Hate Watch with Devan Costa - Smells Like Corporate Spirit

Episode Date: February 24, 2025

Post Malone joins Nirvana, Gabby Petito documentary, bikers crash into Range Rover on Rodeo Drive  https://www.patreon.com/c/HateWatchPodcast  Support the show and get your new 3-month premium wirel...ess plan for $15 a month. Head to https://www.mintmobile.com/HATEWATCH

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 You motherfuckers you motherfuckers I know. Was he in the first car or the second? He was in the third one. Jesus. He's not dead? Honestly, shout out for not being dead. Oh fuck. Oh it just keeps going. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:01:03 They just keep coming. Oh fuck. Oh my god. Oh my gosh Oh shit. They just keep coming. Oh fuck. Oh my God. Oh my gosh. He was throwing up blood. Holy shit dude. I don't mean to laugh, it's just, that's. Imagine him being all like paralyzed and still like hearing this and getting.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Oh no. Yeah, then the semi, the semi came and hit him. It's the T1000's truck. The semi hit him. It's like T1000's truck. The semi hit him. It's like Final Destination 2, it's crazy. The doctor said the semi was the reason that my dad got paralyzed, but he's alive. Oh, fuck, he's alive, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:35 The semi? Can he do hands? No, he can't talk or move his, no, it's just, yeah, it's everything. Everything. Can he do tongue? Can he move? Can he breathe into a tube that can like then move like a wheelchair like lick Yeah, that's so that that yes. You got tongue you can communicate through like computers where you can actually do a lot
Starting point is 00:01:55 That was the you do a lot with your tongue. He was yeah, there's a tank our pilot My dad was involved in last week. Oh, yeah, he's he's paralyzed from the neck down now, but he's alive alive He's alive, and that's we were just watching the footage Yeah, a lot of people are dead. You don't see him sad at all, but uh You gotta you gotta live for the for today, okay, is that what you told him in the hospital? Your dad's like Hector Salamanca now. It's crazy. I like it. He's got a little bell, shit in his pants.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Yep. Damn, my dad. Who's paralyzed now. Yeah. From a 10 car pileup. Which is funny. Which is funny to start an episode with. And this is real and true.
Starting point is 00:02:44 It's real and true. And I want everyone listening to know And this is real and true. It's real and true. And I want everyone listening to know this is real and true. Exactly. We are close to having to put the dub scape on. We're the closest thing to Patrice there is. I agree, I couldn't agree more.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Welcome to Hatewatch everybody. We hope you've had a good week. We've all had quite the time. Yeah, I've had a great week. I've had a great week we've all had quite the time yeah I've had a great week I've had a great week as well I'll tell ya me and Devin are killing it I missed you guys I we can't even say what you guys are talking about it's not even a goof on that no no but no I missed you guys no clue where the goofs are coming from what's real what's not is my dad paralyzed what's
Starting point is 00:03:22 happening who knows that's that that's why you listen you don't, what's not? Is my dad paralyzed? What's happening? Subject, who knows? That's why you listen, you don't know what's going on. You never know. I haven't seen you guys since like a week and a half or something. I saw you yesterday. No, no, but for the pod. For the pod. You were gone, you were gone.
Starting point is 00:03:37 You were in Seattle. Oh yeah, you weren't here last week, I forget. Yeah. By the way. And we suffered for it I feel like Joey flies to Seattle and he puts a shotgun in his mouth for three days and just contemplates killing himself like He's just loading them up with white claws and fucking His death site is an Airbnb it's called the co-band experience you go there
Starting point is 00:04:01 Oh, that's give you a shotgun they give you it there's it comes with the the room isn't it crazy what these people are willing to rent out as an Airbnb I was joking. Oh It's great you get to rape your special needs neighbor and then you blow your head off they have a Courtney needs neighbor and then you blow your head off. They have a Courtney, Courtney Love. You have a crack whore girlfriend that hangs out there. That was a great- There's a lookalike who loads the shotgun
Starting point is 00:04:30 when you're not looking. People don't talk enough about how Cobain fucked his retarded fat neighbor. I know, no one ever brings that up. He like told his retarded fat neighbor his dick was a lollipop and like got his dick sucked. It's crazy, it never comes up. By like a Down syndrome person. It's got his dick like sock it's crazy never comes up by like a Down syndrome person it's by far the coolest thing he's ever done and
Starting point is 00:04:49 never comes up if you shred hard enough there people will look right by that dude that's thing it's like people are always like oh he's a manipulative it's like no that retarded neighbor just saw the vision she was like that's a rock star yeah I mean like got to suck off Kurt Cobain yeah I didn't we didn't know everybody else was three and this is pretty guitar pre-band she just fucking nude by the way did you guys see post post him alone I call him post did you see him I'm gonna be completely honest man Vana I'm gonna be completely out of all the old members with them old members of the band. I wanted to hate.
Starting point is 00:05:25 It's pretty good. No, it's not. It's not bad. It's really not that bad. It's kind of good. Can we watch it? Let me see. Let me see. You could see, anybody could do that.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Yeah. Can we watch? Shouldn't there be, isn't there like cover bands? Oh, I'm not saying like he was especially great. I'm saying the performance itself was good. Do you think Kurt Cobain would have been okay with that? Do you think it's okay to make decisions for a dead man? He wasn't okay with himself being famous and singing in a band.
Starting point is 00:05:51 I think that would have been fun. I thought it would be so hard for a hero when he just speaks. We can't watch it by the way on YouTube. No, of course not. I found it disgusting and I went in fully like, let me hate this bullshit. And then I was like, you know what? These old guys are having so much fun with post up there Let them have it you're getting caught up in the you're getting cutting up in the in the reality of that moment of just them
Starting point is 00:06:13 Having a good time and their lives and their night So wait he's singing all the hits he's singing smells like teen spirit and like Dave Grohl's on drums and the whole band is there That it does feel disrespectful. It's disgusting. It's. Why bands in all time? What do you mean? I don't like cause he's Kurt Cobain the guy that fucking would have hated Post Malone Yeah, I don't know Springsteen yeah, we didn't like Bruce Springsteen's a lot. He didn't like himself Yeah, we didn't like anything. No, I mean, Bruce Springsteen's a lot. He didn't like himself.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Bruce Springsteen isn't as good as Kurt Co- Post Malone? No, no, I could see Kurt Cobain hating Bruce Springsteen. You think Kurt Cobain would have appreciated post fucking Malone? I don't think- I think if he was alive today and didn't blow his brains out, I'm sure he would be like, So congratulations! Congratulations! And now I'm segwaying into country, So congratulations I think he got his friend That's a good one And now I'm segwaying into country
Starting point is 00:07:08 Cause my handlers told me to play country Cause my handlers told me to play country I'm an up I'm an up Kurt Cobain Let him be They shouldn't even have the fucking right to do that
Starting point is 00:07:24 He would have blown his head off again if he found that out. Disgusting, how dare you? No, look where we're at now. What bothers me. I do exactly what I was doing by saying that. What bothers me is Grohl being a part of it and the other band members.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Grohl's the worst. Yes. Yeah, Grohl's the worst. If he did it with his own musicians, it's a tribute. Once you like, you know, force the actual members of the band, it's kind of like pissing on a grave or desecrating something. Yeah, why don't they fucking show up at his funeral
Starting point is 00:07:53 banging the monkeys or whatever? Like, I mean, Jesus Christ. I mean, wasn't there like a whole reality show back in the day called like Rockstar NXX where they like do American Idol to replace the lead singer of NXX. It's like- Yeah, it's like-
Starting point is 00:08:07 That sounds familiar though. Yeah, it's like they do it all the time. Adam- What the fuck is NXX? Add it to some band. This is a legendary band, Nirvana. Don't compare them to NXX. NSX, I think.
Starting point is 00:08:16 I don't even fucking know. Yeah, nobody even knows. Where's Nirvana? Adam Lambert towards the queen now, the guy from American Idol. It's like, who gives a shit? Yeah. Yeah, but nobody gives a shit about NSX.
Starting point is 00:08:25 So just, yeah, sure. I'm just saying it's not like a new thing that fucking other famous singers are serving in. Let's burn the country down while we're at it. Let's, yeah, sure. Hey, come fuck my mom. Yeah. Everyone come in right this way.
Starting point is 00:08:40 I like that. Everybody fire. I don't care, I don't have a soul, no standards. Everyone fuck my mom, everyone shoot my dad in the head in front of me, this is great. Sponsored by Pepsi, right? Bud Light, how dare you. Bud Light, Post, you know Kurt Cobain, love Bud Light.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Fuck outta here. Can we have anything? Can we have fucking, can the dead even have anything? He's fucking dead. Can he have anything? Let's fucking dead. Can he have anything? Let him be dead, guys. He has to watch this fucking faggot with face tattoos sing Smells Like Teen Spirit.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Oh God, I hope he haunts Dave Grohl's fucking dreams. I hope that other guy, that bald other guy, Eric fucking weird Norwegian last name guy. That guy was cool as hell. Burn in hell. Burn in the same hell Kurtz in. Cause he was a heroin addict father. He was really bad in front of his children.
Starting point is 00:09:31 But, and he was really gay. He was a really gay guy. He kinda. Why gay? He was just, he was gay. He was a loser. He was a loser. He was a loser.
Starting point is 00:09:40 I mean, we started the show. He essentially raped a Down syndrome girl. That's not gay. That's the straightest thing anybody could do. I'm just saying I saw that and I'm like what is even, who cares? That's like insane. I don't like that. What's the point of anything?
