Heroes in Business - Sermon for a Humble Heart
Episode Date: April 22, 2022Dr. Sarah Liew shares her Sermon for a Humble Heart on this episode of Today America and The World....
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Hi everyone, today is April 10, 2022. Welcome Global Jesus Mission Church.
Today is a great spring. Everywhere blossoms, flowers, blossoms.
So thank you for my husband and me. We are working outside the yard every day to pray God. And we look at the planties.
Many planties have leaves and flowers.
So we find out the nature grew every day.
We see it like a beautiful everyday,
especially in blossom in spring.
Thank you for giving us beautiful yard
and thank you for giving us so good surround
so we can pray to God.
And today I choose Proverbs 22, 4
regarding about humility.
Has it reward?
So today's Bible 22, 4 said, humility is the fear of the Lord.
It raises our riches, honor, and
life. So, you know,
today we are living all our life.
So why we need to be humbled?
You know, before I start started sermon, I want to say one story for the humble, the Subaiters.
I was, when I was in so young age, I read Subaiters' life history.
The one I remember that Subaiter was traveling, you know, Subaita was all the money he was putting in his hospital, all his life, you know, supporting those Africa, those peoples who had so many sicknesses, so many things that happening in Africa. So he was devoted his life for,
he was so famous and he,
even he donation every his, you know,
in order to money,
everything he's ready to donation to the church,
but, and then as well as his hospital,
the things is many, many people, every day many people come visit
to get treatment.
So he had to go traveling all over the place to ask for donations.
And then one day, you know, he took the training and the people who were waiting for him,
the people thought he would take one first place, which is a VIP place.
But they visited a meeting to Shubhaichir.
First visit, Shubhaichir not there.
Second place visit, not there, third visit, not there.
So third visit, there is Shubhaichara. So they asked him, why you are not taking or
taking, why you are taking third? He said, because there is no fourth. Like we see the one Shubhaichara,
Like we see the one Suvaitra, how he was life was styling. He was take like a blast.
He was so famous and his Nobel Prize.
He's really, really famous that time.
So people, every people stay there, many crowd outside in the training to look at the
shubai. Everyone think about shubai to take the, take those training. First, we have a seat,
but not the last one. And then as well as he answered that, oh, because of I take a third
seat because of there is no fourth seat. This is one example of a humble story I want to
just share to you guys.
So today is why we should be humble.
So, you know, humble is, what does it mean? It's humble
because, you know, our life is sometimes we become very proud of ourselves
and become like a mistake many times because we are not humble.
Because sometimes people are not humble and they honor,
not God, honor themselves to be, you to be first treat.
But I think that today we needed to be humble
because of God, because God wants to assemble.
See how much the God wants to assemble
because he was choose his only one son, Jesus, even make a woman, and show us what is the
humble, because, you know, the reason, especially our, you know, Christians' life, so important,
most important reason, believers should because of we are follow of
discipling of jesus christ so many in bible are said that the humble is uh you know requirement
as a christians so we see the many places humble i think we what we say to, why we should be humble? Because justic. Because of
what is justic. People,
if people not be
justic, so unjustic. So many place unjustic
now because of unhumble
peoples. But people, they are humble. They be more like a justic.
As well as we see that Jesus Christ is a human, become human, and they love human. And then also,
really working with us. That is the one of the human, you know,
the humble that we can see through the Jesus Christ
work together as humanity.
As well as Jesus was one example to us to, you know,
to humble exactly the best
sample of the
best model of
Jesus' life is
humility. So
humility is
the same as humble.
So, you know, the
Christian's goal is to become
like Jesus Christ
as well as become like Jesus Christ, as well as to prove like Jesus Christ, what he did.
So that's why Jesus was humble, always follow God's word that keep him humble.
Because if we want to be humble, we want to be humility.
So we need to like Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ always follow God. god you know himself is not
a fear and son of god he can do everything if he wanted to he can control this country
he can be political leader as like king but he didn't he just he's he's a you know, characters is like exactly among, you know,
example of our Christian life.
Outstanding, you know, his humility is we need to follow those.
