Heroes in Business - HVTV Presents The Chill Spot Featuring Brette Sims

Episode Date: January 31, 2022

On this episode we have Brette Sims who is the Founder and Creative Director of Stuk Designs. She lives in California and is an innovative entrepreneur and a passionate fine artist! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Chill Spot, where artists are discovered. I'm your host, Natasha. For tonight's show, we have our special guest, Brett Sims. She is the founder of Art by Brett and of Stuck Designs. She is educated in the fine arts through Loyola Marymount University, and she's a huge supporter of self-love. Everyone, let's welcome Brett to the Chill Spot. Hi, thank you for having me. Thank you very, very much. I'm so happy to be here. Yes, we're glad to have you on Chill Spot too, Brett. Thanks for joining us today. Yes. Great. We are so enthused because this is our very first episode. I'm so honored to be your first guest. I feel very excited to be here.
Starting point is 00:01:08 It is a wonderful honor to have you with us today. So Brett, tell us about your work. Yes. So I am an artist as well as a nonprofit founder. So for my own art, I do like painting, I do drawing, I do illustrations. And then through my company, I created a art collection for that, which goes on t-shirts. I have a t-shirt here from the company. But yeah, so I actually create artwork for my nonprofit that kind of serves as wearable art to promote the brand. So people can like wear their support. So
Starting point is 00:01:46 Stuck Designs is essentially a non-profit community for women who provide art programmings for girls in underserved communities on a global level really and we're really focusing in Ghana currently at our partner school. Oh that is Yes. I understand there's a lot of activity going on in third world countries in terms of providing resources to the youth of those countries as well. Yeah. And I like, I definitely, the first time I went, you know, I just really saw that there was such a need and such a extreme lack of resources in general, but like an extreme lack of art resources more specifically. So after I won, I really, you know, knew that I had to do like, had to kind of flip my company and make it a 501c3 so that we could,
Starting point is 00:02:39 you know, do a better job serving the girls that are in our partner school. know, do a better job serving the girls that are in our partner school. That is wonderful. Nonprofits like your organizations are a lot of the ways that we get to support each other in this world. Yeah, I agree. I agree. That's wonderful. And so yeah, tell us a little bit more if you don't mind about your activity in Ghana. Yeah. So I guess kind of like going back a little bit. So Stuck Designs was my like senior thesis project. And so when I, you know, I started developing it and I started developing it as a wearable art clothing line for women of color to start with. And then I started, you know, I had this vision of always, you know, making it go 360 into a nonprofit one day, but I didn't know exactly how that would happen. So then I actually, I decided to reach out to this amazing school that I found on social media.
Starting point is 00:03:43 And I found it because the, there's this girl, this teacher at the school, she's really young, but she did these custom handshakes for each child who entered her classroom, like each girl that entered, like just different, cool, like handshake gestures. And I thought that that was such a powerful way to like, and a unique way to celebrate, you know, self-love and like the uniqueness in each and every child. So I ended up emailing her and her dad ended up being the owner of the whole school and he ended up living in Ohio. So she connected me like that. And like within, this all happened like within maybe like a day or so, I got on the call with the owner of the school. And he was like, I love what you're doing. And I would really like
Starting point is 00:04:34 you to see the school in person. So you can really know like the need that we have and what we're really dealing with here. So right after I got on the from with him, he connected me to his travel agent, who got me like a visa, got me a flight. And in two weeks, I was off to Ghana, and I had never been to Africa before, like at all. I'd been to Europe, but never Africa. And my mind was really blown. My eyes were really opened. I just, I didn't know that there was such, yeah, that just such disparity, like really, it changed my life, I think, like, just to know that kids didn't even have their own like pencils. Kids had never colored before when I brought supplies, I had to teach them how to like hold crayons and how to like color because they had never just done that before. They'd never
Starting point is 00:05:22 had their own crayons or their own coloring books or anything. So I brought what I could, but it was, I knew that I, we needed to do more, you know, and I wanted to do more. So yeah, I went in about, I think late 2018, it was almost about to be 2019. Cause it was like in late November, I think. So since then, yeah, I've really been just working to kind of build up our nonprofit so that we can better support our girls there. And I've been working to like build out our programming and our clothing because when people shop, you know, they support our programs and the girls in Ghana. So yeah. You know, it's surprising sometimes to hear about how the simple things such as crayons can really be like oh wow they didn't
