as like interviewers.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Like if to interview Tyson in the 90s, you had to be with the media. Yeah, there wasn't as many guys doing like on the street, like troll, there wasn't as many trolls. Especially with Jake Paul Yeah, there wasn't as many guys doing like on the street like troll. There wasn't as many trolls. Especially with Jake Paul involved. There wasn't as many trolls. They would troll him more professionally, but they would still try to antagonize him and stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Oh, yeah. I mean, you're lucky till you love me. Exactly. Yeah, and you got... Yeah. Yeah. I mean, Paul trolled him in their weigh-in last night when he slapped him. Do you think he meant to step on his foot? Did he step on his nose? He he slapped him because he stepped on his foot Afterwards he like looked down and point his foot and I was like, I don't think he meant to do that
Starting point is 00:16:33 I think he tried to get up close to him and he actually stopped on Tyson's foot and Tyson bitch slapped his shit out Look, you'll see Just the same legs he steps on his you can't see it is that a friend Oh, is that what he's like he points down after he slaps him. Yeah Well also You can see when he comes out of that crouch. Do you do that fucking monkey crawl towards him? Yeah, I hate that yeah, I wouldn't I wouldn't crawl like a monkey towards Mike Tyson. I don't know about you guys.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Why is Mike Tyson wearing a Speedo, dude? Because he's insanely jacked. I know. He's like, I want to see, I'm 58 and I look this good. That rules. Hopefully Jake Paul gets million dollar babied tonight and he's just drinking out of a straw for the rest of this Well, he already's retarded like more what if the fight makes him a genius
Starting point is 00:17:34 Play piano out of nowhere. He's like reading like Nietzsche Man well that'll be exciting to watch tonight Oh man, well that'll be exciting to watch tonight. I've been seeing more and more, you know the pedophile hunting is a big thing nowadays. Love a good hunt. We all love a good hunt. Are they doing it more? But it's just all, you know the vitalis
Starting point is 00:17:58 and they bring the celebrities, they bring like Ty Dolla Sign with them. And it's everywhere now. And it's really kind of creeping me out. Obviously, take down pedophiles, please. But it's making me, I don't know, these videos, it's like, how am I, how are you coming off more unlikable than the pedophile?
Starting point is 00:18:19 It's sort of making you like pedophiles. No, it's just making me wonder their intentions. It's making me wonder, like, I think these guys love that pedophiles. No, it's just making me wonder their intentions. It's making me wonder, like, I think these guys love that pedophiles exist so they could go be fucking, like, asshole buffoons and, like, make a living off of them. I think it's kinda get, like, bridging on sexual. It is, too.
Starting point is 00:18:38 I think it's exploitative. Well, exactly. Imagine, imagine, imagine somebody being like, you can do whatever you want to this man. Usually that's in a sexual realm. Like, you only hear of like a red rooms on the internet check this out look at this shit I'll get vitale swallow it swallow it like a good boy Eat habanero spicy. Hey, and he's calling him Squirting shit in his mouth disgusting
Starting point is 00:19:04 Good boy good boy. Oh, yeah, Yeah, he's not even trying to hide. It's gay He pulls his cock out Just good boy. What is going on? This is intentionally borderline rape I see these videos It probably could be kind of a rape. These pedophile hunters are disgusting and they need to be stopped. From.
Starting point is 00:19:30 I, there's something going on. If you are in the same image as a pedophile, you're in the same video as a pedophile. And I watched the video and they're making me feel like, by the end of the videos, I'm like, leave him alone you creep. You're grossing me out more than a pedophile. You're a fucking creep.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Just put him through a game show in the middle of a blizzard. Be reasonable. It's yes. You know what it is? Yes. As a member when you were 13, you just did a lot of mean stuff to your friends. Like remember you threw Dave in that pool.
Starting point is 00:20:00 You had no clue. I didn't do that, I saved him. You saved, remember when you saved Dave and getting thrown in the pool? That was a horrible night. You had no concept of like pain back then, You know I didn't do that I saved them you said memory save David getting thrown the pool You had no concept of like pain back then or like trauma and like as you get older you have that This is for 13 year olds, right? It's a porn for again, you know that you know, come on This is a bad sign of our society and it's a weird way We're monetizing like they should go and be very professional about it and call the police
Starting point is 00:20:25 They shouldn't go and be like oh, yeah, we got a pedophile alright Let's make let's put a hop in yours and his ass and fucking cover him in cream cheese And it's it's it's it's creepy. It's like what can be monetized will be monetized Yes, this point we've reached this point of desperation where everybody wants to be famous Everybody wants to make a quick buck and I got and they're using these damn pedophiles. They're stepping on the backs of these pedophiles to get to the bag. The pedophile might like this. What?
Starting point is 00:20:54 The pedophile might like this. I know. If he's in the little boys and a big jack dude is now squashing his mouth calling him a good little boy. Watch it again. Look at this. He's calling him a good boy. This isn't okay. This is gay as hell. I game show good boy. This isn't okay. This is gay as hell. I game show demon time. You go admit you planted that bomb
Starting point is 00:21:08 at the Atlanta Olympics right now. You know Shoemaker was at least had like a good idea. At least he killed them, you know. Admit that Eric Rudolph is innocent. This is Richard Joel Good boy good boy not a good boy You can be the Richard Joel pedophiles. What if he was innocent somehow? Yeah, what if you just just a tip just Jesus this is very uncomfortable
Starting point is 00:21:40 He's raping him. I was watching Richard Joel the other other night, Joey. It's funny you mentioned Jewell. What a guy. Love Richard Jewell. So unfortunate he passed away at 44. He was a big fat prick. Shock, it was shocking to me. It was. Who could ever have guessed?
Starting point is 00:21:57 With his body and tits on. Even in the Clint Eastwood movie. His body and tits. The whole movie, he keeps like holding his heart. Like you could tell Eastwood was like, just hold your heart every once in a while, cause this fat fuck did die at 40. Yeah, it's gonna be stressful. Yeah. He's like, yeah that was great acting, but just do another one where your heart hurts a little bit.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Oh, Jewel. Oh man, I forget what this video is. He almost took down one of the greatest bombers of the world Eric Rudolph Jule did yeah never seen the movie. Oh man. Yeah, he's so good Eric Rudolph planted a bomb at the Atlanta Olympics in 96 How much destruction we talking don't you think Rudolph was probably upset they were after jewel And he was don't these guys want to be known for their work I don't I think that he wanted he killed a bunch more cops he wanted to just do damage oh yeah oh shit yeah yeah he bombed a bunch of cops after I think that he eventually knew he was going to get the recognition so he's probably
Starting point is 00:22:57 just like hey this fat pricks buying me a little bit more time to plant and bomb six years yeah they didn't find Rudolph for six years after Jule. I think they almost ruined Jule's life. He's the coolest one. He was a suspect like a few months after, but then he was such a great survivalist. He was on the FBI's most wanted, he was like number one for five years and survived in the woods by himself for that long. The Appalachian Mountains.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Wow. He was a king. Like Brian Laundry kind of. Yeah. He was the king. Brian Lawn, like laundry kind of. Yeah. Yeah, that lasted a little longer. A little longer than laundry. He didn't kill himself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:32 You guys see the latest with Coburger? No. No, what'd he do? I don't know either. I just know the trial's supposed to start soon. And I could see that they were basaking them through the coals as usual Yeah, I mean, it's a bunch of trash. It's a bunch of BS. It's a bunch of junk that Now I think eventually they're gonna realize like oh we got to drop the charges the guys that fucking don't realize
Starting point is 00:24:00 He's a nice guy. Oh realize he's a bambi Let's look real quick because we always do our you know, this is the official coburger pockets And by the way, there's a huge red. He's a nice guy. We'll realize it. Yeah, he's a bambi. Let's look real quick, because we always do our, this is the official Coburger Podcast, and by the way, there's a huge Reddit where they are constantly claiming how innocent he is. We broke the case, we were the first ones on that. I did see that they were trying to say that you can't kill him with a gun. If he does get the death penalty, you can't shoot him.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Well, isn't that up to him? He could face the firing squad. I think that's up to him. He chooses method of death isn't that true no i think the state has to like kill him by whatever means are available coberger could face firing squad if convicted wow i didn't know we did that that'd be so funny that's great this is i believe the last state that is it's an option that's cool damn well nothing really they just keep delaying the case cuz he's so fucking hot The reason they said they kind of faced firing squad is no one would shoot him because he looks so innocent Guys break down like what you won't you shoot fucking baby?
