Heroes in Business - Sarah Sun Liew show, Today America and The World
Episode Date: January 15, 2022Dr. Sarah Sun Liew Show Today America and The World, Now is the time to protect the American economy and protect jobs through true entrepreneurial leadership and organization....
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This message was provided by Dr. Sarah Sun Liu's show for Today America and the World.
So together supported this podcast by two non-profit organizations from Global Jesus Mission Church and Meridian Business Legal Investment Wish Foundation.
If you have any questions or comments, please email us at drsaralewshow at gmail.com.
If you want to know more about Dr. Sarah Sun Liu's educational background and accolades and her compassion for running candidate office for the California U.S. Senator,
Please visit the website drsaraleuforcongress.com as CEO of a global banking, fintech company, real estate brokerage, and investment legal services company.
We will share many issues facing our residents in California and the world through her show.
Thanks for your listing Dr. Sarah Sun Liu Show for today's America and the world. See you next podcast.
I would like to today talk about what is entrepreneurship needed to during this COVID-19.
So every day we look at the TV or magazine or any news,
especially talk about the COVID-19 effective us so many different fields our life. So in terms as entrepreneur and I'm thinking you know what really we needed to do during this COVID-19. So today's I
just want to talk about those issues need you. So you know according to
follow that COVID implication on the business,
you know, we can duplicate, review that.
So first, you know, in United States,
labor mismatch in United States, because at this point, COVID-19,
you know, the people, they are not looking for the jobs because of COVID-19 risk.
So there is many job place there, but there is a lot of labor economic opportunity.
There is a lot of labor economic opportunity, but however, you know, maybe still you know still strong that's why you
know the ensure strong it is a TV level support is very important at this point
that's why so I'm looking for today issue about that and also what is effective that secondary American uh you know the opportunity
uh you know the what is a COVID-19 uh effective that 49 percent people labor market labor market that are 49 percent of respondents said that most
americans had opportunity to find a good job of seven percent point from march when first
conducted uh you know the copied so and take major.S. student achieve after pandemic school is closed. That is another
uh you know matter of the this pandemic you know most school is closed.
uh very uh historically the student uh very disadvantaged through the covid because
their uh grade level is behind uh you know few years because they didn't go to the school or did not go attending school so they you know there is many setback condition at the student you know major
majority or all impacted those school you know though like like black is five months behind, you know and India logic sector need structure reform
more than ever because of COVID-19 so international you know wholesale
warehousing or company shrinking because of shortage inventory and then also reduct level human you know
supply human labor yes and then also transportation function is so you know
non-efficiently so that's what that's why is a still COVID-19 effective in our community.
And also, you know, the lowest sales, you know, the square feet, the price is so low, too, and we're, you know, including landscaping or property difference, retail model and sweeping impact changing consumer
uh preference technology so so right now is china uh china or you know the rebuild uh those
uh leading whose market leaders uh because of low cost and low cost labor low cost product so
but still copy 19 is a you know the uh effective those big chain you know so that's that's the one we can review. Another one is that we can, pandemic is the, because the lifestyle and change the work style is changed. Because before our, you know, life, people copied us. So, you know, our life is so, you know, the working place and the living place is so separate.
But during those COVID, most people are working at home, you know,
and most communication is virtually by Zoom.
communication is virtually by Zoom. So, you know, the technology so grew because of a very high productive, you know, those COVID change, those workforce method too. So another one I
wanted to overview those what, you know, the another Suncoast stars that are uh you know the another circumstances that are you know the because of
COVID. So another things uh you know the economy uh turned down space in COVID-19. So business is still, you know, surplus and then challenges, so many challenges and, you know, remote way of business.
So some sector of employees still need to go work,
but many workforce major that employee adopted to their operations you know very communication
is so you know not just a variety method just the virtual is number one you know not face to face so this kind of change is you
know environment we need to consider and the entrepreneur today so how we can
overcome those situations so I want to give a few of, you know, guidelines.
First, so because of this crisis,
you know, the most important is make a team,
you know, make a team, ensure your business continue,
you know, the possible, you know the possible you know possibly uh you needed to train your
employees all the negative fact why those copy the 19 saying also you know the the main uh you know main centralized efforts needed and more entrepreneurial leaderships needed during COVID-19.
So you know, should define object and then also responsibility need to give directly to individuals, those central leaders.
So that's very important because COVID-19 has developed different virus and different views so we don't know tomorrow so we have to really ensure our surrounding you know
whatever our today's decisions uh outbreak tomorrow's because, you know, because of this COVID, it's more
like needed to ensure the continuously across all the department in your company. So that's
why you have to establish those central teams who can really main teams you have to like if you have like 100 employees
before now is you have to make a 50 employee to who are real centralized people who are really know you trust your you know the next levels in you know possibly to
essentials your business any difference in the scenario you will happen that who
really can hold those performance function in your company.
Second, I want to say the most important is I think safety
matter because during this COVID-19 we are so challenged safety bearer you know client
and employee and even entrepreneurs ourself we have really careful about our
health problem because the the whenever we go out we go whenever staying or stay out you know healthy is a risk
always so that's why those environment uh you know had this situation kobe 19 is now is you know
mandatory for most is mask mandate so there is many issues because some employees are welcome to do so.
Pro-mask, pro-mandate mask, some, you know, they don't want it.
