Heroes in Business - Interview with Dr Sarah Liew at Eliances Hero show (2021) & Attorney Andrew Kim show ( 2019)
Episode Date: December 24, 2021Through these two interviews, we will know more about candidate Dr. Sarah Sun Lieu for congress senatorial republican, feel her compassion for helping us. See it at www.drsarahliewforcongress.com...
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If you want to know more about Dr. Sarah Sun Liu's
educational background and accolades
and her compassion for running candidate office
for the California U.S. Senator,
please visit the website drsaraleuforcongress.com
as CEO of a global banking, fintech company,
real estate brokerage,
and investment legal services company.
We'll share many issues facing our residents
in California and the world through her show.
Thanks for your listing, Dr. Sarah Sun Liu show for today's America and
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Eliance's Heroes. Eliance's is the destination for entrepreneurs, investors, CEOs, inventors, leaders, celebrities, and startups.
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Now, here's your host flying in, David Kogan, founder of Eliance's.
That's right, and we're back.
And again, so many things going on.
Really appreciate all our viewers and our listeners.
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So make sure you continue to stay tuned.
And by the way, too, thank you, too.
I really appreciate it for the feedback we can continue to have when I interviewed Newt Gingrich.
Yep, he was the former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives.
Well, I'm very excited today because it is about politics today because we have someone, and I'm excited to introduce her to you.
We have with us Dr. Sarah Sun Yu, and she could be reached at drsarahsunyuforcongress.com.
You'll see the link below. And she is running for U.S. Republican, that's right, U.S. Republican
Senator candidate. So welcome to the show, Sarah. We're very excited to have you here today.
Welcome to the show, Sarah. We're very excited to have you here today.
Thank you so much for inviting me here.
Yeah. So tell us a little bit about your background and then what made you run for Congress?
First of all, thank you for inviting me here. I'm very inspired from Alliance and especially
CEO David to promote the entrepreneurs. What I'm doing
too, I'm running a nonprofit to support entrepreneurs and job creation so I'm so
thankful he's doing all the supporting for
the you know to do alliance for the entrepreneur thank you for that and
introduction myself I'm from Korea immigrant my age 24 years old and I'm
studying you know a lot of business for the specialty Pintech.
Pintech company I owned 28 years.
And then also real estate and legal company I owned.
And I'm, you know, myself, I'm studying hard and working harder.
And also I study at Harvard Law School, Harvard Business School, and Harvard
Kennedy School, Harvard Education, Graduation Education School. So I'm ready to support
my community. Yeah. Great. Yeah. And wow, what a background that you have, and certainly
within education. What gave you the inspiration to go ahead and say,
you know what, I'm going to go ahead and run for Congress?
Yeah, very good question.
So to me, my life is since my age of 19 years old, I, you know, started, I went to seminary.
I give my life to God. Since then, I always working as
education pastor for 30 years, as well as, you know, non-profit CEO. And then, you know, so I
have really, you know, had a lot of life real issues, you know, based on my life. So, as I'm an immigrant, an immigrant woman,
I have my own voice to speak. And I have an educator, you know, since 30 years, I can have
my own voice. I guess, again, as an entrepreneur, I am CEO over 27 years, three companies, I have my own voice and message to the people who I
understand them to be real people needed through church, through company, through the education.
So I'm ready to support, especially I opened 2009 my nonprofit organization that supporting
entrepreneur and the circulation. I'm more to eager to supporting my community now in California
as business closed because of pandemic. I think like knows, understand really business and understand really the people's needs, especially in business.
That's why I've been in a fintech company.
I visited more than 40,000 businesses to all kinds of, you know, because of credit card processing companies, especially we credit card processing all of the world.
So I know the situation of California right now.
We need to support business owners and then next generation education.
Also, there's a whole next problem.
So I am ready to learn. I have an education background.
I have, you know, older.
My heart really passionate to helping others.
You know, people who are a politic, they say they want to learn, but they are not ready.
But I am, I think I am ready to run away to, you know, change it or giving better life to the
residents in California. Yeah. Yeah. And I think, again, you know, you were right on about small businesses,
I mean, in California, you know, it's certainly an issue.
And with small businesses, they need your help.
They need your help and their support.
And, you know, we don't know what the future is,
but right now they need your help and support.
And so very, very important, very important stuff.
What would you say it takes to be successful, to be a successful for Congress?
