High Rollers DnD - High Rollers: Aerois #111 | Tassadar Preparations (Part 2)

Episode Date: May 13, 2021

Quill contacted the Wings of Ishtar to assault the Tassadar and things might not go as planned... still, the plan must continue! We're sponsored by D&D Beyond! The ultimate Dungeons and Dragons tools...et. Clean up your dungeon delving life and speed up your games here: http://bit.ly/HRDNDBeyond2021 Support the High Rollers and get early access to podcast episodes (and more) on our Patreon: www.patreon.com/HighRollers Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pickaxe. You can afford to hoard because Ikea is priced for student life. Shop everything you need for back to school at Ikea today. Because the Skip app saves you so much time by delivering stuff like your favorite cool treats, groceries, and bevvies, you get more time to have the best summer ever. Like riding roller coasters. Learning to water ski. Applying sunscreen to your dad's back yep definitely the best summer ever squeeze more summer out of summer with skip did somebody say Oh, I might have goofed, guys. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:01:24 So, I did the right thing. And I think it might have been the wrong thing. I told Zelian that Zarkirin may know about the teleportation circle. He didn't seem too pleased about that. I tried to convince him it was the last
Starting point is 00:01:39 strategy that we have. Pretty awful news, to be honest, when it occurred in the first place but yeah but they need to know they need to know that there's at risk i'm sure you told him in the the best way possible quill oh yeah no yeah i definitely did yeah i went straight for it first thing i told him see then there's nothing to worry about yeah he'll appreciate the honesty and like yeah
Starting point is 00:02:08 transparency at least they can prepare for it uh huh yeah um well anyway so that's that's that's that's a thing he also told me a lot about their strategy, too.
Starting point is 00:02:26 They have a plan to destroy the Tassadar, overloading the elemental engines or giving us enough time to do what we need to do. We can decide how long that will be. But they intend to destroy the Tassadar. They think that recovering the Tassadar Returner itself is next to impossible. It's going to be incredibly difficult to do.
Starting point is 00:02:50 But we're going to try. He also showed me four elite engineers on the Tassadar as well, all of which that can see through invisibility. They have true sight. Not all of them are engineers. Oh, officers, yeah. Also, there's anti-magic on the elevators themselves.
Starting point is 00:03:16 They will break any invisibility we have. They have provided uniforms for us to wear, disguises, low-ranked officer disguises that will get us through particular parts of the ship. But, and I mentioned this to him, we have a Guardian and an Aarakocra exclusively from Erois. So we may need some more disguises than that. So there's that. The four officers we have in question, one is a pit fiend.
Starting point is 00:03:49 He said it was a pit fiend. They're huge. Kind of got wings. Big mouths. Terrifying. They have... The one that scares me the most is this spy who can disguise as anyone flawlessly true sight won't identify it excuse me uh yeah okay okay let me just write that one down
Starting point is 00:04:19 okay so we need a code, like a code word or something that we can say to each other to keep confirming our identities, right? A word that only we know. We need a chain of code words. Yeah. I think. So if anybody's infiltrated, they won't get the code.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Smart. We should also not make it obvious put it into normal conversation perhaps secret base that's the code word how'd they know we'd be so willing to share and was that quill saying that i don't know um but yeah either
Starting point is 00:05:11 way if we encounter any of them they'll be able to see us immediately they probably know who we are um but we need to find a way to A, find Vala, and B, get straight to the Tassadar. The eye has recharged. I can use the eye again. What were the other two officers?
Starting point is 00:05:40 How scary are they? Oh, they're all terrifying. There's an archmage most likely to be found in engineering. was it a dragon born, the other one? I just wrote down dragon. No, okay. A dragon?
Starting point is 00:06:00 It's the latter one, yeah. A dragon. Could you repeat that for me, Quill? I had a high ringing in my ears. Could you just say that one again? I said dragon. I said it was a dragon. We had dragon.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Okay, the ringing is still in my ears. Yep. Dragon. The ringing is still there. It's a dragon. Yep. Dragon. The ringing is still there. It's a dragon. Yep. Yep, no, no, no. I think the ringing is the manifestation of my anxiety
Starting point is 00:06:31 because you just said the word dragon. Yes, but most likely on the bridge where hopefully Valet isn't. So there's that. The spy itself, though, I have no idea where on the ship they might be they could be anywhere and anyone we could also
Starting point is 00:06:54 exclusively communicate over our messenger rings I can't I'm sorry not me I don't. I don't know. I can't. I'm sorry. Yeah. Not me. I don't have the mental capability to hold all of these magic items in my brain.
Starting point is 00:07:15 I don't know how to role play the idea. I don't have the slots. It's not necessarily slots. It's like your body just can't be attuned to that many powerful like magical relics like that's too much like you're you're kind of connecting a piece of your soul to them so you just you can't yeah it's just like you physically just can't be bonded to more than three things yeah uh either way it's okay to just use like i'm attuned to too many items you don't
Starting point is 00:07:44 need to try and role play a phrase you can just, I'm attuned to too many items. You don't need to try and roleplay a phrase. You can just say, I'm attuned to too many magic items. That can be an in-universe term. But the first thing is that once we arrive, we need to clear the teleportation circle of any guards and immediately step off the circle. The moment I send them a message, they will arrive, hopefully, the moment we get off the circle.
Starting point is 00:08:09 That's step one. Step two. With our uniforms, we'll be able to get through the lower decks and the crew quarters. Maybe. Hopefully. And hopefully not identify anyone that's step two here's a thing
Starting point is 00:08:29 what if at step one they know we're coming in and we get ambushed and it's a trap I mean we've what's that step bamf back to a row straight away I suppose. I've got the wave finder's guide.
Starting point is 00:08:48 There's three Zarkiras just, hi! Then wave finder's guide. Straight back to the horizon. Instantly. I can get us out of there
Starting point is 00:09:04 immediately. Perhaps if we stand in a formation instantly I can get us out of there immediately perhaps pretty much if we stand in a formation where we all surround Quill so Quill is protected in between us and then he can focus on that
Starting point is 00:09:17 if we need to go back good idea also I have a spell that might be able to just bypass invisibility and all of these other things entirely and take us into the ethereal plane to traverse this ship.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Can you take everyone? I believe it's only yourself, Quill. Kim, you've got it. I think the warlock one is locked to me only, but I don't know if that's different for Warlocks than to other classes. I don't believe so. No, I believe it's the same spell. Yep, it's a self...
