High Rollers DnD - High Rollers: Aerois #102 | Project Vanguard (Part 2)

Episode Date: March 4, 2021

Damaged aetherium generators, some elemental living spells and a 5 minute timer... can the party survive Demacles' trap?! Go to http://manscaped.com and use code HIGHROLLERS to get 20% off with free ...shipping! Support the High Rollers and get early access to podcast episodes (and more) on our Patreon: www.patreon.com/HighRollers Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pickaxe. Go back to school with Rogers and get Canada's fastest and most reliable internet. Perfect for streaming lectures all day or binging TV shows all night. Save up to $20 per month on Rogers internet. Visit Rogers.com for details. We got you Rogers. everyone's ready everyone's excited i know that everyone's very excited oh watch out to get back out. Here we go. So, having investigated the lower levels of Shadowsong Pinnacle,
Starting point is 00:01:09 this weapons facility, you have been informed that the whole area has been sabotaged. The island, the floating sky island, has been sabotaged. And until Quill used his powers to determine how long, you had no idea how long before you would be in danger. You have since discovered two of the Aetherium refineries have been sabotaged and you
Starting point is 00:01:36 have around about three minutes before this whole island is blown sky high. You have all assembled, managing to use uh barbarian rage magic to empower uh elevators uh flight spells and levitations you've managed to ascend up a tall elevator shaft and now you stand in the refinery to take it on however it is not as easy as it seems the refineries must be repaired, investigated, and then meanwhile, you will have several
Starting point is 00:02:06 living spells to contend with as the errant magic of the Aetherium has brought to life these strange magical energies. And we are going to roll initiative! Here we go! You can sneak up!
Starting point is 00:02:23 Okay. Okay. So we have a 10 for Kelek. 15 for Lucius. 18. 18 for Ayla. Sentry. 17.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Four. Four. And then 17 for Mayweather. Nice. And that is it. Malatea, as an FYI, has almost no abilities or skills or weapons or anything. So we'll cower inside the elevator until he is told otherwise.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Until you are ready for him. What's that? Doesn't he need to go to the control room? Control panel. until you are ready for him. What's that? Doesn't he need to go to the control room? Can't get him repaired? No, control panel. He can definitely run to that control panel. He will be at risk of being attacked. So he's basically going to wait until somebody tells him to go there
Starting point is 00:03:17 and then he will go there. Gotcha. All right. As an FYI. Moonstar leaping into action Will she will Basically, oh she can use her grapple
Starting point is 00:03:34 She's gonna go for the furthest one because she thinks she can get there Seeing that Nova's a little bit slower to react. She will leap into the fray 5 10 15 15 20 25 30 dash action 35 40 45 50 55 60 and then at the last second she pulls out this hand crossbow with this grappling uh kind of launcher on it, flies it, and then whips herself on top of this refinery and begins inspecting it. And you see this cracking bolt. Her whole turn is to basically run up to the
Starting point is 00:04:14 furthest one away. And that's it. That's her turn. Ayla. I will take a run at this Doody Watson. I will take a run at this Doody Watson this is one of the things right
Starting point is 00:04:30 a couple of points, Nova had already mentioned this you have to hold your breath in this area like the air is filled with this kind of silvery mist you can hold your breath equal to 1 plus your constitution modifier in minutes, so Ayla you're fine, you can hold your breath equal to 1 plus your constitution modifier in minutes. So Ayla, you're fine.
Starting point is 00:04:48 You've got 5 goddamn minutes. Like, Sentry's got 4 minutes or something. Those of you who only have a plus 1 or a plus 0, just keep a note that, yeah, you will have to hold your breath in here. Things like taking damage or casting spells is, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:04 dangerous. Lucius, you would know uh that the ethereum here in this refinery if you breathe in it's definitely it's toxic um and it has effects on magic as well if you if you are like if you have this stuff in your system and you try and cast spells it can go awry. But yeah. I will read that. So you hold your breath. As everyone's running out, Moonstar already knows that. You see the thing that you charge towards
Starting point is 00:05:34 appears to be this coalesced form of this silvery gas, almost like not quite taking on a humanoid shape, but it definitely seems more sentient. It's kind of formed itself into something. What would you like to do? Okay. I think I'm going to move around this side of it just to give Nova a clearer run at the thing.
Starting point is 00:06:00 But I'll give her a couple of hits because, you know, what else can I do? It's what she do. It's what she do. So 13 plus 13 to hit on the first one. That hits. Oh God. Five.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Ten. Thirteen damage. Hang on, give me a second. 13 points of damage. Yep, cool. 13 points. Next one is... You see, as the hammer connects, by the way, Ayla,
Starting point is 00:06:43 you get the sense that it's only the magic of the hammer, like the lightning and the magic kind of imbued into it, that is actually connecting with the thing. Like, if this wasn't a magic weapon, it would definitely be resisting some of this. But yeah, the hammer strikes and connects and deals its damage. Next attack. 23 to hit.
Starting point is 00:07:00 That hits. Ooh, I rolled a one on my damage, though. Nine damage from that, and then a dex save for the silver cloud. Dex save. He does seem quite nimble, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:07:17 that's a seven. It fails. You just kind of blast it with this charge of lightning. Five, six, seven, eight points of lightning damage. You watch as its form begins to collapse a little bit. Parts of it are blasted away by the force of lightning that you let loose, but it's still formed. Anything else, or is that the end of your turn?
Starting point is 00:07:39 We have Nova, then Lucius. That's all I can do this turn. All right, Nova, you're up. than Lucius. That's all I can do this turn. Alright, Nova, you're up. Okay, I'll move over to Reactor G. So, 5, 10,
Starting point is 00:07:52 15, 20, 25. And then I guess I need to get on top of it. You don't need to get on top of it. What you need to do, now that you're here, Nova, because I already knew for Moonstar, you need to spend your action to basically examine this thing, right? To figure out what the problems are, what needs fixing, how you can do it.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Basically, to do that, you spend your action to begin investigating it. And then at the end of your next turn, you will know what the problems are. If you take damage, if you are moved away from it, if you are otherwise distracted from examining this thing, you have to make a concentration check to keep your focus and figure out what's going on, right? So you basically are there and you're like moving around it, like peering into it, like examining the runes on it.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Any damage or kind of being moved away from it or anything like that could cause you to lose your focus and you'd have to start that process again to examine it. Okay. So you want to do that as your action? Yeah, I've used my extra five foot movement just to tuck myself away a little bit further away from the thing that Aayla's fighting. Yeah. So do I roll anything?
Starting point is 00:09:00 You don't need to roll anything now. As long as you cannot take damage until the end of your next turn, you will then identify the checks that you need to make to fix this device, right? And you suspect that there's probably going to be a bunch of different things you need to do. Lucius. I'm going to hold my breath and get to this edge here. I don't imagine there's much right now in terms of gas just in this doorway, right? So I don't have to worry too much at the elevator.
