Heroes in Business - Dr. Sarah Sun Liew for U.S. Senate, Top issues Mask mandate, Big tech, and CRT

Episode Date: May 21, 2022

Interview with "Eliances Heroes" on May/17/2022. Vote for Dr. Sarah Sun Liew for U.S. Senate June 7th, discusses top issues Mask mandate, Big tech, and CRT....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're back and with the Alliance's Hero Show, you're watching and seeing me, David Kogan, host of the show. And there's a lot of things right now going on in the world and it's coming up time for voting. And it's very important that you know your candidates. You know what they stand for. You know how to go about voting. And I'm so honored today to have Dr. Sarah Sun Liu. She is running for Congress today. That's right. She is going to be running for Congress. And it's important topics of things that you need to know. And you could reach Dr. Sarah Sun Liu by going to drsarahsunliu for congress.com. Of course, too, those of you watching can see the scroll bar below, so make sure that you go there to get further information about her. Welcome to the show, Dr. Sarah Sun Liu.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Hi, my name is Dr. Sarah Liu. I'm learning for U.S. Senate. Thank you for Alliance always supporting entrepreneurs like me. I'm very proud of being a member of the Alliance. Thank you for inviting me here today. And I think it's very important, and I really want to jump right into it because there's so many priorities that are going on. But let's go ahead and let's cover what are your top five priority issues and also not only the issues, but what are the solutions that you see that you're going to go ahead and implement?
Starting point is 00:01:31 Yeah, first of all, my top priority, my priority is depending on my life experience. You know, as I'm a 28 years Pintech company CEO, I am learning so many years doing those businesses. I have especially in-field problems I can solve. First of all,
Starting point is 00:01:58 many entrepreneurs, they need more skilled workers because most in America five years, they close business because with unskilled workers, because they cannot find many workers really ready to work. So many entrepreneurs, they are training and training and training and then you know once six months training and spending all the money later on they are just lay off because each party worker and entrepreneurs most both of you know nothing uh nothing you know result so i want to solve those problems
Starting point is 00:02:39 so i'm going to make an entrepreneur support center and job creation center. So both entrepreneurs and job seekers are able to come to the center and then they can train. Entrepreneurs can train themselves as well as workers, be professionals, skillable. You know, most five years, those closing businesses, you know, a lot of problems there. But one main problem is that as well as, you know, spending money for the business is so serious, high. Most, you know, they pay rent, wages, and they don't really spend job creation for the training. That's why I'm gonna focus on job training as well as the tax cut, as well as, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:31 we need more like a college student to more creation jobs. So my first priority is to make Entrepreneur Job Creation Center program, make able to entrepreneur and the seekers as well as early next generation college students able to STEM education from those Entrepreneur Support Center, and then we can make STEM workers more. That's my first priority. Second, my priority, second generation education, which includes STEM
Starting point is 00:04:07 education for early age, kindergarten, elementary, even high school, K-12, they need really STEM education, include art, you know, science, engineering, mathematics, they really need technology. Nowadays, technology is so fast, but every school's real computer is an outdated source. So the first thing I want to do when I become a senator, I want to make sure future generations have enough teachers, enough technology skills they can learn from today's needs for preparing tomorrow's education. Third thing is I'm a real estate broker as a management company. company, I am dealing every time. Entrepreneurs include
Starting point is 00:05:08 landlords. They are so strong. They are really a contribution to many in our country as landlords. They are hardworking. They buy their property. Now, there are so many
Starting point is 00:05:23 problems. Since COVID, they don't get any payment from tenants in many, many places. So as I'm a legal professional, as well as a professional eviction, you know, I want to really help those who struggle with real estate place now, landlord, tenant, as well as a lot of, you know, legal policies, feasible policies, employable policies. We needed to real estate law and then really needed to having those entrepreneur landlord
Starting point is 00:05:57 as well as tenant now struggle because they lost jobs. So we need, you know, training those lost job tenants, you know, make entrepreneurial job creation support center program also, you know, make
Starting point is 00:06:13 available to them so they can pay rent on time and there are not the evictions. As well as so many homeless problem right now because of don't pay, they lost jobs. That's why there are many homeless problems that happen right now. So we need to make sure those homeless are also able to do the Entrepreneur Integration Center program to be able to those entrepreneur and calculation center program to able to get
Starting point is 00:06:47 the training and we will solve those homeless problem as well as so and then another uh my priority is uh the immigrations as i'm an immigration i know there are, you know, 28 years I live in America and 24 years, you know, at Korea. So immigration, you know, really, they are struggling. Like when they came to America for the first time, they need cultural adoptions, like as well language adoptions. As well as, you know, they need creation jobs and their next generation education. Those are all things we need to really take care of. So I have a new immigration support center program able to do immigration coming language and cultural education, as well as I want to support E to EB-5 visa.
