High Rollers DnD - High Rollers: Aerois #124 | Wrath of the Sea God (Part 2)

Episode Date: September 16, 2021

Surrounded by open waters and a hefty bounty the team recover from the most gruelling fight yet! We're sponsored by D&D Beyond! The ultimate Dungeons and Dragons toolset. Clean up your dungeon delving... life and speed up your games here: http://bit.ly/HRDNDBeyond2021 Grab some High Rollers merch: https://freshmerch.fm/collections/high-rollers Support the High Rollers and get early access to podcast episodes (and more) on our Patreon: www.patreon.com/HighRollers Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pickaxe. seasonal favorites. You can look forward to new discounts throughout the aisles at Loblaws to get your essentials at great prices. It's your cue to stock up and save. Look for new value programs when you shop at Loblaws in-store and online. This is an ad by BetterHelp. What are your self-care non-negotiables? It's hard to make time for the things that keep you healthy, but being consistent with self-care is like working a muscle. And when life gets crazy, that muscle keeps you strong. Therapy is the ultimate self-care, and BetterHelp makes it easy to get started with affordable online sessions you can do from anywhere. Never skip therapy day with BetterHelp. Visit BetterHelp.com to learn more. That's BetterHelp.com. so to kind of like finish up the domain you do notice that as the wind as zephyr's essence is kind of blowing away it is trailing back towards this this purple tear that you can see uh on the
Starting point is 00:01:36 open ocean the shield around valor dissipates um you see the last few bits of the ship the last few torn up boards the broken mask kind of comes back together kind of almost restored back to a previous version of itself and vala lets go and you see her kind of like collapse to one knee a very injured looking max i'm assuming you know quill would give him at least one hit point i'm sure uh kind of like stumbles over to her and like you know puts his arm around her and stuff and she can see her just kind of like gasping for breath she looks exhausted like she's got like these deep bags under her eyes she looks like quite pale and like drained sweaty um but you see that the maelstrom itself this area that you've been in the way this battle has taken place is beginning to break down and you can see
Starting point is 00:02:20 that as sections of the blue sky they almost break like glass and they reveal a midnight blue night sky with stars and they just begin winking out of existence one after the other leaving this like black void Valor is just like she kind of looks like we need to
Starting point is 00:02:39 we must leave now the domain won't last with the last bit of Zephyr's essence escapes from this place. Are you strong enough to get us out of here now? Or do you need our help? I don't think I need to. And she kind of gestures. And the wind that Zephyr has become,
Starting point is 00:02:56 this kind of like divine essence or this primordial essence really, is pushing the boat. Like it's filling the sails and it's driving the boat towards this rift um i think she maybe realizes what you came here to do i don't think it's really possible for her to hold a grudge necessarily in that case i think we need to hold on if she's about to shoot us out of this thing on this boat you can you feel like the wind beginning to build and the sails kind of come full and yeah it's careening towards the rift as you look around yeah it's almost there is a sense of beauty to this watching this this
Starting point is 00:03:37 perfectly still blue ocean and then the sky just breaks like pieces of glass falling from a window kind of smashing against the sea but then the sea itself breaks and shatters as well and it all just leaves behind this kind of starry void and slowly begins winking out of light as it goes and yeah you make rapid speed towards the rift and unless there's anything you want to say or do, the boat will pass through the rift, through the anchor locus. I'm guessing all the stuff that dropped on the ship is also coming with the ship. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Seems to be. It doesn't appear to be disappearing. It seems to have formed into real treasure. And it's not just like gold coins. There are big gemstones. There are statues, like little busts, that have become embedded in the the in the you know deck of the ship um you can see pieces of jewelry uh you know the kind of plunder that you would expect
Starting point is 00:04:31 from a kind of you know like a sunken ship or something like that you know um but yeah and someone in an arcade game just very very purposely on the top of a big pile of gold there is this um chain shirt and it looks like the kind of armor Zephir was wearing. It looks like the, you know, she had this like white sailor's blouse, but it looks like the shirt she was wearing underneath that. And it's this kind of chain mail shirt with like a blue and white hue to the rings, and it radiates power.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Like you can feel magical energy coming off of this thing. Nice. I'll definitely do a scan on that later on the ship passes through the anchor locus you feel that kind of sensation of passing through between worlds and as the ship passes through the purple energy that valar had created around it dissipates and you emerge back into a fairly normal, there is a bit of choppiness to the water, but a fairly normal ocean in Erois. The storm chaser hovers overhead, waiting for your return. You emerge from the same point that you entered.
Starting point is 00:05:40 When you look back, there is just one last look as that maelstrom, divine the demiplane just breaks away and just leaves this tiny kind of you see it just for a moment through the thin rift as the rift is closing this kind of night sky that becomes a black void and then the rift shuts
Starting point is 00:05:58 Lucius would definitely turn around and give a very solemn formal elven bow in respect of Zephir. Yeah, the wind that was like carrying us through, do we get a sense of where it goes after we leave or
Starting point is 00:06:14 does it dissipate? Because it's wind but there is a kind of colouration to it, there is this silvery presence to it and Quill being a messenger, yeah you think it's heading towards the Starfall Archipelago, where you believe that the Halls of Infinite Resplendence are.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Okay. Awesome. I think as Lucius is giving his respects, I think Nova as well would just pick up a piece of gold from the deck and throw it towards the rift almost as like a final offering to the God of Adventure. Probably one single coin passes through the rift before it vanishes.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Awesome. In that case, if I can message or sending or whatever to Uriah or the people on the storm chaser, I'll say that, yeah, obviously we're back and we are okay and we've achieved what we were going in to achieve. And the boat is okay from the looks of it, aside from statues embedded in it and stuff like that. Sure.
