Heroes in Business - DR SARAH SUN LIEW FOR U S SENATE, Interview by Bob Friedenthal Social Media, Owner of MyCity

Episode Date: August 21, 2022

DR SARAH SUN LIEW FOR U S SENATE, Interview by Bob Friedenthal Social Media, Owner of MyCity in this episode of Today America and the World....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So, let's start with some contact information so people know how to get in touch with you. Okay, first, my name is Dr. Se-Rae Yoo and I have several businesses. So my phone number is 424-343-7025 is my direct number. So especially I give my direct number. As well as I have a secondary number is 424-332-3779 that you can call both of any number. As well as I have many email address for the business starting info, but I'm just giving to meridianwishy at gmail.com. That was usually I check out every day.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Another business address I can post on later, yeah. Okay, so Dr. Liu is a candidate for US Senator. Can you tell us a little bit about your background? So, Dr. Liu is a candidate for U.S. Senator. Can you tell us a little bit about your background, what you do? Yes. I am CEO of Meridian Payment System, which is NPS Merchant Service Group, as well as I am CEO of Beverly Hills Realty and Management, I am CEO of Beverly Hills Realty and Management, as well as I'm CEO of Meridian Beverly Hills Legal Group, and as well as I'm CEO of two non-profit to support entrepreneurial,
Starting point is 00:01:37 economic group in California, Meridian Business Legal Investment Wish Foundation as well as I'm a senior pastor at church Global Jesus Mission Church so I'm doing merchant service real estate immigration also CEO of Global Investment Immigration as well as
Starting point is 00:01:58 I'm doing like foreclose protect as well as finance you know mortgage and commercial lending. So I do several, like more than 10 different kinds. As well as I'm a principal of Meridian Institution of Technology University. So we teach technology as well as entrepreneurial support, education, many professional training over there. Excellent. Excellent. So let's talk about the issues.
Starting point is 00:02:36 I know you have done many video interviews already and voters know about you and who you are and what you do. You're focusing on USA abortion and battle between pro-life and pro-choice. What is your abortion policy? Want to talk about that a little bit? Yeah, no problem. So abortion is really, there is a Republican and Democrat. Both two parties have civil disagreements many times, even a long time ago. So right now it's very serious.
Starting point is 00:03:28 You know, we have abortion matter even other time ago. So right now it's very serious. You know, we have abortion matter even other time. Because it's one demographic, they are pro-life against. So which is we are all, you know, Republican is always fight for the pro-life, but they are the pro-choice. So they are more respected for the woman privacy, freedom of choice. So there is so many pro, you know, pro-cons. However, as I'm a pastor, you know, since my age of 19 years old, you know, as when people conceptions, you know, as when people's conceptions, you know, the woman is already
Starting point is 00:04:08 conceptions that God planned to, you know, send it to the baby to this world, the image of God. So many religions or many other opinions is there, you know, when born, other opinion is there, you know, when born, baby is not have life until born, but in, you know, conversative as well as biblical, always talk about abortion is a murder, and as well as baby has own right, not only woman has right, baby has own right as an image of God, God sent here. So many people, they want to even marry the couples, they wanted to have a baby 10 years, they don't have it. If this is our will, send, you know, God is not sending to have those, you know, God send baby to our life to as blessing, you know, but if we are not receive those blessings, like through those abortions. You know, there is so many like risk to the woman who does not really had up, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:31 those good responsibility, which is, you know, people, everyone, they abortion support, you know, most of they said it too, because I don't have economic, you know, confidential for these kids. They said it too because I don't have economic confidential for these kids. As well as the relationship, maybe they are before marriage, they have a relationship.
Starting point is 00:05:54 So that's why even family, families, those kind of long relationships, those long way to they are starting, but they should have choice, you know, the right way to biblical value, conservative value to the, as I am thinking, you know, I understand I'm working at a nurse at Korea. I'm actually working experience at the delivery rooms. You know, I see that doctors do their delivery, but we have to really
Starting point is 00:06:32 move on something. Doctors, they don't do abortions. There is less abortions happen, but you know many many doctors they are supporting, especially democratic, you know, even they are supporting especially the Democratic, even the governor, even in 2019, the law is approved that supporting even another state coming to California, they can do abortions, they pay all the expenses pre-abortion here. So to, you know, even supporting economic group because of they coming here, they spending, you know, even they don't pay the abortion. I don't think so why we can do another economic group to do another policy.