What are the three most important skill sets that you feel that you have that will make you the best?
that you feel that you have that will make you the best?
Oh, I think, you know, people, if they do not know,
if they're driving the car, we don't have a license to,
and then they have a risk, and then other people. I think I have older qualified because I had been 30 years educator and then 27 years business entrepreneur
and then also learning more than 20 years, 30 years non-profit.
So I think I have experience already and knowledge already.
And then also most important things is, you know, I studied at Harvard Kennedy School of Politics.
It's politics, not just design, you know, just the cloud.
I studied two years of politics, make a policy.
So I know how to design a policy, how to schooling, how to innovation. Not only just experience enough, we have to have enough
knowledge to how what we have, we have to
imply our society, community, better life.
That is, you know, I have experience, I have knowledge, and I know
I have many mentors from, you know, Harvard,
especially Harvard University, business school, two years.
I studied two years education, two years Harvard Kennedy School, two years courses, and law
So everything, I have mentors.
I have teamwork.
That is strong.
And also my family members, we have 24 doctors that include 10 PhDs who are major Harvard Business School and Oklahoma University, Chicago University Trust and John Hawkins Professor.
So my family members, they had an education, a PhD, 24 doctors, lawyers, and all the business background,
economics, all degree, economics, and professor.
I have a teamwork already to not only myself fighting,
I have all the teamwork.
And then another thing is I am working at California, you know,
so I travel in all of the world many times, all the democracy many times,
especially California, all over the places my merchants. And then, you know, I do 28 years visiting all of the geography in California.
I understand everywhere in California.
That's important.
I have to know all their side to what they needed.
I know that what they now needed to business owners.
I know that what now needed business owners, they need to open the business again,
and they need to support the tax credit and then also the employees' education benefit,
as well as non-profit vocational training.
They need to get some funding from, they can give free support for entrepreneurs and job seekers. Those I have all the policy.
I already had all the policy from Harvard Kennedy School.
I made all policy ready to start when become U.S. senator again.
What incredible.
What a story.
And again, you're watching, listening to me, David Kogan, host of the Alliances Hero Show.
Make sure you go to alliances.com. That's E-L-I-A-N-C-E-S.com, the only place where entrepreneurs align. And thank you, too, to our sponsor, Hirect. You can reach them at
H-I-R-E-C-T.com. Chat directly, hire quickly using first chat-based hiring apps for startups.
That's HireC.com.
So you can reach Sarah, too.
Go to her website.
Doctor, you'll see it scrolling down below here, Dr. Sarah Sun Liu for Congress.com.
The spelling is below.
Make sure you go there. Well, Sarah, when you win, say it as a yes, when you win with all of the things that one can take on,
what's like the first thing you're going to do?
I mean, there is a lot to be done, and that's great because you certainly have the background and everything.
So, like, where do you even start?
Oh, yes. So what like where do you even start? Oh Yes, you know that to me is
Really a lot of passion to all place. I want to improve but you know
I don't want to I want to really focus on now is business support
Entrepreneur support so that's why I joined alliance to how I can support more to
California I joined the alliance to how I can support more to the California entrepreneurs.
So my first thing is to, I want to go to, if I become a U.S. Senator, I will make a
policy that we can tax credit the employee, entrepreneur, small business owners.
They can send their, you know, the employees that go to a non-profit organization,
which we will fund it to a non-profit organization.
And then who had a job replace benefit to the job seekers,
we will give it to the entrepreneur that credit up to $10,000 to their location,
and then as well as job seekers.
Most in California and not only California, all of the USA,
they are closed business because they don't have skilled employers or employees and so that's why my plan to open giving to opportunity to
the small business owner they can hire more longer time to the job seeker
and need benefit for free training vocational training. So we will fund the local vocational training non-profit to, you know,
have a free funds from the government. Then they can hire, they can hire more like a professional
professor, as more like, then they can give, because there is so many non-profit to vocational
training, but they are really shortage helping. So as I am the learning the non-profits to vocational training, but they are really shortage of helping.
So as I am learning the non-profit training, the entrepreneur and supporting child creation,
I think not just the images.
This is really needed in California.
That's what I want to do first.
The second thing, I want to do the next generation education.