Starting point is 00:07:17 As this is all happening, the last bits of the silvery kind of wind begin trailing away to the north. Ayla, you hear a voice you hear zafir's voice uh this very faint whisper of it as the wind passes over kind of blowing your hair forward as you're kind of stood on the ship the last bits of this air kind of blows all your red hair forwards kind of catching around you you almost feel the lightning up and down your arms kind of crackle and arc uh you not against your will but almost in reaction to it um and you do just hear these kind of last final words follow the storm north okay interesting yeah you i mean you always knew that Zephir was like
Starting point is 00:08:07 a conduit for these powers even though it came from a very different divine long ago it was passed through Zephir so there's definitely a connection there looking around I'll just say rest easy you've had plenty of adventures just I'll just say rest easy.
Starting point is 00:08:26 You've had plenty of adventures. Just respect for her. And then the wind seems to die down and it returns to a kind of calmer normal sea. You just see this very slight coloration to the wind driving away to the northeast from where you currently are
Starting point is 00:08:48 uh quill when you look around yeah the gold um if you spend some time it's about 20 000 gold worth of stuff here oh my god and that chain mail recovered that chain shirt is i mean the only other item i would say that feels like it has a similar kind of level of power is probably, I mean, the Spear of Oracles, the Wavefinder's Guide, the Starbreaker Lance. It's, you know, we're talking like very rare legendary. Yeah, kind of, yeah. Holy crap. Maybe not as quite as powerful as the spear of oracles but it's
Starting point is 00:09:25 it's definitely it's just you know up there with starbreaker and the wayfinder's guide for sure okay yeah i mean if uh you know
Starting point is 00:09:33 storm chaser comes down or whatever uh and we all gather yeah i'll put that into the chest and yeah well yeah oriole wants you
Starting point is 00:09:41 to sail the ship back oh yeah in the middle of the ocean. Yeah, I can always leave a couple of gemstones for the ones Lucius threw away into the ocean as well. Are you going to fix them to the ship
Starting point is 00:09:55 or are you just going to leave them behind? Just pretend they got nicked off in the fight and they landed on the deck. Sure, sure. She'll notice. And yeah, I'll identify this uh this this this armor as well yeah sure so the armor is let me just get my because i want to read out the stats to you um uh you can add it in a second when i tell you what it is this is called uh storm caller Chain. It is a...
Starting point is 00:10:25 This delicate shirt of mithril chainmail has a hint of blue and white to the metal rings, and those who wear it can feel a calm breeze on their skin. The armor occasionally sparks with power. A collar of finest leather embossed with symbols of waves is attached to the neck and cuffs, along with two strips of leather cord with brass caps, which have the symbol of the Titan Saphir etched on both.
Starting point is 00:10:48 This is plus two armor, but you are considered proficient with the armor, even if you don't have an armor proficiency. This is medium armor. It's a chain shirt. So anybody can wear this. You don't need armor proficiency to wear it. Lucius. So this actually should have it, right? In addition, this armor has these it has these other properties you can walk on water ice and clouds as if they were solid
Starting point is 00:11:12 ground if you choose to so you can just walk on water clouds ice as it's needed and you can cast the spell call lightning at eighth level once per day. Call Lightning. That's insane. That's really cool. What is Call Lightning real quick? Because I feel I'm just pretty powerful. Oh my god. Call Lightning is basically...
Starting point is 00:11:34 Go on, Katie, you know this one really well. I'm just saying, like, it's at higher levels, you add damage to it, so, like, level is... It lasts 10 minutes, and minutes and like as an action you can call down bolts of lightning to hit a five foot space basically um or actually all creatures within five foot that space yeah that's so cool it's 8d 10 damage jesus see and you can just call it down as long as you're concentrating that's so cool. Yeah, it's concentration like a spell.
Starting point is 00:12:07 And it has a fixed DC as well. So its DC, I think, is 17 or 18. So it doesn't use your own spellcasting DC. It has its own fixed DC. Oh, okay. I'm looking at Trot's face and I'm like, he's not going to take it. Look at him.
Starting point is 00:12:22 He's thinking about it. He's thinking about not taking it. He's playing it cool. He's not at him. He's thinking about it. He's thinking about not taking it. He's playing it cool. It's not pretty enough. He's like, hmm. Lucius will roleplay Lucius when the time comes. You like Lucius? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:37 If Quill, you want to add it to your inventory for the time being, it's called Stormcaller Chain. Sure. I mean, yeah, I'm going to explain what it is to everyone. Basically, what you just said. As you can see here, it has clouds along the collar. And it will be comfortable on whoever may... I will say, Quill, I would count this as light,
Starting point is 00:13:00 even though it's technically medium armor, because it's Mithril, I would say this counts as light armor for flying in it and stuff as well. Does it now? Ooh. Okay. We're going to have a fight on our hands. You get halfway through describing it.
Starting point is 00:13:16 To the death. Then he realizes I could win. Totally not for elves. Just not for elves. Made for Arakokra. In the interest of fairness, I have the Sphere of Oracles, I have the Wayfinder's Guide,
Starting point is 00:13:31 I have the Eye of the Storm. This would be Quill's fourth legendary item. I would become a god. I am become a god. And I have the Tome of Understanding as well. I cannot take this in the interest of balance. It would be cool as hell for me to cast Cool Lightning at 8th level once a day. And it would be kind of cool, you know, thematically.
