High Rollers DnD - High Rollers: Aerois #127 | Lilac Grass and Giant Trees (Part 1)

Episode Date: October 25, 2021

The team gather Thalia, Big Cat, Kyrie and Rosemeadow to travel into the Feywild! We're sponsored by D&D Beyond! The ultimate Dungeons and Dragons toolset. Clean up your dungeon delving life and speed... up your games here: http://bit.ly/HRDNDBeyond2021 Grab some High Rollers merch: https://freshmerch.fm/collections/high-rollers Support the High Rollers and get early access to podcast episodes (and more) on our Patreon: www.patreon.com/HighRollers Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pickaxe. with D&D Beyond using the link in the episode description. Last time on Erois. Previously, our heroes, having vanquished Titans and travelled the planes, attempted to undo a curse placed upon their friend Thalia Whisperwind, a Medusa who had aided them in returning to Erois from the Astral Sea. When the goddess Syanna undid the curse, however, it revealed a second and more powerful one hidden within it, one that will slowly kill Thalia, and for which there does not appear to be an apparent cure or way to break the curse. Along with these revelations also came the knowledge of Thalia's past crimes and her history with the fey sorceress Mesmera, the one responsible for the curses. Now, the party planned to travel to the Feyywild to find mesmera
Starting point is 00:01:26 and undo the curse and that's pretty much going to bring us up speed the most of the last session we did was figuring out how to reach the feywild there were a lot of options there was a lot of investigation there was a lot of questions a lot of use of powerful magics to ultimately come back to the very first idea they had. Dead ends. Yeah. There weren't necessarily dead ends, there were a lot of open ends. There were a lot of ends that were not fully explored. True.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Yeah, we did make a... Well Lucius and Quill made a lifetime enemy in a Summer of Ladron. Yeah, absolutely. They just left and never came back. I didn't do anything. It was all you. No, I mean you were already his enemy. Yeah, he and never came back. I didn't do anything. It was all you. No, I mean, you were already his enemy. Yeah, he already hated slash loved Lucius.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Lucy. Lucy. Lucius. Horrible pretty man. That is where we pick up. Quill used the Storm Eye to ask, it was something along the line of, how do I use the Wayfinder's Guide to reach the Feywild, I believe was your question, wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:02:28 Yes, yes. And the answer you received in the vision that you saw was bringing the Wayfinder's Guide to Rosemeadow, a centaur who you have met before, and she placed her hand upon the book and it lit up one of the gems and seemed to transport you all to the Feywild. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:48 And also, there was a load of extra peeps with us. I think Tyree was coming as well as... Tyree, Big Cat, yeah, both came along. And Rosemallow herself. Well, they were in the vision. Yeah, they were in the vision. And then we ended things with a little moment between Nova and Thalia in a kind of you know Well, we you know what's gonna go down. There was a lot of
Starting point is 00:03:11 a big moment But yeah, I Hand it over hand over the reins To whoever wants to kick things off So we're in the faith. no no no no no no no no you guys had the vision yeah that was the vision but you know the the last thing that we did was nova and thalia talking um and i think that there was definitely some uh i know kim specifically had some stuff that like some provisioning that she wanted to potentially do uh i don't know if you guys wanted to make any
Starting point is 00:03:41 preparations uh anything like that uh now is the time to do so. I will Jaeger pilot Ayla, so Ayla will be very quiet until there is a need for something to be smashed. I think Ayla's just happy. She's basically already said that she's just going to go with Nova and help put a stop to whatever this is.
Starting point is 00:04:02 So it's fairly easy. Okay. Okay. with nova and help put a stop to whatever this is so it's uh fairly easy okay uh okay i would like to purchase stuff um in particular i was looking for because i can't remember if quill had any or not but i think nova in her little nervous way'd probably go and buy some anyway. 300 GP worth of diamond dust. What's that? You can certainly buy, I would say, probably about two castings of the spell. So it would be 600 GP of diamond dust.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Getting anything more than that, the jewelers in Horizon basically say they can do it, but they'll need like a month's notice to basically buy the diamonds, have them transported to Horizon, grind them down, that sort of thing. But on hand, they probably have enough to make about 600 golds worth of diamond dust,
Starting point is 00:04:55 which you can purchase now. Yeah, I have two times 100 GP of diamond dust for greater restoration. Yeah, and you can divvy that that so that 300 that Kim's getting you could divvy that out into greater restoration spells as well as long as you've got 300 GP is for revivify I believe somebody had some diamonds for
Starting point is 00:05:16 raised dead or something yeah I'm sure I do well I've got one yeah I think I've got one. I think I've got a diamond for Riverfy. Raise. Yeah, that stuff's
Starting point is 00:05:33 easy to buy. Don't need to do anything special with that. You can just get that in a jewelers in Horizon. But if you want any more diamonds or diamond dust, you need to give them advance warning. And it'll take about a month for them to have that sourced and brought to the city i have removed 600 gold from the party fund okay cool i think nova would probably uh give one lot to quill but keep one lot for herself so tom if you want to mark that you have 300 extra GP worth of gold dust,
Starting point is 00:06:08 diamond dust, and I'll mark 300 for me as well. Just in case. What is this for? What spell is this for? Glitter. Just glitter. Endless glitter. Wait, what spell?
Starting point is 00:06:24 She's not saying. Mark, help me out here. She's not saying. Mark, help me out here. She's being coy. All the glitz is gone. Revivify. Revivify. Okay, because... Just in case.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Okay, that gives me a lot of castings of greater restoration. Mm-hmm. Cool. All right, nice. Or revivify. Can you revivify? I don't have it ready yeah he as long as he prepares it remember guys quill as a cleric has to prepare those spells in advance so as long as
Starting point is 00:06:50 he's prepared it he can cast it i believe i believe i believe century can also cast revivify and she you pretty much always prepare it don't you re so yeah i always have it on me yeah so you've got a couple of people that can do it um i'm a healer but um maybe i'm giving that gold dust to century instead the dust the diamond dust maybe i'm giving it to century instead i've got i've got raised dead i don't have it prepared but i've got the stuff for it and raised ed Dead is way more powerful. In any way, this conversation, you can go into this a bit later on when other stuff is happening. You can figure out inventories. Well, is there anything else you wanted to grab or prepare in town?