Starting point is 00:09:29 I guess it's seeping in a little bit, right? Seeping in, exactly, yeah. In which case, I will hold my breath. This is a 90-foot chromatic orb on that one to protect Moonstar. Level 4. I will also kind of imitate Ayla and do lightning on it uh actually no i'll do diplomacy so it'll be cold cold damage so as a as a point lucius that one that you're targeting there is actually above you um yeah it's hard to see because i had to put the
Starting point is 00:09:59 gangways on one map you would probably need to move to at least here to get line of sight onto it if that's okay so you will need to step fully into the room um otherwise the gangway above you is partially blocking your line of sight the stairway is kind of blocking your line of sight um you can see it's kind of like arcing on the grates above but yeah okay so uh chromatic orb cold cold cold energy here we go uh cold so that is 22 to hit
Starting point is 00:10:32 22 hit yeah and that will be 32 cold damage oof nice big big damage
Starting point is 00:10:38 uh yeah you see this kind of ball of ice encapsulate the thing um parts of its lightning bolt it's almost like living forks of lightning not really in any sort of shape just this erratic pattern and some of the bolts
Starting point is 00:10:51 kind of freeze almost um as you do so and then eight points of dichromancy on top of that now what's the range in your dichromancy because i think it's 30 feet so isn't it? So can I attack the one to the right that Aayla's attacking? Yes, that's the only one that's within range, so yeah. Okay, so to the one behind you, do another eight points of cold damage as you kind of spin round, pull out this kind of blue shape from your fabric, from your outfit and gemstones,
Starting point is 00:11:19 and launch it at the creature attacking Aayla behind you. Cool. Anything else, Lucius, on your turn? I'm going to move back in with the rest of my movement to a place where I can kind of breathe a little, move out the way a century. So just stand to the side of the door. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:40 The creatures then go, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25... Oh, they're coming in. Whoa. Yeah, they are, but annoyingly, they can only get two of you. I wanted to get all three of you. So one of these bolts of lightning moves towards you, Lucius. Like the sensor, like where you've just struck it,
Starting point is 00:12:10 it definitely seems to follow that magic, almost following it like a scent. It moves itself towards you, and then it seems to charge up, and it's going to transform itself into a bolt of lightning that I'm going to have to fiddle a little bit with here. And it's going to hit you both, you and Sentry. So I need you both
Starting point is 00:12:34 to make dexterity saving throws for me, please. Would the warding give resistance to that? Interesting. Interesting. I would say yes because technically these are living spells
Starting point is 00:12:48 and it's against spells so i would say yes your warding does give you a bonus resistance and stuff but still saving throws nonetheless would a counter spell work on this i guess i don't know no yeah counter spell doesn't because it's not casting a spell. It is becoming a spell. It's like you're used to like when you counterspell, you're reading like the person going, blah, blah, jubba, jubba, jubba, jubba, you know, like you're actually like, oh, they're doing this. I can counterspell it.
Starting point is 00:13:15 This is just lightning that then suddenly rushes forward like the spell. But yeah, Dexterity is the same for us. What's your totals, people? 11. 11? That is going to be a failure. However, thanks to Sentry's Warding, Sentry seems to absorb some of the impact of this spell, and you do have resistance.
Starting point is 00:13:39 So it would be 28 points of damage, half to 14. So you both take 14 lightning damage. As it launches itself forward. And then it seems to almost just reform back in where it was. Second one, Aayla comes drifting behind you. This one doesn't transform into a bolt of lightning. Instead, it kind of like whips out at you, like as, you know, this crack of of lightning uh oh it's got reach i can actually have it here uh that is gonna be a uh 24 to hit on the first attack yeah is it lightning damage
Starting point is 00:14:16 did you say is lightning damage are you immune or resistant resistant okay so you can take half damage from this uh the second attack is a complete miss It was a natural one you mentioned to kind of throw yourself out the way or use the hammer to kind of absorb it like a lightning rod I've just thrown all my dice on the floor That's gonna be 19 lightning damaged halved to nine yeah it's rounded down nine points of damage so it's kind of kind of cracks down upon you uh these uh yeah impressive sort of like burst of lightning. Then the
Starting point is 00:15:05 cloud of gas next to you, Ayla, it seems to just expand itself and it is going to use its spell mimicry. I'm going to make this thing bigger.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Bigger. So like half the map yeah it's a 40 foot radius so 40 foot diameter is that 20 foot radius? actually I think it's wrong, I think that's 20 foot radius why would you use diameter when all the other spells are radius
Starting point is 00:15:43 radius is diameter the whole way other spells are radius? Is diameter the whole way across, or is radius the whole way across? Sure. Radius is half. Yeah. And diameter's the whole way across, right? Yeah, so it's just thingy.
Starting point is 00:15:58 So it's actually like this. I still don't like it. So Aayla and Nova, I need you both to make constitution saving throws, please. As this thing just seems to blow out as this ball of gas. 25. 15. 25, 15.
Starting point is 00:16:22 15 is a failure. Nova, you're going to take full damage. This is poison damage. Aayla, you're going to take full damage. This is poison damage. Aayla, you're going to take half. I'm good. I'm good. Yeah, this encounter is going to really screw up. 33 points of poison damage.
Starting point is 00:16:41 I need you to make a concentration check, please, Nova. So, constitution saving throw again. So, mine is 16 points? 16 for you. Yes, 16 points, Aayla. God, health's coming down quick. It's only one round. 17.
Starting point is 00:17:02 17 is enough. Like, even though you're like... You're actually holding your breath, so this poison, as it touches your skin, is seeping into your blood vessels. You feel yourself sick and shivery. But you're focused on this machine. You know you have to get this machine fixed.
Starting point is 00:17:19 You manage to keep your focus on it. The other one, however, is just going to move up that's all it can do keelik and so it's been a long time and i haven't really been on top of everyone's health how is everyone looking right now if i'd look dead but standing that's how I'd look, Tom Dead but standing Nova coughed You probably can't see me You can't see me because I'm tucked around the corner as well
Starting point is 00:17:54 I can see everyone Still can't see Nova She's tucked around the side of this little elevator room If I was to remember what she looked like before we came into this elevator, what does everyone look like? It's been a long time.
Starting point is 00:18:13 It's been something. A bit dented. Dented. Scuffed. Over half dented. Half dented. A bit green. Lucius is dead. Half dented. No. All right. I'm al dented. Half dented. A bit green. Lucius is dead.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Half dented. No. All right. I'm al dente. I'm a good fan. Yeah. Right, I'm going to bonus action. I'm going to use to healing word Lucius at level two.
Starting point is 00:18:38 So that's 3d4 plus six. That's one four. And another one. 3d4 plus six. That's one four. And another one. D4, boom. 12 healing. Actually, not bad. Bonus action. And my full action, I'm going to,
Starting point is 00:18:55 because I imagine these things are elemental, I'm going to cast Arcane Abjuration, which is my channel divinity. Okay. They must pass a wisdom saving throw of 19, anything within 30 feet of me, which is all of them. And I want to turn them, make them run away from me. 19 is the DC?
Starting point is 00:19:23 Yeah, bitch. The only thing is, is yeah bitch the only thing is is that using the staff because your staff only applies the extra DC to spells not your channel divinity that's a good question and I couldn't tell you how to find out so what's your proficiency bonus
Starting point is 00:19:38 and your wisdom modifier proficiency is uh plus 5 my wisdom is plus 6 that is no that is yeah plus five my wisdom is plus six that is no that is yeah it's your wisdom so that is actually the base DC it's ridiculous all four of these things seem to quill like slams the
Starting point is 00:19:59 spear down and you watch as his form seems to glow with arcane energy and all four of these things almost ripple and shudder away from him for a second. Can any of them be banished? What's the effect on the turn? They have their turn for one minute until they take any damage, and they must spend their turns moving away from me,
Starting point is 00:20:19 can't take reactions, and can only take dash or dodge action if they can't move. Oh, my God. That's crazy good. They can be banished if their CR is lower than 2. They are not lower than 2. They are not banished.