Starting point is 00:24:57 Like next up shoot poo bear this really gave me a laugh this was a real really gave me a laugh. This was a real Facebook post. So they found a, there was a guy dead in a tanning booth at the Planet Fitness for like three days. And the employees were just spraying Febreze and shouldn't be like, what the hell does that smell? Which means they don't clean the tanning beds and they just left the guy dead in there.
Starting point is 00:25:19 And this is how somebody posted about it on their Facebook. To say that I am ashamed and angry Planet Fitness in Indianapolis is an understatement. Went in this morning, it was immediately greeted with a terrible smell. First thing that came to mind was a gas leak. Staff at front desk says, you're fine, no need to worry. You are not in any kind of danger.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Then they proceeded to spray with Febreze to mask it. Minutes later, the coroner and four police cars show up. There was a dead body found that had been there since Friday Jesus prayers to that family there was a gas leak, but it was gas leaking from a decomposing stomach Yeah, the planet fitness man found dead and tanning bed at Planet Fitness in Indianapolis I don't even know Planet Fitness had tanning booths. I thought Planet Fitness was for homeless people to like shower at and stuff That's 24 hour fitness. No, that's for Planet Fitness. No Fitness is real shitty. I think the nicer ones have them and I'm pretty there's like when I was a plan of fitness downtown They're like do you pay ten bucks a month and you can't use the tan. That's what that's what I want
Starting point is 00:26:14 He bucks a month you could use that's what so basically it locks out homeless guys. They get enough Sun I've seen oh, yeah, I've seen homeless guys with the most beautiful fucking amazing Gregory doesn't need any more. So they say they have some growths Oh, sure there. It's not a little too much. So too much sun. We got that vitamin D poisoning certainly not dipping into the bed Yeah, I didn't know they had tanning beds Would you guys ever go to it to get a tan? You went to did a tanning bed one time? I think I spray tan picture. I did a spray tan. We do like these wacky family photos where we like we troll our parents cause my mom makes us go to Sears
Starting point is 00:26:50 and do a family photo for Christmas and stuff. And so like me and my brother, my brother would dress up like something nuts. And then so one time I went to a tanning, spray tan place and I was like, whatever your darkest setting is, I go do it, go three times that, and just go for it.
Starting point is 00:27:07 And then so they did it, and it was a pretty insane looking. Did you bleach your hair or something? Yeah you did. Oh no I did, I sprayed it, not really, I sprayed it with a thing. That's so funny though, just the things that happen in Indianapolis.
Starting point is 00:27:23 I will say though, my body looked way better instantly Yeah, just that a tan will make your body look so much better Yeah, so this is a this is a video where I just at this point I can't I'm starting to think India is just a there there They're made for social media and they purposely are eating shit made for social media and they purposely are eating shit to I don't know boost their numbers on social media because this is a guy making a cow dung sandwich Oh no. Why's he got a tire? He's got a tire over his over his body. He's got white bread or something and he's putting cow shit on it.
Starting point is 00:28:03 white bread or something and he's putting cow shit on it. He's mentally ill. This is a mentally ill man. Yeah, that's a mentally ill man. Really, or is it? Yeah, he's mentally ill. There's no, either he's mentally ill or there is actually a sect of- There's a guy filming him too,
Starting point is 00:28:21 so you wonder about like, are they doing it for the views? There's a sect of Indian too. So you wonder about like are they doing there's a there's a they doing it for the views There's a there's a sect of Indian Baba's they call them like holy men and they like drink piss and eat dead bodies He might be like worship. I think they like worshipers. I think they're called the Akiko bar or some shit they like worship Shiva and they'll like eat shit and drink piss and like They're not really gross. Yeah, they'll drink each other's blood and shit. You think he's a part of that? He could be They're not really gross. Yeah, they'll drink each other's blood and shit. You think he's a part of that? He could be Join, it's a little things a member of any club. Well, you know, he's got a tire This is Connor eating the appetizer at Logan's way It's getting low yeah, I love you that's what you get for not inviting me cocksucker, that's right
Starting point is 00:29:11 That's too bad that that bit didn't get to work today. Oh, no. Yeah, yeah, we not say it. Well. Let's say it Yeah, no, it didn't work. So we wanted to we wanted the Joey was gonna prank Logan today So our friend Katlin the animal count the animal Diego sans you could catch our you know The lore of that and the later and look them up online if you want to see the freeze the friend We made out in Joshua tree, Joey And I made a friend and we wanted to find out he does really aggressive Gay porn gay porn and comes super hard he comes hard as a fucking animal Yeah, and he posts a lot of like sure he's insanely good physique And he posts a lot of videos of his physique beautiful beautiful's beautiful. A beautiful man. Beautiful man. Handsome, very handsome. He's hot as shit.