Starting point is 00:09:53 I don't like them. Right, I agree. Devin got me on that. It's the one guy. First of all, one, I didn't care. Yeah, that's the one thing I just want to, I don't give a fuck. I didn't care. And two, I was like they're having a great time.
Starting point is 00:10:04 And he sounds good. Whatever. You don't find that to be a didn't care. And two, I was like, they're having a great time. And he sounds good, whatever. You don't find that to be a violation of what Kurt Cobain was. No, because also those guys have grown up and realized that Kurt Cobain was a dumb young guy who blew his head off because he's a fucking mentally ill retard. So just throw out, so yeah,
Starting point is 00:10:17 I'm sure they would have really been huge on their own without Kurt Cobain's genius. No, of course not. But you can't be stunted in that fucking age range for the rest of your life and think the way Kurt Cobain thinks. No, move on. No, that's what, but you can't be stunted in that fucking age range for the rest of your life and think the way Kurt Cobain thinks. Move on! No, that's what they were saying. Move on. Move on. They're playing his song. Did Kurt Cobain not write Smells Like Teen Spirit? No, of course not.
Starting point is 00:10:33 So then they shouldn't even have the fucking rights to do that. Yeah. I guess so. I don't know. I also just don't give a shit. And it was a good performance. That's where I stand. I'm like, hey, you know, whatever I don't care It's not like a sacred band to me. I'm on the record on this podcast thing I don't really give a fuck about Nirvana when they do it to sublime Carter's gonna have a big bone to pick would care even fucking less There's hardly any bands actually give a shit about okay and the sanctity of their Have any local guys we had a Hollywood undead. That was our big That's awesome. You guys were Hollywood undead. That was our big that's awesome. You guys were Hollywood undead
Starting point is 00:11:05 That was the super band, right? No, they were like Rap jugulose essentially were like jammie jabberwocky masks the worst band of all time. Hmm, like new metal rap Band yeah cards, you know that bad babies actually gonna do the mr. Morale tour Who's that? Good. Wheels were turning for what, three minutes, thinking of Bad Baby and Kendrick Lamar? I don't give a shit. You wouldn't care?
Starting point is 00:11:30 If Kendrick got shot to death? He's still alive! If Kendrick died, would you be okay if, like, in like 20 years you were like, enough times passed and like 40 year old Bad Baby is like performing like damn? I don't mean to split hairs, but you think Bad Baby and Post Malone are on the same fucking I don't even know what Post Malone is and I don't care and I hope he's I hope he's not even a fan of Post Malone
Starting point is 00:11:49 I hate that I'm even put in this corner of defending Post Malone. Look at you I I'm just saying it was a good performance and they had a good time Well, it was nice when I watched it. He was skipping a lot of the lyrics too. Oh, that's what a scumbag disrespectful I mean, I don't know man. I don't like getting this piece of shit You do give a shit you cocksucker my favorite. He's my favorite I love post Malone. I love post Malone. I love his creation. I love the creation that he I will say He seems like a ray of sunshine everywhere. He goes very nice to people cuz he's a Manchurian candidate of music I do these talented and he's like obviously producing his own stuff. He knows how to make hits and stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:25 I just don't like what they're doing with the new guys. No, he's a real rock star, man. He can make hits. I will say that. Is there someone you would have been happy with doing that? Is there like another person? No one should touch it. Really?
Starting point is 00:12:34 Not a single person is supposed to jump into Kurt Cobain's spot and sing, Smells Like Teen Spirit in a reunion with the other members of Nirvana. Everybody, what is? It's the ego. It's insane. What is? The ego, it's insane. Everyone that I'd be okay with doing it is dead.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Like Chris Cornell and Laine Staley. What if it was like Beck? It has to be someone. Someone who had their own. That's getting close. If you're going to do it, it has to be somebody Kurt Cobain fucking knew. You can't just make up that he would have liked it.
Starting point is 00:13:02 You're not allowed to just go, no, this guy that he never even knew Existed is gonna do it. That's not okay. I also never said that it's based on if Kurt Cobain would have liked it He wouldn't like anything so you know like so you don't do it You don't get to make money off of the guys fucking off of his genius. I don't think they were making money the story Courtney love got six million dollars doing bill H Crystal Lee is doing Bill Hicks tomorrow. I don't think they made any money. I don't think it was a cash grab.
Starting point is 00:13:27 It was a tribute to SNL and the music history of SNL. It's a tribute song, it's a one-off. They're gonna tour together. Yeah, a tribute to SNL, for SNL! Look, bro, if they start touring together, I'll get where you're coming from. If it's like now Post Malone, Nirvana. Yeah, Post Malone was the face of Nirvana.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Yeah, I'd be like, all right, yeah. But fuck a one song at a tribute show, what, who gives a fuck? But they're still pleasing like NBC and you know, Lorne Michaels. It's just like, hey, we're fucking selling out for doing a favor. They'll give us a favor.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Double sell out for the SNL 50th. Yeah, that's not, that's just. They didn't just do it somewhere. And we've heard about it. It's like film There's like the peacocks down there. You see the little faggot peacock down there. Now. You're mad at me See you fuck them too. Just the whole network in general. Fuck them all fuck every corporation nice I bet you're a big fan of This I love Viacom. Huh? I love Viacom. We're big black rock people here. Black rock guy. Yeah. I just, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:26 I'm being gaslit. Post Malone's Nirvana, man. No one's saying that. When I think of Nirvana, I think of like, Post. Everybody forgot about that. I mean, I do, but that was not my argument. I'm actually, literally, you actually did, I actually read into a theory that Kurt Cobain
Starting point is 00:14:43 killed himself to make room for Post. Yes. Yeah, there wasn't room for Post. He knew, Post was two years old, and he goes, this baby is gonna be the greatest thing of all time. Because Cobain dies. I'm gonna blow my head off and make room.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Make room for this, for this guy. What if Isaac, the lead singer of Modest Mouse, did it? Would you be okay with that? No. No? It'd be a little better, because it's a real musician to me. Isn't that guy dead? No Beck is the closest one so far. I think Beck would be Beck. That would be a little better because at least it's like a Seattle grunge scene. Yeah, yeah a little better but still you're taking your your your your your taking all these liberties for a dead Man, yeah, I guess You're taking your your your your your taking all these liberties for a dead man. Yeah Localist but it would be it would be more like I probably knew Kurt. Oh, yeah, they met they earn each other's respect It's not like it's some you know face tattooed fuck boy who's no
Starting point is 00:15:38 It'd be really awesome. It was Axl Rose. I feel like I Could be wrong here, I just I have to fight I have sure yeah I'm like a garden of heroes in your house just not sacred to me whatsoever so well Yes, you're you know very weird about Nirvana except for young lian I love young lian lian lian's awesome dude I love that sweetest little free young lian did it that'd be even cooler that should be a great vocal did it that be even cooler. That should be Great vocalist I would be I would be like that is awesome. What if it was Denzel Curry? What if it starts he goes he goes bitches come and go Young lean do it
Starting point is 00:16:24 That would be okay Not some big commercial guy that they're trying to profiteer off. It's like a la roca No, Rocha Rocha Rocha. I'm done with those guys. I love those guys I've like I know where Zack de la Roca lives and don't ever fucking cross me buddy Say that I used to deliver ice to deliver you breakfast all the time. Is he still like dreads? No, he's a fucking no. He's like a square. The corp is a raging. It's a machine sponsored by Pepsi. That's what they do. Okay He didn't know I thought he saw dreads. He had like a Old Jeep. He's like one of those rich guys. Yeah, like a modest home. Yeah. Yeah, there's like a normal home
Starting point is 00:17:02 How do you think those guys are? Oh extremely rich. Oh, he's got so fucking money, which is crazy because they made like two albums raging. It's a machine She's a paladin bike. They're also like there are songs are licensed in like the matrix and like, you know every Yeah, they really they really really tried hard like remember when they they made a single for the Godzilla 2000 movie and the whole singles like fuck Coca-Cola like the entire song But and they still got billions of dollars from Godzilla Yeah, I'm gonna make a bomb and then it's like he's yeah. Yeah, yeah I'm sure by my brother told me when I was like 12 and I didn't know my brother told when bridges machine broke up My brother's like dudes act of the local went down to El Salvador to fight in a civil war
Starting point is 00:17:43 That's why we're it Rachel gets the machine broke up. Damn. And I was like, really? It's sick. I believe you did. It's sick that you believe that. I believe it. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:17:51 I was like. Yeah. I don't know, I love Post Malone. I love Post Malone, I love Jelly Roll. What's that other, what's his newest song? What's his newest Walmart, aisle 11 tune? Post Malone? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:04 I couldn't name a single song since he went country. What's the newest Walmart aisle 11? Postman. Yeah, I couldn't even single song The newest one that you'd like stare at hungry man's behind the freezer section It's one sec I had some help yeah He's talking he's talking about his team he's talking about his Manchurian candidate Went from rap to country, and now I'm- I couldn't write this song myself. I couldn't write this song myself, and I'm really cool,
Starting point is 00:18:32 cause I said hi to a kid on Rodeo Drive, and everyone thinks I'm cool. Of course he's nice to everybody. The guy can't even believe what's happening to him, that fucking tattoo. God damn it! I love this so much because Devon would fold immediately meeting Post Malone.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Of course. He'd be like, you're the coolest fucking guy, there'd be a bunch of photos of him in post. He'd be like, ah. You're so talented. Yes, okay, but we need to get away from that as well. We need to get away from that thinking as well. That's very convenient thinking.