Starting point is 00:20:36 For 2 minutes, which is great. Yeah, 1 minute. I kind of think that this might completely wipe the encounter because I don't think... Well, they might roll very, very, very high. Well, do you like anything else on your turn?
Starting point is 00:20:55 It doesn't actually say... I'm going to tell everyone not to attack them. They don't have saving throws. They have a minute. Okay. You still have to fix these engines engines so we'll just run through that um i'm going to move my full movement up towards moonstone uh i think i can get to about here sure okay moonstone moonstar moonstone
Starting point is 00:21:21 star moon stone essentially you just start moving away century you can actually move diagonally oh actually you want to avoid the monsters don't you so you're
Starting point is 00:21:33 kind of yeah on the outside okay uh okay is that all century anything else on your turn that's uh that's my whole yeah my whole turn okay moon star will begin
Starting point is 00:21:42 examining because she couldn't start it last time so she begins examining the ethereum device you are raging but you have been informed not to attack these things I will not attack then
Starting point is 00:21:57 I'll just say Nova what do you need and I will hold my action to oh interesting one second so the fog that was created doesn't disappear the fog that this thing I will hold my action to... Oh, interesting. One second. So the fog that was created doesn't disappear. The fog that this thing became is, like, lingering around it. So when you start your turn,
Starting point is 00:22:15 I need another con save from you, Ayla, please. Oh, fuck. God. Okay, so Nova can't do anything unless that dissipates. Well, she might be able to. Walk it away from me. Yeah, maybe maybe it does move actually ten feet away that is a 17 18 18 20 20 to 3 to 4 25 again con save
Starting point is 00:22:36 plus nine okay so it's half damage for you still a lot of damage though it is it's like 5v8 my roll 20 is like really playing up as well so 13 points of poison damage okay okay can I you no I can't I can't dissipate that
Starting point is 00:23:04 so it's there can I skirt around No, I can't. I can't dissipate that. So it's there. Can I skirt around? It is slowly moving. It's moved about 10 feet towards the center of the room. It's drifting away. Can I move out to here? Wait, I could move out to actually around near Nova. Yeah, you can do.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Can you check one thing for me, Tom? Can the elementals take reactions? Or did you say they can't take reactions? No reactions. Okay. Okay, then. Aayla moves out. Can I just... Yeah, I just want to prepare myself and to do
Starting point is 00:23:40 any, like, strength related tasks that Nova tells me to do. I'm so sorry! I feel bad. No, don't! He's got to go! No, Tom, as a point, I'm not mad, I'm not salty. That's a fucking genius move.
Starting point is 00:23:58 I'm so proud of you that that's such a fucking clever thing to do. You are literally... I just neutralized the encounter, though. Yeah, no, but you used a key ability thing to do. You are literally that as saved the party. I just neutralized the encounter, though. But you actually just saved our asses. Key ability of your class. You saved the party with a key ability. I'm really happy. It's cool. Awesome. Alright.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Yeah, I'm just gonna ready my action and wait. Nova, at the start of your turn, con saving throw for me, please, as you are technically still starting in the cloud that was created. I'm so proud of you, Tom. Good job!
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Starting point is 00:25:41 half damage. Uh, seven more points. Uh, I wouldn't have walked into it by the way no it's only moved there so on its turn
Starting point is 00:25:50 it moves it drifts it drifts right okay it drifts and constitution saving throw for the concentration please Nova
Starting point is 00:25:57 because it's the end of your turn 15 plus three easily enough okay so you still have to you know finish your action examining this thing.
Starting point is 00:26:05 However, you finish. This machine, you identify three problems with it, right? And I'll tell you what skill checks need to be done to fix them. You need to identify which one of... You have to look and examine a narrow and complicated array of crystals and identify which one of them is corrupted. This is a perception check. You need to
Starting point is 00:26:27 remove a large broken steel cylinder from inside the machine. This is a strength check. You also need to input a correct sequence of runes that have become unstable. This is an investigation check. So each of those three checks,
Starting point is 00:26:43 they all have to be completed to fix this machine all right and that's at the end of your turn so you can communicate that to the team um and if you assist them you can give them advantage or if you do it you can you can do it as well okay um nova not i'm nova i'm nova that's nova we're all over ayla there's a broken cylinder uh inside of it that needs removing. You're strong enough to do it. Quill, I need some perception in here. There's crystals.
Starting point is 00:27:13 I need you to figure out which one is broken and needs removing. I'm going to deal with the runes. And then can I move out of this stupid cloud? You can. And then start identifying... No, is it rune? No. So at the end of your turn, you get the thing.
Starting point is 00:27:30 You can still move, but you can't make an action this turn. Like, you have to finish examining it. But you can move out of it. And Ayla, you did say you held an action to do any strength stuff, right? So if you want to try and make that strength check now, it's an athletics check. Technically, I'm still raging for another until the next round. You are?
Starting point is 00:27:47 When I will drop it. So... Oh, let's wait for the roll. 19. I almost got 20. 19 plus 12. Oh, plus 12. Yeah, okay. If 19 was the total, that would have been a different story. You lean over.
Starting point is 00:28:07 You open up this metal plating, and you can see that wedged inside this device is this large, heavy, dense-looking steel container. You get your arms around it and lift it off the ground, strain your muscles, you pull it out, free it, and you can begin to see fans and things beginning to whir and spin inside. That is a success success that is a completion um
Starting point is 00:28:28 one down my suggestion through free action of messengering to Nova is maybe I can help with perceiving because Quill can get to Moonstar faster than I can and she'll need help too Roger Roger
Starting point is 00:28:44 uh well Lucius you are up next and then it will be Kelek than I can and she'll need help too. Roger, Roger. Well, Lucius, you are up next and then it will be Kelek and then Sentry because none of these things, all these things we'll do is run away. Okay. Alright, I'm going to 5, 10, 15, 20,
Starting point is 00:28:59 25, 30. I'm right on the edge here of this gas cloud holding my breath like and going through I'm still on the tip of it though and I'm gonna try and proceed
Starting point is 00:29:13 so on that when a creature enters the fog for the first time so constitution saving throw for me please Lucius and then you can make the perception well I'm gonna constitute the crap 11 full damage you kind of move through this gas like you're holding your breath from the ethereum anyway and yeah you're just like it seeps into your skin into your eyes uh it's 20 points of poison damage i'm down lucius falls unconscious. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Okay. Cool. Cool. He wades into the poison and then just falls unconscious. I mean, one of them did 33. Did you know? Lucius, the other thing is because you're unconscious, you start breathing again.
