High Rollers DnD - High Rollers: Aerois #116 | The Darkness Inside (Part 2)

Episode Date: June 24, 2021

With the help of the entire city of Horizon the Stormchasers make plans for their invasion of the City of Glass! We're sponsored by D&D Beyond! The ultimate Dungeons and Dragons toolset. Clean up your... dungeon delving life and speed up your games here: http://bit.ly/HRDNDBeyond2021 Support the High Rollers and get early access to podcast episodes (and more) on our Patreon: www.patreon.com/HighRollers Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pickaxe. aircanada.com. and kids and families a safe digital space to play in. Download Fortnite on consoles, PC, cloud services, or Android and play LEGO Fortnite for free. Rated ESRB E10+. you know that was in the evening so by the time you guys get back and have a long rest it is a brand new day uh in the citadel um things seem to be things are busy in the citadel of the reborn um there are soldiers running to and foe seem to be carrying lots of messages be things are busy in the citadel of the reborn um there are soldiers running to and foe seem to be carrying lots of messages um things are happening although you don't you're not in the chain of command so you don't exactly know what's going on uh valor having kind of uh checked on you last night but seeing you all being exhausted and things uh didn't probe too deeply
Starting point is 00:01:41 um she just seems to have been spending the evening. You can see that like the main desk in your little study that you have, like this kind of like apartment that you've been given in the Sitali's barracks. The main desk has been covered with lots of books that have been taken from somewhere. She has all sorts of diagrams and like parchments where she's writing notes and things like that. And she seems to be working on something um maximilian uh has uh doesn't seem to he's refused like a bed and has basically put like some things on the floor to sleep uh by the desk um and that is just you know but he hasn't been eating he doesn't he seems to be sort of not refusing to eat but is not properly eating or
Starting point is 00:02:24 anything like that and looks kind of a bit worn out and disheveled. And yeah, Valor sort of when she, when you do all eventually come to, if there's any particular characters that want to sort of just not emerge for a while, I do say, but Valor will check in with you all when, when you all do appear. All right. So Lucius is just like, nope, not coming out today.
Starting point is 00:02:46 I think Lucius has some nightmares. Without getting too harrowing, he's had a lot of bad stuff. And this is just adding to that pile of things. The emptiness and the seeing Sentry almost get consumed. Just another thing to add to the list of horrible stuff. It's interesting because you say seeing Sentry almost get consumed. I mean, Lucius was, it was the same. As soon as Lucius broke through that glass and like entered into that space,
Starting point is 00:03:16 it was the same, but I'm guessing Lucius is, yeah, more concerned with like seeing Sentry, right? Like it seems to be that he cares more about Sentry. It was the immediate concern, but yeah, there was that wave ofry, right? Like it seems to be that he cares more about Sentry. I think that was the immediate concern, but yeah, there was that wave of power, right, that just overwhelmed as soon as he smashed the glass into that plane. It would also tie in, I think
Starting point is 00:03:35 I think obviously this is talking meta right now. None of you guys know exactly what Lucius is thinking, but you can tell us for the audience. I think there's a level of the idea of Hadar that seems, on a very base level, to Lucius, that it's an option.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Okay. Yeah. Only because it's like the fight has been so hard. Yeah. Giving up is easy, right? Nothingness is what's left, you know? It's something that he shuts down immediately,
Starting point is 00:04:18 but yeah, sure. I imagine that's something that Hadar could fester upon. Well, I mean, there's no direct connection, but that thought's there for Lucius now. And maybe there will be other things that fuel it or feed it or whatever, but I leave that in your capable role-playing hands, Cristron, if you want to let that thought fester.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Also, Lucius has been in a surprising amount of mouths, especially when it comes to Hadar. Truth. a surprising amount of mouth especially when it comes to the door maybe we should just coat you in something you know so that it's you know when you get that fingernail stuff that you chew your fingernails and it's really bitter yeah just stop biting your nails yeah just put luscious in that like a Nintendo switch game definitely yeah like a Nintendo switch game yeah Yeah, that doesn't stop me. Yeah, nothing can stop me from fighting my nails.
Starting point is 00:05:10 So, apart from Lucius, anybody else who emerges, Valor, sort of gives you a moment. It's like, I didn't want to ask, but, I mean, there was something different when you came back last night. I've heard some of the guards talking about you fighting some guardians, but
Starting point is 00:05:24 I didn't feel like that would be enough to affect you the way that it did. Is everything alright? I think Sentry would be like pottering around like in the kitchen, like cleaning, trying to keep busy. Just doing anything. Yeah, just like, oh, it's
Starting point is 00:05:39 everything's fine. Everything's okay. We just you. Everything's fine! Everything's okay! We're just... Ah, you! Squeak, squeak, squeak. Squeak, squeak, squeak, cleaning the plates. Get clean!
Starting point is 00:05:57 I think it's safe to say, Vala, it's, um... I'm, like, whispering this so everyone... Like, Sentry and, like, well, obviously Lucius can't hear it like it's delicate and I think we need the time to figure out exactly what happened back there yeah of course
Starting point is 00:06:16 if you do if any of you if there's anything I can do to help just say I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you Vala you kind of actually did help us. I did something that was inspired by you. I don't know how, it just came to me, you know, and I just copied you to the best I could, and it helped. Well, that's a comforting thought, considering how much I've... Well, so much of everything I've been learning,
Starting point is 00:06:51 I just remember basing it off things that I saw all of you do, or thought of what you might do, and things like that, or things that just come naturally. But if there's anything I can do to help, just say. Danica still won't let Max and I really wander about, but she's been kind enough to give me a lot of books and things to work through on the the Titans and the issue there. I'm not sure how much good it's going to be doing I think it's going to be something I need to explore more with magic, but it's still good to know
Starting point is 00:07:36 Okay, I mean, I feel like I'm still treating you like a child. Please just interrupt me whenever if I'm treating you like you're just too young to deal with these things. Clearly, you're not. You've grown so much in a surprisingly short timeframe. Yeah, it's weird. Because you would think that I would still feel young because it hasn't been that much time, but there's something the way that the magic's working. I feel, not that I've got new memories, but it's like my mind's
Starting point is 00:08:06 older. There's something to do with the way that this magic is affecting me. Something as my power's growing, it's like I'm becoming someone else. Maybe that doesn't make sense, but I don't know. It's hard to explain.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Either way, you're older than me. I'm still rolling me I'm just not little think of it that way yeah well yeah you're older than me so I guess true that's true if you have any questions or and you deserve all the answers it's just think figuring out how to explain it really. I think out of all of us, I think my answers will come in time. I think that as my power's growing and as we help Siaska, I think that she's going to have a lot of the answers to my questions. Okay. Well, as long as you're being made as comfortable as you can be here so that you can focus on these things, guide us in the right directions, that's the best we can
Starting point is 00:09:13 do, I think. I hope. Yes, well... And she just sort of nods. She looks over in Max's direction, then looks back at you, Quill, and sort of again whispers under a breath like, I'm worried about him. He's not eating. He's... I don't know how to help him. He treats me too differently to everyone else. I mean,
Starting point is 00:09:39 we've tried getting him on side, we've tried speaking. I don't know... I don't know what I can do We've tried getting him onside, we've tried speaking... I don't know... I don't know what I can do to help him. I don't know what we can do. I don't want to put the responsibility on your shoulders. I don't either. He's...
