Hate Watch with Devan Costa - Toxic Gossip Train

Episode Date: July 3, 2023

Miranda Sing's grooming ukulele apology, then Stephen Paddock, Jared from Subway, R Kelly, Richard Ramirez and more! Mel Gibson puts air in his tires, teacher cuts students hair at school, Devan hates... school. Get weekly bonus episodes: https://www.patreon.com/HateWatchPodcast Support the show and get 20% off & free shipping with the code
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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's good to be in something from the ground floor. I came too late for that. I know. But lately I'm getting the feeling that I came in at the end. The best is over. Many Americans, I think, feel that way. How is it not, Devin?
Starting point is 00:00:17 What, do you think they're lying? Yes, John. They are lying. You think Celsius is great for you? Because it has a bunch of bullshit on the back? It's not bad for you. It's has a bunch of bullshit on the back? It's not bad for you. It's got a bunch of shit on the back. Use your mic, retard. We're on.
Starting point is 00:00:30 It's got fucking... Oh, is this yours? Oh, Jesus Christ. Listen, homos. It's got 60% of your vitamin C. And it's got all the... Yeah, I'm sure it really... It's got like 250% of your beach ball.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Yeah, I'm sure your body absorbs it all yeah you don't need to eat any fruits or vegetables that's good yeah it's like john be like oh i'm gonna eat my shirt because it's yellow it looks like citrus if you think about it tastes like a mole i think it's just a multivitamin and a drink that's all it's a shitty fake flavored uh artificial energy drink that they pretended. Anything that they sell at AMPM, it goes, accelerates metabolism,
Starting point is 00:01:08 burns body fat, essential energy. I just like it because it's got 200 milligrams of caffeine. I like them too, but they make you feel like you're on crack.
Starting point is 00:01:14 I think they make you feel like you're on crack because you're weak and you have a weak... Oh, really? Yeah, and you're delicate and a fet. Wow.
Starting point is 00:01:21 You suck. Well, you're the one who's always having body problems. You can barely fucking walk around. Because I'm doing too much badass shit. No, you're not. You're Ben Reit, though. You sit around Well, you're the one who's always having body problems. You can barely fucking walk around. I'm doing too much badass shit. No, you're not. You're a big reaper. You sit around and fucking do cool shit. Get yourself into a bunch of mania.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Your whole life's mania. Mania. Mm-hmm. But this is really, it tastes like a fucking, the Sample, the flavored Sample. Remember the flavored Sample? So why do you always have like track marks right there? This is, so okay, so this is another thing. Have you seen this, Dem? So why do you always have like track marks right there? This is,
Starting point is 00:01:46 so okay, so this is another thing. Have you seen this, Demi? Why do you always have this? It's the same thing. It's the same thing. It's been there for months.
Starting point is 00:01:52 I think it was, I thought it was started off as bug bites, but then I looked it up. I think it's echoes of hand, foot, Let me tell you what it is. Jesus Christ,
Starting point is 00:01:59 that's gross. It's healing though. It's healing a lot nicer. John's the fattest heroin addict alive. That's what it is. Dude, when I was donating plasma, I had a track mark for like six months from donating plasma because I got this big juicy vein. And you probably kept sucking on it because you thought it was ketchup.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Very good, Devin. It was very good. Yeah, let's listen to you just aimlessly speak for the first ten minutes as usual. Can you show that to the camera? It's the grossest fucking thing I've ever seen. That is gross. Yeah, it looks kind of like a bug bite. He's had permanent monkey pox.
Starting point is 00:02:27 It's healing. I mean, I'm sorry I got a fucking pox disease, guys. It's train spotting. It's fucking gross. John's train spotting. Anyways. Let's get off how disgusting John is about the puke. It's enough of that, honestly.
Starting point is 00:02:38 I mean, the world can't make how disgusting he is. The comments that roll in, it's just like people begging me. People contact me privately and just go, how is John so gross? They have no clue how you exist. It's just people begging me. People contact me privately and just go, how is John so gross? They have no clue how you exist. It's okay. My room's been pretty dirty lately. You're like a poor Burt Kreischer.
Starting point is 00:02:55 People keep saying I look like Burt Kreischer. I'm like, what, just every big dude with a beard? No, it's just because you talk out of your ass and your points never go anywhere. And everyone's like, what was that story about? Where that go i get tom segura and burt kreischer and fucking some other fat bearded guy and i'm just like okay this is just that we all meld into one person people are very lazy when it comes to looks for white guys i want the people out there you get better at the lookalikes with white guys. People will just be like, you're like Tom Hanks.
Starting point is 00:03:26 You look like a white guy with beard. It's very lazy. Very lazy. What is your shirt? Is that an ISIS shirt? You think you're like hot shit? I found it. It's just a cool shirt. It says...
Starting point is 00:03:40 It was like a shirt that went to pay to help forest fires in Lebanon. Oh, okay. I'm into that. Yeah, and then it said, like, this is like a... I forget what the exact translation, but I think it loosely translates into, like, we, like, it's a Lebanese protest chant about how all politicians are bad people.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Forest fires in Lebanon started by... Yeah, I didn't know they had forests out there. You stopped talking right through me. Well, shit, fucker. I don't know. You know out there. You stopped talking right through me. Well, shit, fucker. I don't know. You know, just say the joke. Wake up. Yeah, I'm trying to.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Jesus Christ. I got a Celsius, bud. Zero social awareness. I have tons of social awareness. Just a giant, just a fucking elephant in a china shop. Elephant in a china shop? Yeah. Because you're not a bull.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Bulls are kind of tiny. You're fatter than a bull. That was the joke there. There we go. Very good. Good Lord. It's so difficult reeling you in. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:04:32 I got to wake up. You're like a wild pig. No, I come in with warthog energy. You really do. People should pay to get in a helicopter and shoot you in Texas. No, I got to get going. Every time we record, it's like second part of the day. You should start thinking about asking for Fridays off
Starting point is 00:04:50 so you can come in with fresh energy. That may be a possibility pretty soon. Good. We'll see it come up in the next month or so. Good. How was Ricky? You took Ricky out to Sizzler? Dude, I'm going to be honest with you.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Ricky is like, I thought it'd be like a big hoot. He's really quiet. And he owns... He gets self-conscious when he's in public. He's sober. And like, he's like sober during the day. At night, he becomes... You explain Ricky? Ricky, tell him a story. People who don't know about Ricky. He came into the bar and he said,
Starting point is 00:05:19 he just took a... He goes, I just took a pool, Johnny. Ricky is a West Virginia hillbilly who comes to the bar. He's a homeless guy who looks like a big baby man. And if you haven't, I forget when I fucking talked about him, but people were hitting me up on Instagram about Ricky. You posted a story of you and Ricky. People remember what I said about him.
Starting point is 00:05:38 But the thing about Ricky is he's the best man on planet Earth. He's really sweet. He's like a character in Deliverance that doesn't rape and kill you. That's really good. he's really sweet he's like he's like a character and like deliverance that like doesn't rape and kill you that's really good it's like exactly what he is he comes in and you just like you could like blow a kazoo in front of him and he'd go like he's just he loves he loves drinking and that like i've never seen anyone where the more he drinks truly the happier he gets yeah and he's not he, and he's not rude at all. He makes so many friends, but he would make friends with schizophrenic cholos that he would bring in.
Starting point is 00:06:10 I'd have to be like, hey, Ricky, you got to stop buying people stuff. He's a puppy. He's a puppy. He's a puppy. He's a puppy man. But he's a really nice guy. So I was like, Ricky, I know he hasn't been to the bar lately. And whenever he comes to the bar, he's like, buddy, can you get me a whiskey coke, buddy?
Starting point is 00:06:24 I'm on the highway. And I'm like, yeah, I'll get me a whiskey coke, buddy? Like, I'm on the highway and I'm like, yeah, I'll get you a whiskey coke and then like, he has a tab like Tony Soprano. Dude,
Starting point is 00:06:29 he has a tab. Put it on my tag, buddy. This dude, this dude. I'll just get back, buddy. He breaks a bottle
Starting point is 00:06:35 over John's head after John confronts him about paying. We need to get, we need to get fucking $1,500 for Ricky because Ricky owes a loan shark $1,500.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Yeah, not happening. We are not, I don't know what business you think we're in here. We need to raise $1,500 for Ricky because Ricky owes a loan shark $1,500. We are not. I don't know what business you think we're in here. Also, if you are a loan shark and Ricky rolls into your office and asks for a loan and if you say yes, the money's gone.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Ricky is so retarded and evasive. He'll get killed by a real shark before he gets killed by a loan shark. If Ricky gets killed. He's really... At the aquarium, too. He'll have paid. He falls right in. Dude, I took him to Sizzler with that guy, Michael,
Starting point is 00:07:15 who's in the wheelchair, and we went to Sizzler and I just completely forgot that old men just don't talk. And it was really awkward. I just sat with them. They're also mentally disabled. No, they're both fine. They just can't speak. John literally...
Starting point is 00:07:26 Michael's fine. He just can't talk that well. This is the second week in a row he keeps taking mentally disabled homeless people on dates. He's like, I don't know. I don't get it, but they're just not that social, man.
Starting point is 00:07:35 No, Michael's fine. He just can't talk too well because he has, like, I think he had surgery on his face or something. But, like... What? But Michael's awesome.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Michael kicks ass and Ricky kicks kicks ass and like but like you should have seen what this fucking guy ordered at sizzler dude it was like he literally just went to every like every buffet he went to every bucket and put it on the plate like jello on his steak it was a mush he was just eating nutrients it was just a mush of like he was mixing like beets in with like his like meatballs and shit. Does he have any clue what food even is? No it was just taco. It was great. He doesn't know what anything is really. I think he just sat down and he's like man
Starting point is 00:08:11 that was so good. He's just like I know that I I'll die if I don't put some of this in my mouth. Yeah. As far as it goes. Takes his diaper off, dabs his mouth with it. It kicked ass though. We went to Sizzler and we went back and oh I get there I get there and I get them both there and I was like,
Starting point is 00:08:25 I'm gonna buy you guys fucking dinner. You took both of them there? Yeah, I took them both at the same time. I was like, I'm gonna buy you guys.
