High Rollers DnD - High Rollers: Aerois #134 | Valiant Knight of the Briar (Part 1)

Episode Date: January 11, 2022

We try to eliminate the dread riders but a simulacrum has other plans! We're sponsored by D&D Beyond! The ultimate Dungeons and Dragons toolset. Clean up your dungeon delving life and speed up your ga...mes here: https://bit.ly/HRDNDBeyond2022 Support the High Rollers and get early access to podcast episodes and Studio updates on our Patreon: www.patreon.com/HighRollers Grab some High Rollers merch: https://freshmerch.fm/collections/high-rollers Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pickaxe. with D&D Beyond using the link in the episode description. Welcome back to Oroes. As our heroes travel the Feywild to aid their companions Thalia and Rosemeadow, they now face off against two undead spirits sent by Zarkira, a power hungry and deadly spellcaster whom has caused many problems for the party thus far. Having defeated these spirits once before and attempting to destroy them permanently this time, the party endeavored to use clever tactics and powerful spells against them. Kelek has conjured a temple of the gods, praying the party would have enough time to complete the hour-long ritual,
Starting point is 00:01:19 with seconds to spare before the spirits could reach them. From the safety of their magical creation, the party have whittled down the spirits and mostly avoided the danger of their deadly Vorpal weapons. Though one extremely close call nearly cost Kelek his life. However, just as the battle seemed to be fully in their favor, a new arrival has possibly shifted the odds. Though badly damaged, one of Zarkira's simulacrums
Starting point is 00:01:46 has joined the battle. I'm sorry, Tom. It's like years of it being one thing in my head. I'm trying desperately to correct it. The other day, though, when you said the same thing again, you said Quilek to me in person.
Starting point is 00:02:01 You said, oh, that's just how it's spelled. It's not how it's spelled. Quill. Qu me in person. You said, oh, that's just how it's spelled. It's not how it's spelled. Quill. Quilek. That's how it's spelled to me in my head. All right. Before we jump in with the combat, I have one quite minor retcon.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Maybe you'll disagree that it's minor, but it is actually minor. No Zarkira? It's not that there's no Zarkira. I'm going to change Zarkira's turn a little bit because it only just happened. There's a couple of reasons. One, Zarkira is a lot
Starting point is 00:02:31 smarter than I am and would actually know how her spells work as opposed to missing keywords in the spell descriptions that this brain did. Mark, is the word immobile? It is, yes. I did wonder um but as i said she her turn didn't
Starting point is 00:02:51 affect anything for you guys and it's only just happened so i'm gonna retcon it slightly because it's true to the npc of zarkira so uh when she appeared um she flies up into the air she's gonna fly up about sort of 60 feet up into the air. She's going to fly up about 60 feet up into the air. Then rather than surrounding herself in a shimmering globe, she does two things. The first thing she does is she casts a spell and wispy blue flames cover her body, giving her a Super Saiyan Dragon Ball Z aura of blue flame.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Then she uses an ability of hers called Mistress of Magic to cast another spell as a bonus action and she creates four illusory copies of herself as per mirror image. Copies of copies? Copies of copies of copies. That's how you get multiple simulacrums, by the way. The simulacrums have to cast simulacrum
Starting point is 00:03:40 so you just get diminishing return simulacrums. Little clone army. All the way down. That's just a little clarification, a little retcon of her turn. She flies up in the air and then she casts these two defensive spells on herself rather than Globe of Invulnerability, which is immobile and maybe Mark didn't realize.
Starting point is 00:04:00 We'll allow it. Okay. You will allow it, yes. I've decided that you will allow it. You will allow it, yes. I've decided that you will allow it. I'm 60 feet up. She's 100 foot away from the temple. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Yes. And she flies 60 feet up in the air. And this area is dense with the woods. We kind of discussed this before. There are these kind of like open pathways. So you can see her. She can see the entrance to the temple. You can see her from the entrance to the temple
Starting point is 00:04:25 as she is now up above. There's no blocking line of sight. And that's it. And then we're gonna jump straight in with Nova Vija because it was Zalkira's turn and then we ended the episode after that with her dramatic sort of appearance. And we jumped straight in with Nova in combat.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Following Nova will be the long sword rider and the nightmare, which has just reappeared. Then we have Sentry and Aayla. So if you guys want to think about what you want to do on your turn. Unless everything changes right now. Quilek can sit back. Yeah, I'm not going outside. You've got some time.
Starting point is 00:04:55 You guys are at the very end of the initiative, so you've got a bit of time. So Mark, I had a little think about what I was going to do. What I was going to do was relying on the fact that you were going to keep that globe of invulnerability, that immobile globe of invulnerability. So now my plan is null and void.
Starting point is 00:05:17 And this is the problem with playing things like high intelligence wizards when you're a normal fucking human being. Because it's just like, you're like, they would know what their spells can do. So it is a little bit wrong if you fuck it up. It's fair. So there's the swordsman in front of us, but he's in like his second phase, right?
Starting point is 00:05:41 Yes, yes. So you destroyed their physical form and it's now sort of rendered down to a ghostly green spirit clutching a very real eternal longsword that is some sort of undead abomination of what it once was.
Starting point is 00:05:56 And the lady is floating 60 feet up. Sargera simulacrum, and you guys know it's a simulacrum. You've fought simulacrums before. You can see that chunks of her are missing and have left this kind of snowy ice texture rather than flesh and bone, is injured.
Starting point is 00:06:15 And then there is also the Archer Spirit, which is still in its first form but heavily damaged and is on the ground with line of sight to the doorway. I think I might go for a bit of maddening darkness um yeah because it says choose a point within range and fill a 60 foot radius sphere so that would still catch her even though she's floating up and around yeah if you do if you put it up high enough yeah yeah if you put it up like sort of like 20 feet up in the air, it would still catch her for sure. So I would like to try and catch her and the archer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:51 I figured that would be the case. In the 60 foot sphere of darkness. I've got some bad news for you. So first of all... You don't need to do anything. Hold on just one second. No, she's not going to counter spell it. Right. So we see...
Starting point is 00:07:04 So when Nova casts a spell, like you lift Tiangong up, what does it look like? How are you kind of casting the spell? Well, first of all, to be fair, I'm going to pop out. No, wait, do I have to? No, I don't have to pop out. Yes. OK, so yeah, I guess as I lift Tiangong, this kind of shadowy darkness, almost like a shadow version of Tiangong
Starting point is 00:07:24 kind of forms up. And as it merges, this darkness just ripples down and kind of shadowy darkness, almost like a shadow version of Tiangong, kind of forms up. And as it merges, this darkness just ripples down and kind of shoots out towards the point. So you shoot it out when you cast the spell and you see Zarkira Simulacrum smile, you know, distant as though she may be. And she holds her hand up
Starting point is 00:07:39 and as a reaction, you see the air around where the Maddening Darkness is going to explode outwards from the air in that in that section that space turns reflective like a mirror like it kind of shatters and turns into like almost like a kaleidoscope mirror and you see her kind of the somatic components say spell warp and she casts at ninth level her spell warp a custom spell spell warp uh which functions in a very similar way to counterspell,
Starting point is 00:08:07 but it targets one spell of 6th level, or you can upcast it, which is what she's doing, that targets a space within 60 feet of you or yourself. You cause the spell to target a different space or creature you can see within the same range of the original spell. The spell's effect uses the original cast as DC and modifiers. However, if the spell distinguishes between hostile creatures or allies, you may choose those creatures instead.
Starting point is 00:08:31 The caster of the spell cannot end the spell's effects before the start of their next turn. So you can't cause Mounding Darkness to stop until your next turnover, and then you can dismiss it as a free action. Where's she going to send it and yeah where's she gonna send it she sends it right back into the middle of the temple to catch all of you yes i'm gonna try uh and counter spell that okay so she's casting it at ninth level i'm doing it at
Starting point is 00:08:59 seventh level so i'm gonna have to roll make it d20 plus your charisma modifier and to have to roll. You have to make a d20 plus your charisma modifier, and you have to be 19. And it's just d20 plus your charisma mod, nothing else. Nicely played, Mark. Nicely played. Yeah, I mean, this and Trot might... 13. And yeah. So you watch him because this is, again, because you said you don't have to, it's not a physical thing.
Starting point is 00:09:21 You just choose a spot. It does pass through into the temple because it's not physically passing through it. You watch as that blade hits the reflective kind of space and then it just disappears. And behind you guys just suddenly find yourselves engulfed in darkness. Does it? How does it get through the temple? Because it doesn't physically pass through.