Starting point is 00:07:47 They came to America and then they can, you know, they bring like a million dollars to, I want to support them to create more jobs in California, as well as make them faster achieve their American dreams, you know, and then we need more like a visa chorus, like even unskillable visa chorus. So H-1, F-1, those, you know, as well as, you know, many unskillable visa shortage chorus, I want to make more fast green card, more like citizens fast and as well as H-1, F-1 students, they are not go back to, you know, they needed to stay health systems and insurance systems is turned down, corruption, because of, you know, we pay so high insurance, but less benefits. So I'm making sure, as an experienced medical staff, I was working in ICU and operation room and delivery rooms, so many general hospital units.
Starting point is 00:09:07 I know how struggle elderly, I know how struggle patient, patient family, I know how struggle like patient itself had a lot of cancer deaths. I see myself, so I want to make sure they have the best health systems, low-cost medicines, low-cost drugs, low-cost treatment, have the best, you know, low-cost treatment, have the best treatment. That is my priority, top five. This is great information, and we certainly appreciate you sharing those top five priority issues. But I think it's important also too now to shift into veterans. There's a lot of veteran issues that are out there also. And more importantly is tell us about some of those veteran issues, but again, the solutions that you have for it.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Yes. Thank you for those questions. And then today, you know, many barriers is, you know, really struggle. We have so many issues, barriers, cultural adaptance, which means that they are isolations, very long time, three years, 10 years, 20 years from our society, which is far from the house, home, far from the country.
Starting point is 00:10:34 They're really, here is our country, but when they came back to our community, now ready to welcome them as a system right now. So we need to really support those paralyzed struggles, paralyzed problems. First, they need a cultural acceptance, which when they come back to the home, our community really ready to let them know about what's going on in the community before they retire. So, you know, not too much isolation from the community, maybe during those barriers, you know, they stay in military office, maybe they can have a community service or they can do even before maybe five months or one year before they retire, they can participate in our community no more, like preparing.
Starting point is 00:11:29 As well as job creations for the veterans. Many veterans, they lose jobs. They cannot get jobs after military times because they are not skilled. So making sure during they have in the battle and those military office, we need more like let them go to the university, a job training too, ready for when they come back to house or do best member of the community, as well as many homeless problems in Beirut because they don't get jobs. We need to solve so many homeless problems in Beirut because we need really good policy to make sure those Beirut a job creation as well as benefit.
Starting point is 00:12:27 We promise so many benefits, you know, during or after they retire. So that benefit is really not, you know, not really, you know, get them when they came back. So that's why it become, you know, they don't spending them much time to training themselves for no, you know, cash flow available. So we need to make sure those, we promise to Bareran to get those benefits, you know, as well as Bareran's chronic disease and mental disease. You know, when they battle like 10-year, 20-year isolations, they have all the disease which is, you know, like chronic disease, mental.
Starting point is 00:13:14 So they need really treatment from those disease. But today's medical system only available to treat better than center. But, you know, I want to be available to all veterans to go anywhere they choose, like a private center. So make sure they choose anywhere they can go. As well as now, today's veterans, they pay so much money for getting those premium veterans health system, you know, health system, which is they have to pay $300, you know, get those benefits as veterans. So we need to make sure veterans, let's pay their premiums as veterans here,
Starting point is 00:13:57 but they pay like $300. It's a lot of money. That's why, you know, they keep on those benefits. They have to pay $300. This is really a burden to me or a burden to me feeling like, you know, listen to those veterans. Just a few days ago, I heard the Veterans Center director, I talked what her experience, veterans experience as well as my family members.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Also, many of my family members, my uncle is 26 years old, my other uncle was a chairman of the defense of the military and then my brother was a high military officer. I see his life a military officer. I see his life really as a family member. I see we have a family member, men and women go to the veterans. We see the family members
Starting point is 00:14:56 how they came back to the house. It's harder to involve cultural adoptance. It's harder to get the jobs. It's harder to involve those cultural adoptants. It's harder to get the jobs, harder to get the health benefit, and even discrimination. A lot of women and men have discrimination between those, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:18 better in the office. The explanation to me. And so those, you know, I have my own life, my brothers, my uncles, they're living a better life. So I know the serious problem they have. Most important,
Starting point is 00:15:35 they need cultural acceptance faster and job creation faster, get medical benefit as well as, you know, no discrimination in the veteran, in the veteran during military life. Well, you've talked about your top five priority issues along with the solutions to that. You also talked to us, and thank you for sharing in regards to the veteran issues and solutions. Now the next one.