Starting point is 00:08:29 So they met? They were like dating for the first time? Well, they know each other. Michael, Ricky used to buy Michael. Was it like the Spider-Man meme for retarded guys?
Starting point is 00:08:36 They're both pointing at each other. Michael's a great guy. John was also pointing at each other. And John was like, wait, where am I in this equation?
Starting point is 00:08:44 I bet when they left, John, they were both like, Jesus, he was like, wait, where am I in this equation? I bet when they left, John, they were both like, Jesus, he was like retarded. They're doing a podcast right now talking shit about John. I get there and like,
Starting point is 00:08:58 Ricky immediately, I get there and like, I didn't know Sizzler has like 40s you could buy behind the counter. Sizzler, if you look at Sizzler from the outside, it looks like a nice steakhouse.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Oh, it's crazy now. It used to be kind of... Yeah, bougie. Not bougie, but it used to be a decent place. Like Applebee's? Somewhat. Yeah, they all fell off. Applebee's, Sizzler, they're over. But Michael gets in there and he's like, let me get one of the big Modellos. They have these giant Modellos. They're like the size
Starting point is 00:09:22 of this fucking smart water container. And I was like, okay. And then Ricky immediately goes like, let me get a big Modello. Drinking to get fucked up at one of those places is so funny to me. Dude, it kicked ass. They both had a big giant Modello. They had one sentence they shared between each other. Michael was talking about how he yelled at some Border Patrol agents one time. And then Ricky looked at him and went, your Corona's kicking in, bud.
Starting point is 00:09:40 And then they just both laughed. And that was like the whole conversation. That was all they ever said. Don't they meet at the bar? they know each other oh but they're just they freeze up they have face blindness though they constantly forget who they are yeah and then uh ricky uh we went back to michael's place and watched open range and then i left the whole movie you watched all of open you know what's crazy we start no not like half of it but we started right like before the fucking oh no it's like the last quarter of the cool shootout the shootout the
Starting point is 00:10:03 show's long as fuck it's a great shootout it's a good shoot the guns in that open range shootout like they make you fly a little everyone's like flying through like roofs i kept that in my head while i was watching it but then i just it was one gun and it was the first shotgun blast on a guy and it looked ridiculous but i forgot diego luna was in that fucking movie yeah yeah that little mexican twink yeah he's his wing he's such a twink He's such a twink. He's such a little twink. Every movie, he's like, please don't hurt me. He's like, stop affecting me. He's like, nobody hurt me.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Oh, Harvey Milkwant, he want to come home to me. I'm going to hang myself. He's like... He's like... Isn't he in the Motorcycle Diaries too? Yeah, he's fun. He's a twink in Elysium.
Starting point is 00:10:40 He's like the computer hacker twink. He's always a twink. He's got pigtails. I don't know if he has pigtails, but he's got a little twink. Isn't he in Star Wars, too? He's a hardcore twink in Star Wars. He's an otter in Star Wars. He plays the seat.
Starting point is 00:10:53 He's like, oh, seat on me. I like Andor. It's cool. I don't care about any of that shit. It's fake to me. It's all fake. Andor kicked ass. Written by the guy who wrote michael clayton oh wow they so they're hiring the big guns to write hunks of shit yeah he's also like imagined um a story he's like obsessed with revolutionaries and he's been wanting to write like a like a straightforward
Starting point is 00:11:19 historical revolutionary story and then and or is like a sci-fi that. So he was like, he did it. A Star Wars story with a straightforward revolutionary kind of take on it. It was political. It was very good. It was for whom the bell tolls in Star Wars. It was good. And I don't like a lot of the Star Wars shit. No, that was the best Star Wars thing they've released.
Starting point is 00:11:39 It's actually heady. I like it better than all the Star Wars movies. I agree. Because it's like real. It's real. It's solid. I never could get into Star Wars. I tried it better than all the Star Wars movies. I agree. Because it's like real. It's real. It's solid. I never could get into Star Wars. I tried to show you the first step
Starting point is 00:11:49 and you just couldn't get into it. I don't care. I just don't care. But also, Andor doesn't pick up until like Isn't like Bill Burr
Starting point is 00:11:54 in one of these shows? Bill Burr, yeah. Bill Burr's in it. Bill Burr's like, what? He's like a tiny Yoda. I don't know, you know? He's like Yoda
Starting point is 00:12:02 but he's tiny, you know? He's a baby. He's a baby! He's a baby! They're all money grabs. You guys are suckers. Sometimes they make good money grabs. Sometimes they make good money grabs. Dude, Born Identity, money grab.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Love it. Born Identity was a money grab? Fuck yeah, it was. The first Matt Damon movie? That wasn't the first Matt Damon movie. Yeah, it was. The Born Identity was the first one. Yeah, it was. You're thinking of Renner. I thought you were saying the first Matt Damon movie. Yeah, it was. The Bourne Identity was the first one. Yeah, it was. You're thinking of Renner.
Starting point is 00:12:26 I thought you were saying the first Matt Damon movie ever. I was like, yeah, no, that was maybe like The Bourne Identity was not a money... God, you are fucking... You know what? Why don't you get back to Sizzler? No, I'm kidding. The Bourne Identity was just like a... That wasn't a money grab. It was like a good... It was us doing James Bond. It was a money grab.
Starting point is 00:12:41 It's an action movie. It's a big thriller. They wanted that to be a blockbuster. Well, it was going to make a lot of money regardless, but it wasn't retarded, really. Devin means money grab, but you're recycling old famous franchises. Yes, that's a money grab to me. Oh, you mean like that? That was brand new. They made like a- It was a book.
Starting point is 00:12:55 It was a book, buddy. Well, yeah, but that doesn't matter. But still, not a money. It wasn't a famous enough book. Anyways. Every single book that anyone enjoyed should be made into a movie immediately, and then they should burn the book. Destroy all copies. Destroy it. And nobody has to be like, oh movie immediately, and then they should burn the book. Destroy all copies.
Starting point is 00:13:06 And nobody has to be like, oh, this book is better. Shut up, retard. Yeah, I'm sure you had a great time. I'm sure you had a great time wasting your day. Oh, yeah, you could watch a great thing an hour and a half. They put a bunch of work into it, and there's a ton of people working on it. Or you could spend, you know, what, a week on something? How many bones do we get to watch Matt Damon break in the book?
Starting point is 00:13:26 Yeah. Zero. Exactly. I'm having deja vu right now because I'm pretty sure we had this exact argument in the early 20s where you were anti-book. And I was like, but Devin, there's a TV in your brain where you can picture what's going on on the pages. Matt Damon isn't in our brain.
Starting point is 00:13:39 It sucks. Yeah. There's no fucking, no, it's not as good. It's never as good. Anyone that says the book is better is an idiot, because they're like, you're making up how it was shot in your head? But you get more in the book. You get more stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:51 I'm kidding, but movies are always better. Movies are always better. You've got to read the No Country for Old Men book. That's a great book. Yeah, I know. I'm sure it's directed by the Coen brothers. Well, the Coen brothers literally just took the book page by page and put it on screen.
Starting point is 00:14:05 So then we're done. So then let's just watch an old fag read it. Let's just watch Cormac McCarthy sit there as he wants to kill himself reading. He doesn't even like anyone that read his shit. Oh, really? All those guys, all those geniuses, they hate everybody that likes them.
Starting point is 00:14:21 And then they always say, like, art's dead once they did it all. Mm-hmm. They're always very, like, narcissistic that way. Yeah, they want to be the end. They want to be the end of it all. They always have,
Starting point is 00:14:30 they think they're having some, like, brilliant deep quote, like, well, everything sucks and no one can try. But I did it, though. Retired athletes do the same thing where they're like,
Starting point is 00:14:39 oh, the game's different now. It's like, it doesn't even count. You know, the new rules, they suck. Like, I'm the best ever. Yeah. It's the same count. The new rules, they suck. I'm the best ever. It's the same shit.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Anyway. So we got this lady we're going to watch later, this ukulele bitch, apologizing with a ukulele for fucking kids or something. Wait, what? So I'll explain this. There was a YouTube sensation back in the height of YouTube, back when people were just starting to go viral on YouTube and stuff.
Starting point is 00:15:10 This girl had a character named Miranda Sings. Yes, and there was a Netflix show on it. She's an incredibly off-putting vlogger with red lipstick and super annoying. She did hundreds of millions of views, and she was on an episode of Comedians in Cars getting coffee. Oh, God. They dipped into like, hey, let's try to branch into the younger generation. So she had this silly character that was sort of a mentally deficient lady that had big lipstick on and she was kind of just dumb and silly.
Starting point is 00:15:36 And then just the other day, maybe a week or less ago, a story came out where like one of her fans was like, hey, she groomed me when I was like 13 years old. She used to send me like basically sex to me. And then she sent me her bra and panties in the mail. Okay. And then everybody. And then they were like, yeah, that's bullshit. And then another kid joined in was like, same fucking thing happened to me.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Like a little dude or little chick? Dude. Like little 13 year old boys. She likes little dudes. And then, and then so she had to apologize. And this is how she chose. A little dude or a little chick? Dudes. Like little 13-year-old boys. She likes little dudes. And then so she had to apologize, and this is how she chose. Okay, but this is what she used to do, this shit? This whatever this is?
Starting point is 00:16:14 Like Miranda Monday? Yeah. Bunny said, this is a fake of a sick women. This is a face of a sick women. So why does anyone enjoy this whatsoever? This is what confuses this shit. It's like PewDiePie, where there are little kids, like little 13-year-olds, 12-year-olds. If you're a kid in this entertainment,
Starting point is 00:16:31 you deserve to be fucking groomed. I happen to agree. You deserve to have your whole life taken from you at a young age. Enough of these people supporting bad art. Even if you're nine. When I was nine and other kids liked other dumb kid shit, I was like, you're a retard. Yeah. I was five years old. Kids watching Blue's Clues. I'm like, you're nine when i was nine and like other kids liked other dumb kid shit i was like you're a retard yeah i was a fucking i was five years old people kids watching blues clues like you're a dipshit we're watching the sopranos i'm watching the fucking i'm watching apocalypse now baby the
Starting point is 00:16:53 redux fucking get on it they got a four hour version now fucking philip all right so this All right. So this is her apology. Let's go, babe. Uh-oh. She pulls out the ukulele. This is classic, like, 2013 Brooklyn. Oh, she's putting her brave face on. Nice. Hey. It's been a while since you saw my face.
