Heroes in Business - Andy Hahn, Fearless Living, Healing ALS

Episode Date: November 23, 2022

Healing ALS. An interview with Patricia Tamowski and Scott Douglas. They share their three part model for Healing dementia and ALS. Nutrition, detoxification, healing trauma. In this episode of Fearle...ss Living with Dr Andy Hahn.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So hi, this is a podcast, Guided Self Healing, Fearless Living, and I'm Dr. Andrew Hahn, and this is our 60th episode. And today I'm really feeling, because I've already had a chance to talk with him, really lucky to have on two people who are running a conference called Healing ALS. And we have Patricia Tomowski, and Patricia is the principal researcher for Healing ALS. And she's interviewed over 40 ALS reversals and dozens of integrative and conventional medical practitioners. And she's publishing Healing ALS, which is the upcoming book. And she founded Healing ALS and Healing Advocates along with her husband Scott Douglas
Starting point is 00:00:45 and here is Scott Douglas sitting next to Patricia and what I can say about Scott is that he's also worked closely with Healing ALS community for over 10 years and what I really want to say about him he has a wealth of background in television and right's his work includes being the director of healing als which is an upcoming docu-series which i think is like really wonderful so and we're just meeting each other and i'm going to ask some questions and you guys can figure out who's going to answer them because i have a feeling if you don't know how to work that number by now in terms of like passing things off to each other we're going to talk about marriage constantly but anyway tell us how did you guys get interested in ALS out of everything in the universe teach us well this all started with Alzheimer's actually um Tish um her mother
Starting point is 00:01:37 and grandmother had been diagnosed Alzheimer's and dementia and And we said that there's got to be something you can do about this. I know they say it's terminal and just help them be comfortable as this progresses, this disease progresses. And we said, there must be something we can do. So we went ahead and started with, I took my background, which is, you know, 30 years in journalism. I've done a lot of investigative journalism on health. And I said, let's go where the rubber meets the road. Let's get out, talk to people, interview them, and see what we can find out about this disease.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Back up a little bit, because before that, I said, okay, I'm just going to look up omega-3s, B-complex, B12, things that I knew were good for the brain. And let me just look up some vitamins. We'll give them to mom and try to slow things down. then we found all these people online that had reversed alzheimer's like they were had dementia they didn't know their children they didn't know they were forgetting everything and then all of a sudden they got better so we never heard of that so that's that was the pre-story to that yes and. And then we decided to go visit them
Starting point is 00:02:46 because we said, you know what? And we looked at their, we met a 90, she was 90. 92, I think she was. I think she was 92 when we met her. And when she was 90, we looked at her neurological report and it was cannot, cannot, cannot, cannot. She couldn't do anything.
Starting point is 00:03:02 She didn't even feed herself. And the court took over her. They said they said okay she had a court appointed guardian because um the sons couldn't decide which you know who was gonna who was gonna get their way taking care of mom so they just appointed her guardian and then six months later can can can can can can and she deemed herself competent again well actually the court deemed her back competent. And so she was able to take care of her own finances. She was able to take care of her own ranch and farm that the sons were probably about to take over. And it was amazing.
