Heroes in Business - Faith of Abraham
Episode Date: February 14, 2022Dr. Sarah Sun Liew shares Abraham's faith and vision of God in this episode of Today America and The World. ...
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Hi everyone, thank you for coming to this church.
Today is January 16, 2022.
I already go through today's Bible, Genesis 12, 1 and 9.
So just today, I just wanted to share these new years that Abraham's faith and Abraham's vision.
So, what differentiation that Abraham's vision and our vision, that's the one I just wanted to go through.
So, this Bible Genesis is talking about so many places, Abraham's calling, how Abraham's, you know, receiving calling.
That's the today's Genesis 12 was calling by Abraham called like God.
So we, this is Abraham's story, it's so famous,
so I don't want to detail talk to you because you already know about that.
I don't want to detail talk to you because you already know about that. But the things I want to over, you know, that review Abraham's life, what he is, you know, theme of Abraham's face.
Abraham appear as, you know, especially our bottle of face.
You know, he's like our normal that of how we can, you know, live in Christian life.
So that's why today especially we already go over that, read today's Bible, chapter 1 and 9, Abraham's background before, you know, at Haran, you know, his age is 75 years old. At 75 years old, he had an old comfort zone which is his father
and land and all things.
But one day, God called him
I promise you
I'll make your name great.
You will be blessed.
All nations will be blessed.
And then, you know,
your name will be great. So, and then you know your name will great
and then someone will
cross you and they will be
they will be cross who will bless
they will be blessed
so he
is of God giving
vision to him
that blessing
gateway and then
the national father
and then also his name
great. So those and then also
promised land again on.
So this is like his vision
that vision
statement like mission
statement. That is not
Abraham's mission statement but
that is God's mission statement that we can, because God promised not only Abraham's, to our life also we have each person have a mission statement from God, which is God had to us mission himself, like Abraham's promise. So what promise do you receive from your life
that everyone can receive the promise like Moses, David, Joseph? Everyone had those God's
mission statement, but however,
you know,
it is not easy to come to those mission statements.
So today,
I want to overview how those missions,
God's mission,
can come through by
the father of Abraham,
that are,
you know,
nation's father,
So what we can
learn through those God's
dreams and between
human obedience through
that, you know,
in Bible today's
certain we can go
over that
things. First, Abraham when
receiving his missions,
you know, a lot of people,
many people, they pray deeply
and then they receiving
their mission statement
from God.
God had to give dreams.
But many,
many people, not like
obedience, like
right away actions, because it's not like obedience, like right away actions because
it's not easy because
God said
to Abraham, go out
you know and leave
your home country.
So God does not appear him to
face to face and
then said to him, why
you not go? If that easy
way to,
you know,
God talk to every person,
maybe we can easy decide about this is God is spiritual.
God is not really fear us.
Just God give us play.
God give us heart.
God give us something like acknowledge to us what we pray, what the relationship
is spiritual, that
relationship is God build
that spiritual
that, you know, here that
Abraham's that, you know,
voice of God. So he
recognized, even we
are not recognized, this is who
is voice, but Abraham's
faith is he recognized voice of But Abraham's faith is he recognized
voice of God. So who
can be recognized voice of God?
Only prayer. So
you know, the person who
God had dreams,
you know, it takes so
longer time action because
they are not recognized voice
of God. But the one thing we can
learn that Abraham's face is
very recognized
the voice of God
which is God, when God
called him, he
listened right away
and whatever God gave direction
he just go for it
because God gave exactly
direction to go to the
leave the home country and go to the promised land, Ghana.
So this one we can learn that because faith is not just coming accident,
because that Abraham's faith, when God commandment or God's commitment to him
that he is ready to
obedience. So how about
us? So when you
God asking something, even your parents
asking something, maybe husband and wife
asking something, you
so thoughtful, you so thoughtful
maybe you do not action.
So we learn from Abraham's
faith first that
actions, action is
so commitment.
So people, they
hear the voice, they
acknowledge God's dreams,
God's vision, God's mission
statement, they receive about however
they are not
reaction, not away,
but they are so afraid to react because that is a spiritual commandment from God.