Starting point is 00:09:59 With me, he's like... He acts so subservient. If I tell him to eat, he'll eat. I don't want to have to constantly be telling him just to do these basic things. It's like he's just given up on himself. He's just trying to be a tool now. That's all he wants to be. Ah. Still, think about it if you can. I will. Century? Yes? Would you like a coffee? Would you like anything? I would love one. Laundry? Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:43 No laundry needed. Just, you're okay, right? Yes. I'm quite alright. Yes. Goddamn. Unmoving faceplate. That was convincing. Very convincing. No convincing needed. I don't know what you mean by that. So coffee? Yes? Anyone else? I'm so glad you're to make you feel better if we all had coffee right now. Yes. Okay, we'll all have coffee. Yep. Incredible. Yes. Lovely. Okay, I'll get on that. Starts making coffee, making a lot of
Starting point is 00:11:20 noise. Just take the coffee. Yeah. Okay, just take the coffee yeah just take the coffee I mean does Lucius ever make an appearance or is this like he'll come out eventually he's not gonna eventually I guess that it's like an hour what are also late I'm gonna take that time discard the character he's never coming out of his room now I'm done I'm done for the day. Await me when we get to City of Glass.
Starting point is 00:11:47 He won't necessarily... He understands the party and that he's going to worry them too much if he stays in bed for too long. So he'll keep up appearances and come out looking fine, looking fresh. Makes sense. Doing his best.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Yeah. At some point in the morning...'m sorry if she overhears them talking about max not eating she might just grab a bit of food go over to him and just hold it out just stare him just kind of looks up his bags under his eyes he looks a bit tired he's just like I'm fine thank you.
Starting point is 00:12:27 How are you gonna protect her if you can't protect yourself? You gave me too weak. I'm not too weak. Eat. I have eaten what I need. I don't need you to tell me how to do my job. I want you to do your job well.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Because your job is looking after Vala and I care about her, so please eat something. He doesn't take the food but he doesn't object if you place it near him or next to him or anything like that. He just sort of continues looking in Vala's direction. And if you want to talk, Max, remember, not me. And then I'll walk away. Just sort of watches you go, casts an eye at you, raises an eyebrow like, is this some sort of trick? Is this some sort of game to make me talk to you? I won't play it. And then just goes back to being gloomy as he does.
Starting point is 00:13:28 At some point during the morning, Rain comes and finds you, kind of very smartly dressed, knocks on the door. Storm chases. Danica has requested your presence. She is going to make a speech to the city and then we're going to get things underway. Very well. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Okay. Come with me. She'd like you to be there. And Rain will kind of snap to military uniform press, breastplate on, and will lead you to that balcony that she was at before where she looks out onto horizon. And when you arrive and look down,
Starting point is 00:14:02 you can see the streets are filled like they are filled from tears all the way down people are out and you can see looking up you can see various uh mages are replicating like down into the streets they are conjuring illusions of danica that basically like um mirroring what she's doing and speaking. So they're conjuring these images, relaying it between each other to pass the message down, creating these platforms. When you arrive out onto the balcony,
Starting point is 00:14:34 Danica nods and smiles. Storm Chasers, I heard about some sort of conflict in the streets last night. I'm so sorry that you had to deal with that, but for a moment, I just need you to look as powerful and as strong as you can do. I need to speak with the people and let them know. Wait, you're not putting us in front of all of those people, are you? Yes. I need to see you standing beside me.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Oh, I didn't get laundry done. I only asked for coffee this morning. They won't be able to see you that detailed from up here. They just need to see your present. I cast enlarge. She looks up at Super Big Century, and she's like, excellent choice, Sentinel Prime. And she just smiles like, very good idea. Thank you. And she just gestures forward, and then she stands,
Starting point is 00:15:30 and she's wearing, like, much more regal wear this time. You've seen Danica kind of wearing more casual clothes when she comes to speak with you. Very dressing, like, very down, like, almost like in, like, sweater pants and stuff like that. Like, she kind of just hangs out in, like, a row, like, not like a dressing gown, but she just dresses very casually around you but here it's like full golden sort of collar mantle long flaming dress her dress has got the um same glamour weave that
Starting point is 00:15:55 lucius has but this one creates like rolling flames coming off of her shoulders and down her dress um her hair has been styled to be like long waves um and her eyes are actually you can see are glowing they're almost glowing red um and she moves up to the balcony and the whole city just begins to cheer for her as soon as she appears you become aware that this city loves danica they they look up to her immensely. And she looks down. Good people of Horizon, you have no doubt heard the proclamation by Calus Starbane. And by now, you know my stance on his offer of peace.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Champions of Aroes, have shown me proof that his beliefs are not just misguided, but will bring about a greater doom than can be imagined. When Calus was defeated and our city was set free into the winds, it was fear and desperation that drove the High elves mad and turned them against their people they had sworn to protect. They made deals with beings they did not understand and we paid the price in blood. I will not decide my future or yours because I am afraid or because I am desperate. yours because I am afraid or because I am desperate. Kallus thinks us a city to be conquered? Let him meet the same fate as those who have tried to conquer us before. We will not go quietly on currents or paths set for us.
Starting point is 00:17:41 We are horizon. We are the future. We are the dawn. We are the dusk. I will light a new future for us, and it begins today as we blaze a trail into the unknown with all the fury of a flame." Launch the Horizon engine and she steps back and this magical voice is projected amongst the city. All citizens, Horizon is preparing to activate Sky City engines. Proceed to civilian shelters or militia posts immediately. You begin to hear like a murmur and things like that around.
Starting point is 00:18:25 And then on this great platform that overlooks the city of Horizon, these golden discs set into the floor kind of spin open like irises. And these two great sort of control orbs emerge out. Danica places one hand into one, one hand into the other, and then she ignites like an inferno.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Magical flame just erupts from her and it begins channeling down into these columns. You begin to hear the rumbling of stone. When you look, the great docks that the airships are normally attached to begin to split apart with golden cogs and gears and these great kind of brass cylinders begin to emerge from either side of them hundreds of them along one side flame begins to erupt from them and for the first time horizon deviates from the course it's on and begins to push in a new direction. The citizens are just cheering. They're screaming.
Starting point is 00:19:30 They don't know what's going on. Guards are gesturing to them. Many of them are rushing and putting on militia uniforms and things like that as they begin to rush to posts in position. And Horizon is now on its way hell yeah oh my god oh you've got an airship that's cute yeah fantasyIII fantasies coming to life here. Oh yeah, big Balamb Garden energy. For anybody who's watching at home, big Macross energy as well is very much a big influence here.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Rain comes over. Whilst Danica is busy, I will be coordinating efforts. Our cartographers and Arakuka messengers believe it will take us about three days to reach Giselle based on some calculations. This is Horizon's first flight. We are not sure if it's going to go exactly as we planned. We have Magitek
Starting point is 00:20:38 engineers, we have enchanters working non-stop to monitor the Sky City engines. We estimate about three days until we arrive near Giselle. We will be sending out forward scouts with some of our airships, our smaller, lighter airships. Horizon is not quite as fast as some of the fastest vessels. We'll be using those to scout out the situation. Once we arrive, we will be able to let you know.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Until then, the city will remain on high alert. We will keep civilians in shelters. Militias will be trained to use all sorts of weapons. We have the turrets and city defenses prepared. But we would ask that you be a part of all of this, that you are on hand if we need you. But obviously you are still free to go about the city as you wish. Of course, happy to help wherever.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Yeah, I mean, we need to figure out, well, three days' time, give or take. We need to figure out what our actual plan of attack is. How do we get into the City of Glass? How do we get everything out? That's what I think that we need the scouts to analyse. We know that Giselle, the Senzian Commonwealth, the current ruling power of Giselle, they are infamous for their ship rights. They have many airships under their command.