Starting point is 00:07:34 Anyone? I wanted to inquire about a sequester scroll, but I have a feeling it's not going to happen. Who are you going to inquire with? I think I'd probably maybe ask rose meadow first like as a i mean rose meadow wouldn't have any knowledge of that stuff like she if you go and speak to her uh she will be she she doesn't really know anything about magic like all of her stuff is like literally like lotions it's not even like potions really she occasionally
Starting point is 00:08:03 makes healing potions but would she know where to go like you know the industry and in horizon not really um she's only not been here that long herself um she'd probably be like if you don't know anybody i i don't know anybody is her kind of attitude um for something like a sequester scroll i mean nova would know you'd need a powerful spellcaster i mean this is a this is like maybe one that was enhancing the storm chaser perhaps kim's making a face um they had a store her name her name always makes me oh petal yeah i was thinking of the other one that sounds like a hand gel. No, no, no. Yeah. The one that's a little... I've forgotten her name as well.
Starting point is 00:08:52 I don't know who you're talking about. Rik, Rik, do you know? Do you know? Do you know any of these names? Perel? Perel, yeah. Azaria Perel. Yeah, yeah. Azaria Perel, that's it.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Yeah, yeah. One half. But it sounds like a hand gel. Yeah, can I get that yeah sure um azaria perel um who is normally stationed in gust haven but you know that she did stop by horizon to work on the storm chaser and stuff um is one of those people who if you if somebody's going to know about powerful magic azaria perel is probably going to know danica might know danica is an extremely powerful sorceress as well, although less into the making things like scrolls and magic items.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Azaria Perel is literally, that is her thing. She makes powerful magical items. Is definitely a person to go and ask. You could try and ask Petal. Petal did have like a little tinker shop. It was sort of like a florist meets tinkers.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Sentry would know that her mother, like Petal's mother, the Queen Astoria, was an exceptionally powerful sorceress, very much like Azaria Perel. You know, used to make items and make magical relics and technology. Petal was sequestered, wasn't she? Yeah. Yeah, that's how she survived. Mother knows best.
Starting point is 00:10:04 I kind of feel like it might be a bit of a sore topic, though. Like, you know how your mum kind of sequestered you for many, many years, and it was all a bit heated? Do you know anything about it? So could you write that down on a scroll for me, so I could go save my girlfriend? Cheers. No, can I go talk to Lady Perel, please?
Starting point is 00:10:21 Yeah, for the sake of convenience, if you, say, like, have somebody cast a sending spell, Azaria will probably teleport to Horizon and come and speak with you. She'll just use the teleportation circle and come and meet you. And yeah, when you meet with her and she's just like, ah, yeah, Snoven,
Starting point is 00:10:37 all dressed in black, the kind of mourning attire that she wears with a thick black veil over her face, these long black embroidered robes with, like, gold and silver sort of accoutrements and embroidery. And she comes and meets you at the Citadel of Horizon, Citadel of the Reborn. And she greets you quite warmly.
Starting point is 00:10:58 She's like, ah, the Stormchaser, so wonderful to see you again. Is there something in particular that I can help you with? You mentioned needing my assistance with something. Any particular enchantments or such? I am in desperate need of a sequester scroll, or a way to cast sequester. Sequester?
Starting point is 00:11:21 Sequester. She kind of thinks for a moment, and then she reaches into what appears to just be like a small satchel bag at her side kind of a very well tailored leather strap and she reaches in and pulls out like what looks to be a large tome and she begins flicking through it she puts the book back such a spell i am capable of casting spells of an equivalent level in power but that particular spell knowledge of it has long been lost i i don't know the spell formula to cast such a spell and therefore i have no way of conjuring or crafting scrolls for it
Starting point is 00:12:02 i would need to learn it from some sort of source either a caster who knew it or a scrolls for it. I would need to learn it from some sort of source, either a caster who knew it, or a scroll of it, or a spellbook that contained it. I would need such information to be able to copy it. But such magic has not been seen since the days of Solwyn. Solwyn, Queen Astoria herself, was one of the greatest spellcasters and was known to use the spell.
Starting point is 00:12:23 But unfortunately, it is not one that I know. And you will be hard-pressed to find someone in Rois who does know it, I'm afraid. Quill. Quill, are you here? Are you here, Quill? Quill. Quill.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Hello. Yep, right behind you. What's up? You cast from the scroll, right? When, you know, that thing happened that we don't talk about. Yes. Do you remember anything from it? I mean, the scroll burnt up in front of us upon use. And I couldn't recant the huge lengths of that scroll, even if I tried.
Starting point is 00:12:59 It was very complicated. Like, this is like a seventh level spell, right? Like, it was all sorts of geometric patterns and arcane formulas and things like that. Even were I to ask my eye, I wouldn't have a vision long enough to note such a spell down. It's incredibly powerful. I'm not really surprised that its usage is lost. I believe that we once discussed purchasing the scroll. I know that you used to carry one. I'm sad to hear that you have used it.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Don't be. It was very important. But, cool, do you have an image of it in your mind? Like, maybe if I cast Dream on you, we could recreate it and shape it. I don't know. It's been too long. Unless Quill had, like had a thing which gave him a super good memory. I know there's a feat
Starting point is 00:13:48 which gives you a photographic memory. I'm going to have to argue it's been over a month. The detail of it is going to be so hard to replicate. Yeah. The only way I could visualize this in pristine clarity
Starting point is 00:14:04 is with the eye, but again, not long enough a vision at all to even be able to put that down onto another scroll in any way. It is likely that there are other scrolls. This sort of magic, it is why I offered you a prince, a handsome sum for the scroll. They exist. The great libraries of Solvin, whilst most of them are likely lost solvent raided many such secrets and arcane knowledge to other other provinces there will be other Scrolls there may even be spell books of other
Starting point is 00:14:33 great mages out there somewhere that may contain such knowledge but I'm afraid that without it I would not be able to craft you anymore. Any spell or arcane formula of what we would call the seventh circle or higher, the eighth, ninth circle, such magics are extremely rare to come across. Sentry, we know that Petal was sequestered away and Queen Astoria was very powerful, a very powerful spellcaster. Do you think there's any merit in asking Petal? I don't want to kind of traumatize her about that.
