High Rollers DnD - High Rollers: Aerois #137 | Love and Death (Part 2)

Episode Date: February 5, 2022

Events very quickly catch up to the Stormchasers upon their return to Horizon! We're sponsored by D&D Beyond! The ultimate Dungeons and Dragons toolset. Clean up your dungeon delving life and speed up... your games here: https://bit.ly/HRDNDBeyond2022 Support the High Rollers and get early access to podcast episodes and Studio updates on our Patreon: www.patreon.com/HighRollers Grab some High Rollers merch: https://freshmerch.fm/collections/high-rollers Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Let's jump back in. So you guys have returned to Horizon, although not without complications. Some power trying to keep you at bay. The power of Hesper's Wayfinder's Guide managing to bring you here, but seemingly unable to contact anybody outside of the city. And now you have learnt it is under attack.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Many of your allies, Danica, Rain, and the city and the guards of Horizon are desperately trying to fend off this attack. There is something unusual. There are these great metal mecha dragons on the loose. But you've also now learnt that Valor herself is being pursued by Zarkira's simulacrum and some constructs.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Not another simulacrum. There's one left. One by one. They're doing it. So you guys are currently in your suite in the Citadel of the Reborn in the northern part of the city. What would you like to do? I mean, we know where we're going.
Starting point is 00:01:28 The council room is where Valis said... Where Valis said she was heading, yes. When she sent the message, when she sent you a message saying that's where she was headed. In that case, I think we should go that way. To the council room. I'm just going to book it through the citadel's corridors that kind of thing basically is the library kind of en route or would it be it would be near it would be nearish by yeah the citadel i haven't mapped out the citadel of the reborn because it's
Starting point is 00:01:57 quite a massive structure uh but you guys know your way around it uh that you could it's not on the way you would have to maybe make a very slight detour to the library but you can make your way in that direction and divert but if you want to go the quickest route possible straight into the council chambers that's going to take you a unique route okay you can use like staircases
Starting point is 00:02:18 and corridors to just go straight there whereas the library you do have to go to sort of the eastern side of the citadel whereas the council chamber is at the very bottom, actually underneath the ground. It's like built into the middle of the island. I think thinking that through, Lucid just suggests to go directly there because it's likely Valor will be there by the time we get there. Rather than try and cross their path on
Starting point is 00:02:46 the way and judge where they are. It's just easier to go to the council room directly. Okay. Group happy with that? Yeah, that makes sense. I guess if they hear any fighting or metal spiders in the route, then
Starting point is 00:03:01 we can divert. Before we go anywhere, Sentry's going to enlarge and get a star breaker ready to go just in case okay uh just so for centuries knowledge these corridors probably won't fit an enlarged century like a large creature can fit in here but it you would definitely slow the group down like in a combat situation you'll probably be okay but like big movements like you're gonna constantly be stooping to get through like hallways okay and like you're going to have you know it's it's going to probably be uh tricky for you to to do that because it's probably going to take you like 10 20 minutes to reach the council chamber if you run there like this isn't going to be like
Starting point is 00:03:37 you're going to be there in like a minute or so this is going to be like 10 20 minutes of running through the keep just an an on-the-fly refurbishment. Yeah, just a century shape. I mean, yeah, if you want to collate it, if you really want to. Nah, I won't. I'll hold off. Sure. Also, just in the spirit of getting ready,
Starting point is 00:03:59 can I manifest Tiangong so that you're both ready to rock? Yeah, sure. Again, do you want to describe what that looks like? Because it's such a new cool thing. Yeah, as we step out of the room to go running,
Starting point is 00:04:13 as we're running, basically this kind of nebula of stars just forms out of Nova as she runs forward and then starts running next to her. Wow. She's running on behind and just looks
Starting point is 00:04:29 in awe at that. As he slates of hands, the wish ring into one of Nova's pouches. Make a slight handshake. Quill, you see this. No matter what. Unbelievable. I don't think you can roll higher. anybody who's got a passive perception higher than 11
Starting point is 00:04:49 You see Lucius Trying to put the ring into his pocket 14 So you're like, stop it, stop it Get off, get off And you probably hear Lucius, Varian, Elwynn, Elinasto Please focus on the battle ahead
Starting point is 00:05:07 and that comes from the uh tiangong comes from tiangong sorry um as a quick thing can i get an order of like who's up front these corridors are about 10 foot wide um the staircases are about 10 foot wide as well um but yeah give me a give me a running order here who's like in front who's behind i can go in front yeah if it's a speed stitch then i've got 50 feet of flying movement so i mean i and but then ayla can also want to go ahead i can go 45 feet so i can kind of try and somewhat keep pace with quill but i I'll be a little bit behind him. I'll be amongst the front with Speedy and Stompy. Okay. I mean, Sentry's only got 30 feet of movement, so
Starting point is 00:05:51 Sentry's not going to be any further ahead. Me and the bird! So Quill and Aayla are up front. Sentry? Nova? Or Lucius, then Nova? I'm probably at the back I'm technically behind because I was
Starting point is 00:06:08 trying to slip the parachute Lucius is at the back then alright it doesn't take you long as you begin running through the corridors most of the soldiers have cleared out but after like a couple of minutes you're kind of twisting and turning and the corridor has you know the keep has these
Starting point is 00:06:23 corridors with lots of different passages like the interior of the keep is designed to be confusing for people that don't know it um you guys have spent enough time here where you know it quite well um after a few minutes you do see the first signs of other guards unfortunately they are dead uh you find a number of the the the kind of uh city guards of horizon in the sort of red tabards with golden trim you find several of them dead impaled uh it looks like they've been impaled by large metal spiked weapons um some of them even have long kind of metal shards sticking out of them like javelins and they've just been like like stabbed into like the the walls the stone walls to keep like some of them impaled up on the walls
Starting point is 00:07:05 some of them slumped into the corners with blood pooling out you see like signs of a frantic battle kind of thing Do you recognize any of the weaponry or the projectiles or whatever that hit them? Just almost like a long shot, almost like a splinter
Starting point is 00:07:22 of metal it looks like and then the wounds themselves like you could make a make a medicine check for me Quill real quick A long, sharp, almost like a splinter of metal, it looks like. Oh. And then the wounds themselves, like you could make a medicine check for me, Quill, real quick. Oh, medicine. Medicine plus six. I'm actually better than 23. Like a little CSI. Very quick CSI thing.