Starting point is 00:21:52 We already believe that they are blockading their territory with these airships, but if they see the City of Glass as a tactical objective, they may send more to it. If they don't, we may be able to bring Horizon close enough to send you down in a transport skiff. You may be able to do whatever you need to do and then either evacuate the Guardians here or
Starting point is 00:22:14 go about however we need to. If you have any ideas, I'm welcome to hear them. Kelek. Oh, uh... Well, not just yet. Almost exactly what you just said was my idea. But yeah, we just need more information
Starting point is 00:22:30 from the Forward Scouts. Well, as an Oracle of Hesper, if you can lend us any magical aid in this, it would be appreciated. The sooner we know, the sooner we can prepare. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Anyone else? Anyone plans for the next three days? Yes. One thing that we probably need for two of us is some anti-scrying magic or anti-detection magic. And I'm looking at Lucius we've begun making preparations to have your quarters warded
Starting point is 00:23:12 but this does take some time in terms of individual protections there may be some independent traders in the city that may sell scrolls or things like that of spells that protect you but I'm afraid in terms of the city's resources we can ward your
Starting point is 00:23:27 quarters, but I'm afraid anything else is a little beyond us. Well, it's a start. Try in with some of the independent merchants. That's all I can offer you at this time. The Dale Gild Company have many stores here. There may be independent scribes and things like that or individuals. I know that there are magical relics that can
Starting point is 00:23:49 protect individuals from scrying and the like or mind reading, but also there are spells, perhaps stocking up on scrolls that can be cast or if Kelek can prepare them or perhaps any of you who have magical knowledge, you may be able to learn these spells. I don't know. Thank you for your suggestions. Yes, of course. Is there anything else that I can help with, or any queries or questions that you have?
Starting point is 00:24:18 Just keep an eye out for guardians on ship. Yes, I've looked into it. I was up most of the night. The only thing we can, the only thing we suspect is, do you know if any of these guardians that attacked you, did any of them show any ability
Starting point is 00:24:34 to cast spells? Do you know? I believe... Aayla's too dumb to know. She just knows things hurt. I believe not. I believe their magic is innate, so I don't think they can cast spells particularly.
Starting point is 00:24:53 That puts out my theory. We've not had reports of guardians. I've gone through the logs of all of the docks. There is no report of guardians entering the city, only leaving it under this apparent message to head to the City of Glass. They all left several weeks before the summit, or weeks before the summit. The only theory I had was that perhaps they used magic to disguise themselves to enter the city, but if that's not the case, then either.
Starting point is 00:25:27 not the case then either. The only other thing I can think of is if a small airship were to avoid detection and reach the under part of the city and these guardians were brave enough, they could have climbed up through the rock face, but a single mistake would have sent them plummeting to the earth, to the ground. So it's the only thing I can think of. There are waste ports and things like that where we dump the city's waste as it accumulates in our sewer system and things like that. They seem like they're willing to try anything. That could make sense. Well, I've dispatched guards to patrol the ports and the sewer systems and things like that to make sure that we do not have any more unwelcome guests. I've also made sure that our dock workers have at least one person on shift who can see through magical
Starting point is 00:26:21 disguises and invisibility and the like. Normally we only check for invisible creatures but for magical disguises I will make sure that we have somebody checking for those as well. It's not very common so we weren't checking it up until now. I can help provide an aerial patrol if you'd need it. Anything you can do to assist at this point, any help that any of you can offer, whether helping our training, our troops, whether it's patrolling, whether it's magical in nature, whatever it is, it would all be appreciated. Do some training with them. It would be very welcome. Perhaps, Miss Ayla, I will find some of our more reckless troops for you to train.
Starting point is 00:27:08 I feel that I would prefer to have most of the guards still very disciplined in combat. But there are a few individuals that perhaps a strike force could be put aside. Hey, it works for me. It does. You are unnaturally strong and tough, however. But I will find some of potential recruits to send your way. Very well. Well, if there's nothing else, my friends,
Starting point is 00:27:36 I will leave you to it. Okay. Yeah, I think discuss plans figure out where we need to be and when alright I'll hand this over to you then just as a
Starting point is 00:27:54 little point of housekeeping during that last long rest I'm actually going to swap out my messenger ring for that helm of teleportation that we picked up from the Zarkira simulacrum. Okay. So, bye-bye messenger ring.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Super cool Zarkira headband. Is it literally just like a helm of teleportation? It is a helm of teleportation, yeah. It's just it's a cool circlet of teleportation instead, not a goofy looking helmet like the D&D art is. So this means only Century, Lucius and Ayla have messenger rings at this point. I guess the question is, do you guys want to lose those? And because Nova has a bunch of other magic items, you might have some magic items that you've been avoiding attuning to.
Starting point is 00:28:42 If you're going to what if two of you are out of the messenger rings, it might be only really beneficial for maybe like lucius and like npcs to have them or like you know if you wanted to like you know only have a couple of you using them or i don't know have a think have a think yeah i've got a ring of evasion and a ring of free action as well that can go to someone yeah feel free to just look those up um if you want the stats like the basics is ring of free action is you can't be paralyzed you can't be restrained um difficult terrain doesn't slow you down i think it's pretty good um might be very good for century or ala because it means you can't be paralyzed and that's like a big weakness for melee characters ring of evasion yeah quite might be quite good forolutious. Anything, it's basically a
Starting point is 00:29:25 the Ring of Evasion is three charges. When you make a dexterity saving throw you can spend a charge to basically have the benefits of the evasion ability. So if you succeed the save you take no damage. If you fail the save, you take half damage. And that's three charges, regains
Starting point is 00:29:42 charges daily, I believe. Oh, I'm going to keep my messenger ring for now. Okay. Cool, cool, cool. All right. Anyone for anything else? No, I haven't even got my messenger ring. What was the other one?
Starting point is 00:30:02 The free action. I did have that before. The... What was the other one? Free of free action. I did have that before. It was pretty good for me, to be honest. Okay, I've taken it off my inventory, so if you want to put it on yours. Sweet. Cool, cool, cool. Okay, so... Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet. Plan.
Starting point is 00:30:22 We need a plan. We need to figure out how we fly this entire city over... Well, it is doing it anyway, but once we get to Gisela, they're going to see a giant sky city heading their way, potentially towards their barricade of airships. If I were them, I'd call that a declaration of war. If I were them. How do we deal with that how do we get through the barricade if there is one and how do we get into the city of glass i wonder if we can do similar to what we did on the twin um the twin star when we came back um do you remember when we basically made it invisible
Starting point is 00:31:06 Danica is a very powerful Magic caster so maybe we could build a bigger system mark Get away with it for an astral ship once yeah You know Let a girl dream! Let a girl dream! Nova lives in, you know, she dreams big. You can try anything. That's the beauty of this game. You can try anything. We have three days and twin star. City.
Starting point is 00:31:35 It took a lot of our power to get that twin star to be invisible. So I'm gonna pin that one. I'll put a pin in that one. Just hold that to the side for a little while. What's your idea, Quill? What's your idea? I don't know. Maybe we'll just turn all of Eroa's invisible. Starbane can't invade that, can he? Ah, invisible planet. Can't invade the invisible planet. Excellent plan. I mean, technically, technically it was invisible until we screwed that up. It was invisible for a little bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:12 What if we use the city as a distraction? What if Horizon itself averts Giselle's gaze and then we sneak in? There's a lot of people up here that i don't want to die though i mean that's the thing we want us to be the target not a lot of people in these houses so if we're gonna make the city a distraction then we have to make sure that the people on the city can definitely defend it without us. But what if it's more of a long, drawn-out diplomacy distraction? So it's a kind of hovering-looking threatening, but we do diplomacy while we sneak in.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Giselle, I've come to bargain. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. I mean, would Giselle have the military strength to be able to, A, control its entire border, and B, potentially stop an incoming city that's looking threatening in the distance? Maybe if Horizon is nearby, but not directly at the City of Glass,
Starting point is 00:33:21 that would avert a lot of the airships and troops to that area, just in case the Horizon does march forward. It won't, we know that, obviously, but it would take them away, potentially, from the City of Glass. That does give us an opening. I think it's up. You're just going to keep on muted for that one? You just gonna keep on muted for that one? I like to think that that's just Valor in the background just crunching. Just yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:53 It was too funny. I had to do it. Our best plan of attack I believe. Distraction method utilizing Horizon in the best way we know how. It's what it's capable of, it's what it's built for. And we go in and try and save as many as we can. Though we need a method of getting them out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:21 There's only so many I can... There's only so many I can transport with the Wayfinder's Guide. We could utilise our Storm Chaser to get some more. We would have to convene with Gustaven to get it back and catch up. That could cost us some time.