Starting point is 00:17:22 I haven't been doing so great, so I took a little break. A lot of people are saying some things about me that aren't quite true. It doesn't matter if it's true, though, just as long as it's entertaining. Okay. It doesn't matter if it's true, though. Wow. She said in her, like, her, like, her, uh, her, her soaked panties to, to kids. Yeah, she's kind of, she never acknowledges the, the specific accusations. She just kind of says says like, oh, it's not all true.
Starting point is 00:17:45 And then she tries to sing her way out of it. And then she kind of goes, and who knows if it is? Ha ha ha ha ha! Right? You guys having fun? All aboard the toxic gossip train.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Chugging down the tracks of misinformation. Oh, wow. The toxic gossip train. It's a toxic gossip train, guys. One way ticket to manipulation station. Toxic. I really hope Louie jerked off in front of this bitch. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:19 They should make everyone who's canceled do this. Every single person on YouTube, all these women on these YouTube vlogs, any one of them that gets caught doing some creepy shit, they should send Louis to their home. She's so sick. Oh, she's demented. She's demented she's insane she's demented this is it's really crazy it's gonna be so fun like 10 more years when all these people that made money off the backs of uh you know children who who just liked their meaningless horse on
Starting point is 00:19:00 youtube and you know the pewdiepies of the world all these retards that just made absolutely worthless content played video games and just like incels and mentally ill children watched them on on the ipads the ipads probably when they the parents bought the kid the ipad the ipad was already hooked up like when you go on youtube it was already recommending them oh yeah you know like they were funneled down that's exactly what day. This is what this person was. They're gonna start aging and it's gonna get really, really creepy and dark and sad. They're like child stars
Starting point is 00:19:31 but in their mid-twenties. When your fan base is people whose brains haven't been formed, who eat moths for dinner and Blue Bell, you know, the cheese.
Starting point is 00:19:46 The little cheesy guys. They live off of Capri Suns. And that's your fan base. Those are the people that told you your art was great. It's gonna get really weird for you as you age. And they all get older.
Starting point is 00:19:57 And then you go, what even am I? Like, did I even exist? They're gonna become very strange in their old age. Yeah, and they have all this money and they don't know what to do with it, so they start playing the ukulele and singing rape songs. What's going to be really disturbing is imagine a 50-year-old man
Starting point is 00:20:13 watching an 80-year-old PewDiePie play video games. That's crazy to me. That'll be like old man. Yeah, no, see, it's never going to last. There's not going to be some kid that's going, like we could go back and watch SpongeBob. SpongeBob's great. Yeah, SpongeBob kicks ass.
Starting point is 00:20:25 I could watch an episode of Hey Arnold or whatever the fuck. Cat, dog. I'm not going to sit there and watch the whole fucking season. And if anyone does, the cops should break down your door. But no one's going to go back to these people. There's not going to be some 30-year-old that's like, remember Miranda Sings? I used to love her when I was 11.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Let me go back and have a night. This content doesn't age well. So that's exactly what happened here is that all these 12-year-old, 13-year-old kids that loved her, they became adults and they were like, wait, she was fucking sending us some weird shit and she's like a weird,
Starting point is 00:20:59 like doing like baby voice nonsense, catering to little kids. Damn it, didn't PewDiePie, like, what happened to him? Like, didn't he do some racist shit? He said the N-word. Yeah, didn't he, like,
Starting point is 00:21:08 put on a GoPro and shoot up a church and then... Yeah. You're crossing stories. His Brevik and PewDiePie. One of his fans did that, though. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Oh, for real? Yeah. Oh, damn. That's what they deserve. Yeah. They deserve that. I love hearing stuff like... I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Yeah, you love hearing about... Sorry about the murders. But it's inevitable, I guess. I love hearing about stuff like that stuff like, I don't know. Yeah, you love hearing about the murders. But it's inevitable, I guess. I love hearing about stuff like that. No, I don't love, obviously I don't like that at all, but it's funny when it's attached to somebody that's like,
Starting point is 00:21:35 what the fuck? Like, that sucks, you know? Like, if I ever wanted to ruin somebody's life, like, who's big right now? Hassan Piker. Hassan Piker. Say tomorrow, somebody goes and
Starting point is 00:21:47 a building um not uh shit allegedly allegedly and you know but they but the whole thing is they're wearing hasan piker like yeah it would be fun to just fuck with his life yeah like if you're going to kill yourself you might as well be like well let me take down hasan exactly like somebody that sucks ass yeah hasan piker mega fan for the six months you buy all his life. If you're going to kill yourself, you might as well be like, well, let me take down Hasan Piker. Exactly. Somebody that sucks ass. Yeah, Hasan Piker mega fan for six months. You buy all his merch. You decorate your apartment with it. Then you put Hasan Piker
Starting point is 00:22:14 on your AR-15. It'd be funny if ISIS did another terrorist attack and they said it was because we love Taylor Swift. Then she has to live with that. I don't know. She has to live with it. You might as well take somebody else that sucks down with you. It's the Reagan shooter. What's his name?
Starting point is 00:22:28 He loves Jodie Foster. Oh, yeah. Yeah. You can kind of do a remake of that. But that sucks. Jodie Foster kicks ass. You want to take down people that suck ass. Yeah, but you could do that.
Starting point is 00:22:37 I think that haunts Jodie Foster to this day probably. He's so creepy. Yeah. Yeah. I wonder if I should cut those words I put together earlier. You can bleep it. No, I don't think you said anything illegal. You don't think I said anything creepy. Yeah. Yeah. I wonder if I should cut those words I put together earlier. You can bleep it. No, I don't think you said anything illegal. You don't think I said anything crazy?
Starting point is 00:22:49 I'm just with YouTube these days, you know? We're fucking... I don't know about YouTube. I'm going to start blaming the fact that we're not super big or even really big, technically. I'm going to just start blaming it on free speech and we're shadow banned. I wouldn't doubt that. I know we are, but I think it's funny when losers can can go their whole lives being like we're shadow band i don't think we're shadow but i'm happy to say it i don't think we are but let's say we're not on the new channel
Starting point is 00:23:13 is there a half shadow ban i don't know no such thing by the way the new channel's weird we're getting like so many more views than on the old channel that had way more subscribers my old channel devin costa the new one we have like we have nothing. We have less than the Lemon Party clips channel, and we're getting 7,000 views an app. It's because we're kick-ass, dude. Well, yeah, relax. But it's just funny how I don't understand how anything works. I think it's because of
Starting point is 00:23:35 you're on Lemon Party, which gets way more. So people are coming from that, is what I always thought. No, I know. I'm saying the subscribers not being... Not matching the views? Yeah. I don't understand how any of that shit works. No, I know. I'm saying the subscribers not being... Not matching the views? Yeah. It doesn't make any... I don't understand how any of that shit works. Anyway, back to this rape apologist. Hi, everyone.
Starting point is 00:23:52 I've been wanting to come online and talk to you about a few things. Sounds like she's doing a fucking commercial for Southwest. Doesn't it sound like it would be in a tourism video? Like, come to Phoenix. For Hawaii. Yeah, or Hawaii. Qatar Airways.
Starting point is 00:24:07 My name has strongly advised me to not say what I want to say. Her lawyer's like, do not play the fucking ukulele and apologize for raping people on YouTube. Her lawyer's probably Alan Dershowitz. And today I only want to talk about the facts. Okay, let's get to them, bitch. I hope that you'll be willing to listen. This is so weird, dude. It's so toned up.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Many years ago, I used to message my fans, but not in a creepy way like a lot of you are trying to suggest. It was more of a loser kind of way. I was just trying to be besties. Losers are creepy. Yeah. Also, it's a code word for creepy. I'm a creep. I'm just trying to be besties. Losers are creepy. It's a code word for creepy. I'm a creep, I'm a loser. It wasn't creepy. I was just being a loser.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Like all losers, I'm mailing my panties to little kids. It wasn't creepy. I mailed a few Hershey squirts to a child. Hershey squirt. Oh, dude. So I wore, you know, the underwear I wore on a five-day hike. I sent to little Jimmy.
Starting point is 00:25:11 It's called being an introvert. I sent my unwashed panties to little kids. Hello. Hello. I'm like, I'm weird. I'm quirky. I'm quirky. This is the infantilization thing with these types of people.
Starting point is 00:25:26 This is the same lady. She walks around dressed like a grandmother through Williamsburg. She might as well be in a wheelchair like FDR. She goes and she gets her cold brew in the morning. She wears her Zorro hat. She goes and buys a $78 vanilla fair trade small batch candle. She goes back to her studio and she fingers herself and then plays the ukulele
Starting point is 00:25:50 and sends like a mason jar full of her farts to a child. Because they're just like, it's just this weird, these are the people that like love the pandemic. They wanted to sit in their bathtub and just like, you know, queef into the tub and blow bubbles and hope that the postmates guy comes in and feeds them ravioli this is what these sick bucks do we got to get rid of these people folks just done enough of this shit yeah yeah you know a lot of millennials we get a bad rap
Starting point is 00:26:22 these people give us this bad rap these people that that got into, this is the girls era, 2012, hipster retard. Enough of them. Slice through them. Because there's people like us. We're based. Not based. It's kind of like when you go to a family gathering. You know, she has bangs too
Starting point is 00:26:45 Because she probably She looks like she got scalped If she pulled her hair back Yeah she's like Tom Hardy You know she's like You know she's losing her hair It's horrible You know when there's a weird aunt there
Starting point is 00:26:55 Keeps coming up to you And going like Hey girl what's the tea And you're like Okay this is all too performative And it's bizarre It was weird I've been sharing my life online for over 15 years.
Starting point is 00:27:08 I've poured my heart out to you, and because of that, I feel like I'm talking to my friends. But in the beginning of my career, I didn't really understand that maybe there should be some boundaries there. There were times in the DMs when I... Imagine thinking children are your friends. Also, it's so funny to mail your panties to a child and then be like, oh, I guess I should have had some boundaries.
