Hate Watch with Devan Costa - The Hackman Mummy

Episode Date: March 3, 2025

Gene Hackman and his wife found mummified (RIP), Trump impersonator harasses Baldwin, Elon is based https://www.patreon.com/c/HateWatchPodcast Support the show and start your free online Hims visit to...day. Head to https://www.hims.com/HATEWATCH. Support the show and save 20% off your CBDistillery order with the code HATEWATCH at https://www.CBDistillery.com   

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 You motherfuckers, you motherfuckers. Hello everyone. Welcome to Hate Watch. Rest in peace to the great Gene Hackman. Rest in peace also to Boris Spassky Michelle Tratcham Boris Basky died Fisher's biggest rival Chest legend which you guys don't care about but he was the biggest it was like the Soviet champion for the law for the longest time
Starting point is 00:00:55 Yeah, cool. That's world champion in the world. He passed away eight years old completely Acme love Acme even and Trachtenberg and Trachtenberg. Yeah, she was a chess legend. We laid the rest of the tits. I wouldn't say she's really a chess legend. And you're a trip, you see her tits. I jerked off to it like 50 times. Yeah, but they don't really rank amongst other great tits. No, but at that time it was like she was a hot,
Starting point is 00:01:15 she was a hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot. That was porn to me, as a kid that was porn. In terms of jacking off, yeah. I beat my way. Yes, yes, yes. I mean, I'd beat off to like Nat Geo. Yeah. Just tits, just tribal tits. I used to jerk off to like Nat Geo Yeah, just just tits. I was tribal tits
Starting point is 00:01:26 I used to jerk off to like there was like a New Yorker and it had like pictures of like women like Brass-feeding and I used to jack off to that for sure I had an older brother so I could read his maxims. Jack off your older brother. I jacked off on his face. I had an older brother so I'd fuck him in the ass John still jacks off to breastfeeding. Yeah That's his biggest thing. John breastfeeds. He also breastfeeds.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Women. He got big milky tits. They suck his tits. Got big milky tits. Who's sucking who's tits over here? But rest in peace to Hackman. He was found with his wife. Yeah, so I guess we're not gonna get a sequel
Starting point is 00:02:03 to Welcome to Mooseport. This is fucking unbelievable. It's also crazy, he's 95 years old, to go out to kill your wife and dog before you, at 95. I do a crisp and wad at that age? Crazy! To have that rage inside you at 95. Just picture him kicking her,
Starting point is 00:02:21 like that scene in The Irishman. They're all wrapped up into both. Yeah, his slippers keep flying off his foot. He's in the Swanton bomb, just fucking full hearty brothers. A 14 hour beating. Crazy, crazy story. He was found, well you'll see it here,
Starting point is 00:02:39 he's apparently found a mummified. The actor Gene Hackman and his wife were found partially mummified early Thursday morning. Hackman and his wife, Betsy, are a calla were found in their Santa Fe home. But the state they were in has led to speculation that they could have been dead for weeks. The two were found in separate rooms, decomposed with bloating on their faces and mummification in their hands and feet. There was also an open prescription bottle of pills scattered near Eric.
Starting point is 00:03:04 One of their three dogs was also found dead in their kennel while the others are supposedly alive and well damn the sheriff's department Look at him sheriff they killed the dog Suggestion of foul play they're like don't tell me don't tell me she ate the dog come on. No don't do that Come on was it dinner? Couple may have died from carbon monoxide. He's a mummy. The Oscar-winning actor was best Fucking mummy dude. He is because we have we have some pictures of him his conversation the guy from the conversations of mummy He's a fucking mummy. Wait, they found pictures of the body. Yeah, he's next to the book of the dead dude look at this oh my god mommy from the sandstorm whoa that's how he looks good these were just released by the Associated Press I thought he'd look
Starting point is 00:03:57 worse so when you become a money you gain your youth he's super after your spirit taking over the sands of Arizona. Good for him, man. Well, you gotta absorb the life-forcing youth from the others. I bet you think he did. So he's been doing that. I think I got another one. There's some more pictures, uh, yeah. Of him as a mummy?
Starting point is 00:04:18 Yeah, there's another one. He's a mummy? Right here. Oh, dude. Oh, fuck. New York Post oh I don't like that. That's like when they released the Chris Farley body picture Those guys regard the AI at the bottom. Yeah, that's nice. Gene Hackman like this
Starting point is 00:04:40 It is crips. They took it they put the at the bottom corner. They don't want to scare people Yeah, because it's so unbelievable a troll out of that. Yeah, they had to have good for hack moves. Yeah Transcended I'm an autro really wonder what happened though. I have a couple of theories look at the dead You think he died she killed herself and then North box and then dropped the pills and then A theory dog would just eat pills. I'm going scarabs on this. I have a real theory eating beetles Yeah, I think scarabs that go into your skin and barrels curse Aside from me now believing that there's a hackman mummy running around Probably scaring people chasing them. I do believe that's happening that being said by I also my, my second theory is that I think Hackman
Starting point is 00:05:27 died naturally because he's 95. He's 95. I didn't sleep naturally. And then his Japanese wife woke up, realized he was dead, committed some poker, couldn't go on without him. That's a very common thing. I think that's, I think that could, that would happen. And then so she killed herself, he died naturally. naturally and she's like I don't he Was my reason for living? That was the hackman mom that's crazy it's the Pharaoh's curse we just got hacked that was the Pharaoh's curse Wow Don't know and say Hackman again. Okay, the fuck fuck was that? Maybe the soundboard got hit, but. Hit it.
Starting point is 00:06:06 I don't even, I never put anything in this. Yeah, you must have done this. Oh shit! What? That's what happens, that's what happens when the cops discover. Play that again. The cops walk in his room. There's a mummy.
Starting point is 00:06:18 And then they found the Hackman mummy. They go, oh shit, it's a Japanese woman. I heard, I actually heard that She found him dead and then she killed herself cuz she didn't know who would drive anymore cuz she was scared of mommy She was like, well, I Know she's scared of mummies Biggest fear is mummies. And she saw a mummy and just,
Starting point is 00:06:47 Yeah. As one naturally would. Yeah, of course. I think I would have been brave enough to fight them, you know? Well, because the biggest fear is that they turn you. And now you're stuck on this eternal plane. Well, they're really strong. Those are vampires.
Starting point is 00:07:01 No, mummies can make you stay. No, mummies don't turn others into mummies. Yeah, they turn them. Is it an infection? Yeah, can't make you turn into a no mummies don't turn others. No, they can't yeah, they turn No, they're just super stupid in fact. Yeah, can they know touch you and no his wife into a mummy you could turn No, but that was like a whole book of the dead curse involving like going to the afterlife Yeah, she didn't want that to happen to her. That's what I'm saying Yeah, so you guys don't even know about mommy. I'm always can't turn We gave watch mummy one. They never do that. Yeah, that's the opening scene.
Starting point is 00:07:27 And my mother doesn't know shit about mummies. Yeah. So I said, sad. Idiot. I think I don't think you just die. And then they like bring you back to life and you're just called a mummy. Duh.
Starting point is 00:07:40 It's like a thing. He likes the mummy in the first mummy. He sucks your energy on it. He gets the opposite. He actually kills you and yeah take her himself in new So I guess what you're saying is that killing herself wouldn't prevent anybody from turning her into a mummy and bringing her back Yeah, so it's but she doesn't know she was scared of gene Hackman taking her eyes and tongue Yeah, so she killed herself before you could do it. No, I think he was full mummy one mummy Yeah, and then she was like, oh fuck.
Starting point is 00:08:05 And then he grabbed her by the throat, sucked her soul out, energy out. Yeah. And then the dog in like a last ditch effort tried to attack Hackman. They kind of killed each other. Knocked over pills. Yes.
Starting point is 00:08:13 But they kind of killed each other, but you know. Yeah. I think it all happened very quickly. I could see that. The dog dying is odd. Well, no, no, cause that's carbon monoxide. I think it's a carbon. You think it was a carbon monoxide?
Starting point is 00:08:23 Yeah, you have a space heater next to you, you're 90 years old. I think the dog fell asleep carbon monoxide. I think it's a carbon. You think it was a carbon monoxide? Yeah, you have a space heater next to you, you're 90 years old, I think the dog fell asleep, carbon monoxide, and then the wife came in and fell on the body. The fact that they didn't immediately think that is weird. They're still wondering what's going on. We're not gonna say anything. The cloud of suspicion surrounds the deaths of Oscar-winning actor Gene Hackman and his wife,
Starting point is 00:08:38 whose bodies were found in their Santa Fe home. Cloud of locusts surround Gene Hackman and his dead wife. No one had seen the couple for days, and authorities say they had been dead for some time. The sheriff now says they are not ruling out foul play. Jim. Imagine a guy out there that's like, I'm gonna kill Gene Hackman.
