Heroes in Business - HVTV Presents Music Mayhem ft. Romaine Dagnan
Episode Date: January 24, 2022Film score composer and singer/songwriter Romain Dagnan join us from Paris, France to have a chat and help us understand more about the integration of music in film, we talked about inspiration, and m...ore in this episode of Music Mayhem with host JoLowX.
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music mayhem this week we have an interview with someone somehow different. He's into music but he's a music composer
for films and we have a pretty interesting interview. We have some music
video for his work. It's gonna be awesome but first I want to thank you again.
Happy holidays to all of you. Merry Christmas if you are into Christmas. If Pero primero quiero agradecerles de nuevo Feliz Navidad a todos ustedes
Feliz Navidad si están en la Navidad
Si están en cualquier otra celebración
Feliz Navidad
Porque es un momento de alegría sin importar
Mi nombre es YOLO
Para los que hablan en español
Y estoy bien contento
I'm pretty happy
And I'm super cool, super happy
For being here this week
Estamos aquí para pasarla super bien
We are here to have a pretty damn good time
And this week is no exception.
We are getting closer to end of the year, the beginning of a new one.
We are having a really nice end of the year episode for you guys.
So be on the lookout for that.
It's going to be cool, nice, upbeat music for that show.
It's going to be awesome.
It's going to be awesome, guys.
That's all I have to say about that at this moment.
But for now, I just wanted to remind you,
HBTV app, download the app everywhere You download your apps. Get in touch with the people behind the app, HBTV app, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, basically everywhere.
and get in touch with me and Music Mayhem using my social which again is JOLOWX on Facebook, Instagram and even YouTube. So yeah, with that in mind, let's begin. Let's go into our first music video for this show which I have it right here because I don't want to butcher anything
which is by rainy night rainy night as the you know black night and it's called
ocean so ocean by rainy night let's enjoy this one Thank you. 🎶 សូវាប់ពីបានប់ពីបានប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប្រូវានប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប្រូវតែលារបស់ពីលារបស់ពីលារបស់ពីលារបស់ពីលារបស់ពីលារបស់ពីលារបស់ពីលារបស់ពីលារបស់ពីលារបស់ពីលារបស់ពីលារបស់ពីលារបស់ពីលារបស់ពីលារបស់ពីលារបស់ពីលារបស់ពីលារបស់ពីលារបស់ពីលារបស់ពីលារបស់ពីលារបស់ពីលារបស់ពីលារបស់ពីលារាប់ពីប្រូវាប់ពីប្រូវាប់ពីប្រូវាប់ពីប្រូវាប់ពីប្រូវាប់ពីប្រូវាប់ពីប្រូវាប់ពីប្រូវាប់ពីប្រូវាប់ពីប្រូវាប់ពីប្រូវាប់ពីប្រូវាប់ពីប្រូវាប់ពីប្រូវាប់ពីប្រូវាប់ពីប្រូវាប់ពីប្រូវាប់ពីប្រូវាប់ពីប្រូវាប់ពីប� guitar solo作詞・作曲・編曲 初音ミク I love you. I really enjoy the music I get to play with here, you know, to select.
And these are all new, upcoming, creative people which are coming with all of this.
And I enjoy being there
at the beginning of their careers,
whatever it might come of them.
And being able to say,
hey, I like this.
I want to use it on the show.
I want to give it some exposure.
And I really enjoy it.
I really enjoy these guys.
I really enjoy basically a little bit of everything
in every gender, genre.
I set up myself with these words, right?
Like I have the worst English accent
and I set up myself with these really hard, at least for me, words
to pronounce but I'll keep doing it because that's how I practice I guess or
I like to then wash myself later and laugh how I fail, how I fail and fail to pronounce these words, but I don't
care, man. I'm just having a good time. I'm learning the process, and you guys are so nice about myself and being here.
And you let me know when you write and you communicate with me.
And I like that and I appreciate that and I love you for that.
So thank you so very much.