Starting point is 00:09:50 It's only yourself, Quill. So you and Nova could do it on yourself. At higher levels, I can target three other people. At eighth level, yeah. I have three total people. Including you. So two other people and then you yeah that's eighth level do you have an eighth level spell slot i think you do i do
Starting point is 00:10:10 yeah um you can do up to three i could do me in century and that would bypass at the very least and that would bypass uh disguises so that's my truth individuals with true sight would still be able to see you I believe they can see into the ethereal plane but things like the anti-invisibility sensors wouldn't trigger so if you came across those big four or like any other powerful devil or fiend they'll probably be able to
Starting point is 00:10:37 still see you yeah but we could just slip through a wall yeah I mean it will certainly help for being stealthy, for sure. Okay. So that's that's Zellian's information. Don't think I've missed
Starting point is 00:10:53 anything. Anything else? Anyone else got any bad ideas? Because I'm full of them. Cool. In that case... Let's go. It's a very different vibe to when you went and rescued Quill.
Starting point is 00:11:17 I'm getting the sensation it's a bit more of a pessimistic vibe. I mean, so you guys grab... You wanted to... So Helios will definitely come. Rania will come with you. Moonstar will come with you if you ask. So you gather up those guys. Helios, I don't know if you
Starting point is 00:11:34 have... Helios equipped Sentry as like a cloak, but generally he will always take the cloak form if you're around. Yeah. Okay. Nice. He's ready to go. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Yeah. Anyone else? Anyone else? Put your hand up. It's like an open auction now for ideas, and I'm buying all of them. I know everyone's nervous, but... We have to do this.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Um... I think we all trust each other. And... It's scary. We are going to the heart of darkness. But... We've got each other's backs. I believe we can do this.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Whether or not we can do supplementary things like rescuing Tassadar, who knows? We can cross that when we come to it. But keep calm, stick together, trust each other, and I think we can come out of it. Worst comes to worst, we escape. Worst comes to worst, we use the Wayfarer's Guide and we leave as soon as we can. And if we can't get Valor in that, well, our safety is paramount. Yeah. And what about the Tassadar? If we can't get the Tassadar, we can't get the Tassadar.
Starting point is 00:13:05 The wings are on it. That's their plan. They want to take down the ship. Our mission specifically is Vala. Anything on top of Vala is a bonus. If we don't have time,
Starting point is 00:13:20 we don't have time. We need to get her and get out. And make sure it's her as well like anyone could be anyone on that ship we could run into starbane and it might not be starbane what if we picked up the wrong quill on zarkira's ship i got you no it's me uh so i wasn't asking necessarily what if we can or cannot recover asadar i'm asking if we get back and the wings are still there to destroy tasadar are you okay with this well you might just have to message them you might just have to keep in communication with
Starting point is 00:14:03 them we can't really do much else. We're from different places. They have their escape, we have our escape. We just need to tell them. Did they say they had an escape plan? Well, they will do, but
Starting point is 00:14:18 I hope they will. They just have their objective and it's the Ethereum engines. Elemental engines, I mean. I hope they will. They just have their objective. And it's the Ethereum engines. Elemental engines, I mean. We have Ethereum. That's our thing. Yep. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Okay. Everyone, hands in the middle. Storm Chasers. Oh, the phrase! The phrase! How about, if worse comes to worse? If worse comes to worse what?
Starting point is 00:14:54 That's the phrase. The secret phrase, so that we don't get infiltrated by invisible spy Starbane people. If the worst comes to the worst... If the worst comes to the worst If the worst comes to the worst I will try a raise If worst comes to worst
Starting point is 00:15:10 Out of my vocabulary Just to say it at very specific times now Yes I don't think you've said it very much Quill Although considering this Should we not just use pineapple again It needs to not stand out I think someone that's extremely adept at blending
Starting point is 00:15:26 and being someone else is going to notice. I could really go for some pineapple right now. Yeah, if worse comes to worst, we'll say pineapple. Wait, damn it! Rana is looking around sort of, you know, she's stood there with Moonst star uh helios is nice and quiet
Starting point is 00:15:48 draped over sensory shoulders a big lion cape um moon star just kind of looks at rana el and shakes her head like just you don't need to say anything just let them let them have a conversation cool um all right if worse comes to worst i like that i think good uh rana yelby by the way has equipped has outfitted herself um she's probably been given some stuff by uh probably horizon so she has like a you know a suit of breastplate and a big sword she's got like a great-handed uh two-handed sword with her um that she's carrying. Moonstar has all of her usual tricks and gimmicks. She's got a bunch of tech and stuff that she's bringing with her.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Cool. And then are you guys going to go to... Are you going to use one of the teleportation circles in Horizon? Are you going to... Where do you want to teleport from? Horizon's closest. Yeah. Alright. It's a free spell that we don't have to spend okay well you do have to spend one of you will have to cast the spell
Starting point is 00:16:53 god damn it um should we hold an action to prepare to subdue any guards when we get there. Yeah? Well, I'll ask you that. So you guys find yourselves, you go to the teleportation circle of Horizon. I think that Danica would have had it cleared out. You guys have the place to yourselves. They have guards stationed to prevent anybody coming in to see what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:17:19 And yeah, you spend some time working with one of the Magisters there to set out the new rune sequence for this kind of upgraded teleportation circle that you need to use uh to get to the tacit are uh everybody gathers together you stand in a circle you said that you wanted to have quill in the middle so quill and moonstar will probably be in the center and then everybody else kind of forms a ring around them um okay moonstar is kind of the actually one of the squishiest ones going with you uh and yeah uh you're gonna cast a spell so at this point i'm gonna guess yeah like everybody who's not quill quill won't be able to hold an action because he needs to cast a spell
Starting point is 00:17:52 what readied actions do you want to take here um i hate him yeah so keep in mind that like you won't be able to move it's a single action you can hold so it's like if there's a guard in front of me I'll whack him that's fine or I throw the hammer that's an action but you won't be able to like I'm gonna charge at the nearest one I see that would your action would be the
Starting point is 00:18:18 movement then so have a think about what you want to do okay I think Lucius is going to lightning lure anybody that is out of range of melee and put his hand over their mouth okay
Starting point is 00:18:34 alright sounds good so you're going to try and lightning lure a guard and then try and silence them basically and stop them speaking out sounds good anybody else ready to actions yeah I think sentry would go Stop them speaking out. Sounds good. Anybody else? Ready to actions. Yeah, I think Sentry would go to reach for like a mouth or something to keep them quiet. Just grab a guard as soon as you can see them. Yeah, just grab a guard.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Yeah. Okay. Yeah, probably grab actually instead of like try and do the same quiet. Okay. Raniel will basically take the same stance as you guys then. If that's what you guys are planning to do, she'll try and do the same quiet okay yeah rana ranael will basically take the same stance as you guys then uh if that's what you guys are planning to do she'll try and do the same moonstar readies like a little gadget she readies like a little bomb that she's uh she's got one of I will assist anyone trying, I think I'm just going to assist
Starting point is 00:19:29 because all of my spells are big and noisy so I will assist someone in restraining, I will assess I will assist Rana in subduing a guard grabbing someone Quill, you get everybody uh you begin
Starting point is 00:19:46 the incantation the sort of mixture of prayer and spell uh kind of lighting up the rune sequences around you kind of one one rune one next rune as they kind of go around in sequential sequence locking each one in place and then as they all complete you will feel that familiar sensation of that immediate rushing uh kind of energy that kind of being pulled out of your body at a rapid rate you feel the world kind of pulling and breaking apart around you and then when your consciousness snaps back to there is a kind of like a painful sensation as if you're pulling yourself through something that you shouldn't. It feels like parts of your body is almost being ripped or torn at.
