Hidden Brain - Encore of Ep. 24: Tribes and Traitors

Episode Date: March 7, 2017

Nearly a year ago, we ran an episode about one of the world's most intractable divides: the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Since that story aired, a solution seems even more out of reach. We wanted t...o play this episode again, because it offers something we don't often hear in the news: empathy for the other side.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Hidden Brain, I'm Shankar Vedanthan. Nearly a year ago, we ran an episode about one of the world's most intractable divides, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Since that story aired, a solution to the conflict seems ever more out of reach. Israelis and Palestinians are closely following the case of an Israeli soldier convicted of manslaughter in the death of a Palestinian. He did back off from the idea of a two-state solution, a Palestinian conflict as a fight over history. A Palestinian drove a truck into a crowd of Israeli soldiers, according to Israeli
Starting point is 00:00:33 police. At least four people are dead and 15 in the same way. This episode offers a perspective we don't often hear and news about the conflict. Compassion for the other side. I think that the two big elements that are lacking from the discourse on both sides is one massive lack of hope and two this unbelievable lack of empathy. This kind of empathy for your enemy is difficult and dangerous. What was most hurtful for me, most painful, was nobody stood by me. But this empathy can also be something else, powerful.
Starting point is 00:01:14 It can accomplish remarkable things, it can change minds and bring down walls. And I'm staring at this wall of the window of the bus at the Kalandia checkpoint. And six million ghosts chase me as we drive through. And I wonder if they will ever rest. So my name is Avaner Gvaryahu, I'm 31 actually today. Growing up Avaner Gvaryahu was a model Israeli patriot. I grew up in a religious family, what we call religious nationalist family, and I went to a religious high school, what we call in Hebrew or Yashiva.
Starting point is 00:02:00 I joined the army when I was 19 after doing a year of community service and I served for three years as a paratrooper and a special ops unit. Being a soldier came naturally to Avner. In my society, in my community, and in my family as well, you know, this was something that was discussed often. I'm named after a soldier who was killed in 1973 in the Yom Kippur War. My dad himself was a paratrooper. My older brother was a combat soldier. The people around me, my mentors, my teachers, my counselors and my youth movements were all, of course, in the military.
Starting point is 00:02:37 So I was really waiting for my chance to go and protect my country and serve. That was sort of something that I always knew I would do and I wanted to be, you know, the best I could be at that. But early in his military service, Avnare started to see things that challenged his worldview. He was often asked to pull a maneuver known as a straw widow. This involved entering a Palestinian home to use the windows on the upper floors to cover other Israeli soldiers carrying out operations on the street. So I found myself numerous cases throughout my service invading people's homes in the middle of the night, most of the time, after we knew that the people inside these homes
Starting point is 00:03:23 were innocent. Because you do not want to enter someone's house if you know that he's involved in some terrorist organization. So what we actually did is you find a house on a map. You choose the house because it's situated in the right place, because it's elevated enough, because it has the right size windows, and you enter this house in the middle of the night. Now, this house, from that moment on, belongs to the soldiers, right?
Starting point is 00:03:48 If the family wants to use the bathroom or the kitchen, in many cases they need permission from the soldiers. Of course, the family can't leave their house. And this dynamic between soldiers and Palestinians was something that I was part of for many, many nights. And I think that that's where I really learned for the first time, first of all, a little bit about the Palestinians, because I was never in a Palestinian home before I started my service. I had no real contacts with Palestinians before I started my service. But also, I learned about the power dynamic that I was part of.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Just the fact that I was born sort of in the right side of the green line. Just the fact that I was born to an Israeli Jewish family gave me the power to walk in with a helmet, with a gun, with my uniform, and I was in control of an entire family. One night in particular, it stands out in his memory. We were supposed to take over our house, and we were walking through the open space around the house. We made maybe too much noise, or maybe we stepped on the branch,
Starting point is 00:05:03 and we started hearing screaming from inside a Palestinian home. So me and the officer who were leading our soldiers went up to the window where we hear the screams because we could be detected and that's not something we want. And we break the glass of this house and we peer in with our rifles. We had flashlights on the barrels. And we see on the floor of this house an older lady, an elderly lady, helpless. And she was on the floor, I don't know what exactly happened, maybe she heard us and she was petrified and she just fell off her bed. I remember looking to the other side of the room and I could see at the end of the corridor some people or voices and it was her family who were petrified to come and help her. I remember standing there and telling myself, this is not what I thought I would be doing. This is definitely not promoting the security of my country or the security of my family.
