Heroes in Business - opic Discussion on Abortion, Guns and Climate Change

Episode Date: March 29, 2022

Dr. Sarah Sun Liew for U.S. Senator CA DBA (Doctor Business Admin), Postdoctoral Ph.D. sales marketing & nonprofit management, and second postdoctoral Ph.D. in biblical preaching discusses Abortion, G...uns and Climate Change in this episode of Today America and The World.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Up in the sky, look, it's captivating, it's energizing, it's Eliance's Heroes. Eliance's is the destination for entrepreneurs, investors, CEOs, inventors, leaders, celebrities, and startups, where our heroes in business align. Now, here's your host flying in, David Kogan, founder of Eliance's. That's right. And this is a year of elections, a lot of activity taking place. Make sure that you check out past interviews, by the way, by going to Eliance's dot com. That's E-L-I-A-N-C-E-S dotcom. And we've got some hot topics to talk about today because we have with us U.S. Republican senatorial candidate.
Starting point is 00:00:53 That's right, Sarah Liu. And you could reach her at DrSarahLiuForCongress.com. You'll see the link and information on below, DrSarahLiuForCongress.com. You'll see the link and information on below, drsaralooforcongress.com. So welcome to the show. Welcome back to the show. Dr. Sarah Liu, how are you doing today? Oh, very good. Thank you so much for inviting me here again. Absolutely. Absolutely. Well, we've got a lot of hot topics to go over. In fact, let's jump right into it because this is what people are voting on. They want to know about their candidate and stuff. So let's do first off,
Starting point is 00:01:32 and it's a hot topic. It's a hot topic. There's a lot about it. People want to know. Let's go and let's talk about USA, the abortion in battle between pro-life, pro-choice. Which one are you? What is your feeling on it? And why? This is what our listeners and viewers want to know. Yeah, thank you so much for inviting me to the Alliance show. I always thank you for the honor, CEO, David Corgan, and as well as producer, Gulu.
Starting point is 00:02:11 They're so excellent. I'm so thankful I have my campaign in Neededam. So today, as well as Alliance members, they always support me all kind. Thank you for I've been very proud of the Alliance members. First of all, today, abortion is really, as David Kogan said, that very big topic because of many demographics and then Republicans. Most is a very similar policy they do, but this abortion is a very big topic because there is two pro-life
Starting point is 00:02:51 and pro-choice is there two really different views. Democratic is they are all like a pro-choice because they respect, they endorse those women's rights. And as well as Republicans, they are more like a biblical view, and abortion is murder, and as well as they support pro-life, then pro-choice. So as I'm a candidate, U.S. Senate, my life is always, I'm a devotee as pastor, U.S. Senate, my life is always, I'm a devotee as pastor, as well as I'm working at a special, I understand this abortion is so seriously issue for me because I'm a medical staff. I was working at a delivery rooms. Myself was delivered those babies as well as, you well as assistant doctors together. I see how beautiful those babies are, born in the world.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Every time I look at those, in a moment, to God, bless those old babies. I hope so. There are two kinds of parents. One is really wanted babies, but they don't have 10 years. They don't have baby. One or another couples, they are waiting. They got one or another. They don't want to waiting,
Starting point is 00:04:14 but they got those three catalog. We can look at it. So there is abortion is most who are happy, who are married. That's not that much matter, but unwanted baby, which one is unmarried or like late, those cases we need to seriously think about abortions.
Starting point is 00:04:34 So there is many pro-cons about abortionists who support those babies is when their conception is arrived, which is when they have a conception, they already had a life, they recall like a woman. But another choice that make a woman choice mean is they still not, the moment is not still in 24 weeks or like some people stay 36 weeks before, still is not human. You know, they can think about, they can, you know, abortions because they don't think there is still life. But in Bible, you know, usually it's a, we are conservative view, it's Republicans. Whenever conceptions occurs, God involving those moment and, you know, God give those life. So that's why we are all pro-life, which is we respect those baby, even 24 or 36 months before, still we have to respect those babies' life as God's image creation.