So, in Bible, Philip's second verse 5 said that
tell us that we must have the heart of Christ Jesus in us
and then a jeweller
you know, Philip's 2nd, 6th and 8th
the heart of Lord taught there a heart of woman
that humble to you. So, you know, through
this all kind of example of Jesus Christ's life,
that is essential that tells us what is humble and regarding about, you know, he was making
himself not equal like God, making himself equal to humans human so that's meaning himself became a humble person
and then you know himself take down as like humankind a beast or even he was washing his
discipling feet he become like a servant we call like Jesus' leadership is servant's leadership because he is humble.
So that's why it's, you know, most important in our life to be humble because of Christians always, you know, the Bible always talk about be humble, commandment.
That is not just whatever we wanted to do.
Commandment means there is no our will.
We need to follow those of videos.
So the Bible commanded those humility to Colossians 3 and 12.
Five clothes that we as Christians should wear.
It is a garment of mercy,
kindness, humility, gentleness, and
patience. So in Corinthians
chapter 3 and 12 said exactly our garment
which is Christ have to put our garment as
mercy, kindness,
humility, gentleness, and patience.
That humility is emphasized there.
So that's why we need really karmic.
Our life is always humble.
So what is the humble object?
Why we need humility or humble?
Because God is humble. So God is really a reconciliation
this world to as humble God. So that's why we need humble because we are creation by God,
God, image of God, which is our best goal is to be like our characters, is to be like God,
like humble, good will be. That's the humble, always make our strengths, our personality, as well as this university together.
That's why the humble is so important.
We belong together in the universe, everyone.
So if we are not humble each other, you know, if not humble enough,
this world have more like issue, problem issue.
So that's why we should humble together. You know,
those, every situation we are humble, we will be really looking forward to higher standard
of, you know, relationship, need to humble, because we are listening every day at the church,
the many, many words, like Jesus Christ, what he done for us. And so we hear so many
stories, all like reachable goal is be humble, humility. So that's why it's harder to be humility.
That's why more emphasize to be humility.
That's because those humilities come from our heart.
Like we, it's not come our physicals
because those heart is invisible,
but this is everything is caused from heart.
People hate, they do something. People love something. Heart is invisible, but this is everything is caused from heart.
People hate.
They do something.
People love something.
People humble do something because it's coming from heart. Because the heart, God is the highest humble, you know, teach us that, you know, that's why we know the God.
We know the belief God is humble.
We realize those humble things from heart.
We have to really be like God and Jesus Christ.
So every day we have to realize it's so supremely important that humbles act following as humble persons.
So as well as God make us strong, strong person through this university,
through connected, reconciling each other to be helping each other,
understanding each other, be peaceful, the number of priority,
be like humble community.
So nowadays so many things happening because they are not accepting each other
and not really communication each other in grace towards the humble, which is Jesus, which is God teach us.
So we have to be really humble. So, you know, be,
in order to be humble, we need to be, need a humble people.
If we, that's the problem.
In 16, 18 said,
pride is the beginning of distractions and then heart is heart before failing.
So proud to make you the enemy of people.
So he is destined to the defeat in the end.
defeat in the end. So in the Bible, it exactly says that proud is distinguished
and defeated. And so that proud is what
tells us that. So we must humble
and then in order to be humble, we have to always try
to be together as a humble person.
If someone was standing,
the proud people and not respect,
they respect themselves only.
And despite, you know,
despite, you know,
those people turn to defeat each other's end
because who is number one, who is number two.
So that's why we need to really be staying in the humble person in order to be humble.
And as well as, you know, be humble is all things good.
Some people, they are not humble.
They don't put decisions.
But once we are humble, all the situations we have, that is arranged good things.
Because we have even many bad things happening, good things happening in humble situations.
Proverbs 11, chapter 11, she said,
She said, when proud come, then came reproach.
The verse is translated, you stand out versus a proud man come with shame.
So it's the same, like too much proud that it will bring next the same.
So we have to be humble because, know human is not perfect the way we always be humble in front of god you know comparable god us we cannot even compare about how we are small
and god is so big so we can humility if you know this world is so universal all the places amazing things happen comparable our
knowledge experience everything what we have still like we have limited still we have small
things we have it so that's why we need to really uh be humble all things then compared of all the
you know universe is bigger and bigger but we are under one god we have all the universe is bigger and bigger, but we are under one God. We have all the universities,
but we are just part of a small part of in, like we are living in a small part of California.
So the thing about all of universities, not even this also, even all of the universities,
all the, you know, lifetime, we look at the sky, and then there is thousands, thousands, millions, millions of stars there.