Starting point is 00:13:55 But maybe, maybe not for me. I think it would actually decrease my AC, so. It would a little bit. It is a plus two armor, so it's a chain shirt, I believe, is 13 base AC plus two dex, so you can add up to two of your dex, and then it would be two on top of that,
Starting point is 00:14:18 so it would be 15, 17 if you had a plus two to your dexterity. But yeah, for Aayla, because you get your unarmored armor, it would be higher. Yeah. Do you have to attune to it? You'd be given up 3 points of AC to be able to, like, cool lightning and walk on water, you know. I mean,
Starting point is 00:14:38 you don't need AC. Barbarians don't need AC. Yeah, but there's other people who could benefit more from that than me. There is. Yeah, there absolutely is. People who actually take damage. But what I'm saying is like, don't feel like you, you know, three points of AC for a Barbarian is not a huge loss.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Like, it's good, but you could easily do without it. I mean, I am gonna... In fact, I might have even, I think I actually made this version so that you had your max Dex mod. So actually it would be um it'd probably be still ac20 i think for ayla so i changed it to it so it has unlimited max dex bonus oh i think but i mean actually i guess the fight over there quill is there the item
Starting point is 00:15:21 there the item is that it exists whoever wants it and i say that's that's what it does yes that's true if you rage you can't concentrate on spells so it probably wouldn't be as useful for ayla because the cool lightning wouldn't be as useful still cool though i'm just waiting for
Starting point is 00:15:43 lucius to say it's very nice Quill Who could use Something like this Lucius Well obviously not me Absolutely Consider the situation
Starting point is 00:16:03 We're all looking at you Is it the colour It's not necessarily the colour Absolutely. Consider the situation. We're all looking at you. Is it the colour? It's not necessarily the colour. It's just a bit obtuse putting clouds on Sophia's outfit itself. And if I was to be drawn when we're fighting
Starting point is 00:16:20 Starbane himself and our tales are recited and great artworks are made I don't want that gassy thing on me. Fighting Starbane himself. And our tales are recited. Great artworks are made. I don't want that gassy thing on me. You can... She realized she could wear something over the top of it, right? Yeah, or just take the armor off for the drawings. It's Frodo's shirt, so it can easily go under clothing.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Can it? Well, perhaps. You don't lose anything for wearing it. Would it not chafe? Looks chafe-y. No, actually. You know what, Lucius? I think that it would chafe a little bit less
Starting point is 00:16:55 than, you know, being stabbed. Maybe. This clothing then does that? Yours, yes. Yes. Valor will look over and be like, and will say, Lucius, I would certainly rest a lot
Starting point is 00:17:11 easier if I knew that you were a bit more protected, even if you do have to wear something that you find a little unfashionable. Max will look and just say, frankly, I'm amazed that you have survived this long in your weak form, without any armour to protect you. Yes, quite. Thank you, Maximilian.
Starting point is 00:17:32 I wouldn't say he was weak, Max. He did not pick me up. Weakness is perhaps the wrong word, yes. It is more of a, you are vulnerable, especially as a spellcaster. Surely enemies must target you on the battlefield. especially as a spellcaster surely enemies must target you on the battlefield it's been known it's been known yes mayhem uh fine i i grab it lucius you can put it underneath your clothes so you'll still look you know fancy and stop if i jingle but i don't want to jingle oh it is a jingle there is a little jingle to it but only when you're holding it once Lucius once you try on Lucius it is it's almost form-fitting it's like wearing a piece of under armor you know like it's a tight-fitting vest and it doesn't jingle
Starting point is 00:18:20 or rattle or anything when you're wearing it. Anytime he moves it while holding it, we just like cough loudly so he can't hear the jingle. When you hold it up, it's like jingly, jingly, jingly. As soon as he puts it on, it's like silk. It's like a silk vest almost. Little sleeves, like a little silk shirt. All right, fine. And he starts like taking off his jacket and everything, just straight away in front of everybody.
Starting point is 00:18:44 If anyone's looking looking you can see the scar deep scar over the chest yeah and he just jingles it and whips it on i suppose it's quite light and airy yes that's a pocket layer of air in between yeah it like i said lucius it kind of almost feels like there's a gentle breeze keeping you cool like it's like um it feels very fresh like you're on the on the deck of the storm chaser maybe like you know when that kind of sensation of like being up in the fresh air of the uh the sky cities oh quite chilly on the old nippies um okay i mean it is metal i suppose uh it's cold metal thank you for the protection small price to pay yes a little chilliness i can be like i can be like you guys now with all your your your impressive staffs and what nots i mean you've got impressive i do have this very powerful gauntlet, you're right. Yes, you do, yeah. Hopefully I can stay alive.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Do you also want more of these legendary artefacts, Luke? Gosh, no. Why would I want that? A big staff? I summon energy from my body. But it's got a dragon on the end. It looks really... It suits you, Quinn. I've got a book. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:08 I don't know what that means. I'm not sure if that's an insult or not, Lucius. Now I'm worried about my drawing. I like books. It's from Hesper. Well, yeah, I'm just... Now you mentioned the heroic drawings. I'm now getting self-conscious.