Starting point is 00:15:20 I don't know how much she knows about the sequester. I remember from the day it was used, it was like a flash. It was a sudden occurrence. I don't know how much of that Petal had known previously. Petal was very young when she was sequestered as well. She was, you know, like, what, eight, nine, I think, century? Like, she was quite a young girl, so. I don't know how much she'd remember. Yeah, okay. Lady Perel, do you have anything that could help slow a curse? Slow a curse? Interesting. slow a curse interesting sequester from what I know of the spell places the person in some sort of suspended animation I there are I have scrolls
Starting point is 00:16:13 that can remove curses if you haven't known if a curse must be removed I I know the knowledge to remove a curse perhaps bestow a curse as well if that was but that does not seem to be something that you are looking to do at this time removing a curse yes uh if the curse is magical in nature and cannot be removed through some mundane means judging by the sort of endeavors that you find yourselves within i trust that this is no normal curse being the champions of aroes i'm sure that whatever mundane curse could simply be removed by myself or many others, you are likely dealing with something stronger. It is possible that if somebody were to be placed in a, if it is magical curse, perhaps if they were placed in some sort of anti-magic field,
Starting point is 00:16:56 but again we are talking about eighth circle magic here, we are talking about very powerful materials. I'm afraid I cannot think of anything, even with my great knowledge of matters arcane. I'm out of ideas. And I think we're probably out of time. I'm sure I could think of something if we had more time, but we don't have time. I'm saying the word time a lot. Well I think the only way we can help in any way is to literally slow down time but we don't have any control over that. The only thing we can do is, I mean, we know a way to the Feywild. We know how to get there straight away
Starting point is 00:17:45 and fix this entire problem, hopefully sooner than the curse ends. Quill, when you said Feywild, you do see Azaria's, Perel's sort of eyes, kind of her eyebrows, she reacts like she's trying to keep like a very sort of neutral, very composed facade,
Starting point is 00:18:00 but there's a reaction when you say that. And you see, she kind of looks in your eyes. Are you, did I hear you correctly that and you see she kind of looks in your right are you did i hear you correctly are you traveling to another realm uh i mean yes yeah we are yeah we are uh it's a whole thing that's where the curse you consider would you consider performing a small favor for me what do you need us to recover? No, no, not at all. She reaches back into the kind of knapsack satchel bag
Starting point is 00:18:29 and she pulls out like a thin rod of a very shiny looking silver metal. My understanding is that the cradle around Aroas will not always be here. She hands you the rod. Simply take this with you.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Find a place of magical nature and wait for an hour or so with this rod in your possession. And the return. Do I recognize this rod in any way or what it could be? I mean, you can make an arcana check. Sure you you can make an arcana check sure you can make an arcana check for sure cool natural one eight i mean there's no critical fail but it's still a
Starting point is 00:19:13 pretty raw i mean you don't get the sense that this rod is magical it looks like basically just a rod of metal um maybe like mithril or adamantine or like some sort of rare metal or like high grade steel or high grade silver, something like that. It's very light. It doesn't seem magical. You don't think it's like a magic wand or a rod or anything like that. But apart from that, you have no idea. It's an odd request to be sure.
Starting point is 00:19:44 We can try. We're going to be against the time limit. Of course, of course. I'm sure that you will, from what I have read of places such as Lunaria and the Feywild, it will be a place abundant in magic. Simply perhaps having it on your person during your journey there will be sufficient. But there will be no need for you to go out of your way. Simply carry it upon your person, and I'm sure it will be infused as But there will be no need for you to go out of your way. Simply carry it upon your person
Starting point is 00:20:05 and I'm sure it will be infused as I need it to. It's not gonna start ticking or glow in some radiance, make us very obvious, not gonna start screeching weird sounds. No, no, no. It should not do any of those things. The rod is just a simple rod. It is not a magical creation.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Good. Good. In that case, sure. Thank you very much. I'm delighted at your acquiescence to my request. And of course, I will continue my work on your very fascinating vessels. The one that you brought from beyond the Astral Sea and indeed your airship captain ellen astor uh the work is progressing smoothly on them lucius just walks in in a bathrobe and a coffee cup at this point sorry what was that never mind uh work on your ship is going marvelously oh wonderful what's happening we are continuing the work we believe that we may be able to have a sort of working prototype
Starting point is 00:21:09 of the environmental shield. Oh, wonderful. It will allow the ship to exist in astral space. Will it diminish its impeccable beauty that it already has? I don't believe so. Just hide some of its more wondrous features that's what i'm concerned about no it should not the very reason as i am sure your crew is your crew is very used to fighting upon the vessel as it is if i were to make it too enclosed
Starting point is 00:21:38 i had a feeling that they would find it difficult to fight instead we have opted for this uh a sort of magical shielding, a barrier, that will keep out the more dangerous elements of the astral space, but will allow them to continue to use it and fight with it as they have been trained to. Phenomenal. This may make you more vulnerable to certain effects in the astral space, but I believe that it should offer some protection from those matters of which we have come across
Starting point is 00:22:08 much in our time on the storm chasers so yes very useful thank you you're most welcome it has been a fascinating challenge I still would very much and she looks at Sentry I still very greatly require a moment
Starting point is 00:22:23 of time to examine that most wonderful relic you carry with you, Sentinel Prime, when she's looking at the matrix. Perhaps when there is time after your journey to the Feywild, I can steal your way for a few days. Yeah, maybe. Maybe. Yes, of course, you're very busy, of course. Yeah, really busy. Very well. Good luck in your endeavors. maybe yes of course you're very busy of course of course yeah really busy very well yeah oh good luck in your endeavors and she leaves wait do i need to bring back the rod yes yes please bring
Starting point is 00:22:54 it back and return it to me all right thank you i'll keep it safe i'll see you soon storm chasers just glides away drifts off strange vibes yes very very creepy um okay what close the i can see it from here then i can see well don't look then and he off. And tightens the belt. Shall we... Shall we think about gathering everyone ready to leave? All we need to do is get Rosemeadow, Thalia obviously, the crew, Tyree, Big Cat. They'll be useful. They were in the vision.