Starting point is 00:30:03 You are poisoned. You are currently poisoned by the Ethereum as well. Poisoned is a condition that gives you disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. Right. Tom, can you check one thing for me? On your amazing channel divinity, does it affect all creatures within
Starting point is 00:30:19 30 feet, you said, or is it just one creature is turned? Uh-oh. Uh-oh. feet you said or is it just one creature is turned oh oh oh is it just one oh no oh this doesn't this doesn't work like the other turn undead i saw it with oh mark i'm sorry i didn't read it all that's fine because the monsters still have their chance to go which one would you like to be turned the one that was fighting ayla and nova yes yeah yeah it would have been that one one of them okay oh okay okay all right that's fine um so lucius moves in collapses over, end of Lucius' turn, the lightning bolts, the living lightning bolts, one of them will come towards
Starting point is 00:31:10 Quill, sensing this kind of power that you've just surged out of it the other one is going to it can't hit all of you, it's actually going to float towards Sentry so it's going to go 5 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Yep. So Quill, it's going to make two attacks against you, and then Sentry, it's going to make two attacks against you. Hey, this fight's about to turn real bad, by the way. 16 to hit. 16 to hit. Me? Yep.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Quill? Yeah, it does, yeah. It does hit. Me? Yep. Quill? Yeah, it does. You shield that one so that increases your AC as well for the second attack. Both of these things just reverberate off the invisible shield. You conjure this shield. The two lightning strikes just kind of
Starting point is 00:31:59 echo and bounce off of that. That's it. Century. 18 to hit. Nope, 18 to hit. Nope. 26 to hit. Yeah. Okay. But this is a spell,
Starting point is 00:32:15 so I will give you half damage again. That's going to be 23, so 11 points of lightning damage. Because it does strike you, your kind of aura, the magic of the matrix does kind of absorb some of lightning damage. It does strike you. Your aura, the magic of the matrix does absorb some of your stuff, some of the pain, but you still take a little bit
Starting point is 00:32:32 of damage from that. The Cloudkill spell will move away from Quill as it is supposed to on its turn. It just floats into the corner of the room. Its fog drifts another 5-10 feet. corner of the room uh it's fog drifts another uh five ten feet uh that is its go the other one uh that is kind of coming up behind will float next to quill as well and it will try and strike
Starting point is 00:32:57 him with a kind of tendril of living mist uh 24 oh even with the shield yeah and then the second one is not going to hit because I think that's going to be 17 which your shield will eat okay 16 poison damage as this thing swipes you with like a fist made of gas
Starting point is 00:33:24 kind of like punches you in the chest. Well, let's hope Cloud Kill isn't going to do too much damage. Quillik, it's the start of your turn. Can you make a con save for me, please, as you are still in this gas? Ooh, 18. 18, you succeed. Half damage. 11 points of poison damage. Oh, my God, alive how did i do that so you're like like swiping your wings away like desperately trying to hold your breath yeah man uh not looking good uh right i will use um i can't see Lucius right now.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Or can I? I would say you cannot. You'd have to come at least five feet back to see him. All right, I'm going to channel Divinity on the lightning one that just went to attack me. Okay, so you can do it again, basically, yeah? I can do it twice for a short rest, yeah. Nice, cool.
Starting point is 00:34:25 I don't think they connect. Nope, fails. Fails, becomes turned. Cool. Well, two of them are out of the fight for a minute and slightly less than a minute. Yeah. Oh, God, I really want to get around to Lucius.
Starting point is 00:34:41 I will use a bonus action to glug a greater healing potion. Okie dokie. I would say that in the process of breathing, can you make a constitution saving throw? Drinking does require some element of... Actually, no, it doesn't, actually. I would say, no, you're all right. It's a greater...
Starting point is 00:34:59 Yeah. Five. Nine. Oh, I rolled very high, Tommy. 13. 17 hit points. I took that away from my health. I can't remember what I was on.
Starting point is 00:35:15 I do. What was that? It just put the healing in and then it said death saves. No, what? I healed myself to death. Anything else, Tom? I heal myself to death. Anything else, Tom? So that was bonus action. I'm assuming you don't want to move.
Starting point is 00:35:31 No, I don't want to move. If I know this poison is going to move away from me in the next turn, then I won't move. It does move slowly. It might move away from you. One would hope. I'm pretty sure it does. I'm pretty sure.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Okay. So I'm going to stay here. Sentry. I'm going to start making my way back to this lightning cloud that attacked me. So I'm going to go down there. Do you want to go, you enter into the fog? So con saving throw if you do.
Starting point is 00:36:00 All right, con saving throw. I'm going to do it. 12. alright con saving throw 12 25 half because it is magic it's a spell damage so that would become 12 points 12 points of poison damage 12 damage okie dokie I'm gonna cast wrath raffle smite as a bonus
Starting point is 00:36:22 action and then attack this thingy twice. One, two, smackaroo. One, two, smackaroo. Oh, yes, boy! Oh, my goodness. Before...
Starting point is 00:36:37 Would you like to divine smite sentry? Because remember we have to calculate the damage because you've also got wrathful smite active. I also got wrathful smite active i can only do one level three and i might i'm gonna i'm gonna save my level three spell spot so now i'm gonna do just the wrathful smite damage so what's your normal sword damage is 1d8 plus 1d8 plus 5 plus a d4 8 plus okay hang on all right so 8 plus 5 would be 13 plus 4 is 17 so roll a d8 and a d4
Starting point is 00:37:10 let's do the weapons damage first and then we'll do wrathful smite there we go another 5 so 22 and then how much damage does wrathful smite do 1d6 I believe let me haveite do? 1d6, I believe. Let me have a double check.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Yeah, 1d6 psychic damage. So it's just a level one spell, right? It's just not like a... Okay, so it's another 6 plus 1d6. So roll the d6 for me. 4? All right. And then that's it, yeah?
Starting point is 00:37:41 And then what's the extra effect on Wrathful Smite? The target... If the target is a creature, it must make a whiz saving throw or be frightened of you until the spell ends. Okay, really now? Also, just reminded, you have improved divine smite, which is you always add another d8 to all of your attacks.
