Heroes in Business - Guide your Self Healing Allergies
Episode Date: July 2, 2021Even difficulties that we believe are physical, like allergies or autoimmune disease, can be symptoms of trauma. Allergies might be your body saying that the world is dangerous and I can't distinguish... friend from foe in this episode of Guided Self Healing Fearless Living with Dr. Andy Hahn.
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Hi, this is Andy Han, and this is episode 15 of Guided Self-Healing, Fearless Living.
And it is June 28th of 2021, and it is unbelievably hot so if I look like I'm sweating it's only because I am because
we're in the middle of an enormous heat wave. So what I'd like to start with is I haven't been
doing these things for about a month and the reason for that is that
uh, Joni and I, Joni is my writing partner in this context, have just finished, uh, a week ago,
a book that's called One Hour Miracles, Five Steps to Guiding Your Self-Healing. And then the subtitle, which we really love, is Change the Story, Reauthor Your Life. And it turned out to be a lot longer than we thought it was going to be. Originally,
we wanted to write a very short book, 20,000 to 25,000 words, that really was just the
foundations of our healing work. And our agent said that that was a pamphlet, not a book. So he said you had to
double the length. So we were shooting for 45,000 and we ended up with 90,000 and we got it in three
hours before our deadline. So it's very exciting. And what I want to say is that one-hour miracles, we had some questions about because we would like to under-promise and over-deliver.
And what we wanted to say and what we do say is that what is a miracle, really?
I would say, you know, there's the definition of miracles that we're usually used to, which is like something extraordinary that's inexplicable happens, like chronic pain that nothing's understands and doesn't know how to work with, that's been around for years, will go away for an example and a half hour if you know how to do it.
And the way you'd have to know how to do it is to understand that even though it seems like it's
physical, chronic pain, like everything else, can be an invitation to remembering something
that was traumatic that couldn't be handled.
And when you can find what the real story is and choose to experience it as opposed to identifying with it, miracles can happen. The kinds of miracles we think of as miracles. And what I'd also like to
say, however, is that every session that we do is a miracle. Because whenever it is that you choose
to bring your attention to the sensation that's associated with something that couldn't be handled
and you choose to bring your awareness to it, to the sensation, and to choose to become it. You're like being an actor who is choosing
to play a role. And then you no longer unconsciously identify with a role,
but you consciously choose to be that role while you are identified with the one who's doing the
choosing and doing the witnessing and doing the holding. And every time we do that, we become a little more free.
We climb the mountain of freedom a little bit more.
And that truly is a real miracle, no matter what the symptom relief is.
And I think what I'd like to do here today is talk about something that happened literally a couple of days before
our book was due. And it's a story about allergies. But what's really important about this
first story that I want to tell you, because I think I'm going to spend some time talking about
allergies today, is that this person knew nothing about our work. I was going to my optometrists and
I had to have an eye exam for glasses and I was talking to the receptionist and
while we were talking, this was one of the first days, really warm days of spring, and she said
that she had to mow the lawn and she was dreading mowing the lawn
because she had horrific allergies. So I said to her, well, you know, I can't make any promises,
but I may have something that may be able to be useful to you if you're interested. And she said,
anything, because I do not want to have to do this lawn mowing because I will be like
absolutely miserable, runny nose and just awful. I said,
okay. So I said, I'm going to just share something about how I think about things. And so I asked her
a question, which is if your allergies were a story, what might the story be? And she was actually very wise about this. And she said, well,
I suppose you could say that some kind of mistake is going on, perhaps, that my body is afraid of
something that it may not need to be afraid of. And I said, that is really quite brilliant. And
I'd say, yeah, that's really true. I mean, I'm not saying that your
allergies aren't physical. Maybe, you know, you have a reaction to certain tree pollen that feels
like poison to you. But it's more likely it is a story very much of the kind you say. And so what
we find is, of course, that our allergies are a symptom that's inviting us into a story, exactly as you say. And the story is something about
the world is a dangerous place. And I can't distinguish, I can't discern who is a friend
and who is a foe. So I have to protect myself from everything, even if it's not dangerous,
because it's better to be safe than sorry. So I said to her,
what would happen? I said, I invited her to do something, actually. What I said is,
why don't you just notice what happens in your body when you really allow allergies and this
experience you're having, perhaps, because we don't know, but perhaps, that the world is a
dangerous place, and I can't distinguish
what's safe and what's dangerous. So I have to protect myself from everything.
