High Rollers DnD - High Rollers: Aerois #143 | The Great Oscillator (Part 1)

Episode Date: April 11, 2022

A ruined city among an erupting volcano... and the Stormchasers intend to jump in! Support the High Rollers and get early access to podcast episodes and Studio updates on our Patreon: www.patreon.com.../HighRollers Grab some High Rollers merch: https://freshmerch.fm/collections/high-rollers Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pickaxe. away and staying out till 2. That's stop-loss orders on Kraken, an easy way to plan ahead. Go to kraken.com and see what crypto can be. Not investment advice. Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See kraken.com slash legal slash ca dash pru dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's undertaking to registerrois. Last time the crew of the Storm Chaser, or perhaps soon to be the crew of the Star Chaser, finished examining the upgrades to their airship by the enigmatic and unusual Lady Azaria. Then they made preparations to take off and head to the Hawk's Dawn Archipelago to deal with one of three major events taking place on Eros currently.
Starting point is 00:01:18 On arrival at Porta Sovrano, the party witnessed the effect the erupting volcanoes, tidal currents and earthquakes had been having. Seeking out Duke Sivrano himself as well as Baroness Erin Coralsong of the Tritons, they got their bearings, learnt more information about the situation and then went in pursuit of strange female dwarves made out of gemstones. Finding a group on a small island dismantling old Solvin ruins, the party approached and were surprised to be recognised. One of the dwarves a construct like creation
Starting point is 00:01:53 Seemed to connect their consciousness to another who called herself D1 a cheerful dwarven personality Informed the party that they were en route D1 appearing from the earth via magic is a construct called a maiden of Valena made entirely diamond, also known as Diamond One, D1 revealed that the Maidens are attempting to finish the last two of Valena's great works. These projects are causing fluctuations with the heat and sonar outputs of the world engine and causing environmental issues in the archipelago. The Maidens and Valena are determined to continue their work, but D1 does mention that there are two possible ways to reduce the environmental impact, however the maidens are unable to fulfil these tasks themselves. One task involves delivering a special crystal device to the heart of the
Starting point is 00:02:34 magma chamber within Volcanos, the largest volcano in the region, however to do so would require going down through the caldera and swimming through the lava into the chamber's heart itself. The storm chasers, with potions, magic, and their ally Valor, believe they can reach the chamber and activate the device. And that is where we start today's episode of High Rollers. What, in a studio? In the studio!
Starting point is 00:03:03 In real person! I just spat everywhere. And now you can receive it. That's a lovely new joy that we get to have. Before we kick off with any sort of combat-y kind of stuff, there's a couple of things. I know some people got some potions last week. What? Oh, God, you have so many. So I've only got one of each, but Superior Potion.
Starting point is 00:03:25 I'll take that. All right, can you pass that down to Tavis for me, please? I think I've got... That's the Supreme, actually. I'll take that. I'll take the Supreme. You have a Supreme. All right, that, I think...
Starting point is 00:03:34 I've literally got one of every potion. Right, I'm just going to pass these all to Tavis and then Tavis can share them out. I've got a Grey Turn of Regula. Yes. Little dicey boys. Little dice, little potions. Little dicey boys. Those are for you guys.
Starting point is 00:03:48 So again, yeah, like those are just containing the exact number of D4s you need. So we've got those now. Cool. And yeah, I believe that when we left things off, you guys were still with the D1 and the other maidens on the island, but you had made that decision
Starting point is 00:04:01 that you were going to go to Volcanos and try and deliver this crystal device. You had a rough plan of how that would work. So, yeah, I will hand it over to you guys. Deep in a volcano. Indeed. Deep through all the magma. Indeed.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Just swim through lava. It's fine. What could possibly go wrong? No. Don't worry about this, Matt. Don't worry about it. No. Ignore it.
Starting point is 00:04:24 That's not there. It's not there. Even though it is.. That's not there. It's not there. Even though it is. It's very much there. I can't believe it. We've got fire resistance potions. We do. We've got loads of those.
Starting point is 00:04:33 One each, actually, didn't we? So. I certainly hope so. But it's okay. We already decided that Ayla's going alone. Okay. No, but I did say that I'd give my fire resistance potion to Valor, and then Max could cast it
Starting point is 00:04:48 on me. Oh yeah, that's true. If he drops concentration, then Valor's more protected. So you, Max, and Valor then. Great. So where are we at right now? You are just off this island where you had met with the Maidens
Starting point is 00:05:04 of Valena. You've got these three. I think D1 said that she would come with you. So she's actually boarding the ship with you. This entirely made of diamond dwarven woman, like perfectly carved like a marble statue, but from diamond itself and moves organically as if she's a person. But you've noticed that D1 has trouble. Like her passing of language is very formalized
Starting point is 00:05:24 and she only seems to be able to answer certain things like she's not a free thinking construct like Sentry is for example she's not a sentient being she is a programmed very complex construct she's with you the ship has yet to take off like as I said we
Starting point is 00:05:39 wrap things up just on this island we can just jump ahead and assume that you guys are making your way towards Volcanos. It's so warm, even this far away from the volcano. I forgot just how bad this kind of situation is. Should we quaff now? I'd like to quaff now. Let's not quaff right now.
Starting point is 00:05:56 How long do these last again? One hour? Just an hour. Just an hour. And we are about an hour away. Which just takes his cape off. Yeah, yeah, you can take your cape off. You currently, the ship as you kind of landed and Nova disconnected,
Starting point is 00:06:09 the environmental shielding is currently off. So the ship is a sailing ship. You know, the airship, the stormtrooper is like basically a big sailing ship up in the air with this kind of cool crystalline armor and stuff. The air is thick with ash. It is incredibly warm, as Lucius says. The air currents are definitely struggling like the ship is like making its way but this is a difficult journey like as you get
Starting point is 00:06:33 closer and closer to the volcano as the ship passes um oraya the cat the sort of first mate and navigator is kind of calling out like this is getting pretty pretty tricky like you know she's kind of calling out things that you can see um and you can't really see volcanos uh the air is so thick with ash and cloud because the airship has to travel up certain you know in a certain altitude it's very difficult to navigate as things currently are i can't see it even with my five million cameras around the ship you do have like magical senses i mean if you want to make a survival check, or actually no, it probably would be perception. I know you have a mega bonus.
Starting point is 00:07:09 With real dice? With real dice, please. You wouldn't mind, Thomas. Here he goes, listen for it. The first real dice roll is with a plus 12, baby. Oh, and you need it. 14? It's not a natural one, 14.
Starting point is 00:07:24 With a 14, Quill, even with the magical sensors around the ship, like, the sensors aren't, you know, they're not, like, thermographic layers or anything like that. These are sort of just extending your field of vision. Focusing on the details, even you are finding it difficult to, like, pierce through this thick layer of cloud and stuff. Even me. And I can see the future.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Sort of. And the past. Quill, what's the situation? It's very difficult to see. I can't see anything. I don't know what's happening to my eyes. Okay. Nova, are you the ship at the moment? No, I'm right behind you.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Oh, oh my God. Do you think you can, you know, use your senses of the ship to get a gauge on what's going on and where? Sashy. Yes, it is ashy. But you were doing the whole, like, Captain, status report, the ship is long and... Captain. I don't really...
Starting point is 00:08:18 Sashy. Right, well... No field of vision. I guess we're going in blind then, I assume. Oh, God! Would a light source help? I think it's just going to make things foggy, frankly. Look, I'll do dancing lights.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Yeah, and when you cast them up, on the deck of the ship, the sides of the ship and things like that, it's not too bad, but as soon as those lights get up into the thick smoke and ash, yeah, the blur, the light effect kind of gets dispersed everywhere, and it really doesn't illuminate anything really and also being up so high this is more of a navigational problem this isn't like an immediate like you know going through a dungeon corridor not knowing what's ahead of you kind of thing this is like just trying to get your bearings of like we think
Starting point is 00:08:58 we're going in the right direction ariah is making her best guess as the navigator um but yeah without quill to guide her, it's definitely going to make things a little bit harder. I'll just tell Araya to slow things down, take things easy, and just be on the lookout for any sort of protruding things in the clouds or the ash that come at us. Yeah, well, Araya will kind of send a call down the crew. She'll be like,
Starting point is 00:09:21 Oh, crew, half speed, cautious as we go. Kind of like steady as we go and like cause it out you see all the wolf pack begin like they actually start taking some of the the light sails down they start like you know prepping themselves getting their weapons and things like ready and stuff and you do have this moments where the ship seems to lurch to not a stop but it does slow to a crawl um as ariah starts making her way. Now, friends, I don't think we're going to be able to take this vessel all the way in. We're going to need to find another way
Starting point is 00:09:50 to get the end distance, perhaps. We could maybe use the smaller ship. The Skiff? The Skiff. Boaty McBeauface. That one. We didn't call it that. That's still a work in progress.