Starting point is 00:29:46 And incredible, incredible like fitness body. Yeah. And then so Logan, our friend Logan Kiro's the comedian from Four Fathers, check it out by the way. Bahat, fourfathers.com. Bahat, bahat, what was that? Bahat. Four-O-R-E, fathers.com, buy a hat,
Starting point is 00:30:03 official merch of the, hey what, bahat. so he's Nick Scrivons from that prank He got really shredded for his wedding and he posted a very homo erotic video to John and I and the boat crusher in our Group text and then so I thought it'd be really funny if we sent that to Katlyn the animal and said hey Katlyn Our friends trying to get into like gay porn kind of stuff And said hey Katlyn our friends trying to get into like gay porn kind of stuff Could you post this video on your story and tag him and then I was gonna set him Logan's shirtless video And unfortunately, he said like oh man. I try not to do too much gay porn on my Instagram But on Twitter yeah, if you do it on Twitter if he posts a nude on Twitter
Starting point is 00:30:44 I'll repost it and then so obviously we couldn't do it. But it was, Joey today talked to me about it at the gym and I was like, it's funny, I was like, he is getting married today. I don't know, it's the greatest timing. And then that made me more, I was like, oh perfect, that's a good point. I thought Devin was bringing it up as like, hey, this is perfect timing, cause it's on his wedding. I just pictured him later tonight, you know, with his bride and he's on his phone
Starting point is 00:31:12 and he has all these messages like from gay guys and she's like, she just thinks he's doing gay porn. And then after it failed, I was like, you know what? Good thing it didn't work, cause today's their wedding day, dude. Yeah, you got what good thing it didn't work cuz today's their wedding day did Anyway back to this guy eating shit Yeah, I think he said this might either be religious or he's just mentally ill. Don't you get real, do they have like incredible
Starting point is 00:31:49 immune systems, is he not getting like incredibly sick? I think you can eat cow shit. Well I don't know, okay so like that's a- A lot of fiber. You probably can't eat cow shit. Lot of grass and fiber. I wouldn't eat cow shit from a cow who is in like a city. It's eating trash all fucking day.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Yeah. Yeah, no, that guy might be mentally ill. Why are they allowed to eat the cow's shit? They eat dead bodies there and drink pee pee. Wait, they don't eat cows though, right? They're holy. Shit, you're right. So why is this shit okay?
Starting point is 00:32:21 You're still kind of fucking with the cows. I think it's, well, I mean like They drink milk and have cheese Yeah, they have a lot of loopholes with that. Yeah Interesting well wacky. They'll eat everything but beef which is fucking nuts, dude Do we already watch the poo fight where they did a whole city-wide poop fight? I saw that. Yeah Drag lately dude, I mean non-stop. He cut it the fuck out. Well, there's just so many people Is this real are these videos real that's real I looked into it why are they doing that's all how would they get? All this shit from are they pulling it out of their asses?
Starting point is 00:33:03 It's I it's cow shit, but it's still insane They probably bring it to the front line is it just cuz they don't have snow and this is their version of like a festival festive Christmas. Yeah, I don't know the Shit snowballs. This is to appease the poop demon. That's keep him at bay. Yeah, it's a blood sacrifice If they don't do this, yeah kills their firstborn it's a poop sacrifice for the poop demon. If they don't do this, he kills their firstborn. It's like a bug's life, the poop demon shows up and he's like, have you been having your poo poo fights?
Starting point is 00:33:32 Man, they are really going at it and there's people on the rooftops, like it's a Dodger parade. They have a world series of shit. It's a shit parade. Like Aptar is really killing him with that boop. Aptart is winning I think. Look at them go. That's crazy. These are giant mounds of shit they're throwing at each other.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Why would they do that? That's wild stuff. Logan just finished saying I do I forget what this video is but I think it must be good because I sent it to myself and I only sent myself winners The best of the best. Is she gonna get stuck with like a heroin needle or something? This is like kids don't play outside anymore. Oh, I think it's just some like insane man that like hates that these kids are having fun They get sharked So they're like skiing. Is that a dude or a chick?
Starting point is 00:34:28 Stop it motherfucker! Yo yo! What you gonna do about it? I got the cops on the way dude! I'm pushing keys you think I give a fuck? We're outta here man, we're outta here! Old evil sucks so much ass dude. Look at these guys, these guys are like movie characters.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Look at every one of you! Fuck every one of you! People suck so much ass These guys are like movie characters The Midwestern stand this has been happening since the dawn of time. Oh, I know it's classic It keeps us going but there's something about a guy like this where it's like his own This is his purpose in life is for this moment. Yeah, like when God God made him he goes he's like he's like his name is Joe Harmon and he lives in Wisconsin mm-hmm and worthless life nothing he will do nothing his whole life nothing will ever matter he might as well be dead mm-hmm but at 64 I'm gonna send them after some skateboarders He'll be a character yeah, it's not a building an arc he stops a kid's fun time Yeah, and that's like his that this is the this is his the big moment of his life
Starting point is 00:35:36 Yeah, this is the only meaningful thing he'll ever do is be known as the wacky retarded guy in a video that stops him skateboarders It's insane. Is he gay? He seems they all they always Closet that's an openly gay man. Is this a straight guy in Wisconsin? No What's this no snow skiing shit snow skiing shit I don't know what the idea I maybe cuz they set up some snow there was it was it's like after a snow or something We're leaving. We didn't, we didn't even talk about it. Oh fuck every one of you! Fuck you! You sent all this shit up! You know this is trespassing!
Starting point is 00:36:28 We didn't mean to cause you any harm. We're out of here. What is with old people and caring about like property and people trespassing? Yeah, who, what do you, would you own the mall? Who cares? Like fuck you. Who gives a shit? Red jacket. Green jacket. Who gives a shit? Beautiful stuff.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Beautiful stuff. beautiful stuff. All right. Well, I think we found our new favorite guy. OCDA official. Calamar White. Yo, free OCDA official. This is my favorite guy that I've ever seen. It's like an audit combined with a troll
Starting point is 00:36:59 with like an illegal prank. It's amazing. It's like everything that I love. So he does this bit where he shows up and he pretends he works for OSHA. And he says that I'm here to respond to some employee complaints about how y'all running y'all shit. And he, all he does is tuck in a polo into his cag.
Starting point is 00:37:17 He just. It's like no official, there's no official credentials. And you'll see from here on, it's really great. He's very funny. And I think he served some jail time because this is illegal. He's impersonating officers. That's my favorite part of this whole thing
Starting point is 00:37:33 is that he's very clearly impersonating federal officers in these videos. He keeps claiming that he's from Osho and stuff. And then it's just such an ignorant prank. He's so ignorant. He did zero research. I did not know that that's highly illegal. And then it's it's just such an ignorant prank. He's so ignorant He did zero research I did not know that's highly illegal and I sound like a hypocrite cuz I've done pranks better
Starting point is 00:37:50 HAHAHAHA You've done way worse stuff But I at least know that they're Well you wanted me to release the bomb threat Well that's right that's why I called it out of hypocrite a little bit But at least I had my 1A defense ready He had no He was shocked. He's like, oh, this is illegal.
Starting point is 00:38:07 He didn't know. But he's amazing. He's my new favorite person on earth. For Agent Ratliff, we are here at wind supply about to rectify and reprimand Mr. Now, y'all already know what time it is. Imagine thinking people will think you're an official member of an organization and you say things like stupid
Starting point is 00:38:29 You know what time it is you're like, oh damn it the DEA is here and they walk in they're like y'all stupid You're like you're not the DEA But you're like, you're not the DA. If you talk with authority and you have a uniform on, he's like, oh, you fucking fat white bitch. Like, come on, I gotta talk to your fucking supervisor. They actually sit him down with the supervisor. He makes a lot of fat jokes too, it's great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:02 I He's already pissed cuz they didn't run out he's a he's upset they didn't greet him cuz they are a racist shop I mean they end up being raised and they end up being an old-timey racist shop It looks like he's trying to sell something. I does. He looks like he's trying to sell solar panels. I'd be like, I don't want to talk to this guy. But he gives his badge number. All these white people in here. Nobody acknowledge me. Hey, how you doing?
