Heroes in Business - What Type of Leader Will You Be?
Episode Date: March 3, 2022Dr Sarah Sun Liew shares her President's Day sermon in this episode of Today in America and The World....
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Hi everyone, welcome to Global Jesus Mission Church.
Today is September 2022.
Tomorrow is President's Day.
So today's title is What, Bible, we choose Exodus
chapter 3 and verse 1 and 4, we can look at those Exodus chapter 3, Moses called by God and those older background calling the leaders.
You know, so everyone's dreams become good leaders and then also, but we
And then also, but we, you know, we cannot find our, you know, good leaders model.
That's why I choose today is the model of leaderships to do the Mose, what kind of leaderships models we can find out.
So, you know, more people, more struggle age, you know, we are looking for more, like more leaderships needed.
Today's America needed more leaders, presence, leaderships.
Democrats needed looking for better political candidate.
So, I want to today through the Moses story, what give a message to us, we are leaders, like we have a presence, we have
Congress, we have many other political leaders. One of the, in Bible, the political leaders,
God choose that are Moses. So through the Moses, God called Moses. We find out God looking for leaders and call, like examples when Moses
pray mountain, collapse, God call, God appears, you know, burning bushes, and call Moses, Moses, where are you? Moses answered them.
As well as Abraham's story in Genesis,
God called Abraham as a generation to generation father
and blessing Abraham's and call leaders.
So we can, you know, there is three way to become leaders.
Maybe, you know, our own call, I call i am leaders second other people make leaders
third is god called leaders so today's i want to just focus on god calls leaders through bible
stories moses background how we can be better leaders.
So also we can think about I am what kind of leaders
or what is my core values become public values.
So we can, you know, let's look at the various type
of leaderships.
You know, there is a personal leaderships,
impersonal leadership, personal leaderships, impersonal leadership,
democratic leaderships, compassionate leaderships.
You know, many leaderships is there.
So, you know, Moses' case, you know, we can look at Moses' life.
You know, there is Moses' childhood. Like Moses was, you know, struggled at times,
but he was adopted as a princess son, and he was grew up very educated. Background is
like a princess. He grew up that way. And' life, the second chapter, once he murdered for his mediums, you know, those sheep, cows, many years. After those, because God, you know,
make those Moses family before age. I think those family
surroundings of politics become politics leaders so good background is better approach,
better leaders. I think those wife and many many years was devoted to their father-in-law, you know,
older, wealthy. He was hard-given building those family relationships. You know, those are
chapters we can see. Another chapter is Moses. That God called him as leader, you know, as a colleague, God gave him to call
him mission that slave, slave, slave from the Egypt, you know, escape exodus, those
equals and make freedom of those slavery. That is the third chapter of Moses.
And then after those people's leaders, they are living in desert, be like a ruler of the
Moses was strongly, you know, listens to God's servant between peacemakers, God and the people.
Because Moses was one of the people that the people were far away from,
Moses was calling on God's name and praying for those people who have betrayed God, even they made idols, complain God why we are, you know,
escaped from Egypt, you know, better to live as slavers. So, but Moses was really older
communicators between God and the peoples. So, those leaderships, Moses built these leaderships that are loyal, loyal of
fearless, loyal servant. And then also, you know, prayer, that pray for peoples, you know,
he we need a prayer prayers like Moses
always pray to God
the problems they have
asking God
as well as
we see that Moses' leadership
is authority by giving God
always strong leadership coming from God
because of Moses' obedience.
Those make possible to God can communication.
Need Moses, Moses can communication.
There are peoples.
So those are sacrifice.
Also, we can looking for, you know, God is not looking for those talented people.
God is looking for those obedient people like Moses.
So that's the, when, you know, through those today's Bibles, we know those processing of calling missions as leaders.
Like one of the sample of Moses calling is like political leaders for Israel people.
So those leaders, the faith transformed group of those people who are following.
group of those people who are followers. So the most important, the leaderships,
Moses, through Moses' story,
so she, critically, he was prepared himself to be leaders,
as well as God, you know, giving authority to him, to to him to manage those organizations, manage those skills
to give to Moses.
Because everything Moses was doing under God's lead pray, Moses' number one priority mission, the duties, he's delicate for the organization
management as well as not neglecting what he needed to do. This is very important. But we
This is very important, but we even know small things, you know, we cannot, we can ignore everything. So small things, obedience, small things, loyal to God, small things make every day a small duty, make a bigger leadership.
Through the Moses life, always pray to God, you know, those responsibilities, what he has every day, he go for it. So those
leaderships build it, not just actions, not just make one day, because through the 40 years,
desert, God training Moses, those leadership, that organization management skills, you know, delegations,
authorities, even, you know, authorities by God's powers, not self-impressions, he became
strong leaderships. So, you know, the success is, some success is be in arities, you know.
