Heroes in Business - GRANDtable Exclusive, Emil Jimenez, CEO Founder Mindbank.ai

Episode Date: October 30, 2022

Duplicate yourself. GRANDtable Exclusive, Emil Jimenez, CEO Founder Mindbank.ai is interviewed by David Cogan famous host of the Heroes Show and founder Eliances entrepreneur community.  ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Up in the sky, look, it's captivating, it's energizing, it's Eliance's Heroes. Eliance's is the destination for entrepreneurs, investors, CEOs, inventors, leaders, celebrities, and startups, where our heroes in business align. Now here's your host flying in, David Kogan, founder of Eliance's. So welcome to the Eliance's Hero Show. I'm so excited. We've got so much always going on here. And you know, the only place to go is E-L-I-A-N-C-E-S dot com. So I've often thought about some of my family who's passed away, some friends that have passed away, and, you know, a very difficult time when that happens. And I've had a loss where my father passed away, and it'd be nice to have him and ask him for advice.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Ask him things such as, you know, what was your favorite baseball team? What was your favorite type of food? Things that I'm obviously not able to ask. So you wonder with all the technology, is there a solution to that, right? To be able to talk to someone who's not here and ask those questions. Is that possible? We're going to find out today because we have with us Emil Jimenez. He is the founder of mindbank.ai. So Emil, let's go. Let's start right off. Let's get right into it. I miss my dad. I miss my dad. I miss asking him questions those things that I mentioned let's talk about your company your product and how that will change those things in the future thank you thank you for having me David so my bank is in
Starting point is 00:01:57 essence a repository of your mind and there's two points of value there point value is while you're alive we want want to enhance your humanity, make you a better human being. When you pass, this data becomes inherited by your family. So think of it as like your bank. Think about what is the concept of a bank, right? It's a place where you store your money and either in a safe way, obviously, but also you can extract value from that money through the bank through loans and other and other schemes but at the end
Starting point is 00:02:30 of the day it's your money and that gets inherited by your family so it's very similar in terms of the the collection of wealth but this is wealth of knowledge and you talk about your dad but you know my hypothesis is that your children know your story. Your grandchildren might not. And then the story starts getting diluted as the generations go on. And wouldn't it be amazing for your great-great-grandkids to say, Hey, Grandpa, how did you start alliances? And they can hear your voice saying it because your daughter knows. She told the story.
Starting point is 00:03:03 She knows how it all started. And she's lived with you the story she knows how it all started um and she's lived with you so she knows that but then that's that's the beauty of of what we have today is that we're able to document this in a very engaging and way that is literally you right and so our you know i like to say that what started as daddy's quest for immortality became something much bigger for mankind. Because really what we want to do is harness AI's power to make us better human beings. And that's both mentally, physically, and emotionally. So that's the essence of the product. And the way we have it now is that we create these dashboards of the mind. So we analyze your data for psycholinguistic properties
Starting point is 00:03:44 and show you what the levels of anxiety you have or a level of emotions. these dashboards of the mind. So we analyze your data for psycholinguistic properties and show you what the levels of anxiety you have or a level of emotions that you have. And if you see this, it's kind of like a nice data dashboard that you can see and okay, why if I talk about these subjects, I get this type of outcome. And you yourself can ask those questions and dive deeper into these issues. Now is this audio or is it video too?
Starting point is 00:04:07 Today, it's just audio. So it's literally like if you send a WhatsApp message to someone. Hi, I started alliances like this and you tell the story. And you record that story. We then transcribe the speech to text. Both get stored in the database. The text gets analyzed for the psycholinguistic models and the dashboard gets presented. And as you keep doing this, you keep learning and uncovering things about yourself. Do you see the future changing where it will be also video? Yes. Video is obviously something that we're looking at. And the reason we are not diving too deep into that space yet is because we want to focus on audio for the sake of what is the representation
Starting point is 00:04:51 of a digital twin and if you think about it if I tell you you started with the story of your dad what age do you remember your dad right what name what age was that like if I tell you think of a picture of your dad what age is this this? I would say like 16. Okay. And then ask the same question to your daughter. What would she say? Right? So that digital representation of you is very, it depends on the viewer.