Starting point is 00:03:34 So we knew Alzheimer's was reversible. And so what we did was go ahead and start traveling throughout the country when we find these reversible stories. Is this true? What did they do? we wanted to know all the different modalities of what took place with this individual well before we know it we started doing that with als too because als just kind of came to us yeah every time i did a did a google search on on alzheimer's i kept coming up with this book it's called eric is winning and he was diagnosed back in uh like 96 or
Starting point is 00:04:06 92 you know way way back a long time ago with als and yet he was still around and doing very well and and he so he wrote this book called eric is winning and so finally i guess he must have had alzheimer's as a keyword because i kept finding it so i finally just bought it one day and i was looking at what we could do for my mom and what that book did is it put it in three categories because you yes all these oxygen therapies you're looking at what to do right and he put it in three categories which was positive mental attitude that's something that's totally overlooked in allopathic medicine okay and. And he did. It was nutrition. Yeah. Nutrition and supplements, detox and PMA, positive mental energy, those three things. And all of a sudden, all these,
Starting point is 00:04:52 all these things that I've been researching could actually fit into one of these three buckets. And if you look at nutrition, you're also talking about healing the gut and healing the liver, that kind of thing. But basically when we talked to other people and he had all these people that he was in touch with that had reversed ALS so we're like wait a minute that's really interesting so we found people that were both Alzheimer's and ALS and we kind of just went across the country and filmed a whole bunch we went from Nova Scotia to British Columbia when we went twice back and forth across the United States, coast to coast. We zigzagged all through, doing the door knocks, talking, because my background,
Starting point is 00:05:32 we have to go there, see, look, feel, get the evidence firsthand, interview, back to the basic things. And that's what was on my mind to make sure that we knew firsthand that this is what was happening because you don't hear this or see this anywhere else. Not in media, not in, it was still considered. Yeah, so we did find out why it's not on the news that all these people have reversed these chronic diseases. It's because Big Pharma, you know, all these news stations, the media has like 25% of the revenues are coming from big pharma at least. So they're never going to tell you about anything that doesn't involve drugs. And none of this involved drugs about people reversing. So we have about 170,000 views on a reversing Alzheimer's YouTube video.
Starting point is 00:06:19 It's like how to reverse Alzheimer's in an hour. So we kind of took that and made like a, like a. Formed a nutshell. Yeah. Just in a nutshell, it's, it's how to do it now. And when we did a, we, we did a presentation in Florida and we just summarized everything that we had learned when we were on our trip. And then we've also been doing this essentially for ALS. Yes. We have now like 40 ALS reversals. So we were guided basically, forget Alzheimer's, do ALS. And I know that's crazy, but sharpagain.org is, we helped found them and they are doing holistic healing for Alzheimer's. But I can tell you, there's a reason why we're doing ALS and ALS. We just kept, you know, you get hit by a head in the head enough times and you just work.
Starting point is 00:07:07 So pretty much from 2014, 15, we pretty much just since 2015, we've been just doing ALS, no Alzheimer's at all. And, but what's happened in between is we have found probably well over a hundred people that have really, we're talking gaining in functionality not just sitting there or progression now there's categories we put them in there's long-term survivors there are those that are actually gaining in functionality those are als reversals in progress and then we have als reversals that are out hiking the mountains of Utah with me. And it's like, wow, they are back. And so we've come across those in our travels for sure. So we've had people with like two fingers of movement and they're completely back.
Starting point is 00:07:55 And with these same principles, nutrition, detoxification, and there's a little more, I would say emotional healing is a big one. Healing anything suppressed, any suppressed traumas you got to take care of exactly what you're familiar with forgiveness if you haven't forgiven anybody and everything forget it you're holding on to things you're going to hold on to your disease too it's just one of those things so funny how that happens but other people like i look at healing like i look at mark manchester he was on a tracheostomy and a feeding tube he's but this guy had the best attitude let me tell you he's diagnosed in 2011
Starting point is 00:08:32 and he did a podcast he did a um we have on sundays we have webinars so we came to a webinar and he did his presentation was how to have fun when you can't move, eat, breathe, or speak. Eat or speak. I want this webinar. I want to hear this. Yes. He's amazing. And they would go to football games. Like one time at a football game.
Starting point is 00:08:55 They go to concerts, football games. But at the football game, there's a touchdown going on. And of course, he's dependent on mechanical ventilation. So he's got a tracheostomy. And he's got his backup machine. So anyways, all of a sudden everybody's looking at the touchdown and cheering the touchdown everything i think it was his wife lisa that happened to glance over and look at him and he was like blue in the face zero oxygen the machine had stopped it ran out of power and so they had to hurry up switch get the backup machine
Starting point is 00:09:22 on all of that and everything this is like wow his story is amazing yeah but now we you know he walks a mile on the beach yes so healing is there's no question there's a guy so he's coming to the conference there is uh the and by the way people can watch can live stream the conference and they can also watch the conference recordings afterwards. Right. So anyway, he's going to be speaking. Yes. Kim Cherry is going to be speaking.
