High Rollers DnD - High Rollers: Aerois #166 | Valkyrian Vandalism (Part 1)

Episode Date: November 21, 2022

It's the day of double missions! Bust down a Valkyrian Warehouse and break into a tower! What could go wrong?! Support the High Rollers and get early access to podcast episodes on our Patreon: www.pa...treon.com/HighRollers Grab some High Rollers merch: https://freshmerch.fm/collections/high-rollers Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound & TCT Adventures (Solasta: Crown of the Magisters) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pickaxe. Hello and welcome back to High Rollers Eros. Last time, our heroes are currently in the Ganassi city of Vortensar, where they are working with an underground group of freedom fighters, but isn't quite the right word, sort of activists almost. Freedom seekers. Freedom seekers, in fact. Called the Seekers. Who are opposing the message of the current city's ruler, Harmony,
Starting point is 00:01:09 as well as the Valkyrian propaganda artist, Shansara. Together they are working to try and influence the city, to try and bring them back to the side of working with Erois, but also stop this plan to transport the entire city back to the elemental plane of ganass which as the party know having used quill's futurist uh prophetic vision with the storm prophetic vision uh vision uh will cause the city to crumble and be destroyed yikes in doing so they have so far managed to rescue a group of students who were being sort of kept prisoner in the university called the Atlas Academy.
Starting point is 00:01:49 However, the mission to do so did not go quite according to the group's plans and there were some complications and there were some consequences to the things that happened there. And they've spent some more time rebuilding new identities and disguises to move around the city. And now they have also unlocked two more sort of secondary missions and objectives that will help them in the long run as well. But with only four days remaining before this supposed transport plan will take place,
Starting point is 00:02:19 there is still much to be done. Well, we still need to find the actual teleporters themselves. You do. Yes, you do. There is still a few things. But underground. Well, we still need to find the actual teleporters themselves. You do. Yes, you do. There is still a few things. But underground. Well, yeah. They seem to be underground
Starting point is 00:02:28 in different quarters. It gave some information that would have helped in some way. Absolutely, yeah. You've made great progress towards it, but it is not quite there. In order to do that, we're going to double whammy
Starting point is 00:02:39 and mishmash, right? Oh, yeah. We're double mish. I reckon we... First segment of the day is our planning the warehouse mission mosh right oh oh would oh yeah we actually want to double double mission i reckon we first segment of the day yeah is our planning the warehouse mission and the potential to hijack a planetary vehicle to go into the central district which has a place where we can land double whim wham so the way that this would work with the mechanics that we've been doing is you have four day segments.
Starting point is 00:03:05 You have four slices of pie on the time pie. Oh, yum, yum. I love a time pie. Four time pie slices. I burnt my time pie. Morning, afternoon, evening, night. You have sort of discovered these opportunities, but now you need to sort of unlock them by doing little bits of preparation,
Starting point is 00:03:23 laying the groundwork, that kind of stuff. You have one flashback token at the moment, which is directly tied to these kind of more noble-looking disguises that Lucius has sort of helped secure. So the way that it would work is you would have to spend one of your time segments in the morning to unlock one of these missions. You could then do the mission with the next one, or you could then unlock the other one with the next one and then do the missions in the final i think that was the plan right is we literally back to back hijacked the
Starting point is 00:03:54 vehicle from the warehouse after doing straight into the other we need missions unlocked yeah yeah yeah you would that's yeah that was my point there's also yeah really depressed thinking that my life is like an undercooked time pie and that for some reason just cut me deep okay anyway carry on carry on uh the other thing you could do as well is just to put your options out there you could unlock the missions then you could spend a time segment to get more flashback tokens um and then you could do the missions and those flashback tokens could be very useful when you're performing these missions to help you overcome failed skill rolls or to automatically succeed in things that you want to do.
Starting point is 00:04:32 It's up to you. It just takes time. Two days ago, in the second segment of the day, Sentry unlocked the mission for the warehouse. What? No, no, no. It discovered it. Discovered it. But we need to do skill checks to unlock it. You've got to do the skill challenges to unlock it.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Us going into loadouts and equipping our weapons and stuff. And doing things like, oh, we're going to pay off these guards to let us get to this place early and stuff like that. But we have unlocked the council mission, though, right? Yeah, we have. You have not unlocked either mission. You have to do the skill challenges for both.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Yeah, so it's discovery, unlock, do. Mission, yes, that's exactly. Do. Unlock and do. Quadrant. Commence. Commence. Do we do both at the same time?
Starting point is 00:05:14 Do we split? No, you all have to contribute towards it, because it's a skill challenge. And also, we all need to succeed. Most succeed. You don't know? Four out of five, I think it was. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Who knows? Let's try it. You also have Fuego and Goliath around, who you can use if you wish to. Yep. I will roll for Ayla during the skill challenges, but if you do a mission, I will need somebody to run her in a kind of scenario,
Starting point is 00:05:40 because I'm going to be dealing with a lot more stuff. Sure. But I can roll for her during the actual skill challenge. That's the word I'm going to be dealing with a lot more stuff. Sure. But I can roll for her during the actual... Skill challenge, that's the word I'm looking for. Yep, yep, yep. Brains at about 60% today, so... We can fill in the blanks, no worries. So we were going to do the Valkyrian mission first.
Starting point is 00:06:00 We're doing that one first, but I just had a thought. What if we prepare for the Central District mission first so that we can ensure that flying the ship in there is actually a good idea? Yeah, is there some sort of like, not that we'd understand the technology ourselves, but maybe speaking to Norfair, is there air traffic control that's regulating the ins and outs of the skyscrapers so they're kind of like okay maybe book in or like yeah tell them to ignore that hour so uh from what you gathered in your previous sort of like the time that you've spent unlocking or discovering
Starting point is 00:06:38 these opportunities um the pillar of open sky which is the name of this building that the council members are being kept in this like magic fancy skyscraper in the city uh it does have a small airship dock built onto the roof um it's not really being used at the minute so any kind of vehicle that approached it would need to have a specific reason uh you would need to have like a you know say like yeah we're gonna engineer a reason for this thing to be there. Because otherwise, no airships are going anywhere near it throughout the day. Like if you guys took a ship there, it would be a unique thing
Starting point is 00:07:14 and you would need to justify it. In terms of around the city, the airspace is pretty heavily controlled. Like the actual airship docks that connect to the city itself are regulated. And like they have, you know, patrol ships and things like that checking in and they will have somebody who's communicating. It generally functions like an airship though. It's very similar in sort of like control systems and things like that to an airship. Norfie doesn't really know the ins and outs of how the machines themselves work,
Starting point is 00:07:42 but she knows that it doesn't seem to be that different to an airship in a sense. I mean, there's also the Twin Star, right? And is it very similar to that? Yes, it'd be smaller than a Twin Star. Imagine the way that I describe these planetary vehicles is almost like a troop transport, like a...
Starting point is 00:07:59 What's the thing in Halo? The Pelican? Yeah. So it's kind of like a gunship and a troop transport combined together. So it can hold of like a gunship and a troop transport combined together. So it can hold like a squadron, so maybe like 12 soldiers
Starting point is 00:08:07 in like a cart, in a troop carrier bit. And then it has pilots at the front and it has weapons and it has, you know, things like that as well. It has like...
Starting point is 00:08:15 And it's carrying a warthog on the back too, right? It could. Fantasy it up with a live warthog. If you didn't want to, yeah, it's just a giant dire boar
Starting point is 00:08:22 that you can ride. It's a Magitek bike. Yeah. But no, you could in theory put another vehicle inside, like a smaller ground vehicle or mounts or things like that. Exactly that, yeah. You could have, instead of 12 soldiers, you could have five people and a Magitek buggy with a gun on it.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh. Hell yeah. I might blow our cover, but sure. Yeah, exactly. Let's see what's in it, and maybe we can take advantage of it. Just as a point, as a reminder, that the mission, to succeed on the mission for the Valkyrian stuff is to disable or destroy or steal or somehow sabotage the supplies and weapons of the house itself.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Not just stealing the ship. Yeah, the ship. That is an optional thing for you guys to, you know. The other thing is you could destroy it, and then that ship wouldn't be available in other events. We'll destroy it at the end of the next mission. Sure. I was wondering, like, is there, I don't know what phase this would come in,
Starting point is 00:09:19 but I was wondering if there was like an Arcana check or something that Nova could do. Given kind of all the intel she's looked at before regarding Valkyrian stuff and that she has, and then maybe this would require finding more intel in the warehouses, but if she could find something related to how to control the ship, like fly the ship.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Okay. Yeah, I think that that would be... Yeah, I mean, I'd say that you can either do that as part of like the unlocking it, like that would be your skill challenge, that would be, yeah. I mean, I'd say that you can either do that as part of the unlocking it, like that would be your skill challenge, that would be your contribution to it, right? Or that might be, I think that the Seekers wouldn't have a way of gathering that information on their own.
Starting point is 00:09:56 The best bet is to, when you get inside it, like when you do the mission, get inside the transport and then it would be an Arcana check to be like, okay, well that thing is similar to be like okay well that thing is similar to the twin star and that thing is similar to this and we can use that to you know do that and stuff you ask tiangong yeah i'm just wondering as well like intel from well tiangong doesn't necessarily know tiangong would know the ship that they were part like that shard that first shard i found yeah and also just has general knowledge of, like, before, like, Valkyrian technology,
Starting point is 00:10:25 but these, doesn't necessarily know every piece of tech in the Valkyrian Empire. Well, Tassadar's here, so... Tassadar is around. Can we ask Tassadar?
Starting point is 00:10:33 If you'd like to cast sending to try and ask Tassadar, you may. He's just always around. So, from previous, from, you know, bopping around the Astral Sea and stuff like that,
Starting point is 00:10:43 it says, like, something Intelite picked up included from the Valkyrian empire museum um and other things uh intel on valkyrian outpost guard rotations patrol routes resistance groups rebel information gangster debts schematics for the tassadar and other ships so i don't know like i would say make an Arcana check now. It'll be a high DC, but we'll see if you have that, you know, luck would have it. Oh, yeah, I've got the detailed plans for these planetary transports.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Like, that's one of the things I got. I'll make it a check and we'll see. 19. 19. I would say that this particular model was not your... The schematics you got were more for, like, the Ashton ships. Or even just ships used this is something that they send
Starting point is 00:11:28 down to a planet, a plane, specifically for the purposes of moving creatures around. It's basically like having a sailing ship, but the Magitek equivalent of. Because we were looking for the bigger ships. It would have made sense. It's a problem with the military funding
Starting point is 00:11:43 private organizations to make all these vehicles. They're all different proprietary tech. It's annoying. It's a problem with the military funding private organisations to make all these vehicles. They're all different proprietary tech. Yeah. It's annoying. It's made by Omnicore or whatever. This one's not even charged by USB-C. Oh, worst. Why is there not just one charger?