Starting point is 00:20:30 But when you arrive, you find yourselves in a decent-sized, large, black crystal chamber. Methyl has been plated along the floor and the ceiling, and you can see that there are these large kind of crystal tubes that contain this glowing purple energy that seems to be funneling down into the floor you stand on a similar runic circle that you have seen before that serves as a teleportation circle and there are in fact other beings in this room there appears to be one of them uh is stood by a console about sort of 10 15 feet away it's like you know analyzing the console the other two appear to be guards who are at the doorway looking in but they're about a sort of
Starting point is 00:21:19 good 25 30 feet uh out of reach of the circle itself um they are there is definitely a moment of surprise as the kind of flash of magic seems to completely take them by surprise uh readied actions uh unfortunately for century aaron raniel there is nobody within like five feet to grab immediately um these guards are at the other end and kind of turning and you can see them bringing up like weapons uh as they do the one who's at the other end and kind of turning and you can see them bringing up like weapons as they do the one who's at the the console is kind of looking around wide-eyed uh the one of the console appears to be a kind of um a darker skinned elf uh with sort of like grayish hair uh looks similar to the drow that you met in um as a grat but he's wearing a valkyrian uniform the other two appear to be humanoid creatures of some form you know know, orcs or hobgoblins, that sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Lucius, you're the only one who's ready to action can actually go off. This one at the console is the only one within range, so lightning lure goes off. What do I need to do? Strength saving throw of 18. Strength saving throw
Starting point is 00:22:22 of 90. Quadruple disadvantage. I don't think that's true, is it? No, I read it. Strength shaving throw. Okay. Like, quadruple disadvantage. Yeah. I don't think that's true, is it? No, I read it too. I think you just lied to me there. I read it too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:32 That is going to be a 17. I lure him with my lightning. Oh! Is it DC 18, yeah? Yeah. Nice. So, lightning lure goes off, so you... The lightning lure hits him. What you the lightning lure hits them what's
Starting point is 00:22:45 the actual effect on it what's it say they pull 10 feet in a straight line towards me and then take 1d8 lightning damage okay roll me the damage then all righty i'll just roll a d8 here it comes also if it's um actually no it should be higher than a d8 because you're a high level spellcaster remember all your cantrips do increase damage as you go up in level there should be 48 oh no i'm not 17th level 3d8 two more i feel like i am so what was the total trot just rolling the other two. So, 14. Oh, that's right. You're doing it in the game log.
Starting point is 00:23:27 There we go. So, 14. So, 14 lightning damage. So, the guard, like this lightning, kind of runs through this drow's body as you yank them towards you, and then you said you wanted to try and restrain them, right? Yeah. Stop them from vocally exclaiming
Starting point is 00:23:43 that they've just been lightning lured, yeah. Sure. Make a strength check for me then. Yeah, probably the strongest on the team, so it's probably fine. That's a five. That's a five. So you try and, like, grab their mouth, but they do manage to kind of, as they're kind of being pulled in, they twist their body, kind of almost planting their shoulder into yours,
Starting point is 00:24:05 which kind of throws you back for a second, and you don't quite manage to get the thing. Yes, Tom? Are they within five feet of anyone else who would have had that readied action? So here's the thing. Here's the thing, right? All of the held actions technically go off at the same time. So the time that others would try and grab somebody is the time that the lightning lure is going off.
Starting point is 00:24:23 So they're kind of queued up, it's not like now Aayla gets to try now century gets to try now. Rana gets to try. It doesn't work that way. It's like, everything goes off at once. However, the lightning lure pulls this guy who is now within five feet of the whole
Starting point is 00:24:36 party. And then the two on about 30 feet away from the doorway. That's the point where we're going to roll initiative. Um, as you guys basically, yeah, basically had that, that held action. And you might even, I'd say might even get a surprise round here because I think we're going to roll initiative. Okay. As you guys basically had that held action.
Starting point is 00:24:45 And you might even, I'd say, might even get a surprise round here because I think I'm going to... I love surprises. I rolled a natural 20. That's a waste. Very good. So we got 15 for Quill, is that? It is.
Starting point is 00:25:03 15 for Lucius as well. You little initiative buddies. So, Nova, what was your total? You said you got an actual 20, but what was the total? 23. 23. Sentry? 8.
Starting point is 00:25:19 8. Ayla? I got 14 and I had advantage. God damn. 14 and i had advantage goddamn 14 you had advantage uh i've actually just realized i need to add uh running at l so you might need to repeat those to me in a second because i need to add sure yeah i love how we had two days of planning and century is still like whoa teleported like whoa teleported whoa it's like bill and ted's most excellent adventure over this luceus was 15 quill was 15 ayla was 14 you said You said, right, Ayla? Yep.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Sentry was 8, and then Nova's at 23. Okay. So, Nova, you are indeed the first to react. You are the first to react. You are all kind of stood in a circle around Quill and Moonstar. There is one drow captain. The drow house captain is right in front of you. And then there are two guards about 30 feet in front of you by the door,
Starting point is 00:26:34 which leads out of this chamber. I'm going to... Spell slots, man. I'm going to... Sword slots. I'm going'm gonna sword slots i'm gonna attack sword slots uh i'm gonna go and attack um the drow guy stand uh he got pulled towards lucius though right he is basically next lucius at this point so next to lucius yeah i'd say that say that basically this drow is within five feet of all of you. The other two are about 30 feet away. Okay. I'm going to help Lucius with this guy.
Starting point is 00:27:12 I'm going to attack with Tiangong and Green Flame Blade. Oh, I said it without saying it out. That's interesting. I rolled 11 plus 12 is 23 to hit that will hit um i rolled eight oh my god so that's um eight 15 points of uh tiang gong damage and uh and 2d8 to this guy which is 6 10 points of flame damage to him and I'm guessing there's no one else within 5 feet
Starting point is 00:27:52 so yeah the other damage the others are too far away Tiangong swipes through the air kind of igniting with this kind of bluish green flame this guy's like and you can see he's like, you know, in the slow-mo,
Starting point is 00:28:07 it's just like, you know, as all this battle is raging around, you can see that he's desperately trying to command the others to do something. Anything else, Nova? Or is it just the one attack? That's all I've got. I can't remember how to do anything. Nope, that's all I've got. I can't remember how to do anything.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Nope, that's all I've got. That's Murder, She Wrote. Next. All right, Lucius. I'm in melee range. I'm a bit of a pickle. You're the one that lured him over to you. I know.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Which one's saying sound the alarm? The one that I've got subdued. I mean, yeah, but all of the guards are aware that you're being attacked right now. The other two definitely, they're at the door as well. They could probably rush out if they needed to. Right. I will...
