Heroes in Business - Andy Hahn, Fearless Living, Demonstration of Healing Loneliness and Isolation

Episode Date: July 6, 2022

Demonstration of Healing Loneliness and Isolation. Angels heal. Inner child healed by Self. Energy Field with Light. Healing loss of pre-natal twin and Cancer. Mindfulness and body centered therapy. S...urrender in this episdoe of Guided Self Healing Fearless Living with Dr Any Hahn. www.lifecenteredtherapy.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, this is Dr. Andrew Hahn, and this is the 54th episode of the podcast, Guided Self-Healing, Fearless Living. And today we have a special treat, because I get to do a session with my friend, Lua Hightower. And I've known Lua for a long time and she actually did our training probably close to 25 years ago now it seems like and a lot of water has passed under the dam since then so to speak but she's just moved back from Sacramento to Vermont and we've just reconnected and she agreed to gift us with doing a demonstration of the work, because when someone does that,
Starting point is 00:00:48 it's always a gift that they give to us, and hopefully to themselves too. Yes. So, having said that, I'm going to start the session just in the way that I start with people when I really start for the first time, even though Lua knows the work. So all I want to invite you to do, and we can all do this, is just pause and shift our attention from up and out to down and in. And then on the in-breath, I just want to invite you to lengthen the spine, if you like, and to drop your shoulders.
Starting point is 00:01:18 So it's like you're really opening to life force, to that animatingating creating process through crown of head through your whole torso and you're just opening to everything which is what life is so you do that on the in-breath and then on the out-breath you just bring your attention back down and in and just see where your attention goes when you just let it float. And it could be about whatever you know is true for you, whatever is important or whatever touches your heart, anything at all. Just do that, you know, four or five times, breathing in, opening to life, breathing out, just being in whatever, wherever your attention goes
Starting point is 00:02:04 or whatever touches you, to share or to ask for. And then in any way that's meaningful to you, I also invite you to bring your attention down your legs. So it's not only you're centered by breathing as deeply as you can, but you're also grounded and rooted. Holding, being held, and receiving everything you need. rooted, holding, being held, and receiving everything you need from Mother Earth that is that sustaining, nourishing, nurturing energy that also fills you right through the soles of your feet like it comes up to your knees and fills you so you have what you need. And having said that, I just want to invite you just to tune in to whatever you know is true for you when you're lined up with life, whatever is important, whatever is important to share. And then given whatever is important to share, bring your attention to your heart.
Starting point is 00:03:06 if you could have exactly what you were desiring from our time, or exactly what you're desiring, even if you weren't sure it was happening, it could happen, even if you're not sure it's possible, what would you aspire to, or what do you intend, so it would be the very best use of the time right now. And when you're ready, you can just share anything that feels important and really what you'd like, if you could have what you intend. So I'm just noticing an energy over here kind of emanating from the left side of my neck and shoulder and upper back that I wasn't aware of before. As far as my heart's desire would be to completely clear my body of cancer. I mean, my tests all show that I'm cancer-free, but the doctors still code me as stage four and, you know, what that means. Terminal disease.
Starting point is 00:04:19 And I'm feeling great, frankly, but I would love to be able to find a way to get off of the medications that i'm on and um continue to heal so so you and i will become a team and it may be that we're going to work with that energy that's emanating that you weren't aware of but maybe that we're going to do something around being completely clear of cancer and maybe something else all together we'll just be open together and you and i like i said we become a team and if there's anything you want to ask go for it and i'll just start asking questions and i'll even share a little bit about what they mean along the way for those who
Starting point is 00:05:03 watching and having the gift of doing that. And for those of you who are watching, often people come in and what they're working on isn't just for them, but maybe something that is in the service of all of our healing and growth. So you can just sit here and be present, but you can also open to your own experience and what touches you or what sensations you have when you're just being here bearing witness with all of this which is a great gift but we'll just now just be the two of us unless it tells us to do something else so we're going to start muscle testing and muscle testing for me is just my body becomes like a pendulum so i say show us a yes and it says yes show us a no it says no. And my body goes forward and it goes back and you of course can't see that because your eyes are closed, which is just fine.
Starting point is 00:06:03 is just that aspect of soul that helps us become whole. Are we simply balanced? That says yes also. And that just means our bodies are ready to do the work. Are we fully checked in? And that says yes. And all that means is you've said everything that you need to say or that I need to hear so that we can go forward in our work.
