Hate Watch with Devan Costa - Hoagie McDaniels

Episode Date: January 2, 2023

We look into Andrew Tate's unfortunate arrest, investigate the Idaho 4 and Bryan Kohnburger who looks like if the sandy hook shooter ate his vegetables and then we make fun of people living in vans in... New York #andrewtate #lemonparty #hatewatch Get weekly bonus episodes: https://www.patreon.com/HateWatchPodcast Join the Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/hatewatchpod/ Available on all platforms. Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast... Follow the pod on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hate_watch_pod Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hatewatchpod/ Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/devancosta Follow on IG: https://www.instagram.com/devanjamesc...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's good to be in something from the ground floor. I came too late for that. I know. But lately I'm getting the feeling that I came in at the end. The best is over. Many Americans, I think, feel that way. Back in the lab.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Yo, what up, bro? I never have been. Welcome to the Hate Watch Pod. It's hoodie season, y'all. It's cold and gloomy outside and we get to look like we up to no good. My head is so cold. I feel like when you put a hood on, you just start laughing like this.
Starting point is 00:00:31 You go like. You start laughing. Every breath is a struggle. You're just going. When you put a hood on, any guy that puts a hood on, they just start doing this with their hands. They're like. Yeah, it's sick. They get up to no good.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Yo, I love y'all's ear tucks. That's a nice ass ear tuck. What happens when a guy starts laughing where he's like, ha ha ha? It's like a nervous tick. You have to make even enjoyment cool. You having an impulse to enjoy things even has to be really cool.
Starting point is 00:01:02 You gotta be like, i can't actually enjoy this i gotta make sure it's like sound like i sound cool when i go yeah you gotta well you gotta laugh like denzel washington in training day yeah oh man yeah so what was the thing reggie this andrew we're not gonna talk because i mean i already know that uh every other podcast on the planet will be covering this. It's interesting. But Andrew Tate, he got arrested after getting in a fight with Greta Thunberg.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Yeah, he tried to make some shitty joke about... We live in a false reality. Honestly, the moment I was about to start explaining it, and now I don't want to move on. Doesn't it just sound like another PSYOP movie? The characters involved, fuck them. They were like shitting on each other on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:01:54 And then Andrew Tate had a pizza box in one of his responses. How did that lead to his arrest? That the pizza place was near where he was. What's he arrested for? Human trafficking? don't know they act they act like he's like you know putting women in in uh in storage containers and shipping them you know overseas and shit like i don't know what is human trafficking why is he getting in a fight with like a 21 year old girl human trafficking
Starting point is 00:02:18 when you put women in boxes and he's shipping whores all around europe to fucking romania and that's probably he's probably they're probably getting him for like crop and getting prostitutes cross you know but how do they know just because of a pizza box he's in romania he was already in romania we all knew we all already knew you know how does that idea he's in a housing project in fucking booting yeah i don't know he's evidence or some shit entertains some shit. He's like a really cool Jackie Jr. Really wealthy Jackie Jr.
Starting point is 00:02:50 He's the Edward Snowden of Blumpkins. Hiding out because America won't let him violently intimidate women into sucking his dick while he takes a shit. The minute we started talking about it, I go, I already don't care. I already don't care. The moment I started explaining it, I was like,
Starting point is 00:03:11 so, Greta Thunberg, I'm out. I'm done. It's just another headline where you see it happening in real time and you're like, it's just we live in a simulation. Yeah, because he got in a fight with a child that cares about climate change, and then the feds show up the next day.
Starting point is 00:03:28 And it's also with that character. You're like, oh, yeah, that guy we all hated two months ago. I totally forgot about him. Oh, he's back, and he's getting slammed. Good. Oh, this is so funny. This is so great. And you're like, you don't care.
Starting point is 00:03:39 The guy who we already had no clue where he came from or why he's a thing. We already had no clue why he came from or why he's a thing. We already had no clue why he was a thing. Overnight. He's like doing Patrice moves very poorly and with no... without being funny at all. And sucking. Whatever. What is...
Starting point is 00:03:56 What is human trafficking? I thought human trafficking was like insane. When you're moving bitches. I know, but When you're moving bitches. I know, but he wasn't hunting bitches. He was moving them. We got to first degree moving bitches across state lines. Andrew Tate, human trafficking. I mean, how do you even get them out of the house, for Christ's sake?
Starting point is 00:04:18 Am I right? No, these ladies, they never leave the couch. ...contained in Romania as part of alleged human trafficking and rape investigation. Oh! I know that's not good. Who's arrested? Now, rape I've heard of. That one I know.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Human trafficking. I really don't. It's like it's a fugazi. It's a fugazi. It's a fugazi. Rape, though. Rape is tangible. I mean, who got him?
Starting point is 00:04:49 The marshals? What are we talking? A bunch of Romanian guys that... A bunch of guys in fucking leather jackets. Yeah, a bunch of guys. Their guns are made of cabbage. He's my turnip. They should end with that.
Starting point is 00:05:02 You're homotropic. The Romanian government, they're like, they're trying to, they're going to ask him how to human traffic better. They're going to use him. He's going to work for the government.
Starting point is 00:05:13 He's going to work for them. It's going to be like cash if you can. He's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like,
Starting point is 00:05:17 he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like,
Starting point is 00:05:18 he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like,
Starting point is 00:05:18 he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like,
Starting point is 00:05:18 he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like,
Starting point is 00:05:19 he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like,
Starting point is 00:05:19 he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like,
Starting point is 00:05:19 he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he hangs after him yeah andrew tate's been calling the romanian government every christmas mr tate we have we've heard how good you are at trafficking like moving do you like to move Tate, who was detained alongside his brother Tristan, had his house raided by officials yesterday. Video release shows guns, knives, and money on display.
Starting point is 00:05:49 So what? Can't have guns, knives, and money on a table? I mean, that's the goal, man. The dream? Yeah. Investigation since April alongside two Romanian nationals. Yo, Andrew Tate thinks it's hoodie season, too, dude. Yeah, he's all in.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Oh, Andrew Tate's like, yo. Andrew Tate thinks it's hoodie season two dude yeah he's oh andrew tate's like yo andrew tate's getting arrested like i like imagining that all this stuff is happening to ben simmons instead he does look like ben simmons say they're involved in an apparent recruiting and exploitation of women's scam involving how do you prove how is exploiting women a crime yeah i mean I mean, I know your friends might get on you about it. Wait a second. It's the name of the game. I didn't know the cops show up and they're like, we've heard you've been gaslighting
Starting point is 00:06:32 your wife. What is it? He's marrying and divor... Here, play this. Create adult content for online profit. Tate denies the allegations and claims he's being targeted for his beliefs. Hello, I'm Mark Brown. Get more great ABC7 content. He's trying to claim
Starting point is 00:06:48 political asylum. Yeah, he's trying to use religious beliefs. Being incredibly red-pilled is not leading you to get arrested for human trafficking, Andrew. He's like, they're trying to charge me with being based. He's like
Starting point is 00:07:03 divorcing women. Isn't he above all all this shit i knew he ran like a webcam fucking modeling thing for like years when he's first to kick spot kickboxer usually you're right he usually takes the higher ground like he's a real stand he's a real stand-up dude i don't know what's going on i just don't think it would lead to the amount of money he's always talking about having like like fucking how did he get all this money isn't he like a cia op guy that's what we said we had a bunch of stupid episodes like months ago where we had to pretend to give a shit about like fucking... How did he get all this money? Isn't he like a CIA op guy? That's what we said. We had a bunch of stupid episodes like months ago
Starting point is 00:07:28 where we had to pretend to give a shit about this retard. I thought it was based on something, though, like us calling him CIA. Yeah, it was. Or was it just purely us making shit up? As a Jace said, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:36 He was wearing hirachis at the time. You can't trust a thing he's saying. Jace was... Fuck off. Jace was, at that point, he was trying to sabotage the hate watch pod. Those hirachis. He had lemon parties.
Starting point is 00:07:46 He had lemon parties on the mind. Not the show. Starting fake wars with my best friends. Jace is a manipulative mastermind. Spreading dissent within my best friends. He's your salieri. He's walking in your room while you're dying. And then I go to lemon party and we just have a great time
Starting point is 00:08:05 and then I come back here and I go, they're real pieces of work. Those two bravery brothers, real cocksuckers. I come back here and just talk shit about them. You know what,
Starting point is 00:08:14 honestly, like, they're using me. You know, I'm not getting paid as much. Anyway. Whoa. I'm kidding.
Starting point is 00:08:24 As part of a human trafficking probe, news broke late Thursday evening by BNO News that the pair were arrested on December 29th. By what news? BNO News? What? BNO. After Tate made waves with climate activist Greta Thunberg
Starting point is 00:08:39 going back and forth on Twitter about carbon dioxide. Why is this bitch still a thing? He kind of made her a thing. He brought her up. It's all his fault. What does Greta do? She's being an activist. What does that mean, an activist?
