Heroes in Business - Mike Maunu Revolutionizing Cardiovascular Health Chronic Inflammation Pain Management oxygen4lifeinc.com
Episode Date: August 10, 2024Catch David Cogan's interview with Mike Maunu, the visionary behind Oxygen4Life.com! Discover how Mike is revolutionizing cardiovascular health, chronic inflammation, and pain management without drugs.... Tune in to hear about his innovative approaches. Don't miss this insightful conversation on the future of health and investment!
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Up in the sky, look, it's captivating, it's energizing, it's Eliance's Heroes.
Eliance's is the destination for entrepreneurs, investors, CEOs, inventors, leaders, celebrities,
and startups, where our heroes in business align.
Now, here's your host flying in, David Kogan, founder of Eliance's.
That's right.
And I couldn't be any more happy to be here than now, being able to do this, having the
opportunity to be able to interview people that are making a difference in the world.
And you can too, by listening, watching to what they have to say, because it's possible
as I strongly believe for
anyone. So what I like to do too, is, and by the way, too, thank you for the feedback that we
continue to have. That's right. Continue to have, when I head on the, are you ready for this? The
co-founder of Priceline, who will also be coming up at our grand table. So make sure that you go to
alliances.com. That's E-L-I-A-N-C-E-S.com. What I'd like to do next, we're going to be talking
about healthcare. We're going to be talking about a lot of things that are going on in the industry
and what you think it is of what it may or may not be. And I'd like to invite to our show,
And I'd like to invite to our show Mike Manu.
He's an investor, a mentor, coached for decades, co-founded a nine-figure direct sales company,
CEO and president of a med tech life science company focusing on revolutionizing cardiovascular health, chronic inflammation, and pain management.
You're going to hear some
amazing things from him today, and you can reach him by going to oxygenforlifeinc.com. We'll have
that too on our banners below. We'll have it posted too, but it's oxygen, the number four,
lifeinc.com. So welcome to the show, Mike. We're happy that you're here to it today.
Yeah, very excited to be here with you, David, here on a beautiful Friday morning in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Absolutely. All right. So let's just jump right in.
First of all, I consider you an expert within health care.
You've seen a lot of things behind the scenes.
You've talked with doctors, specialists, medical intuitives, really across the board, you're quite familiar.
What are some of the biggest myths, though, in healthcare?
Wow, that's a big one right there. I think the biggest myth out there is the fact that
all the diseases are caused by something different. that's why you go to a doctor or people
even if they don't go to the doctor they're taking this product for this and they're taking this
product for that they're taking this product for this because they don't have a real understanding
of human physiology it's the most difficult um track in in science and in the medical field is
physiology it's very very, very difficult. But when
you understand human physiology and that we're all exactly the same on the inside,
that there's one primary cause of all the inflammatory issues, you solve the one problem,
you solve them all. It's very, very simple. Not all this crazy stuff we see out there with
biohacking this and biohacking that. You don't need to do it.
We didn't do that 100 years ago. And there was no diabetes. There was no heart disease. There
was no cancer. There was no Alzheimer's, dementia. We didn't do it. So what did we do then that we're
doing now that's different? And how do we fix it? Absolutely. So the thing is, is you've launched
this healthcare company, again, Oxygen for Life, Inc.
Tell us about that and why you decided to do it.
And you've been doing it for a while.
Yeah, Oxygenforlife.com without the Inc. was started back in early 2000s.
Because oxygen, without oxygen, we have strokes, we have heart attacks, we get cancer. Without oxygen, the big one is we die.
So it was all about oxygen and i was involved with another manufacturer with getting oxygen into
the bloodstream but it wasn't until 2005 that i heard this scientist out of mit state that it's
the lack of oxygen at the cellular level not in the blood, that's the root cause of all disease. And that's validated
in every medical textbook involving physiology is that one issue. And then he went on to explain
why that happens. Why do we lose the ability to get oxygen into the cell membrane? It's because
of the bilipid membrane that surrounds the mitochondria. And what's happened over the last 75 years is everything
we eat today is made with processed oils. And those oils don't spoil, which caused the food
not to spoil. But then when we take them into the body, guess what happens? They get incorporated
into every one of our 100 trillion cells, and then the cells don't function correctly. So that's the
only thing that's changed. Most people know that the food supply is different.
But why is it different? It's because of these oils that now
cause every cell membrane to not function correctly.
What I don't understand is is is too is is that, you know, some
of these countries have banned the oils that we're using?