Starting point is 00:06:14 even know how to use these yeah that was mind-blowing to me it's like that's a norm for us here yeah but for them it's like a treasure I I bet. Yes. And it really was like a treasure. Like, that's why it was so powerful. Like, I mean, we just take so many things for granted here in the States from like cell phones, most, most people just didn't have cell phones at all, like let alone iPhones, you know, and they were just like, oh, an iPhone. They were just so blown away or when I brought my camera and when I was giving out the supplies yeah like all the kids would like crowd around me just to try to get like one pencil and I felt bad because I just in my mind you know I wasn't thinking like you know that maybe they've never
Starting point is 00:06:57 had their own pencils before like but um you know it was eye-op opening and I like it just shifted my entire perspective. And like it was the definition of like, you know, just like this cultural shift, this cultural like awakening that like, wow, yeah, we just take so much so much for granted. And it's kind of hard to it's kind of hard to just convey that to other people, I think, to, it's kind of hard to just convey that to other people, I think, like, if, because if, unless I had really seen that disparity with my own eyes, and witnessed it from my own experience, I don't know if I would be able to, like, resonate with it, you know, as deeply as I have been able to, but yeah, it's, it's, it's an issue, it's, it's a real, real issue. Where you don't cross my mind And it's sad It tears me apart Spending my time without you
Starting point is 00:08:09 Learning to live without you I'm not the same without you Memory, you're just a memory, memory Should I stop, should I try Or I should give it up You don't know, you're the reason For my sleepless nights Should I stop? Should I try? Or I should give it up? You don't know, you're the reason for my sleepless nights. Should I stop? Should I try? I should give it up. Loving you is breaking my heart.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Sometimes I wonder if you're thinking about me. The things we used to do and how we used to be. Knowing that you're in love with somebody else. Raise my heart. It tears me apart. Spending my time without you. Learning to live without you. I'm not the same without you.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Memory, you're just a memory, memory. Thank you. Memory, memory. Should I stop? Should I try? Or I should give it up? You don't know. You're the reason for my sleepless nights. Should I stop? Should I try? I should give it up. Loving you is breaking my heart. Looking for things I can't find.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Loving you got me so blind. Your face is in my mind. Memory, memory. You're just a memory, memory. Thank you. things I can't find. Love you got me so blind. Your face is six in my mind. Memory, you're just a memory, memory. Yeah, so again, it's wonderful to have your organization be part of the solution and write those resources thank you yeah and so tell us some more about your t-shirts can we see what your shirt says on there now yes so it says do you and like i have let's see if we can have like a little logo on the back i don't know if you can see. Oh, yes, yes. But it's also here behind me. Oh, yes, that's on the wall too. Yes, yes. So I designed,
Starting point is 00:11:12 I designed pretty much everything. Like I designed the logo, I designed our website. I really built it all just from the ground up after college. And, you know, it's been through many phases. I've built, you know, various teams and I've been blessed to have so many different powerful women, you know, help me to build it over the years. And it's just like, I think that, you know, it's like as women grow and as I grow, it's like, I want the company to grow. So in its many phases, like I've had, you know, different women come in and really like serve and bless the company of serving girls who need it most because girls of color are really excluded from the art world or art opportunities, which then leads to like the reason why that there are hardly any black women or women of color, you know, in galleries
Starting point is 00:12:18 across like the U.S. or, you know, just internationally, really. And how are some of those places, do you think they are excluded? And in what ways could that happen? Yeah, so I just think that it's like, if you're, you know, I think kind of like if you're a wealthier or like a, usually like a white or Caucasian child, like you would just have automatically, you're in your school,
Starting point is 00:12:44 you're going to have in your school, you're going to have like art classes, you're going to have like resources, even if like the school can't maybe afford it. There's like a PTA or parents, you know, who provide funding for art programs to really thrive. But in underserved communities, like in the States, I've worked in, you know, Compton and Watts, and even like at a, you know, a charter school in, I've worked in, you know, Compton and Watts. And even like at a, you know, a charter school in Watts that I worked at, which is a pretty great charter school, they still had no art class, no art funding, no art programming. And it's kind of heartbreaking because the girls are so like eager to create and they're so like inspired by like the way that I've put like