Starting point is 00:34:40 As a reminder, the Storm Chaser is heading to Horizon. It's not staying in Gustav. Oh, okay, cool. No, it's moved. Yeah, it's going to the wrong place. Like, hey, you know how we said we were in the city? We moved it.
Starting point is 00:34:54 No, he messaged them to say what the plan was to go to the City of Glass, because Thalia is also coming back with the storm chaser. Cool. Okay. We texted her. In which case... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:05 That is the plan that Lucius puts forward. It's like we could use the Storm Chaser to get more on board and get them to Horizon. Yeah, that could work. And use it to get ahead of Horizon and covertly enter the City of Glass. Okay. That's evacuation plans, moving them all to Horizon, I suppose.
Starting point is 00:35:32 What about the Lord Veracitor problem? Probably headed that way, almost definitely. How do we deal with that when that comes up either we intercept with our airship on theirs there's no doubt that's where they're heading for right now they could already be ahead of us by a day or two we don't know that could have been a distraction, in fact, on Horizon. So... Didn't the Dominators say, though,
Starting point is 00:36:16 when they first spoke to Century, that they wanted to take her somewhere? Did I make that up? Did I hit my head? Have you created lore? They wanted the Prime Matrix. Yeah, they wanted the Matrix. The false Prime Matrix, according to them. No, no, no, you're just the false Prime.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Prime Matrix is legit, but you're false. You're the problem. Damn. Wrong housing unit. Yeah. Wrong battery and wrong device. I got the eye two more times. So I can find out...
Starting point is 00:37:03 I mean, it makes more sense to use it in three days I imagine to find out exactly where it feels weird calling him Breeze you're right Nova but Lord Veracitor please yeah no I'm not giving him that title
Starting point is 00:37:20 you could just call him Veracitor Big V sure Big V. Sure. Big V. Shithead. I think that works better. Suit some more.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Yeah. Find out exactly where Shithead is in three days. They finally took my name suggestions. Yes. I was going to say, you've called so many people Shithead in our adventures so far, it might be a bit confusing as to which one this is. Shithead, McGee, shithead. It doesn't really matter though, isn't it? They're all shits.
Starting point is 00:37:55 I guess it's the current one, yeah. It's always the current one, you know? See, I'm not thinking about the other shitheads right now, I'm thinking about that particular shithead. Alright, okay, well in that case, the other shitheads right now. I'm thinking about that particular shithead. All right, okay. Well, in that case, the current most recent and most pressing shithead, I can find out where he is in three days. Excellent.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Maybe even find out if moving the city elsewhere will free up the City of Glass for us. It's worth a try. But where are we putting Horizon? I guess actually we don't really know much about Gisela beyond the City of Glass and then the rest of it. The rest of it, you did, there's the capital, well, not the capital, but one of its major trading cities trading cities imixen you actually went there in session zero is where you went oh it's
Starting point is 00:38:50 a port town oh my god really secrets yeah we definitely went there but yeah only to city oh have we been to a mixan again yeah i'm sure i think you did visit it briefly but it was like we went there and bought a supply run again it was a shopping episode supply run yep yeah it's um to sell is is heavily mountainous so the the big bulk of the the scent the continent is a huge mountain range that just covers basically the center of the entire continent. The Zenzensian Commonwealth is built into mountain cities that just are connected by roads dug through the mountains themselves. And they all have airship towers. They all have shipyards.
Starting point is 00:39:38 That's what they do is they build airships and they trade via airships and things like that. They also have lots of metal and gold and gems because of this mountain range that they they have um primarily goliaths humans and dwarves um in the sansian commonwealth is the chief makeup of the races there lots of goliaths very strong warriors, very good builders. The Goliath shipbuilders are known for making very resilient ships. That's kind of their whole thing is they're very tough. Okay, we're figuring out a place to put the city so everyone can see it. Everyone in Giselle can see it and just be like, oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:40:22 What's that doing there? I mean, you bring it to like the main coast and start heading it towards be like, oh, fuck. What's that doing there? You bring it to the main coast and start heading it towards places like Imixan, people will know it's there. You'll see it. They'll be able to look up and be like, what the fuck is that? Yeah. Also, do we have an idea of
Starting point is 00:40:37 how long it will take our ship to get, say, if we said, here's a point where we're going to be in like a day, and you get there, then we can dock in Horizon while it's moving, we can get onto it. Yeah, in theory, you could try and have the,
Starting point is 00:40:55 you think that the storm chaser, if it leaves Gusthaven, it should be able to meet with you in about two days. So like a day before you're supposed to arrive and just sell it. Could in theory, like Quill would know this being a messenger and knowing the maps and the wind charts and things like that and be like well if gust haven was here and we're here that's you know rough mental calculation it would take around two days if the weather is fair if it's bad weather then it means that the storm chaser might be delayed. Okay. That's what we chase.
Starting point is 00:41:28 That's what it's for. So I think that could be the plan. Storm chaser docks with us before we get to Giselle. We, before we get to Giselle leave so that we can split off horizon, then gets all spooky off in the coast and has been like in the distance. Everyone gets all freaked out in Giselle, move all their troops. We then nip into the City of Glass, save the world, kill Verasitor, and that's my plan, basically.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Imagine all of that, but I said it in character. That's my plan. The whole invisible Aroas thing, that was a joke. How does that sound? Yeah. Good plan as any quill. At least until the scouts come back with any information. Maybe then we can just double check that it still checks out with that.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Yeah, absolutely. Okay. We'll adapt. If there's anything you want to do you know things you want to try and buy or things you want to do there are two things that that do there are a couple of things that happen that you probably don't want to happen oh in fact actually because of the storm chase if you do want to meet them I'm gonna roll to see their weather conditions whether the weather is fairer okay all right well i'm going to look that up in a minute um there's a couple of things uh in the
Starting point is 00:42:57 two days leading up to this point where this kind of break point we'll call it like where you're going to have storm chaser arrive and then you're gonna decide your plans when the scout ships can tell You what's going on? Nova your parents who are still on horizon and under sort of like semi not quite house arrest, but the kind of under protected watch Want to have a big dinner and they're like you're gonna come and have dinner and you should bring your friends At some point ship them off to Gustave you ship You shipped them to Gusthaven. You did. I forgot about that. To live with the prince. That's right, Grave. So I'd really like that, but wrong city. Now I'm hungry.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Wrong city. They're living it up with Prince Aradan. You're correct. I had forgotten that moment. In that case, that's fine. We scratch that off. They're safe in Gusthaven. Don't have to worry about them. I can take them off my casualties random table. That's exactly why. Thank you. Arvel, who is still in Horizon, basically is like the guards or like probably Rain will find you at some point on like the first day and be like, Stormtrapes, I have a Mr. Arvel Dagus.