Starting point is 00:09:51 He did ozone therapy to help him detox. That's right. He was, you know, worked, his office was right above a welding area. So remember, it's really, it's part mental and emotional and part physical. So when you get poisoned, people get mold poisoned. They get heavy metal poisoning from their fillings. This is a multifactorial disease. There's so many different ways that people end up with ALS.
Starting point is 00:10:16 And we're going to have at least 10 ALS reversals telling their story at this conference. Like walking around. I don't know anywhere else in the world you're going to get that many folks who've reversed ALS telling their story. Well, my sense actually is, you can tell me if this is wrong, but I mean, you know, I've talked to you briefly
Starting point is 00:10:33 what my sense is about trauma and how that plays out in all kinds of different ways. But the other side of my life is I ended up with a really extraordinary orthomolecular doctor who, I mean, I assume you guys know orthomolecular medicine.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Is that true? Well, he was Linus Pauling's only student on the East Coast. And, you know, and this guy took all of Linus Pauling's work and people came from all over the world with all kinds of horrific diseases. And just through supplements and detox and nutrition they would get the most amazing results and he unfortunately didn't train anybody because that was the way he was but like so i know the world you're talking about not from the inside of being medically oriented but i know what it's like to have someone say i can give
Starting point is 00:11:25 you a fingerprint about supplements and about detox and about nutrition and i know how to heal trauma and uh i actually think it's i think what you say is true about everything not even just als it's you know and those things you know that there is something there's some kind of physical trauma and there which is what you're talking about when you're talking about, you know, being poisoned, right? And then there's something about how can you most make your system, how can you be in relationship with it so that it can be exactly like you're saying, I'm going to care for my body like it really is attempted by giving it exactly what it wants and then how can i take care of what i would say is sort of like psycho-spiritual trauma and what you're saying to me just makes me want to cry i mean you know and it makes me want to come just you know just
Starting point is 00:12:16 i totally understand and it's amazing up here and i want to say it's more up here than it is physically here. At least 60% here, maybe 40% the rest of all the other physical diet and supplements. But this is so important because there are those who have gained in functionality. They have gotten better and then said, whoa, whoa, wait a minute. I can't get better. I don't want to get better because I have ALS. This is what has defined me. You know what I mean? And that breaks my heart because it's that sort of area to where this is my comfort zone. I'm complacent here. It's that complacency that I want to be in because I'm scared to branch out now. Do I have to now go back and get a job? Do I now have to face the world the way I used to? Those things are very important when you start healing. But the physical part is
Starting point is 00:13:18 also very, very important. We have people that are in mold 50 of americans actually live in mold houses with mold mold is a big it's crazy so mold is huge if you have a neurodegenerative disease and you're living in a moldy house how on earth are you going to heal um the other thing was mcfinn he was down to two years movement he was full of now granted he actually finally kind of cleared his pathways through energy healing oh yes but he also his b12 was down to 200, which his regular doctor said, oh, 211, you're in the normal range. Then he went to a holistic doctor and he said, no, if you want to actually regrow nerve cells and neurons,
Starting point is 00:13:58 you better be in the 800 or 900 range on your B12. There's a difference between optimal and quote unquote in range. And visualize him. He can only move two fingers to move his electric wheelchair. That was it. And now he is back hiking now. It is amazing. I really do have a question for you guys, because you're talking about the three things
Starting point is 00:14:20 that I think affect everything. And you're certainly saying it affects ALS, which is, you know, you have to detox, you have to get, you have to really give your body what it needs and you have to heal whatever trauma so that you have, you can just be in a whole different relationship with whatever this is. Do you have a sense of why in your experience, sometimes that plays out in ALS and sometimes it would play out in something else. Do you have a sense? I think, you know, like my family is very sensitive to Alzheimer's. So I started having Alzheimer's symptoms in my forties. So I think it's genetics. I think if other families, it's like cancer. So if you, you know, my family doesn't have a huge amount of cancer, but we have neurodegenerative disease instead. So, you know, so it might be somebody else's disease, somebody else's family, that's those same toxins are going