Starting point is 00:39:34 How you doing? My name, Asian Rap. It's like 10 seconds for a guy to come out. ID number 33712. And I was coming here looking for Mr. Lee right here. Okay. I'm coming out here to go over some complaints Well, you have a office you want to go over these complaints? No, I'm not the one to talk to Your name on this list they say right here y'all need to humble yourself cuz y'all don't know shit y'all Dancing in the receptionist is fucking.
Starting point is 00:40:05 And get your high at work. They say y'all racist as fuck. Y'all ain't shit and everybody wish Nick was still here. I got some official complaints from the government. And they say y'all racist as fuck. And y'all stupid ass. If it's in here, y'all don't know shit. I got, I got, I got, I work for the government
Starting point is 00:40:27 and they be saying y'all racist as hell. He's like a hood dude from Florida. You're supposed to be behind the counter like, oh God, are we in trouble? Is this the ACLU? We paid our fees. It's here. These are complaints that were filed on behalf of the company.
Starting point is 00:40:47 What address do you have? 2217 Rock Chapel Road. That's us. Give me more information about you and what is she doing? This is recorded. First of all, you need to calm your attitude down, man. You come out here loud. When'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here.
Starting point is 00:41:05 I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here.
Starting point is 00:41:12 I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here.
Starting point is 00:41:19 I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I am the cop. No, I don't give a fuck about y'all calling me no cops. I am the cops.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Racist. They just told him to get his black ass out of there. That is, she said, get your black ass out of there. It was the guy at the office who said that. The guy at the office said that, but that is... It is really funny when you accuse somebody of doing something and they're like, we're leaning into it, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Yeah. Your black ass outta here. We got it on camera. He just said, get your black ass outta here. You don't stick to negative He just said get your black ass out of here to another you don't stick to negative Okay, what's your name? John my name is agent Ratliff with OSHA cares diversity fair and we was coming in here to go over some complaints about mr. Lee fat lady right here hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahah Black ass out here and it's on camera and we that's the fucking lawsuit Yes, he did we got it on camera motherfucker
Starting point is 00:42:31 Beautiful stuff beautiful stuff free Yo free OCD a official you heard anything else. Oh, he's got a whole channel Oh go to one where he gets into like a conference this one made it to Twitter and This is interesting this is Hey how you doing? Agent Ratliff. Oh shit. Oh shit. I need your ID number. First of all you need to lose the attitude you're not you're not Cal you didn't. He works for me. Okay. He's on the clock with me. Well this is about him and you came out here
Starting point is 00:43:01 with your bravado shoulders like you're scaring somebody. We over here. That's naturally a broad shoulders man, I work out every day. There ain't nothing gonna change about that. With your broad shoulder ass. With your healthy ass. It is so funny the second he's ever about to get caught lying he goes, no, no, no, you're copping an attitude right now.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Copping an attitude right now. That's like you break into somebody's home and they're like, what are you doing? What are you doing? What the hell are you doing? What are you doing? What the hell are you doing? Right now I just told you we're here to make a determinant factor who we want We're here nobody how you came out here you don't come out here like you want me this is an always gotten another guy with
Starting point is 00:43:52 You know, I know is get out yeah goddamn president looking motherfuckers President he's the insults are oddly like like positive. He's flopping a little bit like you could run the country as a motherfucking. It's like JFK looking ass. Fucking scholar, fucking Ivy League student, scholar, wealthy, healthy piece of shit. He's sort of the classic black insult thing where you just say something about like what they like, could be like black short ass motherfucker. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:44:20 And then it's somehow it's like, God, that's mean, I don't know why. Mm. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha And then somehow it's like that's mean I don't know why That was the key thing look what they say he is racist that say that about you Big mistake, big mistake, cracker. Whoa, then he gets aggressive, then he shuffles. Yeah, holy shit. He was like a gangster when he's, he went to jail when he was like 13 for like, he's like a natural like gang guy. For impersonating Osha. He's like obsessed, he can't stop.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Frank Avignon. Yeah, he was like nine years old, and he was like, I work for Osha. He's like, this rebar ain't supposed to be what's that. This deck don't look up to code. Mommy, it's like I hope you ain't storing these chemicals in that shed. That toilet looks a little too close to the kitchen. You better be secured up on that platform.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Oh, God. What the fuck wrong with you? Sir, there's no need to escalate this after all. Ah, beat your white ass in here. Fuck wrong with you. Don't ever invade my motherfucking space like that. Time I called the police. We authority figure.
Starting point is 00:45:31 And it's on camera right here that you invaded my space, dummy. I mean, motherfucker. You take your racist ass on. I'm feeling it, beat your ass. Yeah, you pat him on the back because you know he racist. Y'all trying to hide that ass. Yeah, you pat him on the back because you know he racing. Y'all trying to hide that shit.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Yeah, I see. Oh no. He's getting the employee in trouble who, because now this guy's gonna be like, you kind of had a fun time with him. Yeah. The boss is gonna be like, did you file that complaint?
Starting point is 00:46:00 Like with the fake Osha man? It is, this is planting a seed. He's planting a seed. Now this guy's gonna have a hard fucking time at work now because this guy's furious and he's gonna be like, how come he kept talking to you? Yeah, you're right. Pat of that nigga on the back.
Starting point is 00:46:17 That's why y'all don't wanna let us in there because y'all know we gonna expose y'all. And the first complaint, what that say? You seen the cow, what the first complaint about you. He is racist what that say He is racist We was trying to go over it, but you came on some bullshit looking stupid as fuck. Yeah, it's on me Mef you fucking milk head. He's not he's not doing the best job He's kind of letting me down as far as like black insults go
Starting point is 00:46:46 Sure, but still in regardless. This is funny good for him Now they talk to her Both of you give a fuck about that But if you listen time mark if he would have told you I put hands on him Yes, what a goddamn would have did something but since the white man put hands on me on me. It just simply okay Would have did something but since the white man put hands on me on me. It's just simply okay Let's do one more where he goes and gets somebody to sit down in like an office space What's the other video on that tweet though? There was a second one. There was yeah one
Starting point is 00:47:22 This is the first video we watch Okay, where was his channel Free OCD a you heard What's it is this his top video? This is his channel videos and do the most popular Yeah Screen the new generation and we ain't scared. Wait, wait make it full screen. I know I'll find one that's one We just watched but it looks like the full video You need to sit down Let's do that one
Starting point is 00:47:58 You could skip to like where they're sitting down where they're sitting down. Tim, he brought a woman with him this time. Yeah. Did all these people go to go to jail? He's getting a lot of people in trouble for impersonating office. He's got like 15 codefendants. This is like he's running like the like like the like Frank Lucas is like drug like like Kingdom. So his simple Simon ass motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:48:23 We impersonate an OSHA motherfucker. His big, his big simple Simon ass mother fucker. We impersonating Osha mother fucker. His big, his big trick. Russell Crowe's after him. Russell Crowe's having nightmares. He's like, he's like, agent Ratliff has been impersonating Osha since he was nine years old. I have reason to believe agent Ratliff, they see him walk into a, to a, to a fucking,
Starting point is 00:48:44 to an Ali fight with a Mint coat on like who the fuck's that? Asia ratliff Asian ratliff Oh god bso's big uh scam that got him in trouble was that he would so he would say ocean But he pronounced it as oh show and he would just be like oh I Ocean, but he pronounced it as Osho, and he'd be just like, oh, I could pass that off as my accent, right?