Starting point is 00:29:00 Try and... I guess it would be a disadvantage having someone in melee range if I attack someone else. It depends on what spell. It depends on what you do. Some spells won't. If it's a spell that uses a saving throw, it doesn't matter if they're next to you or not.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Alright. I'm going to try and lightning lure another. Shove this one onto... What's the range on lightning lure? What's the range on lightning lure? 15 feet. They are 30 feet away. I mentioned that.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Yeah, you did. Right. In which case, I'm going to push this guy onto Aayla. As my first. Can I do that as a bonus action? I mean, you don't even need to push him. I said, like, this guy's within five feet of everybody. Like, everybody's within five feet of this guy
Starting point is 00:29:49 that you already pulled over to. Yeah, he's not on you. He's, like, next to you. If you want to try and push him so he's five feet away from you, that's an action. That's like an attack roll, basically. You have to make a kind of strength check against him to push him five feet away from you. Okay, I'm going to... I'm within five feet of him.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Yeah, yeah. It's more... It's fine. I'm going to Chromatic Orb at level four. I'm going to spend my sorcery points... You will have this advantage. This is why...
Starting point is 00:30:21 Oh, you're going to sorcery point. I forget that you've got the sorcery point thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I was going to twin it point. I forget that you've got the sorcery point thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I was going to twin it, but I'm going to have to use it to automatically succeed the careful spell. Cool. So I'll do that. Hang on.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Hang on. Hang on a minute. So you're casting Chromatic Orb. You're using careful spell on who? Oh, never mind. Yeah, that's for allies. Hang on a minute. So you're casting Chromatic Orb. You're using Careful Spell on who? Up to five. Oh, never mind. Yeah, that's for allies. I was trying to do it to automatically succeed
Starting point is 00:30:52 on hitting, which I can't do. No, that's not how it works. I'm in a state. It's an attack roll. I know you are. So what I'm trying to say is that if he's next to you you have disadvantage on attack rolls on spells yeah so this is what i'm trying to show them away saving throw yeah
Starting point is 00:31:11 so but if you use a spell that requires a saving throw it doesn't matter if he's next to you or you could try and push him away i said you can push him away i just want to chromatic orb twin the two people that are furthest away, likely to alert other people, is what I'm trying to do. Without this guy impeding me, which I can't really do. All right. Casting.
Starting point is 00:31:36 I don't think it comes up. We'll see. Oh, there we go. Yeah, it's not coming up for me. Yeah, I can't see it. All right, here we go. Yeah, it's not coming up for me. Yeah, I can't see it. Alright, here we go. 23. That's the first one, remember?
Starting point is 00:31:54 Yeah, that's disadvantage though, remember? So each one's disadvantage. 21 disadvantage. Okay, so the first one hits the first person and then two more for the second one. Right. And with a plus 10. You can still miss.
Starting point is 00:32:16 27. It's coming through. And 25. Both of them still hit. This guy is kind of impeding you. The chromatic orb strikes both. Oops.
Starting point is 00:32:29 68. It's just one damage roll. So you will roll one damage for both targets. 23 of acid. 23 acid damage for both targets. Okay. They do not have resistance to acid damage. So both of the ones by the door, these globes of acid fly out,
Starting point is 00:32:49 splitting into two. It strikes them both. You can see that, like, their armor is, like, being burnt away. They're, like, hissing from the pain, but they are still standing. You know, these are, you know, fairly sturdy-looking guards. The orb strikes them. Anything else? No, there's nothing else i can really do
Starting point is 00:33:07 that's me okay uh quill uh cool i want to remind everyone to clear the circle uh if because i'm in the middle i guess i'm not within five feet of this dude right no because you're in the middle exactly you've got people between you cool i want to yeah i want to uh move out of the teleportation circle i want to cast calm emotions on the people 30 feet away uh it's a okay 60 foot range so i'll definitely hit them at a 20 foot radius so they'll definitely be hit. They need to make a saving throw of charisma 21. Charisma saving throw
Starting point is 00:33:49 yeah okay it can choose to fail it if it wants alright charisma saving throw I can do this on here actually so the first one is going to be a 3 and a 3 two natural ones in a three. And a three.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Two natural ones in a row. Hell yeah! Excellent. What's the effect? They are indifferent about creatures of my choice. So I want to say all of us. Now, Zellion's not here. Can I prescribe them to be also indifferent too?
Starting point is 00:34:27 Alternatively, you can make a target indifferent about creatures of your choice that it is hostile towards. So no, because Zellion is not here, it is not aware to be hostile towards Zellion, but you can make it indifferent to everyone present. I will make a note that the indifference ends if the target is attacked or harmed by a spell or if it witnesses any of its friends being harmed.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Okay. All right. In that case, what I'll say is actually clear the circle. Do not hurt anyone else. Restrain that guy. Those guys are chill. And yeah, I'll zoot off the teleportation circle after doing that spell concentration of a
Starting point is 00:35:09 minute uh okay uh so with that in mind now that you've shouted that out raniel will try and grapple the guard well you said it not shouted it i suppose raniel will try and grapple the guard. Well, you said it, not shouted it, I suppose. Raniel will try and grapple the houseguard. It sounded like you said, I shat that out. I shat that out. So Raniel tries to grab this drow that's within range of everybody. She tries
Starting point is 00:35:40 to grab him and wrap her arms around him but he manages to wryly and nimbly pull himself free and is beginning to call out like, you fools! Quickly! Get the others! Get to the console! Raise the alarm! We're being attacked! But yeah, because
Starting point is 00:35:56 you said not to attack rats, or Raniol can really do. She can't really do much else. Yep. Aayla really do much else. Yep. Ayla. So she didn't manage to get him then.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Can I try and put my hand over his mouth and just hold on to him so he can't get away from me? Yeah, so it's the same thing. You've got to make a grapple attempt. So it's strength versus his dex. Okay. That is make a grapple attempt uh so it's strength versus his dex okay that is a 11 plus 7 18 18 see what he rolls okay so you managed to get him you've grappled him and then as a as a part of that grapple you can basically put your hand over his mouth
Starting point is 00:36:45 and try and grab him. Yeah. And he is grappled, so his speed is zero. He can still do stuff. Like, he can still try and, like, kick and fight back and break free. But you're kind of covering his mouth from speaking at this point.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Can I move both of us off the circle? Yes, you can. You can move half speed, so you can drag him about 20 feet to the side of the room, kind of dragging him with you. And I will say, get the others inside and away from that console. And that will be me just holding on to this card. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Yeah, you just keep him pressed down. Okay. Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum. Moonstar on her turn. Uh, Will, because this guy's still fighting against you, Ayla. He's, like, trying to, like, break free and stuff. Um, Moonstar turns to you, Quill. When you said don't attack them, is it just harm them?
