Heroes in Business - JD Hayworth an anchor for NewsMax Media is interviewed by David Cogan of Eliances Heroes

Episode Date: August 9, 2024

JD Hayworth an anchor for NewsMax Media is interviewed by David Cogan of Eliances Heroes radio show.Hayworth commands a room, and has presence. They talk about JD's time working for the American peopl...e as a representative of Arizona in the US Congress, and his experience in news media. 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to Alliances Heroes, where heroes in business align. To be part of our super community and find out more about Alliances, visit www.alliances.com. Now, back to our super host, David Kogan, founder of Alliances. That's right. Remember, these heroes are the builders. And this morning, we started off the show with the startup founder who's been featured on the cover of Inc. Magazine, Jessica Ma. We just had the candidate for Maricopa County Sheriff, and we'll be ending the show with the founder of ACT Software, who pioneered the CRM software industry. And make sure you listen next week because we have the president of the United Nations coming on. But now our next hero. First of all, when he enters a room, he has a presence.
Starting point is 00:00:55 And when he speaks, he commands an audience. He has been the member of Congress, United States House of Representatives for over 12 years there, and now is an anchor and commentator for Newsmax Media. With us is J.D. Hayworth. Now you can reach him at NewsmaxTV.com or you can go to Alliances.com and we'll have the link there. Now, J.D., you have been in a ton of interviews. You've asked some pretty tough questions. You've been asked tough questions. I have to ask you, though, how are you so quick in your thoughts and your style and so articulate? Well, David, first, thanks for having me on. It's great to be a part of this program with Alliances. And then when you're on this end of the interview, you have to have a message you want to get across. So it's basically just getting into
Starting point is 00:02:12 a conversation, finding out what's on somebody's mind, and letting the conversation take its natural course. That would be the best way I could describe it. Sure, you want to prepare, its natural course. That would be the best way I could describe it. Sure, you want to prepare, but you don't want that preparation to overtake the spontaneity of the situation. So what I try to do in an interview situation is say, look, we're having a conversation. And I think that goes a long way toward relaxing those with whom you're speaking, and also just to keep you on the beam, so to speak, because conversations have pleasant topics, and at times they have less than pleasant topics. But still, it's important to keep it a conversation. And as an anchor with Newsmax, you share a lot of interesting views, facts,
Starting point is 00:03:00 and you expose some things going on. I love how you do the comparisons where someone's on there and then you go, well, let's talk about this aspect, right? You've seen so much. What story has, would you say, perhaps surprised you the most in what you've covered? Well, current events of this election year, I think most of us would have to say the rise of Donald Trump and really the return of populism to the American body politic. I had known Donald Trump for years, not some sort of incredible familiarity with him, but known him. And in fact, when I was interviewing for this job, we were having dinner
Starting point is 00:03:46 at Mar-a-Lago and Trump stopped by the table. And there was a very intense conversation about what was going to happen in the next presidential election, how ironic it was that the guy who turns out to be the Republican nominee was the guy in whose wonderful place we were sitting and eating. But nobody saw that coming, and that is obviously perhaps the biggest story of this year. Yeah, absolutely. And again, we're talking with J.D. Hayworth. You can reach him at NewsmaxTV.com. But not only have you been a talk show host, you've also been a sports anchor.
Starting point is 00:04:25 I mean, what was your desire to get into the field of broadcasting? Well, you know, I've been remarkably blessed because I've been able to do things I enjoy. And I found this as a career. Gosh, when I was 12 or 13, I had to harbor delusions of the law or perhaps medicine. But during my days in scouts, and I guess I was just starting junior high, my dad was a scout leader. There used to be a magazine scouting for adults, and they had a story in there about an explorer post in South Bend, Indiana, that was sponsored by WSBT Radio and Television. And when I read about what those guys were doing, suddenly broadcasting became an all-consuming passion of mine. And that started me on the path. Although, to tell you the truth, David,
Starting point is 00:05:19 it really goes back earlier. I know it's incredibly politically incorrect to talk about if you're a baby boomer of a certain age. You remember when you were a kid with a plethora of Westerns on television? Right. And you know, you play cowboys and Indians. I don't think we're supposed to say that today. But anyway, you know what I'm talking about. And and I were in addition to that, I would be watching television. And with the original Price is Right, Bill Cullen would come on. And every day Bill Cullen would bring out a wind-up toy. And I don't know if it was the toy or the fact that Bill Cullen would bring it out, but something just grabbed me about television. It kind of went into a latency for a few years, but then it sprung full flower.
Starting point is 00:06:05 As I entered my teenage years, so I was working professionally before I could drive, getting my third-class radio telephone license from the FCC, which you needed back in those days to be on the radio. In my hometown, I worked in all three stations, dabbled some in television, and continued to work part-time in radio. In fact, when my coaches, both high school and college in football, would try to get on me, one of the cleaner expressions they would use is, hey, straighten up, you such-and-such disc jockey.
Starting point is 00:06:35 So, you know, that's how I got involved in it and then had a remarkable chance to start in television during my senior year of college working professionally. And from there, had a great career that eventually brought me to Phoenix. And that's when I left my career for a calling going to Congress. Incredible. And you're listening to Alliances Heroes. Be a hero.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Go where entrepreneurs align. Be part of the community. Alliances.com. That's E-L-I-A-N-C-E-S.com. And we're talking with J.D. Hayworth with NewsmaxTV.com. Now, you mentioned about being an Eagle Scout incredible. You have three children. You were fortunate to have known what you wanted to do at such a young age. What are some guidance, though, you could provide or advice to children or many of the parents that are listening who really yearn to have their kids be successful in life like you have?
Starting point is 00:07:33 Well, all I can offer is the model my parents set forward. And they instilled me, and I've tried to do this with my kids, with the inner confidence that you can do whatever you set your mind to do. And so they just encouraged me to find out all I could. And nothing occurs in a vacuum because while I was pursuing my Eagle Scout rank, While I was pursuing my Eagle Scout rank, I was also active in debate and speech and obviously broadcasting and athletics. And so I did a lot of things. But the thing is, my parents said, look, if you're going to do this, you need to find out all you can about it. You need to immerse yourself in it. And I was fortunate enough to grow up at a time and in a place where broadcasting was accessible to me, where being involved in student government and debate and
Starting point is 00:08:34 speech, those things were available to me. And I took advantage of them. And I think that's the best thing parents can do and the best thing anyone can do. If you have an interest, find out all you can. Beyond the books, beyond the internet, get in touch with people who actually do what it is you want to do. And that is perhaps the best way to supplement your knowledge and perhaps increase your enthusiasm, or have you adjust that dream to fit what the circumstances are? And that's what I found. I've been remarkably blessed in broadcasting as a career, in politics as a calling. I never thought of politics as my career, and I've had a chance to do a lot of things, but life seldom goes, quote, according to plan. You have to readjust, you have to reassess,
Starting point is 00:09:34 and at times you have to reinvent what your long-term goals might be. Well, certainly worthy advice, so thank you, thank you. We'd also like to to thank ann radley who is a personal friend of jd's and a branding and pr expert for early to mid-stage internet startups you could reach out to her go by going to linkedin and looking up ann radley a n n e r a d l e y who can help you elevate and grow your brand to the next level jd.D., you've done so much. You were part of Congress. You've been a broadcaster that delivers the news and impacts the community. You show the public a perspective they may not have thought of.
Starting point is 00:10:18 That's our hero. That's J.D. Hayworth that can be reached at NewsmaxTV.com. And when we return, we're going to have the founder of ACT Software. I mean, this guy pioneered the whole CRM software industry. David Kogan with E-Liances.

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