Starting point is 00:20:20 As a note for you, Chris Trott, the armor won't stack with the braces of defense that you are currently wearing so you'll need to take those off and because it requires attunement as well but the the armor bonus from the braces doesn't stack with the the armor from the armor so what's it called uh storm caller chain storm caller one word chain chain. Oh, three words. It's orange. Gold. Yeah, it's legendary, baby. It's a Titan item.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Let me just look at all my oranges here. Yeah, fucking orange boy over here. I've also got like a brownie one, the Spear of Oracles. What is that? Like an artifact? Yeah, it's an artifact. Oh my God. Star caroling campus is purple it's very rare so it's like the next level down
Starting point is 00:21:13 cool there you go so what is your take long uh oh go on is now 17. Yeah, it should be 17 now. Oh my god. Oh my gosh. What was it before that? 14. Oh my god. It's only three points higher, but it should help.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Three points, that's a big deal. I've never seen such a high number. I mean, you've got to keep in mind that unless I was rolling ones and twos with Zephir, most of the attacks were going to hit most of you guys. Unless I rolling ones and twos with zephyr most of the attacks were gonna hit most of you guys um unless i roll ones and twos but it's what you'll find is that going against like you know if the if enemies have minions hopefully it means lucius doesn't constantly
Starting point is 00:21:55 just get absolutely battered um but i didn't design it for lucius i literally made an item that felt like a zephyr item and then I was just looking around at what would be good and a Mithril Chain shirt would be pretty cool. It kind of fits the whole adventuring sailor vibe of not wearing big bulky armor and stuff like that but still being a warrior. I'm a little jealous.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Well, you could get bigger items. Your staff and your book. I've got enough. I mean, you could certainly look into getting some plus one studded leather or something like that. You've got the Wyvern armor, which is poison resistance, but it's not going to give you a very high AC, unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Yeah. Or you could get things like rings of protection. Ring of protection gives you bonus to AC and stuff like that. Do I have to attune to it? Sold it, innit? I can't remember. I don't think you do for a ring of protection. I think that a ring of protection is just it.
Starting point is 00:22:48 I have, or we have, sorry, 21,000 gold now. 22,000 gold. Way back to before we had that little break and we spent all the money. Can you put that in your sheet?
Starting point is 00:23:03 Put it right up my ass Nice, that's don't forget as well on the sheet With money don't forget that you can also when you come to do the downtime turns You can spend a thousand gold to give yourself bonuses on your domain skills as well. You're like injury skills. Oh, yeah Don't spend it all Save some save some for one of your being spies To go to the casino. Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Yeah. Cool. Yeah, I guess. I mean, I have a way to get straight to the halls of resplendence. We could just beat her there and just be like, Hey, welcome. You could ensure it goes to the right place, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:49 And not intervened with in any way. Some final words before she goes in to see Aska. Maybe. Valor will say, I'd like that quite a lot. I'd like to be there. Okay. Is there anything anyone needs to do? do i mean we need to get the boat back uh araya uh uh araya will just kind of signal from the ship and be like yes i will sail it back i will definitely sail it uh back to dock and i won't store it somewhere no i really i don't believe okay um in that case i don't care it okay. In that case... I don't care, it's her ship. Enjoy!
Starting point is 00:24:26 Enjoy, Uriah! Take the ship! It's my ship! Get off my ship, please! Where's Thalia? Where did I leave Thalia? Where is she? I believe she's in Horizon. She's in Horizon. Cool, never mind. Carry on. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:24:45 You could drop off. You've got the Helm of Teleportation. I think she came with you. Cool, never mind. Carry on. Let's go. I mean, you could drop off. You've got the Helm of Teleportation. You could go to Horizon and let the others go too. I mean, I can also Wayfinders to Horizon if I wanted to. No, it's more that I want to take. Ah, yeah. I mean, you could stop by there if you want to stop by there first. Sure.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Max probably is like, like yes i am somewhat injured perhaps a brief moment of respite somewhere would be advisable okay uh i mean i can yeah i can take everyone back to horizon uh i can take everyone back to gustaven i can take everyone back to the storm chaser specifically apparently uh let's go to horizon sure just drop everyone off yeah like you'll do like an exchange like the storm chaser will take some of the crew down to the ship ariya will then probably have um lookout pilot to the storm chaser back to horizon um and while the rest of the crew take the the ariya's ship the gold tooth somewhere that ariya wants to take it and then they will arrange some sort of transportation
Starting point is 00:25:46 to get back, or the Storm Chaser will go with them and then take them back to Horizon, but that's going to take them a couple of days, so you guys will basically be teleporting ahead of them to get to places. Yeah, that's cool. You teleport back to... Are you going to use the teleportation spell and just go to one of the
Starting point is 00:26:02 teleportation circles so there's no chance of... I'm just going to use the teleportation spell and just go to one of the teleportation circles so there's no chance of... I'm just going to use the Wayfinder's Guide. Yeah, the teleport spell, you still need to decide, like, pick a target, because, oh no, you can use one of the gems, can't you? Of course, yeah. So yeah, you just back to your suite, back to your Citadel base of operations on Horizon, taking Max and Valor with you. There is no, like, cry of alarm. This is, you know, the guards here know that you can do this.
Starting point is 00:26:29 And yeah, Max kind of like, kind of stumbles into a chair and sort of like trying to treat his own wounds. Like you can see him sort of like beginning to take pieces of his armor off and, you know, tend to the blasted lightning fried flesh uh that he suffered i think century will help him um use some like uh lay on hands points just help him heal up sure i think max would like try and stop you i think he'd be like there's no need to look prime i can take care of myself i don't please i insist it's shameful enough that I fell in battle. While the rest of you still stand. Oh, there's no
Starting point is 00:27:08 shame at all. I wasn't far behind you. Sentry's exhausted because of the lance. Oh, that's right, because of the lance, yeah. So she's got a level of exhaustion. So yeah, she's gonna... Yeah, so she'll use the last... Because I used 50
Starting point is 00:27:23 Lay on Hands points on myself after the fight, I'm going to use my last 30 on Max. How injured is Sentry, though? Pretty bad. I was down to one hit point. Oh, you're down to one as well. So you and Max are basically in the same sort of state. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:40 I think you start healing him, and he physically pulls your hand away. He's like Heal yourself as well. I I have i'm I can I'm fine max, please We you're kind of like let's go let's go for your hand I insist this You know I insist this you know we the last time we met I do not remember you being so thinking of a knight of Gideon so kindly what has changed you you've done so much for us and I'm learning to see beyond that I'm learning to see beyond that. I'm learning to see beyond you.