Starting point is 00:06:11 And I started thinking, what about the family of this old lady? I mean, what do they think about me now? Moments like this are what prompted Avanair to start working with an organization called Breaking the Silence, a group of military veterans who want to talk openly about what they've learned. From Avnars perspective, there's nothing unpatriotic about Israeli veterans telling their stories, talking about moments they struggle with, or Palestinian families they got to know. But others see it differently. Some see it as treason. In one recent video, a group targeting
Starting point is 00:06:46 Avnare shows a Palestinian attacking in Israeli with a knife. The video then accuses four human rights activists, including Avnare, of protecting the terrorists. They called all four of us foreign agents or what they called it were stulim, which basically means implanted, meaning my opinions, my thoughts, and the actions of myself and my friends are not things we actually think on our own, but we're actually working for foreign government. To us it sounded that if they're actually working for, um, uh, foreign government. Um, to us, it
Starting point is 00:07:27 sounded that if they're blaming us for being spies. As I was listening to Avner, I couldn't stop thinking about a study I read many years ago. Psychologist Lee Ross ran an experiment at Stanford University. He brought in students from a pro-Israeli group and a pro-Arab group and had them watch television news clips about the Arab-Israeli conflict. He found the pro-Israeli group and a pro-Arab group and had them watch television news clips about the Arab-Israeli conflict. He found the pro-Israeli students saw lots of anti-Israel references in the news clips, whereas the pro-Arab students saw lots of anti-Arab references while looking at the very same news clips.
Starting point is 00:08:01 When Arabs in Israelis think about their conflict, each group desperately wants observers to know that they have been wronged. To acknowledge the pain on the other side is to somehow limit this claim. That's why two groups can look at the same reality and see completely different things. I told Avner, his story reminded me of the study. As you're telling me the story, I'm realizing that one of the psychological implications of your work is that really when you try and empathize with what the other side is going through, there is something about that action that drives your friends and comrades really angry. That the idea that one of you would empathize with the other side feels like betrayal.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Yeah, I think that you're touching a point which is true and I think is extremely difficult. You know, silence is not an Israeli disease, it's not an Israeli epidemic. There is no society, there is no community that does not live with this disease of silence. A big part of what breaking the silence and saying is, you know, the fact that we are talking about our actions, of course it doesn't mean there's no responsibility on the Palestinian side. But you know, when I do think about what can create change and who has the power for change, I can't ignore the fact that in this specific point,
Starting point is 00:09:32 we are the ones with the power. When we come back, a Palestinian professor tries to get his students to empathize with Israelis. If you learn about the suffering of the other, would that help in your attitude for reconciliation? Stay with us. The psychologist Michael Wall and Nyla Branscom once asked Jewish volunteers to think about
Starting point is 00:10:06 the suffering of Palestinians. The psychologists reminded some of the volunteers about the Holocaust. Compared to others, Jews reminded of their own group suffering, showed less compassion toward Palestinian suffering. The same thing happens with other groups. Americans reminded of traumas, even distant traumas like the Pearl Harbor attack, show less empathy for victims of torture carried out by American service members. Trauma makes us turn inward.