Starting point is 00:08:56 He's 95 years old. Imagine some psychopath out there, because I think I could finally get him now. Probably one of the Starwhackers. Yeah look Randy Quaid was going off on Twitter about the Starwhackers. Randy Quaid dropped to his fucking knees when he heard the story. The minute this happened I refreshed my Twitter and Randy Quaid was like we all know. Oh wait really? We all know yeah. Randy Quaid's been going off about the Starwhackers. A 95-year-old man? He goes, yeah, he's acting like... Starwackers! They're out for everybody. They're getting our finest, healthiest actors. Gene Hackman, 95.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Top of his game. Cool. Hey, with the 911 call that alerted police to the deaths. Mystery surrounds the shocking death of actor Gene Hackman and his wife. The 95-year-old legend and his wife Betsy were found dead in their sprawling estate in Santa Fe. Initial reports said no foul play was suspected and there was speculation that they were killed by carbon monoxide poisoning. But now in a jaw-dropping turn of events, their deaths are being most suspicious.
Starting point is 00:10:00 The Hackman family is chasing us around the city. Enough in nature to require a thorough search and investigation. According to this search warrant, two maintenance workers reported finding their bodies. I think we just found two, one deceased person. One scorpion king in the bathroom. And one anubis. Anubis and a scorpion king. Scorpion king in the basement. and what it is they're covered in sand
Starting point is 00:10:32 we're not moving to send somebody out here we're going to do it discovered the front door of the residence open hackman's body was found near the kitchen area a deputy stated he suspected the male individual had suddenly fallen. His wife, Betsy Arakawa, was found on the bathroom floor, a prescription bottle.
Starting point is 00:10:53 She was like 20 years younger than him. She looks like 63, I think, when she died. Crazy to kill yourself over your 95-year-old husband. She could be a down-ass bitch. That is a very Japanese thing. That's quite common in their oil Wild though they do the in memoriam of the Oscars and they show Gene Hackman and Brennan Fraser freaks out pulls out two sabers A prescription bottle appeared open with pills scattered to the countertop
Starting point is 00:11:23 got up in minoxidize Yeah, I don't it's not carbon monoxide Pills me every actually so here is open another part of this theory on So this is a separate theory about what I talked about before but okay. Let's say you're getting carbon monoxide poisoning What happens is you start getting confused? It makes you confused and dizzy. And you don't understand what's going on. You might just be like, God, I feel like sick
Starting point is 00:11:51 and I have a headache. I'm gonna go to my pills. I'm gonna take a couple of pills, go back to sleep, because I feel unwell. You go to your pills, you're faint, and then your hackman mummy comes out. Yeah. It comes out of a sarcophagi I don't I don't feel so good. I should chug a bottle of Nyquil
Starting point is 00:12:56 Ah. Are you guys feeling a little mummyish here? Got those mummy pills? I'm feeling a little mummyish. How come I've never heard them use that term when they found people dead after two weeks? I've never heard of it. I've never heard of it. Why when people, they found people dead after two weeks. They never heard of it. I've never heard of it.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Why don't- They're usually like Rigamortis or something. Usually the news is they were found after two weeks and they were kind of decomposing. Rigamortis. They don't go, they were mummies. That might be a, that might be a tech, maybe that means something else.
Starting point is 00:13:20 They were found in a tomb covered by beetles and sand. Because it's also one of those terms that the technical definition of it is how it decomposes the body or preserves it, actually. But you said that the general public, they just think that Gene Hackman was found wrapped in toilet paper. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:13:37 Right. It's such a cartoon, you're saying? I was kind of like, that's my first thought, was like, oh, he's wrapped in bandages in the tomb or whatever? Yeah, I'm'm scared just covered in ace bandages He probably was at his age, you know, there's a cuts and bruises Bill scouted on the countertop in no way is it adding up to me and this is why I've handled thousands of death investigations over the course of my career and it is it is such a this is however my first
Starting point is 00:14:05 moment anomaly to have I thought mommy's were mom fall over dead at one time without some major causal effect gene and his wife were dog lovers their German Shepherd was also discovered dead but two other dogs were found roaming the property I find it interesting that so like so much of the money bills There to hang on this family romantic he's got like two like hounds Yeah, a new base in raw that is a peaceful death. Hopefully He died with his wife who he loved and his pups around him and hopefully it was a peaceful like they say carbon monoxide Can be a very painless? Peaceful death. Yeah, another dog was found alive just walking around
Starting point is 00:14:48 So he got out to two other dogs There was three dogs. That's I thought I just heard him say two other dogs were found alive Yeah, jean hackman's we spotted in the river nile next week just walking nude out of the river Right now the information that's no the river not that's how mommy I say I thought you guys say yeah I'm out of my show River Nile the River now jackass the River Nile mm-hmm that is that's like the cool way to say is it really Johnny's like history stuff and you gotta watch my fucking doofus don't watch mommy one tonight I'm a fucking doofus, dude. Go and watch Mommy One tonight. I'm a fucking dense eating.
Starting point is 00:15:25 I'm an attra. Look at their sprawling compound, as they referred to it. What a sprawling compound. They used to come into the river Nile. That was like an Egyptian ceremony. Every year they'd come into the Nile. You know, have you ever just come outside into just the open air?
Starting point is 00:15:42 I'd be jacked out of my window and all driving my car. Really? One time I just jacked off my parents' backyard for some reason. That's fun. That little downstairs, on the hill.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Yeah, it's a beautiful view of the mountains and I just jacked off and I just came into a bush and it felt incredible. Yeah, it's like it's freeing. I've jacked off right into the toilet sometimes standing. I've done that, yeah. Like just like, get out of there
Starting point is 00:16:05 That's the opposite of what Connor is this right? He's talking about beautiful nature jacks You know fucking yes, I'm coming to a shit-covered toilet. You don't even understand the view in my time. I'm talking beautiful nature Jacks you come on you come on some beautiful diarrhea But I've come outside in the woods yeah, what time I was just like took his shit my parents backyard that was weird to me I don't know why that's not how long last week. Yeah a couple weeks ago drive up there He's in their backyard. He said that at home. He covered up a dirt. I'm dressing a cat burglar. I Took a shit like fucking Dylan. I think did something I think Dylan dropped something in the backyard I mean shit in the backyard guys. I did that I took a shit my pool blamed it on autistic hit next door and said he threw it over the fence
Starting point is 00:16:52 My brother had to clean it up It would be funny if Dylan was like the most perfect boy in the world and all of everything he got blamed for was actually Connor Do you do things in framing him? Yeah a severe coke problem and I kept crashing his cars. Yeah. Ugh. Coming out is so murky. Gene and his wife's bodies showed signs of decomposition and mummification. This is an investigation, so we're keeping everything on the table.
Starting point is 00:17:21 You know, I think the autopsy is gonna tell us a lot. The two-time Oscar winner was known for iconic roles in more than 80 films, including The French Connection. Lex Luthor. He also played Lex Luthor in the original Superman movies. The conversation on the flip out. Later generations came to know him as the Vibatious Patriarch in the Royal Tenenbaums.
Starting point is 00:17:43 This was his last appearance at an award show in 2003 at the Golden Globes when he received a lifetime achievement award. Top of the world, Ma. Top of the world. He was an extraordinary actor. He was somebody who was good at drama, who was believable in action films, and he could also do comedy. He was really funny.
Starting point is 00:18:01 He was strong, he was, at that age. So his range was really vast, which is kind of impressive because he'll be a myth now too. He was at that age. So his range was really vast, which is kind of impressive because he just looked like an everyman. Hackman retired from acting in 2009, citing health issues. Last year, he was spotted. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Holy shit. He's partially mummified right now. He's a mummy. He's a goddamn mummy. He's unrecognizable though. I remember this picture came out. He's still moving. This picture came out last year and people were like,
Starting point is 00:18:24 man, what happened to Gene Hackman? Bro Gene fell off. Well, I'm like he's 95 he's like walking out of a 7-eleven on his own. He's killing it In looking frail in a rare public outing with his wife outside a restaurant in New Mexico walking with a cane How does that arm for 89? Oh oh my god if he's that good at at 95 that's a huge success yeah look he's already started becoming on me right today as Oscar preps are he's an old guy old people are they kind of become mummies and they wear bandages all sorts of yeah underway for Sunday show Hollywood is in mourning for the stars death
Starting point is 00:19:03 Gwyneth Paltrow posted this photo with Hackman from the Royal Tenenbaums with a heartbroken emoji. Oh wow. Thanks for those kind words with your fucking emoji, you wretard. Very eloquent eulogy. I'm excited for the Oscars actually. Can't wait for Conan to host. God, that's okay to say. we're trying to be nice to Hackman Oh, sorry. I love Conan What about Gene Hackman? Okay? Well, they're gonna honor Gene Hackman. It was relevant to the conversation Oh, that's why hell they were just at the Oscars covering our city. I think you meant you were excited for other reasons
Starting point is 00:19:38 No, there were no obvious signs of a gas leak The the heater there was a heater that was moved. The front door of the residence was found open and unsecured. I don't know if the carbon oxide happens in like enclosed areas. Can you imagine if somebody killed Dean Hackman? I want to. Starlet, what is Quaid saying? Let's check in on Clay because Quaid probably knows exactly who did this.
