Hate Watch with Devan Costa - The Merchant of Crickets

Episode Date: October 7, 2024

The king of the LA comedy scene gets violent with the director of a documentary about him https://www.patreon.com/HateWatchPodcast Support the show and get 10% off the best hummer ever. Use code HATE...WATCH at https://www.autoblow.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's good to be in something from the ground floor. I came too late for that. I know But lately I'm getting the feeling that I came in at the end The best is over Many Americans I think feel that way you guys are having a blast right now. I'm having the most fun of it Cheers, Joey. So you're having fun. Oh, yes. Cheers buddy. Oh, yeah I'm having a lot of fun. You guys are enjoying this and I'm enjoying, I love this. Loopy sober David is back. I love this.
Starting point is 00:00:27 You're Loopy, you were Loopy and great on the last one when you were sober. Thank you pal, yeah no, I gotta get used to it, I gotta get used to it, I can't keep, you know, cause listen, I gotta savor my drinks, my drinking. I don't wanna waste it all by 35 and then, you know, get told something horrible by a doctor and, sure, I don't wanna show up to the,
Starting point is 00:00:46 I can't go to the club with a dialysis machine. Sure, yeah, yeah. You clean the whole studio, you've been sober for like a week, and you're like suddenly this. It's a little performative. Things are in order. It's a little performative, I think.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Yeah, it's a kinda showboat. Yeah. Really bragging to us. No, it's cause I. Kinda condescending attitude towards us a little bit. No, not at all, not at all. Go ahead Connor drink up drink up. I will it doesn't even smell bad down here anymore Yeah, he's cleaned the whole table. I cleaned everything in the goddamn studio. It looks good. I guess looks really beautiful It looks really good and this only could have been done by a man who has his life in order. Mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:01:22 Unlike you both. I deep clean my house every goddamn day. Yeah, but that's, I don't know, you do it in some weird, it's, you have like OCD. No, it's cause I can, I have responsibility and I, you know, can like. He can manage drinking and cleaning. I can like, I'm not like a shell of a person if I have a few drinks and.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Okay. You know. All right then. Oh wow. It was actually insane at the gym the other day when he was like dude, that's like I'm seeing colors I've never seen is like five days He was just like I've never even felt like this. There's five days five days No, no, well then the last week too. I went five days
Starting point is 00:01:59 So I've only it's my pants was last week cuz I'm talking about last week and then this week, too This is the the most I've gone Probably in a year cuz when since you got back from New York you know you can't blame me This is kind of ruining my life Influx because every car is just like beer Here's our behavior from you man. I know him and his fucking this is these Pennsylvania drunks All these all these you know the fucking Shane universe, like beer? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Fucking beer and then before you know it, you're dead. Like me, but I'm reviving myself. You have like drink autism, you drink too fast, you drink too much, you know. Yeah, cause it's great. Drink autism, like Rain Man. Yeah. Counting cards, but they're beers.
Starting point is 00:02:42 One, two, three, four. Then you spaz in public. Hot toddy burn baby! All right, okay. I don't even know if we should get into this because it is pretty fringe, but there apparently is some wild stuff happening in the LA comedy scene. I never care about LA comedy drama this story has me captivated messaging like open mic oh yeah just being like what's the latest on the Russo shit yeah okay so wait so this guy does he have a yeah so this guy a comic I mean are we should we say his name?
Starting point is 00:03:25 He's a doc, he's public information here. We have to watch it. He's also a public figure. He's a public figure. He's a famous media. He's a public figure. So his name is like Ian Ivaruso. Ian Ivaruso.
Starting point is 00:03:38 And he recently, oh, I don't follow, oh, he made his account private because people want to arrest him. Because- He's on the run. He's on the run. He's the fugitive. The DA is looking into it, I guess. Well, I guess we could go to the accuser. So I guess this lady in the LA comedy scene, she made a documentary about some horrifically tragic comedy club in Los Angeles. And the community and like what it does
Starting point is 00:04:06 for comedy or whatever. The documentary's called Breaking the Fourth Wall if you wanna watch it on your own. It is, I don't know what you'll get out of it. They don't need to watch it on their own. We got Haywatch for that, baby. We got it right here. Do a whole hour and a half.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Have you ever done comedy there? No, no, no. That was a place I opened up right before I moved to New York. And I just was like, I have no interest in going to a place called Fourth Wall. Why would someone make a documentary about that? Because they're sad.
Starting point is 00:04:29 She is like nothing special about it. I watched the documentary. It's kind of like, it's like watching a documentary about pigeons. And then throughout the documentary, the pigeons start catching an attitude and they start talking down about cockroaches. Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:44 No, I, I've been, It's really amazing stuff. I've been calling this documentary a hit piece on insects. It really is the meanest thing I've ever seen. It's amazing and everyone in it, they all are trying to convince themselves none of them have made it because none of them are bigots.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Yes. You know, it's like that type of thing. Oh, that's so funny. It's a bunch of like white women from the Midwest being like, and I went to an open mic and no one laughed. And that's how hard it is to be a woman in comedy. It's like, dude, you just suck ass. Yeah, you're over.
Starting point is 00:05:12 And you're the new person in the open mic. You get iced out. I'll say this, there's probably nothing easier than being a woman in comedy. I'll die on that fucking end. I actually don't know what the fuck they're talking about. I've seen some of the most talentless hens on the face of the earth four weeks in
Starting point is 00:05:27 and they have a career. They're opening up at an arena. For a comic that wants to- They go, she didn't shit herself on stage, we'll book her at the arena. I mean, come on. I know. Come on.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Sure you get groped. We could go on and- Sexually harassed, but who cares? I could get modeled with a Stanley Thurman. Sure, yeah. Sure, Ian Russo will, you know, he'll Turn to face new roadmap. Give you a concussion with a Thermos.
Starting point is 00:05:51 So this lady posted on Instagram, as some of you may have heard, Ian Iro Russo assaulted me on Thursday around noon on the sidewalk in front of Fourth Wall Cafe. Okay, so one of the more tragic things about this is that they were all at an open mic at noon. Yes. Okay, so just keep that in mind. Noon in Koreatown.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Missed that airwing detail. Just another detail that's more inside baseball about open mic comedy in general. This is a pay-to-play open mic and you get nothing in exchange except for stage time. So a lot of places like you show up when we were doing mics back in the day, it's like, all right, you gotta buy a drink or it's $5 plus you get a drink and stage time. This is just, here's $5, can I do three minutes of standup comedy? It's just a pure money bleeding system
Starting point is 00:06:31 for sad open micers. So she goes, I'm writing to share, I am not okay. And I am asking people to stop him from endangering myself and others by contacting LAPD and the district attorney to actually do something about this case. Have we done that yet guys? Well, okay, here's the thing I want to say. I saw Ian do standup about five years ago
Starting point is 00:06:48 and I called the DA then. I've been calling the DA every day. He's like, could you stop calling about Ian Roos so we can get these calls for you. They go, did he beat somebody? I go, no, he's just, he's always around. I called CPS just on the odd chance he might be around children one day.
Starting point is 00:07:06 I, Ian, we'll get into the doc a little bit. You'll see, you'll see who this beauty is. He, he's a very, he's a- Statue of a man. He kind of feels like, if like he was made to, to show you how to make it out of this. Yeah, he's a walking cautionary tale. As inspiration, yeah, he's a cautionary tale.
Starting point is 00:07:27 He's kind of like Rupert Pupkin, but like no charisma. Like at least Rupert had some get up and go. He's like if Rupert Pupkin was made by Dr. Frankenstein. Like he's Frankenstein's monster in open mic comedy. If he just hit Jerry Lewis with a thermos. So yeah, apparently this guy assaulted this woman with a Stanley thermos out front of an open mic and then ran off and then got in his car
Starting point is 00:07:53 and like bashed a bunch of cars trying to escape. That's awesome. Like pineapple express style, like just backing into cars. So funny, dude. I couldn't think of a funnier visual. But this poor lady with the little speed, you know, she has a concussion and she had to go to urgent care and she's dizzy and so, you know, hopefully she's making a full recovery
Starting point is 00:08:11 so she can get back to making bad documentaries about nobody's. I felt terrible for her. I did not expect somebody to get hit with a thermos and sad and everything. The documentary though, it's like so directionless. It has no- You could tell she was like, oh, I think our lives are so interesting, let's make a documentary about this. And then they started and then it suddenly,
Starting point is 00:08:30 the doc was just letting open micers talk and then so it had no aim. You could tell they had nothing and then they got to Ian. Meggo, well the documentary has to be a case study about this guy. But then the people talking about the guy, it's like, you're like a couple weeks away from being him. What do you think you are?
Starting point is 00:08:49 I mean, it's so funny, because from the outside looking at it, and you'd watch Ian, you'd go, this is the saddest thing of all time. To me, it's the guys who are acting like they're above it all, and they're like, dude, look, sometimes you take your licks, but it's part of the process. And one day, it'll all be worth it.