Starting point is 00:44:07 first day um and be like um some shapes i have a mr arval dagus he has left the civilian shelters and has demanded to come and speak with you um he says that he he was waiting to hear back on some mission you were going on um oh let him in yeah we didn't tell him all right well we will bring him up and then you can confirm it's who you believe it is. We want to make sure that there are no more surprises. He's not in any sort of magical disguise, we don't believe him to be affected by any spells, but let's just confirm that he is the individual that you believe him to be. Rain brings up Arvel, it is Arvel, who is very sort of like, get your hands off me, and he's like shrugging off the guards like, I'm here to speak to the storm chasers.
Starting point is 00:44:49 And then, yeah, when he sees you, he's like, well, my goodness, there you are. What's been going on? Where have you been? What's happened? I'm trying to remember. A lot. In what break did we last see you?
Starting point is 00:45:09 Was it before we went to Gusthaven again? Was it before we went just roaming around? I can't remember. It was before you went to rescue Vala. That's the one. She's fine. She's good. She's here.
Starting point is 00:45:23 We're fine. The sister's like, get out of my way. It's just like something got out of its way. There was another situation that we had to tackle, which is why we haven't spoken to you. But Aayla, I don't care about that. You're very busy heroes being champions of a row. It's not that. Where is Valla. I want to see her Where is she? Okay Max don't go running in there
Starting point is 00:46:02 Who are you put that sword down boy, I'm trouble with you. I'm Marvel Dacus What are you doing? You just he's like for goodness sake and then there's just like that. It can't be Are you look you look I oh it's good to see you girl And you hear like the sounds of you know, little quiet dwarven sobs and things like that coming from inside When you peek round he's just because Valor's taller than him now You know the side effect of like having you know this kind of magic slowly changing her She's now taller than Arvel
Starting point is 00:46:41 But Arvel is just sort of like got her in a sort of big, big hug and just sort of like thing. Max is looking very perplexed. He's still like he's holding the sword to Arvel's neck, but he's just like so confounded. But this dwarf does not give a shit. Like Arvel's just walked in with a blade at his throat and he's just like, oh, look at you. Is this some sort of magic or or or am i just am i going crazy i don't remember you being this big and she's just like no it's some it's magic it's magic max put the sword down he's trust me i know who he is just takes it away
Starting point is 00:47:29 just takes it away everyone's here everyone's here I think well this is going on I think consent read like whisper to one of the horizon guards and then ask for an escort and go go go see petal sure the gods say like sentinel prime you don't need an escort from us if you want to go anywhere if you'd like us to go and bring someone here we're happy to do that but if you would like to go anywhere in the city you you're allowed you're welcome to you're champion of horizon champion of Eros. Okay I was just wasn't sure of the rules okay thank thank you and then yeah I'll quietly just go find Peril.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Is there anything you guys want to do with Arvel and Valor? Like, are you just going to let them sort of reconnect and do their own thing? The imagery for Lucius is he's just going to stand there, hands clasped in front of him, and just tearing up and enjoying it from the sidelines, I think.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Just letting them have their moment and their little mate lovely yeah just watching it all happen uh yeah um within like a few moments arvel is like pouring over the paperwork uh and he's basically saying like oh you need a copy of uh there was this famous wizard i once knew and he's got written by a plumbus yeah we'll go find his he's got a bunch of books on gods and he's like he's like drafting up like oh and you need uh this parchment's no good this will this stuff will tear to pieces we'll get you the good stuff and he's like writing like a list of like stuff to go and buy and better supplies like oh this ink's crap throws it away i'll get you the good stuff and he's like coming up with like a list i was buying yeah you're not you're not valor you don't get you don't get special you know you don't get dad vibe um he's like well if you want some nova i will buy you
Starting point is 00:49:16 good ink if you need it too you never asked my dad gave me my dad gave me that. You're just throwing it on the floor now. It's crap. It's garbage. Bad ink. Get you the good stuff. Wow. I'm going to get you the finest inks, the finest parchments. Out in the astral sea. Wow. We, we, hi
Starting point is 00:49:39 Lucius. Hi, how are you doing, by the way? Oh, fine. So, what we should do is get you some new ink and also look for something in the market to stop us being scryed upon. How about we do that? Yeah. I was thinking that would be a good idea.
Starting point is 00:49:55 All right, we'll leave them to it. That's very smart, I do. Okay, nice. All right, you guys leave that to it. Century, yeah, you... Going back to Petal's shop, it is closed. All of the civilians have been taken into secured shelters, which are actually underground.
Starting point is 00:50:10 So they're kind of like places to go if a battle broke out in Horizon. So heavily guarded, quite thick walls and things like that. People have little curtains spread out like freestanding little dividers, bedrolls on the floor and things like that. And yeah, Petal, because she's a citizen of Horizon, has gone where she's been told to go, which is into these places. And you find her helping coordinate things. She's stacking supplies and she's cataloging a bunch of medicinal herbs
Starting point is 00:50:39 and things like that, naming off all these plants and things like that. And she turns around and sees you and is just like, Oh, Sentry, I'm so sorry. I didn't have time to let you know. When Danica called for the order for citizens to take refuge, I didn't have a way of letting you know what was going on. Oh, no, no, that's okay.
Starting point is 00:50:56 That's okay. I'm sorry I haven't had time to see you recently. We've been getting caught up in so much. You've been doing what you're supposed to do century you're protecting everyone of course you don't need to apologize is there is something wrong do you do you need something or no where where are you staying around here is there is there a place i'm staying here here yes shares it. It's basically my little street. You're designated one of these chambers and we're all sort of in here together.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Quite a few of us have little herbalist shops and florists and things like that, so we're trying to make sure that we've got a good supply of healing herbs and things like that, food and things that can be used. Trying to make sure we're useful, really. Well, let me help.
Starting point is 00:51:46 I'll help you. Of course. Yes, of course. I'd love that. And she just sort of like takes your arm and leads you over and yeah, basically just goes about fussing. It's just, you know, it's busy work. It's like they're trying to keep themselves distracted and busy
Starting point is 00:51:59 by doing useful things like stocking stuff and making sure everyone's got supplies. And maybe I think Petal might have a couple of little constructs that she's working on, things like that to do bits and pieces with. But yeah, it's just nice. It's just nice, pleasurable, little busy work, really. Tell me everything. Talk to me about everything.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Tell me stories. Tell me everything that you've been up to, your favorite to go where you like to eat every just everything tell me everything npc is going to make an insight check nope doesn't have a clue yeah she does she just tells you everything and just is like oh okay yeah sure just talks to you about uh everything as if nothing's wrong um and just tells you all about things. And it's all sort of like just normal people stuff, not even royalty stuff. It's like a little shopkeeper in a busy city, you know?
Starting point is 00:52:54 It's very different to the life that she would have led had things gone differently, you know? She's normal, really. Yeah. Accenture will quietly help and listen to everything she's saying and take everything in i i do think that petal will be like oh century you must come and meet the most wonderful person i've met they they're so they just they love plants and flowers and things and like leads you over and there's this centaur like oh my goodness it's century and then rosemary and peto peto would absolutely be
Starting point is 00:53:28 fucking friends like they would be like absolutely like super happy uh hippie friends together um quill uh well no nova and lucius i don't have like ever like plans for like shops and stuff in horizon fully yet in terms of trying to find anti-scrying things um there is the main thing you can really find are scrolls of non-detection there's no like rings or magic items really that will protect you from it um but you can for all but there are also things like rings of spell storing so not like a you could have somebody cast non-detection in it and then you could cast it from it. But if you can do that, why not just have them cast it on you?
Starting point is 00:54:10 But you can definitely buy... There's probably, if you look around all these different shops, there's probably about five scrolls of non-detection. They cost about 200 gold each. How long would they last? They last eight hours each, but one person. Hours, yeah. How, um...