Starting point is 00:07:38 A quick glance. It almost looks like, yeah, like there's two types of wound. A very heavy blade has cut several of the the guards so either like a great sword or like an axe like some sort of large bladed weapon um or maybe a scythe like the the length of the cut is almost like a scythe um and then the the kind of spear blasts you've already seen and then some of them have these big sort of almost like they've been pierced by a lance like a kind of long pointed
Starting point is 00:08:08 tipped metal device like a spike has been used to impale them and then pulled free okay what were you doing sentry? I was just going to say I imagine for Sentry, this is like bringing back memories of Solvin,
Starting point is 00:08:28 like the Sundering and stuff, seeing the Valkyrian ships in the sky. So I think as they're running along, she's just trying to shake out these memories of Solvin, of what happened during the Sundering, and just kind of shake out that trauma. Yeah, I think that as well. Actually, that's a good point i think that
Starting point is 00:08:46 you kind of get the sensations from some of the spirits that you took in from the city of glass many of them would have having been warriors in solving um at the time many of the kind of dormant spirits in the matrix they can sense you know they can see your memories they can see what you see and like you get this there's kind of a mixture of unease and anxiety mixed in with this like need to fight and this need to win and not let this city fall like it's kind of all jumbled in together this mixture of courage and fear and and uh and anger as well all kind of mixed in there as well and that's not helping that's obviously that pushing up into you as well like all these emotions and feelings from these other guardians yeah that's great i love that um so maybe like you're kind of faltering as like the others are
Starting point is 00:09:28 rushing ahead you're like maybe like pausing or like you know kind of taking moments when you see these guards and maybe in sentry's vision they're not guards like maybe you see some guardians or like solving soldiers like in in the tabardry and heraldry of solving instead um yeah you can hear the cries and things like that. Eventually, you guys, rushing through the corridors, you emerge, and you're not quite close enough to the council rooms yet, but you see creatures.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Up ahead, sort of a good sort of, probably like 50 feet at the end of a corridor, you can see, with stairs stairs leading down you see two creatures um one you would recognize very clearly as a naga so the kind of serpentine women uh that zarkira works with and you've fought before um this one appears to be uh just sort of dressed in armor uh like very basic armor like breastplate and shoulder pads and things like that um doesn't have a weapon on them um but it's kind of looking around and then when they see you they hear you and see you coming as you turn the corridor she looks up and she gestures and she's just like
Starting point is 00:10:34 kill them uh and you see rolling from a side corridor next to her is a giant brass ball, and it kind of rolls and then its arms and legs unfold out of it like a giant spider, and it kind of, like a droideka from Star Wars Phantom Menace it kind of, and then and it has all these like giant spiked limbs, and it
Starting point is 00:10:59 has these like spines of metal sticking out of its front and that's where we're going to roll initiative. Cool. Cool, cool, cool, cool. has these like spines of metal sticking out of its front. And that's where we're gonna roll initiative. Cool. Cool, cool, cool, cool. All right. And this, and just for the visuals, cause I don't have a map,
Starting point is 00:11:15 this is basically like a 50 foot corridor. It's about 10 foot wide. There are doorways and passageways leading off to the side. There is like a T junction behind you where you've just come from as well. But that is pretty much where we're at. And we are all pretty much at the same area as each other, right? You and Ayla, at the moment, Quill, you and Ayla are, I would say,
Starting point is 00:11:37 you're like 45 feet away because you were moving up ahead and then the others are behind you. So you and Ayla are actually at the front. Ayla, I just need your initiative. I can see through time! How is my initiative so bad? I get advantage on initiative. 21. You don't know what time
Starting point is 00:11:56 you're in. Okay. Well, the first thing to act is the giant brass ball. And what it's going to do is it forms back into a ball and it rolls down the corridor and it's big enough that it fills
Starting point is 00:12:12 the ten foot space and it just rolls up and comes right into Aayla and Quill's face and it unfolds into blades and it's just going to make two arm blade attacks, one against each of you. Unfortunately, Century, you're a little
Starting point is 00:12:28 bit behind these guys, so unable to protection on these. So against Quill, that's going to be a 16. I'll shield it. And then against Aayla, that's only a 12. Terrible dice rolls. So these arm blades
Starting point is 00:12:43 just like just completely scrape against either the hammer or against Quill's magic shield That's only a 12. Terrible dice rolls. So these arm blades just like... just completely scrape against either the hammer or against Quill's magic shield as you're kind of holding it up. But it's just there's all these like whirling blades on this ball. Like the blades are constantly cycling around it, spinning around it at all
Starting point is 00:12:58 times. Nova Vija. Um... Uh... So I'm behind everyone right can i squeeze through this corridor to get to this thing right now ayla and quill and then this ball fills the entire corridor it's like a 10 foot wide corridor 10 foot high like this is why i was saying to century like in battle century can move up and down it but like if you were moving through like trying to do corners and you were trying to like get through doorways the large form would would kind of halt you this thing is only just able to like get down this
Starting point is 00:13:33 corridor um i'm just trying to figure out like basically how solid the echo is like my thought process is could the echo slip through and then i teleport and swap places it doesn't have insubstantial i don't think yeah um if it had the if it had the insubstantial keyword it would be able to let me just have a quick look um what it says because i did have somebody apparently jeremy clawford uh did confirm it counts as an object not a creature yeah yeah um because you've already manifested it so it's kind of running alongside you um translucent occupies occupies its space it does seem to occupy a space yeah it does yeah so yeah so yeah unfortunately now it could try to like you know you can move through enemy spaces it's just difficult terrain basically so it's half movement and this
Starting point is 00:14:25 thing takes up uh two squares so it would cost 20 foot of movement to get past this orb uh okay can i try that then and like get it to squeeze through so it's like so you can move it 30 feet right yeah so yeah you would just be able to get it onto the other side that would be the full all of its movement to get to the other side of this thing. All of its movement. And then can I bonus action teleport? So I swap places with it. Yep.
Starting point is 00:14:55 So it appears five feet. So it's currently behind Sentry, who is behind Quill and Ayla. And then, yeah, you appear behind it. And then I'm going to start attacking. Sure. Cool. First is a 26 to hit. 26 hits, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:18 That is 17 points of damage plus 17, 18, 19 points of damage. Sure, yeah. That's a natural 20. That's a natural 20. Oh, my God. On the 17, where was that extra 2 coming from, by the way? That was the D4 of force damage.
Starting point is 00:15:42 That's right, the D4. That's nice. Cool. Cool. So natural 20. So max on the dice d4. That's nice. Cool. Cool. So natural 20. So max on the dice. So it's d8. So 8 max.
Starting point is 00:15:50 d8 plus 9. 2d8 plus 9. So 16. Well, one of those d8s is... Because the D&D Beyond doesn't do crits the way that I do them. So it's just 1d8 plus 9 and then 8. You get an 8 on top because it maximizes the dice. 8 on top. And then the 4 as well? Like from the d4? The 4 would be maxim 9 and then 8. You get an 8 on top because it maximizes the dice.
Starting point is 00:16:06 And then the 4 as well? Like from the d4? The 4 would be maximized and then rolled again. Yep. Okay, cool. And then, sorry, what was the next step? Do I roll again? Roll damage? Just do roll 1d8.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Yeah, roll 1d8 and 1d4. 1d8 and 1d4. Is that right? Yeah. Yeah. Five. So that's five plus eight, 13, plus nine would be 26, I think. 26. 26, yeah, because then the four for the, yep, so 26 points of damage.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Yeah. Nice. Tiangong's blade, the blue-purple blade of Tiangong's blade. The blue-purple blade of Tiangong's previous form cuts through. Another natural 20. Another natural 20? Yeah. Two in the same.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Wow, amazing. Oh my god. So you roll. 21 plus a d8 and a d4. Yep. Oh my god! That's gonna be another... So you roll. 21 plus a d8 and a d4. That is 8 points of damage. 29 points of damage. So yeah, Nova, you teleport behind this thing,
Starting point is 00:17:14 swap in places with the echo, and then carving the blade through this thing, it just cuts through the brass metal like butter. And you can see loads of arcane magitek gizmos at work spinning these blades that drives these automatons inside. What are we seeing? Are we suddenly seeing this martial
Starting point is 00:17:34 You see Nebula Tiangong phased forwards, sliding underneath the great orb creature and then Nova, it seems to turn to mist and Nova appears behind it instead. And then yeah, just these three sweeping blows cutting
Starting point is 00:17:50 this thing apart. Damn. That's it. Amazing. That's what, like 40 you did like 60 points plus the damage in a turn. Great stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:07 We go to Ayla. At the start of your turn, Ayla, as you are next to this thing, you take 8 points of slashing damage. Dammit, I haven't raged yet. You bitch. I'm going to rage now. Thank y'all.