Starting point is 00:20:06 He probably knows exactly who did this He probably knows I'd bet anything oh shit Oh here we go Okay, when an actor like Gene Hackman is murdered And clips of his films are run on all the networks it only distracts from the murder Investigation and the fact that gene died a horrible terrible death in reality the clip licensing only generates profits for the alleged murders once wait Gene Hackman and wife guard dog murdered no no gas found. And he's pointing to some CNN clip.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Interesting. A truly bizarre set of circumstances. As you said, the legendary Gene Hackman was found dead alongside his wife and their dog. Now earlier this morning, we had heard that a gas company was assisting in the investigation. But now according to a search warrant affidavit that we have obtained, authorities in Santa Fe, New Mexico say that they did not locate any signs of carbon monoxide or a gas leak.
Starting point is 00:21:18 So that obviously adds to the mystery here. Now I want to read you something directly from the search warrant. Authorities say, quote, the circumstances surrounding the death of the two deceased individuals is suspicious enough in nature to require a thorough search and investigation. So, obvious.
Starting point is 00:21:37 They don't do this for dead 95 year olds very often. Well, I mean, if you're in the conversation, you better do a little more work. It's the wife and the dog. It's interesting. If they found Gene dead alone, they'd be like, well, yeah, he died. That's actually true.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Maybe he died just naturally, and she was just sad and killed herself. Well, the dog is a little bit, that's the weird, but then why did the dog die? Monoxide. Dog killed herself. But she killed herself with monoxide, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Maybe the dog. She killed herself with monoxide. What if what I'm saying. Maybe the killer self with but not what is it? So that took the dog down heart. Oh But there was another dog outside and there was an open there was an opening like there was airflow Yeah, but the one that got so what carbon monoxide what happened is the dog that was too close Fell asleep to the monoxide then died. That's what happens you you're breathing it in you faint the dog You're still breathing, but you're asleep it in you faint the dog you're still breathing But you're asleep, and then you die it died in like a closet or something
Starting point is 00:22:29 So I'll go to closets to die Catch you I don't know maybe it's a crazy coincidence. Yeah, just be a weird well Randy Quaid is on it and he says Gene Hackman is one of the biggest royalty streams in Hollywood. I suspect murder Let's just wait for quade to solve it Gene Hackman his wife of the biggest royalty streams in Hollywood. I suspect murder. Let's just wait for Quaid to solve it. Gene Hackman, his wife and guard dog all found dead. Hey, Hollywood, anyone else upset, furious and deeply concerned? He's he's he's telling Hollywood like we're all we're all being hunted. Yeah. Maybe he means, are you deeply concerned that there is a hackman mummy on the loose?
Starting point is 00:23:06 That's probably what he's talking about Boy, I hope no one else is scared of mummies. Hey Hollywood biblical biblical standstorm coming our way I'm the only one in Hollywood scared of mummies What next you can call me crazy I really hope quaid stays safe in this trying time full of mummies and hitmen Starwhackers The damn Starwhackers are out The fact that he's not dead is like living proof that there is no Starwhackers They're probably, though maybe they're torturing him by keeping him alive That's true
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Starting point is 00:25:14 Do you guys see this fucking these this that that Trump or that Baldwin? Force the Trump impersonator that goes around like your asses like an ear. Oh, yeah Trump the Trump impersonator that goes around and like harasses like an hero Dude he went after Alec Baldwin this guy is twisted Baldwin. Just he just takes the bait every Single time every time Baldwin in this one. He does he goes if the cameras wait Connor. Have you seen this? Yes I've this is actually like not taking the bait like now this guy's an asshole. This guy is just saying the most fucked up thing I know I know but there's just endless footage of Baldwin can't help Snapping at a guy with a camera. It's like just walk away the guy the guy got off with a he got away with like killing a woman
Starting point is 00:25:56 No, and he's like, you know My finger might slip on this trigger if this camera wasn't here. You know, I wish I could kill again. Because I wish I could kill again. You know how good I am at killing? I kill a leader with a prop gun. Because that's how good I am. Signing a real gun. You know, you're lucky you're not behind that camera. I always kill people behind the camera.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Alec, it's your favorite president. Look, Alec, I will offer you a total pardon. Because I want to be friends, right? I want to be friends. I will give you a total pardon for murdering that woman if you kiss the ring. Kiss the ring, Alec. Kiss the big beautiful ring. Come on, Alec.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Come on. Look at Alec Baldwin, right? He did that impersonation of me. It was not too hot, not too good. But look, we're back in office. You lost. Kamala lost. She's somewhere getting intoxicated.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Look at that suitcase. Unbelievable. Well, Alec, if you don't want that pardon for murdering that woman in cold blood. Oh my god! Oh my god! What is wrong? This guy must be a loony student. That's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Oh, that's so uncomfortable. Man, watch. Man. This guy must be Comfortable watch You can call it first degree you can call it whatever you want, but it was not good She's looking down on me right now smiling happy. Thank you Confronting the man who took me out who killed me and that's okay Sure Yeah, sure sure The man who took me out, who killed me. And that's okay. Let me ask you a question. Sure. You realize, by the way. No, look at me. I want you to look in the eye.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Yeah, sure, sure. You got a camera on me? The ring? No, it's the ring. You realize my kids live in this building, right? But I want you to know something. We love the children. We're doing great deals for the children.
Starting point is 00:27:37 You have to be real careful. Okay. If this camera was here, I'd snap your fucking neck in half and break your fucking neck right over here. You know that, don't you? Okay. All right, Alec Baldwin. Alec Baldwin Alec Baldwin ladies and gentlemen class act believe me believe me oh my god listen you know I got away with it once I could get rid
Starting point is 00:27:51 with again yeah boy yeah he's like all right boy it's hard I want to do it to him you want to do that to Baldwin kinda cuz you just know he would get a react I'd love to antagonize Baldwin I'd like to watch it but I would never want to do that to Baldwin? Kinda, cause you just know he would get a reaction. I'd love to antagonize Baldwin. I'd like to watch it, but I would never want to do it. Oh, I don't have the balls to do it, no. I would quiver the second he started talking to me. The fact that he didn't break character as Trump. If he was like, let me talk to you right now, I'd be like, yes, I'm so sorry, man. I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry. Please, please, please, please, please.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Some of my favorite footage is watching people antagonize Baldwin. Like, Anne Gansett had a great one. Yeah, he did a great, I would never antagonize a killer. I watched that the same way that I watched the Crocodile Hunter, where I'm like, oh, I love watching him toy around with gators, but that scares me.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Yeah, yeah. That's crazy. Yeah, bottom line is, you're fucking, you're fucking you know you're falling around them Blood thirsty maniac. Yeah, you're harassing a bloodthirsty man. It's true all over New York, okay? Oh He's yelling at me. I'm the citizen of this guy's born and raised in New York City. I love you Alec Alec look Alec you don't want it. You don't want to attack your favorite president, Alec. Let's go home.
Starting point is 00:29:06 I love you, I love you, Alec. He's got more balls than De Niro, that I can tell you. De Niro ran away. Alec confronted, that's good. He's strong, but also he's weak because he murdered a woman. So that's okay, right? Look at this guy. Oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:29:20 It's like... I'm just glad Robbie Goodwin stand busy Literally was biting my tongue on that exact same And I love Robbie, but he's like a New York guy that does impressions. Yeah, so it's a perfect reference for us Elon Musk goes wow Wow based Wow, did he really he just wrote wow under it. That's a cheese Wow I've that that I have become meme
Starting point is 00:29:52 God he's getting so unbearable. He gets worse every day Truly awful by far the worst treats really sucks my fucking ass. Yeah, he sucks every part of my big white ass He's my fucking ass. He sucks every part of my big white ass. He's the fucking worst. Did you ever like him? I did. I actually, I didn't like his personality, but back before I knew anything about his personality, I was like, he seems like an interesting guy. Back when I thought he was like... Just a tech mogul. Yeah, I thought he was kind of like actually the engineering rockets and yeah
Starting point is 00:30:25 But he's just buying big tech stuff, and he was pretty pretty good biz savvy guy He's obviously a bit savvy guy, but I thought at the same time. He's a tech guy plus that but now it's just like He's it's pretty clear that he's not inventing any really is he a genius I think that this stuff for sure yeah Yeah, I think he's a genius He's not like he can't like build a rocket himself No, but like could he like be the foreman on that operation be like that goes there now He could be the foreman. What do you like by Tesla? Was it already run up and running? Yeah, pretty much Oh really? Yeah, other geniuses already were doing it. No, I mean yeah, the tech was there and then like he just said,
Starting point is 00:31:06 okay, I think this is going to keep getting better like all tech. Let me invest because I think it's the genius. When it was like a warehouse though. Right. Yeah. Yeah. But so the genius part of him is recognizing that this technology is going to be huge. So let me buy this like starting electric car company and be the first one in. And then the other genius part was like, all right, let me make it the biggest one.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Yeah. So he is a genius at biz stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And he understands more tech than most billionaires. At least he's cool. Yeah, he's cool. He's got that going. I mean, he's like maybe one of the funniest people I've ever seen. Real knee is a bit cool. Yeah, he's cool. It's also the- He's really funny. He's got that going.