Starting point is 00:37:59 So roll it. That's eight plus another d8 because it's a crit. That's a four. So you do two d8 and a D4 for every attack. I do two... Yeah, plus five. Plus five. That's 44 points
Starting point is 00:38:15 of damage to this thing. And then it has to make a wisdom saving throw. Yeah. It fails. So it's frightened as well. It's frightened. It is immune to being frightened
Starting point is 00:38:33 because turned isn't the same as frightened. This thing is just a living spell. It cannot be frightened. But you still get the extra damage, like the psychic resonance erupts through it and kind of makes it ripple. This thing is nearly blown apart. With one strike of Her Majesty's Rose,
Starting point is 00:38:48 you nearly just dismiss the entire lightning bolt. It's just like a faint trickle of like, left. Second attack. Second attack. Now, Rhi, you roll the 20, which means you're next one to one. It's a five.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Fifteen. Is enough to hit? It's AC 5 15 is enough to hit AC is 15 just barely scrapes it so 2d8 plus 5 plus a d4 17 plus a d4 19
Starting point is 00:39:19 is enough to kill it with 2d8 the queen once again sentry wipes through and then you just thrust it the thorns of the blade dispersing the rest of the lightning
Starting point is 00:39:35 as it just coalesces and disperse all around you in like a big kind of leaving you in the middle of the remnants of this thing what a turn anything else century that's all my movement that's all my actions i am okay done ui okay moon star finishes her examination and she will just call out uh i need somebody over here to help me i need somebody strong and somebody nimble. I need somebody with
Starting point is 00:40:05 nimble hands to repair some internal damage. She's just calling this out. That's like, and then next turn she can attempt to do the Arcana. Ayla. Hello. Hello. There's an unconscious Lucius next to you. Your rage ends. Yes, there is.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Does it end if I did something in my last turn that was still did you take like using my strength no never mind i will um okay it's gonna take my whole action but i'm gonna feed lucius potion i've only got one injury you'm going to do an injury check. You should. When you're well-remembered, Chris Trott. Yes, please. Injury check. DC 10. Is it an ability check? 10. It's a con-saving throw.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Yeah. What potion? What kind of potion is it? I've only got one potion of greater healing. It's the only thing I have. All right, we'll mark that off, and I will roll it. Six. Nine.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Twelve. That's four. Sixteen hit points. Lucius. Lucius, you are poisoned, so you have disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls. Also, this is for Chris Trott's knowledge, your magic is kind of empowered whilst you are poisoned in this way.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Literal remnants like Ethereum trace is in your bloodstream. Whenever you cast a spell, it is automatically one level higher than it normally is. But when you cast a spell, you take force damage equal to the level of the spell every time you cast it um in fact actually i think it's more than that i think it's i think it's twice the level of the spell so oh shit interesting so you kind of like come awake and you can feel this like power in your blood but yeah uh it's also unstable uh ayla that's
Starting point is 00:42:03 your whole turn no i can still move you've got unstable. Ayla, that's your whole turn. No, I can still move. You've got movement and bonus action, yeah, that's what I mean. So I'm going to try and make my way across to Moonstar, which I will say in the
Starting point is 00:42:20 messenger rings, I'll say, I'm on it, I'm going over and I will, so I'm on it! I'm going over! And I will... So I've moved five, so that's 10, 15, just step over Lucius because he's on the floor. 20, 25, 30, 35, 40,
Starting point is 00:42:37 45, I'm skirting! I'm skirting! That's fine. Yeah, so that's actually, that's as far as I can get this turn. Sure. Because of using my action. Yep.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Okay. Nova, then Lucius. Can I bonus action glug a potion of superior healing? And then action do my investigation check 84 plus 828 hit points nice I should just get you guys to roll these fucking potions I don't know why I do it um but yeah hit points you know them by heart better than we do indeed actions to uh investigation investigation check so i'll investigate these things i rolled 14 plus 2 16 16 is just enough there's a moment of panic where you're examining it you're trying to put them right and then there's one and you're like oh god is it this way do what do i cross the rune or is this oh and like you really and you just make a guess your
Starting point is 00:44:09 best guess and it just happens to work you see it kind of and you begin to hear like the whirring of fans and something some sort of process inside appears to be working but but only just as you succeed on that check. Cool. Anything else? I'm just going to tuck myself background and just go to Lucius. Are you okay, Lucius? Well, Lucius, you're go. I think so, but I need to be careful. I've inhaled the
Starting point is 00:44:39 Ethereum gas. You feel really weak and sickly as well. It's like your vision's blurry. You feel like really weak and sickly as well. It's like your vision's blurry. You feel very unwell. I think if I stay too long in this gas, it's going to get me again. I'm of no use. Maybe you should get out of here. I will
Starting point is 00:44:58 make my way back to the... Well, actually, there's a big gas boy in the way. Yeah, you can still see it kind of training around this thick greenish fog i'm going to hold my action which is to dash into the elevator once that gas is given me a safe passage to do so without an opportunity attack okay sure alright the remaining lightning bolt is turned I believe so it
Starting point is 00:45:30 basically runs away Quill you do get an opportunity attack if you would like nah no no don't tempt me yeah I think it would get to about there so the elemental just arcs away fleeing from Quill as best as it
Starting point is 00:45:45 can almost pulsed pushed away by some unseen force um the cloud that is around uh keelek and the others does begin to drift away uh but the remaining elemental lucius i mean you can trigger your held action but there is an element like like the living spell itself is still in the doorway of the elevator and it is going to explode itself in a big ball of gas around itself. Ah. I guess I can't change my held action. No, sadly not.
Starting point is 00:46:25 I am waiting for this thing to move so I wouldn't change my held action. No, sadly not. I am waiting for this thing to move so I wouldn't have the instinct to move out the way of an explosion like that. Because you were kind of looking to move ahead of you, like you were waiting for it to move so you could dart past it. So this thing just kind of erupts. I need Quill and Lucius to make constitution saving throws. Shit. Oh, that's not a saving throw. make constitution saving throws. Uh, shit. Oh, that's not a saving throw.
Starting point is 00:46:48 I just rolled there. Oh, God, but I rolled a five. That's con. Six, yeah, same thing. Six. Nine. Six. It takes 26 points of poison damage. As it just kind of explodes around you,
Starting point is 00:47:03 engulfing you both. I'm down. I'm down. Shit! I've got no healing left whatsoever. That's it. We're out. What's more? Oh, I rolled a 14 on the injury.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Yeah, injury check as well for me. Lucius as well, please. 15. You're both fine. You're both fine. I rolled a 2. Killa can't kill a 2 this thing will also just move and float over your bodies yeah it's your turn
Starting point is 00:47:34 death saving throw please one save 12 it's not a constitution saving throw a death saving throw is just d20 no bonuses I rolled an bonuses oh i rolled an 11 my bad if you rolled an 11 okay we'll take that that's fine yep so no success
Starting point is 00:47:50 one success sentry you watch as this other ball this other kind of being just erupts around itself creating this wall of gas and quill and lucius just both drop to the floor yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna run over um bram creating this wall of gas and Quill and Lucius just both drop to the floor.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Yeah, I'm going to run over. Bram to both of them. Let's see, I've got a healing potion. I think I've got a healing potion. Wee-oo-wee-oo-wee-oo-wee-oo. Quill, you are also poisoned and are under the same effect of the ethereum gas. So spell level is plus one, but you take damage every time you cast a spell
Starting point is 00:48:28 uh nice um i'm gonna um create a heal uh who do i give it to this is i'll go lucius i'll give it to okay great heel three five seven ten fourteen hit points Lucius kind of come to you're still surrounded by this gasp but centuries leaning over you pouring a potion in your mouth century that was your action movement anything else is that can you make a con save for me as well century because you did move into in fact you need to make two for me because you started in one cloud kill and then moved into another yeah oh my god uh 24 for the first one and 18 for the second one all right you succeed on both so it's half damage from both so it's 15 from the first one
Starting point is 00:49:29 and 9 from the second one oh yeah 24 poison damage yeah so 24 oh and then you half it again because it is a spell actually so you succeed on the saving throw and then it's halved again so it'd be 15 down to 7
Starting point is 00:49:44 9 down to 4 so 11 points a total that's right because you have your spell aura as well which also as you are stood next to quill and lucius your aura is now affecting them and it will half spell damage for them as well um okay right meanwhileonstar just doing, fixing, fixing generators. You do see her, like, beginning to, like, tweak and modify something inside, and it does seem to have some sort of effect. That is a success. The one that she is doing. She just called, like,
Starting point is 00:50:19 I don't know, I don't know what's happening over there, but I need somebody strong. I might be able to do the more dexterous stuff myself, but I need somebody stronger than me. Everyone's pretty dead here. We're on our way. We'll all be dead if one of you don't help me fix this. Ayla.