But Abraham's faith is even that is spiritual, even that is God's 100%, God's own decision.
But because Abraham does not decision, because God selected
Abraham, God is selected.
So we have to remember that
God's own decision
that selected the leaders.
And then, you know, but
that time Abraham said,
Oh God, no, no, no,
no, no, I don't want to go
leave or, you know, it's too dangerous
to travel. Like you see that Abraham, or, you know, it's too dangerous to travel.
Like, you see that Abraham's life always, you know, starting point, like immigrant life,
like so difficult in America. Same thing, Abraham's living immigrant life, you know, all over place that he just living first stage,
living in the tent and caring for the sheep.
So this is not an easy way.
He knows my little bit of future, how he has to overcome that.
So same thing like we had people who had a goddess give some dream,
but we really had actions, then we can
all obtain those.
And another thing is
Abraham's life, that
second, you know, he was
worshipped, you know, worshipped
everywhere. So in the
Bible, chapter
12, Genesis 12, 1-9,
there is how many
times to say about God had made altar.
So altar is like in the Old Testament, you know, there is the worship place.
They make altar first.
And then, you know, so his lifestyle is a really worship God. So nowadays worship is,
we have a Sunday service that we are called worship.
But that times, you know,
there is generation to generation from Moses,
from Abraham, from the generation to the,
until the Jewish and Old Testament, New Testament.
They have lots of, you know, the opening styles there,
many, many different names.
But however, you know, the thing is that God is always in communication
when they worship, and then God is receiving those worships
as, you know, the acknowledged God.
So that's the lifestyle of Abraham.
He always acknowledged God and always decided to make by God, not himself.
So we learn to that because Abraham always go anywhere he goes.
First what he does, you know, he makes altar and he worships God.
So that's why he blesses.
So God's blessing is from the worship God.
You know, worship anywhere you go, whatever you go,
because that is first what Abraham did.
Meaning, Abraham knows that the father of the nations,
father of blessing nations, father of the blessing gateway,
what he also receiving blessing from God, that because of the worship everywhere,
that's the, that's the Abraham's, the Christianity, Abraham's lifestyle,
always recognize the God, that is we can see that Abraham's leadership. And as well as, you know, there is Abraham's another things we can learn from the Genesis,
you know, Genesis 13, next chapter, Abraham, you know, Abraham had many, many possessions.
They have more like a sheep, more things they carry in one small
land. So Abraham recognized
that they need to divide to management by Abraham
and, you know, locks.
So they separate in the chapter
Genesis 13.
Genesis 13, first verse, you know, we can look at there.
Abraham's was like a sacrifice.
Abraham giving all his decision to God, which one is it?
He does not selected his promised land first.
But Abraham asking his cousin, Lord, nephew or nephew, niece, nephew, Lord,
asking to whatever you choose, Sodom or Gomorrah, I will choose another way.
So, you know, the Lord chose Sodom and Gomorrah,
and of those selections, He was, you know, He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah by God,
and ended up, because He looked at Sodom and Gomorrah so bright,
so, you know, wonderful place to take and ready
in the material part.
You know,
the thing is, Abraham
gave, you know, giving his choice
to first his law,
giving, choose you first
and then, you know,
his left one,
he choose that which is God's promised land, Canaan. he's left, left one, he choose that which is that God's promised land,
Gennan, but that time, Gennan is nothing like a very wide land, it's not like Sodom and Gomorrah,
Sodom and Gomorrah like looking, looking like a very city, like a very good building, like very
good people, it's like a lot of merchant, lot very good people, like a lot of merchants,
a lot of things happening, but in the
Ghanian, it's just like
a wild place,
still not underdeveloped
place. So, but
the things is the
choice of
that we are daily choice,
every daily, the choice is
today is effective tomorrow.
So we effective our first choice to today.
So through the Abraham's faith,
I think I like that Abraham's
because his decision is giving to God
because this action what he did,
that is my life is chosen by God.
