Heroes in Business - Sherry Anshara Created the Non-Profit Anshara Institute of Accelerated Healing to increase her impact on global wellness. AnsharaInstitute.org

Episode Date: August 5, 2024

Sherry Anshara is a Speaker, International Best-selling Author and a Renowned Medical Intuitive, and Intuitive Business Coach as the foundation of her groundbreaking work with Cellular Memory, which s...he calls the Anshara Method. AnsharaInstitute.org

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to Alliances Heroes, where heroes in business align. To be part of our super community and find out more about Alliances, visit www.alliances.com. All right. I'm so excited again. You know what? There's nothing that I'd rather do on today than interview amazing people that we can learn so much from. There's so much activity that's going on out there.
Starting point is 00:00:24 This is all put together to assist you. That's right. And thank you so much again, from when I had on recently, Bob Parsons, the GoDaddy founder. So make sure that you check out past episodes by going to alliances.com. That's E-L-I-A-N-C-S dot com. I'm very excited today to have someone I've been close with for a long time and also to just an amazing person. I'll tell you what, people flock to her when she attends these alliances, events and other events. You may be wondering who that is. Welcome to the show, Sherry Anshara. Now, she created the nonprofit Anshara Institute of Accelerated Healing to increase her impact on global wellness. You could reach her at ansharainstitute.org.
Starting point is 00:01:18 You'll also see it for those of you that are watching. You'll see the link below. That's ansharainstitute.org. All right, Sherry, there's probably maybe some people that just aren't familiar with you in that. So give us kind of a high level overview of the type of work that you do. And by the way, listeners, watchers, make sure you listen, watch very closely. Well, thank you, David. I am honored to be here today and being interviewed by it. It's really an honor and all the things that you've created in this Alliance community. It's wonderful.
Starting point is 00:01:50 So what I did after a tremendous accident, no sadness, really, in 1991, and having all kinds of issues in my tissues and broken areas and a smashed brain, I actually discovered a natural, an NI, a natural intelligence that I called cellular memory way back in 1991. And of course, that was sort of ahead of the game. But the fact is, my whole experience, my whole life, my mission, my vision, whatever that is, is to assist people to actually address those issues in their tissues called healing themselves at that core of that emotional challenge or physical challenge. And it works. And again, make sure you go to ansharainstitute.org. Now, I think these stats are interesting to share is according to the government statistics, 47%,
Starting point is 00:02:46 that's almost 50% of the healthcare professionals will be out of the system by 2025. Even what I heard something about a couple of your own doctors are going to be out. What, why, what's the purpose of this and the focus? Well, I do believe it has to do with burnout. It has to do with addiction. This is not a judgment. This is government statistics. PTSD, the trauma of all the things they've done in taking on that emotional and physicality. So not only is it affecting, infecting, and infecting health care providers, actually two of my own doctors, and I know personally seven doctors who will be out of
Starting point is 00:03:28 the system this year. And that's sad because that is one of the basic reasons that we created the NSHAR Institute to teach a new career, a new profession, or simply for those who would really like to have what they call a complete understanding within themselves of how they got sick and how they don't have to be sick and how they can be healthy and live a long life. And I'm telling you, I'm proof of the pudding of that for sure. And so we're really doing this, David, for the future and for what will happen for the children or the teenagers or the adults 30 and under, where are they going to go?
Starting point is 00:04:06 So the methodology prevents the depression, the burnout, the anxiety, the addiction, the PTSD. So our target is to fill the gap, not only for the professionals, but for the patient and clients. Yeah, absolutely. Because I would tell you what, it just seems with the doctors, it becomes an assembly line. They don't have any time. They're tired. They're working late.
Starting point is 00:04:31 They're up all night, up all morning. There's always, always an emergency. You know, I mean, most people don't go to the doctor just for, you know, I'm healthy and how do I get more healthy? I'm because I'm so healthy. It's an issue, a problem, an ache, a pain and all of that. And I think what you're doing is, is, is, is quite interesting and really revolutionary. So focus more on sharing,
Starting point is 00:04:57 cause some people again, maybe listening, there may be some that have no idea and stuff, but really about, again, more of the purpose of what AnsharaInstitute.org is. Again, AnsharaInstitute.org and how you're doing this and teaching a whole new profession. Yes, that's what we're doing. We're in the process now of developing the online courses. Our focus is first to go online to familiarize because a lot of the professionals have an understanding about the body. But the key issue here is the challenge is that they have to comprehend the emotional aspect because the core of every disease in the 31 years that I've been doing this, what I've discovered through this year working with people of all ages and stages.