And immediately, of course, I asked her to really experience and imagine that. And she immediately
began to have allergy symptoms, even though she was in the office, which just goes to prove that
the allergies weren't just about allergies because she was not mowing she was in the office, which just goes to prove that the allergies
weren't just about allergies, because she was not mowing her lawn at the time, but she began to get
those symptoms. So I said to her, why don't you just bring all your awareness to the runny nose,
and the foggy head, and the scratchy throat, and all of that, and just choose to bring your awareness to them to such a degree
that you become them from the inside out, like you're choosing to become those sensations.
And then all you have to do is sit with them and get receptive and maybe something will come to
you about the story. So she did that. And she said, in fact, something did come to her, but she chose not to tell
me what it was.
But as soon as it came to her and as soon as she, as she was sitting there, she said,
this is very strange because my allergy symptoms are going away.
But of course there was nothing to be allergic to in this office.
So she was like, well, I'm really feeling skeptical.
I said, well, why don't you check it
out? Because you have nothing to lose. So mow your lawn and see what happened. So I came back
two weeks later to pick up my glasses. And of course, she comes from the back. She hears my
voice. She comes. She said, really? I mean, that's why it's like the title of the book. She said,
it's a miracle. She said, I did it again before I mowed the lawn.
I did exactly what you invited me to do.
And I did the same thing.
And then I mowed the lawn and I had no reaction.
Now, of course, what she didn't know is she didn't have to do it a second time.
But, you know, better be safe than sorry, I suppose, particularly if you think the world is a dangerous place and you want to feel secure.
But you don't have to do it twice. But she did. And then she went and mowed
the lawn and had no allergic reaction whatsoever. And she thought that was such a miracle that she
started telling her family and her friends all about it. And of course she came and said,
oh my God, you know, this is a miracle. Thank you so much. And I said, well, you know, I just
am fortunate enough to know certain things about how I think life
works, and I'm glad it was useful to you. And she, of course, said it was. And the reason I wanted to
share this story with you is, it's not like she studied what we've been doing at all. I just
invited her to let herself experience something and open to the possibility that instead of it
being physical, it was just a
narrative of some kind. And it worked for her. And it worked for her to such a degree that she
started telling her friends, basically, when there's something that they're suffering about,
find the sensation and choose to become it. And that is, of course, all I'm inviting everyone to
do. Because as soon as you find the sensation associated
with what you're suffering about
and choose to become that sensation,
you've now faced and mastered what before
couldn't be mastered and couldn't be handled.
And that, I think, in a nutshell,
is all healing work is.
It's like we align the witness, which is a very
high vibration, with a dense energy, which is the thing that can't be handled. And as soon as we do
that, the thing that can't be handled becomes, begins to transform immediately back into its
true form, which is the same energy as the witness, which is a very high vibration. It's kind of like
going from one to the speed of light squared. It's kind of like going from one
to the speed of light squared.
It's that much difference.
And of course, when you do that,
the sensation just dissolves
because it's not required anymore.
And that is what we call healing karma.
So if you want to heal karma
or you want to heal anything
that you're dramatized about,
just choose to face and become the trauma
and you'll be free
and i want to tell you um it's gonna work for everything so we had someone um i want to keep
talking about allergies but early in our trainings we had someone who had what was really uh horrific
he was told allergy to cats like he was told that if he was in a room with a cat,
it could literally kill him. The allergies were so bad that he would have, you know,
shock and would literally suffocate. And so of course he stayed away from cats, but he wanted
to do our training and our training was going to be in a place where there had been a cat. So that
was a problem. So he actually did a training, he did a session with the person who was going to be in a place where there had been a cat so that was a problem so he actually did a train
he did a session with uh the person who was going to be running the training
and they found out using our diagnostic system that the allergies equaled what we call a death
wish in a particular kind of death wish because the standard death wish is a part of
me wants to die but this variation of the death wish was a very very insidious one which is someone
who is supposed to love me wants me dead so in order to receive their love i have to want to die
or i have to die actually and so when this person dropped into this, I was told, because this was a student who
did this, he started to have a horrific allergic reaction, so much so that he wanted to go for his
happy pen because he thought he was going to suffocate. But our students said, look,
there's clearly no cats around here. So clearly, you're creating this in some way,
so clearly you're creating this in some way as something you're remembering.
So he said, look, you always can get your EpiPen,
even though right now you're really having trouble breathing.
But why don't you just become this extreme trouble breathing like you're suffocating and choose to be it from the inside out?