Starting point is 00:13:26 art on, you know, clothing or like cell phones or stickers or whatever. And they want to create, but they just don't really have opportunities or resources or programs to like allow them to do so. to do so. And I was shocked because after, so I went to Ghana and I taught art there. And then shortly after that, I started working in Wads. And the disparity of these two places wasn't much different, like shockingly. The girls just didn't, like at maybe ages 11 to 13, they had never had art class before they, you know, they loved art and they really wanted to do it and continue it. But, um, the programming just didn't allow and laugh for it. The funding didn't allow for it. So when girls aren't allowed to, you know, have these opportunities at a young age, girls of color is an underserved communities. you know, have these opportunities at a young age, girls of color in underserved communities,
Starting point is 00:14:31 like, you know, it's like, how are they going to, you know, continue art and a higher level of education? And how are they ever going to be able to, like, show art, you know, in galleries or on a larger scale? It's like, the opportunities aren't there. And art itself is very, it's an expensive craft, you know? It's like expensive craft you know it's like the supplies are expensive like maintaining it is expensive it's like you almost like you have to have money in order to like make the money so it's a it's an interesting paradox but um I just want girls to be able to have more resources because even I'm from like a middle class background like you know it was still expensive for me too like just art classes art resources just like paying for you know the oil paints or all the paint brushes and yeah I just love for more doors to be open because it's just it's like
Starting point is 00:15:20 I can't believe in 2021 that there are just so few like black women artists in galleries there's about like three percent maybe of art in galleries is by women of color these days so yeah yeah those are those are good pointers and hearing that information you know helps us to better understand yeah there is a huge lack and a dismissal of opportunity for these youth yeah so that could be another way hopefully your organization can help provide more materials yep exactly as well to help them um and if you would need any um supporters there to help you with putting that together and getting the materials and supplies together. Yeah. That could be something that would be good to get out as well. Yeah, because we
Starting point is 00:16:13 actually put, like, when people do donate, either just, like, funds or, like, actual art supplies, we have been crafting these like art kits. They're like kind of like larger scale, like pencil boxes or like tool kits, but we put various supplies in the kits that they can use to then create along with art classes that we have put together on our online platform as well as in like a um a lesson book if like kids don't have access to wi-fi oh perfect so you already have that started yes we do we do for um we have two programs and um so our first program is called the little hardest program and that's where we we teach kids and underserved communities and give our kids. And then we have a Fly Girl Initiative, which is where we like,
Starting point is 00:17:10 it's like a grant program where we fund individual girls who are really struggling. Perfect, perfect. Okay, that is a lot of good information and will help spread the word. Yes, yes. So tell us, Brett,
Starting point is 00:17:24 where can your followers find you on social media? Yes. So, um, the best place to connect with Stuck Designs is, um, at S at Stuck Designs, um, on really all social media platforms. That's S-T-U-K Designs and, um, yep. For Instagram, designs and um yep for instagram facebook oh sorry my dog let me try that again okay so um you can connect with me um on all social media platforms at step designs stuk designs um and stepdesigns.org as well and you can find like all of our links at stepdesigns.org um and they're just all at the bottom and everything is pretty much just at that same link and there you can find like all of our links at stuckdesigns.org. And they're just all at the bottom and everything is pretty much just at that same link. And there you can find out how to donate, how to get involved in our programming, how to support.
Starting point is 00:18:14 And oh, and just for a note, I don't think I've said, but Stuck Design stands for strong, talented, united, and knowledgeable. So that's really what our community encompasses and what we push forward, you know, for everyone who gets involved and joins us in this movement. so Thank you. Bye. so I love it when you look at me that way Now we're in the order when we hit it with the ball We apply it because it came from the glass The DJ has a fame, it's all hard
Starting point is 00:20:08 Now you're beckoning for me to dance Put it, put it, put it close And you're right, you're right You gotta go to take me for a run I'm on a roll, right Just lose control, right Right, it's what's so right right lose control I'm out. right Thank you. perfect that will make it easy for people to find you on social media so again that is stuck designs s t u k designs which stands for strong talented united and knowledgeable perfect yes wonderful traits to have for
Starting point is 00:22:40 all of the great people in the world that we want to help support develop their arts helps develop their self-love and help develop the way that they can also share with others in the community yes oh and uh one more thing we actually have a color for a cause initiative going on right now um so yeah if you're like having some downtime or maybe you're still like in kind of like quarantine mode or whatnot, you can print out our coloring sheets that I've designed and you can color them in and take a picture of your art when it's done or yourself with art. And it really just helps us build awareness, you know, for the fact that art really does save lives. It really does. And self-love really does heal.