Starting point is 00:08:52 She talks. She goes and she puts a winter coat on an iceberg. She's like, we gotta keep these. I guess it would be the opposite. You go put ice on an iceberg. How do you keep them from melting? Not putting coats on them. What does a little girl have to do with anything she talks about a lot and like hangs out leonardo capri on shit on his on his private jet on his private jet i mean they had like uh leonardo leo's been popping off on instagram too about fucking
Starting point is 00:09:19 climate change nobody gives a fuck about climate change that's bullshit nobody gives a shit about it i'm gonna say right. You heard it here. It might be real. I mean, it's real. But I don't give a fuck. If it is real, I saw a guy one time on a video thing. He said that why would banks keep putting money into coastal properties, which they do all the time.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Why would they waste money on coastal real estate if it was going to be flooded in 10 years i don't think it's going to be flooded that much i think like the temperature of the ocean is going to rise and like you know the coral is going to die off and yeah but you you know what these people actually what they really are saying they're saying in like 15 years you know it's gonna be like you know florida like is under what like we're underwater kind of like i don't buy that shit yeah i don't buy it either I don't buy that shit. Yeah, I don't buy it either. I don't buy that. I think the sea levels only rise if all the ice melted. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:10 I could be retarded, but I remember reading this and being like, I remember being shocked and being like, oh, it's only going to go up that much? Who gives a fuck? But literally, what do you do as a climate change activist? Greta Thunberg, besides giving one speech that got the attention of people, what happens now? Fucking talk to Congress and make people do like
Starting point is 00:10:26 carbon footprint credits and shit and just make all of our lives a living hell because she lives in a utopia called Sweden and doesn't have to worry about anything. Hell yeah, John. That's actually a really good point. Fuck her. That's a really good point.
Starting point is 00:10:37 You know, she doesn't give a fuck about these towns on the coast of Mississippi. They're like, yeah, you're right. Yeah, fuck her. She doesn't give a shit. That was a really good point. I was actually going to fire you. I got you, bud.
Starting point is 00:10:46 I'm unfireable. No, I sensed it, and I knew I had to come in with that heat. You brought it. I was like, I'm going to start talking about climate credits, or Devin's going to fire me. We should do weekly meetings
Starting point is 00:11:01 like it's a Trump show, The Apprentice, and Devin's at the head of the table. Next to Meatloaf just loaf yeah and he's just like uh after what you that riff that died last week you're fine you're gone you know well i mean i have this is the first one i've had since coming back i haven't been back on this podcast in fucking like two or three weeks we did the patreon yeah we did the patreon together and then you were on weren't you on the weeks before no brother who was on just me on? Just me and Joey? Just you and Joey. It's been a rough
Starting point is 00:11:27 everything's, you know, everything's It's topsy-turvy. Everything's topsy-turvy. It's holidays. It's goddamn wacko lately. It's the fucking holidays. It's the holidays. Let's see what Greta's up to. Greta Thunberg just destroyed Shut up. You're not her.
Starting point is 00:11:42 She just destroyed Tate. Greta Thunberg, destroyed it. Shut up. You're not her. She just destroyed Tate. Greta Thunberg, I'm not an angry teenager. This was two months ago. People seem to see me as an angry teenager who condemns every individual's behavior.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Someone's glowing. Is she pregnant? Was that a CIA joke? No, I just meant like she looks a lot better than when she gave the original speech. She's clearly been getting professional makeup. All No, I just meant like she looks a lot better than when she gave the original speech.
Starting point is 00:12:07 She's clearly been getting professional makeup. All right, okay. Sounds like Richie is a pedophile. I mean, you can look at someone who got their hair done. Yeah. All right. A little scary, Richie. Whatever. I have nieces and nephews.
Starting point is 00:12:19 I'm comfortable around kids. I bet you shouldn't be. You guys don't know how to talk to children. Nobody should be comfortable with you. You shouldn't be. Well, they are, which says a lot about me. i'm not even going to play with my own kid for fear of being yeah i can't look i'm going to abandon them because i'm a good guy and i'm i don't fuck kids that's that could be an interesting excuse you abandon your family
Starting point is 00:12:38 man abandon your kids till they're 18 and you come back you're like dude, dude, I'm not a pedophile. You're like, I would have fucked you. You realize I would have fucked you? It's irresistible. That's what you say to your strange kid. You're like, at 22 years old, I'm now not attracted to you. When I first saw you, I wanted to fuck your brain. You were so hot. You were so hot.
Starting point is 00:12:59 You were so fucking hot in that hospital. When I would burp you sometimes, ooh, good boy. Jesus, I'm a sick individual i'm a sick puppy and you're not that person no what's the difference between that person and who you really are there's a big difference um yeah I'm not an angry teenager. I probably don't take life seriously enough, like in private. Do you find it weird then that you have this reputation for being as you... Yeah, it is really funny, actually. You find it funny because why it just seems so untrue to you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:40 What if she had the like Crystalia CD tattoo? She's in Crystalia's cult. Who I meet. They know that it's not me. And if I meet people personally, they can see that I'm not angry. Huh. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Whatever. I think you're a fucking psyop too. Yeah. I think everything's a fucking psyop. I think all these people, if I met them, I could put my hand through them. I feel like every single person in the national discourse and in the news, if I met them, I could go like
Starting point is 00:14:15 shoosh, shoosh right through their body. It's like the smoke on Pirates of the Caribbean. And no one's in the room when I do that. I do that and then they wink at me and they go shh. And then people walk in the room and I do that. I do that, and then they wink at me, and they go, shh. Yeah. And then people walk in the room, and I try and touch them,
Starting point is 00:14:28 and they're actually a human again. Just a red dot. And then everyone's like, what are you doing? And I go, he's not real. They're not real. You weren't in here, but he's a hologram. Everything's a lie. And then they're like, great.
Starting point is 00:14:40 He's perfect. Send him out to Ocean Avenue. He can start walking around and babbling to himself about it. We did it again. How funny was Andrew Tate in this video? Andrew Tate. I'm sure you've seen Tate's original post by now. Tagging the Swedish climate act.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Where does he... Andrew Tate kind of got owned in this situation. He went against talking shit to a 19-year-old girl, and then all of a sudden gets arrested for rape by a bunch of Romanian SWAT teams. Your brother Bumberg SWATed him. Yeah, so he SWATed his ass.
Starting point is 00:15:16 He's a cope Tate. These are his tweets. You fucking retard. The Matrix will only tell you what the Matrix needs you to believe. He's retweeting Elon Musk doing Matrix shit. The Matrix sent their agents.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Where are these... Download sexual assault. Oh, here's the videos where he got owned, I guess. Oh, good one, Tate. Oh, that's good. Nice. Ah, cool. At least some greenhouse gases. Oh, it's a flashbang grenade Ah, cool. Use some greenhouse gases. Oh, it's a flashbang grenade just launched into the room.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Obviously, a stranger to online controversy is not something I often do. But now, the mainstream press is commenting on the fact that I was informing Greta that my very extensive car collection with internal combustion engines, which run on dead dinosaurs. An enormous emission profile. Look at his almond head. Looks like his dad is the Blue Diamond Company. Do they have a wasabi
Starting point is 00:16:18 soy version of Andrew Tate? Andrew Tate, do you have a Thai spicy chili version of you? Yeah, all his money comes from smokehouse barbecue do you know how much water goes into creating Andrew Tate he needs a gallon of water he needs a gallon of water just to
Starting point is 00:16:34 get his almond head going and she replied by telling me her own email address Greta's email address is I have small dick energy why would that be your own email address is, I have small dick energy. Why would that be your own email address, Greta? Imagine being this gay. What an incredibly
Starting point is 00:16:50 pathetic, like, fucking retard 8th grade response. Like, Greta did get him, and then he's like, so you're saying that you have a small dick? Got you! It's, like, embarrassing. And then you're acting like, oh, she gave an email out, but it's a embarrassing and then you're acting like oh she gave an email out but it's a
Starting point is 00:17:06 fake email obviously you literally got caught the next day yeah yeah for rape for rape and human human trafficking not rape i mean oh and rape that's how the rape came up in the first place yeah i hope they give him the chair yeah i don want to. I'm just sick of hearing his name. Kill them all. Kill all these people. Right? Right, folks? Yeah. Come on.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Aren't you sick of hearing these names? Just kill them. We got to edit this out. No. No, we don't. My goal is enough of YouTube. Oh, nice. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:42 That's not my goal. Keep us on. But I'm sick of this shit. Fucking put a gun to my head all the time. Every fucking week, I gotta wake up hoping it doesn't say, like, you know, the cops are coming. This is your Andrew Tay video? Yeah. This is me versus YouTube.