Starting point is 00:05:16 So whoever, like, what video do we have? And that's why I like the voice, because a voice doesn't change much over time. Right? And that's why I like the voice, because a voice doesn't change much over time. Once you've developed your vocal cords in your early 20s, your voice pretty much stays the same, unless obviously there's some issues. And the other thing about voice, which is quite nice, is that there is a voice in your head. And you hear Dad's voice. You hear his voice telling you, guiding you, telling you stories. It's there. And we want to be able
Starting point is 00:05:47 to capture that as much as possible because that's what we like to I like to think of it as a spirit and the spirit can live on your mobile, can live on your TV in your car, going home you know and it's very non-formatic as soon as you put a body to it the perception changes
Starting point is 00:06:02 so what are some of the what are some of the questions that someone would ask someone who is not around anymore what do you think what do you see because you develop these questions right for people to answer what are some of the top ones when do you know you're in love or when did you know you were in love with mom? Something like this, right? Or what was your favorite food growing up? Interesting. I'm trying to think what else.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Usually it's the more philosophical ones, right? What is happiness? How did you measure happiness? What was the happiest moment of your life, for example? Interesting. Right, so these type of questions that you almost never ask your parents if you think about it. When did you ever ask your parents, how do you know when you're in love? It's something that most people don't, and then you think about it,
Starting point is 00:06:59 and it's like, wow, I'd love to know their answer. So a lot of people know the story of, okay, how did you meet mom? This is a typical one and these things. But what we would try to do is build, we built these topics, right, that compose life as much as possible. So religion, work, family, love, things like that, right? To try to dive into it and you can choose, there's a couple hundred questions there, so you can choose which one. Pretty soon we're gonna open it up so that users can ask your digital twin the question and then you answer it.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Right, so then your brother might know something that obviously is not on the platform. Tell me that story that you broke your leg or something like this, right? And these type of stories. And that builds more, let's say family specific questions and as time goes by what we do is we build these knowledge graphs for these topics what is your idea about love family money etc etc and this builds the
Starting point is 00:07:57 personality and the end of what's called a very personalized database for the AI to really learn from what makes you, you. Right. Right. Right. Because we can scrape a lot of data from Twitter and all kinds of stuff, but Twitter data and Facebook data is not the story of how you met your wife necessarily. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Right. Or the story of what do you think about love? Yeah. So those really deep emotional questions that have a lot more value. Sure. We want to put into the mind-bender. I mean, imagine if we had that now on some of the founding fathers, right? Or some of the scientists that have discovered the cure for different things. To be able to ask them those questions. Or even if we had like Abraham things. Yeah. To be able to ask them those questions. Or even if we had,
Starting point is 00:08:45 like, Abraham Lincoln. Exactly. And to, why did you, you know. Why did you do what you do? Right. How did you know to do?
Starting point is 00:08:52 Like, all those. And, and all the people you mentioned, at least, you know, there's a lot of documentation around their life.
Starting point is 00:08:58 And they're lucky because they were Abraham Lincoln and their forefathers. So they wrote things down. They kept journals, you know? Right.
Starting point is 00:09:09 But the vast majority of society was not. Or what about the secretary to someone who said, let me tell you really what happened. Right? Yeah, and ultimately, if you think about it, it is this wealth of knowledge that gets lost. Right? Lost in the history, in the chroniclesicles of history as we say but when you come down to the core
Starting point is 00:09:29 and our core audiences how do I learn about myself and build this repository of my life for my family is that two sided benefit one is the benefit for me today which is self awareness self reflection self care One is the benefit for me today, which is self-awareness, self-reflection, self-care.