Starting point is 00:37:40 Is it, what, how is this spell, what can I do? If I try and knock him out with a gas as long as it doesn't hurt him she'll shrug and yes she's gonna uh like pull out like so while you've got him held ayla she's gonna kind of waft this kind of uh orb that she has she cracks it open and begins this this heavy kind of like gaseous thing. You're an elf so you can't be put to sleep by this. In fact, no, she wouldn't try that because he's a drow. She would know that as well. He can't be
Starting point is 00:38:12 magically put to sleep. So she will just try and assist Aayla then and try and tie him up. She's going to try and start like trying to like bind his legs with like ropes and things like that, trying not to harm him. So yeah, Moonstar's smart enough that she wouldn't try and do that huh these two guards they are indifferent to all of you
Starting point is 00:38:32 um but you are still manhandling their friend you're not attacking him uh so they'll kind of just look at each other hey what are you doing you shouldn't be doing that the you're gonna get in trouble if you keep manhandling the captain that way or the lieutenant that way what are you doing here you shouldn't be here uh we're just doing a training exercise make a deception check for me. Oh, my God. Deception. That's good. 13. 13? Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Let's find out. Wisdom. 13. Come on. That's ridiculous. We don't bring in outsiders for training exercises. you do when we're just trying to warn you when they've got outside skills that you need to you know learn about lady we've already we know that you're talking shit like we know that that's a load of crap but seriously you're gonna be in trouble if you if when he gets free he's gonna
Starting point is 00:39:39 be pissed or like when the others come to replace us man you're gonna be in so much trouble i'm trying to think of how these guys would act because they're indifferent. Yeah, I mean, I guess they can't at any point be hostile, but they're also like... No, they're not hostile, but they're also not friendly. They're not going to... Yeah, they're just like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:39:58 Like, it's ridiculous. The house captain is going to try and break free of Aayla. So can you make another strength check for me? Okay. I muted it. Aayla's got arms for days. I was counting. I was silently counting.
Starting point is 00:40:17 19? Sorry, 19. That's fine. So you managed to hold him like he's kind of like wriggling around you. I think the only thing he can do... Shh. Shh. Sleep now. Shh. No, can't do that. He's kind of like wriggling around you. I think the only thing he can do... Shh, shh, shh. Sleep now.
Starting point is 00:40:29 No, can't do that. Can't do that. Can't do that. Man, this guy's... Yeah, he's... Yeah, he can't speak, so he can't give verbal commands. Yep. He's just kind of like
Starting point is 00:40:45 struggling around unable to really break free how are you ever going to deal with intruders if you can't beat me is there a door in this room I'm assuming is there a door there's a door leading the two other guards are guarding the exit out of this place.
Starting point is 00:41:06 It's four walls. Why did we teleport here? It's four walls. It's a box. It's just a box you can't get in or get out of. Can I cast enlarge and walk over to the door and just block that entrance point? Just be big and in the way.
Starting point is 00:41:23 The guards are indifferent. So they're stood by the door. Yeah, so you enlarge yourself. Everyone's kind of taken back by it. You move up, and they're like, well, the two guards are like, we're not going to fit in there. You're not going to fit through there now.
Starting point is 00:41:37 And they kind of point down at the door. Whoopsie! And then you just kind of like, what? You just sit in front of the door or just stand in front of it? Yeah, I just watch. Yeah yeah make sure that no one can get in or out while we're here they're just like looking at you like well what if there's an emergency what if there's a fire we're not gonna be able to get out of here look you need i don't know what you're all doing here but you you need to leave you're not supposed to be here
Starting point is 00:42:00 oh we're we're working on it don't worry okay nova i'm gonna get off the teleportation pad and um i want to go over to the console um can i given like our experience can i read the console or is it yeah this is basically like a magitek console that activates the teleportation circle so it's a way that you know when it's kind of like a you know you know your star trek kim so this is like your transporter right like this is what controls the teleportation circle there's also like yeah there is like a basic readout of like you know a data terminal of you know reports about things going on there's also like yeah there is like a basic readout of like you know a data terminal of you know reports about things going on there's a an alarm system built into it that somebody
Starting point is 00:42:49 could trigger to raise the alarm um yeah can i lock the door uh yeah you could lock the door from from the console yeah i'd say that you can um i'll pretty much it's an action to do anything on this console, right? Because you're trying to figure it out. So you're like, okay, hang on. I need to do this system. And then I think this... So that's taking up your time of playing around with the Magitek, right? So yeah, you can use an action to lock the door.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Hey, you're not supposed to be touching that. Come on. You guys need to leave. What are you doing here? This is part of the drill. This is part of the drill don't worry about it i'm yeah i'm just running some subroutines no i'm clearing the cache it's fine messing around practice drill we know it's not um so i'll lock the door you lock the door can? Yep. Can I bonus action, like, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:43:46 try and see where people are on the ship? I don't know if that's available from Transport. Not from this console. It should be because you might need to lock on people, but no, okay. No, because it's not a transporter from Star Trek, Kim. I know! I just wanted to live my fantasy.
Starting point is 00:44:01 I know. Well, there's Star Trek RPGs out there. But no, this is like, this controls this teleportation circle, so like, you know, if people stood on it, it could activate it. And then it's got an alarm. You can see, there's like a data readout, but it's things like 900
Starting point is 00:44:15 hours, you know, training regime in this part of the ship, or like, you know, shift change coming up in three hours. Look, see? It says training regime. It says training regime here. That's on the other side of the ship. That's not here. And they're just arguing with you.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Like, they're just arguing. They're like, they're not hostile. They're not friendly. They're just like, what? What? No. All right, Lucius. I don't really know what to do at this point. Other than ask them politely if they could sit down
Starting point is 00:44:44 and not do anything so what the two guards who are currently indifferent you just yeah you could make a persuasion check you just be like at least like encouraging well we've all got time to warn the others but in the meantime you must be really tired feel free to sit down over here make a persuasion check uh yeah sure that's a 19 19 i think like yeah these guys are indifferent they kind of look at each other like well i mean they're clearly like i don't know what you're doing with the i don't know what you're doing lieutenant but i mean they're here we can't stop we're not
Starting point is 00:45:25 we're not gonna stop them yeah you're right i suppose yeah i guess we could just yeah and they just kind of go over and they just sit down and it's like no i guess maybe they don't sit down they kind of just like lean up against the wall they click like they start relaxing they kind of you know move away from the door and you know maybe they start having a conversation one of them pulls out like a little crystal crystal tablet and is like tapping away and doing some paperwork or something that he has to do um i just spend my bonus action and movement just chatting to them it's like how is callous today anyway oh the emperor i mean we don't if people guards like us we're not really involved with the emperor's business. The Emperor's...