So that's why whatever
you know, the
choose, whatever that is God's
way, whatever that choose,
you know, God, whatever
my decision, whatever
God will remain, that is God's
decision. So I tell you, if
the Lord example,
another awful part,
maybe Abraham was
choose Sodom and Gomorrah, and then
Lord is choose
Kenya, maybe the Canaan is promised land,
all the blessing
go to the Lord. But anyway,
the God was
anyway, we learn
that even the situation
whatever situation even maybe
even Abraham know that
if Lord is choose
Gennon oh I lost
all the opportunity to
all the God's promise
blessing but anyway
still he give to Lord to give
to selection for whatever
the you know, finally.
That is God is looking for heart that Abraham's heart to he serve his, you know, nephew that first.
That's why he blessing.
So many people we are living, you know, this world, so many conflicted.
You know, they want to be number one all the time.
But we learn from the Abraham's faith that we don't have to be number one in this world.
We have to be number one in God, for God, with God.
So whatever the God, people looking, you think the number one just out of fear, but we as creatures,
just our appearance, but we as creatures, just
look at Abraham's face that
we have to look over
that God's number one people.
But that God's
promise that we are come to
that become we are number one
God's person, number one
in God, for God, with God.
That's the one thing we can learn
from Abraham's
life. So another thing, you know, Abraham's life will bring another next generation faith. son, Ajax's Ajax's
then he his servant
go to the old way,
his home country,
and then bring the
Libga. So we know the
Libga, you know, how she
was also same
commitment. Because when the
Abraham's servant asking Rebukah to, you know,
my Lord wants you be, you know, my Lord Abraham's son, Ajax's wife.
But Rebukah exactly showed to, you know, she does not say to,
oh, no, no, no, I'm not going to go out.
I'm not going to leave my father and mother.
I'm married here.
She does not do it.
She really, really save like Abraham's.
Because Abraham's daughter, Beth, you know,
send it to his servant to his home country and bring his daughter-in-law.
In those processes, that is also where we live God's faith.
We are similar like Abraham.
So God bless those similar peoples, like same peoples, they are one group, like family, father, mother, children, and those influence all the leadership of Abraham.
those ways, live God's faith, we can learn that, like commitment,
a lot of ways, when
she read a
calling and
know that, you know,
this is God's calling, she
recognized a lot of ways.
That's why she's able to
be like blessing,
you know, and then born
generation to generation
from her, you know to generation, in the Bible already is there. Sarah and Jacob and then also Isaac and then Livga.
All the Isaac and Livga is another story.
So I think that is the Abraham space that transforms even a prospect daughter-in-law. So, and Abraham's faith influenced his wife, Sarah,
and then son, Ajak.
We know that the miracle, you know, happening to Sarah.
It was my laughing when the angel said to,
you will have a baby, but you know, she laughing,
but anyway, God
see the Abraham's face and give
those, you know, promise
that God,
God's son that
take, you know,
Isaac. So,
we see those
Abraham's leadership, employers,
their family, their wife and son,
you know, when the, another
that the obedience, that we learn
from the obedience, Abraham's leadership
that 100%
obedience. So, people
we are often not 100%
obedience because we
think about our first
and then maybe second
God's obedience
which is conditional.
Like we think this is good,
that is good, and conditionally
we are like
sub-God, but
but in Abraham's face
it's unconditionally.
Like God's characters you know, all go for Abraham's.
Abraham's character is good to his son, Jacob's, you know, Ajax.
And then Joseph's, all generation to generation, they had heritage mission.
That serve God, like even, you know, Isaac was giving his all the body when Abraham's giving to God,
to burn offering.
Abraham, those stories really we are learn from Abraham's life that you know, he's
best his position
like one day, like example, you have
like 10 buildings
or you have really really
20 years, 30 years
you waiting those sons
the more valuable the building
right? So
God does not ask in building
any position what Abraham had.
Maybe Abraham said, okay, I give you God,
but the things God is asking,
the things even we are not comparable to those son and daughter,
any our material blessing.
So God is asking those Ajah, give it to me,
kill him in front of me at the altar in the Moriah mountain.
So that time, Abraham's no questionary,
bringing those, his son, only one son,
he is one of the samples, like a sample of Jesus Christ, you know, obedience.
like a sample of Jesus Christ, you know, obedience.
But God would prepare their ships that we are the symbol of God, Jesus Christ.