Starting point is 00:50:40 I'm going to continue my... There is now just a wall of gas in between you. 20, 29, 30, 40, 45, 50... If I go 45, I'm up here and I've skirted the gas cloud and I've skirted the lightning. Okay. So can I use the remaining bit of movement that i have to get up to the generator you can but that's you that's your action that's everything that's everything for me okay so
Starting point is 00:51:14 ala runs all the way up to the generator um moonstar will point out to you so that for you know on your next turn there's this really heavy valve and um vent that have been welded. She needs you to basically use strength to break them open. It's another athletics check. Nova Vija. So I would like to make the remaining perception check. So you're probably going to say no, but I have double advantage, one from the Rod of Alertness and one from Tiangong. There's no such thing as
Starting point is 00:51:45 double alertness it's just regular i know but i just wanted to be double would you like me to give you double disadvantage kim on things when there are two disadvantages i rolled a 17 that was the highest I rolled. Is that the total? Yeah. Yeah. You are... It's like a mass network of these complicated stones and arrays,
Starting point is 00:52:14 and you're looking at it, and you're just... Oh, God. You can't... Like, they all look the same. They're all blending. You're freaking out about Lucius and the others. Like, you can't... Yeah, it's not a success.
Starting point is 00:52:24 You can't figure out which is the wrong one um okay um I think that's all I got that's all I got no bonus actions uh can I try again
Starting point is 00:52:40 uh it's an action to try so you would need to have a second action but Lucius you start your turn in the cloud it is a con saving throw with plus 3 because of sentry's aura ding dong here we go that is a 19
Starting point is 00:52:58 that's a success you take half damage then half again because of sentry's aura yay so 10 5 points of poison damage like you're still stood like as this gas is all around you i've already started my turn in this thing so it can't hurt me anymore right well remember that the creature is separate to the effect. The effect is like it conjures this cloud, but the creature is its own thing. You can disengage as an action, remember.
Starting point is 00:53:33 You can spend your action to disengage. I'm going to disengage, and... That's my action, isn't it? I can't give Quill a potion. I mean, you can just keep moving man you can spend all of your movement um weren't you prone yeah you would be prone so half movement it's true five ten ten fifteen yeah that's pretty much where you can get to alright but you're gonna get it next turn can I like just pass sentry my greater healing potion
Starting point is 00:54:10 yes I would say you can you can do that absolutely you can do that I'm giving her my potion of greater healing okay alright you give sentry the potion quill I have a very very important question for you.
Starting point is 00:54:26 If you go down, what happens to the turned elementals? I feel like you know about this. I do. That's why I'm asking. Hurt me, Mark. You're trying to hurt me. No, because it says that they don't repeat the saving throw, so I don't know if it persists if you're incapacitated or not. So if the creature repeat the saving throw, so I don't know if it persists if you're incapacitated or not. So if the creature fails its saving throw, it's turned for one minute or until it takes damage.
Starting point is 00:54:53 That is it. Okay, in that case, these things... The two elementals, the cloud kill in one corner and the lightning bolt, they are just moving away from where they saw Quill. They do not return. The only thing that remains then is
Starting point is 00:55:09 this last living one, which is going to attack Sentry. That is a 19 to hit Sentry. Nope, no hit. That's a natural 20 to hit Sentry. Yep. That'll do it. The crit takes
Starting point is 00:55:25 the crit giveth away. Yeah, unfortunately. Quite the right order, but sure. Well, you know what I mean. The crit has given 56 points of damage as
Starting point is 00:55:41 this thing surges with poisonous gas all into you. It is poison damage, but this isn't. It's spell mimicry, so this is just like you're engulfed by this poisonous gas. Yeah, because it was a crit.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Because it maxed the dice and then it does the dice again. So it's just like you're divine. Are you still up? I'm still up, just about, yeah. Yeah, there you go. All right, that's its turn. Get him, girl!
Starting point is 00:56:13 Keelik Adkalar. Yeah, I mean, I'm in the poison and down. Are you resistant to poison, Sentry? Do you have any poison resistance in your sheet? I am resistant for poison. Then you can half that. then you can half that then you can half that so 25 uh 28 so you can add if you've already taken 56 just give yourself 28 hit points back oh okay christ oh good lord i did i was thinking like I'm sure guardians have poison resistance I'm sure
Starting point is 00:56:48 they do yeah I don't know if the crit like negated that in some way no no no it doesn't resistance system right so Quill death saving throw please mate okay I was going to ask I'm in the poison at the start of my turn you take an automatic
Starting point is 00:57:04 death you take an automatic death. No, you still make saving throws, I think. Even when you're unconscious, I think you can still make constitution saving throws. I just mean I'm taking damage. You are taking some damage, actually. That's true. No matter what, you're going to take some damage.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Yeah, so one failure automatically. Okay. D20, roll. Six. That's two. That's two. Century. Two failures. I'm going to give Quill the healing potion that Lucius gave me.
Starting point is 00:57:38 Yep. Thank you. Oh my god. Twelve hit points, Quill. Yeah. We are scraping by. Can I pick and thank you 12 hit points cool yeah we are scraping can I pick him can I pick him up and move him out of the gas cloud 5 10
Starting point is 00:57:53 if you are happy to take it if you take an opportunity attack yeah you can do that yeah I'm doing that move him to where you want him to be and I'll make an attack against you that is going to be get out of the way that's a 10 to hit
Starting point is 00:58:10 fails to hit so you drag him with you I can go there half movement alright cool you are just on the very cusp of this other poison cloud but you are at least away from the creature um ok
Starting point is 00:58:24 on her turn other poison cloud, but you are at least away from the creature. Okay. Moonstar. On her turn. That was cocked. Moonstar, you can see her reaching in, and Ayla, you're the only one who sees this. She's trying to keep her hands steady. They're shaking. She kind of takes a breath. She reaches in, and you can see
Starting point is 00:58:42 her adjusting these very fine kind of crystal strings and shards, and she's kind of arranging them into a takes a breath, she reaches in and you can see her adjusting these very fine crystal strings and shards and she's arranging them into a pattern and then she brings them out and she clutches herself but she seems to have succeeded in completing this other
Starting point is 00:58:58 task. Ayla, your turn. Okay, can I make the strength check that she needs to do her fix 15 plus 12 Yes
Starting point is 00:59:19 You see that these big heavy valves you grip them, your muscles stretch and you rip it open You see that these big heavy valves, you grip them. Your muscles stretch. You rip it open. The valves, like these vents, you just bend them out of shape and all this kind of gas releases. This one is completely fixed. Moonstar, as a free action, will yell out,
Starting point is 00:59:39 this one's done, to whoever can hear it. Wow. Nova! And she's like calling out in Nova's direction. Ayla, you still have movement. 5, 10, 15, 20,
Starting point is 00:59:55 sorry, I'll probably stay around here. I don't think the gas cloud will get me here. Or if I can move. 15, 20, 20. Yeah, I'm just going to be really careful, but start
Starting point is 01:00:12 making my way back to people. Nova. I will do my perception check again and roll with advantage again. Sorry, investigation. I rolled a natural 20 i rolled a natural 20 all right okay but i is it what was it no it was perception wasn't it perception yep i got minus one so 19 that's not enough oh my god does a nat 20 negate that because it's a nat 20 so let me describe it nova you're in a panic like you're you know that your friends are in danger you're you're trying
Starting point is 01:00:56 to stay calm and your brain is just riddled with like all this overflow of information trying to remember like oh god these you know this is different to what you know, this magitek this isn't magitek, this is ethereal what if I get it wrong, you're like freaking out and you're looking over, and then it's only because you almost feel Tiangong, like vibrate, and in your mind
Starting point is 01:01:18 you hear Nova five down, six left behind three layers I detect a small infracture upon one of the crystals and you just look and kind of like checking down this line you see the one that tiangong's pointed out following his instructor their instructions this hairline crack and when you kind of pull that free the whole thing lights up with power and you begin to hear this surge of arcane energy.