Starting point is 00:11:58 It's coming soon. It's charged with the blue crystal, not the red crystal. All your old stuff still uses the old stuff. All right. so that's for is that my skill check in relation no that was just
Starting point is 00:12:11 just in case if you had it already yeah it's really interesting I played there's a system I played where you literally had something called
Starting point is 00:12:19 a luck save and that was literally used for like the would I like do I have that with me or like if I search through the shop, can I find this one thing I need? And it's like that thing of like when there's not really another skill check,
Starting point is 00:12:32 you can be like, roll a luck save and if you pass it, it's like, yeah, it turns out super lucky you got this thing. That's like an example of like, Nova just happened to have the exact schematics for this thing that you're about to go and steal. That's like a campaign through homebrew rule. It could be, but it would be difficult
Starting point is 00:12:47 to implement into 5e the way it works. But in this case, I just... We're our own e now. Pretty much. E-e-e. E-e-e. H-r-e. H-r-e. H-r-e.
Starting point is 00:13:01 H-r-e. H-r-e. With that in mind anything else any other questions anything else that you want to ask or
Starting point is 00:13:11 do or figure out yeah I mean I guess it's just yeah a question of figuring out what our lie could be to get into
Starting point is 00:13:19 the central district with this ship or how we disguise ourselves or what if we steal uniforms during our Valkyrian warehouse raid and come in as a new change of shift the central district with this ship? Or how we disguise ourselves? What if we steal uniforms during our Valkyrian warehouse raid
Starting point is 00:13:27 and come in as a new change of shift? Or there's been like a suspected problem that we have to check. I wonder if we can find a way to convince them to let us transport the prisoners. We need to evacuate the council members because...
Starting point is 00:13:46 Did you not hear the warehouse was blown up? Yeah, their position has been compromised. We're in city level amber right now. We currently are. Yeah, the city is currently
Starting point is 00:13:55 in level amber. It'll take one more day and then it will drop down to yellow. Threat level mood. So we've had orders from Calus Starbane himself. I feel like we'd have to prove this sort of stuff.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Because they all have data pads and things. They'd be like, no, that's not true. Just as a point, they don't all have that information. Because this isn't like, I don't want people to think that this is super, like it's sci-fi inspired, but it's still magic. And it's still, these things require like resources and things like that. The general grunt soldiers probably won't just have, like, beep, boop, beep, boop, beep, boop, beep,
Starting point is 00:14:29 I can check everything, I know all. But, like, officers, yeah, officers would have things like sending stones and things like, you know, equivalents of, like, you know, yeah, like, data storage devices. But that's like, it's like having an iPad. Like, they have to, like, be like, oh, I don't have any record of there being a transfer. And you can just's like, it's like having an iPad. Like they have to like be like, oh, I don't have any record
Starting point is 00:14:46 of there being a transfer. And you can just be like, yeah, this is... Well, this is just coming. Yeah, exactly. Like there's always going to be ways around stuff like that. I think you need to go
Starting point is 00:14:54 full Hacker Man, Nova, and steal a data pad and just break into it. Jailbreaker. It's a pad and then send a message from high command. Valkyrian high command.
Starting point is 00:15:08 I'd certainly be up for that, but what if I screw... No, I'm not going to screw up. I am going to screw up. Could Bolt help? You're not going to let me have Bolt. Bolt doesn't really know Valkyrian magic either. Bolt's focus is on planar magic. What was the Octavian's...
Starting point is 00:15:27 Octavius. What was his rank? Phase Knight. Phase Knight, right. But you wouldn't know that. That was just me giving the monster a name and telling you
Starting point is 00:15:34 the cool monster name I came up with. They were just a more senior Valkyrian. Here's a mention, Doran. That's not allowed. You do know that Valkyrian Inquisitors
Starting point is 00:15:41 are a thing. You know that an Inquisitor is a rank. And that's what Coil had to face down there. They're pretty high. They are pretty high, yeah. They're one of the highest ranked soldiers in this kind of thing. Yeah, like impersonate an Inquisitor,
Starting point is 00:15:53 maybe go in as if we're going to interrogate and then have everybody else's grunts, like escort grunts for the Inquisitor. Yeah, because Quill, you saw an Inquisitor, didn't you? So maybe you could describe that to Kay. Have you got Alter Self? No, I lost it. I was going to say,
Starting point is 00:16:08 don't forget that Kay creating a disguise requires time. Oh, yeah. We're going to have to steal outfits. Yeah, and that's the thing. If you steal an outfit,
Starting point is 00:16:18 you guys can make a disguise on your own. Yeah. It just, that then relies on your skills. We also... If you want Kay to do it,
Starting point is 00:16:25 it takes time. And it's pretty much a guaranteed success if Kay does it. We do have a couple of things like Bewitching Perfumes, Cloaks, and Shift Weave.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Mm-hmm. All right, so we might be able to enhance our... Well, the Shift Weave was spent. Technically, Azurae has the Shift Weave
Starting point is 00:16:41 as an outfit and has five programmed... It has five programmed outfits, so could one of the outfits be a Valkyrie? The outfits were specifically because when we were creating the Azura character, it was because he's an actor and he has different costumes and things like that, none of which would be Valkyrie,
Starting point is 00:16:57 but would allow Azura to be like, I'm now a generic-looking salesman. I'm now a generic-looking salesman. I'm now a generic-looking... A mime. A mime. Three of them are really bombastic theatrical costumes. Yeah. And then you've probably got things like
Starting point is 00:17:12 generic-looking soldier, but a Ganassi soldier, not a Valkyrian soldier. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Gotcha. Hmm. I remember when we were making the Azrael character, it was like,
Starting point is 00:17:22 oh, well, Azrael will have the shift weave because he's a performer. He's a very performance focused. Yeah. All right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So we're going to try and unlock the council mission first. That's what Tom was saying.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Do the council first. Do the checks for that first. Yeah. I remember you could technically unlock both of these missions today and then do the missions tomorrow if you prefer. Double mishmash. Sure, that's fine. You want a do the missions tomorrow if you prefer. Double mishmash. Sure, that's fine. You want a double mishmash?
Starting point is 00:17:49 I said double mishmash. Sure. Let's start the episode. Okay. Well, I'm thinking... Make some rolls. In terms of my prep for these missions... So if that's the case,
Starting point is 00:17:58 let's jump into starting the skill challenge then. And you want to unlock the council member's mission first. Yeah. Now, I'm thinking with that one, it would be good for us to have some form of locate creature uh which requires me to uh well it says locate creature is someone i'm familiar with now how do we gauge familiarity you are not familiar with uh well even if i here's the thing though you met two of the council members yes i would say those two you would count as being familiar oh they were at the uh yeah but it's whether or not
Starting point is 00:18:30 they have been locked up because so river and a car remember the guy's name titan were at the council meeting right they were there when they... They helped deliver the message of, like, by the way, Vortensar's going to side with this guy. I don't suppose this is something we just ask, like... Well, yeah, could we ask Norfyr which council members are missing and if one of those two are them? Yes, and I believe that...
Starting point is 00:18:59 I believe Titan is. So you're familiar with Titan? You're familiar with Titan. Okay. Now, as a point, locate creature won't help you in the skill challenge now. No, no. Obviously it would be helpful in the skill challenge.
Starting point is 00:19:09 My intention was, was originally, if familiarity was just as small as just seeing them or whatever, I was going to scry on them. Gotcha. That was going to be your prep kind of thing. Yeah, and then when we get in there, so that would have been my prep.
Starting point is 00:19:22 But in terms of, well, I'll have to rethink my prep for the Central District one, but for the... Well, that's the one we're doing now. Yeah, okay. And also, I'm just going to, for the audience's benefit, I'm going to remind how this particular thing is going to work. So Skill Challenge is a mechanic from an older edition of D&D.
Starting point is 00:19:39 I've used it a couple of times in Hyrule's D&D, in Eroa, sorry, with 5th edition. But the way this one is specifically working is that this is to represent kind of very abstract stuff, right? In D&D, we often have to, like, people play out every minute, every hour, every day. This is a lot more abstract. This is broad strokes.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Broad strokes. So the guys are going to use their skills or their tool proficiencies or spells that they have to try and help them prepare for these missions. And that might be using persuasion to convince a bunch of guards to let them pass or to like take the night off or to go and slack off in a tavern somewhere. It could be using the survival skill to map out entrance and exit routes
Starting point is 00:20:22 in case things go wrong, that kind of thing. And the way we're doing this is because as these guys are being our high level characters and being an abstract party like there needs to be ways to expend your resources beyond us just having 15 combats right like i don't want to just do that um so basically they need to get a certain number of successes on these skill checks um to succeed at the thing they don't know what the dcs are they don't know how many they need. But it's also room for creativity in the players to do
Starting point is 00:20:47 unusual ideas. Like, you don't even need to be like, I want to use this specific skill. You can just tell me what you want to do and then I'll figure out what that role would be or what it would be. Cool. Alright, well in that case, let's go with Crestrot then. So this is for the Central District rescuing the Council members from this fantasy skyscraper.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Right. So, I know we need to get in, and I feel like despite our costumes and stuff, we might still have some resistance to it. So I want to use... This might actually be better for the warehouse mission. But either way, Azurae is going to be Azurae and offer free drinks at a place nearby when the shift ends. And what he's going to do is basically try and lower their constitutional wisdom.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Okay, so like kind of get them drunk or like, yeah, kind of like loosen them up. Yeah, sure. Get some information out of them and then also make them more susceptible to Dominate Monster, if need be. Well, that one, probably not. But the idea, the concept is sound, right? The idea that you want to go to nearby this building and you know that there are two entrances to this building.
