Heroes in Business - Anson Williams Producer Director known as Potsie on Happy Days, Founder Drowsy Driving saving lives

Episode Date: February 10, 2021

What is saving lives of frontline workers overwhelmed and exhausted? Anson Williams Producer & Director plus Actor known as Potsie on Happy Days, Founder Drowsy Driving organization is interviewed... by David Cogan, founder of Eliances Heroes Show Broadcast on am and fm channels, internet radio, and online syndication,  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to Alliances Heroes, where heroes in business align. To be part of our super community and find out more about Alliances, visit www.alliances.com. Well, welcome back and thank you too. We just hit on the co-founder of Alexa. So make sure you go to alliances.com because you're also going to hear past episodes when last week I interviewed the co founder of Netflix so make sure you go to alliances dot com that's e-l-i-a-n-c-s dot com it is the only place where entrepreneurs align all right I need to make a confession about our
Starting point is 00:00:39 next hero coming on he is one of my favorite he's been on before and I am so excited to have him back. We have with us Anson Williams. He is the actor, played Patsy from Happy Days. He's director of Secret Life of American Teenager and The Cape and 300 other shows and stuff. Philanthropist and we're going to be talking about alert drops. With that, welcome to the show, Anson. Well, thank you. Great to be here. Great to be back. It's fantastic. I got to tell you, I just, you know, and we're doing, by the way, to listeners out there, you can see it video, because now we're doing video. We have virtual studios, so much activity taking place. But I got to tell you, I just, you know, you and I've spent some time
Starting point is 00:01:25 together. I'm so excited. I don't even know where to start, but let's go right into it. You're doing so much now for helping first responders. Talk to us about what you're doing. Well, we talked about alert drops a while ago, but we've discovered just how important it is for so many other areas. We originally created alert drops for drowsy driving because it's catastrophic in America. There are more deaths, more tragedies than medicated and drunk driving combined, man. I mean, it's right under guns. In 2012, they did a detailed survey. There were over 168 million drowsy drivers then a year. Today, there's over 200 million. And one out of five admit to falling asleep.
Starting point is 00:02:13 So catastrophic problem. Anyway, we solved it through my uncle, Dr. Heimlich, who created the Heimlich maneuver. He passed away almost three years ago, but because of his simple knowledge, not the simple way of curing this, because of his knowledge, because myself, I almost killed myself decades ago by falling asleep at the wheel. And I didn't, thank God, but it scared me.
Starting point is 00:02:41 And he recommended to cut up lemons. And if you feel fatigued, tired, bite into them. He explained how the citric acid with the sour lemon hits the lingual nerve on top of your tongue. And the reflex reaction of the body is adrenaline. You're up. Sensory connection in the tongue and brain. Nothing in your system. Very old science.
Starting point is 00:03:06 And boy, did it work. So I i started doing that never had the problem again then through the years i went into the product business along with entertainment and you know i love creating problem i mean creating products that solve problems and um it became an equal amount of my life as entertainment and I was researching drowsy driving and found out how catastrophic it was and I had this idea for a spray job just have a super hard lemon spray it on your tongue the right amount of citric acid the right amount of sour lemon water spray right on your tongue hook you're up I talked to Dr. Heimling about it. He got so excited. He helped me develop it. And he said, this will not only save more lives than the Heimling maneuver, because there's going to be
Starting point is 00:03:55 a lot more people exhausted. But he said, it's going to enter so many areas. So since that time, we created AlertJobs. The United States Congress has honored us because of AlertJobs, the California State Senate, City of Los Angeles. But more importantly, we have saved lives. We have helped so many people. But during this time, we discovered AlertJobs works in any area you need to be alert. discovered alert job works in any area you need to be alert it's now on hundreds of film sets uh around the world because the exhausting hours on a set and it gets dangerous uh doctors are using it nurses are using it machine workers are using it um um tired moms are using it
Starting point is 00:04:40 how about airline pilots and that's what we're doing how about airline pilots? How about airline pilots? Airline, all that. Anytime you need to be alert without anything in your system. It's not caffeine. It's not these stupid energy drinks. It is your body waking the body. It's a reflex reaction, just like going to the doctor and they test your reflexes. They test you, you know, same thing. There's a reflex reaction of tongue and brain. It's adrenaline. So now during the pandemic, we have donated now thousands of alert drops to our front care workers, frontline workers, because they're doing double shifts and they're exhausted. And we're finding they're getting a lot of benefit out of alert drops safely without drinking too much coffee, without taking a bunch of sugar, without really screwing up their sleep patterns and their health.
