Heroes in Business - Dimensions and Time

Episode Date: January 14, 2022

Dimensions and Time. Sherry goes over what dimensions and time are and how they work in this episode of The Quantum Truth with Sherry Anshara....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, well, welcome back to What They Won't Tell You with Sherry Onchara, The Quantum Truth. And today we got a very interdimensional episode for you. What are dimensions and time is the question on our agenda today? Oh, well, number one, time is not what you think it is. So I will give you about time. If you write down the word time and you split it in half, it spells timey. Too much time, too little time, not enough time. You're blowing my mind with these small words, Sherry.
Starting point is 00:00:34 And then you take the word time, turn it around, it spells emit. So, oh my God, isn't this fabulous? So we're going to talk about time and dimensions. So we are sort of trapped. That's why I'm giving the truth. And so we get untrapped. And so dimensions are actually spaces and I'm going to do space and time. So what is time all about? Well, we're in a space. We're in a space here, correct? Right. Yeah. You go to the bathroom, you're in a space. You're in a space. You're in a bedroom. You go outside, you're in a space. You travel and you go to another space
Starting point is 00:01:09 and there's outer space, but the inner space within you has all these answers. And when you're not afraid, and by the way, fear is lack of correct information, and that's why I'm giving you the truth. And so when you become more expansive and see that time is just an increment of space, a dimension, a place, a space to be in, and you are more conscious and the more conscious you become, the more you can connect to these other dimensions. So I was teaching a course, and guess what? A vehicle came over my house. A vehicle? I'm going to call it a vehicle.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Oh, okay. Okay, got it. I got a vehicle. You know, I'm winking. A vehicle came. For those in the podcast, we're winking right now. Yes, we are winking. It was a vehicle.
Starting point is 00:02:01 And so I had this experience, and these fabulous people, people, you can call them beans. And you know what? Let's break a Bailey's system here. There's no such thing as an extraterrestrial. There's nothing extra about them except they have better technology. And you've got it too. So now that we got that truth set aside, given our power away, these two fabulous groups of people, beings, whatever, and I just happened to call them blue because they're blue. Can you imagine? And they came in
Starting point is 00:02:36 and they were the gold people and they were gold. Well, aren't there brown people and black people and white people and different colors of people on this planet. Hello. So do you suppose it's any different in another dimension? It's so ridiculous. It's so obvious. So we have a couple of pictures here today. I want to see kind of what we're going to share this with the audience and kind of describe it to those on the podcast. So this first photo here. Yes, that is in my classroom where I teach in my property. And they just, this vehicle happened to pop over for a visit and they got out of their vehicle. Don't you go to the grocery store and get out of your vehicle, call the car, or you go on an airplane and you call
Starting point is 00:03:19 it a ship. Excuse me. And so they came in and they connected with these women that were in my course and we just had the best time and you can see them coming in and that's actually through a door. See it over here. For sure. It's glowing. I'm going to pull it a little back real quick for me and Sherry. And there, and that, those are actually doors and they've got, you know, you know, wood, you know, for the for the windows. And they came in and they visited with us. And I have many more than that. And this was actually taken on a cell phone by one of the attendance or attendees in the class. So so how can cameras capture what we can't see? You know why we can't see? Because we're not we're not registering the
Starting point is 00:04:04 truth or inner truth? Because we're told we can't see that we can't see? Because we're not registering the truth or inner truth? Because we're told we can't see, that we can't realize with real eyes. And see, I love seeing. And we have that ability. But when we're only trapped again in that left computer brain. So they came in for a visit, and there were gold people too, and they visited with us, and we just had the best time. And how did we communicate? Not in English, not in Bangladesh, not in Russian. We communicated with consciousness.
Starting point is 00:04:37 And with consciousness, it's the connection. Do you know that this is the quantum truth? You are the truth. But when you let go of fear, and by the way, fear is lack of correct information. And if anybody tells you it's, you know, false evidence appearing real, you know, just hit them over the head, but in a nice kind way, that is BS fault. Unless you're planning on, you know, putting someone up for murder charges, fear is lack of correct information. That's what it is. And again, information is in form at your ion level. So my information connected with theirs. So on this next photo, we have two photos here. So this is another photo here.