Starting point is 00:16:05 And again, this is really big and this is huge also. The entire U.S. seems to be going through a transition with real estate. So tell us about the real estate and the senior issues and solutions regarding that. Yes, thank you for that question too. You know, as I'm a broker and I came in America in 1995 and come back and then 1996, I came here too. First things I did, I go the wheelchair real estate, and then I tried to get a realtor, the agent license first. Anyway, after that, I've been more than 30 plus class certification, getting real estate, many, many, you know, knowledge and experience.
Starting point is 00:17:05 I have been doing it 28 years in living in America as a broker, as a landlord, as a home association member, as a, you know, a house association, you know, home association member, apartment association member, as well as a broker and then, you know, as a manager, apartment company, as I have, like, working at Pecos Hathaway, in Beverly Hills office, about, like, three years, eight months, I'm working there, as well as, so, I have so many experience. During those experience, So I have so many experiences. During those experiences, you know, the most experience I had, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:50 I've been many, many years. I founded together many management, real estate management company, especially apartment, especially, you know, at least as a broker manager. You know, I see so many struggle, those landlords, they have a lot of struggle during, you know, rent those apartments or rent single family units. You know, they, between those tenants as well as, you know, because of many landlords does not have enough knowledge,
Starting point is 00:18:32 you know, those struggle, tenant is always struggle. They don't know law, they don't know about law, they don't know about public safety, they don't know nothing about how managing apartment. So, you know, so I will going to, you know, helping those landlords through those apartment association or homeowners association. They are great association, you know, I'm going to helping those more landlords be educated and then more like management skill or like law and marketing, everything we need to really make able to them to, you know, landlord. Then, you know, tenant be happy stay more longer. As well as, you know, think about, you know, as I'm experienced, so many landlords struggle. Those gaps between renters leave and another leaves, they have, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:29 short is less than two months, one month, and longer is three months. They are empty. That is vacancy. Late is high, you know, or, you know, that time is they are really struggle. So we needed to let them really how they can rent easily and then as well as make some insurance to able to landlord during those vacancy, you know, they can pay, you know, if they pay like a $20, $30 premium for those, you know, insurance to cover those vacancy period. As well as so many landlord, you know, insurance to cover those vacant periods. As well as so many landlords, you know, tenants, even, you know, right now it's apartment management.
Starting point is 00:20:13 So it's difficult because of, you know, Marijuana is now in California, is, you know, is low able to do in so many places. Of course, patients and then many other people, they are allowed now in Marijuana, in apartment, another units, they are so complained. So we need to really, you know, now is you, a lot of legal things allowed to the tenant or landlord. But a tenant like a landlord, you know, don't like there is a civil disagreement. So we are like every civil disagreement, we have one party is benefit,
Starting point is 00:20:58 one another party is lost benefit. So that's why we need to really do civil disagreement, making sure to both parties, you know, when we make policy, both parties' benefits. We need more like feasible, like, implied law policy we need to make. As well as at the real estate, we struggle so many high tax property tax, you know, many, many taxes we pay. So we need to make sure to make a low tax for those landlords as well as the tenant. Now we have a serious problem, those landlords and tenants, but they don't pay until today. We were going to have so many evictions, so many foreclosures. So still, you know, we not happen, but there is, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:58 possibilities, many, many legal or like real estate problems will come. So after the pandemic, I will make sure to support those legal problems. As I am a legal expert, when I become senator, I want to make sure to solve those landlord and tenant and all the real estate law and make a better life for the people. And this, again, is great information. So make sure, again, you go to Dr. Sarah Sun Liu for Congress. It's Dr. Sarah Liu for Congress.com. In fact, again, you're going to see the link below.
