Heroes in Business - Healing Relationships Misunderstanding and Drives
Episode Date: October 15, 2021To understand others & improve relationships, it's key to know there are 3 drives-preserving, connecting, belonging. Each of us has 1 as primary. Understanding different ways improves relati...onships in the episode of Guided Self Healing Fearless Living with Dr. Andy Hahn www.eliances.com
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Hi, this is Dr. Andrew Hahn, and this is the 29th episode of Guided Self-Healing
slash Fearless Living. And this episode we'll call Imp our understanding of relationships and having better relationships
so we'll call it um deepening our understanding and improving relationships
and resolving misunderstandings based in drives. And so, long title. But the point here is,
this is the third in our series of how we can understand how others make meaning,
and the consequences for our relationships when we don't just assume that the way we make meaning is the way anybody
else makes meaning because it is not and if we can really understand these differences
we can talk about the different ways we make meaning and the different motivations and then untold misunderstandings get resolved and relationships
improve and that really is the whole point of everything um and it's not just relationships
but we're going to focus on relationships because that's what we're at so in this episode what we're at. So in this episode, what we're going to talk about is our deepest drives and how people with different deepest drives can really get into difficulty because they fundamentally misunderstand other people's actions and what motivates them.
So, again, we have to start with what are these drives? And they're really
the three, from my point of view, core drives around survival. So we need to preserve,
we need to connect, and we need to belong. And if we think about our ancestors, that makes a lot of
sense. If you don't preserve, if you don't have food and shelter, you're going to die, right?
If you can't connect both in an erotic sense with a partner and in a very alive sense with,
you know, between an infant and their parents, you're not going to survive. And if you don't belong
and have a clan and have a tribe, you're not going to survive. So these three drives,
the drives to preserve, the drives to connect, and the drives to belong,
which in the Enneagram are called self-preserving, sexual, and social. And I think, you know, there's
a lot of misunderstanding here,
because there are instinctual drives, which are instinctual, really, really, you know, it's like,
you know, those are sort of biological instincts to preserve, to procreate and social drive to be part of a community but really if we also
think about them this idea of you know there's also an energetic to it because if you're going
to preserve you have to incorporate something like you have to take in food. You have to bring yourself into shelter.
You have to do these things.
So it's an incorporative energy.
So you take something in where you protect yourself,
and then you can go out into the world.
Of course, if you want to, you know, erotically connect,
which means a kind of intensity from my point of view,
what that means is that you're going to like look for somebody
or anything really you're going to connect with and you're going to connect intensely and the
rest of the world is going to go away. So there's an intensity about this kind of connection and
certainly sexual subtype people tend to have more sex because they look to that you know because one
way to connect very deeply is through sexuality,
although clearly you can be very sexual without connecting, and you can be very connected without
sexuality, but there tends to be an overlap nonetheless to a kind of eroticism, you know,
and then there is care, you know, from my point of view, and the sense of belonging and the differences of the energies are one sort of incorporates it goes
backwards and in one goes forward and out which is the sexual energy and one goes what i would
call up and diffuse and that's the social energy because you know and the differences of those
energies and the consequences of them are really remarkable. And it just leads to profound misunderstandings
because if we're just going to take relationships
and love relationships even,
which is at least makes it easy,
these different ways of loving get trampled on
by the two other types.
So you will get trampled on. Let me tell you what I mean.
Let's think about this simply. If I am a social type, right, where I would say the energy goes
diffuse, right? It's like it is incorporating everything, right? It's like I'm part of my plan.
everything right it's like i'm part of my plan well let's think about this for a second what am i going to do i am going to want to be part of a plan the way i'm going to tell you i love you
is i'm going to invite you into my community and into community uh mores into community
activities this is my way of saying i I love you. I bring you into
my community. You know, it's, if I propose to you, it's going to be the kind of proposal that,
you know, I, you know, I'm having pictures taken by all of our friends and, you know,
I do it in the ballpark in front of 50,000 people or whatever, because it's a communal experience.
I'm part of a community. I want to belong. And I'm going to show you I love you
by incorporating you into that community, right?
And it is a communal experience.
It's our experience in the context of something
that is belonging to a tribe.
Of course, if I'm a sexual subtype,
the way I want to connect with you is one-on-one.
And I want to like laser in on a kind
of intense connection and as far as i am concerned you know everything else becomes secondary being
part of a group would be you know would dissipate the energy you know even eating unless you're
going to eat in a kind of erotic way i mean it's just eating eating sake it's like you know who
cares i'm like in connection with you we don't need to eat and you know there's going to be an intensity about
or it's like what most people are like when they fall in love except if you're a sexual subtype
theoretically it never ends whereas if you're social or self-preserving that is pretty quickly
and that alludes to a lot of confusion because most people when they fall in love because we're
stacked and we most of us have all of these things when we fall in love, at least for a short period of time, a few weeks at least, we look all like sexual subjects.