Starting point is 00:23:44 How many people can teleport with us enough enough 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8 8 plenty 8
Starting point is 00:24:01 8 plenty enough that's the perfect amount. With Rosemeadow, that's 9. It is. Sentry, Quill, Aayla, Lucius, Nova, Rosemeadow, Thalia, Big Cat, Kairi. 9. I mean... What if we end up bringing somebody back?
Starting point is 00:24:22 What if there's some kind of... What if there's someone who's running from the Valkyrian Empire who needs to come back to Arois or something? Should we account for something like that happening? I'm just putting it out there. You never know. True. I mean, I... I hasn't lied so far, and I saw the book, which, while yes, is, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:45 casting a version of the spell that we do know, was able to carry more people. So maybe this book is an outlier in that regard. The fact is, is the book can get past some of the restrictions on Plane Shift anyway, because it allows you to bypass the cradle. So it's, the book can definitely do things that the spell can't um uh will it always do i don't know maybe see what i said at the beginning of this stream
Starting point is 00:25:15 lies secrets and lies secrets no you said book of secrets and lies no i'm i'm putting all the whole pin together. This book comes at a cost. This book comes at a cost. My book is not a book of secrets and lies. It is a book of cool shit and doodles. You've doodled in it? You've written in it? I've added things.
Starting point is 00:25:41 I mean, all the previous owners of this book has added their own amendments and things, and I feel like I need to make my mark as a current owner of the book. What did you say? I'll be honest, not much so far. Just this looks good on certain things. I circled the story that it showed me.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Important. I wrote important on that. Maybe over time, I'll have much more sage wisdom to add to the book. Right now, though, I've only just got it. There's no pressure, Quill. In your own time. Yes, when the words come to you,
Starting point is 00:26:21 you don't feel the need to just put whatever in there. Anyway. But let me know, know i'd like to read it there's a lot of paid an infinite amount of pages bigger than even this tome can hold so good luck i have a quick interjection here if i may have we let rose meadow know that she is pivotal uh to this teleportation to the Fae since our first discussion with her we said we might be back and I think since then we've kind of left her high and dry whilst trying to chase the Summer Eladrin in prison
Starting point is 00:26:57 yeah let's go find her now I think that's also she's going to be joining us on this journey to a place that she doesn't even know she's in any way connected to um might be scary so we should go find hell do we tell the summer eladrin that he's not coming should we what did what did you guys promise to this Summer Eladrin? You didn't really tell me much of what happened. There was a whole contract thing that he wanted. We made no promises. We made no promises. He is a prisoner of ours as a servant of Calus.
Starting point is 00:27:41 I think he's a bad guy. There was a contract, though? You signed a contract with him? There was a potential for a contract. It was never drafted up. It was never signed by anyone. That was just an option on the table. That was, however, on observing the discussion.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Yes, well yes that was unnecessary information what's important is what Quill was saying to the Summer Legend and the fact that I said absolutely nothing and that there was no real resolution there maybe the Summer Legend deserves
Starting point is 00:28:20 to know that it's not happening perhaps even if by proxy. Not me. Not me. I'm not saying it. I am not saying it. I'm not peeking over his hole just to say,
Starting point is 00:28:35 deals off and then leaving. But you said it. You said it, Quill. It's your fault. I said nothing. I said there was a potential for a deal. He shouldn't be expected. No.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Come on, Quill. No. Don't turn your beak away from me. I am enforcing the rules of the ship. Morale officer, be moraleous. I supersede as captain. As someone who... No, what? Then I quit.
Starting point is 00:29:04 As someone who does No, what? As someone who doesn't... Oh, then I quit. As someone who does not take promises lightly, I would say that I think it's in the Eladrin's best interest that we should inform them of our situation. Yes, and who would you, as morale officer, deem the appropriate person to deliver such a message? Hmm. If it's a tough message, why not send Ayla?
Starting point is 00:29:33 We could send Ayla! A total third party to the entire situation. Neutral to some degree. And we'd just deliver it in a non-emotional way. Yes. Non-emotional way yes non-emotional sure yeah just don't beat them up well no they're in a hole right i remember that yeah
Starting point is 00:29:55 don't need to go down there that's fine i'll do it good lucius why are you blushing? I'm not blushing. It's just the bathrobe. I've had a warm shower and I'm in my... Anyway. Off you go, Ayla. Alright, I'm just going on my own. You're not coming with me to like...
Starting point is 00:30:18 I think it would be worse if I went. Alright. Ayla leaves for like an hour. What? She comes back back how'd it go yeah he was pretty pissed he had that like he had the mask the gag thing so he couldn't talk
Starting point is 00:30:36 but I leaned over the hole and I said oi hey flame guy you're not coming later and then I left wow Hey, hey, flame guy, you're not coming. Feels off. Later. And then I left. Wow.
Starting point is 00:30:48 I mean, that's what I was hoping. Expertly handled. I would have broken instantly. Oh, yeah, he looked mad. And then I think he was getting sad because it got cold in there or something. Oh, that makes me feel really bad. It's all right. Remember what he did.