Starting point is 00:21:59 You have, like, the lower ground area where most of the common workers and common guards are and then you have the upper, sort of, tier part of the city where the more rich and sort of affluent citizens and also the more strict security is um either way you'll probably be as your current as you currently are you'd be affecting the lower guards but that can spread through like to their their you know officers and things like that and it's like yeah going to a tavern as a ship ends making friends with the guards over the next you know uh you know before you go on this mission and being like hey like oh yeah i'll buy you a drink and like you know maybe like yeah getting them a bit too drunk so they're going to be a bit hung over the next morning and stuff like
Starting point is 00:22:36 that um for sure make a this would be a persuasion check i think like absolutely i was just wondering because i was going to suggest for ayla that There was some kind of drinking thing as well. Like could she help with that in like yes with Constitution Guess I can't really say I'm gonna get like a high-ranking officer to do that challenge or encourage them Yeah, I mean that the idea is that like you can certainly push for that. Yeah, and I can make the DC higher But yeah persuasion persuasion for you. Yeah The idea is that you can certainly push for that, yeah. And I can make the DC higher, but yeah. Persuasion. Persuasion for you, yeah. 21.
Starting point is 00:23:09 21. Nice. Okay. All right. All right, and then I'll just do the immediately, I'll do the Ada one where she's just going to use her straight constitution. So it's just D20 plus her constitution bonus to see if she can help kind of encourage this drinking competition,
Starting point is 00:23:24 like kind of edge the guards on to kind of encourage them to engage with her and get them even more drunk. That's going to be a 19. That's low constitution for Aayla. 14 plus 5, because it's just constitution. Oh, 5. Okay, straight con. It's not a con saving throw or anything like that. It's just going to be straight up constitution.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Okay, Sharda tanked. So I was wondering... I'm in two minds. One is knowing kind of what she knows about Bortensar. You know, making some kind of map of the pillar of the open skies. Like, you know, maybe some kind of schematics or map, or I was thinking, like, of trying to create Valkyrian guard access cards, but I feel like that is something we could do
Starting point is 00:24:12 with the Valkyrian mission. Like, you know, if she had someone's card, she could, you know... I mean, you could still, like, even if it's not something as specific as, like, access cards, you can be like, Nova's going to spend her time trying to create a bunch of you know magic tech devices that might help you or something like that and
Starting point is 00:24:30 again they're not going to be specific things it's going to be like setting up maybe going in and like faking some forward you know forged ids but they might not be useful and stuff like that so it depends on the role right um i kind of feel like maybe a schematic of the pillar of the open skies would be better yeah and i think that it doesn't even necessarily need to be that nova's making this it's like researching it right it's like going to like like a local like the the atlas academy during the day when it's open and saying like oh i'm an architect do we have architectural plans of this thing and so it'd basically be a research task at that point so actually I created my new persona since I had to burn my old one and I
Starting point is 00:25:05 went with Laguna and I put them as a student slash part-time waiter. So they're the student at the Atlas Academy. Sure. An apprentice. I'm a civil engineer up and coming. Yeah. I think that would be, if it's like a researchy kind of
Starting point is 00:25:21 thingy thing, I would pitch that as a history check but I don't know if that's yeah if you agree yeah yeah I also agree because I've plus nine in that so yeah it's like researching it's like spending time going through the archives and like Oh pulling up plans and things like that yeah 14 plus 9 is 23? Yeah, 23. Nice. I think I would... It's kind of a double-pronged thing, I suppose, in that it would affect both, and I'm happy for this to take six hours and multiple spell slots or whatever,
Starting point is 00:25:56 but because we're relying so much on the warehouse having the things that we need to get into the central district already, I'm happy to take six hours basically prepping for both missions. One in which I'm trying to find the tools that we need to get into the district and the tower, sorry,
Starting point is 00:26:15 and another three of just scouting out the place. Like, this would be a great place to attack and destroy. These would be the best area to take out a command thing or whatever. Right. So it's basically scouting out the warehouse for six hours. I'm doing a recce.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Yeah, one of them to find the tools we need to get into the tower. One of them just to scout it out. So I'm trying to wrap my head around this. So it's basically, you're saying that you want to spend time to make sure that the place you're going to for this other mission this Valkyrian supplies mission
Starting point is 00:26:49 making sure they have what you want or need or finding out what would be the best equipment to take for this other mission that you're going to go on and then luckily it's also the place we're planning to attack I suppose I would this is how I'm going to run this, right?
Starting point is 00:27:06 It's not a case of two, three segments. It's basically breaking it down into two, three segments, but it means that if you want to spend your time researching the stuff you need for this other mission, you're not really going to get any benefit doing the same thing for the other mission. Do you know what I mean? Because you're basically doing one thing and it's not really going to help in other mission, do you know what I mean? Because you're basically, you're doing one thing
Starting point is 00:27:25 and it's not really going to help in both cases, do you know what I mean? Well, in that case, you'll need to come up with something else for the other mission, is what I'm saying. Well, I mean, what I intend to do is find what we need to get into the tower, whether it's at the warehouse or not. I mean, I know
Starting point is 00:27:42 what skill you're pushing for. Well, I mean, I'm working my strengths. Yeah, it's perception. Strength. But what I'm going to say now, you can't do another perception check for the other mission. You're going to have to think of something else to do. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:53 All right? Then I will... I mean, yeah, you are doing it for both things. Yeah, you're doing both things. Yeah. But it's only going to give you one benefit in this case. Well, in that case, for this tower mission in the Central District, I want to find...
Starting point is 00:28:07 So this is like sending out arcane eyes and using informants and things like that. Also, I've changed my disguise, and I'm dressed as Calistar Bane of the Valkyrian Empire. Very familiar with him. Yeah, so I can just get in anyway. All right, I'm going to write it down. Dome.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Perception. That is 26. Could that have been a better roll? That was an eight I rolled. Yeah, that's awful. I know, terrible. I've got a plus 18. Terrible.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Century. Century wants to use her persuasion to try and sort of pose as, like, an enthusiastic wannabe Valkyrian soldier and to, like, spend, like, an afternoon, like, shadowing. This is for the council mission or is this for the sneaking into the Valkyrian thing? Okay, so, like...
Starting point is 00:28:58 Learn their shift patterns, like, where they go. Okay, so you're going to the tower and being, like, oh, I want to work here or, like, I want to work here or I want to have a... Learning how they communicate with each other. Yeah, getting a look at their armor, their weapons. Yeah. What I'd say for this is the same as Tom. If you do this for this mission,
Starting point is 00:29:15 you can't do the same thing for the Valkyrian supply mission, right? Because you've already done a similar thing recently for this. So, sure, you can use Persuasion for this, but it just means you won't be able to use it in the next run. I'm pretty much going to make the same rule for, like, Lucius and Nova. You can't use the same skill for two in a row, basically. Oh, that doesn't sound like a good noise.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Eleven. Okie dokie. Too keen. Oh, what about Fuego and... I was going to say, this is where it becomes, like, that risk versus reward. I'm not going to tell you how many successes or failures you have you can make those assumptions based on your own roles if you'd like
Starting point is 00:29:50 but you have Goliath and Fuego who can make skill checks for you, can do skill checks and stuff as well could Goliath this depends on the group but I was wondering if Goliath could maybe cause a fracas around you know the central district to maybe draw some guards out. He can absolutely do that if that's what you would like him to do. He loves to frac.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Can we time it so that I guess that's part of the mission? Also, you don't need to worry about stuff like timing it. This is just to get a success or failure. Don't think too hard about stuff like that, right? Because we want to abstract it. This is just to get a success or failure. Don't think too hard about stuff like that, right? Because we want to abstract it. The structural integrity of the tower so it leans. Causes structural damage. Sure.
Starting point is 00:30:33 So is that the plan? You would like Goliath to break some stuff? I bet it's an athletics check, of which he has a plus six, I will tell you. You can look at his stats whenever you want. They have access to it. Fuego? Yes? I did have Not bad. You can look at his stats whenever you want. They have access to them. Can Fuego? Yes?
Starting point is 00:30:47 Well, I did have an idea. You go ahead. You got an idea? Well, I know that we can use a time segment to find our current notoriety as well, right? Incognito. Or incognito. Yes, you can. And we did also just probably massively dip our incognito stat so might be worth discovering that
Starting point is 00:31:09 but what were you thinking for fuego i was thinking of using fuego to disrupt communication outside of the tower kind of like so that it's isolated uh so i just to give you more information fuego is much better at skill checks than goliath. Goliath's much more fighty. Fuego has a plus nine in acrobatics and stealth, and then he has plus six sleight of hand, plus five performance, plus five persuasion. What do you think's best? But Goliath can do the incognito.
Starting point is 00:31:38 He can check the incognito score as well. It just takes one person, one time segment. I wonder if Fuego's better at fracas making. You reckon? Maybe. What was it, athletics? Acrobatics. Acrobatics, okay.
Starting point is 00:31:51 He's more roguish. He's more like a thief mixed in with a punk rocker. That's dex, yeah. Yeah, but he's got good stealth and good acrobatics. Yeah, maybe he should then. But then Goliath wouldn't be able to disrupt. No. But he can look for incognito.
Starting point is 00:32:06 I don't think it's too bad having one less person to prepare for this mission. Because like you were saying, if it fails, then it's going to hinder us more. Yeah. All right. Yeah. Fuego. You guys are over there. What do you want Fuego to do? He's going to get nasty. He's going to cause the ruckus.
Starting point is 00:32:22 He's going to go to the central district. He wanted to make an athletics check to start fights. Yeah. Yeah, and then run away from him. Okay. Near the tower. His plus zero athletics. I thought it was acrobatics.
Starting point is 00:32:36 I literally explained it three times. Can I stop this? I mean, I feel like you're stopping it because I was like, okay. No, I thought when you said acrobatics. Yeah. I explained it three times. No, no. That's why I chose Goliath for the fracas.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Yeah. No, I got confused. When you said what his best stat was. Acrobatics and stealth. Was when I was asking what was the skill check for fracas making. No. No. Yeah, but yes. I was just telling you what he was good at. for fracas making no that's no yeah but yes uh and i was just telling you what he was going i know i just got confused all right goliath's gonna go goliath's gonna go punch an old man okay so you want goliath to go cause a fracas instead yeah
Starting point is 00:33:16 okay all right and uh then fuego can uh get the incognito check in. Okay, all right. Having spent all this time, for the most part, most of you are fairly successful in your plans. Sentry, unfortunately, your eager guard is constantly kind of rebuffed. You have to be assigned here.
Starting point is 00:33:43 This is a special posting. You should stick to where you are. Like, you know, go back and... You're kind of rebuffed in your attempts to try and ingratiate yourself with the guards around here. And, like, you know, the Valkyrians are like, no, you know, you Ganassi need to go off and do this. Because at the moment, you're still disguised as a Ganassi, right?