Starting point is 00:54:29 Is it a ritual? That is just what I was going to look up, because I know you can do that. Yeah, I was wondering if I can learn it through my book of shadows. It is not a ritual spell, I'm afraid to say. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Boop! Boop! Boop. However, oh, no, it's only knowledge domain clerics can learn it. Not arcana domain clerics. But yeah. So yeah, you can find these scrolls, which will protect you for some time.
Starting point is 00:55:04 I mean, yeah yeah it's better than the other thing actually it wouldn't be another magic item it'd be another spell it'd be another scroll um but Nova would know this um any spell where you you would know how scrying works scrying can observe you in sort of like a 10-foot sphere it can hear you it can see you but sort of like a 10 foot sphere. It can hear you. It can see you, but there are other spells that can create demi planes or sections of a room that can't be scribed upon. So obviously if you have your barracks warded, they would be protected.
Starting point is 00:55:37 You won't be able to be scribed in there, but if you were out and about and you needed to have a private conversation, you've got spells like Leomund's Tiny Hut. Can't be scryed upon while you're in it. Mordenkainen's Mansion. Anywhere where you're not in the Material Plane, you could use that to escape being scryed upon. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Are any of those rituals? Probably not. Oh, Leomund's Tiny Hut might be yeah yeah tiny hut but the only problem is is obviously that is like a thing that doesn't move so once it's in place but it would be like a we need to have a conversation let's step inside here and then we can do that yeah i'm also just checking if it actually does work the same way i would argue that it can't do yeah other creatures and objects are barred from passing through its spells and other magical effects can't extend through the dome or be cast through it so yes it would protect you from it and that is a ritual
Starting point is 00:56:36 it's a third level ritual tiny hut um if you search that up it just needs a small crystal bead as well so not too yeah well that if you learn it as a ritual, you wouldn't necessarily need that. Tiangong can replicate that. Okay. Well, that's probably a good idea to learn in my little ritual book. Yes, the other one is if you have the ability to see invisible things, you would know if the sensor is nearby. So I do, but only through the rod of alertness and only
Starting point is 00:57:06 one that's like see invisibility at will I mean you can cast see invisibility at will you can constantly just be lasting it I can see invisibility yeah yeah every hour I could yeah okay I I guess if we work out a combination of learning Lehman's tiny hut for me and Just casting see invisibility invisible flow a lot and then maybe Yeah, eight hours you just know that that person can't be scryed upon. It's kind of a good protector, especially for you and Lucius, who you know have this much easier connection to be scryed upon. That doesn't mean that Calus, he could still scry on Quill, Aayla, or Sentry. It would be a harder, you know, they would have a greater chance
Starting point is 00:57:59 at knowing that it's happening and it not working. But with you two, it's happening and it not working um but with youtube it's definitely at least getting two of them for this mission to city of glass knowing that we can roam freely knowing that we are non-detectable um yeah well they're 200 gold each so five of them would be a thousand and then the tiny hut is 200 gold, so you could easily do that. 200 gold, yeah. I've got 23 platinum, so... That's 230. 23 platinum is 230 gold. I'll just take 1,200 out of the stash.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Yeah, didn't we have like a million gold in here? You've got a lot. You've got like 19,000 gold. Cool. That's fine then. All right got like 19,000 gold. Cool. That's fine then. Alright, there you go. So I'll add Leonard's Tiny Hut to my ritual list. Lucius, if you want to take...
Starting point is 00:58:56 Do you want to take both of the scrolls? I can do. So as a note, Quill will have to cast the spell for it to not be a check. So you'll just need to have Quill cast it. Okay, well if Quill takes the scrolls then... So five scrolls of non-detection to Quill.
Starting point is 00:59:13 There you go. And then yeah. And we'll assume Nova will basically, until you're in like a combat scenario or until there's like a rush for things going on, I'll just assume you have c invisibility on basically yeah yeah easy yeah yeah i think just in terms of rp i'd love to like maybe maybe just like connect it to the goggles so like the you know i somehow attuned like the rod with the goggles and then i'm just like putting it on i'm like looking around nothing yeah okay we good sure sounds good cool cool cool um the first incident of that by the way is on the second day um it's nothing it's not like a particular scenario uh yeah like a sensor begins following lucius lucius oh oh oh luci, oh, Lucius, Lucius, get in the barracks now.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Get in the barracks. Get in the barracks now. Now. Now. Okay, yep, and Lucius runs up, and as soon as he enters the barracks, the sensor disappears. There was a thing on you.
Starting point is 01:00:18 There was a thing, the thing. They're looking. They're looking at you. Ah, nowhere safe. I'll stay in here for now we're safe in here for now we're good here for now we saw it I saw it
Starting point is 01:00:30 it's working at least we know it's working true you're right that is on the second day so if there's anything else on the first day you want to do, do say. But yeah, until the second day, basically, you get that sensor. It doesn't crop up again. Once you...
Starting point is 01:00:52 In fact, after that time, there's never a sensor ever again. As soon as Nova's like, oh, sensor, go, go now, you don't get another scrying attempt. Another sensor doesn't seem to appear um because they would see they would be able to see that you were like being spied on and they'd be like well it's just whether yeah yeah and and so yeah exactly yeah and and you know they're going to constantly keep trying to do it. But for the next couple of days, you're safe. Quill. You receive a sending spell from your mother.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Oh, crap. I keep forgetting to message. Oh, you in trouble. You in trouble, boy. Tealek. Long time, no message have heard from your ship encountered bad weather will be delayed messenger guild passing on the message your mother goodbye it's very terse very terse message mother been busy you're embarrassing me try to get here as soon as you can love you sorry again we'll be better let's guys sure um she doesn't know what close guys means but uh yeah uh cool god damn it with all of that
Starting point is 01:02:42 is there anything you guys want to do I'm done my little list of stuff is out so the only thing I wanted to say was yeah in terms of my spell list I think yeah I think you were looking at a spell that I can't learn but I do have a temple of the gods
Starting point is 01:03:00 which takes an hour to cast lasts for 24 hours I basically just make a temple and also it restricts a particular type of creature from entering it and also no divination spells can appear inside the temple but it does is like a fixed place so doesn't really help with being followed around and stuff well I just threw that one out there i mean it you could literally go down into like an open plaza in horizon and be like
Starting point is 01:03:32 temple of hespa emerge it is time to worship now i am constructing this right here. But yeah, maybe I could literally just have a temple just appear on the Storm Chaser. Like, yep, that's where my new temple of Hesper is. And also restricts just a ton of stuff. Could be useful. Could be. I love this spell. That's an amazing spell.
Starting point is 01:04:02 Holy crap. It's pretty cool. Pretty cool. And also, it doesn't cost a lot. Sure. So yeah, just an hour of my time. All right. Any other sendings? Any other scryings? Any other business?
Starting point is 01:04:17 If not, we'll jump to basically beginning of day three. You said the Storm Chaser is delayed, right? I said the message to Quill. It was from his mother. Oh, okay. So, don't. Oh, I mean, yeah. I tell everyone they're delayed.
Starting point is 01:04:33 They ain't going to be here. That does actually kind of ruin the entire plan. Well, at the beginning of day three, Rain comes to find you. Stormchasers, we have sent out some initial scouts ahead. They have just returned. We are maybe about 12 hours out of reaching the point where the City of Glass is located.