Starting point is 00:05:52 As I'm a pastor, I always think about the image of God, because we are humankind. Not only those whom a woman a mother, has a right. You know, most, you know, the demographic who are called like a pro-choice, they respect human privacy, human choice, human body needed to respect it. But as well as we are the pro, you know, we are pro-life, we have to really respect the baby even they cannot speak, even they cannot talk, but still
Starting point is 00:06:29 they are humankind. We have to really respect those. So our today's policies, many states they are really against abortions. They don't support abortions, but our California is they support abortions. They don't support abortions. Our California supports abortions. Even many other states, their ladies coming here, they can
Starting point is 00:06:53 abortions, you know, because of 2019 Gavin Newsom even granted those abortion ladies coming to California they can surgery and then even they have California, they can have surgery, and then even they have granted money they can spend. As well as think about, you know, many people are coming for abortion here,
Starting point is 00:07:14 and the economic rules. I don't think that it's a good policy because we have many other ways we can economic rules. How come think about those abortion against God, against, you know, kill people abortions, and how make those, you know, think about economic growth. So I'm not supporting those, any abortion policy, as well as there is many, many, you know, cases of people, you know, pro-life, you know, talk about if the lady, you know, cases of people, you know, pro-life, you know, talk about if the lady, you know, unwanted because of labor or like life of mother, you know, also I'm not, why don't you exception? I'm not exception because only those abortions, 1% of those labor or life of mother. So 99%,
Starting point is 00:08:02 of those who lived or were life of mother. So 99% they are not that case. So if we support those abortions, everyone can, because economic conditions, many women, they don't have economic enough before marriage. They decided to, okay, I cannot
Starting point is 00:08:18 have kids go to school. I don't have jobs. They decided the kids, how many unwanted happening. Everyone, you know, have economic problems. As well as, you know, we have the, so all those happening because of we needed to really have a good solutions. Because we had more education at the school about sexual, because many schools, they are not like education enough because that's why young, even kids, babies get the baby because
Starting point is 00:08:55 of no education. So our economic system have to be reformed those are more like education early age for the uh you know sexual uh like intercourse uh like when they have a baby those kind of education we need to as well as you know many men you know even they don't responsibility those women who decided to many decided to the abortion because of a man who does not respond. They just intercourse and then they just let go or whatever you decided to do. That's why, you know, without bother, many women decided to abortion. As well as we need really education, moral education to doctors. If, you know, there is no doctor who are doing like a surgery for those abortions, there is no abortion happening. But many, many doctors who are in America, they make a lot of money through those abortions.
Starting point is 00:09:54 They follow those policies. Their policy is open even helping those doctors who can be abortion. So we have to really practice and then education those doctors not do abortions that that are moral ethic we need education as well as a lot of policy and we should change it to more like respect those babies you know the right then human right now is many uh left uh you know far far away left uh you know demographics their movement many many places because of they respect the human body uh you know one another things i understand very well because of in i was working at a hospital, exactly delivery rooms. How suffer people, they get a baby, even they have to get the baby. For a while, the human body is limited, had a lot of problems.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Even they are born, baby is smooth, still have a lot of damage. But we have to look at education, those who decided to abortion, a lot of damage, but we have to look at education, those who decided to abortion, you know, a lot of damage, mental damage, physical damage, not only themselves, but as well as, you know, many, many other things, you know, happening. So we have to really make sure that, you know, that not happening that to the no abortions. We need to really, we need to really support those, you know, those like the one 2016,
Starting point is 00:11:36 the Donald Trump had a great, you know, the movement abortion, the movement abortion, which is the abortion person should have punished the menstrual, or child abuse. But nowadays, many states, they don't have really any punishment and judgment that much for the abortion. That's why abortion happening. So, you know, as I'm a candidate U.S. senator, I am really making sure to not support any policy for the abortions as well as the sea, you know, the, you know, we see even Jesus Christ born
Starting point is 00:12:13 through Mother Maria and then, you know, the Father Joseph, they are not married. They did not, you know, choose abortion. If they choose abortion this world the Seviah is not coming because of
Starting point is 00:12:30 mother's decision abortion I think that God has really had an individual even that is laity even there is any any course of that have conceptions the time is baby there is God's way.