Starting point is 00:31:45 I mean, he's like maybe one of the funniest people I've ever seen. Real knee slap of that guy. No, it's revenge of, we're living in like revenge of the nerds right now. Mm-hmm. That's fucking perfect. Yeah, JD Vance, huge fucking nerd.
Starting point is 00:31:57 That's what it feels like, just a bunch of fucking losers. Yeah. Being like, best. We are best. It's funny, it's funny, And I'm like, best. We are best. It's funny because their leader is not a nerd. And he like.
Starting point is 00:32:10 No, he kicks, he should fucking fuck them all up. Yeah. He should, every time that fucking Elon's in the Oval Office, he should go, shut up faggot. You fucking nerd. Shut up you fucking loser. Why don't you go dance like a spastic idiot? That's coming, by the way, if Elon doesn't.
Starting point is 00:32:28 That'll come. The fact that it hasn't come yet makes me think, like, they have something on Trump. It's only been a month or two. It does. Way too long. A month in Trump years? He's only been president for a month.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Doesn't it feel like it's been 17 years already? He also turns on people within, like, days, you know? That was weird. He's the richest man on Earth, so he's giving him a little more time than usual. But I guarantee you before the end of this when he's alone, he goes, no one has the keys to my funny bone. No one knows how to tickle my funny bone, quite like Elon. He makes Elon come in and do one man shows for him. He's a court jester. He doesn't even know Elon's rich.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Elon, he was, I thought he was a comedian. He also is rich. What, he's rich? I thought he was the funniest man alive. We put a spotlight in the Oval Office for the Rich Man. I thought... Oh. No one has a direct line to my funny bone quite like Elon Musk.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Trump goes, Brian, Karlin, Elon. It's probably top three for me. He's also the richest man alive life that guy's got it all. He's got funnies. I would have been just like him. God damn him. Damn him straight to hell. Yeah. Now he sucks.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Do you guys see Trump? Trump and Vance? They bitch slapped Zelensky today. But also the clips everyone's seeing, it came like 10, it came like 40 minutes in. To what I watched 20 minutes of, it was relatively normal and diplomatic. And then these final 10 minutes, they went off. They ran out of patience. I always saw the end.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Cause Zelensky, I mean, he, look at him right here. He looks like the head coach of a terrible NBA team. He looks like Joey, I don't know what you mean. He does. Which is how I look though. It's like, but I would never go to the Oval Office like myself, I would find some sort of suit. It is a little performant.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Like it just- He dresses like a born, everywhere he goes. He does, yeah. Which is sick. I mean, that's cool, but like you're meeting the president. We're a fucking suit. Well, no, his whole thing is like, I don't even got time for that
Starting point is 00:34:44 because like I'm constantly, you know. In the trenches. Yeah, no his whole thing is like I don't got time for that cuz like I'm constantly you know in the trenches Yeah, I'm throwing grenades Time for those he's like tactical bro. I can't I'm doing David Letterman. I'm doing his show He's like between the open mics and the foxholes. I can't put a suit on you know my wife for tape We're doing a big photo shoot in the in the bunker is there footage of his stand-up anywhere Yeah, he's like he did like trans comedy or something You know he used to be a comic right? Yeah, he's like dancing shit. No, he's be a stand-up comedian What he had a cross dresser character?
Starting point is 00:35:19 That's so funny. I've never seen footage of it That's him? Mm-hmm. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I love canned fish! That's a really good bit. This is Eastern European humor. For Borats though. If you like smile, they're like,
Starting point is 00:35:41 Oh, clown! Yeah, you show joy in any capacity. They go, how you do that? He's gonna be doing those same moves and they're shoving a knife up knife up his ass in about a month We jerking back and forth We jerking back and forth This is my impression of Muammar Gaddafi You think they're gonna kill him? Uh, no, I don't think they're gonna kill him
Starting point is 00:36:10 All we do is pump these guys up and then execute them We did the Saddam, we did the Gaddafi, we did all, every They're probably thrilled We're calling them a dictator, it's the classic American playbook, it's very funny We've gotten away with it so many times Like let's do everything we can to keep the silly comedian man as the ruler, because it's like, what if they get like an actual tough guy? There was a meeting in the Pentagon where like, what if we did it to a white dude?
Starting point is 00:36:34 How if we executed a white guy this time? What if we put instead of an arrow? You're talking about the White House. Oh yeah. Oh no, they're going to fucking, they might kill him and he's going to, he might, he, I think, I think there's like a 20 30 percent He has to leave in in shame and like see for refuge in another country Because they might it might get so bad if Europe keeps propping up this war it might get that to that point We're he has to like flee the country like Assad But if he if it's a little where he didn't stop the war and atrocities are committed and he could have stopped them
Starting point is 00:37:03 You're saying yeah I think I think like because Europe's talking about forming a European army and like abandoning NATO basically because we're gonna abandon Ukraine So like I think the American thing is they want to have a DMZ like North and South Korea and it's gonna be guarded by British soldiers and Yeah, but this guy's a he's he's really really overstepping. He's biting off way more than you can chew right now. I heard Kanye just joined the Azov Battalion. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Absolute tragedy what Ukrainians getting killed innocent people. It's horrible horrible absolutely horrible and Putin is a fucking psychopath Most bloodsheds in World War two yeah, no it's fucking sickening those guys half a mil. It's so sickening but Now that I made that disclaimer. I would say that if I were Zelensky and I almost am very close to being him physically yeah
Starting point is 00:38:02 a little stronger a little fatter Close to being physically. Yeah a little stronger But I would go I would show up like this Guys, I'm mr. Trump. I'm so sorry about our former, you know transgressions is okay I was arguing but I need I really fucking need your help I could just please forgive me and I just any any kind of have a tank or anything We need peace. Okay. Yeah, please peace. I accept. I accept please. How many things do you need for peace? Just whatever you think sir. All right. Okay. Thank you. That's how I that's what he should but instead he went in there Like well the old bosses used to give me a lot
Starting point is 00:38:41 yeah, and he doesn't want to cuck up a storm and Anyone he doesn't want to he doesn't want to give up some part of like their trading port or whatever John. What is it? They have a black sea port Is that why he doesn't want to surrender cuz then he has to get losing massive amounts of infrastructure I can they're they're they're grabbing people off the street and asking them if they've if they've dodged the draft their Kursk offensive was a joke They're losing kilometers a day to Russian troops. They will be in Kiev in like a year The average age of the Ukrainian military is 40 years old. It's like 40. Yeah, it's getting crazy There's mass rape the Russian by the way, the Russians are sending
Starting point is 00:39:20 Horrific men to do their bidding like they're set there for they're sending in like They're not like the Russians haven't dipped into their top Troops yet. They're like sending like Man Muslims to go and like Chechnya and shit that are just like a bears like back You're like they're like forcing philosophers to go Like we're gonna send in the tough guys Scars guard from the Northmen in there to like fucking rape and kill everybody It's it's it's horrific what they're doing and it's like
Starting point is 00:39:46 How do mine is you gotta take whatever you gotta try to end it just because it's yeah sure It's bad that Russia invaded you can't do you can't do this whole performative like we will fight and You're gonna all die. He is losing the war You gotta just take me you can get and then see if Russia keeps invading the rest of Europe And then we'll get back involved but for now enough and what are they like 40 years old the country? What is Ukraine? Ukraine's thousands of years old culturally. Well, no, but Ukraine Ukraine being like not a part of that doesn't really matter They're an expansion team They're the Houston Texans
Starting point is 00:40:22 Ukraine is seen as like the Soviet Union is what they were so they were the Soviet Ukraine on on to the to the west of Ukraine is Austria Hungary to the right of Ukraine is Russia both are there's two big mountain ranges and Ukraine's is this massive geological kind of situation where you have for thousands of years foreign armies just spilling into the country like Mongols and Vikings you know what they're giving up if they surrender? Uh, if they surrender, they're giving out a big ass chunk of land that is probably ethnic, I think is ethnically Russian. So like, you have to understand, like, Ukraine's very culturally confused.