Starting point is 01:04:59 We should discuss what the scouts have found. This is quite a grave matter. A grave matter? What have they found? Come. Rain accompanies you to a war room, a council room. Danica is there, seemingly resting from preparing for this next movement of Horizon, as well as a few officers, people, military-looking people. One of them has projected an illusion onto the table which mimics a, and
Starting point is 01:05:28 you recognise it, a section of land that goes into a peninsula where you can see this ruined city of glass which you know is the city of glass this kind of sweeping thing that's been broken away. The forests that were outside the front of the city
Starting point is 01:05:44 of glass and this very narrow sort of path valley into it. And then the long stretches that lead up into the hills and mountains above it. Looking at it, there is a fleet of about 10 airships hovering over the City of Glass. There is battalions of ground forces marching and camped on the plains beneath the mountains, outside the forests and the entrance into the city. And you can see there is some sort of icon which indicates more forces at the very entrance of the city of glass. And there is sort of an illusory projection of battle like between the two forces when you arrive danica is like storm chasers glad that you're here we need to discuss this uh our scout ships returned this morning um they were fired upon by the sansian wealth common
Starting point is 01:06:41 by the sansian commonwealth uh airships but we did manage to get most of them back and they've given us out their reports. It seems that Her Royal Highness of the Commonwealth has dispatched a significant force to attack the City of Glass. I don't know if this is connected to your Guardian Sentinel Prime, whether this is something in the city they want or this is under the city of Gaars. However, it would appear that there is a rebel force, some Sansian Commonwealths, some appear to be guardians by my scout's reports, fighting back. Guerrilla tactics, they've erected barricades and obstacles which is making it very hard for the ground troops to get in. The airships are providing fire support, but it seems that the airships are not firing upon the city itself.
Starting point is 01:07:41 It seems that they are concerned about damage to the city. city itself. It seems that they are concerned about damage to the city. This means that they are providing fire support down to their ground troops, but it is limited in its regard. We need to decide what we want to do now. I was not expecting a full-on
Starting point is 01:07:55 engagement here. I thought that perhaps we may be able to send you ahead in a scout vessel, sneak you in, and then bring Horizon in for a quick pickup, but this changes things. Do you have any questions, Storm Chasers? How many airships did you say? We estimate about 10.
Starting point is 01:08:16 My scouts believe that there may be reinforcements on the way, but we have a window where this is the force we would be engaging. Horizon has weapons. we have arcane turrets and cannons built into the city walls and defenses, but we don't have any ability to board airships. We have no ability to engage our troops. Our troops are defensive. They're equipped for a defensive siege battle. We only have limited offensive capabilities. We do have a number of smaller airships we could deploy with some weaponry. But the Sansian Commonwealth
Starting point is 01:08:49 ships, they're equipped with arcane cannons, their crews and their soldiers on the ground seem to be equipped with weapons that my people have never seen before. I suspect these are Valkyrian weapons. What if we could teleport straight in to the city of and weapons. What if we
Starting point is 01:09:05 could teleport straight in to the City of Glass? That would certainly help you getting into the City of Glass itself. There are two things I fear for that. One, we wouldn't be able to come and get you. I don't know how we would get the guardians
Starting point is 01:09:22 there and ideally if these rebel forces are fighting against the commonwealth why see them as potential allies if possible i would like to rescue them but uh we would have no way of getting them back to horizon horizon will have to engage this force if we are to recover the guardians uh into the city uh otherwise we won't be able to get close enough even for a even a teleportation circle is limited in how many people you can fit through it. It would be difficult to do.
Starting point is 01:09:50 Quill, when did you say the storm chaser would be arriving on Horizon? Is that about today? Just FYI, like, if we had three days and I got that message, I would have communicated that one. Like, I just assumed that was communicated. Well, the storm chasers being delayed, you got on like the second day. So you've only had that news for like, you know, less than a few, like, you know, 10, 12 hours.
Starting point is 01:10:17 Yeah, they were to be here, well, by now. were to be here, well, by now. But I am going to be honest, I was a little bit more focused on how angry my mother was to listen to the entire message
Starting point is 01:10:36 and get how long until they are going to be there for. No. Wow. We need to... I feel we need to join them. No? Okay. Wow. We need to... I feel we need to join them, this rebel group of guardians. I think we need to engage while, like was suggested, this force, we understand the size of it, at least right now. Maybe Horizon can provide some aerial defenses?
Starting point is 01:11:03 Well, Rain,? Well, rain. Commander, rain, please. And she gestures to rain. Mr. El Anasto, there are some factors we need to consider here. From the scouts' reports and our own calculations, this force, this rebel force, we don't suspect they've been fighting long, perhaps a few days before we arrived here.
Starting point is 01:11:25 They won't last long. They're using delaying tactics. They're slowing down these ground forces to keep them away from the city of glass, but they won't be able to keep this up forever. A concentrated push by their ground forces will overwhelm them. On the other side, if Horizon is to engage these airships, I fear that 10 is more than we can handle. A choice needs to be made. You are the deciding factor in either of these battles. From what we've gathered, there are no, shall we call them, high-powered individuals in either battle. The airships are crewed by soldiers with unusual weaponry, yes, but they are normal soldiers. The airships are normal airships. The ground forces, they have some strange vehicles or carriages of Starbane's creation, but I've not seen any individuals that would pose an incredible threat. If you engage one,
Starting point is 01:12:21 the other is likely to come under threat. If you engage the airships, if you can help disable some of these airships, three, four of them, Horizon should be able to defend itself against the rest. That will however leave our ground forces, these rebels and the guardians, in greater danger of being overrun. If you engage the ground forces, well, Horizon will be in greater danger, but the ground forces are much more likely to survive. If you have any communication with anybody on the ground, this would be useful to know the exact nature of this Herald that Sentry wishes to reconvene with. None of my scouts
Starting point is 01:12:59 could report on... we gave them Herald's description and none of them saw her in the battle we don't know where herald may be are there no allies of arois in the vicinity that can get to us quickly not in the vicinity no that we are we are on the very tip of giselle's continent even our allies in in myrskir or voxar they are days. We need to make this decision within the next 24 hours. Otherwise, I fear that those ground forces, they won't survive. Okay. Diplomatically, this is forces of Giselle
Starting point is 01:13:39 fighting over territories of Giselle. The moment we intervene, won't this have repercussions across, well, everywhere else? Danica will look forward and say, My dear Kelek, these people have thrown, thrown in their side, they've thrown their flag to Calus. War's already been declared. It's just a matter of time. Whatever we do here, I don't think that it will have a greater effect on the rest of rest of eros we know that this battle is coming callous made his intentions very clear
Starting point is 01:14:13 just this will be the bit that lights the fuse so to speak um i imagine so but if there are people down there that need saving, guardians or these rebels that are fighting against Calus, this is where Horizon has to take a stand. Sentry? I could try to scry on a herald and see where they are. Any information you can provide, Vija would be welcome. Anything to build onto our reports. The greater understanding we have of this conflict, the better.
Starting point is 01:14:53 Whatever you wish to do, we'll need to decide how you get there as well. Do you own anything of Harold's? Did they leave anything with you? No, I don't. I mean, I'll just... Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:06 I'll just cast Sending and just speak to her. Go on, yeah. Yeah. Just asking basically where she is right now, what the situation is in Cityglass. In 25 words, with clear skies. When you get the response, Quill, there is
Starting point is 01:15:27 interference. Magical interference is messing with the message. You don't quite get the full message through. When you get back, there's something along the following. I don't know. Which one is my correct one? It's the broken walkie-talkie. There it is.
Starting point is 01:15:45 Battle. Turn desperate is. Battle. Turn desperate. Make decision. City. Believe. Matrix. Solution. Find.
Starting point is 01:15:58 Rook. Forgive me. Find Rook? Uh, okay. I mean, you remember that the City of Glass magic is kind of funky down there as well. Hmm. Yeah, I read that out, obviously,
Starting point is 01:16:20 as it's happening to everyone. Okay, well, okay. I mean, they're obviously embroiled in this combat as well. Um... So that wasn't a huge amount of information, but Herald is down there. Uh...