You know, I want to do, you know, the next generation education that because the next generation, the high school, pro high school, even kindergarten, you know, university, they need more like, So through the entrepreneur and the intern together, like Entrepreneur Support Center
program and then Job Creation Center program, that I want
to develop that and then any entrepreneur come to the
Entrepreneur Center, they can recruit interns who need to
in a real education background because in Center, they can recruit interns who need real education to background.
Because in America, they have so many education, just books.
They don't have really practical education.
So my Entrepreneur Support Center, Jackery Support Center,
connected those second-generation job seekers before their graduation.
That's the second thing I want to do.
Third thing is the
homeless problem in California is so serious because most of the politics
they only focus on who already being the homeless but my focus is
prevention of homelessness. So we, you know, and the entrepreneur support through
homeless problem. If the entrepreneur support through homeless program? If the entrepreneur, they hire homeless, we can give a fund six months or 12 months.
Then, you know, the entrepreneur, they don't have to pay those homeless people.
The entrepreneur even get the tax credit.
During those six months, 12 months, that those entrepreneurs can support community
generation, and then
those homeless
can be a scalable worker,
and they can, after six months,
one year, they can work
same place, they can pay the tax,
and then they have more
skilled people, and then they
can, you know,
economically in California and jobless in California.
So we have to have something really support entrepreneur to creation job,
just even homeless send it to the job center or shelter.
They don't have a future.
Yeah, they get a job creation, a job skill,
but no one else hired through the entrepreneur.
How they can do?
Some of these problems are the same,
unless those entrepreneurs get the tax credit
and the entrepreneur can six months or 12 months,
even it depends kind of business,
maybe two years, three years.
They can hire pre-homeless who really want to looking for homeless who had a skill.
There is many, even many attorneys, even many, you know, skilled people, they are homeless.
They're just wasting our labor power.
So we have to, you know, back up those homeless who have lost their job and become, even they are really successful people before, but now become homeless because the season now has a pandemic.
More homeless are coming.
We have to solve real solutions.
I learned, I studied those homeless problems, anti-problems, job creation problems, everything, you know, the professor, you know, Dr. Walter
in Harvard Kennedy School,
we all already studied
many, many issues. So
it's not just the crowd plan.
I review
people who are professors who are
politicians. You know, they said this is
perfect. So they
attended many things. So I'm still
working on it. If I become, you know,
U.S. Senator, not only these things,
I have a lot of plans, but on
these three majors, I want
to do. Fantastic.
Well, I got to tell you, Sarah, you are
taking it into your own hands
the drive towards a
better California.
That's a hero. Sarah,
son, you, that's right, U.S. Republican, senatorial candidate, Better California. That's a hero. Sarah Sun Liu.
That's right.
U.S. Republican senatorial candidate.
Make sure you go to, you see it on the bottom, Dr. Sarah Sun Liu for congress.com. And again, a shout out to our sponsor, hirect.com.
H-I-R-E-C-T dot com.
This has been David Kogan with the Alliance's Hero
This show recording
was made from Andrew
Kim's show's interview with
Dr. Sarah Sun Liu for
Congress in 2019,
her first election to run
District 33 U.S. Representative.
This recording provided Dr. Sarah Sun Liu for Congress and run for U.S. Senator 2022.
How are you, Dr. Liu?
Very good.
Thank you for being here.
Thank you for inviting me here.
You're welcome. I'm honored to have you here today.
And we have your very able assistant, Mr. Li,
who is a... I suppose to...
is an elder and a judge
using the technical work for us
thank you Dr. Lee
I'm going to ask you
a few questions because I know you very well
you have been so
wonderful for the Korean community for some time
through your role as a pastor and a businesswoman, a real role model.
And you decided to run for Congress on 33rd Street.
Please tell us about yourself.
I'm an immigrant from Seoul, Korea.
I am 26 years old.
I am an educator, entrepreneur, and pastor.
I dedicate my life always to serve God.
I have been serving 30 years at the local church as an education pastor.
As well as I run my corporation, three corporations,
the Meridian Business Legal Investment, Rich Foundation,
and also Beverly Hills Investment Legal Group,
and also MPS Merchant Service Group,
also Global Jesus Mission Church.
So that achievement as an immigrant from Seoul, Korea, 26 years old,
that America is a dream opportunity to give us that come true today.
And me, always working hard, always seeking for the helping community,
that community goals and America's goals, and then what God's goals I always seeking that.