Starting point is 00:07:18 So I'm not supporting abortions. So, you know, I am really pro-life candidate. So I think the abortion is murder. Yeah. Okay. Well, that's, you know, there's a lot of people that support you and your belief. So that's a little bit of a testimonial there. So what are your policies about the right to bear arms and gun permits?
Starting point is 00:07:49 What are your policies there? So, you know, I'm not supporting gun control because if we are supporting gun controls, we, you know, we don't have freedoms. You know, many dictators in our country, they control guns because they want to control people. So as a democratic, liberal policy said that if we have gun control, meaning we can, you know, control more people and then less crime. But I don't think so. Many who bear arms, that country is less crime. So I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:08:39 I'm not supporting gun control. gun control, but I'm in a supporting universal background because many people, they are like mental illness. People stay for those guns. What happened? They are misused. Those guns, other people's had a damage. We have so many, I think 27 school crime in United States. Even, you know, we see the last school crime is Texas. The person who are 18 years old, birthday, they register and then both gone and then had a school crimes.
Starting point is 00:09:26 So we have something universal check, you know, as well as educations. You're not only universal check. So we do not have any education gun using, but anyone has, you know, 18 years old, they have ID, they can buy. It doesn't matter, any situation. So we should have had some gun, maybe gun store or any other government program should have had gun control as well as education, you know, who can use you, where you can use you. So as well as policy, you you know, today's policy about gun is too liberal, so you know, we have to
Starting point is 00:10:09 I'm supportive first you know, the second amendment right to bear arms but we bear arms, you know, we have to there is nine criminal I went to law school, you know, Abraham Lincoln Law School
Starting point is 00:10:26 and several law schools. So we have nine criminals. There is one is a murder, you know, so intended to, you know, they can using intended to killing other people through the gun, but if they don't have gun, they are not intent even. So we have to really know policy who really need to gun, you know, if they're living too far from like the city or maybe too crowded place, too much claim areas, some kind of, you know, AG as well as locations, as well as group who really need to, we need to find out those who we can support, you know, as well as if we have most of their support because we want to
Starting point is 00:11:16 have a gun to, you know, we have a war in the United States, like we can have guns, we can fight for America, right? So because of gun rights, it brings from basically that, you know. So I am supporting the Second Amendment to right to bear arms because there is so many crimes in America now, even many, many places, is a business as a home, as a community, even all the church. You know, I last, we see in California, Taiwan community church that, even innocent doctor die, because he was contribution his life as a doctor. But you know, we see the older youth,
Starting point is 00:12:07 even innocent people die because of like, even race, you know, claim like now is Asians. So many Asians target. As I am a Korean American Asian, I want to support those Asian claims to, you know, as well as any community so important. So I think we should bear arms. As well as the school teachers, you know, now the school is just so serious crime because of, you know, even parents thinking that, should I, you know, send it to my, you know, children to school? I am not sure if they come back or not.
Starting point is 00:12:51 So we should have some security guy, you know, who can bear arms and who can train. Because now we have security guy only two hours or less than a few hours. They can be security guy and then not authority that much so we need support law enforcement not only you know law enforcement not depend uh defending for policy we uh police you know we need more support police, we need more, they need all those claim, we should bear arms. I'm very proud to people who are bear arms. Yeah. Well, thank you for sharing these issues with us.
Starting point is 00:13:38 How can we support you? Since I be since 2019, I opened a congressional district office in Beverly Hills. And I learned in 2020, congressional district as well as I opened two offices, one in Beverly Hills as well as and Pictouville. I have two campaign offices. Since 2000, I think I opened another office in this area to California, Beverly Hills, Edge Village, because of sanitaria, I opened at San Bernardino County. And I have running another 2020 for district third again.
Starting point is 00:14:28 So my campaign mostly is I funded myself. I spent last election over $100,000. This election also over $100,000. So, you know, my story a little bit changed because I thought, I see the, you know, present elections, we, many present election candidates, they're spending six million, even, you know, more than like ten million dollars. Why we can spend those money to issue, you know, education, homeless? so many in California, why we should do just spending money for the politics, you know, it's together, you know, all those calculations,
Starting point is 00:15:14 billion dollars, the spending for just the election, this is not right. So I don't want to follow those strategy to who spending too much money for the election. So I even someone they want to, I never asking to donation that much because I'm even not really willing to do because I spending my funds because of those reasons. But you know, since I have two or four years already election, Since I have two or four years already election, many people said, you are a good candidate. Why are you asking a donation to the people and you can get a chance to win? As well as the people, they wanted to good candidate win, not money make win. And my strategy, as well as my one of campaign, you know, many just said it to someone who are emergency, they asking everyone to money go to their family go to like have a COVID-19, they asking to money
Starting point is 00:16:15 go to the, you know, hospital. So you are not emergency, but they are emergency, U of O emergency, you know, California issue emergency. So why don't you asking people to allow to donation to even $10, $5, that is their heart, you know, their mind to support community. So my strategy is changing. So I'm going to allow it to the, you know, I'm going to ask a donation. I'm going to, I have 300 more volunteers email me, join to form the volunteer, but I didn't really use them because asking them to support because I'm using usually my staff.