Starting point is 00:09:02 It's like, you're sadder than Ian, actually. It's a lot of process. And one day, you know, it'll all be worth it. It's like, you're sadder than Ian, actually. It's a lot of, it's like a lot of piss, like rolling its eyes, like, I don't even stink as bad as shit. And Ian is diarrhea. Ian's like, he's diarrhea, horrific diarrhea. And shit's looking at diarrhea like, God, dude. At least I'm solid, I mean, so footage has been released,
Starting point is 00:09:27 so we get to see some of the footage that this lady posted. I kind of feel like we might, you're better off showing a clip of the documentary. First, before we do the footage? Yeah, because this is- Because people wanna know if they wanna, we wanna let the people know,
Starting point is 00:09:39 like, do you think this was justified? I think, kind of. You know kind of where I'm coming from. There is about 40 minutes on one man in your documentary. And it's the saddest depiction of a human being I've ever seen. I imagine it made one of the most tragic men in Los Angeles pretty furious when he saw it. And you know, maybe you don't want to fuck with people
Starting point is 00:10:00 that you already say are insane. That you're literally scared of. I mean, like they describe him at the beginning of the documentary when they bring Ian up. This is how it goes, every testimonial, they go, do you know Ian Russo? And the guy in the chair would be like, oh. Yeah, I fucking know Ian Russo, what a piece of shit he is.
Starting point is 00:10:17 At one point, they literally call him the Beetlejuice of comedy. So it's like mean upon introduction to him, and then they just, oh. Let's get into the doc. I got it right here This this guy ran a website Mike's in LA on it and stuff like that and he he dresses like oh my god He used to like bring a cane and like a hat to open mics he dresses like he plays in deadly card games
Starting point is 00:10:38 It's like a lot of us care. He looks like he kills Like he shoots people with a pen But enough about him. That's Russo. This is him. This is also a guy who, he moved to LA about 10 years ago, I think. And we used to do up mics with him all the time.
Starting point is 00:10:58 And he had already been doing it for like, I think five plus years in New York. So he's like a seasoned veteran. Ian? Yeah. Oh yeah. He's been around for a long time So he's like a seasoned veteran. Ian? Yeah. Oh yeah. He's been around for a long time. He's a killer man.
Starting point is 00:11:08 And they say that- He's a killer. No, legitimately. He's a killer man. He killed her man. They also say that he got chased out of New York for doing something that I don't know, but they said, I read a comment
Starting point is 00:11:19 or somebody posted something where it was like, this is not the first city that he's been kicked out of, so we know now it's time to kick him out of here. No, he's a creep. He for sure was a creep to somebody in New York. New York, he beat somebody up with a crock pot. And then he came out to LA, a little lighter offense. Stanley Thermis.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Okay, so here's some of this doc. Dad, I would like to talk about this more, but I don't want to. Oh, yeah, him? Yeah, let's not do that. Yeah, no, he's, I, whatever, he's fine. He never did anything to me. But you know, just, there's like a whole,
Starting point is 00:11:53 there's a whole part of this where he starts getting, like, he starts getting an attitude because Ian made a better open mic list on the internet. And this guy, this guy goes, he goes, he goes, hey man, yeah, it's a lot of work. So good luck. A little retarded man accidentally made a better list than you've dedicated your last like 12 years of your life
Starting point is 00:12:15 to his whole persona. Yeah, so honestly, give it up. We gotta give it up to Ian for that. You got it. Ian, great open mic list throughout the pandemic. You know? Which by the way, his list was just like, there's a park in here, well they'll let you scream.
Starting point is 00:12:31 And that's like on the list for like open mics to do. Okay, so here we go. That means like I got like three or four spots in the night, you know, in addition to those other mics that I did. This is. And I'm like, well. All right. Did you really grow from any of that? Okay, so yeah, what are, he's talking, they're I'm like, well, did you really grow from any of that? Okay, so yeah, they're talking about,
Starting point is 00:12:46 because Ian did like a thousand mics in a year. Yeah, he did a thousand sets in a year. Mics, they weren't shows, so there's no way that shows were made. Yeah, mics, mics. Yeah, yeah, and that's a common thing that- Losers do. Mental midgets in the comedy scene will do. They come in and they go, it's all about the hardware.
Starting point is 00:13:01 It's like being like, I gotta get funny and you just do pushups. No, they're like, oh, I suck? Scoreboard, how about that? Look at that, though. Yeah, a thousand sets. Look at that. Running circles around me, Chappelle.
Starting point is 00:13:12 So that's what they're talking about. Mark, that you did these, and that really depends on the comedian. I think I did too much comedy this year. I'm about to hit a thousand sets for the year. And don't do a thousand sets of comedy in a year, because it's not going to make you better. It's just not it.
Starting point is 00:13:34 You think... Perfect cut, Teresa. I will say that. You think Ian's parents are crickets? Walking around going, this thing on? Just two big crickets. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just walking around going, this thing on. Just two big crickets in New York. Living in a brownstone. It's two crickets going, you suck.
Starting point is 00:13:53 You suck, son. They're rubbing their little legs. My name is Ian Iorusa, and I make an ass out of myself for the sake of level. So go ahead one more time. What? No, okay, we're not gonna be mean to Ian on this episode. I'm team Ian.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Don't do that. I'm team Ian. I want people to know though, like Ian, he does, there's a charm that none of these other people in this movie have, is that he has a classic character to him. Yeah. This guy doesn't exist anymore.
Starting point is 00:14:26 This is like some sort of, he's like a 70s movie character. He's an archetype. He's an archetype. And at least he can say that about, we can say that about him. He's unaware of that probably. Oh, he thinks he's like James Dean. He's wildly more interesting
Starting point is 00:14:41 than everyone in the documentary. That's the problem with Ian though, is if he knew that about himself, he might be he could play into it a little bit Yeah, but it's anything she's like a cool fucking I'm telling how it is. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Anyway, just wanted to say that cuz we're not gonna be mean I stand with Ian We are never if well, I swear to God we're don't be fucking mean tonight It's got love Watch, motherfucker. Love Watch.
Starting point is 00:15:07 My name is Ian Ira Russo, and I make an ass out of myself for the sake of a laughing audience. I call Ian Russo the Beetlejuice of the open mic scene, because if you say his name enough in an open mic, he just appears. This really happened. Okay, this is not how I met him, but this really happened.
Starting point is 00:15:26 My dad, when I turned 29, came in for my birthday to visit. He sat with me through all these open mics. Oh man, that's embarrassing. I was doing a know-how. See, that's what I'm saying, this is sadder. It's like your dad. He's a loving father, though. Your dad flies in and you take him to a coffee shop
Starting point is 00:15:42 where you paid five dollars. He was just like, son, I wanna see, I wanna hang out with you all day, I wanna paid five dollars. You asked for five bucks. I wanna hang out with you all day. I wanna see your life. It's a sweet father. It's sad as hell, but it's a sweet father. It is, it's a great dad. It is, it hurts, it's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:15:54 It hurts my heart a little bit. It hurts my heart, but it's like, hey dad, first time I've seen you in like three years, do you wanna see me try and outperform a blender? Oh God. And we just like went to two different bars. So all day he saw Ian Russo do time. We then went to Cabo Wabo. Ian Russo shows up at that mic,
Starting point is 00:16:18 it happens to be doing a mic there. Then we go to another bar down the road and Russo appears and he's doing a mic there. The man is everywhere. What a meaningless story. He was also there. You were there too. You went to the same places. One could say you're the Beetlejuice of the open mic scene.
Starting point is 00:16:34 I don't get the story. I don't either. So once again Ian, scoreboard Ian. It's literally a cockroach being like, fuck a lot of cockroaches here. Dude, what are you doing here? You're a loser. You can't shake him.
Starting point is 00:16:52 My comedy style, I would describe myself as- Look at Ian giving this lady who made this documentary- His soul. Everything she ever asked for. His fucking bearing his soul, cause he's unaware. And it's truly, it's this is truly It's only watchable because Ian is captivating and you know what?
Starting point is 00:17:08 It's crazy that this lady didn't realize midway through when she had all this with Ian She goes why am I not just Windy City heating him? Why isn't the whole documentary you're following in around? Yep It should be called Ian Russo world's biggest loser No, she should have made like a searching for sugarman documentary about Ian Russo. And then we find out that he's like world famous in South Africa. He's like the biggest comic alive out there.
Starting point is 00:17:33 They all think he's dead. They find out he's world, he's super famous in like a landfill somewhere. Like all these rats like love Ian Russo. They're watching him. Fidgety, a little bit of a curmudgeon. He's autistic. And I can command rats.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Hey, you know what? I'm a little sick of that. Is that everybody? No, he's autistic. Oh, I mean, Debbie, he's autistic. Is he? Yeah, he's autistic, dude. Come on.
Starting point is 00:17:59 He's probably on the spectrum a little bit. No, he's on the spectrum a little bit more than a bit. Everyone that sucks ass is autistic? No, no, I mean- Can anyone just naturally would never say that. And by the way, like by the end of this, like we're trying to make a case for each other. I would never say that. I would never say that. I would never say that. I would never say that. I would never say that. I would never say that.