Starting point is 00:18:23 And I'm going to just hit it y'all and I'm gonna just hit it twice so the first one 9 plus 15 I've got a plus 15 to hit now 9 plus 15 I think 24 that hit yeah does it yeah it does
Starting point is 00:18:39 please say it hits to god 21 damage from the hammer plus 4 lightning Please say it hits to God. Yeah. 21 damage from the hammer plus four lightning. It takes no damage from lightning. Bastard! 21 damage, yes? From the hammer?
Starting point is 00:18:58 Yes. 21. And then 20 to hit. 20 hits. I should say as well, when the lightning does hit this thing, it is sparkling with lightning. Not only does it have an effect, like the lightning is like... Right. That changes things.
Starting point is 00:19:15 So 23 damage. I rolled a 10 on my damage, so 23 on the hammer. Between Aayla and Nova nova like this thing you've ripped parts of its armor plating off like it's it's spilling screws and crystals onto the floor it looks beaten up badly i'll choose not to uh zap it seeing that it powered up yep sure okay all right uh lucius um lucius is kind of taken back go Go on. Oh, go on, Ayla. Sorry. Before I do that, can I, instead of zapping it,
Starting point is 00:19:50 can I try and make it fall prone? Can I make a strength save? You can, yes. Because I can use my reaction to instead make it fail. It's prone. Okay. It can't actually be knocked prone. Yeah, it's a...
Starting point is 00:20:07 It's a wall of blades. It's just like, I realized when you were doing that, I was like, it can't actually be knocked prone. It might have rolled on its back like a turtle. I didn't know.
Starting point is 00:20:15 It does. It rolls on its back and then it sort of just immediately rights itself. It just like... Worth a shot. Worth a shot. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:20:24 It's like a Robot wars robot it just pops back pops back up uh cool lucius uh lucius just kind of taken back by the absolute savagery that just goes on in front of him and like nova doing all this new crazy shit and so the guy who throws acid and melts enemies all the time this is new to him though this is fine um he kind of lets out uh a bit of ice from his hand you can see the ice forming on his hand it's like oh yeah and then he's going to distance spell uh frostbite which is a cantrip um and send that 30 feet to hit um this ball the ball, what do I need to do? Is this an attack roll or am I making a save? It's a con save. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:06 19. Natural 20, 24. That's fucking sweet. Oh, I didn't reroll my portents. And it's a cantrip, so that means nothing. Nothing happens. Cantrips don't have an effect on this.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Cool. Any movement, Lucius? You're currently at the very back of the team lucis shrugs and you have qiangong echo next to you and sentry next to you i'll stay right there okay all right as long as it's not within melee range of this ball it's not within melee range of that ball however uh after you finish casting the spell from a doorway behind you uh it smashes open or like maybe it'd probably be from the alley or from like another corridor
Starting point is 00:21:50 actually another one of these balls rolls in and is now they're both at each end of the corridor kind of sealing both ends and it rolls in um and it will uh shoot one of its spear launches um and it will shoot that at sentry and then it will once it gets within range it's going to attack you lucius so sentry this is a ranged attack against you uh it's going to be a miss on this one so you use your reaction to protect lucius and then it makes an attack with disadvantage which i think is going to be oh my god my rolls uh yeah it's a miss. So Sentry manages to deflect this kind of launched shrapnel piece of spear and then blocks in,
Starting point is 00:22:31 stops its attack, dead in the way. However, it is now next to you, Lucius. We go to Sentry. Sentry's going to enlarge and bonus action full starbreaker. I want to block so it can't roll forward.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Yeah, we can't get past it. It's now kind of like Sentry's dividing this corridor in half so we have Nova and Aayla fighting one ball on one side of Sentry and then we have Lucius and Tiangong Eko and Quill with that one as well.
Starting point is 00:23:02 And then Lucius, Sentry and Tiangong Eko on the other side of Sentry fighting another ball. Yeah. That's my turn for the minute. That's your whole turn, right? Because, yeah, I forgot to activate them both. I'd say you could have activated Starbreaker, but I think Starbreaker doesn't...
Starting point is 00:23:17 I don't know how... I can't remember how long I said it lasts for. I think it's only a minute, right? Or something. It lasts a minute, yeah. Yeah, it's okay. You wouldn't have activated it. At the very back of the corridor uh far behind the the injured ball the naga uh is going to
Starting point is 00:23:31 do do do oh nova uh she conjures a giant sort of uh crackling uh looks like a whip of lightning and she is going to cast a spell uh i can't yeah i can't do anything 25 to hit well i can i can but i'm not gonna um yeah that's gonna hit me a little bit all right this is a witch bolt this is 5d12 is it lightning damage it is is an over within 10 feet of me? Yes, she has resistance She takes half damage Yeah, she has resistance
Starting point is 00:24:09 Nice 33, so that would be half to 16 The invisibility I cast on Thalia and Big Cat is a concentration So Con saving throw the invisibility I cast on Thalia and big cat is a concentration so but I can see will be 10 I can make it with advantage because I still got one caster I got a 22 and 8 so okay yeah, that's all she's going to do back there. Kelek.
Starting point is 00:24:48 So Nova's the other side of this ball, right? From us. You are on the same side as, yeah, but Nova is on the other side of the ball to you and Ayla, yes. So actually, she wouldn't have had the resistance because she would be 15 feet away because the 10 feet for the creature and then five feet on the other side of that. Yeah, she'd be 15 feet away because the 10 feet for the creature and then 5 feet on the other side of that
Starting point is 00:25:05 yeah she'd be outside that so take another take 60 more lightning damage Nova owie theater of the mind 10 foot ball Nova okay and then the 22
Starting point is 00:25:21 con save would have still passed yes do I Okay. And then the 22 con save would have still saved that, right? That still would have passed, yes. Yeah. Do I take damage at the start of the turn? Yes, you do. You are next to one of the balls. I am. I'm stuck between a ball and a ball.
Starting point is 00:25:36 You take eight points of slashing damage. Nice. Ow. My bones. Oh, just my skin. Yeah, just my feathers. Not much, really. I would like to...
Starting point is 00:25:48 Where was the spell? Guiding Bolt, this thing. Right in front of us. Because I'm right next to a disadvantage, right? I'm doing it at third level. With a plus 14. Boom. 25 and even higher.
Starting point is 00:26:06 31. Both hit? Yeah, well, yeah. The first one hits. 66 of damage. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Bam. Not bad. 23 damage and advantage on the next hit.