Correct. Now one of the one one of the problem we have,
and most people think it's, I'm a big conspiracy person. I'm just going to tell you that right now
and have been for a long, long time. But it's not a conspiracy on the food side. You have to think
of this. In 1950s, 55, when we started to get interstate highways and McDonald's was here in Southern California
and they're going to open one in New York and everything else.
The food has to last a long time.
No longer is it farm to table in your local area where you would eat it before it spoiled.
In the 1800s, everything ate fresh.
There was no ice boxes.
The bread would go bad in two or three days because
the oil that was made had no preservatives or chemicals in it. But in order for the food to
be able to be made in a manufacturer, get shipped to a warehouse, get shipped to the local store,
then you go and buy it and you come home and the bread still lasts two weeks and never spoils.
They had to use these chemicals in the cooking oils to prevent it from happening. That's all it is.
So now if you know that, you can then add back into your diet on a daily basis and try and
eliminate a lot of that processed oil, an oil that has not been processed or unadulterated,
and therefore the body can start using these good oils and now your cells start to function
correctly again. Tell us more about Oxygen for Life.
And again, we're interviewing Mike Manu,
investor, coach for decades,
co-founder of Nine Figure Direct sales company
and CEO, president of a med tech life science company
focusing on revolutionizing cardiovascular health,
chronic inflammation and pain management.
Go to oxygenforlifeinc.com. That's oxygen, the number oxygen for life inc.com that's oxygen the number four
life inc.com um you know so a lot of people obviously that are in the alliance network
the community i've been part of now for almost four years no kind of know the backstory
besides having this company i ran as a lifestyle business i was also a coach had a digital agency
so that's kind of what i came into alliances which just all over the board until two years ago my son alex said dad
why do you do everything wrong that you tell all your clients not to do why are you focusing on
three things why don't we pick one he knew that what that one would be would be this because it's
my passion for 20 30 years now um and that's when we started to focus more on Oxygen for Life.
Things started to take off.
Last year, we did a crowdfunding raise with the company.
Last year, we got the exclusive license to our medical food that's only available through MDs
because our product solves a pathway deficiency in the body that leads to chronic inflammation.
By using this product,
we can work with 13 diseases only available through MDs. We've also started on the path
because of alliances selling into the Department of Defense, the VA, Indian Health Services, FEMA,
all the rest of that stuff. So that was our transition in from 2022 and 2023 on our product side.
And then at the end of 2023, we got the exclusive United States rights to the most advanced non-invasive thermal imaging equipment in the world today.
Our South Korean manufacturer just here visiting and training at our beautiful 19,000 square foot
facilities here in Scottsdale, Arizona. You've been here many times at many of our events.
And so now we're taking this device into the commercial and the government marketplace
where an individual can have a simple scan done, non-invasively, no radiation, non-invasive. And a physician can see where inflammation is starting
to develop that may not, there's no symptoms. They don't even know. So early diagnosis is the
most important thing at a very affordable cost. And then on the back end, why have the ability
to know what's wrong with you and then not have a solution that actually works. So now we bring in our products that have been out there and patented for 20 years,
whether you need the over-the-counter product or you need a stronger version of the same
all-organic plant oils through a medical practitioner. And then the doctor can chart
the progression of healing within the body. As long as inflammation is present, whether you can
feel it or not, that's what chronic inflammation is, the body can never heal itself. So we have a way in which we can do
that and all of it can be tracked on the medical device and the patient can actually see the
results, which ends up being long-term customers of our products. Absolutely phenomenal. And I know
you're working with a number of Alliances members. Talk to us about what it's been like to be a member of Alliances.
There may be some people that are listening, watching now that, you know, maybe haven't even heard of the Alliances.
Can you share that?
Yeah. Being in the marketing space as long as I've been in it, you know, going to all the different networking events and joining different groups.
to all the different networking events and joining different groups alliances was the first one with the real community of people uh with various talents and there's new people that show up
every week i mean i can't say how much it's meant to the growth of our company in the last two years
i mean we were we were already in business we were already functioning we were already in yet where
we're going to go but through people that we met at the alliances, we got our connection to the Department of Defense.
We got our two of our attorneys that are on board right now and work with us almost on a daily basis.
We got our first CFO that came on board as an interim CFO that helped the company grow on scale.
Countless people in alliances are on our products, including yourself.
Alliances are on our products, including yourself.
And many of them have come to become investors in our company and are part of our growth in our community, which is what is more important to us.
And then I'll probably save the big one that I'm sure you'll ask here in a minute to go in more detail about our relationship with the alliances and why it was so important for us to do more with the alliances and the community.