Starting point is 00:06:18 So let's see what we're going to do. So we always ask first if the client knows. So we say the one we call lua who is you do you know the best way to proceed and we ask you and that says no so i'm going to find the best way are we going to do what i would call healing work are we going to do what i would also call a standard balance are we to do anything else so a standard balance just means that something is out of balance so that may energy may be something that's out of balance. I don't know. We'll see, but we'll find out. So we're going to find out what we're going to work on. That's what we do first. So do you have a highest intention? Is that what you do?
Starting point is 00:06:55 And your highest intention? Is it any, some, or all of what you said? Yes. Is it one thing made up of one of the things you said? Yes. Is it one thing made up of more than one? So it's one of the things you said, and I have what you up of more than one so it's one of the things you said and i have what you said two different things and they are two different things let's see which one they want you to work with um do i find out is it the first one is it the second one so we're to work on out of everything we're to work on that energy that's emanating from the left side of your neck your shoulders and your back that's it out of everything we could do in the whole universe that's the highest intention and it's a blocked intention is it something else so there's something about it that is a dense energy somehow it's not just does that seem true lower that there's something that's yeah because it
Starting point is 00:07:41 says that there's some something that's revealing itself that couldn't be handled, essentially, so that it's not integrated. So we'll see. So it's worded exactly correctly, yes. Do we have to refine it? No. Do we have 100% permission? Yes. Is it fully safe to do this?
Starting point is 00:08:00 Yes. And are we done with that part? Yes. Source level, we're going to work on this directly? No. So we're not going to work on this directly. So that means we need a clue. Does it have the structure of a pattern or patterns? Yes. And this is just a blocked intention. So is the structure of a pattern or patterns? And are there also patterns on it? That says no. And saying it as a structure of a pattern is like an equal sign. So it's giving us a clue to what this thing is. That's all we know. So the next thing to do is define what that pattern is. Okay, so the standard is one made
Starting point is 00:08:33 up of one. Yes. Is it standard life-centered therapy, standard form? Is it any other kind of pattern? No. Is it single-centered? No. Is it major energetic? Yes. Is it identity? No. Is it single centered? No. Is it major energetic? Yes. Is it identity? No. So it's a major energetic or we call it now triple center pattern, which means that there's some kind of energy there. And it's, is it in the material realms? It's in the non-material realms. It's in the non-material realms. So something is happening in the non-material realms, literally or figuratively, that's what that energy is. so we have to get a clue about that so let's find out all right so i'm going to find that next so i'm going to say a bunch of names we get to the right one i'm going to go backwards and see where this takes us. Entity, no. Ghost, no. Curse, no. Superimposition, no. ET, it's something
Starting point is 00:09:30 extraterrestrial. Now, in our frame of reference, that could be anything from literally something extraterrestrial to something angelic. It could be, but we know there's a trauma structure, and it's something not of this world literally or figuratively but we know that so it's uh we know that it has some kind of extraterrestrial energy it could be something that was implanted in you or it could be a being from another dimension that's here it could be anything but we know that in some way there's a trauma around it that's all we know so far am i being clear enough you will yes okay something et okay are we to find out more about that through the muscle testing because we could find out if it is an et or if something was implanted we could find all that out uh are we to find out more about
Starting point is 00:10:19 that no so all we know is that that energy you're talking about is in some way something that is extraterrestrial not of this world but we don't know anything more about it yet if it's a living being or something that was put into your field or we don't know that that's all we know does that resonate even if it doesn't make any rational sense as you tune into it? It does. Oh, good. And it feels heavier. Oh, good. Well, like this weight is.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Yes, exactly. That's exactly right. It's yes, that muscle test really strong. So, okay. So let's find out. Is the next thing that we get information about story? That's interesting. So it says you don't need any information right now about story. Is the next thing, so we're going to, but we're going to find something,
Starting point is 00:11:08 right? And we're going to get there through that sensation. Do we do anything deep and amplify the sensation? Do we do any of the setup questions? Any transpersonal questions? That just means that this is your story. It's not like you're empathing something. It's literally happening to whoever you are in this thing. Okay, is the next thing to do to find a practice? So you don't want to know anything about story, and you don't want to know anything about practices, but you do want us to find root cause, but no other information. Well that just is unusual, but it just says to me that when you really attune there as the person who's experiencing this, which could be anything from the here and now to another lifetime, you'll know. Okay, so we now know that we're going to root cause.