Starting point is 00:10:03 We need to take a boat. We called it the Sias... The really long name. It didn't fit. Sias of Salvation. We didn't call it that. That's still a work in progress. We need to take a boat. We called it the Siasc... the really long name. It didn't fit. Oh yeah. It didn't fit. Yeah. But. A lot of S's. You could just call it the Salvation. The Salvation. I so... okay that's fine. Oh did you still think... Well. Oh. But the crew decided. But yeah. I thought, it's fine. We're dealing with a volcano. It's a minor issue. I just know it's going to really... It's bugging me, yes. I'm not going to lie.
Starting point is 00:10:32 We did Siaska on one side and Salvation on the other side. So the lettering is not the same. Well, no, that's the skiff. He's talking about the main... Oh, the main ship. The storm chaser. Oh, you mean the star chaser. Well, not yet.
Starting point is 00:10:44 It's still storm chaser for now, but it's not Siaska's salvation. Don't tell the crew yet. They don't know the new name. Rihanna. Can I ask you to roll a d20 as Oriah for me, please? Of course. I don't know if you finished levelling her up. I have set her up, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:57 It might be a bit tricky to switch to the character, but this would be dex plus proficiency. Dex plus proficiency. So as you're having this conversation, and Oriah is kind of half-losing, and she didn't actually say the start chain, so I was just joking. 13.
Starting point is 00:11:14 13. Oriah begins calling out, like as the ship is slowed down, maybe a few minutes have passed as she's trying to draw closer to Volcanos, and the ship begins to lurch. Like you all kind all stumble to the side as it takes a dip. And Oriah has to
Starting point is 00:11:28 fight with the navigation controls. She's like, the wind currents, they've just changed! The ship is like, but you can feel it almost being blown off course and she's struggling. She's like, the air, the stupid heated air of the volcano, it's setting the wind currents. She's now struggling
Starting point is 00:11:44 to, having slowed things down, she's now struggling. Okay, go no further. Just maintain this current distance if you can. She'll try and maintain. Is she struggling to physically, the strength or is it just... No, so with the ship now,
Starting point is 00:11:55 there's like more of like a Magitek console now. So she's like, there is like a kind of joystick command and it's not a physical strength. This is the actual ship is being like drift and she's trying to compensate for it. And you can kind is being like drift and she's trying to compensate for it. And you can kind of feel like and she's just like
Starting point is 00:12:08 Captain I'm trying to keep her in position but I don't know the systems they don't have enough power and she's like calling out as the navigation. Out of character how 8th level spell do you think this situation is? What do you mean? Like the wind itself? What does you mean? Like the wind itself? What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:12:29 I thought about the exact same thing but it takes ten minutes. Are you trying to cancel the wind? Kind of. I mean, eighth level spell
Starting point is 00:12:37 you could cancel some wind. Cancel culture is out of control. You should have seen what wind tweeted. It's not worth it. Hashtag cancel Wind. Oh, if only, though. I hate Wind.
Starting point is 00:12:53 I think being such a large vessel, maybe if we got into a smaller vessel from here... That will help. We might be steered off course further, but we might be able to break through. I'm guessing that it probably just, you know... Woo! Gift gone. The skiff doesn't have any environmental controls or anything like that. off course further but we might be able to break through. Yeah, I'm guessing that it probably just, you know, woo, skiff gone.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Yeah, the skiff doesn't have any environmental controls or anything like that. As well, the Stormchaser got all the upgrades. The skiff is just a skiff.
Starting point is 00:13:13 It's just a boat. It's a boat that glides. It doesn't even fly. Skiff actually, it falls with style. It really is like, it glides.
Starting point is 00:13:22 It doesn't fly. It's made of wood, perchance. Yes, it is also made of wood. It's made of wood. This could be a one trick, one trap. There's pretty much no magic on it whatsoever. Wait, it's not like arcane treated?
Starting point is 00:13:31 No, no. It's very much like you're laughing at that. It is treated to withstand like flying around in the air. Oh. Not to be in a volcano. I mean, a volcano is a pretty big ask for most. It's definitely not a submersible. I say we do it.
Starting point is 00:13:49 We're strong people. I can cast Fly on us if things go bad. I think we've tried this before and we don't actually need it that much. I can fly. I think Nova can fly. I can fly for a really tiny amount of time. You can fly for a small bit.
Starting point is 00:14:03 You've got your peloton. Literally like about six seconds. Peloton? Periton. Periton. But it does say ten minutes or something. Yeah, I got about six seconds in me. I mean, that could be enough just for the last...
Starting point is 00:14:18 We all have a fallback, right? Yeah. Quill, you do hear, like, a rumbling... Even though your, like, vision kind of failed, like, clearing through the smoke, you can hear the explosion of a volcano erupt. Like, you hear a kind of... As you kind of hear this, like...
Starting point is 00:14:36 And then it's followed, like, you hear this kind of, like, thunderous rumble and blast, and then you hear, like... What do you do? All right, we need to move the ship now, I think. Alright, can you make a roll for Orion, please, Sentry? I can. Oh, flashback.
Starting point is 00:14:53 That was annoying to switch. No, no, it's all good. It's just her proficiency in decks. That's like her piloting skill. So if you want to write that down as a quick reference. 12 seconds. 15. 15.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Orion like slams the controls and she tries she's like which way and then she just picks away without time to respond 50 50 um
Starting point is 00:15:10 you hear something impact into the side of the hull and the ship there is as you see uh
Starting point is 00:15:17 and like through the smoke a number of them this is just the first one that's impacted giant clumps of molten rock and lava that have been thrown up into the air
Starting point is 00:15:28 by the volcano. One smashes into the hull of the stormtrooper and you hear some of the armor kind of crack and take the brunt of the damage. You all kind of do the Star Trek stumble to the side and... I'm not good with that. And Nova, you kind of get a sense from the...
Starting point is 00:15:43 Yeah, that was a pretty bad blow to the hull. Luckily, no critical systems, but you can now, Quill, having heard this, there are more coming. Like, you've got, like, what do you guys do? Shields up! Red alert! You heard, Nova? Okay, they can put the environmental shield on, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Does that stop anything? It doesn't. Another one flies through an impact. I thought we had a bubble. The environmental shield prevents you from extreme temperatures, not from physical impact. Did we not have a shield? There is shields that protect you from magical damage. And the bottom, right?
Starting point is 00:16:14 This is like a giant boulder. You still need the hull for physical defense. Oriah, we need to 180 and go back. All right, I can try. We're going to get into the skiff. It's up to you, Oriah. All right. We're going in the skiff? The skiff is not a good idea.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Yeah, if you want to try and block one of these incoming things, like one of these rocks, yeah, sure. If you time it right, you'll parry it back into the volcano. So just so we know, so you're going in large. You're going to use a charge to go in large and go large form sentry. Yeah, I think that like one of these rocks, you definitely can.
Starting point is 00:16:51 You'll take some damage though, sentry, if this hits you. So this would be 66. That is going to be 24 points of bludgeoning damage as you do manage to absorb, like, and it splinters and it sends this, like, burning hot magma rock all over the ship's deck,
Starting point is 00:17:11 but the crew very quickly, like, you know, kind of using, like, metal scoops, they throw it off the side before it can catch anything on fire or anything, you know, very quickly, like, ran around it. There's definitely still more incoming. Oriah is trying to turn the ship, but also with all the thick ash and smoke around you
Starting point is 00:17:26 and being kind of all these wind currents also drifting off, like she is struggling to get the ship out of range of these incoming debris rocks from the eruption. Can I try an Eldritch Blast one, like all three beams into one? Yeah, you absolutely can, yeah. Okay. 16 to hit. 16 will hit.
Starting point is 00:17:46 11 points of damage on the first one. 11 points of damage. You blow a chunk of it, but the main impact is still incoming. Natural 20. The second one's probably going to be enough to burst it apart, and it loses momentum and sort of scatters before it reaches the ship. I've actually got two more beams. Sure.
Starting point is 00:18:04 18 to hit. Yeah, hits another one uh uh 11 points of damage okay kind of breaks that one up a little bit but not quite enough to destroy it 23 to hit yep 13 points 13 points of damage yeah i'd say that's probably enough another one like no two of them nova manages to like with sweeps of tian gong blast two of these like debris rocks out of the sky um ayla qu Quill, Lucius, what about you guys? What do you guys want to do? I'm running to the skiff. Okay. I'm going to run to one of the
Starting point is 00:18:30 gunner tower type. Yeah, there's the two arcane cannons on the storm chaser. Yep, you can jump in those. So this would be a ranged attack with proficiency. So dex plus proficiency. And they do 5d10 damage now.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Oh damn. Quite powerful. I rolled a nat 20. dex plus proficiency and they do 5d10 damage now oh damn quite powerful I rolled a nat 20 yes oh nice I mean plus 5 plus 6 I mean
Starting point is 00:18:53 5d10 maxed is 50 plus another 5d10 like Aayla jumps in one of the probably the port or starboard I can never remember which one
Starting point is 00:19:02 one of them port is left because it's four letters starboard yeah is right so she jumps in the starboard. I can never remember which one. One of them. Port is left because it's four letters. Starboard, yeah, is right. So she jumps in the starboard one, tracks the huge arcane cannon. This is the first time you're firing it, Ayla, since it's been upgraded.