Starting point is 00:12:47 God wants to do something. The season of Jesus Christ coming, this world is like even Virgin Mary's body, you know, that time is so problem. If Virgin Mary had a baby, even killed, even thrown stone by the mother, you know, Maria is not chosen to abortions, keep Jesus Christ. That's why today we have all the believers benefit those Christ Jesus. So I'm not supporting those abortions at all as a born Christian, as a pastor. Right. Thank you so much. chance as a pest up. Right. Thank you so much. This is important information for our viewers to know, those that are listening, those that are watching. Once again, Sarah Liu, U.S. Republican senatorial candidate. You could reach her by going to drsarahluforcongress.com.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Once again, you'll see the link on the bottom. I want to talk about one more subject because, Dr. Sarah, this is, again, another subject of which people are voting on, and that is in regards to your policy regarding the right to beer arms and gun permits. I mean, this is what people are thinking about. They want to know. They want to know where your stance is with it, what the details are behind it, because it's a hot topic. And a lot of people vote just like they're voting on what you just talked about. They're also voting in regards to the whole thing regarding guns. So please share with us the full insight of what you stand for in regards to the whole point of right to bear arms. Okay, thank you for great questions. Bear arms, we call it a second amendment to have everyone wanted to get out,
Starting point is 00:14:41 wanted to get out, supported their own life to protect from any murder or any case. So the bear arms is very important to issues because of Democrat and
Starting point is 00:14:58 Republican voices very different view of this bear arms. First the Democrat, they don't want to spare arms, but Republicans want everyone to spare arms. So the background, those Democrats, they don't want to spare arms because they don't, government, they want to control us more.
Starting point is 00:15:21 If we do not have our spare arms, then they can control us more. And as well as the Democrats said it too, because we have a bare arms, that more like a crime coming. I think that is wrong because of, you know, in the in the Europe's many, many countries, they are supported bare arms. Many countries, they support bare arms. Their crime rate is so low than us. If this is true, what they said, because of bare arms we are carrying, because of crime rate is high, why, you know, the Europe or other countries who are supporting bare arms, why they don't have a crime like us? I don't think that is bear arms what the Democrats said because they are against bear arms. As well as, you know, our Republicans, we are very proud to be a member of, you know, those members and bring all the bear arms. Myself also very proud to bring the bear
Starting point is 00:16:22 arms as a candidate of U.S. Senate. You know, I am not going to support any policy to support those bear arms. As well as think about those, you know, at the night times, someone broken, we have nine criminal
Starting point is 00:16:39 law like burglary or license or arson, manslaughter and many many other nine criminals. People coming, people all over the place happening in nine criminal
Starting point is 00:16:55 but at the night time your house, someone broke your house if you don't have bare arms and you don't care bare arms and you don't you don't you don't like to care yourself to those people who are broken your window and then come to kill you so you you do you do not have bare arms uh we we cannot uh you know protect ourselves even you know many media only like show those who are like children had a gun and because of their arms
Starting point is 00:17:27 the killed because of using those bare arms but you know what they only like people like media like people only show those bare arms you know disadvantage disadvantage part, but they didn't show really like advantage part. Like even people, they never show that, like even example, like 50 persons killed, many, many are killed in the one city, one night, 50 people died, but they don't have bare arms, they killed. But if they have bare arms, they can save their life. if they have bare arms, they can save their lives. They never on the media never say about those 50 persons killed for days, but they only put in their media one, you know, children who has played a gun and died.
Starting point is 00:18:17 So those, you know, media is also supporting those, you know, supported those, you know those you know bare arms only they supported those you know against those bare arms so we have to really make sure to every people so we I want to support as you are
Starting point is 00:18:39 you know candidate I want to fully support those second amendment and then also I'm supporting universal background candidate, I want to fully support those second amendments. And then also, I'm supporting universal background check, which is, you know, everyone who wants to purchase those guns,
Starting point is 00:18:54 we have to check those universal backgrounds, because we don't know who are, even their murder, they are like a murderer through a lot of happening in the crime by the guns, you know. So everyone can buy the guns. Maybe some murderer can buy the guns.