Starting point is 00:18:09 I would never say that. I would never say that. I would never say that. I would never say that. I would never say that. I would never say that. I would never say that. I would never say that.
Starting point is 00:18:16 I would never say that. I would never say that. I would never say that. I would never say that. I would never say that. I would never say that. I would never say that. I would never say that.
Starting point is 00:18:23 I would never say that. I would never say that. I would never say that. I would never say that. I would never say that. I would never say that he's not on the spectrum. No, no, no, he's actually, he's completely not on the spectrum. No, he's not autistic, so go ahead. By the way. I would never say that, and by the way, by the end of this, we're trying to make a case for Ian in court. Yes, see me, this is like the equivalent of like,
Starting point is 00:18:33 we're his defense attorneys, and this is the conversation that'd be happening behind the scenes. Obviously he's guilty of an assault on a woman, and that's horrific, and you know, but at the end of the day, He was justified. It was justified, It was self defense.
Starting point is 00:18:46 It was self defense. It was self defense. It was self defense. It was self defense. It was self defense. It does feel like targeted harassment. That does not warrant hitting a lady. It doesn't warrant, you don't, you get,
Starting point is 00:18:54 which is completely insane. Completely insane. Yeah. But it, you kinda get where he's coming from. I'm just saying, like, listen, whatever, who gives a shit? My personal opinion is he should have finished her off like Daniel Plainview at the end of the world we go just bash
Starting point is 00:19:09 random and Stanley thermos no I've no idea what is yeah me neither I didn't know she was either let's say you have an open mic and I have an open mic another funny detail about the lady is that she's Miss Torrance. Miss Torrance. Oh, no way. Yeah. Fuck. She's Miss Torrance, which is,
Starting point is 00:19:32 I didn't know they had a miss for every shitty suburb. Well, as you can see, you're Miss Torrance is fast track to success. Obviously, you win Miss Torrance. You're at the fourth wall. You're at the fourth wall. By the way, nothing more tragic, because she's a decently attractive lady
Starting point is 00:19:45 on her Instagram at least. What is with, I mean, what is with these women? It's just mental illness. They spend their life at these places. Why are you at this place with, a woman like that should never be around this. Look at this guy. Why are you around son of Frankenstein?
Starting point is 00:20:02 Yeah, I don't know. It's a crocodile hunter thing. He gets bit by a crocodile, and you're like, well, what were you doing around the crocodile? It is, exactly. You know? Yeah, okay, so anyway, I'm sorry, I keep interrupting. I yell a lot.
Starting point is 00:20:15 You're filled with filthy, grown-ass adult women who identify as witches. He's wearing headphones on stage. That's the most autistic move of all time. Yeah, that is true. He's like Sandler in Rain on stage. That's the most autistic move of all time. Yeah, that is true. He's like Sandler and rain on me. His family died in 9-11. No, him hitting Teresa was like the same as like dudes
Starting point is 00:20:33 too side by cop. Yeah, he just walks around all day listening to rock and roll McDonald's. To the common thing. Just then his headphones like, uh, BK. Have it your way. Two opportunities for just five dollars. They tell him to go to his happy place
Starting point is 00:20:53 when bad things are happening. He's assembling a Stanley Cup like a sniper rifle. Like the accountant. Shhh, shh, shh. It's like I could do this shit blindfolded now. I would describe myself as fidgety, a little bit of a curmudgeon. Rock and roll. I yell a lot.
Starting point is 00:21:17 With filmy grown ass adult women who identify as witches. That is all you will find. Adult women who identify as witches. You can't be all unified. I'll never go after a comedian for their words, more or less their intentions. No. If the intent is for a laughing audience, I don't think anything is off limits. I think you are able to say
Starting point is 00:21:38 and do whatever the hell you want. I've never got trouble for- Except for make a documentary featuring me. Saying anything offensive offensive really. Like I uh, I think most people who know who I am know that I'm a pretty half decent person, but uh, I haven't done my material yet. Just don't make a hit piece about me and I'll be a nice decent person. As long as you don't do 30 minutes on me in your documentary and I, you know, I want to assault you with a, with a thermos.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Hmm. Oh boy. Hmm. Um. I thought it was a thermos. Oh boy. Like you know people think you're rude, right? I was like, oh, this went completely unprompted. What brought that up? I was like, no, I just wanted to let you know. And it's like, all right.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Well, I want to let you know that I have a Stanley thermos. Going over well want to let you know that I have a Stanley thermos. I'm not going over well. So let you know that I keep that thing on. How would you describe it now? God, how do people describe me now? Wow. Uh, at times rude, abrasive, standoffish.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Yeah, you can't read other people's emotions. I don't know. I don't have the best reputation on the comedy scene. I'm definitely consistently funny. That's not the thing that people know me for quite yet. And I'll take it because it's a process. They'd probably describe me as the fastest hand in the West. Deadliest man with a cup they've saved.
Starting point is 00:23:00 It's a process. It's a process. How long you been doing it? 18 years. But every day you get a little better. I-hmm. I gotta say just side note to this I I did listen to Ian's album really? Yeah, it's kind of killing the whole time Wow, of course Yeah, yeah, I mean people aren't getting a glimpse at who the real Ian is That's that's kind of what I'm trying to say though is like this is a guy
Starting point is 00:23:23 Who's so tragically just devote his life to open mics and I listen to the album. It's not good But he's like doing all right I mean even that clip we just saw him right now yelling at the comedy place or whatever it's like people are laughing and it's like there's a world where he could have like Nevermind him or with me. I don't know I just saw the doubt in your face and I was like, you know No, no, I didn't forget. I just saw the doubt in your face, and I was like, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:44 I don't even know what point I'm talking about. What the hell are you talking about? You realize how crazy it was. And literally I caught myself halfway through, and I was like, I don't know what I'm talking about. I just think if he was aware, it's what we were saying earlier, if he was aware of what a character he is,
Starting point is 00:23:54 and how people can laugh at him while with him, it could have been a thing, something. Sure, right. Harry Caramella. Harry Caramella. Yes, yeah, there's a lot of comics who are successful when you're laughing at them as well. Well the cops didn't arrest him when they came to the.
Starting point is 00:24:09 That also is crazy. Which doesn't make any sense. Yeah. And I thought like okay maybe they heard her story and something didn't sound right about it. Apparently though like hitting somebody with a Stanley thermos is like. They call that comedy. Well it's a misdemeanor.
Starting point is 00:24:23 They go. It's a misdemeanor which is not I'd somehow not an arrestable offense I don't know isn't spitting in someone's face an arrestable defense. It doesn't really make sense, but that's what Teresa said She said the cops told me that it was a misdemeanor so we can't arrest him now We've submitted the case to the DA and the DA will make the decision about whether or not to issue a warrant There's a judge watching his stand- up right now. He's like, yeah, all right. Do the warrant. Okay, you got a warrant.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Death penalty. Death penalty. Hey, euthanasia. What if they arrest everybody involved in this? Would they swat the fourth wall? The rest of them all is fighting. Yeah. Me, because I don't know. Me because I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:07 I guess I'm overly honest, which. Yeah, he does tell it like it is. I try to maintain some sort of authenticity because I think that's a lot of, that's very important in a city of fake people. Exactly. That's not to say that I'm a complete dick. Yeah, dude, he rules. Speak to the power, brother. important in a city of fake people. That's not to say that I'm a complete dick. He rules.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Speak to the power, brother. He's the only genuine person in this doc. Yeah. I know I could be a bit much. Self-awareness. That was a beautiful smile. What do you think about me and Russo? I mean, that's so fucking me.
Starting point is 00:25:42 They're just laughing right at him. You know there was a premiere for this somewhere. In some hovel in LA. They set up a projector and I'm sure Ian came. He did. He was standing in the back. I read another post about that. I think Theresa mentioned that at some point.
Starting point is 00:25:58 He came to the premiere and then saw her after, you know, as they were all hanging out outside the lobby or whatever, yelled at her and then stormed away. So that was like the first thing. Yeah, the first sign. Have you ever run into Ian Russo? Haven't.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Oh, you never run into Ian Russo? No. Cause he goes to like, he's kind of notorious for going to like 10 mics a day. So I don't know if you've ever seen him, but you've never seen him. No, that's too much for to like 10 mics a day, so I don't know if you've ever seen him. Oh, no. But you've never seen him. No, that's too much for me. 10 mics a day?