Starting point is 00:31:06 He's an asshole. Yeah. He tried to enslave an entire town with, granted, a power he didn't even know he had, but he did try and enslave an entire town with his mind magic. Oh, but you know I can't handle sadness. Happy, happy time. We're going to the Fae with Rosemeadow. A phenomenal adventure journey
Starting point is 00:31:26 and I've heard what Lucius looked and sounded like and I mean I'd love to see more creatures like that but speaking of I mean you had for a time some small connection anything we should know
Starting point is 00:31:41 if there's any sort of crown made out of flowers, I should probably take it on board myself because with the most experience... I'm not touching it. I think that I could handle it. But none of you do it because it's a curse ultimately and it won't come off. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:03 But if anyone has to take that burden, once again, I'll do it for the sake of the team. You're so strong. I know. Okay. Okay. Nothing else. Just avoid thorny crowns.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Not thorny, just flowery. Oh, flowery crowns. Nice. Pretty. Keep an eye out for valkyrians. I know nothing of the. Pretty. Keeping out Valkyrians. I know nothing of the Fae. It's Valkyrian territory. When I had that on my head,
Starting point is 00:32:31 I merely adopted a persona. I had no history or knowledge of where it came from or the environment in which it would usually reside. So we're going into the unknown territory here. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:48 I just wondered if the effects it had on you or any new powers that you may have gained with this, we could understand better what we could expect from the regular creatures of the Feywild. A certain sense of whimsy and nonchalantness, noncommittal, that sort of thing. Strange, vibrant, overwhelming. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:33:22 I'm guessing if we're sort of on the subject of Summer Eladrin, surely is a perfect example. Well, all the Eladrin that we fought recently, you know, they were all quite passionate, weren't they? Passionate, yes, that's a good word. Very loud, shouty. Oh, that's a good point, actually. They also have no idea of the power they possess, because, I mean, I imagine if they are surrounded by themselves this entire time, they wouldn't understand they have any powers,
Starting point is 00:33:42 but they have some way of uh warping minds uh and trying to charm you in some way so avoid that right one of them made me dance a lot i didn't like it there's some dancing uh okay uh dancing yes dancing or skipping not dance it was really hard okay that even circumvented uh ayla's natural resistance to such effects as well, so the fey works in mysterious ways. Yeah, yeah. It's not because I'm dumb. I never suggested such a thing. No, I know you didn't. I'd beat you up.
Starting point is 00:34:21 I know. Yeah. I'm going to go change into some armour. Good. In that case, let's also go get Rosemeadow and prepare her for this in some way, if we can. Her returning home! Maybe the home she didn't even know she had.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Yeah. Or necessarily needed. Fingers crossed. she didn't even know she had. Yeah. Or necessarily needed. Fingers crossed. Yeah, so you guys managed to get your armor on. It doesn't take long. You guys, there's no immediate threat, so you can head down to the market area
Starting point is 00:34:56 on the mid-tier, where you know Rosemeadow has a little stall. You find her there. She's just, you know, dealing with some customers. She sells a couple of little wicker baskets full of little glass lotion bottles and soaps and uh i don't know what other kind of things crystals uh a crystal um and yeah she sends those off packing and then she sees everyone oh my friends you've come to see me rose meadow hello how are you doing
Starting point is 00:35:21 i'll lift my arms up now yay and she kind of scoops and she was kind of waiting she wasn't like running over to you but when you lift your arms up now. Yay! And she kind of scoops in. She was kind of waiting. She wasn't like running over to you. But when you lift your arms up, she kind of like lights up and she's like, and like picks you up and like squeeze to hug you close.
Starting point is 00:35:33 I feel a little pretty. And then she puts you down. She comes around and gives a hug to everybody. Ayla does that awkward like at a distance thing, like pats her on the shoulder. But like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:35:44 she comes over to Sentry and like, yeah, she comes over to Sentry and gives Sentry a hug. Nova she probably picks up as well, like Quill. She just lifts you off the ground. Rosameta is actually quite strong. She's not Sentry and Aayla strong, but she's strong. She's stronger than Lucius strong. And she gives Lucius a hug as well. Ugh, Rosameta, good to see you.
Starting point is 00:36:01 She gives Lucius a hug as well. Maris Meadow, good to see you. Yeah. I can tell that you've been using my products on your hair, Lucius. It's looking extremely silky and glossy. Thank you for noticing. And I go on to everyone else. I noticed.
Starting point is 00:36:17 I noticed. I mean, obviously, I noticed. Sparkly, and she's running her hands through Lucius' hair. No knots whatsoever. You can just run your fingers through it all day yeah thank you for that it's a wonderful remedy of course of course it's what i do anyway quill would you like to deliver the wonderful news to rosemary wonderful news uh we've made progress. It's your birthday! No. Oh, you didn't tell us, Quill. Happy birthday! Happy birthday, Quill!
Starting point is 00:36:53 I should have got something. Happy birthday to you. It's not my birthday. It's your birthday. It's not? It's not my birthday. Why did you make us all think it was your birthday? I'm sorry. Book of Lies, once again. It's not? It's not my birthday. Why did you make us all think it was your birthday? I did. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Book of Lies, once again. Different news. Different news. Okay. It's Lucius's birthday. No, it's not. What? Happy birthday.
Starting point is 00:37:18 We should throw me a party. I'll give you a present. All right. We have made progress. Have we? We have made progress in our adventures. Have we? We have made progress in our adventures into the Feywild. And we believe that you are actually in some way pivotal in our teleportation to the Feywild.
Starting point is 00:37:40 You may not know it, but you have a very strong connection to it. She's gone. She's not focused. She's staring at you, blinking. She understood you, us, like a lot of the things you said have just completely gone. As soon as you said pivotal, it's gone. It was like teleportation, that's all like... Okay, let me start again. We're going to the Feywild. Where's that? That's all like... Okay, let me start again.