Starting point is 00:19:12 And it very much functions like the Twin Stars turret, which you have some practice with. And you kind of rotate it around Star Wars style. And then this big sort of like building up charge of purple energy. And then awesome. Blasts out and yeah disintegrates one of the larger looking rocks this is so much better now you guys it's so good
Starting point is 00:19:30 what was that it was the sound of winning lucius winning i'm okay with that then that's okay you're gonna be able to get into this uh lucius you'll be able to get into the skiff and you're prepping that to basically drop and launch right yeah i'm i I'm readying the eject button or lever, I assume. So you're going to be the pilot in this case because Orion's not coming with you. So this is going to be your dex plus proficiency because you did train in piloting for the airship. Natural 20.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Yeah, like super quick and speedy. Like you kind of just go into it. Yeah, well, this is like almost manual. This is more like Sailor, right? This is you looping the ties, tying down the sails, preparing the rudder, getting everything ready,
Starting point is 00:20:13 and then you're waiting to release the clamps to launch the skiff. Come on, everyone! We have to go! Did we decide we were getting the skiff? Yeah. Captain orders!
Starting point is 00:20:24 I think Lucius is the only one. Do you want to tell him otherwise? I mean, yeah, I'll run in. I'm always tempted to ask, locate object. What happens when the object is destroyed or if there are multiple of that object? Do you want to locate object incoming rocks? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:43 To what end? What is the goal that you're looking for? So I can see if it's in motion and the direction of its movement within 1,000 feet. And then you would kind of reverse track the trajectory of where it's coming from. I like that. I like that as a use for it.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Make a... Just do an intelligence check. So just roll a d20 plus intelligence. Spend the spell. It won't be a high DC. Plus intelligence. 19. No spell. It won't be a high DC. Plus intelligence. 19. No, nine, sorry.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Nine. I can read dice again. No other bonuses? Was it plus proficiency? Yeah, I'd say you can add proficiency to this. 15. 15. Yeah, I was going to say,
Starting point is 00:21:19 because I'd say maybe it would be more of a survival check rather than intelligence, actually, which would make it higher anyway. So, yeah, you, like, cast locate object on magma rock. You see lots of them. Like, oh, there's loads of butt. You see, like, one flying in, and then you can kind of see, like, a dotted line,
Starting point is 00:21:38 sort of like magic. Kind of looks like war games. And you're like, oh, there, that's where we need to go. Yeah, and that lasts for 10 minutes as well. Okay, so you'll be able to use that to track your way through the smoke. This is basically kind of giving you like a tracking thing. As long as this thing keeps spewing out magma rocks, you'll be okay. Awesome, that wasn't even a spell sort either.
Starting point is 00:21:56 That was just from the Wayfinder's guide. Maybe that's it. Maybe it's like you open the book and the book is like drawing like a map. Oh, yeah, like ink and stuff. It's like the ink is book and the book is like drawing like a map. Oh, yeah Is pulling and changing it radar? And there's like update like a hatchet sketch Right so yeah So with all of that like with you guys blasting rocks, and we'll assume that, like, Nova and Aayla and Sentry are still kind of, like, defending and blasting rocks,
Starting point is 00:22:29 Oriah is able to start luring, like, turning the ship around and trying to get it out of range of the volcano itself. Are you guys all going to jump in and join Lucius in the skiff, or do you guys want to do anything else? Captain's orders, I'm going to follow. Okay, or if there's any, like, things you want to do just before you jump in the sk flight. This is your last chance. Anything on the ship itself.
Starting point is 00:22:48 There's Rod. We will say that Max is going to carry that and him and Valor are kind of following you. Max is basically just shield protecting Valor and Valor is just keeping her head down. That's who I cast fly on. Max's big rod. Did we want D1?
Starting point is 00:23:07 Did we want D1 as well? That's a great question. I think we should probably take D1. We don't want to put it in the wrong place. How many can we fail to skiff? This will be pushing it to its limits. Also, D1 is made entirely
Starting point is 00:23:22 of diamond. You're not sure if she magically can, like, weigh less. But, like... If, as soon as she steps on and sinks, I'm going to cast Fly on her. Okay, sure. And Max. I'm just fixing...
Starting point is 00:23:37 And me. So that would be a level... You work that out. I'll figure that out. I'll tell you now. That's fine. Yeah, D1 will kind of be like, I am more than happy to accompany you into the face of danger.
Starting point is 00:23:48 If I die, it doesn't matter. Do, do, do, do, do, do, do. She just sort of like stomps her way down. That's suggesting we win. Wait, then why? Who are you casting fire on? Why haven't they just done this? They can't place the thing.
Starting point is 00:24:01 They would die, but they wouldn't be able to place the object. They've sent maidens to try. So the magma is also melted Ds and Es and Rs. Yeah, well, you don't know if they have the... They look like they're made of diamond, but you don't know if they still retain the properties of the mineral. How much do you think she's worth? If she is actual, legit diamond that could be used, her
Starting point is 00:24:26 entire being would be worth like millions of gold. Could we like resurrect people with her? If you cut off chunks of her maybe, yeah. Why is everybody daydreaming? Get in the skiff! Get in the damn skiff! When they step in the skiff does look like it's about to
Starting point is 00:24:41 and then D1 is like, my apologies adjusting weight, adjusting density and then the skiff does look like it's about to and then D1 is like, my apologies. Adjusting weight. Adjusting density. And then the skiff stops slightly. Bloody hell, I wish I could do that on a daily basis. Just adjust weight. Yes, that's that easy. Right. I'm going to be thin today. Brilliant. My physical form hasn't
Starting point is 00:24:58 changed, merely the density of my construction. And I clunk the lever. And you what? And the skiff kind of free falls it is a very unpleasant experience away from the kind of defensive properties of the ship you are just stricken blind by ash and smoke and dust
Starting point is 00:25:18 Lucius you have to navigate as these rocks continue kind of flying forward and you are going to have to try and navigate in between them can you make a piloting check for me is that with any bonus from my locatey boy um if you would like to use the help action you can get advantage i would say you are able to do that because of that i don't what would be my piloting uh it would be dex plus um your proficiency i have goggles of night as well that have dark vision up to 60 foot this isn't darkness because it's like ash and smoke it's like actually kind of like obscure yeah it's
Starting point is 00:25:50 like an actual obscuring effect 16 16 with advantage no there you go what gave you a bunch natural 20. oh my god okay so my role was a two and everyone else is getting natural 20. yeah well i melted this one. Oh, okay, that makes sense. Is that using one of our high rollers? From this case? From this case? They're sold out, guys.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Don't promote them. You can't get them, but they roll really good. But if you have them, yeah, great. With that natural 20, and with Quill's guidance, especially because that was what gave you the advantage, Quill is calling out, like, Lucius, left now! And like you turn at the last minute as one of these giant rocks kind of... And you're only really able to kind of guide it side to side, left to right, really, as the skiff kind of just flies and glides downwards.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Okay. But eventually, yeah, you feel the smoke and ash washing over you and you begin to see the outline of the volcano's mountain crest. Like you begin to see the outline of the volcano's mountain crest like you begin to see the outline of it well as the vision is becoming clear as you get lower in altitude it seems the ash and the smoke is mainly up above a certain level as you get lower it becomes thinner and you can see more you are the first one to notice that um there are sections of the caldera that kind of like smooth sloped basin that leads to the actual kind of magma chamber going down.
Starting point is 00:27:09 There are sections of like what appear to be old ruined building. Like you recognise like old solvent ruins kind of half built into the volcano. And stood on top of those are two very large humanoid looking figures. Oh, goody. Oh, look at this. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Do they look identical to these models? They look very similar. You see two large, giant-sized humanoid figures, each wielding giant spiked shields. They seem to have lava or, like, fire flowing through their veins, and they very glitchily and erratically are kind of turning and twisting as if watching or waiting for something.
Starting point is 00:27:53 You have maybe a round before they will clearly see this gift coming in. I would like to thank all of our fans who donated to our fundraiser, specifically to Mark's toy chest, for this monstrosity that we now have these miniatures already but i did get to do all the cool rocky terrain thanks thanks to you guys i spent like two thousand pounds at dwarven oh my god yeah thanks everyone thanks i think my first reaction would be to get sentry to see this thing and just
Starting point is 00:28:23 sentry what are they you can point to you can point to this and thing and just, Sentry, what are they? You can point to this and you're all going to have basically one turn. Not a surprise turn, but before they're properly clued in. Sentry, do you want to respond? Do you know what these are? You tell me.
Starting point is 00:28:44 You can just be like, do I know what these are? Do I know what these are? These, you don't know this specific, this looks like a different model maybe, but you have definitely seen these kind of constructs. Solvin had a lot of like very advanced magical knowledge. And so things like guardian, like protector constructs, not like true guardians.
Starting point is 00:29:04 These would be more like constructs, like programmed golems and things like that. Yeah, they were quite common. They were used as like extra security and defensive protectors, you know, even before the war, like just as personnel or like, you know, to carry heavy objects around, things like that. These, you don't recognize the exact model, but they definitely look solving. You can see quillets like as you're're kind of getting into distance everyone can see them now they do look ancient they look really old their armor is like scorched black from heat um you can
Starting point is 00:29:33 see that you know there's layers of grime and ash that have built up on them like they've probably been buried near the caldera of this volcano for some time um d1 will actually say like uh she will say solvent constructs protector variant mark 4 malfunctioning systems likely caused by elemental and magical energies from the eruption i advise you be cautious uh lucius level out we need to get way above these things. I mean, the skiff doesn't... It can't fly. It is literally a glider. It's going down.