Starting point is 00:26:29 First of all, he's one of those people who I say hi to and he just kind of looks at me and walks away. What is fucking autistic? You're lost. But. You're lost. But you're harmless to me. That's what he wants you to know. I would love a hello back sometime, but he my little kiss on the back of the head wants to suck off. Even when we do like the improv, like we'll kiss on the back of the head
Starting point is 00:27:11 and it's a set, there's no straying away from that set. He could use some pointers on that. I hate this guy. I fucking hate this guy so much. Another open mic-er giving pointers to Ian. Ian's a fucking killer. He's a vet, dude. He's a vet. He's been around the block more than you guys. All right, show some fucking respect to your elders and your betters. Yeah Absolutely, this cocksucker. I hate this guy Do you know him? No, I don't know. I didn't say that to anyone. I actually know okay You'll be running into these people soon. I will hopefully never run into this guy. How dare you even say that to me?
Starting point is 00:27:45 I bet you will. You think so little of me. These guys, there'll be door guys at the store in like a year. You're probably right, actually. All these people. That's the funnel now. Yeah, I think you're right.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Fourth Wall's a big spot in LA. It's huge, man. It's like very monumental. There's a lot of town scouts there. It's influential too, man. It's like, you know, it's like store, Door Guy at the store is like one thing. Door Guy at Fourth Wall, it's like, you're on your wayouts there. It's influential too, man. It's like, you know, it's like store, door guy at the store is like one thing. Door guy at fourth wall, it's like,
Starting point is 00:28:07 you're on your way up. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's just be, be aware. Yeah. Ian's coming for the throne, by the way. He's gonna get off. I think so.
Starting point is 00:28:14 He's gonna get off. It's gonna be like Joker. I do think it'll be like Rupert Pumpkin. Other, other mentally deranged open micers will bash the cop car that he's in and they'll, they'll pull him out and everyone's going insane and lighting stores on fire.
Starting point is 00:28:28 I am Ian Russo, we're all running around. I want him to go to jail and get really jacked. Let's make Russo masks and wear them. Start a little riot. He does have a great face for a mask. Be kind of great, we all made Russo masks and went to fourth wall. If we didn't sign up, we'd just all sit in the audience. We'd get like 20 of us. We have the thermos with the Russo mass and went to fourth wall and just we have signed up. We just all sit in the audience We like 20 of us
Starting point is 00:28:53 There isn't a holster on our hips But it's a set. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Not a psych guy, but I think there may be a spectrum issue going on. I'm not judge. There you go But I think that's part of the fuel component for him He's an entertaining guy he's an interesting guy enough I've met him a bunch of time you sure you're not a doctor, sir He won he when I first met him like damn he's so offensive He's like this sincerely offensive time Sam Kenison Oh God like this edge lord. Yeah. He's just retarded. Jesus Christ, you guys have some empathy.
Starting point is 00:30:10 What is with you people? For a few years, yeah. And then recently I saw him and he's more aware. Just walking around like the Unabomber. What the hell is this? He's still, eww. But he's more like trying to catch himself. They go, I'm sorry, can you repeat all that in English,
Starting point is 00:30:35 please? I can't change. Okay, so this is the lady that made the duck. This is the lady he punched. Yeah. Miss Torrance. Yeah. Miss Torrance, yeah, herself.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Yep, I actually met him at the fourth wall, and the first hour that I was there, Ian Russo kept saying the slur for gay people. So here right here is an admission that she had it out for him. Yes. She already didn't like him. She already didn't like him. Because he was like a bigoted adult money.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Because he said faggot. So then she's like, I'll be really nice to him. I'll ask him to do this documentary. And yeah. Yeah. And I'll make him fucking pay for making me slightly uncomfortable for three minutes one night. That is the, and she's playing it off there like, oh,
Starting point is 00:31:18 I didn't have that big an issue with it, but it was offensive. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I mean, you're claiming you hate him, and that he's like the vocal piece of your documentary. Yeah, the whole doc is about him. So. Casually, it was very like,
Starting point is 00:31:30 when I first heard him say it was very, very harsh, where I was just like, what is happening? And then later a gay comic went up there and was like. What if she was like. And we all went, ew. What if she goes, I heard him saying the slur for gay people, and then later a faggot comic went, ew. What if she goes, I heard him saying the slur for gay people and then later a faggot comic went up. And then right after Ian was a flaming queer faggot comic.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Looked at Ian, I was like, how dare you say that? What kind of person are you that you feel you can just say that word, not even in a punchline, even if it was a punchline, what makes you think you can say that? And really, like, really yell at you. What is this fucking stuff? They cut to a fist balling up.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Like Travis Bickle. It's grabbing a Stanley thermos. Yeah. Grrr. Yeah. Yeah. Watching that, being like, huh, open mics are weird. But then, you know, with the slotted system,
Starting point is 00:32:29 you pay for each hour. So that was hour one for me. Hour two, I stayed and Ian also stayed and so did that gay guy. And- Hey, it's so funny. It's that such a funny one to describe. And so did that gay guy.
Starting point is 00:32:43 You don't know his name. You can say the comic's name. You know the comic's name comics name you can be like my friend who happens to be homosexual himself That guy stayed for the next mic as well, but instead you go she goes instead of the fucking queer This gay guy like wouldn't leave like so the artistic area and the queer were there still Exact same set and still use the slur changed nothing and didn't even seem upset and the gay guy said- Yeah honey, it's called putting in the work, okay? The guy cares about his craft.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Are you just repeating your same thing? Did you learn nothing? And the gay guy was just kind of like, okay, I guess this is how it's gonna be. People are not just gonna change their act and when I ask them, I guess this is how it's gonna be. People are not just gonna change their act. And when I ask them, I guess. He doesn't change his act for anybody, all right? He's a real comic. Full integrity.
Starting point is 00:33:32 He's grinding bitch. Comedy, but are they gonna care? So maybe you kinda just have to like just move on. I don't know if it's necessarily a positive lesson, but it was a lesson. And I think that actually helped me grow where I was like, sometimes you can't change people and you have to just change how you react.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Sometimes you gotta make a hit piece documentary about Obermeier-Sussack. Local LA comic who moved from, I think, Philly. I'm originally from New York City. Here we go, here's the real go. Here's the real beef. Here's the real beef. It's the beef of who has the better. This is a person I might have to see again.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Yeah, it's true. Yeah. I'm not saying anything bad about it. Okay, all right, all right. He helped out the comedy scene tremendously. I love the comedy bureau. With the comedy bureau. But he's got some stiff competition now.
Starting point is 00:34:21 He sure does. With Russo. Yeah. And maybe that's why there's a witch on out for Russo. And I think, I don't even think Ian hit that girl. I think it was somebody else that they had dress up like him because they want to take him down because he has a better open mic list.
Starting point is 00:34:33 It's a list war. It's a list war. You don't get in a list war with a guy on the spectrum. It's a war of lists, which I've always been very curious about like what, cause it is hard work, what he does, this guy, but like, what is happening? Like every day are you like, like you didn't be fielding calls from cafes like five to seven alright like what how do you do I really don't even know how do you do this
Starting point is 00:34:54 it's a how hard can it be you're fucking post yeah you got a schedule you got a no I know but how do you find you call every cafe in the city be like hey are you guys letting losers in between five and eight Hey, are you guys turning away business every day? People email him like hey, could you put our mic on the bureau? Okay, yeah added done. That's my I did one hour a week. Okay. I thought it was more of like a Glen Gary Glen Ross Close the deal. Hey, man, fucking make the deal and close. Just papers flying everywhere. Is it slaughtered?
Starting point is 00:35:26 Yeah. God damn it, is it a slaughtered mic? Is it a rolling bucket? Is it a bucket mic? Oh, so this is like a mic show situation. OK, well, you have to let them know that. You gotta say that. So there's three book comics in the middle of an open mic.
Starting point is 00:35:41 You don't think that builds resentment from the open mic comics by the guy who was booked for 10 minutes? Twist. During quarantine. Oh, here we go. Getting into the good stuff. I, as the calming bureau,
Starting point is 00:35:55 decided that I wasn't gonna list any in-person stuff because I didn't want to be party to furthering the transmission of the virus at that stage of the pandemic. So I started the- Well, sounds like someone isn't clear about the crowd. Little did he know the virus was in.
Starting point is 00:36:12 L.A. Open Mic List. Because like during the pandemic L.A. Open Mic List. I was getting up and I'm like sidewalks. Look at that. look at that shit Can you imagine? Can you imagine I mean I don't want to go back was that jitter shot on my line That was a guy that was a guy in front of a park water fountain. Yeah
Starting point is 00:36:38 whatever Literally just this fucking sidewalk And that was there. Oh my God. It's the back of a Prius. And they're just yelling in a parking lot. Dude, I did one park show when I was in New York during the pandemic and I was like, never ever again.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Did I tell you about that? Yeah. I said that on podcast, you think? I don't know. It was one of the most tragic things ever. I show up to this park and they're like, you know, it's like me and five of the comics. They're like, hey, so real quick,
Starting point is 00:37:07 we don't have a microphone. And I was like, okay. Like there's no mic. Not a great start. I'm not a good start. And they go, also there's only three people here to watch the show. And I was like, okay.