Starting point is 00:34:01 Like, it's like, you know, we're not looking to recruit people. Once you've gone back to Ganass, then we can talk about it you're kind of like constantly being rebuffed yeah um you don't find much progress goliath's uh ruckus making um is uh not very successful either um he does start a few fights and gets into things but the tower is you know draws maybe some of the lower level guards away, but the upper level guards are like, that's not our problem. That's not serious enough for us to really worry about. Everyone's there is too prim and proper to rise to it.
Starting point is 00:34:33 But with everybody else, that is still a success, just barely, as you managed to kind of get everything together. So that mission is now unlocked. And then in terms of your incognito score fuego comes back and will report uh that it was 21 it was 21. he comes back with a bit of a kind of like face um sort of looking a little bit uh uh not necessarily concerned but definitely like man we should be... He'll come back and say, well, do you want the good news or do you want the bad news?
Starting point is 00:35:10 We'll take the good news. Good news? It's better than it was a couple of... Half a day ago, since you kind of changed what you look like. Great. Those other guys that you were, like you and you... Yeah, yeah. Yeah, no, don't be them again.
Starting point is 00:35:26 He's just like, that's a bad call. Your current score is 13. What was it? It was lower than 13. I still don't fully know what that means. The lower it is, the worse it is. Well, that's what I'm going to tell you now. Yeah, that's what I'm going to tell you now.
Starting point is 00:35:44 And this is out of Games Mechanics, out of Games Mechanics, your current score of 13, it means that, where's my, if the PC's incognito score is between a certain
Starting point is 00:36:00 set of period numbers, then NPCs will see them as unknown strangers and may even have some suspicions about their disguises. You can still use charisma skills to avoid further difficulty, but they will not be easily won over. So it means that you don't
Starting point is 00:36:12 have disadvantage, you don't have advantage. DCs are higher than normal, but you are in a kind of danger zone, basically. 21? Man, we must have actually been in a decent place when we got through the checkpoint. It was kind of like it's been a slow erosion of like the stuff at the gate the checkpoint the gate and then the events of quill basically having your entire and and what i'll reveal now is that having your entire identity like revealed as a threat like quill and um uh nova's identities were
Starting point is 00:36:41 they basically that tanks the incognito the most. It's like a set massive drop because it's like that person has now done this thing and then by association, you're all kind of connected. Two of that group of people that came in together
Starting point is 00:36:57 and admitted to traveling together have turned out to be Seekers. Yeah. Again, it's like it won't immediately mean that they'll immediately, like, everybody else is, like, somebody we need to worry about, but it does heavily affect the group score.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Whoopsie. Hey, you know, you didn't know because, like, this is the thing. It's like you wouldn't have known that until it happened, right? As a way to rise to fame. Compromised forever.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Well, not yet. I'm going to piss on stage. Alright. That's nasty, the pissed on stage. Wow. Wow, what a rebel. So with that, that is one time segment done for the day.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Sure. So do we want to unlock the other mission? Do we wear a house? I think so. And then go into it? I am so into this idea. That was the only concern, was that there's a curfew at night now. There is.
Starting point is 00:37:55 So the fourth segment will be curfewed. Curfewed for general citizens. Yeah, the people that travel around are the Valkyrian Empire, which we are disguising as. Yeah. Which I suppose, theoretically theoretically could make it harder because the only people out are Valkyrians and they'll be looking specifically at us.
Starting point is 00:38:14 But also, we're going to be at the top of the tower, right? Hopefully. So, hopefully. Hopefully. Hopefully. Hopefully. Hopefully. Hopefully.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Hopefully. Can we go higher? Hopefully. Yeah. So hopefully, hopefully, hopefully, hopefully, hopefully, hopefully. Can you go higher? Hopefully. Yeah. Hopefully. Hopefully. Just fill in time while... Can you hear all those dogs barking?
Starting point is 00:38:40 There you go. Do-do. See you. Four days. My day starts at the top right. Four days remaining. Yeah, I've got it've got four days remaining. Yeah, I got it started. Four days remaining, one mission unlocked, and one timed segment used. So do you want to go straight into trying to unlock the other one?
Starting point is 00:38:55 Yeah. All right. So who's got any ideas for this one? So warehouse stuff. Yeah. So this is to, it's in the upper, again, it's in the upper part of the city. It's, the Sky Yard is one of the airship docks,
Starting point is 00:39:09 basically, with a sort of warehouse district connected to it, or not even district, but like warehouse area. And it has a number of like airship docks there, but it is basically being locked down and exclusively is being used by the Valkyrian forces here as like a barracks,
Starting point is 00:39:27 as like a little temporary airbase, almost. I don't know if this works. Maybe I'll understand these mechanics by the time we've finished it all. You don't need to, you just need to ask me and then I'll tell you. I have a double-jointed prong. Okay. Fuego, using his rogue pickpocketing skills to pickpocket me a guard's pass. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:51 And then Nova tries to replicate the pass. Okay. And this is like, that pass would basically just be enough to get you into this area, not anywhere else. It would just be like a... Just the first line of defense into the warehouse. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:40:01 It would be like a gate, like a side gate that you can get into or something like that. But yeah, he can absolutely try exactly. It'll be like a gate, like a side gate that you can get into or something like that. But yeah, he can absolutely try that. And then you would be using, I would say, Arcana. Did you use Arcana before?
Starting point is 00:40:12 You used History. History. Yeah, so this would be Arcana to try and make a Magitek replica of this thing. Sure. So you want Fuego to use Stealth to try and steal one, right?
Starting point is 00:40:21 Yeah. Stealthy, pickpockety, roguey type stuff. Yeah, he does have a sleight of hand which actually should be a plus line as well his sleight of hand i'm messed up on doing this um all right so he'll make a sleight of hand right okay again i wouldn't i won't tell you what he got but i'd need the past yeah i mean yeah he gets you a pass you just don't know if you got caught doing it
Starting point is 00:40:45 or if it's a compromise or if they register if i might register like this pass was stolen like you cancel it and then we just walk up and like yeah it doesn't matter but again that's where i'm not going to do the specifics it's the abstract of like you know rolling rolling some dice and getting some numbers and all of that stuff because it is It's role-playing, but it's also a game. It's cocked. Okay, re-roll it then. Like, hugely cocked. Oh, natural 20. Plus 9. 29.
Starting point is 00:41:12 29. Natural 29. All right. Hell yeah. Okay. That's one success. I'm just going to put it in there. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Might not be. Might not be. Might not be. Guaranteed. Look at that face. It might not be. What would you... Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Well, anything else? Anybody else? I'm still thinking. be. It's guaranteed. Look at that face. It might not be. What would you... Yeah, okay. Well, anything else? Anybody else? I'm still thinking. Yeah, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Yeah. I want to stand by the exit to the warehouse, and any time a guard comes through on their own, I banish them. And then another guard comes out, I banish them. Until eventually... He's reducing the numbers. The place is empty. I mean, how many spell slots do you have that can cast banishment?
Starting point is 00:41:46 Not that many, I don't think. You can do two. I can banish two. Yeah? Again, I think you're going to still be under ten for the total number of cards you can banish. Also, last time we did this, they immediately reported that... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:59 They'd been banished. Yeah. They would have to see you and all this kind of stuff. Oh, I can recharge your level three spells so i can do it like six times i can cast it at ninth level i can banish six people at once okay twelve people all right and that's if i can't see warehouse then i cast it at eight seven six four faith like five times yeah i can banish like a thousand people it's a thousand okay we just started i didn't realize i didn't realize those numbers addedish like a thousand people a thousand okay we just started man i didn't realize
Starting point is 00:42:26 he realized those numbers added up to a thousand but sure i mean i did the math okay he did is i mean if you want to if that's what you want to try and do i just had a dumb idea i just had the visual of quill just sat with his back against the wall eating an apple and then in the moment some comes someone comes around and again there's you know it's not like there's a saving throw involved or anything like that these guys can be like they're gonna try to banish me get him okay i mean didn't even think about that i didn't think that they could succeed the saving throw that would be rude but if that was their accent, they're not going to succeed on the charisma saving throw. That athlete and bastard. Wow.
Starting point is 00:43:11 I also need you guys to decide what you want Ayla to do. I was thinking for Ayla. Sure. What's her intimidation score like? Pretty terrible because intimidation's charisma and her charisma's like nothing.
Starting point is 00:43:22 But I would allow like the thing. Oh, she does have training in it so she's got plus six to intimidation I was wondering if she could like pick on a guard
Starting point is 00:43:30 and like squeeze out information out of them maybe get like you know shift changes and this kind of information
Starting point is 00:43:38 and stuff like that that's kind of what you're doing is imagine almost like you're setting up the best opportunity to go on this mission which is why
Starting point is 00:43:43 you want to capture a guard yeah well just like you know the pub just kind of like go on this mission, which is why it unlocks. You want to capture a guard. Yeah. Well, just like, you know, in the pub, just kind of like... Yeah, and this would be like a low-level guide, but it would be enough to get like, when's your shift changes? Like when, you know, who's in charge at the place and stuff like that. Where's the juicy stuff? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Yeah, she can do that if you want. Yeah. Might as well do that while everyone else is danking. Nice. Yeah, no, that makes sense. Intimidation? Faila. That little smile.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Yeah, I'm struggling to think beyond just scout the place out again. It's more like just creative ideas. You don't have to base it on one of your skills. Don't call me real hard there. Or like if you've got a spell that you think can be useful.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Can you disintegrate stuff? I can't disintegrate stuff. You think I wouldn't have disintegrated everything around me? Is there a way you could sabotage the stuff when we get there? Like prepping something to sabotage. Well, let's go to Trots. Trots got like some... Basically using Arcana to stealthily overload some of the...
Starting point is 00:44:49 So wait, Arcana to stealthily do something? No, no. No? Okay, carry on. From a distance with a Chromatic Orb, just hit a gate, a security gate, and overload it with electricity. Yeah, so the way that I would do this with spells is it depends on the level that you cast it at, right? Because if you expend a high-level slot, that means you're expending a good resource that would help you, and that might mean that you just automatically succeed. If you use a lower-level spell, I'd probably ask you to roll a spellcasting ability check,
Starting point is 00:45:17 so it would be plus charisma for you. Fifth? You want to cast a fifth-level chromatic Orb to basically bust down a gate or a wall or disable something that is maybe like some sort of transport wagon or something that they're using to bring goods in or something like that to cause a problem. Either cause a problem that require people to go out.