Starting point is 00:17:56 I love YouTube. I mean, also, I don't want to assume her gender. It's 50-50. Oh, good one, too. Another good... Why do you still care about these issues? You live in Romania, dipshit yeah just go fucking eat some gorsh or borsh or whatever the fuck these people eat and you know go party with a goat he's got like a fucking mahogany room i wouldn't give a shit about anything if i had a room that was walled yeah look at that shit yeah and you still got why'd
Starting point is 00:18:19 you have to you know you got yourself in this mess i'm not actually mad at gregor yeah yeah please bring me pizza and uh make sure that these boxes are not recycled please bring me my incriminating oh my god this is okay i'm putting it together so he tried to own her by bringing in a local pizza chain and then interpol was like oh he we got him and then they got that's amazing he gave away his location oh my god what a fucking idiot yeah wait wow i still don't understand everyone already knew he was in romania no no no but they needed like literal like physical evidence before you can make it yeah you pull the trigger because you know i've seen i've been watching first 48 for the past like fucking two weeks you gotta like have this shit like dialed in right so they got the local pizza chain and then they're
Starting point is 00:19:05 like okay we know this he posted this tonight we know he's there raid the place it would be the same thing if you like went to a nightclub and they knew he was there they'd go get him at the nightclub but it's like they don't know what house he's at so you can't just run up in people's houses over one guy all right i'm just a little confused seeing as how fucking uh tim did an episode with him two months ago and he knew where in romania yes what the fuck are we talking about multiple properties like and also i don't know what the romanians pretty cheap too also it's what's his connection to romania i thought he's like it's a cheap fucking place he lives in where he can get away with anything because he's got money right move somewhere i think he moved to romania because rape isn't illegal no rape is
Starting point is 00:19:43 like they there's required in Romania. Right. That's cool. I've heard that. Cool. That's sick. No, I get that. I understand.
Starting point is 00:19:50 This country has too many rules. So I'm actually mad at Greta, right? Because she doesn't really... Why is there a place called Jerry's Pizza in Romania, by the way? It's a little too New York-y. It should be called like Boca Boca Pizza. Boca Boca. Baby It's like a doo-doo baby. Booger Booger Pizza. Baby.
Starting point is 00:20:06 We boil the pizza. We make the pizza, we throw it in the big bathtub. It cooks overnight in tub. Warm cabbage pizza. It's a cabbage pizza, and there's a goat head on top. She's been programmed.
Starting point is 00:20:26 She doesn't realize she's asleep. But instead, it's like a guy that's like, yo, I'm Jerry. Come down to Romania. Got Jerry's pizza. Matrix.
Starting point is 00:20:35 She thinks she's doing good. Someone has sat her down. Yeah. And convinced her. Radio Rahim got killed after the Jerry's pizza. To try and convince you to beg your government
Starting point is 00:20:44 to tax you into poverty to stop the sun from being hot. Hey, Andrew, just so you know, the last 20 seconds, you've incriminated yourself. While you're making a big grand point, the cops are on their way.
Starting point is 00:21:02 And then, because I called her out on it, the global matrix got this bot farm to like and retweet and all this bot commenting to try and pretend that her telling me that she has a small dick in her own email. You idiot, you're missing it completely. Yeah, you're not kidding.
Starting point is 00:21:19 I mean, that might be true, but you also did get owned by a child. Yeah. Also, I think the whole point was she probably made an email address called small dick energy, this is my email sent it to him as a joke saying he has small dick energy yes she's a not she's fucking 19 and she's fucking pooning your ass dude yeah she fucking you got rickrolled bitch it's not that it's i mean it's that too but it's like it's the fact that he fucked himself so hard just to make the gayest response on planet
Starting point is 00:21:43 earth yeah all while being a guy who's like, I'm all about masculinity and I'm the shit. And he's a lowly pimp. That's what we find out. He's actually just a little fucking, he's just transported across. And not even like a cool one. Yeah, no, I mean. I think he's cool as shit, so I think he's honestly really cool. What have you gotten out of Tate? How have you applied it to your life?
Starting point is 00:22:00 I get, I love cigars and like, I just like, I'm a top G. All I do is like, YouTube comments, I'll just be like, these guys are cucks. I'm a top G. Welcome to a new episode of The Clown Show. Yeah, you're about to go to prison.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Now I know, at least. You're about to go to prison. That Greta with the little hate-filledta. Yeah, the cops are coming. Yeah, they're going to sodomize you. 30 minutes. No one's listening to this. You're about to be raped. Use my tweet. You should go put your hoodie on.
Starting point is 00:22:35 They're about to throw you in a cattle car. Far more fun into eternity. Yeah, he's in prison. He's like, a lot of guys talk about being a power bottom, but they don't know how to exert the power. This is how you harness the power to be a bottom he's in a fucking tiled room with a single drain in the middle of it some romanian guy's got a handgun to his head you need to get mentally tough i don't even feel my anus anymore so now he's so then this guy got jake shields
Starting point is 00:22:59 tweeted andrew tate and greta thunberg need to stop flirting and just fuck already and andrew tate quote tweeted then said she ain't ready oh how old is she dude she's like 19 okay Andrew Tate and Greta Thunberg need to stop flirting and just fuck already. And Andrew Tate, quote, tweeted that and said, she ain't ready. How old is she? Dude. She's like 19. Okay. But she looks like she's got Andy Milonakis disease.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Yeah, she's got the Benjamin Button thing going on. Does she actually have it? She looks like 13 years old. Yeah, she looks way too weird. Strange as it may seem, there is a teenager out there who believes your government should tax you into poverty to stop the sun from being hot who wakes up with all the money and women in the
Starting point is 00:23:32 world and gives a shit about some retarded teen in sweden that's probably fucking doing uh midsummer retreats greta thunberg putting a bear head on. She's feeding her retarded incest brother. And then killing three Americans in a horrific way.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Taking an old guy up to a cliff and just bashing his head in. But all with clean energy. Big mallet. But it's all clean. Yeah, it's all with clean green. It's all green.
Starting point is 00:24:00 She's actually helping the greenhouses. Yeah. Yeah, I guess that was it. I thought there was more. I thought they had like a bunch of back and forths. It would be so sick if he died in a police shootout after this. The most annoying part.
Starting point is 00:24:14 That would be the sickest thing ever. If he decided to go down like a real top G and fucking bust back. Oh, I'm a top G. I'm a top G and I bust back. And you just get lit up by some fucking 17-year-old in an AK-47. Before he turns the corner to shoot them, he's still at a table with like 10 women.
Starting point is 00:24:31 He's like, are any of you going to run out there? This is what a man does. See, this is why you're little weak women and you need a man. Now watch this. He just gets shot 50 times. He's surrounded in a room full of women when the cops come and he turns into George Costanza.
Starting point is 00:24:49 He throws them all over. Pushes them out of the way. Starts yelling. Andrew Tate starts running and yelling like, Ah! Immediately turns into a woman. I was in the pool! I was in the pool!
Starting point is 00:25:04 Yeah. It's all wrong. Why? I shouldn't be up here. How dare you? How dare you? How dare you? You have stolen my dreams.
Starting point is 00:25:19 No, they haven't. No one's stolen anything, Greta. Jesus Christ, get out there and get some dick. Go work at the Lego factory and shut up. No one's stolen anything, Greta. Jesus Christ. Get out there and get some dick. Go work at the Lego factory and shut up. No one's stolen a single thing from you. Oh, you got it. You all come to us, young people. I gotta say, I never had any problem.
Starting point is 00:25:39 It was an annoying video. They both suck ass. I'm done with you. It's hoodie season. It's time for a change. It's time for a goddamn change. You're not ruining my fucking hoodie season. Sick of this shit.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Sick of having to give a shit about retards every week. Every week. This is a new retard. A new retard. It's a retard festival in this country. The retard circus. It's a retard circus. And we seek them out.
Starting point is 00:26:03 This guy doesn't even live here anymore. We're like, what's that retard that left doing? Do you guys see this retard? There's another retard in Idaho. He killed four college kids. Oh, I saw that today. I did see that retard. The Idaho Four, which is really nice to honor the dead.
Starting point is 00:26:20 You become like a wacky little nickname that the country goes. They don't even say your names. They just go, the Idaho Four. Yeah, they sound like a great basketball little nickname that the country goes. They don't even say your names. They just go, they're the Idaho Four. Yeah, they sound like a great basketball team. Like the Fab Five, the Idaho Four. Yeah. I guess they think they got the guy.
Starting point is 00:26:35 I don't understand the motive though. And I heard that the guy that killed these... So basically in a small town in Idaho, like a college town, I looked into it really quickly today. Small town in idaho college town uh four kids were killed uh in their like house like their dorm house stabbed to death in the middle of the night and two people lived that didn't they were on the like the bottom floor and he didn't go there or whatever um and uh they they think they caught the guy but he was like he was a true crime like student or something like he was into true crime well and i heard
Starting point is 00:27:13 people i've heard that he called into a true crime podcast that was discussing the case or something uh-oh i think but also there's in a couple days he did this yeah and then also there's a bunch of people on youtube that are like making money doing live streams like like before they caught the guy where they would be like every day uh like doing a live stream where they're like we're gonna talk about it try and solve it but they're and they would take donations like it's for the case but they're just taking the money pocketing the money and it's just like look at this guy it's for the case, but they're just taking the money, pocketing the money. And it's just like, look at this guy. This is a nine-hour stream, and it's just like some fucking drug addict.
