Heroes in Business - Andy Hahn, Fearless Living, Guided Self Healing

Episode Date: June 21, 2022

We share how to guide your own self healing, both a simple way and the 5 step protocol. The key always is to discover body sensation associated with blocked intention and let it share in this episode ...of Dr Andy Hahn Guided Self Healing Fearless Living.  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, this is Dr. Andrew Hahn, and this is episode 52 of Guided Self-Healing, Peerless Living. And today, we actually do guided self-healing. So we've gone through the whole, the one hour miracle book. whole The One Hour Miracle book. And now having given you all of the theory of life and the implications for healing and some of how you apply it, we're now going to do it. So let me start with how I start with my clients, which is a brief centering practice. So what I invite them to do, and what I'll invite you to do, unless you're driving, is to just pause for a second and shift your attention from up and out to down and in, and just enjoy breathing as deeply as you can into the diaphragm.
Starting point is 00:00:57 And on the in-breath, I just want to invite you to literally lengthen the spine, so it's like, and bring your shoulders back, so it's like you're really opening to life and the creative force that we call chi which is all of life so it's really opening to everything and then on the out breath you come back in and just see where your attention goes when it's just free floating well whatever is true for you you know is true for you, you know is true for you, or whatever is coming to you about where your attention is going. And then you can also go into what's touching your heart right now and really let your heart soften and really open to what's here. So you do that about four or five times, breathing in, lengthening the spine, opening to chi, to all of life, breathing out, just to let your attention be free flowing.
Starting point is 00:01:54 And when you're really in alignment with that, what's touching your heart. And then I also invite you to having done that and doing that, just to bring your attention down your legs right through the soles of your feet so it's like you are a tree and it's like you are sending down roots and you're holding mother earth and you are being held by mother earth which sends back this energy right up through the roots and through the soles of your feet, filling you up with this sustaining, nourishing, nurturing energy.
Starting point is 00:02:35 So you have everything you need right now, even if it doesn't seem that way in the outer world. And having done that, I just invite you just to tune in when you're in alignment with life and you have everything you need about whatever is true for you right now what you know to be true when you're in alignment with life and just opening in this way of active receptivity and then when you open in that way you check in with your heart and you say when i'm'm in alignment with life, what is it that I truly long for if I could have what I aspire to or I intend when I am in alignment? And these, of course, are going to be your intentions for your work. So you can then write down whatever, if you could have exactly what you're desiring, even if you're not sure it's possible, what would you aspire to or intend for the time?
Starting point is 00:03:32 And you can write down one thing or any things, whatever you like. And that's how I begin with people. And that's how I'm making a new view. And that's how I'm making it in the view. And then just take a moment and make sure that you really are centered in what we call healing presence. And healing presence is the part of soul that really allows for us to become whole, to become integrated, to remember who we truly are. And that our bodies are ready to do the work, which means that we're hydrated enough. work, which means that we're hydrated enough. And just make sure also that it's a lot of things but hydration is one for sure, to make sure our bodies are ready to do the work. And then to make sure that really open to everything and that you have allowed everything
Starting point is 00:04:22 and written down everything that you desire from the time and then we have the bell of mindfulness in the background right now which is a great thing so we can just use that bell to remind us while we're here and then having written that down you can go in one of two ways the first thing you can do is you can scan your body right away and see if there's any sensations. And if there is, you can just bring all your attention there and just say the sensations that are there, just become them. It's like you're an actor becoming a role. So you choose to bring all your attention to the discomfort, if that's what's here, and then just say, just ask it. the discomfort, if that's what's here. And then just say, just ask it.
Starting point is 00:05:08 What have you come to share about my intentions? Where are you beginning? What's happening? What do you need, if anything? And then you get actively receptive and you just will start to give out that other being or images might come come to you, or just knowing, sort of like, it's like being in a play, or watching a movie, or like reading and being fully immersed in a novel, and sort of knowing the characters from the inside out. But you remember now, of course, that you aren't the character.