Starting point is 00:28:25 That there's... It's not all good and evil. There's people like you that are out there that... Just... Need to be understood. So he sort of takes it in and he nods. He kind of lets you heal him, and then he holds up, you see like flame begins kind of trickling down his fingers and he'll probably cast like whatever spell slots he has left he uses healing word on you so give yourself you know 20 hit
Starting point is 00:28:58 points as well, he'll just chain heal it as well. I cannot... I think you are right. I too was blinded by thinking of the world as black and white. I followed my emperor with loyalty, with
Starting point is 00:29:20 love. I love my emperor. I am proud to serve him, and I believe that he has... I I believe that he has, I still believe that he has good intentions, great intentions to build a better world, to build a better society and to stop the threat of Hadar. But we believe that seeing that titan of yours everything I just the things we were taught about this place they don't match up I still believe my emperor is a good man
Starting point is 00:29:55 but there is more to this there is more to this than either you or I know whatever happened between Calus and your Siasca I know it is not what I have been told, and I do not believe it is what you have been told either. There is more to all this. I do not believe that my Emperor could do such a thing to...
Starting point is 00:30:13 a woman who was just trying to protect her world. I... I'll never forgive Starbane for what he did to Aroas the first time he came down. I know that. Of course. But... I can't... Let my anger drive me.
Starting point is 00:30:34 I... I'm scared... That... When we do meet... I... I don't want that anger to get in the way. I want to see things for what they are. I want to learn.
Starting point is 00:30:51 But I don't want to make the wrong decision. I am not an expert on making right decisions. Even now, I think back to when yourself and Keeluk appeared with Lady Valar aboard the Tassadar. I still do not know if that was the right decision. All I remember is that there were people there who are willing to put Lady Valar in danger. I remember that you came to rescue her not to harm her
Starting point is 00:31:25 and I could not say the same for many of the people within my own empire all I know is my place is by her side and I pray that my emperor will understand whether I am right or wrong I could not say please that my Emperor will understand. Whether I am right or wrong, I could not say.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Please. If you're by Val's side, then you're by our side too. We'll fight together. I hope that... My only hope is that if my Emperor commands me to fight you, I am not sure I can make that promise. I cannot promise you that we will not be, we will not
Starting point is 00:32:08 draw blades against each other, Sentinel Brine. But I will promise you that until that time comes, you can count on me. Okay. Thank you, Max. He just like kind of grips your shoulder in a sort of soldiery way.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Yeah, Sentry does the same. You see Valor's, like, watching all of this, and she kind of smiles, thumbs up. I think, well, you need some rest as well, Sentry, but Max, stay here. I'll be all right with them. I want to go see Mother, and I think it's best if you don't. I don't want to compromise your loyalties any further. Will you stay here? He just nods.
Starting point is 00:32:50 He's like, yes, my lady, I will stay here. Nice. He trusts us. He trusts us. Yeah, Valor will sort of take your hand, Sentry, and lead you back to the others yeah Sentry will follow she just kind of squeezes your hand and says thank you
Starting point is 00:33:10 she's just like thank you Sentry thank you Valor Nova I believe you wanted to go and collect someone yeah so are we going to the halls of respondents next I believe that was the plan. That was what I believe it was, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Cool. While all this is happening, I will nip out and find Thalia. Yeah. I think that part of Horizon, like the airship docks, has been semi-converted, and you now see a sort of retrofitted looking twin star um it looks like one of the some of the an ethereum engine is being fitted uh in between the two infernal engines not fully finished but you kind of see thalia is like on one of those like little sort
Starting point is 00:33:59 of wooden wheeled things underneath the twin star and like you just see her like little legs poking out um kairi's kind of like crouched next to her and big cat's kind of laying on the floor and you just hear her like kairi darling uh the thing the what are these erosians call it the little the this the tightening thing yes that one yes and she kind of like grabsunk crunk crunk crunk crunk uh hi hi hi i'm here it's me the the hello i'm sorry you hear like uh like uh and then a thud and then snakes hissing like she's like sorry sorry sorry kids um and then she kind of wheels herself out kind of like rubbing her forehead uh kairi why don't you tell me that she was here and kairi's just kind of like sheepishly like i didn't hear
Starting point is 00:34:49 her and just sort of like and looks at nova and then it's like i'm gonna go take big cat for a walk and then she kind of gets up and like starts dragging big cat away why do you do that every time it's nice to see bye bye hi bye nice to see you nice to see you. Why aren't you wearing your safety helmet, Thalia? I told you, personal protection equipment, PPE, always wear PPE when you're working on the ship. What? You've got to protect the head. Yeah, I wouldn't need to protect my head if people didn't sneak up on me while I was working on it.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Also, it's kind of supposed to be a lookout. I wasn't sneaking. Hello. How did your killing a god mission go uh she's dead um bit sorry to hear that like you could probably still see like i don't know steam or something rising the uniform's a bit messed up hair's like a little bit on end like cloud hair is like a bit more jagged than normal. Probably still sparking a little bit with static electricity. Thalia takes a step back and she's like
Starting point is 00:35:51 don't come near me. It's a nightmare. And she points at the snakes. They hate shocks. Ground yourself. I'll reach out and ground myself. It was sad. It was... I didn't enjoy it. It wasn't... It was weird.