Starting point is 00:27:49 This guy's sick. That's like, yo, yo, what's up? What's going on? What's going on? What's going on? We're back. No days off. You guys already... He goes, yo, what up, bro? My name's T-Rev 757, allegedly. And I'm here to
Starting point is 00:28:04 solve the case of the Idaho 4. Yo, T-Rev 757 allegedly And I'm here To solve the case of the Idaho Four yo T Rev 757 allegedly In the house in the motherfucking house Tonight yo yo we here to solve A crime bro donate Set here my patreons In the in the in the description yo
Starting point is 00:28:19 We we got we gotta help out This case y'all bro 757 Stands for the police code that I was charged with. I'm allegedly a registered pedophile. Allegedly. He's like, yo, this is all I do now that I'm one strike away. He's like, I can't leave my house because of my ankle monitor, so I got to do this.
Starting point is 00:28:38 I'm one strike away from life, bro. You know what time it is. You know what time it is. Don't take no days off around here no days off four white people were stabbed to death in their beds in the middle of the night and I need money you know what time it is
Starting point is 00:28:54 you know what time it is when some outrageous statements were made early on about slavery as it was. Imagine you die and some guy is doing a live stream going, Damn! Oh, my God. Pretending he's going to solve.
Starting point is 00:29:16 He's trying to help. It's really affectionate relationship between masters. Man, look, and then he's like playing footage, like news footage about the crime, and he's pretending he's solving it, but he's like playing footage, like news footage about the crime and he's pretending he's solving it, but he's just going like, dang, she's got a big L big old ass. Man,
Starting point is 00:29:32 that bitch looks like her pussy. What? Yo, this bitch need probiotics. Look at this. Members of our LGBTQ community, trans people. Oh God.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Wait, wait, does he hate the trans community? Wait, wait, wait. community wait wait wait is this the is this the trans killer who framed faked the fucking did you hear about that
Starting point is 00:29:50 what framed Roger Rabbit no there's a trans woman who stabbed her dad and like fucking her brother to death
Starting point is 00:29:57 it's the Idaho 4 they're dead they're dead and gone sorry see ya rest in peace trans killer trans killer yeah she like stabbed her dad and
Starting point is 00:30:07 then like called the cops and tried to make it look like a fucking uh like breaking and entering or some shit where's this uh i don't know i saw it on instagram today a lot of people stabbing trans kill dad yeah it's so british it's very british we'll poke you up yeah get back to shooting people this is amer. It's pathetic. How dare you stab someone in America? Yeah, you know, people just can't afford guns anymore, apparently. So we're just going around macheting people to death. But open carry permits are all over, baby.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Oh, yeah, we all get gunned up. Nikki Secondino grins for cameras after she's charged with killing her dad in New York City. What do you have to say, Nikki? after she's charged with killing... Nikki, what happened? Her dad in New York City. What do you have to say, Nikki? I like that she's really fucking puffing her chest out. Yeah. She's doing the walk like... She's like, look at my tits. She's got some nice fucking natties.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Nikki, what happened? Those aren't natties, bud. Do you have anything to say to your sister, Liana? They're little teardrops. I like them. You're right. They're not Maddie's. Papayas.
Starting point is 00:31:08 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You're right. I exaggerated. Here we go. Here we go. Here's the case. Stunning new twist
Starting point is 00:31:13 and a double stabbing that turned deadly. Wow. The news is like totally transphobic. They go, stunning new twist. Being trans means
Starting point is 00:31:22 she used to be a man. Dude looks like a lady anyways. It's eight o'clock. In a stunning new twist, we just found out the woman murderer is a dude. It's like, dude looks like a lady, but Aerosmith is not coming to town. A murder happened in our town.
Starting point is 00:31:46 In a stunning new twist, we just found out that Nikki Secondino has a dick! Well, police were investigating as a deadly home invasion in Brooklyn has now taken a new turn. Police say it does not appear to be a home invasion. After all, it happened
Starting point is 00:32:01 early this morning at a home on 17th... We were over in fucking Bensonhurst in Brooklyn, and you know, we were getting our hormone therapy and shit, you know. And, you know, you got a slice, you know, you go back in, they chop your tits off and whatnot,
Starting point is 00:32:17 and, you know, that's New York, baby. No, it's New York. Just a few hormones, you know, a couple shots, a couple jabs, you jabs It's the water It's the water The water makes your tits bigger here Let me tell you the story This guy
Starting point is 00:32:31 It starts out A guy transitions into a woman Her father They try to hook up He goes to grab Has a fucking dick He throws acid all over her The Soprano
Starting point is 00:32:40 Yeah Bensonhurst Police at first Said masked men stormed into the home, stabbing three people, killing a father inside. Whoa, what? That was the story that the person, the trans person told.
Starting point is 00:32:54 She said that three black guys did it? She said three black guys. Oh, what a hit for the trans community. Are you kidding me? This is like that Charles What's-His-Face shit in Boston when they blame the two black guys you know what I'm talking about Patrice was
Starting point is 00:33:10 arrested over it not arrested but they questioned you know they fucking tore the hood apart after that shit Charles I'm just gonna say Charles Grodin the great actor it was him I forget.
Starting point is 00:33:25 But yeah, white lady playing black guys on a crime she committed. News 4's Erica Byfield is live in Bensonhurst with the arrest just made moments ago in this case. Erica? Exactly, Glimmer.
Starting point is 00:33:41 That's what we're hearing at this point. Police sources are telling us that the older daughter in this case is now she's got her teeth yeah i didn't notice that damn but we learned about a local in this case around four o'clock this afternoon since then we've been able to confirm all that information that you just shared and this new version of the story actually matches the narrative that an upstairs neighbor told us i I saw the blood in the hallway, and that's when I got shaken up. I saw the blood in the hallway, and I go, I'm just trying to get to my bagel. I saw the blood in the hallway. Closed the door and locked it.
Starting point is 00:34:16 A rattled neighbor who doesn't want her face shown told us what she saw. Boo, show yourself. Police are investigating. You just have a problem with everything. The guy that have a problem with everything. The guy that has a problem with everything. That's a good character. Guy that somehow has a problem with literally everything. The cop's walking into this door.
Starting point is 00:34:35 There's not a back door? Oh, yeah. Stan in a circle like that. Yeah. tell us what was first reported as a home invasion is not so. Instead, this appears to be domestic violence. The sources say one of the girls allegedly stabbed her father to death and then stabbed her sister. The person we met who called 911 said this. They don't have anything as far as in the house as far as for two guys in face masks to want anything she told news 4 around 6 a.m. Thursday on 17th Avenue near 82nd Street she heard her neighbor screaming tussling I heard
Starting point is 00:35:11 the bodies like being slammed around like they were wrestling it's only sheetrock you know so it's not solid brick wall by mid morning she swarmed and had this area ripped off. We found out that the man who died used to deliver food for a panini shop on the block. It's terrible. I think this is horrible. And most recently worked... She's like, I'm into it.
Starting point is 00:35:35 What would she say besides, I think it's terrible. From Mike's diner about a half a mile away. I'm just in shock. He was a very nice man. Very nice. I hope that god rest his soul employees said last summer the man's younger daughter waited tables here she's they interviewed a bunch of new yorkers and this is like it's just not what they they can't use any of the footage because they're just like, it was that fucking thing that did it.
Starting point is 00:36:06 It was that mutt. It was that fucking he, she, whatever. This used to be a nice family-oriented... You know how many people they had to interview to get rid of... Some guy with a spaghetti stain on his fucking wife, Peter. Yeah, it was that fucking guy with tits. Yeah, this fucking dangerous baby or whatever the fuck. Yeah, you know, I heard a fucking baby, you know, did it. Critical condition.
Starting point is 00:36:33 They described her as sweet and driven. Now given the man's horrific death, his manager said she can't shake the last conversation she had with him on Wednesday. He was worried about the situation. He said my trans dad is going to stab me to death. What did he say? What do you think it was? He said he was worried about the whole situation.
Starting point is 00:36:50 The whole situation. He's like, I'm really worried about the situation. He's like, let me tell you something. Meadows, she's got a dick now. Transitioning a fucking $100,000 job. She's getting into cutlery. You can't trust them at this time. The head gets all fucking wacky.
Starting point is 00:37:04 The hormones. The hormones. The hormones. It's fucking crazy. Transitioning a fucking $100,000 job. Jesus Christ, Christopher, you're transitioning a $100,000 job. Chris is transitioning.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Jesus fucking Christ, Christopher, we're trying to fucking, you know, you're the heir apparent and you're a fucking trans. Also, Christine's going to run the New Jersey family now? Said something similar, telling us the police visited the apartment in the past, responding to calls about fights. Sometimes I used to hear so much slamming, I felt like she was going to come through my wall.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Imagine a trans lady bursting through your wall. Cool it, man. Go ahead. Just a fucking... Man. Obviously, a lot of neighbors are... That sucks. Ugh, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Sucks because you die. Yes. Murder's bad. That's bad. Murder's bad. That ain't good, folks. That is not good. Ugh.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Ugh. I'd say murder's a no-no. I was listening to this podcast, and they said murder was bad. I really got a lot out of it. I would think, I'd say, let's get back to the Idaho retard. Idaho killing. The Idaho Four. Idaho Four.