Starting point is 00:05:45 And David, believe it or not, from babies in the womb, you know, that mothers are upset or their dads. So emotions are the core of every illness, disease, dysfunction problem. And so we can't separate anymore, David, personal and professional life. Because if we're not healthy, how is that going to affect or infect our professional life? And as entrepreneurs, especially, that make a difference in the business world. So my clients really range from the womb, I kid you not, to millionaires, billionaires, and everyone in between, teenagers, young adults. And this methodology, the Anshara-Aha method, which is actually a registered trademark, really shows them, teaches them how to connect within themselves to this incredible Ni,
Starting point is 00:06:40 natural intelligence. Because the minute the sperm hits the egg, your nose knows to be a toe cell, and your toe knows to be a toe cell, or we'd have a fingernail at the end of the nose. So this isn't being silly. This is recognizing the amazing intelligence that's natural within the body. AI is wonderful, but we're not artificial. We're human. And the burnout rate, the cancer rate, the depression, we are actually in a pandemic of depression and anxiety. And without discounting it, the core of depression is deepest disappointment. And that could start at six or 12. And so what the method does is provides them with the resolution of their illness or their issues to provide the solution, but it's from the inside out,
Starting point is 00:07:34 not the outside in, and to get off the drugs. And so will there be certifications on this? So two parts is, is other certifications that someone's going to have to go through a process of that. And then two, what do you see as some of the top, top maybe issues, concerns that someone will come in with? You know, is it like you mentioned, is it a physical pain? Is it a mental pain? Where do you see kind of the first wave coming of people coming to utilize this? see kind of the first wave coming of people coming to utilize this? Well, it's actually first we're going to be online. And then our goal is to have, and our mission, our vision is to have a brick and mortar because you can't teach doctors or nurses. And we are getting ready probably within two months to have our first pilot program. And the ones that are coming to me now that would like to be part of this pilot
Starting point is 00:08:27 program is they love what they do in their medical professions or even their business professions, but they don't know what to do. They don't know how to assist their patients or their clients in a way that's going to be more effective for them. And so that is really our focus is first online that we do this pilot program and we will certify. And then as soon as we get our first courses online, we're going to apply. Again, I used to give the American Holistic Nurses, give them CEUs, and we're going to reapply for that. And in the past, I've given natural paths, the CEUs, continuing ed credits, and we're going to apply to that because people are now starting to the the avenues and the productivity that has
Starting point is 00:09:29 happened for individuals and David actually how it started is doctors started referring to me and we have three doctors on our board one is an internationally known oncologist who came to me not for cancer but for some of other issues another is a a wonderful functional medicine doctor and actually over the years that we've collaborated i've worked with over 500 of his patients david even over the phone and actually two of his patients are now volunteers on our board to get this started. So right now we're in the volunteer stage. And all of these individuals up to 24 years ago that I knew were clients of mine.
Starting point is 00:10:14 And it changed their lives, their children's lives. And so our objective is to take these practical tools. And there's three I teach that are practical. The first one is NEO, non-emotional observer. As we observe something, and this is actually in a book that was written six years ago, it's called The Intelligence Code. You can get it on Amazon. 14 of my clients, there's millionaires in there, there's CEOs in there, there's doctors in there, in there, there's CEOs in there, there's doctors in there, chiropractors, hairdresser, and how the tools change their lives. And it's all in their own words. So that is our idea, is to bring this globally, because I worked with individuals, David, I didn't speak their language at all.
Starting point is 00:11:00 And it wasn't like Spanish or French. I mean, it was language that I couldn't possibly know. And yet with interpreter, they got the same results, the same results. They got rid of their depression or their anxiety. So there's going to be people out there that are going to say, how in the world can you treat anxiety, depression, burnout, suicide, PTSD without drugs? because that is what's prescribed. That's what's always been prescribed. There's always new drugs that are coming that are focused purely to that. Yes, I think most people would agree. I would think in some way, some form taking any drug, there is some type of a side effect, right? Even when regards to aspirin, I don't think there's a over the counter or behind the counter that doesn't have the whole long thing of this may happen, may have diarrhea, vomiting, you know, dizziness and all
Starting point is 00:11:54 that. But they're saying, I don't understand, it's new to them. How could that be? Maybe can you put it in, for me, I guess I would say too, and for others, maybe in layman terms. Okay. So the issue with drugs, and I'm not against it when it's used correctly, but what happens is that people get hooked on it. They actually get addicted to the drugs and it affects the brain. It actually affects the brain. And there's now technology out there that is actually proving what I'm doing at the cellular level. And I actually have pictures of blood cells, David, that were 10 years old that were taken with 12-year-old technology. And there was a difference in three months for a client from these very muddled cells. They were sick. And then three months later,