You know, think about those universities.
So that makes us humble, humility, because we are really part of this earth,
very small part of this.
We are just a very small crystal, which is the earth.
So we need to really be humble whatever we do,
because we are just part of one universe.
As well as humble is why we have to humble,
because humble is always be rewarded.
You know, there is a rumor in the Bible
that humility is important as well as
there are many stories that say that humility is
rewarded. In the Bible today it says humility
is rewarded as honor and life.
So if you are humble, what will be happening to you
and your surrounding people?
Because when people who are humble,
it make like changes,
so it converts to from better to good
and conversion from weak you know weak and strong so so many uh things you know
we are changing by humble because humble is honor as well as uh word is uh the life you know so
we will see many people they are raisingzen by humble, like humility.
People are more brazen, you know, against who are proud of people, finally.
So the reason is we have to God, controlled by realizing our limitations.
They always be of other people's more than themselves.
Humility is the guide to the honors of God. Humility really supported those exalting
as well as supported many, many other things.
Even you are world famous persons,
if you don't have humility
or, you know, that
reward is not really
existing, you, it
will be, disappears.
Even you have a Nobel Peace
Prize, yourself
is not humble, not
humility, it will be,
you know, yourself be
those rewards make you be, you know, yourself be those rewards make you, even, you know,
you know, may hurt you. It's not because of your character is not, you know, character is not those
human humility. So according to the, you know, according to the order of today's Bible, you know,
we need to really remain
because receiving those blessings, lest
we should humble. And Matthew 11, 20 said that
Matthew 11, 29 said that the Lord said,
take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and love in heart,
and you will find rest for your heart that is sacrificed, resting your heart.
It is learn heart from Lord.
What is the heart of Lord?
It is meek and humble of heart. So in exactly in Bible said in the Matthew 29 said that
the meek and humble heart that what is Jesus Christ is a heart is meek and humble. So finally,
that's why we need to really, you know, important things. We have to really uh you know make sure our life always be like humble and uh
always be uh ourselves be humble like jesus christ that that is most important so uh how to be humble
and how to be humility because first you you know, you have to build good relationships
with other people and fail, you know, because of how to be humble. Sometimes people learn
humble when they fail or they run through the hardships.
In 2 Corinthians 3, the 12th speaker,
there is a wicked king when he was troubled.
He's a prime and the Lord in God and humble himself greatly before God.
His father's suffering become a medicine for him.
So as people, they change many ways to become humble
because they take a lot of pain and hardships
because we feel like limitations,
like people who are patient,
before they become patient,
even doctors, they are there in our treatment.
Many patients, they just do like professional
way but once they are ill, they have empathy and they become humble as well as a human.
Most people are still humble when they are through the suffering, like through denials or through you know like examples daniels you know
who are like pray uh you know really deepest but once he passed those uh
suffering is he become more humble might be strong more leaderships. So the faith and hardship make the humble better people,
you know, a better person.
So it's not only faith or hardship is no good.
It's because always good because of humble encourage us to,
you know, those faith and hardship
or encourage us to learn more
and have more skills
and tools to
go more. Second,
when we face God,
we become humble.
So the thing is we
always be able to
humble because God is
there. We have to
like when we are someone uh we meet
uh we feel like those people who are humble or are proud of themselves like uh but think about
we always meet need God and pray and meet God in the Bible so meet meet the Lord. That is number one. We can keep ourselves humble because
God is humble. God's Lord's heart is
meek and humble.
It's exactly what the Bible said. So as well as
knowing ourselves, it makes us humble.
Because we know.
In 1 Timothy 1.15, it said, I am chief among the sinners.
He is the greatest among sinners. So why should we be proud of, you know?
So Timothy 1.15, Paul said humble because he knows him.
So even Paul said that I am chief among sinners,
and he is the greatest among sinners.
So what should I do proud?
So when we know ourselves, who we are,
then we become like real humble because of, you know, we know that in Bible Luke 14,
Jesus saw that those invited to the, you know, were seated in the high place.
When invited, you know, he told you not to sit there high place but sit the low place uh whenever exert him will be humble and
whoever humbles himself will be exerted so this is the uh this is the one we really follow those
humble heart because uh you know the the today's we we see the what is what is really needed to be humble.
Just follow God and follow Jesus Christ
and as well as see our limitations.