Starting point is 00:27:28 It's like, that's not a boundary. No, exactly. Yeah, it's highly sexual. That's the infantilization mindset these people have. They go, I don't know that this was wearing three masks today, and I don't know, my Epstein bar was acting up, and I have carpal tunnel, but I don't know. I have my Epstein bar was acting up and I have carpal tunnel, but I also fuck children. A social
Starting point is 00:27:49 boundary. A social boundary is like, yeah, maybe I shouldn't have told them about my relationship with my husband. It's not. I mailed my dirty underwear to them. It's like there's no society where that's acceptable. It's not an accepted boundary by anybody.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Do we have receipts? There's a pedophile. For this, do we have like DM screenshots? Yeah, do they get into it? Oh yeah, yeah. No, she like confessed to doing the panty stuff. And how old are the kids now? Like how the people are like in their 20s now? I don't know what they are now, but they were 13. One was 13 for sure when he got the
Starting point is 00:28:22 panties. Damn. Yeah. I mean, I guess if you're like fucking, I mean, if I was 13, I would he got the panties. Damn. Yeah. Damn. I mean, I guess if you're like fucking, I mean, if I was 13, I would, I would have jacked off a million times about it, but I'm just saying she is bad for it. I would have jacked off for five years. And then when I turned to his hand, he'd be like, I'm going to ruin your life. I go, how dare you, sick bitch. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:28:47 By the way, anyone besides 500-pound Samoan men and Hawaiian men that play the ukulele should be shot in the head. Okay, that's a fact. That one over-the-rainbow fat guy, him, and then nobody else. Israel, Kauai, Kauai. Only him and a couple other Samoan fatsoes. Anyone else playing the ukulele? Any white guy playing the ukulele?
Starting point is 00:29:09 They should be spit-roasted. They should have an apple in their mouth. And they should be eaten by everybody. Agreed. You guys hear me? Yes, yes. You understand what I'm saying here? Got it.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Man, this summer's gonna be wild. Because I'm getting loopier and loopier. Oh, dude, when the heat's in this room? Dude, I'm fucking crazy right now. I've noticed you've been getting loopier. I haven't been getting much sleep. Yeah. You know, Jack's reunion, whatever, is coming up,
Starting point is 00:29:35 and I've been kind of really pissed about that. So I don't know. I think it's making for better shows in a weird way. Thanks, Jack. I like it. I like it. The loopiness is good, but I'm just angry. I've been going off on the patrons and stuff, too. I don't even know what I'm it. I like it. The loopiness is good, but I'm just angry.
Starting point is 00:29:45 I've been going off on the patrons and stuff, too. I don't even know what I'm doing. You're all fine, Ukraine. Whatever. Sorry. There was like a Ukrainian in our comments today,
Starting point is 00:29:53 and I'm like, yeah, you probably know more than me. I don't know. I'm just talking. I'm just giving you honesty, like in the moment.
Starting point is 00:30:02 People don't realize that we... I'm a contradictory person. The next day... My opinions are non-binary, buddy. They're fluid. I'm fluid. I'm opinion fluid.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Same. I'm never, like... We're all just shooting from the hip. Yeah. That's because tomorrow we'll give you a different answer. Yeah, like, I'll think about it more and be like, yeah, I guess I was wrong.
Starting point is 00:30:20 I don't know. I'm not, like, I don't want everyone to... You know, whatever. Anyway, look... Cartnark, though, is a cocksucker. Cartnark should die. Absolutely fucking shit bad. Cartnark sucks ass.
Starting point is 00:30:27 I haven't done that for years, you see, because I changed my behavior and I took accountability. Did you? Bitch. Stopped mailing my panties out. So let's go on the toxic gossip train.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Locomotive's fueled with hateful accusations. I love how she's co-opting this toxic language. Now she's using the language. The person who's accusing me of rape is toxic. You're problematic for that. You're problematic for me grooming a 13-year-old boy. You're a toxic fucking asshole. It's also hilarious she keeps calling it gossip.
Starting point is 00:31:03 What a hilarious way to to pose like the news of your pedophilia jeffrey domer jeffrey domer's like hey guys enough of the gossip prison yeah get beaten to death in the showers he's like you guys are toxic or like like anybody that's evil doing this like let's let's let's let's try something let's go let's go uh ed gein i pulled up ukulele noises because I thought it would be funny to mock this bitch. Let's try a different guy. Steven Paddock.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Here we go. Here we go. Well, losing at the slots at the Mandalay Bay Went up to my room and I took out my rage On a country music concert, yeah
Starting point is 00:31:55 Woke up the next morning to gossip About my 58 murders What's everyone talking about, folks? Gossip about my 58 murders. What's everyone talking about, folks? It's the toxic masculinity in this country that is forcing me to run for the hills. I was a part of a CIA psyop. Oh, yeah. Just had to fly back home to my Williamsburg apartment.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Have 60 murders under my belt. What do you want from me? I got caught up in the sauce. Hey, guys, it's me, Steven Paddock. I know you probably haven't heard of me in a long time. I've been off the radar. But I just want to let you know I'm sorry about Vegas. Sorry about
Starting point is 00:32:50 the Vegas shooting. Yeah. I got caught up in my celebrity. I had a YouTube channel with a lot of subscribers and I just felt the need to conduct a mass shooting.
Starting point is 00:33:07 I conducted the largest mass shooting in American history. Woke up the next day and the internet was gossiping about me. Some of it's true.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Let's say all of it's true. Let's say all of it's true. But it's nothing a ukulele can't handle. Steven Paddy just needed to set boundaries with those people in the Country Music Festival. The boundaries between his AK-47 and the crowd of people watching.
Starting point is 00:33:44 His shoulder, the bump stocky AK-47 and the crowd of people watching. His shoulder, the bump stocky AK-47 and the people in the crowd. He needed some boundaries. Let's try another one. Let's try Jared from Subway. Could he have done this? Oh, yeah, for sure. Let's see if Jared from Subway. What's this beat?
Starting point is 00:33:57 Let's see this. Joey, you wrote something, right? I actually had the same idea for this. Okay, here we go. Okay. It's been a while since you saw me on the Subway commercials. And if I'm being honest, things haven't been going so good for me lately. They made a documentary about me.
Starting point is 00:34:14 And I just wanted to come online and talk to you about a few things. My team told me not to acknowledge this, but they never said I couldn't sing about it. Oh, yeah. Uh-huh. Jared from Subway. I used to be lost in a world of despair, but Subway sandwiches helped me repair. I shed the weight, found a brand new me,
Starting point is 00:34:40 inspiring others to set themselves free. It's the child porn charade Forget about the kids, let the rumors fade It's the child porn charade Addicted to the gossip A game we play Oh yeah I used to be lost in a world of despair But Subway sandwiches helped me repair
Starting point is 00:35:08 I shed the weight, found a brand new me Inspiring others to set themselves free It's the child porn charade Forget about the kids, let the rumors fade It's the child Porn Charade Addicted to the gossip Just the game we play Yeah
Starting point is 00:35:34 Jared from Subway apologizes to you It was just a little gossip Sorry folks subscribe at the bottom of the page Donate to the page
Starting point is 00:35:55 That was the best thing you've done in a while. Well Joey wrote it and it worked out perfectly with that beat. That's my new favorite song. I looked at it and I didn't even know what it was saying earlier today. I was just like, yeah, I'll just say what you said. But fuck, that kicked ass. Good job, Joey. You're great.
Starting point is 00:36:11 That wasn't even that good. You made that. Yeah, you were out of it, dude. Oh, thanks, guys. That was phenomenal. That was phenomenal. This is fun stuff. I like it.
Starting point is 00:36:19 We should just, this whole podcast, just be songs. I'm going to write you a song every episode from now on. Just a game we play. The child porn charade. The best lyric is, forget about the kids. Let the rumors fade. I love that they were rumors. Forget about the kids.
Starting point is 00:36:40 All right, should we get back to her for a little bit? Yeah. Does she ever, like, have you watched the whole thing, Joey? Yeah, I did. Does it get, like, better? She bit? Yeah. Does she ever, like, have you watched the whole thing, Joey? Yeah, I did. Does it get, like, better? She never goes into, like, specifically, like, oh, the bra and the panties. Like, she never acknowledges that. I don't think.
Starting point is 00:36:52 I'm pretty sure. She kind of just keeps this going. She hits the chorus, like, six times. She has a chorus here? Yeah, it's the toxic. Oh, the whole toxic. It's kind of long. All right, well, should we skip?
Starting point is 00:37:03 Skip to the end and then see the end? Skip to six minutes in. Okay. Let's see what she's done. Even though I know this video won't change anyone's mind about me, I still felt it was important to come on here and defend myself a little. Oh, God. And I also wanted to say that
Starting point is 00:37:25 to anyone out there who has ever supported me in any capacity, I really, really appreciate you. Thank you. Thanks for jacking off into my panties. I want to see War Machine do this. God, dude, this is a...
Starting point is 00:37:40 War Machine. He's like, I was just you know I saw red She set me off Walked into that room and I saw red So I had to rearrange her face Spinning back elbow Let her new boyfriend go Chris D. Mack
Starting point is 00:38:03 I gave her a couple of slaps Oh my god bitch Let's go Look at those empty Fucking chicken eyes Look at those fucking Empty doll eyes She's living off kombucha
Starting point is 00:38:22 Oh yeah She has so many ex-boyfriends Who are thrilled about this Oh for real? She just has to You have to I thought they were like Coming out of the woodwork
Starting point is 00:38:30 She must be a nightmare God Imagine banging her And you wake up And she's putting on lipstick And she's going like Thank you How you doing everybody?
Starting point is 00:38:41 When you don't mind the gaps I won't survive in the crash But hey This is very like Kevin Spacey doing like the House of Cards character to defend himself. Very good. It's like the same thing.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Wow. It's the exact same thing. Yeah. Like just being your character. The coffee cup. Yep. Hello. A lot of you have been
Starting point is 00:39:04 hearing the news about me and Claire. Yes, it is true. I fucked Anthony Rapp right in the ass. But don't believe the news. I hope you had some fun. What are you talking about, bitch? Nobody cares, bitch. She's acting like the victim.