That's right. And we have a big announcement. In fact, would you like to steal the thunder of how, you know, what is going on with Oxygen for Life,
and again, you can reach Mike Manu, Oxygen for Life, Inc. That's Oxygen, the number four,
Life, Inc. And that's inc.com to learn more and to reach out to him.
This was what, last month or the month before,
whatever it was, we started discussing this through our mutual attorney friends, Mark Saveda,
who's been instrumental in our progress here
with the company.
And we reached out saying,
hey, how can we be a sponsor of your alliances?
How can we be like the Diamondbacks or the Phoenix Suns and the rest of the companies that are part of Alliance community?
We wanted to be a bigger part of it because of what alliances has meant to us.
And we forged that agreement between you and alliances and our company to where we're now a sponsor,
corporate sponsor at the highest level. And as you know, every week, it's all about giving back
to the community. And so much has come from the community for both my son, Alex, and myself.
We wanted to give back. And this was the way in which we could be a bigger participant and player
with the growth of alliances across not
only the united states but the entire world and that certainly plays a critical role because you
by supporting alliances enables us to continue to do what we're doing and also affecting so many
entrepreneurs from those that are starting their business in their car all the way on up and to
continue to keep this engine going
and getting stronger and stronger because of you being part of alliances and certainly now our
latest newest sponsor and of course being in the health care the first health care sponsorship
we've ever had you're very knowledgeable in the field um you know i think this is important too
is is you know you've been in done more probably marketing campaigns, a variety of different businesses than anybody I know.
And I think this is important.
How do you feel the consumer itself has changed?
You know, there's just seems to be now just a different environment.
But I'd like to get your take on it of how you see the consumer change because you've launched gazillions of different campaigns. Yeah, that's the good and the bad of what's
going on in the industry today. I mean, back in the early 2000, you know, my first medical device
was a chin strap to help prevent snoring. And I was hired by a company in 2002 and we did over
$3 million in the first nine months. And that company's gone on to do over a hundred million to date and all we had then was
email uh there was no uh social media then there was no Facebook I can't remember that old one that
used to be around back then um but yeah MySpace um that just launching, but kind of going under.
But today there's so many choices that consumer has.
And I think the most important thing is you have to really get succinct in your messaging and who your customer is.
And I see that every day and I see that with so many people is they're very unsure of who their target market is.
And if you don't know, you're never going to be able to get the traction that you need because you're all over the board.
You can't.
And that was a problem for us
because our product works
with so many different diseases.
We had to figure out
which one was the best one
we could get the biggest
amount of traction in.
And then don't change things.
So and that was kind of what Alex
came back to me two years ago.
I've always said with the company,
you know, one product, one platform until you get to a million dollars and then commit continues to build through that one platform.
But so many people get started with something and get, you know, get it going and they'll go do something else and something else because they hear everybody talk about multiple streams of income.
Yeah. Rich people have multiple streams of income. But when you're starting off as an entrepreneur, you can't afford to have multiple streams of income.
You've got to be focused 1000 percent.
And that's when we really grew within the alliances community two years ago when I said, hey, let's focus.
When we started focusing, everyone gravitated more to our company and myself than in the past.
And I was still able to give better advice and better information to our eLions community
because they identified that, you know, I knew what I was talking about, as opposed
to every week showing up with a different pitch.
Be focused.
And that's the thing, right?
I mean, yeah, we sometimes get out where we want to do everything and everything and everything at once. And I think that becomes so difficult. So if there was anything that you would change now, knowing what you know, and the amount of knowledge, having started a ton of different companies, and being very involved within healthcare, and certainly have been open to look at from the time of when you started oxygen right to now and how much has changed
yeah even within the last 18 months you know of getting focused and when you focus
you know i can't think of all the little sayings right now but you know we're entered we're we're
i don't know energy flow something about energy flowing and all that kind
of good stuff you know that's how i found out about how to get into the department of defense
18 months ago or a year ago through some of the alliances when you're focused things show up into
your space okay and that's the probably the biggest takeaway that, you know, I just wanted to help so many people, but I had to focus on what my passion was.
And thank goodness, Alex, who you know, got me focused on that two years ago.
Last two years ago, February 25th, we incorporated, finally, Oxygen for Life Inc. in Delaware, and it's all changed since then.
for Life Inc. in Delaware. And it's all changed since then. Talk to us about the dynamics, because I think that it's a very sensitive point for a number of solopreneurs who are considering
thinking or now working with a family member. You're very close with your son, you work with
him. How's the dynamics of that? How's the relationship changed from, you know, father,
son to now, you know, an active role that he has?
