Heroes in Business - Sherry Anshara, Secular Religion Was Jesus an Alien, The Quantum Truth

Episode Date: February 10, 2023

Was Jesus an Alien. Sherry EXPOSES who Jesus was in this episode of The Quantum Truth with Sherry Anshara....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thank you. Welcome back to The Quantum Truth with Sherry Unshara, Unleashed. And today is a very controversial topic. Was Jesus an alien? Well, I'm going to ask you a question. Sure. Didn't you tell me in your cellular memory you remembered being on another planet? I did.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Oh, you're an alien. I always tell people I'm human-ish. Yes. So the rumor is, whether you believe it or not, that actually Jesus was a Pleiadian. Pleiadian. And so there's many, there's more than seven Pleiades. Get over it. It's what you could see with the naked eye way back when. So there's more than that. So we have had travelers that come here. You can call them space travelers, whatever you want to call them. And so he came with an idea of a mission to support people. He
Starting point is 00:01:28 never talked about creating a church that was Constantine to control and manipulate people. And even the idea of the virgin birth goes way back to, you know, to Egypt for Christ's sake. And you know what? The virgin birth really means an original idea. Come on, let's get over it. And so he came with that idea. And so everybody, he did not come here to create a religion. And so I'm going to give you an example about our belief system in Jesus. I am not wronging anybody. Don't anybody get up in arms. I don't want any mulberry bushes burned on,
Starting point is 00:02:06 you know, whatever. So the idea is that, you know, he's going to come back. Right. So I had a client one day that said she had no patience. Yeah. And I said, you have no, she said, I have none. I said, do you believe in Jesus? She said, yes. I said, then you are patient. You've been waiting 2000 years. Yeah. believe in Jesus? She said, yes. I said, then you are patient. You've been waiting 2,000 years. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:02:32 So I'm not making fun of this. So don't say I'm being judgmental. I'm the practical kid. I like practical applications. So when we are in a wishy-wanty, hopey-needy, waiting for someone to come and save you, that was not his message. His message is, you shall do as I do and more, not less. And so if you're waiting and waiting and waiting for someone to save you, how many lifetimes does it take to be saved? It doesn't make any sense. So the fact that he came here, however he came here, and there's been a lot of ideas of people that came here. Even you said yourself, and I've had clients say, well, I remember being an actorist or I remember being here. So do I. So those are the timelines in other experiences. So there have been so many stories written about them. Stories are sometimes like fables that we have not been able to get all of the facts. Because look in the idea of religion.
Starting point is 00:03:40 They made Mary a virgin. And they also made Mary Magdalene the whore right and so isn't that who made that though who made exactly the one that one or the other oh who made that constantine yeah exactly so that was written by a man to control and manipulate and be prior to that you know they called people that you know people that they were out in the woods or Wiccans or whatever they were calling them. Druids. Or Druids, Druids, sorry. Yeah. Well, all kinds of names they gave them, whatever. But the fact is that he took all these things from people and turned them into Christians. What does Christian mean? Do you know Catholic means
Starting point is 00:04:28 universal? Oh, interesting. Oh, let me tell you. Well, it's great to put that word in. We're universal, everyone. Yes, but it wasn't universal unless you had the belief system. Right. It's universal as long as you are with us. Otherwise, it doesn't count. Exactly. And so if you look at the idea of Muhammad, now don't be arrogant, but his idea was that he even attempted to convert some of the Christians. Yeah. And then when he couldn't, they went into a fight. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:10 So the idea is if this is what Jesus was teaching, then he would be a warlord right yeah exactly so that's not the truth that was not and is not his message right his message is about being connected to each other and he didn't start a church right no so that was started by constantine in the third century and how the catholic church really grew money you know why because the nun uh she the first daughter became the nun and uh and the first son became priest so they got the property and the dowry oh of course there's some money involved and power oh control no power control so that's what religion did was to get money to do that to you know to spread the word but you are the word the word is who you are wordology is your biology and so when you are giving your power away to someone outside of you even if it's going to save
Starting point is 00:06:04 you or your guide. Like this person said, their guide was telling them what to do. My guys don't tell me what to do. They provide information. We have a conversation, but you know what? I'm their guide too. And you know what they ask me? What the hell is going on with duality? And so I'm a snob. If someone comes to me and if they're duality, I'm sorry, I'm not interested in speaking to you. So where do you come from? And so the idea is they used Jesus as a tool to control and manipulate. So they took his message and converted it into a message of power and control not power control just control okay so but his basically jesus when he was here did have a message for the people who he wanted to become conscious yes and what what i always look at is the the second cut you know or when he when
Starting point is 00:07:01 he rebirths himself and then kind of phases off it it's like, hey, he rebirths, right? But how do we know that? Exactly. That's my whole point is how do we know he did that and how do we know that he actually was reborn? And was that just him phasing into another dimension? Exactly. But the other part of it is— We're going back home to where the dimension he came from.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Okay, so now we're going to go to people who believe in other lifetimes right well you just rebirthed yourself oh you just rebirthed yourself right or the mother of reinvention or the mother of invention or the father do you see what i mean so that's why I was always looking at what does this mean? Is it full of meaning or is it full of mean? Right. What? And so looking at things like that, people would say, sure, why do you look at it this way? Well, the reason why, I'm looking for the truth, not the manipulation of the truths.
Starting point is 00:08:03 And so those were manipulations of the truth because we don't have all of the facts. Well, like the whole point about the symbolism of the cross and how everybody hangs around their neck, right? And when I was doing my seeking, my brother actually kind of blew up my consciousness. He's like, Cassidy, why would you want to hang something that literally is the death of somebody good like you're hanging the symbol that doesn't mean what you think it means right okay well how about if we take it from the plant the the the myriads or the anunnaki remember that just means astronaut so they call this the planet of the crossing the cross i see oh how about that and if you look back at the idea
Starting point is 00:08:47 that the romans crucified jesus right that was their way of torturing people right so if you look at vlad liam paler he shoved a rod up people's asses yeah if you look the nazis they put them in you know um right and burned them up yeah right they put them in camps you know, and burned them up. Yeah. Right? They put them in ovens. In tournament camps and gas and burns. So let's go throughout life, throughout our history. How many ways have humans been taught to kill each other? A ton. Yes. Is it crucifixion?
Starting point is 00:09:20 Is it ovens? Is it Vlad the Impaler? Poison. You know, poison. We come up with fun new ways to kill each other. Hooray. Exactly. Now, would you believe that that would be the message?
Starting point is 00:09:33 No, jabs. Oh, shoot. I didn't mean to say that. The jabs. Yes. It's like I'm going to choke myself. Right. Now, let's take the Catholic Church that went to South America.
Starting point is 00:09:45 Right. Because they were told that white men, the gods, were coming back, and so they gave their stuff away. And so then what did the wonderful Catholic representatives do, the Jesuits? They killed them. Of course they did. And then they said, you have to do it our way. Yeah. And they killed them. Of course they did. And then they said, you have to do it our way. And they killed them.
Starting point is 00:10:06 So tell me, is that the message of love and life that Jesus said? No. No. It was taken, it was manipulated, and it was all for gain and loss for the victims. Wow. That is eye-opening. Thank you for making it real with our real eyes here.
Starting point is 00:10:29 And this has been The Quantum Truth, Sherry and Shara Unleashed. Thank you so much for joining us. You can always find more information about Sherry and what she does at www.sherryandshara.com Thank you so much. Have a great one.

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