Starting point is 00:05:30 So and but even more importantly, during this pandemic, alert drops has been a huge plus for what's called pandemic fatigue. fatigue. People are, they're exhausted just from the change of lifestyle, no energy, not being able to see friends, being on computers all the time, their whole lifestyle turned upside down. You get tired, the stress, too much coffee, too much sugar. And we're finding the alert jobs has been a tremendous asset for everybody, quarantine, having, you know, and feeling that isolation fatigue. Is this sold in stores or strictly online right now? Strictly alertdrops.com. Because you know, David, you know when it comes to commerce and shelf space, you better have something powerful going in. So you need a product that's demanded.
Starting point is 00:06:21 you better have something powerful going in. So you need a product that's demanded. And that's when you'll get the shelf space and get away from the politics of a mass market. And are there different sizes of it, or how does it come? Talk to us a little bit about more when somebody goes to alertdrops.com. It just comes in a little spray, it just comes in a little just a little spray uh and uh there are over there are over 80 sprays for uh for a little unit over 80 sprays so it lasts people a good month um and if you go to alertjobs.com that's alertjobs.com you can you can buy one to twelve uh as you get to if you if
Starting point is 00:07:02 you're buying it for your company if you're buying for your entire family it comes down to half price i mean it's very very reasonable product and um and um and uh and it lasts a long time i mean people spend four dollars for one uh cappuccino at starbucks right i mean if you buy 12 if you buy 12 alert drops you it's going to be $4 each, and each one lasts a month. I mean, it's a very safe, effective way to solve that exhaustion problem. So make sure that you stay alert. One of the ways is definitely watching and listening to me, David Kogan, host of the Alliance. That's the best, David. The best.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Hero's show. Come up. Woo! And, of course, definitely. Give me another laugh. I need another one. I love it. Ah!
Starting point is 00:07:51 I love it. Very good. I love it. Hold on. I'm going to mention something, too, about you and what you did at the Grand Table. But with that, we've got Anson Williams with us. Again, actor, Patsy from Happy Days. He's directed over 300
Starting point is 00:08:06 films and that you can go ahead and reach him at alertdrops.com this is what first responders you're listening now athletes whoever you you know to make sure that you're alert with as Anson said without having to take drugs without something with side effects without something you know that's going to bring you up to a high and then make you crash. I love the concept of it. I'm one of those people after I'm driving for a while, I start kind of just, you know, the roads, I mean, it puts me almost into a trance. So definitely using alert drops. That's the key. All right. So Anson, you've experienced, you've been to the alliances grand table. You part of Alliances. My favorite picture of all time, all time, okay? Don't tell my kids or my wife,
Starting point is 00:08:51 but is the picture we have of you next to the founder who's of Alliances, the founder of North Face, the North Face, and you're patting him down. That is a classic. But share with our listeners, our viewers, what it was like for you to be and what it is to be part of Alliances. Oh, Alliances, it's fantastic because it's just a chance for like-minded entrepreneurs to come together and commiserate and discuss and talk. I mean, it's such an inspiring time.
Starting point is 00:09:29 And you meet people that can really help you. There's a real combination of give and take here. You can help someone with their needs. They can help someone with your needs. It's a team. And that's what I quite like about the organization. You feel like it's a team. It's what I quite like about the organization. You feel like it's a team. It's not competition.