Starting point is 00:15:10 to contribute and they're going to end up with cancer. Somebody else is going to end up with diabetes. Somebody, you know, I think there's a genetic component. There's a mental genetic component too, because you could be carrying past traumas from something that's generational in that family. Well, stress also like stress depletes magnesium. So almost all disease, Harvard did a study, like 95% of diseases are brought upon by stress. Well, stress, by the way, it depletes your magnesium. It depletes your vitamin C, you know, it depletes your vitamin c you know it depletes all levels the minerals in your body and also if you think about this even in a stressful state how is your body going to going to absorb nutrients and how are your cells going to detoxify yeah you have to learn how to you have to learn how to be
Starting point is 00:15:57 in a in a whole different relationship with stress yeah i believe so in order to heal it's really all three and you've got to also we have uh seven times the number of airline pilots if you all right so if you are in the military because the military get a lot of vaccines and they're exposed to a lot of toxins sure so you have i think five times more likely if you're in the military to get als than the regular population but within the military if you're a pilot yes you've got like another seven times on top of that there's more aircraft maintenance than any other part of the and then and aircraft maintenance yeah probably okay but we also get the solvents and all that yes so that what we eat and it's really strange that our food is so corrupted now when you compare the diet in the 20s and 30s
Starting point is 00:16:47 oh to our diet now um it's not it's almost not real food people aren't eating like real vegetables anymore and fruits and they're not getting the nutrients from the soil we don't rotate our crops like we used to when i was a child we made sure we always rotated the crops to make sure. When I lived out on a farm, it was totally different than the farms you see today that are just manufacturing the same thing, same thing, and not rotating their crops and not getting the nutrients, depleting all those nutrients out of the soil. That's true because they don't know that the earth is a living being. Right. They don't know that the crops are living beings. They treat it like they're just things. Why are we putting glyphosate on living beings?
Starting point is 00:17:34 I mean, that doesn't make sense to me. Glyphosate is another big pesticide. Glyphosate is another big causative factor. And there's another piece of genetics. So we were talking to Dr. David Kennedy. He's a dentist and he was explaining that if you have the apo e4 gene right you're not very good at detoxing heavy metals you're not good at studying if you have the two so if like a two three you're really good so you could have 20 silver fillings in your mouth which are 50 mercury so you could have 20 mercury fillings and be 90 years old and be just fine because you're a two three so you're going to detox really well whereas
Starting point is 00:18:10 if you're a four four or three four and you're exposed to those same 20 mercury fillings you're at one in 10 people at 65 has alzheimer's dementia and one in two by 85 why is is that? Because our liver doesn't work as well. We're not detoxing as well. And there's this accumulation in our body. So I wonder, I wonder. And so there's some genetics there. And so just because part of the population is more susceptible to another part doesn't make these fillings right. I mean, why they're still legal in the United States and they're putting them in our children who are other countries have banned mercury amalgam yeah why are they putting in our children they're 50 mercury it's one of the most toxic substances on the planet and we're putting it on our children mercury in the vicinity of your brain's neurons
Starting point is 00:19:01 goes back into neurofibrillary tangles that they find in deceased Alzheimer's patients. So why are we putting mercury so close to our neurons? So, I mean, it doesn't make sense. Right. It doesn't make sense. So if you want to know the secret of how people heal, they do like 50 things. Like, honestly, they do. They're taking a bunch of supplements. They're doing different detox protocols. They're researching what they're doing. They're doing a bunch of supplements they're doing different detox protocols they're researching what they're doing they're doing a lot of things for their minds for stress for healing emotional trauma for being positive so it's kind of like you know you might only be able to do 20 at a time but the fact is you you you you slowly but surely and they slowly
Starting point is 00:19:40 but surely heal it's kind of except for people, there's one exception to that rule. Uh-oh, what's that? Prayer. Oh, this was the curveball. The curveball that came into us as we were doing our research. We were out and about. We've actually come across those who have actually healed. And they healed during prayer service. They healed with everyone laying hands on them and praying for them and they were actually regained their atrophy back
Starting point is 00:20:14 and some of them did it slowly and some of them did it quick one of the people coming to the conference he was healed in two minutes and so we were saying at first no no no we were saying that this is not we were we were like no this can't be they must be doing something else we were saying at first no no no we were saying that this is not we were we were like no this can't be they must be doing something else since we were kind of dismissing it right until we started coming across so many more and we could not miss those points so the first 16 als reversals we ran into four of them were through prayer and i'm like okay well we can't throw away 25 of the data exactly. Exactly. That was 25%. You thought it was crazy.