Starting point is 00:16:58 I hire 200 people because I want their participation, their life to business. Election is like some kind of booming people. They are not focused in business. They go all over meeting. I don't want to do that, but I respect the people's participation to the politic meeting and supporting candidate that is uh if i have a you know even i have a thousand thousand clients church pastors i'm not asking at all even i didn't notice to them to even i'm learning
Starting point is 00:17:34 uh you know the elections because you know i want i don't want too much involving to the relate to my business and my non-profit to politics. But my strategy changed because we have to really have the team work together. So anyone, you know, anyone they want to volunteer next election 2024, I will more invite to join to them, you know, to participation as well as donations. We send a million email like this time, many, many several times, but we never asking donation, but we should asking. But anyway, early, so we, I'm just already registered 2020 for congressional secretary because we have to wait for the next election senatorial. So I want to be senator as well as congress as a two-seat house. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:18:39 House as well as, you know, we have a senator. So, either way, you know, the position is we are the helping community. So, my goal is helping community. You know, I'm already successful myself. So, anything in a community means our personal value, we need to do core value together. So I want to create more of our public, our personal core value to make a public core value. So I started at Harvard politics. I have a politics two-year study. I have a politics two-year study. Even I got a doctoral degree, many doctoral degree, businesses, sales marketing, as well as non-profit management, as well as biblical preaching and public people.
Starting point is 00:19:44 I studied four years at Harvard Business School and the education and even oscar show i am ready so you know people they are learning candidate they are say they're ready but they are not ready because i want to talk to even you know you entrepreneur or like you who want to learning politic offices so every life is not easy life is not free it's success is not accident so i think i already spending four years for the community even i opened mine on profile long time ago 2009 and 2015 my life is 30 years more than 34 years i'm supporting education business business. You know, my age is 16 years. I went to medical, you know, the nursing school. So since I have my background, it's everything. I understand border.
Starting point is 00:20:32 I understand community. So if someone like reading, read the books, they only read one chapter. They understand one chapter. So end of books, they understand every community. So, and the books, they understand every community. There are so many candidates. They have one field that they understand. For example, we read the books
Starting point is 00:20:51 like two, three paragraphs. They understand one paragraph. They don't understand the second paragraph. They don't understand the fourth paragraph because they don't have experience. But I think why I, myself, I can be the best candidate and then the authority we have it in the Congress, I can exercise to be best service because of I have a knowledge, everything order like law and
Starting point is 00:21:17 business, accounting and the policy and you know as well as a politic and as well education, policy and as well as politics and as well education, medical, real estate laws, so finance. So I think the most important candidate, qualification, right? So to every position had a qualification. So I have two years more. So I wanna asking border any person they need from my health, because I have all the services, I have all the non-profits, I want to support you, not just waiting for my elections. You know, this time, two years, my plan is I'm going to invite more non-profits and more clients to helping solving their issues.
Starting point is 00:22:05 So I think I can solve many, many issues really directly and indirectly. So I have so many teams, even like I have a credit card company, merchant service, you know, I have a number one world, you know, top world processing company, World Pay FIS. they have a million, over a million clients. We do service together, 147. There is the same, yeah, same service we do, but different level. So there is thousand, thousand different level in much as, but I'm a director, main processing company in a regional office in one of independent office owner in California.
Starting point is 00:22:51 I do 28 years. So I can even discount those merchants to helping during COVID. That's my plan to do the nonprofit. I can train entrepreneurs, generations,, job creations, even real estate, legal evictions. Your background shows that. Your background shows that you have several different businesses. Yeah, so I can show them to not just many candidates said, oh, I applied for the, you know, I was going to create a STEM worker, but I do 28 years. Like example, you know, the senator, you know, now the current senator said to,
Starting point is 00:23:30 I want to build a STEM job worker, but I didn't see him to create a STEM job worker until now. But myself, I say I wanted to create a STEM job worker, but I already created, I know how to do it. I don't have to study. I just go ahead and have a government fund. I can really do thousands and thousands of the job creation. As well as I do E2, EB5, visa, immigration consultant. I bring many, many EB2, EB5, million dollars to California economic group as well as education. I do more than 34 years education. I'm a principal in Tech University as well as even my academic life
Starting point is 00:24:25 is English teacher, Mathematics, Essay teacher. All my life is a pastor in education. So, many, many fields, I can even just do Congress, left is long-term goal, I'm still do a lot of things to the community. I can show to the future of my life, even as I'm past my life, you know. So I think that now time is teamwork.