Starting point is 00:19:02 I'm a good guy. I don't, if I hate somebody, I don't like meet them and go, you mother fucker. It's like people say like they hate the president, they're not gonna meet the president or shake his hand. I'll shake the president's fucking hand. Start having manners. I don't give a shit.
Starting point is 00:19:15 I'm gonna light his face and say I love him. Start having manners. That is not an argument. You'd be swooned by him. I think he's a cool guy, be like, hey man, you're really cool for fucking fucking for the position that you're in being forced on us all at every every second of the day And you would try to sing to make it try to get on I love your corporate music and I love I love that you pull the wool over everyone's everyone's eyes
Starting point is 00:19:41 Because I should be like, oh, you don't mind if I use this time to sing. Here's where we're at. You'd be walking in your fucking living room with a cowboy hat, cowboy boots, your costume. You'd have a face tattoo. Your costume alone all of a sudden. Here's where we're at in this country, that if somebody sucks ass and then we see them finally
Starting point is 00:19:59 be able to play a couple tunes on the guitar and they do a cover of a famous song from the old days that is okay, that like, by the way, anybody is doing, any struggling artist is doing across the country at an open mic or at some jazz club, whatever the fuck. You know, when you, we see them do that and we go, oh, they're actually like, okay. They're like, okay, they get a pass.
Starting point is 00:20:24 And we go, well, what's their red? What's what's all the music that I can pull up on Apple music and it's it's all bullshit It's all it's all absolute soulless horseshit But but eventually they always have that one NPR music studio sess The tiny desk Where they finally show that they know how to play a fucking instrument and we're supposed to be What like wowed by that? Get the fuck out of here? I'm still on to you Wait be let we wowed by live the fact that we we have so little we know that there's such drone
Starting point is 00:20:56 retards being forced on us that that we've gotten to this place where all we need to do is see them play guitar kind of and sing and and sing a Nirvana song and we go no he's actually like legit talented though. Everything he makes. How come all of his music sounds like I need some help couldn't do it by myself Congratulations You suck ass just because I saw you know you finally learned a tune.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Your job is to fucking play We're literally shocked that the musicians these days know how to play instruments You gotta put on the glove It's the chug life you gotta hold the mic But I guess you have a mic stands what doesn't work quite as well And I'll put on the duns after being a posthead. Left hand, Debbie. You do dunce, Kev. Does anyone know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:21:48 Oh, of course I do, yes. For whatever reason, these days we actually find it amazing if you know how to play an instrument as a musician. That's not fascinating to me. I'm not impressed. Signed by JLP Sonnen, it's the official club of the UFC... What the hell? Those rules, I love this.
Starting point is 00:22:06 It feels great. I'm sorry, I started a little hot. I don't even know if it was that, what I was saying made much sense. I like the thing you guys know what I'm saying. I bought right into it. I agree with everything you're saying. Yeah, because it's very digestible. It's a very baseline take.
Starting point is 00:22:21 We're so in... No, what you're saying is the baseline. Yeah, you're baseline. This is the mainstream take. It's like we like this commercial bullshit. We've accepted it. You're accepting it You're just like exhausted. You're like yeah, no man. He fucking wow I didn't know I didn't know that musician could play guitar I didn't really give up. I was like yeah, they looked like it was pretty good, I don't know. It was a one night. It was one night.
Starting point is 00:22:50 It's still the most commercial guy ever. Kurt killed himself one night. Doing a cover of the most artful guy. I think Kurt Cobain, not Kurt Cobain, Post Malone probably begged for that. Or they offered it to five different people. No he's been told, yeah. If you type in Post Malone,vana he's all his whole he's constantly he's obsessed with playing Nirvana songs to try and show people
Starting point is 00:23:08 that he's actually not a shill. He probably called Dave Grohl the morning. He's obsessed with showing people he's not a shill. He's obsessed with he's trying to show people he's not the he's not a human equivalent of the Clydesdale for Budweiser. He also sees everything that Kurt Cobain is what he wishes that he was. Somebody who has soul and they're a little artful. You can go like Post Malone, I get it, whatever, but I'm just, I don't like the whole tricking, you don't get to have it all. You don't get to have your fucking cake and eat it too.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Was that the Bud Light? You stay in that corner, bitch. The Bud Light dog was Spud's McKenzie, right? Am I crazy about that? I don't know. It was a dog that could surf and that was the Bud Light dog was spuds McKenzie, right? Am I crazy about that? I don't know. I don't know It was a dog that could surf and that was the Bud Light spots. That was the Cover Nirvana next. That's what you want. So I'm saying spuds McKenzie. Yeah Let us watch some stuff. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, let us move on from this. I apologize I apologize. Thank you. And I'm very'll stay up there. Take off the glove until you start screaming again.
Starting point is 00:24:08 When you start screaming, you put the glove back on. That's for when you do your big rants. When I start screaming, I should have this on my whole life. And we're back to, no, Dad, we have to reset. Every second of the day. There's too much energy in that glove, you gotta take it off, okay? All right, okay.
Starting point is 00:24:22 When you start going off, you put that right back on. Did you guys see the Gabby Petita duck I didn't watch it. No, it is. Yes. Well, you know we were I I like to think that hey watch was Kind of the first coverage of the Gabby Petito case. I feel like we did a lot of good work on it We had a great episode of dirty laundry. This was you and you me and I believe Richie. Yes I can like three and a half. We were the first we broke that case just like we broke Coburger We don't like Johnny and there's a lot of cover info out there No, but like so I watched it
Starting point is 00:24:49 There's this this is this a little ABC thing we that were allowed to watch it But there's a there's a petite a doc on Netflix right now, and I watched it and it's it's pretty boring you know you kind of Get into the mind of laundry and like you kind of realize that like there's a lot of, you know, she was just, she was a vlogger that didn't have it. Sure. Like she uprooted their whole life to get this van and go on the road and vlog and as the documentary's going,
Starting point is 00:25:20 I mean obviously she is a victim here. The post Malone vlogger. She was killed. No, if that was the case, she'd be the king. She'd be amazing. Gotcha. OK. She'd be making a lot of money at it. And we'd still hate her because we go here.
Starting point is 00:25:30 It's soulless bullshit work. But like, good. Long free probably would have let her made laundry wouldn't have killed her. Is what I'm saying. Gotcha. But like you see this dock and you see different footages as the as time is running out and they're in the middle of the desert. They're in Utah. They're in whatever. Where these national parks and she's holding the camera on herself They're doing anything and she and he always has to put on a like a happy face like
Starting point is 00:25:54 Yeah, and she's like hey, what's like? Hey, what's up guys? Um, uh, we're oh, I fucked that up I fucked that one up and you see laundry go He's got he's like doing a fake smile, but it looks like it's hurting his face because he's like She might have been the first She might be the first person to ever be killed because she was bad at saying like and subscribe. Yeah She couldn't she just couldn't figure out the formula that like children have figured out Yeah, and and and she was a sweet girl, but she was like she was she was trying for too much She was she was reaching too far and she wanted to become this vlogger
Starting point is 00:26:33 And she was just pissing him off as time went on is what it seemed like to me I was at the end of his goddamn rope with her you could tell there are a bunch of shots of his face Right like him behind her just going like what are we doing all right time to for a little trip to the desert one of us comes back to go and comes back how about that if you keep with these these fucking vlog it was interesting I recommend watching the doc to see if you get what I got out of it and what I got out of it was like obviously this man's a monster. But she was a really, really bad vlogger. I, you know what?
Starting point is 00:27:10 So did he push her off a cliff or did he strangle her? Strangled her. But then he lied and said like, he lied and said like he, in his journal before he killed himself, he lied and said like, she was just hurt. Like he acted like he put her out of her misery. Like a deer, you know.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Yeah, he left a suicide note that said like, she injured herself in some fatal way, but he was picking her up and she was screaming in such pain and going like, you gotta kill me. It's the most absurd strangles. It's really a stretch. So here's a little, I guess. There was so many other people out there.
Starting point is 00:27:51 And this is the family of Gabby and all the family members and they're very, very rude about Laundry's life. We wanted to make sure we use our voices and say it in our way. To the world, Gabrielle Petito was the center of a haunting true crime case. Good riddance. Oh no. Great. Another white woman down.
Starting point is 00:28:19 This was an opportunity for Gabby to be seen as a person and not just the headline or the girl behind the social media account. The 22 year old from Long Island seemed to be living out her version of the perfect life traveling the country with her new fiance as documented on her YouTube channel. So by the way the doc you see like all the outtakes of this. She was really bad at saying hello, hello, good morning. She was such a sweetheart. I'm just trying to provide some insight
Starting point is 00:28:53 into the mind of a killer. And so this killer, Brian Laundrie, sick, sick, per se, sick human being, who I fucking, I completely, hey, shame on you laundry bad boy bad boy Horrible guy not naughty horrible guy no no big no no on your part But you're understanding where he you get a little insight into him being like Unbelievable you just you botched hello You could feel his team coming out of his ear.
Starting point is 00:29:26 He was so upset. He was. And he's, they're driving, they're literally just driving down the highway and she goes, okay, let me put the camera on. And he goes, well, hey, what's up? Oh, fuck. And he's like, okay, not this guy again.