Starting point is 01:01:48 The DC was 19 as a point. Oh my god. I didn't know that your perception was minus one. That's nuts. But yeah, you watch this thing and then this one is now fixed and clear. Holy crap. Over the messenger ring, I'll be like, I've done it.
Starting point is 01:02:13 I've done it. I've done it. What's next? Where is everyone? I'm surrounded by bad. Moonstar, where's the switch? Moonstar calls over. Central console, if Nova's finished, get somebody to there.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Get someone to there. And she points. Central lever, pull it. As a held action that he has taken every single turn, Malatear holds his breath, closes his eyes, and then runs down the center of the thing. Malatear. Two gas clouds. He runs
Starting point is 01:02:50 through the two gas clouds. He's gonna make two saving throws. There's no way he's gonna do this. There's no way he's gonna do this. He's gonna die. There's no way. He succeeds on the first one. Half damage. Ten points of damage. He gets through the other one, Half damage, 10 points of damage.
Starting point is 01:03:08 He gets through the other one, like, tears down his eyes. He's like, like, shrieking in pain. The next saving throw is the natural one. He collapses down on the floor about halfway through the match. I can't see you, that malice. Because he was trying to help. He said that he would pull it. He's trying to make good. That was his held action.
Starting point is 01:03:31 Is the central one, is that that big circle at the top of the map? Yes. Yes, it's that one. Fuck, it moved away from me. Shit. Lucius. You start in a cloud.
Starting point is 01:03:43 It's a con saving throw. It is, yeah. That's a cloud it's a con saving throw it is yeah that's a cloud oh sorry the clouds would move this one moves it's probably still over Lucius ten oops that way
Starting point is 01:03:58 this one when he summoned it it was here he would have wanted it to where was the majority of the enemies right near the G reactor yeah that's what I was thinking summoned it, it was here. He would have wanted it to... Where was the majority of the enemies? Right near the G reactor. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Ten. So you do still start in it, Lucius. I got a ten.
Starting point is 01:04:15 You do have my aura. Just about. Thirteen. That's right, because you have Helios, right, who improves your range. It's ten foot, isn't it? Yeah, it's just 10 foot standard. Okay, so you get plus 3. It's still a failure on the saving throw, but you do take
Starting point is 01:04:29 half damage. My fucking rolls. My rolls. My kill has been 17. He had like 6 hit points or something. 17 points of poison damage. Well, can't save for injury
Starting point is 01:04:44 check. That is still a success. That's still a success. You are, however, down. Yeah. I hate to do this. Doesn't each consecutive injury check get harder and harder? It does, but not enough.
Starting point is 01:04:59 It would only be one at this point. Sorry, it would be 12 DC, which, yeah, is fine. Yeah, just passed. would only be one at this point uh sorry it would be 12 dc which yeah it's fine just past yeah just past sensing uh that the reactor has been fixed the the cloud kill that's still in the thing does ignore lucius and is going to go towards um probably nova actually uh as the closest potential target. 5, 10, 15. Yep, Nova, two attacks coming your way. That is 19 to hit. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:05:32 And then, yeah, the next one's going to hit as well. First attack is 21 points of poison damage. Second attack is 28 points of poison damage. Second attack is 28 points of poison damage. Oh, what is that? Yeah, it hits super hard. This thing hits super hard. Like, it just kind of assaults you with this mist, and you're, like, feeling it going in your skin.
Starting point is 01:05:58 Your body is burning up as you desperately try and do so. Keelik, add Kalah. Am I in this cloud, or is it wrapped around me? You are. You start your turn in this cloud. You're just on the cusp of it. You are within Sentry's Aura, so plus three, and then half damage. 17?
Starting point is 01:06:18 That's a success. Yep, so you're going to take half damage, and then half again because of Sentry's Aura. So 25 down to 12, 6 points of poison damage. Oh my god, thank god I passed then. I have 12. Right, I will, I guess, get up half my movement and I've got exhaustion, so that's my entire movement. I will bonus action heal Lucius. At what level?
Starting point is 01:06:48 2d4. At level 2. Oh. I've got Ethereum poison. Yep. Do I know anything about how much this is going to hurt me? I'll cast it.
Starting point is 01:06:59 Tom, what second level healing word? Second level healing word. Treat it as a third level healing word? Yep. Yeah. 3d4. Plus 6. Jesus Christ, 13.
Starting point is 01:07:16 Lucius, you gain 13 hit points. You take 6 points of damage, Quill, because it's twice the level of the spell cast. So you watch as Quill, like this surge of magic comes out of him, fills Lucius's body with light, and then Quill, your body, just like your blood kind of burns inside.
Starting point is 01:07:35 Oh, so it's twice the level. And Lucius is going to wake up in the cloud and go down again. Because you cast it at two, it becomes three. You double the three for six points of damage. I'm down. He's down. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:07:49 You do not take an injury check on that. You do not take an injury check on that. What? I mean, magic bursting out of my body? It doesn't burst out of your body. Like, your body vibrates, and you just feel, like, this intense pressure, and then you collapse.
Starting point is 01:08:02 Blood kind of coming out your little beak. Sentry. Oh, my God, that priest of magic! Yep. Aetherians made it too strong. Self, Viannon! What?
Starting point is 01:08:16 Um. Right. Right. Okay, I'm gonna go 510. Can I be up on Lucius? But can I like take his hand and like guide him out of the cloud into like safety? You can carry him.
Starting point is 01:08:30 You move at half speed when you carry somebody. So you can like scoop him up and just run him out. So I should be able to 5-10. So I should be able to move him like around here, like in this corner. Yep. And then like bring him to here. Yep. You've got to con safe first though, right?
Starting point is 01:08:43 You do. Con safe actually. very good point thank you we'll take that start your turn let's just whisper make sure to make a concert well you fail you take half damage from spells and you're resistant to poison so you take oh wow that one sucked seven three you take three poison damage century Sentry is very good against these things because poison means nothing. Okay. That's my whole movement.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Yep. Done. I've got no spells left. I'll just tell Lucius to like... Remember, you can do a medicine check to stabilize a dying creature. It's an action, but anybody can make a medicine check.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Oh! Okay. Then! Okay. Then, okay, so I've got Lucius out, then I'll just tell Lucius just to, like, I don't know, like, look after Quill. I need to go find Nova. Um, yeah, and that's... Am I...