Starting point is 00:37:17 So it's just three people sitting in the grass while we yell at them. And they're like, yeah. And I was like, I'm not gonna do this to the host. And he's like, I completely understand that. Let me ask the other comics if they also wanna go home. And I was like, I'm not gonna do this to the host. And he's like, I completely understand that. Let me ask the other comics if they also wanna go home. And I was like, please. And then he goes, hey, so you know, no mic tonight.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Three people in the audience. One of them is a baby. And they go, so we're thinking about canceling the show. And the comics flipped out. Every comic was like, what, that's fucking bullshit, bro. And one guy goes, man, fuck it, I don't need people. I'll make the fucking trees laugh. I swear to God.
Starting point is 00:37:54 I make the, and I literally just like turned away and I walked. I just like, I'm not even saying bye. I'm like, all right, I'm fucking outta here. That's the saddest thing I've ever heard. Yeah, yeah. And that's what this, that's the trenches. That's what this is.
Starting point is 00:38:04 That's what all those photos are just the most delusional people of all time Performing for bugs. Well if this were like a good documentary this would there be tragic music to be like a rec we have for it Yeah, yeah Hey Even if you're the loneliest guy in the world, you can still have an incredible sex life The auto blow ultra is changing the game. Have a mind-blowing blowjob whenever you want one.
Starting point is 00:38:32 This machine actually syncs up with a free library of dirty videos so it'll feel like you're in on the action. If you have a VR headset, you could even take it a step further and sync with VR content through third parties. So look at this baby. This will blow you really hard. Has a lot of settings. Look at that. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Boom, that's a mouth. That's a mouth and it's supposed to go right on your dick and it'll suck the cum right out of your dick. You could imagine it's anybody doing it. You could play videos of whoever you want and pretend that you're getting sucked by them. It's a great thing, the Auto Blow. It feels tremendous.
Starting point is 00:39:16 It has many settings. You could name it, you know, whatever you wanna do. So I highly recommend getting the Auto Blow. Okay, no more nights spent wasting time at the bar and getting turned down over and over. The Auto Blow will never turn you down. Will never turn you down. And it doesn't speak, which is great. No conversation.
Starting point is 00:39:38 So, or how do I turn this...stop. Okay. So it's time to start having the best blow jobs of your life, folks. Okay. So it's time to start having the best blow jobs of your life, folks, okay? So head to autoblow.com and use the code hatewatch to snag 10% off your order. That's autoblow.com, code hatewatch for 10% off. Get a damn autoblow, come on.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Everyone deserves to be sucked. Not exactly. Bars, they weren't doing it yet. Clubs weren't open and people were repeatedly asking me and I started posting the mics on my website. Like I have a page for it and it gained a lot of foot traffic and, God, almost a year later and now you look up LA Open mics on Google you know he kind of looks like ear hair he kind of looks like a full embodiment
Starting point is 00:40:34 of ear hair he looks like fungus the hair got so long that it turned into a man it's like you know a horror movie where you they think they the the monsters dead Yeah, and there's a cutscene the end like the thumb is crawling away. That's your hair, but you just just fully embody itself I'm the first thing that pops up way ahead of the Comedy Bureau He loves it way ahead of the comedy bureau You know You know, it's- This is crazy. Other lists can exist, you know. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:41:10 Far be it for me to ever want to like get into a dumb turf war. Yo, this is my corner. Like it's the fucking wire. Is unproductive. And what not. Yeah, he's acting like he's like the philosophical gang banger
Starting point is 00:41:26 who's like, bloods, crypts, man, why can't we all just get along, man? He goes, let the other open mic list live. We all just people, y'all. We all just trying to get up. We all just, we all. Life's just hard enough, bro. We all crabs in a bucket just trying to get a tight.
Starting point is 00:41:44 We all crabs in a bucket just trying to get a tight five. We all crabs in a bucket just trying to nail down a tight five. And you know. Is there anything else in this that's funny? Yes. Not letting it do that. So I don't know if you can skip ahead, but do they... So what Ian gets to eventually is that he had developed a crush on this girl. Oh, that's the best part
Starting point is 00:42:05 No, I don't know if you skipped that. I think it's right. It's right here. It's right here This is by far the most embarrassing part for Ian. Yeah So dude, here we go. I used to do this bit About this girl There's no idea there's no like there's no it's not a single there's no, there's not a single open my comic that looks like that. Not a single of my comment or Swedish model. They paid six dollars to shutter stock. I used to heckle my sets all the fucking time. Then I developed feelings for her. And... I start- He goes, and then...
Starting point is 00:42:47 It's crazy, I raped and killed her. Hahahaha! And uh... This might be a little much, but you'll never find the body. Hahahaha! I feel comfortable saying this because I did such a good job disposing of the body. She's in a 55 gallon drum off the coast of Santa Barbara. There's nothing left, not a bone.
Starting point is 00:43:09 I'm the snowman. The FBI calls me the snowman. Michael Fassbender's been hunting me for months, but he'll never find me. Running a joke in front of her that went Funny pretty good bit good premise and almost there Wait, how is it? That's the end?
Starting point is 00:43:45 No, hold on, Joey. Sorry? Settle down now. I should have trusted you. Let him set it up. Have some patience for great art, okay? I believe in the artist. He's like the megalopolis of the open mic scene.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Misunderstood. I mean, she's terrible as a comic, a person. You have to know what he's talking about. He does tell it like it is. It's so funny to be like, I've a crush on a girl. She's a terrible person and an even worse comedian He's like I'm gonna nag her I think this is gonna get me in Make it only works like the hottest people alive. You can't look like ear hair and a nega girl place to be your hair like you use that your ear hair and then you turn into like a caterpillar and you come out I know what you're thinking is that guy you're here
Starting point is 00:45:01 He goes I'm the better of the two common he literally says that, yeah. I'm not spewing that. I started telling that joke in front of her. That's a joke. Cause what's the worst second half? Sorry Devon, I spoke too soon. And she fucking... CJ, that was a joke. I should have waited. I should have waited.
Starting point is 00:45:15 You're buffoon. Egg on your face. I apologize. Love the joke. She loved it. It was the only time she was ever friendly to me. So I kept doing the joke in front of her. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Wow. It was like all I wanted was for this girl to talk to me. That's worse than what Louie did. Doing that joke in front of your crush. She still heckled my sets. One time I was doing the joke and she was like, who's your crush, Ian? Name names. And I was just
Starting point is 00:45:46 like oh my god shut the fuck up maybe the best comic of all time. He's based man. Do we know who the Crush is? I wish I knew. I have no idea. I can find out. I'm imagining it's it's it's a man with long hair. It's one of the jokes. It's one of the Hanson brothers. It's Sonic the Hedgehog, that's his crush. It's Oscar the Grouch. It's Sonichu. Sonichu, Sonichu.
Starting point is 00:46:18 God, you're pretty. What? Nothing. And then the pandemic happened, lockdowns were crazy, all the barbershops were closed. His crush is a is a Wendy's cup. He just looks at the girl. He's face fucking the Wendy's icons.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Wendy. He cuts a hole in his cup. He's putting a pocket of pussy inside of a Wendy's cup. You can go into town on it. It's like, you know, I'm not usually into redheads, but here my crush. Oh, she's giving him a haircut, dude. Yeah, yeah. So that's the whole setup.
Starting point is 00:46:53 The whole setup is that all the barbershops are closed and he needed a haircut. And the girl that he has a crush on cuts hair. So she offered to cut his hair. And that's where we're at. Parking lot of a Fry's Electronics right down the street. And uh.
Starting point is 00:47:07 No coincidence, Fry's went out of business shortly after this happened. That I should give a lock of my hair to this crush. Digest that. She wanted me to give hair from my actual head to another human being. And I tried doing it and she ran to her fucking car The footage of a woman running
Starting point is 00:47:33 The footage of a woman running from like an assault No it's a woman running from like the wolf man It's like a demonic being is chasing her I can't fucking slow down. Who's on my heels? The Babadook is behind her. That's what's happening. She left mid haircut and ran to her car and drove off.
Starting point is 00:47:52 She's like, Babadook, you should really give a cut of luck if your hair did crash. Uh. I got this reenactment underneath it. Yeah, we thought you caught the event. Has caused a world of problems, but I stand by my art.
Starting point is 00:48:11 Wow. Nice, good job. That caused a lot of problems for me. Like, before the haircut, the bit gained a lot of negative attention and which I didn't quite anticipate and I admittedly played into it like the fact that uh so many people wanted to know who this comic was and It just became it was a world I put her in a shitty situation in the sense that for a while I even hear people are still doing it,
Starting point is 00:48:50 like people call her my crush to her face and at the end of the day it was just a weird story that we didn't really become friendly to each other until a couple of weeks before. I mean, I'm not kidding, dude. There are, there are, there are, I guarantee there are ants out there that have more engaging life stories. Yeah, oh my God. There are, there's, there's so much, there are, there's just, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:49:24 There's like a rabbit out there that had a more interesting like day. Yeah, I'm not kidding. Right now as we're listening to that, my eyes started crossing. What is this? Like my vision went blurry. None of this is meaningful on any level whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:49:38 It's like these people are dead. They just don't know it yet. They're walking ghosts. Unfortunately, you know, it's just like because of the pandemic and maybe because I gave her a piece a lock on my hair and she's burnt it away. This woman that I only talked to once, we, you know, we never got married.