Starting point is 00:38:06 We're going to the Feywild. And we believe that you... We've done this before. It's far away. It's a place. It's not here, but you think it's where I'm from, but it's not in Erois? Yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Okay. It's far away. And the only way that we can get there is with this book. I just need to read a story and we will be transported there in our imaginations. Oh, I love these games. I used to play these kind of games sometimes with some friends in Kaylee's Res. We would all sit around and one of us would have a book
Starting point is 00:38:43 and we would play these imagination games and then sometimes we would have to roll these little dice and move these little figures around. It was very wholesome. Sounds childish. But why? Okay. So who were you?
Starting point is 00:38:59 Were you just Rosemeadow? No, I was a little baker lady and you had to run a little business and you would meet people and you would make friends with the villagers. And you had to roll to see how good you were at making friends and how good at baking you were. It was super fun. Right. That sounds amazing. That sounds terrible.
Starting point is 00:39:26 We should all sit down and play that yeah yeah we should there's the big table in Horizon in the big meeting room that's right we'll clear that off yeah clear it all off we can all do a D&D in D&D one shot yes we can
Starting point is 00:39:42 can you shut this down right now Tom can we go although now that I've said it and D one shot. Yes, we can. Can you shut this down right now, Tom? Can you shut this down right now? Can we go? Although now that I've said it, I really want to do that. Okay. Well, we'll think about it. But we need your help
Starting point is 00:39:57 writing this story. And all you have to do is press your hand. Wait. Well, not yet. Not yet. Not yet. She was like literally reaching towards the book and then you have to do is press your hand. Wait, wait. Well, not yet, not yet, not yet. Big cat, Thalia. She was like literally reaching towards the book
Starting point is 00:40:09 and then you're like, whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm altering everyone in, like into a ring. Yeah, okay. Well, Nova will need to go get Thalia. I'm assuming that Thalia is still with the ship. Yeah, I've got to get my girlfriend. Go get her, go quick. The whole reason we're going.
Starting point is 00:40:22 She could touch the book at any moment. She's very excited now. It's so pretty. I love all these gemstones She's like looking at them However, you should know that in doing this you will be coming with us to this place In our imaginations
Starting point is 00:40:39 Well, kind of, sort of It's real Yeah, it's real Yeah Yeah, you get it. But there will be, we'll see brand new things that none of us are used to. However, you may know them better than us. Uh-huh. Is one way of... Well, I've played the game before, silly. Of course I know them better than you.
Starting point is 00:41:04 She's got an answers for everything. Okay, but when we get in there, this isn't a game. Just be careful. That's right. It's not a game. You have to play it like you're really there. That's it. You've got it, Birdie. There's a whole world to explore and you do that. Okay, fine. When we get Dahlia, Big Cat, Kairi, I don't know if you've met them yet. No, they sound wonderful! Is Big Cat a big cat? Huge cat.
Starting point is 00:41:37 I love cats! Really big cat. Doesn't... maybe a little bitey, so be careful. And Kairi is not too dissent to me. Cats love me. No, it's fine. All animals love me. Kairi is very nervous, so please be careful around Kairi.
Starting point is 00:41:55 I know that. Shy people. I'm very good with shy people, too. Good. Okay. And when they arrive, again, we just need you to touch the book, and we'll be whisked away into our non-imaginations and... That's right, into a whole new world. In a whole new world. Oh, my God. I'm having a panic attack.
Starting point is 00:42:20 So, Nova, when you get to the Twin Star Longbow and coming out of it, you overhear Thalia talking and you overhear as you're approaching, you just hear Thalia like, Kairi, you and Big Cat should stay here. There's no reason for you to come with us. You know it's going to be dangerous. There might be Valkyrian forces, Mesmera. Who knows what Mesmera's done.
Starting point is 00:42:43 I don't want either of you to get hurt. And you just hear like a very sort of like, oh, we want to come. Like Kairi desperately trying to sort of like argue back about it. And you hear like a kind of grumbling from Big Cat. No, I'm putting my foot down on this. Neither of you should come. It's too dangerous.
Starting point is 00:43:05 I think that's probably a little bit unfair. I mean, they've been with you all across the universe through thick and thin, and now, now is the point at which you're going to say that they need to stay home? She, like, turns around to you and has that sort of, like, annoyed partner kind of look. That's different.
Starting point is 00:43:24 I don't know what's going to happen there. I don't know what's going to happen there i don't know what mesmer has done i don't know i don't and she looks at you and you can actually see in thalia there's pleading eyes uh and she kind of mouths to you like i'm ashamed like like she mouths that to you so that kairi and k kyrie doesn't know what she said um i'm gonna try and mouth back do they know uh okay yeah sure i think that like you managed to mouth that and then kyrie's just like um i i don't i don't care thalia like whatever i don't care how dangerous it is we we need to come with you and big cats like like shove like literally like body slamming thalia's thigh with his giant body and she's like struggling to keep her balance and she just shakes her head at you and she's like i know and that's
Starting point is 00:44:16 that's very sweet but you'll be safe here on horizon like we know that there are people, there are guards here and you'll be safe. And I just, this is something I have to do. And I don't know if I'll even be able to protect you. We will though. We're all going. And I know the storm chasers and you know the storm chasers. They'll make sure that Kairi and Big cat are safe no matter what and i mean maybe now is the time to be honest okay farah kind of looks at you for a long time i'll hold her hand okay yeah she like takes your hand she looks back to kairi kairi with these like big wings and she's kind of got them like wrapped around herself like she always does like kind of you know nervously and uh thalia looks at big cat and you know you you've you've known that big cat can understand people like he
Starting point is 00:45:14 he can understand speech he just can't speak it back um he's intelligent to that degree like he can actually kind of process thoughts and stuff um in a pretty clever way and uh thalia turns to them both and says okay all right before you make this decision then you should know exactly why we're going and you should know all about me because i don't think you'll want to come with me once you once you know and to save time uh thalia basically spends most, like, she explains everything to Kairi and Bickat. She talks about Mesmera. She talks about the things she did. She doesn't make it as gruesomely detailed as you experienced, Nova, but she doesn't hold back.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Like, she does kind of go through, you know, a bunch of the things she did to Mesmera. She talks about the petrification of her own family, like how she ran away. She even goes into a little bit of stuff that you didn't know, which how she was when she first left lunaria in the fey wild and she was out in space and she was basically like a kind of bandit queen like she would go around and like bully and and you know use people and abandon them and stuff like that and it takes you know she probably spends a good sort of like 30 40 minutes kind of going through all of this. And then Kairi is listening. Big Cat's listening. And just at the end of it,
Starting point is 00:46:31 Kairi probably turns around and says, I still want to go. There you have it. Okay. All right. Thalia reaches out her other hand. She's holding your hand in one.