Starting point is 00:05:48 You're the one who is choosing to become the character. And that way you won't just unconsciously live out the stuck place. You will consciously choose to become the one who's stuck. And then you'll say, I'm here with you. I'm bearing witness. I'm holding you with acceptance and with grace. And that's the first way you do things. The second way you can do things is to actually use the five-step protocol. And the easiest way to do that, of course, is to get the book because the whole five-step protocol is in the book. But the first step is that you just open to everything about what you might want from this time if you get what you
Starting point is 00:06:26 truly desire. You write it all down. And then using muscle testing, you can find out what's the most important thing to work on. It may be one of the things you write down and maybe all of the things you write down. If it's all of them, even if they seem like they're different, usually what it is is they're all different things that are unfolded into one narrative. Or it could be nothing you wrote down, at which point you've been through all these patterns and either it's something you haven't thought of, or it's one of the patterns in the book. And you can just read the patterns in the book and see what resonates with you if you're not doing muscle testing. And of course, if you are doing muscle testing, you can muscle test and see which one of the patterns it is. And then the end of step one, which is finding your destination,
Starting point is 00:07:11 is to make sure that all parts of you get permission to do the work. And once you've done that, you're done with step one. Step two is, do we need some kind of clues, or do we need to do something first? And the first kind of clue we find out is we work directly on whatever is the most important thing to work on, what we call the highest priority intention in step one. Can we work on it directly? If we can't work on it directly, does it equal or have the structure of one of our patterns, which would mean that the intention in step one and some universal theme are exactly the same story just from a different angle so it's like giving you a clue or it might say that you have
Starting point is 00:07:51 to do something first and so it might say you want to build a series of houses so to speak metaphorically and there's a crack in the foundation underneath them and so what you have to do is take care of the crack first which is one of the patterns typically more than one of the patterns and then you find out if there's anything more you need to do in the house after you've taken care of the thing that's underlying the thing you want to work on so if you wanted to work on becoming a better writer you know well if you're working on it directly maybe a teacher when you were young said your writing was terrible and she said it or he said it in a way that was just really devastating so it's directly but you might underneath that have a belief that your father won't love you if you're a writer because at one point he basically said
Starting point is 00:08:37 you know people are supposed to make money and I'm a banker and everybody should be a banker and so if you had a belief that if you really lived your passion and what felt like true to your destiny, you would not have your father's love. So you might have to take care of your fear about not having your father's love before you actually done whatever might be blocking you literally from writing. So that's step two. Step three, again, is preparing for a journey. And when you're preparing for a journey, that typically means two things. Typically, whatever you're working on, you want to find out where it originated, where it crystallized, you could say, or what the root cause was,
Starting point is 00:09:18 because everything after that is just an echo. And so you can literally, if you use muscle testing, you can ask, does it originate in your lifetime? Does it originate in another lifetime? And you don't have to believe in reincarnation to believe in other lifetimes. So first of all, there are two kinds of other lifetimes. One is earlier lives are through blood. So, you know, something may have happened to one of your ancestors or a whole series of them, and that would be called genealogical. Or it could be in what we call the karmic line, which is energetic. So soul comes through blood, it also comes through energy. And then it would be what we call, if we believe in reincarnation, we'd call it a karmic past life. Of course, if you don't believe that, then you just say, well, the most powerful, simple story for transformation is going to be a story that I'm not the main character in. And you can find out more about that, but you can think of it as personal mythology.
Starting point is 00:10:21 You can think of it like an undreamed dream. So dreams, we have many characters. And of course, we create all of them. And it's the same thing with our own imaginal worlds. Or you can think of it like adult play therapy, where you're just, you know, playing, but you're playing in the inner worlds, not literally playing in the outer worlds with, you know, a bunch of dolls and, you know, a sand tray or something, but the sand tray and all of the characters are inside of you, because we are, of course, all multiples, and so we find out who's here, and so we find out, is it you from an earlier point in this life? It could even be you
Starting point is 00:11:01 from a later point, and that feels more like a warning, or it could be you from a future life, but mostly that's not the case. Or it could be anybody, because we are a collection. And so what I'd say is you can find out literally where it originates, or you can find out if you have to work on an archetype. So we have, not only do we have living beings inside us, but we have roles inside us like kings or exiles or scholars or servants or protectors or whatever. You can ask that also. So you can find out who's there. But typically, mostly we don't work with identity roles we work with living beings who are either just the ones who are stuck in our original intentions or if we have patterns we the patterns in life-centered therapy tend to be more relational like seduction
Starting point is 00:12:02 so you're either a seducer or a seduced or neglect. So you're either neglected or you were a neglector or whatever it is. So it's looking at a relational dynamic. And it also may say you need to work on a core archetype. All of these things we've talked about in these earlier podcasts, the core archetype is an identity archetype but it's one that is about our fundamental motivation and ways of paying attention that influences all of our stories and if that's the case of course we talked about that at great length and we use the structure the framework called the Enneagram so part the first aspect of step three is we find out where we're going to go to heal something, which is typically where it crystallized.
