Heroes in Business - Sherry Anshara, Debunking the Illusionists The Quantum Truth

Episode Date: October 9, 2022

Sherry debunks psychics and shows you how you can actually have the ability to do wht they claim to do in this episode of The Quantum Truth with Sherry Anshara...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thank you. Welcome back to The Quantum Truth. Sherry Unshara, unleashed. All right. So today we're talking about delusioning the delusionists. We're talking about delusioning the delusionists. So illusionists are your psychics, all your, what do you call woo-ha, woo-hoo? Oh, you mean metaphizzlers? Yeah, metaphizzlers.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Ooh. So psychics and stuff. So I had a psychic come to me. He started doing the tarot card thing, and they popped out of the deck all magical and stuff like that. So what do you say? Let's start there. What about psychics, the tarot card readings? What are they doing? What are they communicating to their do they? Is there any actual substance for it? Or is it they just trying to take your money? You know, I'm not going to be judgmental about this. But the fact is, they're attempting to
Starting point is 00:01:22 tell you and I mean, attempting that's trying and trying and trying, to tell you what to do. I will not do that. If someone comes to me and says, Sherry, are you a psychic? No, I'm not a psycho-psychic. I'm an intuitive. Psycho-psychic. My intuition is my natural innate ability to discern what is correct or not for me. You have that ability. So I assist you to get into that. The problem is, did you know that the Kapala and the Illuminati, who happened to be reptilian, they created the new age, just like they created, I actually have a chart. Anybody like it? I happen
Starting point is 00:01:58 to give it to them. So they created that. And it's about control and manipulation. And here's an example. Years ago, two women came to me, and they had been to a psychic. Not judging them in any way, but they're going to die unless she gave the magic elixir. So they called me. How much did it cost? Yeah. Cause that was not an investment. Let me tell you, it costs to your life. Got it. And so I said, great, you're going to die. I got, I got the perfect answer. And they said, great, you're going to die. I got the perfect answer. And they said, what is it? I said, come on over. I'm taking you to my insurance agent. And I'm taking this life insurance policy on you.
Starting point is 00:02:52 And when you die, I'm going to give you the greatest funeral. And I'm going on a cruise. Pre-COVID. Unleashed for sure. So I said, that is ridiculous. See, anybody can read your field and it's reading the field because that's why I make those changes. It's when they interpret it. When they interpret it, it's coming from their left computer brain in their belief systems. And that has been part of my issue with it. And years ago, I used to go to them and they'd say, we can't read you. I go, wait a minute,
Starting point is 00:03:32 how come you can't read me? What are you doing? Well, you know more than we do. Yes, I know more than you do about me. And you know more than you do about you. And so I'm not wronging them, but they fall into that genre of a healer. There is no one that can heal you. Matter of fact, I will not allow anyone to call me a healer except one person. He's a very famous doctor, and he insists on calling me a healer. Okay. So what are you going to do? So what are you?
Starting point is 00:04:01 I am a facilitator of the truth. Okay. And to assist you to get to your own truth, it's in your cellular memory. And by the way, this is another thing. They're going to give you a past life regression. I don't believe in regression. Why regress to the past? It's a time continuum and it's an accessibility. So over 68 of my clients i have found them on wikipedia and google and sometimes they look the same and you know why because it's their body willing god it can't be ready folks never be ready be willing and the information comes up and i'll say blah
Starting point is 00:04:39 blah blah blah and and they'll say yeah that that that feels so correct. So if you go somewhere and you feel connected, then that's probably what you did in that loop of, oops, I did it again. And you carry many of the traits, even the physical traits. So some of my clients, one, he looked so much like his other time, and he had been a pharaoh. He looked so much like his other time, and he had been a pharaoh. And he said, geez, as a pharaoh, I got to tell people to do everything. I said, you're a doctor.
Starting point is 00:05:13 You do the same. Get over it. So going into witches, warlocks, priests even, so all of it is nothing, is it? No, it's you're giving your power away to a label. So in those layers, so those people, they just convince you to basically, they convince you they are right. And therefore that's how you, you go towards it. Your aura goes to it or whatever your unlocking goes to it. Right. So, but which tells you like, Oh, that you need to do this stuff in order to do to get this,