Starting point is 00:46:51 Takes Kyrie's in the other. And then Big Cat kind of scoops in between everyone's arms. You guys make your way out towards Horizon. Towards the others who have had to entertain Rosemallow for a good 30 minutes.
Starting point is 00:47:05 I'm looking at a piece of paper. I'm looking at a piece of paper and I'm like, so this is your baker. This is everything that makes it up. That's Betty Beeswax. That was my baker. It was somebody who played a blacksmith and there was somebody who played a carpenter
Starting point is 00:47:22 and our village was called Stardew Valley. I can't make any sense of all these numbers and there's pencil marks all over the place. Oh, the numbers are how good you are at certain things. So I had an 18 in friendship, which meant I was very good at making friends and talking to my friends and that sort of thing. But you've written so much stuff down and scratched so much stuff out. There must be an easier way. This is beyond me.
Starting point is 00:47:57 No, this is the best way to play. There has to be. You can do anything else terrible terrible but yeah so that's been going on for like 30 minutes and then yeah nova returns with thalia kairi and big cat okay uh thalia um when so when rosemeadow and I hate talking I hate NPCs talking to themselves
Starting point is 00:48:27 but Thalia Thalia's never met Rosemeadow and when she sees Rosemeadow like Nova she like whispers she's like she's a centaur yes she I mean she's from the Feywild like there's no
Starting point is 00:48:43 she can't be from a Rosemeadow that is a native to the Feywild. Like, there's no, she can't be from Aros. Like, that is a native to the Feywild. How is she here? She has no memory of how or why she's here. And I'm really feeling like right now I should have introduced you to her sooner because we could have done with the whole she's from the Feywild a lot sooner. And you being from the Feywild, you would have recognized her a lot sooner. I should have just asked you.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Yeah, maybe. We could have saved a lot of time. being from the Feywild, you would have recognized that a lot sooner. I should have just asked you. Yeah, maybe. We could have saved a lot of time. Maybe that might have helped. But yeah, she kind of moves up. We were going through stuff. Yeah, I get that. I get that. And so Rosemallow's seeing Thalia.
Starting point is 00:49:16 It's just like, you must be Nelveron and the other's friends. Hello. And like she goes over and she's like, I'm a hugger. And she like wraps her hands around and she hugs Thalia. she thalia just is like yes lovely to meet you and she kind of like pats her on the back not quite as bad as ayla did but not like you know you know century level hug um but then when she she turns and she just looks at kairi and she goes hello and she just offers a hand she doesn't go to hug her or anything and kairi's like hiding behind thala and she just is like little kind of clawed winged hand like hello she kind of waves back um big cat is
Starting point is 00:49:51 kind of nervous at first and then you see rosemary just like holding her cheeks just like he's a big cat and uh he kind of sniffs you're gonna have to let her hug you, big cat. He looks up at Nova. He looks at Rosemeadow. And he kind of plods over to her and he's like sniffing Rosemeadow. And then he just, you start hearing a noise that he only makes when he's with Thalia and he starts purring. Like you hear this big, heavy kind of like. And Rosemeadow's like scratching his ears and like stroking his mane and stuff like that and uh and she's like i told you animals love me
Starting point is 00:50:33 and she's like stroking him and stuff oh his coat's so glossy do you give him special food Okay. No, no. He eats whatever I eat, really. Anything. He eats anything. He eats trash most of the time. She has that effect on people and animals, it turns out. Thalia leans in.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Quill, where did you meet this woman? Like, there's something about her. Yeah, we met her in Kali's rest, and to be honest, we should have noted down the strangeness of seeing a centaur in Aroes way back then, but we didn't. Not just that, but there's something here. Like, I think, I don't know, but this is very strange. Big Cat isn't like this with anybody. Like, not at first.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Like, when he gets to know them, sure. But, like, this is unusual. No, he pounced on me. Was he like this with you straight away? No, are you kidding? Big Cat tried to kill me when we first met. He tried to maul me. He ended up getting
Starting point is 00:51:45 injured in a in a in a gunfight uh he was he was being kept on a by a an asshole of a space bandit he was being kept as like a an attack dog and uh i shot him my big cat tried to pounce me i shot him and then when we were when i was getting out of there he was injured on the floor and i i took him with me and I patched him up. Wow. That's a beautiful friendship. Yeah, that's kind of how it works with me most of the time.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Yeah. Well, if you've... Yeah, I mean, I don't know how you're planning, but this is very auspicious, I think. Well, luckily, Rosemeadow contains within her some way of actually getting us to the Feywild, and hopefully the book will allow us to travel back.
Starting point is 00:52:37 It should do. I don't see why not. But if everyone is prepared and ready and able to form a circle, Rose Meadow just needs to place her hand on one of these gems and we'll be good to go. Sentry, are you good? I'm good, yes. Nine potions, yes. Nine?