Starting point is 00:49:55 So then, and then the whole open mic scene, they started talking about that famed day where I gave a lock of hair to her and they keep calling her, they call her my crush. that famed day where I gave a lock of hair to her and they keep calling her, they call her my crush. They're acting like this is, like this set the city on fire. Yeah. It's the most, it's the most boring story I've ever heard in my fucking life.
Starting point is 00:50:18 It was like Brangelina, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The haircut and I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:31 I felt very guilty about it. It felt like I was in your hair again, honestly. Yeah. I had that way I gave this girl unwanted attention. And it's a fantastic story. Like even she admits that. Like we had a good, the good laugh about that story. That way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:53 At like gunpoint she's admitted that it's a pretty funny story. I don't. Bearing my soul. I told her I'm not going to handcuff you from this radiator until you start laughing at this. This torch is getting closer to your face. That bear trap, the reverse bear trap is going to rip your head wide open. I visit her every day at my basement.
Starting point is 00:51:15 I say, let's play a game. It's weird telling that story in front of comics. What? Especially people who know who the bit is about. It feels inappropriate. It's the worst documentary of all time. It's so horrible. I'd rather just ask the lamp some questions.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Yeah. The lamp blows its brains out. I just feel like an animated arm come out the lamp. It starts stomping on me. I don't know man. Hey, I just don't want to. I just feel like an animated arm come out the lamp. It started stomping on me. I'm about to pass out of my own attention and I just want it to be art that audiences could take or leave. If she told me to not do the bit,
Starting point is 00:51:57 I would calmly tell her. God, look at that stance. Why I can't do that. What did you just say? I'm afraid I can't. I'm afraid I can't. I'm trying to can't try to make frankly a silly situation that was not, it wasn't a big deal.
Starting point is 00:52:15 A whole lot worse. What situation? People went like it's a very complicated. Just a stray bullet from a drive-by like a hundred miles away goes through the window killing him and the interviewer. It ricochets. Yeah, just God is up there. He's like, what's happening?
Starting point is 00:52:35 I just say, spray bullet, just do that. Get rid of them. Oh boy. I mean, is there more? This crazy is an hour and a half long. I can't believe. I think that was the end of the Russos. We've given it a lot of views though, since this has happened.
Starting point is 00:52:49 I gotta say, like, the lady that made this doc, the beating has helped the views of the doc. Oh, for sure, yeah. It's getting a lot of attention now. Why did Ian attack the creator? Looked up the 12 comments though. Yeah. Ian Ira Russo is an unaware menace, and then some other guy, Eddie Ho Young, we know Eddie.
Starting point is 00:53:09 This was really funny. Oh, is that Eddie? Eddie, that rules. Eddie, that's so funny. Eddie. Oh, my God, so fucking funny. Oh, dude, shout out to Eddie Ho Young. This was really funny.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Okay, so let's get to the footage of the video. That rules. really funny. Okay, so let's get to the footage of the video. That rule. It's so funny. So this is video of Ian Ivaruso attacking Teresa Lowe at fourth wall capture. You're gonna have to like make it bigger, I think. Let's just do full screen it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:37 So they're in the back over here. He just poured the water on her. He poured water on her and then runs over and boom And then boom super saiyan style runs out Dude, I think he has a career in maybe the fast man I was joking today. I want to make like a stitch video where it's like that video and then right afterwards It's the clip and from born identity me like Jesus Christ that video and then right afterwards it's the clip and from born identity me like Jesus Christ this
Starting point is 00:54:07 Wow I will say I expected her to like get dropped fourth wall I can't too into it despite that some absolutely heinous wait what? Hold on, let's watch it again. So boom with the concussion talk I expect her to get dropped, I will say. Right, I'm not seeing a huge. The run.
Starting point is 00:54:32 Yeah, I want Scooby-Doo sound effects over this right now. Like the bongos and shit. Such an autistic, classic, like, anime run, you know? Mm-hmm. He has Naruto run. Like, you have embarrassed me! I'm proud of what happened? You have embarrassed me! I'm proud of what happened. You have embarrassed me!
Starting point is 00:54:50 Fourth wall, I can't too into it. This is some message. Despite that some absolutely heinous and deliberate shit was done to me leading up to it, I'm proud of what happened and taking. Wow. He meant, did he mean I'm not proud of what happened? No, I think he means he's proud of what happened.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Wow, he's a menace. I'm proud of what happened? No, I think he means he's proud of what happened. Wow, he's a menace. I'm proud of what happened and taking a break from most mics in LA for a few weeks. For a few weeks. Good luck coming back, bud. He just needs a few weeks off. Well, apparently the following night, he was at an open mic in Santa Clarita.
Starting point is 00:55:16 So he, literally after this whole story came out, he was like, I gotta hit a mic. He's gotta go outside of LA County. Yeah. That is so funny. It appears this was not an isolated attack. He has a violent history in the comedy community. What was the other attack, did they say?
Starting point is 00:55:32 The podcast Base Hole with Doug Bass released a leaked DM where Ian allegedly said he is proud of what happened since the attack. He's continued trying to perform all over town, no remorse. Ian has been coddled and allowed bad behavior for years. Please don't protect him any longer. He has no empathy and unlimited time and money. He is allegedly the grandson of Irving Russo,
Starting point is 00:55:54 the creator of Rust Hogs, which at one point had a reported evaluation of almost 250 million. Yeah, so he's from Insane Wealth. Right, right. Yeah. I mean, the first time I met him, my first thought was like, how does this guy pay rent? He has unlimited time and Wells. Right, right. Yeah. I mean the first time I met him, my first thought was like, how does this guy pay rent?
Starting point is 00:56:06 He has unlimited time and money. Yes, truly. Hey, go back up. It says, please consider a charge of attempted murder, stalking, assault with a deadly weapon. Come on. Ah, that's right. Let's come on.
Starting point is 00:56:18 That's not. Stanley Cup. Let's come on. And she didn't even fall to the ground. Yeah, there's a person in need of that. Maybe John Wick was holding the Stanley Cup, a deadly weapon, but. What if the chief of police is like, Ian Russo's fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 00:56:31 I'm not gonna lie. Ian Ira Russo, yeah. What a rap. It's like those videos in the cop show of an amiganzit there, and they're like, we're a huge fan, actually. But if we're Ian Russo. Damn, I wish he didn't get rid of his Instagram
Starting point is 00:56:47 because he was posting a lot. Well he has a podcast. Oh, does he talk about it? No, no, I doubt it. We could watch maybe he has some clips. It's an improvised weapons podcast. He's like sometimes in a pinch you could roll up a magazine and use it as a club.
Starting point is 00:57:04 It goes technically anything could be a weapon now Fuck man Jesus the picture channel doesn't have any content. Oh, you must bleed it as shit He has a YouTube but just his face like this and going there's no content on it host of the Ian I Rousseau show Ian Rousseau gets canceled for a legend second. Oh, this is the bass hole Let's watch some of the bass hole Cancable drama, I guess going on in the LA comedy community scene Let's just talk about it a little bit bass open micer bass on Ian Iru Russo
Starting point is 00:57:40 allegedly being cancelled for throwing a metal water bottle at comedian Teresa Lowe outside the fourth wall hitting her on the head apparently giving her a concussion assaulting her I guess so that's so at least we're bringing attention to the story yeah I mean I hope we're one of the podcasts you know with some attempt with one of the more Years does this have oh nothing okay? I think we're the most pro Ian podcast are we pro. I'm pro Ian well Well I agree with me For you, I don't love what Ian did, but I do love Irving Russo. I've always been a big fan. I love Russ and Tugs.
Starting point is 00:58:26 What is Russ and what is it? I don't know. What is that? It must be like an investment firm or something is my guess. Ian Russo is in the woods like the hunted right now killing hunters and shit. Irving Russo Russ... what is it? Russ and Tugs? Russ and Tugs. He invented Rub and Tugs. He invented Rub and tugs? Russ and tugs? Rub and tugs. He invented rub and tugs. He invented rub and tugs. Great group. He invented rub and tugs. Yeah, which makes sense,
Starting point is 00:58:48 cause he saw Teresa Lowe, and he's like, get back to work. What do you? I can't find anything on this. Pretty good joke, I think. Uh. That wasn't. That wasn't.
Starting point is 00:58:56 I was like, if he invented rub and tugs, he saw Teresa Lowe, and he's like, hey, get back to work. What do you think? Yeah, yeah. Very good, Connor. Very racist. Uh, all right. Ooh, wait. I can't find anything about Irving you doing? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Very good, Connor. Very racist. All right.