Starting point is 00:12:52 And then, yep, we do the prepare. As we see if we are to find some kind of practice or intervention, even before we go on the journey and take the journey of healing and if it's as we are too um we've taught you several interventions over the course of these podcasts and uh you know so it might be some kind of tapping intervention or some kind of hands on healing or some kind of eye movement or crossing the midlines or some kind of vibrational practice like light or sound or sacred dance or it might be a spiritual practice like completing a death process or it might be, excuse me, some kind of forgiveness practice like making amends. There are innumerable interventions and practices that move energy, including, you know, screaming
Starting point is 00:13:57 or whatever. And of course, literal matter moves energy too. So, you know, for some of of you it might be medication or anything. Some people are now exploring and working with hallucinogenic interventions. So there's no limit to the kinds of interventions we can discover. That's step three. So once you've prepared for the journey in step three, step four is, of course, taking on the journey. How do we do that? We find out when you really are allowing the one who's stuck, excuse me, what do you feel in the body? And there'll be some kind of discomfort. excuse me, what do you feel in the body?
Starting point is 00:14:44 And there'll be some kind of discomfort. And just remember, if you say I'm feeling nothing, that's answering the question. If I say, what are you feeling in the body? You say, I'm feeling nothing. That is a feeling. So I then say to you this funny statement, which is where in the body are you feeling?
Starting point is 00:14:59 I'm feeling nothing. And I have not yet had a person who couldn't answer that question, believe it or not, because feeling nothing is literally a sensation. Sensation of no sensation. So we're always answering the question, even if we think we're making commentary, as we will see, you can't step outside the process. Everything is part of the process, including if I ask you, what do you feel in the body? You say, I feel nothing. including if I ask you what do you feel in the body you say I feel nothing you might think you're saying you know in 2022 everything feels as it always does but I will tell you if you search
Starting point is 00:15:30 around for the sensation of I feel nothing you will find even intuitively where you're feeling I feel nothing so everything is literal and everything is part of the process these are our two gems so once you've found the sensation, you're going to choose to bring all your awareness to that sensation. Like you're going to choose to become it from the inside out in the same way that an actor would choose to be a role. And this is perhaps the most healing thing you can do. Because when there's a trauma, we unconsciously become that sensation. we think it's who we are and then we act out in the world what their story is but the second we choose to become them
Starting point is 00:16:13 it's like an actor becoming enrolled in something we know that even if we're fully enrolled we are not that person we are just choosing to be them. And then we bear witness to them. We hold them. We say, I'm here with you. I accept you. And then we say to them, okay, so you teach us, where are you beginning and what's happening? What have you come to share about whatever the intention is? And then if you're doing this work for yourself, you might start to literally become them, at which point you've chosen to become them and just remember your character in a play or a movie or novel. Or images might come to you, like pictures, like you're watching a movie, or memories might come to you, and sometimes they come visually. you and sometimes they come visually but sometimes it's just like you have a felt sense and you say oh i know what's happening here and something touches you and you know what you know when you focus on the sensation you know what their story is you know what they're experiencing you know
Starting point is 00:17:15 what they're feeling you know what they're imagining because you are them from the inside out chosen to be them so then you just let them share their story. And you can say it out loud, which I often do when I'm working by myself. If you're working with somebody else, you just let them share their story. And wait until it seems like the story is over. And you'll know the story is over because something will happen with the sensations. And when the story is over because something will happen with the sensations and when the story is over you then say okay if you found the practice uh do we now do the practice which invariably you will whether it's one of the practices in your book if you've got the book or just something that comes to you intuitively and if there was no practice that you had to find in the beginning you can do a double check and say now now that we know the story, are there any practices?