Starting point is 00:45:39 To leave it, fix it. Yeah, exactly that. Or maybe find a communications, some sort of magitek device which is helping them communicate and you can destroy that which will disrupt it. Sure. Disrupting the guards in a way, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Fifth level? Fifth level. All right. Yeah, you do so. Sweet. Yeah. But again, I won't tell you if that's a successful thing. Can I arc this orb?
Starting point is 00:46:00 Because I've never arced an orb before. Yeah, sure. Lob it like a little grenade. And water. But yes, I've noted that down. You don't need to make a roll, which will imply that a certain result might be the case. I mean, I could probably just tell you that that is an automatic success.
Starting point is 00:46:18 If you extrapolate what a fifth level spell slot is in DC, we know how difficult this is. It's not even necessarily in the dc it's more that like i i've set a level of spells and if you use spells of that level or higher they're automatic successes because you that's a good resource for you to use up now right do you only have a limited resource of your high level spells yes any ideas on this side i was thinking of maybe using um like plant growth like to maybe um cover up any like cameras or if there's any like magic tech sensors to disrupt yeah like
Starting point is 00:46:52 just provide you like places to hide even just creating like bushes and things like that to hide i mean this is in the upper part of the city but there's enough um you know this plant growth can just make kind of plants grow from everywhere you could even like spend out because it's like four or five hours of time like you carry up
Starting point is 00:47:09 and you like put some like little potted plants around the place in strategic locations and then you plant growth them all to like
Starting point is 00:47:15 and everyone's like where did all these trees come from it's like these giant like you take like little potted seeds and they become like these massive plants
Starting point is 00:47:22 or whatever temporarily yeah sure okay yeah absolutely so what level plant growth do you uh plant growth i can do it at level three all right so at level three i still need you to make a roll for me um and i would allow this to be either a spell casting check so this would be your charisma because that's what you use for casting spells or i would also allow a nature check if it's any higher for you okay um but see whichever was higher so just straight up plus charisma plus three and then nature is minus one
Starting point is 00:47:52 yeah because you're right it's intelligence based yeah yeah so do charisma all right so it's just the raw power of the matrix unnatural 20. on that 20. nice all righty um We still have Quill and Gwil. I need Quill to make it. It's optional. I think similar vein, to be honest. I want to go around identifying, or not identifying, detecting and dispelling magical effects. Dispel magic?
Starting point is 00:48:20 Yeah. So dispel magic and if you want me to use detect, actually I can ritual castual Cast Detect. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The main spell is the Dispel Magic, right? Yeah, and similar to Sentry and Lucius, I suppose, just trying to remove things that could detect us, things that would set alarms off.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Yeah, glyphs of warding, magical traps and things like that. Absolutely. What level are you casting it at? So Dispel Magic, I will and things like that. Absolutely. What level are you casting it at? So, to spell magic, I will cast this at fifth level. So, anything, I suppose, lower than a fifth. I don't know what alarm is. It's less about that. It's more like, again, you're casting it at sufficient
Starting point is 00:48:56 enough power. Again, I'm going to make it cost you one spell slot, but in the narrative, this is actually you using a few different, like, holding the charge and dispelling these minor, because a lot of it is like minor stuff, but it would cause you to slow down or cause problems. Or maybe this is focusing on like, okay, well, actually, because Lucius has destroyed this thing
Starting point is 00:49:15 and we've created this opening, I'm going to dispel the main sensor on this area. That's going to become your point of entry, right? Yeah. And you focus your efforts, and that's what all the planning is around. That's what Sentry's been disguising with this foliage and covering up some of the blind spots.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Is this an obvious weak point now? But not enough that they can respond to it. You're doing this in the moment before you do it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what comes across. Again, you're abstracting it, so this is like the montage of doing stuff before you do the big big mission yeah that's a perception check right uh no you don't need to pick a role oh do i know
Starting point is 00:49:53 nope you did a fifth level slot yep just like lucius did okay cool this guy goliath yeah what would you like to do if anything doesn't have to intimidate some people not to turn up to work Goliath. Yeah, what would you let Goliath do? If anything, he doesn't have to. Intimidate some people not to turn up to work? He can certainly try. Again, you don't have to have him do stuff.
Starting point is 00:50:11 It's optional, those two. You guys have to make checks. Fuego and Goliath don't have to. He's too good with the ruckus-ing. Yeah. We also don't... Wait, do we know how good Aayla did? You don't know. Not yet, no.
Starting point is 00:50:21 We don't know yet until we decide on what to do with Goliath, if we do anything. Goliath isn't very good at intimidating. He's good at fighting. He's also semi-decent. He's got a plus four in perception and plus four in survival. Could we have him scouting out, like, looking for good places to go in or something?
Starting point is 00:50:41 Yeah, he could make a perception check to try and be a lookout. Yeah, lookout. He's got little beady eyes. No, he doesn't have be check to try and like be a lookout. Yeah, a lookout. He's got little beady eyes. No, he doesn't have beady eyes. He's got a big brow that covers up his field of vision. I do like the idea that maybe he has
Starting point is 00:50:50 like a big rocky brow as he's nursing. He's got quite stony skin. He kind of is half the warehouse. Like the thing. Yeah, yeah. I kind of like that. He's like Ben Grimm.
Starting point is 00:50:59 He's clobbering down. All right, so perception check for Goliath. Yeah. What does it mean? All right, so perception check for Goliath. Yeah. What does it mean? All right. So... Oh, that was the other thing as well, actually.
Starting point is 00:51:14 A few guys making these checks. Can you all mark off one hit dice each? Oh, yeah. In fact, actually two, because of the previous one as well. And then... That one was in the... because the previous one as well um and then that one uh concentri you mark off another two oh because of the one you failed right and then uh fuego and goliath then as well oh no not fuego goliath yeah twice so goliath's down oh wait so we successfully got the pasty then um
Starting point is 00:51:43 Oh, wait, so we successfully got the pasty then. I'm basically short of comps. Basically. Yeah, you are. I mean, that's the bit that would worry me the most. Here's the pass. Here's the pass. Oh, it's registered as stolen, so as soon as we... It's got blood on it.
Starting point is 00:52:01 I can't use this. Right. I'm just going to mark off Ayla's hit dice now as well okay well with that combining all of these things together you guys have created this opportunity maybe a couple of different entry points into this valkyrian base kind of spreading it all around um with the destruction to some of their security and their communications with the wards and the alarms and things like that disabled, the pass that Fuego managed to kind of like acquire. You've created some replicas
Starting point is 00:52:32 which will help you get through again at some point, or maybe get you past a checkpoint that leads there or something. And then Sentry creating these kind of like natural terrains, you know, areas to get past. You have again unlocked this opportunity as a potential mission. Hell yeah. You know what that means. Double mish mosh.
Starting point is 00:52:51 That section of the pie is complete. The next section, double mish mosh. In my belly. Pie time. This is min-max in the day. in the day oh um yeah so we are now
Starting point is 00:53:07 into evening this is like early evening sort of 6 to sort of 10 11pm but luckily we're in the depths
Starting point is 00:53:14 of winter right now so it's dark as balls uh I always forget what season we're in but yeah I mean it can be dark sure
Starting point is 00:53:20 I mean once upon a time we started in palace whatever that meant yeah who fucking knows not this guy um that was harvest time coming up sure this time so that would have been like what i think i've been keeping track autumn so first of palace late autumn that is literally episode zero i've got that written down great how many months has it been well the problem is is we
Starting point is 00:53:40 also had like uh sort of like time skippy bits of several months at once. I think I've pitched it at being around about two years total, or a year and a half is how much time it has been since episode one in-game. So I think that we're probably looking at, if I say a year and a half, you'd be year to another autumn. We're in about spring, right? Yeah, about end of spring, early summer. So it's not dark, really. Duh!
Starting point is 00:54:04 But it will be. Dang! But it will be. Dang! But it will be. Yeah, it will be. We can only hope. Unless it's like continents, where it's like Australia. It could be.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Yeah, it is actually in the south-east. So far south that the sun never actually rises. It does rise. Well, in Malaysia, it's light early, but when it gets dark, it drops, like, quite quickly. Quite quickly, yeah. About six, seven o'clock.
Starting point is 00:54:30 I mean, if you want it to be night time, if you want it to be dark, that would be night time periods. That's all right. I think we've blocked out so many senses and whatever else. But it will be 100% dark for the next time segment. Yeah. This segment, I'd say we're in, like, sundown. So, like, it's getting dimmer, but it's still...
Starting point is 00:54:50 It's golden hour. Everything looks fucking spectacular. It looks awesome. Gin and tonic. Nice. And the plan is you want to just jump straight into this mish. Let's do it. Into this mish.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Let's do it. If you want to take time to, like, make plans or, like, discussions as players and characters, you can do that now. time to make plans or discussions as players and characters. You can't do that now. So, objective one is to destroy something extremely valuable and would
Starting point is 00:55:10 hit the Valkyrian Empire hard. Many things. As many things as we can. While also, I suppose, procuring outfits, disguises, and a way to get onto this drop ship. Travel ship.
Starting point is 00:55:26 And then a secondary objective for me is if there's a... I don't know, if I could get to the ship first or have some time with it to try and familiarise myself with how to fly it, or if there's any schematics or anything. I don't know. Hmm. Well... Knowledge. Knowledge on dropships.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Yeah. I have... Well, I've set up plants all over the warehouse. We could just set those on fire. Yeah. Do we want to be such a lot of property? We could burn all their supplies. Yeah. They might have some kind of suppression system.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Maybe. Well... We could burn it all to the ground. I'd dispel a lot of things. I don't know. I guess if it's plants being set on fire
Starting point is 00:56:09 as a starting agent like that could be you know seen as a natural disaster and not a plan like if it was a bomb
Starting point is 00:56:17 or something then that's definitely obviously sabotage, right? And you know we'll make it clear there were not plants here before and now there are
Starting point is 00:56:23 a bunch of weird magic plants. That's just Ganassi, though. That's just Vortensar. Up in the upper district. It's weird, isn't it? It's weird. It's also in the air district, not the earth district.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Yeah, plants in the... Air plants in the upper district. It's more that, like, these are definitely, like... The guards are, like, confused. Like, they're like, I don't know what's happened, and they're, like, ordering patrols to, like, go and clear them out and things like that. They're there. They're giving you the coverage. They're providing the benefit.