Starting point is 01:09:38 Yeah, that's my whole turn. I'll try. Lucius looks panicked at this point. Moonstar 5 10 15 she can't risk the poison
Starting point is 01:09:53 she looks at Ayla and she's just like I don't think I can make it through this gas Ayla you have to get through to the control panel what's she got has she got anything Ayla, you have to get through to the control panel. What has she got? Has she got anything? Nope.
Starting point is 01:10:16 All she can do is try and move around it. 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. And then a little bit of extra movement that she didn't use. She just starts running around. Ayla. So I have enough movement to run through the cloud and get to here. Alright, one con saving throw. As you enter the cloud.
Starting point is 01:10:35 That is a 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. Half damage. 7 points of poison damage. You sprint through, you feel it burning your things, and then there's this big kind of, like, pull lever, like this kind of arch lever in the center of the device.
Starting point is 01:10:55 I pulled the lever. There's a moment where nothing happens and your heart sinks, and then you begin to hear this like... As vents built into the tops and sides of the room begin pulling all of the gas. You see the Ethereum engines themselves begin to stabilize. All the gas, the poison gas in the room, is sucked out along with the ethereum as well, the waste
Starting point is 01:11:25 ethereum. The living spells become inert. They just fade away into nothing and you feel this whole thing just... But you do have two people still unconscious, so we're going to keep initiative just for a little tiny second here. Nova
Starting point is 01:11:43 Vija. So just to confirm there aren't giant puffball gas death clouds near me. Okay, this is good. Okay, we've got this. Let me just delete this. Thank you. I couldn't see the map.
Starting point is 01:11:59 I will begin making my way back 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. And I'm going to dash. And I do have a potion, but obviously I'm out of stuff to do anything with it. So I will shout. Is Lucius up?
Starting point is 01:12:35 Lucius is up. Everybody's up except for Quill and Mal. They're the only two who are down. I guess in terms of RP, I'll just run in and just, like, trip, fall. I've got a potion just in my hand, but I've tripped and fallen.
Starting point is 01:12:52 So, in terms of RP, it's like there. There's a potion for someone to attack. Let me roll to see if the potion breaks. No, I'm joking. Oh, for fuck's sake. Alright, Lucius. I've got a stress headache, Mark. We're going to try and do this quickly, I know we've got some stuff after us I don't want to take him for the time
Starting point is 01:13:08 Crawl over, shaking hands He's like, no, please And pour it in Alright, what kind of potion is it? It's just regular Greater So 4d4 plus 4 Burning those graters
Starting point is 01:13:22 16 hit points, Quill Nice, I'm back I've got one left So 4d4 plus 4. Burning those graters. 16 hit points, Quill. Got nothing left. Nice, I'm back. I've got one left. Oh my god. Lucius, anything else? If not, Quilek. Quilek.
Starting point is 01:13:34 I'll roll out of the way. Quilek. Quilek. You just kind of roll to the side and just flop on the floor. Just trying to get his breath back. Yep. Quilek. roll to the side and just flop on the floor, just trying to get his breath back. Keeluk? I am going to
Starting point is 01:13:50 slide my what is it? It's a cure wound scroll at second level. I'm going to slide that across the floor. Sentry. Go get Mal! Sentry can cast it.
Starting point is 01:14:07 Is that all you do? Passing off potions and killing each other. All those spell casters just rolling around. Sentry. This is going to be this is like the decider and then we'll jump over to just high rollers for the kind of post show stuff. Sentry, you get the scroll. What do you do?
Starting point is 01:14:30 Yeah, I guess I'll start making my way over to malik um can you get to him malik can you get to within touch range 15 20 25 i can get to i can dash and get to him i can't heal him i can't heal him all right i can stand over him forebodingly ayla oh actuallyonstar's there. Moonstar gets to him, and Moonstar does have a single regular healing potion, and she will heal him. So, as a point, just to wrap this up,
Starting point is 01:14:56 I rolled on Mal's death saving throw. He got a natural one. He had two death saving throws. Oh my god! Moonstar gets there, pours this potion in his mouth and he's just like and he comes to and that is where we're gonna end today's episode
Starting point is 01:15:11 amazing that was stressful we've got nothing left we've got nothing left that is a perfect example of by the way that is a perfect D&D example of an encounter which compared to all of the fucking deadly encounters
Starting point is 01:15:29 against legendary enemies you've been fighting, that was a medium encounter for you guys. And it just goes to show you that certain enemies, it just turns. It's not that. It's the fact that we've been through five or six other fights and there's nothing left. My last spell slot is the one that it's not that. It's the fact that we've been through like five or six other fights. Well, that's the other thing, yeah. There's nothing left.
Starting point is 01:15:45 My last spell slot is the one that killed me. And that's why I don't heal. That's why I don't heal, by the way, because it hurts me. So I used, obviously, my thingy incorrectly to begin with. But when I focused it on the two lightning dudes, what can the lightning guys actually do? Because these poison ones seemed horrible in comparison. The lightning ones, they're not as powerful they have a lower cr but they can
Starting point is 01:16:09 become a bolt of lightning so like the lightning bolt spell like they have a a two out of six chance of recharging that every turn and they just become a bolt of lightning which is 8d6 damage hits everybody in a hundred foot long line like depending on your positioning they could have hit multiple of you and just be like the cloud kill ones are higher challenge rating and i think that a lot of that is like their their area of effect stays and then it drifts kind of slowly yeah um horrible especially you're not assuming you're so high on the damage well there well that was the thing is like i was rolling their damage where it was like seven eight seven six five and it's just like now that's high their the damage well there well that was the thing is like i was rolling their damage where it was like seven eight seven six five and it's just like fucking hell that's high their normal damage is also ridiculously high like 5d6 that crit against century bloody hell that was insane
Starting point is 01:16:55 but their hit points like you nearly had those all of them destroyed like the the lightning bolt one that was left had 25 hp left the cloud kill one that was left had um uh 35 hp left like it you know like they didn't have a lot of hit points if you had been able to just fight them you could have killed them but obviously the whole battle wasn't about fighting the enemies it was about you know doing these skill checks and like moving around and doing all of that other stuff so it just just goes to show you that that stuff really affects battles as well. Yeah. Damn. It was intense, but super fucking well done.
Starting point is 01:17:31 Excellent tactics and everybody kind of pulling together and using everything you guys had. Those divinities, yeah. But you did it. You've stopped Shadow Song Pinnacle from being destroyed, which means you get to keep all the goodies and the schematics and everything inside. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:44 Take it over. We can hand out the weapons. Do we get a level up? So, no, that's very well pointed out. I forgot to mention this. You, in fact, do. You have cleared out Shadow Song Pinnacle and you will level up.
Starting point is 01:17:59 I was about to say. Free? Free? Come on, are you serious? Level up? I had that in my notes that when you guys cleared out Shadowstone Pinnacle, that was a level up, so... Level 14.
Starting point is 01:18:14 Oh, my God. We've got to go. Thank you, everyone. Thank you. It's bedtime. Food time. Bye. We love you.
Starting point is 01:18:20 Bye. Bye, all.

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