Starting point is 00:09:48 What is the benefit of this technology for my family? Access to me, even if I'm not around. And lessons learned. And again, we're talking with Emilio Jimenez. He is the founder of MindBank.ai, creating your digital twin. Because you're watching, listening me, David Kogan, host of the Alliances Hero Show. Make sure that you go to alliances.com. That's E-L-I-A-N-C-E-S.com. So, you know, and what you're creating and doing is truly amazing. I mean, it's, you know, to be able to have this.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Even I'm thinking like, you know, those lessons are athletes who want to share with their children, right? Specifically with their children. Hey, here's how, you know, I was able to do what I was able to do. Here's the things you're going to run into that they don't want, you know, others to know about. But the children they want them to know about and it just uh it's got a lot of incredible incredible uses for it and one other use case from that on that line of thought is you know how many divorced parents are there that don't have that time with their children right so they can at least have a place where they can say okay at
Starting point is 00:11:01 least my life story my teachings you know my child will have more access to me at a certain point in time I don't it so it's a bit like you know making up for lost time as well so there's this meant multiple use cases ultimately it is about the human right how do we make this how do I pour my soul into this platform so that my so that these my children and and it could be a health provider have access to it and extract value from it yeah there was this guy on uh online or something he found out he had cancer terminal and what he was doing is he was writing a letter that would be mailed each day to his child in regards to a lesson or that. And I'm thinking, boy, if he had had this, and then to
Starting point is 00:11:46 be able to hear his father's voice and, and, and be able to answer some of those questions. Yeah. I mean, you're preserving, it's basically, you're preserving the thoughts of people. Exactly. It's the mind bank. I was just saying, for reserve the money, you preserve the thought. So when you came up with this idea on that, how do you even go about, like, developing it? Like, where do you even start? Great idea, but, I mean, it seems like a giant hill to climb to start. Yeah, and that took about nine months for us to even incorporate. From the moment I had the idea until we incorporated, it was about eight months.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Wow. months for us to even incorporate from the moment I had the idea until we incorporated. It was about eight months. And those eight months, it was speaking to a lot of people much smarter than myself. I just knocked on doors as everyone you can imagine and you know I'm a very personable person so I always I don't you know I don't mind saying oh this guy's an expert in AI he looks like he built Apple. Literally, my first email was to a gentleman who ended up being in one of our advisors, and he's a lead engineer that built Siri, and how this whole idea kind of started, this interaction with Siri and my daughter. I was like, oh, this looks like an interesting gentleman.
Starting point is 00:12:59 He might know a thing or two about what I want to build. So I just send him an email, hey, I'm building this thing. This is my idea. What do you think? Can I pick your brain? Literally, that's what I want to build. So I just send him an email. Hey, I'm building this thing. This is my idea. What do you think? Can I pick your brain? Literally, that's what I said. And he responded.
Starting point is 00:13:11 A day later, we had a call and became friends and built this friendship. And obviously then my next question to him was, who else should I meet? Introducing to another person. Then I kept doing this, passing the baton, passing a meal across the world here. Wow, that's excellent. And anyone I met, I was like, I was ahead is what I'm working on and I think that's something important
Starting point is 00:13:29 to a lesson that I would love to share with the alliances member and I mentioned to one of the younger people at the event yesterday I don't believe in putting your company on stuff meaning you should actually share what you're working on for two reasons. One, no one is going to have as much passion as you, unless if you're really passionate about it, so don't be afraid of, you know, because you're going to outwork them. Two, they'll make the idea better.
Starting point is 00:13:57 By you sharing it and getting feedback, I got constant feedback on what I needed to tweak in my concept, right? And how do I need to tweak it? Because originally it started as this, this okay this repository for for my soul my id my consciousness let's call it for my daughter but then it was too much focused on the death side and on the future and the value of it became aware very clear to me that it's actually very valuable to me today this data because i can i can understand myself and build a dashboard of my mind literally and I was like wow that's cool we have dashboards for our cars our computer websites all these things you know but not for us right right right I was like this is a brilliant way for us to
Starting point is 00:14:39 embrace the technology and understand ourselves and become a better human being. So that's how it happened. And just talking to so many people. Well, you flew in a far way. In fact, where did you fly in from? I flew in from Prague, Czech Republic, where we have some of our operations. To Scottsdale, Arizona, to come and attend the Alliance's Grand Table. So, Emil, share with us how you felt about the grand table experience, what it meant to you to be there and to be able to interact with many that are part of the community.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Yeah, it was an excellent experience. I commend the entire team for what they've done. It was above and beyond my expectations, for sure. The first thing that I noticed very much was the level of positivity that was in the room. And if you think about it, in a world of such negativity, look at the news and society. Everything is, you know, death cells, right? And everyone is, you know, doom and gloom all the time. But then you go into a room where it's, I'm unstoppable, right? That was the theme. And that's a great, you know, you build these mental frameworks for people to think that they're unstoppable.