Starting point is 00:18:07 And the thing you need to know is the most powerful practice is just to align with a dense energy by choice and then to align with the highest loving energy you can. That is just unconditional love. you can. That is just unconditional love. And really, if you want to know, that's what does healing, is to bring a heightened vibration to a denser vibration to help it go back into its pure form, which is energy. And when you've done those things, you can see if there's any connections you need to make between the story and what the original intention was because our minds, of course, can rest into things like, oh, that's why I've had fear of crowds, or oh, that's why I have reactions to loud sounds, or oh, that's why I'm depressed, or whatever. The mind just rests because it now makes sense, and then our hearts are open, and we realize something, we've got a revelation,
Starting point is 00:19:06 and so we can make those connections. And then you see if you're balanced, and if you're balanced, you can really just intuitively sense it. You'll feel stronger in your body, and when you check for where those sensations were, they just really disappear because, of course, when there's someplace we're stuck,
Starting point is 00:19:22 when there's something that can't be handled, energy slows down by this tool of speed of light squared and becomes matter, which in our case we feel is a discomfort. And when we are just with no agenda and just saying I'm here with you in your pure form, it goes back into its pure form, which is energy, which means the sensation just disappears. And that's how you'll know that something is different. So once that happens and you're done with that, if the sensations are gone, that's great. If they're not gone, you have to find out is it because it's part of the story you can ask or is it a whole other level that's popped up or does that sensation have something where it wishes to share before it just transforms or before it just transforms
Starting point is 00:20:05 or will it just dissolve on its own because sometimes you know particularly if there are things in this lifetime that have really affected you very powerfully sometimes it takes a little while for the sensation to go back into its pure form and then we go to our conclusion which is to make sure we can having taken the journey we can bring it home and live differently. And we ask if there are any lessons that we have learned. We ask a whole series of questions, which are in the book. Is there any withdrawal, which means you've done such a deep piece of work, or any limitation, which means something could unravel the work?
Starting point is 00:20:41 Or do we need to change our behavior in any way? At which point we have to commit to doing that? Or shall we future pace, which means really fully imagining experience how our life is already different like we're living the life of our true intention and our true desire right now we experience it in every way imaginable where we need a way of reminding ourselves of the healing work we've done we ask a whole series of questions like that and then at the end you get to choose do you want your life to be different because now at least you're no longer stuck but if you don't want it to be different you don't have to be because at the end of the day that's called free will free will is two things really will we choose when we're suffering to bring our
Starting point is 00:21:22 attention and find the nature of the suffering by finding the body sensation, right? And then choosing to be it and letting it become free so that we are free of suffering. And then we are free, you know, to live the life that's in alignment with who we truly are when we're making a contribution. That's first free will. But the second free will is to say, you know i want a little different life now that i know you know why i've been stuck do i want to choose because you know that can be really scary for some of us you know we have to change
Starting point is 00:21:57 our behavior or maybe even our whole life oftentimes that's not the case because all you're doing is letting go of some kind of stuck energy and just life will change all by itself. You don't have to do anything. So that's called affirming it to say, I agree in your own words, like you're making a sacred covenant with yourself about what you have a willingness to do now in terms of living a different life. And if you are willing to to if you're willing to take
Starting point is 00:22:25 responsibility and be accountable in a whole new way and then we ask of course we tune in to our deepest wisdom or our highest guidance or guides or source or whatever it is for you is there anything you wish to share for my healing and highest good and the healing and highest good of all life and it will say yes or no then you just ask if the work is complete and if you're done and if it says you are take a moment and just really be with yourself and sit and just see if there's anything more you need as a way of completion and then the only thing i would suggest is if you have an intention that you've worked on you want to know if it worked. So take, you know, just
Starting point is 00:23:07 a little time at the end of every day and say either did my symptoms go away or is my whole relationship to them changed to such degree that I no longer am judgmental or anxious or compulsive or whatever it is, but it's just part of life. Because at the end of the day, that's where we're at. If we could just say yes to everything, then we're free. And then life just becomes this journey of exploration as opposed to this place where we're stuck in, you know, our limitation because of our craving or our aversion or our forgetting what's truly important. So that's how we do the work. Please do get the One Hour Miracle book. All of the protocol is in
Starting point is 00:23:52 there. Or of course, you can do our training if you want to learn how to do it with much more depth because we train you on how to do this. And you can go to our website, which is called lifecenteredtherapy.com. And you will find all about our book and about our trainings and about the work and about all of our certified practitioners. And if, of course, you want to get in touch with me, you can just write A-H-A-H-N, A-H-A-N, at lifecenteredtherapy.com, and I, of course, will respond. It just may take a while, but I promise you, right? And at least as of right
Starting point is 00:24:25 now, I answer my own emails. So thank you so much for going on this journey, both of all of life and this journey of healing. And we have one more conclusion for our book. And then, of course, we go on to something else. Be well. Bye.

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