Starting point is 00:56:48 But there's definitely... It's weird. It will not be seen as a natural, like, oh, somebody just set fire to these magic plants. Like, I don't know. They're combusty plants. That's what they do. They're combusty plants. Sure.
Starting point is 00:57:04 But I'm just letting you know, like, yeah, like stuff like that will be registered as a intentional thing. Yeah, we probably want to decide how subtle we want to be. Like, because obviously
Starting point is 00:57:15 if we just want to smash and grab, we can smash and grab. But that's not very subtle. But do we care? We probably care. I don't know. I mean, it's Valkyrian. Alternatively. I'm either here or there. It mean, it's Valkyrian. Alternatively.
Starting point is 00:57:26 I'm either here or there. It might impact on the next part, though. True. Well, we can't steal the ship with the knowledge that it has been stolen, otherwise we cannot get into the tower. Yeah, that's the thing. So maybe the destruction and the resource we're taking away from them is the ship itself. What if we put all the stuff on the ship and then take the ship with us?
Starting point is 00:57:50 Yeah. Nice, nice. And then find a way to destroy the ship or just completely commandeer it for the Seekers? Would you like me to reread the information I gave you about this particular mission? Just because it's been a couple of days since we did it. Sure. So the information that you required
Starting point is 00:58:08 when you were doing the time to sort of unlock this mission, the Valkyrian forces have a number of barracks and storehouses in the city. The large barracks and storehouses on the upper section of the city near the Air District Sky Yard were one of their planetary transport docks. The area is fenced off and patrolled
Starting point is 00:58:21 by exclusively Valkyrian forces working for Shansara. The storehouse contains magitek equipment, weapons, food supplies, and other essentials. The planetary transport is also docked nearby and is one of the major assets of the forces in the city. Finally, a number of senior Valkyrian commanders and officers are stationed in the barracks here. If killed, captured, or otherwise incapacitated, it would be a big loss for the forces here. So imagine that there are basically there are kind of two main buildings um or it'd probably be a set several different buildings but grouped into two sections you have troop barracks where actual soldiers will be
Starting point is 00:58:58 where they'll be resting where they'll be sleeping where they'll be sort of getting their gear together for like different shifts um and then you have the storehouses, which contains their surplus weapons, food, equipment, all of that kind of good stuff, right? The transport, there are two planetary transports in the city. One of them docks here. And that is, again, a separate part of this yard. Imagine you kind of classic video games like big warehouse the barracks are here maybe there's like a couple of smaller buildings scattered all over the place and then at the far end you've got the docks kind of like extend out of the uh the upper part this is all like a magically floating
Starting point is 00:59:35 platform above the city you're like several you know probably like a good cup like thousand couple of thousand feet up in the air. Yeah, okay, so with the higher ranking officers as well, maybe there's something we could do with that. Rather than blowing up a supply warehouse, we silently take out the commanders. Silently? Stealthily. Oh, God. Two words that are definitely in our vocabulary oh yeah yeah yeah we just subdued them what does that mean we
Starting point is 01:00:20 permanently possibly could take one of the high-ranking officers onto the ship with us, and they could be our ticket into the Central District. We get them to give the right clearance and communication. Otherwise, we kill them. Okay. Oh, my God. Who are you?
Starting point is 01:00:43 I've been talking to Aayla a lot the last few days. Norf is, you know, she did say in the initial speech that this is Valkyrie forces, and in order to succeed, there might need to be casualties. Yep. On their side. Not on ours. Well, not on the Ganassi side.
Starting point is 01:01:05 Yeah. It's because these guys are all definitely evil and definitely aren't just soldiers following orders. They think they're helping the city. I got that image. They're definitely fine. It's definitely all good, guys. Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 01:01:17 I got that image of Austin Powers, you know, when he kills a henchman and it goes to like... He's family. Yeah. It's like his wife making a pie and little Billy coming home from school. He was killed in a workplace-related accident? Yeah, I need to think about that side of things.
Starting point is 01:01:33 You certainly don't have to think about that side of things. You certainly don't have to. I just scrambled everything into a whisk. But yeah, like, it's the, yeah. What do you guys want to do? Hey, you killed a guard anyway. He was pursuing me with incredible prejudice he was also pursuing the love of his life for many many years and just the night before had finally built up the courage to confess his love and they were going to have a
Starting point is 01:01:56 long wonderful future together why are you like this i don't know i don't know i think it's a problem i mean maybe if you hadn't banished those guards there wouldn't have been an alert if i brought a lot of choice if you just brought a lot um two can play this game too quill anyway how what are we how are we doing this what's the actual strategy we can get in that's pretty clear deception to get in. That's pretty clear. Stealth and deception to get in. Yeah. My priority will be the dropship to see if I can familiarise, get it off the ground, blah blah blah. One thing I'd say is in
Starting point is 01:02:34 terms of, because of the prep time you get in, you have an in. You don't have to worry about getting past the gate or anything like that. At this point, you're going to start inside the facility by the chain link fence or whatever. You're on the crouch behind a bunch of crates and barrels and boxes. You can see the searchlights,
Starting point is 01:02:54 kind of like these magical glowing orbs that are shedding light over the place. You can see the guards moving around. That's where you're going to start. You don't have to worry about getting in. There will definitely, again, if you want to sneak around, that's going to be stealth checks and stuff, but you don't have to worry about getting in there will definitely again if you want to sneak around that's going to be stealth checks and stuff but you're going to you don't have to worry about getting into this place it's just once you get in that's what what do you do from there do you want to destroy what's in there or do we want to
Starting point is 01:03:17 as no suggested take things onto the ship i mean we do need resources regardless for the next mission what we could do is have nova prioritize going to the ship let us know what's on it so that if we need to get more stuff we can otherwise that's the ticket to blow things up and get the hell out of there how am i gonna oh yeah you can do sending yep yeah yeah yeah yep so you send a message it's like okay we're in the warehouse ready to steal stuff or blow stuff up. Nova, what's the situation with the dropship? Do we have what we need? Yeah. If so, we get out of there fast and blow everything up. We go hog wild with lasers and-
Starting point is 01:03:57 Lasers? Cone of cold and- Oh. You've got to- You need a drop- Just cut everything in half. If the dropship has weaponry, do you want me to fire it onto the warehouse?
Starting point is 01:04:08 That could be very suspicious. That would make... That would be so suspicious. The same ship just turns up and the pillar just goes, hi, we're friends! We need the ship to look like an evacuation. An evacuation, yes. Or like a potential...
Starting point is 01:04:21 Like we need to inform other important places like the council building that we've been compromised. Yeah. So in that case, if we do that, just blow stuff up then. Yeah. Just burn it to the ground. But we need outfits.
Starting point is 01:04:35 We need at least. Yeah, so your priority should be outfits, Valkyrian outfits. Unless they're already on the ship. Check the dropship for them. Check the lockers. Yes. Open the drawers. I. Check the lockers. Yes. Open the drawers.
Starting point is 01:04:46 I'm good at lockers. Okay. Take knock with you. The spell. Nobody has. Take a lockpick. Okay, I guess. I throw a lockpick that I just bought.
Starting point is 01:04:56 It gets stuck in my eye. Okay. Nova's blind. I'm blind now. So, well, the other question is, do you want to take Fuego and Goliath with you or are you leaving them here? I think I'd like to leave them here. Because Fuego can just loan you a set of lockpicks
Starting point is 01:05:07 if Nova needs a pair of them. I don't want to get more outfits. I'll take some lockpicks. Fuego would be good, but he doesn't necessarily have to come with us on a drop ship. True, he could just be helping blow stuff up and then get out and not be on the ship.
Starting point is 01:05:20 It means you wouldn't have him for the next. The second one, yeah. But that's okay. Because you're going straight from, my understanding is you're going straight from this mission straight to next. For the second win, yeah. But that's okay. Because you're going straight from, my understanding is you're going straight from this mission straight to the tower. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever state you are in and whoever's with you,
Starting point is 01:05:31 that is who is going. Time is money, baby. Yeah, time is money. Okay, so do you want to take Fuego with you on this one then? Just for the first bit. In the interest of stealth. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:41 And assisting in some way. Yep. Not Goliath. Goliath. Goliath. Goliath being a bad boy. Goliath can... Maybe he can get the safe house ready for the council members. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:52 Yeah. He's also injured. He could also use up some healing. He's taken... He's used a few hit dice. How do you get injured? You also want him to just decorate. Well, his hit dice, basically.
Starting point is 01:05:59 Oh, he fell off the roof. It's representing him being sort of injured. Yeah. He can recover. He can be in stuff for us. He's been in fights and stuff like that. Yeah. All injured. Yeah, lots of iron. He's been beaten and stuff up. Yeah, there's been fights and stuff like that. Yeah. All right?
Starting point is 01:06:06 Yeah. Okay. In that case, we cut to as the sun is beginning to set over Vortensar. You can hear the sort of the crystalline. You can hear just the din of the city below. You have to take up one of the steam platforms from the fire district that takes you up into the upper city. Here, your passes, your IDs are scanned and checked.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Those of you who have got new personas are flagged as you're pretending to be older residents of the city. You're asked where you live. But with Fuego with you, you manage to kind of bypass those and kind of get through. But a few of you, I think it's pretty much just Azura and Krag at this point. Your things are registered as having been here um and uh no she changed uh she oh yeah persona as well you managed to make your way you know having taken up this this one of
Starting point is 01:06:55 these steam lifts which is very uh unusual in that you are led to basically fuego leads you to like a large kind of metal platform that has railings and, basically Fuego leads you to like a large kind of metal platform that has railings and chains and things like that connected to it. And you wait on it for a brief period of time before you feel an enormous powerful jet of magical hot air and steam launches it into the air at an alarming speed before a series of chains basically hook and then it begins to kind of lift up and be pulled up from up above. I've never been on a steam deck before. And you are pulled up into a vicinity
Starting point is 01:07:34 and you begin winding your way towards the airship yard. Cool. Using your preparation that you had done previously, you manage to find your way into the sky yard base that the Valkyrians have taken over and are using as one of their operational areas. And yeah, you now find yourselves inside as the sun is beginning to set.