Starting point is 00:26:22 And I will try and tell Sentry to hold that one off as long as possible and get everyone else to focus on this so we can move ahead. Okay, nice. The one that you just injured with the Guiding Bolt, the very first one that Ayla and Nova smashed up. Nova, you're the only one that this won't hit because as it's falling apart, it is going to explode in a cone,
Starting point is 00:26:42 which will hit everybody but Nova as it explodes in a cone of shrapnel. I need everyone to make a deck saving throw. Ayla, you have advantage because of danger sense. Everyone? Everyone, yeah. Lucius will get a plus three from me, I think. Yeah, Lucius would. 21.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Tiangong Echo does as well. Oh, nice. Does Tiangong make saves as well. Oh, nice. Does Tiangong make saves? I believe so, yeah. Uses your saving throw bonuses. Yes, it does. But it will have a plus 3. Because it can take damage and be destroyed.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Yeah. Yeah. Dex save. 20. 23. Easily enough. Anybody who got 15 or lower is going to take half damage anybody who got 16 or half 24 points of
Starting point is 00:27:32 slashing damage piercing damage as this thing just so Nova you're fine however the Tiangong Echo will still take half damage so it will do I take a quarter damage then wait uh yes you would because you're raging right so what was the number 24 it'll be half to 12
Starting point is 00:27:51 six six thank you you take six uh not a spell so centuries aura won't help you on this one um so is this but this thing is like falling apart it's not it's not dead but it is like it looks like it takes all of its broken pieces and just shoots them out in front of it. But it's still... A final stand. Yeah. Nova.
Starting point is 00:28:14 That's me. Question quick. I'm going to... And we have Aayla then Lucius. Bonus action. Bonus action, manifest echo again. Okay. bonus action manifest echo again and within 15 feet would that have it reform next to Lucius again where it
Starting point is 00:28:30 was or not quite? If you wanted it to yeah yeah yeah no not quite it would have to go 15 feet would basically put it inside sentry when it can't manifest x it's not an unoccupied space the only place is behind you so between you and the naga is the only unoccupied space. The only place is behind you. So between you and the naga
Starting point is 00:28:45 is the only unoccupied space at this point. I'll do that then. And then I'm going to just start attacking again. Sure. That's what I'll do. Do you have advantage from Quill's guiding bolt? Yeah, on the first one. Ah!
Starting point is 00:29:01 On the first one. So 16 or a 25 to hit on the first one. 25 to hit, the 16 will miss. So the 25 hits. So the guiding bolt actually guides the blade into the strike. Six and nine. It's like a hit marker. It goes right here.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Right here. 15 plus one, 16 points on the first slash. 16 points. Slash nearly finishes this song. If you plunge Qian Gong into its inner workings you hear the Magitek breaking apart but it's something is still just holding this thing together. I also forgot Nova at the start of your turn
Starting point is 00:29:34 you would have taken two points of slashing damage. Is that after it exploded as well? It's still kicking. It's basically, imagine this ball is made of swords and it's spinning and anybody who's next to it is just constantly taking damage by being next to this thing. Roll the 21 to hit on the second one.
Starting point is 00:29:53 That one, yeah. Taking the two points of damage, does that need a concentration check? It does. DC 10. Okay. Any damage. Ooh! So Nat won on the first one
Starting point is 00:30:06 and a 20 on the second one! Jesus! Holy crap. Oh, the duality of my concentration. That is... I mean, you are like... That is... Let's not lose him physically.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Honestly, that is Nova's brain in two rolls right there. Like... I rolled 21 to hit on the second attack. Yeah, yeah. That definitely hit. The damage is going to be enough
Starting point is 00:30:29 to finish this thing. It has four hit points left. So you watch as Nova, like the second strike, plunges into this thing and you just watch as the ball breaks in half and its inner workings,
Starting point is 00:30:39 its cogs, its magitek crystals just break apart, filling the space. I have one attack left. Is there enough for me to move 30 feet? You haven't moved, have you? So you've got 30 feet of movement.
Starting point is 00:30:52 The corridor is 50 feet long. So, and this thing moved 45. You would be 15 feet out of range of the Naga. Okay. You could start moving up towards them. Yeah, I'll start moving up towards it sure okay uh perfect uh ayla would i have enough movement and be able to get past to the other side of the other ball uh so you would go through century and then the ball, and then space next to Lucius,
Starting point is 00:31:26 and then ball. Ball would be 20 feet of movement. You would, because you've got 45 feet of movement. Yes, you can just about do it. You're basically nudging past sentry and then shoulder barging through this thing as it's slashing you with blades as you get to it.
Starting point is 00:31:40 I'd say that you probably would just take the D8 of slashing damage. Half to four. You take four slashing damage as you basically push your way past this thing. I stand behind the ball and I hit it. Please. Makes sense. You're standing behind
Starting point is 00:31:55 the ball. Yeah, right. Wait. Is that okay? I'm just checking where you are. Oh yeah, I'm just keeping my head where everyone's positioned. Yeah. 13 plus 15 to hit. 28.
Starting point is 00:32:12 23 damage. I won't do lightning damage. Does my hammer attack automatically do the lightning damage? I would say technically it does do automatic lightning damage. So you don't do the damage but the lightning damage would still go off. Oh yeah, right. You didn't see that it did anything scary? Like it seemed to the other one didn't get any extra damage or anything?
Starting point is 00:32:36 There just wasn't any point in doing the aura. I got nat 20 on the second one. Oh god. That's a ritual critical as well. I am now up to another dice so it's 40 plus 4d10 plus my... Jesus! Yeah, I've got another brutal critical. Brutal critical, man.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Yep. Mmhmm. I can't roll 20s but, you know, you guys can. You did. You did against Lucius. That was a saving throw. It doesn't count. Still, okay.
Starting point is 00:33:10 62 plus 13. 75. 75 damage. Yeah, I mean, like, one big hefty, like... Jesus. It kind of makes, like, a sound of a hammer striking a bell as this thing smashes into it. I mean, it doesn't destroy it, but it tears chunks of armor away,
Starting point is 00:33:29 leaving this thing badly damaged. Rocky. Yeah. That's the end of my turn, because I'm not going to zap it with lightning, because there's no bind. Sure. Lucius.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Riddle me this, Mark. Okay. Can I... Can you... Disengage as my action? action yes that 100 you can do that because it's within melee range of me right now right yeah next century you do at the start of your turn you can take three points of slashing damage out i'm out done that's it felucious uh can i mark yes just ask i don't don't do it the whole thing just ask uh i'm going to use my font of magic to quicken a spell because i haven't used a spell yet that allows me to use it as a bonus action yes can i hold that even though i've used disengage
Starting point is 00:34:34 no uh well i'm out this campaign holding an action wow actually oh he's actually gone holding a bonus action yeah no you can do it yeah that's how you can it's still going to use your reaction but like yeah i think you can yeah why not uh how about we compromise breaking the rules and my disengage is just like five feet out of melee range i mean it doesn't that doesn't matter there doesn't need to be a compromise i'm just saying you can do it cool my reaction will be to cast a dome of wall of ice because that's the other option of wall of ice around the explosion to try and contain it and not damage people from the explosion when i see it happening oh so when it tries to like explode with trap i'll put a dome around it so that dome would be around you it's a 10 foot quill at this point um just know this move Can I not put it on it?