Starting point is 00:20:47 It may be crazy, but I have to look into it. So I have a lot of respect for that. Yeah. So we have to, I mean, you have to look at prayer. Abby McDonald, who's coming to the conference. Oh, yes. She'll be speaking. She actually didn't heal through prayer, but what she, how she healed.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Now she was in a wheelchair within four weeks of diagnosis. The doctor gave her a year to live. Six months into it, and you're interested in this because you're a psychologist. Six months into it, at that point, she was in a wheelchair and she couldn't move. But she had already prepared her funeral. She had prepared everything about how she was going to die. She was just determined. She knew that's what she was going to do. She had, she was just determined. She knew that's
Starting point is 00:21:25 what she was. She was, she was writing while she could type. At least she was writing journals on, on observational on how she was healing. She was observing herself dying. And then one day there was a switch at six months. Some friends took her out and she looked at a beautiful sunset and she says, why am I spending all my time dying instead of living? But she was reluctant. She was angry at them getting her out of that. She locked herself in the room and she was angry. She wouldn't see anybody. She didn't want to see anybody.
Starting point is 00:21:55 I'm going to die. This is the way it is. And they got her, took her out to a sunset just outside of Tucson, Arizona. I think it was a mountain up on the top of the mountain. And she watched and saw this beautiful sunset. They laid out a food and a picnic for her and everything. And she realized, what am I doing? Life still can be good. Just like Mark Manchester, how to have fun when you can't even move. So she Right. So, and so, so she decided, okay, I've got the doctor. I'd given her six months and she was a nurse.
Starting point is 00:22:28 She believed the doctor and says, okay, I got, what am I going to do with the last six months of my life? I'm going to make it the best six months. And she did a lot of self-examination. She realized that she was holding grudges. She realized that she did favors for people with expectation of reciprocity. So she, she has said, I'm going to give without any expectation. I'm going to start giving.
Starting point is 00:22:49 So she was still able to talk. So I guess she was able to move her fingers enough to dial a phone. So she would make phone calls for this nonprofit because she said, look, I want to give and expect nothing back. I want to forgive and expect nothing back. The key on all this, she learned to love herself she knew all this time she was not loving herself she was not forgiving herself she was and she learned to love herself and there was a big switch there when she did that she looked at herself in the mirror
Starting point is 00:23:20 and she just what am i doing what am i doing i have to love myself so it's it's it's tough it's tough it's tough but anyway i was i i thought it was really interested the forgiveness she didn't she just totally it took her months though to forgive it wasn't quick wow but what happened was at the end of the six months uh she didn't die and then she started getting better just from working with her mind yes so she was had a good diet she was taking vitamins she got her fillings out so i don't want to say she didn't do anything on the physical level but she did years ago before the good quote-unquote diets were out there so this was back in the 80s yeah this is early 80s and so she it was mostly mental not mostly physical so but other people it's been mostly they've gotten
Starting point is 00:24:13 they've gotten mold detox they've done heavy metal detox and they have slowly but surely healed um we had one of the i say out of all of our reversals, the mental still played probably the most important part. It changed their outlook on life. Well, look at it this way. I can tell you why that might be so. Because the mental is ultimately about a kind of vibrational energy. It's not about matter. And no matter what you do in your bodies, if you think about it for a second, even if you're doing something exquisite, you're still working in the world of matter.
Starting point is 00:24:47 And you know, by definition, that the vibrations, higher vibrations, you know, if we believe Einstein is a beating place, you say equals MC squared, right? know that if you can do something vibrationally, theoretically, it's going to be a more powerful, potentially intervention than working on the same level, except for the fact that the same level, if you can raise the vibration of the same level a lot, right? Because if you're eating really healthy stuff, as opposed to really unhealthy stuff, it's still the world of matter, but it's like a much higher octave of matter right but theoretically which i have found if you could do something enough to bring dense energy back into its pure form which from my point of view is about self-acceptance or it's the kind of things you guys are talking about if you can find all the things you haven't accepted and you can find a way to be in a different relationship with them i also have seen miracles just from doing that which i get to see all the time which
Starting point is 00:25:49 is going to make me cry so and i think you know what you guys have done is you've taken and you made it into a trinity and you said look there are three things that are going on here and we don't have to you know say anything is better than anything else i mean like you know why not do everything you have to do everything and the reality is all of these supplements that you're taking so don't work if your mind is in a state of stress because the body can't absorb the nutrients and the body can't detox you could be on these all these programs they're not going to work really well but once you are in this parasympathetic state, then all of a sudden people can work. And energy blocks.