Starting point is 00:39:25 Jesus Christ. Look at her. cares, bitch. She's acting like the victim. Jesus Christ. Look at her. Oh, God. That's it? You turning the camera? No, no. Now she's like, oh, I'm going to keep going. I feel like maybe I should let you guys know something.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Man, she's so talented. At the end of the day, you got to give it up. She's a triple threat, bro. She's a fucking triple threat, dude. You got to separate the art of the day, you gotta give it up. She's a triple threat, bro. She's a fucking triple threat, dude. You gotta separate the art from the artist. Yeah, the LeBron of grooming. There's just a bunch of UPS labels behind her for panties.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Yeah, she's got a fucking deal at Ship Station. Yeah. She's got a fucking deal at Ship Station. It's not a mistake. A mistake is like tripping. A mistake isn't going to the post office, buying a box, buying, you know, whatever,
Starting point is 00:40:25 shipping pack of, you know, what do they call it? Labels. Labels. Going home, squirting in your panties, taking your panties off, folding them, putting them in bubble wrap. Queefing in the tub, bottling the queef. Bottling the queef in a mason jar, putting that in the package too as a nice
Starting point is 00:40:41 like appetizer, then taping the package and then walking down to the post office. That's not a mistake. Oh no. Twist it up and grind it and add some lies to it and pulverize it and stab it with knives
Starting point is 00:41:00 and ruin a life. Oh no. Sometimes people can make a mistake you sexualize minors sometimes people can make a mistake and you can kindly let them know and help them to grow sometimes people no no the problem is you don't help anyone grow. You hate when people grow. Ruins your business when they grow. Your business is ruined if they grow.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Mistakes simply because they made a mistake. These people are the human equivalent Of those Chinese women That we forced to never grow up And we like fuck their feet up and shit Oh yeah
Starting point is 00:41:51 We make their tendons smaller Foot binding Foot binding and all that Yeah It's the same thing Yeah Same thing American version
Starting point is 00:41:59 Just off YouTube I love this I can't wait for the future This is so great I hope everyone great. I hope everyone goes down. I hope everyone goes down while we're out here just fighting in the streets. What do I do?
Starting point is 00:42:12 I want song apologies from everybody. I want every single person to do a song apology. Name another one. Let's do another one. Vladimir Putin. By the way way you were completely wrong about the wagner group he made it seem like it was like the biggest deal of all time i knew it
Starting point is 00:42:30 absolutely nothing happened i fucking knew it yeah because he turned around because it was fake because it was bullshit and he couldn't even have done anything anyway like 25 000 people who care i don't know why you acted like that was such a big deal charles taylor took over liberia with a hunt starting with 100 dudes in the jungle. Well, Russia's not Liberia. Yeah, that's what I'm acknowledging. But they could have easily, like, when the Muslim Brotherhood got the side of the Egyptian military on them during the Arab Spring, a lot of things could change very quickly. Who's Charles Taylor? He sounds like he sings soul music at a microbrewery in Austin.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Charles Taylor. Charles Taylor in South America singing soul songs. Charles Taylor sounds like he plays while you have fun playing Jenga with your friends at a big microbrewery. Well, he's super cool. I'm just kidding. He's a bad guy. He was like the dictator of Liberia for a while. Anyways, he gave his
Starting point is 00:43:16 fake news and the audience is furious about it. Oh, they're pissed? What'd they say? We broke it, actually, but it came out later. Our episode didn't come out in time, but John did break the news on our show for a second. He was like, oh, shit! Yeah, it could've been a big deal. If we were live.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Could've been a big-ass deal. But then the next day, nothing. Right. Well, he turned around. By the time it came out... Right, because he just wanted some fucking... He wanted money. He wanted money. I mean, yeah, that's what these Russian guys did. He was being Eastern European. He was like a Nathan's hot dog vendor, wasn't he? He was like a Coney Island retard.
Starting point is 00:43:48 He ran a hot dog. That's how he got, when he got out of prison, when he had 12 years in prison for armed robbery in the Soviet Union, he ran a hot dog stand and started opening restaurants in St. Petersburg. Yeah. Well, nothing happened, though, and I just want you to really acknowledge that. Well, it could have happened. It could have happened, but it could have happened.
Starting point is 00:44:02 If it went on for another week, it would have gotten horrible. You were saying this is the biggest deal. You were saying this is the biggest deal ever. It could have been the biggest deal ever. It could have been. It could have happened, but it could have happened. If it went on for another week, it would have gotten horrible. You were saying this is the biggest deal. You were saying this is the biggest deal ever. It could have been the biggest deal ever. It could have been a huge fucking deal. It could have been a big fucking... If that guy didn't leave Moscow, if he just kept going
Starting point is 00:44:13 and then was like, listen, and he got some support from the Russian military and then that got fractured, God knows the fucking Russian military is probably the most stable thing on earth. We're rapidly losing trust in your takes.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Well, you know what? You suck me off. How about that? It's over for you, buddy. It's over for you. We're finished with trust in your takes. Well, you know what? You suck me off. How about that? It's over for you, buddy. It's over for you. We're finished with you. Kiss my ass. Always acting like the biggest thing on Earth's happening. I did it. You know what? You're a crying wolf. No, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Who's another pedophile out there? Let's do like... Hold on. Golly. Do you have one? Because I'd like to hear a Ted Kaczynski one. I'd like to hear the Columbine kids do one. Let's try this.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Whoa. Oh, yeah, baby. Uh-huh. Some people are saying that I had a cage full of women. Some underage. I'm not trying to be rude, but hey, little girl, can I pee on you? Oh, yeah,
Starting point is 00:45:06 this is the remix to Innocence. It's the remix to Innocence. Is this too much? Oh, that's sad. Sad? How's this any sadder
Starting point is 00:45:15 than... Remix to Innocence? Jesus Christ. No, because he's saying he's innocent. Oh, I thought you were talking about, like, removing someone's
Starting point is 00:45:23 innocence. It's the remix to it. That actually does... It's a double entendre, I guess. Well, I thought you were talking about like removing someone's innocence. It's the remix to it. That actually, it's a double entendre, I guess. Oh, we'll end that. What's another one, Joey?
Starting point is 00:45:31 I was going to say, I would like to hear a Ted Kaczynski one. Rest in peace, Ted Kaczynski. Okay, what's the song that he would listen to? Folk music,
Starting point is 00:45:40 I feel like. Do another folk song. Let's just stick with that. Do like a, I say go back to the Jared instrumental and just do it as Kazinz. I was saying do a little Lion Man. I gotta have new music for the peeps. Do Mumford and Sons
Starting point is 00:45:53 Lion Man or whatever, but with Ted Kazinz talking about being a bomber man. Okay, Lion Man instrumental. Keep in mind he does his own fishing and he's a nature man. He's not just creating bombs because he hates that. Oh, sorry. I don't mean to, you know. I've never heard this song.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Yes, you have. What is it? I'll be there. Oh, okay. No, no. And it's on him. Okay, that's that one? Yeah, you got this?
Starting point is 00:46:16 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, brave little lion man. And I built a cabin in the woods, and I grew my beard really big. And I sat there. I sat there. I sat there. And I hunted squirrels and ate them every night. And worked on my bombs. I knew technology would take over this country at some point.
Starting point is 00:46:40 So I wrote a manifesto every night. And then I decided to take the arm of the owner of a computer store. Just a small computer store. The man had nothing to do with the country. He had nothing to do with the world. But regardless, my manifesto lives on. What is this shit? Shut up. Shut up. Oh, now the ATF is coming for me.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Everybody's coming for me. They're closing in. The ATF won't stop gossiping. Everybody's gossiping and I would know about it if I was an idiot that used the internet. But I'm not. I refuse to mingle with the world. My name is Ted Kaczynski. And all my bombs sucked.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Relax. All I made didn't do much damage. I really just destroyed the lives of secretaries that don't have anything to do with the dominant state of the world. I pretended that I was really making change, but I wasn't. And now I'm dead. Now I'm dead now I'm dead and people
Starting point is 00:48:06 idolize me for some weird reason I'm looking at you Joey LeFleur this is mean that was mean I've tried my best let's do another one
Starting point is 00:48:15 let's just keep keep this fucking train rolling I would like to hear I don't know enough about Ted Kaczynski you should have sang that song
Starting point is 00:48:22 I don't know how to sing as well as you. You're the singer. Yeah, I'm a virtuoso. How about John Wayne Gacy? Ooh. He was the clown man. The clown man.
Starting point is 00:48:32 He liked to... And he was a Chicago guy? Illinois? Chicago. Was he Chicago? He had all the boys under... The men under his... Democratic fundraiser.
Starting point is 00:48:42 What's a Chicago... Oh, Chicago. Oh, fucking... What's that song they have? What's the best Chicago song? Don't they have a song called Chicago too? Yeah. I think that's the one. Chicago by Chicago.
Starting point is 00:49:08 25 to 6 or 4? yeah that's the one or roxy what is that should i do i think it's 25 what about chicago the musical sure roxanne what is that roxanne roxanne i don't know these songs that well. Wayne Gacy, you don't have to bury that boy tonight. Hey, honey. I'm just a fucking Chicago guy, you know? Yeah, that was John. My name's John Wayne Gacy. I like putting meat and peppers on... Kogies.
Starting point is 00:49:41 On French bread. I like dressing up like a clown, I like barbecuing, and I like killing gay men. If that's a crime, take me to jail. If that's a crime, take me to jail. You guys have been hearing about a lot of gossip out there, you know. I just got back from the Bulls game. Michael Jordan, game winner. Tonight, I'll have, game winner. Tonight,
Starting point is 00:50:07 I'll have a game winner. After I rape a young man and shoot him in the head, bury him under my floorboards. Oh yeah, baby. A lot of people I like to dress up, I call myself Roxanne. But really, my name's John Wayne Gacy
Starting point is 00:50:25 Alright next Another one Another one Let's see Do the Columbine kids Yeah yeah yeah Okay what would they listen to Oh dude Nirvana bro
Starting point is 00:50:36 Okay yeah yeah yeah Oh no Jeremy By Pearl Jam Instrumental Was that a song about A school show I don't really know How Jeremy goes
Starting point is 00:50:43 Nirvana Nirvana instrumental. Like Pauly or something? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Grunge. What was the name of their mafia?
Starting point is 00:50:52 He's got it. Trenchcoat Mafia? Yeah. They had a tech nine day. Okay. Think I'm gonna go bowling today. Then I'm gonna buy a really gay duster. Then I'm gonna go to school.