Starting point is 01:08:00 Not quite dark yet, so no spotlights and things like that. But you're kind of all crouched behind one of these smaller buildings, maybe like a kind of a showers block or something like that. There's a bunch of like cargo, you know, old crates. Empty now, but sort of being stored here. Barrels of empty barrels of fuel and things like that. Like, yeah, these ones are empty, the ones you're currently hiding behind.
Starting point is 01:08:22 It's like an Ethereum. Are they red? Yeah, they are. Always. I was wondering, like, if I could retcon a little bit and equip my Amethyst lodestone before we head out. Would that... Do you want to do that?
Starting point is 01:08:33 Would that affect, like, checkpoint? Yes. Yeah, it would, wouldn't it? Yes. We've got to have a sack with us anyway. Could I equip it now, then? It's an hour to attune to it. Oh, never mind.
Starting point is 01:08:43 It's a short rest hour. That's like an active thing you have to do. Never mind. It is an hour-long thing to att. Oh, never mind. It's a short rest hour. That's like an active thing you have to do. Never mind. It is an hour-long thing to attune to. Never mind. One of the difficulties of this thing, you are limited in your magic items. It's just been a while since I oscillated someone.
Starting point is 01:08:54 I miss it. I'm addicted to it now. Could I, as a retcon, take a lantern with me? Yeah, mundane equipment and stuff like that. Yeah, 100%. You can have things like lanterns. I'd say you only have the one lantern
Starting point is 01:09:08 if you wanted to have anything more than that. That's ideally what flashback tokens are for, but I would say, yeah, you can buy a lantern.
Starting point is 01:09:15 So I realise my flame lance isn't equipped at the moment. I thought it was built into your arm. No, because I have to attune to it.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Oh, okay. Fair enough. It's like a clip on accessory Mega Man, like Mega Buster. Wayfinder's Guide is also back in the haversack as well. It is, yeah. And that's also another attuned item, but I think you didn't unattune from it, did you? I think I attuned to it in the prep for the last mission, so this time around I just don't have it. Okay, great.
Starting point is 01:09:47 Because we have to go through checkpoints and stuff. Okay, all right. Yeah. All right, but we're here. We're now here. Crouch behind barrels and empty crates. Empty barrels, empty crates in this kind of shower block unit. You can see in the distance.
Starting point is 01:09:59 And we're talking like, you know, it's moving across open terrain, right? There are places for you to hide and try and sneak around and things like that but to get between the warehouse and the barracks to get to the docks um you've either got an option of trying to worm your way through the warehouse um where you can see there are patrolling guards and guards loading up things and storing things and things like that crossing across this big open space to where the barracks are you see that the barracks are kind of along the left-hand side, this kind of long chain of smaller buildings, probably old storehouses that have been converted.
Starting point is 01:10:31 And then there's this big open street-like area in the middle. And then at the very, very far end, you can see the wooden sort of like jetties of the airship docks. And you can see that the planetary transport is currently stationed there. I also would like somebody, and you can see that the planetary transport is is currently stationed there um i also would like somebody and you can pick who to roll a d6 for me please see the random uh there's a little bit of randomness with these uh i think that's gonna be that's gonna be trot give it a shake i'll give it a roll play the dice here. Here we go. One. All right. Oh.
Starting point is 01:11:06 One. Either that's great or terrible. I could be... Okay. Either way. I think it would be a massive. It was on the glitter dice, remember? And you want to sell these things, so...
Starting point is 01:11:14 Yeah. I think Hadar's gone. Hadar's gone. Yeah, Hadar's gone. He's just done. End of campaign. He got full, so he's done. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:11:22 Yeah, he's done. We entered Shower Blocks. You're currently hiding behind them, but they are next to you, yes. What? What are you thinking? There could be outfits lying around. Oh, right. What are you thinking? Yeah, no, you're right.
Starting point is 01:11:32 That's genius, what I was thinking. No good. So I'm wondering if that's our first port of call, is checking lockers and stuff. You're currently hiding behind one, and it looks like this is maybe like, there's several of these things around. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:43 They're like temporary, kind of like camping showers, right? They're like temporary, like port-a-loos almost. Segmented partitions with... Yeah. Smell really moldy. Little curtains and stuff like that. Okay. Yeah, you'll kind of crouch behind one.
Starting point is 01:11:55 I'd say Quill can probably hear there is some, at least one person is inside. Do-do-do-do-do. Yeah, you can hear like the whistling. Kind of spraying of water from some sort of system. The callous national anthem. At least one person is inside. Yeah, you can hear, like, the whistling. Kind of spraying of water from some sort of system. Singing the callous national anthem. No, we'd be singing one of Shansara's songs.
Starting point is 01:12:13 Which is? Something. And how's she doing? They are singing... Oh, I can't see Loveheart. No, they are singing a song called Follow Your Star. Oh, man. It's like cheesy J-pop kind of stuff, like anime theme opening. Fits and spurts, though.
Starting point is 01:12:33 There's bits that are built out confidently. And then it's like... Follow your star. It's 100% like that. Always sounds better in the shower as well. Echoey times. Yeah. Alley tiles Let's kill this guy I love my wife I love my children
Starting point is 01:12:54 I have my newborn Really making a difference here Going up for that promotion Life's looking so good right now New series On Callous Flicks Motion! Life's looking so good right now! New series! On Callus Flicks! Right now you can't see in.
Starting point is 01:13:12 This is just Quill hearing it through a tiny event window, like a vent on the side or something. Stupid reference. It's not worth it. Okay. Well, they're dealing with Showerblock guy, so I want to break off and head towards the ship. So you've got two options.
Starting point is 01:13:26 You either have to move through the warehouse, the large, like, store warehouse, of which there are numerous guards patrolling through, or you have to cross this big open section to get to the barracks, and then you can kind of move along those to get to the airship dock. Are there areas of dim light or darkness in the open area? Not in the open area, not really, because it's not night time yet. It's, again, sun's going down, but it's still bright enough. And it's, you know, like a big open street almost
Starting point is 01:13:50 that you'd be walking down. Imagine you kind of got, like, rows of warehouses on either side and then the airship dock is at the very far end. I was thinking one with shadows, but... But even then you have to be still. And they're, like, perfectly still. Are they massive? Yeah, imagine, like, you've seen, like, the classic air base, right,
Starting point is 01:14:04 with the hangers on both sides with a big strip down the middle. It's like that. Can I see any like magic sensors, cameras, that kind of thing? Stuff, I mean, yeah, that stuff exists
Starting point is 01:14:14 but anything which would impede you is being disabled. In which case, I'm going to go invisible and just bomb it. Yeah, okay. So you're going to run? I'm going to saunter. You're going to bomb it. Yeah, okay. So you're going to run? I'm going to...
Starting point is 01:14:26 She's going to bomb it stealthily. Yeah, you absolutely can use invisibility. Just as a reminder, invisibility means that you still have to make stealth checks. It's just that you can't be seen. You can still be heard. You can still be detected. You just can't be seen.
Starting point is 01:14:38 Power walk. So, you know. Yeah. So you cast invisibility on yourself and you're going to move. That's still going to be a stealth check for me, please. And are you going down the main open sort of like street area or are you going to try and still move through the warehouse or the barracks?
Starting point is 01:14:54 Open street area. Okay. I can cast Invisibility on myself and one other person, so does anyone else want a little... Yeah, I'm going to already reach out for Sentry. Okay. Okay. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:15:07 Obviously, don't go out in open areas just in case I have to drop concentration and then suddenly like, Oh! There you are! Cool. Stealth, right? Yes.
Starting point is 01:15:19 Do I get advantage for being invisible? No, because again, it's like, okay, so this is only for people that like, if they hear you, they'll be like huh i heard something yeah and they'll they'll actively start looking for something must be my imagination 19. 19. okay so as nova moves off move nova you see nova vanish we see century vanish and then quill hears the sound of footsteps making their way hears the sound of footsteps making their way around. Never wait for... Oh, no, not that loud. Wait for a sending spell.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Yeah, I know. That was the plan. Yeah, I'm just panicking. I'm still here. Oh, OK. Great. Wonderful. All right. So, let's check for an outfit from this guy. Well, Sentry's invisible. Is it as good as us going invisible? It's a shower floor, and I know what Sentry's invisible, but is it as good as us going invisible? It's a shower floor, and I know what sentry's made of.
Starting point is 01:16:09 But it's noisy, because it's water. That's true, I think. Yeah, okay. But yeah, don't get rained on by shower, because it would sound like a corrugated steel. Also, you'll show up. Maybe have a peek around the corner, see if there's any lockers or... Yeah, try and get an outfit. It would be very useful for one of us to be dressed up. Okay. Maybe have a peek around the corner, see if there's any, like, lockers or... Yeah, try and get an outfit. It would be very useful for one of us to be dressed up as well.
Starting point is 01:16:29 Okay, I'll look it up. Just straight away. I feel like we should dress up as soon as possible, yes. I think you should. Why? Why me specifically? Let's just get the stuff. Let's get the stuff.
Starting point is 01:16:38 Okay, I'll get the stuff. Okay. So you're sending Sentry into, like, this little shower unit to see if she can grab uniforms and stuff my understanding right still the stealth check please century um no advantage just yeah just make it normal uh if you're wearing your armor it's with disadvantage but it's only for being heard really it's like visually people won't be able to see you so i still disadvantage because you're still making a lot of noise because even if i had the outfit i can't persuade them
Starting point is 01:17:03 you're better persuading people than i am so also he's a bird man yeah i got a two two um so century you know you see the air kind of like you know completely vanished as you kind of step in it's like metal grating to like because it's like raised off the ground and you just hear like the scraping can i slip over and like fall on my back and go clang? Yeah. Why? Why? I've got my shoes on.
Starting point is 01:17:31 I've got two. I've got two. It doesn't mechanically change anything. I know. When we're describing what our characters do, it's not like, oh, to benefit this situation, I'm going to fall over a turtle. No, I like it.
Starting point is 01:17:44 I like it. It's fitting. It's your, oh, I like it. It's spitting some out. Oh, bing! And you hear, like, the... A audible noise as well. Yeah, you hear the, uh. And you hear, like, the shout. You hear that water stop.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Like, what was that? And, like, you hear, like, what was that noise? And Sentry lying on the ground, you see, like, one of these curtains open and a naked man like is like looking around like who was there? Like is scanning around
Starting point is 01:18:11 like eyes pass over like doesn't see you because you're invisible but it's like I swear I just heard something fall down and then it kind of pulls the curtain back. You see like a towel pulled off the side and then he emerges again with like a towel and he's making their way over to you can see like hanging up on the the side and then he emerges again with like a towel and he's making their way over to
Starting point is 01:18:27 you can see like hanging up on the wall there's like one of these rifle core overalls like armor and you see like a sidearm like on a holster and he's like pulls the gun the magitek pistol and he's like almost like checking around like is anyone there?