Starting point is 00:05:16 So is this the gold people? No, that's actually the blue people. Oh, still the blue people. And I have lots more pictures, but they came in through the door. Now, those are doors with the wooden panels. And they came in because guess what? Guess what? You know what? We have been taught limitations.
Starting point is 00:05:36 But you actually, when you tune into the quantum truth within you, you can connect with all sorts of individuals. And guess what? These are non-duality because I'm a snob. I'm not interested. Oh, yes, I like the Pleiadians or the Sears beans or whatever, but they're all duality-based. And by the way, just as a tidbit, do you know that Northern Pleiadians will fight with Southern Pleiadians? Does that sound like Northern Irish fighting with Southern Irish?
Starting point is 00:06:05 It's the same thing. It's duality, folks. But when you get out of that resonance of duality, of right and wrong, good and bad, my way is a highway, this is color, that color, you know what? There is so much out there. But do the controllers like you to know that you can do this? Well, if you can do this, then how could you be controlled? You can't because you are in your truth, the resonance of truth. And this is so spectacular. And would you like to share your story? I was going to say, a lot of you may not know this, but I am actually a blue person. Sherry actually told me about this. And for me, it was about going back and being like, what does that mean? So I guess the question for you that I'm very interested in is,
Starting point is 00:06:47 how do you know I'm a blue person? Because of what happened when you came and visited me. Right. Ooh, this blue beam came and they projected their blue world. So if you guys don't know this, this will be on our content and stuff. And you may be hearing on the podcast, but I went to Sherry's property. It was pretty awesome. Absolutely wild experience.
Starting point is 00:07:08 If there's things on camera, these orbs floating around, and the blue planet, literally, you can't see it with your naked eye, only with photos. And I have physical proof of this. And the craziest thing that really blew my mind, I was like, okay, well, I'm on the right route thing, is not even me. Someone taking the okay, well, I'm on the right thing. Not even me. Someone taking the actual cell phone, me just walking just randomly by, and there's this blue beam of light coming down.
Starting point is 00:07:32 And again, Cherry's telling me it's still up there. You just can't see it. But in the video, you can. It's clear as day, just falls, like a tracking beam. And for me, that was like, oh, okay. Well, so that's how she knows I'm a blue person because she hangs out with a lot of the blue peeps, right? Yeah. So in many of them, there's so many, but this is the part when people come in this life, they say, well, I'm this or I'm
Starting point is 00:07:57 that, but they have other, I do not do past life regressions. There's no such thing. It's a time continuum accessibility. And that is what Cassidy is doing. He is connecting to his time continuum in another space and place that is non-duality. And yet over, go ahead. Oh, sorry. So for this, so I'm a blue person, but these blue people are different than me? No, they, okay. They could be your relatives. Right. They could be your forebearers or your future bearers. Okay. Got it? Because that time is in the moment. There's no past, present, and future.
Starting point is 00:08:32 It's in the moment. It doesn't mean we don't have experiences in other timelines. Okay. But this is you truly becoming multidimensional. Oh, right. Ooh, that's what's happening because you're open. And you know what? When people come to me and they'll say, you know, I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:08:48 I go ready for what? Right. Who cares? A lot of people come to you expecting like, what's my greater purpose? And you're just like, you're just this person in the timeline. It's like, don't I have a bigger purpose? And you're like, no, I've never heard that from you before. So blunt and honest.
Starting point is 00:09:02 So if you're coming to her for that, she's going to tell you what you are. But the purpose is to have purposes. To have purposes because you have many. And one is to become conscious and to become your quantum self. Can you imagine if everyone, and I do every day, on this planet, that everyone is our quantum self, what we could create here as a real human on this planet. That's unbelievable. I mean, to get to that level would be amazing. But you can.
Starting point is 00:09:37 We'll talk about that in the next episode. We're out of time. So again, just keep with us. This is What They Won't Tell You with Sherry Unshara, Quantum Truth.

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