Starting point is 00:05:43 then basically your mind is what's making that happen you know i just watched a movie of a famous designer a clothing designer i forget his name but his wife you know was going to this psycho psychic and and actually um and and the wife eventually had him murdered a very famous um god i can't think of his name right now. It was a great movie. And so she was being guided, you know, the guides. And they tell you, you have guides. You know, you have peeps maybe. But how you connect to them is through your consciousness,
Starting point is 00:06:20 through your energy field, which is, we'll talk about that in about like that oral electromagnetic bioenergy field crap, which is not crap, but it is when someone is trying to control you, you know, the truth. So if someone is a facilitator to assist you to get to your truth, that is so reasonable, so perfect. But if they, you know, you pick the, your energy that comes out of your body, that is a field. You actually pick your own tarot cards, but what if they interpret it? Right. So, so are they actually interpreting your, so abilities, right? Do we have, we have abilities? Is that right? You are in all kinds of abilities, naturally. Naturally. But see,
Starting point is 00:07:03 we've been so programmed that the answer is outside of you that someone's going to fix you. So a big thing about this is I want to take a little punch at the law of attraction a little bit. So that book, The Law of Attraction, everybody read it. Millions of views. Millions of views. So why isn't our Mercedes in back of everybody's yard?
Starting point is 00:07:22 Exactly. Why? You know why? Because that's based on someone else's belief system BS bullshit instead of you believing in yourself. Right. And so that is the law I call of distraction in duels. Distraction, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:38 And then because you didn't get the Mercedes or the Lamborghini, then you are a failure. That's why that bullshit doesn't work. I actually teach people tools. If they implement them, it actualizes. And so, and we will talk another segment about God. And so let's stop, especially right now on this planet, globally, we're in this together, to look for answers outside of yourself because they're not. And here's a perfect example. Do it quickly. People will come to me and they'll say,
Starting point is 00:08:12 Sherry, I know you can fix me because it's based on a fix, whether it's metaphysic, whether it's allopathic. And that's victim mentality. I know you can fix me. And you tell people, no, no, no, you're going to fix yourself and I'll show you how, right? Yes. And you know victim mentality. I know you can fix me where it's like, no. And you tell people, no, no, no, you're going to fix yourself and I'll show you how. Right. Yes. And you know what I tell them? Do I look like a fricking tube of crazy glue? No, but what you're going to do. So my clients have gotten rid of stage four cancer and they were told they were going to die. It's
Starting point is 00:08:40 about them. They're the champions of their life. And that is your clear cellular memory. So we have to stop giving our power away and stand in our own truth. But the fact is, the fact is we've been taught such bullshit of lies that people have a difficulty discerning what is true. And what's your truth? But somebody's truth could not be somebody else's truth, right? Correct. So how do you find the true truth?
Starting point is 00:09:13 Because I always love the quote, one man's terrorist is another person's hero, right? So somebody who we hate is somebody who's revered in another culture. So how do we navigate to what is actually true? How do we find the actual quantum truth rather than the partial truth or a truth based off of circumstance? Okay, because it's based in your heart, your real brain. It's not based in your left computer brain. That's duality. And so we have been taught to that we have to be against something. So one of the things that I am sharing, you could call it teaching, sharing, guiding, whatever you want. I'm not your, I'm just your facilitator is humanity actualized. And so in humanity actualized, there's no idea of
Starting point is 00:10:00 a judgment. So here's one we've been taught. Oh oh Cassidy, I'm just going to love you unconditionally. Bullshit. It's unconditional acceptance. It's resonance. Resonance is the key in duality. It's frequency and vibration.
Starting point is 00:10:20 That's bullshit. Resonance creates the frequency and vibration. Isn't that cool? That's amazing. Resonance creates the frequency and vibration. Isn't that cool? That's amazing. Well, that's all the time that we have for this episode. This is The Quantum Truth, Sherri Unchara Unleashed. Go to www.SherriUnchara.com for more information. you

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