Starting point is 00:51:12 Gonna tell one person I know to, hey, don't show up today. Then I'm gonna get my tech nine and call my friend Dylan. Look at me, starting a trend that'll ruin America from within. We'll have political conversations for the next 30 years and they'll never do shit and the guns will get better. Uh-huh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:41 They call it an AR-15 because that's the age of the people that use them My name is Eric Harris And I'm in the cafeteria And I'm making noise Who says it's a gunshot? Woke up the next morning Heard some gossip
Starting point is 00:52:04 Heard some rumors. That I started, like, me and my friend, we started, like, the biggest thing to ever happen in terms of a political issue with this country. Michael Moore is spreading rumors. Michael Moore is spreading rumors about me I saw his bullshit movie He didn't even make us look that cool By the way, I bowled a perfect game
Starting point is 00:52:36 This is just getting fucked up. Let's do another one that's a little less fucked up. School shootings. I mean, I don't like to make fun of school shootings here. I never do that. We're not a judgmental show here. I don't want to judge. Someone who's not so fucked up, but is still fucked up.
Starting point is 00:52:50 That's a tough one, man. Let's keep it going. Richard Ramirez. I mean, that's the most fucked up guy. I was kidding. You maniac. Richard Ramirez? Nightstalker.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Nightstalker. I mean, Charles Manson. Cecil Hotel. He never killed anyone personally. What would he listen to? Nightstalker or Manson? Taxi driver music, Richard Ramon. Cecil Hotel. He never killed anyone personally. What would he listen to? Night Stalker or Manson? Taxi Driver music, Richard Ramirez. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Yeah, or I kind of just want to say Cisco Kid because he was from East LA. Oh, like the Low Rider? Let's leave Low Rider. Night Stalker. It's a parody music podcast now, guys. This was the Weird Al Yankovic podcast. No, no, no. It's Lowrider by War.
Starting point is 00:53:32 That's top one, bro. Yeah, but I want to get the ones that haven't been on. They've been on YouTube for a long time. Word, word, word. Let's go. Hell yeah, dude. Just ready for a night of the town. My name's Richard Ramirez.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Night stalker. Oh, yeah. The night stalker lives at the Cecil. And he goes out at night and paints the town. He comes back home covered in blood. And nobody says a word,
Starting point is 00:54:20 says a word for years and years. There's an Asian girl trapped in the water tower and I don't care. The night stop girl drives a low rider.
Starting point is 00:54:37 He goes, hey guys, it's me, Richard Ramirez. You haven't heard from me in a while. A lot of people think I'm a regular cat burglar. It's just some gah sip. All right. Let's get on some other stuff.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Hope you guys enjoyed that. We're not doing a corner this week, so we decided to give you a fucking, fucking, we needed a song, but no corner.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Fucking gumbo. We gave them gumbo. Gumbo. Oh yeah, meat, yeah. Fucking meat, shrimp,
Starting point is 00:55:00 fucking, sausage, fucking, sausage, You just turned into that guy. Mel Gibson was spotted by a Mexican guy. What was he doing? He was putting tires.
Starting point is 00:55:17 This is an older video, but he was putting air in this Mexican dude's tires and was doing a fair for him. It's really cool. It was fantastic. Mel Gibson seems like a great dude. Yeah, he's great. And he didn't even get racist. No. Not at all. Not once? Well, we'll see.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Mel Gibson helping my friend Mel Gibson. This guy kicks ass. Mel Gibson. Are you Mel Gibson? Are you Mel Gibson? That is the image of Mel Gibson filling his own tires. This guy's like, are you Mel Gibson?
Starting point is 00:55:46 Are you Mel Gibson? Are you Mel Gibson? Oh, yeah, yeah. He's so happy. He's so happy, dude. You're so happy to see Mel Gibson. Gibson's jacked it. What did he ask him? What did he ask him?
Starting point is 00:56:09 He goes, long time ago. I think he asked him about a movie he was in or some shit. Something like that. What movie do you think this Mexican guy would have said? Go back. Let's see if we can hear. He's like, I love the end of Braveheart. When you drop the cloth.
Starting point is 00:56:20 You performing the patriota? Patriot. He was saying patriota. Patriota. Oh, hell yeah, dude. That's awesome. He was saying Patriota. Patriota. Patriota. Oh, hell yeah, dude. That's awesome. He goes, yeah, a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:56:30 When you cut the breast with the tomahawk. He goes, that was before you people came in and ruined the country. That's it. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Long time ago. Long time ago, yeah. Why are you alone?
Starting point is 00:56:48 Why are you alone? I love this guy. He's so pure. He's amazing. Why are you alone? Did your wife not blow you before jacuzzi? Why are you? I am alone because I'm not famous.
Starting point is 00:57:02 I'm not famous. I am alone because I am... I like how this guy thinks all famous people have to be with people. Yeah, they gotta... Well, that's like in Mexico. If you're famous, you probably have like 15,000 armed security guards and shit. True, true. I like being alone. Oh, yeah, yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Hell yeah, Mel. Oh, my God. I gotta say, I'm very endeared to Mel Gibson right now. Just putting air in his tires. Is that his? I do this. I do this, and I don't have a new car. I do this. I drive a fucking jalopy around. I drive a car with my feet, and I putting air in his tires. I do this. I do this, and I don't have a new car. I do this.
Starting point is 00:57:25 I drive a fucking jalopy around. I drive a car with my feet, and I put air in my back. He was wrong for what he said about the Jews and how he treated his wife and stuff, but I actually forgive him. I'm not even... It's controversial. Everyone forgives him. As a non-Jew, you can't say it, but I forgive him. I forgive him.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Want to know why? He sobered up, and he's not doing any of that. Because if you're drunk, who gives a shit what you say? He sobered up, and as he said, he's done all the mea culpas. He's made the right steps, and it's time to recognize his talent. Exactly, Joseph. And we're talking about my number one supporter of Israel over here. He forgives Mel Gibson.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Exactly. I'm a Zionist. As a Zionist, I forgive him. Lucky day for me. I don't know. Exactly. I'm a Zionist. As a Zionist, I forgive him. Lucky day for me. I don't know. What if I rob you? Look at that laugh. Look at that laugh.
Starting point is 00:58:12 He's crazy. Look how crazy he is. Look at Gibson. He's like the Joker. He's wild. He's unhinged. He's looking at him just cackling. Yeah, you are. He knows how to talk to the everyday man.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Born in Australia, at the end of the day, he's just like... He moved when he was in his teens. And then he became an actor and just lost the whole accent. Lost the whole accent, yeah. Hey, can you shine that light? He goes, you're Mexican, shine that light!
Starting point is 00:58:45 Puts him right to work. That's an endearing video. Why don't you wash my car? Wash my car, sugar tits. While you're here, wash my car. Put some light on that tire for me, sugar tits. He's calling a Mexican guy. He's like, you fuck.
Starting point is 00:59:04 I'm Jewish yeah you know what's the worst peeling your sweaty dick off your leg you wish you could go take a shower but you work at a real job and have to spend the whole day in your own personal swamp you don't have to
Starting point is 00:59:19 live like this anymore keep cool this summer with sheath underwear this innovative underwear has two pouches. One for your dick and one for your balls. It keeps everything separate so your crown jewels can get some airflow down there. It even comes in tons of cool patterns to help you look
Starting point is 00:59:35 great and feel comfortable. Come on, you want to look great down there. I have sheath underwear and it's great. It's probably the best underwear I own. It is the best underwear I own. Of course it is. Very comfortable, very smooth, silky, has great patterns,
Starting point is 00:59:53 makes you feel like there's a couple of them that look like Gucci. So it's cool. It's great. I recommend it. For our ladies in the audience, we know you have sweaty boobs to deal with. God, you ladies with your sloppy, sweaty tits. Disgusting. That's why you got to get sheath sport bras, bikini briefs, and boy shorts.
Starting point is 01:00:11 Go to sheathunderwear.com and use code HATEWATCH to get 20% off your first order. Plus, sheath underwear is 100% money-back guarantee. That's sheathunderwear.com, promo code HATEWATCH. Get sheath underwear. Supportcom promo code HATEWATCH. Get Sheath Underwear. Support the show. Support your balls. Okay, listen, I know that people have a problem sometimes when we, uh... Well, this is a long video.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Maybe we should save it for Patreon. This is a really funny pedophile video that I found. Oh, shit. I mean... Okay, I kind of miss pedophile stuff. We used to watch him a lot. And by the way, shout out Colin Shoemaker. He's coming on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:00:52 Oh, shit. He's coming here, I think next week or two weeks from now or something. And I'm going to go on a hunt with him. We're all going to hunt. We're all invited. Why can't we? It's like rattlesnake hunting. Well, listen, I'm going to go. I don't know. Are you like... Davin, will you go on a hunt? Why would I not? It's like rattlesnake hunting. Well, listen, I'm going to go. I don't know. Are you like, Davin, will you go on a hunt? Why would I not?
Starting point is 01:01:08 It's scary. They could shoot you. Oh, that's right. I forgot about my main point about those things. Well, I'll buy some mace or something. I can bring mace from the bar. I have a bunch of mace. Mace and some fucking tasers.
Starting point is 01:01:19 Yeah, so shoes coming in the paw. But go back to this. Well, let's save that for the page. Let's save it for the page. This is a good one. A teacher was arrested after cutting a student's hair while singing the national anthem. And so she kind of goes like crazy. She starts like, if I remember correctly, she starts like just trying to cut everyone's hair in the class.
Starting point is 01:01:39 And they all start running out of the class. And she's been arrested because it is like assault. Well, she's also holding scissors like is like yeah yeah well she's also holding scissors like chasing yeah it's crazy she just menopausal or something uh i think teachers are just teachers are just massive losers that like failed at everything in life so then they become teachers so they can force people that are like essentially in like uh our version of a free prison to have to listen to their thoughts and political ideologies. A lot of teachers I had
Starting point is 01:02:07 were absolute losers. It's how they regain power. They eat lentil soup and they come into class and then they just tell you about why they should have made it. A guy that beat them at writing or a guy that took their job as being a director or whatever. It's similar to
Starting point is 01:02:26 cops, where some people become cops because they just want the power. Same thing with teachers. Also, there are hero cops, like our boy Rex Engelbert. And there are great teachers, but a lot of bad cops and a lot of bad teachers. A lot of bad. More bad teachers than good. That being said,
Starting point is 01:02:42 I respect the good teachers. I had a lot. Not a lot. I had maybe four teachers my whole life that I was like, I respect the good teachers. I had a lot. Not a lot. I had maybe four teachers my whole life that I was like, I like you a lot. You're a really good person. And this must be hard as shit. I understand. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:53 It's got to be tough. But the other 10 at the school, you realize why the kids start bringing guns. Take a seat. What's she doing why would you i mean this is what are you doing you psycho bitch just deranged why is this boy allowing this is technically assault right yeah you're not allowed to just grab people's hair and cut it i mean well the it's weird. Well, the kid's letting her do it. Yeah, he's like laughing. Yeah, because they're under, they're being influenced. Like, they feel like they'll get in trouble.