Starting point is 00:30:09 There's no uppy. There is no up. There is only down. Okay. It is used to get to the surface from the ship. Cool. That's my turn. All right.
Starting point is 00:30:21 There's Quill's actions. I don't know. I think I'll be mostly concentrating on making sure the skiff is going in the right direction maybe I've got a radical plan why you why you think of your radical plan give me a second huh okay what's your radical plan? Ooooooooh! We got a little skiff! Skiff model! There it is!
Starting point is 00:30:50 Ayla, I might have to use temporary Ayla because she's still fixing in a minute. So I might have to go get another one. I know this sounds kind of reckless, but the skiff was going to be destroyed anyway, right? Not necessarily! I could crash it into one of them! What do we do? Get out!
Starting point is 00:31:06 What about you? I'll get out too. Okay. Can I take a vote? I can't put my hand up. I can't put my hand up. I'll stay with Lucius because I can dimension door us out if this all goes completely up in the air. We don't have to do it. But vote now. We're doing it!
Starting point is 00:31:22 Okay, we're doing it. They can only fly for a very brief moment All right, i'm gonna steer the skiff towards one of them and in the aims of crashing into one. Okay So they're never gonna get it right. They're holding in either hand giant great shields I feel like it's just gonna swat it away Team rockets away I feel like it's just going to swat it away. Team Rocket's away. All right, you've got Valoramax with you. Look at us go.
Starting point is 00:31:52 So you've got Valoramax with you now. So those of you who are jumping out and getting out, what's the plan? I would say that the skiff at this point is maybe... I'm going to roll a d10 Alright, it's about 70 feet from the actual like 70 feet from the
Starting point is 00:32:13 top of the thing I should point out that the basin you see before you, so those who can see the map for podcast listeners imagine like a kind of like shallowed basin, the sides are all sloped, so once you get on the map for podcast listeners, imagine like a kind of like shallowed basin. The sides are all sloped. So once you get on the map, all of the sides that isn't this raised area
Starting point is 00:32:31 is actually a pretty steep slope leading to the main magma circle in the middle. So it's actually like it's sloped downwards towards the magma. Oh, it goes in. The flat raised areas, there are these like chunks of building that the two giants could have stood on goes in. The flat raised areas, there are these chunks of building that the two giants could have stood on. Those are actually flat and even,
Starting point is 00:32:50 but that's the only even ground you can see. So when you land, there's a potential that you could slide or roll. If you don't keep your balance, you might down into the magma. Down into the caldaria. Which is where you have to go anyway, but... That's, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:05 I guess, yeah. Honestly, maybe we'll just do that then. Before you all go, quaff! Quaff the fire resistance! Potions! I'm gonna do that. That's a bonus action. So anybody who's doing that is a bonus action on your this one free round. Alright, so an hour of fire resistance. I don't have one! I gave it
Starting point is 00:33:22 to Valor. Max will spend his action to cast fire resistance on you, as agreed. Valor will turn around in this kind of panic. She'll say, like, it will take me some time to erect the shield. I won't be able to help you against these giants. Maximilian will protect me, so just focus on dealing with them, and I'll prepare out the environmental shield. All right. Well, I'm going to crash one. Can I get Almissix ready? dealing with them and I'll prepare out the environmental shield all right well
Starting point is 00:33:45 I'm going to crash one alnus six ready my periton ten minutes you're not gonna have ten minutes unfortunately yeah you've got six seconds before these guys spot you and before Lucius drives the skip into one of them. Yeah, we're going to need to center it. We're just like, wee! I'm a little worried. Do they have spikes on their shields? Yes, I said they have two giant spike shields on the front. Why is that worrying you?
Starting point is 00:34:16 Well, I'm just judging how big the shields are compared to the minis that I'm looking at. Really big, I assume. As tall as the skiff. Cool. As tall as they are. The shields are about... The giants themselves are maybe between 15 and 20 feet tall. The shields are as tall as they are.
Starting point is 00:34:36 And there's two of them that if they put them together would completely engulf the giant themselves. Well, I've committed now, haven't I? You have committed. But they wouldn't see this coming. Can I actually cast Stonekin on Lucius? You absolutely can. There is a material component I believe. Diamond dust. Do you have diamond dust? Take a grindstone to d1. I have a diamond. How much do you know how much it's worth 300 okay how much is the material component cost i think it needs to be diamond dust i think that the diamond is
Starting point is 00:35:13 smashing a diamond will take more than six seconds i'm unfortunate to say pretty strong you're strong, but not that strong. Okay. All right. So, yeah, unless you guys are getting... If people don't get off now with your actions and movement, you're going with Lucius on the skiff. I am flying. All right.
Starting point is 00:35:35 So you're going to fly off, Quill. Get me out of this place. Max, Valor, can you fly? No. I'm going to cast Fly on us three. Okay. I mean, Sentry, like... You're fucking back. Yeah. I'm just cast Fly on us three. Okay. Me and Sentry, like. You're fucking back.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Yeah, I'm just gonna jump. Yeah, I mean, you guys are tough. Oh, yeah, we'll take it, be fine. Did we replace your many spent Feather Falls? I've used them all up. Oh yeah, you haven't replaced them. Nobody has them. I'm just leaving, I could miss.
Starting point is 00:36:01 So Aayla and Sentry. I'll use the charge of my hammer. Can I? Am I strong enough to grab Sentry's arm as I go? Fly. Anybody else? Sentry, no. Sentry's too heavy in bulk.
Starting point is 00:36:17 She's wearing heavy armor. She's got like plate armor on. Can I? Anybody else, I'd say yes, because they're all pretty lightly armored. But Sentry's just too big and chunky. Or cannonball. Also, are you still mega big? I didn't reduce my size.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Oh, okay, yeah. I don't have big Sentry at the moment. I will get one, but Sentry also... But is there a point in this hole where it gets within, like, ten feet in diameter and Sentry just... Blocks it. Blocks it. Grimes all the way down. The magma tunnel going down.
Starting point is 00:36:45 I mean, you don't know. It looks like it's about 20, 30, it's like 15 foot diameter. A cannonball in Sentry should just eventually just... Knock you out. Just get stuck, like Alexander the Warrior jar.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Like Mario when he gets his ass burned. Whoa! Ovi, I'm staying on the ship with Lucius. Just in case something goes wrong burned. Whoa! Ovi will stay on the ship with Lucius. Just in case something goes wrong and I have to mention Dora Mal. Valor and Max will fly off and they're going to land on the very edge over here.
Starting point is 00:37:16 They've got flies, so they're actually probably going to hover in the air for a little bit. Is the floor kind of like ashy as in sandy? Yeah, it's sandy and ashy. You could slip. Well, that's exactly. And it's curved.
Starting point is 00:37:28 It's sloped all the way down to the magma chamber. Ayla, last one on the ship. So you wanted to use fly at the last second. Yeah. On your charge and your hammer. So you can basically, you don't take fall damage because you'll just activate that right before you hit the ground and then fly down.
Starting point is 00:37:42 So the only one where you put yourself where you would like to go. Where's Sentry gone? She's lost. So you guys basically have a choice. Those of you who are jumping off and flying off, you have a trajectory. Which of the two giants do you want to go for, Lucius? Do you want to go for giant on the left side or giant on the right side? Right, left.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Everyone's on the right here. Well, so here's the thing. Those jumping off get to jump off at any point during that movement. So, like, they could land basically wherever. That's why I wanted to know. Also, we're all flying anyway. How high are we? Well, no.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Century is 100% non-flying. Upper volcano, right? So pretty high. I tried, but dude, you're too big. From the ground level? Yeah, I was just wondering if this would work. Is there a point where I can manifest Tiangong and then
Starting point is 00:38:30 swap teleport places with them? What's the range on that? 30 foot. You're 70 foot up from the ground at the moment. When I say ground I mean the sloped edges. So you're actually probably about 100 feet from the magma chamber,
Starting point is 00:38:47 and then it slopes up. It slopes down towards that from the sides. Is Nova staying with Lucius at Dimension Door? I believe so. Is that the purpose? That's a fallback worst-case scenario. 15. Other than that, how do you get out?
Starting point is 00:39:00 You could summon Tiangong now, but I don't know. Don't worry about me. I have Dimension Door, Teleport, Misty Step, Fly, Levitate. I was going to say I could also stay. Well, if you didn't want to stay, I could stay and then fly at the last minute, and I can probably hold Lucius because he's not sentry size. I'm flying, so it's okay. He doesn't need help.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Could you take Tiangong down to the ground? If I manifest Tiangong... Can I... Is he physically... Tiangong, yeah. They are real, but it's like they weigh nothing. It's like they're a manifestation of nothing.