Starting point is 00:52:59 Yes. Really? Yeah. How have you... They're not all healing potions. Some of them are resistance potions and stuff, yeah. Really? Yeah. How have you... Did we... I've been sure that... They're not all healing potions. Some of them are like resistance potions and stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:10 I think I'm well stocked. Whatever happens. Okay. Yeah. I mean, it sounds like it. Okay. Everyone ready? Everyone fully rested, ready to go.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Ready to go. Okay. Yes. Okay. Okay. Should I touch the book now? We're going to play the game? Everyone in hands. And okay. Okay. Should I touch the book now? Are we going to play the game? Everyone in hands. And okay, now, right.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Let's, this gem right here, this unlit one, place your hand on that. Okay. She reaches out and she goes to touch that one quill, but her hand is pulled to a green gemstone, a different one it's like her hand is yanked towards it and she touches it when she does there is this sound of glass like a mirror breaking you hear like the shattering of glass and energy all around rose meeadow begins to distill, almost like the air around her turns to little puff particles or petals and they begin being sucked into the gemstone. And Rosemeadow, like she said, I did it wrong. And she like backs away, like, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. And
Starting point is 00:54:17 she's like backing away, like pulling her hands away from the book. Um, but the, the petals and the leaves and the air is kind of sucked in and the gem turns, it begins to glow as if it has a charge. No, wait, I think you've done exactly what we wanted. I was expecting us to disappear straight away, but I think that's done it. I think we can just go. It's just a question of, do you want to come with us?
Starting point is 00:54:48 She's just like, I don't know, but can you get back? I don't know. I don't know. This is all a little beyond me. We can get back. As long as we use the book again, it will take us back here. Well, not too far from here, but back to Horizon. We can get back here. And you said that you think that this is where I'm from?
Starting point is 00:55:14 We believe so, in some way. I think I'd like to see it. She kind of looks at you. You can see she's scared. She looks quite terrified. Well, look, we're all here. We're all seeing this for the first time. It will be weird.
Starting point is 00:55:30 There'll be things that we are definitely not used to. But I think with all of us, with all of our assistance and maybe some strange way, you'll have a way to guide us through it. But we'll keep you safe through it all okay and we can come back whenever we want i think she would probably like she she would like stand next to you quillen like or like century you and century and she like holds your hands like she's like holding on to you and you can feel her like trembling like like something whatever just
Starting point is 00:56:02 happened is like really she's like looking around and looks a little bit confused and scared like she's looking around at horizon and just looks a little bit unnerved basically i think century will look to rose meadow and like hold her hand say it might be dangerous rose meadow i don't know but we will keep you safe okay she just sort of like hot like holds you close century when you She just sort of like holds you close, Sentry, when you say that, sort of like hugging your arm. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:32 In that case, Lucius, this time hold your breath so you don't throw up, and I'll press the button. Press the gemstone. It's an interesting quill. For everybody, the multicoloured column of light light the bifrost effect basically descends upon you or you've all experienced travel via the wayfinders guide before
Starting point is 00:56:51 um you feel yourselves lifted physically lifted out of horizon at a rapid pace multi-colored light streaming all around you in a vast thing but quill for the first time, you hear something. You hear a voice, familiar voice. As the light is transported you up, you hear Hesper. Hello. You just hear, it's a very faint whispered voice, like a message left in a bottle,
Starting point is 00:57:24 or like a message left in a letter to be found it just says the wayfinder brings lost things home uh and we'll take our break here before you arrive oh god we've been going so long I didn't realise at all I've got to give myself a second there's too much emotion I've got to press it all down it's really building up there
Starting point is 00:57:55 I don't know why it's just like playing emotional NPCs makes me emotional. And I don't really know why it does that. Well, it's healthy to just bottle it up. Yeah, that's it. That's what I need to do.
Starting point is 00:58:12 I need to just cram it in there and stick a cork in it all. There you go. Very healthy. High rollers. Let's not. Some of the high rollers. Yeah. Some of us.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Other high rollers. Some of us definitely don't have that problem well in that case when we come back we'll be in the fey world baby yeah yeah hell yeah how this all goes you got there uh i love the realization of like thalia and rosemary have never met have they and i was like no they have not princess what kind of stuff do you get in the feywild yeah yeah or like just hey here's rosemary holy shit that's essential that's the feywild do you get gross in the feywild i don't know but yeah oh most I didn't ask what the name of the game was that Rosemeadow plays no you didn't
Starting point is 00:59:09 should be time to make one up Baldur's and Bakers I was thinking of something and bakers or like you know what was it professions and something like profits I was thinking professions and profits and it's more of a animal
Starting point is 00:59:27 crossing stardew valley than it is a dungeons and dragons oh wow oh now you have to make that now you have to make that no i don't i absolutely fucking don't so i want a rose meadow run profits and one shot i've already forgotten the name of it profession stumbler that one i quite like holly dragon in chat also suggests butchers bakers candlestick makers that's really good yeah it's just all jobs
Starting point is 00:59:56 maybe but yeah i like that and some bakers is another good one bread and breakfast yeah maybe that can be some bakers is another good one bread and breakfast bed and breakfast but yeah maybe that can be our
Starting point is 01:00:10 jingle jam one shot this year is Rosemeadow runs a universe of games but you're playing your Erois characters playing another character we should pull out of rose meadows game now again
Starting point is 01:00:25 so that our characters can discuss what's going on yeah absolutely it's so good and then we pull out of that so that we in real life are like oh my god this is too meta I think the jingle jam
Starting point is 01:00:42 one shot could be a good way to do that because we can also have like people donate for like silly stuff to happen and things like that shot could be a good way to do that because we can also have people donate for silly stuff to happen and things like that. That'd be a great idea. Maybe I'll see if I can get a Rose Meadow costume and that could be a goal. I thought you were dressing up as that for Halloween. Maybe I am.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Maybe it's all just to throw people off for next week's Halloween special where we're going to be dressing up. Yes, we are. Yes, we are.

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