And with that said, before we go to our interview for today,
let's watch another
music video
this time
and I'm setting myself up again
with the name here
but I like it, I like the music
I like these guys
so here I go
music video by
which is a nice word
I don't know how to say
maybe you can tell me
how to pronounce that
when you write to
Instagram or Facebook
but it's
Yellow Sweet
and the song
the song is Sunshine After Rain and it's yellow sweet and the song the song is sunshine after rain and it's so
cool I hope you guys enjoy After rain I believe in the miracle Getting past this pain
I believe it all will be
For yesterday
I believe in sunshine
After rain I believe in sunshine
Sunshine after rain
Sunshine after rain.
I believe in, I believe in, I believe in, I believe in sunshine after rain.
I believe in the miracle getting past this pain.
I believe it all will be for yesterday.
I believe in sunshine.
I believe in sunshine.
I believe in sunshine Sunshine after rain
Sunshine after rain Sunshine, I'll be right I don't know how long the road may be
Keep on walking and soon you'll see
Anytime you will make it through
Know the sun will shine down on you
Everything's gonna be alright
Don't give up, not without a fight I believe in a brighter day
Happiness will come your way
Perfect is me
It's been a long time coming It's been a long time coming
That I'll be home
I believe in you
It's been a long time coming
It's been a long time coming
That I'll be home
Over you Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Sunshine After Rain by Yellow Sweet and some you know what I mean and yes this is my very
Christmasy holiday shirt I'm into the holidays I don't know if I'm going to be wearing an ugly sweater. I live in Puerto Rico, which is a hot place all year round.
me I have a really nice about 80 degrees for this Christmas time so no blizzueras maybe I could be wearing like a Christmas theme Christmas it's all the same it's a
beautiful time to go out and say hi to the neighbors like Michael will do right write our letter phrase for this whatever. Pay attention. So let's go to our interview.
Let's change the pace and let me get out of that hole I dig myself up. So let's do, let's
go to the interview. The interview, again, this time, we are going to see this interview with a music composer.
He is from Paris, France, not Paris, Texas,
which is a real place.
Google it.
And this guy is also self-taught,
And this guy is also self-taught like the previous, maybe we haven't had that episode. do this interview, even though the time difference between Paris and the Caribbean, right? right so here he is Romain here I go and I'm sorry I'm sorry Romain I know I asked you again
like at the beginning of the interview Romain and we're here for the interview with uh Roman Roman Dannen. Daniel, yes.
I always mess that up.
How are you doing, Roman?
I'm fine, thank you.
Thank you for being here. How are you?
I'm doing great, man.
Thank you for being here.
And I always start with this question for everybody I have on the show.
this question for everybody I have on the show and that is who is Romain and how did you get to doing what you're doing at the moment? Okay so I'm living in France in Paris
I've always loved music and be passionate about the music, all types of music.
And I'm a very self-made musician because I don't really like lessons or professors about this.
So I tried by myself to spend a lot of hours trying to investigate the guitar and the piano
and trying to get some great things from it
and that's how I began to really like music, to really like to create music
and so it made me try to go to this path and to become now
to go to this path and to become now,
if I could say a score composer or a music composer.
So it's already, it's still the beginning of something, but I hope it's gonna continue like this.
And I still like it as much as I always had.
So this is the way I do.
I just try things and I spend a lot of time on this
until I get to a result.
And so also in other fields.
And that's how I've been to music.
So your self-taught.
Yes, yes, yes.
All right.
And when did you start paying attention to music in that way?
When did you decide this is what I want?
Or when did music caught your attention in a way that you started learning it?
Actually, it's always been something very special to me, but I didn't really know it.
And I played the guitar first when I was in high school, like many of us.
And then my father decided to buy a piano.
And it was a piano with demo.
So you could play them a lot of time and try to listen to them and try to reproduce the
And this is where I felt really the enjoying of playing music and trying to play a complete song or track.
And that's where also I knew that I could reproduce a song by ear without the notes.
So this is the way I learned piano, just by listening to it a lot of time
and trying to reproduce everything, classical scores.