Starting point is 00:59:07 I can't find anything about Irving Russo. Wait, wait, wait. The Russos were wealthy. Go down, go down. It's R-O-U-S-S-O, Devan. Yeah. Otter. Okay, Rust Hogs.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Rust Hogs. So he died in 2017. Damn, look at that Chad. Look at him. Jesus, it looks like Ian. He's like, thank God I'm dead. Services will be held Thursday for Irving Russo after watching his grandson do comedy.
Starting point is 00:59:37 He passed away hours later. I can't, it's just one of these bullshit websites that doesn't let you go back look at anything Rags to riches to rags He lost his money. I've been here for five decades I don't know. He's just some New York Jewish guy Had to be investment. Yeah, it must have been I don't care. I don't remember reading it. He's not as interesting as his grandson Nice try bud. Nice try. You've been eclipsed by your own son. Maybe hit a mic
Starting point is 01:00:14 On her and hit her coffee cup out of her hand Fucking crazy man seen by driving away in his car and hitting a garbage truck I heard it was a city The main thing of most podcasts is they start with the studio. Yeah. And then they're- Is that a green screen? And then they go, oh, we don't have any,
Starting point is 01:00:51 we don't say anything funny really. But we do, but they go, look at that plant. Yeah. Guys, look at that house plant behind me. Yeah, look at these losers covering the Ian Russo story. I know, what bums? This is a non-story. We, well, fucking Jesus Christ. This is a non-story. Fucking Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:01:06 This is the worst game of telephone. We're just creating more and more. I'm glad this happened because there hasn't been much in the news. So like I was like, well the biggest news this week has been the Iain Iruro-Russo. You know, what are we supposed to talk about? That fucking, what? Iran and Israel are trying to do like a war of the worlds reenactment.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Let them have their fun. Have your fun, enough of your, have you seen the footage? It's nuts. It's crazy, it kind of, all the bombs coming down, kind of pretty in a weird way. It looks beautiful, yeah. It kind of looks like the Muslim version
Starting point is 01:01:38 of the firework show at Disneyland when Tinkerbell comes out. They're all, everyone's like, all the Palestinians are like celebrating. They're a different kind of drone show. That's like the Palestinian IMAX. They just look up into the sky and they're. Was this time Jewish land?
Starting point is 01:01:53 Almost seems real. No, I think it was just a retaliation for invading Lebanon, or what was it, Lebanon? Yeah, Lebanon, they invaded Lebanon and started taking out heads. They're upset about Teresa Lowe fucking with Ian Russo. Oh, so is there a stand for this? Israel invades China. I started taking out their upset about Teresa low fucking with Ian Israel invades China
Starting point is 01:02:17 I wish mojo Brooks was involved with this somehow that make it the just grand slam story. Yeah They pull your name several times. I realize it's a rigged the mic a flat from Ian Russo, but he was just like yeah Could you stop doing that so did they kick you out or what they do? They're like yeah, you're banned for two weeks. I didn't make this decision Wait that's very funny there's My coach who was trolling an entire mic and just put a million tickets in there that said Ian Russo That's awesome. So it doesn't that means there's an open mic host when I was like, Ian Russo again. Ha ha ha. Wait, Ian didn't do it or E?
Starting point is 01:02:49 No, that's what it sounds like is Ian didn't do it. Now he's apparently banned from the Comedy Store, the Improv. Comedy Chateau. Comedy Chateau, which probably helps his career. Wow. I didn't even know they did that. They banned anybody? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:02 No, if you could bring 20 people, they'd be fucking in. Yeah, they were like, OK. I wonder if he called out. Wait? No matter what, come on back. He called the Chateau They were like, yeah. They asked anybody? No, if you could bring 20 people. Yeah, no they were like, okay. I wonder if he called them. Wait? No matter what, come on back. He called the Chateau and was like, I got 30 people that are gonna come in. It's funny to get banned from places
Starting point is 01:03:12 that like, was he ever up on those stages. That's the funniest thing about like, there's been so many posts being like, do not book this man. I'm like, yeah, hit him where it hurts. All of his fucking bookings. What are you talking about? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:23 You say, the one comment is, you say canceled. Us women call it accountability for assault and battery. Hey, you're right. It's another comment from Eddie Ho Young that says, fuck you guys. It is, they need to hold him accountable for assault and battery, but at the end of the day, when you're insanely talented and have a lot of influence
Starting point is 01:03:41 like Ian Ira Russo does, you get away with things like this. Yeah, absolutely. He's got unlimited money and time Ira Russo does, you get away with things like this. Yeah, absolutely. He's got unlimited money and time. It's hard, you know, fucking legends get away with shit all the time, right? Yeah. Yes. Yeah, I kinda wanna see what Eddie's looking at on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:03:56 Go to his profile. What are you talking about? Well, that's that. That's that. And there was nothing that could be done. Yeah. Oh boy, you know, justice for Russo. Free Russo. Free Russo, dude.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Free, Fremont, Fremont Russo. Yeah, yeah. Free the homie Russo. Free the homie Russo. Oh man, it's too bad there's really no comedy scene because this would have been like really fun to talk about. Oh dude, this happened too bad there's really no comedy scene because this would have been really fun to talk about. Oh dude, this happened like seven years ago. This would have been so fun.
Starting point is 01:04:30 But I don't know, there's no scene really. No, there's really no scene. Yeah, what are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? If you guys have seen this video of Frankie Valli. You know Frankie Valli, he's essentially dead. But they keep rolling him out on stage. Look at this.
Starting point is 01:04:48 He looks like an animatronic. I thought he was actually dead. I think he did die, but this maybe was like, this might've been the night he died. So there's. He's not even opening his mouth. He's not even opening his mouth. I can't hear you. That's mean.
Starting point is 01:05:23 Poor fucking Frankie. Jesus Christ. Poor Rusty from the Sopranos. That's mean Or rusty from the sopranos Damn Bruce Springsteen endorsed Kamala, of course. Yeah, I mean, I don't know everyone was acting a little surprised It's like he did a pocket. He's like best ones a little bomb. Yeah They still do that. No, I yeah, I love it. It's great. I'm on the patreon I'm on the Patreon. I'm a pay pig.
Starting point is 01:05:49 Do they do it though, for real? I think it was like a one-off thing. I think they did like a couple and then stop, yeah. It's very funny that like an ex-president in Bruce Spring turned like, man, no one's listening to our podcast. Like they have to stop. Yeah, they're like asking people for advice. Like we need a clips guy. They're texting Ben.
Starting point is 01:06:03 We need to start making clips. But yeah, Bruce endorsed Kamala and you know, everyone got upset about that for some reason. Like he hasn't always been a Democrat. You know. Is he in a diner? What is this? Yeah, there's a video on it. I wanna watch.
Starting point is 01:06:18 Yeah. This is weird. Highway jam with immigrants on our last pass. Power drive. Springfield jam with Haitians. My Springfield's Jam with Haitians. He's doing the river. He's...
Starting point is 01:06:38 cats and dogs. You better fucking run. Hey little kid, is your daddy home? and dogs, you better fuckin' run. Hey little kitty, is your daddy home? I'm gonna throw you off the bar. Let's go down to the river where we all live now. Cause the price of turkey is a thousand dollars a pound. But Kamala preserves democracy and that's all that matters now. It looks like a lesbian.
Starting point is 01:07:11 Friends, friends, friends have asked me who I'm supporting. I need you to support the same same person as Dick Cheney. Important of elections. And with full knowledge of my opinions, no more or less important than those of any of my fellow citizens. Here's my answer I'm supporting Kamala Harris for president. Whoa all for vice president He's driving a hot rod through Gaza Donald Trump and JD Vance here's why We are shortly coming upon one of the most
Starting point is 01:08:00 Consequential election filming from a diner scene all a man of the people civil war Has this great country felt as politically spiritually and, and emotionally divided as it does at this moment. It doesn't have to be this way. And it's all their fault. The common values, the shared stories that make us a great and united nation are waiting to be rediscovered and be told once again. It feels like a green screen, doesn't it? He feels green screen.
Starting point is 01:08:23 This looks like an AI video. Yeah, this looks like a green screen. He feels green screen. This is an AI video Yeah, this looks like a history of violence or something Kamala's dressed like a cheerleader. He's like fucking her on He's like fucking her on stairs. Uh. Work intelligence, faith, and women and men with the national good guiding their hearts. America's the most powerful nation on Earth, not just because of her overwhelming military strength
Starting point is 01:08:58 or economic power. Not just because we'll fuck you up. But because of what she stands for. And ladies. What she means, what she believes what she believes my fellow Americans this November Get out there and dance with the dark Freedom social justice it's next equal opportunity. That's crazy. It's like 30 32 days away or something. It's next month Yeah, well whatever I mean she's gonna she's's probably gonna win but I feel it feels it feels a
Starting point is 01:09:26 2016 ish though kind of feels like people are writing them off really good JD Vance did do good, but nobody doesn't matter No people are people admitting that he did well I think they're saying like he's a very good politician and you know liar Cuz he seems so unnatural in that doughnut video But then I watched a few chunks of that debate and it was like he sounds fucking Ben Tim Walls just kind of looked like a confused Bill Paxton character the whole time Yeah, he just does that he does that face. Oh Yeah, he keeps like frowning and just like that's my way of the refuting yeah, you know Tim Walls feels like Bill Paxton in a simple plan.