Starting point is 00:46:05 Well, he keeps jumping between Aroas and here, and... Oh, we were supposed to have a meeting. Is he not on the Tassadar? That's the reason we're here. Oh, you're... No, no, you're not here for a meeting. We'd know about that if there were. You're right, sorry.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Of course he's not here. Hey, Joker. Look at you. What are you doing? What are you guys doing here? it's just they're just yeah right quill fucks sake this fucking spell I need to figure out like how what indifferent actually means I think exactly what you're doing um yeah
Starting point is 00:46:39 I think it is but I just sort of like man hey what about what about what about Valor, though? Hey, where does Starbane keep Valor? Who's that? Who's that? Come on. Starbane's daughter.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Who is that? I don't know. That comes to this ship all the time. Probably on this ship. You don't know about it? Okay. I don't know who you think we are, guy, bird, man. We're guards. We God the teleportation circle. Sometimes we got the hangar Bay
Starting point is 00:47:10 We sometimes go down into the in elemental engines We don't really do a lot the captain might like that they point that sorry the lieutenant might know Lieutenants a bit more informed. He spends time with the other officers. Maybe they've heard of this Valor. I don't know who that is Okay, we don't go like if there's somebody who's up on of this vala i don't know who that is uh okay we don't go if there's somebody who's up on the upper decks we don't go up there can you like uncover this guy's mouth real quick where's vala no i'm not gonna that's what quill says uh rana kind of looks around uh well i think that miss ayla has this under control i don't i don't really know what else should we be doing here.
Starting point is 00:47:46 I don't want to disrupt Kaelic's spell. She'll move off the teleportation circle. She moves off. Lucius is off. Ayla. I'm going to continue to just hold on to this guard for now because if I let go, he's going to continue to just hold on to this guard for now.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Because if I let go, he's going to do stuff. Yeah, and the thing is, the spell's wording is if the attack is attacked or harmed. And I don't think, I wouldn't personally count a grapple as either of those things. You could maybe argue that a grapple is being attacked. It's just a hug that he doesn't really necessarily want at the moment. That's not true. But it is, you're not harming him. So yeah, as long as you don't try and damage this guy, if you're just trying to keep
Starting point is 00:48:32 him like held and stop him from speaking, I'm going to say that that's, yeah, you can keep doing that. Alright? Moonstar will step off the platform and just kind of looks around. I think at this point she would probably take her mask off because she doesn't need to wear it here. So she kind of takes her mask
Starting point is 00:48:47 off and puts it away and it's just like, I don't know what else we should be doing here. I don't know if Aayla can... I don't think Aayla can keep this person held forever. They might... If I get really angry, I could. Don't worry. I feel like we should do something
Starting point is 00:49:04 and she kind of nods her head towards the other two. The other two are just like, why is she nodding her head at us? What do you think? What are you planning? You guys, you don't think that you can, you don't think that you can do anything aboard the Tassadar, do you? This is, this is the Valkyrian Empire's flagship. If you guys are invading here, God, you're in,
Starting point is 00:49:24 you're in for a load of trouble. And they just laugh. Meanwhile, the house captain is going to try and escape. Ayla, can you make a strength check for me, please? Come on, where's my 19s and 20s? Where are they? 21 this time. 21, yay. He's like kicking his feet, 21 this time 21 yay
Starting point is 00:49:45 it's like kicking his feet like trying to make as much noise as possible like shooting eye daggers towards the other two um sentry hmm hmm wait has there been another round
Starting point is 00:50:03 did i have a turn yeah wait did i spend my entire turn talking to these nerds Wait, has there been another round? Did I have a turn? Yeah. Wait, did I spend my entire turn talking to these nerds? Well, you did talk to them, yeah. No, I was going to do sending to Zelia. Okay, well, we'll do that now. Yeah, you can do sending. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:17 It's just because you didn't bring that up immediately. I thought you wanted to talk to them and find out about Valor. I assume that's what you wanted to spend your turn doing. Sorry, I think I got mixed up when I started started talking to him i for some reason i just didn't think it was my turn moon star was still on the platform actually you wouldn't have been able to do it because moon star was still on the platform so right okay all right fair enough well we'll have century go and then then you can do it okay we'll say that you held your action. Sure. So we are taking these guys, you know, downtown.
Starting point is 00:50:52 You know what I mean? What does that mean? What does that mean? What's she talking about? It's the Sentry's attempt to talk in a really threatening way. We're taking these guys downtown. One light flashes on and off. It's Morse code.
Starting point is 00:51:10 In Morse code, Sentry says, are we killing these guys? Really quickly. I think it was more of a blink, blink, nudge, nudge situation. Yeah. Yeah, so Sentry, you're just going to sit there? Or is there anything you want to do? You're just looking at the team. Is that it?
Starting point is 00:51:26 Yeah. You can message her. Yeah, I can message her ring back saying yes, let's get in position ready to subdue them. Alrighty. So I guess, yeah, Sentry will try and try her best
Starting point is 00:51:44 to just get close to these guard people without, you know, getting ready to make a... She's ready in action to strike at them. You're currently large, so you're, like, half... You're not crouched, because the room is big enough for large creatures, but it's not comfortable. Like, your head's at an awkward angle, and you're kind of, like, next to them.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Just pretend to, like, stretch. Like, oh, this is kind of... Let me just shuffle over here this way. It's a bit difficult. There we go. Just like, yeah. Holding a sword for no reason. Okay. Sure. They're indifferent. What do they care?
Starting point is 00:52:19 They don't care. Apathy. Tom, are you doing that thing? Yes, now everyone's off Sending to Zellion Circle is clear Come on down Or up wherever Tassadar is
Starting point is 00:52:34 Yep Downtown They're not coming Sending that message That's because it's only now the end of my turn They have to spend an action on their turn to reply, right? That's why. You can certainly think that.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Nova. Oh, God. Can I messenger ring and say, could we knock everyone out and and teleport them away somewhere? That'll sort them. I just want a teleportation circle! Bye! Send them back to Horizon!