Starting point is 00:49:10 So I'm saying Ocean, Ocean Cares Diversity Affairs, whatever, but he pronounced it, I'm from Osho. And so, and then, but they were like, no, they got him on something, and they arrested him. And then he kinda did try one, he's like're, he got him on something and they arrested him. And then he kind of did try one eight. He's like, y'all know I'm a comedian, right? And like, Oh, I was a history satire.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Yeah, but you have to like lead with that, don't you? I don't know. I think they could still, like they could still make a case against you. And then like now it's up to this lawyer to argue, Hey, you know, this was satire one eight, blah, blah, blah. But this is a good, this is very good. Skip to where they're sitting down Evan.
Starting point is 00:49:48 This is a big bump right here. Yeah it's cuz. Most reflux. How you doing man? It's got an insane ass. Agent Ratliff with Osher Kins. Jesus Christ. ID number 33712 and this is here.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Agent Garnett ID number 2324 nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. He's like hello. Osher Kins you have the gloves on. Gettyer. Yes that's me. That's you? Okay so the purpose of this visit we was coming out here to meet you. Nice to meet you. He's like hello. Shake your hand you have the gloves on. Me?
Starting point is 00:50:05 Gettier. Yes, that's me. That's you? Okay, so the purpose of this visit, we was coming out here to go over some complaints that were filed on behalf of management and we're coming out here to just get your side of the story. What we do, we like to try to remain unbiased in these situations before we make a determination of who we want to let go or issue any fines to.
Starting point is 00:50:22 So like I said, this is be quick, we're just here to get your side of the story go over some complaints see what's going on okay okay okay see this guy instantly buys she's like oh no I think the company's in trouble he's like we are up to no good here it's crazy okay Okay Okay It's all nervous signing so I don't want my balls to get mad at me fuck it's OSHA Yeah, it works better in a company with manual labor happening. Yeah. Because they have to deal with OSHA all the time.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Yeah. They do. Yeah. It'd be so funny if you put one of these guys in cuffs. He's like, you a racist ass, fat ass bitch and you on the rest now, hoe. See how nervous he is. Mm-hmm. about 15 to 17, just depending on the given time. He sounds nervous, he asks himself. Mm-hmm. So like I was telling earlier,
Starting point is 00:51:28 we just come out here to go over some complaints, get your side of the story, because we try to remain unbiased in these situations before we make a determinant factor who we want to let go. Yeah, okay. All right. Who do you want to point fingers at?
Starting point is 00:51:39 So I'm going to go over these complaints. Now these complaints were filed dating all the way back I'm gonna go over these complaints. Now these complaints were filed dating all the way back December of 2022. And they still have been currently filed, but we're just now getting around to them. But the complaints are anonymous, but I will read them out to you verbatim.
Starting point is 00:51:59 So right here it says, he wants to be Peter Griffin so that... ...their wages and stuff. That then gave employees raises in years. The white employees get treated better and paid more. Skin flaky. Skin flaky? Skin flaky, don't use any lotion.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Peter Griffin asked. Choose to that collect a correction. My skin is not flaky. He actually says that. This poor guy. Fuck the racism, you just go strictly by the races. There's only one or two white people and they just started in the past three months. And like I said, I have no control. But I see his- Man, they really think it's real.
Starting point is 00:52:52 All you gotta do is bring a lady in a pantsuit. Yeah. And everyone's like, holy shit, all right. He gets a lot of people by himself. We watched the two where he kinda gets like busted immediately. They're very funny. The lady in the pants suit is really selling it
Starting point is 00:53:05 Oh, she every time he kind of gets a little bit too informal She jumps in and kind of says something that sounds official and saves it He pulls a gun out and blows In this beautiful black queen, please exit the office before I kill myself? No, we're not going in there. It's going to continue. And they say right here, you chew too much dip like you're a correction officer. And you got dip in your mouth right now. Do I?
Starting point is 00:53:38 Yes, you did. I seen when you put it in your mouth. No, don't do it. Look, come on. You see it. We can see it. Close your mouth. I think he actually swallowed his dip when they brought him up for the first time. He swallowed his dip like he's that terrified. Like a little high school kid getting caught. Oh no. He swallowed his dip.
Starting point is 00:53:56 That's so sad. He thinks he's going to jail. He goes, uh oh, I don't, I don't. No, I don't. Oh, oh, oh. Like a person in a loony bin that didn't take their pills. Oh my God. We're coming to a world complaint that once he burns it down, these will come true. Like a person in a loony bin that didn't take their pills And we leave when we want to leave we'll throw the figures you can't call the police if you do call the police
Starting point is 00:54:18 Once they get here and see who we are they go Well, that sounds very official. He's like, sure that's true. I don't want to get arrested, so I guess. If I call the police, they go, motherfucking arrest my ass. He calls his friends, he's like, I got bullshit here. Is it? Well, if I call the police, will they motherfucking arrest my ass? Time out. Time out. You gonna sit down and you gonna hit
Starting point is 00:54:46 little bit of the face. Jesus. Cause we ain't done. And you gonna treat this lady with respect and you gonna treat everybody out there with respect. I don't think he's lying. These are complaints from people at your company. So this is what they say. I don't have dip, I swallowed it.
Starting point is 00:54:58 We didn't know none of this information if it was not said to us. And they say your skin. I don't vape, I ghost the vape. It's not snowing, it's gonna be hot. You see right now it's hot sent to us. And they say your skin should be flaky. I don't vape, I ghost the vape. It's not snowing, it's finna be hot. You see right now, it's hot as hell outside. If anything, your skin should be moist. Ain't no way your damn goddamn skin should be flaky.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Now you gonna- What does that even matter? Propane is flaky. He's acting like it's a legitimate offense to have flaky skin. I didn't even hear. How's that even an issue, legally? The guy yells, how's that even matter? It's a legitimate offense to have flakies in here. How's that even an issue, legally? The guy yells, how's that even matter?
Starting point is 00:55:30 And then he starts to, like, see, he explains why right here. Don't you know you can blow this whole goddamn place up? You can't? Hold on, let him finish. Let him finish. And you need to sit down, because we're going to get to these racist remarks right here. He was saying flakiest kid can explode propane.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Also, imagine believing that a guy is an official government agent and he keeps saying Fina. We finna get to that. You don't, you do. You need to sit down. Yes, could you please sit down Mr. Griffin? It's not even Griffin. Look, I'm talking to Peter Griffin. Mr. Gettyer.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Yeah, you can take my last order. They keep calling Peter Griffin. Jesus. He's like, this honeydip's been really mean to me right now. How do they find- Jerry Kida has a fool in me. Do you know how they find these people? How do they find their victims?
Starting point is 00:56:21 So Calamar White has a website where people could submit complaints about their actual jobs and it costs you $5.99, that's his price that he came up with. That's genius, I bet he got in trouble for that too, for charging money. For sure, yeah. He's charging people to harass their place of business. Yeah. You can accept complaints, I think, for $5.99, but then, maybe that's a crime somehow.