Starting point is 01:16:37 At least. Do you want to... Do Nova want to try scrying as well? Yeah, I'll try scry as well. Might as well see if I can see something. Harold unfortunately doesn't know who's scrying on her, so I do make the saving throw. So you'd be a minus five because you're familiar with the target, but you don't have an object.
Starting point is 01:16:58 So minus five to this. That's going to be a fail. So very much like Quill, the sending spell having this interference, your scrying is also distorted. It kind of shifts and glitches when you're looking through the goggles, Nova. It shifts and glitches. It's hard to exactly see clear.
Starting point is 01:17:13 It's like a fuzzy lens. The audio is all sort of garbled. You can see Herald. You know that she's in the City of Glass, not outside in the battle, but in the city, and is fighting something. You see her turn around, you see her using magic to fight, there's something, like some sort of explosion or spell goes off nearby,
Starting point is 01:17:36 she's thrown to the side, she bursts in through an old wooden doorway, takes cover in a refuge, she calls over some allies from another piece of cover and you see a so like maybe four or five other guardians one of which is massive and has this big flail on the end of a chain and just kind of burst through the stone wall and you just hear smash and then it just kind of looks around smash smashes through another wall, creating another exit out of this area. You see a much more lithe warforged,
Starting point is 01:18:09 kind of very slender, with these eight eyes all around its head, and it's kind of like looking around, and it's got a bow, and you can see it firing. One with a big kind of vice grip for a hand, and then a giant hammer in the other, kind of like looks around. They've got makeshift
Starting point is 01:18:25 armor and shields on almost like a little tactical team and they're moving their way through these ruins and herald seems to be trying to find something the the static and the interference the magical kind of chaotic nature gets more and more severe as the scry goes on and then eventually it just... She's in the city. She has guardian allies but they're under attack. I don't know if they're on retreat or if they're on the move. I can't tell. They're looking for something. But she's in the city. I don't know why.
Starting point is 01:19:03 Did you mention Rook, Ryquil? the city i don't know why rick will yeah mentioned rook but i don't really understand the significance unless i'm forgetting something about rook uh what makes him so i told her to go find him so maybe that's what i missed all this well i didn't i it must be pivotal I wanted to I wanted to bring tracker back that was all now I'm we need a plan we need to figure out what to do
Starting point is 01:19:48 we do I say we join the rebels we fight our way in there and we help if you join the ground battle horizon I believe that we can take these airships but we will suffer it will be a difficult battle but if you think the ground battle, Horizon, I believe that we can take these airships, but we will suffer.
Starting point is 01:20:05 It will be a difficult battle. But if you think that that is best, then you must do what you think is the best use of your skills and abilities. I leave this decision in your hands. You will also need to
Starting point is 01:20:22 decide on a way to get down to the ground. Danica, it probably is best if you discuss the limitations. Yes, I can move horizon, but I have limitations. I can't bring horizon down lower to the ground. I can position us maybe a few thousand feet above the city of glass or above the continent, but i have no way of getting us down to the city you could take a patrol skiff these are vulnerable to attack we also have sky sails you could try and use those to basically deploy them as soon as you are closer to the ground this will make it much harder for the enemy to attack you and would hopefully slow your descent enabling you to properly land and join the battle on the ground that seems like a good option
Starting point is 01:21:08 I could teleport us using this and I point to the circlet keep in mind Nova Vida I'm not sure if you're familiar with the teleport spell but there is a chance that you can go off course between you
Starting point is 01:21:24 and me that variation can be miles. We can also make our party fly. That would also be suitable. Yeah. Will can fly. I can fly. I don't need a cast. I can fly.
Starting point is 01:21:41 Oh. All right. I can fly. You can. I'm out. I can't fly just for the record well one of us can cast fly on you not a problem
Starting point is 01:21:50 yep that'll get us down there very well are you decided then you will join the ground battle and horizon will deal with the airships lucius just looks at sentry the ground battle and Horizon will deal with the airships. Lucius just looks at Sentry. I look at everybody else.
Starting point is 01:22:11 Nice. Uno reverse. Reverse card. What do we think? You have to understand that Kallus and potentially a threat of other guardians from Hadar are against these guardians on the ground.
Starting point is 01:22:27 If we don't get to them before both of those threats, then we've lost them. Miss Ayla, please, I am making no judgment on your decision. I just want you to be aware of the situation. I just want you to be aware that... Not at all, just... There are two forces. There's another one that could potentially
Starting point is 01:22:46 show up and I worry that without us they don't have much hope understandable I think you're right I think we need to quell this before innocent guardians succumb
Starting point is 01:23:01 to Hadar and thus create a bigger threat for Eros. Danica nods. Very well. We'll do our best to take out the cannons on these airships. I think if we can take out their cannons, target them specifically, maybe try and down some of their sails, that will force them to retreat. Ideally, I want to stop them being able to fire down.
Starting point is 01:23:24 Bombardments from their airships will be a real pain for you to deal with. If we can get the airship close enough and I can join the fight personally, I may be able to do something. I wish there was a way that we could pilot the ship without me needing to use all of my magic to do it. If we had some way of doing that, I might be able to do something. Afraid that piloting the city takes a considerable amount of my power, but we may still be able to do something. Vala, could someone else power the city? Like Vala?
Starting point is 01:23:58 Vala's very powerful. From what I know of your curious friend... Impossible. The city's engines aren't just built to take magic, keep in mind. This is not just a case of pouring magical energy. It is fire. It is raw fire to create propulsion, to create energy, to cause force to move. She would need to do something similar, create not just magic, but force.
Starting point is 01:24:30 If you think you're capable of doing something like that. It has not been tested, however. I just thought of the weird gravity kobold. That's sick. He's on Gustaven. He's having aessick. I don't think he's capable. He's on Gustaven. He's having a chill time.
Starting point is 01:24:48 I can pick anyone up. Zoop in, zoop out with my book. True. I think he'll be able to do it for some reason. Valor's more powerful and capable than even we know. It's worth investigating what she is capable of. Very well. We will send for her and see what we can do. But I would not...
Starting point is 01:25:11 This would be a gamble. Whether it works or not, I'm uncertain. Why don't we test something before we get there? My fear for that is if we disable the engines in this test, we won't even reach the City of Glass. It will take us hours to repair any damage. I fear it is almost better to go with our, even though it may be flawed or may have weaknesses, go as we currently intend. Once we arrive into the battle, if your friend is capable of keeping doing what is needed then so be it I will reserve some of my power the closer we get
Starting point is 01:25:52 all right all right well if you have your own methods of transport down to the ground I suggest you head to one of the docking platforms on the make you ready to make your descent this you will be entering a battle here this battle is already underway airships have clear firing lines down to the ground you may even take some fire on your way down so be prepared good luck storm chasers good luck down teach everyone how to fly real quick good luck everyone actually they're gonna be faster than me and with that you know in today's episode of high rolls D&D and get ready week
Starting point is 01:26:32 very young battle of the city of the glass yeah yeah it's time to halo jump to Halo Jump. Save those guardians. Get that gel layer. ADST. Yeah, basically ADST. Yeah. Sky City drop squad. Awesome. Cool. Fantastic. We're really good at dropping, right?
Starting point is 01:26:58 You're pretty good at falling. Century's great at falling. So good. I have got a feather fall token just in case I fall off. There we go. We'll be back then. Until then, take care. We love you. Play D&D. We'll see you next time. Bye everybody. Forehead.
Starting point is 01:27:13 Bye. you

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