Starting point is 00:09:47 It's really helping each other and respecting each other for being an entrepreneur, all the risks it takes, all the challenges it takes, and being there for each other. And it's a very motivating, inspiring group. Well, excellent. I mean, it was just phenomenal having you there and stuff. And we're here to help. And what you're doing, again, creating the alert drops, again, go to alertdrops.com. That's a big deal. I mean, in fact, Anson, maybe you could compare it to, because I'm not one of those, that has, you know, taken or experienced the things of like those energy drinks. I mean, I see them in all the gas stations, the small things, like what maybe explain the difference between that and alert drops? Well, the energy things, they've been trying to get those off the market for years, but they're so powerful now with all the lobbyists, the energy drinks. Well, first of all, energy is false. It's just all these different ingredients that kind of stimulate you, bring you up. Hopefully you don't have a heart condition.
Starting point is 00:10:46 But they don't make you alert. They really don't. They don't do the job. It's kind of a false state of alertness. And actually, you know, you can be pretty sloppy. They're bad for you. They're just stay away from. They're bad for you.
Starting point is 00:11:01 They're not natural. It's niacin. It's caffeine. It's all this crap they put in there. If you have a heart condition, you better be really careful. It's a phony product and it's a dangerous product. Caffeine, great. But if you're really exhausted, it takes 20 minutes for caffeine to take effect and you need too much of it. Now you're all jittery. So you're not, you know, obviously, it didn't help Jaws you driving
Starting point is 00:11:27 until alert drops came along. It sure didn't help that. It sure hasn't helped people, you know, it sure hasn't stopped these tragedies. And then what happens, it screws up your sleep pattern. So it's a merry-go-round of exhaustion. It's just abnormal. We've also found out alert drops works tremendously
Starting point is 00:11:43 for college students. They have to stay up all night. A lot of them are going to the hospital overdosing on these drinks and caffeine. And now they have alert drops at all the campuses. So we- And it's all natural? Tell us again what's in it. I can take, it's a sour lemon, a good shot of citric acid, water, and a bit of preservative for shelf life.
Starting point is 00:12:06 That's it. It's a high-powered lemon. It's exactly what's in a lemon, except it's a little more high-powered, and it hits directly on that tank. And what I tell people, too, is if you don't want to buy alert drops, fine. Have cut-up lemons. Have cut-up lemons. I mean, it's a little sloppy, but it'll work.
Starting point is 00:12:22 So alert drops, it's not a new invention. It's just a better scooter. You know what I'm saying? It's a better scooter. It's a more civilized way to take it in terms of being effective. I still want to help your life have some cut up lemons and in that citric acid sour lemon will hit the lingual nerve and Will give you adrenaline and again, this is all from dr. Heimlich David it's 56 year old science man. This is old science. This is nothing new It's all you can look it up. If you go to alert jobs calm all the science is there. Dr. Heimlich knew this He just he said he just knew he had this knowledge. It's like, whoa, I didn't know that. In the meantime, we're trying everything else in the world, but a natural problem solver right in front of us. Well, Anson, amazing. It is just phenomenal and an honor again to see you again.
Starting point is 00:13:20 You continue to give back. You continue to help people. You need to go to alertdrops.com. Do that now. Don't wait when you need it. Have it on hand. It works, you know, truck drivers, right? I mean, there's so many students, like you said, it's just, it's across the board.
Starting point is 00:13:37 First responders, the list, the list. In fact, real quick answer, just before we wrap up, maybe if you list just a couple more. So first responders, truck drivers. Office workers. Office workers, doctors, lawyers. Anybody who needs to be alert in their jobs. Sports. It's great for sports.
Starting point is 00:13:56 It's great for studying. It's great for tired moms. Drive-thru driving. Anytime, anyplace you need to be alert and clear, alert's off. That's right. This has been David Kogan with the Alliances. Make sure you go to alertdrop.com Answer the World. You're going to be awesome today. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Thank you, David.

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