Starting point is 00:10:36 It creates justifications for the harm we cause other groups. It makes it harder to feel empathy for our enemies. In 1948, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians lost their homes during the creation of the state of Israel. Palestinians have a word to describe this trauma. They call it the Nakba, the catastrophe. Just as traumatized Israelis don't want to think about the Nakba, traumatized Palestinians, don't want to think about the Nakba, traumatized Palestinians, don't want to think about the Holocaust.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Muhammad Dajjani used to be one of those Palestinians who struggled to empathize with Israelis. He considered himself a nationalist. In fact, as a result of his political work for Palestinian statehood, Muhammad says he was forced into exile from his native Jerusalem. He was allowed to return in 1993 because his father was very sick. And then, just like Aufnir, something happened to Muhammad that shook his beliefs about his enemy. In the beginning, it was very difficult for me to adjust. But my father, what cancer, started taking me
Starting point is 00:11:44 to an incarium hospital where he used to have chemotherapy. And it made me observe my enemy, the Israelis, the doctors, the nurses, the staff. I noticed that their attitude to my father was not an attitude of an enemy to his enemy but rather a doctor to his patient. Another time, Muhammad's mother suffered a heart attack. He was in a car with her, his brother was driving. We were coming to the Mengorian airport exit and my brother decided to take that exit.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Muhammad told his brother he was being foolish. Israeli soldiers would stop them, harass them. Muhammad's brother said they had no choice. He pulled up at a security gate. When we came to the gates of the airport, the enemy brother told them that we have a secroman with us and they saw her. They vacated one of the gates there and immediately called for ambulance there when the doctors came.
Starting point is 00:12:51 They found out that they cannot move her so they tried to restate her there so it became like an operation room. These experiences changed Muhammad. He says he stopped thinking of the conflict in terms of Palestinians versus Israelis and started thinking in terms of the Palestinians and Israelis who were four peace and the Palestinians and Israelis who were against peace. And for the very first time he says he tried to see the Palestinian Israeli conflict from the Israeli point of view. He began teaching political science at Al-Qudz University in Jerusalem, and he brought his new understanding with him.
Starting point is 00:13:27 But his students couldn't relate. They hadn't had encounters with kind Israeli soldiers and carrying Jewish doctors. In order to come to the university, they used to go through many checkpoints, so they would leave something like three in the morning to get to the university at nine. Muhammad tried to get his students to see beyond the soldiers they met at checkpoints every day. The university set up an Israeli studies program and an American studies program and he started to broach a topic most Palestinians had never encountered at school, the Holocaust. But Muhammad students consumed as they were with their own trauma, could not or would not
Starting point is 00:14:04 listen. One of his students was a young woman named Hanan. From Ahamad students, consumed as they were with their own trauma, could not or would not listen. One of his students was a young woman named Hanan. And she was in Israeli presence for nine years. So to her, she looked at what happened with Jews, in Auschwitz, in Krakow and different, uh, Bakanow and different, uh, concentration camps, as if transmitting that to her own experience being a prisoner in Israeli jails and being discriminated against as a woman. Muhammad told Hanan she had constructed a prison inside her own mind, a prison that
Starting point is 00:14:41 kept her from seeing the world, from the point of view of her enemy. When nothing worked with the students, Muhammad decided he would take Hanan and a couple dozen other students on a field trip to Europe. They would visit Nazi concentration camps and learn, first hand, about the trauma at the heart of the Israeli Jewish experience. It was a scientific project to study about empathy, about if you learn about the suffering of the other, would that help more in your attitude for reconciliation?
Starting point is 00:15:16 We decided to take these 30 Palestinians, children's torches and Krakow in Poland. Almost immediately, there was trouble. So I received an email from the president of the university. He said that I heard rumors that you are taking students' washwets. And I would like you to make it very clear to them that the university has nothing to do with this trip. Another student came to me and said,
Starting point is 00:15:47 you should cancel this trip, and that if you would go once you come back, you might be facing a very big threat. Mohamed did not waver. He was an educator, and like Avnair, he believed he was being a patriot. Empathy he had come to believe was the only way to understanding and to peace. When they got to Auschwitz, Muhammad and
Starting point is 00:16:13 Hanan stopped at the entrance to the camp. Hanan when she saw the at the entrance, there was like a blackout saying, Arbite-Macht-Frey. So, work sets you free. So, she was very surprised with that slogan on the aggregate of the Auschwitz camp and asked me about it and I said, why don't you lock it up? Hanan learned the meaning of the cynical phrase. The Jewish prisoners who entered this camp were not set free by work.