Also, we have to make next generation leaders during those living times.
Like Moses, one good thing he did was not only looking for his generation's leadership,
he was always looking for the next generation. So that's why he prepared another leader,
next generation leader, Joshua's, Goliath's. So Moses' leadership is completely satisfied through next generations
because Moses was really inherited. You know, those successors must be inherited.
But many, many leaders today, even church, even any place, any organizations, most leaders, and be critical and also be really feasible
what he needed to do. Integrated place is very important. And then, you know, responsibilities must drive every day. But through the strong
leadership, the more values, the better result. You know, that's why we have to build strong
leadership. Those strong leaderships, where they come from? Through Moses' life, we can
come from? Through Moses' life we can affirm that appearance, everything from God. Everything is called by God, innovation by God, because God called him first place, Moses, trained
him. And then we see the story of Moses. Moses, when God called him,
sent his first mission to escape those slaves from the eagles.
You know, Moses was very afraid
because he knew what was his mission,
that he had to escape those freedom of slavery.
But how he can be, because he cannot even talk, he think.
So he was worried about to go there,
but however, Moses strong power that trust God, you know?
He had a strong belief in those God, God will do everything.
So today's leaders, many leaders, we have uncertain things happen like COVID-19, socialism, climate change. So today is like many, many issues like Moses habit, but those who are responders, those who are leaders, you know, very, very, very
those good leadership or bad leadership through those struggles.
Moses successfully completed his mission from God,
escaped those slaves, once, you know, led the liberals.
You know, God was, he does not know what happens because following all the eagles army follow Moses.
Moses was afraid but Moses had a cane that when he called God's name,
what goddess was instruction him to those cane to put in the red liver the red rivers was
separate and make lord so same thing as today's like a leadership is we can really have to open
our spiritual eyes because moses does not have a spiritual eye
or a spiritual technology, you know,
clear no direction of God is through his pray,
how he can follow God's direction that, you know,
the cane can touch it, the lever can able to make a load because that is from the Moses believing.
So Moses loyal servant ships of fear that's why the Red Sea was you know Red she was divided to and save all the peoples. The moment of those leaderships, the Moses
comprised proposal was, you know, even rejected, we should seek defense from the habit that
spirituals voice what every day we are listen from God.
Those are compromise, propozias. those compromise proposals from God or those compromise proposals from peoples or know, compromise, really, when we are afraid of our loyalty from God,
to hear spiritual voice. That's what Moses had, spiritual eyes, spiritual hands, spiritual you know hands spirituals you know those spiritual power
you know not not looking for people's voice or not looking for people's attentions
because moses was afraid that that time if the leaderships not divide us, you know, it's become his lost all his leaderships,
but he was confirmed that God can be separate
towards the liberals and save their peoples.
The leaders, God does not ask every people
to put Moses King in the liberal seat, let's see only Moses. That's
why the leaderships gotta always choose leaders, peoples, among peoples, for his peoples, his
peoples. But we have to remember that many, many politics leaders, even president positions, any
senator positions, people's organization management skills by God, but think about that the person
who you management is not your peoples. You should think about that you do managing God's peoples. You should think about that. You do manage God's peoples. This America
is God's country. So many peoples, they are in politics right now, but we forgot this.
All the people we are living in are God's peoples. We have to really think about, like Moses always think about that, this is right people, it's not my
people, it's not my servant, from God's daughter and God's sons. So those thinking is make Moses
keep his positions longer. So many political leaders today,
they lose their position because of,
they don't have those theory,
which is God's peoples, God's country,
God's community, God's generations.
So we have to have those theories that Moses has.
So the more struggles, life, the Moses had it,
the more goddess powers appear from the Moses.
Today, today's, you know, we see everywhere in TV,
every newspapers, you know, we have struggle, COVID, we have struggle,
many, many other issues, economic issues. You know why in Moses, was after Moses another chapter of
life, he management those peoples, he worry about economic growth because he does not have enough food in desert.
We remember that Moses get the manna from the heaven of God.
Once Moses prayed asking God, how I can feed your people, God give to manna to all the people, eat every day, asking only one day's food, not
tomorrow's food.
That is the leadership that today we have a struggle, economic problem.
Same thing in Moses' time, today's time, there is socialism, you know, black and white.
Same times, there is slavery.
You know, even we don't see the real slavery law, but still we have some slavery laws behind
our life.
So all those things happening, same thing in Moses' life. So all those things happening same thing in Moses life, Moses leadership during that.