Starting point is 00:29:40 He was like the most patient guy in the world actually. He had the patience of Jobe. It's truly just a guy who's like Joe would have got eventually strangled his girlfriend It's a guy who's just like the pussy's not that good. It's just not even good It's not even close to good. Whatever he was trying to manipulate her vocal cords with his hands You got to stretch it a little bit more That isn't bad taste guys. I agree. She was a sweetheart. But that is not okay. I don't like that stuff.
Starting point is 00:30:06 I don't like what you guys did. Joey and I are on the same page. No. Yeah. This is actually Otter Bear versus Otter Bear tonight. This is an Otter Bear Alliance. Look at us. Let's play chicken in a pool.
Starting point is 00:30:17 You know, I'll get on Jon's shoulders, you get on Joey's shoulders. He gets to be strong. I don't know. Actually that'd be a good chicken. I think it's a good fight dude. If I could get on Devon's shoulders, somehow you'd both be bad. I Don't know actually that be Devon shoulder somehow you'd both be well, that's not how that works. You're a bear bears the base fine Well, either way down on top Devin scrappy. I got a good I got a foundation I got horse legs. Tell me with one punch. Yeah, if I were up on anybody's shoulders, you're all done. I'll tell you that I If I were up on anybody's shoulders, you're all done. I'll tell you that I
Starting point is 00:30:49 Can hold you up. Okay. Well then in a pool. Yeah, of course easy then. Yeah Maybe you got like four feet in on ground your your knees would crush like aluminum cans It's due to having a neck larger than a pencil is why. All the... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha How is this twink so light? Oh, it's the little pet monkey on my shoulder. What's going on? And as you zoom in, it's me tap dancing on John's shoulders. I'm weightless, dude. I'm weightless up there. You're moonwalking. I'm a weightless assassin.
Starting point is 00:31:34 I'm a weightless assassin. I actually don't want Joe on my shoulders because of the diarrhea. Joey gets a whiff. I'm not allowed in a pool. I'm not allowed in a pool. Joey, you should get that. You have diarrhea. The diarrhea Sign it pulls the diarrhea sign you should have that on your front door, but you got it treated like a whites only water fountain If you haven't had diarrhea, you're not allowed in my apartment. My doormat says like you can't come in if you haven't had diarrhea.
Starting point is 00:32:10 In the last 14 days. Yeah, exactly. Which genuinely, once again, what adult has not had diarrhea in 14 days? Like it blows my mind. You guys curse me. You guys curse me. Ever since you guys started talking about diarrhea, I can't have I can't have diarrhea You cut the bugs like 70 shits one day. You've had that written 14 days
Starting point is 00:32:31 No, we're he's lying. He's just lying. That's impossible Weird fiber stuff. He's blocking his body's natural. I had one much it No, it's a couple weeks ago. No, it wasn's diarrhea. That's diarrhea. Couple weeks ago. That's diarrhea. No, it wasn't diarrhea. That's diarrhea. It wasn't just water. It was like peanut butter. You blew out of my ass.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Diarrhea is just not a solid shit in my opinion. Yeah, we count that. All right, I had one of those. It's shapeless. I had one of those. Okay, well let's say. Well mine had a shape and it was a little. Of a puddle.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Puddle. Yeah, that's what you want. But everything is puddles with you? No, not all of them. In my dreams they're all puddles. Yeah, in a perfect world. In my dreams. In a perfect world, my toilet's just brown water, okay?
Starting point is 00:33:14 You can't even see the turds. It's just a fog of brown water. In a perfect world. How did Sean not have concert diarrhea? He does office beef. I actually fucking, today, you know, it's crazy I've had non-stop diary and then today I took a shit and then I was bleeding You're on your way brother, I'm literally like it's like the fucking like the the t-virus it's insane
Starting point is 00:33:37 I'm saying you guys have infected me. There's a bleed at the beginning and then eventually beginning and then eventually you just I was- you broke your cherry I'm like- I'm like- YOU BROKE YOUR CHERRY I'm like Spider-Man looking in the mirror but I'm just shitting myself What? I'm already getting spider powers
Starting point is 00:33:56 Oh, gimme that Damn those gaffes Let me give it a little spin for ya I love that Alright, what's going on with these two? If you're tired of big wireless taking all your money, listen up. Mint Mobile is here.
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Starting point is 00:35:17 per month. New customer offer for first three months only, then full price plan options available. Taxes and fees extra. See Mint Mobile for details. Support the show and get your new three month premium wireless plan for $15 a month. Head to mintmobile.com slash hatewatch. And she was just easy going as it could be.
Starting point is 00:35:37 It really was. Kindness is contagious. And Gabby was contagious. That's who she was. How their journey. By the way, I don't mean to be rude here, and God bless Gabby Petito, but have you guys ever noticed that every single person that's ever died before the age of 25? They always lit up a room when they walked in. She really was a sweetheart.
Starting point is 00:35:57 I know, I understand. But I get- there are people that get that falsely. There isn't a single person that's ever died young that people didn't describe as they lit up a room. They always churched you up. They were the funniest person. As a guy. To ever live, apparently everyone that dies is Eddie Murphy in 1988.
Starting point is 00:36:16 Nobody ever says they're like so full of death. No one ever goes like they were kind of weird. They made me uncomfortable. They made me uncomfortable. Dev and I is two comics who who do it for a long time We've known a lot of people who die people say that you're like Sat in a corner really weird all the time not really and then one time he you know he tried to fly No guy jumped oh
Starting point is 00:36:39 Doesn't matter doesn't matter yeah, I mean how many years ago? Pretty recent. Oh no. About a year ago, what was it? At your Christmas party I found out, or it was at Vince's Christmas party. Yeah, somebody a year and a half ago. Yeah. What was the whole thing? What was the, what was his, what was the,
Starting point is 00:36:55 What are we doing here? He used to, nevermind. It's rude. It's going to a, it's going to a, come on. The shock jock stuff. Word on the street was he was banned. Word on the street was he was banned. Word on the street was he was banned. He was banned from a comedy club
Starting point is 00:37:07 and then jumped off a building. Rational behavior. Right, of course, right, yeah. A to B. Right. But the really fucked up part about it was that pretty much everyone in comedy wasn't quite sure they'd ever met.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Like they knew him, but no one really. They didn't know him, no one. This is a horrible, weird thing to say, but it one really They know him know this is a horrible weird thing to say but it's like it's hard It's hard to it's hard to like even process mourning somebody that you're not sure you've ever met Sure, like even though you've met him. You're like, I don't really know if I knew that guy though. Like he was so bizarre Any you don't really know him the concrete That's really rude Closest to him out of all the damn country And you know really know him the concrete Really Closest to him out of all the damn country, you know who knew him inside and out That's disgusting, you know really took him in the asphalt the sewer right under the
Starting point is 00:38:07 You know who really embraced him 22nd Street men and you know who this is about by the way, so don't get mad. I really swept him off his feet those paramedics We're talking about this is bad. We're talking about Tony Scott We're talking about this is bad. We're talking about Tony Scott Well you landed in water right yeah, you know he could have landed one of those like the trash The trash boats the boat Garbage bar I picture him grabbing on to the net behind one of those and him starting a new life He drugged along with Jason Bourne. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:45 No. By the way, real quick, detour. I heard E and I are Russa's back. Oh, doing what? Mike's, he's doing Mike's. In LA? In LA? Yeah, he grew a beard thinking no one would recognize him.
Starting point is 00:38:55 He did like a Richard Kimball. Truly. He's the fugitive. He did a reverse Kimball. Oh, he's got like a crudely. He's just got a shitty patchy beard being like, hello, it's me, Eron Iroh-Rusa to do the mic today. Does anyone even care?
Starting point is 00:39:14 Let him be. Yeah. Let the motherfucker live. Mm-hmm. We should have him on the pod. Is that girl back that made the documentary trying to destroy his life? I don't know, I have no clue.
Starting point is 00:39:23 I didn't know that lady was. Is the girl still around that made the documentary trying to destroy his life? I have no clue. I didn't know that lady was. Did she go away? Is the girl still around that made the documentary calling him a complete retard? The one that he assaulted? Yeah. With the Stanley. Yeah. She's gotta be around. I don't think she's ever left, right?
Starting point is 00:39:35 I don't know. What is the scene gonna do about this menace back? I don't know. I will never interfere with the man. Neither will I interact with him. I'll never get in his way. Good God. Let him fly.
Starting point is 00:39:49 He's going to be on cringe. March 1st. You got to let a YN live. Yeah. Yeah, Ian's a YN dude. Ian Ira Russo is the definition of a YN. A whiling. YN living.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Yeah, well, hey, good for Ian. I would love to come to a show. Love to know his dates. Well, let's have him on the pod. Let's have him on Jock Week. Love to have him on the pod. He'd be perfect for a Jock Week. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:22 And we're not condoning what he did, but we should have a stand list. What, self defense? Let's have a chalk week. Yeah, we're not we don't we're not condoning what he did, but we should have a self defense Let's have a Stanley Let's have a Stanley behind like breakable glass like a fire No, what the whole tables fill instead of these drinks. It's all Stanley thermoses Animated we just move the Stanley away. We're all wearing football helmets from like 1980 For any new listeners were of course talking about the comedian that threw a Stanley thermos cup at a woman and self-defense chased her Hollywood or something
Starting point is 00:40:55 Yeah, cuz he goes his feelings were being hurt by it this lady this lady made a doctor she made a Documentary and then she didn't know how to make a documentary So she decided to just make the whole documentary be about how retarded he was Yeah, and he got a little angry cuz he went to a premiere and he saw it and he goes what? I'm the disaster artist. What the hell is this shit? Yeah, nobody needs a Stanley. Yeah Alright, so I've been this day. I'm sure Petito and laundry had a couple Stanley thermoses between them Hmm. She was 20 21 took such a dark turn now. Look at that. That's love I'm sure potato and laundry had a couple Stanley thermoses between them. Hmm 2021 took such a dark turn now. Look at that. That's love
Starting point is 00:41:35 Yeah, he's like God. Okay. Do you think my hands will fit around her neck? He's going oh god How much air do you think is in her lungs at any given time? He's going you know the link you put in the description. It doesn't work. That's what he's looking put in the description, it doesn't work. That's what he's looking for. He's looking for H. He's like, you know, you know, you know, you put a link to our Patreon in the description and it's, it doesn't work. It's.co instead of.com.