Starting point is 00:23:25 And by giving girls of color these opportunities, you know, we really do in turn just heal the world, you know? You know what? I'm going to do that too. I'm going to get my own print paper and I'm going to color it in. It's really therapeutic, you know? Like I forget sometimes how therapeutic it is. um we even have like a playlist to go with it so you can color you can list zone out chill out listen to a playlist and get your color on for a very very good cause to build awareness I love it I love it You are with me all the time I can't get you off my mind No matter how hard I try
Starting point is 00:24:23 I can't get you off my mind I'm the one you left behind I can't get you off my mind I have no more tears to cry I can't get you off my mind. The words keep saying. The words keep saying. The words keep saying.
Starting point is 00:25:03 The words keep saying. The words keeps saying The voice keeps saying The voice keeps saying The voice keeps saying The voice keeps saying The voice keeps saying The voice keep saying The words keep saying The words keep saying The words keep saying
Starting point is 00:25:35 I can't get you off my mind Another way is hard to find Another way is hard to find I can't get you off my mind I'm getting lost, I'm going blind I can't get you off my mind I can't get you off my mind Just can't get you off my mind. I can't get you off my mind. Just can't get you off my mind. Just can't get you off my mind.
Starting point is 00:26:08 I can't get you off my mind. I can't get you off my mind. I can't get you off my mind. I can't get you off my mind. I can't get you off my mind. I can't get you off my mind. I can't get you off my mind. I can't get you off my mind.
Starting point is 00:26:24 I can't get you off my mind. I can't get you off my mind. I can't get you off my mind. I can't get you off my mind. I can't get you off my mind. I can't get you off my mind. I can't get you off my mind. I can't get you off my mind. And if someone is looking to get in contact with you how can they do that yes um you can get in contact with us um via email is probably the best again you can find
Starting point is 00:26:56 that at stuckdesigns.org but it's yes queen y-a-s queen at stuckdesigns.org that's our email um you could also shoot us a DM, shoot us a DM on Instagram. We are really quick to reply there. But yeah, that's, that's, that's the quickest way. Hey, to all the queens in the world. Yes, queen, yes. Wonderful. If there was anything else that you wanted to add on here, we got like another minute. Wonderful. If there was anything else that you wanted to add on here, we got like another minute. I think that's pretty much it. We're just really trying to, like luckily this Color for a Cause initiative has really been like thriving and moving and it's been supporting, oh my goodness,
Starting point is 00:27:37 my dog. Sorry. She's antsy. Okay. So our Color for a Cause initiative is really supporting right now our I Fund Women campaign. It's kind of in tandem with that. We wanted a way that we can authentically connect with our community and our followers and that people can get engaged, whether you can like donate to our campaign or not. You know, you can get engaged whether you can like donate to our campaign or not um you know you can get involved still so if you do want to donate to our campaign um the that all information is still on our site stepdesigns.org um it's the first thing on our page um but yeah we're just kind of we're raising funds for expansion we're raising um awareness so that more people can just understand
Starting point is 00:28:23 the just the real lack that there is of opportunity for girls of color within the art world and and the exclusion that exists there yes yes so we want to break those barriers yes break the barriers completely because most people don't even know that such barriers still exist because in 2021 they really shouldn't but you know they do we're still being excluded from so many um higher up places of society which the art world really is very true well i'm glad that uh we are at the beginning of this journey and it'll be a great um discovery to see down the line how many more of our diversity youth we can get into the art field yes yes because I mean they they're so they're so talented and they deserve it so much like they're so gifted there's a lot of grease so yeah um wonderful wonderful so we wish uh we want to say thank you again for joining us on the
Starting point is 00:29:34 chill spot tonight and we learned a lot from you today thank you for sharing everything about you and your organization we look forward to seeing how many more people can help out with the needs of our youth and their creative outlets to help them express themselves and grow in this community, as well as help others in the community. And we wish you all the best with all of your positive and caring work.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Thank you. For sharing art and love with caring work. Thank you. Thank you for sharing art and love with the world. Thank you. Sending much love to you as well and to the entire community of which is listening. Thank you guys for all of the support. Wonderful. Thank you.

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