Starting point is 00:26:29 I know Dr. Cowden is going to talk about energy blocks during the conference. We have some really top doctors talking. Even the gut is your second brain. So if you're under a state of stress, where do you feel it in your gut? How can you heal your gut? If you're worried, if you're anxious, if you're. Yes. But a lot of folks, well, that's just woo woo.
Starting point is 00:26:49 That's just you have to approach it with an open mind. And the reason why, because those that have healed, it has usually been the least thing that they expected that triggered that healing. It wasn't what they expected. You have to have an open mind when you look at all of this. Even some of the toughest critics that we had at our last conference back in 2019, they turned around during that conference.
Starting point is 00:27:14 It's like, oh my, oh my, I came here to criticize and now literally came right up to me, shook my hand and said, I thank you for what has taken place here in this conference. I came here as a critic openly told me that and it totally turns them 180 degrees around because this is all evidence-based medicine i mean it's not like it isn't these holistic doctors for the last 20 30 40 50 years have been practicing medicine and it works just because it's not drugs. Yeah. It's natural and holistic. It's not quote unquote standard. It's not, but you have to be open mind because that healing always seems to take place
Starting point is 00:27:55 with what you least expect is going to help trigger that healing. Well, now you're in my world because I've been doing that for 30 hours a week. And if I told you some of the reasons, some of the things that traumatize people, because that's why I call it life-centered therapy. That's why we call it. You have to open to everything, everything, everything, all possible reasons that you have the trauma,
Starting point is 00:28:23 all possible resolutions. And if you open to everything, you find the most amazing stuff is why people are stuck. You know how to determine it very quickly, which we do. Worlds open up. And I've seen things that are in moments that are truly miraculous. And I told you before we were on i told you one of the stories but i've seen things that make that story really pale in comparison but you have i mean it's like some people don't believe that you know if someone said the reason i'm psychotic and
Starting point is 00:28:58 like i'm i feel crazy is because a dark energy took me over well if you say they're crazy and put them on thorazine they'll never tell anybody else and over well if you say they're crazy and you put them on thorazine they'll never tell anybody else and they'll stay crazy until they're crazy and they'll lock them up in an institution and you know i found out that that was what happened to somebody who'd been hospitalized over and over and over again with what's called multiple personality disorder dissociative identity with psychotic features and uh we found out even though she had the worst history you could ever imagine that she said i know exactly when this happened it was when i was eight years old and a dark energy took me over when i was in a fire and brimstone sermon that
Starting point is 00:29:36 my father was preaching and he transformed that energy and i will tell you that woman who was hospitalized over and over and over again, never was hospitalized again. And I know that we walked into the same doctor's office almost 30 years later. And she said, I, I, cause we had moved apart from each other and I knew she had been hospitalized while I was seeing her, but I didn't know what happened to her. And she said, never again. How'd you get rid of the dark entity you want to know how i'll tell you so what i do is i i have her go back and i find that little girl by the body sensation so i told you this okay so she's there and it says she knew how to get rid of
Starting point is 00:30:20 this energy and she said i have to do dance. And this woman was one 16th Native American. And believe me, she knows this woman does not dance. I will tell you that for sure. And she starts doing this amazing dance. This is the one session. If I had one session, I wish I had on videotape. I wish I had it. She starts doing this intricate dance, like, and it's clearly Native American. She's one 16th Native American. And she had just gotten interested in this stuff. She says, I'm supposed to do this dance. And she's going to this beat that you can tell it's kind of a Native American beat. And she's doing like, like these like intricate circles around the circle, right? She doesn't know about a minute, she looks up at me
Starting point is 00:31:04 as if to say, What am I doing? Because she's being danced. She does it for another minute. And if you're attuned to these things, you can feel the room kind of shake a little bit and it gets lighter. And she said, I'm done. And she was never hospitalized again. Wow. So she knew how to get rid of her own bark energy. She just didn't know she had knew, but it said she knew and she tuned in and she said, I'm just doing this dance. And she didn't know she had no but it said she knew and she tuned in and she said i'm just doing this dance and she didn't know that it came from wherever it came from exactly wow danced and uh well we all have the capability of healing ourselves and it's just a question of i think becoming in tune to it i think as as we become more aware, we become more in tune. And then we're going to be led to the things that heal.