Starting point is 01:03:29 Yeah, she's the boss. It's like, it's some kind of conduct violation for sure, but I don't know if this is assault. The kid's kind of laughing and shit, but look at the, after this, I think she starts chasing people. The kid knows how crazy she looks, so he's like, I'm going to let her fucking dig her own grave. He's the hero. Yeah, exactly. He's taking it for the class. I'm not done.
Starting point is 01:03:48 What is she? What's her point? She's a lunatic. She's a lunatic, John. No, but I want to see what happened right before this video. What do you think she said to that? That kid was misbehaving, and she lost her mind. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:03:58 Okay. Teachers lost their minds constantly. Oh, we made teachers cry all the time. We made teachers. I watched teachers walk out. Quit. Yeah. Oh, we made teachers cry all the time. We made teachers... I watched teachers walk out. Quit. Yeah. Subs, quit.
Starting point is 01:04:07 Yeah. I had some real... I fucked over... Not fucked over, but teachers that were assholes, I made one of them quit for sure. I made a bunch of cry. One called the cops on me
Starting point is 01:04:19 because I was just... That kicks ass. ...trolling her so much. Mm-hmm. It's... When you're a little kid, like, there's... You don't care. It's a prison guard.
Starting point is 01:04:27 You're my prison guard, and I'm forced to be here, and you're lucky I don't stab you today. They're awful. People don't understand how horrible school is to a certain type of child. To me, it was the worst thing that will ever happen to me.
Starting point is 01:04:41 I'd rather be in prison than school. I still have nightmares about school to this day. It's like my most recurring nightmares. It's me in school and I forgot to do homework or something and a teacher's, you know, I'm fucked and I'm going to get in trouble. I was cripplingly depressed. Oh, me too.
Starting point is 01:04:57 I walked around school like Paul Giamatti in Sideways. I hated every second of every fucking day. Same. I couldn't believe. I remember I asked a kid in like fourth grade, I was like, when does this end? And he was like, well, this fifth grade, then this sixth grade,
Starting point is 01:05:14 then this seventh grade, then this eighth grade, then this tenth, eleventh, twelfth. And I was like, oh my God. Because you don't even know any better. You don't know what's going on. You just got shot out. Two strangers meet.
Starting point is 01:05:24 They fuck. They shoot you out. And everything's going on you just got shot out two two strangers meet they fuck they shoot you out and everything's kind of okay for a little bit and then all of a sudden there's that first day at this weird uh this weird tiny prison you go through puberty you start becoming a little bit more self-aware and now your anxiety depression starts flooding into your brain and now you're stuck with all these people that you hate. And these asshole teachers are fucking ordering you around. It's a nightmare. It's an utter fucking nightmare. And then you're like, well, the teachers are supposed to mold minds and they're great.
Starting point is 01:05:55 They know how to handle people. And all of a sudden you're like, this guy's like completely insane. Yeah. These people are nuts. And you're dealing with that. He's wearing hoodies every day and you just drink soda and you just
Starting point is 01:06:07 you come into school and you're just like you can eat a cup of noodle for breakfast oh yeah and you just you try and figure out the best ways
Starting point is 01:06:15 to make your body pass out that's why every kid plays that game where they make them pass out and they hit the pressure points because everyone wants to die
Starting point is 01:06:22 like put me to sleep put me to fuck out of my misery god I wish my teacher was the undertaker. Every day in class, I would just pray for an asteroid to hit Earth. Every day in class, I would pray for
Starting point is 01:06:33 the roof to cave in on the teacher speaking. I'm not kidding. That's all I thought about. All I thought about. I hated every second of every day. I hated school as much as you, I think, but I think that out of all of us, you were the closest to actually
Starting point is 01:06:48 bringing a weapon and doing something. No, I was never like that. But out of us, you're the closest to maybe becoming a shooter. Here's what I would do. I prayed for other people to shoot it up. I would do that all the time. So then we would have like a week off or whatever.
Starting point is 01:07:10 Literally, I just needed, I wanted time off so bad. I was like, yeah, a couple people are going to have to take a hit. But if somebody came to you when you were like at your peak of hating school and they were like, hey, push this button. You'll never get caught. A couple of teachers and some kids will die. But school's off for three weeks. There was a point, there was one teacher that I hated so much
Starting point is 01:07:29 because he was like, there was this feeling where I'm like, dude, you're like, because they pressure you and they make you feel like, first off, you have to go to college. You're going to be homeless. Your life is worthless. You're a huge loser if you don't go to college. Is this our biology teacher? Yep.
Starting point is 01:07:44 And I never once even understood the concept of college. I was just like waiting for senior year to end. All I wanted was to get out of this fucking mandated state-sanctioned child prison. All I wanted was to get out. And they would talk about college. I had meetings. You go to your college counselor, and they tell you these places. You could get into Iowa State.
Starting point is 01:08:07 And I'm like, what are you talking about, bitch? I have to live in Iowa? What is this? I'm like, I don't even understand college. I'm like, I hate school. I don't want to live there now, you psychopath. I hate this. I don't want to move in.
Starting point is 01:08:21 Are you kidding me? Imagine that. That was what college was in my brain that is what it is so it's an apartment at school oh my god i was like i'll kill myself i'll fucking kill myself yeah so you have to go through all that you're like i don't even know what college i just want to get out of this and and and just just if it lasted like another week i might have have jumped off something. I felt like I had no freedom.
Starting point is 01:08:47 But you're under this pressure that you have to go to college. What was my main fucking point? You were going to kill people. You're very close to killing people. So there was this one teacher. And so when I had that impression that we all had to go to college, my dad's pressuring me. My dad was a college teacher, a professor or whatever, and he was an academic guy,
Starting point is 01:09:12 and he really cared about me going to school. And I'm like, listen, buddy, it ain't happening. What do you think? We'll have a big talk. We'll have a sit-down someday, and I'll let you know. If you still love me, you'll let me not go to college because it ain't happening never i'm never reading a book again and so uh so there was this teacher that like like he would fuck with the kids like like like he had the class where the point system was so much more skewed than every other class
Starting point is 01:09:46 Yeah, like like if you failed a test it was like 500 points whereas the other classes like a 20-point test you come back. Yeah, this was like insane You're like completely it was a mind game though because everything was five thousand It was the same thing all equaled out, but you're a child and you don't understand You don't get it and it was also a very difficult class. It was extremely difficult class. He didn't teach. He would just stand at the front and he would just like spew like autistic nonsense.
Starting point is 01:10:11 And then like three kids that could identify every butterfly in North America would be like, I get it. And everyone else is like, what the fuck is he talking about? Yeah, fuck them. Like mitochondria. Like what the fuck? Shut up. Nobody cares. It's never come up once.
Starting point is 01:10:25 Algebra's never come up. Biology's never, none of it's ever come up. I've never had to identify a bird by its heart or its aorta. It's all absolute trivial nonsense.
Starting point is 01:10:35 They are stunting people. There could be kids like actually like expanding their brains in school and instead they make it this rigid, trivial horse shit.
Starting point is 01:10:42 You have to take all these tests and it's all meaningless. Some people do use math. Yeah, they build shit. Yeah, if you're on a stem major or some do stuff not every most people don't engineer people that we need i know how to do basic computers and stuff yeah and that's like two kids in the class that doesn't mean they should torture the most part i agree with you and i fucking there was a lot of worthless math as well but go on it's fucked up to act like because there's two kids that are gonna go build a building someday that everyone in the class has to be like stressed out of their
Starting point is 01:11:08 fucking mind exactly well i think the design is like let's just try to teach everybody this and maybe out of a thousand we'll get 10 good ones but it's not but they do it on a mass scale where everyone fails if they're not keeping up sure yeah engineer kids it fucking sucks either way if you're a kid it's a nightmare. So this guy was crazy, and there was this giant fetal pig. You remember this, bitch. Dude, he fucking...
Starting point is 01:11:31 This fetal... There was a huge, like, thousand-point fetal pig exam where for months on end, we had to... By the way, these people are sickos, these biology teachers. They're bringing in, like, dead pigs who have alcohol, and they, like, love coming up, and you and you cut it open you look at all the parts that is like your teachers are fucking you know like jeffrey dahmer yeah and you're like okay i guess you try it you even you're on a base
Starting point is 01:11:58 level you like i think i get that i think i get all get, all right, that's that part. That's that part. Okay. It helped a little bit. Like, I get kidneys. Yay. And then on the day of the fetal pig exam, when you're like, I studied,
Starting point is 01:12:13 this motherfucker put in, he put, he sliced up pieces of hot dogs and beef jerky and he added random crap and it's, and if you're a stressed out kid that studied all night,
Starting point is 01:12:24 you're like, what the fuck is that that's fucked up that's cheating and people failed I was failing this faggots class and I was the only guy he did that to that's fucked up he did it to a bunch of people in my class
Starting point is 01:12:36 and they are making you think that your future is on the line so I remember being like furious to the point of like i've never i would never do anything i'm not a you know i don't have that in me i've never hurt anybody actually but i had thoughts of like i wish that guy dies i hope he dies because i was under the impression you're fucking with my future my parents are breathing down my neck everyone acts like this is the only way you have any worth.
Starting point is 01:13:05 And he knows. If you go into a good college. And I'm like, so this guy is the gatekeeper for me going to a good college? And he's fucking with me? He also knows how the stakes feel to you. And he's taking advantage of that. So he's cruel. It's the same thing as when a nurse starts getting sick of her patients.