Starting point is 00:39:39 So you could literally hold Tiangong like the scruff of the neck and be like weighs nothing. Even though Tiangong looks like they're armoured and have a weapon and stuff like that. I'll grab their arm, I guess. And then I can teleport and swap places with Tiangong. Okay. In which case, Lucius, you can go,
Starting point is 00:39:57 I can stay and crash this thing. Okay. You are not trained in flying this thing. I'm not trained in flying this thing. Lucius is the only one who can actually like pilot the skiff. I can't let go. My question for Lucius, left or right giant? I'm gonna go left.
Starting point is 00:40:14 So... That one. This one. Okay. The far one. All right. So at any point... So it gives everyone an opportunity to hop out to either face the right one or...
Starting point is 00:40:25 And you can land within, I'd say, let's say like three or four squares of the skiff, basically, on that journey. So you can pretty much land wherever. Sure. Obviously, the magma chamber in the middle is a pool of lava. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Okay. But yeah. Okay. Well, you're flying So you can just be Flying Yeah I'm gonna carry on flying Max and Vala
Starting point is 00:40:50 I've done a 5th level Fly on them Okay So they can fly Yeah I can fly for This until the end of my So I've 12 seconds
Starting point is 00:41:01 I've got Basically And that's your I can reach the ground without having to worry about taking full damage. Where are you landing, Seiji? I've got some dice I need to roll for you. Well, I don't know, where can I go?
Starting point is 00:41:14 I don't think there's anywhere I can go. So you can basically, from where the skiff was, so back in the sort of far right corner of the map, it's kind of dragged a diagonal line towards one of these giants. Yeah, where we dropped the boys. And you can land, Yeah, but this is Fortnite well and square along there.
Starting point is 00:41:28 So you could land sort of like over sort of like in the middle between like the other giant and the edges of the basin. You could jump off near the giant that Lucius is about to crash into. Yeah, I think I'll wait. I'll go closer to Lucius and Nova just
Starting point is 00:41:44 in case. Okay, so do you want to land just before the crash? Just before the crash. Do you want to land on the flat area? Oh yeah, let's do that. The ship just goes over your head and crashes in. Can you make, for me, sentry please, an acrobatics check? Yes, I can.
Starting point is 00:42:07 That's a lot of dice in your hand. 70 feet fall distance. Oh, plus zero. Plus zero, yeah. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Where's my portents? I have bad portents, carry on. I don't think it would help. It's a six.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Six. Sentry's gonna take, off the bat, that's gonna be 12, 18. Nice. 22, 18, 22, 24, 27, 32 points of bludgeoning damage. As you feel your knees, you are unfortunately also, you do fall prone. Yes, not a superhero landing. Not a superhero landing.
Starting point is 00:42:40 My knees got through my neck. Like, oh my god. Then just to sort of pop them back through. But, yeah, you do kind of come slamming down. You are, however, on this flat surface, so you don't need to worry about rolling into the magma, but you do basically slam into the heavy stone ruin-solving building right next to this giant
Starting point is 00:43:00 who was, like, sort of turning to track the skiff that's now coming towards it. You see it, like, turns, its eyes begin to glow and it looks like it's about to like fire some sort of attack as the skiff's about to ram into it. Yeah. You are now next to this thing on the floor prone. Nice.
Starting point is 00:43:17 So that's Sentry on the ground. Aayla is going to fly. So you've got like, you don't necessarily need to pick where you're going to go because you've got like 180 foot of movement or whatever 60 foot of range. Max and Valor are just going to hide at the back and chill. You're flying up in the air Quill so you're fine you can basically go wherever you want to at this point. Yeah I think for the purpose of this turn I would have literally just caught myself in the air to go stationary and let the ship fly ahead of me. So you are where roughly you are but you're up in the air about caught myself in the air to go stationary and let the ship fly ahead of me So you are where roughly you are, but you're up in the air
Starting point is 00:43:46 And then I guess the big comes so rather making an attack roll Lucius This is gonna be a piloting check You're gonna roll proficiency plus dex to see how well you can aim at this thing and rather than trying to beat its AC I think really what this is gonna come down to is probably more of like a strength saving throw on its part to see how much of the damage it can absorb. Okay, yeah, that makes sense. Rather because like you're crashing a skiff into this thing. It's not like you can miss,
Starting point is 00:44:15 but it's how good of an impact you can make. That journey when everyone's hopping off, I'm trying to pick up as much speed as I can. If there is that lever on this thing. There's definitely like you can do things like you can definitely like cut the rudder and stop the resistance this that thing does have like An air brake kind of thing to like help slow descents Yeah, you've kind of shut that off So you're just trying to bomb as fast as you can down last second just wrench it to the side
Starting point is 00:44:39 Slap it with a broadside of it I mean, that's the kind of thing that this pilot in check will decide Okay, I help if like Lucius is of thing that this pilot in check will decide. Can I help if Lucius is telling me what to do, like pull this lever? Yeah, you can definitely take the help action. Pull the lever!
Starting point is 00:44:50 The only thing is that means you can't have any held actions or anything like that. It's your action to use the help action. Oh, okay. So I guess teleporting away
Starting point is 00:44:57 last second would be my held action. Yes. And what are you doing for that? Are you going to do dimension door? No, I'm using the echo avatar
Starting point is 00:45:06 Teleport which is any distance. Nice 15 plus 8 so that's pretty damn 23. Okay. I will make a strength saving throw DC 23 Pretty good saving throw, DC 23. Oh, it's pretty good, rolled a four. Okay, okay. So the skiff slams into this giant and you see at the last second, its eyes light up and it fires two beams of fire out of its eyes, carving through the skiff
Starting point is 00:45:37 as it like slams into it. The other one is like turning to do the same thing and like scorches along the edge of the skiff. The skiff will be destroyed no matter what no shocking um damage of a flying skiff hitting a giant i would say hey oh what is the what's the hp of the skiff that's a great question and then add that to its speed or multiply it by its speed. And then made of wood, I would say it probably has like 50, 60 HP. Dead.
Starting point is 00:46:10 With a heart. Let's say... How about a D10 point of damage for all of its hit points? Speaking of D10, where's D1? Oh, D1's on the skiff. D1 has just stood there, just completely calmly. Like, almost at the front of the skiff.
Starting point is 00:46:30 I just don't have a... I mean, she is made of diamond. We'll see what happens. Oh, yeah, she's still there. Well, you might get your diamond dust soon. Yeah, definitely. Just with a little cup. Roll for me. Somebody quick, catch it, catch it.
Starting point is 00:46:48 10d10. Oh my god, I'm doing that one here. Yes. That's a digital dog job. Now, this will be halved, because this thing does have resistance against non-magical impacts and things like that. And then I'm going to have Lucius make a dexterity saving throw.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Oh no. All right, I got a 54. 54 points of damage, okay. Let me start this encounter. I mean, yeah. It's a good way to start, right? All right, keep 54 in mind. Can everyone roll initiative?
Starting point is 00:47:15 Yeah, baby! Yes! Oh, dear. I was pretty preoccupied by that crash. If you do do this in D&D Beyond, it does automatically update my combat tracker for me. But we like rolling physical dice, we're in the studio! We're in the studio now!
Starting point is 00:47:28 We're gonna roll dice now! It's hot in here! Lucius? Seven. Seven. Quill? Eighteen. Eighteen.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Aayla? Seventeen. Seventeen. Sentry? Eleven! Eleven. Nova Vija? Nineteen. Nineteen. That's about plus five. Start.
Starting point is 00:47:49 We'll say this one on the right that the skiff has crashed into is construct A. And that would be, so it was 54 points of damage you said you rolled. Yes. So half that would be 25 plus another two, 27 points of damage. Now normally, and Century, you'd probably pick up on this or something like that. These constructs, like a normal impact from like a sword or a hammer, if it wasn't magical, would do nothing to these things. It's only the sheer size and weight of the skiff that has actually broken, like has had any effect on this thing.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Normally you need a magic weapon or magic spells to damage these guys. But yeah, the skiff slams into it, but more importantly, it knocks it prone. Oh, nice. Okay. it knocks it prone. Oh! Okay. Shields on top? Like a toe? Yeah, basically, it kind of pulls its shield on top of it. Lucius, can you make a dexterity saving throw for me, please? Ooh.
Starting point is 00:48:37 14. 14. You are going to take 27 points of bludgeoning damage from the impact. So half the damage of the thing, you're going to take that as you are thrown. You're also... I'm going to determine where you land as the skiff breaks and you fall apart.
Starting point is 00:48:54 You didn't have a held action to escape. D1 literally just stands there. As the ship slams into it, she bounces off of the giant and just lands in the sand and then just starts sinking and rolling. She's like,
Starting point is 00:49:09 no movement, just like Tilt, tilt. That's on her initiative she'll be able to act, but she had no held action. She was not prepared for this. Sinking and rolling into the sand with this huge smile on her face as well. Yeah, she's like really cheerful, bright smiley dwarf.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Like, how is this fun? This is fun! Oh, love it. What's the estimated delivery time of like a new one? Yeah. One, two, three, four. So Lucius goes... I mean, it makes sense.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Momentum wise, he'd be launched. Yeah. What about Tiangong? Tiangong? Tiangong gets to tell us, right, so you go there. I mean, Tiangong's going to take a point of damage here. Okay, okay. They're gone. The skiff is gone.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Hey, buddy. So long, Siaska's salvation. I know. We shouldn't have named it. That could block up the volcano hole. We'll see where it rolls, I suppose. That skiff's a little bigger than what the actual one is. It's also probably in pieces now, right?