Starting point is 00:40:58 They're not really Russian, they're not really Hungarian, they're not really Austrian, they're like Mongolian, there's like everything in there. They're trans, yeah. But, like we're everything in there trans. Yeah, but the I Say we get the hackman mummy in there, you know It's running up and this war in one day exactly would be came back up. Okay, let's first of all wave ceasefire Let's stop the hackman mummy and then we can figure out the war What is the worst that could happen? It's a fry every okay? mummies here Truly, like, what is the worst that could happen? I think you're fished a fry over here, okay? Hackman Mummy's here. It is a very, very...
Starting point is 00:41:28 If they just see how a peace deal goes, what's the worst that could happen? Well, the Hackman Mummy wants a total apocalypse. They lose things. The Hackman Mummy. Starapedals flying everywhere. He wants the ocean red, the sky's black. What do you understand about this? I actually was wondering the same thing as Devin.
Starting point is 00:41:44 So wait, they lose a trading port? Like what is it? Are they gonna? Okay, I honestly don't know. I could assume if they're worried about a port, they're probably gonna lose a Black Sea port. They might lose Chernobyl. Because here's the thing, maybe they're losing a lot and then we sound foolish by being like just stop. Well, they can lose a lot or they can all die and be Russian. That's the thing. Or they can win. But they could all... They're not gonna win. That's the thing Unless there are boots on ground foreign boots on ground unless there's Polish troops American troops are in Europe and in fucking English trying to get trying to get he's trying to get to the point where they're Gonna go yet. There's now gonna be a nuclear situation Ukraine. Yeah Zalensky doesn't want America to
Starting point is 00:42:26 stop this money laundering scheme and Zelensky's gotten rich off of this fucking war it's a proxy war money laundering scheme Ukraine has basically been the car wash and breaking bad for the last three years I wonder if you took a lot of shit gets real if it f'd that in here's the other thing you what if you took a vote on the for the people of Ukraine? She's fire give up whatever you have to give up or keep fighting Do you say anybody know what they would 90% people who have them fucking kids they'd all go ceasefire right now Wow, we're tired of our power going out. Okay, like it's it's it's But here's the also the thing is is like in in the next 20 years 30 years
Starting point is 00:43:02 What if like? Yeah, I don't I don't know. Putin hates like, he hates like tomato sauce sardines and the Ukrainians are like, no we love that you're gonna end that and we have to fight. That's what, that's all they argue about is like the origins of feta cheese. Arguing about, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Europeans are retarded. Europeans are retarded. Either this place is. No, no, no, the Europeans are the most retarded people on planet Earth. They're a bunch of fucking Mongoloids just fighting each other over like Bread sources and like it's a stupid East and shit
Starting point is 00:43:31 They all can suck my suck my balls dry. It's okay We need we need we I honest to God think we really need We need to hack my mummy and for the fucking people of Ukraine to suck John's balls dry. And that'll solve everything. No, the Greeks, the fucking Ukrainians, they're all just like, orc people. It's, it's uh... What are you? I'm fucking, I kick ass.
Starting point is 00:43:56 He's Maurice from Playboy. I'm Maurice from Playboy, yeah, yeah, yeah, my man. You're Maurice, you jackass. We kinda need Russia if we're gonna deal with China. That's the bottom line. We need to play, Russia needs to play with us. Yeah, we gotta, we gotta pretend, we gotta like the evil. China's really the one fucking our asses
Starting point is 00:44:11 for the last 20 years. We're evil. We need to really deal with them. We do a lot of evil. Yeah. Oh, we do the most evil. We expected. The Hackman money is real and he is American.
Starting point is 00:44:21 No. No. No. No, what? Because you know they're making, you know the, you know the. and he is American. No. No. No. No. What? Because you know they're making, you know the, you know the,
Starting point is 00:44:28 the hackman, I mean the size of Skyscraper is blowing people up. You can't talk to him in a hackman. No, they're making Uyghur slaves in China, Pekkan now. What? Uyghurs.
Starting point is 00:44:41 They're bagging their damn pants and in ciphers? Wee-gurs. What the hell? No, they're pretty bad people, but they're not as bad as us. The Wee-gur Muslims? Yeah, they're making them pick cotton in China now. Like slaves.
Starting point is 00:44:53 They have slaves. A little on the nose, I think. That's kind of funny. Yeah. That's kind of funny. I like that. Yeah, we got to take out China. China's the biggest threat to America.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Do we? Can we? Yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, we'll do it. Really? China's the biggest threat to America. Can we? Yeah, oh yeah. Oh yeah, we'll do it. Really? Why can't we all just get along? You know, I saw, hold on, listen. I saw a Lex Friedman tweet that was like,
Starting point is 00:45:16 why can't we have peace? Because love is love. Saw the same one, it brought a tear to my fucking eye. It was amazing, it was so poignant. He was an MIT, he's an MIT genius scientist. And he tweeted, you know, love and hate are like cousins. Somebody send that junk to Putin. And this year, this year at Thanksgiving we need mom to tell us to get along. And I was like, damn, Lex, that's amazing.
Starting point is 00:45:48 You're brilliant. God damn, Lex. Damn, I go, this, you spittin'. Pottery in motion, Lex. Lex Friedman will save us all. Yeah. Yeah. You know, he like left, he's like on like a sex tour or something, like he like left the country. He's like doing a big like. Finally had sex?
Starting point is 00:46:03 He's like, yeah, he's like, he's going to like Thailand, he's like fucking children and like blowing up left the country. He's like doing a bit. He's like he's like he's going to like Thailand He's like fucking children and like blow His first time at sex is with kids Shooting a whore with an RPG and fucking a cow He wanted to start slow he was a little nervous to go up to an adult He wanted to start slow. He was a little nervous to go up to an adult. Yeah. Joey, you want me to play this or you leaving? Play it, I've already seen it. Watch it, I'll be right back.
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Starting point is 00:47:37 Subscription required. So support the show and start your free online HIMS visit today. Head to hims.com slash hatewatch. It's going to end the destruction of your country yes but if you're present with respect I think it's disrespectful for you to come into the overall song in front of the American media right now you guys are going around and forcing conscripts to the front lines because you have manpower problems you should be thanking the president by the way I feel like I've never seen a vice president
Starting point is 00:48:04 like talk with this much authority me it's pretty crazy that's like almost dual dictators it's weird yes we are like letting even happen yeah yeah it's very bizarre you must like him yeah you must really love him yeah this have you ever been to Ukraine that you say what problems we have I have been to come one I have actually I've actually watched and seen the stories. I'm not going to your piece of shit country. I know what happens is you bring people, you bring them on a propaganda tour, Mr. President.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Do you disagree that you've had problems bringing people into your military? No, we have problems. And do you think that it's respectful to come to the Oval Office of the United States of America and attack the administration that is trying to prevent the destruction of your country? How dare you come to the Oval... People have been sucked off in here! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Come! Hahahaha! He yells that, Adam. So Lindsay starts crying. He's like, I didn't know. That child is white!
Starting point is 00:49:10 You don't know that. God bless, God bless. You will not have a war. Don't tell us what we're gonna feel. We're trying to solve a problem. Don't tell us what we're gonna feel. I'm not telling you. Because you're in no position to dictate that.
Starting point is 00:49:21 Remember this. You're in no position to dictate what we're gonna feel We're gonna feel very good We're gonna feel very good and very strong You're right now not in a very good position You've allowed yourself to be in a very bad position And he's happens to be right about from the very beginning of the war not in a good position There's a double meaning here I think actually
Starting point is 00:49:45 He's there you put yourself in a very bad position Geopolitically, but also right now in this situation I think Trump's kind of trying to be like chill the fuck out look what yeah look where you are You know I'm gonna have to language. I'm gonna have to bring down the hammer exactly. I've got home a fucking game advantage You're about to look like a fucking fool That woman rubbing her head is the fucking Ukrainian bastard a United States. Oh, no shit. Yes, that's the woman rubbing her head She's frustrated to ship with Zelensky Zelensky yeah hearts right now with us you start having car right now you
Starting point is 00:50:24 Want some noogie I'm someone who wants a noogie. I'm going to give you a noogie. You're gambling with World War III. You're gambling with World War III. You look like Joey Lafleur from the Hey, Bud podcast. It's disrespectful to the country. Because you're goofing with Russia. You are more than a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:50:40 You're goofing with World War III. You're goofing with horse mouth and the oval office. You're doing Ukrainian horse mouth and the oval office. You're goofing with Ukrainian War III. You're doing horse mouth in the Oval Office. You're doing Ukrainian horse mouth in the Oval Office. You've had 14 white clouds in the Oval Office and you're goofing with World War III, buddy. You take a diarrhea in the Oval Office bathroom. You take three diaries in the Oval Office bathroom. Claiming they're better.