Starting point is 01:18:42 come on this guy guys this isn't funny like you know that we're on high alert right now and it's like beginning to like move around. And they look human. They're kind of a Valkyrian human. So they do have like a sort of stylist look to them. Like you can see like the sort of like purple tattoos
Starting point is 01:18:57 that they've like military tattoos and stuff. But they're moving towards where you're currently on the ground. And I'm going to say that because you are like lying there you don't have to worry about like standing up or anything
Starting point is 01:19:07 but this person is like walking closer to you and there is a risk that they will either step on you or bump into you what do you do right
Starting point is 01:19:15 I want sensory to like don't say a damn thing I was gonna send a message but yeah if you want it like with sending or with this with message
Starting point is 01:19:23 yeah you can send a message I just wanted to say knock the guy out take the gun away from him because I can hear If you want it with sending or with this message? Yeah, you can send a message. I just wanted to say, knock the guy out, take the gun away from him, because I can hear all of this shit, right? You don't know he has a gun. Okay, knock the guy out. He can't come out here and see us. All right, grab his ankles and rip his legs out from under him and wrestle him. Okay, so what this is going to be is this is going to be a make a just an attack roll.
Starting point is 01:19:50 So an unarmed strike attack roll against him to grab him. This will technically end the invisibility. And this will end the invisibility, yes. Because it's an attack. Nope, but let's go. So unarmed strike attack roll. Don't worry about the damage. He's going to split his head open. There's going to be blood everywhere.
Starting point is 01:20:01 How many seconds into this mission are we? 20. About 20 seconds into this mission are we? 20? About 20 seconds. 17? 17. He does not have his armour on, so his AC is lower. You grab his ankles and what,
Starting point is 01:20:15 you pull him down and then like jump onto him? Yeah, just try to like choke him out. Yeah, okay. You currently have him grapple. Yeah, so the way I'm going to do this is you grapple him. He doesn't have a chance to really get a breath in, so
Starting point is 01:20:29 this is basically suffocation rules. You have to maintain this grapple now for three rounds, so four rounds. If you maintain the grapple and he doesn't break free, you will basically sleeper hold him. You'll basically be like, and then he'll fall unconscious.
Starting point is 01:20:46 So this is, he's going to try and break it. He's like trying to like- 6, 18, 20, 24 seconds. So this is athletics for Sentry. Athletics, okay, cool. 18. 18. You maintain it, but he's rather than,
Starting point is 01:21:02 he realizes he's not strong enough, but he's all like wet and so realises he's not strong enough, but he's all, like, wet and soaky. He's so sudsy. And he's, like, he's got the gun, but you've got, like, his arm pinned, and he's trying to, like, swing it round. He's a wriggly boy. That's one round.
Starting point is 01:21:15 So another athletic check. He put on some, like, conditioning oil. 29. 29. You were like, no, you don't. You can see, like, his eyes, like, rolling, but he's still trying. Round three. 17. 17. no you don't you can see like his eyes like rolling but he's still trying round three 17
Starting point is 01:21:28 17 this time you're like he manages you realise at the last second he's got his like chin into like the crook of your arm
Starting point is 01:21:37 and then just like the wetness of his body he just kind of like like slips under that's his whole turn though, is to like basically break that grapple. Right.
Starting point is 01:21:48 So what do you do next? Like he's broken free of this grapple. You could try again. Like you can just try and grab him and like try and silence him. Because I'm saying that you're also like got your hand over his mouth. Surely we're hearing all this.
Starting point is 01:22:00 Yeah, you absolutely hear that. So that was about, that was three rounds. So you guys have like, you hear that happen. What do you do? Run in. Yeah, Aay hear that. So that was about, that was three rounds. So you guys have like, you hear that happen. What do you do? Run in. Yeah, Ayla's like,
Starting point is 01:22:08 looking at you guys like, what do we do? Yeah, I mean, I feel like, yeah, we would have had a delay because we obviously would have heard noise. Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:15 But now the noise is going on for so long. Well, that's it. You hear that initial kind of like, you hear that initial like, hey, who's there? Then you hear the,
Starting point is 01:22:23 what the, thunk. And then the, what the thunk! And then the guy pitch sweeping century scraping the floor and stuff. After about 12 seconds, you guys realise what's happening.
Starting point is 01:22:39 It's like grappling a wet fish and all those slappy noises. Yeah, I mean, I guess we'd run in i don't know if we have like an action or if it running yeah you'd say like you're gonna go in there just as he breaks free as centuries one and centuries like looking to do and you guys arrive in he sees all of you at this point yeah i'm gonna do the same thing and just assist century yeah yeah i mean and ayla will as well i think with all of you guys together grabs his arms and then like century basically is like oh like ayla maybe like i want to i want to grab the gun as well like okay yeah so you try and wrestle the gun off of them. It's all wet and Rolled any God to if I was being serious That gun would be like a bar of soap.
Starting point is 01:23:43 Woo! Spins through the air. I mean, I rolled a five. It goes out the door, fires into the sky. Hits the ship. Joking aside, you don't manage to get the gun. You can wrestle. It's awkward.
Starting point is 01:24:02 It's clumsy. The sound, you're pretty confident. You hear some people like, did you guys hear like a quill? You hear like a distant, was that like a bang from the... It's going to draw people here, but you've got time. That's probably going to take them a minute or so
Starting point is 01:24:18 to come and check it out. I need to hide this person. He is unconscious at this point. Is there something we can hide him in? A locker? There's no lockers. It's like benches and then hooks for equipment. Can I hide him in a bush? You can take him outside of one of your
Starting point is 01:24:33 bushes, like throw him in a bush. He's got the same frame as this person. I would say that they are a rifle core. They're not very big, so I think the closest is going to be Lucius, because they're more agile in life. They're more like a marksman.
Starting point is 01:24:51 They're not like a big, beefy soldier like Sentry and Aayla. Like, maybe Aayla could squeeze into it, but she would definitely, it would be, like, tight on her muscles and stuff. All right, I'm going to put this on, and then get, like, Quill or someone to help me make sure it's on properly. Okay. Just to speed things up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:07 Ayla can help you with that. Sentry drags the body out into the bushes and puts him in there. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Just this unconscious towel-wrapped body. So we got an idea muffled, I imagine, from the outside of what he sounded like a little bit. A little bit, yeah. From his singing voice. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:23 I'd say for you it's harder because you like you are outside century heard him more clearly but so the other thing is you he wears armor he has like breastplate like he's wearing armor which you're not proficient in so any any strength or dexterity saving throws ability checks that kind of stuff you are at disadvantage with that kind of stuff and also cast it you can't really cast spells while you're wearing asama it's like really heavy it's like slowing down your arm movements and stuff like that okay because i don't think you're proficient with medium armor are you no so you are currently unable to you are basically counted as wearing medium armor so are you like in the
Starting point is 01:25:59 progress of putting all this stuff on when the guys come to check no no no i think like ayla manages like you put the undersuit on and then Aayla is helping Lucius put the breastplate on because normally that takes time, but with help, you basically half the time it takes. So this armor like snaps on and you can see that it uses like magic
Starting point is 01:26:15 to kind of like seal up and you press like sort of like connectors and things like that together. She manages to basically get you in the uniform, puts the helmet on your head and then gives you like the weapons, puts the helmet on your head, and then gives you, like, the weapons, and then Quill and Aayla, like, you're going to have to hide because you can see they're about to come.
Starting point is 01:26:31 I want to, yeah, I want to hide, but also while... Climb out like a window. Like a little slide. While the armor's being put on, I want to just do a quick scan just to make sure there's no, like... Actually, no. One thing, there is no... There wouldn't be windows.
Starting point is 01:26:43 There's just these, like, vents for the air. The only way in and out of this little shower block is the entrance, Actually, no. One thing, there wouldn't be windows. There's just these vents for the air. The only way in and out of this little shower block is the entrance, and these guards would see you come out of it if they come. So, Aayla and Quill, you need to either hide in this building or... We'll back up into the actual shower itself and close the curtains while Lucius goes out to...
Starting point is 01:27:01 Yeah, I'm going to stumble out. Okay. So, you stumble out. Damn it. Are you all right? We heard some noises or something. What's going on? That bloody fell over.
Starting point is 01:27:11 Really? Give me a deception check. Give me a deception check. Clumsy. Sweating there. Oh, my God. I don't know what else to say in that scenario. That's the react to on your feet, man.
Starting point is 01:27:25 Deception. Deception. Deception. You got the right character. No! Seven. Seven. I fell over. All right, I'll make an insight check.
Starting point is 01:27:35 I don't know why that's so funny. I fell over. I'm clumsy! I'm just clumsy! Seven? Seven, no modifier. What does that mean though? So it means that the status quo
Starting point is 01:27:47 They kind of like, they look at you And it's not that they disbelieve you It's not that they're suspicious of you But one of them's like, come on You didn't just fall over in there Like, dude They're kind of like, what are you talking about? Whatever
Starting point is 01:28:03 Alright, they just sort of like laugh. They're like, you fucking idiot, like whatever. I'll be back in my post now, okay? I think like the you can see one of them is a sergeant. It's kind of like in charge of like a unit or something like that. It's just like, look no, you're dressed. Come on, we've got
Starting point is 01:28:20 work to do. Sorry, sir. Yeah, and they're like come on. They'll basically, with the seven I think, they're convinced but they're like, come on. And they'll basically, with the seven, I think, is like, they're convinced, but they're like, come with us now. Like, you're ready for work. You know, let's get your shift started. And so you're pulled into this squad, and it looks like they're
Starting point is 01:28:36 heading into the warehouse, basically. Yep. Right? This is your life now. Right. So we now, as the party is now wonderfully split, we have Three-way. Fuego's, like, just in the bushes. Yeah. What the fuck? This unconscious body just gets blocked next to him.
Starting point is 01:28:51 What the hell? Naked body. Right, and with that, yeah, thank you, Tom, for that very subtle, like, time. That's a good time to take a break. That is where we're going to end part one of this episode thanks very much
Starting point is 01:29:08 we'll see you in five as soon as we're a mess bye see ya bye bye

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