Starting point is 00:41:53 He goes, it's HTTP, not HTP, you stupid fucking bitch. Coming into focus. Gabby's pedo never goes outside. It's a case that captivated the internet. Me and Brian just got up and got ready, made the bed in the tent. An aspiring social media influencer suddenly vanishes and soon after her fiance disappears. Santa Monica Then about a week after being reported missing human remains were discovered
Starting point is 00:42:33 consistent with the description Really happy way This is some like bad guys saying human remains are discovered. It's always so fucking fucked up. It's really fucked up. It's a great juxtaposition. Look at all these retards. That provides humor to sick people like us. I guess so, yeah. I love it. They told you first.
Starting point is 00:42:59 They said we found a... Alright, don't make it. Come on, man. All right held memories of Gabby's life and the previously unknown details behind her horrific death in the new Netflix docu-series America yeah, here's the thing. I have a problem with is like Why is the whole family so excited to be a part of a documentary called American murder your your daughter's name? Like yeah, yes, I'd be like clean that up up can we not I don't want to be a part of this even though I'm you've now convinced me that you're shedding light on my daughter's life and giving her a voice it's like this is this is
Starting point is 00:43:37 salacious bullshit is American murder like the name of the series no it's they just every Netflix documentary is like dead bitch the story of the series? No, it's they just, every Netflix documentary is like dead bitch. The story of Gene Johnson. Yeah, why not just be like the taking of innocence, the Gabby Petito story. But instead it's like American grizzly murder. American tragedy. Chopped off head, bloody body, murder your daughter.
Starting point is 00:44:01 How to strangle a woman, Gabby Petito. Murder, Gabby Petito. Murder, Gabby Petito. The happiest people on social media usually have the darkest skeletons in their closet. Her parents now on a mission to raise awareness and change laws around domestic violence, releasing never before seen conversations between Gabby and Brian. I'm glad Jim Norton steps in. Her dad looks exactly like Jim Norton. Go back a sec. From I look alike. Go back, give me the cab. Look at Jim Norton and his trans wife in the mic. He's speaking on behalf of Gabby as Chip Chippers. Like she gets lost in the desert or something. She gets choked in the desert or something like that. Choking me out on the other, you know, my daughter.
Starting point is 00:45:08 They also found a letter Gabby wrote, giving them a glimpse into what was really going on in that relationship. Brian, you know how much I love you. I'm sorry for fucking up the drone shot. And I'm sorry that the GoPro wasn't on when we were making chili. I'm sorry the video. We can't put it in the video in the video was unlisted. That's my bad I didn't cry and I'm sorry YouTube Studios difficult to navigate these days
Starting point is 00:45:35 Please don't kill me She's already half the messages like please don't kill me Really hurts can you please take your hands off me? Brian, take your hands off me right now. I won't die if you keep this grip. In asterisk gurgling. Brian, dear Brian, ow, ow. Oh no, it's really messed up. You guys are sick. Brian, dear Brian, ow, ow, you stop, ow.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Oh no, it's really messed up. You guys are sick. No, fuck this. Please stop crying and stop calling me names. You and Payne is killing me. But at the time, her family says, they didn't know that you were having. Bitch, you don't know the definition of killing you, okay?
Starting point is 00:46:24 Any problems? Were there any red flags that this was coming? Anything that you didn't know? Well, he had a gun, and... Her vlog was pretty bad. They go, well, he did hate our daughter. Were there any red flags? They go, well, he didn't seem to like our daughter very much.
Starting point is 00:46:46 He had a dart board with her face on it. Every photo of her, he'd scratch the eyes out. He built a big punching bag with her, looked like her, and he would punch it. He's working a heavy bag with her face on it. He printed a bunch of shooting targets with her. They're not going to be able to get their face on it. He printed a bunch of shooting targets with her. But we didn't know who to make the target.
Starting point is 00:47:10 It's growing up. There was the age-old, you don't beat your partner, you're not an abuser type of scenario. And that's just not the case when it comes to domestic violence. He goes, at the end of the day, Brian was a YN living. What is that? A young N-word. Young N-word. It's like what they call gangster.
Starting point is 00:47:29 And now what we know now, we see that progression that happened. Alienation of friends and family. Isolation. Isolation from jobs. Brian's stretching. Look, so she like told told him go pretend to do yoga Only and I only thought his dad is something It's like you're strangling out the devil with something you know
Starting point is 00:47:57 My generation now dies with me or something your dad is chip chippers Bloodline days will be now something like that. Oh no, Chippy. Chippy. Chippy. Morning yoga. So here's the thing, in the doc, when I saw the outtakes,
Starting point is 00:48:17 she probably, it probably took her like 15 takes to do, hey, he's doing yoga right now. Cause they would, they show in the doc, like her be like, no, I messed it up. And up and he'd be like okay and he'd like go back to like in his stance every time she she does a she botches it he puts a new bullet into it and Brian we're part of the so-called van life trend of social influencers driving across the country documenting their road trip on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram.
Starting point is 00:48:47 We are right outside Capri River. He's in the back of the van working out like De Niro in Cape Fear. He has all these tattoos. He's got his scales of justice. He's like raping coyotes, like bludgeoning them. He's ripping their ears off. He's plotting revenge on his girlfriend
Starting point is 00:49:09 who he's with constantly. Now, in a free dispersed camp spot. They left New York July 2nd, their social media accounts soon filling up with pictures and videos of their travels over the following weeks. I looked at Brian and I said, you better take good care of her, keep her safe.
Starting point is 00:49:27 And he was like. I'll take really good care of her. He goes, oh yeah, I'm gonna send, he goes, listen, I love her so much, I'm gonna send her to heaven. She always talks about, it's her favorite place. By the way, those transvans are fucking small, dude. Yeah, it's a nightmare.
Starting point is 00:49:42 They were living in it together, they didn't realize that they were young They didn't realize how insane it would drive them. How old are they or were they? I'm a say young 20 young early 20s. He's kind of a twink though early I'm a little completely bald the doc has him like giving her like a gun and they're driving around like Florida and he's like Shoot it and she's like she's shooting it into like a Tons of girl. I saw she's kind of crows Yeah, he was like a he was like a retard like he didn't he had like no personality
Starting point is 00:50:10 So his personality was like he was like he would draw like Joker He would draw like help like hellboy like in his journal He would like draw like a full hellboy thing like he was just a nothing. He's a murderer There's a part of the doc where they were like, you know, now that I look back on it, his art was kind of dark. And then it cuts to him, like just the Joker. It's the Joker. It's the Joker.
Starting point is 00:50:33 They are, they're like, the family's like, now that I think back on it, he's drawing just most basic, hot topic shit. Looking back, he was pretty dark and his notebook was just full of like, SpongeBob and a do-rag. With chains on. He was obsessed with Suicide Squad.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Dad's like, if I knew my daughter was driving around the country with a honkler, I would have ended it a long time ago. He was a black-skilled honkler. Yeah, I look back, he was pretty fucked up, it's just hentai. He's like, this one, March Simpson fucks Meg Griffin. It's a universe crossover.
Starting point is 00:51:08 It's a minion with a boner. Yeah. It's the George Floyd minion. He was a twisted, twisted individual. He was a sick freak. We ignore the sides. He was a hate watch listener. He's not a talkative subscriber.
Starting point is 00:51:24 He's a hate watch listener. He was on a talk week subscriber. He was a sensitive king. The newly uncovered video featured in the documentary seemed to show tension growing between the couple. We have this nice big open floor for you to keep your dirty feet. Bitch. What the fuck did you say about my feet? What did you say about my fucking feet What you doing about it all day? What'd you say about my fucking feet?
Starting point is 00:51:46 Behind scenes, Gabby and Brian would get into arguments. Bitch, why you talk like that? A spasmonic voice pose. At some point did she seem like maybe. I love that, I love. At some point. I love getting upset at like vlogging shots. Yeah. Like you're messing up like a scene in a movie or something. Like you guys are in a tent.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Christian Bale starts screaming. You and me are fucking dumb professionally. I'm gonna strangle you and I'm gonna drive back to Florida. I'm gonna shoot myself in the head in a mosh. Oh. I'm gonna wrangle you, I'm gonna drive back to Florida, I'm gonna shoot myself in the head in a mosh. Ha ha ha ha ha. At some point did she seem like maybe the thing with her and Brian wasn't working out on this trip.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Well there was the incident in Moab. Yeah that day was a pivotal moment in that relationship. I just can't keep thinking of the Chip Chippers. Ha ha ha ha. Sorry. We drove by and the gentleman was slapping the girl. He was slapping her. Yes, and then we stopped. They ran up and down the sidewalk.