Starting point is 00:56:45 If you go act on it, I'm sure it lines up as a crime. I could see that. His name's Calomar Wyatt? Yeah. What a god, god bless you Calomar. Comedian, stand-up comic. Hmm, where is this? This guy be in the south.
Starting point is 00:56:56 I don't know. Yeah, we're, nope, we're finishing this. Sir, sir. He's from Florida originally. Might be there. Close the door, get your ass back over here. Matthew. We not fucking done. He's from Florida originally might be there I also love that these people are so stupid. They're like goddamn it. Oh sure brought their camera crew today recruit He's like, oh man Oshas really weird
Starting point is 00:57:38 What does OSHA stand for occupational safety and you know they gave us your number There's a policy for your company. There's not a policy for our company This is our policy and our policies to come in here and establish everything that we're going over with you now We need you to come damn. She's good He's like, oh fuck He's like, oh, fuck. I'm talking to you. You don't get pumped when you're not whiting your ass down.
Starting point is 00:58:05 Fuck. Now you trying to act like you want to get back to work. But a couple months ago, your ass was on the job. Oh, damn it. They're playing good Osha, bad Osha. They really brought honey and vinegar in today. Our badge is on her. She got a badge.
Starting point is 00:58:18 She got a badge. Bring your ass back over here. Wait, this is my favorite moment right here. Look at this. Look at the look at the look at the. Our badge is on her. I, this is my favorite moment right here. Look at this. Look at the, look at the, look at the. Badges on us. I got a badge, she got a badge. Look at her.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Look at her. Look at her. Look at her. Look at her. Look at her. Look at her. I got a badge too, you heard. I love this.
Starting point is 00:58:39 This is so funny. These guys are so funny. Calibar. Bring your ass back over here and sit down because you trying to escape. You trying sit down cause you trying to escape. You trying to escape? You trying to escape. That's a new crime.
Starting point is 00:58:50 You couldn't even have. Now we got motherfucking Peter Griffin, flaky skin and evasion. They charge him with looking like Peter Griffin. You under arrest motherfucker. You under arrest for your flaky ass skin. Use some cocoa butter, tubby. It's a decency to have a meeting in the conference room.
Starting point is 00:59:13 This is the fucking conference room right here. You wanna pull them ragged ass chairs out for us. We could have sat right here. He said they didn't go to the nicer room. He's so good. He's so good. He's so good. You know how we treat black people? Exactly, and that's how I know them. You finna get a $3,500 fine.
Starting point is 00:59:37 He's gonna fight a $3,500 fine. And I hope your ass got real with cash out. So I'm gonna put you underwater. You're gonna pay us our money, y'all. And I don't know why you still standing by the door. So go be underwater No, no why you still standing by the door we not leaving to you we get your signature that you signed up and Then you let us know we came up and we went over these complaints with your ass You gonna do what we say I'm not home or don't read your book. If you ever ask for PayPal or Zelle, the paper is mine. You choose your example. You speak your own language. Wait, they're trying to charge her right now. They're trying to charge her for-
Starting point is 01:00:08 It's so illegal. They must have had a solution. It's so illegal. It's extortion. They're scamming her. Tyler is an actual gangster. Like she's trying to get paid from this guy. And he's filming it.
Starting point is 01:00:18 He's like, he goes, we gonna fucking monetize the crimes. It's just so funny. He's like, we gonna get the Robin Hood. We gonna get the 3500 and distribute it to people. Oh, that's so funny. It's a conference room and you got us sitting out here in the motherfucking den.
Starting point is 01:00:34 This look like a motherfucking porch. He's gonna go to jail for so long. Oh yeah. He bonded out. He still has to face trials. It's a white collar crime. Oh yeah, this is bad. Oh see, you lying.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Come on, bring your ass back over here. How'd you find out he went to jail? Well, so I loved this so much, I did a rabbit hole, right? I watched the interviews and he talked about it. Oh, really? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So don't be complaining. I'm about to tear this bitch up if you don't come sit down.
Starting point is 01:01:00 He's going to tear this bitch up. He's going to tear this bitch up. He's breaking you again. Well, how about this? How. He's gonna tear this bitch up. It's breaking him. Well how about this, how about this, how about this, how about this. You said we told you to sit your ass down. That's what you said. Right now sit your motherfucking ass down. Oh damn.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Break your ass. Break your ass. Watch this. Watch this. Hey how you doing? You management too? No, I ain't not. Oh, okay. Lose the attitude though. Lose the attitude. Dude, at least he went out funny.
Starting point is 01:01:29 You know, if he has to go to jail, at least it's funny. I hope these videos get a little more. I'm surprised they're still up. I know. What you was talking about. I think they're going to be re-uploaded and stuff. Yes, it's going to be. I'm going to be in jail.
Starting point is 01:01:37 I'm going to be in jail. I'm going to be in jail. I'm going to be in jail. I'm going to be in jail. I'm going to be in jail. I'm going to be in jail. I'm going to be in jail. I'm going to be in jail. I'm going to be in jail. I'm going to be in jail. I'm going to be in jail. I'm going to go to jail at least money. I hope these videos get a little more. I'm surprised. They're still up
Starting point is 01:01:45 I know you was talking about I think they're gonna be uploaded and stuff You better not be I got them in high Real badge on you or anything this is a real bad This is a real company these are real complain How the hell you think we know your name and what you up here doing mistreatment? How you know we think how you how you how you think we know you chewed it like you were fucking correctional officer. You want to lock people up and put them in solitary confinement. That ain't the way it fucking work. I
Starting point is 01:02:16 did four years in prison. I know you look like a correctional officer. You look exactly like him. Because I'm white? Yep, exactly. You white and your ass chewed dip. That's why you look like him He ain't even offers no water, but the white man won't get anything. He won't this crazy. What's the number? Best of the best you want to watch one more we should do more on the if you find the one where he goes to like a hotel
Starting point is 01:02:50 Or maybe save it for page. I'll bring it back. Yeah, maybe we'll follow it on page back up on the page How you doing Johnny boy, I just fucking got over the worst food poisoning You did you got food poisoning you ate or tuna salad from a seven p.m. Ellie inside the train station tuna salad and I just fucking was shitting my guts out and puking for fucking a day. How'd you put up with being at work throughout that? I was able to last for two hours and I told him, I was like I can probably make it through the entire shift and I was like no there's no fucking way
Starting point is 01:03:17 and I immediately went home and it was just, began the hell. But the craziest thing is. You went home and shit? Oh I was shit. So you had to keep using the hallway bathroom? I kept, I would switch. So I'd go to the hallway bathroom to piss out of my ass
Starting point is 01:03:30 and I'd go to the, the, the handicapped bathroom to vomit. Why, why would you mix it up? I'm still like trying to be, I'm still trying to be low key. Trying to be low key. So you're like trying to, trying to make them think there's a guy that's horribly,
Starting point is 01:03:42 there's two guys that are horribly ill on the same. Yeah, I'm like a graphic designer Okay, no, but the crazy thing is is like my whole body was like swelling up and shit I was in bed and I was really lonely and sad I got real depressed and then um, I wasn't uh, it's just today. I started feeling normal again I was depressed for like four days. I looked up I guess that's normal. Oh getting sick will make you depressed. Yeah, fuck me up for like four days. It sucks I wasn't worried. I get really depressed when I'm sick. I wasn't horny at all. Yeah, that's John for the alarming symptom
Starting point is 01:04:17 He told me he was like man. I couldn't get a boner for like fucking three days. It was fucking horrible Yeah, you're just dude bodies doing shit that you do some take some like, you know Probiotics, I've been eating very probiotic food. Hey, you probably fucked your gut up woke up today raging hard on I was good to go Damn it sounded really bad. I was worried sick about your John without John I hate how horny is but he's, it can't be horny. It's that's not a world I want to live in. The government tried to kill me three times now. GGPing wants John to have no boners.