Starting point is 00:35:26 Oh you want to put it over it? To contain the explosion Is it a 10 foot dome? Yeah It would have to be it and Ayla You would trap Ayla inside with it But she's behind it I'm behind it
Starting point is 00:35:38 I guess I'll try to mitigate as much as I can I give you permission to trap me in dome. At that point, I don't think Ayla is trapped inside with it. I think it would be trapped inside with Ayla. Yeah, it's not my problem. It's the ball's problem. I just really want to hear the noise it makes of an ice dome over an exploding ball.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Just this. Yeah. I just really want to hear the noise it makes of an ice dome over an exploding ball. Just this. Or it's going to create like shards of spiky ice that impales everybody. I want to see it. We'll see. But that's what I prepare. Okay. But you're not, yeah, because the thing is as well is like this, it wouldn't be cutting through a creature's space.
Starting point is 00:36:24 You're actually going to kind of keep the ball in the center. So it wouldn't take damage from the wall of ice anyway. All right, cool. All right, so that's what you prepare. Well, I'll tell you what, Chris Drop, you're in luck because on its turn, it tries to do exactly that. It tries to use its shrapnel blast. It goes to launch a 30-foot cone.
Starting point is 00:36:40 You summon the ice wall that traps inside it. The... So the wall does have hit points. I'm going to roll damage. Yeah, you hear this kind of like, Lucius waits for the right moment. He summons the dome as it begins to fire the shrapnel. And then you just hear like, and like a couple of inches of spear is sticking out the other side of the dome
Starting point is 00:37:06 um but the rest of it is kind of contained within uh ayla like you see the front like you completely surrounded by this dome and all of these spears just like bounce off and you are now like in an inside out hedgehog with all of these like spikes like around you pointing in and this ball is with you basically uh but it's it's currently trapped in there. But the dome does take it's only got nine hit points on its front section left. Yeah. Nice.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Yeah. Cool. That's its turn because it's a machine and it was just like I'm going to shoot and hit as many things as I can. Sentry. Okay. So that's been immobilized I think How far away am I from the Naga?
Starting point is 00:37:49 So you were They were 15 feet ahead of you So and then she was 50 feet down the corridor They are currently The Naga is 65 feet Away from you Alright so Yeah I'm gonna move 30 feet forward feet away from you. Alright, so
Starting point is 00:38:05 yeah, I'm going to move 30 feet forward down the corridor, and then bonus action Misty Step the last. Right next to her, yeah. Within the second range anyway, with a reach. And I'm going to just, yeah,
Starting point is 00:38:21 Sentry's just going to pull back the lance and just almost, kind of like with a roar, just jab it at her. Raaaaaah! William! William! Jesus. Fuck this guy in particular. Sentry's mad.
Starting point is 00:38:39 30 on the first hit. 30 hits. I can't do anything about that can't stop that she kind of like hisses at you like 5 rock and roll here we go first one incoming
Starting point is 00:39:00 2d12 46 for the first hit okay nice she doesn't get he's gonna pull back and do it again just letting out all her fury oh my god it's a natural so the question here is what level smite are you using? Oh my god, I already used a level 3. I'll do another level 3. Alright, so the 2d12 is maxed to 24. The 3d8... 5d8 is maxed to 40. So we're already at 64 points of damage.
Starting point is 00:39:46 68 points of damage. And now you roll it again. What's your normal modifier? My normal mod is plus 3. No, as in like the damage modifier, sorry. So like what you would normally add to a weapon attack. Oh, plus 7, sorry. So 64 plus 7 is 71. Now just roll the dice.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Okie dokey. 71 plus 2d12 plus 5d8 plus 1d4. Okay. 71 plus 34. 105 points of damage. We've already added the 7, so that's 105 points of damage. In one already added the seven, so that's 105 points of damage. One go.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Oh my god. Five. Yeah, Sentry is just letting out all her arrows. Learning my lessons. Powerful magic items, paladins, maybe not. What was that, 151 damage total? I think for both hits. Oh, let me just make a concentration check for which but oh i don't need to she automatically fails it um as the lightning kind of like disconnects as yeah this like just the two strikes is left leaves she is bloodied near death at this point with these
Starting point is 00:40:59 two strikes from completely uninjured to near death she just like looks in shock and horror at sentry just scream like leave leave oh wow the Naga is going to take you up on that offer and vanish it just turns to nothing as they vanish from sight. They're gone. Quill. They're like, I'm out. I'm not doing it with that. That's why we're still initiative.
Starting point is 00:41:38 So the dome is still up, right? Hey, Lucius made the dome. Can I hit it even if I wanted to? No, you can't.us made the dome can i can i hit it even if i wanted to no you can't i am going to knowing that the way ahead is clear and we need to keep moving i'm just gonna 50 feet down the corridor do i hit into anything uh invisible okay great that's me Nova Vigia so I can't see this Naga at all and then behind me is this dome with an Aayla and an angry
Starting point is 00:42:14 an angry Aayla you don't even see inside the dome to you it just looks like the corridor is now filled with ice it's just like a big chunk of ice it's more like a cube of ice at this point in this corridor. I trust Ayla to deal with that, so
Starting point is 00:42:30 can I see around Sentry? Because Sentry big. Sentry big? Yeah, I mean, like, you can. Like, you know, you can see through her legs and around the side of her torso and stuff like that. Okay, I don't have anything that tracks invisible people. Can I get past Sentry
Starting point is 00:42:47 or is Sentry beak? You can move past Sentry. She lifts her. Could you just lift your leg, my love? She's just roaring and screaming and we're running past her like, hang on.
Starting point is 00:42:59 I don't want to take away from this moment. No, anything else. I just want to get through this quick. Anything else? I do want to... So can this moment. Nova, anything else? I just want to get through this quick. Anything else? I do want to... So can I just try and see this thing, like an attack? I will tell you now.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Yep, you swing your sword. You try and make a perception check. There's no... This is not just invisibility. This is something else. If it was invisible, you would still be able to attack them. They are not invisible. They have vanished.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Can I hold action to attack if anything else comes at us? Absolutely you can. Sword attack. Aayla, at the start of your turn, you take one point of slashing damage. The ball is in the dome. It's your turn. It must be so loud in there. Although I rolled a 2, so 17 to hit.
Starting point is 00:43:49 That is not enough. 17 bounces off this thing's what little arm we have. The next one I'll hit though. 12 plus 15. That will hit. And I rolled a 22 damage.
Starting point is 00:44:04 22 points. Not enough to finish this thing off, unfortunately. Lucius. I think Lucius is just going to go up to the dome and shout through it. I assume you're fine in this, so I'll just be heading off now. Let me know when you want me to remove the
Starting point is 00:44:27 dome. He's just going to walk towards the rest of the party. You can probably remove it. I'll get it next ride. Okay. I'm not sure if I can dismiss it because it is concentration actually. Yeah, I think
Starting point is 00:44:43 any spell. I think for me and again Chris Trott, the roar of the dismiss it because it is concentration actually yeah i think any spell like i think any spell i mean i i think for me and again chris trot like the roar of the rules is i think you can dispel it but things like conjured things like walls i kind of i'm like well i think it would you know you can't just dismiss it yeah it's done you know if you got knocked unconscious the magic would fail but i don't know it's up to you if you want it to go i'll spend my action trying to cut a doorway with my captain's command sword sure there you go to like weaken one side i mean once one side was weakened enough i think yeah you can kind of like cut a loose
Starting point is 00:45:16 doorway and you see the ball of death inside it now like everyone can see it yeah the ball of death on its turn uh is going to make two attacks against Taylor. That's actually going to hit 25 on the first one. That will hit me. Second one is only a 12, so it's only one hit. Ooh, good damage, though. 24,
Starting point is 00:45:37 half to 12, because you're raging. 12 points of slashing damage. As it just slices you with blade arms. 200 hit points, bastard. Oh, and then it actually has a thing. It has a thing where opportunity attacks have disadvantage against it
Starting point is 00:45:52 so it's going to wheel out and rush towards Lucius after it strikes you. There's disadvantage though. Rapid shifting. Opportunity attacks made against it have a disadvantage. Okay, so my lowest was a 5 plus 15, so 20 to hit.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Just hits it, yep. Even this thing is very erratic in its movement. Like, bleh. 17 points of damage. 17 points of damage, not destroyed. And it's next to Lucius. Venturi. Um...