Starting point is 01:13:23 Because this patient is so high maintenance and, like, they're just yelling and blah, blah, blah, and that they start, like, pumping insulin into their fucking vials to kill them. Yeah. Teachers, that happens to them, I think, with kids, where they're just like, fuck these kids, I'm gonna start torturing them.
Starting point is 01:13:37 He was an evil guy. He hated himself. If you're not compassionate, if you don't love teaching and you're not compassionate, you start torturing the kid. He hated himself. He was an evil piece of shit. He, uh, there was a massive rumor, and I'm actually pretty certain it's true, that he killed a
Starting point is 01:13:50 guy on the operating table and got fired for malpractice and had a big thing and wound up a biology teacher at our stupid fucking pedophile school. He was an alcoholic. Do you know what? And he was an alcoholic and he got fired for ordering a hooker to class. No, no, no. The story was he was looking up hookers on the overhead projector and the kid started filming him and shit. He was an alcoholic and he got fired for ordering a hooker to class. No, no, no. The story was he was looking up hookers on the overhead projector and the kids started filming him and shit.
Starting point is 01:14:11 And apparently it was like Quasimodo. But I wish I was a fly on the wall for that thing because I would throw that guy into a giant blender to this fucking day. I would kill him. I swear to God I would beat the fuck out of that guy. I remember Mark had to talk me down. We were on Instant Messenger, AIM. Classic. Like junior year and i was i was like no i'd fucking kill him dude i thought he's like no you wouldn't dude like
Starting point is 01:14:29 you would feel horrible about and i'm like no i hope he dies i really hope he died like i was so angry oh yeah i was so angry at this man and uh yeah i don't know it's just it was insane what they put i the stress i had like i can't that's literally that i i hope that's the worst period of my life i was never more stressed out yeah in my life i was losing my mind i was having panic attacks i'd go home i'd watch the sopranos i'd pass out in the bathtub like tony soprano i was losing my fucking mind i thought if i didn't learn spanish that i'd never be able to drive a car in this country also that's how they make it seem. And part of it, though, also is like when you just start going through puberty and you're
Starting point is 01:15:07 not really, you don't have the tools to deal with like the human condition yet. It's like if you took me right now and sent me back to whatever seventh grade, I'd be like, okay, yeah, this is easy. I figured it out. Like I know how to just like, right, I'll buckle down. I'll buckle down. I'll do this amount
Starting point is 01:15:23 of work. And it's like, but when you're a kid and you're just like figuring shit out it's so it's overwhelming it's so i just want to kill everybody i hated it so much we we you know we uh there was a this is a funny thing we one of the kids that i went to school with uh his parents owned like don francisco coffee the coffee that like that like funded like mcdonald's or whatever they signed the deal like while we were at school or whatever, like in the midst of knowing him. And me and this other kid, Dakota, who I really liked a lot, and he like,
Starting point is 01:15:52 I don't know what happened to him. We started talking about how funny it would be if we like started putting, because, so that kids, the Don Francisco Coffee started using, the school, our school started, St. Francis started using their coffee. So so of course yeah and so dakota and i were like what if we like buy a bunch of cocaine and we like put like small like amounts in the coffee and then and then and
Starting point is 01:16:16 then like because every morning like you know the biology teacher every teacher back that you go to they go to the snack room and they get their coffee. We wanted to get them all hooked on cocaine and then cut it off cold turkey and then watch them all flip the fuck out in front of class and shit. It would have been better if we had fentanyl back then. Cocaine filled fentanyl. I fucking hated that guy.
Starting point is 01:16:37 I still hate that guy. I am fucking probably 13 years removed from ever seeing that guy. To this day, I have the same level of passion. I still think about him. I have zero enemies from ever seeing that guy. And I, to this day, I have the same level of passion. No, I still think about him. I have zero enemies. I fucking, I hate that guy. He walked like he had a pipe in his ass.
Starting point is 01:16:51 He was a fucking piece of shit. His spine was all fucked up because he was a Mr. Universe contender back in like the 80s. So he was on just a shit ton of steroids. Yeah, Colman. And he's just, God, he was a fucko.
Starting point is 01:17:03 Yeah. I say we watch this teacher cut the rest of these kids' hair. Yeah, and then he was a fucko. Yep. I say we watch this teacher cut the rest of these kids' hair. Yeah, and then we'll wrap it up. Get you out. Oh, no, no, no. Oh, she's gonna do it? No.
Starting point is 01:17:14 Get the fuck away. Girl, like, dudes, whatever, but doing it to a girl, that's crazy. You can't just grab a girl's hair. Run. They all start running. Yeah, teacher teachers got scissors dude that video
Starting point is 01:17:39 that video just like reminds me of weird weird moments in high school and in school she was arrested teacher it says it says she was she was facing serious charges It reminds me of weird moments in high school and in school. She was arrested? Teacher, it says she was. Fucking good. She was facing serious charges. Teacher arrested after forcibly cutting students' hair while singing. Could you click the article?
Starting point is 01:17:54 I just want to see what happened to her. A high school teacher in the United States is facing potential jail time after a disturbing incident where she cut a student's hair while singing the national anthem, causing fear and panic among the students present. Margaret Giesinger, a 52-year-old science and chemistry teacher, was taken into custody on December 5th, 2018, following the circulation of a video showing her cutting a student's hair in a classroom.
Starting point is 01:18:15 In the video, Giesinger could be heard singing the Star Spangled Banner. Holding the scissors above her head, she then exclaims, Next, I'm not done, and proceeds to reach for another student's long hair, causing the students to flee the room in fear fear the incident was reported to the police as an instance of child endangerment involving a teacher wielding a pair of scissors according to police yeah because it's a child endangerment is that's what it is according to police chief kevin meisner of the vasalia times delta giesinger has been charged with multiple counts of child cruelty and battery hell yeah fuck yeah dude man, dude. Man, I wish that...
Starting point is 01:18:46 God, I wish I could have put a... Throw the book at this fucking... Although she has pleaded not guilty, if convicted of all six counts, she can phase up to three years and six months in jail. Hell yeah. Give her the max. Put her in high school. Cunt. Anyway. Good.
Starting point is 01:19:02 We've done good work here. Thank you. I think we did good work. A lot of good songs. You know, some good songs, some wacky, wild, you know. High-jerk school rants, some kooky rants, and whatnot, you know. Joey, what's your Instagram? Joey Arlofler Instagram, right?
Starting point is 01:19:19 Yes. John, what do you plug in? JohnBatman with two Ds. Okay. Patreon.com slash hatewatchpodcast, I think. Yes. Yeah. We get juiced up with the Patreon, guys.
Starting point is 01:19:31 We always go, is it hatewatchpod or hatewatchpodcast? I don't know. I can never remember. I think it's podcast on the Patreon. Because we have Twitter that's a hatewatchpod and Instagram. I don't even know what's going on here. Oh, by the way, the guy, our hatewatchclips channel. Somebody made our hatewatch Clips channel, right?
Starting point is 01:19:47 Gabe Redman. Gabe underscore Redman 2. Gabe, can you hit me up on Instagram and send me those files so we can post them on Instagram? Because some of them are very good. Yeah, that'd be great. I'm going to connect him with Yarmles. I'm going to connect him with Yarmles. Send him to Yarmles. And Yarmles
Starting point is 01:20:04 is making great clips. We'll make a group with us and Yarmles, and we're going to connect him with Yarmul's. Send him to Yarmul's. And Yarmul's is making great clips. We'll make a group with us and Yarmul's, and we're going to form a dream team of our most talented listeners and just start building. The Avengers. The Avengers of retards. Joey's Nick Fury. Yarmul's makes great clips.
Starting point is 01:20:18 Yarmul's is fantastic. Yarmul's loves to clip the worst thing I ever said the whole episode and be like, share this. He captures all of the slurs. And I love it. I appreciate he likes that. But it's like, something like that. Maybe go like that. Yarmul is maybe listening for the wrong reasons.
Starting point is 01:20:34 I think it's a potential... No, I get where he's coming from. I'm just like, I don't want to share that. Listen, you come to the show, you can find out the things I said. I don't want to promote me yelling, you know, fag. I love Yarmul's, but when you're editing stuff about somebody else, it's a lot easier to leave in the stuff.
Starting point is 01:20:56 I get it. I get it. And they've been amazing, and they're really, like, manic, and they capture the – they're the best clips I've ever seen anyone make from the show, including me. You know, it's funny. My clips are always just like based on me.
Starting point is 01:21:10 I'm so funny. Look at my clip. I talked to selfish cocksucker. I never include you. I never include you especially, but no, it's funny. Cause I talked to Gabe.
Starting point is 01:21:21 Gabe is my boy. I talked to him and, uh, I'm always just, my goof with him is like, I think Yarmul's would have done a better job. But yeah, that's good. He made a really funny clip the other, I watched it the other night and I already forgot. He made the James Cameron one. The James Cameron one kicked ass.
Starting point is 01:21:36 He made the John Fleshlight one. Oh, the John Fleshlight one was fucking phenomenal. That was great. There was another one that I thought was fucking hilarious. He's had a bunch of really good ones. Yeah. Gabe's my boy. I don't know. I forget everything we do. Doing a another one that I thought was fucking hilarious. He's had a bunch of really good ones. Gabe's my boy. I forget everything we do. Doing a podcast
Starting point is 01:21:47 is like basically giving yourself Alzheimer's. Thank you for listening, folks. We love you. Should we play ourselves out with some ukuleles? Sure. A little ukuleles? Okay, here. The uke. Let's see. I like Hawaiian Cafe. The uke. Here. Let's see. I like Hawaiian Cafe.
Starting point is 01:22:06 Yeah. Ooh. That's nice. Hope you enjoy the show. A lot of bad words were said. A lot of death threats were made. But that's just what we do here on the Haywatch Podcast. Beautiful. Yeah. It's the Haywatch Podcast. Beautiful. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:25 It's the Haywatch Podcast. Visit Bali next time you can. Yeah. It's the Haywatch Pod... John, you try and sing. It's so soothing. Come on, go. We're soothing, we're a soothing podcast.
Starting point is 01:22:41 Oh my God, I can't believe I'm so much more talented. I know, it's crazy. John, you just made Devin look so fucking good with that. I don't know, it was the first thing that popped in my head. You know? I love everybody good.

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