Starting point is 00:50:07 It's very much in pieces. I'm leaving it there for the cool. We can get a plane and just surf down it. Like the snow level in Sonic Adventure. With that, that is going to be the start of some combat. Are we in with Nova Vija? I'm holding you right now. Hi! Tell me where you want to go. That is going to be the start of some combat. Are we in with Nova Vija? All right. I'm holding you right now.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Hi! Tell me where you want to go. Don't go there. Away. Actually, no. I want to go. You're an up-close boy now. I'm up-close, I know. But I still have a spell,
Starting point is 00:50:42 and I want to cast Rever reverse gravity on the other one. Ooh! Okay. I need to be 100 foot. Yeah, you're fine. Within 100 feet. And I'm going to cast reverse gravity on the other one. What do I need to do?
Starting point is 00:51:01 Reverse high cylinder deck. So it's going to make you go up, but you can make a deck-saving throw to grab onto a fixed object. Okay, so the ground, basically. A deck-saving throw, you say. Yes, please. 18. Nope.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Yeah! Up you go! 100 foot high in the air! Flies up into the air, and I believe is held there. Yeah, until I decide to land down. Oh, it starts spinning in place. It just starts oscillating, basically. Oscillating. Incredible. So I will leave believe is held there. Yeah, until I decide to land down. It starts spinning in place. It just starts oscillating. So I will leave that one up there.
Starting point is 00:51:30 100 feet up, you said. 100 feet up. Okay. It goes up and must come down. Excellent. So that's your turn, NovaVJ. You're currently being held by Ayla who is flying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:43 And that all good? Yeah. That's pretty much it for me, please. Okay, cool. Quill. I would like to fly 50 feet towards what is a prone century. Hello. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 55, 50.
Starting point is 00:52:02 So, yeah, I'm still 35 feet away fromry, but you need a heal, my dude. That's not too bad. You need a heal, my dude. How bad was it? I forget. I'd say it was like 32 or something like that. You took a bit of a forehand. You took about 50-ish, I think. 56 points of damage I had. Yeah, but when you're a big tank. It's nothing. Nothing. Tis but a scratch.
Starting point is 00:52:29 What's your overall hit points now? 186. Not quite over 200. 2-2-1. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Big con and Bob. I'm 150. Yep.
Starting point is 00:52:43 One. You're pretty tanky now. Oh, crap. So I'm going to do a level 6 healing word. So it's 64 plus 6 Aruni. I don't get to max this annoyingly because I don't have my beacon. Beacon of hope. But it's still 26 healing. Oh nice, thank you. Isn't't terrible it's not bad um that was a bonus that was a bonus maybe i could have no that's fine um oh i could have action dashed
Starting point is 00:53:18 it's fine you could have done i could have done but cure wounds isn't a bonus action no i couldn't have action dashed. This all worked out great. It all worked out great. Is there anything else you would like to do for your action? A cantrip, perhaps? Yeah. I need all the help I can get, I'm going to be honest.
Starting point is 00:53:36 I'm really thrown by playing in person. Yeah, sure. I will do a Sacred Flame on the prone boy. Dex save. 11! Oh, actually no, 16, technically. 16. I'll try beating a 22.
Starting point is 00:53:55 48 plus 6. 7, 7, 14, 29, 22 plus 6 28. Radiant damage, right? Yeah, the radiant damage. The burning light feathers that Quill definitely seem to impact into the giant construct. It does seem to react as if it's been struck.
Starting point is 00:54:18 No reaction of pain or anything like that. And you see a few scorch marks, really. Not much else. Alright, Quill, done. That's me. That's your boy. That's your boy. That's your boy. Stands up. No. He does.
Starting point is 00:54:32 And he is going to a couple of different things. Just pretend I'm not here. Sentry's not there. He's got no idea. Play dead. Yeah, play dead. Just play dead. You don't want to touch my blood You'll regret it I'm thinking
Starting point is 00:54:49 Because I've been playing Dark Souls, of course Yeah Those big guards with the shields Yeah, yeah With that shield slam In Anor Londo, yeah You're flying up in the air, aren't you? Yes, 70 feet up as well
Starting point is 00:55:00 70 feet up And also 35 feet away, so I was going to say, 35 feet diagonally from Sentry, basically. Yeah. I know, it's annoying to work out. I'm just thinking of like... What does this girl want to do?
Starting point is 00:55:18 I taunt it. No. You have hollow bones. In between every flap, I kind of do a little chicken dancing. I think that this guy is going to take advantage of Sentry being prone. Because he'll have advantage on his attacks against you. And his two joint shields. Comes them both slamming down.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Wait, multi-attack? This is going to be two attacks, yeah. So 22 to hit. That'll hit just about yeah um 21 ac i'm gonna do you know what i love rolling physical dice let's do it let's dance that's gonna be 20 21 points of bludgeoning damage okay plus another eight fire damage so 29 total um and then he's gonna do that again. Nice. That's gonna be 31, that's gonna be a hit.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Yeah. For another, probably well, 15. 22 bludgeoning damage and 11 fire damage, so 33. Nice. So, does both of this twice, and then as a bonus action, he slams both of his shields together, which generates this powerful blast of air out in front of him. I need you and Quill to make strength saving throws.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Good luck with that, Phil. Strength? This cone of air. He's great at those. You dumb bastard. Oh, 18. Straight. Oh, 18. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:47 With a plus one. Not going to be enough. 22. I hate wind. 22. And then what was your total? 18. Just 18.
Starting point is 00:56:56 Let's cancel that one. So, Sentry, you managed to, like, even though you're prone, you managed to grip your hands like you dig them into the rocky earth and you feel this wind trying to like blow you back And you manage to stay rigid. Quill unfortunately in the air You are caught by this sudden current enough that it kind of makes your wings buckle You are pushed 20 feet back and you fall prone which means Oh no, whoa. Okay. I thought it was towards the magnet. I thought 70 feet like can you make an acrobatics check for me, what? Okay. I thought it was towards the magnet. I fall 70 feet, like. Can you make an acrobatics check for me, please?
Starting point is 00:57:28 But you're pretty acrobatic, right? Right? 19 with a plus two. Okay, it's gonna half damage, because you managed to like kind of stick the landing a little bit. So that's good. 10.
Starting point is 00:57:40 I'm still alive. I'm still alive. 18, 21, 25. 30, half to 15 bludgeoning. Oh, not too bad. But you do land sort of on this silt, kind of sandy volcanic ash rock. As you are on the ground, I think you're the only one currently on the ground at the moment. If you want to move, you have to make an acrobatics check or you slip and slide, basically.
Starting point is 00:58:07 Or you can move at half speed. Can I not just fly again? You can also just get up and fly. Yeah. It is quite hot, but it's not hot enough that I'm going to have you guys take fire damage. You drank your potions, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:19 So for the moment, the fire resistance is keeping the extreme heat from affecting you. Okay. But it's definitely something to be aware of, as I get to say. That was that guy's go. We now go to Ayla. Can I... You have to land at the end of this turn.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Put us down on the old... On this bit. On the hard rock. He's currently under the giant... I might actually put us giant. Yeah, I actually I can fly another 50 feet If you can I go to that one then yeah, please Put Nova down so she doesn't get smooshed by the falling
Starting point is 00:59:06 So you guys fly to the far edge where there's this it's not really buildings This is more like a rocky outcrop, but it's still flat enough that you can position yourselves on it. And yeah You'd land with a superhero thud That's how you do it Centuries just on the floor Looks like a deadpool superhero i say that i just fell into the sand as well for the ash yeah that's kind of my movement i can't go anywhere else right now so you can just so there's a point you can move move across the non-rocky surface. I know, but I used my movement in the fly for this turn.
Starting point is 00:59:47 So you could action dash is the only thing. I will just bonus action rage for now. That sounds good. And I will get ready for my next turn where I will hopefully be able to be closer to something. So I will rage. Oscillating giant 100 feet up in the air. I think they're just stuck there aren't they? until I let them down so the only thing he can do is he will use his eye blast attack
Starting point is 01:00:12 while just spinning wild yeah it's just like wait until he sees something you've made it worse these things are smart enough in magic that they would know Nova's the one that cast that spell. Boo! They're going to target you. No!
Starting point is 01:00:29 They're smart enough. They're constructs, but they're purposely built with magicians and things like that. They know mages are responsible for this. So they're going to target you. This is an attack roll against you. But I look like a tall knight. You do, but you also cast a spell. Luckily I rolled a three, so it's only a 16 to hit.