Starting point is 00:38:23 The Fantastic Four. What we know about suspect Brian Koberger. Is his Koberger? Hell yeah. More like a nothing burger. Now. Murder. Very good.
Starting point is 00:38:37 Those people that have the corny, when they're angry and they try and be mean, it's still the corniest thing ever. People that are bad at being mean oh really it looks like you oh yeah i saw that big nothing burger you made epic fail you won't be eating a lot of burgers in prison anymore just like god you're bad at even being bad more than six weeks after four university of idaho students were murdered in their apartment just blocks away from campus would you shave what is with this right hobo 28 year old brian on the news you have a job dipshit get a beard trimmer you look like this
Starting point is 00:39:18 guy looks like literally you look like a barback he looks like an escaped criminal that put a suit on and then had to do the show to pretend he's the guy. 28-year-old Brian Koberger was arrested in northeastern Pennsylvania. He didn't do it. He's got kind eyes. ...fugitive from justice. During a news conference today, Moscow Police Chief James Fry said that Koberger is facing four four murder charges and we've got team coverage for you here tonight brian holmes is live in moscow idaho with the latest on today's arrest and alexandra duggan breaks down everything we know so far about the
Starting point is 00:39:54 subject she looks totally over it this news lady she's like i'm she's like i don't care get off your phone the guy on the ground is on his phone. This is the laziest news department ever. He's listening to fucking Lemon Party. What is he listening to Lemon Party? Is he a Lemonhead? We gathered from that news conference from today because the chief of police is James Fry.
Starting point is 00:40:21 There are four people in Idaho who won't be going come come in their diapy. That's hilarious. Police here in Moscow mentioned as don't. So did also. You can't be called Moscow in Idaho. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:39 There's already a famous Moscow assholes. It makes it seem like everything he did is okay now. Yeah, it is in Russia. Yeah. Oh, you killed Russians. When I heard the story, makes it seem like everything he did is okay now. Yeah, it's because it's in Russia. Yeah, oh, you killed Russians? When I heard the story, I was like, so it was Russia? He supports Ukraine? I'm like, isn't it mandatory to stab people in the night? We're going to trade him for Andrew Tate.
Starting point is 00:40:54 A Tate County prosecutor who said they can't really say a whole lot about the case and the investigation up to this point because that suspect, Brian Koberger, is still in Pennsylvania awaiting extradition. That is happening on Tuesday. And until he gets back into Idaho, they can't really say much so they don't jeopardize the case. State law says they can't do that. What we do know is they kind of broke down how this happened and how
Starting point is 00:41:14 we got to this point. November 13th, there was a call to that house off of King Road where there was somebody unconscious and they soon found out that there were four murdered U of I students inside that house. There was a vigil after they sent hey i heard it was finals week you had been up taking adderall for days dude yeah the thesis paper really did a number on them they get stressed out to go home and feared because, well, that suspect
Starting point is 00:41:45 was still on the loose and for weeks they didn't have a suspect in mind. What a shitty memorial. If that was my memorial, I'd kill myself in heaven.
Starting point is 00:41:55 That is a dog shit memorial. Jesus Christ, what is that, like dried moss? And like the shittiest picture ever? What a bunch of poopery. Oh God, I'm a callous individual. To a bunch of poopery. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:42:05 We are a callous individual. To school on November 30th, they had a vigil. Then the biggest break in the case possibly came on December 7th when Moscow police said they were looking for a white Hyundai Elantra from 2011 to 2014.
Starting point is 00:42:15 It's a nice car. They can model that car. They're seeing near that house. Devin's buying it next week. I might. I wonder if it's on sale now. I was like, oh, fuck. Can I get it at the auction?
Starting point is 00:42:24 Is it cheaper? Is there at the auction? Is it cheaper? Is there a murder auction? Are they cheaper because it's got bad energy? I'll take it. Can I fly to Idaho right now and get that puppy? Look at that thing. Look at those wheels. It's a shiny. He must get, when you go get your car washed,
Starting point is 00:42:40 he must get the wax on the wheels. He gets them to scrub it. That's good for him, man. Well, it sucks he can't drive that thing anymore. Kings Road. And if anybody had seen that, to let them know. And they received thousands and thousands of tips when it comes to... Dude, I think that thing
Starting point is 00:42:54 came with SiriusXM, dude. Rearview backup. It's got Apple Play. You throw it all away and you got Apple Play? It's like, Apple CarPlay is... It's a creme de la creme. It's worth it for me, pal. But that is kind of what led them to Pennsylvania. 40, I should say, thousands of miles across the country.
Starting point is 00:43:12 God damn it. You stuttering, muttering prick. Brian Christopher Kohlberger, the 28-year-old, whose connection to the Palouse here and to this area... To the Palouse? The Palouse, you fucking retard. God, what is wrong with these people? The Palouse? You fucking retard. God, what is wrong with these people? The Palouse?
Starting point is 00:43:29 Sorry, it gets stuck in the front of my tongue. I don't say it real good. No, there's not a whole lot of information because you're a shitty journalist. Fuck you! There's no information on it because you're a shitty journalist. What made this arrest possible today? And there were even questions of the police. And none of that information was provided. When asked if there was anyone else in the house, Chief Fry said, we have an individual in custody.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Chief Fry. I bet he's fat, too. That's a funny name. Everything's cold burgers and fries. Cold burger, man. Fried chicken Johnson. And we're sad at the loss of Alicia Mukbang. It's been burgers and fries. Cold burger man. Fried chicken Johnson. And we're sad at the loss of Alicia Muckbang. It's been very sad.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Michael Pizza was stabbed to death. Sarah mashed potatoes is no more. Sarah Triple Deck Hoagie died today. The terrible thing has been for this community, waiting with bated breath for any sort of break in the case like this. Detective Jimmy Pierogi's on the case. The FBI, the sheriff's office, and the Naito State Police
Starting point is 00:44:26 have been fully involved in this investigation and it's stressful and it's difficult the last six weeks have been. They keep playing the same footage of the same cop walking down the street. The past couple of days. Look at this fucking dipshit. On the other side of the country. I can tell you Santa Claus?
Starting point is 00:44:43 Fairly sleepless couple days as we were leading up to everything that we were doing. Is that the living man back there? Look at the living man! Brian Kohlberger, all he was doing was exercising his rights. The Treaty of 1857 allowed Brian Kohlberger to sneak into that home and stab those three girls to death. It's between them.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Your Honor, that's between Kohlberger and those four whores. I am hungry and I must eat. I am horny and I must stab whores. I'm a stat whores. But what I can tell you is I have faith in those agencies across the nation. I have faith in the five elves. I have faith in our officers. I have faith in the FBI.
Starting point is 00:45:37 And they did a great job. Yeah, but I didn't. Sure. You didn't do shit. Even throughout the day that we were always concerned. Spit it out, retard. He's going to shit himself. That was something that Chief Fry was adamant about, that he was confident they were going to find the suspect in this case.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Chief Fry. Goldberger. And then there's Mayor Frappuccino. He had a lot to say about it. We have Dick Stromboli. Well, what did eggplant parm think? We have chicken nuggets spreading thin. He's looking for fingerprints, all right?
Starting point is 00:46:25 Well, what did Hoagie McDaniels say? That's the name. Hoagie McDaniels. Hoagie McDaniels. Kevin Linguini. Kevin Linguini. Didn't we know somebody named Kevin? I thought we had
Starting point is 00:46:44 an old joke about somebody named like... Oh, no, we used to make fun of the guy that made true detective because we love true detective season one and season two was so bad. We hated him. So we started calling him Nick Pizza Face Bag. His name's like Nick Pizzolatto. You and I would just be like some really angry early 20s retard sitting at home like fucking Nick Pizza Faggot.
Starting point is 00:47:05 You ruined the show. We are huge idiots. There's still a whole lot of information we do not know other than his connection here to this area to the Palouse being 10 minutes away. Why do you keep saying Palouse? What is wrong with him? Do they speak differently in Idaho? Palouse, being 10 minutes away or 10 miles away. Why do you keep saying Palouse?
Starting point is 00:47:25 What is wrong with him? Do they speak differently in Idaho? Palouse must be a town. It's gotta be a town. There's no way he'd fuck that up that many times. Maybe he's just a small bean. He's just like, oh, the copy copy's in the Palouse. I know he has small dick energy or whatever. And being in the criminology program, Joe.
Starting point is 00:47:42 No, come on. That's Brian Holmes reporting for us tonight at 5. Brian will be up in Moscow reporting for the latest. We'll have another report from him this evening. Yeah, report. Say report again. The Chapin's family released a statement this afternoon. That's a report.
Starting point is 00:47:54 I'm reporting. When this is over, I'll be copping some black tar heroin and having a great night in a motel room with a $15 hooker. However, it doesn't alter the outcome or alleviate the pain. We miss Ethan, and our family is forever changed. Enough of that. Too human. You're not real to me.