Starting point is 00:09:41 The spell says in a space you can see. And so she can just basically warp it through the same way that Nova cast it through it rather than needing the reverse thing. This is why Mark was like, you can cast it through, it's fine. I checked, I read the rules. I read the rules.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Yeah, yeah. But yeah, this is like, again, well, again, you guys wouldn't know that she had this spell. This is a spell Zalkira has developed herself as one of the spell. This is a spell that Valkyra has developed herself as one of the most powerful spell casters in the Valkyrian army. She does this kind of stuff. That's cool as hell.
Starting point is 00:10:14 So I'm going to need everyone to make... Well, this is on the start of their turn, isn't it? At the start of their turn, they have to make it. Yeah, when you start your turn in the sphere make a wisdom saving throw and I'll tell you what happens should I roll the damage now just to kind of you have to roll individually just like if it was an enemy monster each creature would get it individually and like they have to make the saving throws because they might succeed on saving throws and they might
Starting point is 00:10:41 fail on saving throws so yeah it's gonna start on that way no way i can save on that if i hold a turn forever i never have to roll it no because you still your turn would start and then as your action you say i'm gonna hold my action and just take damage yeah you would basically um but nova that was that's your. So this happens as a reaction to you casting the spell. It's still technically your turn for a bonus action or movement, but you are now basically in this blackness. Can you tell me where the blackness ends, please? Well, yeah, it would basically fill the temple. It's going to basically go over the temple.
Starting point is 00:11:23 But I mean outwards words like towards the the writer What does this stop it stops at the wall of the thing? Yeah, she basically targets it so it starts further back in the temple and then it expands to basically we got a lot bombed It's a 60-foot radius. So it basically fills pretty much the space of the temple. Yeah Even worse the farts screaming Three minor way to yeah temple yeah even worse the farts uh screaming um mine always do yeah yeah mine yeah can i try so nothing i do will stop this like you know if i get hit because it's concentration so if i get
Starting point is 00:12:02 hit yeah you if you want to just just stab yourself to break the concentration, you just can't voluntarily end the spell before your next turn. But yeah, if your concentration breaks, absolutely. But I would say you would have to literally damage yourself to try and cause yourself to forget the spell. But that's part of the spell warp, is that your mind is locked into concentrating on it until the start of your next turn.
Starting point is 00:12:26 So could I use a bonus action to hurt myself? Because that's an action. If you have a bonus action that lets you do that, yeah. Bonus action. Otherwise, it's normally an action to make an attack. Yeah, I don't think I can. Or you could say like, but again, like you're all blind
Starting point is 00:12:44 while you're in the space as well I'm gonna try and can I just stack can I stagger out I'm gonna stagger out yeah and I guess yeah okay do I need to make a check or anything you can make a check or just like yep yeah am I in the Nightmare's attack area if I get there? Okay. So I'm going to move out, and then I'm actually going to move away from Nightmare. Yeah, the Nightmare would make an attack opportunity.
Starting point is 00:13:17 The Nightmare would. The rider's smart enough that it isn't. Slight problem. I think he used his reaction on me. That was the Night did, yes. I don't think the nightmare did though. I was a nightmare attack time because you got hit. So yeah, I'll make an opportunity attack with a nightmare. Let's see. And as I'm kind of stumbling out, I'm just going to scream,
Starting point is 00:13:41 Everybody out! I can't control it! I mean, yeah, it makes sense. Shit. Forgot to put that back on. That's a 21 to hit, though. That will hit me, yeah. All right, well, maybe this might not concentration anyway. But that's gonna be...
Starting point is 00:14:05 I'm gonna have to... The tension. I mean, 2d8 plus 4. Okay. So that's gonna be 16 plus another. I'm just waiting for the fire damage to do as well. I forgot to turn up my armor acceleration. 4d6 plus 4. Damn. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:14:25 That's only two. No, no, it's total. I mean... Oh, yeah. So it's going to be 24 points of damage, 16 from the hooves, and then eight fire damage, which would be a concentration check of 12. So constitution saving throw, DC 12. I've got advantage on this.
Starting point is 00:14:41 The one time I don't need advantage on this. You do have a full caster as well, unfortunately. Oh my god, look at those amazing rolls! 21! Still concentrating. Goody. This is cool though, being locked into concentration. Yeah, that's part of the spell. Because otherwise you could just be like, well I'm going to cancel the spell immediately.
Starting point is 00:15:06 And obviously that wouldn't be... Yeah, that wouldn't be fun. ...fulfill the purposes of the thing. Instantly, Fly will have now gone from Lucius, Aayla and Sentry. Oh, thanks for the reminder, Kim. That's wonderful. You didn't remember you were flying anyway, so... I did! How dare you?
Starting point is 00:15:23 I thought Lucius was in the air i'm in the temple yeah he did fly out and then he flew back in i think but you know we can make it we can say that he flew and landed on the ground um the right that's the end of your turn nova vija yeah so i'll go in it you're outside, though. I am outside. Shoot me, daddy! Wait, no. Well, the first thing that will happen is the rider will spend half of his movement to remount the nightmare,
Starting point is 00:15:54 and then... That sucks. Oh, he's fallen off. He has to wait for the nightmares to go anyway. So, yeah, he will just remount the nightmare. He's not in range to make any attacks against anybody. So that will... Oh, he does have a fiery skull attack,
Starting point is 00:16:14 which he wouldn't use against the mover because Zarkira has told him not to. He doesn't really have any other targets. He will ready an action. And then the nightmare will go ethereal and move. Sentry. Start of your turn.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Nova, please tell Sentry what saving throw she needs to make. Wisdom, my love. Save DC 18. No more. Okay. Roll. Ooh, 30 total. What? My love is saving Cronin from my maw. Okay. Roll! Ooh, 30 total.
Starting point is 00:16:46 What? Yeah, I think so. Half of it is. There is still a half damage on Geo's though, so... How do you have half of it? I have half again because of my... Yep, it's a spell. ...my aura of warding.
Starting point is 00:16:54 So 27. So 27 half would be 10, 13. Half again is six. You take six psychic damage from the Maddening Darkness. I'm going to go with the magic. I'm going to go with the magic. I'm going to go with the magic. I'm going to go with the magic.
Starting point is 00:17:02 I'm going to go with the magic. I'm going to go with the magic. I'm going to go with the magic. I'm going to go with the magic. I'm going to go with the magic. I'm going to go with the magic. I'm going to go with the magic. so 27 half would be 10 13, half again is 6, you take 6 psychic damage from the maddening darkness and I think sentry's aura is actually going to give that to pretty much everybody so everybody's going to be half in this spell
Starting point is 00:17:16 anyway so you're good so Phil's just had his neck slashed so sentry's going to go over to quill and give him... Okay, keep in mind, you are blinded currently. You can't see anything.
Starting point is 00:17:31 You can sort of try and make your way over to Quill, but... Heal around with my handies. If the ability says you need to see Quill, it doesn't work. If it's like a spell or if it's... I don't know if laying hands requires it. Yeah, in that case, it's fine. If you just need to touch, that's no problem. I'll give Quill 40 Lay on Hands points. Nice.
Starting point is 00:17:52 It's not a spell, is it? Lay on Hands? No, it's just a feature that I have. Okay, cool. 40, did you say? Yeah. What happens if that puts me over max? It doesn't do anything. You glow? You go up to your maximum hit points.
Starting point is 00:18:08 You feel really nice. I didn't know if that meant that it recovers some of those points back or something. Well, Sentry can choose. So, like, if you say, actually, just give me 37 hit points, then you can just say that, and then, yeah, Sentry just spends that amount. Uh, 522, 27 points. Spend that instead. 27, okay. I have no problemend that instead. 27, okay.