And of course, I didn't have the good way
of placing my fingers or things like this,
but I could get to a good result.
And this was a pleasure to try to reproduce it.
I didn't have the envy to read the note
and I never had the courage to do it.
So I've always done like this.
It's so amazing.
I try guitar and I couldn't
and I did the music,
like, you know, the classes.
I took, like, the classes on the DVDs and then with the YouTube videos
and I was about to smash the guitars.
I just sold the guitars.
Like, yeah, it's like not even with all the classes in the world,
I was able to even get close.
So you need to have a like, like, you know, a talent within you.
If you love music like I do, sometimes, you know, you just need to have that in you to be able to learn like that, man.
So that's so awesome of a concept to me you know
and um what does a composer a music composer a film or a score composer do?
Actually, I think if you're talking about the way we do,
it's quite different for every composer, I think, and also for every director.
So it could be different at every movie or every short movie
or advertising or things like
this but uh for me it's more like a internal work that i i see the the image when i have the chance
to see it before and then you try to put this in in you and to think about it like in a subconscious
way and then you try something after a few hours or even a few days and sometimes
it works sometimes it doesn't work this is the hardest part because it's not only for you it's
also for somebody else and this is really the the not too easy part of it because you have to
satisfy someone that has a not always the same vision exactly as you as you have but
this is also the interesting part because you you work as a team with the director and trying to get
the best result together from your your works so but globally this is the way it happens like
naturally with a lot of thinking and then trying things.
And when you feel it matches, sometimes it does,
sometimes it doesn't,
and you have to do a hundred pass to make it work.
But sometimes it's the first pass is just great.
And the idea is always to respect the vision
and the emotion you want to give with this movie and to respect that and to give it something more.
But it's not a very methodic, to me, it's not a very methodic thing.
I just do it more intuitively, like I've always done for all fields.
And that's it.
All right. All right. is done for all fields and uh that's it all right all right and if i get it right you get the like the fun the final project like the commercial or the movie you you get the movie at the end when
it's all put together and then you start making the music for that uh like over what is already done right to
to evoke emotions in some places so you are responsible for making that music that is going
to carry all the emotions on the right places right yes yes exactly it's very different when you get the the
film uh with no music most of the time there is already music temp music on the film uh which is
uh something sometimes frightening because you you have all you you have a movie with only music from
james newton award or hans zimmer and and Alan Silver's tree in it.
So you try to do something
and you're supposed to do something better.
So it's not always easy,
but it's always a pleasure to see the movie at first
and then what we've done with it
with a lot of time spent on it.
And most of the time, then it changes a bit the the editing
moves uh with the music and they they do some work after uh after the music is is done so it's not
just one one full uh music process you do a part of it then they change some rhythm and inside the
editing then you you do another pass on this, and then it goes like
this and you construct something in a post-production process with the team.
That is so cool.
And if you... Is there some director or other composer you dream of working with?
You have like a, you know, I would like to be called by this studio
or this director to work on one of their projects.
Yes, I guess I don't know them yet because they're going to be famous maybe in the future.
And I hope to meet someone like this that has a vision.
But I really like films from Paul Thomas Anderson or also Robert Zemeckis.
I've talked about Alan Silvestri, he's a composer that I really like.
But yes, I hope the best part is to have a good conversation with the director
to meet nice people that have a great,
that has a great vision
and that shares it with you
and that spend a lot of time explaining it
and you can really leave something
with him during the process of the film and this is why we do this I guess because you it's like
you have been living with the characters and during six months or one year then you think
about them it's like part of your life and this is the great part about it that's so cool and talk to me
a little bit about how was the process of making uh composing frozen moments that is the music
video we're gonna see right after this interview ah yes uh yes uh for this movie, the director was very nice about explaining things and he was a passionate director. So we spent a lot of time discussing about all the process for every scene. It was a psychological thriller. So a very frightening movie that is set in San Francisco and so the music was very
frightening with a lot of violence sounds very like a little bit each cock sounds are very
scratching the violin things like this and for the main themes we had the chance to record the
And for the main scenes, we had the chance to record the session, to make a record session with a super soloist of an orchestra.
