Heroes in Business - Daniel Chidiac, Author The Modern Breakup viral book
Episode Date: December 21, 2022Never Give Up. Daniel Chidiac did not. He wrote a book and then it went viral. The Modern Breakup was a social media sensation that now is in 13 languages and published by Penguin Random House, and ha...s another book out. Daniel is interviewed by David Cogan, the famous host of the Heroes Show and foounder of Eliances entrepreneur community.
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That's right. And welcome back. And thank you. Thank you. Thank you for all the feedback. And thank you, too, for the feedback we're still getting when I interviewed Richard Branson.
when I interviewed Richard Branson.
So make sure that you go to alliances.com.
That's E-L-I-A-N-C-E-S.com.
Because as you know, it is the only place where entrepreneurs align.
Well, I love talking about things that go viral.
And our next hero certainly knows
and now has experienced what it's like to go viral
because we have with
us Daniel Chidiak. He is the author of The Modern Breakup Viral Book and others. You can reach him
at danielchidiak.com. Let me spell that out for you, for those that are listening, d-a-n-i-e-l-c-h-i-d-i-a-c.com.
And of course, we'll also have it on our website at eliances.com and
you'll just click on the radio portion so daniel welcome to the show i want to get started right
into it first of all you got into writing you were a university dropout and 70 000 in debt
and had never done writing before what What makes you think you could write?
Well, I didn't. I just did it. That's the key. I had definitely had people thinking that I was
crazy when I said that I was going to write a book, but I was just writing for a year just
to express myself. And that was due to that hard time in my life, being $70,000 in debt, having a clothing business with my brother.
And I mean, I don't even know why the bank gave us that money because it was unsecured.
We didn't have a backing of a house or anything to secure the loan.
They just gave that to us.
And yeah, it didn't go to plan.
But I guess it went to the bigger plan, the universe's bigger
plan. And yeah, I just started writing to express myself and I found myself in that time and was
writing down all my experiences and all these new age thought that I came into. And yeah, a year
later, I decided to turn it into a book. Now, you were knocking on doors trying to get people
to sign for your book, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I had to edit. I tried to reach out to
editors and get them to edit the book because I looked at the traditional publishing world,
and then I wanted to sort of get it out to market quicker. And I wanted a bit more control,
I guess, at the start because I had some feedback that they would change a lot of the book.
And I really wanted my voice to be in it.
So I was reaching out to editors willing to pay them, and they were rejecting me one after the other.
So it's sort of a cliche story, but it happens.
And I found one eventually, probably about a year later, that would do it.
one eventually probably about a year later that would do it and i had some you know the biggest editors in victoria to tell me to basically choose a different career in around so many words
because they were afraid that i wasn't going to make money from it wow so what did you end up
doing you took it on to the online platform right to social media that's right yeah so i did i ended up getting it edited and this was the first
book who says you can't you do and i uh yeah i just started marketing it myself and i started
off with facebook and then i got onto instagram i was pretty late onto instagram actually but i
started sharing the quotes and they started getting traction and yeah the book started doing
really well and then a year and a half after
it was released i got reached out by penguin random house and then they re-signed the book
were they the ones that originally turned you down no no no they weren't but it's funny it's
i always say i think there was a a mole in either company because within one week I had Hachette in the UK reach out to me and Penguin Random House.
So I'm not sure why they both caught on to the book within one week.
But yeah.
All right.
So at what point did you see this now starting to go viral and start going wait a minute something's happening here you know you're watching it and then or did was it just strictly a hockey stick where it's
like next day no no yeah but that's i think that that does happen in some instances with my instance
it was just constantly putting money into marketing at the start i was just collaborating
with pages so i'd say i'd share
your your quotes if you share my quotes and there was a lot of that going around back then you're
talking 2017 late 2017 and then i started reaching out to bigger pages and asking them you know how
much it would cost to start promoting my stuff on their page. And then they did it. And yeah, people would just reshare it. And I saw the power of social media. It was crazy because,
you know, you pay, you may pay for one post or you might negotiate one post with a page. However,
it soon becomes apparent that everyone else is going to share that as well. So they're marketing
it for you. That's phenomenal's phenomenal and again you're watching listening
to me david cogan host of the alliances hero show make sure that you go to alliances.com that's e-l-i-a-n
cs.com why because it is the only place where entrepreneurs align and we hope that this video
also and this video and podcast also too goes viral. Why? Because we've got with us
Daniel Chidiak, author of the Modern Breakup Viral Book and many others. Make sure you go to
danielchidiak.com. Again, that's danielchidiak.com. So Daniel, just a phenomenal story and stuff. And
again, no one would sign for your book.