And how do you keep the peace?
Because it's natural with anybody who's so close or anybody you work with that.
Right. Even non-family members.
But how do you keep the peace?
I don't know.
You probably better ask him about yesterday or something, you know.
But, you know, he was he he was homeschooled since he was 10.
so he was traveling with me when i would speak at events and on the phone all the time so he grew up
around that business environment i remember taking him to his first clip funnels events he was 15
years old in las vegas uh so that would have been i don't know eight years ago nine years ago and
he's like sitting there go dad I don't
understand any of this I said that's okay you will and then when he was 17 I come home and he's
got a monitor going he's got whiteboards out he's got some of my books he's going through everything
and he just one day it just clicked and he just wanted to be an entrepreneur and start doing this
stuff and he became very you, he had clients at 17
doctors running Facebook ads, and he created his first program to sell to business owners on how
to set up your business profile, went out there and marketed the whole thing, didn't ask me for
any input at all, put it all together. And then it was just kind of a natural transition into the
healthcare space with me to where he's taken on a much bigger role. And as I've said,
at many of the events, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here right now. Because even though
I know how to do all the things he's doing, I don't have the time to do all those things. So I
kind of put that off on him because I trust him because he's been doing ads and writing campaigns
and way before AI and all that stuff. He was doing it all on his own at 18, 19, 20 years old, which was quite an accomplishment for him to where now, you know, whether I need videos done, I need editing done, post-production work done, you know, our thermal lens machine. He knew as much as the guy from South Korea when he came in. He actually ran that part of the demo.
You know, he helped rewrite the manual.
So it was in better English for the machines.
So but we still have our ups and downs.
I still get upset when he doesn't do things I think he should know to go do.
And he's like, Dad, I don't know what you want me to do.
We need to have more of a board meeting and say, hey, you need to be on this, you need to be on that. And that's why we brought in another Alliance member, Brian Lifshitz. And we did a one-year deal with him so that Alex could
now take tasks he's been assigned, do it once, and pass it off to somebody else who could then go and
do and implement all the work so Alex can move move to something else and that's probably one of the hardest transition for most entrepreneurs is how do i pass things off you
know i learned 15 years ago touch it once pass it off don't keep repeating the same processes over
and over again automate it outsource it do whatever you can otherwise you'll never grow a company
all right interesting We've got
time for one more question. I think this is important too, is so much has evolved within
Oxygen for Life Inc. just within the past 30 days, 15 days. You know, I mean, it just continues.
What do you see as kind of the ultimate of where you want it, what it will look like?
is kind of the ultimate of where you want it what it will look like well the the big thing is as you know last month i got a chance to go to fort detrick detrick maryland for five days with a
group of about 15 other individuals and go through the most advanced acquisition training uh by the
united states army uh and i was the only civilian there everyone else had a dot mil
military address and i was kind of overwhelmed the first day but after that boom it was all over with
so that's where our main focus is we want to get our product into uh the us army first they're
looking at our brivanta.com medical food for tbi and ptsd it's the biggest problem they have and we have the
solution for it that we've already clinically proven and then with the va it's for neuropathy
and diabetic foot ulcer so nothing will make me happier as once we get those agreements and those
contracts in place because of the millions of soldiers that are affected by these injuries, diseases every day. And we can not
only solve it in the commercial space, but in the government space, they don't have any answers.
And they're desperately looking for solutions. And the drug companies haven't been any, they don't
have any solutions and they keep looking. And as you know, you've met a lady who's pushing us that
works for the DOD.
She works at the highest level in the drug developmental for the U.S. Army. And she's pushing us because she's seen what we have.
We have to follow the process that's been mandated on how we get in the front door by Congress.
And so we're patiently waiting and ready to go.
And that would make me more than happy to be able to help millions of our soldiers
past and present with our products excellent and mike you a difference not only within health care
and what's going to be happening within health care and the new product launches but also too
in the community and people that you touch and people are looking
forward to all this continue to do what you're doing Mike Manu member of the
Alliance's investor mentor coach for decades co-founded nine-figure direct
sales company CEO president of med tech life science company focusing on
revolutionizing cardiovascular health I I take his stuff.
Chronic inflammation and pain management.
Make sure you go to oxygen4lifeinc.com.
That's oxygen, the number four, lifeinc.com.
This has been David Kogan with the Alliance's Hero Show.
But now you've got to dance with me.
You've got to kind of do that. There you go.