So it brings life into the track and it makes it a lot more powerful
for the introduction scene and some other scenes.
for the introduction scene and some other scenes.
And so the movie is not out yet,
but it's going to be as soon as possible, I guess.
But we're still working together with this director.
We do a podcast together.
I did the music for his podcast about film music,
which is called The Film Podcast.
All right. That's a straightforward name.
And that's it.
It was a really great process that has been like a year of working on the film
for like one hour and a half of music, orchestra music only.
So it was really great to do really good shot and
really good learning to me also
where can people find you
and find your work
all my music is on Spotify
Deezer, Apple Music
all the streaming platforms
and also on YouTube and
on my website
you can also find a video
there of the recording
and everything
so the idea is
just to share
all this process
as much as we can
and that's it
you can listen to
all my music
and not only film music
because I did also
an album of songs and I will do
other things this year in addition to film scores so that's it. Right what's that what are you doing
besides music film?
I did an album, a few albums, instrumental music last year,
also a song music where I sing and play guitar in French and in English.
And we're also doing some orchestration
from of all the tracks
from Bach, Beethoven, from of all the tracks from
the idea
is to bring
some orchestra
in a
piano piece
so we take
the piano piece
and we try to do
orchestral piece
around it
so it's the beginning
but it could be fun
to do
so it's gonna be
this year
all right so for all
of that again your website and social media for people to follow you say that yes instagram
facebook uh home on daniel on everywhere you can find me very easily i guess all right well thank you so much for being here it's been a pleasure
thank you so much for your time brother thank you thank you very much all right well see you soon
let's uh now we're gonna see the frozen moment music video
so thank you for that and And take care, brother. Thank you. Bye. Bye.
My husband is kidnapped in the middle of the night.
There's no forced entry and I don't hear it.
is kidnapped in the middle of the night. There's no forced entry and I don't hear it.
We understand that Josh Hodder,
the American missing for the past 12 months,
has just landed here at San Francisco
International Airport from Peru.
It's not unusual for the brain to completely shut off.
What happened to you, Josh, was overwhelmingly terrifying.
The artist is Gerald Pilkington. What happened to you, Josh, was overwhelmingly terrifying.
The artist is Gerald Pilkington.
He was an inmate on Alcatraz in the late 1950s.
I love you. And we'll get through this together.
It's like a suppressed piece of memory.
I can't quite access a rebel though.
You did this to me!
Help me, Daddy!
If Jared Pilkington's necklace has something to do with it, I'm gonna find out what it is.
But you can't live in fear when the threat of danger is no longer present.
Now remember...
Josh, there's something I have to tell you.
Your stupidity is breathtaking.
I remember a hospital room.
I'm not sure if that was real.
It's all a little blurry.
You shouldn't tell her.
I'm surprised your doctor didn't pick up on that.
Does that mean anything to you?
You know, I really thought he was going to be okay.
Are you okay?
He's in my head.
I can't get him out.
I can't get him out.
He's in my head.
I'm not crazy.
And that's all, folks.
That's the show for today.
I hope you guys enjoyed.
I want to thank our guest, Romain.
And I'm not going to butcher the last name again.
I just am so thankful, thankful for him being on the show, taking the time.
Extremely talented person, extremely humble, and great conversation.
humble and great conversation.
And I just want to thank him,
and you guys should definitely go check him out.
I want to thank you guys, as always, for being here.
Remind you to go check the HPTV app, download it, check the social media for the HBTV app everywhere Instagram Facebook everywhere
same with me and music mayhem you can reach me and let me know whatever you
want on my media again j-o-l-o-W-X That's Jolox Facebook, Instagram
Everywhere basically
And again
Por estar aqui
Thank you for being here
We'll meet again
Next week
So thank you
And have a great
Or great day or
whatever, night, evening,
afternoon, I don't know where,
how are you listening to me?
Just have a
great one.