Starting point is 00:15:52 And that's so necessary, right? I also noticed how you were talking about the writing. That's also extremely necessary. Although we live in a world of digital the physicality of writing something down has weight right and it's and it's not going to disappear and get deleted that easily so that's also something quite important that i try to instill in my children and and lastly that um the building my bank one thing i've discovered is words make us who we are, right? There's a reason why you can know the person by what they say.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Really interesting. So if you build words and build this mental framework of I'm unstoppable, I can do this, I don't give up. You build mental toughness, mental strength and resilience, which is something that is not being taught very much. I had the luck, let's say, of being born with a teacher as a mother and a general as a father. So there's a lot of discipline in the house and obviously education was a top priority. But one thing I realized as I've aged is,
Starting point is 00:17:04 and it's something that I think just subconsciously with my family is that we're very mission driven kind of people that when we put our minds to something it's like we're gonna do it right fire through hell through everything in between this is what we want and we'll get it done and failure is not an option when it comes to these things so when you have that kind of mentality, and I'm trying to instill that into my children in the best way possible, I think that's a good thing. And in your program, the way you started and the positivity was great. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Well, we're honored to have you come, certainly, and be there. Certainly a lot of people wanted to talk to you and a lot of people they were chatting a whole time around about what you've got and and so again very honored to have you there so where can uh our listeners and viewers go do they go download an app or how does it take place yeah they can simply just go to uh their app store either either Google Play or iOS, and just type in MindBank AI. We should pop up the first one there. And you'll see AI Personal Digital Twin. Download it. Download the free version. I will share with the team at Alliances a coupon code of some sort so that you can all get a one-year subscription for free for
Starting point is 00:18:20 Alliances. Excellent, excellent. And we'll be sharing that with the community. And again, we've had with us today Emil Jimenez, CEO, founder of MindBank. You can reach him at mindbank.com because you've been listening, watching me. That's right. And we've got a little bit more here that we want to ask from some of our listeners and viewers out there to make the shift to be able to reach out to people that you don't know. You mentioned, like, for example, you know, one of the creators of Siri and that. How do you find that and make that move to do that? Like, you know, where do you start? Because most people are shy. All right. Do I really want to do that? They're probably going to say no. Do I, you know, and that's so. They said no a lot to me. Right. A lot of people didn't even answer. Let's put it this way.
Starting point is 00:19:07 But most people would have given up and stopped them. That's the back to the mission-driven type of mentality. I know that the person who said yes was obviously genuinely interested in talking to me and understanding the story and hearing what I have to say. Because it is a compelling idea, a compelling story. So what I have to say. And because it is a compelling idea, compelling story. So you just have to put yourself out there. You know, think that, you know, you're going to get a thousand no's, but that one yes can change your life. Right, right, right. And it's just being persistent.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Persistence. I have a motto in my family. It's passion, power, persistence, and peace. Four Ps. I love it. Well, again, thank you to Emil Jimenez, who, again, flew out here to come to the grand table to come do this interview to share with you something so valuable.
Starting point is 00:19:58 He is the CEO and founder of MindBank.ai, creating your digital twin. Make sure that you go to the App Store or MindBank.ai because you've been watching, listening to me, David Kogan, host of the Alliance's Hero Show. So you know where to go. Alliance is the only place where entrepreneurs align. Align.

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