Starting point is 00:36:11 It's not nice, you know? Killing people rarely is. I'm kind of glad that you didn't take any joy from killing a powerful, divine being of your world. That's good to know. Yeah, I had a lot of respect for her. awful divine being of your world. That's good to know. Yeah. I had a lot of respect for her, and I could see the grief and hear the grief.
Starting point is 00:36:33 She didn't want to go, and I understand that. It wasn't... I don't know much about your gods and your customs here on Nerois, but I must say I like the sound of this one. This Zephyr sounded like my kind of woman. She definitely reminded me of you.
Starting point is 00:36:55 It's very sweet, but, uh, well, it would be, but you did just kill her, but still. Um, uh, thank you, by the way, for the charm. And I point to the bracelet with the little royal crest on it. It really saved my ass. Quite a lot, actually. It's an ass worth saving. She just kind of like looks around. Um, Thalia, I have a question. Moving on real swiftly. If you try and take me to another park or a garden as if I've never seen them before,
Starting point is 00:37:36 I'm going to be very angry. It's not a park. There's no grass. Lots of marble think there's any grass. Lots of marble, though. I just wanted to ask, though, before I take you. Yes? I think I have a way. I think I have a way of reverting you to who you were. But I... In fact, I do have a way. But I don't want to do it if you don't want to do it.
Starting point is 00:38:07 It's your choice. hundred percent your choice and whatever you choose I'm there for it I'm there for you I support you in whatever decision you make um but I don't want to you know rush you if you want to think about it i yeah you're talking about my curse i don't see it as a curse but it's a curse trust me had to live with it pure purely by a magical definition it's a curse come from a place that knows a few things about curses and hexes and all of that sort of thing this one's definitely a curse pretty sure pretty sure the archfey who put it on me said i curse thee so but yes i i understand where you're coming from i i want to be rid of it yes this isn't me this isn't who I am I've spent I've spent hundreds of years like this in this Medusa Gorgon form but it's not who I am I spent hundreds of years before that as a very different woman I didn't like that woman I look back now
Starting point is 00:39:15 and I didn't like them very much at all she was cruel and vain, sadistic, greedy. And it took me hundreds of years to learn who she was. If I can go back, if I can make myself who I once was, but with this new perspective, that's something I'm willing to do. I mean, I was willing to
Starting point is 00:39:41 make a deal with the devil for it, or deal with a demon, technically, but I was willing to make a deal with the devil for it. Or a deal with a demon, technically. But I was willing to go up in a game of chance against Graz for it. If you've got a way now, if you think you've found some magic method to break this powerful ancient curse, then, I mean, I'll
Starting point is 00:39:57 roll the dice. What's one more gamble? If you're 100% certain, because I'll I'll like you I'll I love you no matter who you are so if you want to stay this way that's fine but well of course you would darling look at me this glowing personality of course you'll love me whoever it definitely the glowing personality. Of course you'll love me, whoever. Definitely the glowing personality, yes. 100% airship.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Well, if you're ready, come with me. We're going somewhere very special. And I have a friend there who can help. In for a penny, in for a pound. And she'll just hold her hand out to, like, hold hands and walk with you, basically. Sure. I'll go back to the group. Sure. Nice.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Well, Nova returns with Thalia in kind. Thalia being her usual self. As soon as you get close to the other ones, like, she doesn't stop holding Nova's hand, but, like, she kind of, like, looks around and is like, well, don't all of you look a little bit frightful? A bit tricky time fighting a god, was it? Oh, it's the shirt, isn't it? I'll take it off. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:41:10 What are you talking about? What is he talking about? What shirt? We gave him new armour and it will protect him but he's worried about how it looks. He's not wearing any armour. Exactly, exactly, Lucius. Lucius is already gone.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Unbelievable. Well, Ius. Lucius is already gone. Unbelievable. Well, I mean... Oh, no. Great. I think Aayla will walk out of the room. Thalia will follow into Lucius' room as well. And if Aayla's coming, the two of them will march in. Lucius, if you remove the armor,
Starting point is 00:41:39 I swear to God, this hammer's going in your face. Okay, fine. Are you taking it off as they walk? to god this hammer's going in your face. Okay, fine. Jeez. Are you like, are you taking it off as they walk? Midway through. I couldn't even see it. What are you talking about? Just pull it back down.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Like a child, like a toddler. Fine. Keep it on. It looks good. Thalia will just walk back. See? Nice. Oh boy. It looks good Thalia will just walk back See Nice Oh boy
Starting point is 00:42:08 So Nova says that we're going to see some friend of hers or something, I'm assuming this is something, we're not going to go fight Calus or anything are we? No, is Calus one of her friends? No, we are going to be doing a little bit of a teleport.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Hey, what? Don't worry. It was also a joke. A bad one, apparently. Anyway, we're going to be doing a little teleport to the Halls of Infinite Resplendence. Sounds very fancy. Sounds very infinitely resplendent, in fact.