Starting point is 00:31:49 So it's not sometimes it's healing in minutes, but sometimes it's being led to something just like we were led to do ALS versus Alzheimer's. I mean, it was just it was very, very clear that that's where we're supposed to go. But I've had people say that, you know, I just had a feeling I got that I saw this and then if you see it like three times in a week you know I better try that supplement because it's just coming and I can just I can just feel this is this is this is going to be good for me and you just know it intuitively so Kelly Turner PhD have you read Kelly Turner's book Radical Remission no oh you have to read it it's a must read you can read it in a day it's quick
Starting point is 00:32:27 it's called radical remission she took a thousand cancer patients and who had beat the odds who shouldn't have been alive not have been alive they either did way better than prognosis or they should have been dead and they weren't and she found a hundred and something like 120 some seven factors that it could have been that healed. But out of those thousand people, there were nine things that everybody had and only two of them were physical. So they changed their diet and they took supplements. That was the two physical things. The rest of them were they had a they had a sense of purpose they had a strong social support they uh believed in a higher power they just all you just all these
Starting point is 00:33:15 things they healed emotional trauma they found ways to heal emotional trauma but there were these nine things that i'm like wait a minute two of these are physical and seven of these are mental and emotional. So you're just like, wow. I mean, that just proves it. And here she is a PhD and doing all this data analysis. She has another one, a second book is called radical hope. And then she took a beyond cancer. We actually gave her the ALS page, the ALS patient that she interviewed said she, she asked us for for an als patient and we gave her a few uh to talk to and the one that's in her book is uh is one we referred to her and but it's amazing it's it's incredible that this is part of healing so healing the body healing the spirit healing the mind it's all important well this has been wonderful i'm gonna have to wrap up soon i wish
Starting point is 00:34:05 i did not have to wrap up soon but i do um so i'm i feel bad about that but tell us how tell us about your conference tell us tell people the best way to reach you and like if people want to support you which i would love to do personally how we can best support you because you're doing lovely work. So teach us. All righty. So healingalsconference.org is going to have the information about the conference. So while the conference is going and getting that, but after the conference is over, we pretty much go back to healingals.org.
Starting point is 00:34:39 We do Sunday webinars every Sunday. There's a donate button. So absolutely anyone can donate. It's great. We always appreciate donations because we provide the Sunday. There's a donate button. So absolutely anyone can donate. It's great. We always appreciate donations because we provide the Sunday, what we're doing on Sundays is we provide it for free. So sometimes we'll have one, two, three, 400 people on our Sunday webinars, all ALS families from, we've had 25 different countries on, and we have a different speaker every Sunday. And basically they're just learning how to heal.