We see those Abraham's obedience, and we see Jacob's, you know,
we see Isaac's, you know, Jacob's, Joseph's, all those generation to generation,
Isaac's faith also transformed, you know, Rebukah, Rebukah's faith transformed,
Jacob's, Joseph's, all the places that, you know, generation to generation,
those faiths come true from Abraham's faith.
So that's why those Abraham's lifestyle,
Ovidius 100%,
to God,
that is our blessing call,
because God,
God giving practice to Abraham's,
those risk part,
it's risk.
You know,
we have like someone give you lemon,
that in America is lemon,
is very, lemon is not in America, lemon is very, lemon is
not like sweet,
right? So,
you know, people
giving lemon, they mean
in Korea or America,
Korean is good, but America,
lemon is not
that good thing. But once
you give lemon,
that Abraham's lifestyle
make lemonade.
Lemonade, so make something
valuable, what
he's suffering. Those
times that Abraham gave
his son, only one son,
that God breathed
again and again and again
and again, more, more, more.
So, that's the, you know, today we are learning
that Abraham's faith, that there is many, many
Abraham's life or style, we can
have it. But anyway, so
you know, we have a certain, you know,
the seed that those few things to Abraham.
Always Abraham's obedience to God does not just say yes.
Commitment and actions and then real true, true story. He make not just, you know, cloud or not just thinking.
So, so many people we are now years.
We plan like 20, 30 things, but there is a commitment we needed to do.
So, you know, but we can learn through Abraham's life to
God leads him
to blessing point.
So, this
2022, so we
just, what we can do
we are, you know, follow
God's direction, what the
you know, what God give
you direction to pray. So, if you not pray, you don't know the direction, what the, you know, what God give you direction to pray.
So if you not pray, you don't know the direction, but God exactly give Abraham's direction,
where you go, even go to the, you know, promised land, Canaan, I give you that.
So you might listen those things.
So that's why my husband and me, we are also listing all the prayers list this year, last year,
even all year to year,
but we see that all the
years is very
important moment to, we are
putting there, we are promised
today, you know, offering
promise all the month to month,
and then we promise do
this, do this, do this,
buy you,
you know, you things, you things for God. And then, you know, we have all the plans, God, that is step have to leave, like Abrams leave Haran's and Abrams, you know, giving his only one son, Ajax.
And then, you know, so many things we see that Abrams, but God does not asking everything like miracle.
not asking everything like miracle, but God give us test that we have to pass those test to Guru. So this is, you know, 2020, 2021 and 2022, we have still COVID-19. So this
is one of our Guru test. So we can overcome because of God's blessing.
Abraham had so suffered in his life, sometimes many, many disadvantageous things happening,
even faithful person, we are living in the country, we are living in peoples, we are living in the country, we are living peoples, we are living in the world,
not we are only living spiritual life. So, but Abraham's overcome everything, in God,
neither God, for God. So not only Abraham, so many, we have so many people's leadership
that transformed Abraham's family to family, generation to generation.
Because of his heritage mission, everyone, you know, he gave all the, you know,
choice to his nephew, Lot.
So that's all the things we, this is amazing things, not like ordinary people, not their things to do.
But, you know, Abraham did so many things, good things in Bible, like a role model to us, like giving his only son, like God. So his level of faith is like God give us to
only one begotten
son, Jesus Christ.
Like Abraham, sure through
Abraham's life, he also
giving only begotten son to
Asia, to God.
So God, that's why
he become like great, great
person and our role model,
and we followed his leadership.
So there is many, many people had leaders in our Bible story,
Bible corner to corner.
We have so many, so many amazing leadership,
but the first person in the real role model to Abraham.
So I wish to do this today.
Sometimes we more and more follow the commitment to God.
Just not in prayer, not only prayer.
Without action, nothing happens.
So we have to be action.
We have to commit something, what we have planned.
So daily, daily pray, daily, you know, doing something, do list, make a do list, you know, every day.
And then do each time, feel like you are success.
You know, if you don't plan, nothing success.
If, you know, God have everything already given to you.
You just find those treasure every day.
Be happy, God.
Love God.
And then that's the number one you should do.
Let's pray.