Starting point is 00:52:56 He proceeded to hit her, popped in the car. What if he was just like retelling like a Chapelle show sketch to her and they just saw it weird he was like what are the five he goes so then Charlie Murphy goes what did the five fingers say to the face and she goes stop doing the Charlie Murphy thing and punches him in the face. This was the weird thing in the case they said she was she had hit him. Well so in the famous body cam when they pull him over they pull Pulling out of the car and he's covered in like scratches and they get zero marks and they give him a hotel room
Starting point is 00:53:31 And they make her sleep in the van he's the primary in the wild primary aggressor people were very upset at the Utah police for that Hmm that they let they gave laundry They gave him a hotel room in like Salt Lake and they had her they go you go Why do you go sleeping off in the van? Well? She's the crook she'd like to be was the crook They actually asked like do you want her to be arrested we have everything you need to arrest her you have all the marks She was a no-good dirty crook. She was a crook She was a damn crook life a crime for Petito
Starting point is 00:54:03 She's a crook Casey Anthony's daughter a crook. Casey Anthony's daughter was up to no good. She crawled into that truck. How old was that kid? I wanna say three. Three, yeah. Three? Well, I heard she fucking would vomit all over herself.
Starting point is 00:54:18 She liked trunks, she liked crawling into trunks. She'd shut the door behind herself and she was always playing games. Yeah. I didn't see me. Casey was just trying to have a party at the club. She's trying to get DP by two black men. You know, it's like classic stuff. Let your mom live a little bit. Let her live. It's a crime. Why don't you take John to jail? Why don't you take John to jail? Hahahaha
Starting point is 00:54:48 On August 12, 2021, a random stranger calling 911 after seeing Gabby and Brian fighting. Police in Moab, Utah pulled the couple over near the entrance to Arches National Park. What's going on? Why are you crying? I'm just crying. We've just been fighting this morning. Some personal issues. The officers talking to Brian and Gabby. He was mad because I quoted the Jared Leto Joker and he was like, no, I want Heath Ledger Joker.
Starting point is 00:55:16 By the way, I should say now that we're watching buddy cam, it's on the screen. I want to basically explain why we have it on the watching buddy cam. It's a dead period. It's a dry zone. I want to, you know, basically explain why we have the watching body cams. It's a dead period. It's a dry zone. They're not in season. I don't want to watch them anymore. We're going to do a Jock Week tomorrow where we're going to go through the top body cams and we're going to show you, we have no clue what's going on with these body cams.
Starting point is 00:55:38 I do know why. No one's committing crimes. It's because it's freezing cold in Wisconsin. Where all the good body cams come from, it's extremely cold there. Yeah, but there's gotta be people up to no good. You can see it, but they're all like shivering and you can see their breath
Starting point is 00:55:52 and it's like they're not, it's not good. It's like nobody is really that good at body cams. They're not wildin' out cause they're too cold. Yeah, yeah, they're too cold. You would get with her again tomorrow. I'm gonna take your radio. Did you get hit in the face? What a charmer. Kind of looks like something hit you in the face. How far do you want to go with this?
Starting point is 00:56:11 It's interesting watching it, the whole of that video, because you hear that discussion between the officers. Yeah. And what does he say at the end? You know why the domestic assault code is there? Is there to protect people, especially... The reason why they don't give a discretion on these things is because too many times women who are at risk
Starting point is 00:56:33 want to go back to their abuser, they just wanted him to stop and they don't want to have to be separated, they don't want him charged, they don't want him to go to jail, and then they end up getting worse and worse treatment and then they end up getting killed. He predicted the outcome. Who is this guy? Weeks later.
Starting point is 00:56:48 I forget, one of them's the dad and the other one's the older brother or uncle. Their laundry impersonator or something. That's crazy. I don't know. That's my laundry. He's on Hollywood Boulevard.
Starting point is 00:56:59 He's standing up front of Gromans. Next to Elmo. Yeah. But yeah, I mean. Abby goes silent. Her parents now revealing their private texts at that time to Brian and his family. I said, hey, have you heard from the kids? I'm concerned about-
Starting point is 00:57:15 And Laundrie's parents were ride or die. They refused to cooperate. They hit him for a while, right? Yeah. The cops come to the door and they go, he is here, but that's all we're saying So the biggest reveal for me in that documentary by the way because we were on the case We broke the case on early hay watch Yeah
Starting point is 00:57:31 The biggest like new piece of info that I actually found out about was they discovered a note that Bob Brian Laundry's mom wrote to him Yes, I will bury a body for you. I will do anything you need Yeah, writing him a note saying like yeah, I love you no matter what you did like I'd be like if you killed somebody I'll help you there She goes the mom goes listen. She sucked at vlogging. She was not cut out for this life I understand getting getting furious. We all did the exact same thing You know, you went bald early you're sensitive boy. We understand she didn't charge the camera The lens cap was on. The lens cap was on. Chop her head off. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha But you and I will laugh like hyenas. I haven't heard from them in a while.
Starting point is 00:58:25 That went through. No response. A couple hours later I said I hope I have the right number. Like what you fucking get an android you stupid bitch? Ten days go by, no calls, texts or social media posts from Gabby. Her parents report her as a missing person. I feel bad, she was a really nice person. I don't like what you were saying to Connor about her. You said that. All the negative stuff about her. No, you nice person. I don't like what you were saying to Connor about her. You said that, so.
Starting point is 00:58:45 All the negative stuff about her. No, you were saying. No, I was like, I've been defending her. Gabby was an innocent sweet angel. Connor was going all negative on her. I was killed by a monster. Look, I love Post Malone and I hate Gabby Petito. What do you guys want from me?
Starting point is 00:58:57 Hey, well, you can, you're a man. You're an interesting man. I know who I am, but I know who I am. No, RIP, what a sweet angel. I know who I am. But I know who I am. No, RIP. What a sweet angel. Person of interest. But he's not talking. The new pleas for him to share.
Starting point is 00:59:10 He goes, listen, guys, I can't really tell you guys anything, because I killed my girlfriend. I'm not at liberty to speak on this. I don't want to. If I tell you that I killed her, then that would be a confession. Yeah, I can't tell you I killed my girlfriend because I killed her like a week ago We won't be a slam dunk case in court for you I would be giving you guys such an easy case if I said I killed my girlfriend who I killed last week
Starting point is 00:59:37 If I told you what happened, I'd be admitting the murder Listen I'm gonna I want I demand a lawyer listen, I'm gonna drive back home. Do I look like a fool to you? I'm going to hide in my parents backyard If I showed you guys this video of me killing her this would be terrible for me What he knows But we get she was killed she was killed rest in peace rest in peace to Brian to a lot of people Don't say that You guys see this video
Starting point is 01:00:12 Is this to the young lean no this is in on rodeo In my top of the truck, yeah, it's pretty sick. Oh, yeah, this was on rodeo Drive is it Post Malone saying How did that kid? Right, it's a ride this is the hate ride So it's Rodeo Drive and it's these little these little fucks on these these new motorbikes that they ride around town and they run Right into that they're calling motorbikes. They're motorcycles. They know they're like little mini like they're not of all these gangs Sock ass, they're awful the worst people they should be they should be run over Clip them if you can if you can get away with it If you don't think there's cameras around clip them, you know drive over their bodies paralyze them So I didn't realize that this was a gang
Starting point is 01:00:57 These are just rich kids and in rodeo drive another let's oh you mean the guys on motorcycles these guys are like these are Like they're all Latinos that go up from these are like Persian Jews or something. These are rich kids. I just got the little moped. Yeah, no, dude. They're Mexican definitely Mexican They're Mexican John rich kids on moped. God knows about this. Yeah, they're Mexican They all come down from like South Central ride. Can you hear their voice brother man? Let's watch. Let's look at these guys Look at these rich Persian Jews Good good. Good good. They run right into a Range Rover.
Starting point is 01:01:28 Yeah. Rodeo Drive. Yeah, those are Mexicans. I don't really know why you guys are so confident that they have to be Mexicans. Look at that Mexican with his long jean shorts on. Yeah, that's not a Persian. That's a Persian in the Range Rover. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:45 But it's not, no, that's... I've seen a million of these street takeovers too. They're all Mexican kids. Yeah, they're all like young kids. They get a fucking engine from Home Depot and they buy the frame off the internet. I've been in rich areas and there's like fucking rich little asshole kids with their new toys.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Do you know what those jeans on, dude? They don't have to be. You got to put that on. Devin, that is not a rich kid, brother. You're nuts, Devin. Yeah, I'm sorry. You're just I don't know where you're getting that in. Give them the cap.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Yeah, no, no, you guys are you guys are putting it on. I'm not. You guys are you guys are being easy on this. There's not a guarantee that those are just some like, the East LA Mexican kids that drove to Rodeo Drive. Every time I've seen. I'm gonna say it's an absolute guarantee. It's an absolute guarantee. Those kids could easily be Beverly Hills teenagers.
Starting point is 01:02:36 Safe as petting down those are. Have you met a, do you think Beverly Hills teenagers? They just get a Range Rover. That's not a huge gang, it's four of them. The ones out here have like 30 of them. From the fucking tiny advantage point, there's a million behind them. Those kids, this is what they do.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Why would they not go pull the guy out of his car like they usually do? Persian Jews are not doing shit like that. Look at this. What do you mean pull the guy out of the car? Cause it's their fucking fault. Running a red light. What were they thinking?