Starting point is 00:11:55 That's correct. We find anything more about root cause? No. But there's one narrative and one root cause, but nothing else to find. We're going to get there through a sensation. Nothing deep and amplified. Set up our transpersonal and are there no practices and are you fully in state and it's fully available so here's what i'd like you to do i want you to bring all your attention to that energy that is this energy that's emanating from left side, back, and is getting heavier. And we're going to say, whoever you are, who's first
Starting point is 00:12:29 experiencing this energy, which could be you in the present moment, could be you in a younger time, could be you from a whole different lifetime, it says you'll know whatever you need to know. We say, whoever you are, you teach us. What have you come to share about this energy that really isn't of this world where is this beginning and what's happening to you whoever you are now you just be the person this is happening to and you might become them by focusing on that energy or images might come or just knowings and feelings and all we want you to do whoever you are who's experiencing that energy and is focusing so much on it like they're becoming whoever this is just talk with us what's happening where are you beginning what you come to share just talk with us
Starting point is 00:13:14 well this feels prenatal to me that muscle test really strong yeah prenatal to me. That muscle test really strong. Yeah. And the words that are coming is I feel like you tricked me. I thought this would be a safe place. It's not. Yeah. And I don't want to go out there because I have a feeling of what's waiting for me and I don't want to go there. Yeah. And I'm also getting the feeling that there was someone in here with me and that they're gone now. That's right. So I'm all alone.
Starting point is 00:14:39 And I feel like I've been lied to. Although when I say that, it doesn't feel true. But it was like I didn't know that was going to happen. Awaiting that loss, waiting for me. And then when I say that, it feels like there's something pressing up against my neck. Mm-hmm. And I have to say this energy doesn't feel malevolent. Yeah.. And when I said that, this got lighter somehow. E aí And when I ask what else, it's like, that's it. That's all. What's interesting is I did a session with you years ago in the first year training that was about a twin that had dissolved and was in the womb with me and it just feels like that's this but it doesn't feel like it needs to be it's like I already knew that but it's another layer of that somehow Thank you. But now as I sit here, there's the question of, well, what happened to my twin? Where did he go?
Starting point is 00:18:55 Stay with that. Really stay with that. I'm going to make a Thank you.. Now I'm aware of this decision to just sort of, I'm going to hide in here because if I show up the same thing might happen to me. Mm-hmm. Thank you. E aí Thank you. Thank you. And now I'm feeling there's like this energy that's coming down and like in here and It doesn't feel physical at all. It just feels energetic. But it's like something's been driven into me energetically. Thank you. Спасибо. Okay, what is this thing? It's like a weapon but it's not material and it's just going down and in and out through the back somewhere. I'm puzzled Andy. That's right. Do you, who's in the story is puzzled? I'm sorry?
Starting point is 00:26:36 I said the you, that actually is you but it's not just you, it's the person it's happening to. Who's saying yes, what is this thing i'm puzzled Thank you. Thank you. I'm so confused. So I ask it what it is, and I feel like, you know, if I say, are you my dead twin, you know if i say are you my dead twin i mean there's just a sensation here and it says no but it feels like it's not from this dimension and so what is it doing here and how did it get here and i don't get an answer from it it just i have a suggestion for you. Okay. Choose to bring all your attention to it, so much so that because you're the same animating force, you can choose to become it from the inside out. So just choose to bring all your attention.
Starting point is 00:30:16 There's so much that you are that energy by choice, just by bringing all of your attention and focus there, like you would with any other animating animated thing in the whole universe, and then just tune in intuitively to who you are and what you've come to share. Yeah. Aha. So it feels like it's just a manifestation of my total resistance to coming out of here a manifestation of my stubbornness and my um all right god you were in charge and i don't like what was going on so i'm gonna usurp your
Starting point is 00:31:17 position and create this thing in my field or invite it in from someplace else. Yeah, that feels right. It's like an anchor that helps me stay glued to that determination to not show up and not be seen and not be heard. Because I'll get decimated. Yep, really strong. Yeah. Takk. And then the divine responds by, okay, you have free will if you want to create this big anchor, spear-like thing, holding you down. So just surrender and let the divine do things that are something other than this thing in your side. So what's it going to be? How's that working out for you, Lua? Not so good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Yeah. And there's part of me that's afraid to let it called it in and I know it's predictable. And I don't want unpredictability because that can hurt. It's not as if this doesn't. ah the illogic of it all so let's just um how do we get rid of this thing i'm willing to let it go it's not serving me and it's the thing that time and time again just keeps me from And it's the thing that time and time again just keeps me from manifesting all of my gifts and all of their fullness. I'm going to make a It feels like there's this confusion between divine will and which is creative and all of control and assuming that they're going to be painful. Expecting the worst from the divine. um um So I'm going to choose to open to the possibility That giving this up can free me to be more creative and more fully myself and unafraid to show my light um Thank you. I'm going to make a Thank you. I'm going to make a Thank you. E aí So I'm just going gonna pull this out. And I'm gonna stick it over there and ask the divine to just recycle it, send it to the recycling station.