Starting point is 01:04:54 He wants my, he wants me retarded and sterile. Yeah. He's got 50% of that he got. I'm a targeted individual they're targeting John dream it I saw in a dream is shown to me what Devin what do you how do you think he got sick food poisoning from where though well okay let me let me go through the day so I guess cuz he when he said that I was like yeah that's that's probably it's definitely probably the tuna salad he ate but let me let me know let me let me bring you through the day like he did a lot to his body that day and I was like, yeah, it's definitely probably the tuna salad he ate, but let me bring you through the day.
Starting point is 01:05:28 Like he did a lot to his body that day, and I'm like, it could have been anything. Oh God. So we meet up. Office beef, by the way, the guy makes office beef nonstop with shitty little beef. You're not, I guarantee you. It's good beef.
Starting point is 01:05:40 No, I guarantee you're not looking at like the expiration date, you're not being strict about that. No. I freeze it, defrost it, throw it in there. I guarantee you there's moments where it's like goes a little bit. I bet you like a dethawed, let it like, you know, dethaw and then put it back in. Sometimes do you do that? No.
Starting point is 01:05:59 Also you can do that if you don't open it up once. I real good up online. A lot of people do get sick that way. They, they, they way they they put your pot How do you wash your fucking pot wash the fucking how where yeah with what in the sink in the bathroom? Whatever John you don't wash it that often so that wash it that often do I wash it up is I'm I use it What are you crazy? What I'm gonna cook on dirty shit you fucking yeah Yeah, I wash my dishes more than you I have have a dishwasher. I put him in I wash it every senior skillet. Oh
Starting point is 01:06:31 My skillet you can't put that in it. It's cast iron so Johnny We went to I went to breakfast with with the Arnold's we go to astro Johnny gets He orders two Miller lights immediately. He double fist two Miller lights pretty sick. Actually, he has a We both get diner salads tons of blue cheese on it and then he get even you ate Ruben a Ruben with fries sounds fucking awesome And then he ate all my fries because I didn't really eat my fries love The fries are great. Oh boy. Yeah, then he ordered another Miller Lite
Starting point is 01:07:11 Three Miller Lite three Miller Lite's like and we're talking like this is like so far that kicks it's like it's like 1030 a.m so he had like three Miller Lite's and The Ruben and the salad and the fries and then on the hog and then he hops on the hog and we come here and then he has Six more beers six to seven more like Michelob's and then went to work and then ate a tuna salad and then vomited Yeah, I was dehydrated as shit Let me ask you this when you take your dishes into the office bathroom by the way he ate a tuna salad That's like when you're at a gas station And you look to the left and they literally
Starting point is 01:07:45 have like a bunch of little chicken bites in a package, which you can't fathom anyone human eats it. It must only be for people's dogs. Yeah. That was that type of Tuna salad. I love gas station food. I was raised on it. My dad would always buy me gas station food and my mom couldn't make me lunch. How do you, where's your dish soap? You bring dish soap I I use the hand soap from the use hand soap for your dishes Same shit, dude. It's just a degreaser. That's all fucking that's all dish soap is it's all the same shit It's a good. Yeah soap is the same shit. I think he's kind of right about yeah, it's just a good actually could buy that I don't use hand soap. Okay, so there's the only place you get hot water soap I don't think has like a ton of like antibacterial stuff in it unless you buy the antibacterial kind.
Starting point is 01:08:26 I think it's just mostly, it helps with grind. But I've seen the sinks in there. That's a hard angle. I've seen your pot and I've seen the sink. This is what I do. I get, that's the only sink that's hot water. There is a shop sink around the corner. So I get the hot water from that sink, run around the corner, and then I put it in the shop sinks in there, and then I scrub the fuck out of it. I can't imagine you're doing a
Starting point is 01:08:45 My my I'll be honest with you. I'll take a picture of my pot. You're not gonna be happy. It's been burnt Wait, it's been what it's kind of burnt on the bottom, but I it's cool. Oh, dude, that's No Crust of burnt food brother man. It was the tuna salad. It's not my eating Burnt food harboring bacteria office beef is so healthy for you. I Gotta tell you man. I think everybody listening is gonna agree with me You've got a crust of burnt food on the bottom of your pan. Oh, it's like a slight a little bit It's like some cox at carbonization. It's like a pan. It's like a steel pan.
Starting point is 01:09:26 You get carbonization. I don't know, man. I just think you keep getting sick because your surroundings are horrible. I haven't been sick in like, when was the last time I got sick? You're constantly sick. You're constantly sick.
Starting point is 01:09:34 I'm not sick at all. Muggy Pops. I'm so happy that this was food poisoning and you couldn't transfer it to us. I'm happy finally like it was a one and done. Okay, I get seasonal allergies. Twice a year I get like crazy bronchitis. It just happens Ever since I got the jab
Starting point is 01:09:49 Thank god rfks in there Uh, it's like covid take my jab your blood may both phenyl phenyl Phenylalanine from my cold dead hands from voiced fag defluoron it deflour fluoride fluoride I want to say a word wrong as well. He's gonna like Florida for it the water He's got my penal gland is fucking sick. It's very funny They're upset at RFK when he's doing when he's saying things that are like if this was a liberal And if there was like a Democrat in office people be like, thank God like these are very liberal like he wants to like make You know the most sugar for the he wants to make the food like Lassen's bullshit.
Starting point is 01:10:26 Less processed. I thought so much. I feel it's good. But it's because he's with the Trump administration and they can't be excited about that, but it's like because he, you know, he said he ate like roadkill and he has a brain worm and he's had a lot of wacky.
Starting point is 01:10:36 He has a little worm. Yeah, he says 20% retarded shit, but the other 80% is fucking awesome. John had a worm. But he's right about it. John's had worms. He's right about it. I didn't have a worm.
Starting point is 01:10:44 But he says, I think. You've never had a worm? No, I've had buddies who've had worms. You know they's right about it. John's had worms. He's right about it. I didn't have a worm. What he says, I think. You've never had a worm? No, I thought buddies have had worms. You know they come out of your ass while you sleep and they like look at you like, hello, I live in you. And then they go back in. My buddy had a parasite. They look at you and they go.
Starting point is 01:10:55 They kiss your forehead. They go, I miss you. They go, it's so nice to put a face to the body. And then they go back inside. Thank you for letting me live here, John. Thank you, sweet Johnny. My buddy had fucking worms in Africa, and the doctor gave him a pill to get rid of the worms. And he took the pill and he was like. It was MDMA.