Starting point is 00:48:11 You're in another state. It's obvious we're sorry for the family. Move on. Devin has to put blinders on. You're nothing but content for me. Go away. Don't you make me feel. Alright. What next, folks? What next? NYC Dex. Have you seen any of these? Don't you make me feel Alright What next folks What next
Starting point is 00:48:26 NYC Divers Have you seen any of these I don't really know If it's worth anything I just I started I never follow These accounts
Starting point is 00:48:33 On Instagram Something popped up This guy that like Have you seen those videos On Instagram Where a guy just walks up To people in New York He's like
Starting point is 00:48:39 Hey What do you pay For rent here And then they tell him And then he goes Can I see it And then they're like Oh sure And then they like Bring them back So you can I see it? And then they're like oh sure. And then they
Starting point is 00:48:46 bring them back so you see what people pay in New York and different cities. Alright sure bring it up. I don't know. I don't know if there's much there. I just thought it was interesting because it's like I can't tell whether or not these people are it's like weird to just like let a guy come back into your apartment.
Starting point is 00:49:02 He's walking up to Travis Bickle. I mean we have to see what's going on in there. That's why I hold my hand over the flame. guy come back into your apartment he's walking up to travis bigelow i mean we have to see this is why i hold my hand over the flame that's why i took the drawers apart in this dresser to make a little spring-loaded thing for my handgun like here this is like an example i think of one of them like how much do girls pay for rent in new york now can i have a tour of your apartment hi buddy the dalmatian i like how you can walk through the apartment all the way through it sounds like the beginning of a porno yeah dude are you telling me joey could have a place this big in new york there's no
Starting point is 00:49:34 sink in the bathroom no 2700 in the bathroom so rent in la is more expensive i mean we're joey joey picked the dumbest apartment you usually well it You usually... Well, it went up. It went up. Yeah, you usually get a little more space in LA, but... This is my Christmas tree. I brought it all the way from the Crate and Barrel outlet in Kittery, Maine. That's what we're talking about. That's not a Christmas tree. It's not a Christmas tree. It sucks ass.
Starting point is 00:49:54 You're an ironic cunt. Sideshow Bob's hair. He goes, can I fuck you in this bed? He's like... You put two rods. You added it. I added it. So those rods, what do you do with those rods?
Starting point is 00:50:03 You shove them up your ass? Do you have a laundry? Do you ever get stuck in it? Where's the Sibian? Where's the fox wing? Where's the fox wing and the Sibian? Oh, pearls. You want me to give you some pearls?
Starting point is 00:50:17 He goes, I can give you a pearl necklace. Oh, my God. Look at this fucking guy. Jesus Christ. They're into him. Oh, they like him. That's a guy that fucks girls. Anytime girls dress you up and him. Oh, they like him. That's a guy that fucks girls. Anytime girls dress you up and shit.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Oh, dude, he... Caleb Simpson has like a good vibe because people let him into their homes. Yeah, I like Caleb. Check this shit out. Look at this. Well, I mean, I don't know. I'm acting like I have something prepared.
Starting point is 00:50:38 I'm just saying. Check this shit out. I'm like, check this shit out. Well, let's see. Which one should we pick? It died on a vine. $7,000 a month New York City apartment. This apartment is two stories.
Starting point is 00:50:51 It has three bedrooms. There's four people that live here, and it costs $7,000 a month. Welcome to my apartment. Let's get it. Right when we walk in, you know, hang up the jackets. Is this his apartment? I can't tell. He kind of made it sound like it wasn't his, but it is, but it's not.
Starting point is 00:51:05 I don't know. I don't want to track New York City in here. New York City is disgusting. Really walk directly into the kitchen and the living room area. It's completely open layout. You like your shorts, John? We have the living room,
Starting point is 00:51:16 the dining room. Why does he have two different colored socks on? That pisses me off. Yeah, he did that on purpose. Stuff like that really just... That was a choice. You're making a video. Things like that really chap my ass. I was a choice. You're making a video. Things like that really chap my ass.
Starting point is 00:51:26 I'm quirky. That really chaps my ass. Little cushion area over here. Another really cool highlight of the living room is the skylights here. These holes in our ceiling, which you think would give more light, but it kind of stays dark like this at most times during the day. This is like the living room lounging area. This couch, which actually looks
Starting point is 00:51:45 cooler than how it feels. Boring! Pretty much everything that summed up this man's life. I don't know anything about interior design. It is one of my roommates Saul who kind of designed all this down here. Nothing worse than a sad dying plant in somebody's shitty apartment. Look at that awful art. Yeah, that's ugly
Starting point is 00:52:02 shit. It's really nice. There's a lot of plants. There's a lot of art. There's a lot of art. The furniture looks really cool. No taste. Your home sucks. Yeah, it just looks like an unorganized hotel room. Yeah, this sucks. You suck ass.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Yeah. It's a shitty home. Yeah. This tiny New York City van apartment goes for $48,000. All right, this is what's hilarious about this day and age that I've grown up in. We're on a tour of a van today. We're right outside of the van. This is the prime of our lives is that the big thing is people showing. There's people that, like, just on YouTube, we look at them all the time.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Their life is showing you the car they live in. It's how they get a bunch of GoPros and they get different angles and they make bacon and eggs. It's incredibly expensive. They're trying to make everyone's worst nightmare glamorous. They're like, no, it's not a terrible thing. Look how awesome it can be in my Mercedes Sprinter that I tricked out and it's like,
Starting point is 00:52:58 pimp my ride. You have to have a lot of money. Yes, exactly. It's people gentrifying homelessness. They're making a choice. I don't think it's their money strange anyone who does it nice like my own man case the build was 17 700 and the car like this lady these are all young hip people this isn't like nomadland she's not like i got fired from my amazon job and now i live in my van yeah people who live in their car people who live in their car don't pick a theme for exactly you do this is a novelty you don't get to have a you know uh pokemon like a
Starting point is 00:53:29 charmander theme of your van if you're like an actual like poor person i guess this is like van alley in Brooklyn i've seen this street in New York what a bunch of retards the van life people live watch this be the wrong van there is two red red ones. The door's a little cracked. Is this by the HBO studio? Hello, what's up? Hi, how are you guys? How are you guys? It looks like that's a studio. I woke up this morning
Starting point is 00:53:49 and saw a guy peeing on the van over there. Oh my God. I'm like, thank God it's not my van. Walking in, it's all pink. Okay. I just want to let people know out there, I discriminate against this type of behavior. If I met her at a bar
Starting point is 00:54:04 and she acted like a completely normal New Yorker and I'm like, you got your shit together, blah, blah, blah. And then she's like, come back to my apartment. And we walk up to a van. I don't care how nice it is inside. I go, you're a pathetic human being.
Starting point is 00:54:17 I'd start a fire and leave. Any city but New York. If you're in any other city, go ahead. That'd be cool. But you're in New York, you're an idiot. I mean, she spent $45,000 on this fucking thing. I would love to walk down that street and just start sticking potatoes and all the
Starting point is 00:54:31 exhaust pipes into everyone's van. Yeah. It's just some fucking net head who works at the Amazon warehouse, comes out with a.38 and fucking blows it right down. What's the theme of your van? Oh, it's like pretending to have a personality. The theme of my van is like adopting individuality.
Starting point is 00:54:57 I realized that being really into Game of Thrones didn't really do much for me. I'm back to Pokemon. Yeah, and then after that, I was playing a lot of Pokemon on my phone. That didn't really, people didn't seem interested after pokemon yeah and then after that i was like playing a lot of pokemon on my phone that didn't really people didn't seem interested so i like really had to take a next step and start a stupid van her album was lover at the time and i was like really obsessed with it and so i went with the full pink and then also when i was building i got a lot of like sexist comments like oh like who's gonna build that for you like oh your brother's
Starting point is 00:55:19 gonna make that i thought it was like i want a sexist time it's like they're looking out for your best interest they don't want those. It sucks to build things. Yeah. They're suggesting someone else do it because it sucks to build stuff. Yeah, it's not sexist to be like, wow, that's going to be a lot of hard work. Don't worry.
Starting point is 00:55:38 It has nothing to do with your weak arms and weak body that's scientifically weaker than every man. Don't take it personally. Oh, you're a girl and you're building it. Yeah, I am and I like girly things and I also can build things. My silverware, all my dishes, all of the
Starting point is 00:55:53 water in the world. It's annoying that she acts like that's not rare. Good for her that she knows how to do that shit. That's rare for a woman to build things. It's rare and special. I would look at her like I'm embarrassed for you. I don't know how to do what? To build things. Be like a contract. Oh, right. It's rare and special. I don't know how to build shit. I would look at her like,
Starting point is 00:56:07 I'm embarrassed for you. I don't know how to do it. I'm a man. You do. That's really sad that you had this thing where you felt so marginalized and shit on. You have nothing to do.
Starting point is 00:56:19 That you want to do annoying things. Yeah, and prove it. That's hilarious. You devoted your life. You're trying to prove a big point by getting really good do annoying things. Yeah, and prove it. That's hilarious. You're trying to prove a big point by getting really good at annoying things. Good for you, lady. You should fucking be out there getting... You should be treated like a lady.
Starting point is 00:56:36 A man should be doing everything for you. You shouldn't have to build shit, retard. I'm not impressed by that. Anytime some woman has some Annie Oakley attitude, I'm like, you're retarded. You got a free ride, retard. You should be letting somebody do that for you. I don't have to have a kid.