Starting point is 00:18:25 I have no problem with that meta knowledge of like, Century would be able to tell as she's healing you like, okay, he's full. I'm not going to spend it anymore. Because otherwise... In her panic, she just like blasts you. Just like... I mean, I guess it's up to you, Rhiannon.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Yeah, like if you want to just be like, no, I'm going to spend 40 because that's how my character would do it. You can do that. That'd be totally fine. But if you want to be more tactical... I'll do spend 40 because it's that's how my character would do it that's you can do that that'd be totally fine but if you want to be more tactical i'll do that i don't mind yeah save what lay on hands you have for sure i think i'm gonna need um yeah that's also i have a question um about star breaker so it says that Starbreaker has the ability to break or pierce through magical barriers and defenses. So could I, in theory, be inside the temple
Starting point is 00:19:14 and thrust out with Starbreaker and let Starbreaker pierce through the walls? That ability of Starbreakers would destroy the temple. So the idea is that it destroys those barriers. It's not just it passes through them, but it actually sort of breaks them. So it's a good way of like if a spellcaster has like a wall of force protecting them,
Starting point is 00:19:32 you can use Starbreaker to break the wall of force, for example. Okay. So I won't do that. Okay. Incredible. Okay. And then I'll take Nova's advice
Starting point is 00:19:45 and start making my way out of the temple. I'll just step five feet out. I'll go here. So I'm still in range of everybody else. Okay. And yeah, that'll be my turn. Okay. At the end of your turn, Sentry,
Starting point is 00:20:02 the hunter, who has a very clear line of sight to you on that doorway is gonna take a shot at you. And I'm just gonna use their normal attack and their legendary action. The one attack against Sentry. Sorry, I forgot to put my, sorry, it's just being a bit slow for me.
Starting point is 00:20:24 That's gonna be a 23 to hit. heart, so it's just being a bit slow for me. That's going to be a 23 to hit. Yeah, that'll hit. Okay, so no Vorpal effect or Heartpiercer effect, but it's going to be some damage. Okay. I think that's going to be 10 plus another 2d10 Necrotic. Okay, I need to roll Concentration for Banishment. Okay, just give me a second, we'll get the total damage.
Starting point is 00:20:48 No worries. I turned it back on, it's been quite a while. That's going to be 26 total damage, so 10 physical and 16 necrotic, and that will make the concentration check 20, I'll be on kit 13. How have you done this last? 18. I'm being hit 13. I should have done this last. 18. Banishment is still up. Nice.
Starting point is 00:21:11 The saves are so high. Oh my god. I got high con. We then go to Ayla's turn. That's a what saving throw? Wisdom saving throw, Nova? Oh, she's gone fail. Yeah, it's a fail.
Starting point is 00:21:24 I rolled a five. No, I rolled a five. I have no... Yeah, but you are gonna take half damage anyway because Century's aura, yes. 31 points of damage. 15. Nice and tidy 15 points of damage. Um, okay. I'm going to... step... out and...
Starting point is 00:21:54 I want to use this tree as cover against... the... The archer. Archer. And can I hold my action to attack anyone who, well any enemies
Starting point is 00:22:11 that come within my area within reach, sure okay end of your turn yeah I can't do much else currently everyone's leaving. Oh no. At the end of your turn, the archer is going to use another legendary action
Starting point is 00:22:28 to make one more attack against Sentry. All righty. I'm just trying to blink away some damage. Fish for that natural 20. Matrix Seeker. That looks like a three. Yeah, Matrix Seeker 12 to hit. That's going to be a miss with a shield raised.
Starting point is 00:22:44 The black feathered arrow pings off. That nightmare is still banished. And then it becomes the hunter's go. The hunter is going to... Let's see here. Yeah, it's going to make two attacks, both against Sentry. And then it's going to move and let its legendary actions replenish. What a spooky boy.
Starting point is 00:23:13 I know that you're fashion for these 20s. 19, I believe, is still a miss, is it? Yeah, still a miss. Still a miss. And then second attack. It's multi-attack. Still not miss. And then second attack. It's multi-attack. Still not enough. 19, I think. Another 19. So both attacks kind of glance off your raised shield
Starting point is 00:23:36 as you protect the entrance to the cavern. And then the archer is going to kind of do very similar to Ayla. He's going to move back and take cover behind a tree, darting without its mount to protect it and take it ethereal. It seeks cover instead. I'm just going to switch over. Hopefully, my hardware acceleration is now back on, so this should go a lot smoother.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Lucius, Varian, Elowin, Elinasto, and then we'll have Keelik after Rosemeadow. All right, start of your turn. It's Manding Darkness time. Come on, Fuzzy Dice. 17. But are you within Sentry's aura to add her bonus? That tips it to a success.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Is it 10 feet of the aura, Sentry? 10 feet, yeah. Ding dong! So you're still within. Cool, 36 points damage halved. And then halved again because of Sentry's aura, so 18, 9 points of psychic damage. Two? Wow.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Nine points, okay, cool. Lucius is going to first call out to Nova saying, Can you dismiss this? Can you get rid of this? I'm trying, but nothing's working! I believe in you! And he's going to close his eyes, and he's going to touch his chain that's on his chest, and you see a ripple of lightning energy,
Starting point is 00:25:09 and the storms above start swirling in a 60-foot radius. Uh-oh. This is the storm caller's chain. I'm going to remind you again, the storm is 60 foot, but you only strike a five-foot radius. There were things within five feet of it. I'm going to remind you again, the storm is 60 foot, but you only strike a five foot radius. We've had, because this is the... The things within five feet of it. Yes, where the lightning bolt hits.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Yes, exactly. I have read about it, don't worry. So the whole area basically that we can see. I'm going to correct you on one thing, because it does say on a point you can see within range directly above you, and you are currently blinded within the manning darkness I'm going to go outside to see the window so I can feel for the I mean everyone else you can move around in the darkness yeah exactly I'm not gonna be like oh you don't know which way to go like you know
Starting point is 00:26:01 which case soon as I'm outside I see this guy I'm like boom cover this in clouds and then there we go and I'm gonna move back in to the manatee darkness when you cast the spell to the point you can see under that you if you want to cool down a bolt of lightning you still have to maintain visibility I'll call it and then I'm going back in yeah that's fine just saying like if you want to call you have to step back in afterwards and then jump out each time now who do i pick i think i'm gonna go for the archer first so it's a deck saving throw of 17 saving throw oh yeah okay pretty Dexy. Dexy boy! Dexalicious.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Dexaholic? That's gonna be 20, I believe. Bugger! The archer is still muddled, isn't he? You tell me. If you say so, I will agree. Because I'm muddledus… D6? Yeah, you synaptic.
Starting point is 00:27:08 So that is… Yeah. It is… Which is a noise it makes. Ability checks. Roll a D6, subtract that from your ability checks. Constitution saving throw to maintain… Oh yeah, so I don't… Is it just ability checks? This is a saving throw. Ability checks are saving throw to maintain. Oh, yeah, so I don't just ability checks
Starting point is 00:27:26 It's a this is a saving for an ability checks are different to saving throws Yeah, constitution saving throws wait to maintain concentration. So yep. Sorry. I can't help you with this. Sorry. Let me let me check It's still gonna be half down to fail A tie it has muddled thoughts for a minute during that time It rolls a d6 subtracts that from its attack rolls and ability checks, and its constitution saving throws related to concentration. And you can make an intelligence saving throw at the end of your turn. I guess.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Yeah, I mean, they all missed anyway. They all missed anyway, but yeah, it's very true. But okay, so just do the damage trot, and it's going to be half damage. Come on, fuzzy dice. 36 points halved. Wow. 19. 15, 19, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:13 19 points of damage. This blast of lightning strikes down and kind of scorching the tree as it connects. He runs back in. And you dive back into the Maddening Darkness. Maddening Darkness is only on when a creature starts its turn in there, right? Hell yeah. It's not when it enters. Yeah, it's okay.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Nice. Yes. Okay, Rosemeadow now has to make, what is it, a Wisdom saving throw? Mm-hmm. She's actually pretty good at Wisdom saving throws. Intelligence saving throws, she's not very good at. But that's going to be a pretty bad roll. That's going to be 16. Plus three. 19. saving throws she's not very good at uh but that's gonna be a pretty bad roll that's gonna be
Starting point is 00:28:57 uh 16. plus three 19. so 19. so you pass um 35 uh half and then half again is going to be 15 uh 17 half of 17 is going to be 8. She takes 8 points of damage. Sentry's aura really saving everyone. Sentry's aura has been just the greatest. Super good. So good. And now she casts
Starting point is 00:29:19 kill. Cast that. Right. Just kill. Yeah. kill cast that right just kill yeah just kill activate auto kill activate auto kill um yeah nobody's like super
Starting point is 00:29:35 badly hurt uh following nova's advice she is gonna step outside as well um we've moved to the side of lucius who has popped back in apparently. So she'll move next to Sentry just to get outside and then she will look around
Starting point is 00:29:52 and beam. That's not big enough. She can't see that. She will ready an action to use her guiding beam on a creature that she can see basically, an enemy that comes within range. Kelec. Cool. It's your turn. Yeah, I will do a wisdom save.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Plus 11. 29. Somehow not as good as sentry? What the fuck? So, yeah, I hate that. War. So, yeah, that's 19. Halfed. I rolled 13. So, yeah, that's 19, half, again, nine points of psychic damage.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Great. I'm not concentrating on anything, but I will try and quieten the maddening screams by doing a beacon of hope, which gives everyone advantage on Wiz saves. So anyone within 30 feet has that bonus and this uh i mean this sphere it it's spherical right so i could just move to the side right and it's obviously it's it's it's yeah it's it's still on the top but it's a 60 foot radius right There are corners. I could literally go way off to the right. The darkness.