So today's why that's why I'm choosing to Moses the as the first generations,
our ancestors, how he was handled those older, his leaderships, you know, how we can learn from him to
better leaderships we can have it. So today is, you know, we can look at those America
in the presidents who was like a very famous president.
I wanna choose several president Abraham Lincoln's.
So we see the Abraham Lincoln and Moses
they were just similar situation
because Abraham Lincoln and Moses,
the background is look same
because Abraham Lincoln was five for freedom of the slave and the
most was by for you know same.
Slavery for the from eagles you know so that's why.
Those things we can see the Abraham and Moses and the Lakers, they all make people's freedoms equal opportunity, no racism.
So they fight. they had many same things, they had a same background, many, many same background, those
are their habits, like a hero. He had a show from those leaders during war because Abraham
and Lincoln, you know, that time is a civil war. You know, America had a divided civil war.
As well as, you know, those Abrahamicers also freedom of slavery,
great fighter, human equality, dignity.
So those are the things, the same thing why God asking Moses to go
to the eagles, escape those Moses, you know, the Israel people, that God's people, because
God fight for those human equality and dignity, because those dignities lost through those slavery in Israel. So we find out
what God focus on today and yesterday and futures. So many, you know, many political leaders who had a nice background, like Moses was teaching law, especially Moses had a, you
know, ten commandments.
So we have so famous know about people through those 10 commandments.
He has guided, judged, inspired by God. Those laws are inspired by God.
Today's America, we have to go back to Moses.
Moses was judged, legislated registration, everything inspired by God.
When Moses was pray to God, asking the law to registration,
God's people, God give it to them.
And then Ojerele is many, many political leader.
We had to follow those Moses leadership
because when people, far from those
laws, prayed forgiveness of sins, Moses' one priority was to pray to God forgiveness. Between those, God was so angry because of those betray
or apart from those God's rules,
the many peoples against God's rule,
the times Moses was mitigate.
He was perfect mitigate through those asking forgiveness
for God's people,
what they did. And God was asking blessing
through those Moses asking
the consolations,
the consolations make able to keep the daily life
to surviving those Israel every days
you know be much stronger until they conquer Ganas. So we need those mitigators like between
Moses and between peoples who are apart from God. Moses was bringing those God's rule and mitigate.
So today is Congress.
Today is Congress.
We have those gotta give authority,
registrators make law,
but we should really think about,
we have to have a love of people like Moses.
Moses was asking forgiveness, asking mosque, asking guidelines, real guidelines, what achieved God's goal, what the consolations between God and blessing the people.
So we have to make those kind of
that can ask
God and pray
as well as
you know, Moses was
make a construction
first tabernacle,
which is we call like
church today.
You know, those Moses' big job was
this draw between faith of peoples and God because those construction of tabernacles means God desire to be human in the earth, fulfill his will through the government. God wants to stay in us.
So those will we have to really today we have thousands, thousands of churches,
millions, millions of churches all over the world. We have to go back to the biblical value of Moses' construction tabernacle, that because of those tabernacles,
able to peacemake, able to communicate with many people, to go in the tabernacle, talk about, you know, he can make tabernacle all the people who came for forgiveness through the role of the tabernacles, like be like tabernacles, the place of forgiveness, the place of make
law, place of listen God's voice, place of a furious God's message, like a pool piece,
God's dream in the world, God's dream in this world, like Moses pool piece.
Moses was political leaders. He was leading his people. He was
leading those people through God's law, through the wise illustrators, through making those
tabernacles, communication with God, making those happen to forgiveness through those tabernacles.
Who plays his role as a prophetess.
Who plays his role as leaders, you know?
So that's why today is,
we want to think about today's America.
So today's America is there is so many you know leader squares. In Republicans
we choose the best president is Abraham Lincoln. As well as we choose another non-legals
because they, you know, their life, you know, always very stuggles. They become very under-graduations, under, you know, not like high class, but under-graduation.
Those backgrounds they have, like Abraham Incas does not have educated even high even elementary school
middle school high school but anyway he studied two years law became lawyers you know as well as
you know after that he go to the member of Congress and later on, he becomes president of the
United States during the Civil War.
That time, America was so divided. the divided us so you know the times uh south and north so that's why
but also many slavers black life matters now today same things We have a fight for black lives matter, human equality, dignities, socialisms.
Same thing happened today. Even our leaders fight for,
non-rightly leaders also fight for them. They are heroes showing leadership during those wars.
during those were, you know, same like Moses. He was fight, fight, fight for the God's rules, the
until conqueror, Genas. You know, freedoms. They fight for freedoms.
The legals said that freedom take less than a generation to die. Freedom is not automatically inerity.
Freedom is something that must be depended by fight.