Starting point is 00:42:40 So if we're all ready, join hands. We're going to do a teleport. Who wants to hold mine? She just holds out the other one. She's holding Nova's hand. Anybody who tries to hold her hand, the snakes hiss at. They're like, ssss. She's like, calm down.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Sentry will. She'll just be like, you're coming. Making sure she comes. Take Sentry's hand. The snakes wouldn't hiss at Sentry. The snakes kind of like do a little happy. They make little happy faces and snakes wouldn't hiss at Sentry. The snakes kind of like, do a little happy, they make little happy faces and stick their tongues out at Sentry. Because Sentry's all plants and stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:10 But yeah, so you activate the Wayfinder's Guide, Quill? Well, I turn to Lucius and say, I'll know if you take the armor off, it'll stop jingling. I can hear the jingling. And then do the teleport. You've just ruined it! The same Lucius's surprised face just goes it! The same sensation. Lucius's surprised face
Starting point is 00:43:25 just goes to the entire teleportation. Hogchamp, the rainbow kind of bifrost energy kind of
Starting point is 00:43:33 around you. You feel yourself pulled away and as you emerge you find yourselves in the familiar
Starting point is 00:43:41 but still breathtaking, still impossible halls of infinite resplendence these marble gold and silver marble halls that just seem to extend forever and at the very heart of it all a crystal sarcophagus um you do notice that there is already uh before you would occasionally kind of like feel the sensation of wind or like feathers kind of like gently blowing across it now you can hear the waves of the ocean like around the sarcophagus like mixing in with the sound of wind maybe even like very faint peals of thunder and stuff like
Starting point is 00:44:15 that as you draw closer is um sayana here uh she doesn't appear to be immediately as you start looking around but then within a few moments um behind you and you don't see where she's come from because it's just these infinite corridors uh this little halfling woman um looks you know in would look like in her early 20s basically uh carrying a little heart liar um she just kind of like appears like behind you is like oh i wondered if you guys i wondered if you would all come by to see her um she arrived she got here a little bit before you did did you get to speak with her before she not really it's the same as with hesper i think once her energy was dispersed, she basically rejoined with Siaska immediately.
Starting point is 00:45:07 But I know she's there, and I know I will be too, eventually. Once you've gathered the others, I'll join them. She seemed regretful for the actions we forced her to take. I hope we left her in some amount of peace. Zephir is... I don't think that there is... Everything is a cage to Zephir. She is the spirit of freedom, of following her own course.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Trying to get her to do something was like speaking to a rock. You couldn't really demand anything of her. But I think that, I hope, that whatever is left of her will understand why it needed to happen. I think she knows that she wasn't strong enough to fight against Kallus, to fight against whatever else is coming. But maybe as part of Mother, she will. And I think she'll find some peace and solace in that.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Okay. If we walk over to Siaska's sarcophagus is there any more like radiance or any more power from there? You can see
Starting point is 00:46:34 that rather than there being more radiance now the crystal is becoming clearer and you can begin to see a humanoid form becoming you can actually see the outline, like a starry, almost like a spectral-looking figure, like no details. You can just see long, waving hair.
Starting point is 00:46:53 You can see the outline of a face, the outline of a body lying there. But it's all kind of pearlescent light and stars, and it's glowing brightly. But you can make out the shape of a humanoid um and as you draw close to that you can smell the ocean you can feel the rush of like fresh wind um you can hear the the feathers like you can feel like feathers kind of touching your shoulders and you can feel the essence of both hespa and zephir here yeah i mean i'll beckon uh vala over to see it as well yeah vala vala was you see you turned back and she was having just a couple of whispered words
Starting point is 00:47:32 with cyana and cyana kind of just like reaches up because she's only a halfling she reaches up and takes vala's hands and like pulls her down and like kisses her on the forehead and then sort of like pats her pats her on the arm and you can see Valar kind of wiping away some tears. And then she makes her way over to the sarcophagus. When she looks inside, she kind of like catches her breath a little bit. And she's like, mother. And like you can see, she kind of looks. And again, you see that kind of the Valar's hair begins to kind of lift up
Starting point is 00:48:00 and shimmer a little bit as well. You begin to see the power kind of surging through it. Her form doesn't seem to change much unlike it did last time she is probably around 20 years old you can see like if she was human she'd be about 20 ish um you know fully kind of grown adult now and you can see but the power kind of pulses through her body and all that tiredness from when you defeated zephyr after she controlled it it's it's gone. It's like she's full of energy again and she just kind of touches the top of the crystal sarcophagus and whispers something and kisses the top of it
Starting point is 00:48:32 and then just smiles at you and says, I think that she's as at peace as Zephira ever could be. She's with Mother again. I think so too. And they'll all come back one day after Siaska returns. At least I'd like to believe. You say that, Quill, and with insights, your passive insight's like 16 or higher, right?
Starting point is 00:48:59 Yeah. There's a flash that comes over Valor's face. Something about what you just said. She doesn't say anything, but there's something. Like, her face kind of, like, tightens a little bit when you say that. At least I'd like to believe. It's enough to keep me going for now. Of course.
Starting point is 00:49:27 But and I don't mean to rush you of course. We've only just found Zephia and restored her to Siaska. Is there any semblance at all of
Starting point is 00:49:42 the next Titan where they could be, who it could be? I'll begin working immediately, but unfortunately, until I start putting the feelers out, until I can start connecting with the magic here in Aroes, I just don't know. And even then, I'm not sure if I can tell who it will be. I'll be able to detect more Anker Locusts,
Starting point is 00:50:03 but I'm not sure if I'll be able to tell exactly whose is who I'll certainly start looking but I think until then you should find other ways to help I mean I know that Nova has people that she wants to help and there are things that Ayla wants to do and if there's anything any of you need to do
Starting point is 00:50:23 it will still take me some time, a few weeks, perhaps another month or so. Well, I'm happy to assist in any way. With the Eye of the Storm, limited in its power as it is now, if you need to see anything... I think you should focus on protecting Erois, Quill. Okay. If anything, that is, I think that that's what, I think that's what Hesper would want you
Starting point is 00:50:47 to do with his gifts. I think he would trust in me. I'll figure this out, don't worry. And I appreciate the help, but right now, Herois needs you more than I do. Understood. In that case...