Starting point is 00:24:55 So I want to ask to voters, ask to you want to change, you know, more like better life to your generation, send your generation to our Jack Creation Center. You know, I have a Jack Creation Center and Entrepreneur Center program that, you know, in my nonprofit. So once, you know, my dream in non-profit and profit, I want to build those through EB5, those investors. We build a building or like we build a, I want to really support entrepreneurs. So my dream is the next five years for to the EB-2, EB-5, people stay out, you know, invest our project, and then we can build those buildings, 77,
Starting point is 00:25:55 as well as my five years of another franchising. So I want to create more and more jobs because those EB-5 is so good. They have to have 10 jobs creation. They can bring money to California. We can create jobs. So as soon as I become Congress, my first things want to be entrepreneurial support and job creation for future generation. Those programs I'm starting already once I started my non-profit. Those programs I'm starting already once I started my non-profit. So, you know, we have several office locations we are starting doing many programs.
Starting point is 00:26:33 So, you know, what I want to really do is just participation, you know, because we have the right time, right place, right program, right people. We have to meet together as a team. So I'm looking for the right person who really has empathy, compassion to helping community. Join us. Join our nonprofit. Join the company. We have a lot of generation uh nine out kovita 19 we need support entrepreneur we need a professor we need a teachers we need like volunteers everywhere and then as well as you want jobs apply to us you know we we can give a job for even you can work uh uh need my team as you know the professional job yeah let's do this
Starting point is 00:27:29 um i i think people get who you are what your beliefs are what you're really trying to promote uh why don't you give us your contact information all over again and if people are interested in And if people are interested in contacting you, they have a vehicle to do that. Oh, no problem. So thank you so much for inviting me here. You know, I know that Mr. Bobby had a lot of interviews together. I'm so, you know, thank you for your opportunity to share today. So anyway, so, you know, my name is Dr. Sarah Yu. I'm running for Congress, 2024, as well as you know me, who I am. So I have several companies. I can
Starting point is 00:28:17 create jobs for California and economic growth during COVID-19, I can support the entrepreneur, integration, even real estate, landlord, tenant, evictions, all the legal matter, as well as E2E5, as well as many things. So that is goal is, my goal is just solving people's problems. They need someone mentor, they need someone problem solver.
Starting point is 00:28:44 So my goal is a merchant service. I can save a thousand, thousand, 28 years. My goal is not just, you know, open account. Why I'm so, you know, empathy, compassion, because, you know, as business woman, I know how much we pay tax as well as many costs. We pay like rental and we pay like wage, we pay taxes. We don't have any money for training.
Starting point is 00:29:13 That's why I open training, pre-training. So I can do that for you, pre-training your employee, yourself too when we have a program. so we are asking also donation to our non-profit if someone who are richest person or any small amount we can help to get our community so as well as a real estate fact that I have like first homebuyer seminaries, first apartment buyer seminaries. Yes, so contact information. Yes, so no problem. So you can visit my website. I have several websites but you can email me info at meridianwish.com. This is for the non-profit email email as well as uh meridianwishy at gmail.com both is my email and then also in campaign info drsarahforcongress.com that is uh you know uh campaign so any any positions i want to help you
Starting point is 00:30:19 i want to help the community yeah yeah very very nice it's good to know something about you and uh all of a sudden i've had some politicians reaching out to me to interview them and i'm so thankful that i have this opportunity so again my name is bob friedenthal on linkedin i'm bob holt h-o-l-t friedenthal last name spelled f-r-I-E-D-E-N-T-H-A-L. If you'd like an interview, also just get in touch with me. Phone number 310-736-5787. And that's a mobile number. So I'll be signing us off right now.
Starting point is 00:30:59 And Dr. Sarah, thank you so much. I feel very fortunate that I can hear you and listen to the interview and some of your issues that you want to get further down the road. Thank you so much for your consideration to support my campaign. As well as I really support you to any need help from me, you can contact me. Thank you for your support. Thank you so much. I'll be signing off now.
Starting point is 00:31:31 So thank you all. Thank you so much.

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