Starting point is 00:12:46 utilizing the tools that I taught them and working with me individually in my courses, their blood cells became perfect. And because of that doctor taking those, which I did not know he was doing that, he came to me and said, what's going on? And so when we get affected by the brain, by drugs, it goes into that frontal cortex, which is reasoning. And that changes the dynamics of how the body is not working. And so then there is a disconnect between the left brain and right brain. So if we look at our brain as a computer to organize what we're creating or implementing, manifesting or actualizing, and part of that isn't working. If part of your computer isn't working and you can't get the visual part, it's not all working, is it? part. It's not all working, is it? And so what happens when it gets muddled up in that brain, there is a deconstruct of the cellular level of the brain, and we get brain fog.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Then we can't think clearly, we can't see clearly. And then it has a not very productive influence on our body, which now is affecting and effecting our personal and our professional life. And see, in the past, we've had this is your personal life and this is your professional life. It's one and the same. And if we don't have health within our body, in our cells, particles and molecules, to the subatomic level, we're not operating fully. We're not operating on a full system. And that's why it works. It's the practical applications of it into this natural intelligence, this NI.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Great, great, absolute great information, critical information that people need to know. You're listening and watching me, David Kogan, host of the Alliances Hero Show. Make sure that you go to Alliancer.com. That's E-L-I-A-N-C-E-R.com. In fact, when you go there, you want to hear more from Sherry, scroll down to her link. It's on Alliancer.com and listen to the many past episodes on the show. You could reach Shiri and Char by going to and charinstitute.org. Shiri, we've got a couple more minutes left and I think this is important too. We've gotten some questions of people who submitted them prior to
Starting point is 00:15:15 our show. One is, how are the effects of others that I'm surrounded with in regards to my health? others that I'm surrounded with in regards to my health. Absolutely. So if someone is in a very emotional state, whether it's a partner or a business partner, a family member, that does have an effect on us. Part of the issue in the way that we've talked about supporting someone is to fix them. And so we get these emotional bands. It's your energy that comes out of your body. Matter of fact, your bands are blabbermouths and they affect, effect and infect other people. And so what we teach is how that works. And by the way, I just have to put the plug. We have a fundraiser on April 17th at the Gallery Bar. We are a non-profit. And in this non-profit, our idea is to bring this globally because our idea is having profitable
Starting point is 00:16:19 health. And through the non-profit and through donations, all of the people will support us in our future. And so I'm glad you brought that question up because we do have an influence on each other that can affect our health and our wellness and our business. Excellent. Next, and I agree with this because there certainly are many more statistics than ever in regards to it. And that is help. I can't sleep. What do we do? OK, because what they're doing is they're overthinking. And so I actually teach people how to connect left brain, right brain before they go to sleep.
Starting point is 00:17:01 And what that does is it calms the system down. It calms the nervous system down and we're not thinky thinking. And so in the thinky thinky, we go through the self-judgment and we should on ourselves. I should have done this yesterday or I should have done this or they project into a future that hasn't happened. So through this methodology, the Anshara Aha Method is teaching people. And you know what, David? Kids get it really quick because adults want to overthink it. And so the techniques are practical and they work and they provide you with resilience. Wow. Truly amazing in that. You do so much for so many people, Sherry. How do you have time to one, do it all? But I think too, it's kind of like there's doctors that are out
Starting point is 00:17:57 there, a heart doctor, but yet the heart doctor is high cholesterol and having a heart attack. How do you best take care of yourself? What is the secret of that? Your youthfulness, your energy, you're always on, you're clear when you speak. I mean, and everything that goes along with it. So how do you do that? Well, thank you for asking. That's part of the Ensure AHA method is I'm not taking on anybody. I'm not healing them. If someone asks me if I'm a healer, no, I'm not taking on anybody. I'm not healing them. If someone asks me if I'm a healer, no, I'm not an Australian sheepdog. I love my sense of humor.
Starting point is 00:18:31 So all I'm doing is listening. So one of the skills of this is Nell, non-emotional listening. So I'm not here to fix anyone. I'm here to support and assist them. And then it's up to them. I can't take that on. And I don't. And that is why the healthcare system is breaking down because so many of these wonderful healthcare professionals are breaking down because they took it on. So I teach how to to be supportive in assisting but not fixing. Unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Unbelievable. All right, make sure. Sherry and Char, it's been an honor to have you here today again. Thank you so much. She's the one that created the nonprofit and Char Institute of Accelerated Healing to increase her impact on global wellness. Make sure that you go to www.charinstitute.org. www.charinstitute.org.
Starting point is 00:19:33 This has been David Coggan with the Alliance's Hero Show. Make sure you check out Char's, Char's past episodes going to www.alliancer.com. You'll see she's broadcasted on the outlets out there. Just Google her name. She's all over. Learn from what's going on. Thank you again, Sherry, for being on the Alliance's Hero Channel. Thank you for having me as a guest. I'm so appreciative.

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