Starting point is 00:31:06 And I'd be out. Yeah, that's the darkness. Can you move that block? Or was it like the center of the sphere is the door? I mean, you'd have to dash to get there. If you're casting a movement, you're not going to be able to get to a corner. The corner's like this.
Starting point is 00:31:22 The 60-foot radius that like the very corner of this room like this this very corner space is going to be safe from it but we all 30 feet well like what because what's your smooth oh sorry i wasn't uh it's 50 feet with flying but i was i some reason i thought the edge of the sphere is what we were all in not the very center rather no no no she's she's aimed it wait, because you guys were all clustered there. But she did it so it wasn't hitting the outside. But the space is like 60 feet wide anyway. So it's a 60-foot radius.
Starting point is 00:31:54 I'm not going outside. I'm not going to go outside. I'm staying here. In the sphere. I mean, you should be fine. Nova can dismiss the spell next turn. Also the wisdom advantage if not, so I'll be fine. Okay, that's it. All done? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Hmm. Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum. So many options now. So many options. I think at the end of your turn, Quill... No, in fact, actually, yeah, we'll go to a brand new turn. It becomes Akira's turn. She sends a telepathic command to the hunter, and then she's going to take her turn.
Starting point is 00:32:34 And let's see. She's going to move. Does she need to move closer? No, she doesn't. She is going to... Cast Retreat. She casts a spell. Expeditious Retreat.
Starting point is 00:32:55 I don't think anybody would know this spell, but I will tell you it's a fifth level spell she's casting. Is it the start of a new round it's brand new round brand new but you haven't had your turn yet you don't have your reaction back yeah well that's a good point you don't have your reaction back does he know no cuz it's at the start of your turn you get your reaction back so it's the start of your turn you get your reaction back if you spent it have you used your reaction since you did the stormcaller i did the counter spell yeah you did counter
Starting point is 00:33:29 spell i was like here oh wait no because then you had your turn after that yeah so you do have your reaction yeah you do i have my reaction mark you just start thinking of other things oh yes it's complicated indie combat man combat, man. I thought you were going to exploit that. Well, I mean, I would have done. Zarkira would know if you'd already cast counter spell. I've got it. You can do it again.
Starting point is 00:33:56 So wait, is she going to cast a 5th level spell? She's casting a 5th level spell, but I don't think any of you know this spell, so I'm not going to tell you which one it is. Or you've not seen it cast before. This is a spell that I don't think you've you know this spell, so I'm not gonna tell you which one it is. Or you've not seen it cast before. This is a spell that I don't think you've ever seen cast before. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:11 I wish you all the best. Yeah. You sure you're the best? Yeah. Okay. A giant, she kind of brings her hand up and a glowing hand of force appears in front of Nova. Like a large, like almost a clawed like hand appears in front of Nova and it grabs her or it attempts to. So Nova, I need you to make either an athletics
Starting point is 00:34:33 or an acrobatics check. I'm going to make an acrobatics check. Sure. Oh, you piece of... It rolled from a 15 over to a 5 which makes an 8 sometimes well I got 16 you are grappled by the big B's hand or in this case our curious hands it's plus 8 and it grabs you and it like grapples you and hold you in place and then I believe is a bonus, I get to crush you with it as well.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Oh, do you? That's nice. Bonus. This is going to be 2d6 plus 8. Plus 7, sorry. Big boy's hand. Big boy's hand.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Not a lot of damage. Only 12 points of damage. Crush, crush, crush, crush, crush. You can make a concentration check for Maddening Darkness. It's DC 10. 19. Oh, but it's with advantage, so it would be the 19, not the 8. Not a thing. She used her bonus action. She's cast a spell. She will move maybe a little bit closer, but not much.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Within touch range? No, she moves like five feet. Oh. Yeah, she's just like reaching out. And you can see that when she closed her hand, the giant hand of force also closed. And yeah, that's what she does. And she's just smiling.
Starting point is 00:36:08 She's just having a whale of a time. Nova Vija, it's the start of your turn. You do... Hmm. Options. What shall I do? I'm going to dismiss Maddening Darkness. And there was much rejoicing in the temple. Vanishes.
Starting point is 00:36:31 So yeah, that's getting dismissed. But I am getting a little squeezed. Squeezed? It's squeezed. Can I cast stuff? Hold on. Grappled... You can cast after your speed is zero.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Yes. Okay. You cannot move. Could I cast Misty Step? And if you wish to escape, it's an action. You can, yeah. Which is a bonus action for me, using... Because of reasons Faye touched.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Well, it's also... It is a bonus action anyway. It's a bonus action. Yeah. Yeah, and it is a bonus action. Anyway, it's a bonus action. Yeah, and it is a bonus action. So I'm going to cast Missy Sepp. You'll see this pendant on me just start to glow. It does glow.
Starting point is 00:37:14 And then Akira clicks her fingers and casts Counterspell at third level. She's out of range, isn't she? That's true, actually, yeah. Oh, fuck. I always forget. Oh! Oh! she's out of range, isn't she? That's true, actually, yeah. Oh, fuck. I always forget. Oh.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Sucks, doesn't it? I always forget it's 60 feet range, you know? It's good. 60 feet range. Eat shit, Zarkist. Oh, God. Never talk with that. Never talk.
Starting point is 00:37:41 I'm not leaving the temple. The temple will leave you. The temple will leave you. The temple will leave you. Yeah, exactly. I reappear in the tree line further away from the temple. And then... Bonus action. As an action,
Starting point is 00:38:03 I'm going to ready my action that if anything attacks me within range aka that swordsman is the swordsman dead? he zipped into he disappeared so yeah he's probably the only one if he comes within range
Starting point is 00:38:22 I'm going to attack with Tiangong alright Yeah, he's probably the only one. If he comes within range, I'm going to attack with Tiangong. Okay. All right. Yeah. End of turn? Yeah, I'm just tucking myself into the tree line.
Starting point is 00:38:33 I've still got some movement, so I'm just tucking myself into the tree line. You do tuck yourself into the tree line. Now, so you're kind of moving there. Well, you would be here, because imagine this kind of central area is where the trunk is. That's what's going to give you cover. So if you do that. I'm in there. Well, you would be here, because imagine this kind of like central area is where the trunk is. That's what's gonna give you cover. So if you do that. Put him in there.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Okay, can this figure now get within a range? Yes, he can. Then he can do, yeah. So at the end of your turn, the archer is gonna use all three of its legendary actions to move and then do its heartbreaker action, which is gonna shoot you, Nova. It moves up to its speed, and then it makes heartbreaker action uh which is going to shoot you nova um it moves up to its speed and then it makes one heart seeker bow attack with advantage if
Starting point is 00:39:09 the attack hits but it's not a critical hit it does extra damage can't wait this is weird who is it gonna land that's a four that not very good, but it is with advantage. I need to... In the break, I will refresh my Chrome. I need to relaunch it for the hardware acceleration. Cool. I think that's potentially a hit 21. That is a hit, yes. All right, no heart-piercing effect, but it does do extra damage as it kind of thuds in empowered with necrotic energy.
Starting point is 00:39:47 And this is going to be 1d8 plus 5, and then 2d10, and then another 6d8. Damn. 1d8, 2d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. So that's going to be 13 from just the bow and then this much necrotic damage. You can do it. You can do it, Chrome. I believe... 39? So 13 plus 39,
Starting point is 00:40:24 so that's going to be 42, 52 points of damage, Nova Veeja. As this archer basically like... scurries along the ground, like rushing along the ground, and then it pulls back with a mighty bow, with a mighty kind of stretch, and then this thick black feathered arrow flies through and... Doesn't quite hit your heart, but does embed deeply into your ribs. You can feel its power trying to draw the very life force out of you damn
Starting point is 00:40:48 you mean yl this rider i see spicy bitch very spicy hmm what's going on now wait where's this sword dude he's ethereal he's ethereal it's okay because I've got some news for you they pop out of
Starting point is 00:41:21 existence Nova you get to make an attack because you did say you readied in that action and then the rider also makes an attack because you did say you readied in that action. And then the rider also makes an attack because he readied in action. Okay. So attack with Tiangong, and that is 27 to hit. That's a hit. Oh, yuck.