Starting point is 01:11:17 It was MDMA. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He goes, he takes a shit the next day, and he says he looks down at his shit and his shit slowly started coming apart and there were just thousands of worms in his shit, dude.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Oh no. Yeah, dude. What? Gnarly shit. How'd he get a worm from one? Africa in the bush. Just from being in Africa? Just being in Africa.
Starting point is 01:11:39 What'd he eat? Oh, shit, you know, probably cow dung sandwiches and shit. Oh my God. Office beef. Office beef. How do you get worms like that you eat like like raw meat or like raw fish or something. That's not oh No, I think I'd like 70% of the Amazon as worms Yeah, it's because you're just in the jungle. Just in the middle of nowhere you want us 70% of the people have worms there Yeah, the Amazon River Basin. They'll have like parasites or some shit. Yeah, they just live with one chill There yeah, the Amazon River basin they'll have like parasites or some shit. Yeah, they just live with warners. Oh, it's chill
Starting point is 01:12:06 Kind of symbiotic at that point. Yeah Amazonian worms gotta eat. Oh, you know yeah I believe in some people are getting a tapeworm be like the best thing to happen to them for me be pretty fucking good Right now yeah, well that's we're in a weight loss bed And I heard that you were like puking and shitting your guts out you shit your pants twice dude I shit my pants dude. I was so I was so fucking stupid. I'm laying in bed and like I'm like I want to fart and I'm like Twice myself Okay the first time I Do your laundry I get my laundry taken away from my place and delivered back to me
Starting point is 01:12:40 so a poor poor poor Latina woman's going to back to me so a poor Latina woman's going to find my shit pants and do my laundry for me. You just throw a bunch of shit covered pants in the bag? Yeah, deal with it dipshits. Wait, you have like a delivery service to your laundry? Yeah, I get all my laundry delivered to me. How much does that cost? It's like 60 bucks each time.
Starting point is 01:12:58 It's actually worth it. I have a unit in my apartment now. Do they bring it back folded and shit? Yes. Oh wow. And the socks are all like coupled. Really? In a bag, it's all folded.
Starting point is 01:13:08 It's awesome. It's very sick. I'm like a loyal customer to them now. So they like, and I just, I leave the bag outside my door. They pick it up next day. It's delivered back to me. Full of shit. Well, it's no more shit when it comes back.
Starting point is 01:13:18 Oh, and yeah, no, it's full of shit when I leave it. I can't believe you do that. But it's like liquid poo poo. So you know, I don't know if you could smell it shit How is that better? I mean if it was like chunks do When everyone uses the same washing machine at the laundromat and there's like people have like like doo-doo and their pants and stuff guys like me like does the laundry detergent really like like Anti is it yeah, it sort of it breaks it up. Let's say there's even a log Okay, so you throw that in the laundromat washing machine super hot water
Starting point is 01:13:54 Spins it around breaks up the log and it sucks it out as it's yeah But there's still fecal matter in that in that in that yeah, you know fecal matter in the air in that, in that, in that machine. Yeah, you know. There's fecal matter in the air. There's fecal matter on the doorknobs you touch. There's fecal matter in my beard, technically. Well, yours, nobody else's. No, that's like a thing.
Starting point is 01:14:12 There's like a lot of fecal matter that gets caught in facial hair. Why? I don't know, because you take a shit and then you flush the toilet and all the poop particles fly into your face. People hate that, they say that about their phones too. Your phone's really gross.
Starting point is 01:14:21 Oh, my phone is gross. No, my phone's a scabs thing. My phone's okay. I look at the back of my phone sometimes and there's like there's like a fucking bill ups if I eat greasy food my phone gets all greasy Yeah, but wait, so you shit your pants the first time taking a risk How long after did you shit your pants the second time? Well, I kept hoping it would be a fart But just kept being liquid fucking shit flowing out of my ass. How long see like fucking two hours Why did you why'd you risk it again? Oh, no, dude?
Starting point is 01:14:49 I was just hoping I took my first log today, and I was like I love a good log I was like the fucking Chinese didn't get me dude. I Can't believe you like took that risk two hours later though. Why would you do that? You just shit your pants I'm a risk taker dude I live on the edge Huh? Well, we I guess we could wrap it up with that We love you folks Remember if you subscribe to the patreon
Starting point is 01:15:18 Don't do it on the patreon app Apple is extorting them and there will be a higher fee So do never sign up for the page on the patreon app there's only effects it does not affect current subscribers your current subscription will not be effective if you're already on the patreon but if you want to join the patreon and you you do it go on a web browser or some other way just do not do not pull forces you to use Apple pay which has its own Percentage they have their own feeds like an additional 20% or something It's a little more a lot more actually and it's bullshit
Starting point is 01:15:51 So just you could then I think I think you could use the patreon app after you've subscribed But just do not pay through the patreon app on the Apple store. Yes, that's all we're saying here and on the Apple store. Yeah. That's all we are saying here. And listen, the hate ride guys dropping like flies. We had a guy get to have a stroke while dead lifting. Do a guy we know, did I beat him? Yeah. Who? Gustavo did.
Starting point is 01:16:15 No way. He had a stroke. He's okay, he's fine, but still. Oh God. And then we had another guy. You see the big guy? Yeah, and then we had another guy. With the gun? Yeah. Wait, the another guy see the big guy. Yeah, and then we had another gun
Starting point is 01:16:26 Wait the Gustavo with the Trump hat yeah, and the gun the guy that always has a gun He's the coolest guy a minor says he's fine. He's fine, but still We had another guy we had another guy get hit by a car We have another guy on the run from the cops we can't even so we're just we need more members I'll tell you later. Hey, this is don't join. It sounds like a very bad time You want to be a part of the most fun? What is Gustavo okay, okay He's fine. Well, how do you have a stroke?
Starting point is 01:16:56 He was lifting too much weight because we are a group of badass dudes and he lifts so much weight that it shut it It made his brain bleed dude. Jesus Christ. Is he fully recovered? He's fine. He get full mental capacity. Totally, totally fine. We're survivors, but I'm just saying we need to bulk our numbers up a little bit. If you have a motorcycle, hit me up.
Starting point is 01:17:16 Guys, don't do it. All right. Don't do it guys. Um, sending love to a fucking, I love Gustavo. God damn Gustavo. That's hilarious. I talk to him every day. He's good. He's fine. He uh ran up to me at the at the last show at Connors and Ben's last show at the cringe show and he goes I fucking bet you don't know my name dude And I he goes I bet you bro you don't know my name can't do it max and acid
Starting point is 01:17:42 Oh, and I go and I go, Gustavo. And he goes, yeah. And then I go, oh, thank God, because I've been guessing Gustavo to every Mexican guy the whole time. Ah! All right, well, I'm glad he's okay. Love you, Gustavo.
Starting point is 01:18:02 Love you guys, love you, Gustavo. Shout out to everybody. Hope the guy on the run from the police is safe. Love you guys. Love you guys. Shout out to everybody. Hope the guy on the run from the police is safe for a second. He's good. Alright. Bye everybody. Bye guys.

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