Starting point is 00:19:12 We have to make sure only who are really willing to save their life and their family life. So that's why I really support those background, universal background checkup. support those background, universal background checkup for the, you know, as I'm your candidate of U.S. Senate, I will not gonna support any, you know, against those
Starting point is 00:19:33 second amendment. We should be really proud of those members of NRA as well as, you know, have arms. Yeah. No, that's great. And again, you could reach Dr. Sarah Liu by going to drsarahliuforcongress.com.
Starting point is 00:19:55 You'll see the link again below, U.S. Republican Senatorial Candidate. I mean, you know, Dr. Sarah, there's just, there's so many topics that people want to know. And you talked certainly about, you know, two of the top hot topics that are to what would you say is we've got time for one more topic. What would you say is another topic that is on the mind of voters now? Maybe we can talk about maybe crime change. Like, you know, we can talk about that a little bit. Yeah. I think that's an important topic.
Starting point is 00:20:35 I mean, people want to be safe. You know, at the end of the day, people want to be able to live and want to be able to be safe. So please talk about that topic. Yes. Thank you for the opportunity to talk more about climate change environment. Yes. You know, we are living in this climate change every day.
Starting point is 00:20:55 We are living in this world. You know, those climate change issues are so important because those climate change issues are not only one geographic. This is a global issue. So if you save your gas or oil or maybe make those all the pollution, one geographic, even California, those large movement coming, save those things, you know, pollution is changing and even those pollution is effective to, you know, pollution is changing. And even though pollution is effective to Europe and all of the place, that's why those climate change issues are very important.
Starting point is 00:21:33 As well as we have responsibility to bring this earth, you know, earth needed to bring to next generations, more clear water, clear air, generations more clear water, clear air, more like, you know, natural like things that we needed to transform to them to next generation. So that's why climate change issues are so important. I think the most democratic, you know, they speak climate change very well, but the things is those are demographic really are like, even I mean, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, many Hollywood stars, they still bring many,
Starting point is 00:22:12 you know, their own jet, you know, all over the place they are traveling. Even their nice limousine car, all over traveling. So many people in democracy, they fight for the climate change, but their action is not really follow those, you know, climate change. So we needed to like, you know, we needed to
Starting point is 00:22:33 really, I'm supporting those democratic climate change, which is, you know, they are green, you know, which is like green technology, which is windy and as well as solar they make older uh older like child creations as well as um you know i have myself or above my loop has a sun uh solar it saved a lot of money to me too i have experienced that i we don't we never pay electronic bills because of solar. Also, many wind technologies save a lot of energy. I respect those things, but I'm not respecting U Green Deals. The U Green Deal is that one I'm not supporting because those U Green Deals is a lot of money. You know, also a lot of money we need to spend in our country will be like bankruptcy because of those U Green Deals.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Also, that democracy advances radically, you know, that is Marxism, you know, also there is a lot of American, you know, American ideas there. So I'm not supporting those, you know, those green youths. But, you know, we are always living in this world. We have to really concern those climate change. Every day, the small things we can do, you know, many British like carbon tax credit, those policies helping many people able to, you know, join those climate change issues. So we should really, you know, I'm a candidate of U.S. Senate. I will support those, you know, climate change environment to green technology and as well as solar, windy, not for, you know, green new deals. Excellent. you know, agree new deals. Excellent.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Well, again, you know, Dr. Sarah, we appreciate your time today talking about the hot topics of what people want to know. Make sure you go to drsarahlouforcongress.com. The link is below, drsarahlouforcongress.com. U.S. Republican Senatorial Candidate,
Starting point is 00:25:04 Dr. Sarah Lou. Thank you so much again. And we're going to have to have you come back on because there's still many topics that people want to know. So with that, thank you again so much, Dr. Sarah Liu, for being here today on the Alliance Show. We appreciate your time and time that you've taken to go through the topics of what voters want to know. Thank you so much for inviting me here. Thank you.

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