Starting point is 00:41:38 It rolled onto a one. Eight points of Tiangong. Eight points of damage. Eight. Oh, wait. Eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13 um eight points of tiangong eight points of damage uh eight oh wait eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen because he has hexblade's curse on him so how much extra damage do you like i already dealt i already dealt a bit of damage extra five five so you swipe out um your kind of blades clash because as he reappears into the material plane um you slash out and he slashes down with his readied action as well and this is weird so ready no it's okay my dice is like my dice is in slow-mo so it was like 20
Starting point is 00:42:17 19 to hit but i'm going to use armor of hexes. So on a hit, I can roll a d6 and on a four or higher, it doesn't hit me. It rolled a two. So yeah, you'll hit me. It does hit. It's no like crazy extra damage on this one. It's going to be 1d8 plus five and then 2d10. That's going to be 11.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Then you can do it, come on. I believe! So, wait, 11 damage plus 2d10. And then 8, necrotic. So, rolled pretty bad. I got one on one of the d10s. So, yeah, so you both kind of, like, swipe at each other, slash, slash, as he reappears.
Starting point is 00:43:06 And that's going to be all the end of their ghost century. Okey-dokey. I'm going to bonus this step. 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, up to the rider. And I'm going to give this guy the old 1-2 smackaroo please that's good alright first attack incoming 28 to hit
Starting point is 00:43:31 Jesus Christ here we go yes that's a hit that's a whacking alright let me get my dice queued up well when you roll the dice can you roll the max of them all, please? Thank you.
Starting point is 00:43:48 No, don't say it, because Century will. Yeah, I've won that. It goes one of two ways of Century, though. Yeah, it's 40... It's 44, I think that should be. Just a casual 44 points of damage. I mean, it is undead. You're using all your spell slots to smite.
Starting point is 00:44:09 It is, this is what paladins do be do. Yeah, the Starbreaker, the energy of Starbreaker like rips through kind of dispersing a chunk of this ghostly spirit. You can see like a section of its torso just sort of evaporates half of its midsection and leaving it in a very vulnerable-looking state. Still there, but vulnerable.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Another, please. One more. 24 to hit for that one. 24 hit. I think I might play a paladin for my next campaign. I think I might play a paladin. I might not give out such crazy powerful magic in the future as well.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Lessons learned. This will be 36. I did a level 2 Divine Smite for this one. With that, 36, we watch as Starbreaker charges through. As you can see, the Hunter is readying their legendary action to swipe another time at Nova but Sentry comes charging in from behind
Starting point is 00:45:09 the lance, the tip of the green glowing lance pierces through its chest the spirit evaporates and a black longsword clatters to the ground as it does the ghostly steed also vanishes didn't even charge in, you just teleported behind him.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Nothing personnel, kid. Nothing personnel, kid. This was after phase two of Spirit Rage. Yeah, he has been phase two. The other archer hasn't gone into its second form yet, but the rider, the longsword rider has. A little bit of that green energy as well just kind of goes into Nova and she heals for 21 points.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Nice. Nice. Nice. Can I get... I've got my movement left. I can't get round that hand, can I? 5, 10, 15... You can move through the hand, but it's difficult terrain because it counts as a hostile creature. 15, 20... You can move through the hand, but it's difficult terrain because it counts as a hostile creature.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Okay, I have to do 15, 20. Yeah, I can't quite get back to the temple, so I'll move. 5, 10, 15, 20. I'll move about here, so I'm close enough. Okay. Oh! It's shuffling against the wall. Ah, feedback. Yeah, that's my fault. Also, Kim, I'm going to remind you, these aren't humanoids.
Starting point is 00:46:26 They're technically undead. No, it's the other one. Master of Hexes. When the creature cursed by your curse dies, you can apply the curse to a different creature you see within 30 foot of you. But this boy is 35 feet. No. That's so annoying.
Starting point is 00:46:44 What about that? I'll go from this place next to you. That's not how it works. No. That's so annoying. What about the hand? I'll go from this place next to you. That's not how it works. Aayla, put it on the hand. You could put it on the hand. The hand is technically a creature. It doesn't have an initiative, but it does have hit points and an AC and things like that.
Starting point is 00:47:01 If you allow it, I'll do it. Sure. I'll do it. Yeah. I mean, it would make sense because it will help with things like that so if you allow it i'll do it sure i'll do it um yeah i mean it would make sense because it will help with things like grappling because the you can use the armor of hexes right to reduce its attack rolls and ability checks yeah i'd definitely say you can put it on the hand yeah well it says a creature so so i just have a vision of the future where there is a real hand on a real table and you just put that little ring on it or whatever to signify it's got the hex and then the ptz camera is all zoomed in it's gonna be so
Starting point is 00:47:30 wait are we hiring someone just to put their hands through the board I think the idea is that we would have a mini Tom. Oh, right. Okay. Casey, Nayla. Fuck's sake. Hello. Smash. Charge, archer, smash. Please. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:56 I would like to hit him quite hard. 16 plus 14 to hit 30? Yes, hits. 21 damage on the head. Plus 14 to hit 30? Yes, hits. Uh, 26 damage on the hammer and four lightning on the first one. You watch as the spirit physical form is dissipated. The hammer crushes it and you watch as its body breaks
Starting point is 00:48:22 under the weight of the hammer, the lightning kind of coursing through its body. And then you watch as its body breaks under the weight of the hammer, the lightning kind of coursing through its body. And then you watch as the green spectral form, like, erupts. Where the three hounds would appear, however, though, you do see Zarkira hold her hand out, and rather than the three hounds appearing, that energy is channeled back up into the simulacrum,
Starting point is 00:48:41 almost like she's absorbing the the energy used to create them um i hit the green thing again and then you hit you hit the ghost again please that's a natural 20. here we go this is gonna be bad This is gonna be bad. Yep, yep, yep, yep. So I get 3d10 because of Brutal Critical. So that's... Wait, I want to make sure I absolutely get this right.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Yeah, so it's gonna be 3d10, which you maximize is 30 base. Then you roll the 3d10, then you add your modifier. Jesus. So 30. And the lightning, is it a d6 of lightning damage as well? Yeah. So that was max, so it's 36 plus another 3d10 and another d6. Hang on, hang on.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Hang on, right. So I'm just rolling my d10s. So, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. So 17 extra on my rolled ones. 47. That's 47 plus another six for the D6, so 53. And then you roll another D6 for the lightning damage off the hammer. Three.
Starting point is 00:50:04 53, so 56 and then modifier it will be plus 13 because I'm raging then also my lightning my aura hasn't gone off yet. Yeah, so I was going to say because the specter forms, the hammer comes down crackling with lightning and just rips like probably its head off, like it just dissipates the head of the specter. I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail this deck, because I've only got plus two as well. Yep, ten. That's going to be a failure. It's going to take the full lightning damage. It is resistant to lightning damage, though.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Eighteen lightning damage. Eighteen lightning damage, nine. And then I should technically give it three hit points back, because it was resistant to lightning damage as well. But yeah, you watch as the hammock brings down. And this nearly fully formed uninjured specter is now barely strung together by these wispy green motes of energy and lines.
Starting point is 00:51:15 And you can see the bow is physical, like this black longbow, all jagged and sort of twisted, alien-looking shape, but physical in its hand. But yeah, that is its go. That's your brutal amounts of damage. End of your turn, is that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Ayla? All right. The hunters go. And... Hmm. Move, I dare you. Well, it can, because it can do it without provoking opportunity text if it wants to oh damn that's boring actually you can only do that as this legendary action so it can't actually do that the same what it can do
Starting point is 00:51:55 though is yeah cuz that will give it some temporary hit points back. Oh, that's a legendary action. It can't do that either. It can make an attack, and it's just going to do with disadvantage, I think. It's just going to try and point blank shoot you with disadvantage. With its shots. I mean, it's still got a plus nine.