Starting point is 01:03:02 They're retards. It's like what happens when an unstoppable faggot meet meets it in movable douchebag Unstoppable faggot a movable Look at that and then they get upset at the driver. Yeah, it's the draw Well to be fair the driver looks like it's about to drive away. Well, he's like I'm blocking driver. Yeah, cause the driver, well, to be fair, the driver looks like it's about to drive away. Well, he's like, I'm blocking traffic. Yeah. Those are Mexicans, brother.
Starting point is 01:03:33 I don't think he's trying to escape. He's just trying to be like, should I get out of traffic? I think he actually, I think he accidentally runs over the guy under the car. Good. Right there. Because they go, no, don't back up. And then you hear, you look at the car go up
Starting point is 01:03:50 He's running over something or a bike hopefully Yeah, these guys there's a whole like culture around these little midget bikes and they just yeah, they're off they customize them and Monica a million times yeah They get them they get the midget bikes in like East LA or like South Central and they will ride them through the entire city Cuz you know what are those cost one of those nothing dude you buy the engine It's like a 50cc fucking lawnmower engine you get up from you get from Home Depot If Matty Rat buys one can he join hate ride? Matty Rat's already in hate ride without fucking having a bike You're not even in hate ride anymore No, there's a lot of guys who survive crashes and stuff Yeah, yeah, yeah, well they're retarded. I'm the leader of hate ride. I'm always hate ride even in a hate ride anymore. No, don't try to encourage him. There's a lot of guys who survive crashes and stuff.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Well, they're retarded. I'm the leader of hate ride. I'm always hate ride. I am hate ride. Okay. Not really. I am hate ride. John's hate ride, but yeah, no he's- Those guys have- they've rode for much longer and they've crashed way less. John could have each truck. I'm still the leader of hate ride.
Starting point is 01:04:42 He could still be hate ride. That's true. You'll have a car soon and you'll be hate ride. Yeah, yeah. John's leading the hate ride brigade, he calls an Uber. Yeah. And he's like, everyone follow me. I'm like, everybody form up Chevron.
Starting point is 01:04:52 It's an Uber. I think I'll go to a biker bar. John pulls up in a Kia. Pull up in a Kia Sonata. Now they, yeah, those guys are mixed. It's an electric vehicle, EV, this is Kia. Did you guys see that, the plane landing and the Delta plane?
Starting point is 01:05:09 Upside down. Flips over, upside down. I saw that. Fuck yeah, I was a woman. It was a woman, apparently the pilot was Kendall Swanson. This late, this 26 year old white girl, it just looks like she was a fucking, you know, what type of DEI is this? I wish Brian Laundrie was here to take care of this lady.
Starting point is 01:05:29 You know what I'm saying? I mean. I mean. I, yeah, listen, I'm terrified if the pilot of the plane that I'm flying in used to do promotional sales for high noon seltzers. 26. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:47 Yeah. I mean, DEI starts with white women, let's be honest here. That's always the first foray in anything. Doesn't it start with like military hires? Isn't that like DEI? Like that's like one of the main DEI things is like. Military people? Yeah, like people with like military disabilities and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:06:02 It's like a big like DEI thing. Really? DEI is not the right word, cause it's a... Felons maybe? No, no, yeah. Military guys do get a lot of benefits. You know, the government has programs
Starting point is 01:06:13 to encourage people to hire them and things like that because it's a tough job. It isn't just like brown women. It's like a, it's a whole array of... What are the pilots saying about this? Well, DEI's diversity, so it is race-based thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a whole array of what are the pilots saying about this? So it is race based thing. Yeah. But also diversity hiring is also like people who are like disabled. I don't. Well, so but I don't think military is considered diversity.
Starting point is 01:06:35 This guy says she was certified to fly transportation aircraft on January 5th, 2025. So this is one of her first flights. And she flipped it upside down not the best The funny thing is like what are we gonna do about this like ban women from being certified like what do they want us to? Yeah, maybe let's just go back to the 50s Do we have the remember a flights going down in the 50s? I was reading there was like a wind shear issue tough with they were all much older planes older technology But there's every every pilot should just look like Tom Selleck, I mean, I just feel like those guys
Starting point is 01:07:10 Yeah, it should be of alcoholic Vietnam 69 Denzel from flight even again that he goes every pilot she went inverted, but it's a little too late every Just drunken shit trying to do flight? She's like, I thought I could have done it guys, my bad. Every pilot should be like the type... I don't have the dilt strength to actually turn the wheel enough. I feel like every pilot should have the type of politics where they hate long hair.
Starting point is 01:07:43 Like that's, you know... Yes. Yeah, like they hate hippies They should just hate hippies. Yeah, Billy. We're all right the plane's gonna land. Yeah, there's something There's something about flying planes that is associated with like conservative ideals. I don't know what former top Yeah, me Fox was on Stern. I'm talking like 15 years ago And he was saying that he doesn't like he doesn't even like having a black Pilot he'd like he gets sketched out like when he has a black pilot He'll go to the pilot me like you where'd you get your wings and like he'll like make like really check
Starting point is 01:08:15 Like he was saying like you better be like a Donovan McNabb type Man where'd you get your wings the guy the guy shows him as Jordan He goes, hey man, where'd you get your wings? The guy shows him his Jordans. No one's gonna say, Get me off this fucking plane, I'm gonna get outta here. He goes, I'm wearing Air Jordan 95. But he's saying, I want like a white haired mustache, got long arm hair.
Starting point is 01:08:34 You want Sully. This is pretty Sully even. But yeah, no, that is a thing. They could be old black guys too. They just gotta be older. They have to be older. You don't want a YN pilot. You don't want.
Starting point is 01:08:44 Old black guy, salt and pepper mustache. No, nobody, I would be, yeah, you don't want little fucking little Dirk or fucking Cardi B flying the plane. I get it. But also you don't want any, you don't want Taylor Swift flying the plane. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:08:56 It's just, you don't want young people flying planes really. You want white men flying the planes. Yeah. White men. I mean, that's what I want. Listen, take me to jail. Oh. Ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 01:09:08 But yeah, so they, but everyone lived miraculously on that flight. Yeah. Everyone lived. True critical condition. Oh really? Everyone got it. No, they lived.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Didn't everyone get paid like $30,000? Yes. They're offering $30,000 to everybody, but they're, and they're saying that's like, you can still sue us even though we give you this money Yeah, we're big flight Bullshit I think there's some weird
Starting point is 01:09:32 I'm sure I'm sure they'll shoot back with we already give them $30,000 their lawyer that their lawyer said give them that that will Help the eventual case. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah It sucks that like I'm financially at a point in my life where I'm like kind of wish I was in that flight I mean like I kind of wish I was in that crash No, I wouldn't I mean yeah, of course I would take 30 no no no no then you're out of a lawsuit no no No, they said John just said that no They said they like they're offering the $30,000 like no caveats like you could still sue us or something I want to be in the flight from the grave
Starting point is 01:10:10 I Just want to get hit by a city bus, you know, I mean you want to be a gypsy Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna buy a city bus and sue them for everything You want to be the reason people have to install dash cams on their cars exactly? Yeah, but I get a big payday cuz you're gonna be like just pretending you got hit by car Of course yeah all around town. Yeah, like I'm a soccer player. Yeah flop yeah, we should go you know that what are you doing? I Thought I heard something but we're good. I think there was like a somebody was you're having auditory hallucinations
Starting point is 01:10:41 I think I'm getting hot auditory hallucination It's time top, the beeps again? It's time to hear him the beeps. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha You know What's going on Devin's Devon's uh, you milking he's These words these words the things we do the things we say like pilots black pilots Who gives a shit? Give me a green, Violet. Who gives a shit? Yeah, I'm actually afraid to fly right now. I'll just fly it all around. I'm not. I don't know what it is. Whenever I see something, I'm like, yeah, that'll never be me.
Starting point is 01:11:34 I just have that dumb ignorance of like, yeah. I know it's like, it's just bullshit because we just keep, they're just racking them up because like we keep seeing them. And there was the DC crash, so that was like, that added the bodies. I had the most afraid old lady on my plane out to Seattle she was sitting right next to me so it was me in the aisle like her husband and then her in the window and I'm sitting there we haven't even started taxiing yet and I'm on my phone and she it's we've been sitting on the runway for like on the tarmac for like ten minutes or something and she leans over and goes like hey
Starting point is 01:12:08 all the way from the window i'm in the aisle telling you to put it on air mode yes she goes i couldn't help but notice that you won't go into airplane mode which by the way means that she's how could she see yeah it's crazy it's also insane to think that flights crash because people are in airplanes almost nobody on the flight is putting it in. People are texting until, like as it's like, as it's taking off. Remember when Alec Baldwin got arrested because he wouldn't stop playing Angry Birds? No.
Starting point is 01:12:32 He like literally, he was like, he didn't go on airplane mode and like would not go on, he wouldn't stop playing Angry Birds and he got like kicked off of a flight. But this, but so this lady goes like, she was like, and I was like, okay, so what is your question? Like yeah, she's lucky I was dead sober by the way. Yeah your ODD because if you were still on the way there. Yeah, I was I was dead sober
Starting point is 01:12:54 But then so you Texas saying you're gonna get fucked up at the airport. I might have had like two or something I'm gonna add two but I was like Actually, I fucking think I was dead sober. I think so. No, I got there really late I didn't have time. That's why I had to run on to the plane. I was planning on getting drunk there But I couldn't but so I'm on the plane dead sober She's lucky because I would have fucking flipped out on her and then so so I go I go yeah I so I was basically just like playing dumb. I'm like, I'll let she she's being passive aggressive, I'll play along with her. I go, oh yeah, you're right, yeah, why, why'd he ask?