Starting point is 00:56:51 I don't do it. She's making her life so much harder. I don't do it. Look at her. In New York. I'm not going to build anything. You think I'm ever going to saw something? So you're going to saw something to try and prove a point?
Starting point is 00:57:01 Of course he's going to say he will. We're talking to John. You won't even do that either. I don't know if I'm ever going to saw anything in my life. No one should. There's people to have do that. Don't learn it. Stay in your lane.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Oh, yeah. Also, isn't this what she wants? She goes, yeah, I had a lot of sexist comments. You're doing something that's unique. You want that reaction where someone goes, wow, I don't normally see that often. That's why you're doing it because you know women don't do that. Yes, and then you tell people and then they have a natural reaction. And she was like, I'm going to be a Navy SEAL.
Starting point is 00:57:37 And then she became a Navy SEAL. And people were like, wait, what? It's weird. She would be complaining about people complaining about that. Yeah, you'd be like, wow, that's insane. It's a masculine thing. That's like a nice reaction. That's my great one. To be like, oh my God. Saying you're special. Yeah, you'd be like, wow, that's insane. It's a masculine thing. That's like a nice reaction. That's my great one. To be like, oh my god.
Starting point is 00:57:49 This thing is a monster. That's amazing. You did something out of the ordinary. You stupid bitch. Pretty much. It's like a sticky Do you know how many stockbrokers would love to just take her under their wing and pay for her whole life? How many Japanese business owners would just shit themselves? Chris D'Elia would love this girl. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:06 Imagine like trying to prove like you're worth inequality by living in a van. Pathetic. Even when you want to be. And then I have like my like makeup and like your disdain is what I'm laughing at. This type of shit really shit.
Starting point is 00:58:22 It was a straightforward comment. It just pisses me off because she'll wake up one day at 35 and be like the fuck was i doing she'll be like i don't care i can't wait for it was i proving a point to yeah 35 or whatever day she wakes up she goes i need a man yeah like i'd like to she bumps her head on the ceiling for the 50th time she goes i need a fucking man i need an apartment you only do this if you're doing this to allow yourself to pursue your real passion, which is like, I don't want to have money.
Starting point is 00:58:49 I just want to not pay rent. I'm going to put money into this. And now I'm going to write the great American novel. You know what I mean? Like, you have some thing. But if you're just doing this to prove a point. You know what's the other annoying thing about this? The whole van thing is like you're supposed to want to go off the grid.
Starting point is 00:59:03 You drove it over to a spot in Brooklyn to get interviewed. That's what I'm saying. That's why it pisses me off. You do this and you're not sightseeing? You're just out in front of the fucking Hudson River like a retard? Yeah. Yeah. Isn't the view nice?
Starting point is 00:59:17 How long? How much longer you got to stay? Get out of there. In Van Alley in New York City. New York? Go explore the fucking country In your awesome van That you set up
Starting point is 00:59:27 Go to the can Go start Yeah What are you having A nice fire By a chain link fence Watching a guy piss On a van in the morning
Starting point is 00:59:34 Exactly Is that like Is that wildlife to you See The van is a 2015 But I built it About two years ago So I've been traveling
Starting point is 00:59:42 In it for two years I love it So Alright she drove A little bit To have an extra weight People are like Save weight Don't bring everything Is that what they said I built it about two years ago, so I've been traveling in it for two years. Oh, there it is. I love it. But she ended up in New York. All right, she drove. I know, it's a little bit. I have an extra weight. People are like, save weight.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Don't bring everything. Is that what they said? Yeah, because weight's really important, partially for gas mileage, but also the van can only hold so much. I'm glad you're not like six feet up. Why do people have books? Well, Devin. You just stop right there.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Don't you read them? Has she not read them? What do you mean? Hasn't she read these books? Oh, you're saying why would you display a book? Don't you read them? Has she not read them? What do you mean? Hasn't she read these books? Oh, you're saying why would you display a book that you finished? When you're done reading them, you put them away. See, Devin? You don't just keep...
Starting point is 01:00:12 I don't get it. So you're just pretending... This is a terrible take. Do you just pretend that you read them? When you have a record collection, you keep your records, you listen to them. So she read these books. So you keep your books. And then she just keeps them there all the time. Don you get new books don't you have other books you want to
Starting point is 01:00:28 reread the book devin most fuck would do that devin you're normally right but a van life girl i mean she's probably oh that's all she has that's her entertainment my father had a big bookcase no one's reading and read his books no one's reading it people see books for years reading books none of you have ever enjoyed this is such a lie such a lie. Devin literally said to me. You've never enjoyed a book. Devin said to me two weeks ago. He goes like, I think I want to get into reading. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 01:00:50 He did that. I need to broaden my heart. He hates that I'm bringing this up because I'm breaking his persona. You're destroying it. All I do is- I'm breaking his little persona. You just got owned, Dev. You're like Andrew Tate.
Starting point is 01:00:57 You're just Greta Thunberg. Small Dick Energy over here. Yeah, smalldickenergy.com over here. You can't be owned. You don't like books, brother? I bet you want to get Greenlight by Matthew McConaughey right now. You can't be owned when you don't stand with any opinion you have. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:17 You look at me. You go, that was two weeks ago. Idiot. I don't care. I come back here next week. Devin's building a van. Everything I say on this is fake.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Or maybe it is. Maybe it's not. I don't know. I change my mind every 10 minutes. You're about to have a mental breakdown right now. Devin probably was talking to me. But I should read, but I keep not because it sucks. You keep not?
Starting point is 01:01:35 I keep not doing it. I have a book somebody got me. I should read, but I keep not. Somebody got me a book for Christmas, and I'm like, I'd love to read that. But it mostly just feels good in my hands. I don't actually want to open it. What was the book, buddy? Rich Dad, Poor Dad. It was a David Sedaris book. I heard
Starting point is 01:01:51 he's funny, so I was like, maybe I'll try it. I just don't want to. I feel like you'd like cowboy novels or something. I'm sick of people. They don't even try to suggest anything. People always have to... Don't even try with him. Don't waste your breath. You only read so you could make mention
Starting point is 01:02:08 of references from the book. Kevin, Jesus Christ. It's true. He gets nothing else out of it other than social cachet. It's insane. Unbelievable. It's one of those wild opinions I've ever heard in my life.
Starting point is 01:02:20 When you started reading, Richie, you just had... Started reading? I started reading before I met you. No, you never read around me. You only started reading, Richie, you just had... Started reading. I started reading before I met you. No, you never read around me. You only started reading earlier this year. When Devin and I met, I had an English lit degree for multiple years. You hadn't read in a long...
Starting point is 01:02:36 Is that true? Oh my God, you retard, Devin. You hadn't read in a long time. That's not true. When you were hanging out with me being a big fat retard, you were reading? No, you weren't. Yes, I was. No, you told me you didn't read for a while. I mean, there would be drive spells.
Starting point is 01:02:52 And then you got back into it, and then when you did, I had to hear a lot about it. That is a lie. Social cachet! This is a lie. Devin thinks time stops when you leave him. He's just like, you're in your car, and you're frozen. The idea of you going home being like, I'm going to enjoy 45 minutes to myself reading a book.
Starting point is 01:03:09 I know. He lives his life. His friends are on the click remote. Yeah, exactly. Anytime I read, I feel like I have this idea that people are watching me. I'm really proud of them. You're retarded. I literally don't care.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Read a book. You know, I got some books You don't have to The only book I want to read is Catcher in the Rye I love that I'll reread that Yeah it's because you felt like the kid No I just liked it because it was like It was real dude
Starting point is 01:03:34 He's like real Every other book I hate I hate imagery You know what J.D. Salinger did He's just making up reasons The leaves whistled in the wind, much like the whistle of the father. Oh, and it was a dark day, a musky day. It was, I don't give a shit, it's a fake day.
Starting point is 01:03:56 You're not filming the day. Don't tell me about it. What happened? Devin hasn't heard of nonfiction. He's just like, Devin's sitting there like, I hate how also in books they act like they don't have to tell me what's going on for a little bit.
Starting point is 01:04:12 What? I hate that. They're always like, you'll figure it out. Just tell me. Devin's showing his lack of intelligence. He can't hold the information in his head long enough. You know you don't enjoy it. What?
Starting point is 01:04:28 It's like drinking. You don't enjoy it really. You don't enjoy drinking. What are you talking about? Drinking is way more useful than reading. You've never really read a book. Well, that goes without saying. Nobody meets up with their friends
Starting point is 01:04:44 and hands everybody a book and they have a time of their life. Those people are retards. Yeah, I agree with that. Book club. We did walk ourselves into something where I'm like, well, I don't even agree with book clubs. I can't believe I walked into this room and I was like,
Starting point is 01:04:59 tonight I'm going to be defending reading. The magical world of reading. You don't read. And you don't read. And the only books reading. You don't read. And you don't read. And the only books you guys do like to read are written by like Get your fucking fingers up, man.
Starting point is 01:05:09 The only books anyone ever likes to read are written by like weird little fucks. I'll tell you right now, I got a kindle. That's not true. It's true.