Starting point is 01:00:42 No. No. So you managed to, like, as this cyclops style, like, dodge to the side. And that's all he can do. How long is he there for? Actually, no. A minute. One thing he can do, it doesn't really help, but you see up in the air, he does the same
Starting point is 01:00:59 thing where he slams his shields together, creates this jet of air. He does it as he's, like, facing upwards that propels him 20 feet. And then he's... It's like he's clearly trying to get back down. That's pretty smart for this. These things are combat intelligent. They're not book smart intelligent, but they're combat intelligent. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Right, then we go to Sentry. Cool. I'd like to get up, please. That's okay. Stand up. Why though? That's true. I'm just to get up, please. Yes, okay. Stand up. Why the... That's true. I'm just rolling away.
Starting point is 01:01:27 I'm so comfortable. Can I misty step back towards Quill? You can, I believe so. So I can't quite... I'm going to have to move the skiff, unfortunately. We'll say the skiff sinks and breaks apart. It's just falling down, yeah. So if we go 5, 15, 20, 25, 30,
Starting point is 01:01:44 we'll get you to just about... You're about 5, 10, 15 away from Quill. Cool, I'd like to move up to Quill. So as you land on the kind of like stilted surface, you've got a choice. You can move your full speed, you have to make an acrobatics check to like make sure you don't lose your footing and slip. Or you can move at half speed and you don't have that penalty, you don't have to make a check. I'll do half speed. Yep. So you just move the 15.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Yeah. You just managed to get to Quill. Nice. Cool beans. Hi. Hello. Just rolling around in the sand. It's not time for a boss now, it's Quill.
Starting point is 01:02:16 I didn't know you do sand baths. I was like shaking myself. It's warm. I feel great. He's a boss. Wow. Can I get Quill up? Yeah, if you spend your action, you can pick him up.
Starting point is 01:02:30 I'd like to do that. Thank you. It's all right. Stab him, Quill. Tiny little chicken legs can't take it. Are we done, Century? Are you lifting me above the ground as well? He's like scruff of the neck.
Starting point is 01:02:46 So I am. My legs are like kicking underneath me. I'm going to stop myself in the air because I'm still flying and just rotate to face this humongous creature. And I'm going to point my hand out and dominate monster. Yeah, sure. So that's a wisdom 19 maybe fuck off you to be charged construct also that's a concentration
Starting point is 01:03:13 spell you fall out of the air and you let them yeah they so that's a layer They have underlined it already. Did they land? No, they didn't land yet. They were hovering there. You make an acrobatics check, Lucius. I had so much time to think about this. Sometimes, you know, these things happen. What's worse? Quill losing concentration on fire in space?
Starting point is 01:03:40 An acrobatics check. Acrobatics. Because you cast another concentration spell, you just lose the element spell. This is just to see how much full damage you take. I did a cool thing though. What level did you get, boy? 18.
Starting point is 01:03:53 18? Yeah, that's enough. So you can take only 4 points of bludgeoning damage as you land. Unfortunately, both Vala and Max do go tumbling into the ground and they do land prone. Max is going to have words for you. But you succeeded so you don't land prone. You just land on the ground and you're now on this very slippery sand earth. And that's basically me because
Starting point is 01:04:17 I quaffed as a bonus action. This is the end of the round. At the very end of the round I'm going to roll to see what effect the volcano has oh yeah on an odd result the entire volcano shakes and trembles any pc not on solid ground or flying must make a strength saving throw i'm being held above ground so yeah it's literally just nova and ayla I think are the only ones at the moment strength saving throw the one who has a plus 13 to strength is okay all right max is fine and then max gives a roll that went back on itself do you
Starting point is 01:04:59 get a plus three from me I guess I do right yeah do yeah it's the same throw amazing yeah so it's max uh well that puts me at 12. nope what do we get on century 24. that's a success lucius six six uh lucius and quill sadly the only two max uh manages he digs his great sword in the ground and grabs vala he's holding her in place why don't you grab me quill because that's just the way like that was the failed saving throw unfortunately she goes to reach for you, but you said Lucius and Quill, you both slide. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty. Twenty? Is that the same toy story when they go into the furnace?
Starting point is 01:05:35 Oh my god, no. So Quill, you slide down and your little chicken feet touch the lava. No! You've got fire resistance, Bambam. I smell so good though. Wait a second, Century's getting a taste for Quill. So that'd be 20 points of fire damage, half to 10. As you just touch it, at the start of your turn,
Starting point is 01:05:55 if you're in contact, you're gonna take another 66 fire damage. So I do the Mario thing. Ooh! Okay, that is the very end of the turn, so we jump back up to the top with Nova. And then it will be Quill next, so sync up. I'd like to bonus action manifest Tiangong on the rock with me. Is there anything that I can hide behind?
Starting point is 01:06:19 Like, can I go around the side there? Not really. Imagine that there's like a kind of hard basin edge around the sides of the map. But no, unfortunately, this is like a kind of flat outcropping of rock. There's not much you can hide. I guess if I could just make Tiangong the other side, so they're not like if there's a line, yeah, kind of there.
Starting point is 01:06:37 I could maybe try and get out. And I think I'm just going to, it's not much, but I'm going to Eldritch Blast the big dude who's standing there because I have to maintain concentration. It all helps on reverse gravity. Yeah, I mean, Eldritch Blast is there for. Oscillating boy. He is like literally, you have taken one of these creatures
Starting point is 01:06:56 completely out of the fight as it's just like... This is very undignified. I have been unrighted. Turn me over. 23 to hit. 23 just barely hits. This is the first attack roll against one of these things. The 23, it does penetrate and it kind of staggers it and it hits.
Starting point is 01:07:19 12 points. 12 points of force damage, yes? Yes. 12 points of damage. 14. 14 is of damage. 14. 14 is not enough. 14 again. Damn.
Starting point is 01:07:30 These are hitting, but they're bouncing off this thing's armor. 17. All three. That first one, you managed to find maybe a chink in the armor, like a gap. The next three just bounce, reflect off every single one. Ayla, I probably made it really angry, so get ready! It is definitely turning to look in your direction.
Starting point is 01:07:49 Next we go to Kelek, then it will be the protector, then it will be Ayla. Nice. So am I touching lava? You are, at the start of your turn. You're taking on 66 vitamin. Touching me, touching you. Touching me, touching... Ow!
Starting point is 01:08:04 Touching Grace. Touching me, touching you. Touching me, touching... Ow! Touching Grace. 10, 15, 19, 25. Halfed to 12. The potion, you can feel the kind of magic barrier forming around you from the potion absorbing some of this, but it is uncomfortably warm. Why did I dominate monster construct? When you said it I was just like,
Starting point is 01:08:28 hey man, I can't say anything. Well I'm gonna start flying again. Okay. To stop that mess. Yep. I'm also gonna fly, so I'm kind of in the middle of Sentry and Lucius. Sure.
Starting point is 01:08:41 I wanna cast. Above the lava pool? Learn your lessons boy a little a little across and I want to yeah I want to cast bless on me
Starting point is 01:08:57 sentry and Lucius okay nice it's not crazy it's a d4 right it's a d4 to
Starting point is 01:09:04 attack rolls and saving throws yes not4 to attack rolls and saving throws. Yes. Not damage rolls, attack rolls and saving throws. Actually, I'll do it at level three and also catch Valor and Max. You can. There's no plan for them to join the combat. Max is trying to protect Valor.
Starting point is 01:09:19 Valor is currently concentrating on trying to summon this magic barrier. So they're not threatened to split. I would say don't worry about Max and Valor. I don't want you to waste an extra high level spell slot on NPCs that I'm not going to... Who'd waste a high level spell slot? It wasn't your fault. You didn't know. Well, I should have.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Maybe you could have logically reasoned that it wasn't going to work. We're in a studio. Yeah, we're in a studio. We're a bit rusty. Whoa! Alright, Quill, so Bless? Yeah, we're in a studio. We're a bit rusty, yeah. Whoa! All right, Quill, so Bless? Yeah, Bless, and I haven't got any amazing bonus actions to do,
Starting point is 01:09:50 so yeah, I'll just do that for now. How high up are you flying? Because you can move 50, right? I can. Are you flying 50 up in the air? Why? Because he was... I'm just asking.
Starting point is 01:10:04 I need to know the answer. I think it's time to ask the question no one has asked a DM. Why? Why? Because I said so. I'm God. Do what the fuck I say. I move 20 across.
Starting point is 01:10:17 I'll go... You can do that diagonally. I'll go 20 up. You're only 20 feet off the ground. Why? Okay. 20 up. You're only 20 feet off the ground.
Starting point is 01:10:23 Why? Okay. This thing comes standing, and unfortunately, because it is a giant quill, it's still within striking distance of you, and with its reach, it's going to slam one shield to Lucius and one towards Quill. Shadow Martyr.
Starting point is 01:10:42 What was that? Whoa. I'm going to... She's been activated. Shadow Martyr! shadow Marta what's that oh you've activated my trap card teleport Tiangong within five feet of quill and they will take the attack oh wait didn't Tiangong oh you bring it back as well. So I still have to make the attack roll to see if I hit Tiangong. Yes. And we know that...