Starting point is 00:16:52 They were worked to death or killed. There was this big room which had toilets and we were told that every morning more than 2,000 people gathered in front of the room and then they make them go through there to use it and they are given 10 seconds to use it and then they have to leave. And so it was such a humiliation for the individual. They were things they never heard of in terms of how human beings were humiliated and broken. As they walked through the camp, Muhammad noticed that Hanan and the other students
Starting point is 00:17:40 were no longer seeing the Holocaust through the lens of their own suffering. They were actually empathizing with Jews, their enemies. were no longer seeing the Holocaust through the lens of their own suffering. They were actually empathizing with Jews, their enemies. It was very emotional to them, one of the, and some of the girls even cried. One of the students was telling me, I thought that Hitler gathered Jews in these concentration camps to send them to Palestine, to have them shipped to Palestine. So to them, they had total misconception about what is the Holocaust, what is the concentration camp, what did it mean, how life was there, and so it was an open-air for them. But back at home, Muhammad's colleagues at the university
Starting point is 00:18:39 did not see the trip as an invaluable educational experience. The last day in Auschwitz, my secretary, wrote to me an email saying that students have come in the Rens Actor office and they were made, they are making demonstrations against your own campus and that they came and left you a letter of threatening your life that you should not come back to the university and that if you come back they are going to kill you and the letter is with me and she said that they were extremely there is a lot of enmity and an uproar on campus regarding the trip. So, anyway, that prepared me that the reception will not be easy going back to the university.
Starting point is 00:19:35 And once I went there, I noticed that there was a lot of enmity people were looking at me as if I have a a matrator of betrayed them. At the same time, nine student organization issued a statement on campus saying that this is normalization and normalization equals treason. Muhammad was forced to resign from his job. One night someone set fire to his car. He knew his life was in danger. He packed his bags and left Jerusalem again.
Starting point is 00:20:12 This time exiled by his fellow Palestinians. I asked him how it felt to be called a traitor. What was most hurtful for me, most painful, was nobody stood by me. That was really what was most painful for me. Also, the fact that I have dedicated all my life for the Palestinian cause and suddenly I am a traitor for that cause, so that also was painful. When I talked to Muhammad, he was living in Washington, just like Avner, who is also in the United States, Muhammad hopes to go home someday.
Starting point is 00:21:03 I want to leave you with one last note. As I was learning the stories of Avnare and Guarriaho and Muhammad Dajjani, I went to see a powerful new play called Wrestling Jerusalem. Commissioned by Ari Roth and produced by Mosaic Theatre in Washington DC, Wrestling Jerusalem is a one-man show that will travel to many parts of the country. Like Avnare and Muhammad's real-life stories, the play is about the intertwined traumas of the Nakba and the Holocaust, and the effects those traumas have on the ability of Israelis and Palestinians to empathize with one another.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Playwright and performer Aaron Davidman describes his travels in Israel and the occupied territories. You'll hear him speak as himself, and in the voices of Palestinians, and an Israeli man named Nandav. I'm looking for the number 18 bus in East Jerusalem, somewhere up the street from Damascus Gate, the Arab entrance to the old city. It's only a few blocks from the Jewish part of Jerusalem, but it feels like another world. The smell of the food vendors, language in the air, gestures of the people in the street, all so different. I can't find the bus stop, and I have a nervous feeling of being on the other side. I've been to Israel many times.
Starting point is 00:22:20 I've never been to Ramallah. When I finally find the small bus, I pay six shekels, and I get on. I sit in the back. I'm sure I'm the only Jewish person on the bus, but I feel invisible. No one seems to pay any attention to me. The atmosphere is quiet, tired.