You published it yourself on social media.
It ends up going viral.
Now you have the biggest publishers in the world reaching out to you.
And what are you now?
13 languages, too?
Yeah, that's right.
So what kind of secrets do you have to share with others to make that happen?
Where, you know, many of us are turned down from things that we want things that we think we've got the best of whether it be job whether it be trying to come out
with a book or anything else and yet daniel like 99 of us go okay you know what i guess i do need
to change professions i guess i do need to find something else like what's the secret keep the
vision and never ever ever give up.
That's because I found that there's been so many times that I wanted to give up, especially when I got knocked down or knocked back from the editors.
And I remember just thinking to myself, there's been so many times in my life where I've just kept one finger above the water.
And I think that that's just hope.
And something always comes and pulls you out.
And I think that that's just hope and something always comes and pulls you out.
So as long as you just hold on to that hope, even if you don't know the way, even if you don't really believe at that time, you have to force it.
You have to force it out of yourself and you have to just keep going, keep pushing.
And the little steps will present themselves.
And then you take those steps.
But the moment you give up i mean to me
that's uh that's you've already failed you can't fail if you don't give up but i mean even at that
turning point when someone says to you hey i think that you should find another profession
like what was going through your mind i mean um well there were definitely seeds of doubt that were planted in my brain but i think to me it sort
of felt like i was uh it was my calling in a way because i started writing i'd never been a writer
but i mean look even if it doesn't feel like that i think that you need to just go back to what you
enjoy doing and what you love and i loved it and I wanted to release it to the world
and nothing was going to stop me in the end definitely definitely had doubts along the way
I mean multiple times I couldn't tell you when I was I was on my floor with my you know head
between my hands and just not knowing what on earth I was going to do next but I just knew what
I wanted I kept the vision uh you know, just, I would literally just
sit there and visualize my book being on shelves around the world or talking to people and then
being, you know, saying how much the books helped them. And that sometimes I would leave work for
the day. Like I would just leave everything and not write, but I would just hold onto that vision
and I would, I would keep that. And then eventually God responds.
Excellent. We've got time too, for one more question. I think this is important also too,
that our listeners and viewers want to know in regards to young, young children and that,
you know, where they're trying things and yet as a child give up very quick and stuff,
what kind of secrets maybe can you share with parents out there to help kind of motivate their child?
Because somehow, some way, somebody helped you in one some way or something came to mind is, hey, I'm going to vision this and all that.
What could parents do to help their children really be successful, make their mark with everything going against them and everybody saying, no, this won't work,
find something else.
Support them.
That's the main thing.
Give love and support.
That was one thing that my parents gave me.
My parents didn't give me,
well, they would if they had it,
but I grew up in a family that didn't have much money
and didn't have many material things.
I mean, we still live the comfortable life, but, you know, nothing, you know, didn't
get my businesses invested for me or anything like that.
Had some work since I was 14 at McDonald's.
So, I mean, just show support.
My parents have always supported me with whatever I've wanted to do.
So I think love and support is the main thing and just encouragement.
Always encourage. Excellent. Well, you're right, Daniel. so I think love and support is the main thing and just encouragement always
encourage excellent well you're right Daniel it's all about love love and
support you had an idea you made it happen you help your readers learn more
about themselves and how to navigate life and love
of the Master Hero, Daniel Kidiak, author of a modern breakup viral book.
Go and reach him.
Go out to DanielKidiak.com.
This has been David Kogan with the Alliance's Hero Show.
And now it's time, Daniel, for you and I to go viral on this.
Yeah, that's it.