Starting point is 01:11:09 Shadow Mara! Keep in mind Tiangong is currently 20 foot in the air. Tiangong will fall and so it will definitely take them. They're probably going to die from whatever happens to Quill anyway. Get down, Mr. President. There was only a 15 to hit. Oh, it's a 20 for Tiangong. So Tiangong takes,
Starting point is 01:11:25 they take the blow on their blade to deflect the shield. Then they drop to the ground and the drop causes them to evade. And then he got one hit point. So they're kind of like... The best JC. It's still pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:11:38 It's cool. It's super cool. You just save Quill from that attack. Nice. That's pretty cool. What about poor Lucius though? 25? I have immunity for all conditions.
Starting point is 01:11:46 Yeah, that would get through my chest plate. It's not condition falling. Fine. Can I not make a save, though? 12. Regardless, he would take fall damage. It would take one point of damage regardless. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:57 No matter what. Yeah, they would take it. Well, I tried, boo. 20. 7. 35 bludgeoning plus 7 fire damage. That's a big hit. That's all his health.
Starting point is 01:12:13 I'm all right. And then they need a round for their gust to recharge. Oh, now we can do that thing where we go at hit points. We're just going... Ayla. Hello. We'll get through this round and then we go at hit points. Ayla. Hello. We'll get through this round and then we'll take a break.
Starting point is 01:12:29 Okay. Alright. Can I Yes. move up to the giant and hit You can. So when you move
Starting point is 01:12:39 on the kind of like sandy earth you either make an acrobatics check to move full speed or you got half speed or you can fly if you can fly i think i can still get there at half speed so i have 45 5 10 15 20 25 you would need so you would be five feet short if you went half speed yeah i'll just go then um can
Starting point is 01:13:03 i try and scoot around the back as well then? So just do an acrobatics? Yeah, and then just like what gets like here. Ooh, might fail this. 13, because it's not athletics. As you get down, you then slide. Okay. Can I get up and move out again?
Starting point is 01:13:22 You are, you're gonna take some fire damage first, because you were so close. You can just keep moving. That's going to be... 15, 17. Half that to eight points of fire damage. And then you kind of skirt your way through. You sludge through the lava a little bit
Starting point is 01:13:40 and then scramble up the... Just terminate all the crows, really. Yeah, can I scoot around so that i'm kind of attacking from like behind his shield uh he can turn like the shield like he'll just yeah i just i want to be a bit further away from the lava as well though so um if i can go there yep um and i shall hit him please so you're now currently yeah you've moved right up to the side of the rocks near Lucius. 23.
Starting point is 01:14:08 23 hits, but just. 19 damage. Magic weapon as well. Plus four lightning. Yeah, lightning does seem to have full effect as well. So the hammer comes smashing in, the lightning courses through it, seems to react. 25 to hit.
Starting point is 01:14:31 Yep, hits. So 20 damage with the hammer. 20 points damage. Six lightning, and then dex save. Dex saving throw for me is going to be 15. Six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13 lightning damage. Another 13 points of lightning damage. Yeah, with these two resounding blows into its legs,
Starting point is 01:14:54 it does sort of buckle and it drops to one knee for a second as Aayla's attacks definitely wear through it. It seems to almost be surprised that you've managed to injure it in such a way. It's already been returning to its combat status. But yeah, definitely a well-struck blow. Our oscillating guy up in the thing. Well, just try and do the same thing. It tries to fire its eye blast at Nova.
Starting point is 01:15:16 You're up there for a minute. A minute's ten rounds. I'll let you know when we get there. That would be 26 to hit you with its eye blast. That does hit me. Wow. So this is going to be... So it's 4d10 fire damage and then 4d10 force damage.
Starting point is 01:15:29 So I'll do the fire damage first because you're going to half that. So that's going to be 11 points of fire damage. And then 22 points of force damage. So 33 all total. So I need to make concentration checks yes i have war casters so i have advantage you have advantage the dc would be 10 for the first one would be half the second one's 22 it's 11 for the second one so it's dc 10 and then dc 11 oh it's actually all one point it's all one damage so it'd be 33 halved which would be 16 it's a constitution saving throw uh 19 20 21 22 you're fine you
Starting point is 01:16:10 maintain the concentration so it kind of it waits as it oscillates you come into view and then it just spins around again it's now gonna wait to come back um but yeah that's all it can do. It can just do that one attack as it's currently stuck up in the air. Sentry. I want to try something
Starting point is 01:16:31 but I don't know if it's going to work. I want to try and like... That sounds the best. Let's go. I want to try and like call out to it and like...
Starting point is 01:16:37 Oh, okay. Interesting. Try and like use my solving connection to try and... Use your guardian mum voice. Yeah, use my angry mum voice. Okay. you what do you say what do you call out um can i call out i am sentry guardian of solving in the name of queen astoria i command you to stand down and let us pass oh make a
Starting point is 01:16:58 persuasion persuasion skill check because it would recognize this but this is it it's not that you're trying to actually persuade it this is can your voice get through it's like glitchy programming right like that's what we're trying to roll for you not 20. I yeah I think that this guardian seems to like stop and it's probably about to like bring its shields down on Lucius who's like looking pretty bloody and it's like raising one of its shields up and it sort of stops as you call out. It kind of turns. And it just seems to go into like, it just pauses. You're not sure if it's like permanently stopped,
Starting point is 01:17:34 but it's definitely reacted in some way. And yeah, this thing just kind of like turns and seems to shut down, like do as you've said, seems to like just stop. Oh shit. You can smell that dab. seems to shut down, like, do as you've said, seems to, like, just stop. Oh, shit. You didn't expect that to happen. No, neither did I! But it makes sense, right?
Starting point is 01:17:54 Like, these are previous Solving Protector constructs. You held a really high position. They probably would have a programming to respond to, you know, under the authority of Queen Astoria. Yeah, I think it makes sense. We can also go to the roll like that, yeah. And then that's funny. Anything else, Century?
Starting point is 01:18:10 Right. I will say it's only the active one. The one oscillating was, like, too far. It doesn't seem to respond. Who's nearby to me right now? I can't... Max and Valor. Max and Valor.
Starting point is 01:18:19 They're going to get up at the end of the round. I'm just going to have them get up. Can I move up to where Quill is? I am flying. You're flying at the moment. i'll try and move sort of just underneath you just get closer to you you got half speed yeah you can go about there without risk of danger all right so you just kind of like start slowly trudging your way towards it uh sifting through the sand um then we just have lucius and then just a couple of things at the end of the round. I'm gonna look to Sentry.
Starting point is 01:18:49 Do I do anything? I think you're okay. They seem, it seems like it's non-hostile. Uh-huh, okay. What about that one? I'm not sure about that one. I don't think so. It's oscillating!
Starting point is 01:19:04 I gathered. I'm gonna cast Slow on it. I don't think so. It's oscillating! I gathered. I'm going to cast Slow on it. Okay. The one oscillating. Sure. It's slowly oscillating. I'm going to slow it down. What do I need to do? That's a whiz 19, please.
Starting point is 01:19:15 I've got 120 feet of that natural 20. Well, you're a do one, really. I am do one. Yeah, it's true. You had to be on my go. It was, though. But unfortunately, yeah, whatever the magic seems to just be rebuffed,
Starting point is 01:19:27 it seems to almost have like an innate sort of defense against this kind of mind. You know, maybe it's part of the thing that makes it immune to being charmed. It just is naturally resistant to these kind of spells. Okay. Unfortunately, yeah, it doesn't seem to make much. That's fair enough.
Starting point is 01:19:39 Sorry, mate. At the end of the round, Max and Valor both are going to stand up and you see Valor kind of holding her hands up, and you begin to see around Valor, and it seems to be growing, expanding outwards, like an orange sphere, like a bubble is projecting out from her,
Starting point is 01:19:53 and she's slowly expanding it. And as she does, you can see the air, the rock beneath her seems to kind of have less of an effect, and she's kind of slowly beginning to focus on that. Max just basically puts himself in front of her with his shield. He probably casts Shield of Faith or something. Oh, no, he's got Fire Resistance activated.
Starting point is 01:20:11 So he's just going to basically take a defensive action and protect Valor. Nice. And then at the very last thing is I have to see if anything happens with the volcano. Oh, yeah, that whole thing. On an even number, a blast of rock and ash
Starting point is 01:20:25 spews forth from the central chamber of lava. All PCs within the cauldra, which would basically be everybody but Nova. Dexterity saving throws, please. Give me something I'm good at. Why doesn't this volcano throw wisdom checks at me? Can we cancel the volcano too? I am rolling so well for my small bonuses.
Starting point is 01:20:46 24. 24 for your small bonuses. Tiny bonuses. Will? I got an unnatural 20. Just 20? Yeah. Okay, just.
Starting point is 01:20:54 I'm safe. You're fine, Lucius. 12? 12? No. 13? 13? No.
Starting point is 01:20:59 Yes. It seems that whatever shield Valor is creating actually protects her and Max from this. The rocks kind of blast against it. Quill. Sorry, no Quill. Lucius and Sentry. Quill, you're actually fine.
Starting point is 01:21:11 That's going to be 11 points of bludgeoning and 7 points of fire damage. It's like rocks and debris. It's kind of like sprayed all over you as the caldra kind of explodes outwards. But that seems to be the only effect there. Okay. And with that, we are going to take a little break.
Starting point is 01:21:28 We're going to have a little pause here. We will see you for part two coming very shortly. Until then, see you soon.

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