Starting point is 00:22:38 As soon as we get on the highway, the bus is stopped by the Israeli police. Tadduk, vaksha! I clutch my passport. I don't want to pass it forward. I just sit there. The officer doesn't see me. Now my invisibility feels conspicuous.
Starting point is 00:22:54 There's a blank stare in the eyes of the middle-aged Palestinian men as they pass their IDs forward. Do you speak English? A woman turns to me. Do they ask to see your ID? No. You see how they humiliate us. Ten minutes later, we approach the Kalandia checkpoint.
Starting point is 00:23:15 There's a long line of cars and people on foot waiting to cross through. Manned by the Israeli Army, Kalandia is one of the few places to cross from Israel into the West Bank and from the West Bank into Israel. Hundreds of kilometers of electric fences, trenches, barbed organization, calls this structure the separation barrier. The Israelis call it the security fence. The Palestinians call it the apartheid wall. Whatever you want to call it, it's massive and intimidating and haunting. The Kalandia crossing is a rocky nomans land with two giant ominous watchtowers surrounded by fences laced with barbed wire.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Concentration camps. All I can think of is concentration camps. Concentration camps. A lifetime of holocaust imagery comes lurching forward from the back of my mind. No! Don't think of concentration camps. There's no moral equivalency here. It's not the same, it's not the same guard towers, guard dogs, barbed wire, soldiers, machine guns, refugees, suitcases, now the Jews are the guards, and I'm on the train going into the camps, and I, I, I, I, I, I, I remember Nadav and Aron, the craziest thing when I got here, I did not yet know my gilly was on this bus.
Starting point is 00:24:59 I did not know I heard on the radio of the Piguah, the bumbing, and I come right here. It's my neighborhood. In Haifa, we don't expect such things. And I stood here in the street, and I could smell burn flesh in the air, and at that moment I had this strange feeling. I thought this must be the smell, the people smelled coming off the trains in Auschwitz, the smell of the crematoriums. My parents were the only survivors of the family to make it out alive. Every other member
Starting point is 00:25:38 of the family was killed, every single one, uncles, aunts, everyone completely destroyed and here, 60 years later. My Gilly, burn alive in Stubutal murder, he was 13 years old. He was in the peace camp for Palestinian and Israeli children just two weeks before look. I don't hate the Arabs, but build the wall, absolutely build the wall, let them live over there, and we live over here. I'm finished! And I'm staring at this wall, out the window of the bus, at the Kalandaya checkpoint, and six million ghosts chase me as we drive through and I wonder if they will ever rest.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Aaron Davidman performing an excerpt from his play, Wrestling Jerusalem. This episode of Hidden Brain was produced by Karam Agar-Kallison, Maggie Pennman and Max Ness Track. Our team includes Raina Cohen, René Clarre and Jenny Schmitt. Our supervising producer is Tara Boyle. Our intern is Chloe Conley. If you like this episode, please share it with friends and on social media. While you're at it, check out Hidden Brain on Facebook and Twitter. You can also hear my stories each week on your local public radio station.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Our unsung heroes this week are Jessica Hansen and Chi-Oki-I Hansen. You may not know their names, but you surely know their voices. They read the sponsorship credits for Hidden Brain and other NPR shows. Like this. Support for this Brain and other NPR shows. Like this. Support for this podcast and the following message comes from Wells Fargo. This episode of Hidden Brain and the following message is... Thank you Jessica and Shio-Ki for making us sound better every week.
Starting point is 00:27:36 We have a request for you. From time to time as we work on new episodes, we ask for your help. For an upcoming episode, we want to explore the lives of people whose posts on Facebook or pictures on Instagram paint a very different picture from what is actually happening in their lives. Do you post happy pictures about vacations or your children's accomplishments when really your life isn't going so well? If you have a story that you're willing to share with us, please call and leave a message at 661-772-7246. That's 661-778-brain. I'm Shankar Vedanthan and this is NPR.
Starting point is 00:28:20 you

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