Starting point is 00:41:59 It's gotten a whole lot lighter, but there's it's still there and it's go away Thank you. I'm going to make a So I have these couple of angels that are just in my field most of the time, and they're very much here right now. There's this very large nine-foot tall angelic presence that's just made of light. That's... I can sort of relax back into. And then there's this smaller one that feels like it's totally just there for my inner child. It has its own angel. And they protect us. in those moments when we show up when we come out All right, and now it feels like there's this some other dimensional beings. Mm-hmm. Yep. Just carry this healing frequency with them,
Starting point is 00:45:53 and they're in my field now, too. Just getting rid of that and filling my field with light. light yeah Add the Breathe in Breathe out Breathe in Breathe out Breathe in And now I have a sense of, okay, what are you going to choose? There's cancer.
Starting point is 00:48:00 There's being dissolved into some kind of primordial muck in the womb there's hiding there's not manifesting your light or choosing life and so once again what's it gonna be on a bigger or more encompassing level. This time I'm choosing life. And cancer can go screw itself. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. but i think that's all it's feeling pretty complete what you got andy i'll check for you we have source you have the whole story yes have you completed the practice yes is there any more story and or practice now so that's complete
Starting point is 00:50:25 you have to make any connections between the story and the original intention now we found out if you balance the original intention balance the original intention 100 in all levels says yes check levels or intention says no check the field it says yes what's happened to the dense energy in the sense of that weapon that was in your shoulder through your back. Well that feels like it's maybe there's a little the thing itself is gone but it feels like there's still a little bit of an open wound and there's this still feels like it's impeding my movement like putting my head back all the way so it feels like the dense energy you started with is gone but the weapon energy there's still a hole and there's still have i understood is it the dense energy that's still there the one
Starting point is 00:51:22 you started with because there were two different energies there was one right uh well most of the dense energy i started with is gone except it's kind of up here in the trap a little bit still and this uh thing whatever it was feels like it's fully gone but it feels like there's this isn't fully closed up but it feels like there's this isn't fully closed up like it's yeah, still there a little bit. Okay, let me find out about that. You're part of this. You're part of this, you need something, you know, the practice or intervention source, even light
Starting point is 00:52:04 or anything? Well, are you anything else you need something you know that practice or intervention source even light or anything well um are you anything else you need to share anything else will you balance on your own would this one even notice it because the angels oh the angels are still here the healing is still happening and the bad vibration happening oh it's it looks like it's going to take care of itself and it looks like you'll notice it soon because i asked if you needed anything else it says no so i think it's just gonna keep metabolize out yeah that's what it says so it's not looking lessons no any of the final questions no do you need to affirm this no so it's fully affirmed all parts of you with this you were here for help and health deepest wisdom highest guidance guides and angels source
Starting point is 00:52:46 anything else for this one for the ones in the story for all so is the work on this complete is it done is there anything else our work is complete for now we're done for now that's really lovely so why don't you take a moment because we're coming to our completion and if there's anything at all you want to say about how you are or what's touched you here or what that was like or reflections or anything or what you've learned or discovered, that's great. If you just want to sit and let it keep integrating and metabolizing, that's great too, whatever you want.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Just gratitude. Well, what I would say to you is I think we all know something about feeling alienated and not wanting to come out and feeling like we've lost home and feeling very alone feeling like what have i gotten myself into i thought i knew but i don't know and it's scary and to really like go and surrender is difficult. So I think you gave us all a gift. And hopefully gave you a gift too, but I think you're not alone in these. So I want to thank you so much. I will be in touch with you in a little while. We can process more.
Starting point is 00:54:39 And now, is there anything more you want to say at all before we say goodbye? No, just thank you so much, Andy. And all of the energies, yeah. All of the energies. So we can thank them too, because without them we wouldn't be
Starting point is 00:54:58 grateful even while we let go. We surrender with an open hand. So you be well. I'll talk to you soon. Bye. Thank you. Bye-bye.

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