And what happened, of course, is when he did that,
he had a horrific memory that he had no
recollection of and in this memory his experience was that his mother was trying to suffocate him
with a pillow when he was a toddler and he associated for a variety of reasons
he associated mother and feminine with cats and so he transformed cats into mother who was trying to suffocate him
which of course was why he would not be able to breathe and they transformed that whole story
which is you know if you become aware of it then you're already transforming it because you no
longer are automatically identified with that toddler you're now remembering what happened to that toddler.
But, and all of his difficulties breathing,
and in fact, his sense that he was suffocating went away.
And he, of course, was like saying,
well, that's interesting,
but I still have my doubts about being around cats.
But he checked it out very, very carefully and what he found was
he took a mild step into the house with all of his EpiPen and everything at hand and nothing happened
and then he did it one step at a time until he was finally petting the cat
and he had no reaction at all.
And he had no reaction at all.
So I guess what I want to say from this story is, first of all, we can all do our own self-healing.
Because whenever there's something that we're suffering about, find the sensation that's associated with the suffering, which will always be there, some kind of discomfort, pain, emptiness,
queasiness, numbness, suffocating, something.
And choose to bring your awareness there.
And it's like you're then choosing to be
with the one who couldn't handle something,
who's here right now.
It's not like we're regressing you.
It's that you're finding something
that's here in the here and now. And then when you choose to become it, you shift from unconsciously identifying with the
one who's in the story to identifying with the person who's choosing to be the one in the story.
And in a nutshell, that's all that healing requires. and I think what you'll find
because we're talking about allergies today
is that a lot of allergies
have very similar stories
they're narratives
and they tend to be stories about
not being able to distinguish
who's dangerous
and who's safe and loving
in a world that's dangerous
and of course our
student story is exactly about that. So what we can say is if we take allergies
but it's true for everything, while on one level they're awful and they make us
miserable and they could kill us, on a whole other level they are an invitation
to remember that which we've split off and the second we do that we become free and then you
can begin to think about all of you know the things you might have troubles with like autoimmune
disease so what is autoimmune disease it is is our attacking ourselves, which really is a protection because it usually is because we were so badly attacked that we choose to protect ourselves by bringing that story of attack inside.
So we become, I'm attacking myself. If you listen to it, really is two people, the attacker and the attackee.
to it really is two people, the attacker and the attackee. And so there is someone who is attacking you in this lifetime, maybe a parent, and there's the you being attacked. And there's the you in the
moment who can't handle it and says, I better bring that relationship inside me because then I can
be the one who controls it. It's not going to happen to me. I can do it to
myself. Plus, you never lose the relationship with your parent. But the second you realize,
of course, that it was a choice you made to protect yourself, then your autoimmune disease,
you could thank it, which is typically what autoimmune diseases are. And you could bring out the relationship that you've sort of incorporated.
And the you that made the choice
to bring it in as a protection.
And since it was a choice,
you can choose to bring it outside.
And once it's outside of you,
you can send it loving divine energy
because we're all channels of source energy.
And that will be healing the you
that in that moment made the choice
without being aware you were making a choice.
And then be skeptical and curious
and see if your autoimmune disease starts to change.
I won't make you any guarantees,
but it makes sense.
Anyway, this has been a pleasure
and we will go back to something else soon. But it makes sense. Anyway, this has been a pleasure.
And we will go back to something else soon.
But today I want to share all this with you.
And you can do your own healing.
You know, you can do it.
And if you want to learn how to do it better,
we can share with you how to do that too.
Because the pure land, obviously,
is to find the sensation that's associated with your suffering. But sometimes, of course, you don't know that you're suffering,
like in the case I told you about, you know, with the allergies, you can get more information,
like someone who's supposed to love me wants me dead. And that's why the world feels like
a dangerous place. You can find out where it originates and you can find out if that
person was being traumatized, need something other than just sharing their story.
And if you know all that, you can basically heal pretty much anything.
Not cure, but heal.
So having said that, as always, we welcome any reflections, any questions, any comments, any sense of this sounds crazy,
because I love skeptics. So all of this is available to you. So if you want to, you can
write us. My email address is ahon, as in Andy Han, at lifecenteredtherapy.com. And if you want
to learn more about our work, just go to lifecenteredtherapy.com. And if you want to learn more about our work, just go to
lifecenteredtherapy.com. And until our next meeting, I wish you a happy day. And I wish
you freedom from your allergies, if nothing else, and freedom from suffering. So goodbye.