Starting point is 00:51:02 A lot of times. Even today. Glad me the better You went to Pennsylvania and campaigned for the opposition in October offer some words of appreciation It's such an easy it's such a slam-dunk for fans. I don't even mean we're gonna abandon him. We're gonna abandon him and Europe's gonna pick up the slack cuz I don't see this guy giving up unless he gets kicked out of office. And that's my- They don't even have elections. Look at what Reddit, Reddit is so gay. What do they say? I watched one where it was like,
Starting point is 00:51:37 Zelensky should hold his own press conference outside the White House gates where he can get a word in and call them out as being Russian puppets. He's gonna be doomed if he does or doesn't so might as well get it on the record He should go into a different setting to have that car. Of course, like he's a he's a dumbass for agreeing to this How are we Russian puppets? But everyone they just you know, they say about Trump. They think Trump is a total How I don't understand where their logics coming from. How would you?
Starting point is 00:52:02 I don't understand where their logic's coming from. How would you, as president, commander in chief... The 2016 election was rigged by Russia, dumbass. I don't care how much money a Russian foreign agent pumped into you. If you become the commander in chief of the United States of America, you are now above that. There's nothing that can stop you. You can order people to die at will.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Well, I think he's, they're basically saying that you're in the pocket of Russia. No, he's the president. He can't be in the pocket of Russia. He has more power than Russia will ever have. No, but he's playing ball with him to get a bunch of money from him. The whole thing is the piss tape. That's where this all originated from. They have some weird idea that Putin's got some blackmail against Trump. And it's just fucking retarded. The guy's bullet Yeah, it's fucking stupid. I don't know. It's just
Starting point is 00:52:51 You know as well he's had two Eastern European wives They just you know, they just think he's like a big Russian guy I saw a tweet today about something about like the video of Trump fucking girls on Epstein's Island Really? Yeah. That'd be sick, release it. It would come out, it would just be like an And One mixtape. No one would care.
Starting point is 00:53:10 No one would care, yeah. No, it would be like watching like hot sauce highlights. What'd you see, Doge is going into the CIA. Doge. Best. I hate that. Doge is rather best. What is Doge? Department of Government Efficiency.
Starting point is 00:53:29 Honey Badger does what he wants. I'm best. I'm funniest man alive. They keep sending federal employees like emails though that are like, tell us the five, the last five things you've done. Which I think is very funny. I think that's very funny.
Starting point is 00:53:47 And then he goes, that was a trick. I just wanted anyone to write anything back in an email. And he goes, no one did, yeah. Yeah, because all the agencies told them not to respond. But apparently they're going into the CIA soon and the CIA has responded by saying, if there's mass layoffs in the CIA, it puts our- People are gonna start getting killed. People are gonna, if there's mass layoffs in the CIA puts our people are gonna start getting killed people if there's mass layoffs of the
Starting point is 00:54:06 CIA they're afraid there might be a massive intelligence breach by disgruntled employees there's gonna be assassinations if they start fucking with the CIA that's what I still have borns oh they got tons of yeah yeah they got borns dude they got borns coming out of funny if like Mike up to their fucking necks and born. Up to their eyeballs and boards. Yeah, Mike Baker is gonna kill Elon. Yeah. The guy that's on Rogan all the time. Baker's their biggest cuck.
Starting point is 00:54:32 They got real boards that you'll never hear of. They don't even have an identity. There's mass layoffs at the CIA, then all of a sudden you wake up one morning and there's just like a thousand dudes in suits doing parkour all over the city, just trying to kill each other. It is interesting. I mean, some of the Doge stuff, I guess, is positive.
Starting point is 00:54:50 If what they're saying is real, if their intentions are true. But I just wonder about it. It just made me like, are you just trying to like end regulations for yourself? And it doesn't really care about any of us? Probably the richest man on earth. The stereotype of the government from both sides, Democrats and Republicans for the longest time, is like, oh, the government's running it
Starting point is 00:55:13 so that it doesn't work well. Like they don't know what the, you know, it's unorganized and now suddenly they're like, we agree, let's have, maybe not the best guy because he's so obnoxious to go in and fix it up, but now suddenly people are like, we agree. Let's have, maybe not the best guy because he's so obnoxious to go in and fix it up. But now suddenly people are like, wait, no, they were organized. They were defined.
Starting point is 00:55:31 They were fine. Right before that, everybody agreed. No, they're a complete mess. Every government organization, every federal program is a mess. I could see Trump getting killed and JD Vance just going full Adolf Hitler. I could just see him going full fucking dictator
Starting point is 00:55:48 if Trump gets killed. I thought you liked him. I do like him. I can see him going full fascist. That's why I like him. What an insane follow up. No, I love him. No, I love him.
Starting point is 00:55:58 No, I can see him go full fascist if Trump gets killed, like 100%. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I can't wait for Trump to be killed and for him to go full. I can't wait for Trump to be killed and for him to go full I can't wait for it like doing what I could just see him just like just straight-up dictator but don't go like what though I would be bad just get rid of Congress and shit like yeah just like that oh I'm just fucking being being a psycho being Trump like squared
Starting point is 00:56:21 and just using Trump's assassination as an excuse only has the charisma to do it I think three advanced does does dude. Yeah, I think he does. He's looking great. He's 20 look a great Yeah, and he's pretty well spoken and charismatic. I've never seen a vice president speak that much. Yeah Yeah, no one's ever seen a vice president even be this front and center. Yeah No one's ever seen a vice president even be this front and center. Yeah Let's look at it. Just just you guys want to you guys even I know you know You were really on Twitter look at how much this cocksucker tweets Elon Elon. I literally blocked him. I Like it was my whole it was my whole what does it say Orock? Hmm. What is that? Or rock? It's grock. Oh crock on a retard
Starting point is 00:57:03 Or rock it's grock. Oh croc on a retard That's does honest mistake. What do you I still don't know the croc is that's an AI rock is rather based It's his AI so it's like clips from him on Rogan for me staying alive Is that it's more entertaining if I'm alive than if I'm dead. Oh, yeah No, oh definitely I just hope I could but I could be alive and like injured which we saw would suck Yeah, right like the wing just like shoot my arm over something right no no no we don't want that exactly now Keep the security strong. Yeah, copy with one hand What do you say? Saying if he if he gets out if he gets rid of too much corruption. He'll be killed
Starting point is 00:57:41 Okay Interesting book he's just he's up this is two hours ago another clip on Rogan she knows me too well I'm so predictable tell me what's in Fort Knox what's in what's in Fort Knox what's in Fort Knox? What's in four dogs? Clearly a genius act. I said what is in Fort Knox? You know the gold and all? Who is this? Oh right, Fort Knox. I thought you were talking about my dog. Oh AI or something.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Yeah, she doesn't want to answer the question. She's clever. Clever? No, she's just a pain in my ass. See, the AI we have is rather funny. That's Croc. I believe it's Croc. That's Croc. The laughing emoji, Croc is bad. You see Joe, we like to have fun here. We make rock funny
Starting point is 00:58:46 Rock is rather funny. You see in 2028 we will all be I will take you and a couple other friends in a spaceship And we will blow up earth After we get rid of government corruption more at best What a faggot Jack. What an unbelievable faggot. The Grok Thok. He retweets himself. He retweets the Zelitsky shit. Occasionally if you just keep scrolling it will be like
Starting point is 00:59:14 a Hitler aura swag and he'll be like, interesting best. If I had... It looks rather good. If I had even like 10 million dollars, I don't think anybody would ever hear from me ever again. Oh, yeah I'm always saying I mean like publicly. Yeah, and I still talk to my friends, but why would you ever want to go on Rogan? Well, it's the one thing he actually can't have is people liking him
Starting point is 00:59:38 So it's the thing he seeks the most but he's money money has become such a whatever he doesn't care about money anymore But he's backfiring. Money has become such a whatever. He doesn't care about money anymore. The only thing he can't get is just like unity on people being like, he's funny. But it's backfiring. Everybody hates him. Yeah. But he's gonna keep chasing that dragon. These guys downfalls, they wanna be celebrities. He wants to live forever. That's his thing.
Starting point is 00:59:58 But why? Because he's a loser. He's an absolute loser. Yeah. The richest man alive. He's not a loser. Yeah, the richest man alive. He's not a loser No, but inside if you strip all supermodels and live in a man Fuck he has a botched cock Does IVF with everything? He's constantly sending his jizz in like me like UPS
Starting point is 01:00:28 like UPS. I go on a podcast too or if two if I had a bunch of fight about cock I'd be pardon I had a botch cock I'm doing okay he wishes he had hypospadia dude he's like hypospadias stolen valor he was one come home I go up to him like how many come holes do you have dude? Does it you someone like a grime said he has like a botched like dick in plan Well, that's been a lot of field his ex partners have said the same thing about that and they don't seem like they have the Emotional intelligence to lie about that. Yeah, it's probably true It kind of goes to show how successful you can be if you have a fucked up penis Like if you can't just you know sidetracked by fucking all the time and your horniness Hitler had a fucked up pain. You could yeah exactly you just become Harvey Weinstein
Starting point is 01:01:22 Fucked up cock you're like, all right Well, I can't fuck I might as well go make millions and millions dollars become the most powerful man in my industry three great men Yeah Three of the best men are the best guys ever. Yeah Hitler was a movie producer though Like he had some she had some movies. Yeah, you know great painter great painter as well Did some other stuff Hemingway Hem? Hemingway botched cock. Wait, really?