So there are many fighting issues between those, you know, that's why many big corporations lay off many people so you know we are really uh
everyone is through through this copy 19 the things is you know we have to we have the earth
you know we have to whatever your populations how many people, like employees, 10 or 20, 100, 1000. There is a different environment, different legal regulations, law. keep themselves employees healthy so not too much pause I don't think so that is good idea to pause
people to get a mask mandate you know there is we have to educate them
insurer to distance each other at least six feet and it also ensures increase wash your hands you
know and then you know protect each other's like clothing everything's
clean so I those kind of clean desk you know clean office those kind of is a
little by little also you know we can encourage in office so you know that that stays I
think that we need a guarantee safety even we have to guarantee safety for our
client because our client is if they fear no safety you know they not gonna
come come to the store so I think that is the another things we
have to do uh in illuminate those uh negative impact copy the 19th and third things is a
you know we need a contingency uh you know plan for this pandemic crisis so you know, plan for this pandemic crisis. So, you know, there is many people working in same place.
Possibly, you know, one day this person is ill,
go to the hospital.
How you can able to recaps or able to replace those you know those you know employees position
so I think you needed to more strongly training for your remaining
step to you know skill of more skill of I think there is a performance gap you
know the old owner or age first they wanted to do this more like um you know being able to do or carry out uh their duty but
because of those toco with 19 there is a performance gap uh because unable to or those
you know their duty uh you know unable to do a performance well what their design what their skill had even they have a skill
if they have you know prepared all their position but you know there is the gap of performance gaps
so we have to replace those performance gap critically critically because if not you know the
critically because if not you know the if not uh if not you know there is the uh we have to really
extremely insurable uh place candidate we have to always put in next door so because this is this is this is a you know the business uh we are dealing with the client not only ourselves so we have to always identify uh we are the uh here in office or
or any place we we have the most focus on our own company have a refilled most needed client most needed you know develop those skills during those copied this committee is a best time to
reveal to your teams who was be stronger you can can you know make a more like a training time
You can more like have a suitable
lip, you know candidate because
You know many many are people's layoff you easily find out you are entrepreneur
You can easily find out good candidatus through LinkedIn
you can easily find out good candidates through LinkedIn, through Facebook, through a staffing company. I think you have to make sure to refuel those performance gaps that you have through COVID-19.
I think another thing I'm just suggest for this,
through the pandemic, our workforce environment
is so strapped.
You know, so we have to have a flexible work arrangement.
You know, we cannot just force people to work eight hours
a day, same jobs what they do,
because through the COVID-19 19 so many people lay off they don't
see the same person's uh same function of francis in same office so but the more like uh you know
the customers uh needed more like a surprise needed more like a stakeholders you know the effort needed so you know so this
time either we needed to flexible a time arrangement and then you know the team
arrangement I think we have the communication arrangement so so we have the few things arrangement through this copy uh
because of you know the before people copy that we have so many people go to the outside field
sales or marketing but at this point we have to re uh rearrange it because we we cannot go to the outside that much so we have to you know
minimalize to that are you know because outside sales you know no more needed
during those copied night like before so you know that's why so we have to maybe do the central staff,
they make a spread to full-time to part-time,
or weekly hours, or those kind of time management arrangements
is so important.
And as well as we have really those teams that are working at the warehouse,
or at the construction, at the call center center or any place you know they should have separate you know the separated
continuously they needed to uh spread the orange teams uh effectively because you know some teams
like had a copied like example the warehouse team is COVID-19, you know,
the has one of the employee then another team is if you separate then
another team is not effective. So if you are not like separate teams or
management then you know every in your
employees will be have a COVID-19 effective so that's why so intentionally
you have to identify those circumstances law that are you know you have to do so that's very
you have to do so that's very a important physical you know physical distance avoid to each teams or each department so quantity you know the
qualities you should management impact you know the two teams each others so
that that's when I want a recommendation another things you know those teams each others so that that's one i want a recommendation another
thing so you know another things communication tools before kovid 19 we we are face to face
like open door polish so we we can anyone can go in out communication either uh you know open
out communication need uh you know open door polish available at this point uh
covid-19 is most uh no open door polish even uh at the restaurant store and company everywhere so communication is very very important you know right now to copy the night so because this time is
a contact last time like you know most important is we have to give a tool to
communication to between employee entrepreneur and employees and between
the you know workers to workers between customer to
workers or so we have the feedback system we have the communication system
virtually like if you don't have our internet you know the connection in your
store I should do it and then or you don't have a nice e-commerce website or no e-commerce way to buy and sell, you should build as soon more like loyalty need client, that's very important to wealthy mind. You should continuously reading, you know, your staff through the nine hours, you know, the Zoom and Skype, you know, any other, there's a lot of virtual meeting software there is we can
easily download easily we can uh you know the the produce uh you know communication did the client
and did a call so those are information uh you know technology technology or like that is the communication is very
fixed needed.
Also, you know, as you are interviewing now, think about that, you know, AIU technology.
So I started MIT this year about AIU technology. So little bit AI technology, little bit early just general
business, but now it's banking, global banking company, and, you know, even law firms,
many, many places now we are working with AIU technology, like chatbot, AI advisor, robot of advisor.
So think about those way to maybe AI or look too early, but consider that because of AI technology does not do communication face to face so you know most Google and
Amazon's they have so a variety of AI functions there so I think I
recommendation those technology communications make more efficiently so
I think that I recommend that too.
This message was provided by Dr. Sarah Sun Liu's show for Today America and the World.
So together supported this podcast by two non-profit organizations from Global Jesus
Mission Church and Meridian Business Legal Investment Wish Foundation.
If you have any questions or comments, please email us at drsaralewshow at gmail.com.
If you want to know more about Dr. Sarah Sun Liu's educational background and accolades and
her compassion for running candidate office for the California U.S. Senator. Please visit the website drsarahliuforcongress.com as CEO of a global banking,
fintech company, real estate brokerage, and investment legal services company.
We will share many issues facing our residents in California and the world through her show.
Thanks for your listing Dr. Sarah Sun Liu show for today's America and the World.
See you next podcast.