And what is how it is passed down to the future generation.
Otherwise, one day after we grow old to our children
and to their children,
it will tell you that we were once human beings.
So this is the, we see those Donald Reagan's words,
Lord, you know, about freedom so important.
Freedom is not only military minorities.
Our next generation, if we not really
in our freedom, one day our future generation said
we had once freedoms, human being.
I think this is touching our heart.
So we are fighting every day because most are fighting as
leaders. You know, the peoples apart from God, they made idols. They made their own gods.
They had all the socialists, rich and poor. Today same thing. In America had so many problems that we have now an economic
problem too. We does not have equal rich and poor. So we need some leaders make those equal opportunity, even economics. We needed to unite it.
You know, we need a unity of this country.
This country is so divided by democracy,
is so divided by Republican or Democrat,
or black and white and poor and rich. So we have to be in unity, you know, not divide anymore. We
need to look for those leaders today. We have so strong economic difficulties.
So who will be solving those problems today?
problems today. Joe Biden, President Joe Biden was selected 46th President of the United States. He was, you know, talk about, he keyword was unity. So, you know, and then also Donald Trump,
you know, we see fight mega America first, you know.
We see those Obama president said that immigration voice.
So we have a different president. Obama president said that immigration voice.
So we have a different president
tomorrow is the president of, you know, days. We see that our former three president,
they talk different message people give
like Obama president said to immigration voice first
and next president to Donald Trump, America first.
And Biden's, you know, those talk about unity.
So today's America, those three president all day
catch up the problems, but we have to really think about what leadership
we really looking for today's presidents.
The presidents who can close the gap between the rich or poor. That is most important.
As well as the president who will unity,
united America, we have the unity.
And then also the president leadership,
we need overcome economic difficult.
So we need a president who understands the importance of both, you know, Trump, President
Trump said America first, as well as Obama president said immigration first.
We need to balance immigration or America, all the way America.
So we have the unity together, not divide.
If someone, some leadership said to for America first,
some leadership said to United first, unity first.
Some leadership said immigration first.
Those four years, eight years, those different policies focus on those what the,
you know, key word they said.
But still today's America, nothing changed.
Still there is socialism.
We need, we need, we need really those social cohesion, you know, social cohesion, not black and white.
We need cohesion together.
We are together.
We are all under God.
We are all together. Also, we have the restorations, our democracies, you know, and we have the restoration international
communities, our status, because America now turned down international influence status. So also really we have to, where is the vaccine policies? You know, so many vaccine
policies. We have to be really defeat COVID and acceptable policy make people's comfort. So today's, I look at all this, today's America has the same problem what the Moses had.
So we are, tomorrow is the present days. We choose presidents today, Obama, while yesterday, Obama, another yesterday Clinton, now it's Biden.
They have their own core message. They have their own core values.
Each person, each, their core values in personal leaderships, how they can be those personal leaderships can bear you up to public value. Today's America solve these
problems, all the problems. So we really think about, you know,
first things first. So we have to really this democracy needed to united.
So we have to pray together.
Another, you know, I think the Lagrange's most achievable those problems we have. First, the Lakers' achievement most values American politics, establishing
Republican identity, today's conservatives. Lagos, you know, those Republic identity. Today we
have to rebuild those as presence, Northern Lagos. So the time is Northern Ronald Reagan's, you know? There is a, that time so many divided Republican Party,
even divided many, many dozen of factions,
formerly public, but they got united those party
by consistently advocating the conservative principles. So we have to have conservative
principles like what President Reagan said, you know, by political authorizations.
You know, by Lagos, he's strongly advocate conservation, conservative principle. That's why we are today fighting in the same way that Donald Lagos did.
Donald Lag's advocate. So that's why there is many many others people's abortions, gun
and climate change. You know why we fight those everything? We needed to look at the conservative
principle value what the Reagans build it. Today's America too far away from conservative principles. I think those conservative principles very close Bible, biblical principle. That's
why I choose Republican parties. I choose to be even a candidate, fight for those conservative principles.
We are all independent decisions. Over interventions, you know,
we need to really think about minimalizing the role of the federal government too.
about minimalizing the role of the federal government too. So we have to be united. Who's going to be real president and be united today? We are in unity. Unity is very important.
Conservative principle is very important. So today's creatures, we have responsibility.
So today's creatures, we have responsibility. Why does Moses fight in front of God?
He makes laws, right laws to follow.
Moses is asking God to give me the law to, you know, legislations.
Take care of your peoples. Today is our Congress.
We need to pray to go back to conservative principles.
We need to be like Moses, pray to God, asking God,
what is really in America needed today?
God tell us today what we should do.
Let's pray.