Starting point is 00:46:24 This is ground. Ground. and it's next to Lucius. Sentry. I guess Sentry will go down, whip round, go down the corridor to meet this ball in the middle and strike it. I don't think you're going to be in range to melee strike it because you moved 60 feet with Misty Step. So you would move 30. Okay, if you want to Misty Step again, yeah, absolutely. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Yep. Yep. And I'll meet it in the middle and attack it again. Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure. Nice, nice, nice, nice, nice. Bram, bram. 16 for the first one. Not enough.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Glances off its many-bladed arms. Damn. But this will be the thing that ends the storm chasers that hits it no it won't rock and roll sunshine you know what
Starting point is 00:47:15 I'm not going to divine smite I'm just going to leave it I'm going to divine smite I'm going to though I'll do a level 2, 4d8. Paladin's men, powerhouses. Roll sunshine. Taking a little while, come on.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Welcome to Hyrule's campaign 3, everyone's a paladin. Oh yeah. It pierces through, shattering what remains of the orb. All of Aayla's attacks having left this giant weak point just exposing its core. Sentry just rams Starbreaker through, breaking it apart. You already did. And yeah, you guys, there is no more threat. We drop out of initiative as these balls are just left
Starting point is 00:48:02 in a state of disrepair. Zooming. We are chasing our way to the council room. All right, okay. You guys just rush straight on, okay? Yeah, eventually part of this journey to reach where you want to go, you run sort of along a corridor
Starting point is 00:48:19 which does have windows that look out onto the city, right? And you're making your way slowly down towards the center uh of the the keep where you know you can head down into the council rooms um you guys can see there are still fighting going on i need all of you to make a dexterity saving throw with disadvantage except for ayla and quill because ayla's danger sense and then quill you hear something. You don't have enough time to shout a warning but as you are running down, you glance
Starting point is 00:48:50 Quill and you see something swoop in incredibly quickly and blast the wall. 23. Oh. Just need to know who got underneath uh 19
Starting point is 00:49:07 i've got a level of exhaustion as well it's been about a minute that's uh disadvantage on ability checks for now so one level one the first level of exhaustion so not saving throws or attacks just ability checks for now um okay i'm normal size yes those of you who did not succeed take 61 points in fact it'd be less than that because i would take some off for the cover it would have to destroy the wall first let's say half of that so 30 points of damage to the people that failed 15 points of damage to those who succeeded. As a chunk of the keep's wall is blown out and you hear... Yes!
Starting point is 00:49:52 As one of these giant metal dragons, by his mouth, a beam of light that just carves through the wall it sends dust and debris and rocks as you're all thrown off your feet those of you who failed you're also knocked prone and yeah you are exposed
Starting point is 00:50:16 I'm just looking at the time we've got half an hour I'm going to quickly throw you guys onto a battle map it's the war of the worlds this is incredible. I think my invisibility has been knocked off. I rolled an 87 on my concentration check. That is going to lose it, unfortunately. Yeah, so invisibility on Thalia and Big Cat is gone. So let me also just...
Starting point is 00:50:46 And it wrapped around. It wrapped around. To begin with, it was dumb, and it was so dumb then that it was really cool. It's like an upgraded dumb to cool. Okay, that'll do. Do I still have the mecha dragon? Yeah, basically.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Quick, put this little filter on. That's all Zarkira did to upgrade them. She just put a filter on all the voice modulation. Voice box, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like Snapchat. They've got the dog ears and the tongue hanging out.
Starting point is 00:51:19 They all laughed at it last time. I don't think I have my old token for it still. No. That's okay. I can quickly get one from here. Wait, is there a map? Yes, if you can go into Roll20, I do have a little mappy. I'm just going to quickly make a token.
Starting point is 00:51:41 I wasn't sure if we'd get to this fight today, so I didn't fully prep. Speedrun speed runners i prepped a map and stuff i just uh time token any percent any percent we retry that uh metal ball fight i think uh there's definitely some optimization yeah let's redo it's definitely yeah absolutely uh yeah Yeah, let's redo. There's definitely, yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I missed a shot and that was just... RNG. Again, RNG ruins the whole discussion. Classic RNG, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:13 So if those of you who are on the Roll20, if you can kind of position yourselves, like Quill and Ayla, for example, we're definitely out front. It's still the map. It's still the old map for me. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. I'll move you guys over. There you go.
Starting point is 00:52:25 You should be able to see it now. Oh my god. Oh, there he is. Jesus, he's big. You would not be flying outside, Quill. That's only just been destroyed. And the tower is about
Starting point is 00:52:43 maybe 120, 150 feet up from the street level, the current position where you are. You guys are quite high up. Actually, no, I'd say it's probably more like 70 feet up from the street level. That changes everything. Changes everything. And that is going to be initiative, as that was its surprise round. I'm ready to go last.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Come on, baby. Not great. I just rolled another nat 20. Here we go. But I rolled five. Twenty what, Ayla? 25. 25.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Well, Ayla, you're definitely the first to react again those of you who failed the saving throw which I think was Lucius Nova Sentry you guys were all knocked prone Quill did you pass I didn't make it did I you didn't make the saving throw no you did you just didn't have disadvantage
Starting point is 00:53:39 oh maybe well that's just 16 You and Ayla both just made it normal 16, you take 30 points of radiant damage And you are not prone Ouchie, ouchie I am radiant
Starting point is 00:53:52 Well, Ayla This thing is like kind of clutched It's like claws slammed into parts of the keep What's the plan? Are we staying here? Are we going for Valor? And you can see, by the way, this dragon, as the Mecha Dragons
Starting point is 00:54:10 were before, this one is completely the engravings on its armor plating seem much more, they glow very brightly, and it isn't even fully connected. It's almost like it's connected by arcane purple energy. There's almost like it's connected by arcane purple energy.
Starting point is 00:54:25 There's not like necessarily like full muscles and fibers. It's almost like there are parts of a dragon. Like you can see the torso with the head and the tail and the wings, but then its arms and legs are like separated, like joined by energy almost. Pretty cool. Pretty cool. I want to hit it.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Yeah, it's currently kind of like you have to get right to the edge. So you would kind of like be right on the edge of the battlements. You're kind of like leaning precariously over the city street below. I should hit. Okay. 15 plus 15, so 30 to hit. That hits. 22 with the hammer and one lightning. Yep, okay. So 23 points of damage.
Starting point is 00:55:23 And 19 plus 15. That was so close. Close, but not enough. So it hits. That is a two on my roll. So that's 15 on the hammer with four lightning. So 19. And a dex sev.