Starting point is 01:01:47 No, no, no, you're thinking of his book. No, I know, but I do think that he had a fucked up cock. Wasn't Hemingway like a great cock? He was known for a great cock. Who had an F. Scott Fitzgerald? No, F. Scott Fitzgerald had a small cock. Yeah, but his wife would always say... Zelda? That's a botched cock. Zelda? Wouldn't she always make fun of his cock?
Starting point is 01:02:03 Yeah, but she was... Or he showed it to Was that Fitzgerald Zelda was crazy? I mean we talked about this in the podcast before Zelda was nuts It showed or somebody showed that cost coming way how to fuck with a small cock and I mean way said just put a pillow under Well at some point somebody showed a big literary legend showed their cock to Hemingway and he said now that cock is fine Your wife is being I've sucked that cock myself actually what if William Valker showed his cock to Hemingway? They only met like once briefly do you think he met his wife? What if it was just showed to them?
Starting point is 01:02:41 Word spoken, you know Zelda was schizophrenic. She was just a BPD. Making fun of his dick. It's crazy that it worked though, to the point where he had a show with the Hemingway. It was the 20s, baby! It's the thing. You can't really Google, like, is my cock that small? Bosh cocks are best.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Rasputin had a huge cock. And he changed the Russian Empire. BPD wasPD was I say for a big penis discriminator Very very good Very good. You guys see Jonathan majors. He's in a he's like buff his shit and he's fucking back magazine dreams He got really big because he needs to beat the shit out of any white women that falsely accuse him Yeah, here's a movie coming out in two weeks. Yeah, it looks great. That's it. Yeah, it's got good reviews, too Wait the bodybuilder movie right? Yeah, that's what he's jacked for. Yeah No, but he got super jacked for that. I think he was this big and no no no creed 3
Starting point is 01:03:40 Yeah, like bodybuilder Jack. No, yeah way more Jack. He was using that that cup of his to beg for money for a while So this is like a real bodybuilder I think like a real guy. No, that's a CrossFit guy. CrossFit guy. Or he's not even, he is a LeVette Jack. That's like a calisthenics man. Yeah, exactly. Right, right, right. Right, right, right. He means something.
Starting point is 01:04:30 He's also swinging. He's got terrible control of his balls. Oh there he goes. He's getting control. He wants to do full full on so I got him. Took the lead by swinging. He's so ready to bait the shit out of any white woman that chases him through fucking Manhattan now. I'm so proud of majors.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Marvel's talking about bringing back his king. Good, they should. He's so talented. Because Marvel's like, are they gonna, are all these companies gonna be like, alright, enough of our woke shit, like bring back, like Kevin Spacey's gonna play like, Superman or something. No. If something we're in his prime I think they'd bring him back but there I think he's now old enough to where they're be like all right not he's
Starting point is 01:05:14 not a box office draw so let's just let him it's not worth it major like I feel insanely jacked in his prime yeah most talented what I would say like top five most talented in their prime actors right now Yeah, he's great But also I feel like I feel like pedophilia you can't come back pedophile no space I don't think space he's done. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. Yeah, but even it was in his prime They wouldn't bring him back. That's like the one thing you can't bounce even a fucking pedophile I know but it was an underage boy. He was
Starting point is 01:05:40 He can't bounce back from that. He's not even a fucking pedophile. I know, but it was an underage boy that he was. Sure, sure. Okay. Hey, what a stickler for the rules, I guess. Yeah, I guess I'm a fucking, I have a bad take, I guess. You go cruising and you don't know who you pulled into the bush.
Starting point is 01:05:55 Don't. We've all been there, all right? Spacey for life! I just can't believe Majors ever got in trouble. Like, it made no sense. No, it's crazy. The video, the footage we had, I mean, it was nuts. He was being chased all around town by like Laura Dern
Starting point is 01:06:11 and they blamed the poor black man. I got a little weird gay story. No. Okay, so our buddy, David, our buddy, who's the guy that got beat up. Yeah. Yeah. So his, he was gone. He was out of town, right? This is real. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:34 They had these gay neighbors, and sometimes the guy would come, one of the guys would come over, and they'd like hang, you know, they'd hang out in the backyard with the family and knew him forever. He was always out front working on his yard, you know, doing the gay thing, you know, the tulips and whatever. And uh... Gardening's gay. And one day it is, it's kind of inherently gay, right? My dad's really into it and he's a very gay man. Yeah, grandpa loved Gardening. My dad's really into it and he's a very gay man. Grandpa loved gardening. So I guess this guy, like, he was really intelligent, they well traveled,
Starting point is 01:07:10 him and his partner well traveled, and one day he just like had like a feral, like a feral gay freak out and he like shot his partner while he was like sitting in a chair taking a nap. Next, right next door to David? Right next door. Did David hear it? And then he killed himself.
Starting point is 01:07:29 It is funny that being gay does make it a little more sinister. That's what I kept thinking when they were telling me the story. Right. I kept wanting to be like, but they were gay as hell, right? Yeah. I'm like, I don't know, it's some sort of gay thing.
Starting point is 01:07:40 It's a gay crime. I'm like, what the hell? Ryan Murphy direct your neighbor's life? A crime of gay passion And they just it's just been they have no clue what why this is new. This is new I didn't know anything about this. I yeah, I know god damn why I would know them or just like they knew them very well They were their neighbors They the guy would come over and have like wine and like have like dinners sometimes. Both or the killer?
Starting point is 01:08:05 The killer. And apparently his partner had like dementia. Is this a troll? No, this is real. Okay. I was just there last night. The family's very shaken up over it. Like 72 and his partner who he killed
Starting point is 01:08:20 was apparently like had been diagnosed with like dementia but hadn't shown any signs yet. He probably forgot he was gay. Wait, the guy? He was like, wait, you're straight again? Yeah. You just fucked me in my ass. No one fucks me in the ass. The guy with dementia was the one who got killed.
Starting point is 01:08:38 Got killed. Yes. Yeah. I think he remembered he like pussy. Right. For dementia. Yeah, yeah, right. I don't know. Yeah, when I kept learning more about it. It kind of sounded to me like he wore the pants on the relationship the killer
Starting point is 01:08:52 Yeah, and I wasn't sucking enough and I think he made like a decision For him like in this egotistical way suck or die like like in this egotistical way. Suck or die. Like, suck or die. I'll make the decision for you. Suck or die situation. It was a real suck or die kind of thing. You feeling faggy?
Starting point is 01:09:11 Yeah, I don't know. It's crazy, there's not much else to it, but it's just really weird. And yeah, they're just like sitting there like, well, right next door. Was it like a shotgun or a handgun? Where was David, by the way? He went in Bodahamn.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Do we know where David was? David was out of town. He was David was in London. Are you sure he blew his head clean off? This is such a case album cover What was this in the news then? Yeah, probably could you look it up what neighborhood? in the news then yeah probably could you look it up what neighborhood I mean I don't want to tell glad you'll yeah Glendale murder suicide David's been accounted for he was in London at the time it wasn't a murder we don't think David it wasn't a murder the guy left a note he left like a like a suicide note and he's trying to make a new hole in the cell yeah he planned it for later he
Starting point is 01:10:00 was there he was at their place having a murder he was at their place having dinner like a week before and they were like because he had been in a depression And he kept telling people that it was like no, it's just over the election I'm just depressed about the election and then out of nowhere He started acting like fine again, and that's you when you decide to kill yourself and like do something that drastic You know people have these like Release of like I'm fine now, you know But yeah, it was just interesting when he told when they told me I kept I couldn't help but think the gay part had a lot to do with it yeah
Starting point is 01:10:28 they're really dramatic it's like feline aids Fairies these goddamn lace curtain motherfuckers Old they were 72 and like 75 it was just a classic case. I think of like rabid faggotry. Oh I just found it. It says rabid faggot You know sometimes when you have like random gay sex they bite Mm-hmm The wolf man you're gonna chuck that want to empty your gun into that's fucking crazy really But there's just the fact that you mean it's very crazy Gene Hackman was just mummified. What are we talking about? It's not
Starting point is 01:11:28 Podcasts are not even famous. It's like it's not a story It was just weird the guy they were over for dinner. He was over for dinner like a week before Crazy does feels like a troll to be still but let's go. Let's move. I see what you move right along. Sure. I'm just saying Just saying we were talking about Kevin Spacey and usually you and you know, him being a pedophile or whatever. It's like, you guys gotta like give like, relent a little bit to the gay brain. Mmm. That's, that is odd. My bad. It's an odd one. You guys hate gay people. You love someone and then you blow their brains out.