Starting point is 00:51:06 Oh, Thalia, sorry. Holes of infinite resplendence. We got a little carried away there. Thalia's looking around. That's okay. Wow. Never quite seen anything like this before. And then Thalia looks down
Starting point is 00:51:24 and Syanna is just, just like beaming up her. She's just like looking like, hello! So are you a god? Technically I'm a titan. I'm not quite a true divinity like my mother was, but some people in Aurois like to think so.
Starting point is 00:51:40 They call me Syanna and she just offers like a little hand. Thalia like awkwardly like like nice to meet you. Yes She looks at Nova like This would be better than grass I promised you know, it's pretty good So is this your friend you wanted me to meet Yes So is this your friend you wanted me to meet? Yes, Sayana This is Thalia
Starting point is 00:52:11 She's my Girlfriend Sayana just kind of grins Like she beams when you say it She's just like, oh yes, I know I can tell funny thing being um being the song heart i tend to be quite associated with things like love and things like that and one of the benefits is you can see the connections between people and she just smiles at you um
Starting point is 00:52:38 so we're i'm doing a curse. Power clapping in the distance. Nova's purple, by the way. Nova's just purple. Sionna looks at Nova and follows her. Kayla's just laughing at Nova's purple face. Sionna turns and says, So we're breaking a curse, are we? Yes, please.
Starting point is 00:53:08 And she looks at you and she kind of like looks around and she like, uh, and she just takes a seat on the steps that lead up to Siaska's coffin and she just kind of like leans forward like almost like an excited little child almost and she just looks up and she says, well Nova, surely you know the stories of the best way to break a curse? Oh no. She just grinsins farley's like what is she talking about i'm just saying you must have heard the stories many of them are told around story of one of true love's kiss can break any curse i'm not going to make you do it don't be silly girl and she kind of stands up it's true as powerful as love can be unfortunately I don't think that I don't think that a
Starting point is 00:53:50 love can break the curse of an extremely powerful archfey but well that was a good try wasn't it I wanted to see how far you'd go I'm sorry I'm done do it if I if I had to do it but it is just I in front of everybody just maybe if everyone just turned around of course I'd do it if I had to do it, but it's just, in front of everybody, maybe if everyone just turned around, of course I'd kiss you Thalia. Thalia's hand just covers your mouth, it's just like, um, can you help me? I can try. The curse that is wrapped around you is powerful. It was created not just by one archfey by three and a thrice a thrice
Starting point is 00:54:27 woven curse is extremely difficult to break even even for a titan um i think i can i think i can thalia just shrugs think i can it's better than i've ever had hit me and she just stands back and thalia is just like very well uh the rest of you i would honestly recommend that you plug your ears a little bit hearing the words of creation can have interesting effects on mortal minds and she begins to play a song and the first the kind of like the first few notes you're just mesmerized they sound perfect like you've never heard a perfect note before but you start hearing them played in sequence and it is the most beautiful piece of music you could ever hear and then when sayana starts to sing you almost feel
Starting point is 00:55:18 your hands like covering your head you kind of bury because it's it's unlike anything you've heard you feel like your mind wants to unravel at the sound of it like this is this isn't just music this is what the universe is made of this is this feels like this is the essence of of of air of fire of water of earth this is the essence of magic this is the thing that makes lucius or quill or ayla or nova or century it makes you who you are this is the power of creation and you watch as this song builds you manage to lift up and you see vines beginning like
Starting point is 00:55:52 growths and flowers and vines and plants begin growing up and Thalia immediately is like looking around and the plants completely cover her and enshroud her in a giant bloom and then their petals begin to fall away And the plants completely cover her and enshroud her in a giant bloom. And then their petals begin to fall away. And you see not green scaled skin,
Starting point is 00:56:12 but you see a kind of dark, kind of caramel brown skin of like this slender elven hand with these kind of very delicately cut nails. You see like a patch of patch of long brown hair trailing away, and that's where we're going to end today's episode. Oh, that was so good. Because we've got to finish up on yogis.
Starting point is 00:56:35 We do have to finish up. We do have to finish up. Hey now, you're an all-star. Oh, it's beautiful. It's beautiful. It's the most beautiful song in the world. Perfect. There we go.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Wowza. Holy crapoli. What a cool transformation. Yeah. Very freaking cool. I'm glad because it was a little bit pulled out of my bum. I wasn't quite expecting to do it today. I know that Kim had been talking about doing it.
Starting point is 00:57:01 So I'm glad that it was visually, I'm glad it felt nice and epic because i was like like oh i'm gonna try and do this now okay um i mean yeah even after the fight i felt like uh we could have literally gone anywhere and especially with the book so i feel like anytime i do anything with the book it's just like i'm really pushing mark to his limits just going anywhere right now what is the joy of it um yeah very very cool now that we got to see some of this stuff we'll be back next week there's a ton of stuff uh go grab your merch give some big love to dnd beyond who sponsored this episode make sure you check in the link exactly make sure you get those
Starting point is 00:57:34 links go and sub up go buy a book go buy loads of cool stuff get their legendary bundle if you got some spare monies and you play a lot of dnd literally the best investment you could ever make is a legendary bundle because it's every single book on D&D Beyond that lets you do fucking loads. But also, if you're going to buy it, make sure you click our link first. Even if you're not going to buy it, even if you just want to
Starting point is 00:57:56 browse and have a little look at it, just use our link. It will help. Click that link. Right, we're going to go, we're going to get some food, we're going to chill, some people are going to play Final Fantasy XIV, and we'll see you next time. Take care, everybody. Bye!
Starting point is 00:58:09 Bye! Bye! Bye!

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