Starting point is 00:22:45 So go ahead and use the link below. We'll show you it again here, drsaralooforcongress.com. In fact, Sarah, with a couple minutes that we have left for this segment, what additional information will they see when they go to your website, drsaralooforcongress.com. Please share. Yeah, first of all, my website, Dr. Sarah Yu for Congress is Please visit www.sera.org. That website is for the senators. So there is lots of my issues and how I can solve those problems. Many videos, many, you know, details there.
Starting point is 00:23:43 As well as, you know, we have June 7th, you know, vote the election date. So as well as May 9th, from May 9th, you will get the mail ballot. So please consider me to as your next senator, because, you know, as you know, you give authority and those authority have a responsibility, every position. You know, I've been in many educations, experience. I think I can guarantee you the best service. So make sure to visit my website, www.sarahseneto.org. And vote for me June 7th because America needs real leaders who have empathy, who have compassion to solve. I've been over the five different top issues because I have empathy, living a professional life, as well as serving community.
Starting point is 00:24:53 My age is 16 years old, go to the nursing schools. After I always think about how we can be better medical system, my age is 19 years old, I'm studying as a system pastor. I'm always thinking how I can serve community better as a next generation educator. More than 30 years I'm working. I'm always thinking about how I can give to better life for next generation. As a business owner, 28 years, as a fintech company, I always dealing with, you know, business owner, entrepreneur, as well as I founded Tuna Profit, you know, for I can support those creation jobs, supporting entrepreneurs, make America more great, as well as California's economic growth. And as well as brokers, legal professionals, since more than 28 years, real estate investors, professionals.
Starting point is 00:26:04 More than 2013, I opened my legal firm. You know, since then, I always thinking community, how we can better laws. That's why, you know, I got a three doctoral degree business administration as well as sales marketing and non-profit management, as well as a pastor, a biblical priest. You know, I went to Harvard two years, business school as well. After that, I gradated my PhD in 2006.
Starting point is 00:26:36 But, you know, since 2019, I learned in U.S. Congress. I needed something to form my community better than now, so I decided spending all the money to not, you know, instead of doing other things, I was focused on learning at Harvard Business School, Harvard Education School, Harvard Kennedy School of Policy, as well as law school. So someone who knows about only BookSmart, it's not really qualified StreetSmart, which is have experience, analogies. I didn't have enough sleep those four years.
Starting point is 00:27:22 didn't have enough sleep those four years. You know, I'm really ready to think about how I can serve this community, California, you know, because I really thank you for my client, my family. America is my hero. You know, without America, I cannot achieve this, all my American dream. You really 10 different business, three non-profit, you know, as well as, you know, got all the three doctorate degree and even include Harvard, Wharton Business School, MIT,
Starting point is 00:27:54 Chicago University, UCLA, USC, you know, and then, you know, UC Berkeley. So I've been all over school because of America giving me this. So I want to fight for, you know, for America today again. And then I want to really fight for the community, family, America who gave it to today and my next generations. For me now, it's another business, another person. You know, all the California, all the American people, I want to really support them be success, come to their American dreams. They are all what they deserve America able to do. Thank you so much, Alliance. All the support during this election So many interviews, you know, especially, you know, Alliance CEO.
Starting point is 00:28:51 I really respect him. You know, he's one of the heroes making me possible this, as well as, you know, the producer Blue is able to do. I'm so thankful. They are one of our heroes to supporting another hero.
Starting point is 00:29:08 This is a great experience to me too. Staying in the Alliance had all the interview together. Able to communication border, able to communications supporter. Alliance is really great
Starting point is 00:29:23 organizations. Please join as much as as you know you will get us so many benefit from the alliance and then also you know a lot of experience david you know lots of program is there able to make you our next level entrepreneurs. So I want to really support Alliance also, you know, as well as include members, you know. I want to really, you know, thank you so much. You are the hero. Thank you so much for your support. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:29:58 And again, make sure you stay tuned because we're going to do more segments where we're going to find out more things about Dr. Sarah Sun Liu, such as entrepreneurship, small business, what's going on, what's her view on vaccines and mask mandates and cancel culture and all of that. So make sure you stand by because you've been watching, listening to me, David Kogan, host of the Alliance's Hero Show. Thank you so much, Dr. Sarah Sun Liu. This has been David Kogan with the Alliance's Hero Show. Thank you for your supporting.

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