Heroes in Business - Emil Jiminez, CEO Founder Mindbank, creating your digital twin

Episode Date: November 1, 2021

Upload your mind. Emil Jiminez, CEO Founder Mindbank, creating your digital twin is interviewed by David Cogan founder of Eliances and famous celebrity host of the Eliances Heroes Show broadcast on am... and fm network channels, online syndication and on over 100 TV channels.   Chat Directly., Hire Quickly., Hirect is the first chat-based hiring Chat and interview candidates anytime, anywhere. Download the

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to Alliances Heroes, where heroes in business align. To be part of our super community and find out more about Alliances, visit www.alliances.com. That's right, and welcome back. What an incredible morning it's been. I mean, I just had on the CEO of Batteries Plus, over $600 million in revenue. Also, too, we had on the former president of Cabela's. So make sure that you go to alliances.com. That's E-L-I-A-N-C-S.com. It is the only place where entrepreneurs align.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Well, I got to tell you, we're going to be talking about the future. The future is happening now, and our next guest is going to explain how that's all possible. So welcome to the show, Emil Jimenez. And Emil is the founder of, are you ready for this? Emile is the founder of, are you ready for this? MindBank.ai. All right, Emile, we've got to get right into it. First of all is what in the world is this MindBank? So we believe that MindBank is a personal digital twin platform. And we believe that the next personal computer is you.
Starting point is 00:01:26 And it all started, I think that the best way to describe it is tell the story of how I came up with this idea, which is the most, you know, human and the most natural thing. So about a year and a half ago, my little girl was four years old and she's playing with her iPad and Siri pops up for the first time. And she asked me, Daddy, what is this? So I say, Honey, this is Siri. She's like a friend. Ask her a question. Say, Hi, Siri, and ask her questions.
Starting point is 00:01:52 So she thinks for a second. And then she says, Hi, Siri, do you have a mommy? And then she continues to ask Siri questions like, Do you have toys? Show me your toys. Do you like ice cream? And she basically has a conversation with Siri for about 10 minutes. And then at the end of 10 minutes, she says, Siri, I love you. You're my best friend. And that got me thinking about, you know, the relationship.
Starting point is 00:02:15 And I have a degree in psychology. So I started, you know, my daughter went from having a transactional relationship, show me your toys, to an emotional relationship. I love you you and a part of me was thinking you know what is her world going to be like when she's my age let's say 40 years 35 years from now what is her world going to be like and how can i always be part of that world so i tried to figure out how can i upload my mind so that she can always access it and all right. So we're talking about a meal that you've created something that you can virtually, I mean, upload your mind to? Slowly, yes. You basically upload your story. So imagine I ask you questions. How did you meet your wife? Where did you grow up? All these things. And slowly you start building a character that is you just by answering questions about your life.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Imagine someone writing a biography of you that can then become interactive. And so, and you're, and you're right. I mean, the technology is just right. Evolving faster and faster than ever before. Um, so right now it's done where it's like computer, almost like, right. Like almost like the Siri part, asking questions, getting answers. It's like you talking to me right now asking me questions the only difference is that these answers are being stored analyzed for psychographic and psycholinguistic properties so we give you sentiment analysis topic analysis and uh personality assessment so it's kind of like getting inside your mind a little bit so that you can see who you are and learn about yourself. And how does
Starting point is 00:03:46 it ask you questions to be able to answer, to be able to feed it? How does this thing learn? How does it grow? It literally just has about a thousand or so questions on the platform. Literally just, you know, tell me about your day. Where did you go up? How did you meet your wife? These type of things. And over time, it learns. It learns who you are, and it starts learning the ideas. And over time, we have enough data that it starts learning how you think. All right. I'm going to be asking you a lot of questions about this because what you've created is truly unique.
Starting point is 00:04:17 First of all, you're watching, listening to me, David Kogan, host of the Alliance's Hero Show. A shout-out to our sponsor, too. Hire ECT. Go to be able to chat directly and hire quickly. It is using the first chat-based hiring app for startups. So make sure that you go. You'll see the link below for HireACT. Make sure it's H-I-R-E-C-T app. We'll have the whole information and stuff down below it's truly incredible i'm using the app now to myself all right so neil um so you're feeding this database your information to basically have the version of you online so that others can be able to access it have conversations
Starting point is 00:04:57 well what do you see the future of it do you see it actually evolving to you know um the physical part of almost the animatronics or robots or something of that where you can feed this into the mind well the the vision i have for it is really more like a spirit completely device agnostic so imagine this you know digital twin could be in your car when you have a conversation, could be on your phone, could be on your Alexa at home. It could be wherever, whatever device, on a robot at some point. It depends. Quite honestly, my vision for this, my measurement of success is when this technology is on another planet. And how we get there is a long journey.