Starting point is 00:52:22 It does have a plus nine. But the disadvantage means that, like, yeah, Baylor's got, like, a crazy good AC. But disadvantage. 26. I mean, an 11 or higher will do it. It's nearly 50-50, but not quite. I think that's going to be a hit.
Starting point is 00:52:38 So, yeah, 14 plus nine, 23. Yep. Okay. I'm sorry this is taking so long. I will refresh it in the break to get my hardware acceleration back. I'm going to call this episode hardware acceleration. Sorry, I keep saying it. It just annoys me because it's going really slow.
Starting point is 00:52:57 That's going to be 13 physical damage. So we half that to six, but then 2d10 necrotic, which won't get halved. So that's 14 necrotic. Okay. So Aayla, and then it's gonna do that again. Two point blank shots with disadvantage. Ooh, 19 for the first one.
Starting point is 00:53:23 It won't hit then. That's like 19 plus bonus, so it's 28, but rolled a 19. Oh, that's like mental total. No, no, no, no. 28 on the first one. And then the second one. Come on, dice, you can do it. That's an actual one, so that's going to be a miss with a disadvantage.
Starting point is 00:53:39 So trying to shoot you, it manages to get one shot off, but then by the time it raises its bow, you've knocked its bow to the side with your hammer um causing the shot to go wide and it just doesn't quite have the power to connect uh and then we go to lucius okay can i dearest dm benevolent overlord of herois and beyond i mean if it's if the rules allow it, sure, but we'll see. Well, technically, I cast the spell last go, so I can technically quicken a spell, right? And also call lightning. Sorry, what?
Starting point is 00:54:18 Yeah, you cast the spell, call lightning. Yeah, call lightning is a bonus action, isn't it? Yeah, call lightning is a bonus action, right? Yeah, so yeah. It's a bonus action. You're not recasting the spell this turn. Amazing. So I'm going to call lightning on
Starting point is 00:54:30 Zarkira. Keep in mind, Trot, you don't need to quicken the spell because call lightning is already a bonus action. I can just do a regular action, yeah. Okay. So you're going to call lightning on Zarkira, did you say? Yes, please. So it's a dex save of 17.
Starting point is 00:54:49 I just want to see what happens because she's got that aura, right? That glowy something or other. She has blue flames all around her, yes. She has blue flames. I'm teasing it. I'm seeing what happens, like a science experiment. It's a dex saving throw, so it's not technically attack. Okay. She does have four, like there's four Zarkiris, like mirror images. You can see three mirror images.
Starting point is 00:55:08 I'm going to hit like the middle of that. As many of them as I can hit. So you just hit her. Like it doesn't have the mirror. The mirror itself only affects against attacks. The mirror image only, like it only can be destroyed by an actual direct attack. So things like same first. Yep.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Shield won't help me on this one nope so this is just a this is just a deck same through kramzaki me like kramzaki that's gonna be a fail six total hell yeah 80 10 of lightning fuzzy dice damage that's 48 oh nice of lightning yeah i will absorb elements on that no reaction 48 that's a lot of damage that is a lot of damage she can take it she's powerful and stuff right she? She's already injured, though. That's the problem. You can see the lightning bolt coming down in extreme slow motion as she's thinking. When your mind moves, when you have such a high intelligence, your thoughts are faster than time.
Starting point is 00:56:16 Do I absorb this? Do I absorb this or do I not? Yeah, she will, actually. She will absorb elements. She can use a reaction to absorb elements, which means she gets resistance to lightning. So she takes 24 instead. All right.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Does she need to do a concentration check for Bigby's hand? Oh, Bigby's hand is concentration. Yes, she does. Because this would dictate what I do next. Yeah, that's fine. She's only got a small bonus. So simulacrums aren't quite exact replicas. So 24, half would be 12.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Success, even without advantage. So Bigby's hand is still up. Okay. In which case, I'm going to Chromatic Orb Twinned One at the Hunter And one at Bixby's hand Okay Actually no at her, I'm going to do it at her
Starting point is 00:57:14 Because it will force us to another check right Is it 120 foot range I think Isn't it Chromatic Orb No it's 90 You're not It's one square away You would have to step outside Lucius if you all right I'll step out to do that and go back in again One foot out the door
Starting point is 00:57:40 That I use my eighth and seventh so it'll be a sixth level so here we go for the first one is a nat one holy crap 13 who was that gonna be against because you need to say like before you roll which target I was the the order I spoke them so I said I'm gonna try making that one so I'm gonna spend try seeking that one. So I'm going to spend two... Sorcery points. Sorcery points to reroll that. And I have to take this roll. All my points.
Starting point is 00:58:14 Here we go. That's a 26 that time. Ding dong. It's going to hit. All right, so 3d8. I guess you want me to roll damage right now. One's a two, so that's... It's the same damage roll, but I think with Twin Spell, I would allow you to pick different elements if you want.
Starting point is 00:58:32 Sorry, I did that at first. So that would be a six, which would be... Yeah, just click on the sixth level damage, and then we'll just use that. Just take that one? Okay. What benevolent DM um that's 33 points of 33 points the rider is you watch as the acid of the orb completely engulfs the spiritual rider um the ghostly form dissipates and the bow drops to the ground uh with a kind of though you know
Starting point is 00:59:04 the one ring in all the Rings when it hits the ground and it doesn't bounce? The bow does that. When it hits the ground, it just... For flavor, Lucius is strolling forward, like gently walking forward as he throws out one chromatic orb and then the other just
Starting point is 00:59:20 flings out a little further to Zarkira Simulacrum. Are you doing acid damage or cold? It's acid. 25. 25 will hit. Yep. Ding dong.
Starting point is 00:59:35 Yep. And you're not going to do anything naughty. I use my reaction to absorb elements. That's 33 points there because I've got two ones of acid damage. Bam. You watch as the acid catches one of her arms and huge chunks of her bicep and her forearm and her chest
Starting point is 00:59:55 are now melting away, leaving that icy... Which one did I hit? That made from ice and snow residue. Ooh, that's a good point, actually, Mirror Image, because this was actually an attack roll, wasn't it? Yeah, got 25. So I roll a d20 if I roll a six or higher you hit a duplicate instead, okay? That if this is a six or higher you just destroy a duplicate Wow what's
Starting point is 01:00:22 What I go it gets worse as more of them go, yeah. So it's more of the duplicates. So you do hit that. So how much was that? 33? Yeah. I heal her back up. So yeah, you watch as one of the duplicates is caught by this splash of acid and disappears with a flicker of magic.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Does that affect her concentration? No, it doesn't hit her. I'm going to dichromancy. It does mean that there are only two duplicates remaining. Okay. So there's three in total that we can see. There was three duplicates in total, yes. So there are now three Zykeras.
Starting point is 01:01:00 Three figures left, one of which is the real one. I'm going to dichromancy Bigby's hand right next to me and then step back in to the temple. Okay. Bigby's hand has got a lot of damage. But you've done heat damage to it, sure. And then you scamper back in. 11 points per turn. Alright, 11 points.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Chat, remember he's got 11 points of damage to him. It's dependent on the spell slot I do. Nice. That's my go. All right. And then you scurry back in. Hi, Quill.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Sure. Hi. Okay. Nova, you're quite hurt, aren't you? This is Rosemeadow. This is Rosemeadow, and then she's deciding whether she needs to come heal you. Yes! Yeah. If it's an enemy, you're like, I'm not telling you that.
Starting point is 01:01:49 If it's an ally, you're like, yeah, I'm not telling you that. I'm looking quite well, actually. I am absolutely hurt, yes. Whatever she's doing, she gets max healing from... Because of... Beacon of Hope. What's the range of Beacon of Hope. What's the range of Beacon of Hope? It's just on her.
Starting point is 01:02:09 He cast it when I was just outside of the temple. So I was next to him in B-hand when he cast it. Okay. Rosemallow does have to move ever so slightly. She has to move like five feet so you're within range. Are there any other creatures who have taken damage? Quill, are you still hurt or are you at max now? I am like nine away from max.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Okay. And then Ayla, you just took some as well, didn't you? A little bit. Yeah, I took about like 30-ish. And Sentry, you took a little bit as well, didn't you? Yeah. Okay. So Nova, Ayla, Sentry, she's going to bit as well, didn't you? Yeah. Okay, so Nova Aayla Sentry,
Starting point is 01:02:45 she's going to use one use of her healing light. You watch as this wave of energy washes out from Rosemeadow. And that's going to be plus five, plus four, sorry. 22 hit points back to everybody. No, wait, no, it's not. It's max healing. Oh, sorry, it's max. So, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:03 28. Sorry, I keep forgetting that. 16, 24, 28, yeah. 28. 28's max healing. Oh, sorry, it's max. 28. 16, 24, 28, yeah. 28. She must have rolled that anyway. Damn. Nice. That's a good chunk of healing.