Starting point is 00:55:47 X. It's not very good at these. Nine. 19 lightning damage. 19 more points of lightning damage. The Howling Temple slams into the creature's kind of like face, bringing lightning kind of crackles all over its body
Starting point is 00:56:04 and it does kind of like rear back. Anything else, Ayla? If not, we have Lucius followed by Nova. I just shouted to everyone, are we holding here or are we going for Vala? And with my movement, I assume I'm still in his range if I move back one square.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Because it's got reach, right? Well, I mean, it's up to you. Is that what you want to do? You don't know. Does it have reach? You don't know? Might do. I'll move back one.
Starting point is 00:56:34 You wouldn't know. You've never... Okay, when you move back one, it does get to make a claw attack because it's claws is only five foot reach. I thought that would have reach. No, it doesn't. 19 to hit. Doesn't hit. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Swipes past. Damn! At the end of your turn, Ayla, it's gonna use all three of its legendary actions to use booming scales. So out from its, like, its runes begin to glow, and this kind of high-pitched frequency, like
Starting point is 00:57:04 woooooo, kind of noise expands outward ayla and quill need to make con saving throws please oh no good oh 11. you both get plus three uh 20 25 i rolled 14 plus 10 plus 11. half damage do you have thunder resistance or just lightning resistance sailor just lightning okay, Ayla? Just lightning. Okay, you're going to take half damage and then Quill's taking the full amount. That's 18 thunder damage. So 9 to Ayla and
Starting point is 00:57:34 18 to Quill. No, I don't have thunder damage. I'll take the full. Sorry. 18. No, because you succeeded on the same throw, didn't you? Oh yeah, sorry. That's at the end of Ayla's turn. We go to Lucius.
Starting point is 00:57:48 Lucius. Do you get pushed back? No, you don't get pushed back. No, you just kind of have your ears like, ah, this noise is painful. I thought it was a thunder wave or something. Okay, cool. Lucius is going to cast Fly at 5th level
Starting point is 00:58:02 on myself, Ayla, and Sentla and sentry okay cool you guys all have fly I don't know what the plan is but don't fall off the battlements because you can't cuz you're flying all right any movement or anything Lucius or Lucius is going to hover five inches off the ground. Nice. Look cool. Billowing cape. Yes. Yes. I would like to stand up so I'm no longer prone. And manifest Tiangong on the back. You already had it manifested, right?
Starting point is 00:58:44 It got destroyed by the blast the second one didn't you already you already summoned a second one because we all fight we all ran out though and the dragon did all right yeah yeah the dragon blast would have killed it you're right oh yeah i was like what blast yeah when we ran out without checking ourselves I mean yeah you can just about not on the dragon's back but like maybe like on its head or something like that just barely
Starting point is 00:59:13 that's my bonus action is to manifest that boy and then can I reach it within because I've stood up and you can get reach it within? Because I've stood up. You can get to the very edge of the just like Ayla did, you can get to the very edge of the battlements.
Starting point is 00:59:35 I'm going to attack, attack, attack and manifest echo get echo. You can't manifest because you've already used your bonus action this time to manifest the echo You can't use unleash incarnation. Oh, no, that's just part of the attack. I keep getting that I can ignore me Yeah, you can Thinking it's yeah, I keep thinking it's a bonus action. It's not
Starting point is 00:59:57 It's not it's just a I've got three of the attack. Yeah Yeah, 29 to hit 29 hits uh 14 15 16 points of damage on the first one points 23 to hit on the second one 23 hits 11 13 on the second one 13 points of damage 32 to hit on the third one hit
Starting point is 01:00:33 get them stacked 16, 17, 18 19 damage on the third one 19 on the third one and then the unleashing carnation goes in on the crown that is And then the Unleashing Carnation. Tiangong goes in on the crown. That is 20 to hit. Just barely hits.
Starting point is 01:00:51 And that is... Not great. 12. 14 points of damage from Tiangong. Individually? No, they're not a lot of damage. You add all those up and that was easily 50 points of damage. Maybe nearly 60. yeah you watch it like kien gong and nova combined
Starting point is 01:01:09 carving into this thing's runic armor um as it does so and it's trying to kind of pull itself back uh end of turn yes i can't move anymore can i because i've kind of burnt all my movement standing up and moving up. So, yeah, I think that's it for me. Very important roll. Does it recharge its radiant breath? It does not. Oh, good.
Starting point is 01:01:33 What a shame. Dragons go. So, it's going to do a couple of things. The first thing it's going to do is use its sapping presence. I need all of you to make wisdom saving throws. Is it just a really negative guy? Everybody gets a plus three apart from Nova, who's just out of my range.
Starting point is 01:01:50 I fail. I got an eight. Twenty. Plus one is a nine. Oh, my God. DC 19. So we got some successes and failures. I got a four.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Those of you who failed, well, those of you who succeeded, you're immune to this effect for 24 hours now. So if I ask for this effect again, you don't need to make a semi-through. Those of you who failed, your speed is halved and you have disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of your next turn. That's all attack rolls.
Starting point is 01:02:21 Then it's going to do a couple of things. It is going to uh the it's going to try to bite ayla with it because it has got 10 foot reach on that attack um then it's going to claw nova once and then it's going to try and grab nova with its final attack uh so fight against ayla that was nearly a natural 20 that's's a 26. Yep. So this is going to be 25 piercing damage, so halved to 12. And then six points of radiant, which you don't halve because of rage.
Starting point is 01:02:57 And then Nova, one claw attack to do some damage is going to be 21. Yes, that'll hit. For 13 points of slashing damage. And then for its final one, I need you to make a dex or strength
Starting point is 01:03:16 check. So just roll strength or dex. Yeah, I think I'm going to make a dex check. Pretty bad. It's a check, right? Not a saving throw. Just strength or, yeah, just no saving throw, just strength a dex check. I rolled pretty bad. It's a check, right? Not a saving throw. Just strength or... No saving throw, just strength or dex modifier. Oh!
Starting point is 01:03:32 I rolled abysmally. Seven. Pretty bad. I didn't roll great, but this thing is really strong. It grapples you. It's gonna grab you as part of its action, and then it flies back. Taking thing. Can you make a acrobatics check for the echo? You weren't within 5 feet
Starting point is 01:03:52 of it. Ayla, you moved back 5 feet. So if it's got a reach of 10 feet for some attacks, it still doesn't count within... Because you moved out of its threatened range for one of its attacks it gets a swipe with those weapons. but if its other weapons are still with it i don't know okay no i'm just curious i'm curious it's bite its bite is more powerful which is why it didn't
Starting point is 01:04:16 get to make an opportunity attack with its bite which it would have if you had moved away further than 10 feet away from it uh what'd you know i'm just that that did you get on the acrobatics? No, I'm just... That was odd. 21 on the acrobatics. So the echo is managing to hold on to the head. It's kind of managing to stay on top of this thing. But yeah, it's grabbed Nova and has now flown backwards. And it looks like it's trying to recharge its breath energy. Quill.
Starting point is 01:04:43 God damn it. God damn it. If I use the charge on the Eye of the Storm to scry on Valor, it has a 10-minute cast. Using a charge means I just do it without the material cost, right? Not with the time cost as well. I am more than happy for you to use it as if it was an action for the scry effect on that. I can just subside this by saying I want to see where Valor is right now and use it as if it was an action for the scry effect on that i can just subside this by saying
Starting point is 01:05:06 i want to see where vala is right now and use it as an action instead um no i'd say you can scry on vala fine but it would only be temporary it wouldn't be like a lasting scry like 10 minutes you would basically get a glimpse of like in the moment yeah that's fine i want to yeah use an action to scry uh on vala then and see where she is and what's happening with her and see if that massively changes our plans. Tom, I love you. You're the best. You're like, here you go, Mark.