Starting point is 00:05:44 It's a longer conversation than this, David, but happy to have that conversation with you sometime. I mean, and yeah, truly incredible. I mean, this type of technology. So how does it, how does the process work? How's the revenue work? How does somebody go about signing up? Where do they even start? So right now we're finalizing the development, the first version one, let's say. So right now we're taking pre-sales. So we have a offer that will end this week, actually, this Friday, 50% off. We have a visionary plan, which is a lifetime subscription. We're only selling 5,000 of those. And we have a monthly recur revenue of $4.99,
Starting point is 00:06:25 of which you can get it for half off for the first year. And then we have a free version for the rest of the world, or for anyone who doesn't want to pay, which is basically just uploading your data. Because the analysis of it is really where the magic happens, right? Learning about yourself. People, people really are fascinated by, you know, what they can learn about themselves while using the platform. And, and we want that, we want to make that accessible to everyone, which is why we have a free version as well. All right. So Emil, have you completed the thousand questionnaires already? No, actually, I have not. Yeah. How long did something like
Starting point is 00:07:09 that take to complete? Oh, you know, I think David, we were never done quite honestly. I think as human beings, the purpose is not to just build a twin and forget about it. Right. It's really about understanding yourself throughout your life cycle. So in reality, you shouldn't ever be done. The question should always come up. And the beauty of it is that others can ask your digital twin questions, which you can answer. So your brother, your sister might know something that's not on the platform, right? Obviously, they know special things about you, which would add value to your digital twin and also add value to that family heritage and that family lineage and that family wisdom, really.
Starting point is 00:07:47 So the idea is that you're never done. You learn about yourself throughout your life. You know, the best way to describe it is that you go to the gym for a six-pack, right, and you want to get that beach bod. But what keeps you coming back is those small gains, that self, you know, that feeling of I'm getting stronger, I'm getting better. And that never ends. Right. No, absolutely. And again, we're talking with Emil Jimenez. You can reach him at mindbank.ai.
Starting point is 00:08:11 And make sure you go to our sponsor, hirect.us. That's H-I-R-E-C-T dot U-S. It allows you to be able to interview candidates anytime, anywhere. It's excellent for startups to be able to instantly connect with potential employees and employers, people that are looking for jobs. Make sure you go there, hirect.us. So, Emil, again, these things that you've created and all that, it's almost hard for somebody who hasn't used your system yet to be able to do it. To comprehend, though, how that I like how you kind of related it almost to write the Siri where they're asking, except instead of asking Siri, they're getting information on you. How many times do we wish that we had that opportunity to ask relatives that are no longer around, friends that are no longer around?
Starting point is 00:09:01 I think you're right. It create too an emotional um healing process too yeah there is that side of the emotional healing process the the family heritage and family lineage but the true strength is embracing ai for ourselves and what we call ai enhanced humanity how can i become an api how can i become digitized and become you know and take advantage of all of the the technologies that are available to make me a better human being and that's really what we're trying to do and Emil who would you want to connect with that was part of your life that's no longer here that you wish that they had create you wish that this was created at that time and their information was on it.
Starting point is 00:09:47 So it's a funny story. It's good that you asked that. So I was curious and I did a genealogy study, right? And my mother said, oh, you know, your great, great grandfather came in the 1850s or something like that. He was a soldier and gave me a little story. I was like, okay. But then I actually paid someone to do some research and really dig deep, right? And the
Starting point is 00:10:10 finding was that we've been in this, my family's from a small village in the Dominican Republic, and they've been from the same village for over 400 years. And my mother never knew that, you know, this person went, you know, birth certificate to marriage certificate to death certificate. It went back 400 years. And, you know, I would love to have asked that person, how did you end up in this, you know, this island in the middle of nowhere, you know? Right. That would have been amazing. That would be amazing.