Starting point is 01:05:17 I've read The Twelve Rules of Life by Jordan Peterson over five times. I've heard Infinite Jest is, you know, everyone loves David Foster Wallace. I love the movie that was about him. There's an Infinite Jest is, you know, everyone loves David Foster Wallace.
Starting point is 01:05:25 I love the movie that is about him. There's an Infinite Jest movie? There's a movie about David Foster Wallace. But I'll never read Infinite Jest because I've heard everyone says it's like really arduous and hard. That's completely different. Well then,
Starting point is 01:05:36 but why is it, then what, then what, why do you like reading if you can't read that? Because like, it's like a TV in your head, Devin.
Starting point is 01:05:42 So say The Sopranos, say when you would put a paper in front of your face i went and saw the irishman episode of the soprano in your brain why wouldn't you why won't you read infinite jest it's written by like the michael jordan of writing not the same not the same at all infinite it's it's just you're you're literally taking one of the hardest pension everyone goes like i love thomas pension he had no idea who the fuck that was and then they go his books his books make no sense. I knew who Thomas Pynchon was. I saw his shitty inherent vice.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Thomas Pynchon, another writer, ruined one of my favorite filmmakers' movies. What? Asshole. You're blaming the writer for the adaptation? Yeah, because it suckered Paul Thomas Anderson into fake giving a shit about it. He's like, oh, this is brilliant, and then he made a shitty movie about it because his book sucks. But Devin, you love movies. And there's no point.
Starting point is 01:06:23 I know, Devin, you love movies and tv shows and stuff right that's your thing you love them they're all based on books but make it just film it make it let him walk you into his trap it's film it and make it better movie in your head that because you read words and then you create a movie in your head it's it's the same thing it's just like a story you know what i get that i know you know i've enjoyed books as our I've enjoyed books. As the long lost member of hate watch used to say in the bit, Mark used to say the long lost member of hate watch. You have no imagination. You.
Starting point is 01:06:53 Yeah. Wow. Yeah. You have no imagination. Yeah. Imagination. Stupid. You're weak.
Starting point is 01:06:57 You're a weak person. If you have an imagination, some way you're like a little fantastical faggot sitting. Oh, and then there must, there must have been a moment pop fields and the butterflies and oh it pranced around there was there was a pool made of chocolate it doesn't exist retard so willie wonka and the chocolate factory is your big
Starting point is 01:07:17 that's what sets you off augustus gloop he's like fuck that golden tickets i never got one this is bullshit something happened where your imagination was destroyed. We've seen what people's imagination is capable of and it's reality. World War II. It's reality. I already see imagination because it's reality. What?
Starting point is 01:07:38 People's imagination comes to life through reality. Otherwise, I don't give a shit about fake imagination where it's like that's why I don't like sci-fi. I don't give a shit about fantastical stuff because you can just keep making shit up as it goes because you're
Starting point is 01:07:54 creating a fake world. And then you say it relates back to something in the real world. And I'm like, no, it doesn't because you don't just get to keep being like, oh no, that gun actually doesn't kill you. You were in this movie. You know what I mean? The doors, like steam comes out of the doors of a spaceship.
Starting point is 01:08:10 They ate a special ruby, so this doesn't work on them. No, he's dying, but then he found the plant of blah, blah, blue. And that keeps him alive. You just keep to keep going. That's imagination. It's childlike. Stick with life. But sometimes you
Starting point is 01:08:25 need to escape sometimes you need to escape reality yeah escape reality to comprehend concepts that are like bigger than the reality you live in right so like a lot of like this makes me it's insane no because certain things are really difficult so like when you put them in another context and then the things aren't real it's like you can relate it back and handle it but like it's not the same and it's very creative and like i mean it's important to me i need to watch avatar i mean all imagination has done is like make us sit through three hour epics full of bullshit give a shit about a fucking ring fahrenheit 451 right yeah i love that i love that. I love Fahrenheit 451. It's my favorite book because it's about burning books.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Yeah, but like... Devin just skips right to the burning book part. I remember in school they kept talking about Fahrenheit 451 like it's horrible and I'm like like this shit kicks ass I wish somebody came in here
Starting point is 01:09:27 and burned every book in the school all these books are doing is making my life a living hell every day I have to open a book here but you're getting
Starting point is 01:09:33 Fahrenheit 451 when your YouTube channel gets removed you know what I mean like there's concepts in Fahrenheit 451 I get it make the book about
Starting point is 01:09:41 a guy's YouTube channel being removed there's also there's also 404 not, there's also 404 Not Found. There's also parts of the Larry Flint movie that also have the same theme.
Starting point is 01:09:54 I'm kidding. Obviously, I'm kidding. I like trying to have the worst take ever and see if I can come up with anything. I mean, I hate sci-fi that's true but i'm just i get a little sick of like everyone i know i just everyone i know does pretend like they really enjoy reading and i it's it's work it's arduous and i'm doing you don't i think everyone enjoyed reading at one point yeah when it was like captain underpants yeah and goosebumps
Starting point is 01:10:20 i think i'd only really enjoy reading if like i had nothing it's like i didn't know any of you if i didn't have anyone to talk to if i didn't have anyone to meet up with if i didn't have any if i didn't if there wasn't like a bunch of shit to watch if there wasn't a bunch of shit to look at then i'd read yeah but i also don't like the whole idea that like it's any different intellectually than like a great film or a great tv show because i really don't think it is no they did studies were like reading like an article on like reading reddit like reading text on reddit is literally stimulating the same part of your brain as reading oh really then i do that shit all the time yes you read and that's a heckin good doggo epic mate cheers to the boys in the back. Grab a Foster's, lads.
Starting point is 01:11:06 Cheers to OP. Original poster is off his meds. That's what I read. Anyway, God bless everybody. Oh, that's it? Let's go to the Patreon. Head to the page. Should we finish this retard? No, let's do it.
Starting point is 01:11:24 We got it. He lives in a van. Should we finish this retard? No let's do it We got it All I wanted to say is I hope This dude he fucks a lot of these girls You'd think but he seems like I don't know He definitely does this to fuck I feel like one of them He has to have banged a couple
Starting point is 01:11:40 He's in the polycule Patreon.com Is it literally Hatewatchpod He's in the polycule. All right. Anyway, patreon.com slash, is it literally? Hate Watch. Hate Watch Pod. Hate Watch Pod. We're such retards.
Starting point is 01:11:51 I'm gonna like, I'm gonna. I don't even know why we promote it anymore. Like, it's in the comments. It's around. If you care enough, you'll find it.
Starting point is 01:11:57 Also, by the way, we're not getting any patrons just from our show. It's from Lemon Party. Yeah. As long as I mention it at Lemon Party. Great. That's it. Keep it up. So check out Lemon Party out lemon party disregard this podcast that i do um well no don't i'm kidding no but i mean like you need to mention it on lemon party yeah i know i will but disregard
Starting point is 01:12:15 the mentioning of it here don't care about me mentioning it here because you're already listening to it if i'm mentioning it exactly exactly maybe reading could help with yeah uh yeah anyway patreon.com hate watch podcast pod pod is it i'm gonna look at it look it up look it up i'm gonna i'm gonna jamie you know what you don't i mean you get into the podcast it's like you never know is it pod or podcast? People tell you, like, yeah, promote it. Yeah, I go, yeah, I don't even. Is it pod or podcast? It's tough. I never know.
Starting point is 01:12:48 Pod's slick. Or just neither. Just hate watch. Pod's new metal. And what's John? John, what is yours? Oh, gutter oil, my beautiful, amazing thing. What is it called?
Starting point is 01:12:56 Oh, gutter oil podcast. Hate watch podcast. Patreon.com slash hate watch podcast. Disregard John's podcast. Don't listen to my podcast. He's taking time away from me. Yes, and he's doing the Ida Hour. He's hurting me.
Starting point is 01:13:08 He's spread thin. He's spread thin. I'm literally the most spread thin podcaster I'm playing with. So don't support the Ida Hour. Do not listen to Gutter Oil. Don't give him confidence. No, no, no, no, no, no. He's hurting the hatewatch pod.
Starting point is 01:13:19 Listen, Ida Hour's actually kicking ass lately, so you should watch Ida Hour. That is true. Yeah, it's actually really good. That is true. Check out the Ida Hour. Gutter Oil is true. Check out the Eid hour. The gutter oil is amazing. Check out the Eid hour. Ida showed me a clip recently.
Starting point is 01:13:29 She's killing it, and you're a big fat retard. Oh, about Sopranos. You have a horrible take. That's okay. You have one of the worst. Literally, when these cameras go off, I might hit you. No, I'm pretty angry at you. Do it, dude.
Starting point is 01:13:42 Let's fucking tussle. You know, I'm actually- You've been waiting for this. You want to do this? There's a lot of things about you it, dude. Let's fucking tussle. You know, I'm like actually like... You've been waiting for this. You want to do this? There's a lot of things about you that anger me. Here's the thing, Devin. Are you going to fire him at me? Fire me.
Starting point is 01:13:52 You're fired. Fire me.

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