But then, of course, that goes away.
Now, let's think about it if I'm a self-preserving type.
What am I going to do?
It's like the way I'm going to tell you I love you is I'm going to make you a dinner or I'm going to make you a beautiful home or I'm going to do all of these things and I'm going to tell you about them
because this is really saying I love you because I've made a home for us that is so homey or I've
made you a wonderful dinner or you know I've done some kind of service for you, right? Because this isn't my way of saying I love you. And of course, you know, it's really
awful when you're one of these types and somebody else of another type really has a problem with it,
you know? And the other two subtypes will have a problem because they won't know that you're
saying I love you, right? So if I'm, let's say we start with a sexual type, right? And I'm with a social
type. Let's start there. The problems are inconceivable. I'm going to like say, the way I
love you is I want to have time alone with you, right? And groups, if I'm a really sexual subtype and i'm self-preserving second and i'm social
third groups are actually problematic for me you know so if i'm a sexual subtype not only will i
and i'm social as a third because they get stacked i will you know want to say like get me away from
groups now let's suppose that i'm in relationship with someone social and they're going to say, like, get me away from groups. Now, let's suppose that I'm in relationship with someone who's social, and they're going to say, oh, let's go to our family party where all these people will
be, and this is my way of incorporating you and saying I love you. And the sexual subtype is going
to say, you don't love me, you just want to, like, get away from me. And the social subtype will say,
no, I love you, I want to involve you with my family, and they will, like, fight and fight and
fight. And and then you
know the sexual subtype will say all right now you know that i've gotten angry about the family
thing now we can like you know kiss and make up so to speak and the social type is going to say
you've just trashed my loving of you why would i want to be near you so like the problems here
and it's because they don't understand they don't understand that you know
you know this thing that they hate is really their partner saying i love you
and it's profoundly sad because they can't make the translation
you know and if they can make the translation, then of course everything gets better,
you know, if they say, oh, I know that you love me by saying that I want to have you come to this big party with a family, even though I could be crazy, you know, because I'm social last,
then someone says, oh, you really get it, and then of course when you come back home and they say,
now it's time, you know, sexual back home and they say now it's time you
know the sexual subtypes isn't social now it's time to gaze into each other's eyes
social subtype if there's any sexual there for a little while says well i can stand this you know
it's not too long too intense you know so you know people of different subtypes uh it's like
spiritual relationships because you really have to learn another love language, right? So sexual and social. And the same thing is going to be if we go around
the circle. Let's say now we're going to go sexual and self-preserving, right? Well, the sexual
subtype will want to have this intense connection, the self-preserving type, you know, and if I'm
going to cook for you, it's going to be so I can connect with you. It's not, I'm not saying I love
you by cooking for you. It's like saying, because I want
to connect with you, one way to do it is through cooking, but believe me, it's not because I want
to make the meal intrinsically. It's because I think if I make a good enough meal, that will
mean that we'll be gazing into each other's eyes. Well, if I'm self-preserving, no, that's going to
mean I'm going to be cooking for you because I'm cooking for you and I've thrown all my love into
my cooking. And, you know, you better like the cooking so to speak as opposed to saying well
this is just a way for us to get more connected at which point you know you know you don't really
appreciate it acknowledge it because it's just food and who cares about food at which point of
course this self-preserving type may throw the food at you and you'd say why are you doing that
you know didn't want to just really have a loving evening and i said i did have a loving evening i
made you dinner and like i made you the most special you know i really slaved in the kitchen
saying i love you and now you're saying like let's skip dinner and go to the bedroom i don't think so
because of course you know different types so to speak metaphorically live in different rooms
and self-preserving types basically live in know, the kitchen and social types live in the living room and sexual types live in the bedroom.
And, you know, if you're really extreme, you know, you just don't get it. social type of wanting to do so i mean the self-preserving type will want to do self-preserving
activities in bed like read together and you know share something about that but not because i want
to share it with you it's because like i'm taking this information and i want to share the information
it's not that i want to share it with you it's that i'm loving you by sharing the information
with you the sexual subtype in bed will be saying, well, if you want to share it,
you're sharing it with me. It just so happens that you're sharing the information. And of course,
you know, so the sexual subtype person with the self-preserving type would be saying,
oh, I just love that you're sharing the information with me. And the self-preserving
type might be saying, no, I want you to listen to the information I'm sharing with information and the self-preserving type might be saying uh no i want you to listen
to the information i'm sharing with you and not make google eyes at me you know and then if you
really could take that and maybe you could make a little google eyes at me or something i mean it's
just like it's it's stunning and then there's all this misunderstanding and they end up turning their
backs on each other right and you know so if that's sexual and self-preserving,
if it's, you know, sexual and social,
you know, sort of the exact opposite problem,
which we began to allude to,
which is like, you know, from a sexual subtype,
you know, I want you all to myself.