Starting point is 01:13:28 And then she goes, isn't that, like, dangerous? Don't you think that's dangerous? And then so I was essentially just like sitting there, going like, oh, how do I respond to this? Because she's not getting aggressive yet. So I go, well, here's the thing. If this were dangerous, Why wouldn't terrorists? Just flip it on to take a plane down
Starting point is 01:13:51 Yeah, and that you was sitting there going like oh shit He got me guy eight terrorists on a plane have them all turn it on Yeah, and then she so then she's like oh, he's stuck me so then she goes Well, what do you get out of it? What do you get out of it by having it on? And I go, I get service on my phone. Service on my until we're taking it to the sky. Yeah. And then I go.
Starting point is 01:14:13 And then so I'm playing, I'm like, pretending like, oh, maybe she just wants to turn hers off is what I'm pretending like. And I go, yes, you keep it on. Then when we get up to an altitude you get the Wi-Fi So then you can get service like that is that what you said? Yeah I'm saying it to like this like and her husband is sitting there between us He's like keep fucking telling her dude, holy shit, but then she eventually was just like, okay Well, I'm not gonna say anything but it does freak me out And then I looked at the husband and okay, well I'm not gonna say anything, but it does freak me out.
Starting point is 01:14:46 And then I looked at the husband and I'm like, I'm doing it for you. It's what I'm thinking, I didn't say that, but I'm like, I just go, okay. That would've been crazy if you said that. Yeah. Oh man. If I had two, if I even had one, I would've done. But I just go, I sat there for a second and I just go,
Starting point is 01:15:01 ah, I'll turn it off, I'll turn it off. And then I just get it and would silent very uncomfortable. It's fake because I it's completely fake it has to be. I knew. Otherwise they would literally go one by one and ask every they would make sure they would watch you. Also every single flight would go into the fucking ocean. They'd all go down. This is on red you don't need to use airplane mode on airplanes airplane mode hasn't been necessary for nearly 20 years, but the myth persists There's a great scene in the West Wing
Starting point is 01:15:29 Well, they also enforce it. It's not like the myth persists. Yeah, they keep saying over the yeah There must be like a you I had a 0.001 and like because the you know the aviation Yeah, I haven't put my phone in airplane mode once the only reason I do is to save battery That's what I've never been like a precaution once where I'm like that. I gotta do it. I flip it on I'm a fucking loser This lady was just scared of the crashes. You're a cock John. Yeah, dude. I'm a radio cock dude I just fucking see my Bagged life, dude, God
Starting point is 01:16:03 I'm waiting for waves to take my faggot life, dude. God. You know, what is the interference? There's no way everybody on every flight must have this shit on. They just, they, no one, no one turns it on. I'm sure there's like a fraction of a percent. I'm sure 20% of the flight turns it on. Sometimes I do when I'm just in a weird nervous mood.
Starting point is 01:16:21 I'm like, nope, I'm a good citizen and we will, this plane will be landing because of me. I Probably there's like a very small chance that it could block the radio waves to you know from the tower to the plane sure But yeah, no one's no one's actually doing that shit. It's bullshit. It's a brain pod now guys like flight pod What if the guys on? 9-eleven happened because the terrorists were not airplane mode yeah they kept they kept their Wi-Fi there we go what if I would have liked my fucking one of my daughter was killed
Starting point is 01:16:58 was killed by a guy oh no chippy by the way true Norton his new pod I didn't Oh, no, Chippy. No, Chippy. Come on By the way, Jim Norton his new pod I didn't release how much I missed him. He's great Is it busy? He just started it Fresh air really? I really it's the only part in back and dude man Devin were listening to Ovi and Anthony fight Like this new shit. Well, I was listening we were listening to Anthony Talk shit about Opie and like and John was like, oh, this is so tragic. It's just pathetic. It's just two guys that like, it's just.
Starting point is 01:17:32 Two angry old men and Anthony's like punching down and Opie's just pathetic and Opie's going after him twice as hard as Anthony and Opie's also like stupid. Opie's like a dumb guy. Opie's dumb. Opie's doing live streams in like the fucking janitor's closet of a restaurant. Opie has become the cake that he jumped on. It's like just a pathetic mush of a man.
Starting point is 01:17:52 He's a moron. Also his YouTube channel has like he posts videos. They have like 300 views. Yeah. Yeah. And there is a weird like it does feel like goddamn if you would have told me that when I like when I was listening to open Anthony I was like a kid That we have more views than them on our talk radio thing. I would just say like no that's impossible Yeah, well, we don't have more than Anthony. No that Opie Opie isn't yeah Oh, yeah, that's what I say. Oh, yeah has 300 views on his like shitty little. Yeah. No, it's Opie
Starting point is 01:18:22 It's he's he has nothing. Yeah He's like shitty little yeah, no, it's oh, it's he's he has nothing. Yeah He's a ton of money, but yeah, yeah, how many listeners do they have other heyday like on any given day? No, I mean, it's international so it was like million millions of the stern numbers They used to say stern have like 20 no yeah imagine like That are die-hard imagine what it what a crushing well it went on the show Every time Opie would say like listen, man. I mean we get we we do our own thing, you know, I'll be fine We'll both be fine. It's like no one listens for you. It's been a long time coming, you know He genuinely he does his show like in like us like a space heater
Starting point is 01:19:07 In the vents and the 10 people, they message him and they go, you suck, jackass. It's purely people hate watching. Yeah. It's not a single. They just can't believe how bad it is. Yeah. And they don't even care about him enough to,
Starting point is 01:19:17 there's not even a hundred people hate watching. It's 35 people. It's literally like the class. He's eating office beef instead of Opi's like a junk give me this really good recipe. He's like the class pet That's like a turtle and everyone's like tap on the glass like oh, it's still fucking there. Holy shit still alive Yeah, it's tragic It's tragic. Oh, yeah How long we've been doing here? I want to keep going. Hey
Starting point is 01:19:41 Yeah, let's wrap it up our 17. No way I got pissed. Yeah. Let's wrap it up. Hour 17. No way! How's everyone feeling? Good. I felt very good.
Starting point is 01:19:49 I wanna keep going. You look great in that, in that. By Jason Bourne sweater. Joey always looks good in Bourne attire. Is that a new sweater? There should be like a Bourne magazine. Yeah, I bought this just like a Bourne magazine. I tried to dress like Bourne.
Starting point is 01:20:02 You need like a big leather coat, like the waist length coat. We need to get you like a like blank hats Yeah, exactly. Oh, you had nothing on it like a flex fit your blanket like a burgundy one You need to get like a Peugeot from like 1976 to drive around and really fast and yeah, let's start poor magazine all of the Born weekly and you get like three fake passports with every purchase yeah and where's that from it's um team Nordstrom Nordstrom it's lovely thank you I love the waffle you look great the waffle
Starting point is 01:20:36 knit that would thank you I thought she's like a thermal to thermal yeah it's a thermal sweater it's a black thermal but you look great it was really getting cold it out it's like hot suddenly so I missed it by you know I've just missed it. Beautiful day today. God it was a good day. Beautiful day today. You're out on the porch. Beautiful day today. Yeah all right well God bless everyone. Love you all. I love you more. Love you.
Starting point is 01:21:07 I love you more. I love actually people from the most. Who do you love the most out of all of us? You. Yeah, thank you. I knew it. Thank you. I love you the most, too.
Starting point is 01:21:15 I love you the most. I love you the most. I love John the most. I love Connor the most. All right. Oh, nobody cares about that. Chicken bite. No one cares.
Starting point is 01:21:23 Chicken bite coming your way. Let me ask who you guys are. And Connor's gonna have a call me by your name moment. Oh, nobody cares about that. Chicken bite. Chicken bite coming your way. Let me ask who you guys are. And Connor's gonna have a call me by your name moment. Oh really? You're gonna come in a peach and eat it? Yeah, except I'm the peach dude, so whatever. Come in my ass then eat my ass out. Yeah. You're a fart coming in my mouth.
Starting point is 01:21:40 John's gonna ride me like the bullet saddle ranch after this, so whatever. Oh my god Fuck each other you guys don't love each other like we do you don't get it tagging now. I'm gonna ride them Anyways yeah, I got a piss yeah, and this shit Really weird mood lately very weird mood if you guys love him as much as me, you'd know why. Devin loves milking. He loves getting milked. He loves milking. He loves getting milked.
Starting point is 01:22:12 Loves milking and getting milked. Yeah. He's the milk man. He is. Milk man costa. How do I love getting milked? What do you mean? Or giving, how do I give milk?
Starting point is 01:22:21 You milk and you get milked. Your hormones are so fucked up, you lactate sometimes. Yeah. And it causes you to give milk. Okay, there know and you get milked your hormones are so fucked up you lactate sometimes? Yeah, and it cause you know need to fucking bring it up publicly Yeah, okay, let's check those new t-shirt check on Costa Under under let us see take it off. Let us see I spray my milk into jars all around the show your nip Charges my milk everywhere Evan has great nipples Noble always like warm nipples big eraser head fucking You say that to him
Starting point is 01:23:05 I thought we were friends. Well, you just said you love Joey more than me. So, you know, well, that's a fact You don't have to attack us. No, yeah I love you guys

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