Starting point is 00:35:05 And what's really interesting is our audience, I know we don't have all the answers. I wish we did, but probably like we've got 10%, 5% to 10% of people reversing, maybe 10, 15% of totally stabilized and 70% are still working, but they've slowed it down. They've absolutely. So there's no question,
Starting point is 00:35:26 no doubt. And we're creating an ALS registry now. So we will be able to prove that the ALS people that do holistic medicine have a much, much slower rate of decline. So we've got people that are, you know, living 10, 20, 30 years with ALS rather than the standard two to five years. 10, 20, 30 years with ALS rather than the standard two to five years. It's very exciting. Our goal, by the way, we have a goal. We no longer consider it as a terminal disease.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Our goal is 90% reversal rate. We want 90% of people reversing. Forget the slowing it down. Forget the stabilizer. We want 90% of people reversing. We're throwing it out there now. In the future, not too long from now, when you see this turn around, we're throwing it out there now. Sometimes it takes not too long from now when you see this turn around we're throwing it out there now and sometimes it takes like five years steven sherry it took him six years
Starting point is 00:36:10 so they were doing this if you're full of mold heavy metals viruses pesticides bacteria stress and you've got bad gut function and liver function it takes time to heal that so that's why sometimes it might take him a few years even what manchester he was like like he was diagnosed at 11 he didn't turn around until 18 by 19 he was walking well i see why you guys are so drawn to each other because this is amazing union because i can tell patricia you're a little bit more oriented a little bit in your emphasis towards the physical stuff and so i can tell Patricia you're a little bit more oriented a little bit in your emphasis towards the physical stuff I can tell also you know what I wanted
Starting point is 00:36:50 to see nothing works if you don't have the mental you have to have you know you yeah because you keep going back to the mental and you but the union between the two of you was like something something
Starting point is 00:37:06 sacred oh healingalsconference.org and healingals.org you want both of those and that's really where it's just it's going to be we're redoing our website so it should be better by the end of 2022 very old and old style but we're getting. We're going to renew it. But one of the key buttons to press on the healingals.org website, that is the Sunday recordings. You can press on all of our past Sunday recordings, and you can look at all of the history of all of those reversals that are telling their stories. It's all right there. It's free to everyone. Yeah. And then the Healing LS, the conference recordings. So we had one person who was als from the 219 conference and she said she just watched all the recordings three times in that conference you have time to tell a quick short story very short i don't know okay we're gonna go up you anyhow so go for it one individual okay they decided to commit suicide they said i have als it's
Starting point is 00:38:07 terminal and over in switzerland i can actually do it legally okay and he was 42 he was 42 and he lived in he was living in germany at the time he's living in germany at the time didn't speak didn't speak english he only spoke spanish and he only spoke German. He happened. Okay. His wife said, no, you're not going over there to commit suicide. Yeah. He said, you can't move. I'm not going to drive you. I'm not going to have your friends drive you.
Starting point is 00:38:38 And you're going to sit there and you're not going to go across that border to go commit suicide. And he was frustrated. So he started researching on his own because he was able to look at a computer and he stumbled across HealingALS.org. This was back in January of 2016. He was diagnosed in December. He found us in January. And he is now playing tennis again. Now, we didn't even know any of this.
Starting point is 00:39:00 We didn't know at all. Because he had to Google translate everything. He doesn't speak English. He had to Google translate everything into doesn't speak english he had to google translate everything into spanish because that's his first language but then we got to know these spanish people and then we found out um we have this girl from south america and her father's doing really well so it's kind of like she got in touch with him and then we found out about him but we never would have found out because he said well there's no point in contacting you because i don't speak english and you don't speak spanish or german and he was like hey what is this this website says people are getting better
Starting point is 00:39:28 people are reversing this terminal disease and so he got into it and totally and he's been helping people he's been helping people he's now doing karate believe it or not i believe it so yeah it's it's a miracle so we believe that als and all chronic disease, we can absolutely heal all of it. No question. I'll tell you what. People can heal themselves. People can heal themselves and we can get together and put our wonderful minds and hearts and bodies together.
Starting point is 00:39:57 And maybe we can, you and the two of you and I can learn from each other and maybe we can push things even more forward, which would be a good- Yeah, I would love to talk to you again, because really I want to hear more about this. What you said, life centered therapy. Yes. Life centered. I tell you what, I will get the book and I will watch your videos. If you want, we have a book, which was not our title. It's called the one hour miracle and it's a fun read.
Starting point is 00:40:26 So you read it and I will look at your stuff. And I would love to continue this conversation. Okay, great. And we'll figure out the form. Life will reveal it to us. Absolutely. You guys are great. And it's been my total pleasure.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Thank you so much. Thank you. We'll be in touch with each other. Okay. Okay. Yes. And good luck with your conference. Thank you. My pleasure. Thank you so much. Thank you. Totally be in touch with each other. Okay. Okay. Yes. And good luck with your conference. Thank you. Thank you. My pleasure. Bye-bye. Bye.

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