If we're going to a party,
you better make eye contact a lot
across a crowded room, so to speak.
Whereas the social subtype will say, no, we're going, you know, we're going to go to the party, and we're going to, you know,
each do our own thing, and then we'll come back together, and we'll, like, talk about
the interesting things that was, like, participating in the party, and so then, of course, and that's my
way of saying I love you, at which point, you know, they'll feel deeply hurt when the sexual subtype says, you dragged me to this effing party. And now you want
to just talk about all of the things you've discovered at the party. I want you talking
with me eye to eye. Sort of like, you know, hand in hand, we go off into the party like,
you know, participants in a party.
And it's just remarkable.
And, you know, so you can extrapolate the whole thing.
And really, I mean, social and self preserving, you know, it's like if the social says we're going
to go to this party, and we're going to go there, the self-preserving type is going to say, well,
we have to get a lot of good food, and we have to do whatever, and they'll say, well, maybe there'll
be pizza at the party, so who cares, you know, and we'll get it, and the self-preserving type will say,
well, what am I going to do with this party because my contribution is
that i can you know bring great food and that's that's what makes me feel like i've really
contributed and i've shown my love not by like you know being part of a cocktail party that
doesn't feel very comfortable for me so it is the misunderstandings of how I'm saying I love you that lead people to say, like, you know, I can't stand him because he always wants to go to parties or her.
She's a social subtype because it doesn't matter.
Social subtype woman says I want to go to the parties
all the time sexual subtype man says like i just want to like have intensity with you
i thought you know i just want to have sex i just want to have some kind of intense connection with
you you know or a self-preserving man is going to like say of course i love you i'd like you know
look at how beautiful i've made the house that you've come into.
And, you know, the social woman that he's trying to get involved with, she'll say, well, yeah, that's nice, but like, why are we staying in the house anyway? Because we should be going out.
And it just is just remarkable. And if you really, you know, could step back and say,
can we step into each other's shoes for a second?
What would it be like from a social,
if I step into a social subtype shoes and say, for one second, I can just be with,
of course I want to have a big wedding
and cut the cake in front of everybody
and then we're all going to co-mingle.
Because that's my way of
saying i love you or you know sexual sometimes who says like you know it's the romantic movies
you know they're chasing each other's hearts but there's only one third of the world because of that
in an ongoing way you know intensity of connection as opposed to
this diffuse and really if you have you know social and sexual together it's this whole
different kind of energetic because one is sort of like saying you know we're part of a plan
part of a tribe so it's we're going to be inclusive and the other ones say we're going
to be exclusive you know you know we're going to build inclusive and the other one's saying we're going to be exclusive you know you
know we're going to build a wall around ourselves and social subtype would say that's just being
rude i mean like how could you go into you know a world and just you know build a wall around
yourself the sexual subtype will say because what the heck's the point of having a relationship if
you don't and you know it's and if you could really begin to say, wait a second, on the social
side, on the sexual side, their way of saying, I love you is that they don't want to claim
me or they don't want me to claim them or whatever it's going to be, intensity of relationship.
And can I get there for short periods of time?
Because that would be saying to this person,
I will love you the way you know what love is,
as opposed to the way that I'm comfortable with love.
So this ends our three-part series on understanding others
from the point of view of their personalities
or their centers of
perception or their
drives and the energetics
of these things. I hope
your phone is useful
and at least food for thoughts.
You can begin to sit down with your
partners or those in your
lives and say,
really, what do you say when you're inviting
or what do you say when you're saying like let's just slow dance and gaze into each other's eyes
and what are you saying when you say i you know made the whole beautiful and i made you a beautiful
dinner and you'll find that what it means to this person is not what it meant to you. But if you could really love them and say,
I realize you're saying I love you just not in the language I've known.
That would be the greatest gift of all.
Which is really the gift of understanding.
Yeah, stepping into their lives.
As opposed to saying you have to join them.
So having said that,
I wish you all well.
Again, you know,
if you want to reach me,
ahon at lifecenteredtherapy.com Ahon.
And we are lifecenteredtherapy.com
And please,
we have finished our book,
which you can pre-order on Amazon.
It's coming out February 22nd.
It's called The One Hour Miracle.
The fact that we finished it,
which was not a one hour miracle,
but it was, you know, as we say,
it goes, you know, you have this, you know, idea.
It's a one hour miracle,
but getting, you know, to the end of the journey.
So as we say, it's really to remember
because it's like a long climb.
Anyway, until we meet again, my dear friends.
Good night.