Starting point is 01:03:14 And then, so she moved 10 feet, and then I guess she would just move back into the temple? Like, just run back in? I, like, tap my temple at Rose Meadow and point. Smart. Yeah. Has her galps back in. I like tap my temple at Rose Meadow and point. Smart. Yeah. Has Redo gulped back in. I don't want to be out there!
Starting point is 01:03:29 Scary lady! It's terrifying out there. Do go out there. Yeah. Quill. I tap my temple as well and so the bad boy can hit so many good guys in. Oh, the temple, not your temple. The temple.
Starting point is 01:03:44 The temple. Yeah, yeah. It's funny because it sounds like temple for head. Yeah, not your temple. The temple. Yeah, yeah. It's funny because it sounds like temple but head. Yeah, I get it. So, I've got a question about these mirror images. I want to use my wand of magic missiles. Can I use magic missile to just pick off these mirror images? Yeah, I think you can because it's basically a direct attack and Magic Missile says that you basically automatically hit a target. So the first
Starting point is 01:04:08 two missiles would hit the... or potentially hit the remaining mirror images, but yes, you can. You have to technically roll for them individually, because there's a chance that you could hit the real Zarkir and leave the mirror images up per missile. And she's got two mirror images, right?
Starting point is 01:04:23 There are two mirror images left, yes. Okay, well, I want to hit two of those, and then I've got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. I want to hit with nine magic missiles, please. How many missiles can you fire? You're going to fire nine magic missiles. We have to do it because there is the potential chance that you might just hit...
Starting point is 01:04:43 But what about the hardware acceleration? Yeah, I'm thinking I might get a physical dice. Yeah, that might be quicker. Yeah. So yeah, I am also, I am blasting all charges of my magic missiles
Starting point is 01:04:59 wand, so I will have to be a decoy at the end. Oh my god, you just could have done one less. Why don't you just leave one? Yeah, just leave one. Just leave one. No. First missile. First missile hits real Zarkira.
Starting point is 01:05:16 So keep track of this, Tom. One against real Zarkira, and we'll just have you roll the damage all together. Second one hits the second mirror image. Okay. So that mirror image is gone. No damage yet. Next one hits the real Zarkira. Two for real Zarkira. Okay. Next one hits the real Zarkira. Three out of four.
Starting point is 01:05:37 So how many is that so far? Four? Five more. Done four. Five more. Okay. Real Zarkira. Uh-huh. Last mirror image, and so the remaining three would hit the real Zarkira. So seven of these will hit Zarkira. Yes. So nice.
Starting point is 01:05:56 74. Plus seven. So 17 plus seven, 24 damage. Yeah. Not insignificant. And because I hate her so much, I used all my charges. My wand is okay! Yay!
Starting point is 01:06:10 Our charges, but okay. Yeah, these bits and all kind of like... Hepa the simulacrum with all these different little tiny holes blasting, like, you know, kind of pellets into a snowman, kind of leaving these little divots of ice and snow left. I love to think that recoil is something that just Quill can't handle.
Starting point is 01:06:30 It's like a fire hydrant. He just shoots back into the temple. I'm flying in different directions, like I'm holding a hose. You step outside, fire all the charges, and then you're going to step back, you're going to fly back into the temple, right? Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:53 And that's me. It's you? Yeah, because I can't use a thing on a charge on an item and then a spell slot, can I? A charge on an item and then a spell slot? Yeah, you could, yeah. You're using the item, you're not casting a spell. That's why wands and stuff are really good, because you're not actually casting a spell.
Starting point is 01:07:19 For some reason I had that in my mind. So if you've got a bonus action spell, is it the same as the spell's action? No, a scroll, you're casting the spell. Because you're reading the spell off it and then casting the spell. But like a wand or a staff, I would say is using an item. In that case, I want to give Shield of Faith onto Nova. So plus two AC on Nova. And that's being held in Elder Quill.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Knock, knock, ding dong. Is that within range? Yes, it's Shield of Faith ranged. Oh, right, nice. Why do I always think it's touch? I know, I'm OP. There you are. All right, so you like Ad Kalar. That's your turn, yes? That's me. That's your boy Quilek.
Starting point is 01:08:12 Ow. Quilek. She needs to concentration round for all those. For Big She's hands. But they are all individual missiles that were fired. So what I have to do is get a d20 out and roll oh that's irritating Evelyn's got plus one
Starting point is 01:08:28 she has advantage on each one Quill is there that's a ton of advantage oh good god pass fail second one fails so Bigby's hand is gone hey I just want that thing gone I don't even know why.
Starting point is 01:08:47 I just got something against it. You might have found out why next turn because I was coming for Quill next. Little weak baby bones Quill. I was going to grab him and fly him away. I'm an ample nerd. Crush him. Crush him to death. I'm getting in. Your image is gone.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Okay, on Zakiura's turn, she is going to... That was a cackle I didn't like. Oh, it's just because I'm like, it's gonna be annoying. It's not particularly scary. Oh, she's actually wearing a razor. The measuring. The razor. Yeah. Guys, he's measuring me.
Starting point is 01:09:29 There's so much measuring. There is so much measuring going on. Zarkira flies over to get Eyeline to Nova Vija. Damn it. She's gonna use her Mistress of Magic, her second use of Mistress of Magic, to cast another mirror image on herself and create three more duplicates.
Starting point is 01:09:52 Uh-huh. Oh, I will win. You can't, I swear. Just, actually, no, I can't. I'm out of range, I'm out of range. Are you safe? I'm measuring. Lucius just, like, slams his hands on the temple windows,
Starting point is 01:10:03 like, stop it! So, her mistress of magic let her break the spell rules for casting two spells a turn that's why she uses it for her actual spell she points at Nova Vija and a thin green beam
Starting point is 01:10:19 comes out of her finger oh no disintegrate oh shit no no no finger oh no disintegrate oh shit mark can you remind me how counter spell work 30 feet lower level what level are you casting out because get fit right that's it fifth yeah you need to roll the d20 and just your charisma modifier and you need to be DC 1616 does it does it actually matter
Starting point is 01:10:48 what spell level you do it at other than yes if it's below if you cast so so if you cast um so if somebody casts a sixth level spell and you cast counter spell at sixth or seventh level it's automatic yeah yeah automatically counts that's fine if you cast it at like third level you have to roll a d20 plus your spell casting ability modifier and you have to beat um the level of the spell plus 10 um so there's no reason to use like a fourth or a fifth level that's what i was gonna say i should have used first level uh well you can't cast it first level because it's a third level spell. You have to minimum level spell. Yeah. So.
Starting point is 01:11:27 Are you seventh? Shit. I'm going to cast. If you have a spell slot remaining. I've got one spell slot remaining. I'm going to cast counter spell. What's your charisma mod? Is it plus four or plus five? Plus five.
Starting point is 01:11:39 So this is a pretty good chance. You just need an 11 or higher. I have to roll a. So I need to roll a d20. Okay, here we go. Pretty good chance, you just need an 11 or higher. I have to roll a... So I need to roll a d20. Mm-hmm. Okay, here we go. Oh... Ah!
Starting point is 01:11:51 No! It rolled over. It rolled over. That's what dice do. Seven. Dexterity saving throw, please, NovaVeeja. I better roll this time. Dexterity plus three. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:07 It rolled onto a two and it bounced. It was going to be a two and it bounced. I rolled a 21. So here's the thing. The DC is 21, which I think I'll succeed because I think you have to beat it. That succeeds then. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was the same as AC. And I think this means it does zero damage because I think the thing with Disintegrate
Starting point is 01:12:31 is it's not half damage on a save. It's all or nothing. Yeah, so we watch as this beam comes out and I think because Nova is not a particularly good combatant anyway, Tiangong, you hear this message in your mind of like, Nova, move now, and it pulls you to the side. At the very last second, there's this beam, maybe it burns away a bit of your outfit, like a little bit of the sleeve just crumbles into nothing.