Starting point is 00:53:14 If you know the runes where to send them, you certainly could. Yeah, like knock them out and then send them back to Horizon. Let Horizon deal with them. Your Horizon's problem now. And then can I connect with Tiangong and... Hmm. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Can you speak to Tassadar? As I mentioned, NovaVision, not from here. I would need to be in Tassadar's local vicinity. Within speaking range between say mortal creatures um i'm gonna put it in simpler terms i will need to be in the same room as tassadar thank you thank you i needed simpler terms this is really stressful right now
Starting point is 00:54:00 yeah you're thank you this is a dangerous situation stressful right now. You're welcome. I'm really stressed out. Thank you. This is a dangerous situation. This is a very dangerous situation, Tiangong. I really, and I appreciate that. It's really dangerous. Can I hold an action? Can you talk face to face? Can I hold an action to
Starting point is 00:54:22 help knock out one of the guards? Knock out how? Like club with Tiangong knockout? Cast spell knockout? Choke them to death knockout? Or bonk? Oh, I'm so strong.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Bonk with Tiangong bonk. You need to move over. So it means that you won't be by the console. You'll have to move over to them. Actually, do you know what? I'm going't be by the console. You'll have to move over to them. Actually, do you know what? I'm going to stay by the console, because I don't trust, like, I don't want someone to break away and then come to the console and hit the
Starting point is 00:54:51 alarm button. So, I'm going to hold my action that if anyone comes, anyone hostile comes towards the console, I will Tiangong bonk. Okay, sure. Lucius? I am looking at Sentry at century i'm going to also hold my action ready to bonk
Starting point is 00:55:11 the other one that century isn't going to bonk uh with the rear end of my captain's command okay so you're getting ready for a dunk as well all right with the other guy sure okay uh quill no reply uh okay zillion didn't reply is everyone waiting for me to bonk okay fine say the word and we got it, dude. Just say the word. Wait, are these guys going to attack us? I don't know. I feel really indifferent about them. I don't think they'd attack us, would they?
Starting point is 00:55:52 It certainly looks like they're about to attack us. Yeah, we're about to. Sorry, man. All right, I'll do a shocking grasp on one of them. So you just walk up and you're like... Yeah. Sure. They wear metal armor, so you have advantage on the attack roll.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Which one are you going against, A or B? Let's go A. Oh, my God. Really? 12 is not enough. You reach out to try and grab one. He kind of is like,
Starting point is 00:56:31 wait a minute, what do you think you're doing? And he throws himself to the side, because you thought you'd just be able to grab me. He's like, what? So, the indifference ends if the target is attacked or witnesses any of its friends being harmed. So, at this point, I would say that, yes,
Starting point is 00:56:49 the calm emotions will break. And they're both like, and they kind of pull their weapons. Those of you who prepared readied actions may now take them. Wait a minute. Alrighty. So, Sentry and Lucius, you both get a bonk. 26 to bonk.
Starting point is 00:57:04 That's a bonk. That's a big bonk. You need to mute for all the damage. So, we'll say Lucius is you both get a bonk. 26 to bonk. That's a bonk. That's a big bonk right there. So we'll say Lucius is on B. Century is on A. Yes, I need you to roll damage. 19 to bonk. 19 bonks. Can I d10 this one? Because I'm holding it with both hands.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Are you handing it? Sure. Thank you. It's a versatile weapon. It is? Nice. that's 10 how much damage 10 bonk for one sentry how much damage for you i will do i'll just do a standard 1d8 2d8 well you still get you always get improved divine smite yeah so you always get the 2d8 and then you get her majesty's Rose. And you're enlarged. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. And then 2d4. Bam, bam.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Go, go, go, go. Where'd you go? 1, 2, roll. Where'd you go? 14. Incredible. So you both bring these weapons down, but it's not quite enough to... They take the blows, obviously reeling,
Starting point is 00:58:09 but it's not enough to fully knock them out. These guys seem pretty tough. They are gods on the flagship. So they both take these blows, but they're just like, and they start pulling themselves free. The captain's been taken care of. The lieutenant, let's bring him.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Free him. This isn't no training exercise never will anything else because that was on your turn technically oh that's true yeah i mean no that's that's that was an action my entire lot i think uh okay rana el will yeah rana el will move up and will make two melee attacks uh she will do this non-lethally so if she hits she'll do non-lethal damage um but she will do it on the two guards uh she'll do one attack on each uh first one it's a natural one uh very much like quill she brings like a great sword down but she doesn't want to hit lucius so she has to like turn it at the last
Starting point is 00:59:03 minute as like lucius reaches in to bonk, and so she pulls herself back and avoids hitting him. The second one, this is where my shitty dice rolls are not going to help you guys. The second one, she just manages to clip one of them when she does hit. This will be on the one Century was holding, so A. Oh, whoops, that's the wrong damage.
Starting point is 00:59:24 So I'll just do another d6 to answer that uh so that's going to be 13 plus 48 radiant damage uh for a total of 30 points of damage so as she brings her sword uh down this it fills with this glowing radiant light and and you see the god like reels nearly knocked out cold by that attack but still just about standing um we must have we must do this quickly we cannot allow anyone to hear their cries if they cry out um ayla hello i will rage and then i'm gonna hit this dude twice please yep you will have advantage because yeah you've currently got him grappled. Excellent.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Actually, no, that's only on restrained. You don't have advantage. But, yeah, you can basically just... 17 plus 13 on the first one. That's a hit, and he can't parry it. And... Ooh, can't see that. 12 plus 13 on the second one.
Starting point is 01:00:23 25. Those both hit okay so I'm hitting with the hammer by the way oh yeah the bonk maker 15 damage on the first strike 13 damage on the second strike.
Starting point is 01:00:46 Dex save, please. Saving throw. That's a natural 20. If I use physical dice I roll high. So yeah, the lightning bolt he does manage to kind of avoid from, but the two strikes are still heavy. 13 halved then.
Starting point is 01:01:03 So the lieutenant definitely seems to be quite heavy. Thirteen halved, then. So, six. So, the lieutenant definitely seems to be quite an adept fighter. He takes both blows surprisingly well, and now that you've kind of released him, his hands are, like, flying to his weapons, and he's about ready to call out. As he does so. Okay, anything else, Ayla?