Starting point is 00:10:42 And I think that this is something, too, for all ages, because we never know when our time is going to happen. Yeah. So. And if you have kids, you know, you want them to remember you. And you want your grandkids that you maybe, you know, because really, I think I built this for my daughter. But a part of me thinks that really my great grandkids are the ones who are going to really want to see this. Because they won't know me at all right my daughter knows me she might know me maybe my grandkids as well but you know
Starting point is 00:11:10 the other people that and it continues and then you have this lineage of family history and values and and trauma maybe even right like you know things that you carry you don't even know so you know that's that's one healing process really you know and but i think even know. So, you know, that's one healing process, really, you know. But I think there's much more to that. I really think it's AI-enhanced humanity. How can I, Emil, be a better person using this platform? And it will continue to evolve with the way that the world is continuing changing and technology getting faster and faster. I mean, the thing is, and I think it's even within education, I see this. I mean, amazing if this was, right, developed George Washington, Abraham Lincoln time, and that you can have that conversation with one of them as if it's happening real time right now live.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Yeah. Imagine all these great minds that are around today. You know, we have so much data actually on them because they write books and they write things. So there is that we could put something together right um but what i see even more strongly is okay how can we use this digital twin technology the personal digital twin to reduce the education gap that exists across the world to reduce the financial gap that exists across the world because a lot of times what it is it's access to information not necessarily access to education that's the problem right so that's something that we want to tackle as well down the line it's a different problem different time but it's it's
Starting point is 00:12:35 you know i've got a 50 60 100 year plan ahead of me so i love it truly amazing we actually have the founder i interviewed the founder of siri here. I probably should connect you with him. You never know where that could lead to. Well, yeah, we actually have one of the people who developed Siri on the advisory board. He was a lead program engineer. So they might know each other. Probably, probably. In fact, let's talk about that.
Starting point is 00:12:59 How did you put together a team? How did you know who to add to your team and put together a team to be able to make this actually? Because a lot of people come up with ideas, but you've brought this to fruition. Yeah. So I got this idea January 17th, 2020. I didn't incorporate until August. So for eight months, I was just knocking on doors, sending emails, talking to whoever would bother, you know, talking to me. And you'd be surprised when, you know, you send an email and the email is quite interesting, right? I've got this idea. I'd like to pick your brain. This is what the idea is about. And pretty much, I got, probably got like a 75% response rate. They're pretty good. And then people just, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:39 willing to give me 10 minutes of their time to listen to this crazy idea. And then it's one of those where I just ask a simple question, who else should I talk to? And they recommend another pro, you got to talk to David, you got to talk to this woman. And, and slowly you start putting, you know, putting the pieces together. And I think the advantage is you have to let ideas marinate too. I've made the mistakes before where I like had an idea and then built the website and did it. And then you realize I wouldn't really think that through, you know. And you've already won a number of awards and stuff. The IESC Global Leadership Scholarship, Better Chance High School Scholarship, Who's Who in America College Students. I mean, the list just goes on and on and on.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Have those awards helped to get more of the word out about what you're doing? Well, those awards specifically were quite old. But the awards we won recently was we won a EU Tech Forum Investor Forum. So we won third place there. And that put us in front of a lot of very, very interesting people. Let's put it, let me put it this way. I can't name names, but it's kind of like, it's one of those family names that you would know.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Let's put it this way, you know? And we won, we were also deep tech for good startups. So we, you know, people, this idea actually naturally gravitates towards people. So I'll give you an example. Our head of systems architecture and cybersecurity just came to me. He's like, he read an article on us.
Starting point is 00:15:07 And he's like, hey, man, I always wanted to do this. It's such a great idea. I love the positioning. I want to work with you. Don't worry about money. And we had no money. So I was like, I like you. Done.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Right. But it's one of those. If you're willing to sweat it with us, you're willing to sacrifice, and it's not about the money right now, then, you know, the doors are open. Right? This is the time to do that. And I've built a team of geniuses, really, you know. Chief Information Officer or ex-CIO of Health and Human Services. Gentleman from Siri that I mentioned, Microsoft board members.
Starting point is 00:15:49 It's like, you know, the list goes on and on. It's quite amazing, actually. Well, again, you know, what you're doing is truly amazing. You know, there's a poster on my daughter's door that reminds me of this interview, and it says the future is now because what you've created is taking place. And this is futuristic of what you're doing now i can only imagine how that's going to continue to evolve well it's a scary part david how fast it's going i'll tell you a real quick one when i started that there would be five to
Starting point is 00:16:18 ten years the the peak this year they reduced it from two to five. So pretty much half, you know, half the time it's going to reach its peak. So it's going fast. I can tell you that from our side, it's going lightning fast. Well, truly incredible. You are preserving the future. You're making incredible enhancements. Emil Jimenez, you can contact him at mindbank.ai. Make sure you go to mindbank.ai. This has been David Kogan with the Alliance's Hero Show. Make sure you continue to stay tuned because we've got
Starting point is 00:16:56 a lot more going on. Make sure you check out alliances.com. This has been David Kogan with the Alliance Hero Show. The only place where entrepreneurs align. Where entrepreneurs align.

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