Starting point is 01:10:08 You know what's really annoying is like now with these presidential debates, I think the reason Kamala and Tim Walz are having all those weird reactions is they know eventually that's gonna get turned into a gif and then made into a meme or something. And it's like a brand new thing. It's so fucking amazing. Same reason JD Vance did that look
Starting point is 01:10:21 where he's like that and then everyone, it's just, we live in, you know, even the politicians are meme lords. It's like the fucking office, synapse of the fucking office. It's like you go on Reddit and everything is like the crisp rap meme where he's like, I'm not sure if people genuinely like Donald Trump
Starting point is 01:10:35 or just hate our country. And at this point, I'm afraid to ask. Kill yourself. Anyone that's ever posted anything with a meme like that on Reddit should burn in hell. Yeah. Oh, you know, they're not the smartest bunch. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:52 Right to be and love who you want. These are the things that make America great. I love a 68 Corvette. Donald Trump is the most dangerous candidate. If I can't marry my Corvette, I don't wanna live in this country. Gamala said if she wins, the history of my life. His disdain for the sanctity of our Constitution. If I can't marry my corvette, I don't want to live in this country.
Starting point is 01:11:16 His disdain for the sanctity of our Constitution. The sanctity of democracy, the sanctity of the rule of law, and the sanctity of the peaceful transfer of power should disqualify him from the office of President Trump. Are they against gay marriage? I sound like a retard. I'm sure they must be nice totally for game Who Trump advance? Oh, no, that's so low on the Republican totem. But why but now he's just saying like oh, come on You do the right to love whoever you always just talking point
Starting point is 01:11:36 It's like the LG it's just that stuff. Yeah, but aren't they they're like they're okay with gay marriage I thought Democrats the yeah, they are on their fucking voter base being terrified Well, Trump wants like abortion to just be like states issue. Yeah, yeah, like they decide is gay marriage even threatened anywhere anymore I don't think so. I mean, I doubt if you live in fucking like Alabama. It's easy to get married I think there's they're just kind of lumping in the LG They're they're lumping LGBTQ with like abortion like women's rights and stuff Somebody wrote this for all these women are so upset about like having to fucking go To a different state to get an abortion. It's like come on. It's a little rough fun time
Starting point is 01:12:11 Your last your last moments with your sweat get some snacks with your job Biggest ball of yarn stop there a little bonding experience with your with your child before you suck them out It sounds like a beautiful a 24 coming of age to yeah,, come on. You hate art? Oh, you hate art. I don't get it. Okay. It sounds like a fun time. Yeah. Well, I guess there is that one story of the lady like died
Starting point is 01:12:31 cause she was like, couldn't get the abortion. Cause she was bad at driving. She cried. She drove off the Grand Canyon, filming Louise. Had she died cause she just couldn't get it in time? She was, yeah. She was trying to parallel park for like 45 minutes
Starting point is 01:12:48 and she died of starvation. What is Trump? Trump keeps always thinking, keeps talking about they wanted to abortions after the birth. It's like what? That's just murder. Like the baby comes out and the doctor just shoots
Starting point is 01:12:58 it in the head. Like what is, what are we talking about? It's the classic. We live in a different world. Have you ever talked to an antinatalist? What have been the dumbest times? A doctor crushing a baby like an empty can and the second it pops out is so funny.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Have you ever spoken to an antinatalist though? They'll have like opinions like that. It is insane sometimes. That they should kill the baby after? I had a fucking professor in college that argued that because a human child doesn't have the sentience of a chimpanzee until they're like after five years old, they should be able to kill a human child up to five.
Starting point is 01:13:26 It was crazy. There are people out there who think like that. It is nuts, and they're all fucking libs. That's a fringe, crazy. It's fringe, but the same way, it's the same fringe as probably like, you know, some guy, some Republican guy wants to road hall a gay guy through town and put him back in his truck.
Starting point is 01:13:39 So it's like, you know, there's two sides of the coin. I will say this, if I was three months old, if you had a gun to my head every day, I wouldn't know. If you killed me, it'd probably be the same if you aborted me. You'd just have a gun fetish later in your life. Imagine a sadistic part, you're not gonna remember this.
Starting point is 01:13:59 They can't see for a while. So like, when I was two weeks old, if you held a gun in my head, you were like, you're gonna be aborted. I would be like. Yeah, I don't remember any moments. So like it's the kind of the same thing. I'm on their side.
Starting point is 01:14:15 Nicholas Cage remembers being in the womb. I've seen this, whatever this is. Ha ha. No, I'm kidding. Anyway, everyone support the fourth wall and everyone out there vote for Kamala Harris. We should do a live show at fourth wall. Stop Asian hate.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Oh dude, that's a great idea. I don't know if they'd have us. Maybe they don't, they won't see this. We give them enough money. Yeah, let's do it. Yeah, I don't care. That's true. Like 30 bucks. 40 bucks. We give them enough money. Yeah, let's do it. Yeah, they don't care. That's true. Like 30 bucks.
Starting point is 01:14:46 40 bucks. We should, I'm not kidding. They're rent just like 40 bucks. We should literally do a Hollywood Hate Watch live at the fourth wall and we watch the documentary. That'd be cool. Yeah, but it's already, it's actually pretty excruciating, Doc,
Starting point is 01:15:00 other than the Ian parts. I don't think we could even make fun of it. Yeah, it's not really. We just did. It was like very fun. We'd have a better time watching Four Brothers or some shit. How about we go to the, nevermind. Come on, it looks like assault rifles.
Starting point is 01:15:18 Oh, yeah. Yes! No, no, I'm kidding. Everyone support the fourth wall. Support Teresa Lowe. Support Russo. And if you see Russo, run for the fucking hills. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:30 Unless you got a death wish. Unless you have a goddamn death wish, okay. Suicide by Russo. You think he went back the next day and picked up his Stanley Cup. And he's like, ooh, the coffee's still warm. Because these things really are good. Holy shit. Holy shit, this is good, these things are good.
Starting point is 01:15:47 A little bit of an iron aftertaste in this coffee. Just wondering, you know, what poor Irving would think of this. He would probably be like, that's light work, dude. I've killed so many strippers. I've killed so many prostitutes back in my day. Put them in my fucking leather gloves and strangled them. 250 mil, he's killed some people.
Starting point is 01:16:12 At the end of the day, I hope it all gets settled and Ian can come back to comedy because it's dying right now. Yeah, we need him. It does need a voice like his. I agree. Anyway, folks, thank you for listening. It's been another episode of the books.
Starting point is 01:16:31 Any parting words? I love you, sweet DC. You're a sober, loopy maniac. I love you, Joseph. Thank you. I like to think that I was... Yeah, I feel like alright. That's what I meant when I said I'm feeling normal again. There was a period of time where I was like, I just I can't do anything with that Like I can't be funny without drinking. Mm-hmm. Well, you didn't think I was more on on the Hello, they would yeah on it was all that wasn't it was just a good move
Starting point is 01:17:00 You were sober, but you're hungover. So actually, I was drinking again. Also with those Hollywood hate watches, we should watch more of the movie a little bit, I think. What do you mean? I don't know. Some comments were saying we're talking too much. Oh, I heard like the audio is too low. Yeah, but that's like a we kind of it's we're not allowed to be doing that. Nobody keep going. People go like, just play the movie, turn the volume up, let's watch.
Starting point is 01:17:28 Let's watch fucking The Avengers next, I mean we can't do it, it's illegal. We're lucky we're even getting away with this. But I think if they could detect it at a higher volume, they will also still detect it slightly lower, and then it just makes the listening experience worse. Well the talking over it is the thing that we get away with Lower it's easier to like you can't hear any of the movie really well the volume in which at which we're watching it now
Starting point is 01:17:51 It's like I can't even hear it really yeah, I mean yeah Yeah, we'll go up a couple notches next time but the bottom line is you're supposed to put the movie on and then watch us Or watch it, but they have the audio on I know but a lot of people like it was so funny people Already saw first month episodes and they go what the fuck it's blurred Must have been their first one they watch no, I mean is my guess Can you imagine if we thought we could just get away with that? We're just It's illegal well for $30 a month. We'll unblur it so It's illegal. Well, for $30 a month we'll unblur it, so.
Starting point is 01:18:23 That's the thing. Price just went up. That's the new tour. Yeah, we really like that. We like to play the short game here. Yesterday's price is not today's price. We like to play the short game. All of us wanna make about six, seven K
Starting point is 01:18:33 and then just get her whole thing deleted and hightail it out of town. Absolutely. That's the whole point of the day. It's the worst I've ever heard. 20,000 in the bank, I'm done. All right, folks, we love you. Thanks for listening.
Starting point is 01:18:44 Bye.

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