Starting point is 01:11:57 I mean, Age of Consent does seem like a real gray area in the gay community. Oh yeah. It is. John's the king of bringing that up. Milo is canceled for even bringing that up Yeah, John always says that Devin was molested by Stan I don't say are you always say but it's very suspicious that a gay man takes a young boy under sure No, I don't say that with Stan what I said is I would be if people always an older
Starting point is 01:12:19 If an older gay guy started hanging out with my fucking young son, I'd be worried and then when Connor with his baseball coach They're watching Survivor. Yeah, the guy was like giving him when they're watching I mean, it's given you beers and shit while you watch Survivor. Yeah, that was weird. Yeah. Well Connor was raped Yes. Yeah. Yes, right. Oh, yeah. Yeah, Connor. You said that you think that you were we did a whole episode on this I don't know what you guys talking about your that you were. We did a whole episode on this. I don't know what you guys are talking about. You're a baseball coach, would you have Survivor? Play the Survivor theme.
Starting point is 01:12:49 This'll come right back to you. Survivoritis was different than, I don't know what you're talking about. So then why did you have, why does the Survivor theme song give you trauma? Yeah, I mean, you guys think I was raped. But why do you say? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:13:04 So then it's pretty obvious. OK, I'm going to go throw up right now. Yay! Come on. Summon your demons. The car just starts going, oh, oh, oh. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 01:13:17 Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. It's activated by this. I go, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Should we do an Evelyn check before we wrap up? Yeah, yeah. For the mains.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Have we ever talked about her on the main? Once, I think. Yeah, we did once. God, she's... These poor people are missing out on the Evelyn saga. I've been DMing her like every day, just doing all caps. Help, help! You really have been DMing her? Yeah. She won't even look.
Starting point is 01:13:46 I mean, she's so popular, every single one of her videos gets sent out to so many people. She plays hard to get, Evelyn. Look at my little toad woman. Now, man, the attack on the family is a disregard and contempt for human rights. Again, she was at Victoria Park two minutes ago. At Victoria, this is two minutes ago.
Starting point is 01:14:03 It better end Canada now. At Victoria Park Apartments on Eglinton, the apartment beside us, they were coming in from the bottom kitchen cupboard. Under sink, our walls were attached area. They would knock us out, four persons, and my two dogs knocked out two days. Man, they're breaking in through the cupboards
Starting point is 01:14:24 and knocking her dogs out. Somebody on our Patreon had a very good point. Starwhackers, actually. Somebody on our Patreon guy had a very good point where he said, oh, why doesn't everyone just move? Yeah. Yeah. Well, cause then the torment ends. She loves the torment.
Starting point is 01:14:38 Yeah, but they're burning her. Hello, darkness, my old friend. Hello, fiery, hello, fiery. Hello, chemical, my old friend. She loves her third leg that's a fact but this pussy sit started at 110 unity 20 milner and nowhere it better end what does a pussy said I don't I think she meant pussy shit this pussy big-ass fucking pussy now she crying again. Oh my baby 13 minutes ago You know what I think today was rough for Evelyn that's a bad I don't think she got away
Starting point is 01:15:13 I'm going there and hug her. I don't need no one knocking on my door for a fucking while this day So somebody called finally somebody sent people to go do a wellness check. And they knocked and they go, she sounds perfect. She sounds fine. They go, no, that's how she always is. I don't know why you guys call her. That's Evelyn. Yeah. Her eyes look like goats eat.
Starting point is 01:15:36 My private feels like it's been touched and so fucking huge. But you know when you feel like you've been invaded, right? I don't know fucking how they're getting there, what the fuck they're doing, but they better leave me alone. Oh, my baby. Oh, my sweet lady. She's being like raped by fire.
Starting point is 01:15:54 And stop chemicaling me and stop fucking hurting my family. This has gone too fucking far you bunch of fucking cop pigs Hell yeah, dirty fucking trading cop pigs It's the cops now That's exactly who and what they are and the government is tasked with approval Right? They allow it. No wonder away under a fucking Trudeau government bastards yeah I love you I'm sorry 13 hours this one is kind of sexy smokey
Starting point is 01:16:37 lighting she looks she had some well she gets bedroom eyes yeah she had somebody coming over stop first thing I just get up and they're already blasting you in my face with chemicals. Oh, whoa. Already raked my face directly with chemicals. Come on, they're 412. She's doing a DIY to the guy blasting the chemicals. She's like, stop blasting the chemicals. This is an interesting one because Evelyn's talking in a way where she's like come on stop blasting the damn Can she say jaded to it kind of over it now a tolerance to the chemicals? She's still annoying she is this again
Starting point is 01:17:13 This is out of control They won't stop at this camera oh They won't stop at this chemical. Aww. They won't stop at this chemical. The scarecrow is putting it into the water. You can't breathe it. You can't breathe it. Bane Lula makes them stronger. Moisturizing your mouth. He likes the chemical Bano.
Starting point is 01:17:38 Batman come please help me. Help! Help! Help! Help me What if one day she posted a video and she looks really nice and she's like they did it they stopped Finally stop princess Fiona from Sh. She becomes a beautiful princess. She looks like Aubrey Plaza. She's just normal.
Starting point is 01:18:12 Oh, hell yeah. God hurry, hurry. I need you now. She looks good here. I want her to suck me clean. Damn. How do her to suck me clean How do her eyes get like I'm crying nonstop every day, what do you mean? It's from the burning dumbass Oh Like anaphylactic Oh
Starting point is 01:19:05 What a poor disgusting disgusting woman. He better stop. Man that's a rough one. Jesus. That was a rough one. Here's how you know it's bad. She's posting pictures of Jesus. God, I know you see each and every one behind this attack on my family and those of tacit approval of silent consent. That's actually very poignant. Yeah. That was like much more eloquent than her usual. Usually, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:17 This is a good one. This is 61 likes. Jesus. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this. approval of silent consent. That's actually very poignant. Yeah. That was much more eloquent than her usual.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Usually, yeah. This is a good one. This is 61 likes. Jesus, suck the politicals. I'm only 65 years old in June. 22 hours ago. And I'm strong, but I'll tell you something. This is a hell of a lot of freaking technology being done
Starting point is 01:19:40 to me that's burning me alive inside and out. And it hurt I can't watch too much No, I started I start to imagine being these in the asylum that is her mind and I'm like, oh what a fucking nightmare Yeah, she's a champion for not killing herself. Let's put her out to pass. It's crazy. I'd be dead so fast Give it to the heck my whole life son of my face My last son of my Her hair is different here. She must be like going through a breakup.
Starting point is 01:20:25 They're burning me, do you hear me? She's having a Britney Spears moment. They're burning me! Oh, dude. She looks like Billie Eilish. He's feathered bags like Billie Eilish. Oh my god. I'm not white waiting!
Starting point is 01:20:43 They're really burning her a lot lately. We have to stop, please, please. Help! Stop! You're burning me by making me watch this! I'm sorry to think Evelyn's being burned. I can see that. A lot by these evildoers. She keeps saying Tasset approval.
Starting point is 01:21:02 She hit Tasset again? It's like Word of the day for her. Yeah, she wrote tacit again. She learned tacit. I think Evelyn can become powerful. I think she is powerful. I think through this she could potentially reach a mass audience like us.
Starting point is 01:21:18 I think she could start, she could take the chemicals and transform it into like a whole thing or that, but I think she could like pull like that woman who flew to Pakistan and started bossing people around if she wanted to. Just use her mental ill-wage and do something. By the way, she is, they tried to send her back to Brooklyn. The Pakistani.
Starting point is 01:21:36 Yeah. Oh, Nigel. Oh, Nigel. They tried to send her back to Brooklyn. They put her on a plane, but there was a layover in Abu Dhabi. She got right off the plane. And now she's doing. She a layover in Abu Dhabi and now she's doing trying to run off doing the same thing in Abu Dhabi I sent you a clip of it rocks we could it's a really fast clip but it's just her and Abu Dhabi
Starting point is 01:21:57 immediately threatening to like kill people she's throwing a Bentley in let's save for the patreon. Yeah Sure sure sure sure a cliffhanger best best Evelyn's best Well, I love everybody guys Hope everyone's having a good time out there Yep, Ben Avery and I are doing our show cringe March 15th So y'all have tickets for that my bio, please come to that Go to cringe on March 13th. Everybody. It's very fun. We'll hang out. We'll talk we chit chat
Starting point is 01:22:33 It's a great time. We can all go get Thai food at a place called my line next door Which is very funny because that's where a big massacre happened and I try to talk to them about it and they were like, you know Yeah, they're like I guess my line Vietnamese means like something innocent But in America where the restaurant is it means rape and murder come to Kissinger's. Yeah, come on down to Kissinger's All right, bye

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