Yeah, Dr. Yoo, that goes to your daily routine. How's your daily routine like?
Yeah, my daily routine is I'm starting at 4 o'clock. All my life is always go to the church early morning worship.
And then my husband and me is always exercising in the morning. And then same time is we doing Bible study together.
And then also my daily routine is always, you know, starting 4 to 2 p.m.
starting 4 to 2 p.m. until 2 a.m. all day.
You know, I need to carry all of my responsibilities as the CEO of my three profit companies and two non-profit companies.
And my life was always, you know, study hard and working hard.
People say to me, you have 48 hours instead of 24 hours.
And you live like five people's life,
not just only one life.
People say they're always working hard,
and, you know, that's my life,
working hard and study hard,
and pray to God every day,
enjoy talking to the communication community people,
what we need to do for community, what we need to do for this America.
Tell me about your family.
I heard that you have a very interesting family history.
Yeah, my family is my role model.
They are really the leader of the society.
My grandfather was a political leader.
He was founded by the first Korean political organization, Liberty Labor Party.
And he was in the Congress.
And he was long the Congress, and I have a heritage mission from my grandfather to supporting country, my own country, Korea, and also as well as I'm a citizen of the United States as an from blessing God that my uncle was one uncle that chairman of you know economic department Korea he was working in the present
path and then my other uncle is a Harvard University professor at
economic department of Parma University and I realized my cousin is My other uncle is a Harvard University professor, Economic Department of the University of Corona.
And I realized my cousin is a billionaire that
povers negligence since 2017.
We have 10 professors in our family members,
so we are all dedicated, you know,
their lives to education, economic defense,
and supporting this community, supporting America and Korea.
All right, so an overview of that, I think, just now, but how was it like an immigrant living in the United States?
living in the United States.
Yeah, my age is 26 years old.
After graduation,
master degree of theology,
and then I came to my chairman of school,
sent to me America,
and then, you know,
I admitted to
Cal State Long Beach,
and who my relative was,
Professor Choi Deok-shim. I started my immigrant life Kalske Long Beach, who my relative was, Professor Jae-Duk Shim,
I started my immigrant life in the Korean community as a pastor at a local Korean church.
I have served at seven Korean churches.
That's my immigrant story.
And then also, as you realize, America gave me opportunity.
America gave me challenge, passion for the arts. So I achieved all the American dreams, learned the own business as well as I got three doctoral degree since I immigrated. purpose my life so bad I've been 30 years of God to know my community 30 to
the chicken as well as a Korean town I
think you went over that your education and you want to expound or a business
experience yes my business fear is that when I came to America, 26 years old,
not only I was studying IT global business.
At that time, no one was studying that business.
But luckily God gave it to me, that chance to work in the number one world's biggest company,
Pentaglo, and WorldPay, and Papers, Data, and PC.
So I've been doing business that 24 years since that,
and then I have opportunity to serve in entrepreneurs, small business owners.
I've been an older national Democrat,
older national American international travel into that business.
I have such a
devote on that
economic group
from small business owners
that can start their business.
That's my job is experience.
And also I do non-profit
organization that
propose of supporting
entrepreneurship and job creation 503C approved by government and also have a 503C religious organization.
I serve publicly by senior pastor now.
That's my business experience.
Thank you, Dr. Yu.
Now the most important questions.
Why did you run for this congressional district 33rd as congressional candidate? And what can you do for the district? at the issue of the order in my community, then before I did not learn the non-profit,
I eager to supporting my community.
The first reason that that's why I learned, because there is so many homeless problems,
so many economic, even the Donald Trump, best president, he devote on achieve the economic calculation was still my main
motivation to learn
this congress because my
president he doing
what I needed to do so that's why
motivation to learn
this congress
and then
we need solve the problem
in America and then also
I have second reason that my opponent, Ted Yu,
is always a no-region treatment to Donald Trump.
I respect my president, Donald Trump.
He's, I think, the best president, and I support him.
And I go to my website and put in the order why I support him, his policy.
His policy is really excellent, and that's why I wanted to my website and put in the order why I support him, his policy. His policy is really excellent.
And that's why I wanted to support Donald Trump.
That's the second reason.
Third reason that, you know, we need to more leadership in our community.
And I have a heritage mission to my family.
Always we think about how we can support, you know, this community.
If I become Congress, I can, not limited, I can serve my community better than now.