Starting point is 01:01:25 I will just shout to get him. I don't know. Get him. Seeing this guy's about to shout and that the other two are a bit more covered, Moonstar, she brings up her forearm and she's got this wrist-mounted crossbow and she fires what appears to be a disc
Starting point is 01:01:44 at the drow captain. That is going to be a 15, which would normally miss. So I'm going to use her elven accuracy. She just manages to hit. So you just see this disc hits his face and it expands into this thick resin it just kind of goes over his mouth and he's oh nice i've only got a few more of those i was trying to save them
Starting point is 01:02:17 for this kind of situation uh and then she will just move off to the side and she can make two weapon attacks so she will fire a bolt a star bolt at one of the ones that the one that lucius is holding in fact uh that's a two that's gonna be a miss so the bolt goes wide uh then uh they one of them is going to try and uh turn around and hit lucius the other one no in fact uh the one that lucius is holding is going to make a break for the console towards nova um kind of like and they do call out they're like help help and then they're going to rush towards the console so lucius you get an attack of opportunity uh and raniel gets a attack of opportunity the one next to century is just gonna try and um fight century because he doesn't think he can get away from the big huge guardian 15 hit so lucius total 15 does just barely hit them in fact actually
Starting point is 01:03:20 will miss unfortunately that's four points of slashing damage. So you managed to get a kind of cut in as he rushes towards the console. Rana Eyal also rolled really bad. She missed on her attack as well. Meanwhile, the one
Starting point is 01:03:39 fighting Sentry is going to make two attacks with their short sword. 20 to hit Sentry. Yep. Yeah, I figured. Both attacks just like tries to like dig it into your armor and it just bounces off like, kind of like tries to fight past you,
Starting point is 01:03:56 but you're too big and imposing for him to really get the strikes and it just deflects off your armor. The other one rushes towards you, Nova, and is going to try and shove you out of the way, basically um you get your attack opportunity because you held an action i get my i get my bonk uh that's right would have 20 of normally hit you century was that helios helios i'm a 21 oh so nice so like the golden cape kind of like catches the first blow or whatever. That's cool. Cool. What was it, Nova? 12 plus 6 is 18, right? 18 hits. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:29 That's a math. I did a math. Oh, I rolled an 8 plus 7 is 15 points of Tiangong Damagio. Nice. The blow's heavy. It kind of catches him in the chest, almost winding him.
Starting point is 01:04:42 He's like, but he's still going to try and shove you to the side. I need you to make either a strength or a dex check. I'm going to make a dex check. Okay. So this is just adding dex, basically. 17 plus 3, 20. So he tries to, like, shove you out of the way,
Starting point is 01:05:01 but you manage to kind of hop back and then hold him in place. And he's currently trying to, like, scramble with you to try and reach the console, but you're kind of holding him at bay. But he's, like, reaching towards it, and you're just managing to, like, keep him off it for now. Now that the drow, the lieutenant, has been freed, he is going to try and make a
Starting point is 01:05:26 break for it. In fact, he will use a bonus action and he will command the one that is fighting Nova to make an attack against Nova. He's like, kill her, you fool! We need to raise the alarm! So that one is going to make an attack against you, Nova, the one that just charged towards you. That is going to be a
Starting point is 01:05:41 22 to hit. Just, yep, hits. Hits. So that's going to be a 22 to hit. Just, yep, hits. Hits. So that's going to be... Seven points of piercing damage and nine points of force damage. So 16 damage total. Kind of like jabs into you,
Starting point is 01:05:58 trying to catch you in the side. Then the drow is going to make three attacks against Aayla. First one is only a make three attacks against Ayla. First one is only a 15 to hit Ayla. Nope. Second one is a 21 to hit Ayla. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:19 And that's going to be one. That is going to be 10 points of slashing damaged half to five because you're raging and then some poison damage as the blade cuts you feel like a venomous poison that's going to be 10 points of poison damage so car uh and then uh he pulls out uh his weapon is like this curved sword that he's been slashing and then in hishand, he has like an energy whip, and he kind of cracks that, and he's going to try and hit you with that as well. But that misses. That's only an 11.
Starting point is 01:06:53 And then, for his movement, he makes a run for the door. Ayla, you get an opportunity to attack. Okay. That is a 15 plus 13. So I assume that that hits. That will hit. Yep. Trying to parry it and then the force of the hammer just like, oh god. 20 points of damage.
Starting point is 01:07:14 I rolled real high. 20 points. Heavy blow. The captain is still standing. You can see that they definitely start limping after that attack. But they manage to kind of begin pulling themselves away. All of their movement will take them to the door, and that's it.
Starting point is 01:07:28 They end their movement at the door, but they're next to it, ready to open it and call out. Sentry, you have one of these guys, these smaller guys in front of you, and then you've just seen this guy run past you. Can I disengage from the guy with me and intercept the captain at the door? If you disengage, that's an action, so you wouldn at the door uh if you disengage that's an
Starting point is 01:07:45 action so you wouldn't be able to make any attacks but you could just risk an opportunity attack you could just move away from this guy next to you and just let him have an attack if you like yeah yeah i'll do that yeah all right i'll do that that's uh oh that actually might hit that's a 22 that does hit that does hit so that going to be nine points of piercing damage plus seven points of force damage. So 16 damage total. 16 damage. So it kind of strikes at you
Starting point is 01:08:14 and just to catch you as you're kind of turning away as you rush towards the lieutenant. Yeah. This is going to be the last thing. This is going to be the last thing we do today because then we've got to finish up do I have any bonus actions
Starting point is 01:08:27 you still have your action you still have your normal action oh my god I panic I panic Wednesday my dudes can I can I like try and rugby tackle him
Starting point is 01:08:47 like try and just get him on the floor what a size of building so you make a strength check you'll have advantage because you're enlarged so make just a straight up strength check and add a d4 to it okie dokie
Starting point is 01:09:02 oh no that's the wrong guy slightly higher plus and add a d4 to it. Okie dokie. Oh, no, that's the wrong guy. I just rolled for that guy. This guy is slightly higher than us. Plus 13 for the first one. 15 for the second one. And then d4. And then a d4. Let's go, go, go. Please be roll if you roll a one it's a tie okay
Starting point is 01:09:28 so you do just because of your enlarged size you manage to basically grab him grapple him and drag him down to the ground holding him in place preventing him from getting out the door um you still have one attack that only takes one of your attacks in a round so you can still make an attack against him if you like. She kind of got one arm wrapped around him, and then you're stabbing him with Her Majesty's Rose. Yeah, I'll give him a bomb. Just a normal attack. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:55 Yep. Ooh, that is 25. That will hit. Nice, nice, nice. 2d8. Here we go. Bam, bam, bam. Plus 2d8 here we go plus 2d4 9 what 9 damage with all of those dice what 2d8 and 2d4 9 damage is that with your normal bonus as well? Like, your normal damage bonus? Oh, plus five.
Starting point is 01:10:25 So that's 14, yeah. 14, I was going to say, yeah. So, yeah, it's a glancing blow. He manages to kind of pull himself to the side and it kind of, like, cuts through. But, yeah, he just kind of goes through and does manage to scrape him. But that, my friends, is where we're going to finish
Starting point is 01:10:41 this episode with, because it is 5-2. We've got to go, because we've got to end on yogs. Yeah. It's going well. Flawless assault so far. It's going so well. Flawless. Flawless.
Starting point is 01:10:57 Goodbye everybody. See you next week. Bye. Love you, bye

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