Starting point is 01:05:34 I'm going to pitch it to you and you just... Yeah, I'll line them up. You line them up for me, baby boy. Sweet boy. I'm giving you that eye as one of my joys. I love it. I love it. I love it. Quill, the vision, the clouds pull in.
Starting point is 01:05:52 Your vision blurs, and you find you quickly rush as if moving at an incredibly high speed. You rush through the various corridors, making your way down into the council chambers. um you rush through the various corridors making your way down into the council chambers when you arrive you see a pretty terrifying scene um you see the uh simulacrum of zarkira like gesturing um she currently has maximilian held in some sort of spell he's held up in the air he's like you know suffering in pain like he's being electrocuted and she's currently got him pinned by that um meanwhile these four maybe five like they're kind of hidden in the shadows of the room retrievers which you recognize quill as the
Starting point is 01:06:36 thing that kidnapped you and took you to a ship five of them are like slowly advancing on vala there are dead horizon guards all around them as if that they were helping them sort of protect valor and you see this and you're like well that you're like that's it it's done and then just before the vision of the scry ends the doors of the chamber fly open and a figure steps in and all you see before the vision fades is a pair of tall, black, armored boots. And then the vision snaps back. Damn it, why does my vision have such good cinematography?
Starting point is 01:07:14 End the episode! No! No! Oh, daddy's here! No! Oh, I thought that was Arvel's boot could it be sorry
Starting point is 01:07:32 could it be still applies no well shit oh dear what an episode i am invested in this yeah yeah man this episode had it all it had yep it had everything oh wait it didn't have a character there you know and it's it's you know there's gonna be people out there that don't particularly like certain play styles and like might feel that like things with like the thalia and mesmera stuff was quite forced or that it's quite railroady and
Starting point is 01:08:07 it's like that's fine if that's not your style of game these guys had fun i'm pretty sure they had fun i can see all their faces i'm pretty sure i know what you're talking about and you're talking about a select few comments in the last video and i will clarify this was these last two episodes have been incredible i I've really enjoyed them. I love the Mesmera fight as well. That was so cool. People have different opinions on what's fun and all I care about is these guys.
Starting point is 01:08:34 It can be wrong though. There's a lot of people recently saying that the difficulty is not high enough but we feel like we're fine. We're good. We're enjoying it. Plus it's's a hobby you don't really necessarily want to have to have this that level of anxiety every single episode that you play that maybe that might be how you enjoy playing dnd but it's not how we enjoy it we enjoy this so i just i just also like to give us some credit and say that we've
Starting point is 01:09:03 made some pretty smart moves recently that kind of circumvent a lot of things. And things went wrong, Kim. It has nerfed the difficulty a little bit. Yeah, like 100%. Like making clever decisions, but also like you guys are very well equipped and stuff like that. But also like the whole thing with the Mesmerify,
Starting point is 01:09:20 and I want to point this, there's definitely things I would do differently. I was thinking about this. There's a couple of things I would change differently to make it more fun for you guys but also keep in mind this was it was also partially to facilitate kim making a cast change that she wanted to make like the whole thing with like oh you're all frozen until tiangong could do that that's to make it like a really cool cinematic moment to you know give a narrative reason why this cool thing is going to happen and make Nova feel like a really badass character for making this change.
Starting point is 01:09:46 I don't think that's okay to do. I don't think you need to justify yourself to the minority. No, it's not just defying it. The thing is, it's also teaching people that there are different ways to play D&D and sometimes breaking rules, like
Starting point is 01:10:01 there's this big thing about like, oh, you're railroading or like, oh, you're like, you know, it's Deus Ex Machina to like make this stuff. Sometimes those things are okay. What matters is you five and if you're having fun, which I know you did. You're having a great time. And you all told me how much you had fun and how much you enjoyed it.
Starting point is 01:10:19 And that's the point I want to get across. I don't care. Like people can give criticisms and stuff like that. What I want to make it clear is that this is our fun way of playing dnd but also there are lessons to to learn and take away from i know what i'm doing i'm a i'm a good dungeon master i know that i know i'm a good dungeon master i'm not perfect i'm not always right but in terms of design and storytelling i know what can work well and it might not be what people at home like everybody loves but i know it works well for these guys and that's the important thing to keep in mind it's a refined distilled what can work well and it might not be what people at home like everybody loves but i know it works
Starting point is 01:10:45 well for these guys and that's the important thing to keep in mind it's a refined distilled skilled experience over many years of working with us particularly tom it's hard but yeah i'm really brutal we're 137 episodes in you should know by now that if mark fucks me over i'll call him out on it live what the fuck yeah like you're kidding me like you mark i'm not having fun i'm not having fun yeah absolutely you would like and like there was a point where like i'm pretty sure with tom like when ms mirror was like i was just like no you can't rube i saw him like make a face like and then it was like no this is cool like he kind of was like okay no this is cool I like that's trying to figure out what we could do I was like racking my brain like okay if I can't do this and this like one thing I probably would have done
Starting point is 01:11:35 no I need to think of another thing one thing and this is like a teaching moment one thing I probably would have done differently is make it so that mesmera couldn't have used the same rule twice that was actually one thing where like looking back on that fight i was like i wish i'd done that because like her using the same rule over again i was like that's a bit disappointing if i'd had to come up with something unique every time i think that would have made it a bit more fun i don't know i i liked that we knew what was new what was happening like the rules that she could bring back into play so we can yeah and to figure a way around it yeah in advance yeah yeah if you said that she can't we can no longer speak it was like oh well our words are something we can overcome or circumvent or figure out it's just what's the next random thing that's
Starting point is 01:12:25 going to change but you know that is a that's just something in the future uh that we might have to worry about now that you've got the idea well you know i mean yeah i don't think i would i don't think i would do something like that again because that was very specific to the feywild and the whole fairy tale idea and stuff like that it It was a fun skill challenge. It was like a way of doing an interesting way of having a fight that wasn't a fight. I enjoyed it. I really liked it. I think that's the best skill challenge
Starting point is 01:12:54 I've ever had in a year, actually. Personally. I would have hated it if that fight was we have to fight Mesmera. I would have hated it as a character. I don't think nova could have done it like nova could not have attacked her but also i think you guys going into that fight i mean you knew that mesmera was incredibly powerful and probably could just like do you know because it
Starting point is 01:13:14 was very clearly foreshadowed like listen we you know she can do whatever she wants like you know there are these rules in play and stuff like that i think you guys kind of knew that kind of going into it right so totes my goats now we got mecha dragon mark two thanks very much everybody uh for joining us for this thing thank you for all your support as always um spread the word go and tell people about the show tell people to go and check out the vods all that good stuff um and yeah keep playing keep playing dnd experiment try different things figure it out. As long as your players are having fun, it's a good time. We're having fun. You have fun. That's how it goes.
Starting point is 01:13:49 I have a lot of fun. We'll see you next week. Goodbye. I am. Bye. Bye, everybody. Bye.

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