Starting point is 01:13:01 And it hits the tree and you watch as this giant hole in the tree is left. But yeah, you are just narrowly avoided this this ray as it passes you dang holy shit that was close oh that was very close yeah and that's it that's that's it I mean you needed an 18 or higher to beat that and you got it. Fucking yeah. It was almost a two, Tom. In your fucking teeth as well. Could that have been a full blown...
Starting point is 01:13:33 That would have been 10d6 plus 40 damage. Oh yeah, it could be. Yeah, I'd be dead. I'm on 87. Probably. Because that's a minimum of 10. Would your tome bring you back? Yeah, would my tome or tome? Disintegrate doesn't.
Starting point is 01:13:51 No, the tome doesn't work against spells that instantly kill you. No, it only works if you were to. What about Tomb of Lovistus? You could have activated Tomb of Lovistus, yes. Part of the same is great. No, you couldn't. You could use your counter of Lovistas, yes. Part of the Simistar. No, you couldn't. You could have used the counter spell. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:08 I believe it's in his reaction, isn't it? So you wouldn't have been able to tomb. That would have been good by Nova. I want to see your damage roll. I don't think so. I think doing... You have 80-odd hit points, did you say? 87.
Starting point is 01:14:19 She's looking. 87. I would have had to have rolled 47 points of damage on 10d6, which isn't, like, impossible, but it's all average though Yeah, I actually take him in my crashes PC It's not gonna crush the PC's and take ages like so 26 plus 40 on the same day Then D 640. Oh my god 26 plus 40.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Oh my god. Plus 80. I rolled the next max another 40. You would be on 7 hit points. Okay. Holy crap. Noga Vija, it's your go. You saw that flash before your eyes. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:00 Yikes. It's alright, I'd like to take a break when this combat ends. I don't want to pause this combat now. Sure, yeah. We'll just take a break. So how many mirror images has she got now for reference? Three more. Three more, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:12 Oh, she's got all three back. So there's four total. Yeah, she's got all three back. Yeah, there's four Zarkiras total, yes. And it only works against direct attacks. So when you make an attack roll against her, things like deck saves, constitution saves, mirror image doesn't help with any of those. But direct attacks attacks and she is flying 60 feet up in the air melee people yeah
Starting point is 01:15:30 she's 60 feet up yeah oh god i kind of want to run away but also i'm out of spells i'm gonna i think panic eldritch blast i think nova having just seen death well she's not thinking about some of these mirror images off if even if you do hit like you can essentially get rid of these mirror images yeah so three beams are coming out three beams first one is a 13 to hit 13 is gonna miss even even without the mirror images yeah i do have to roll to see if you hit a mirror actually Even without the mirror images. I do have to roll to see if you hit a mirror image. You hit the real Zarkira, but it doesn't actually.
Starting point is 01:16:10 She deflects it. She has some sort of magical barrier. Major armor. Second is 28 to hit. That's going to hit. Let's see if you hit a mirror image. Six or higher. It does destroy one of her mirror images. Two left.
Starting point is 01:16:23 20 to hit. Hits. See if it destroys a mirror image it does, one mirror image left great okay, and then your action I can't do that, I'm going to start backing up a little bit, so yeah, if you want to do the next go
Starting point is 01:16:40 I'm just going to move away 30 foot, crying a little bit oh, can I pick up the Vorpal Sword? Sorry. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, dear. Yeah, you pick up the Vorpal Sword. When you touch it, Nova Vida,
Starting point is 01:16:56 Tiangong screams in your mind. It's just like, ah! I drop it immediately and run away. Yeah, I drop it. As soon as I hear that scream, I drop it immediately and run away. Yeah, I drop it. As soon as I hear that scream, I drop it. Yeah. Tiangong's never really like scream screamed,
Starting point is 01:17:12 but this was like Tiangong was in pain when you touched it. Okay. I'm going away now. Bye. You go do what you have to do next. I'm moving. Insert sentry. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:26 I'm going to pass as an actual aura of purity. So everybody within 30 feet of me will have advantage on saving throws against blindness, charm, death, and frightened, paralyzed, poisoned, and stunned.
Starting point is 01:17:41 And you'll have resistance to poison damage and you can't be diseased oh my god so I'm going to do that does it remove diseases? it doesn't remove diseases no ah shit alright I'm still riddled then but that might
Starting point is 01:17:55 is that something I think it might be something oh fuck bird flu he's being a silly fuck sorry I think it might be something. Oh, fuck. Oh, bird flu. He's being a silly fuck. Don't worry about him. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:18:10 Leave him be. Back into the temple. Okay. And then I'm going to bonus action. Where is it? Come back. Harness divine power, and I'm going to regain a level three spell. Sure.
Starting point is 01:18:27 Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Okay, so we'll go to Ayla. Hello. Hello. I'm just working out some spacing. So... Can I... Can I... Can I... Use a charge and throw my hammer at Zarkira?
Starting point is 01:19:00 You absolutely can. You absolutely can. See if it hits. I should do the eight. That is going to be an 18 plus 14. It's going to be a hit. Let's see if it hits the last remaining
Starting point is 01:19:16 mirror image. 11 or higher. Hits the mirror image, unfortunately. So she just dodges the hammer hammer destroys it and then flies back to your hand that's it I can't do anything else it all right in that case we go to Lucius is going to pull lightning and smash the area next to Zarkira and the mirror image. So it's deck saving throw 17.
Starting point is 01:19:55 Deck saving throw? I mean, what's the DC? I don't even know if she can pass this. 17. Oh, she can, yeah. Okay. 15 or higher. No, fail.
Starting point is 01:20:07 Take that! That is a 48 points of lightning. She's going to have to do the same thing that she did last time, which is use a reaction to absorb elements. So we'll take 24 instead. 24 again. Yeah. You can watch, like, half of her body,
Starting point is 01:20:24 I'd probably say, like like only one of her arms now left like that cool lightning uh rips off like one of the arms collapsing it just into melted snow like an ice dripping down onto the sort of trees and floor below um just leaving a complete ravaged half of her face is now missing and it's just turned to ice um yeah and and she just starts laughing by the way the simulacrum is just like i don't particularly find this funny and i'm gonna fling a big chromatic orb of fifth level how much i have to see if it hits also you're also i'm you're not in range. It's 90 feet. Oh, Chromatic Orb.
Starting point is 01:21:08 You mean Dicromancy? Oh, because it's bonus action, isn't it? It's not a spell. Call Lightning. You're not actually using a spell. It's a bonus action. Yeah, so Chromatic Orb. Cool. I got an 18 to hit.
Starting point is 01:21:19 18 will hit. She's used a reaction. Yeah, can't do anything about it uh let's double check for ones i don't think there's any there so that is 38 points of acid damage so you watch uh as the orb sort of streaks towards her she just turns and and smiles. And yeah, I think that like, she doesn't even get a chance to say anything, but there is just no fear, just almost like a sense of victory somehow in her face
Starting point is 01:21:57 when she looks in your direction. And then the acid connects and then there is nothing left. There is just there, the acid just completely engulfs the snow and ice made of the simulacrum and nothing remains. What? Except for a silvery bracer with a purple gemstone
Starting point is 01:22:16 which falls to the floor. Hmm. I'm just going to look around. Well, just real quick, I'm just going to make sure is Rose Rosemary still here break time everybody break time you'll find out next time
Starting point is 01:22:29 great alright I feel like we won we won right yeah against our hero I never feel like we win black and white defeat them i'm not a pile of
Starting point is 01:22:49 dust so i feel great yeah that's a plus true there's that she learns every time like like he's like ah another thing i mean learn about yeah i mean i think that that's not a crazy thing to think that every time she fights you guys like she's learning What you guys can do and how you fight? I mean certainly there were there were things used in that fight where yeah There was definitely like defenses against certain moves and certain attacks and certain things like that and this is just We've learned now as well no there's never going to cast Maddening Darkness around a Zarkira Simulacrum over again. Spellboard's scary. That is very scary.
Starting point is 01:23:30 I don't want any of my spells coming back at me. Jesus. You know what? Just because I think you guys could probably put this together, but imagine if Quill cast a high-level Mask Cure Wounds and she just went, no, I'm going to give that to my guys instead. Oh, God. Or a Heal. Imagine if you cast Heal and she just went no I'm going to give that to my guys instead oh god in that case
Starting point is 01:23:47 she cast heal and she went mine I'm going to heal her instead and then she retargets it onto us yeah that's how it works could you spell thank you no why are you keeping it yeah
Starting point is 01:24:03 I'm going to take a break I'm going to sort my Chrome out and we'll be back

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